
319 lines
9.8 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2020 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <kicad_string.h>
#include <scintilla_tricks.h>
#include <wx/stc/stc.h>
#include <gal/color4d.h>
#include <dialog_shim.h>
#include <wx/clipbrd.h>
#include <wx/settings.h>
SCINTILLA_TRICKS::SCINTILLA_TRICKS( wxStyledTextCtrl* aScintilla, const wxString& aBraces ) :
m_te( aScintilla ),
m_braces( aBraces ),
m_lastCaretPos( -1 )
// A hack which causes Scintilla to auto-size the text editor canvas
// See:
m_te->SetScrollWidth( 1 );
m_te->SetScrollWidthTracking( true );
// Set up the brace highlighting
wxColour highlight = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_HIGHLIGHT );
wxColour highlightText = wxSystemSettings::GetColour( wxSYS_COLOUR_WINDOWTEXT );
unsigned char r = highlight.Red();
unsigned char g = highlight.Green();
unsigned char b = highlight.Blue();
wxColour::MakeGrey( &r, &g, &b );
highlight.Set( r, g, b );
m_te->StyleSetForeground( wxSTC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, highlightText );
m_te->StyleSetBackground( wxSTC_STYLE_BRACELIGHT, highlight );
m_te->StyleSetForeground( wxSTC_STYLE_BRACEBAD, *wxRED );
// Set up autocomplete
m_te->AutoCompSetIgnoreCase( true );
m_te->AutoCompSetFillUps( m_braces[1] );
m_te->AutoCompSetMaxHeight( 20 );
// Hook up events
m_te->Bind( wxEVT_STC_UPDATEUI, &SCINTILLA_TRICKS::onScintillaUpdateUI, this );
// Dispatch command-keys in Scintilla control.
m_te->Bind( wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, &SCINTILLA_TRICKS::onCharHook, this );
bool isCtrlSlash( wxKeyEvent& aEvent )
if( !aEvent.ControlDown() || aEvent.MetaDown() )
return false;
if( aEvent.GetUnicodeKey() == '/' )
return true;
// OK, now the wxWidgets hacks start.
// (We should abandon these if gets resolved.)
// Many Latin America and European keyboars have have the / over the 7. We know that
// wxWidgets messes this up and returns Shift+7 through GetUnicodeKey(). However, other
// keyboards (such as France and Belgium) have 7 in the shifted position, so a Shift+7
// *could* be legitimate.
// However, we *are* checking Ctrl, so to assume any Shift+7 is a Ctrl-/ really only
// disallows Ctrl+Shift+7 from doing something else, which is probably OK. (This routine
// is only used in the Scintilla editor, not in the rest of Kicad.)
// The other main shifted loation of / is over : (France and Belgium), so we'll sacrifice
// Ctrl+Shift+: too.
if( aEvent.ShiftDown() && ( aEvent.GetUnicodeKey() == '7' || aEvent.GetUnicodeKey() == ':' ) )
return true;
// A few keyboards have / in an Alt position. Since we're expressly not checking Alt for
// up or down, those should work. However, if they don't, there's room below for yet
// another hack....
