
459 lines
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* @file class_worksheet_dataitem.h
* @brief description of graphic items and texts to build a title block
#include <math/vector2d.h>
#include <eda_text.h>
class WS_DRAW_ITEM_TEXT; // Forward declaration
#define TB_DEFAULT_TEXTSIZE 1.5 // default worksheet text size in mm
// Text attributes set in m_flags (ORed bits)
#define USE_BOLD 1 // has meaning for texts
#define USE_THICK_LINE 1 // equivalent to bold for lines
#define USE_ITALIC (1<<1) // has meaning for texts
#define USE_ALT_COLOR (1<<2)
#define SELECTED_STATE (1<<3) // When set, use the hight light color to draw item
#define LOCATE_STARTPOINT (1<<4) // Used in locate function:set by locate function
// if the start point is located
#define LOCATE_ENDPOINT (1<<5) // Used in locate function:set by locate function
// if the end point is located
#define PAGE1OPTION (3<<6) // flag to manage items drawn or not drawn only
// on page 1: NONE = item on all pages
#define PAGE1OPTION_NONE (0<<6) // NONE = item on all pages
#define PAGE1OPTION_PAGE1ONLY (1<<6) // = item only on page 1
#define PAGE1OPTION_NOTONPAGE1 (2<<6) // = item on all pages but page 1
// A coordinate is relative to a page corner.
// Any of the 4 corners can be a reference.
// The default is the right bottom corner
enum corner_anchor
RB_CORNER, // right bottom corner
RT_CORNER, // right top corner
LB_CORNER, // left bottom corner
LT_CORNER, // left top corner
// a coordinate point
// The position is always relative to the corner anchor
// Note the coordinate is from the anchor point
// to the opposite corner.
int m_Anchor;
POINT_COORD() { m_Anchor = RB_CORNER; }
POINT_COORD( DPOINT aPos, enum corner_anchor aAnchor = RB_CORNER )
m_Pos = aPos;
m_Anchor = aAnchor;
// Work sheet structure type definitions.
// Basic items are:
// * segment and rect (defined by 2 points)
// * text (defined by a coordinate), the text and its justifications
// * poly polygon defined by a coordinate, and a set of list of corners
// ( because we use it for logos, there are more than one polygon
// in this description
enum WS_ItemType {
WS_ItemType m_type;
int m_flags;
wxString m_Name; // a item name used in page layout
// editor to identify items
wxString m_Info; // a comment, only useful in page
// layout editor
double m_LineWidth;
int m_RepeatCount; // repeat count for duplicate items
DPOINT m_IncrementVector; // For duplicate items: move vector
// for position increment
int m_IncrementLabel;
// These variables are static, because these values are common to all
// instances of WORKSHEET_DATAITEM.
// They are default or common values.
