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#ifndef __EDA_DRAW_PANEL_H
#define __EDA_DRAW_PANEL_H
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <base_struct.h>
#include <gr_basic.h>
#include <eda_rect.h>
* Mouse capture callback function prototype.
typedef void ( *MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK )( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC,
const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase );
* End mouse capture callback function prototype.
typedef void ( *END_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK )( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC );
bool m_showCrossHair; ///< Indicate if cross hair is to be shown.
int m_cursorLevel; ///< Index for cursor redraw in XOR mode.
int m_scrollIncrementX; ///< X axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
int m_scrollIncrementY; ///< Y axis scroll increment in pixels per unit.
wxPoint m_CursorStartPos; ///< Used for testing the cursor movement.
wxPoint m_PanStartCenter; ///< Initial scroll center position when pan started
wxPoint m_PanStartEventPosition; ///< Initial position of mouse event when pan started
/// The drawing area used to redraw the screen which is usually the visible area
/// of the drawing in internal units.
EDA_RECT m_ClipBox;
bool m_abortRequest; ///< Flag used to abort long commands.
bool m_enableZoomNoCenter; ///< True to enable zooming around the crosshair instead of the center
bool m_enableMousewheelPan; ///< True to enable mousewheel panning by default.
bool m_enableAutoPan; ///< True to enable automatic panning.
bool m_requestAutoPan; ///< true to request an auto pan. Valid only when m_enableAutoPan = true.
bool m_ignoreMouseEvents; ///< Ignore mouse events when true.
/* Used to inhibit a response to a mouse left button release, after a double click
* (when releasing the left button at the end of the second click. Used in Eeschema
* to inhibit a mouse left release command when switching between hierarchical sheets
* on a double click.
bool m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease; ///< Ignore the next mouse left button release when true.
bool m_enableBlockCommands; ///< True enables block commands.
* Count the drag events. Used to filter mouse moves before starting a
* block command. A block command can be started only if
* MinDragEventCount > MIN_DRAG_COUNT_FOR_START_BLOCK_COMMAND in order to avoid
* spurious block commands.
int m_minDragEventCount;
/// True when drawing in mirror mode. Used by the draw arc function, because arcs
/// are oriented, and in mirror mode, orientations are reversed.
bool m_PrintIsMirrored;
/// Mouse capture move callback function.
MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK m_mouseCaptureCallback;
/// Abort mouse capture callback function.
END_MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK m_endMouseCaptureCallback;
/// useful to avoid false start block in certain cases
/// (like switch from a sheet to another sheet
/// >= 0 (or >= n) if a block can start
int m_canStartBlock;
int m_doubleClickInterval;
virtual ~EDA_DRAW_PANEL(){};
* Function GetDisplayOptions
* A way to pass info to draw functions.
* this is just an accessor to the GetDisplayOptions() parent frame function.
virtual void* GetDisplayOptions() { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented\n"); wxASSERT(false); return nullptr; };
virtual BASE_SCREEN* GetScreen() = 0;
virtual EDA_DRAW_FRAME* GetParent() const = 0;
//virtual void OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event );
virtual EDA_RECT* GetClipBox() { return &m_ClipBox; }
void SetClipBox( const EDA_RECT& aRect ) { m_ClipBox = aRect; }
bool GetAbortRequest() const { return m_abortRequest; }
void SetAbortRequest( bool aAbortRequest ) { m_abortRequest = aAbortRequest; }
bool GetEnableMousewheelPan() const { return m_enableMousewheelPan; }
virtual void SetEnableMousewheelPan( bool aEnable ) { m_enableMousewheelPan = aEnable; };
bool GetEnableZoomNoCenter() const { return m_enableZoomNoCenter; }
virtual void SetEnableZoomNoCenter( bool aEnable ) { m_enableZoomNoCenter = aEnable; };
bool GetEnableAutoPan() const { return m_enableAutoPan; }
virtual void SetEnableAutoPan( bool aEnable ) { m_enableAutoPan = aEnable; };
void SetAutoPanRequest( bool aEnable ) { m_requestAutoPan = aEnable; }
void SetIgnoreMouseEvents( bool aIgnore ) { m_ignoreMouseEvents = aIgnore; }
void SetIgnoreLeftButtonReleaseEvent( bool aIgnore ) { m_ignoreNextLeftButtonRelease = aIgnore; }
void SetEnableBlockCommands( bool aEnable ) { m_enableBlockCommands = aEnable; }
bool GetPrintMirrored() const { return m_PrintIsMirrored; }
void SetPrintMirrored( bool aMirror ) { m_PrintIsMirrored = aMirror; }
void SetCanStartBlock( int aStartBlock ) { m_canStartBlock = aStartBlock; }
* Function DrawBackGround
* @param DC = current Device Context
* Draws (if allowed) :
* the grid
* X and Y axis
* X and Y auxiliary axis
virtual void DrawBackGround( wxDC* DC ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented1\n"); };
* Function DrawGrid
* draws a grid to \a aDC.
