
431 lines
14 KiB

/* tracepcb.cpp */
* Redraw the screen.
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "drawtxt.h"
#include "gerbview.h"
#include "class_board_design_settings.h"
#include "colors_selection.h"
#include "class_gerber_draw_item.h"
#include "class_GERBER.h"
* Function PrintPage (virtual)
* Used to print the board (on printer, or when creating SVF files).
* Print the board, but only layers allowed by aPrintMaskLayer
* @param aDC = the print device context
* @param aPrintMasklayer = a 32 bits mask: bit n = 1 -> layer n is printed
* @param aPrintMirrorMode = true to plot mirrored
* @param aData = a pointer to an optional data (not used here: can be NULL)
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::PrintPage( wxDC* aDC, int aPrintMasklayer,
bool aPrintMirrorMode, void* aData )
// Save current draw options, because print mode has specfic options:
int DisplayPolygonsModeImg = g_DisplayPolygonsModeSketch;
int visiblemask = GetBoard()->GetVisibleLayers();
DISPLAY_OPTIONS save_opt = DisplayOpt;
// Set draw options for printing:
GetBoard()->SetVisibleLayers( aPrintMasklayer );
DisplayOpt.DisplayPcbTrackFill = FILLED;
DisplayOpt.DisplayDrawItems = FILLED;
DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode = 0;
g_DisplayPolygonsModeSketch = 0;
DrawPanel->m_PrintIsMirrored = aPrintMirrorMode;
GetBoard()->Draw( DrawPanel, aDC, -1, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
DrawPanel->m_PrintIsMirrored = false;
// Restore draw options:
GetBoard()->SetVisibleLayers( visiblemask );
DisplayOpt = save_opt;
g_DisplayPolygonsModeSketch = DisplayPolygonsModeImg;
/* Redraws the full screen, including axis and grid
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg )
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*) GetScreen();
if( !GetBoard() )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
int drawMode = -1;
switch( GetDisplayMode() )
case 0:
case 1:
drawMode = GR_COPY;
case 2:
drawMode = GR_OR;
// Draw according to the current setting. This needs to be GR_COPY or GR_OR.
GetBoard()->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, drawMode, wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
// Draw the "background" now, i.e. grid and axis after gerber layers
// because most of time the actual background is erased by succesive drawings of each gerber
// layer mainly in COPY mode
DrawPanel->DrawBackGround( DC );
if( IsElementVisible( DCODES_VISIBLE ) )
DrawItemsDCodeID( DC, GR_COPY );
TraceWorkSheet( DC, screen, 0 );
if( DrawPanel->IsMouseCaptured() )
DrawPanel->m_mouseCaptureCallback( DrawPanel, DC, wxDefaultPosition, false );
DrawPanel->DrawCrossHair( DC );
// Display the filename and the layer name (found in the gerber files, if any)
// relative to the active layer
* Redraw All gerbview layers, using a buffered mode or not
void BOARD::Draw( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, int aDrawMode, const wxPoint& aOffset )
// Because Images can be negative (i.e with background filled in color) items are drawn
// graphic layer per graphic layer, after the background is filled
// to a temporary biumap
// at least when aDrawMode = GR_COPY or aDrawMode = GR_OR
// If aDrawMode = -1, items are drawn to the main screen, and therefore
// arfefacts can happen with negative items or negative images
wxColour bgColor = MakeColour( g_DrawBgColor );
wxBrush bgBrush( bgColor, wxSOLID );
int bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight;
wxDC* plotDC = aDC;
aPanel->GetClientSize( &bitmapWidth, &bitmapHeight );
wxBitmap* layerBitmap = NULL;
wxBitmap* screenBitmap = NULL;
wxMemoryDC layerDC; // used sequentially for each gerber layer
wxMemoryDC screenDC;
// When each image must be drawn using GR_OR (transparency mode)
// or GR_COPY (stacked mode) we must use a temporary bitmap
// to draw gerber images.