static double m_WSunits2Iu; // conversion factor between
// ws units (mils) and draw/plot units
static DPOINT m_RB_Corner; // cordinates of the right bottom corner
// (ws units)
static DPOINT m_LT_Corner; // cordinates of the left top corner
// (ws units)
static double m_DefaultLineWidth; // Default line width,
// when not defined inside a line
// or a rect
static DSIZE m_DefaultTextSize; // Default text size,
// when not defined inside a tbtext
static double m_DefaultTextThickness;// Default text thickness,
// when not defined inside a tbtext
static bool m_SpecialMode; // Used in page layout editor
// When set to true, base texts
// instead of full texts are displayed
static EDA_COLOR_T m_Color; // the default color to draw items
static EDA_COLOR_T m_AltColor; // an alternate color to draw items
static EDA_COLOR_T m_SelectedColor; // the color to draw selected items
// (used in page layout editor
void SetStart( double aPosx, double aPosy, enum corner_anchor aAnchor = RB_CORNER )
m_Pos.m_Pos.x = aPosx;
m_Pos.m_Pos.y = aPosy;
m_Pos.m_Anchor = aAnchor;
void SetEnd( double aPosx, double aPosy, enum corner_anchor aAnchor = RB_CORNER )
m_End.m_Pos.x = aPosx;
m_End.m_Pos.y = aPosy;
m_End.m_Anchor = aAnchor;
// Accessors:
WS_ItemType GetType() const { return m_type; }
int GetFlags() const { return m_flags; }
void SetFlags( int aMask ) { m_flags |= aMask; }
void ClearFlags( int aMask ) { m_flags &= ~aMask; }
* @return true if the item has a end point (segment; rect)
* of false (text, polugon)
virtual bool HasEndPoint() { return true; }
* @return 0 if the item has no specific option for page 1
* 1 if the item is only on page 1
* -1 if the item is not on page 1
int GetPage1Option();
* Set the option for page 1
* @param aChoice = 0 if the item has no specific option for page 1
* > 0 if the item is only on page 1
* < 0 if the item is not on page 1
void SetPage1Option( int aChoice );
// Coordinate handling
const wxPoint GetStartPosUi( int ii = 0 ) const;
const wxPoint GetEndPosUi( int ii = 0 ) const;
const DPOINT GetStartPos( int ii = 0 ) const;
const DPOINT GetEndPos( int ii = 0 ) const;
virtual int GetPenSizeUi()
if( m_LineWidth )
return KiROUND( m_LineWidth * m_WSunits2Iu );
return KiROUND( m_DefaultLineWidth * m_WSunits2Iu );
static int GetMarkerSizeUi()
return KiROUND( 0.5 * m_WSunits2Iu );
* move item to a new position
* @param aPosition = the new position of item, in mm
void MoveTo( DPOINT aPosition );
* move item to a new position
* @param aPosition = the new position of the starting point in graphic units
void MoveToUi( wxPoint aPosition );
* move the starting point of the item to a new position
* @param aPosition = the new position of the starting point, in mm
void MoveStartPointTo( DPOINT aPosition );
* move the starting point of the item to a new position
* @param aPosition = the new position of item in graphic units
void MoveStartPointToUi( wxPoint aPosition );
* move the ending point of the item to a new position
* has meaning only for items defined by 2 points
* (segments and rectangles)
* @param aPosition = the new position of the ending point, in mm
void MoveEndPointTo( DPOINT aPosition );
* move the ending point of the item to a new position
* has meaning only for items defined by 2 points
* (segments and rectangles)
* @param aPosition = the new position of the ending point in graphic units
void MoveEndPointToUi( wxPoint aPosition );
* @return true if the item is inside the rectangle defined by the
* 4 corners, false otherwise.
virtual bool IsInsidePage( int ii ) const;
const wxString GetClassName() const;
* @return true if the selected state on ON
bool IsSelected() { return (m_flags & SELECTED_STATE) != 0; }
* Function SetSelected
* Toggles on/off the selected flag (used in edition functions
* @param aState = the flag value
void SetSelected( bool aState )
if( aState )
m_flags |= SELECTED_STATE;
m_flags &= ~SELECTED_STATE;
bool UseAltColor() {return m_flags & USE_ALT_COLOR; }
EDA_COLOR_T GetItemColor()
if( IsSelected() )
return m_SelectedColor;
if( UseAltColor() )
return m_AltColor;
return m_Color;
double m_Orient; // Orientation in degrees
std::vector<DPOINT> m_Corners; // corner list
std::vector<unsigned> m_polyIndexEnd; // index of the last point of each polygon
DPOINT m_minCoord; // min coord of corners, relative to m_Pos
DPOINT m_maxCoord; // max coord of corners, relative to m_Pos
virtual int GetPenSizeUi()
return KiROUND( m_LineWidth * m_WSunits2Iu );
* @return false (no end point)
virtual bool HasEndPoint() { return false; };
* add a corner in corner list
* @param aCorner: the item to append
void AppendCorner( const DPOINT& aCorner )
m_Corners.push_back( aCorner );
* Closes the current contour, by storing the index of the last corner
* of the current polygon in m_polyIndexEnd.
