
776 lines
26 KiB

// Boost.Pointer Container
// Copyright Thorsten Ottosen 2003-2005. Use, modification and
// distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, Version
// 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
// For more information, see
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
# pragma once
#include <boost/ptr_container/detail/reversible_ptr_container.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/indirect_fun.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/detail/void_ptr_iterator.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_pointer.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_same.hpp>
namespace boost
namespace ptr_container_detail
class T,
class VoidPtrSeq
struct sequence_config
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME remove_nullable<T>::type
typedef VoidPtrSeq
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::allocator_type
typedef U value_type;
typedef void_ptr_iterator<
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::iterator, U >
typedef void_ptr_iterator<
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME VoidPtrSeq::const_iterator, const U >
template< class Iter >
static U* get_pointer( Iter i )
return static_cast<U*>( *i.base() );
template< class Iter >
static U* get_pointer( void_ptr_iterator<Iter,U> i )
return static_cast<U*>( *i.base() );
template< class Iter >
static U* get_pointer( Iter i )
return &*i;
#if defined(BOOST_NO_SFINAE) && !BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, <= 0x3003)
template< class Iter >
static const U* get_const_pointer( Iter i )
return static_cast<const U*>( *i.base() );
#if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__MWERKS__, <= 0x3003)
template< class Iter >
static const U* get_const_pointer( void_ptr_iterator<Iter,U> i )
return static_cast<const U*>( *i.base() );
template< class Iter >
static const U* get_const_pointer( void_ptr_iterator<Iter,const U> i )
return static_cast<const U*>( *i.base() );
template< class Iter >
static const U* get_const_pointer( Iter i )
return &*i;
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT(bool, allow_null = boost::is_nullable<T>::value );
} // ptr_container_detail
template< class Iterator, class T >
inline bool is_null( void_ptr_iterator<Iterator,T> i )
return *i.base() == 0;
class T,
class VoidPtrSeq,
class CloneAllocator = heap_clone_allocator
class ptr_sequence_adapter : public
ptr_container_detail::reversible_ptr_container< ptr_container_detail::sequence_config<T,VoidPtrSeq>,
CloneAllocator >
typedef ptr_container_detail::reversible_ptr_container< ptr_container_detail::sequence_config<T,VoidPtrSeq>,
CloneAllocator >
typedef ptr_sequence_adapter<T,VoidPtrSeq,CloneAllocator>
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::scoped_deleter scoped_deleter;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::value_type value_type;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::reference reference;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::const_reference
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::auto_type auto_type;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::clone_allocator_type
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::iterator iterator;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::size_type size_type;
typedef BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::allocator_type
{ }
template< class Allocator >
explicit ptr_sequence_adapter( const Allocator& a )
: base_type( a )
{ }
template< class SizeType >
ptr_sequence_adapter( SizeType n,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( n, tag )
{ }
template< class SizeType, class Allocator >
ptr_sequence_adapter( SizeType n, const Allocator& a,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( n, a, tag )
{ }
template< class InputIterator >
ptr_sequence_adapter( InputIterator first, InputIterator last )
: base_type( first, last )
{ }
template< class InputIterator, class Allocator >
ptr_sequence_adapter( InputIterator first, InputIterator last,
const Allocator& a )
: base_type( first, last, a )
{ }
template< class ForwardIterator >
ptr_sequence_adapter( ForwardIterator first,
ForwardIterator last,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( first, last, tag )
{ }
template< class SizeType, class ForwardIterator >
ptr_sequence_adapter( SizeType n,
ForwardIterator first,
ForwardIterator last,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( n, first, last, tag )
{ }
ptr_sequence_adapter( const ptr_sequence_adapter& r )
: base_type( r )
{ }
template< class U >
ptr_sequence_adapter( const ptr_sequence_adapter<U,VoidPtrSeq,CloneAllocator>& r )
: base_type( r )
{ }
ptr_sequence_adapter( const ptr_sequence_adapter& r,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( r, tag )
{ }
template< class U >
ptr_sequence_adapter( const ptr_sequence_adapter<U,VoidPtrSeq,CloneAllocator>& r,
ptr_container_detail::fixed_length_sequence_tag tag )
: base_type( r, tag )
{ }
template< class PtrContainer >
explicit ptr_sequence_adapter( std::auto_ptr<PtrContainer> clone )
: base_type( clone )
{ }
ptr_sequence_adapter& operator=( const ptr_sequence_adapter r )
this->swap( r );
return *this;
template< class PtrContainer >
ptr_sequence_adapter& operator=( std::auto_ptr<PtrContainer> clone )
base_type::operator=( clone );
return *this;
// modifiers
void push_back( value_type x ) // strong
this->enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'push_back()'" );
auto_type ptr( x ); // notrow
this->base().push_back( x ); // strong, commit
ptr.release(); // nothrow
template< class U >
