
1433 lines
55 KiB

// Name: mathplot.cpp
// Purpose: Framework for plotting in wxWindows
// Original Author: David Schalig
// Maintainer: Davide Rondini
// Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Val Greene, Maciej Suminski, Tomasz Wlostowski
// Created: 21/07/2003
// Last edit: 05/08/2016
// Copyright: (c) David Schalig, Davide Rondini
// Copyright (c) 2021-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifndef _MP_MATHPLOT_H_
#define _MP_MATHPLOT_H_
* wxMathPlot is a framework for mathematical graph plotting in wxWindows.
* The framework is designed for convenience and ease of use.
* @section screenshots Screenshots
* <a href="">Go to the screenshots page.</a>
* @section overview Overview
* The heart of wxMathPlot is mpWindow, which is a 2D canvas for plot layers.
* mpWindow can be embedded as subwindow in a wxPane, a wxFrame, or any other wxWindow.
* mpWindow provides a zoomable and moveable view of the layers. The current view can
* be controlled with the mouse, the scrollbars, and a context menu.
* Plot layers are implementations of the abstract base class mpLayer. Those can
* be function plots, scale rulers, or any other vector data visualisation.
* wxMathPlot provides two mpLayer implementations for plotting horizontal and vertical rulers: mpScaleX and mpScaleY.
* For convenient function plotting a series of classes derived from mpLayer are provided,
* like mpFX, mpProfile, mpLegend and so on.
* These base classes already come with plot code, user's own functions can be implemented by overriding just one member for retrieving a function value.
* mpWindow has built-in support for mouse-based pan and zoom through intuitive combinations of buttons and the mouse wheel. It also incorporates an optional double buffering mechanism to avoid flicker. Plots can be easily sent to printer evices or exported in bitmap formats like PNG, BMP or JPEG.
* @section coding Coding conventions
* wxMathPlot sticks to wxWindow's coding conventions.
* All entities defined by wxMathPlot have the prefix <i>mp</i>.
* @section author Author and license
* wxMathPlot is published under the terms of the wxWindow license.<br>
* The original author is David Schalig <>.<br>
* From June 2007 the project is maintained by Davide Rondini <>.<br>
* Authors can be contacted via the wxMathPlot's homepage at
* Contributors:<br>
* Jose Luis Blanco, Val Greene.<br>
// this definition uses windows dll to export function.
// WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT definition definition changed to WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT
// mathplot_EXPORTS will be defined by cmake
#ifdef mathplot_EXPORTS
#else // not making DLL
#define WXDLLIMPEXP_DATA_MATHPLOT( type ) type
#include <wx/defs.h>
#include <wx/menu.h>
#include <wx/scrolwin.h>
#include <wx/event.h>
#include <wx/dynarray.h>
#include <wx/pen.h>
#include <wx/dcmemory.h>
#include <wx/string.h>
#include <wx/print.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <vector>
#include <deque>
#include <stack>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
// For memory leak debug
#ifdef _WINDOWS
#ifdef _DEBUG
#include <crtdbg.h>
#define DEBUG_NEW new (_NORMAL_BLOCK, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define DEBUG_NEW new
#endif // _DEBUG
#endif // _WINDOWS
// Separation for axes when set close to border
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// classes
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Command IDs used by mpWindow */
mpID_FIT = 2000, // !< Fit view to match bounding box of all layers
mpID_ZOOM_IN, // !< Zoom into view at clickposition / window center
mpID_ZOOM_OUT, // !< Zoom out
mpID_CENTER, // !< Center view on click position
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpLayer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum __mp_Layer_Type
mpLAYER_UNDEF, // !< Layer type undefined
mpLAYER_AXIS, // !< Axis type layer
mpLAYER_PLOT, // !< Plot type layer
mpLAYER_INFO, // !< Info box type layer
mpLAYER_BITMAP // !< Bitmap type layer
} mpLayerType;
/** Plot layer, abstract base class.
* Any number of mpLayer implementations can be attached to mpWindow.
* Examples for mpLayer implementations are function graphs, or scale rulers.
* For convenience mpLayer defines a name, a font (wxFont), a pen (wxPen),
* and a continuity property (bool) as class members.
* The default values at constructor are the default font, a black pen, and
* continuity set to false (draw separate points).
* These may or may not be used by implementations.
class mpScaleBase;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpLayer : public wxObject
virtual ~mpLayer() {};
/** Check whether this layer has a bounding box.
* The default implementation returns \a true. Override and return
* false if your mpLayer implementation should be ignored by the calculation
* of the global bounding box for all layers in a mpWindow.
* @retval true Has bounding box
* @retval false Has not bounding box
virtual bool HasBBox() const { return true; }
/** Check whether the layer is an info box.
* The default implementation returns \a false. It is overridden to \a true for mpInfoLayer
* class and its derivative. It is necessary to define mouse actions behaviour over
* info boxes.
* @return whether the layer is an info boxes
* @sa mpInfoLayer::IsInfo
virtual bool IsInfo() const { return false; };
/** Get inclusive left border of bounding box.
* @return Value
virtual double GetMinX() const { return -1.0; }
/** Get inclusive right border of bounding box.
* @return Value
virtual double GetMaxX() const { return 1.0; }
/** Get inclusive bottom border of bounding box.
* @return Value
virtual double GetMinY() const { return -1.0; }
/** Get inclusive top border of bounding box.
* @return Value
virtual double GetMaxY() const { return 1.0; }
/** Plot given view of layer to the given device context.
* An implementation of this function has to transform layer coordinates to
* wxDC coordinates based on the view parameters retrievable from the mpWindow
* passed in \a w.