void CloseContour()
m_polyIndexEnd.push_back( m_Corners.size() -1 );
* @return the count of contours in the poly polygon
int GetPolyCount() const { return (int) m_polyIndexEnd.size(); }
* @return the index of the first corner of the contour aCountour
* @param aContour = the index of the contour
unsigned GetPolyIndexStart( unsigned aContour) const
if( aContour == 0 )
return 0;
return m_polyIndexEnd[aContour-1] + 1;
* @return the index of the last corner of the contour aCountour
* @param aContour = the index of the contour
unsigned GetPolyIndexEnd( unsigned aContour) const
return m_polyIndexEnd[aContour];
* @return the coordinate (in mm) of the corner aIdx,
* for the repeated item aRepeat
const DPOINT GetCornerPosition( unsigned aIdx, int aRepeat = 0 ) const;
* @return the coordinate (in draw/plot units) of the corner aIdx,
* for the repeated item aRepeat
const wxPoint GetCornerPositionUi( unsigned aIdx, int aRepeat = 0 ) const;
* calculate the bounding box of the set polygons
void SetBoundingBox();
bool IsInsidePage( int ii ) const;
wxString m_TextBase; // The basic text, with format symbols
wxString m_FullText; // The expanded text, shown on screen
double m_Orient; // Orientation in degrees
enum EDA_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_T m_Hjustify;
enum EDA_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_T m_Vjustify;
DSIZE m_TextSize;
DSIZE m_BoundingBoxSize; // When not null, this is the max
// size of the full text.
// the text size will be modified
// to keep the full text insite this
// bound.
DSIZE m_ConstrainedTextSize;// Actual text size, if constrained by
// the m_BoundingBoxSize constraint
WORKSHEET_DATAITEM_TEXT( const wxChar* aTextBase );
* @return false (no end point)
virtual bool HasEndPoint() { return false; };
virtual int GetPenSizeUi()
if( m_LineWidth )
return KiROUND( m_LineWidth * m_WSunits2Iu );
return KiROUND( m_DefaultTextThickness * m_WSunits2Iu );
* move item to a new position
* @param aPosition = the new position of item
void MoveTo( DPOINT aPosition );
* transfert the text justification and orientation
* to aGText
void TransfertSetupToGraphicText( WS_DRAW_ITEM_TEXT* aGText );
* Try to build text wihich is an increment of m_TextBase
* has meaning only if m_TextBase is a basic text (one char)
* If the basic char is a digit, build a number
* If the basic char is a letter, use the letter with ascii code
* aIncr + (basic char ascc code)
* @param aIncr = the increment value
* return the incremented label in m_FullText
void IncrementLabel( int aIncr );
* Calculates m_ConstrainedTextSize from m_TextSize
* to keep the X size and the full Y size of the text
* smaller than m_BoundingBoxSize
* if m_BoundingBoxSize.x or m_BoundingBoxSize.y > 0
* if m_BoundingBoxSize.x or m_BoundingBoxSize.y == 0
* the corresponding text size is not constrained
void SetConstrainedTextSize();
* @return true is a bold font should be selected
bool IsBold() { return (m_flags & USE_BOLD) != 0; }
* Function SetBold
* Toggles on/off the bold option flag
* @param aState = the bold option value
void SetBold( bool aState )
if( aState )
m_flags |= USE_BOLD;
m_flags &= ~USE_BOLD;
* @return true is an italic font should be selected
bool IsItalic() const { return (m_flags & USE_ITALIC) != 0; }
* Function SetItalic
* Toggles on/off the italic option flag
* @param aState = the italic option value
void SetItalic( bool aState )
if( aState )
m_flags |= USE_ITALIC;
m_flags &= ~USE_ITALIC;