* @see m_ClipBox to determine the damaged area of the drawing to draw the grid.
* @see EDA_DRAW_FRAME::IsGridVisible() to determine if grid is shown.
* @see EDA_DRAW_FRAME::GetGridColor() for the color of the grid.
* @param aDC The device context to draw the grid.
virtual void DrawGrid( wxDC* aDC ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented2\n"); };
* Function DrawAuxiliaryAxis
* Draw the Auxiliary Axis, used in Pcbnew which as origin coordinates
* for gerber and excellon files
* @param aDC = current Device Context
* @param aDrawMode = draw mode (GR_COPY, GR_OR ..)
virtual void DrawAuxiliaryAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented2\n");};
* Function DrawGridAxis
* Draw on auxiliary axis, used in Pcbnew to show grid origin, when
* the grid origin is set by user, and is not (0,0)
* @param aDC = current Device Context
* @param aDrawMode = draw mode (GR_COPY, GR_OR ..)
* @param aGridOrigin = the absolute coordinate of grid origin for snap.
virtual void DrawGridAxis( wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, const wxPoint& aGridOrigin ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented4\n"); };
* Function DeviceToLogical
* converts \a aRect from device to drawing (logical) coordinates.
* <p>
* \a aRect must be in scrolled device units.
* </p>
* @param aRect The rectangle to convert.
* @param aDC The device context used for the conversion.
* @return A rectangle converted to drawing units.
virtual wxRect DeviceToLogical( const wxRect& aRect, wxDC& aDC ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented5\n");wxASSERT(false); return wxRect(); };
/* Mouse and keys events */
* Function OnMouseWheel
* handles mouse wheel events.
* <p>
* The mouse wheel is used to provide support for zooming and panning. This
* is accomplished by converting mouse wheel events in pseudo menu command
* events and sending them to the appropriate parent window event handler.
virtual void EraseScreen( wxDC* DC ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented6\n"); };;
virtual void SetZoom( double mode ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented7\n"); };;
virtual double GetZoom() { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented8\n"); return 1.0; };;
//virtual void SetGrid( const wxRealPoint& size ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented\n"); };;
//virtual wxRealPoint GetGrid() { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented\n"); return wxRealPoint(1.0, 1.0); };;
* Function IsPointOnDisplay
* @param aPosition The position to test in logical (drawing) units.
* @return true if \a aPosition is visible on the screen.
* false if \a aPosition is not visible on the screen.
virtual bool IsPointOnDisplay( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented9\n"); return false; };;
* Function SetClipBox
* sets the clip box in drawing (logical) units from \a aRect in device units.
* <p>
* If \a aRect is NULL, then the entire visible area of the screen is used as the clip
* area. The clip box is used when drawing to determine which objects are not visible
* and do not need to be drawn. Note that this is not the same as setting the device
* context clipping with wxDC::SetClippingRegion(). This is the rectangle used by the
* drawing functions in gr_basic.cpp used to determine if the item to draw is off screen
* and therefore not drawn.
* </p>
* @param aDC The device context use for drawing with the correct scale and
* offsets already configured. See DoPrepareDC().
* @param aRect The clip rectangle in device units or NULL for the entire visible area
* of the screen.
virtual void SetClipBox( wxDC& aDC, const wxRect* aRect = NULL ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented10\n"); };;
virtual void ReDraw( wxDC* aDC, bool aEraseBackground = true ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented11\n"); };;
* Function RefreshDrawingRect
* redraws the contents of \a aRect in drawing units. \a aRect is converted to
* screen coordinates and wxWindow::RefreshRect() is called to repaint the region.
* @param aRect The rectangle to repaint.
