1130 lines
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1130 lines
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/**** ratsnest.cpp ****/
/* Ratsnets functions */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "autorout.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* local variables */
static std::vector <D_PAD*> s_localPadBuffer; // for local ratsnest calculations when moving a footprint: buffer of pads to consider
static bool DisplayRastnestInProgress; // Enable the display of the ratsnest during the ratsnest computations
/* Note about the ratsnest computation:
* Building the general ratsnest:
* I used the "lee algoritm".
* This is a 2 steps algoritm.
* the m_SubRatsnest member of pads handle a "block number" or a "cluster number" or a "subnet number"
* initially, m_SubRatsnest = 0 (pad not connected).
* Build_Board_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC ) Create this rastnest
* for each net:
* First:
* we create a link (and therefore a logical block) between 2 pad. This is achieved by:
* search for a pad without link.
* search its nearest pad
* link these 2 pads (i.e. create a ratsnest item)
* the pads are grouped in a logical block ( a cluster).
* until no pad without link found.
* Each logical block has a number called block number or "subnet number",
* stored in m_SubRatsnest member for each pad of the block.
* The first block has its block number = 1, the second is 2 ...
* the function to do thas is gen_rats_pad_to_pad()
* Secondly:
* The first pass created many logical blocks
* A block contains 2 or more pads.
* we create links between 2 block. This is achieved by:
* Test all pads in the first block, and search (for each pad)
* a neighboor in other blocks and compute the distance between pads,
* We select the pad pair which have the smallest distance.
* These 2 pads are linked (i.e. a new ratsnest item is created between thes 2 pads)
* and the 2 block are merged.
* Therefore the logical block 1 contains the initial block 1 "eats" the pads of the other block
* The computation is made until only one block is found.
* the function used is gen_rats_block_to_block()
* How existing and new tracks are handled:
* The complete rastnest (using the pad analysis) is computed.
* it is independant of the tracks and handle the "logical connections".
* It depends only on the footprints geometry (and the netlist),
* and must be computed only after a netlist read or a footprints geometry change.
* Each link (ratsnest) can only be INACTIVE (because pads are connected by a track) or ACTIVE (no tracks)
* After the complete rastnest is built, or when a track is added or deleted,
* we run an algorithm derived from the complete rastnest computation.
* it is much faster because it analyses only the existing rastnest and not all the pads list
* and determine only if an existing rastnest must be activated
* (no physical track exists) or not (a physical track exists)
* if a track is added or deleted only the corresponding net is tested.
* the m_SubRatsnest member of pads is set to 0 (no blocks), and alls links are set to INACTIVE (ratsnest not show).
* Before running this fast lee algorithm, we create blocks (and their corresponding block number)
* by grouping pads connected by tracks.
* So, when tracks exists, the fast lee algorithm is started with some blocks already created.
* because the fast lee algorithm test only the ratsnest and does not search for
* nearest pads (this search was previously made) the online ratsnest can be done
* when a track is created without noticeable computing time
* First:
* for all links (in this step, all are inactive):
* search for a link which have 1 (or 2) pad having the m_SubRatsnest member = 0.
* if found the link is set to ACTIVE (i.e. the ratsnest will be showed) and the pad is meged with the block
* or a new block is created ( see tst_rats_pad_to_pad() ).
* Secondly:
* blocks are tested:
* for all links we search if the 2 pads linkeds are in 2 different block.
* if yes, the link status is set to ACTIVE, and the 2 block are merged
* until only one block is found
* ( see tst_rats_block_to_block() )
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Compile_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, bool display_status_pcb )
/** Function Compile_Ratsnest
* Create the entire board ratsnesr.
* Msut be called AFTER the connectivity computation
* Must be called after a board change (changes for
* pads, footprints or a read netlist ).