* Note that the public methods of mpWindow: x2p,y2p and p2x,p2y are already provided
* which transform layer coordinates to DC pixel coordinates, and <b>user code should rely
* on them</b> for portability and future changes to be applied transparently, instead of
* implementing the following formulas manually.
* The passed device context \a dc has its coordinate origin set to the top-left corner
* of the visible area (the default). The coordinate orientation is as shown in the
* following picture:
* <pre>
* (wxDC origin 0,0)
* x-------------> ascending X ----------------+
* | |
* | |
* | V ascending Y |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* |+------------------------------------------+ <-- right-bottom corner of the mpWindow visible area.
* </pre>
* Note that Y ascends in downward direction, whereas the usual vertical orientation
* for mathematical plots is vice versa. Thus Y-orientation will be swapped usually,
* when transforming between wxDC and mpLayer coordinates. This change of coordinates
* is taken into account in the methods p2x,p2y,x2p,y2p.
* <b> Rules for transformation between mpLayer and wxDC coordinates </b>
* @code
* dc_X = (layer_X - mpWindow::GetPosX()) * mpWindow::GetScaleX()
* dc_Y = (mpWindow::GetPosY() - layer_Y) * mpWindow::GetScaleY() // swapping Y-orientation
* layer_X = (dc_X / mpWindow::GetScaleX()) + mpWindow::GetPosX() // scale guaranteed to be not 0
* layer_Y = mpWindow::GetPosY() - (dc_Y / mpWindow::GetScaleY()) // swapping Y-orientation
* @endcode
* @param dc Device context to plot to.
* @param w View to plot. The visible area can be retrieved from this object.
* @sa mpWindow::p2x,mpWindow::p2y,mpWindow::x2p,mpWindow::y2p
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) = 0;
/** Get layer name.
* @return Name
const wxString& GetName() const { return m_name; }
const wxString& GetDisplayName() const
return m_displayName.IsEmpty() ? m_name : m_displayName;
/** Get font set for this layer.
* @return Font
const wxFont& GetFont() const { return m_font; }
/** Get pen set for this layer.
* @return Pen
const wxPen& GetPen() const { return m_pen; }
/** Set the 'continuity' property of the layer (true:draws a continuous line, false:draws separate points).
* @sa GetContinuity
void SetContinuity( bool continuity ) { m_continuous = continuity; }
/** Gets the 'continuity' property of the layer.
* @sa SetContinuity
bool GetContinuity() const { return m_continuous; }
/** Shows or hides the text label with the name of the layer (default is visible).
void ShowName( bool show ) { m_showName = show; };
/** Set layer name
* @param name Name, will be copied to internal class member
virtual void SetName( const wxString& name ) { m_name = name; }
/** Set layer font
* @param font Font, will be copied to internal class member
void SetFont( const wxFont& font ) { m_font = font; }
/** Set layer pen
* @param pen Pen, will be copied to internal class member
void SetPen( const wxPen& pen ) { m_pen = pen; }
/** Get layer type: a Layer can be of different types: plot lines, axis, info boxes, etc, this method returns the right value.
* @return An integer indicating layer type */
mpLayerType GetLayerType() const { return m_type; };
/** Checks whether the layer is visible or not.
* @return \a true if visible */
bool IsVisible() const { return m_visible; };
/** Sets layer visibility.
* @param show visibility bool. */
void SetVisible( bool show ) { m_visible = show; };
/** Get brush set for this layer.
* @return brush. */
const wxBrush& GetBrush() const { return m_brush; };
/** Set layer brush
* @param brush brush, will be copied to internal class member */
void SetBrush( const wxBrush& brush ) { m_brush = brush; };
wxFont m_font; // !< Layer's font
wxPen m_pen; // !< Layer's pen
wxBrush m_brush; // !< Layer's brush
wxString m_name; // !< Layer's name
wxString m_displayName;
bool m_continuous; // !< Specify if the layer will be plotted as a continuous line or a set of points.
bool m_showName; // !< States whether the name of the layer must be shown (default is true).
mpLayerType m_type; // !< Define layer type, which is assigned by constructor
bool m_visible; // !< Toggles layer visibility
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpInfoLayer
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @class mpInfoLayer
* @brief Base class to create small rectangular info boxes
* mpInfoLayer is the base class to create a small rectangular info box in transparent overlay over plot layers. It is used to implement objects like legends.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpInfoLayer : public mpLayer
/** Default constructor. */
/** Complete constructor.
* @param rect Sets the initial size rectangle of the layer.
* @param brush pointer to a fill brush. Default is transparent */
mpInfoLayer( wxRect rect, const wxBrush* brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
/** Destructor */
virtual ~mpInfoLayer();
/** mpInfoLayer has not bounding box. @sa mpLayer::HasBBox
* @return always \a false */
virtual bool HasBBox() const override { return false; }
/** Plot method. Can be overridden by derived classes.
* @param dc the device content where to plot
* @param w the window to plot
* @sa mpLayer::Plot */
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
/** Specifies that this is an Info box layer.
* @return always \a true
* @sa mpLayer::IsInfo */
virtual bool IsInfo() const override { return true; }
/** Checks whether a point is inside the info box rectangle.
* @param point The point to be checked
* @return \a true if the point is inside the bounding box */
virtual bool Inside( const wxPoint& point ) const;
/** Moves the layer rectangle of given pixel deltas.
