
221 lines
7.1 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2018 CERN
* Copyright (C) 2019-2022 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* @author Jon Evans <>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <sch_connection.h>
#include <schematic.h>
#include <connection_graph.h>
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tool/actions.h>
#include <dialog_migrate_buses.h>
#include <sch_label.h>
* Migrates buses using legacy multi-label joining behavior.
* In KiCad versions before 6.0, you were allowed to place multiple labels
* on a given bus subgraph, and that would have the effect of making those
* bus descriptions equivalent according to the bus vector number.
* For example, if the labels PCA[0..15], ADR[0.7], and BUS[5..10] are all
* attached to the same subgraph, the intention is that there is connectivity
* between PCA0 and ADR0, between PCA10 and BUS10, and between PCA5, ADR5,
* and BUS5 (basically connect all the prefix names where the vector numbers
* line up).
* This is no longer allowed, because it doesn't map well onto the new
* bus groups feature and because it is confusing (the netlist will take on
* one of the possible names and it's impossible to control which one is
* used).
* This dialog identifies all of the subgraphs that have this behavior,
* and corrects them by determining a new name for the subgraph and removing
* all but one label. The name is determined by choosing a prefix and bus
* vector notation that can capture all the attached buses. In the above
* example, the result would need to have the vector notation [0..15] to
* capture all of the attached buses, and the name could be any of PCA, ADR,
* or BUS. We present a dialog to the user for them to select which name
* they want to use.
: DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES_BASE( aParent ), m_frame( aParent ), m_selected_index( 0 )
m_migration_list->Bind( wxEVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED,
&DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::onItemSelected, this );
m_btn_accept->Bind( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED,
&DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::onAcceptClicked, this );
aParent->GetToolManager()->RunAction( ACTIONS::zoomFitScreen, true );
void DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::loadGraphData()
auto subgraphs = m_frame->Schematic().ConnectionGraph()->GetBusesNeedingMigration();
for( const CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH* subgraph : subgraphs )
status.subgraph = subgraph;
status.approved = false;
std::vector<SCH_ITEM*> labels = subgraph->GetBusLabels();
wxASSERT( labels.size() > 1 );
for( SCH_ITEM* label : labels )
status.labels.push_back( static_cast<SCH_LABEL_BASE*>( label )->GetText() );
status.possible_labels = getProposedLabels( status.labels );
m_items.push_back( status );
m_migration_list->InsertColumn( 0, _( "Sheet" ) );
m_migration_list->InsertColumn( 1, _( "Conflicting Labels" ) );
m_migration_list->InsertColumn( 2, _( "New Label" ) );
m_migration_list->InsertColumn( 3, _( "Status" ) );
for( auto item : m_items )
wxString old = item.labels[0];
for( unsigned j = 1; j < item.labels.size(); j++ )
old << ", " << item.labels[j];
auto i = m_migration_list->InsertItem( m_migration_list->GetItemCount(), wxEmptyString );
m_migration_list->SetItem( i, 0, item.subgraph->m_sheet.PathHumanReadable() );
m_migration_list->SetItem( i, 1, old );
m_migration_list->SetItem( i, 2, item.possible_labels[0] );
m_migration_list->SetItem( i, 3, "" );
m_migration_list->Select( 0 );
m_migration_list->SetColumnWidth( 1, -1 );
std::vector<wxString> DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::getProposedLabels(
const std::vector<wxString>& aLabelList )
int lowest_start = INT_MAX;
int highest_end = -1;
int widest_bus = -1;
SCH_CONNECTION conn( m_frame->Schematic().ConnectionGraph() );
for( const wxString& label : aLabelList )
conn.ConfigureFromLabel( label );
int start = conn.VectorStart();
int end = conn.VectorEnd();
if( start < lowest_start )
lowest_start = start;
if( end > highest_end )
highest_end = end;
if( end - start + 1 > widest_bus )
widest_bus = end - start + 1;
std::vector<wxString> proposals;
for( const wxString& label : aLabelList )
conn.ConfigureFromLabel( label );
wxString proposal = conn.VectorPrefix();
proposal << "[" << highest_end << ".." << lowest_start << "]";
proposals.push_back( proposal );
return proposals;
void DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::onItemSelected( wxListEvent& aEvent )
unsigned sel = aEvent.GetIndex();
wxASSERT( sel < m_items.size() );
m_selected_index = sel;
const CONNECTION_SUBGRAPH* subgraph = m_items[sel].subgraph;
const SCH_SHEET_PATH& sheet = subgraph->m_sheet;
SCH_ITEM* driver = subgraph->m_driver;
if( sheet != m_frame->GetCurrentSheet() )
m_frame->Schematic().SetCurrentSheet( sheet );
VECTOR2I pos = driver->GetPosition();
m_frame->GetCanvas()->GetViewControls()->SetCrossHairCursorPosition( pos, false );
m_frame->RedrawScreen( pos, false );
for( const wxString& option : m_items[sel].possible_labels )
m_cb_new_name->Append( option );
m_cb_new_name->Select( 0 );
void DIALOG_MIGRATE_BUSES::onAcceptClicked( wxCommandEvent& aEvent )
wxASSERT( m_selected_index < m_items.size() );
unsigned sel = m_selected_index;
m_items[sel].approved_label = m_cb_new_name->GetStringSelection();
m_items[sel].approved = true;
std::vector<SCH_ITEM*> labels = m_items[sel].subgraph->GetBusLabels();
for( SCH_ITEM* label : labels )
static_cast<SCH_LABEL_BASE*>( label )->SetText( m_items[sel].approved_label );
m_migration_list->SetItem( sel, 2, m_items[sel].approved_label );
m_migration_list->SetItem( sel, 3, _( "Updated" ) );
if( sel < m_items.size() - 1 )
m_migration_list->Select( sel + 1 );