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43 KiB

** Copyright (C) 2001-2013 RibbonSoft, GmbH. All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the dxflib project.
** This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Licensees holding valid dxflib Professional Edition licenses may use
** this file in accordance with the dxflib Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See for further details.
** Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.
#include "dl_global.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
* Layer Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_LayerData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_LayerData( const std::string& aname,
int aflags, bool aoff = false ) :
name( aname ), flags( aflags ), off( aoff )
/** Layer name. */
std::string name;
/** Layer flags. (1 = frozen, 2 = frozen by default, 4 = locked) */
int flags;
/** Layer is off */
bool off;
* Block Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_BlockData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_BlockData( const std::string& bName,
int bFlags,
double bbpx, double bbpy, double bbpz )
name = bName;
flags = bFlags;
bpx = bbpx;
bpy = bbpy;
bpz = bbpz;
/** Block name. */
std::string name;
/** Block flags. (not used currently) */
int flags;
/** X Coordinate of base point. */
double bpx;
/** Y Coordinate of base point. */
double bpy;
/** Z Coordinate of base point. */
double bpz;
* Line Type Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_LinetypeData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_LinetypeData( const std::string& aname,
const std::string& adescription,
int aflags,
int anumberOfDashes,
double apatternLength,
double* apattern = NULL
: name( aname ),
description( adescription ),
flags( aflags ),
numberOfDashes( anumberOfDashes ),
patternLength( apatternLength ),
pattern( apattern )
/** Linetype name */
std::string name;
/** Linetype description */
std::string description;
/** Linetype flags */
int flags;
/** Number of dashes */
int numberOfDashes;
/** Pattern length */
double patternLength;
/** Pattern */
double* pattern;
* Text style data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_StyleData
* Constructor
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_StyleData( const std::string& aname,
int aflags,
double afixedTextHeight,
double awidthFactor,
double aobliqueAngle,
int atextGenerationFlags,
double alastHeightUsed,
const std::string& aprimaryFontFile,
const std::string& abigFontFile
: name( aname ),
flags( aflags ),
fixedTextHeight( afixedTextHeight ),
widthFactor( awidthFactor ),
obliqueAngle( aobliqueAngle ),
textGenerationFlags( atextGenerationFlags ),
lastHeightUsed( alastHeightUsed ),
primaryFontFile( aprimaryFontFile ),
bigFontFile( abigFontFile ),
bold( false ),
italic( false )
bool operator==( const DL_StyleData& other )
// ignore lastHeightUsed:
&& flags==other.flags
&& fixedTextHeight==other.fixedTextHeight
&& widthFactor==other.widthFactor
&& obliqueAngle==other.obliqueAngle
&& textGenerationFlags==other.textGenerationFlags
&& primaryFontFile==other.primaryFontFile
&& bigFontFile==other.bigFontFile;
/** Style name */
std::string name;
/** Style flags */
int flags;
/** Fixed text height or 0 for not fixed. */
double fixedTextHeight;
/** Width factor */
double widthFactor;
/** Oblique angle */
double obliqueAngle;
/** Text generation flags */
int textGenerationFlags;
/** Last height used */
double lastHeightUsed;
/** Primary font file name */
std::string primaryFontFile;
/** Big font file name */
std::string bigFontFile;
bool bold;
bool italic;
* Point Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_PointData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_PointData( double px = 0.0, double py = 0.0, double pz = 0.0 )
x = px;
y = py;
z = pz;
/*! X Coordinate of the point. */
double x;
/*! Y Coordinate of the point. */
double y;
/*! Z Coordinate of the point. */
double z;
* Line Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_LineData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_LineData( double lx1, double ly1, double lz1,
double lx2, double ly2, double lz2 )
x1 = lx1;
y1 = ly1;
z1 = lz1;
x2 = lx2;
y2 = ly2;
z2 = lz2;
/*! X Start coordinate of the point. */
double x1;
/*! Y Start coordinate of the point. */
double y1;
/*! Z Start coordinate of the point. */
double z1;
/*! X End coordinate of the point. */
double x2;
/*! Y End coordinate of the point. */
double y2;
/*! Z End coordinate of the point. */
double z2;
* XLine Data.