* @param delta The wxPoint container for delta coordinates along x and y. Units are in pixels. */
virtual void Move( wxPoint delta );
/** Updates the rectangle reference point. Used by internal methods of mpWindow to correctly move mpInfoLayers. */
virtual void UpdateReference();
/** Returns the position of the upper left corner of the box (in pixels)
* @return The rectangle position */
wxPoint GetPosition() const;
/** Returns the size of the box (in pixels)
* @return The rectangle size */
wxSize GetSize() const;
wxRect m_dim; // !< The bounding rectangle of the box. It may be resized dynamically
// by the Plot method.
wxPoint m_reference; // !< Holds the reference point for movements
wxBrush m_brush; // !< The brush to be used for the background
int m_winX; // !< Holds the mpWindow size. Used to rescale position when window is
int m_winY; // resized.
/** @class mpInfoLegend
* @brief Implements the legend to be added to the plot
* This layer allows you to add a legend to describe the plots in the window. The legend uses the layer name as a label, and displays only layers of type mpLAYER_PLOT. */
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpInfoLegend : public mpInfoLayer
/** Default constructor */
/** Complete constructor, setting initial rectangle and background brush.
* @param rect The initial bounding rectangle.
* @param brush The wxBrush to be used for box background: default is transparent
* @sa mpInfoLayer::mpInfoLayer */
mpInfoLegend( wxRect rect, const wxBrush* brush = wxTRANSPARENT_BRUSH );
/** Default destructor */
/** Plot method.
* @param dc the device content where to plot
* @param w the window to plot
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpLayer implementations - functions
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @name Label alignment constants
* @{*/
/** @internal */
#define mpALIGNMASK 0x03
/** Aligns label to the right. For use with mpFX. */
#define mpALIGN_RIGHT 0x00
/** Aligns label to the center. For use with mpFX and mpFY. */
#define mpALIGN_CENTER 0x01
/** Aligns label to the left. For use with mpFX. */
#define mpALIGN_LEFT 0x02
/** Aligns label to the top. For use with mpFY. */
/** Aligns label to the bottom. For use with mpFY. */
/** Aligns X axis to bottom border. For mpScaleX */
#define mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM 0x04
/** Aligns X axis to top border. For mpScaleX */
#define mpALIGN_BORDER_TOP 0x05
/** Aligns label to the right of mpALIGN_RIGHT */
#define mpALIGN_FAR_RIGHT 0x06
/** Set label for X axis in normal mode */
#define mpX_NORMAL 0x00
/** Set label for X axis in time mode: the value is represented as minutes:seconds.milliseconds if time is less than 2 minutes, hours:minutes:seconds otherwise. */
#define mpX_TIME 0x01
/** Set label for X axis in hours mode: the value is always represented as hours:minutes:seconds. */
#define mpX_HOURS 0x02
/** Set label for X axis in date mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-dd. */
#define mpX_DATE 0x03
/** Set label for X axis in datetime mode: the value is always represented as yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss. */
#define mpX_DATETIME 0x04
/** Aligns Y axis to left border. For mpScaleY */
/** Aligns Y axis to right border. For mpScaleY */
/** Aligns label to north-east. For use with mpFXY. */
#define mpALIGN_NE 0x00
/** Aligns label to north-west. For use with mpFXY. */
#define mpALIGN_NW 0x01
/** Aligns label to south-west. For use with mpFXY. */
#define mpALIGN_SW 0x02
/** Aligns label to south-east. For use with mpFXY. */
#define mpALIGN_SE 0x03
/** @name mpLayer implementations - functions
* @{*/
/** Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:X->Y.
* Override mpFX::GetY to implement a function.
* Optionally implement a constructor and pass a name (label) and a label alignment
* to the constructor mpFX::mpFX. If the layer name is empty, no label will be plotted.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpFX : public mpLayer
/** @param name Label
* @param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_RIGHT, #mpALIGN_CENTER, #mpALIGN_LEFT.
mpFX( const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, int flags = mpALIGN_RIGHT );
/** Get function value for argument.
* Override this function in your implementation.
* @param x Argument
* @return Function value
virtual double GetY( double x ) const = 0;
/** Layer plot handler.
* This implementation will plot the function in the visible area and put a label according
* to the alignment specified.
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
int m_flags; // !< Holds label alignment
/** Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for functions F:Y->X.
* Override mpFY::GetX to implement a function.
* Optionally implement a constructor and pass a name (label) and a label alignment to the
* constructor mpFY::mpFY. If the layer name is empty, no label will be plotted.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpFY : public mpLayer
/** @param name Label
* @param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_BOTTOM, #mpALIGN_CENTER, #mpALIGN_TOP.
mpFY( const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, int flags = mpALIGN_TOP );
/** Get function value for argument.
* Override this function in your implementation.
* @param y Argument
* @return Function value
virtual double GetX( double y ) const = 0;
/** Layer plot handler.
* This implementation will plot the function in the visible area and put a label according
* to the alignment specified.
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
int m_flags; // !< Holds label alignment
/** Abstract base class providing plot and labeling functionality for a locus plot F:N->X,Y.
* Locus argument N is assumed to be in range 0 .. MAX_N, and implicitly derived by enumerating
* all locus values. Override mpFXY::Rewind and mpFXY::GetNextXY to implement a locus.
* Optionally implement a constructor and pass a name (label) and a label alignment
* to the constructor mpFXY::mpFXY. If the layer name is empty, no label will be plotted.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpFXY : public mpLayer
/** @param name Label
* @param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_NE, #mpALIGN_NW, #mpALIGN_SW, #mpALIGN_SE.
mpFXY( const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, int flags = mpALIGN_NE );
/** Rewind value enumeration with mpFXY::GetNextXY.
* Override this function in your implementation.
virtual void Rewind() = 0;
/** Get locus value for next N.
* Override this function in your implementation.
* @param x Returns X value
* @param y Returns Y value
virtual bool GetNextXY( double& x, double& y ) = 0;
virtual size_t GetCount() const = 0;
/** Layer plot handler.
