437 lines
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437 lines
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/* prototypage des fonctions de EESchema */
LibEDA_BaseStruct* LocatePin( const wxPoint& RefPos,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* Entry,
int Unit,
int Convert,
/* Routine de localisation d'une PIN de la PartLib pointee par Entry */
wxString ReturnDefaultFieldName( int aFieldNdx );
void DisplayCmpDoc( wxString& Name );
wxString DataBaseGetName( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, wxString& Keys,
wxString& BufName );
bool SegmentIntersect( int Sx1, int Sy1, int Sx2, int Sy2, int Px1, int Py1 );
void IncrementLabelMember( wxString& name );
void InstallCmpeditFrame( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent, wxPoint& pos,
int NumOfLibraries();
LibCmpEntry* FindLibPart( const wxChar* Name,
const wxString& LibName = wxEmptyString,
LibrEntryType Alias = ROOT );
void DrawingLibInGhost( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
int PartX,
int PartY,
int Multi,
int convert,
int Color,
bool DrawPinText );
void DrawLibEntry( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
const wxPoint& aOffset,
int Multi,
int convert,
int DrawMode,
int Color = -1 );
void DrawLibraryDrawStruct( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel,
wxDC* aDC,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* aLibEntry,
wxPoint aPosition,
LibEDA_BaseStruct* aDrawItem,
int aDrawMode,
int aColor = -1 );
bool MapAngles( int* Angle1,
int* Angle2,
const int TransMat[2][2] );
* Calculate new coordinate according to the transform matrix.
* @param aTransformMatrix = rotation, mirror .. matrix
* @param aPosition = the position to transform
* @return the new coordinate
wxPoint TransformCoordinate( const int aTransformMatrix[2][2],
const wxPoint& aPosition );
LibraryStruct* FindLibrary( const wxString& Name );
int LoadDocLib( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
const wxString& FullDocLibName,
const wxString& Libname );
LibraryStruct* LoadLibraryName( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
const wxString& FullLibName,
const wxString& LibName );
void LoadLibraries( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame );
void FreeCmpLibrary( wxWindow* frame,
const wxString& LibName );
void SnapLibItemPoint( int OrigX,
int OrigY,
int* ClosestX,
int* ClosestY,
bool LibItemInBox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char* StrPurge( char* text );
/* Supprime les caracteres Space en debut de la ligne text
* retourne un pointeur sur le 1er caractere non Space de text */
SCH_ITEM* DuplicateStruct( SCH_ITEM* DrawStruct );
void DeleteStruct( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
SCH_ITEM* DrawStruct );
LibDrawPin* LocatePinByNumber( const wxString& ePin_Number,
SCH_COMPONENT* eComponent );
SCH_COMPONENT* LocateSmallestComponent( SCH_SCREEN* Screen );
/* Recherche du plus petit (en surface) composant pointe par la souris */
int PickItemsInBlock( BLOCK_SELECTOR& aBlock,
BASE_SCREEN* screen );
/* function PickStruct:
* Search at location pos
* SearchMask = (bitwise OR):
* if EXCLUDE_WIRE_BUS_ENDPOINTS is set, in wire ou bus search and locate,
* start and end points are not included in search
* if WIRE_BUS_ENDPOINTS_ONLY is set, in wire ou bus search and locate,
* only start and end points are included in search
* Return:
* -Bloc search:
* pointeur sur liste de pointeurs de structures si Plusieurs
* structures selectionnees.
* pointeur sur la structure si 1 seule
* Positon search:
* pointeur sur la structure.