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_XLineData( double abx, double aby, double abz,
double adx, double ady, double adz ) :
bx( abx ), by( aby ), bz( abz ),
dx( adx ), dy( ady ), dz( adz )
/*! X base point. */
double bx;
/*! Y base point. */
double by;
/*! Z base point. */
double bz;
/*! X direction vector. */
double dx;
/*! Y direction vector. */
double dy;
/*! Z direction vector. */
double dz;
* Ray Data.
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_RayData( double abx, double aby, double abz,
double adx, double ady, double adz ) :
bx( abx ), by( aby ), bz( abz ),
dx( adx ), dy( ady ), dz( adz )
/*! X base point. */
double bx;
/*! Y base point. */
double by;
/*! Z base point. */
double bz;
/*! X direction vector. */
double dx;
/*! Y direction vector. */
double dy;
/*! Z direction vector. */
double dz;
* Arc Data.
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_ArcData( double acx, double acy, double acz,
double aRadius,
double aAngle1, double aAngle2 )
cx = acx;
cy = acy;
cz = acz;
radius = aRadius;
angle1 = aAngle1;
angle2 = aAngle2;
/*! X Coordinate of center point. */
double cx;
/*! Y Coordinate of center point. */
double cy;
/*! Z Coordinate of center point. */
double cz;
/*! Radius of arc. */
double radius;
/*! Startangle of arc in degrees. */
double angle1;
/*! Endangle of arc in degrees. */
double angle2;
* Circle Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_CircleData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_CircleData( double acx, double acy, double acz,
double aRadius )
cx = acx;
cy = acy;
cz = acz;
radius = aRadius;
/*! X Coordinate of center point. */
double cx;
/*! Y Coordinate of center point. */
double cy;
/*! Z Coordinate of center point. */
double cz;
/*! Radius of arc. */
double radius;
* Polyline Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_PolylineData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_PolylineData( int pNumber,
int pMVerteces,
int pNVerteces,
int pFlags,
double pElevation = 0.0 )
number = pNumber;
m = pMVerteces;
n = pNVerteces;
elevation = pElevation;
flags = pFlags;
/*! Number of vertices in this polyline. */
unsigned int number;
/*! Number of vertices in m direction if polyline is a polygon mesh. */
unsigned int m;
/*! Number of vertices in n direction if polyline is a polygon mesh. */
unsigned int n;
/*! elevation of the polyline. */
double elevation;
/*! Flags */
int flags;
* Vertex Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_VertexData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_VertexData( double px = 0.0, double py = 0.0, double pz = 0.0,
double pBulge = 0.0 )
x = px;
y = py;
z = pz;
bulge = pBulge;
/*! X Coordinate of the vertex. */
double x;
/*! Y Coordinate of the vertex. */
double y;
/*! Z Coordinate of the vertex. */
double z;
/*! Bulge of vertex.
* (The tangent of 1/4 of the arc angle or 0 for lines) */
double bulge;
* Trace Data / solid data / 3d face data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_TraceData
thickness = 0.0;
for( int i = 0; i<4; i++ )
x[i] = 0.0;
y[i] = 0.0;
z[i] = 0.0;
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_TraceData( double sx1, double sy1, double sz1,
double sx2, double sy2, double sz2,
double sx3, double sy3, double sz3,
double sx4, double sy4, double sz4,
double sthickness = 0.0 )
thickness = sthickness;
x[0] = sx1;
y[0] = sy1;
z[0] = sz1;
x[1] = sx2;
y[1] = sy2;
z[1] = sz2;
x[2] = sx3;
y[2] = sy3;
z[2] = sz3;
x[3] = sx4;
y[3] = sy4;
z[3] = sz4;
/*! Thickness */
double thickness;
/*! Points */
double x[4];
double y[4];
double z[4];
* Solid Data.
typedef DL_TraceData DL_SolidData;
* 3dface Data.
