
406 lines
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/*! \file kbool/include/kbool/_dl_itr.h
\author Probably Klaas Holwerda
Copyright: 2001-2004 (C) Probably Klaas Holwerda
Licence: wxWidgets Licence
RCS-ID: $Id: _dl_itr.h,v 1.1 2005/05/24 19:13:35 titato Exp $
//! author="Klaas Holwerda"
* Definitions of classes, for list implementation
* template list and iterator for any list node type
#ifndef _DL_Iter_H
#define _DL_Iter_H
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../include/booleng.h"
#ifndef _STATUS_ENUM
#define _STATUS_ENUM
//!<enum Error codes for List and iterator class
enum Lerror {
NO_MES, /*!<No Message will be generated */
NO_LIST, /*!<List is not attached to the iterator*/
NO_LIST_OTHER, /*!<no attached list on other iter*/
AC_ITER_LIST_OTHER, /*!<iter not allowed on other list */
SAME_LIST, /*!<same list not allowed*/
NOT_SAME_LIST, /*!<must be same list*/
ITER_GT_1, /*!<more then one iteriter at root*/
ITER_GT_0, /*!<iter not allowed*/
ITER_HITROOT, /*!<iter at root*/
NO_ITEM, /*!<no item at current*/
NO_NEXT, /*!<no next after current*/
NO_PREV, /*!<no prev before current */
EMPTY, /*!<list is empty*/
NOT_ALLOW, /*!<not allowed*/
ITER_NEG /*!<to much iters deleted*/
#define SWAP(x,y,t)((t)=(x),(x)=(y),(y)=(t))
#define RT _list->_root
#define HD _list->_root->_next
#define TL _list->_root->_prev
#define NB _list->_nbitems
template <class Dtype> class DL_List;
template <class Dtype> class DL_Iter;
template <class Dtype> class DL_SortIter;
//! Template class DL_Node
template <class Dtype> class DL_Node
friend class DL_List<Dtype>;
friend class DL_Iter<Dtype>;
friend class DL_SortIter<Dtype>;
//!Public members
//!Template constructor no contents
//!Construct a node for a list object
//!constructor with init of Dtype
DL_Node( Dtype n );
//!Public members
//!data in node
Dtype _item;
//!pointer to next node
DL_Node* _next;
//!pointer to previous node
DL_Node* _prev;
//!Template class DL_List
template <class Dtype> class DL_List
friend class DL_Iter<Dtype>;
friend class DL_SortIter<Dtype>;
//!Construct a list object
//!!tcarg class | Dtype | list object
//!Report off List Errors
void Error(const char* function,Lerror a_error);
//!Number of items in the list
int count();
//!Empty List?
bool empty();
//!insert the object given at the end of the list, after tail
DL_Node<Dtype>* insend( Dtype n );
//!insert the object given at the begin of the list, before head
DL_Node<Dtype>* insbegin( Dtype n );
//!remove the object at the begin of the list (head)
void removehead();
//! remove the object at the end of the list (tail)
void removetail();
//!remove all objects from the list
void remove_all( bool deleteObject = false );
//!Get the item at the head of the list
Dtype headitem();
//!Get the item at the tail of the list
Dtype tailitem();
//! to move all objects in a list to this list.
void takeover(DL_List<Dtype>* otherlist);
//!the root node pointer of the list, the first and last node
//! in the list are connected to the root node. The root node is used
//! to detect the end / beginning of the list while traversing it.
DL_Node<Dtype>* _root;
//!the number of items in the list, if empty list it is 0
int _nbitems;
//!number of iterators on the list, Attaching or instantiating an iterator to list,
//! will increment this member, detaching and
//! destruction of iterator for a list will decrement this number
short int _iterlevel;
//! Template class DL_Iter for iterator on DL_List
template <class Dtype>
class DL_Iter
//!Construct an iterator object for a given list of type Dtype
DL_Iter(DL_List<Dtype>* newlist);
//!Constructor of iterator for the same list as another iterator
DL_Iter(DL_Iter* otheriter);
//!Constructor without an attached list
//!Report off Iterator Errors
void Error(const char* function,Lerror a_error);
//!This attaches an iterator to a list of a given type.
void Attach(DL_List<Dtype>* newlist);
//!This detaches an iterator from a list
void Detach();
//!execute given function for each item in the list/iterator
void foreach_f(void (*fp) (Dtype n) );
//! list mutations
//!insert after tail item
DL_Node<Dtype>* insend(Dtype n);
//!insert before head item
DL_Node<Dtype>* insbegin(Dtype n);
//!insert before current iterator position
DL_Node<Dtype>* insbefore(Dtype n);
//!insert after current iterator position
DL_Node<Dtype>* insafter(Dtype n);
//!to move all objects in a list to the list of the iterator.
