387 lines
11 KiB
387 lines
11 KiB
/* Edition des pistes */
/* Routines de trace de pistes */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "autorout.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* Routines Locales */
/* variables locales */
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::DisplayTrackSettings(void)
/* Display the current track width and via diameter
wxString msg;
wxString buftrc, bufvia;
valeur_param(g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth, buftrc);
valeur_param(g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentViaSize, bufvia);
msg.Printf( _("Track Width: %s Vias Size : %s"),
buftrc.GetData(), bufvia.GetData());
Affiche_Message( msg);
m_SelTrackWidthBox_Changed = TRUE;
m_SelViaSizeBox_Changed = TRUE;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Ratsnest_On_Off(wxDC * DC)
/* Affiche ou efface le chevelu selon l'etat du bouton d'appel */
int ii;
CHEVELU * pt_chevelu;
if((m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_CHEVELU_OK) == 0 )
if ( g_Show_Ratsnest ) Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );
DrawGeneralRatsnest(DC, 0); /* effacement eventuel du chevelu affiche */
pt_chevelu = m_Pcb->m_Ratsnest;
if ( pt_chevelu == NULL ) return;
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests(); ii > 0 ; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
pt_chevelu->status |= CH_VISIBLE;
DrawGeneralRatsnest(DC, 0);
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests(); ii > 0; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
pt_chevelu->status &= ~CH_VISIBLE;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExChange_Track_Layer(TRACK *pt_segm, wxDC * DC)
change de couche la piste pointee par la souris :
la piste doit etre sur une des couches de travail,
elle est mise sur l'autre couche de travail, si cela est possible
(ou si DRC = Off ).
int ii;
TRACK *pt_track;
int l1, l2 , nb_segm;
if ( (pt_segm == NULL ) || ( pt_segm->m_StructType == TYPEZONE ) )
l1 = Route_Layer_TOP; l2 = Route_Layer_BOTTOM;
pt_track = Marque_Une_Piste(this, DC, pt_segm, &nb_segm, GR_XOR);
/* effacement du flag BUSY et sauvegarde en membre .param de la couche
initiale */
ii = nb_segm; pt_segm = pt_track;
for (; ii > 0; ii -- , pt_segm = (TRACK*)pt_segm->Pnext)
pt_segm->m_Param = pt_segm->m_Layer; /* pour sauvegarde */
ii = 0; pt_segm = pt_track;
for ( ; ii < nb_segm; ii++, pt_segm = (TRACK*) pt_segm->Pnext )
if( pt_segm->m_StructType == TYPEVIA) continue;
/* inversion des couches */
if( pt_segm->m_Layer == l1 ) pt_segm->m_Layer = l2 ;
else if(pt_segm->m_Layer == l2 ) pt_segm->m_Layer = l1 ;
if( (Drc_On) && ( Drc(this, DC,pt_segm,m_Pcb->m_Track,1) == BAD_DRC ) )
{ /* Annulation du changement */
ii = 0; pt_segm = pt_track;
for ( ; ii < nb_segm; ii++, pt_segm = (TRACK*) pt_segm->Pnext )
pt_segm->m_Layer = pt_segm->m_Param;
Trace_Une_Piste(DrawPanel, DC, pt_track, nb_segm, GR_OR);
DisplayError(this, _("Drc error, cancelled"), 10);
Trace_Une_Piste(DrawPanel, DC, pt_track, nb_segm, GR_OR | GR_SURBRILL);
/* controle des extremites de segments: sont-ils sur un pad */
ii = 0; pt_segm = pt_track;
for(; ii < nb_segm; pt_segm = (TRACK*)pt_segm->Pnext, ii++)
pt_segm->start = Locate_Pad_Connecte(m_Pcb, pt_segm, START);
pt_segm->end = Locate_Pad_Connecte(m_Pcb, pt_segm, END);
test_1_net_connexion(DC, pt_track->m_NetCode );
Affiche_Infos_Piste(this, pt_track) ;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Other_Layer_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC)
Change de couche active pour le routage.