* @param display_status_pcb : if true, display the computation results
wxString msg;
DisplayRastnestInProgress = TRUE;
GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0; /* we want a full ratnest computation, from the scratch */
// Rebuild the full pads and net info list
if( display_status_pcb )
msg.Printf( wxT( " %d" ), m_Pcb->m_Pads.size() );
Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 1, wxT( "pads" ), msg, RED );
if( display_status_pcb )
msg.Printf( wxT( " %d" ), m_Pcb->m_NetInfo->GetCount() );
Affiche_1_Parametre( this, 8, wxT( "Nets" ), msg, CYAN );
/* Compute the full ratsnest
* which can be see like all the possible links or logical connections.
* some of thems are active (no track connected) and others are inactive (when track connect pads)
* This full ratsnest is not modified by track editing.
* It changes only when a netlist is read, or footprints are modified
Build_Board_Ratsnest( DC );
/* Compute the pad connections due to the existing tracks (physical connections)*/
test_connexions( DC );
/* Compute the active ratsnest, i.e. the unconnected links
* it is faster than Build_Board_Ratsnest()
* because many optimisations and computations are already made
Tst_Ratsnest( DC, 0 );
// Redraw the active ratsnest ( if enabled )
if( g_Show_Ratsnest && DC )
DrawGeneralRatsnest( DC, 0 );
if( display_status_pcb )
m_Pcb->DisplayInfo( this );
static int sortByNetcode( const void* o1, const void* o2 )
/* Sort function used by QSORT
* Sort pads by net code
D_PAD** pt_ref = (D_PAD**) o1;
D_PAD** pt_compare = (D_PAD**) o2;
return (*pt_ref)->GetNet() - (*pt_compare)->GetNet();
static int sort_by_length( const void* o1, const void* o2 )
/* Sort function used by QSORT
* Sort ratsnest by lenght
return ref->m_Lenght - compare->m_Lenght;
static int gen_rats_block_to_block( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aDrawPanel,
std::vector<RATSNEST_ITEM>& aRatsnestBuffer,
D_PAD** aPadList,
D_PAD** aPadMax )
* Function used by Build_Board_Ratsnest()
* This function creates a rastsnet between two blocks ( which fit the same net )
* A block is a group of pads already linked (by a previous ratsnest computation, or tracks)
* The search is made between the pads in block 1 (the reference block) and other blocks
* the block n ( n > 1 ) it connected to block 1 by their 2 nearest pads.
* When the block is found, it is merged with the block 1
* the D_PAD member m_SubRatsnest handles the block number
* @param aPadList = starting address (within the pad list) for search
* @param aPadMax = ending address (within the pad list) for search
* @param aRatsnestBuffer = a std::vector<RATSNEST_ITEM> buffer to fill with new ratsnest items
* @return blocks not connected count
int dist_min, current_dist;
int current_num_block = 1;
D_PAD** pt_liste_pad_tmp;
D_PAD** pt_liste_pad_aux;
D_PAD** pt_liste_pad_block1 = NULL;
D_PAD** pt_start_liste;
pt_liste_pad_tmp = NULL;
dist_min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
pt_start_liste = aPadList;
/* Search the nearest pad from block 1 */
for( ; aPadList < aPadMax; aPadList++ )
D_PAD* ref_pad = *aPadList;
/* search a pad which is in the block 1 */
if( ref_pad->GetSubRatsnest() != 1 )
/* pad is found, search its nearest neighbour in other blocks */
for( pt_liste_pad_aux = pt_start_liste; ; pt_liste_pad_aux++ )
D_PAD* curr_pad = *pt_liste_pad_aux;
if( pt_liste_pad_aux >= aPadMax )
if( curr_pad->GetSubRatsnest() == 1 ) // not in an other block
/* Compare distance between pads ("Manhattan" distance) */
current_dist = abs( curr_pad->m_Pos.x - ref_pad->m_Pos.x ) +
abs( curr_pad->m_Pos.y - ref_pad->m_Pos.y );
if( dist_min > current_dist ) // we have found a better pad pair
// The tested block can be a good candidate for merging
// we memorise the "best" current values for merging
current_num_block = curr_pad->GetSubRatsnest();
dist_min = current_dist;
pt_liste_pad_tmp = pt_liste_pad_aux;
pt_liste_pad_block1 = aPadList;
/* The reference block is labelled block 1.