typedef DL_TraceData DL_3dFaceData;
* Spline Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_SplineData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_SplineData( int adegree, int anKnots, int anControl, int anFit, int aflags ) :
degree( adegree ), nKnots( anKnots ), nControl( anControl ),
nFit( anFit ), flags( aflags )
// Aux members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analyers
tangentStartX = 0.0;
tangentStartY = 0.0;
tangentStartZ = 0.0;
tangentEndX = 0.0;
tangentEndY = 0.0;
tangentEndZ = 0.0;
/*! Degree of the spline curve. */
unsigned int degree;
/*! Number of knots. */
unsigned int nKnots;
/*! Number of control points. */
unsigned int nControl;
/*! Number of fit points. */
unsigned int nFit;
/*! Flags */
int flags;
double tangentStartX;
double tangentStartY;
double tangentStartZ;
double tangentEndX;
double tangentEndY;
double tangentEndZ;
* Spline knot data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_KnotData
DL_KnotData() {}
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_KnotData( double pk )
k = pk;
/*! Knot value. */
double k;
* Spline control point data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_ControlPointData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_ControlPointData( double px, double py, double pz, double weight )
x = px;
y = py;
z = pz;
w = weight;
/*! X coordinate of the control point. */
double x;
/*! Y coordinate of the control point. */
double y;
/*! Z coordinate of the control point. */
double z;
/*! Weight of control point. */
double w;
* Spline fit point data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_FitPointData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_FitPointData( double ax, double ay, double az ) : x( ax ), y( ay ), z( az ) {}
/*! X coordinate of the fit point. */
double x;
/*! Y coordinate of the fit point. */
double y;
/*! Z coordinate of the fit point. */
double z;
* Ellipse Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_EllipseData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_EllipseData( double acx, double acy, double acz,
double amx, double amy, double amz,
double aratio,
double aangle1, double aangle2 )
: cx( acx ),
cy( acy ),
cz( acz ),
mx( amx ),
my( amy ),
mz( amz ),
ratio( aratio ),
angle1( aangle1 ),
angle2( aangle2 )
/*! X Coordinate of center point. */
double cx;
/*! Y Coordinate of center point. */
double cy;
/*! Z Coordinate of center point. */
double cz;
/*! X coordinate of the endpoint of the major axis. */
double mx;
/*! Y coordinate of the endpoint of the major axis. */
double my;
/*! Z coordinate of the endpoint of the major axis. */
double mz;
/*! Ratio of minor axis to major axis.. */
double ratio;
/*! Startangle of ellipse in rad. */
double angle1;
/*! Endangle of ellipse in rad. */
double angle2;
* Insert Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_InsertData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_InsertData( const std::string& aname,
double aipx, double aipy, double aipz,
double asx, double asy, double asz,
double aangle,
int acols, int arows,
double acolSp, double arowSp ) :
name( aname ),
ipx( aipx ), ipy( aipy ), ipz( aipz ),
sx( asx ), sy( asy ), sz( asz ),
angle( aangle ),
cols( acols ), rows( arows ),
colSp( acolSp ), rowSp( arowSp )
/*! Name of the referred block. */
std::string name;
/*! X Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipx;
/*! Y Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipy;
/*! Z Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipz;
/*! X Scale factor. */
double sx;
/*! Y Scale factor. */
double sy;
/*! Z Scale factor. */
double sz;
/*! Rotation angle in degrees. */
double angle;
/*! Number of colums if we insert an array of the block or 1. */
int cols;
/*! Number of rows if we insert an array of the block or 1. */
int rows;
/*! Values for the spacing between cols. */
double colSp;
/*! Values for the spacing between rows. */
double rowSp;
* MText Data.
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_MTextData( double aipx, double aipy, double aipz,
double adirx, double adiry, double adirz,
double aheight, double awidth,
int aattachmentPoint,
int adrawingDirection,
int alineSpacingStyle,
double alineSpacingFactor,
const std::string& atext,
const std::string& astyle,
double aangle ) :
ipx( aipx ), ipy( aipy ), ipz( aipz ),
dirx( adirx ), diry( adiry ), dirz( adirz ),
height( aheight ), width( awidth ),
attachmentPoint( aattachmentPoint ),
drawingDirection( adrawingDirection ),
lineSpacingStyle( alineSpacingStyle ),
lineSpacingFactor( alineSpacingFactor ),
text( atext ),
style( astyle ),
angle( aangle )
/*! X Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipx;
/*! Y Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipy;
/*! Z Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipz;
/*! X Coordinate of X direction vector. */
double dirx;
/*! Y Coordinate of X direction vector. */
double diry;
/*! Z Coordinate of X direction vector. */
double dirz;
/*! Text height */
double height;
/*! Width of the text box. */
double width;
* Attachment point.
