
253 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <io_mgr.h>
// forward declaration on ptree template so we can confine use of big boost
// headers to only the implementation *.cpp file.
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
class MODULE;
typedef boost::ptr_map< std::string, MODULE > MODULE_MAP;
namespace boost {
namespace property_tree
template < class Key, class Data, class KeyCompare = std::less<Key> >
class basic_ptree;
typedef basic_ptree< std::string, std::string > ptree;
typedef boost::property_tree::ptree PTREE;
typedef const PTREE CPTREE;
struct EWIRE;
struct EROT;
struct EATTR;
struct ECIRCLE;
* works with Eagle 6.x XML board files and footprints.
class EAGLE_PLUGIN : public PLUGIN
//-----<PUBLIC PLUGIN API>--------------------------------------------------
const wxString& PluginName() const;
BOARD* Load( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aAppendToMe, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
void Save( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aBoard, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
wxArrayString FootprintEnumerate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL);
MODULE* FootprintLoad( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
void FootprintSave( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const MODULE* aFootprint, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
void FootprintDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, const wxString& aFootprintName );
void FootprintLibCreate( const wxString& aLibraryPath, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
void FootprintLibDelete( const wxString& aLibraryPath, PROPERTIES* aProperties = NULL );
bool IsFootprintLibWritable( const wxString& aLibraryPath );
const wxString& GetFileExtension() const;
//-----</PUBLIC PLUGIN API>-------------------------------------------------
typedef int BIU;
MODULE_MAP m_templates; ///< is part of a MODULE factory that operates
///< using copy construction.
///< lookup key is libname.packagename
PROPERTIES* m_props; ///< passed via Save() or Load(), no ownership, may be NULL.
BOARD* m_board; ///< which BOARD, no ownership here
double mm_per_biu; ///< how many mm in each BIU
double biu_per_mm; ///< how many bius in a mm
/// initialize PLUGIN like a constructor would, and futz with fresh BOARD if needed.
void init( PROPERTIES* aProperties );
int kicad( double d ) const;
int kicad_y( double y ) const { return -kicad( y ); }
int kicad_x( double x ) const { return kicad( x ); }
static int kicad_layer( int aLayer );
double eagle( BIU d ) const { return mm_per_biu * d; }
double eagle_x( BIU x ) const { return eagle( x ); }
double eagle_y( BIU y ) const { return eagle( y ); }
#if 0
* Function dblParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value and reports any error by throwing
* an exception using the xpath in the error message text.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param aXpath tells where the value is within the XML document.
* @return double - aValue in binary, not scaled.
static double dblParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath );
* Function biuParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value and scales it into a BIU
* according to the current mm_per_biu. This fuction is the complement of
* fmtBIU(). One has to know what the other is doing.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param aXpath tells where the value is within the XML document.
* @return BIU - the converted Board Internal Unit.
BIU biuParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath );
* Function degParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value which is certainly an angle. This
* is a dedicated function for encapsulating support for the migration from
* tenths of degrees to degrees in floating point. This function is the complement of
* fmtDEG(). One has to know what the other is doing.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param nptrptr may be NULL, but if not, then it tells where to put a
* pointer to the next unconsumed input text. See "man strtod" for more information.
* @return double - the string converted to a primitive double type
double degParse( const char* aValue, const char** nptrptr = NULL );
/// encapsulate the BIU formatting tricks in one place.
int biuSprintf( char* buf, BIU aValue ) const;
* Function fmtBIU
* converts a BIU to engineering units by scaling and formatting to ASCII.
* This function is the complement of biuParse(). One has to know what the
* other is doing.
std::string fmtBIU( BIU aValue ) const;
std::string fmtBIUPair( BIU first, BIU second ) const;
std::string fmtBIUPoint( const wxPoint& aPoint ) const
return fmtBIUPair( aPoint.x, aPoint.y );
std::string fmtBIUSize( const wxSize& aSize ) const
return fmtBIUPair( aSize.x, aSize.y );
// all these loadXXX() throw IO_ERROR or ptree_error exceptions:
void loadAllSections( CPTREE& aEagleBoard, const std::string& aXpath, bool aAppendToMe );
void loadPlain( CPTREE& aPlain, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadNetsAndTracks( CPTREE& aSignals, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadLibraries( CPTREE& aLibs, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath );
* Function ewire
* converts a <wire>'s xml attributes to binary without additional conversion.
* @param aResult is an EWIRE to fill in with the <wire> data converted to binary.
EWIRE ewire( CPTREE& aWire ) const;
ECIRCLE ecircle( CPTREE& aCircle ) const;
EROT erot( const std::string& aRot ) const;
* Function eattr
* parses an Eagle "attribute" element. Note that an attribute element
* is different than an XML element attribute. The attribute element is a
* full XML node in and of itself, and has attributes of its own. Blame Eagle.
EATTR eattr( CPTREE& aAttribute ) const;
* Function fmtDEG
* formats an angle in a way particular to a board file format. This function
* is the opposite or complement of degParse(). One has to know what the
* other is doing.
std::string fmtDEG( double aAngle ) const;
* Function makeModule
* creates a MODULE from an Eagle package.
MODULE* makeModule( CPTREE& aPackage, const std::string& aPkgName ) const;
void packageWire( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageRectangle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageCircle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageHole( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
#endif // EAGLE_PLUGIN_H_