* This implementation will plot the locus in the visible area and put a label according to
* the alignment specified.
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
virtual void SetScale( mpScaleBase* scaleX, mpScaleBase* scaleY );
void UpdateScales();
double s2x( double plotCoordX ) const;
double s2y( double plotCoordY ) const;
double x2s( double x ) const;
double y2s( double y ) const;
int m_flags; // !< Holds label alignment
// Data to calculate label positioning
wxCoord maxDrawX, minDrawX, maxDrawY, minDrawY;
// int drawnPoints;
mpScaleBase* m_scaleX, * m_scaleY;
/** Update label positioning data
* @param xnew New x coordinate
* @param ynew New y coordinate
void UpdateViewBoundary( wxCoord xnew, wxCoord ynew );
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpLayer implementations - furniture (scales, ...)
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @name mpLayer implementations - furniture (scales, ...)
* @{*/
/** Plot layer implementing a x-scale ruler.
* The ruler is fixed at Y=0 in the coordinate system. A label is plotted at the bottom-right
* hand of the ruler. The scale numbering automatically adjusts to view and zoom factor.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpScaleBase : public mpLayer
virtual ~mpScaleBase() {};
virtual bool IsHorizontal() const = 0;
bool HasBBox() const override { return false; }
/** Set X axis alignment.
* @param align alignment (choose between mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM, mpALIGN_BOTTOM, mpALIGN_CENTER,
void SetAlign( int align ) { m_flags = align; };
void SetNameAlign( int align ) { m_nameFlags = align; }
/** Set X axis ticks or grid
* @param enable = true to plot axis ticks, false to plot grid.
void SetTicks( bool enable ) { m_ticks = enable; };
/** Get X axis ticks or grid
* @return true if plot is drawing axis ticks, false if the grid is active.
bool GetTicks() const { return m_ticks; };
void GetDataRange( double& minV, double& maxV ) const
minV = m_minV;
maxV = m_maxV;
virtual void ExtendDataRange( double minV, double maxV )
if( !m_rangeSet )
m_minV = minV;
m_maxV = maxV;
m_rangeSet = true;
m_minV = std::min( minV, m_minV );
m_maxV = std::max( maxV, m_maxV );
if( m_minV == m_maxV )
m_minV = m_minV - 1.0;
m_maxV = m_maxV + 1.0;
virtual void ResetDataRange()
m_rangeSet = false;
double AbsMaxValue() const
return std::max( std::abs( m_maxV ), std::abs( m_minV ) );
double AbsVisibleMaxValue() const
return m_absVisibleMaxV;
void SetAxisMinMax( bool lock, double minV, double maxV )
m_axisLocked = lock;
m_axisMin = minV;
m_axisMax = maxV;
bool GetAxisMinMax( double* minV, double* maxV )
if( m_axisLocked )
*minV = m_axisMin;
*maxV = m_axisMax;
else if( !m_tickValues.empty() )
*minV = m_tickValues.front();
*maxV = m_tickValues.back();
return m_axisLocked;
virtual double TransformToPlot( double x ) const { return 0.0; };
virtual double TransformFromPlot( double xplot ) const { return 0.0; };
TICK_LABEL( double pos_ = 0.0, const wxString& label_ = wxT( "" ) ) :
pos( pos_ ),
label( label_ ),
visible( true )
double pos;
wxString label;
bool visible;
void updateTickLabels( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w );
void computeLabelExtents( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w );
// virtual int getLabelDecimalDigits(int maxDigits) const;
virtual void getVisibleDataRange( mpWindow& w, double& minV, double& maxV ) {};
virtual void recalculateTicks( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) {};
virtual void formatLabels() {};
std::vector<double> m_tickValues;
std::vector<TICK_LABEL> m_tickLabels;
double m_offset, m_scale;
double m_absVisibleMaxV;
int m_flags; // !< Flag for axis alignment
int m_nameFlags;
bool m_ticks; // !< Flag to toggle between ticks or grid
double m_minV, m_maxV;
bool m_rangeSet;
bool m_axisLocked;
double m_axisMin;
double m_axisMax;
int m_maxLabelHeight;
int m_maxLabelWidth;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpScaleXBase : public mpScaleBase
/** Full constructor.
* @param name Label to plot by the ruler
* @param flags Set the position of the scale with respect to the window.
* @param ticks Select ticks or grid. Give true (default) for drawing axis ticks, false for
* drawing the grid.
* @param type mpX_NORMAL for normal labels, mpX_TIME for time axis in hours, minutes, seconds.
mpScaleXBase( const wxString& name = wxT( "X" ), int flags = mpALIGN_CENTER, bool ticks = true,
unsigned int type = mpX_NORMAL );
virtual ~mpScaleXBase() {};
virtual bool IsHorizontal() const override { return true; }
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
virtual void getVisibleDataRange( mpWindow& w, double& minV, double& maxV ) override;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpScaleX : public mpScaleXBase
/** Full constructor.
* @param name Label to plot by the ruler
* @param flags Set the position of the scale with respect to the window.
* @param ticks Select ticks or grid. Give true (default) for drawing axis ticks, false for
* drawing the grid.
* @param type mpX_NORMAL for normal labels, mpX_TIME for time axis in hours, minutes, seconds.
mpScaleX( const wxString& name = wxT( "X" ), int flags = mpALIGN_CENTER, bool ticks = true,
unsigned int type = mpX_NORMAL );
virtual double TransformToPlot( double x ) const override;
virtual double TransformFromPlot( double xplot ) const override;
virtual void recalculateTicks( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpScaleXLog : public mpScaleXBase
/** Full constructor.