* 1 = Top left, 2 = Top center, 3 = Top right,
* 4 = Middle left, 5 = Middle center, 6 = Middle right,
* 7 = Bottom left, 8 = Bottom center, 9 = Bottom right
int attachmentPoint;
* Drawing direction.
* 1 = left to right, 3 = top to bottom, 5 = by style
int drawingDirection;
* Line spacing style.
* 1 = at least, 2 = exact
int lineSpacingStyle;
* Line spacing factor. 0.25 .. 4.0
double lineSpacingFactor;
/*! Text string. */
std::string text;
/*! Style string. */
std::string style;
/*! Rotation angle. */
double angle;
* Text Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_TextData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_TextData( double aipx, double aipy, double aipz,
double aapx, double aapy, double aapz,
double aheight, double axScaleFactor,
int atextGenerationFlags,
int ahJustification,
int avJustification,
const std::string& atext,
const std::string& astyle,
double aangle )
: ipx( aipx ), ipy( aipy ), ipz( aipz ),
apx( aapx ), apy( aapy ), apz( aapz ),
height( aheight ), xScaleFactor( axScaleFactor ),
textGenerationFlags( atextGenerationFlags ),
hJustification( ahJustification ),
vJustification( avJustification ),
text( atext ),
style( astyle ),
angle( aangle )
/*! X Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipx;
/*! Y Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipy;
/*! Z Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipz;
/*! X Coordinate of alignment point. */
double apx;
/*! Y Coordinate of alignment point. */
double apy;
/*! Z Coordinate of alignment point. */
double apz;
/*! Text height */
double height;
/*! Relative X scale factor. */
double xScaleFactor;
/*! 0 = default, 2 = Backwards, 4 = Upside down */
int textGenerationFlags;
* Horizontal justification.
* 0 = Left (default), 1 = Center, 2 = Right,
* 3 = Aligned, 4 = Middle, 5 = Fit
* For 3, 4, 5 the vertical alignment has to be 0.
int hJustification;
* Vertical justification.
* 0 = Baseline (default), 1 = Bottom, 2 = Middle, 3= Top
int vJustification;
/*! Text string. */
std::string text;
/*! Style (font). */
std::string style;
/*! Rotation angle of dimension text away from default orientation. */
double angle;
* Arc Aligned Text Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_ArcAlignedTextData
/*! Text string */
std::string text;
/*! Font name */
std::string font;
/*! Style */
std::string style;
/*! X coordinate of arc center point. */
double cx;
/*! Y coordinate of arc center point. */
double cy;
/*! Z coordinate of arc center point. */
double cz;
/*! Arc radius. */
double radius;
/*! Relative X scale factor. */
double xScaleFactor;
/*! Text height */
double height;
/*! Character spacing */
double spacing;
/*! Offset from arc */
double offset;
/*! Right offset */
double rightOffset;
/*! Left offset */
double leftOffset;
/*! Start angle (radians) */
double startAngle;
/*! End angle (radians) */
double endAngle;
/*! Reversed character order:
* false: normal
* true: reversed
bool reversedCharacterOrder;
/*! Direction
* 1: outward from center
* 2: inward from center
int direction;
/*! Alignment:
* 1: fit
* 2: left
* 3: right
* 4: center
int alignment;
/*! Side
* 1: convex
* 2: concave
int side;
/*! Bold flag */
bool bold;
/*! Italic flag */
bool italic;
/*! Underline flag */
bool underline;
/*! Character set value. Windows character set identifier. */