* if current_num_block != 1 we have found an other block, and we must merge it
* with the reference block
* The link is made by the 2 nearest pads
if( current_num_block > 1 )
/* The block n is merged with the bloc 1 :
* to do that, we set the m_SubRatsnest member to 1 for all pads in block n
for( aPadList = pt_start_liste; aPadList < aPadMax; aPadList++ )
if( (*aPadList)->GetSubRatsnest() == current_num_block )
(*aPadList)->SetSubRatsnest( 1 );
aPadList = pt_liste_pad_block1;
/* Create the new ratsnet */
net.SetNet( (*aPadList)->GetNet() );
net.m_Status = CH_ACTIF | CH_VISIBLE;
net.m_Lenght = dist_min;
net.m_PadStart = *aPadList;
net.m_PadEnd = *pt_liste_pad_tmp;
aRatsnestBuffer.push_back( net );
return current_num_block;
static int gen_rats_pad_to_pad( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aDrawPanel,
vector<RATSNEST_ITEM>& aRatsnestBuffer,
D_PAD** aPadList,
D_PAD** aPadMax,
int current_num_block )
* Function used by Build_Board_Ratsnest()
* this is the first pass of the lee algorithm
* This function creates the link (ratsnest) between 2 pads ( fitting the same net )
* the function search for a first not connected pad
* and search its nearest neighboor
* Its creates a block if the 2 pads are not connected, or merge the unconnected pad to the existing block.
* These blocks include 2 pads and the 2 pads are linked by a ratsnest.
* @param pt_liste_pad = starting address in the pad buffer
* @param pt_limite = ending address
* @param current_num_block = Last existing block number de pads
* These block are created by the existing tracks analysis
* @param aRatsnestBuffer = a std::vector<RATSNEST_ITEM> buffer to fill with new ratsnest items
* @return the last block number used
int dist_min, current_dist;
D_PAD** pt_liste_pad_tmp;
D_PAD** pt_liste_pad_aux;
D_PAD** pt_start_liste;
D_PAD* ref_pad, * pad;
pt_start_liste = aPadList;
for( ; aPadList < aPadMax; aPadList++ )
ref_pad = *aPadList;
if( ref_pad->GetSubRatsnest() )
continue; // Pad already connected
pt_liste_pad_tmp = NULL;
dist_min = 0x7FFFFFFF;
for( pt_liste_pad_aux = pt_start_liste; ; pt_liste_pad_aux++ )
if( pt_liste_pad_aux >= aPadMax )
if( pt_liste_pad_aux == aPadList )
pad = *pt_liste_pad_aux;
/* Compare distance between pads ("Manhattan" distance) */
current_dist = abs( pad->m_Pos.x - ref_pad->m_Pos.x ) +
abs( pad->m_Pos.y - ref_pad->m_Pos.y );
if( dist_min > current_dist )
dist_min = current_dist;
pt_liste_pad_tmp = pt_liste_pad_aux;
if( pt_liste_pad_tmp != NULL )
pad = *pt_liste_pad_tmp;
/* Update the block number
* if the 2 pads are not already created : a new block is created
if( (pad->GetSubRatsnest() == 0) && (ref_pad->GetSubRatsnest() == 0) )
pad->SetSubRatsnest( current_num_block );
ref_pad->SetSubRatsnest( current_num_block );
/* If a pad is already connected connected : merge the other pad in the block */
ref_pad->SetSubRatsnest( pad->GetSubRatsnest() );
/* Create the new ratsnet item */
rast.SetNet( ref_pad->GetNet() );
rast.m_Status = CH_ACTIF | CH_VISIBLE;
rast.m_Lenght = dist_min;
rast.m_PadStart = ref_pad;
rast.m_PadEnd = pad;
aRatsnestBuffer.push_back( rast );
return current_num_block;
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Build_Board_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC )
/** Function to compute the full ratsnest (using the LEE algorithm )
* In the functions tracks are not considered
* This is only the "basic" ratsnest depending only on pads.
