
545 lines
17 KiB

/*! \file kbool/include/kbool/booleng.h
\author Probably Klaas Holwerda
Copyright: 2001-2004 (C) Probably Klaas Holwerda
Licence: wxWidgets Licence
RCS-ID: $Id: booleng.h,v 1.3 2005/06/11 19:25:12 frm Exp $
#ifndef BOOLENG_H
#define BOOLENG_H
#if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA)
#pragma interface
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#if 0 // Kicad does dot use wxWidgets lib when building the kbool library
// but uses wxWidgets. So WXUSINGDLL has no meaning here, but could be defined in makefiles
// but must not be used when building kbool
#elif defined(WXUSINGDLL)
#else // not making nor using DLL
#define A2DKBOOLDLLEXP_DATA(type) type
#define KBOOL_VERSION "1.8"
#define KBOOL_DEBUG 0
#define KBOOL_LOG 0
#define KBOOL_INT64 1
class KBoolLink;
#define LINELENGTH 200
#define MAXDOUBLE 1.7976931348623158e+308
#ifdef KBOOL_INT64
#if defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__GNUG__)
typedef long long B_INT; // 8 bytes integer
//#define MINB_INT LONG_LONG_MIN // 8 bytes integer
#ifndef MAXB_INT
const B_INT MAXB_INT = (0x7fffffffffffffffLL); // 8 bytes integer
#ifndef MINB_INT
const B_INT MINB_INT = (0x8000000000000000LL);
#else //defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__GNUG__)
typedef __int64 B_INT; // 8 bytes integer
#undef MAXB_INT
#undef MINB_INT
const B_INT MAXB_INT = (0x7fffffffffffffff); // 8 bytes integer
const B_INT MINB_INT = (0x8000000000000000);
#endif //defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__GNUG__)
#else //KBOOL_INT64
#if defined(__UNIX__) || defined(__GNUG__)
typedef long B_INT; // 4 bytes integer
const B_INT MAXB_INT = (0x7fffffffL); // 4 bytes integer
const B_INT MINB_INT = (0x80000000L);
typedef long B_INT; // 4 bytes integer
const B_INT MAXB_INT = (0x7fffffff); // 4 bytes integer
const B_INT MINB_INT = (0x80000000);
#endif //KBOOL_INT64
B_INT babs(B_INT);
#ifdef M_PI
#undef M_PI
#define M_PI (3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841972)
#ifdef M_PI_2
#undef M_PI_2
#define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
#ifdef M_PI_4
#undef M_PI_4
#define M_PI_4 0.785398163397448309616
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
B_INT bmin(B_INT const value1, B_INT const value2);
B_INT bmax(B_INT const value1, B_INT const value2);
B_INT bmin(B_INT value1, B_INT value2);
B_INT bmax(B_INT value1, B_INT value2);
#include <string.h>
//! errors in the boolean algorithm will be thrown using this class
class A2DKBOOLDLLEXP Bool_Engine_Error
Bool_Engine_Error(const char* message, const char* header=0, int degree = 9, int fatal = 0);
Bool_Engine_Error(const Bool_Engine_Error& a);
char* GetErrorMessage();
char* GetHeaderMessage();
int GetErrorDegree();
int GetFatal();
char* _message;
char* _header;
int _degree;
int _fatal;
#define KBOOL_LOGFILE "kbool.log"
enum kbEdgeType
KB_OUTSIDE_EDGE, /*!< edge of the outside contour of a polygon */
KB_INSIDE_EDGE, /*!< edge of the inside hole a polygon */
KB_FALSE_EDGE /*!< edge to connect holes into polygons */
} ;
enum GroupType
GROUP_A, /*!< to set Group A for polygons */
GROUP_B /*!< to set Group A for polygons */
enum BOOL_OP
BOOL_NON, /*!< No operation */
BOOL_OR, /*!< boolean OR operation */
BOOL_AND, /*!< boolean AND operation */
BOOL_EXOR, /*!< boolean EX_OR operation */
BOOL_A_SUB_B, /*!< boolean Group A - Group B operation */
BOOL_B_SUB_A, /*!< boolean Group B - Group A operation */
BOOL_CORRECTION, /*!< polygon correction/offset operation */
BOOL_SMOOTHEN, /*!< smooth operation */
BOOL_MAKERING /*!< create a ring on all polygons */
class GraphList;
class Graph;
class KBoolLink;
class Node;
template<class Type> class TDLI;
//! boolean engine to perform operation on two sets of polygons.