int characerSet;
/*! Pitch and family value. Windows pitch and character family identifier. */
int pitch;
/*! Font type:
* false: TTF
* true: SHX
bool shxFont;
/*! Wizard flag */
bool wizard;
/*! Arc handle/ID */
int arcHandle;
* Block attribute data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_AttributeData : public DL_TextData
DL_AttributeData( const DL_TextData& atData, const std::string& atag )
: DL_TextData( atData ), tag( atag )
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_AttributeData( double aipx, double aipy, double aipz,
double aapx, double aapy, double aapz,
double aheight, double axScaleFactor,
int atextGenerationFlags,
int ahJustification,
int avJustification,
const std::string& atag,
const std::string& atext,
const std::string& astyle,
double aangle )
: DL_TextData( aipx, aipy, aipz, aapx, aapy, aapz,
aheight, axScaleFactor,
atextGenerationFlags, ahJustification, avJustification,
atext, astyle, aangle ), tag( atag )
/*! Tag. */
std::string tag;
* Generic Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimensionData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimensionData( double adpx, double adpy, double adpz,
double ampx, double ampy, double ampz,
int atype,
int aattachmentPoint,
int alineSpacingStyle,
double alineSpacingFactor,
const std::string& atext,
const std::string& astyle,
double aangle,
double alinearFactor = 1.0,
double adimScale = 1.0 ) :
dpx( adpx ), dpy( adpy ), dpz( adpz ),
mpx( ampx ), mpy( ampy ), mpz( ampz ),
type( atype ),
attachmentPoint( aattachmentPoint ),
lineSpacingStyle( alineSpacingStyle ),
lineSpacingFactor( alineSpacingFactor ),
text( atext ),
style( astyle ),
angle( aangle ),
linearFactor( alinearFactor ),
dimScale( adimScale )
/*! X Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpx;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpy;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpz;
/*! X Coordinate of middle point of the text. */
double mpx;
/*! Y Coordinate of middle point of the text. */
double mpy;
/*! Z Coordinate of middle point of the text. */
double mpz;
* Dimension type.
* 0 Rotated, horizontal, or vertical
* 1 Aligned
* 2 Angular
* 3 Diametric
* 4 Radius
* 5 Angular 3-point
* 6 Ordinate
* 64 Ordinate type. This is a bit value (bit 7)
* used only with integer value 6. If set,
* ordinate is X-type; if not set, ordinate is
* Y-type
* 128 This is a bit value (bit 8) added to the
* other group 70 values if the dimension text
* has been positioned at a user-defined
* location rather than at the default location
int type;
* Attachment point.
* 1 = Top left, 2 = Top center, 3 = Top right,
* 4 = Middle left, 5 = Middle center, 6 = Middle right,
* 7 = Bottom left, 8 = Bottom center, 9 = Bottom right,
int attachmentPoint;
* Line spacing style.
* 1 = at least, 2 = exact
int lineSpacingStyle;
* Line spacing factor. 0.25 .. 4.0
double lineSpacingFactor;
* Text string.
* Text string entered explicitly by user or null
* or "<>" for the actual measurement or " " (one blank space).
* for supressing the text.
std::string text;
/*! Dimension style (font name). */
std::string style;
* Rotation angle of dimension text away from
* default orientation.
double angle;
* Linear factor style override.
double linearFactor;
* Dimension scale (dimscale) style override.