// this is due to negative objects (drawn using background color) that create artefacct
// on other images when drawn on screen
bool useBufferBitmap = false;
if( (aDrawMode == GR_COPY) || ( aDrawMode == GR_OR ) )
useBufferBitmap = true;
// these parameters are saved here, because they are modified
// and restored later
EDA_RECT drawBox = aPanel->m_ClipBox;
double scale;
aDC->GetUserScale(&scale, &scale);
wxPoint dev_org = aDC->GetDeviceOrigin();
wxPoint logical_org = aDC->GetLogicalOrigin( );
if( useBufferBitmap )
layerBitmap = new wxBitmap( bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight );
screenBitmap = new wxBitmap( bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight );
layerDC.SelectObject( *layerBitmap );
aPanel->DoPrepareDC( layerDC );
aPanel->m_ClipBox = drawBox;
layerDC.SetBackground( bgBrush );
layerDC.SetBackgroundMode( wxSOLID );
screenDC.SelectObject( *screenBitmap );
screenDC.SetBackground( bgBrush );
screenDC.SetBackgroundMode( wxSOLID );
plotDC = &layerDC;
bool doBlit = false; // this flag requests an image transfert to actual screen when true.
bool end = false;
for( int layer = 0; !end; layer++ )
int active_layer = ( (GERBVIEW_FRAME*) m_PcbFrame )->getActiveLayer();
if( layer == active_layer ) // active layer will be drawn after other layers
if( layer == 32 ) // last loop: draw active layer
end = true;
layer = active_layer;
if( !GetBoard()->IsLayerVisible( layer ) )
GERBER_IMAGE* gerber = g_GERBER_List[layer];
if( gerber == NULL ) // Graphic layer not yet used
if( useBufferBitmap )
// Draw each layer into a bitmap first. Negative Gerber
// layers are drawn in background color.
if( gerber->HasNegativeItems() && doBlit )
// Set Device orgin, logical origin and scale to default values
// This is needed by Blit function when using a mask.
// Beside, for Blit call, both layerDC and screenDc must have the same settings
layerDC.SetLogicalOrigin( 0, 0 );
layerDC.SetUserScale( 1, 1 );
if( aDrawMode == GR_COPY )
// Use the layer bitmap itself as a mask when blitting. The bitmap
// cannot be referenced by a device context when setting the mask.
layerDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
layerBitmap->SetMask( new wxMask( *layerBitmap, bgColor ) );
layerDC.SelectObject( *layerBitmap );
screenDC.Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
&layerDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true );
else if( aDrawMode == GR_OR )
// On Linux with a large screen, this version is much faster and without
// flicker, but gives a PCBNEW look where layer colors blend together.
// Plus it works only because the background color is black. But it may
// be more useable for some. The difference is due in part because of
// the cpu cycles needed to create the monochromatic bitmap above, and
// the extra time needed to do bit indexing into the monochromatic bitmap
// on the blit above.
screenDC.Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
&layerDC, 0, 0, wxOR );
// Restore actual values and clear bitmpap for next drawing
layerDC.SetDeviceOrigin( dev_org.x, dev_org.y );
layerDC.SetLogicalOrigin( logical_org.x, logical_org.y );
layerDC.SetUserScale( scale, scale );
layerDC.SetBackground( bgBrush );
layerDC.SetBackgroundMode( wxSOLID );
doBlit = false;
if( gerber->m_ImageNegative )
// Draw background negative (i.e. in graphic layer color) for negative images.
int color = GetBoard()->GetLayerColor( layer );
GRSetDrawMode( &layerDC, GR_COPY );
GRFilledRect( &drawBox, plotDC, drawBox.GetX(), drawBox.GetY(),
drawBox.GetRight(), drawBox.GetBottom(),
0, color, color );
GRSetDrawMode( plotDC, GR_COPY );
doBlit = true;
int dcode_highlight = 0;
if( layer == ( (GERBVIEW_FRAME*) m_PcbFrame )->getActiveLayer() )
dcode_highlight = gerber->m_Selected_Tool;
int layerdrawMode = GR_COPY;
if( aDrawMode == GR_OR && !gerber->HasNegativeItems() )
layerdrawMode = GR_OR;
// Now we can draw the current layer to the bitmap buffer
// When needed, the previous bitmap is already copied to the screen buffer.