* - Create the sorted pad list (if necessary)
* The active pads (i.e included in a net ) are called nodes
* This pad list is sorted by net codes
* - Compute the ratsnest (LEE algorithm ):
* a - Create the ratsnest between a not connected pad and its nearest
* neighbour. Blocks of pads are created
* b - Create the ratsnest between blocks:
* Test the pads of the 1st block and create a link (ratsnest)
* with the nearest pad found in an other block.
* The other block is merged with the first block.
* until only one block is left.
* A ratnest can be seen as a logical connection.
* Update :
* nb_nodes = Active pads count for the board
* nb_links = link count for the board (logical connection count)
* (there are n-1 links for an equipotent which have n active pads) .
D_PAD* pad;
int noconn;
m_Pcb->m_NbNoconnect = 0;
if( m_Pcb->m_Pads.size() == 0 )
/* Created pad list and the net_codes if needed */
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & NET_CODES_OK) == 0 )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii<m_Pcb->m_Pads.size(); ++ii )
pad = m_Pcb->m_Pads[ii];
pad->SetSubRatsnest( 0 );
if( m_Pcb->GetNodesCount() == 0 )
return; /* pas de connexions utiles */
/* Ratsnest computation */
DisplayRastnestInProgress = TRUE;
unsigned current_net_code = 1; // 1er net_code a analyser (net_code = 0 -> no connect)
noconn = 0;
for( ; current_net_code < m_Pcb->m_NetInfo->GetCount(); current_net_code++ )
NETINFO_ITEM* net = m_Pcb->FindNet( current_net_code );
if ( net == NULL ) //Should not occur
DisplayError(this,wxT("Build_Board_Ratsnest() error: net not found") );
net->m_RatsnestStart = m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount();
int num_block = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_ListPad.size(); ii++ )
pad = net->m_ListPad[ii];
if( num_block < pad->GetSubRatsnest() )
num_block = pad->GetSubRatsnest();
/* Compute the ratsnest relative to the current net */
/* a - first pass : create the blocks from not already in block pads */
D_PAD** pstart = &net->m_ListPad[0];
D_PAD** pend = pstart + net->m_ListPad.size();
int icnt = gen_rats_pad_to_pad( DrawPanel, m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest, pstart, pend,
num_block );
/* b - blocks connection (Iteration) */
while( icnt > 1 )
icnt = gen_rats_block_to_block( DrawPanel, m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest, pstart, pend );
net->m_RatsnestEnd = m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount();
/* sort by lenght */
if( (net->m_RatsnestEnd - net->m_RatsnestStart) > 1 )
RATSNEST_ITEM* rats = &m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[0];
qsort( rats + net->m_RatsnestStart,
net->m_RatsnestEnd - net->m_RatsnestStart,
sizeof(RATSNEST_ITEM), sort_by_length );
m_Pcb->m_NbNoconnect = noconn;
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb |= LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK;
// erase the ratsnest displayed on screen if needed
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount(); ii++ )
if( !g_Show_Ratsnest ) // Clear VISIBLE flag
m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].m_Status &= ~CH_VISIBLE;
if( DC )
m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReCompile_Ratsnest_After_Changes( wxDC* DC )
/* recompile rastnest after a module move, delete, ..
if( g_Show_Ratsnest && DC )
Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::DrawGeneralRatsnest( wxDC* DC, int net_code )
* Displays the general ratsnest
* Only ratsnets with the status bit CH_VISIBLE is set are displayed
* @param netcode if > 0, Display only the ratsnest relative to the correponding net_code
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK) == 0 )
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & DO_NOT_SHOW_GENERAL_RASTNEST) )
if( DC == NULL )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount(); ii++ )
if( ( m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].m_Status & (CH_VISIBLE | CH_ACTIF) ) != (CH_VISIBLE | CH_ACTIF) )
if( (net_code <= 0) || ( net_code == m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].GetNet() ) )
m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
static int tst_rats_block_to_block( NETINFO_ITEM* net, vector<RATSNEST_ITEM>& aRatsnestBuffer )
* Function used by Tst_Ratsnest()
* Function like gen_rats_block_to_block(..)
