
584 lines
20 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 1992-2017 Jean_Pierre Charras <jp.charras at>
* Copyright (C) 1992-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <plotters/plotter_dxf.h>
#include <plotters/plotter_gerber.h>
#include <plotters/plotters_pslike.h>
#include <eda_item.h>
#include <font/font.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <string_utils.h>
#include <locale_io.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <math/util.h> // for KiROUND
#include <board.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <pcbplot.h>
#include <gendrill_file_writer_base.h>
#include <pcb_painter.h>
#include <pcb_shape.h>
/* Conversion utilities - these will be used often in there... */
inline double diameter_in_inches( double ius )
return ius * 0.001 / pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MILS;
inline double diameter_in_mm( double ius )
return ius / pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM;
// return a pen size to plot markers and having a readable shape
// clamped to be >= MIN_SIZE_MM to avoid too small line width
static int getMarkerBestPenSize( int aMarkerDiameter )
int bestsize = aMarkerDiameter / 10;
const double MIN_SIZE_MM = 0.1;
bestsize = std::max( bestsize, pcbIUScale.mmToIU( MIN_SIZE_MM ) );
return bestsize;
// return a pen size to plot outlines for oval holes
inline int getSketchOvalBestPenSize()
const double SKETCH_LINE_WIDTH_MM = 0.1;
return pcbIUScale.mmToIU( SKETCH_LINE_WIDTH_MM );
// return a default pen size to plot items with no specific line thickness
inline int getDefaultPenSize()
const double DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH_MM = 0.2;
return pcbIUScale.mmToIU( DEFAULT_LINE_WIDTH_MM );
bool GENDRILL_WRITER_BASE::genDrillMapFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, PLOT_FORMAT aFormat )
// Remark:
// Hole list must be created before calling this function, by buildHolesList(),
// for the right holes set (PTH, NPTH, buried/blind vias ...)
double scale = 1.0;
VECTOR2I offset = GetOffset();
PLOTTER* plotter = nullptr;
PAGE_INFO dummy( PAGE_INFO::A4, false );
int bottom_limit = 0; // Y coord limit of page. 0 mean do not use
PCB_PLOT_PARAMS plot_opts; // starts plotting with default options
LOCALE_IO toggle; // use standard C notation for float numbers
const PAGE_INFO& page_info = m_pageInfo ? *m_pageInfo : dummy;
// Calculate dimensions and center of PCB. The Edge_Cuts layer must be visible
// to calculate the board edges bounding box
LSET visibleLayers = m_pcb->GetVisibleLayers();
m_pcb->SetVisibleLayers( visibleLayers | LSET( Edge_Cuts ) );
BOX2I bbbox = m_pcb->GetBoardEdgesBoundingBox();
m_pcb->SetVisibleLayers( visibleLayers );
// Some formats cannot be used to generate a document like the map files
// Currently HPGL (old format not very used)
if( aFormat == PLOT_FORMAT::HPGL )
// Calculate the scale for the format type, scale 1 in HPGL, drawing on
// an A4 sheet in PS, + text description of symbols
switch( aFormat )
plotter = new GERBER_PLOTTER();
plotter->SetViewport( offset, pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MILS / 10, scale, false );
plotter->SetGerberCoordinatesFormat( 5 ); // format x.5 unit = mm
wxASSERT( false );
PAGE_INFO pageA4( wxT( "A4" ) );
VECTOR2I pageSizeIU = pageA4.GetSizeIU( pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MILS );
// Reserve a 10 mm margin around the page.
int margin = pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 10 );
// Calculate a scaling factor to print the board on the sheet
double Xscale = double( pageSizeIU.x - ( 2 * margin ) ) / bbbox.GetWidth();
// We should print the list of drill sizes, so reserve room for it
// 60% height for board 40% height for list
int ypagesize_for_board = KiROUND( pageSizeIU.y * 0.6 );
double Yscale = double( ypagesize_for_board - margin ) / bbbox.GetHeight();
scale = std::min( Xscale, Yscale );
// Experience shows the scale should not to large, because texts
// create problem (can be to big or too small).
