932 lines
27 KiB
932 lines
27 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Pierre Charras, jaen-pierre.charras@gipsa-lab.inpg.com
* Copyright (C) 2011 Wayne Stambaugh <stambaughw@verizon.net>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2011 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file class_zone.cpp
* @brief Implementation of class to handle copper zones.
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <wxstruct.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <class_pcb_screen.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <pcbcommon.h>
#include <colors_selection.h>
#include <richio.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <wxBasePcbFrame.h>
#include <protos.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <zones.h>
SetNet( -1 ); // Net number for fast comparisons
m_CornerSelection = -1;
m_IsFilled = false; // fill status : true when the zone is filled
m_FillMode = 0; // How to fill areas: 0 = use filled polygons, != 0 fill with segments
m_priority = 0;
smoothedPoly = NULL;
cornerRadius = 0;
utility = 0; // flags used in polygon calculations
utility2 = 0; // flags used in polygon calculations
m_Poly = new CPolyLine(); // Outlines
g_Zone_Default_Setting.ExportSetting( *this );
// Should the copy be on the same net?
SetNet( aZone.GetNet() );
m_Poly = new CPolyLine( *aZone.m_Poly );
// For corner moving, corner index to drag, or -1 if no selection
m_CornerSelection = -1;
m_ZoneClearance = aZone.m_ZoneClearance; // clearance value
m_ZoneMinThickness = aZone.m_ZoneMinThickness;
m_FillMode = aZone.m_FillMode; // Filling mode (segments/polygons)
m_priority = aZone.m_priority;
m_ArcToSegmentsCount = aZone.m_ArcToSegmentsCount;
m_PadOption = aZone.m_PadOption;
m_ThermalReliefGap = aZone.m_ThermalReliefGap;
m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge = aZone.m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge;
m_FilledPolysList = aZone.m_FilledPolysList;
m_FillSegmList = aZone.m_FillSegmList;
delete m_Poly;
m_Poly = NULL;
return new ZONE_CONTAINER( *this );
bool change = ( m_FilledPolysList.size() > 0 ) || ( m_FillSegmList.size() > 0 );
m_IsFilled = false;
return change;
const wxPoint ZONE_CONTAINER::GetPosition() const
return m_Poly? GetCornerPosition( 0 ) : wxPoint( 0, 0 );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::SetPosition( const wxPoint& aPos ) {}
void ZONE_CONTAINER::SetNet( int aNetCode )
if( aNetCode < 0 )
BOARD* board = GetBoard();
if( board )
NETINFO_ITEM* net = board->FindNet( aNetCode );
if( net )
m_Netname = net->GetNetname();
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, int aDrawMode, const wxPoint& offset )
if( DC == NULL )
wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;
int curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
BOARD* brd = GetBoard();
int color = brd->GetLayerColor( m_Layer );
if( brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer ) == false && ( color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG ) != HIGHLIGHT_FLAG )
GRSetDrawMode( DC, aDrawMode );
if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
color &= ~MASKCOLOR;
if( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT )
if( aDrawMode & GR_AND )
if( color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG )
color = ColorRefs[color & MASKCOLOR].m_LightColor;
SetAlpha( &color, 150 );
// draw the lines
int i_start_contour = 0;
std::vector<wxPoint> lines;
lines.reserve( (GetNumCorners() * 2) + 2 );
for( int ic = 0; ic < GetNumCorners(); ic++ )
seg_start = GetCornerPosition( ic ) + offset;
if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == false && ic < GetNumCorners() - 1 )
seg_end = GetCornerPosition( ic + 1 ) + offset;
seg_end = GetCornerPosition( i_start_contour ) + offset;
i_start_contour = ic + 1;
lines.push_back( seg_start );
lines.push_back( seg_end );
GRLineArray( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, lines, 0, color );
// draw hatches
lines.reserve( (m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size() * 2) + 2 );
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size(); ic++ )
seg_start.x = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].xi + offset.x;
seg_start.y = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].yi + offset.y;
seg_end.x = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].xf + offset.x;
seg_end.y = m_Poly->m_HatchLines[ic].yf + offset.y;
lines.push_back( seg_start );
lines.push_back( seg_end );