* @param aEraseBackground Erases the background if true.
virtual void RefreshDrawingRect( const EDA_RECT& aRect, bool aEraseBackground = true ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented12\n"); };;
/// @copydoc wxWindow::Refresh()
//virtual void Refresh( bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect* rect = NULL );
* Function GetScreenCenterLogicalPosition
* @return The current screen center position in logical (drawing) units.
virtual wxPoint GetScreenCenterLogicalPosition() { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented13\n"); return wxPoint(0, 0); };;
* Function MoveCursorToCrossHair
* warps the cursor to the current cross hair position.
virtual void MoveCursorToCrossHair() { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented14\n"); };;
* Function ToDeviceXY
* transforms logical to device coordinates
virtual wxPoint ToDeviceXY( const wxPoint& pos ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented15\n"); return wxPoint(0, 0); };;
* Function ToLogicalXY
* transforms device to logical coordinates
virtual wxPoint ToLogicalXY( const wxPoint& pos ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented16\n"); return wxPoint(0, 0); };;
* Function MoveCursor
* moves the mouse pointer to \a aPosition in logical (drawing) units.
* @param aPosition The position in logical units to move the cursor.
virtual void MoveCursor( const wxPoint& aPosition ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented17\n"); };;
/* Cursor functions */
* Function DrawCrossHair
* draws the user cross hair.
* <p>
* The user cross hair is not the mouse cursor although they may be at the same screen
* position. The mouse cursor is still render by the OS. This is a drawn cross hair
* that is used to snap to grid when grid snapping is enabled. This is as an indicator
* to where the next user action will take place.
* </p>
* @param aDC - the device context to draw the cursor
* @param aColor - the color to draw the cursor
virtual void DrawCrossHair( wxDC* aDC=nullptr, COLOR4D aColor = COLOR4D::WHITE ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented18\n"); };;
// Hide the cross hair.
virtual void CrossHairOff( wxDC* DC=nullptr ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented19\n"); };;
// Show the cross hair.
virtual void CrossHairOn( wxDC* DC=nullptr ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented20\n"); };;
* Function SetMouseCapture
* sets the mouse capture and end mouse capture callbacks to \a aMouseCaptureCallback
* and \a aEndMouseCaptureCallback respectively.
virtual void SetMouseCapture( MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK aMouseCaptureCallback,
m_mouseCaptureCallback = aMouseCaptureCallback;
m_endMouseCaptureCallback = aEndMouseCaptureCallback;
virtual void SetMouseCaptureCallback( MOUSE_CAPTURE_CALLBACK aMouseCaptureCallback )
m_mouseCaptureCallback = aMouseCaptureCallback;
* Function EndMouseCapture
* ends mouse a capture.
* Check to see if the cursor is being managed for block or editing commands and release it.
* @param aId The command ID to restore or -1 to keep the current command ID.
* @param aCursorId The wxWidgets stock cursor ID to set the cursor to or -1 to keep the
* current cursor.
* @param aTitle The tool message to display in the status bar or wxEmptyString to clear
* the message.
* @param aCallEndFunc Call the abort mouse capture callback if true.
virtual void EndMouseCapture( int aId = -1, int aCursorId = -1,
const wxString& aTitle = wxEmptyString,
bool aCallEndFunc = true ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented21\n"); wxASSERT(false); };;
inline bool IsMouseCaptured() const { return m_mouseCaptureCallback != NULL; }
* Function CallMouseCapture
* calls the mouse capture callback.
* @param aDC A point to a wxDC object to perform any drawing upon.
* @param aPosition A referecnce to a wxPoint object containing the current cursor
* position.
* @param aErase True indicates the item being drawn should be erase before drawing
* it a \a aPosition.
virtual void CallMouseCapture( wxDC* aDC, const wxPoint& aPosition, bool aErase ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented22\n"); wxASSERT(false); };;
* Function CallEndMouseCapture
* calls the end mouse capture callback.
* @param aDC A point to a wxDC object to perform any drawing upon.
virtual void CallEndMouseCapture( wxDC* aDC ) { printf("EDA_DRAW_PANEL:Unimplemented23\n"); wxASSERT(false); };;
virtual void Refresh( bool eraseBackground = true, const wxRect* rect = NULL ) {}
virtual wxWindow* GetWindow() = 0;