// So the scale is clipped at 3.0;
scale = std::min( scale, 3.0 );
offset.x = KiROUND( double( bbbox.Centre().x ) - ( pageSizeIU.x / 2.0 ) / scale );
offset.y = KiROUND( double( bbbox.Centre().y ) - ( ypagesize_for_board / 2.0 ) / scale );
// bottom_limit is used to plot the legend (drill diameters)
// texts are scaled differently for scale > 1.0 and <= 1.0
// so the limit is scaled differently.
bottom_limit = ( pageSizeIU.y - margin ) / std::min( scale, 1.0 );
if( aFormat == PLOT_FORMAT::SVG )
plotter = new SVG_PLOTTER;
else if( aFormat == PLOT_FORMAT::PDF )
plotter = new PDF_PLOTTER;
plotter = new PS_PLOTTER;
plotter->SetPageSettings( pageA4 );
plotter->SetViewport( offset, pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MILS / 10, scale, false );
DXF_PLOTTER* dxf_plotter = new DXF_PLOTTER;
if( m_unitsMetric )
dxf_plotter->SetUnits( DXF_UNITS::MILLIMETERS );
dxf_plotter->SetUnits( DXF_UNITS::INCHES );
plotter = dxf_plotter;
plotter->SetPageSettings( page_info );
plotter->SetViewport( offset, pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MILS / 10, scale, false );
plotter->SetCreator( wxT( "PCBNEW" ) );
plotter->SetColorMode( false );
renderSettings.SetDefaultPenWidth( getDefaultPenSize() );
plotter->SetRenderSettings( &renderSettings );
if( !plotter->OpenFile( aFullFileName ) )
delete plotter;
return false;
// For the Gerber X2 format we need to set the "FileFunction" to Drillmap
// and set a few other options.
if( plotter->GetPlotterType() == PLOT_FORMAT::GERBER )
GERBER_PLOTTER* gbrplotter = static_cast <GERBER_PLOTTER*> ( plotter );
gbrplotter->DisableApertMacros( false );
gbrplotter->UseX2format( true ); // Mandatory
gbrplotter->UseX2NetAttributes( false ); // net attributes have no meaning here
// Attributes are added using X2 format
AddGerberX2Header( gbrplotter, m_pcb, false );
wxString text;
// Add the TF.FileFunction
text = "%TF.FileFunction,Drillmap*%";
gbrplotter->AddLineToHeader( text );
// Add the TF.FilePolarity
text = wxT( "%TF.FilePolarity,Positive*%" );
gbrplotter->AddLineToHeader( text );
plotter->StartPlot( wxT( "1" ) );
// Draw items on edge layer.
// Not all, only items useful for drill map, i.e. board outlines.
BRDITEMS_PLOTTER itemplotter( plotter, m_pcb, plot_opts );
// Use attributes of a drawing layer (we are not really draw the Edge.Cuts layer)
itemplotter.SetLayerSet( Dwgs_User );
for( BOARD_ITEM* item : m_pcb->Drawings() )
if( item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )
switch( item->Type() )
PCB_SHAPE dummy_shape( *static_cast<PCB_SHAPE*>( item ) );
dummy_shape.SetLayer( Dwgs_User );
dummy_shape.SetParentGroup( nullptr ); // Remove group association, not needed for plotting
itemplotter.PlotShape( &dummy_shape );
// Plot edge cuts in footprints
for( const FOOTPRINT* footprint : m_pcb->Footprints() )
for( BOARD_ITEM* item : footprint->GraphicalItems() )
if( item-> GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )
switch( item->Type() )
PCB_SHAPE dummy_shape( *static_cast<PCB_SHAPE*>( item ) );
dummy_shape.SetLayer( Dwgs_User );
dummy_shape.SetParentGroup( nullptr ); // Remove group association, not needed for plotting
itemplotter.PlotShape( &dummy_shape );
int plotX, plotY, TextWidth;
int intervalle = 0;
char line[1024];
wxString msg;
int textmarginaftersymbol = pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 2 );
// Set Drill Symbols width
plotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( -1 );
// Plot board outlines and drill map
plotDrillMarks( plotter );
// Print a list of symbols used.
int charSize = pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 2 ); // text size in IUs
// real char scale will be 1/scale, because the global plot scale is scale
// for scale < 1.0 ( plot bigger actual size)
// Therefore charScale = 1.0 / scale keep the initial charSize
// (for scale < 1 we use the global scaling factor: the board must be plotted
// smaller than the actual size)
double charScale = std::min( 1.0, 1.0 / scale );
TextWidth = KiROUND( ( charSize * charScale ) / 10.0 ); // Set text width (thickness)
intervalle = KiROUND( charSize * charScale ) + TextWidth;
// Trace information.