GRLineArray( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, lines, 0, color );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::DrawFilledArea( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel,
wxDC* DC, int aDrawMode, const wxPoint& offset )
static vector <char> CornersTypeBuffer;
static vector <wxPoint> CornersBuffer;
// outline_mode is false to show filled polys,
// and true to show polygons outlines only (test and debug purposes)
bool outline_mode = DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 2 ? true : false;
if( DC == NULL )
if( DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 1 ) // Do not show filled areas
if( m_FilledPolysList.size() == 0 ) // Nothing to draw
BOARD* brd = GetBoard();
int curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
int color = brd->GetLayerColor( m_Layer );
if( brd->IsLayerVisible( m_Layer ) == false && ( color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG ) != HIGHLIGHT_FLAG )
GRSetDrawMode( DC, aDrawMode );
if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
color &= ~MASKCOLOR;
if( aDrawMode & GR_HIGHLIGHT )
if( aDrawMode & GR_AND )
if( color & HIGHLIGHT_FLAG )
color = ColorRefs[color & MASKCOLOR].m_LightColor;
SetAlpha( &color, 150 );
// Draw all filled areas
int imax = m_FilledPolysList.size() - 1;
for( int ic = 0; ic <= imax; ic++ )
CPolyPt* corner = &m_FilledPolysList[ic];
wxPoint coord( corner->x + offset.x, corner->y + offset.y );
CornersBuffer.push_back( coord );
CornersTypeBuffer.push_back( (char) corner->utility );
if( (corner->end_contour) || (ic == imax) ) // the last corner of a filled area is found: draw it
/* Draw the current filled area: draw segments outline first
* Curiously, draw segments outline first and after draw filled polygons
* with outlines thickness = 0 is a faster than
* just draw filled polygons but with outlines thickness = m_ZoneMinThickness
* So DO NOT use draw filled polygons with outlines having a thickness > 0
* Note: Extra segments ( added by kbool to joint holes with external outline) are not drawn
// Draw outlines:
if( (m_ZoneMinThickness > 1) || outline_mode )
int ilim = CornersBuffer.size() - 1;
for( int is = 0, ie = ilim; is <= ilim; ie = is, is++ )
int x0 = CornersBuffer[is].x;
int y0 = CornersBuffer[is].y;
int x1 = CornersBuffer[ie].x;
int y1 = CornersBuffer[ie].y;
if( CornersTypeBuffer[ie] == 0 ) // Draw only basic outlines, not extra segments
if( !DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill || GetState( FORCE_SKETCH ) )
GRCSegm( panel->GetClipBox(), DC,
x0, y0, x1, y1,
m_ZoneMinThickness, color );
GRFillCSegm( panel->GetClipBox(), DC,
x0, y0, x1, y1,
m_ZoneMinThickness, color );
// Draw areas:
if( m_FillMode==0 && !outline_mode )
GRPoly( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, CornersBuffer.size(), &CornersBuffer[0],
true, 0, color, color );
if( m_FillMode == 1 && !outline_mode ) // filled with segments
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FillSegmList.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint start = m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start + offset;
wxPoint end = m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End + offset;
if( !DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill || GetState( FORCE_SKETCH ) )
GRCSegm( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y,
m_ZoneMinThickness, color );
GRFillCSegm( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, start.x, start.y, end.x, end.y,
m_ZoneMinThickness, color );
EDA_RECT ZONE_CONTAINER::GetBoundingBox() const
const int PRELOAD = 0x7FFFFFFF; // Biggest integer (32 bits)
int ymax = -PRELOAD;
int ymin = PRELOAD;
int xmin = PRELOAD;
int xmax = -PRELOAD;
int count = GetNumCorners();
for( int i = 0; i<count; ++i )
wxPoint corner = GetCornerPosition( i );
ymax = MAX( ymax, corner.y );
xmax = MAX( xmax, corner.x );
ymin = MIN( ymin, corner.y );
xmin = MIN( xmin, corner.x );
EDA_RECT ret( wxPoint( xmin, ymin ), wxSize( xmax - xmin + 1, ymax - ymin + 1 ) );
return ret;
void ZONE_CONTAINER::DrawWhileCreateOutline( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel, wxDC* DC, int draw_mode )
int current_gr_mode = draw_mode;
bool is_close_segment = false;
wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;
if( DC == NULL )
int curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
BOARD* brd = GetBoard();
int color = brd->GetLayerColor( m_Layer ) & MASKCOLOR;
if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
if( !IsOnLayer( curr_layer ) )
color &= ~MASKCOLOR;
// draw the lines