Si une piste est en cours de trace : placement d'une Via
TRACK * pt_segm;
int ii;
int itmp;
if(track == NULL)
if(GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer != GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP)
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP;
else GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM ;
/* Les vias ne doivent pas etre inutilement empilees: */
if( Locate_Via(m_Pcb, g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End, g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Layer))
pt_segm = g_FirstTrackSegment;
for ( ii = 0; ii < g_TrackSegmentCount-1 ; ii++, pt_segm = (TRACK*)pt_segm->Pnext)
if( (pt_segm->m_StructType == TYPEVIA) &&
(g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End == pt_segm->m_Start) )
/* Test si segment possible a placer */
if ( Drc_On )
if ( Drc(this, DC,g_CurrentTrackSegment,m_Pcb->m_Track,1) == BAD_DRC )
return ;
/* save etat actuel pour regeneration si via impossible a placer */
itmp = g_TrackSegmentCount;
Begin_Route(g_CurrentTrackSegment, DC);
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur(DrawPanel, DC, FALSE);
Via = new SEGVIA(m_Pcb);
Via->m_Flags = IS_NEW;
Via->m_Width = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentViaSize;
Via->m_Shape = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentViaType ;
Via->m_NetCode = g_HightLigth_NetCode ;
Via->m_Start = Via->m_End = g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End;
Via->m_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer; // Provisoirement
if( GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer != GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP)
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP ;
else GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM ;
if ( (Via->m_Shape & 15) == VIA_ENTERREE )
Via->m_Layer |= GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer << 4;
else if ( (Via->m_Shape & 15) == VIA_BORGNE )
{ // A revoir! ( la via devrait deboucher sur 1 cote )
Via->m_Layer |= GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer << 4;
else Via->m_Layer = 0x0F;
if ( Drc_On &&( Drc(this, DC,Via,m_Pcb->m_Track,1 ) == BAD_DRC ) )
{ /* Via impossible a placer ici */
delete Via;
GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer = g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Layer ;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur(DrawPanel, DC, FALSE);
/* la via est OK et est inseree apres le segment courant */
Via->Pback = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pnext = Via;
g_CurrentTrackSegment = new TRACK(*g_CurrentTrackSegment);
g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Layer = GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_Start = g_CurrentTrackSegment->m_End = Via->m_Start;
g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback = Via;
Via->Pnext = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
if ( g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild )
{ // Create a second segment (we must have 2 track segments to adjust)
TRACK * track = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
g_CurrentTrackSegment = new TRACK(*track);
g_CurrentTrackSegment->Pback = track;
track->Pnext = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur(DrawPanel, DC, FALSE);
Affiche_Infos_Piste(this, Via);
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Affiche_Status_Net(wxDC * DC)
/* Affiche:
le status du net en haut d'ecran du segment pointe par la souris
ou le status PCB en bas d'ecran si pas de segment pointe
TRACK * pt_segm;
int masquelayer = g_TabOneLayerMask[GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer];
pt_segm = Locate_Pistes(m_Pcb->m_Track, masquelayer, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE);
if(pt_segm == NULL) Affiche_Infos_Status_Pcb(this);
else test_1_net_connexion(DC, pt_segm->m_NetCode);
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Show_1_Ratsnest(EDA_BaseStruct * item, wxDC * DC)
/* Affiche le ratsnest relatif
au net du pad pointe par la souris
ou au module localise par la souris
Efface le chevelu affiche si aucun module ou pad n'est selectionne
int ii;
CHEVELU * pt_chevelu;
D_PAD * pt_pad = NULL;
MODULE * Module = NULL;
if (g_Show_Ratsnest) return; // Deja Affich<63>
if((m_Pcb->m_Status_Pcb & LISTE_CHEVELU_OK) == 0 )
Compile_Ratsnest( DC, TRUE );
if ( item && (item->m_StructType == TYPEPAD) )
pt_pad = (D_PAD*)item;
Module = (MODULE *) pt_pad->m_Parent;
if ( pt_pad ) /* Affichage du chevelu du net correspondant */
pt_chevelu = (CHEVELU*) m_Pcb->m_Ratsnest;
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests(); ii > 0; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
if( pt_chevelu->m_NetCode == pt_pad->m_NetCode)
if( (pt_chevelu->status & CH_VISIBLE) != 0 ) continue;
pt_chevelu->status |= CH_VISIBLE;
if( (pt_chevelu->status & CH_ACTIF) == 0 ) continue;
GRSetDrawMode(DC, GR_XOR);
GRLine( &DrawPanel->m_ClipBox, DC, pt_chevelu->pad_start->m_Pos.x,
if ( item && (item->m_StructType == TYPEMODULE) )
Module = (MODULE*)item;
if( Module)
pt_pad = Module->m_Pads;
for( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*)pt_pad->Pnext)
pt_chevelu = (CHEVELU*) m_Pcb->m_Ratsnest;
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests(); ii > 0; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
if( (pt_chevelu->pad_start == pt_pad) ||
(pt_chevelu->pad_end == pt_pad) )
if( pt_chevelu->status & CH_VISIBLE ) continue;
pt_chevelu->status |= CH_VISIBLE;
if( (pt_chevelu->status & CH_ACTIF) == 0 ) continue;
GRSetDrawMode(DC, GR_XOR);
GRLine(&DrawPanel->m_ClipBox, DC, pt_chevelu->pad_start->m_Pos.x,
pt_pad = NULL;
/* Effacement complet des selections
si aucun pad ou module n'a ete localise */
if( (pt_pad == NULL) && (Module == NULL) )
pt_chevelu = (CHEVELU*) m_Pcb->m_Ratsnest;
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests();(ii > 0) && pt_chevelu; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
pt_chevelu->status &= ~CH_VISIBLE;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Affiche_PadsNoConnect(wxDC * DC)
/* Met en surbrillance les pads non encore connectes ( correspondants aux
chevelus actifs
int ii;
CHEVELU * pt_chevelu;
D_PAD * pt_pad;
pt_chevelu = (CHEVELU*)m_Pcb->m_Ratsnest;
for( ii = m_Pcb->GetNumRatsnests();ii > 0; pt_chevelu++, ii--)
if( (pt_chevelu->status & CH_ACTIF) == 0 ) continue;
pt_pad = pt_chevelu->pad_start;
if (pt_pad)
pt_pad->Draw(DrawPanel,DC, wxPoint(0,0), GR_OR | GR_SURBRILL);
pt_pad = pt_chevelu->pad_end;
if (pt_pad)
pt_pad->Draw(DrawPanel,DC, wxPoint(0,0), GR_OR | GR_SURBRILL);