double dimScale;
* Aligned Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimAlignedData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimAlignedData( double depx1, double depy1, double depz1,
double depx2, double depy2, double depz2 )
epx1 = depx1;
epy1 = depy1;
epz1 = depz1;
epx2 = depx2;
epy2 = depy2;
epz2 = depz2;
/*! X Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double epx1;
/*! Y Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double epy1;
/*! Z Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double epz1;
/*! X Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double epx2;
/*! Y Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double epy2;
/*! Z Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double epz2;
* Linear (rotated) Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimLinearData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimLinearData( double ddpx1, double ddpy1, double ddpz1,
double ddpx2, double ddpy2, double ddpz2,
double dAngle, double dOblique )
dpx1 = ddpx1;
dpy1 = ddpy1;
dpz1 = ddpz1;
dpx2 = ddpx2;
dpy2 = ddpy2;
dpz2 = ddpz2;
angle = dAngle;
oblique = dOblique;
/*! X Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double dpx1;
/*! Y Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double dpy1;
/*! Z Coordinate of Extension point 1. */
double dpz1;
/*! X Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double dpx2;
/*! Y Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double dpy2;
/*! Z Coordinate of Extension point 2. */
double dpz2;
/*! Rotation angle (angle of dimension line) in degrees. */
double angle;
/*! Oblique angle in degrees. */
double oblique;
* Radial Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimRadialData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimRadialData( double ddpx, double ddpy, double ddpz, double dleader )
dpx = ddpx;
dpy = ddpy;
dpz = ddpz;
leader = dleader;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpx;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpy;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point. */
double dpz;
/*! Leader length */
double leader;
* Diametric Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimDiametricData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimDiametricData( double ddpx, double ddpy, double ddpz, double dleader )
dpx = ddpx;
dpy = ddpy;
dpz = ddpz;
leader = dleader;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point (DXF 15). */
double dpx;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point (DXF 25). */
double dpy;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point (DXF 35). */
double dpz;
/*! Leader length */
double leader;
* Angular Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimAngularData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimAngularData( double ddpx1, double ddpy1, double ddpz1,
double ddpx2, double ddpy2, double ddpz2,
double ddpx3, double ddpy3, double ddpz3,
double ddpx4, double ddpy4, double ddpz4 )
dpx1 = ddpx1;
dpy1 = ddpy1;
dpz1 = ddpz1;
dpx2 = ddpx2;
dpy2 = ddpy2;
dpz2 = ddpz2;
dpx3 = ddpx3;
dpy3 = ddpy3;
dpz3 = ddpz3;
dpx4 = ddpx4;
dpy4 = ddpy4;
dpz4 = ddpz4;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpx1;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpy1;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpz1;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpx2;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpy2;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpz2;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpx3;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpy3;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpz3;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 4. */
double dpx4;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 4. */
double dpy4;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 4. */
double dpz4;
* Angular Dimension Data (3 points version).
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimAngular3PData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimAngular3PData( double ddpx1, double ddpy1, double ddpz1,
double ddpx2, double ddpy2, double ddpz2,
double ddpx3, double ddpy3, double ddpz3 )
dpx1 = ddpx1;
dpy1 = ddpy1;
dpz1 = ddpz1;
dpx2 = ddpx2;
dpy2 = ddpy2;
dpz2 = ddpz2;
dpx3 = ddpx3;
dpy3 = ddpy3;
dpz3 = ddpz3;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpx1;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpy1;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpz1;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpx2;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpy2;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpz2;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpx3;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpy3;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 3. */
double dpz3;
* Ordinate Dimension Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DimOrdinateData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_DimOrdinateData( double ddpx1, double ddpy1, double ddpz1,
double ddpx2, double ddpy2, double ddpz2,
bool dxtype )
dpx1 = ddpx1;
dpy1 = ddpy1;
dpz1 = ddpz1;
dpx2 = ddpx2;
dpy2 = ddpy2;
dpz2 = ddpz2;
xtype = dxtype;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpx1;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpy1;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 1. */
double dpz1;
/*! X Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpx2;
/*! Y Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpy2;
/*! Z Coordinate of definition point 2. */
double dpz2;
/*! True if the dimension indicates the X-value, false for Y-value */
bool xtype;
* Leader (arrow).
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_LeaderData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_LeaderData( int lArrowHeadFlag,
int lLeaderPathType,
int lLeaderCreationFlag,
int lHooklineDirectionFlag,
int lHooklineFlag,
double lTextAnnotationHeight,
double lTextAnnotationWidth,
int lNumber )
arrowHeadFlag = lArrowHeadFlag;
leaderPathType = lLeaderPathType;
leaderCreationFlag = lLeaderCreationFlag;
hooklineDirectionFlag = lHooklineDirectionFlag;
hooklineFlag = lHooklineFlag;
textAnnotationHeight = lTextAnnotationHeight;
textAnnotationWidth = lTextAnnotationWidth;
number = lNumber;
/*! Arrow head flag (71). */
int arrowHeadFlag;
/*! Leader path type (72). */
int leaderPathType;
/*! Leader creation flag (73). */
int leaderCreationFlag;
/*! Hookline direction flag (74). */
int hooklineDirectionFlag;
/*! Hookline flag (75) */
int hooklineFlag;
/*! Text annotation height (40). */
double textAnnotationHeight;
/*! Text annotation width (41) */
double textAnnotationWidth;
/*! Number of vertices in leader (76). */
int number;
* Leader Vertex Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_LeaderVertexData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_LeaderVertexData( double px = 0.0, double py = 0.0, double pz = 0.0 )
x = px;
y = py;
z = pz;
/*! X Coordinate of the vertex. */
double x;
/*! Y Coordinate of the vertex. */
double y;
/*! Z Coordinate of the vertex. */
double z;
* Hatch data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_HatchData
* Default constructor.