wxPoint start_contour_pos = GetCornerPosition( 0 );
int icmax = GetNumCorners() - 1;
for( int ic = 0; ic <= icmax; ic++ )
int xi = GetCornerPosition( ic ).x;
int yi = GetCornerPosition( ic ).y;
int xf, yf;
if( m_Poly->corner[ic].end_contour == false && ic < icmax )
is_close_segment = false;
xf = GetCornerPosition( ic + 1 ).x;
yf = GetCornerPosition( ic + 1 ).y;
if( (m_Poly->corner[ic + 1].end_contour) || (ic == icmax - 1) )
current_gr_mode = GR_XOR;
current_gr_mode = draw_mode;
else // Draw the line from last corner to the first corner of the current contour
is_close_segment = true;
current_gr_mode = GR_XOR;
xf = start_contour_pos.x;
yf = start_contour_pos.y;
// Prepare the next contour for drawing, if exists
if( ic < icmax )
start_contour_pos = GetCornerPosition( ic + 1 );
GRSetDrawMode( DC, current_gr_mode );
if( is_close_segment )
GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, xi, yi, xf, yf, 0, WHITE );
GRLine( panel->GetClipBox(), DC, xi, yi, xf, yf, 0, color );
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos )
if( HitTestForCorner( refPos ) )
return true;
if( HitTestForEdge( refPos ) )
return true;
return false;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestForCorner( const wxPoint& refPos )
m_CornerSelection = -1; // Set to not found
// distance (in internal units) to detect a corner in a zone outline.
// @todo use a scaling factor here of actual screen coordinates, so that
// when nanometers come, it still works.
#define CORNER_MIN_DIST 100
int min_dist = CORNER_MIN_DIST + 1;
#if 0
// Dick: I don't see this as reasonable. The mouse distance from the zone is
// not a function of the grid, it is a fixed number of pixels, regardless of zoom.
if( GetBoard() && GetBoard()->m_PcbFrame )
// Use grid size because it is known
wxRealPoint grid = GetBoard()->m_PcbFrame->GetCanvas()->GetGrid();
min_dist = wxRound( MIN( grid.x, grid.y ) );
wxPoint delta;
unsigned lim = m_Poly->corner.size();
for( unsigned item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
delta.x = refPos.x - m_Poly->corner[item_pos].x;
delta.y = refPos.y - m_Poly->corner[item_pos].y;
// Calculate a distance:
int dist = MAX( abs( delta.x ), abs( delta.y ) );
if( dist < min_dist ) // this corner is a candidate:
m_CornerSelection = item_pos;
min_dist = dist;
return m_CornerSelection >= 0;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestForEdge( const wxPoint& refPos )
unsigned lim = m_Poly->corner.size();
m_CornerSelection = -1; // Set to not found
// @todo use a scaling factor here of actual screen coordinates, so that
// when nanometers come, it still works. This should be done in screen coordinates
// not internal units.
#define EDGE_MIN_DIST 200 // distance (in internal units) to detect a zone outline
int min_dist = EDGE_MIN_DIST+1;
#if 0
// Dick: I don't see this as reasonable. The mouse distance from the zone is
// not a function of the grid, it is a fixed number of pixels, regardless of zoom.
if( GetBoard() && GetBoard()->m_PcbFrame )
// Use grid size because it is known
wxRealPoint grid = GetBoard()->m_PcbFrame->GetCanvas()->GetGrid();
min_dist = wxRound( MIN( grid.x, grid.y ) );
unsigned first_corner_pos = 0;
for( unsigned item_pos = 0; item_pos < lim; item_pos++ )
unsigned end_segm = item_pos + 1;
/* the last corner of the current outline is tested
* the last segment of the current outline starts at current corner, and ends
* at the first corner of the outline
if( m_Poly->corner[item_pos].end_contour || end_segm >= lim )
unsigned tmp = first_corner_pos;
first_corner_pos = end_segm; // first_corner_pos is now the beginning of the next outline
end_segm = tmp; // end_segm is the beginning of the current outline
/* test the dist between segment and ref point */
int dist = (int) GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( refPos.x,
m_Poly->corner[end_segm].y );
if( dist < min_dist )
m_CornerSelection = item_pos;
min_dist = dist;
return m_CornerSelection >= 0;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTest( EDA_RECT& refArea )
bool is_out_of_box = false;
CRect rect = m_Poly->GetCornerBounds();
if( rect.left < refArea.GetX() )
is_out_of_box = true;
if( rect.top < refArea.GetY() )
is_out_of_box = true;
if( rect.right > refArea.GetRight() )
is_out_of_box = true;
if( rect.bottom > refArea.GetBottom() )
is_out_of_box = true;
return is_out_of_box ? false : true;
int ZONE_CONTAINER::GetClearance( BOARD_CONNECTED_ITEM* aItem ) const
int myClearance = m_ZoneClearance;
#if 0 // Maybe the netclass clearance should not come into play for a zone?