plotX = KiROUND( bbbox.GetX() + textmarginaftersymbol * charScale );
plotY = bbbox.GetBottom() + intervalle;
// Plot title "Info"
wxString Text = wxT( "Drill Map:" );
attrs.m_StrokeWidth = TextWidth;
attrs.m_Angle = ANGLE_HORIZONTAL;
attrs.m_Size = VECTOR2I( KiROUND( charSize * charScale ), KiROUND( charSize * charScale ) );
attrs.m_Halign = GR_TEXT_H_ALIGN_LEFT;
attrs.m_Valign = GR_TEXT_V_ALIGN_CENTER;
attrs.m_Multiline = false;
plotter->PlotText( VECTOR2I( plotX, plotY ), COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED, Text, attrs,
nullptr /* stroke font */, KIFONT::METRICS::Default() );
// For some formats (PS, PDF SVG) we plot the drill size list on more than one column
// because the list must be contained inside the printed page
// (others formats do not have a defined page size)
int max_line_len = 0; // The max line len in iu of the currently plotted column
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_toolListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
DRILL_TOOL& tool = m_toolListBuffer[ii];
if( tool.m_TotalCount == 0 )
plotY += intervalle;
// Ensure there are room to plot the line
if( bottom_limit && ( plotY+intervalle > bottom_limit ) )
plotY = bbbox.GetBottom() + intervalle;
plotX += max_line_len + pcbIUScale.mmToIU( 10 );//column_width;
max_line_len = 0;
int plot_diam = KiROUND( tool.m_Diameter );
// For markers plotted with the comment, keep marker size <= text height
plot_diam = std::min( plot_diam, KiROUND( charSize * charScale ) );
int x = KiROUND( plotX - textmarginaftersymbol * charScale - plot_diam / 2.0 );
int y = KiROUND( plotY + charSize * charScale );
plotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( getMarkerBestPenSize( plot_diam ) );
plotter->Marker( VECTOR2I( x, y ), plot_diam, ii );
plotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( -1 );
// List the diameter of each drill in mm and inches.
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "%3.3fmm / %2.4f\" ", diameter_in_mm( tool.m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( tool.m_Diameter ) );
msg = From_UTF8( line );
// Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill.
if( ( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "(1 hole)" );
else if( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 ) // && ( toolm_OvalCount == 1 )
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "(1 slot)" );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 )
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "(%d holes)", tool.m_TotalCount );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 1 )
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "(%d holes + 1 slot)", tool.m_TotalCount - 1 );
else // if ( toolm_OvalCount > 1 )
snprintf( line, sizeof(line), "(%d holes + %d slots)", tool.m_TotalCount - tool.m_OvalCount,
tool.m_OvalCount );
msg += From_UTF8( line );
if( tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
msg += wxT( " (not plated)" );
plotter->PlotText( VECTOR2I( plotX, y ), COLOR4D::UNSPECIFIED, msg, attrs,
nullptr /* stroke font */, KIFONT::METRICS::Default() );
intervalle = KiROUND( ( ( charSize * charScale ) + TextWidth ) * 1.2 );
if( intervalle < ( plot_diam + ( 1 * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM / scale ) + TextWidth ) )
intervalle = plot_diam + ( 1 * pcbIUScale.IU_PER_MM / scale ) + TextWidth;
// Evaluate the text horizontal size, to know the maximal column size
// This is a rough value, but ok to create a new column to plot next texts
int text_len = msg.Len() * ( ( charSize * charScale ) + TextWidth );
max_line_len = std::max( max_line_len, text_len + plot_diam );
delete plotter;
return true;
bool GENDRILL_WRITER_BASE::GenDrillReportFile( const wxString& aFullFileName )
static const char separator[] =
" =============================================================\n";
wxASSERT( m_pcb );
unsigned totalHoleCount;
wxFileName brdFilename( m_pcb->GetFileName() );
std::vector<DRILL_LAYER_PAIR> hole_sets = getUniqueLayerPairs();
out.Print( 0, "Drill report for %s\n", TO_UTF8( brdFilename.GetFullName() ) );
out.Print( 0, "Created on %s\n\n", TO_UTF8( GetISO8601CurrentDateTime() ) );
// Output the cu layer stackup, so layer name references make sense.