* @param name Label to plot by the ruler
* @param flags Set the position of the scale with respect to the window.
* @param ticks Select ticks or grid. Give true (default) for drawing axis ticks, false for
* drawing the grid.
* @param type mpX_NORMAL for normal labels, mpX_TIME for time axis in hours, minutes, seconds.
mpScaleXLog( const wxString& name = wxT( "log(X)" ), int flags = mpALIGN_CENTER,
bool ticks = true, unsigned int type = mpX_NORMAL );
virtual double TransformToPlot( double x ) const override;
virtual double TransformFromPlot( double xplot ) const override;
void recalculateTicks( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
/** Plot layer implementing a y-scale ruler.
* If align is set to mpALIGN_CENTER, the ruler is fixed at X=0 in the coordinate system.
* If the align is set to mpALIGN_TOP or mpALIGN_BOTTOM, the axis is always
* drawn respectively at top or bottom of the window. A label is plotted at
* the top-right hand of the ruler.
* The scale numbering automatically adjusts to view and zoom factor.
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpScaleY : public mpScaleBase
/** @param name Label to plot by the ruler
* @param flags Set position of the scale respect to the window.
* @param ticks Select ticks or grid. Give true (default) for drawing axis ticks, false for
* drawing the grid
mpScaleY( const wxString& name = wxT( "Y" ), int flags = mpALIGN_CENTER, bool ticks = true );
virtual bool IsHorizontal() const override { return false; }
/** Layer plot handler.
* This implementation will plot the ruler adjusted to the visible area.
virtual void Plot( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
/** Check whether this layer has a bounding box.
* This implementation returns \a false thus making the ruler invisible
* to the plot layer bounding box calculation by mpWindow.
virtual bool HasBBox() const override { return false; }
virtual double TransformToPlot( double x ) const override;
virtual double TransformFromPlot( double xplot ) const override;
void SetMasterScale( mpScaleY* masterScale ) { m_masterScale = masterScale; }
virtual void getVisibleDataRange( mpWindow& w, double& minV, double& maxV ) override;
virtual void recalculateTicks( wxDC& dc, mpWindow& w ) override;
void computeSlaveTicks( mpWindow& w );
mpScaleY* m_masterScale;
int m_flags; // !< Flag for axis alignment
bool m_ticks; // !< Flag to toggle between ticks or grid
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpWindow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** @name Constants defining mouse modes for mpWindow
* @{*/
/** Mouse panning drags the view. Mouse mode for mpWindow. */
#define mpMOUSEMODE_DRAG 0
/** Mouse panning creates a zoom box. Mouse mode for mpWindow. */
/** Define the type for the list of layers inside mpWindow */
// WX_DECLARE_HASH_MAP( int, mpLayer*, wxIntegerHash, wxIntegerEqual, wxLayerList );
typedef std::deque<mpLayer*> wxLayerList;
/** Canvas for plotting mpLayer implementations.
* This class defines a zoomable and moveable 2D plot canvas. Any number
* of mpLayer implementations (scale rulers, function plots, ...) can be
* attached using mpWindow::AddLayer.
* The canvas window provides a context menu with actions for navigating the view.
* The context menu can be retrieved with mpWindow::GetPopupMenu, e.g. for extending it
* externally.
* Since wxMathPlot version 0.03, the mpWindow incorporates the following features:
* - DoubleBuffering (Default=disabled): Can be set with EnableDoubleBuffer
* - Mouse based pan/zoom (Default=enabled): Can be set with EnableMousePanZoom.
* The mouse commands can be visualized by the user through the popup menu, and are:
* - Mouse Move+CTRL: Pan (Move)
* - Mouse Wheel: Vertical scroll
* - Mouse Wheel+SHIFT: Horizontal scroll
* - Mouse Wheel UP+CTRL: Zoom in
* - Mouse Wheel DOWN+CTRL: Zoom out
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpWindow : public wxWindow
mpWindow( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id );
/** Get reference to context menu of the plot canvas.
* @return Pointer to menu. The menu can be modified.
wxMenu* GetPopupMenu() { return &m_popmenu; }
/** Add a plot layer to the canvas.
* @param layer Pointer to layer. The mpLayer object will get under control of mpWindow,
* i.e. it will be delete'd on mpWindow destruction
* @param refreshDisplay States whether to refresh the display (UpdateAll) after adding the
* layer.
* @retval true Success
* @retval false Failure due to out of memory.
bool AddLayer( mpLayer* layer, bool refreshDisplay = true );
/** Remove a plot layer from the canvas.
* @param layer Pointer to layer. The mpLayer object will be destructed using delete.
* @param alsoDeleteObject If set to true, the mpLayer object will be also "deleted", not just
* removed from the internal list.
* @param refreshDisplay States whether to refresh the display (UpdateAll) after removing the
* layer.
* @return true if layer is deleted correctly
* N.B. Only the layer reference in the mpWindow is deleted, the layer object still exists!
bool DelLayer( mpLayer* layer, bool alsoDeleteObject = false, bool refreshDisplay = true );
/** Remove all layers from the plot.
* @param alsoDeleteObject If set to true, the mpLayer objects will be also "deleted", not
* just removed from the internal list.
* @param refreshDisplay States whether to refresh the display (UpdateAll) after removing the
* layers.
void DelAllLayers( bool alsoDeleteObject, bool refreshDisplay = true );
/*! Get the layer in list position indicated.
* N.B. You <i>must</i> know the index of the layer inside the list!
* @param position position of the layer in the layers list
* @return pointer to mpLayer
mpLayer* GetLayer( int position ) const;
/*! Get the layer by its name (case sensitive).
