
597 lines
19 KiB

* @file export_idf.cpp
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2013 Cirilo Bernardo
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <list>
#include <wxPcbStruct.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_edge_mod.h>
#include <idf_parser.h>
#include <3d_struct.h>
#include <build_version.h>
// assumed default graphical line thickness: 10000 IU == 0.1mm
#define LINE_WIDTH (100000)
* Function idf_export_outline
* retrieves line segment information from the edge layer and compiles
* the data into a form which can be output as an IDFv3 compliant
* BOARD_OUTLINE section.
static void idf_export_outline( BOARD* aPcb, IDF3_BOARD& aIDFBoard )
double scale = aIDFBoard.GetUserScale();
DRAWSEGMENT* graphic; // KiCad graphical item
IDF_POINT sp, ep; // start and end points from KiCad item
std::list< IDF_SEGMENT* > lines; // IDF intermediate form of KiCad graphical item
IDF_OUTLINE* outline = NULL; // graphical items forming an outline or cutout
// If/when component cutouts are allowed, we must implement them separately. Cutouts
// must be added to the board outline section and not to the Other Outline section.
// The module cutouts should be handled via the idf_export_module() routine.
double offX, offY;
aIDFBoard.GetUserOffset( offX, offY );
// Retrieve segments and arcs from the board
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
if( item->Type() != PCB_LINE_T || item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts )
graphic = (DRAWSEGMENT*) item;
switch( graphic->GetShape() )
if( ( graphic->GetStart().x == graphic->GetEnd().x )
&& ( graphic->GetStart().y == graphic->GetEnd().y ) )
sp.x = graphic->GetStart().x * scale + offX;
sp.y = -graphic->GetStart().y * scale + offY;
ep.x = graphic->GetEnd().x * scale + offX;
ep.y = -graphic->GetEnd().y * scale + offY;
IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep );
if( seg )
lines.push_back( seg );
case S_ARC:
if( ( graphic->GetCenter().x == graphic->GetArcStart().x )
&& ( graphic->GetCenter().y == graphic->GetArcStart().y ) )
sp.x = graphic->GetCenter().x * scale + offX;
sp.y = -graphic->GetCenter().y * scale + offY;
ep.x = graphic->GetArcStart().x * scale + offX;
ep.y = -graphic->GetArcStart().y * scale + offY;
IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep, -graphic->GetAngle() / 10.0, true );
if( seg )
lines.push_back( seg );
case S_CIRCLE:
if( graphic->GetRadius() == 0 )
sp.x = graphic->GetCenter().x * scale + offX;
sp.y = -graphic->GetCenter().y * scale + offY;
ep.x = sp.x - graphic->GetRadius() * scale;
ep.y = sp.y;
// Circles must always have an angle of +360 deg. to appease
// quirky MCAD implementations of IDF.
IDF_SEGMENT* seg = new IDF_SEGMENT( sp, ep, 360.0, true );
if( seg )
lines.push_back( seg );
// if there is no outline then use the bounding box
if( lines.empty() )
goto UseBoundingBox;
// get the board outline and write it out
// note: we do not use a try/catch block here since we intend
// to simply ignore unclosed loops and continue processing
// until we're out of segments to process
outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;
IDF3::GetOutline( lines, *outline );
if( outline->empty() )
goto UseBoundingBox;
aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
outline = NULL;
// get all cutouts and write them out
while( !lines.empty() )
if( !outline )
outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;
IDF3::GetOutline( lines, *outline );
if( outline->empty() )
aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
outline = NULL;
// clean up if necessary
while( !lines.empty() )
delete lines.front();
if( outline )
outline = new IDF_OUTLINE;
// fetch a rectangular bounding box for the board;
// there is always some uncertainty in the board dimensions
// computed via ComputeBoundingBox() since this depends on the
// individual module entities.
EDA_RECT bbbox = aPcb->ComputeBoundingBox( true );
// convert to mm and compensate for an assumed LINE_WIDTH line thickness
double x = ( bbbox.GetOrigin().x + LINE_WIDTH / 2 ) * scale + offX;
double y = ( bbbox.GetOrigin().y + LINE_WIDTH / 2 ) * scale + offY;
double dx = ( bbbox.GetSize().x - LINE_WIDTH ) * scale;
double dy = ( bbbox.GetSize().y - LINE_WIDTH ) * scale;
double px[4], py[4];
px[0] = x;
py[0] = y;
px[1] = x;
py[1] = y + dy;
px[2] = x + dx;
py[2] = y + dy;
px[3] = x + dx;
py[3] = y;
IDF_POINT p1, p2;
p1.x = px[3];
p1.y = py[3];
p2.x = px[0];
p2.y = py[0];
outline->push( new IDF_SEGMENT( p1, p2 ) );
for( int i = 1; i < 4; ++i )
p1.x = px[i - 1];
p1.y = py[i - 1];
p2.x = px[i];
p2.y = py[i];
outline->push( new IDF_SEGMENT( p1, p2 ) );
aIDFBoard.AddBoardOutline( outline );
* Function idf_export_module
* retrieves information from all board modules, adds drill holes to
* the DRILLED_HOLES or BOARD_OUTLINE section as appropriate,
* compiles data for the PLACEMENT section and compiles data for
* the library ELECTRICAL section.