// At least the policy decision can be controlled by the zone
// itself, i.e. here. On reasons of insufficient documentation,
// the user will be less bewildered if we simply respect the
// "zone clearance" setting in the zone properties dialog. (At least
// until there is a UI boolean for this.)
NETCLASS* myClass = GetNetClass();
if( myClass )
myClearance = std::max( myClearance, myClass->GetClearance() );
if( aItem )
int hisClearance = aItem->GetClearance( NULL );
myClearance = max( hisClearance, myClearance );
return myClearance;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::HitTestFilledArea( const wxPoint& aRefPos )
unsigned indexstart = 0, indexend;
bool inside = false;
for( indexend = 0; indexend < m_FilledPolysList.size(); indexend++ )
if( m_FilledPolysList[indexend].end_contour ) // end of a filled sub-area found
if( TestPointInsidePolygon( m_FilledPolysList, indexstart, indexend, aRefPos.x,
aRefPos.y ) )
inside = true;
// Prepare test of next area which starts after the current index end (if exists)
indexstart = indexend + 1;
return inside;
void ZONE_CONTAINER::DisplayInfo( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* frame )
wxString msg;
BOARD* board = (BOARD*) m_Parent;
wxASSERT( board );
msg = _( "Zone Outline" );
int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );
if( ncont )
msg << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Type" ), msg, DARKCYAN );
if( IsOnCopperLayer() )
if( GetNet() >= 0 )
NETINFO_ITEM* equipot = ( (PCB_BASE_FRAME*) frame )->GetBoard()->FindNet( GetNet() );
if( equipot )
msg = equipot->GetNetname();
msg = wxT( "<noname>" );
else // a netcode < 0 is an error
msg = wxT( " [" );
msg << m_Netname + wxT( "]" );
msg << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "NetName" ), msg, RED );
#if 1
// Display net code : (useful in test or debug)
msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetNet() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "NetCode" ), msg, RED );
// Display priority level
msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), GetPriority() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Priority" ), msg, BLUE );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Non Copper Zone" ), wxEmptyString, RED );
msg = board->GetLayerName( m_Layer );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Layer" ), msg, BROWN );
msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_Poly->corner.size() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Corners" ), msg, BLUE );
if( m_FillMode )
msg.Printf( _( "Segments" ), m_FillMode );
msg = _( "Polygons" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Fill mode" ), msg, BROWN );
// Useful for statistics :
msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_Poly->m_HatchLines.size() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Hatch lines" ), msg, BLUE );
if( m_FilledPolysList.size() )
msg.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), m_FilledPolysList.size() );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Corners in DrawList" ), msg, BLUE );
/* Geometric transforms: */
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Move( const wxPoint& offset )
/* move outlines */
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
SetCornerPosition( ii, GetCornerPosition( ii ) + offset );
/* move filled areas: */
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FilledPolysList.size(); ic++ )
CPolyPt* corner = &m_FilledPolysList[ic];
corner->x += offset.x;
corner->y += offset.y;
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FillSegmList.size(); ic++ )
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start += offset;
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End += offset;
void ZONE_CONTAINER::MoveEdge( const wxPoint& offset )
int ii = m_CornerSelection;
// Move the start point of the selected edge:
SetCornerPosition( ii, GetCornerPosition( ii ) + offset );
// Move the end point of the selected edge:
if( m_Poly->corner[ii].end_contour || ii == GetNumCorners() - 1 )
int icont = m_Poly->GetContour( ii );
ii = m_Poly->GetContourStart( icont );
SetCornerPosition( ii, GetCornerPosition( ii ) + offset );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Rotate( const wxPoint& centre, double angle )
wxPoint pos;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
pos.x = m_Poly->corner[ii].x;
pos.y = m_Poly->corner[ii].y;
RotatePoint( &pos, centre, angle );
m_Poly->corner[ii].x = pos.x;
m_Poly->corner[ii].y = pos.y;
/* rotate filled areas: */
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FilledPolysList.size(); ic++ )
CPolyPt* corner = &m_FilledPolysList[ic];
pos.x = corner->x;
pos.y = corner->y;
RotatePoint( &pos, centre, angle );
corner->x = pos.x;
corner->y = pos.y;
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FillSegmList.size(); ic++ )
RotatePoint( &m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start, centre, angle );
RotatePoint( &m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End, centre, angle );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Flip( const wxPoint& aCentre )
Mirror( aCentre );
SetLayer( ChangeSideNumLayer( GetLayer() ) );
void ZONE_CONTAINER::Mirror( const wxPoint& mirror_ref )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Poly->corner.size(); ii++ )
m_Poly->corner[ii].y -= mirror_ref.y;
NEGATE( m_Poly->corner[ii].y );
m_Poly->corner[ii].y += mirror_ref.y;
/* mirror filled areas: */
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FilledPolysList.size(); ic++ )
CPolyPt* corner = &m_FilledPolysList[ic];
corner->y -= mirror_ref.y;
NEGATE( corner->y );
corner->y += mirror_ref.y;
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < m_FillSegmList.size(); ic++ )
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start.y -= mirror_ref.y;
NEGATE( m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start.y );
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_Start.y += mirror_ref.y;
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End.y -= mirror_ref.y;
NEGATE( m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End.y );
m_FillSegmList[ic].m_End.y += mirror_ref.y;
m_Parent = src->m_Parent;
m_Layer = src->m_Layer;
SetNet( src->GetNet() );
SetTimeStamp( src->m_TimeStamp );
m_Poly->Copy( src->m_Poly ); // copy outlines
m_CornerSelection = -1; // For corner moving, corner index to drag, or -1 if no selection
m_ZoneClearance = src->m_ZoneClearance; // clearance value
m_ZoneMinThickness = src->m_ZoneMinThickness;
m_FillMode = src->m_FillMode; // Filling mode (segments/polygons)
m_ArcToSegmentsCount = src->m_ArcToSegmentsCount;
m_PadOption = src->m_PadOption;
m_ThermalReliefGap = src->m_ThermalReliefGap;
m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge = src->m_ThermalReliefCopperBridge;
m_Poly->m_HatchStyle = src->m_Poly->GetHatchStyle();
m_Poly->m_HatchLines = src->m_Poly->m_HatchLines; // Copy vector <CSegment>
m_FilledPolysList = src->m_FilledPolysList;
m_FillSegmList = src->m_FillSegmList;
bool ZONE_CONTAINER::SetNetNameFromNetCode( void )
if( m_Parent && ( net = ( (BOARD*) m_Parent )->FindNet( GetNet() ) ) )
m_Netname = net->GetNetname();
return true;
return false;
wxString ZONE_CONTAINER::GetSelectMenuText() const
wxString text;
BOARD* board = GetBoard();
text = _( "Zone Outline" );
int ncont = m_Poly->GetContour( m_CornerSelection );
if( ncont )
text << wxT( " " ) << _( "(Cutout)" );
text << wxT( " " );
text << wxString::Format( wxT( "(%8.8X)" ), m_TimeStamp );
if ( !IsOnCopperLayer() )
text << wxT( " [" ) << _( "Not on copper layer" ) << wxT( "]" );
else if( GetNet() >= 0 )
if( board )
net = board->FindNet( GetNet() );
if( net )
text << wxT( " [" ) << net->GetNetname() << wxT( "]" );
text << _( "** NO BOARD DEFINED **" );
else // A netcode < 0 is an error flag (Netname not found or area not initialised)
text << wxT( " [" ) << m_Netname << wxT( "]" );
text << wxT( " <" ) << _( "Not Found" ) << wxT( ">" );
text << _( " on " ) << GetLayerName();
return text;