* @param name The name of the layer to retrieve
* @return A pointer to the mpLayer object, or NULL if not found.
const mpLayer* GetLayerByName( const wxString& name ) const;
mpLayer* GetLayerByName( const wxString& name )
return const_cast<mpLayer*>( static_cast<const mpWindow*>( this )->GetLayerByName( name ) );
/** Get current view's X scale.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return Scale
double GetScaleX() const { return m_scaleX; };
/** Get current view's Y scale.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return Scale
double GetScaleY() const { return m_scaleY; }
/** Get current view's X position.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return X Position in layer coordinate system, that corresponds to the center point of the view.
double GetPosX() const { return m_posX; }
/** Get current view's Y position.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return Y Position in layer coordinate system, that corresponds to the center point of the view.
double GetPosY() const { return m_posY; }
/** Get current view's X dimension in device context units.
* Usually this is equal to wxDC::GetSize, but it might differ thus mpLayer
* implementations should rely on the value returned by the function.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return X dimension.
int GetScrX() const { return m_scrX; }
int GetXScreen() const { return m_scrX; }
/** Get current view's Y dimension in device context units.
* Usually this is equal to wxDC::GetSize, but it might differ thus mpLayer
* implementations should rely on the value returned by the function.
* See @ref mpLayer::Plot "rules for coordinate transformation"
* @return Y dimension.
int GetScrY() const { return m_scrY; }
int GetYScreen() const { return m_scrY; }
/** Set current view's X scale and refresh display.
* @param scaleX New scale, must not be 0.
void SetScaleX( double scaleX );
/** Set current view's Y scale and refresh display.
* @param scaleY New scale, must not be 0.
void SetScaleY( double scaleY )
if( scaleY != 0 )
m_scaleY = scaleY;
/** Set current view's X position and refresh display.
* @param posX New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
void SetPosX( double posX ) { m_posX = posX; UpdateAll(); }
/** Set current view's Y position and refresh display.
* @param posY New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
void SetPosY( double posY ) { m_posY = posY; UpdateAll(); }
/** Set current view's X and Y position and refresh display.
* @param posX New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
* @param posY New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
void SetPos( double posX, double posY ) { m_posX = posX; m_posY = posY; UpdateAll(); }
/** Set current view's dimensions in device context units.
* Needed by plotting functions. It doesn't refresh display.
* @param scrX New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
* @param scrY New position that corresponds to the center point of the view.
void SetScr( int scrX, int scrY ) { m_scrX = scrX; m_scrY = scrY; }
/** Converts mpWindow (screen) pixel coordinates into graph (floating point) coordinates, using current mpWindow position and scale.
* @sa p2y,x2p,y2p */
inline double p2x( wxCoord pixelCoordX ) { return m_posX + pixelCoordX / m_scaleX; }
/** Converts mpWindow (screen) pixel coordinates into graph (floating point) coordinates, using current mpWindow position and scale.
* @sa p2x,x2p,y2p */
inline double p2y( wxCoord pixelCoordY ) { return m_posY - pixelCoordY / m_scaleY; }
/** Converts graph (floating point) coordinates into mpWindow (screen) pixel coordinates, using current mpWindow position and scale.
* @sa p2x,p2y,y2p */
inline wxCoord x2p( double x ) { return (wxCoord) ( (x - m_posX) * m_scaleX ); }
/** Converts graph (floating point) coordinates into mpWindow (screen) pixel coordinates, using current mpWindow position and scale.
* @sa p2x,p2y,x2p */
inline wxCoord y2p( double y ) { return (wxCoord) ( (m_posY - y) * m_scaleY ); }
/** Enable/disable the double-buffering of the window, eliminating the flicker (default=disabled).
void EnableDoubleBuffer( bool enabled ) { m_enableDoubleBuffer = enabled; }
/** Enable/disable the feature of pan/zoom with the mouse (default=enabled)
void EnableMousePanZoom( bool enabled ) { m_enableMouseNavigation = enabled; }
/** Enable/disable trackpad friendly panning (2-axis scroll wheel)
void EnableMouseWheelPan( bool enabled ) { m_enableMouseWheelPan = enabled; }
/** Set view to fit global bounding box of all plot layers and refresh display.
* Scale and position will be set to show all attached mpLayers.
* The X/Y scale aspect lock is taken into account.
void Fit() override;
/** Set view to fit a given bounding box and refresh display.
* The X/Y scale aspect lock is taken into account.
* If provided, the parameters printSizeX and printSizeY are taken as the DC size, and the
* pixel scales are computed accordingly. Also, in this case the passed borders are not saved
* as the "desired borders", since this use will be invoked only when printing.
void Fit( double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax,
const wxCoord* printSizeX = nullptr, const wxCoord* printSizeY = nullptr );
/** Zoom into current view and refresh display
* @param centerPoint The point (pixel coordinates) that will stay in the same
* position on the screen after the zoom (by default, the center of the mpWindow).
void ZoomIn( const wxPoint& centerPoint = wxDefaultPosition );
void ZoomIn( const wxPoint& centerPoint, double zoomFactor );
/** Zoom out current view and refresh display
* @param centerPoint The point (pixel coordinates) that will stay in the same
* position on the screen after the zoom (by default, the center of the mpWindow).
void ZoomOut( const wxPoint& centerPoint = wxDefaultPosition );
void ZoomOut( const wxPoint& centerPoint, double zoomFactor );
/** Zoom view fitting given coordinates to the window (p0 and p1 do not need to be in any specific order)
void ZoomRect( wxPoint p0, wxPoint p1 );
/** Refresh display */
void UpdateAll();
// Added methods by Davide Rondini
/** Counts the number of plot layers, whether or not they have a bounding box.