static void idf_export_module( BOARD* aPcb, MODULE* aModule,
// Reference Designator
std::string crefdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );
if( crefdes.empty() || ! "~" ) )
std::string cvalue = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetValue() );
// if both the RefDes and Value are empty or set to '~' the board owns the part,
// otherwise associated parts of the module must be marked NOREFDES.
if( cvalue.empty() || ! "~" ) )
crefdes = "BOARD";
crefdes = "NOREFDES";
// TODO: If module cutouts are supported we must add code here
// for( EDA_ITEM* item = aModule->GraphicalItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
// {
// if( ( item->Type() != PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T )
// || (item->GetLayer() != Edge_Cuts ) ) continue;
// code to export cutouts
// }
// Export pads
double drill, x, y;
double scale = aIDFBoard.GetUserScale();
std::string pintype;
std::string tstr;
double dx, dy;
aIDFBoard.GetUserOffset( dx, dy );
for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
drill = (double) pad->GetDrillSize().x * scale;
x = pad->GetPosition().x * scale + dx;
y = -pad->GetPosition().y * scale + dy;
// Export the hole on the edge layer
if( drill > 0.0 )
// plating
if( pad->GetAttribute() == PAD_HOLE_NOT_PLATED )
kplate = IDF3::NPTH;
kplate = IDF3::PTH;
// hole type
tstr = TO_UTF8( pad->GetPadName() );
if( tstr.empty() || ! "0" ) || ! "~" )
|| ( kplate == IDF3::NPTH )
||( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG ) )
pintype = "MTG";
pintype = "PIN";
// fields:
// 1. hole dia. : float
// 2. X coord : float
// 3. Y coord : float
// 4. plating : PTH | NPTH
// 5. Assoc. part : BOARD | NOREFDES | PANEL | {"refdes"}
// 6. type : PIN | VIA | MTG | TOOL | { "other" }
// 7. owner : MCAD | ECAD | UNOWNED
if( ( pad->GetDrillShape() == PAD_DRILL_OBLONG )
&& ( pad->GetDrillSize().x != pad->GetDrillSize().y ) )
// NOTE: IDF does not have direct support for slots;
// slots are implemented as a board cutout and we
// cannot represent plating or reference designators
double dlength = pad->GetDrillSize().y * scale;
// NOTE: The orientation of modules and pads have
// the opposite sense due to KiCad drawing on a
// screen with a LH coordinate system
double angle = pad->GetOrientation() / 10.0;
if( dlength < drill )
std::swap( drill, dlength );
angle += M_PI2;
// NOTE: KiCad measures a slot's length from end to end
// rather than between the centers of the arcs
dlength -= drill;
aIDFBoard.AddSlot( drill, dlength, angle, x, y );
IDF_DRILL_DATA *dp = new IDF_DRILL_DATA( drill, x, y, kplate, crefdes,
pintype, IDF3::ECAD );
if( !aIDFBoard.AddDrill( dp ) )
delete dp;
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__;
ostr << "(): could not add drill";
throw std::runtime_error( ostr.str() );
// add any valid models to the library item list
std::string refdes;
for( S3D_MASTER* modfile = aModule->Models(); modfile != 0; modfile = modfile->Next() )
if( !modfile->Is3DType( S3D_MASTER::FILE3D_IDF ) )
if( refdes.empty() )
refdes = TO_UTF8( aModule->GetReference() );
// NOREFDES cannot be used or else the software gets confused
// when writing out the placement data due to conflicting
// placement and layer specifications; to work around this we
// create a (hopefully) unique refdes for our exported part.