* Function testing the ratsnest between 2 blocks ( same net )
* The search is made between pads in block 1 and the others blocks
* The block n ( n > 1 ) is merged with block 1 by the smallest ratsnest
* Diff<66>rence between gen_rats_block_to_block(..):
* The analysis is not made pads to pads but uses the general ratsnest list.
* The function activate the smallest ratsnest between block 1 and the block n
* (activate a logical connexion)
* @param net = the current NETINFO_ITEM for the current net
* output:
* .state member of the ratsnests
* @return blocks not connected count
int current_num_block, min_block;
RATSNEST_ITEM* rats, * min_rats;
/* Search a link from a block to an other block */
min_rats = NULL;
for( unsigned ii = net->m_RatsnestStart; ii < net->m_RatsnestEnd; ii++ )
rats = &aRatsnestBuffer[ii];
if( rats->m_PadStart->GetSubRatsnest() == rats->m_PadEnd->GetSubRatsnest() ) // Same block
if( min_rats == NULL )
min_rats = rats;
else if( min_rats->m_Lenght > rats->m_Lenght )
min_rats = rats;
if( min_rats == NULL )
return 1;
/* At this point we have found a link between 2 differents blocks (clusters) :
* we must set its status to ACTIVE and merge the 2 blocks
min_rats->m_Status |= CH_ACTIF;
current_num_block = min_rats->m_PadStart->GetSubRatsnest();
min_block = min_rats->m_PadEnd->GetSubRatsnest();
if( min_block > current_num_block )
EXCHG( min_block, current_num_block );
/* Merging the 2 blocks in one cluster */
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_ListPad.size(); ii++ )
if( net->m_ListPad[ii]->GetSubRatsnest() == current_num_block )
net->m_ListPad[ii]->SetSubRatsnest( min_block );
return current_num_block;
static int tst_rats_pad_to_pad( int current_num_block,
RATSNEST_ITEM* start_rat_list, RATSNEST_ITEM* end_rat_list )
* Function used by Tst_Ratsnest_general()
* The general ratsnest list must exists
* Activates the ratsnest between 2 pads ( supposes du meme net )
* The function links 1 pad not already connected an other pad and activate
* some blocks linked by a ratsnest
* Its test only the existing ratsnest and activate some ratsnest (status bit CH_ACTIF set)
* @param start_rat_list = starting address for the ratnest list
* @param end_rat_list = ending address for the ratnest list
* @param current_num_block = last block number (computed from the track analysis)
* output:
* ratsnest list (status member set)
* and pad list (m_SubRatsnest set)
* @return new block number
D_PAD* pad_start, * pad_end;
for( chevelu = start_rat_list; chevelu < end_rat_list; chevelu++ )
pad_start = chevelu->m_PadStart;
pad_end = chevelu->m_PadEnd;
/* Update the block if the 2 pads are not connected : a new block is created
if( (pad_start->GetSubRatsnest() == 0) && (pad_end->GetSubRatsnest() == 0) )
pad_start->SetSubRatsnest( current_num_block );
pad_end->SetSubRatsnest( current_num_block );
chevelu->m_Status |= CH_ACTIF;
/* If a pad is already connected : the other is merged in the current block */
else if( pad_start->GetSubRatsnest() == 0 )
pad_start->SetSubRatsnest( pad_end->GetSubRatsnest() );
chevelu->m_Status |= CH_ACTIF;
else if( pad_end->GetSubRatsnest() == 0 )
pad_end->SetSubRatsnest( pad_start->GetSubRatsnest() );
chevelu->m_Status |= CH_ACTIF;
return current_num_block;
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Tst_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, int ref_netcode )
/* Compute the active ratsnest
* The general ratsnest list must exists
* Compute the ACTIVE ratsnests in the general ratsnest list
* if ref_netcode == 0, test all nets, else test only ref_netcode
D_PAD* pad;
if( m_Pcb->m_Pads.size() == 0 )
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK) == 0 )
Build_Board_Ratsnest( DC );
for( int net_code = 1; net_code < (int) m_Pcb->m_NetInfo->GetCount(); net_code++ )
net = m_Pcb->FindNet( net_code );
if ( net == NULL ) //Should not occur
DisplayError(this, wxT("Tst_Ratsnest() error: net not found") );
if( ref_netcode && (net_code != ref_netcode) )
int num_block = 0;
for( unsigned ip = 0; ip < net->m_ListPad.size(); ip++ )
pad = net->m_ListPad[ip];
int subnet = pad->GetSubNet();
pad->SetSubRatsnest( subnet );
num_block = MAX( num_block, subnet );
for( unsigned ii = net->m_RatsnestStart; ii < net->m_RatsnestEnd; ii++ )
m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].m_Status &= ~CH_ACTIF;
/* a - tst connection between pads */