void push_back( std::auto_ptr<U> x )
push_back( x.release() );
void push_front( value_type x )
this->enforce_null_policy( x, "Null pointer in 'push_front()'" );
auto_type ptr( x ); // nothrow
this->base().push_front( x ); // strong, commit
ptr.release(); // nothrow
template< class U >
void push_front( std::auto_ptr<U> x )
push_front( x.release() );
auto_type pop_back()
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() &&
"'pop_back()' on empty container" );
auto_type ptr( static_cast<value_type>( this->base().back() ) );
// nothrow
this->base().pop_back(); // nothrow
return ptr_container_detail::move( ptr ); // nothrow
auto_type pop_front()
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() &&
"'pop_front()' on empty container" );
auto_type ptr( static_cast<value_type>( this->base().front() ) );
// nothrow
this->base().pop_front(); // nothrow
return ptr_container_detail::move( ptr );
reference front()
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() &&
"accessing 'front()' on empty container" );
BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( this->begin() ) );
return *this->begin();
const_reference front() const
return const_cast<ptr_sequence_adapter*>(this)->front();
reference back()
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->empty() &&
"accessing 'back()' on empty container" );
BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null( --this->end() ) );
return *--this->end();
const_reference back() const
return const_cast<ptr_sequence_adapter*>(this)->back();
public: // deque/vector inerface
reference operator[]( size_type n ) // nothrow
BOOST_ASSERT( n < this->size() );
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) );
return *static_cast<value_type>( this->base()[n] );
const_reference operator[]( size_type n ) const // nothrow
BOOST_ASSERT( n < this->size() );
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) );
return *static_cast<value_type>( this->base()[n] );
reference at( size_type n )
BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( n >= this->size(), bad_index,
"'at()' out of bounds" );
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) );
return (*this)[n];
const_reference at( size_type n ) const
BOOST_PTR_CONTAINER_THROW_EXCEPTION( n >= this->size(), bad_index,
"'at()' out of bounds" );
BOOST_ASSERT( !this->is_null( n ) );
return (*this)[n];
public: // vector interface
size_type capacity() const
return this->base().capacity();
void reserve( size_type n )
this->base().reserve( n );
void reverse()
public: // assign, insert, transfer
// overhead: 1 heap allocation (very cheap compared to cloning)
template< class InputIterator >
void assign( InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) // strong
base_type temp( first, last );
this->swap( temp );
template< class Range >
void assign( const Range& r ) // strong
assign( boost::begin(r), boost::end(r ) );
template< class I >
void insert_impl( iterator before, I first, I last, std::input_iterator_tag ) // strong
ptr_sequence_adapter temp(first,last); // strong
transfer( before, temp ); // strong, commit
template< class I >
void insert_impl( iterator before, I first, I last, std::forward_iterator_tag ) // strong
if( first == last )
scoped_deleter sd( first, last ); // strong
this->insert_clones_and_release( sd, before ); // strong, commit
using base_type::insert;
template< class InputIterator >
void insert( iterator before, InputIterator first, InputIterator last ) // strong
insert_impl( before, first, last, BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
iterator_category<InputIterator>::type() );
template< class Range >
boost::disable_if< ptr_container_detail::is_pointer_or_integral<Range> >::type
insert( iterator before, const Range& r )
insert( before, boost::begin(r), boost::end(r) );
template< class PtrSeqAdapter >
void transfer( iterator before,
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator first,
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator last,
PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong
BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
if( from.empty() )
insert( before.base(), first.base(), last.base() ); // strong
from.base().erase( first.base(), last.base() ); // nothrow
template< class PtrSeqAdapter >
void transfer( iterator before,
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator object,
PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong
BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
if( from.empty() )
this->base().insert( before.base(), *object.base() ); // strong
from.base().erase( object.base() ); // nothrow
template< class PtrSeqAdapter, class Range >
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME boost::disable_if< boost::is_same< Range,
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME PtrSeqAdapter::iterator > >::type
transfer( iterator before, const Range& r, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong
transfer( before, boost::begin(r), boost::end(r), from );
template< class PtrSeqAdapter >
void transfer( iterator before, PtrSeqAdapter& from ) // strong
BOOST_ASSERT( (void*)&from != (void*)this );
if( from.empty() )
insert( before.base(),
from.begin().base(), from.end().base() ); // strong
from.base().clear(); // nothrow
public: // C-array support
void transfer( iterator before, value_type* from,
size_type size, bool delete_from = true ) // strong
BOOST_ASSERT( from != 0 );
if( delete_from )
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME base_type::scoped_deleter
deleter( from, size ); // nothrow
this->base().insert( before.base(), from, from + size ); // strong