if( refdes.empty() || ! "~" ) )
refdes = aIDFBoard.GetNewRefDes();
outline = aIDFBoard.GetComponentOutline( modfile->GetShape3DFullFilename() );
if( !outline )
throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );
double rotz = aModule->GetOrientation()/10.0;
double locx = modfile->m_MatPosition.x;
double locy = modfile->m_MatPosition.y;
double locz = modfile->m_MatPosition.z;
double lrot = modfile->m_MatRotation.z;
bool top = ( aModule->GetLayer() == B_Cu ) ? false : true;
if( top )
rotz += modfile->m_MatRotation.z;
locy = -locy;
RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
locy = -locy;
if( !top )
RotatePoint( &locx, &locy, aModule->GetOrientation() );
locy = -locy;
rotz = 180.0 - rotz;
if( rotz >= 360.0 )
while( rotz >= 360.0 ) rotz -= 360.0;
if( rotz <= -360.0 )
while( rotz <= -360.0 ) rotz += 360.0;
if( comp == NULL )
comp = aIDFBoard.FindComponent( refdes );
if( comp == NULL )
comp = new IDF3_COMPONENT( &aIDFBoard );
if( comp == NULL )
throw( std::runtime_error( aIDFBoard.GetError() ) );
comp->SetRefDes( refdes );
if( top )
comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );
comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );
aIDFBoard.AddComponent( comp );
double refX, refY, refA;
if( ! comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side ) )
// place the item
if( top )
comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
rotz, IDF3::LYR_TOP );
comp->SetPosition( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx,
-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy,
rotz, IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM );
comp->SetPlacement( IDF3::PS_ECAD );
// check that the retrieved component matches this one
refX = refX - ( aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx );
refY = refY - ( -aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy );
refA = refA - rotz;
refA *= refA;
refX *= refX;
refY *= refY;
refX += refY;
// conditions: same side, X,Y coordinates within 10 microns,
// angle within 0.01 degree
if( ( top && side == IDF3::LYR_BOTTOM ) || ( !top && side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
|| ( refA > 0.0001 ) || ( refX > 0.0001 ) )
comp->GetPosition( refX, refY, refA, side );
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "* " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ":" << __FUNCTION__ << "():\n";
ostr << "* conflicting Reference Designator '" << refdes << "'\n";
ostr << "* X loc: " << (aModule->GetPosition().x * scale + dx);
ostr << " vs. " << refX << "\n";
ostr << "* Y loc: " << (-aModule->GetPosition().y * scale + dy);
ostr << " vs. " << refY << "\n";
ostr << "* angle: " << rotz;
ostr << " vs. " << refA << "\n";
if( top )
ostr << "* TOP vs. ";
ostr << "* BOTTOM vs. ";
if( side == IDF3::LYR_TOP )
ostr << "TOP";
ostr << "BOTTOM";
throw( std::runtime_error( ostr.str() ) );
// create the local data ...
IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA* data = new IDF3_COMP_OUTLINE_DATA( comp, outline );
data->SetOffsets( locx, locy, locz, lrot );
comp->AddOutlineData( data );
* Function Export_IDF3
* generates IDFv3 compliant board (*.emn) and library (*.emp)
* files representing the user's PCB design.
bool Export_IDF3( BOARD* aPcb, const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUseThou )
IDF3_BOARD idfBoard( IDF3::CAD_ELEC );
bool ok = true;
double scale = 1e-6; // we must scale internal units to mm for IDF
IDF3::IDF_UNIT idfUnit;
if( aUseThou )
idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_THOU;
idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 1 );
idfUnit = IDF3::UNIT_MM;
idfBoard.SetUserPrecision( 5 );
wxFileName brdName = aPcb->GetFileName();
idfBoard.SetUserScale( scale );
idfBoard.SetBoardThickness( aPcb->GetDesignSettings().GetBoardThickness() * scale );
idfBoard.SetBoardName( TO_UTF8( brdName.GetFullName() ) );
idfBoard.SetBoardVersion( 0 );
idfBoard.SetLibraryVersion( 0 );
std::ostringstream ostr;
ostr << "KiCad " << TO_UTF8( GetBuildVersion() );
idfBoard.SetIDFSource( ostr.str() );
// set up the global offsets
EDA_RECT bbox = aPcb->ComputeBoundingBox( true );
idfBoard.SetUserOffset( -bbox.Centre().x * scale,
bbox.Centre().y * scale );
// Export the board outline
idf_export_outline( aPcb, idfBoard );
// Output the drill holes and module (library) data.
for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module != 0; module = module->Next() )
idf_export_module( aPcb, module, idfBoard );
if( !idfBoard.WriteFile( aFullFileName, idfUnit, false ) )
wxString msg;
msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( idfBoard.GetError().c_str() );
wxMessageBox( msg );
ok = false;
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
wxString msg;
msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << ioe.errorText;
wxMessageBox( msg );
ok = false;
catch( const std::exception& e )
wxString msg;
msg << _( "IDF Export Failed:\n" ) << FROM_UTF8( e.what() );
wxMessageBox( msg );
ok = false;
return ok;