rats = &m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[0];
int icnt = tst_rats_pad_to_pad( num_block, rats + net->m_RatsnestStart, rats + net->m_RatsnestEnd );
/* b - test connexion between blocks (Iteration) */
while( icnt > 1 )
icnt = tst_rats_block_to_block( net, m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest );
m_Pcb->m_NbNoconnect = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount(); ii++ )
if( m_Pcb->m_FullRatsnest[ii].m_Status & CH_ACTIF )
int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Test_1_Net_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, int ref_netcode )
/** function Test_1_Net_Ratsnest
* Compute the rastnest relative to the net "net_code"
* @param ref_netcode = netcode used to compute the rastnest.
DisplayRastnestInProgress = FALSE;
DrawGeneralRatsnest( DC, ref_netcode );
Tst_Ratsnest( DC, ref_netcode );
DrawGeneralRatsnest( DC, ref_netcode );
return m_Pcb->GetRatsnestsCount();
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::build_ratsnest_module( wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module )
* Build a rastenest relative to one footprint. This is a simplified computation
* used only in move footprint. It is not optimal, but it is fast and sufficient
* to guide a footprint placement
* It shows the connections from a pad to the nearest conected pad
* @param Module = module to consider.
* The ratsnest has 2 sections:
* - An "internal" ratsnet relative to pads of this footprint which are in the same net.
* this ratsnest section is computed once.
* - An "external" rastnest connecting a pad of this footprint to an other pad (in an other footprint)
* The ratsnest section must be computed for each new position
static unsigned pads_module_count; // node count (node = pad with a net code) for the footprint beeing moved
static unsigned internalRatsCount; // number of internal links (links between pads of the module)
D_PAD** baseListePad;
D_PAD* pad_ref;
D_PAD* pad_externe;
int current_net_code;
int distance; // variables de calcul de ratsnest
wxPoint pad_pos; // True pad position according to the current footprint position
if( (GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_PAD_OK) == 0 )
GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
/* Compute the "local" ratsnest if needed (when this footprint starts move)
* and the list of external pads to consider, i.e pads in others footprints which are "connected" to
* a pad in the current footprint
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK) != 0 )
goto CalculateExternalRatsnest;
/* Compute the "internal" ratsnest, i.e the links between the curent footprint pads */
for( pad_ref = Module->m_Pads; pad_ref != NULL; pad_ref = pad_ref->Next() )
if( pad_ref->GetNet() == 0 )
s_localPadBuffer.push_back( pad_ref );
pad_ref->SetSubRatsnest( 0 );
pad_ref->SetSubNet( 0 );
pads_module_count = s_localPadBuffer.size();
if( pads_module_count == 0 )
return; /* no connection! */
qsort( &s_localPadBuffer[0], pads_module_count, sizeof(D_PAD*), sortByNetcode );
/* Build the list of pads linked to the current footprint pads */
DisplayRastnestInProgress = FALSE;
current_net_code = 0;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pads_module_count; ii++ )
pad_ref = s_localPadBuffer[ii];
if( pad_ref->GetNet() == current_net_code )
// A new net was found, load all pads of others modules members of this net:
NETINFO_ITEM* net = m_Pcb->FindNet( pad_ref->GetNet() );
if ( net == NULL ) //Should not occur
DisplayError(this,wxT("build_ratsnest_module() error: net not found") );
for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < net->m_ListPad.size(); jj++ )
pad_externe = net->m_ListPad[jj];
if( pad_externe->GetParent() == Module )
pad_externe->SetSubRatsnest( 0 );
pad_externe->SetSubNet( 0 );
s_localPadBuffer.push_back( pad_externe );
/* Sort the pad list by net_code */
baseListePad = &s_localPadBuffer[0];
qsort( baseListePad + pads_module_count,
s_localPadBuffer.size() - pads_module_count,
sizeof(D_PAD*), sortByNetcode );
/* Compute the internal rats nest:
* this is the same as general ratsnest, but considers only the current footprint pads
* it is therefore not time consuming, and it is made only once
current_net_code = s_localPadBuffer[0]->GetNet();
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pads_module_count; ii++ )