return false;
void SCINTILLA_TRICKS::onCharHook( wxKeyEvent& aEvent )
wxString c = aEvent.GetUnicodeKey();
if( ConvertSmartQuotesAndDashes( &c ) )
m_te->AddText( c );
else if( aEvent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_TAB )
if( aEvent.ControlDown() )
int flags = 0;
if( !aEvent.ShiftDown() )
flags |= wxNavigationKeyEvent::IsForward;
wxWindow* parent = m_te->GetParent();
while( parent && dynamic_cast<DIALOG_SHIM*>( parent ) == nullptr )
parent = parent->GetParent();
if( parent )
parent->NavigateIn( flags );
else if( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'Z' )
else if( ( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_SHIFT+wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'Z' )
|| ( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'Y' ) )
else if( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'A' )
else if( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'X' )
else if( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'C' )
else if( aEvent.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL && aEvent.GetKeyCode() == 'V' )
if( m_te->GetSelectionEnd() > m_te->GetSelectionStart() )
if( wxTheClipboard->Open() )
if( wxTheClipboard->IsSupported( wxDF_TEXT ) )
wxTextDataObject data;
wxString str;
wxTheClipboard->GetData( data );
str = data.GetText();
ConvertSmartQuotesAndDashes( &str );
m_te->AddText( str );
else if( aEvent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_BACK )
else if( aEvent.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE )
if( m_te->GetSelectionEnd() > m_te->GetSelectionStart() )
m_te->DeleteRange( m_te->GetSelectionStart(), 1 );
else if( isCtrlSlash( aEvent ) )
int startLine = m_te->LineFromPosition( m_te->GetSelectionStart() );
int endLine = m_te->LineFromPosition( m_te->GetSelectionEnd() );
bool comment = firstNonWhitespace( startLine ) != '#';
int whitespaceCount;
for( int ii = startLine; ii <= endLine; ++ii )
if( comment )
m_te->InsertText( m_te->PositionFromLine( ii ), "#" );
else if( firstNonWhitespace( ii, &whitespaceCount ) == '#' )
m_te->DeleteRange( m_te->PositionFromLine( ii ) + whitespaceCount, 1 );
m_te->SetSelection( m_te->PositionFromLine( startLine ),
m_te->PositionFromLine( endLine ) + m_te->GetLineLength( endLine ) );
int SCINTILLA_TRICKS::firstNonWhitespace( int aLine, int* aWhitespaceCharCount )
int lineStart = m_te->PositionFromLine( aLine );
if( aWhitespaceCharCount )
*aWhitespaceCharCount = 0;
for( int ii = 0; ii < m_te->GetLineLength( aLine ); ++ii )
int c = m_te->GetCharAt( lineStart + ii );
if( c == ' ' || c == '\t' )
if( aWhitespaceCharCount )
*aWhitespaceCharCount += 1;
return c;
return '\r';
void SCINTILLA_TRICKS::onScintillaUpdateUI( wxStyledTextEvent& aEvent )
auto isBrace = [this]( int c ) -> bool
return m_braces.Find( (wxChar) c ) >= 0;
// Has the caret changed position?
int caretPos = m_te->GetCurrentPos();
if( m_lastCaretPos != caretPos )
m_lastCaretPos = caretPos;
int bracePos1 = -1;
int bracePos2 = -1;
// Is there a brace to the left or right?
if( caretPos > 0 && isBrace( m_te->GetCharAt( caretPos-1 ) ) )
bracePos1 = ( caretPos - 1 );
else if( isBrace( m_te->GetCharAt( caretPos ) ) )
bracePos1 = caretPos;
if( bracePos1 >= 0 )
// Find the matching brace
bracePos2 = m_te->BraceMatch( bracePos1 );
if( bracePos2 == -1 )
m_te->BraceBadLight( bracePos1 );
m_te->SetHighlightGuide( 0 );
m_te->BraceHighlight( bracePos1, bracePos2 );
m_te->SetHighlightGuide( m_te->GetColumn( bracePos1 ) );
// Turn off brace matching
m_te->BraceHighlight( -1, -1 );
m_te->SetHighlightGuide( 0 );
void SCINTILLA_TRICKS::DoAutocomplete( const wxString& aPartial, const wxArrayString& aTokens )
wxArrayString matchedTokens;
wxString filter = wxT( "*" ) + aPartial.Lower() + wxT( "*" );
for( const wxString& token : aTokens )
if( token.Lower().Matches( filter ) )
matchedTokens.push_back( token );
if( matchedTokens.size() > 0 )
// NB: tokens MUST be in alphabetical order because the Scintilla engine is going
// to do a binary search on them
matchedTokens.Sort( []( const wxString& first, const wxString& second ) -> int
return first.CmpNoCase( second );
m_te->AutoCompShow( aPartial.size(), wxJoin( matchedTokens, ' ' ) );