out.Print( 0, "Copper Layer Stackup:\n" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
LSET cu = m_pcb->GetEnabledLayers() & LSET::AllCuMask();
int conventional_layer_num = 1;
for( LSEQ seq = cu.Seq(); seq; ++seq, ++conventional_layer_num )
out.Print( 0, " L%-2d: %-25s %s\n",
TO_UTF8( m_pcb->GetLayerName( *seq ) ),
layerName( *seq ).c_str() ); // generic layer name
out.Print( 0, "\n\n" );
/* output hole lists:
* 1 - through holes
* 2 - for partial holes only: by layer starting and ending pair
* 3 - Non Plated through holes
bool buildNPTHlist = false; // First pass: build PTH list only
// in this loop are plated only:
for( unsigned pair_ndx = 0; pair_ndx < hole_sets.size(); ++pair_ndx )
DRILL_LAYER_PAIR pair = hole_sets[pair_ndx];
buildHolesList( pair, buildNPTHlist );
if( pair == DRILL_LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ) )
out.Print( 0, "Drill file '%s' contains\n",
TO_UTF8( getDrillFileName( pair, false, m_merge_PTH_NPTH ) ) );
out.Print( 0, " plated through holes:\n" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, false );
out.Print( 0, " Total plated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
else // blind/buried
out.Print( 0, "Drill file '%s' contains\n",
TO_UTF8( getDrillFileName( pair, false, m_merge_PTH_NPTH ) ) );
out.Print( 0, " holes connecting layer pair: '%s and %s' (%s vias):\n",
TO_UTF8( m_pcb->GetLayerName( ToLAYER_ID( pair.first ) ) ),
TO_UTF8( m_pcb->GetLayerName( ToLAYER_ID( pair.second ) ) ),
pair.first == F_Cu || pair.second == B_Cu ? "blind" : "buried" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, false );
out.Print( 0, " Total plated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
out.Print( 0, "\n\n" );
// NPTHoles. Generate the full list (pads+vias) if PTH and NPTH are merged,
// or only the NPTH list (which never has vias)
if( !m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
buildNPTHlist = true;
buildHolesList( DRILL_LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ), buildNPTHlist );
// nothing wrong with an empty NPTH file in report.
if( m_merge_PTH_NPTH )
out.Print( 0, "Not plated through holes are merged with plated holes\n" );
out.Print( 0, "Drill file '%s' contains\n",
TO_UTF8( getDrillFileName( DRILL_LAYER_PAIR( F_Cu, B_Cu ),
true, m_merge_PTH_NPTH ) ) );
out.Print( 0, " unplated through holes:\n" );
out.Print( 0, separator );
totalHoleCount = printToolSummary( out, true );
out.Print( 0, " Total unplated holes count %u\n", totalHoleCount );
return true;
bool GENDRILL_WRITER_BASE::plotDrillMarks( PLOTTER* aPlotter )
// Plot the drill map:
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_holeListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
const HOLE_INFO& hole = m_holeListBuffer[ii];
pos = hole.m_Hole_Pos;
// Gives a good line thickness to have a good marker shape:
aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( getMarkerBestPenSize( hole.m_Hole_Diameter ) );
// Always plot the drill symbol (for slots identifies the needed cutter!
aPlotter->Marker( pos, hole.m_Hole_Diameter, hole.m_Tool_Reference - 1 );
if( hole.m_Hole_Shape != 0 )
aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( getSketchOvalBestPenSize() );
// FlashPadOval uses also the render settings default pen size, so we need
// to initialize it:
KIGFX::RENDER_SETTINGS* renderSettings = aPlotter->RenderSettings();
int curr_default_pensize = renderSettings->GetDefaultPenWidth();
renderSettings->SetDefaultPenWidth( getSketchOvalBestPenSize() );
aPlotter->FlashPadOval( pos, hole.m_Hole_Size, hole.m_Hole_Orient, SKETCH, nullptr );
renderSettings->SetDefaultPenWidth( curr_default_pensize );
aPlotter->SetCurrentLineWidth( -1 );
return true;
unsigned GENDRILL_WRITER_BASE::printToolSummary( OUTPUTFORMATTER& out, bool aSummaryNPTH ) const
unsigned totalHoleCount = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_toolListBuffer.size(); ii++ )
const DRILL_TOOL& tool = m_toolListBuffer[ii];
if( aSummaryNPTH && !tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
if( !aSummaryNPTH && tool.m_Hole_NotPlated )
// List the tool number assigned to each drill in mm then in inches.
int tool_number = ii+1;
out.Print( 0, " T%d %2.3fmm %2.4f\" ", tool_number,
diameter_in_mm( tool.m_Diameter ),
diameter_in_inches( tool.m_Diameter ) );
// Now list how many holes and ovals are associated with each drill.
if( ( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 ) && ( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 ) )
out.Print( 0, "(1 hole)\n" );
else if( tool.m_TotalCount == 1 )
out.Print( 0, "(1 hole) (with 1 slot)\n" );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 0 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes)\n", tool.m_TotalCount );
else if( tool.m_OvalCount == 1 )
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes) (with 1 slot)\n", tool.m_TotalCount );
else // tool.m_OvalCount > 1
out.Print( 0, "(%d holes) (with %d slots)\n", tool.m_TotalCount, tool.m_OvalCount );
totalHoleCount += tool.m_TotalCount;
out.Print( 0, "\n" );
return totalHoleCount;