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = GetBoard()->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
if( gerb_item->GetLayer() != layer )
int drawMode = layerdrawMode;
if( dcode_highlight && dcode_highlight == gerb_item->m_DCode )
drawMode |= GR_SURBRILL;
gerb_item->Draw( aPanel, plotDC, drawMode );
doBlit = true;
if( doBlit && useBufferBitmap ) // Blit is used only if aDrawMode >= 0
// For this Blit call, layerDC and screenDC must have the same settings
// So we set device orgin, logical origin and scale to default values
// in layerDC
layerDC.SetLogicalOrigin( 0, 0 );
layerDC.SetUserScale( 1, 1 );
// this is the last transfert to screenDC. If there are no negative items, this is
// the only one
if( aDrawMode == GR_COPY )
layerDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
layerBitmap->SetMask( new wxMask( *layerBitmap, bgColor ) );
layerDC.SelectObject( *layerBitmap );
screenDC.Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
&layerDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true );
else if( aDrawMode == GR_OR )
screenDC.Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
&layerDC, 0, 0, wxOR );
if( useBufferBitmap )
// For this Blit call, aDC and screenDC must have the same settings
// So we set device orgin, logical origin and scale to default values
// in aDC
aDC->SetDeviceOrigin( 0, 0);
aDC->SetLogicalOrigin( 0, 0 );
aDC->SetUserScale( 1, 1 );
aDC->Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
&screenDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY );
// Restore aDC values
aDC->SetDeviceOrigin(dev_org.x, dev_org.y);
aDC->SetLogicalOrigin( logical_org.x, logical_org.y );
aDC->SetUserScale( scale, scale );
layerDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
screenDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
delete layerBitmap;
delete screenBitmap;
/* Function DrawItemsDCodeID
* Draw the DCode value (if exists) corresponding to gerber item
* Polygons do not have a DCode
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::DrawItemsDCodeID( wxDC* aDC, int aDrawMode )
wxPoint pos;
int width, orient;
wxString Line;
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
BOARD_ITEM* item = GetBoard()->m_Drawings;
for( ; item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
if( GetBoard()->IsLayerVisible( gerb_item->GetLayer() ) == false )
if( gerb_item->m_DCode <= 0 )
if( gerb_item->m_Flashed || gerb_item->m_Shape == GBR_ARC )
pos = gerb_item->m_Start;
pos.x = (gerb_item->m_Start.x + gerb_item->m_End.x) / 2;
pos.y = (gerb_item->m_Start.y + gerb_item->m_End.y) / 2;
pos = gerb_item->GetABPosition( pos );
Line.Printf( wxT( "D%d" ), gerb_item->m_DCode );
if( gerb_item->GetDcodeDescr() )
width = gerb_item->GetDcodeDescr()->GetShapeDim( gerb_item );
width = MIN( gerb_item->m_Size.x, gerb_item->m_Size.y );
if( gerb_item->m_Flashed )
// A reasonnable size for text is width/3 because most of time this text has 3 chars.
width /= 3;
else // this item is a line
wxPoint delta = gerb_item->m_Start - gerb_item->m_End;
if( abs( delta.x ) < abs( delta.y ) )
// A reasonnable size for text is width/2 because text needs margin below and above it.
// a margin = width/4 seems good
width /= 2;
int color = g_ColorsSettings.GetItemColor( DCODES_VISIBLE );
DrawGraphicText( DrawPanel, aDC, pos, (EDA_Colors) color, Line,
orient, wxSize( width, width ),
0, false, false );
/* Virtual fonction needed by the PCB_SCREEN class derived from BASE_SCREEN
* this is a virtual pure function in BASE_SCREEN
* do nothing in gerbview
* could be removed later
void PCB_SCREEN::ClearUndoORRedoList( UNDO_REDO_CONTAINER&, int )
/* dummy_functions
* These functions are used in some classes.
* they are useful in pcbnew, but have no meaning or are never used
* in cvpcb or gerbview.
* but they must exist because they appear in some classes, and here, no nothing.
TRACK* Marque_Une_Piste( BOARD* aPcb,
TRACK* aStartSegm,
int* aSegmCount,
int* aTrackLen,
bool aReorder )
return NULL;