* Si pas de structures selectionnees: retourne NULL */
SCH_ITEM* PickStruct( const wxPoint& refpos,
BASE_SCREEN* screen,
int SearchMask );
LibEDA_BaseStruct* LocateDrawItem( SCH_SCREEN* Screen,
const wxPoint& refpoint,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
int Unit,
int Convert,
int masque );
Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* LocateSheetLabel( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet,
const wxPoint& pos );
LibDrawPin* LocateAnyPin( SCH_ITEM* DrawList,
const wxPoint& RefPos,
SCH_COMPONENT** libpart = NULL );
Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* LocateAnyPinSheet( const wxPoint& RefPos,
SCH_ITEM* DrawList );
void DrawDanglingSymbol( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& pos, int Color );
void DrawStructsInGhost( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel,
wxDC* aDC,
SCH_ITEM* aItem,
const wxPoint& aOffset );
void SetHighLightStruct( SCH_ITEM* HighLight );
void RedrawActiveWindow( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC );
void RedrawStructList( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
SCH_ITEM* Structs,
int DrawMode,
int Color = -1 );
void RedrawOneStruct( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
SCH_ITEM* Struct,
int DrawMode,
int Color = -1 );
void SeedLayers();
EDA_Colors ReturnLayerColor( int Layer );
void DisplayColorSetupFrame( WinEDA_DrawFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& pos );
int CountCmpNumber();
bool Read_Hotkey_Config( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, bool verbose );
LibEDA_BaseStruct* CopyDrawEntryStruct( LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawItem );
/* Routine de Duplication d'une structure DrawLibItem d'une partlib
* Parametres d'entree:
* DrawEntry = pointeur sur la structure a dupliquer
* La structure nouvelle est creee, mais n'est pas inseree dans le
* chainage
* Retourne:
* Pointeur sur la structure creee (ou NULL si impossible)
EDA_LibComponentStruct* CopyLibEntryStruct( EDA_LibComponentStruct* OldEntry );
/* Routine de copie d'une partlib
* Parametres d'entree: pointeur sur la structure de depart
* Parametres de sortie: pointeur sur la structure creee */
void SuppressDuplicateDrawItem( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry );
/* Routine de suppression des elements de trace dupliques, situation
* frequente lorsque l'on charge des symboles predessines plusieurs fois
* pour definir un composant */
int IsBusLabel( const wxString& LabelDrawList );
void ReAnnotatePowerSymbolsOnly();
/* PLOT.CPP */
void PlotDrawlist( PLOTTER* plotter, SCH_ITEM* drawlist );
void DeleteSubHierarchy( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet, bool confirm_deletion );
bool ClearProjectDrawList( SCH_SCREEN* FirstWindow, bool confirm_deletion );
/* free the draw list screen->EEDrawList and the subhierarchies
* clear the screen datas (filenames ..)
bool LocateAndDeleteItem( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* frame, wxDC* DC );
void EraseStruct( SCH_ITEM* DrawStruct, SCH_SCREEN* Window );
void DeleteAllMarkers( int type );
/* Effacement des marqueurs du type "type" */
void DeleteOneLibraryDrawStruct( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC, EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
LibEDA_BaseStruct* DrawItem, int Affiche );
/* Routine d'effacement d'un "LibraryDrawStruct"
* (d'un element de dessin d'un composant )
* Parametres d'entree
* Pointeur sur le composant comportant la structure
* (Si NULL la structure a effacer est supposee non rattachee
* a un composant)
* Pointeur sur la structure a effacer
* Affiche (si != 0 Efface le graphique correspondant de l'ecran) */
int LookForConvertPart( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry );
/* Retourne la plus grande valeur trouvee dans la liste des elements
* "drawings" du composant LibEntry, pour le membre .Convert
* Si il n'y a pas de representation type "convert", la valeur
* retournee est 0 ou 1
* Si il y a une representation type "convert",
* la valeur retournee est > 1 (typiquement 2) */
void InstallPineditFrame( WinEDA_LibeditFrame* parent,
wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& pos );
* Function DisplayComponentsNamesInLib
* Routine de selection d'un composant en librairie, par affichage de la
* liste des composants de cette librairie
* Si Library == NULL, selection de librairie demandee
* sinon recherche uniquement dans library
* Retourne
* 1 si composant selectionne
* 0 si commande annulee
int DisplayComponentsNamesInLib( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
LibraryStruct* Library,
wxString& Buffer,
wxString& OldName );
* Function SelectLibraryFromList
* displays a list of current loaded libraries, and allows the user to select
* a library
* This list is sorted, with the library cache always at end of the list
LibraryStruct* SelectLibraryFromList( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame );
* Function GetNameOfPartToLoad
* Routine de selection du nom d'un composant en librairie pour chargement,
* dans la librairie Library.
* Si Library == NULL, il y aura demande de selection d'une librairie
* Retourne
* 1 si composant selectionne
* 0 si commande annulee
* place le nom du composant a charger, selectionne a partir d'une liste dans
* BufName
int GetNameOfPartToLoad( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
LibraryStruct* Lib,
wxString& BufName );
bool LibArchive( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& ArchFullFileName );
void SchematicCleanUp( SCH_SCREEN* screen, wxDC* DC );
/* Routine de nettoyage:
* - regroupe les segments de fils (ou de bus) alignes en 1 seul segment
* - Detecte les objets identiques superposes
void BreakSegmentOnJunction( SCH_SCREEN* Screen );
/* Routine creant des debuts / fin de segment (BUS ou WIRES) sur les jonctions
* et les raccords */
/* Break a segment ( BUS, WIRE ) int 2 segments at location aBreakpoint,
* if aBreakpoint in on segment segment
* ( excluding ends)
void BreakSegment(SCH_SCREEN * aScreen, wxPoint aBreakpoint );
void SetaParent( EDA_BaseStruct* Struct, BASE_SCREEN* Screen );
bool BuildAliasData( LibraryStruct* Lib, EDA_LibComponentStruct* component );
/* Create the alias data for the lib component to edit */
int LocateAlias( const wxArrayString& AliasData, const wxString& Name );
/* Return an index in alias data list ( -1 if not found ) */
void DisplayOptionFrame( WinEDA_SchematicFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& framepos );
void RemoteCommand( const char* cmdline );