/* Search the end of pad list relative to the current net */
unsigned jj = ii + 1;
for( ; jj <= pads_module_count; jj++ )
if( jj >= pads_module_count )
if( s_localPadBuffer[jj]->GetNet() != current_net_code )
/* End of list found: */
/* a - first step of lee algorithm : build the pad to pad link list */
int icnt = gen_rats_pad_to_pad( DrawPanel, m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest,
baseListePad + ii, baseListePad + jj,
0 );
/* b - second step of lee algorithm : build the block to block link list (Iteration) */
while( icnt > 1 )
icnt = gen_rats_block_to_block( DrawPanel, m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest,
baseListePad + ii, baseListePad + jj );
ii = jj;
if( ii < s_localPadBuffer.size() )
current_net_code = s_localPadBuffer[ii]->GetNet();
internalRatsCount = m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.size();
/* set the ratsnets status, flag LOCAL_RATSNEST_ITEM */
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.size(); ii++ )
m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest[ii].m_Status = LOCAL_RATSNEST_ITEM;
m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb |= RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK;
* This section computes the "external" ratsnest: must be done when the footprint position changes
/* This section search:
* for each current module pad the nearest neighbour external pad (of course for the same net code).
* For each current footprint cluster of pad (pads having the same net code),
* we search the smaller rats nest.
* so, for each net, only one rats nest item is created
RATSNEST_ITEM local_rats;
local_rats.m_Lenght = 0x7FFFFFFF;
local_rats.m_Status = 0;
bool addRats = false;
if( internalRatsCount < m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.size() )
m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.erase( m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.begin() + internalRatsCount,
m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.end() );
current_net_code = s_localPadBuffer[0]->GetNet();
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pads_module_count; ii++ )
pad_ref = s_localPadBuffer[ii];
if( pad_ref->GetNet() != current_net_code )
/* if needed, creates a new ratsnest for the old net */
if( addRats )
m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.push_back( local_rats );
addRats = false;
current_net_code = pad_ref->GetNet();
local_rats.m_Lenght = 0x7FFFFFFF;
pad_pos = pad_ref->m_Pos - g_Offset_Module;
// Search the nearest external pad of this current pad
for( unsigned jj = pads_module_count; jj < s_localPadBuffer.size(); jj++ )
pad_externe = s_localPadBuffer[jj];
/* we search pads having the same net code */
if( pad_externe->GetNet() < pad_ref->GetNet() )
if( pad_externe->GetNet() > pad_ref->GetNet() ) // remember pads are sorted by net code
distance = abs( pad_externe->m_Pos.x - pad_pos.x ) +
abs( pad_externe->m_Pos.y - pad_pos.y );
if( distance < local_rats.m_Lenght )
local_rats.m_PadStart = pad_ref;
local_rats.m_PadEnd = pad_externe;
local_rats.SetNet( pad_ref->GetNet() );
local_rats.m_Lenght = distance;
local_rats.m_Status = 0;
addRats = true;
if( addRats ) // Ensure the last created rats nest item is stored in buffer
m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.push_back( local_rats );
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::trace_ratsnest_module( wxDC* DC )
* Display the rastnest of a moving footprint, computed by build_ratsnest_module()
if( DC == NULL )
if( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & RATSNEST_ITEM_LOCAL_OK) == 0 )
int tmpcolor = g_DesignSettings.m_RatsnestColor;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest.size(); ii++ )
RATSNEST_ITEM* rats = &m_Pcb->m_LocalRatsnest[ii];
if( rats->m_Status & LOCAL_RATSNEST_ITEM )
g_DesignSettings.m_RatsnestColor = YELLOW;
rats->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR, g_Offset_Module );
g_DesignSettings.m_RatsnestColor = tmpcolor;
wxPoint tmp = rats->m_PadStart->m_Pos;
rats->m_PadStart->m_Pos -= g_Offset_Module;
rats->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
rats->m_PadStart->m_Pos = tmp;
g_DesignSettings.m_RatsnestColor = tmpcolor;
* construction de la liste en mode de calcul rapide pour affichage
* en temps reel du chevelu d'un pad lors des trac<61>s d'une piste d<>marrant
* sur ce pad.