* \return The number of layers in the mpWindow. */
unsigned int CountAllLayers() const { return m_layers.size(); };
/** Returns the left-border layer coordinate that the user wants the mpWindow to show
* (it may be not exactly the actual shown coordinate in the case of locked aspect ratio).
* @sa Fit
double GetDesiredXmin() const { return m_desiredXmin; }
/** Returns the right-border layer coordinate that the user wants the mpWindow to show
* (it may be not exactly the actual shown coordinate in the case of locked aspect ratio).
* @sa Fit
double GetDesiredXmax() const { return m_desiredXmax; }
/** Returns the bottom-border layer coordinate that the user wants the mpWindow to show
* (it may be not exactly the actual shown coordinate in the case of locked aspect ratio).
* @sa Fit
double GetDesiredYmin() const { return m_desiredYmin; }
/** Returns the top layer-border coordinate that the user wants the mpWindow to show
* (it may be not exactly the actual shown coordinate in the case of locked aspect ratio).
* @sa Fit
double GetDesiredYmax() const { return m_desiredYmax; }
/** Returns the bounding box coordinates
* @param bbox Pointer to a 6-element double array where to store bounding box coordinates.
void GetBoundingBox( double* bbox ) const;
/** Draw the window on a wxBitmap, then save it to a file.
* @param filename File name where to save the screenshot
* @param type image type to be saved: see wxImage output file types for flags
* @param imageSize Set a size for the output image. Default is the same as the screen size
* @param fit Decide whether to fit the plot into the size*/
bool SaveScreenshot( const wxString& filename, wxBitmapType type = wxBITMAP_TYPE_BMP,
wxSize imageSize = wxDefaultSize, bool fit = false );
/** This value sets the zoom steps whenever the user clicks "Zoom in/out" or performs zoom with the mouse wheel.
* It must be a number above unity. This number is used for zoom in, and its inverse for zoom out.
* Set to 1.5 by default.
static double zoomIncrementalFactor;
/** Set window margins, creating a blank area where some kinds of layers cannot draw.
* This is useful for example to draw axes outside the area where the plots are drawn.
* @param top Top border
* @param right Right border
* @param bottom Bottom border
* @param left Left border */
void SetMargins( int top, int right, int bottom, int left );
/** Set the top margin. @param top Top Margin */
void SetMarginTop( int top ) { m_marginTop = top; };
/** Set the right margin. @param right Right Margin */
void SetMarginRight( int right ) { m_marginRight = right; };
/** Set the bottom margin. @param bottom Bottom Margin */
void SetMarginBottom( int bottom ) { m_marginBottom = bottom; };
/** Set the left margin. @param left Left Margin */
void SetMarginLeft( int left ) { m_marginLeft = left; };
/** @return the top margin. */
int GetMarginTop() const { return m_marginTop; };
/** @return the right margin. */
int GetMarginRight() const { return m_marginRight; };
/** @return the bottom margin. */
int GetMarginBottom() const { return m_marginBottom; };
/** @return the left margin. */
int GetMarginLeft() const { return m_marginLeft; };
/** Check if a given point is inside the area of a mpInfoLayer and eventually returns its pointer.
* @param point The position to be checked
* @return If an info layer is found, returns its pointer, NULL otherwise */
mpInfoLayer* IsInsideInfoLayer( wxPoint& point );
/** Sets the visibility of a layer by its name.
* @param name The layer name to set visibility
* @param viewable the view status to be set */
void SetLayerVisible( const wxString& name, bool viewable );
/** Check whether a layer with given name is visible
* @param name The layer name
* @return layer visibility status */
bool IsLayerVisible( const wxString& name ) const;
/** Sets the visibility of a layer by its position in layer list.
* @param position The layer position in layer list
* @param viewable the view status to be set */
void SetLayerVisible( const unsigned int position, bool viewable );
/** Check whether the layer at given position is visible
* @param position The layer position in layer list
* @return layer visibility status */
bool IsLayerVisible( unsigned int position ) const;
/** Set Color theme. Provide colours to set a new colour theme.
* @param bgColour Background colour
* @param drawColour The colour used to draw all elements in foreground, axes excluded
* @param axesColour The colour used to draw axes (but not their labels) */
void SetColourTheme( const wxColour& bgColour, const wxColour& drawColour,
const wxColour& axesColour );
/** Get axes draw colour
* @return reference to axis colour used in theme */
const wxColour& GetAxesColour() { return m_axColour; };
/** Limit zooming & panning to the area used by the plots */
void LimitView( bool aEnable )
m_enableLimitedView = aEnable;
void LockY( bool aLock ) { m_yLocked = aLock; }
bool GetYLocked() const { return m_yLocked; }
void ZoomUndo();
void ZoomRedo();
int UndoZoomStackSize() const { return m_undoZoomStack.size(); }
int RedoZoomStackSize() const { return m_redoZoomStack.size(); }
void AdjustLimitedView();
void OnFit( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnCenter( wxCommandEvent& event );
void pushZoomUndo( const std::array<double, 4>& aZoom );
void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event ); // !< Paint handler, will plot all attached layers
void OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event ); // !< Size handler, will update scroll bar sizes
void OnShowPopupMenu( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse handler, will show context menu
void OnMouseMiddleDown( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse handler, for detecting when the user
// !< drags with the middle button or just "clicks" for the menu
void onZoomIn( wxCommandEvent& event ); // !< Context menu handler
void onZoomOut( wxCommandEvent& event ); // !< Context menu handler
void onZoomUndo( wxCommandEvent& event ); // !< Context menu handler
void onZoomRedo( wxCommandEvent& event ); // !< Context menu handler
void onMouseWheel( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse handler for the wheel
void onMagnify( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Pinch zoom handler
void onMouseMove( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse handler for mouse motion (for pan)
void onMouseLeftDown( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse left click (for rect zoom)
void onMouseLeftRelease( wxMouseEvent& event ); // !< Mouse left click (for rect zoom)
bool CheckXLimits( double& desiredMax, double& desiredMin ) const
return !( m_enableLimitedView
&& (desiredMax > m_maxX - m_marginRight / m_scaleX
|| desiredMin < m_minX - m_marginLeft / m_scaleX) );
bool CheckYLimits( double& desiredMax, double& desiredMin ) const
return !( m_enableLimitedView
&& (desiredMax > m_maxY + m_marginTop / m_scaleY
|| desiredMin < m_minY - m_marginBottom / m_scaleY) );
/** Recalculate global layer bounding box, and save it in m_minX,...