void takeover(DL_List<Dtype>* otherlist);
//!to move all objects in a list (using iterator of that list) to the list of the iterator
void takeover(DL_Iter* otheriter);
//! to move maxcount objects in a list (using iterator of that list) to the list of the iterator
void takeover(DL_Iter* otheriter, int maxcount);
//!remove object at current iterator position from the list.
void remove();
//!Remove head item
void removehead();
//!Remove tail item
void removetail();
//!Remove all items
void remove_all();
/* void foreach_mf(void (Dtype::*mfp)() ); //call Dtype::mfp for each item */
//!is list empty (contains items or not)?
bool empty();
//!is iterator at root node (begin or end)?
bool hitroot();
//!is iterator at head/first node?
bool athead();
//!is iterator at tail/last node?
bool attail();
//!is given item member of the list
bool has(Dtype otheritem);
//!Number of items in the list
int count();
/* cursor movements */
//!go to last item, if list is empty goto hite
void totail();
//!go to first item, if list is empty goto hite
void tohead();
//!set the iterator position to the root (empty dummy) object in the list.
void toroot();
//! set the iterator position to next object in the list ( can be the root also).
void operator++ (void);
//!set iterator to next item (pre fix)
void operator++ (int);
//!set the iterator position to previous object in the list ( can be the root also)(postfix).
void operator-- (void);
//!set the iterator position to previous object in the list ( can be the root also)(pre fix).
void operator-- (int);
//!set the iterator position n objects in the next direction ( can be the root also).
void operator>> (int);
//!set the iterator position n objects in the previous direction ( can be the root also).
void operator<< (int);
//!set the iterator position to next object in the list, if this would be the root object,
//!then set the iterator at the head object
void next_wrap();
//!set the iterator position to previous object in the list, if this would be the root object,
//!then set the iterator at the tail object
void prev_wrap();
//!move root in order to make the current node the tail
void reset_tail();
//!move root in order to make the current node the head
void reset_head();
//!put the iterator at the position of the given object in the list.
bool toitem(Dtype);
//!put the iterator at the same position as the given iterator in the list.
void toiter(DL_Iter* otheriter);
//!put the iterator at the position of the given node in the list.
bool tonode(DL_Node<Dtype>*);
//!iterate through all items of the list
bool iterate(void);
//!To get the item at the current iterator position
Dtype item();
//! get node at iterator
DL_Node<Dtype>* node();
//!sort list with mergesort
void mergesort(int (*fcmp) (Dtype, Dtype));
//!sort list with cocktailsort
\return number of swaps done.
int cocktailsort(int (*)(Dtype,Dtype), bool (*)(Dtype,Dtype)=NULL);
//!sort list with mergesort
void mergesort_rec(int (*fcmp)(Dtype,Dtype), DL_Node<Dtype> *RT1,int n);
//!sort list with mergesort
void mergetwo(int (*fcmp)(Dtype,Dtype), DL_Node<Dtype> *RT1,DL_Node<Dtype> *RT2);
//!set the iterator position to next object in the list ( can be the root also).
void next();
//!set the iterator position to previous object in the list ( can be the root also).
void prev();
//!the list for this iterator
DL_List<Dtype> *_list;
//!the current position of the iterator
DL_Node<Dtype> *_current;
//! template class DL_StackIter class for stack iterator on DL_List
template <class Dtype>
class DL_StackIter :protected DL_Iter<Dtype>
//!Constructor of stack iterator for given list
DL_StackIter(DL_List<Dtype> *);
//!Constructor of stack iterator no list attached
//!Destructor of stack iterator
//!Remove all items from the stack
void remove_all();
//!push given item on the stack
void push(Dtype n);
//!get last inserted item from stack
Dtype pop();
//!is stack empty?
bool empty();
//!number of items on the stack
int count();
//!template class DL_SortIter
template <class DType> class DL_SortIter :public DL_Iter<DType>
//!Constructor of sort iterator for given list and sort function
DL_SortIter(DL_List<DType>* nw_list, int (*new_func)(DType ,DType ));
//!Constructor of sort iterator with sort function and no list attached
DL_SortIter(int (*newfunc)(DType,DType));
//!Destructor of sort iterator
//!insert item in sorted order
void insert (DType new_item);
/*override following functions to give an error */
//!Not allowed
void insend (bool n){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void insbegin (bool n){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void insbefore (bool n){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void insafter (bool n){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void takeover (DL_List<DType>*){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void takeover (DL_Iter<DType>*){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void takeover (DL_Iter<DType>* otheriter, int maxcount){sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void next_wrap() {sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void prev_wrap() {sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void reset_tail() {sortitererror();};
//!Not allowed
void reset_head() {sortitererror();};
//!Report off Iterator Errors
void sortitererror();
//!comparefunction used to insert items in sorted order
int (*comparef)(DType, DType);
#include "../include/_dl_itr.cpp"