* parametres d'appel:
* pad_ref ( si null : mise a 0 du nombre de chevelus )
* ox, oy = coord de l'extremite de la piste en trace
* init (flag)
* = 0 : mise a jour des chevelu
* <> 0: creation de la liste
/* Buffer to store pads coordinates when creating a track.
* these pads are members of the net
* and when the mouse is moved, the g_MaxLinksShowed links to neightbors are drawn
static std::vector <wxPoint> s_RatsnestMouseToPads;
static wxPoint s_CursorPos; // Coordinate of the moving point (mouse cursor and end of current track segment)
/* Used by build_ratsnest_pad(): sort function by link lenght (manhattan distance)*/
static bool sort_by_localnetlength( const wxPoint& ref, const wxPoint& compare )
wxPoint deltaref = ref - s_CursorPos;
wxPoint deltacmp = compare - s_CursorPos;
// = distance between ref coordinate and pad ref
int lengthref = abs( deltaref.x ) + abs( deltaref.y );
// distance between ref coordinate and the other pad
int lengthcmp = abs( deltacmp.x ) + abs( deltacmp.y );
return lengthref < lengthcmp;
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::build_ratsnest_pad( BOARD_ITEM* ref,
const wxPoint& refpos, bool init )
int current_net_code = 0, conn_number = 0;
D_PAD* pad_ref = NULL;
if( ( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_RATSNEST_ITEM_OK) == 0 )
|| ( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_PAD_OK) == 0 )
|| ( (m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & NET_CODES_OK) == 0 ) )
s_CursorPos = refpos;
if( init )
if( ref == NULL )
switch( ref->Type() )
case TYPE_PAD:
pad_ref = (D_PAD*) ref;
current_net_code = pad_ref->GetNet();
conn_number = pad_ref->GetSubNet();
case TYPE_VIA:
TRACK* track_ref = (TRACK*) ref;
current_net_code = track_ref->GetNet();
conn_number = track_ref->GetSubNet();
if( current_net_code <= 0 )
NETINFO_ITEM* net = m_Pcb->FindNet( current_net_code );
if ( net == NULL ) //Should not occur
DisplayError(this,wxT("build_ratsnest_pad() error: net not found") );
// Create a list of pads candidates ( pads not already connected to the current track:
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < net->m_ListPad.size(); ii++ )
D_PAD* pad = net->m_ListPad[ii];
if( pad == pad_ref )
if( !pad->GetSubNet() || (pad->GetSubNet() != conn_number) )
s_RatsnestMouseToPads.push_back( pad->m_Pos );
} /* end if Init */
if( s_RatsnestMouseToPads.size() > 1 )
sort( s_RatsnestMouseToPads.begin(), s_RatsnestMouseToPads.end(), sort_by_localnetlength );
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::trace_ratsnest_pad( wxDC* DC )
* Displays a "ratsnest" during track creation
if( DC == NULL )
if( s_RatsnestMouseToPads.size() == 0 )
GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_XOR );
for( int ii = 0; ii < (int) s_RatsnestMouseToPads.size(); ii++ )
if( ii >= g_MaxLinksShowed )
GRLine( &DrawPanel->m_ClipBox, DC, s_CursorPos, s_RatsnestMouseToPads[ii], 0, YELLOW );