* \return true if there is any valid BBox information.
virtual bool UpdateBBox();
/** Applies new X view coordinates depending on the settings
* \return true if the changes were applied
virtual bool SetXView( double pos, double desiredMax, double desiredMin );
/** Applies new Y view coordinates depending on the settings
* \return true if the changes were applied
virtual bool SetYView( double pos, double desiredMax, double desiredMin );
// wxList m_layers; //!< List of attached plot layers
wxLayerList m_layers; // !< List of attached plot layers
wxMenu m_popmenu; // !< Canvas' context menu
wxColour m_bgColour; // !< Background Colour
wxColour m_fgColour; // !< Foreground Colour
wxColour m_axColour; // !< Axes Colour
double m_minX; // !< Global layer bounding box, left border incl.
double m_maxX; // !< Global layer bounding box, right border incl.
double m_minY; // !< Global layer bounding box, bottom border incl.
double m_maxY; // !< Global layer bounding box, top border incl.
double m_scaleX; // !< Current view's X scale
double m_scaleY; // !< Current view's Y scale
double m_posX; // !< Current view's X position
double m_posY; // !< Current view's Y position
int m_scrX; // !< Current view's X dimension
int m_scrY; // !< Current view's Y dimension
int m_clickedX; // !< Last mouse click X position, for centering and zooming the view
int m_clickedY; // !< Last mouse click Y position, for centering and zooming the view
bool m_yLocked;
/** These are updated in Fit() only, and may be different from the real borders
* (layer coordinates) only if lock aspect ratio is true.
double m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax;
int m_marginTop, m_marginRight, m_marginBottom, m_marginLeft;
int m_last_lx, m_last_ly; // !< For double buffering
wxMemoryDC m_buff_dc; // !< For double buffering
wxBitmap* m_buff_bmp; // !< For double buffering
bool m_enableDoubleBuffer; // !< For double buffering
bool m_enableMouseNavigation; // !< For pan/zoom with the mouse.
bool m_enableMouseWheelPan; // !< Trackpad pan/zoom
bool m_enableLimitedView;
wxPoint m_mouseMClick; // !< For the middle button "drag" feature
wxPoint m_mouseLClick; // !< Starting coords for rectangular zoom selection
mpInfoLayer* m_movingInfoLayer; // !< For moving info layers over the window area
bool m_zooming;
wxRect m_zoomRect;
std::stack<std::array<double, 4>> m_undoZoomStack;
std::stack<std::array<double, 4>> m_redoZoomStack;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// mpFXYVector - provided by Jose Luis Blanco
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** A class providing graphs functionality for a 2D plot (either continuous or a set of points), from vectors of data.
* This class can be used directly, the user does not need to derive any new class. Simply pass the data as two vectors
* with the same length containing the X and Y coordinates to the method SetData.
* To generate a graph with a set of points, call
* \code
* layerVar->SetContinuity(false)
* \endcode
* or
* \code
* layerVar->SetContinuity(true)
* \endcode
* to render the sequence of coordinates as a continuous line.
* (Added: Jose Luis Blanco, AGO-2007)
class WXDLLIMPEXP_MATHPLOT mpFXYVector : public mpFXY
/** @param name Label
* @param flags Label alignment, pass one of #mpALIGN_NE, #mpALIGN_NW, #mpALIGN_SW, #mpALIGN_SE.
mpFXYVector( const wxString& name = wxEmptyString, int flags = mpALIGN_NE );
virtual ~mpFXYVector() {}
/** Changes the internal data: the set of points to draw.
* Both vectors MUST be of the same length. This method DOES NOT refresh the mpWindow; do it manually.
* @sa Clear
virtual void SetData( const std::vector<double>& xs, const std::vector<double>& ys );
/** Clears all the data, leaving the layer empty.
* @sa SetData
void Clear();
/** The internal copy of the set of data to draw.
std::vector<double> m_xs, m_ys;
/** The internal counter for the "GetNextXY" interface
size_t m_index;
/** Loaded at SetData
double m_minX, m_maxX, m_minY, m_maxY;
/** Rewind value enumeration with mpFXY::GetNextXY.
* Overridden in this implementation.
void Rewind() override;
/** Get locus value for next N.
* Overridden in this implementation.
* @param x Returns X value
* @param y Returns Y value
bool GetNextXY( double& x, double& y ) override;
size_t GetCount() const override;
/** Returns the actual minimum X data (loaded in SetData).
double GetMinX() const override { return m_minX; }
/** Returns the actual minimum Y data (loaded in SetData).
double GetMinY() const override { return m_minY; }
/** Returns the actual maximum X data (loaded in SetData).
double GetMaxX() const override { return m_maxX; }
/** Returns the actual maximum Y data (loaded in SetData).
double GetMaxY() const override { return m_maxY; }
#endif // _MP_MATHPLOT_H_