DL_HatchData() {}
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchData( int anumLoops, bool asolid,
double ascale,
double aangle,
const std::string& apattern,
double aoriginX = 0.0,
double aoriginY = 0.0 ) :
numLoops( anumLoops ),
solid( asolid ),
scale( ascale ),
angle( aangle ),
pattern( apattern ),
originX( aoriginX ),
originY( aoriginY )
/*! Number of boundary paths (loops). */
int numLoops;
/*! Solid fill flag (true=solid, false=pattern). */
bool solid;
/*! Pattern scale or spacing */
double scale;
/*! Pattern angle in degrees */
double angle;
/*! Pattern name. */
std::string pattern;
/*! Pattern origin */
double originX;
double originY;
* Hatch boundary path (loop) data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_HatchLoopData
* Default constructor.
DL_HatchLoopData() {}
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchLoopData( int hNumEdges )
numEdges = hNumEdges;
/*! Number of edges in this loop. */
int numEdges;
* Hatch edge data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_HatchEdgeData
* Default constructor.
DL_HatchEdgeData() : defined( false ), x1( 0.0 ), y1( 0.0 ), x2( 0.0 ), y2( 0.0 )
// Other members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analysers
type = 0;
cx = cy = radius = 0.0;
angle1 = angle2 = 0.0;
mx = my = ratio = 0.0;
ccw = false;
degree = 0;
rational = false;
periodic = false;
nKnots = nControl = nFit = 0;
startTangentX = startTangentY = endTangentX = endTangentY = 0.0;
* Constructor for a line edge.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchEdgeData( double ax1, double ay1, double ax2, double ay2 ) :
defined( true ), type( 1 ),
x1( ax1 ), y1( ay1 ), x2( ax2 ), y2( ay2 )
// Other members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analysers
cx = cy = radius = 0.0;
angle1 = angle2 = 0.0;
mx = my = ratio = 0.0;
ccw = false;
degree = 0;
rational = false;
periodic = false;
nKnots = nControl = nFit = 0;
startTangentX = startTangentY = endTangentX = endTangentY = 0.0;
* Constructor for an arc edge.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchEdgeData( double acx, double acy,
double aradius, double aangle1, double aangle2, bool accw ) :
defined( true ), type( 2 ),
cx( acx ), cy( acy ), radius( aradius ), angle1( aangle1 ),
angle2( aangle2 ), ccw( accw )
// Other members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analysers
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0.0;
mx = my = ratio = 0.0;
degree = 0;
rational = false;
periodic = false;
nKnots = nControl = nFit = 0;
startTangentX = startTangentY = endTangentX = endTangentY = 0.0;
* Constructor for an ellipse arc edge.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchEdgeData( double acx, double acy, double amx, double amy,
double aratio, double aangle1, double aangle2, bool accw ) :
defined( true ), type( 3 ), cx( acx ), cy( acy ),
angle1( aangle1 ), angle2( aangle2 ), ccw( accw ),
mx( amx ), my( amy ), ratio( aratio )
// OAther members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analysers
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0.0;
radius = 0.0;
degree = 0;
rational = false;
periodic = false;
nKnots = nControl = nFit = 0;
startTangentX = startTangentY = endTangentX = endTangentY = 0.0;
* Constructor for a spline edge.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_HatchEdgeData( unsigned int adegree, bool arational, bool a_periodic,
unsigned int anKnots, unsigned int anControl, unsigned int anFit,
const std::vector<double>& aknots,
const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& acontrolPoints,
const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& afitPoints,
const std::vector<double>& aweights,
double astartTangentX, double astartTangentY,
double aendTangentX, double aendTangentY ) :
defined( true ), type( 4 ), degree( adegree ),
rational( arational ), periodic( a_periodic ), nKnots( anKnots ),
nControl( anControl ), nFit( anFit ), controlPoints( acontrolPoints ),
knots( aknots ), weights( aweights ), fitPoints( afitPoints ),
startTangentX( astartTangentX ), startTangentY( astartTangentY ),
endTangentX( aendTangentX ), endTangentY( aendTangentY )
// Ather members, initialized here to avoid warnings in analysers
x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = 0.0;
cx = cy = radius = 0.0;
angle1 = angle2 = 0.0;
mx = my = ratio = 0.0;
ccw = false;
* Set to true if this edge is fully defined.