deleter.release(); // nothrow
this->base().insert( before.base(), from, from + size ); // strong
value_type* c_array() // nothrow
if( this->empty() )
return 0;
T** res = reinterpret_cast<T**>( &this->begin().base()[0] );
return res;
public: // null functions
bool is_null( size_type idx ) const
BOOST_ASSERT( idx < this->size() );
return this->base()[idx] == 0;
public: // resize
void resize( size_type size ) // basic
size_type old_size = this->size();
if( old_size > size )
this->erase( boost::next( this->begin(), size ), this->end() );
else if( size > old_size )
for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size )
this->push_back( new BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
boost::remove_pointer<value_type>::type() );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size );
void resize( size_type size, value_type to_clone ) // basic
size_type old_size = this->size();
if( old_size > size )
this->erase( boost::next( this->begin(), size ), this->end() );
else if( size > old_size )
for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size )
this->push_back( this->null_policy_allocate_clone( to_clone ) );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size );
void rresize( size_type size ) // basic
size_type old_size = this->size();
if( old_size > size )
this->erase( this->begin(),
boost::next( this->begin(), old_size - size ) );
else if( size > old_size )
for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size )
this->push_front( new BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME
boost::remove_pointer<value_type>::type() );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size );
void rresize( size_type size, value_type to_clone ) // basic
size_type old_size = this->size();
if( old_size > size )
this->erase( this->begin(),
boost::next( this->begin(), old_size - size ) );
else if( size > old_size )
for( ; old_size != size; ++old_size )
this->push_front( this->null_policy_allocate_clone( to_clone ) );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->size() == size );
public: // algorithms
void sort( iterator first, iterator last )
sort( first, last, std::less<T>() );
void sort()
sort( this->begin(), this->end() );
template< class Compare >
void sort( iterator first, iterator last, Compare comp )
BOOST_ASSERT( first <= last && "out of range sort()" );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->begin() <= first && "out of range sort()" );
BOOST_ASSERT( last <= this->end() && "out of range sort()" );
// some static assert on the arguments of the comparison
std::sort( first.base(), last.base(),
void_ptr_indirect_fun<Compare,T>(comp) );
template< class Compare >
void sort( Compare comp )
sort( this->begin(), this->end(), comp );
void unique( iterator first, iterator last )
unique( first, last, std::equal_to<T>() );
void unique()
unique( this->begin(), this->end() );
struct is_not_zero_ptr
template< class U >
bool operator()( const U* r ) const
return r != 0;
template< class Fun, class Arg1 >
class void_ptr_delete_if
Fun fun;
void_ptr_delete_if() : fun(Fun())
{ }
void_ptr_delete_if( Fun f ) : fun(f)
{ }
bool operator()( void* r ) const
BOOST_ASSERT( r != 0 );
Arg1 arg1 = static_cast<Arg1>(r);
if( fun( *arg1 ) )
clone_allocator_type::deallocate_clone( arg1 );
return true;
return false;
void compact_and_erase_nulls( iterator first, iterator last ) // nothrow
typename base_type::ptr_iterator p = std::stable_partition(
is_not_zero_ptr() );
this->base().erase( p, this->end().base() );
void range_check_impl( iterator first, iterator last,
std::bidirectional_iterator_tag )
{ /* do nothing */ }
void range_check_impl( iterator first, iterator last,
std::random_access_iterator_tag )
BOOST_ASSERT( first <= last && "out of range unique()/erase_if()" );
BOOST_ASSERT( this->begin() <= first && "out of range unique()/erase_if()" );
BOOST_ASSERT( last <= this->end() && "out of range unique()/erase_if)(" );
void range_check( iterator first, iterator last )
range_check_impl( first, last,
BOOST_DEDUCED_TYPENAME iterator_category<iterator>::type() );
template< class Compare >
void unique( iterator first, iterator last, Compare comp )
iterator prev = first;
iterator next = first;
for( ; next != last; ++next )
BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null(prev) );
BOOST_ASSERT( !::boost::is_null(next) );
if( comp( *prev, *next ) )
this->remove( next ); // delete object
*next.base() = 0; // mark pointer as deleted
prev = next;
// ++next
compact_and_erase_nulls( first, last );
template< class Compare >
void unique( Compare comp )
unique( this->begin(), this->end(), comp );
template< class Pred >
void erase_if( iterator first, iterator last, Pred pred )
this->base().erase( std::remove_if( first.base(), last.base(),
void_ptr_delete_if<Pred,value_type>(pred) ),
last.base() );
template< class Pred >
void erase_if( Pred pred )
erase_if( this->begin(), this->end(), pred );
void merge( iterator first, iterator last,
ptr_sequence_adapter& from )
merge( first, last, from, std::less<T>() );
template< class BinPred >
void merge( iterator first, iterator last,
ptr_sequence_adapter& from, BinPred pred )
void_ptr_indirect_fun<BinPred,T> bin_pred(pred);
size_type current_size = this->size();
this->transfer( this->end(), first, last, from );
typename base_type::ptr_iterator middle = this->begin().base();
std::inplace_merge( this->begin().base(),
bin_pred );
void merge( ptr_sequence_adapter& r )
merge( r, std::less<T>() );
BOOST_ASSERT( r.empty() );
template< class BinPred >
void merge( ptr_sequence_adapter& r, BinPred pred )
merge( r.begin(), r.end(), r, pred );
BOOST_ASSERT( r.empty() );
} // namespace 'boost'