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* KiRouter - a push-and-(sometimes-)shove PCB router
* Copyright (C) 2013-2014 CERN
* Copyright (C) 2016-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* Author: Tomasz Wlostowski <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "pns_node.h"
#include "pns_item.h"
#include "pns_line.h"
#include "pns_router.h"
#include <geometry/shape_compound.h>
#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>
typedef VECTOR2I::extended_type ecoord;
namespace PNS {
static void dumpObstacles( const PNS::NODE::OBSTACLES &obstacles )
printf( "&&&& %lu obstacles: \n", obstacles.size() );
for( const auto& obs : obstacles )
printf( "%p [%s] - %p [%s], clearance %d\n",
obs.m_head, obs.m_head->KindStr().c_str(),
obs.m_item, obs.m_item->KindStr().c_str(),
obs.m_clearance );
bool ITEM::collideSimple( const ITEM* aHead, const NODE* aNode,
const SHAPE* shapeI = Shape();
const HOLE* holeI = Hole();
int lineWidthI = 0;
const SHAPE* shapeH = aHead->Shape();
const HOLE* holeH = aHead->Hole();
int lineWidthH = 0;
int clearanceEpsilon = aNode->GetRuleResolver()->ClearanceEpsilon();
bool collisionsFound = false;
//printf( "******************** CollideSimple %lu\n", aCtx->obstacles.size() );
//printf( "h %p n %p t %p ctx %p\n", aHead, aNode, this, aCtx );
if( aHead == this ) // we cannot be self-colliding
return false;
// prevent bogus collisions between the item and its own hole.
// FIXME: figure out a cleaner way of doing that
if( holeI && aHead == holeI->ParentPadVia() )
return false;
if( holeH && this == holeH->ParentPadVia() )
return false;
if( holeH && this == holeH )
return false;
if( holeI && aHead == holeI )
return false;
// Special cases for "head" lines with vias attached at the end. Note that this does not
// support head-line-via to head-line-via collisions, but you can't route two independent
// tracks at once so it shouldn't come up.
if( const auto line = dyn_cast<const LINE*>( this ) )
if( line->EndsWithVia() )
collisionsFound |= line->Via().collideSimple( aHead, aNode, aCtx );
if( const auto line = dyn_cast<const LINE*>( aHead ) )
if( line->EndsWithVia() )
collisionsFound |= line->Via().collideSimple( this, aNode, aCtx );
// Sadly collision routines ignore SHAPE_POLY_LINE widths so we have to pass them in as part
// of the clearance value.
if( m_kind == LINE_T )
lineWidthI = static_cast<const LINE*>( this )->Width() / 2;
if( aHead->m_kind == LINE_T )
lineWidthH = static_cast<const LINE*>( aHead )->Width() / 2;
// same nets? no collision!
if( aCtx && aCtx->options.m_differentNetsOnly
&& m_net == aHead->m_net && m_net >= 0 && aHead->m_net >= 0 )
return false;
// a pad associated with a "free" pin (NIC) doesn't have a net until it has been used
if( aCtx && aCtx->options.m_differentNetsOnly
&& ( IsFreePad() || aHead->IsFreePad() ) )
return false;
// check if we are not on completely different layers first
if( !m_layers.Overlaps( aHead->m_layers ) )
return false;
if( holeH )
collisionsFound |= collideSimple( holeH, aNode, aCtx );
if( holeI )
collisionsFound |= holeI->collideSimple( aHead, aNode, aCtx );
if( holeH && holeI )
collisionsFound |= holeI->collideSimple( holeH, aNode, aCtx );
int clearance;
if( aCtx && aCtx->options.m_overrideClearance >= 0 )
clearance = aCtx->options.m_overrideClearance;
else if( aNode->GetRuleResolver()->IsKeepout( this, aHead ) )
clearance = 0; // keepouts are exact boundary; no clearance
clearance = aNode->GetClearance( this, aHead );
// fixme: this f***ing singleton must go...
ROUTER* router = ROUTER::GetInstance();
ROUTER_IFACE* iface = router ? router->GetInterface() : nullptr;
if( iface )
if( !iface->IsFlashedOnLayer( this, aHead->Layer() ) )
return collisionsFound;
if( !iface->IsFlashedOnLayer( aHead, Layer() ) )
return collisionsFound;
if( clearance >= 0 )
// Note: we can't do castellation or net-tie processing in GetClearance() because they
// depend on *where* the collision is.
bool checkCastellation = ( m_parent && m_parent->GetLayer() == Edge_Cuts );
bool checkNetTie = ( m_parent && aNode->GetRuleResolver()->IsInNetTie( this ) );
if( checkCastellation || checkNetTie )
// Slow method
int actual;
if( shapeH->Collide( shapeI, clearance + lineWidthH + lineWidthI - clearanceEpsilon,
&actual, &pos ) )
if( checkCastellation && aNode->QueryEdgeExclusions( pos ) )
return false;
if( checkNetTie && aNode->GetRuleResolver()->IsNetTieExclusion( aHead, pos, this ) )
return false;
if( aCtx )
collisionsFound = true;
obs.m_head = const_cast<ITEM*>( aHead );
obs.m_item = const_cast<ITEM*>( this );
obs.m_clearance = clearance;
aCtx->obstacles.insert( obs );
return true;
// Fast method
if( shapeH->Collide( shapeI, clearance + lineWidthH + lineWidthI - clearanceEpsilon ) )
if( aCtx )
collisionsFound = true;
obs.m_head = const_cast<ITEM*>( aHead );
obs.m_item = const_cast<ITEM*>( this );
obs.m_clearance = clearance;
aCtx->obstacles.insert( obs );
return true;
return collisionsFound;
bool ITEM::Collide( const ITEM* aOther, const NODE* aNode, COLLISION_SEARCH_CONTEXT *aCtx ) const
if( collideSimple( aOther, aNode, aCtx ) )
return true;
return false;
std::string ITEM::KindStr() const
switch( m_kind )
case ARC_T: return "arc";
case LINE_T: return "line";
case SEGMENT_T: return "segment";
case VIA_T: return "via";
case JOINT_T: return "joint";
case SOLID_T: return "solid";
case DIFF_PAIR_T: return "diff-pair";
case HOLE_T: return "hole";
default: return "unknown";
const std::string ITEM::Format() const
std::stringstream ss;
ss << KindStr() << " ";
ss << "net " << m_net << " ";
ss << "layers " << m_layers.Start() << " " << m_layers.End();
return ss.str();