bool defined;
* Edge type. 1=line, 2=arc, 3=elliptic arc, 4=spline.
int type;
// line edges:
/*! Start point (X). */
double x1;
/*! Start point (Y). */
double y1;
/*! End point (X). */
double x2;
/*! End point (Y). */
double y2;
/*! Center point of arc or ellipse arc (X). */
double cx;
/*! Center point of arc or ellipse arc (Y). */
double cy;
/*! Arc radius. */
double radius;
/*! Start angle of arc or ellipse arc. */
double angle1;
/*! End angle of arc or ellipse arc. */
double angle2;
/*! Counterclockwise flag for arc or ellipse arc. */
bool ccw;
/*! Major axis end point (X). */
double mx;
/*! Major axis end point (Y). */
double my;
/*! Axis ratio */
double ratio;
/*! Spline degree */
unsigned int degree;
bool rational;
bool periodic;
/*! Number of knots. */
unsigned int nKnots;
/*! Number of control points. */
unsigned int nControl;
/*! Number of fit points. */
unsigned int nFit;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > controlPoints;
std::vector<double> knots;
std::vector<double> weights;
std::vector<std::vector<double> > fitPoints;
double startTangentX;
double startTangentY;
double endTangentX;
double endTangentY;
/** Polyline boundary vertices (x y [bulge])*/
std::vector<std::vector<double> > vertices;
// bool closed;
* Image Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_ImageData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_ImageData( const std::string& iref,
double iipx, double iipy, double iipz,
double iux, double iuy, double iuz,
double ivx, double ivy, double ivz,
int iwidth, int iheight,
int ibrightness, int icontrast, int ifade )
ref = iref;
ipx = iipx;
ipy = iipy;
ipz = iipz;
ux = iux;
uy = iuy;
uz = iuz;
vx = ivx;
vy = ivy;
vz = ivz;
width = iwidth;
height = iheight;
brightness = ibrightness;
contrast = icontrast;
fade = ifade;
/*! Reference to the image file
* (unique, used to refer to the image def object). */
std::string ref;
/*! X Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipx;
/*! Y Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipy;
/*! Z Coordinate of insertion point. */
double ipz;
/*! X Coordinate of u vector along bottom of image. */
double ux;
/*! Y Coordinate of u vector along bottom of image. */
double uy;
/*! Z Coordinate of u vector along bottom of image. */
double uz;
/*! X Coordinate of v vector along left side of image. */
double vx;
/*! Y Coordinate of v vector along left side of image. */
double vy;
/*! Z Coordinate of v vector along left side of image. */
double vz;
/*! Width of image in pixel. */
int width;
/*! Height of image in pixel. */
int height;
/*! Brightness (0..100, default = 50). */
int brightness;
/*! Contrast (0..100, default = 50). */
int contrast;
/*! Fade (0..100, default = 0). */
int fade;
* Image Definition Data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_ImageDefData
* Constructor.
* Parameters: see member variables.
DL_ImageDefData( const std::string& iref,
const std::string& ifile )
ref = iref;
file = ifile;
/*! Reference to the image file
* (unique, used to refer to the image def object). */
std::string ref;
/*! Image file */
std::string file;
* Dictionary data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DictionaryData
DL_DictionaryData( const std::string& ahandle ) : handle( ahandle ) {}
std::string handle;
* Dictionary entry data.
struct DXFLIB_EXPORT DL_DictionaryEntryData
DL_DictionaryEntryData( const std::string& aname, const std::string& ahandle ) :
name( aname ), handle( ahandle ) {}
std::string name;
std::string handle;
// EOF