First the engine needs to be filled with polygons.
The first operand in the operation is called group A polygons, the second group B.
The boolean operation ( BOOL_OR, BOOL_AND, BOOL_EXOR, BOOL_A_SUB_B, BOOL_B_SUB_A )
are based on the two sets of polygons in group A and B.
The other operation on group A only.
At the end of the operation the resulting polygons can be extracted.
class A2DKBOOLDLLEXP Bool_Engine {
//! constructor
//! destructor
virtual ~Bool_Engine();
const char* GetVersion() { return KBOOL_VERSION; }
//! reports progress of algorithm.
virtual void SetState( const char* = 0 );
//! called at an internal error.
virtual void error(const char *text, const char *title);
//! called at an internal generated possible error.
virtual void info(const char *text, const char *title);
bool Do_Operation(BOOL_OP operation);
//! distance within which points and lines will be snapped towards lines and other points
The algorithm takes into account gaps and inaccuracies caused by rounding to integer coordinates
in the original data.
Imagine two rectangles one with a side ( 0,0 ) ( 2.0, 17.0 )
and the other has a side ( 0,0 ) ( 1.0, 8.5 )
If for some reason those coordinates where round to ( 0,0 ) ( 2, 17 ) ( 0,0 ) ( 1, 9 ),
there will be clearly a gap or overlap that was not intended.
Even without rounding this effect takes place since there is always a minimum significant bit
also when using doubles.
If the user used as minimum accuracy 0.001, you need to choose Marge > 0.001
The boolean engine scales up the input data with GetDGrid() * GetGrid() and rounds the result to
integer, So (assuming GRID = 100 DGRID = 1000) a vertex of 123.001 in the user data will
become 12300100 internal.
At the end of the algorithm the internal vertexes are scaled down again with GetDGrid() * GetGrid(),
so 12300103 becomes 123.00103 eventually.
So indeed the minimum accuracy might increase, you are free to round again if needed.
void SetMarge(double marge);
double GetMarge();
//! input points are scaled up with GetDGrid() * GetGrid()
Grid makes sure that the integer data used within the algorithm has room for extra intersections
smaller than the smallest number within the input data.
The input data scaled up with DGrid is related to the accuracy the user has in his input data.
Another scaling with Grid is applied on top of it to create space in the integer number for
even smaller numbers.
void SetGrid(B_INT grid);
//! See SetGrid
B_INT GetGrid();
//! input points are scaled up with GetDGrid() * GetGrid()
The input data scaled up with DGrid is related to the accuracy the user has in his input data.
User data with a minimum accuracy of 0.001, means set the DGrid to 1000.
The input data may contain data with a minimum accuracy much smaller, but by setting the DGrid
everything smaller than 1/DGrid is rounded.
DGRID is only meant to make fractional parts of input data which can be
doubles, part of the integers used in vertexes within the boolean algorithm.
And therefore DGRID bigger than 1 is not usefull, you would only loose accuracy.
Within the algorithm all input data is multiplied with DGRID, and the result
is rounded to an integer.
void SetDGrid(double dgrid);
//! See SetDGrid
double GetDGrid();
//! When doing a correction operation ( also known as process offset )
//! this defines the detail in the rounded corners.
Depending on the round factor the corners of the polygon may be rounding within the correction
algorithm. The detail within this rounded corner is set here.
It defines the deviation the generated segments in arc like polygon may have towards the ideal
rounded corner using a perfect arc.
void SetCorrectionAber(double aber);
//! see SetCorrectionAber
double GetCorrectionAber();
//! When doing a correction operation ( also known as process offset )
//! this defines the amount of correction.
The correction algorithm can apply positive and negative offset to polygons.
It takes into account closed in areas within a polygon, caused by overlapping/selfintersecting
polygons. So holes form that way are corrected proberly, but the overlapping parts itself
are left alone. An often used trick to present polygons with holes by linking to the outside
boundary, is therefore also handled properly.
The algoritm first does a boolean OR operation on the polygon, and seperates holes and
outside contours.
After this it creates a ring shapes on the above holes and outside contours.
This ring shape is added or subtracted from the holes and outside contours.
The result is the corrected polygon.
If the correction factor is > 0, the outside contours will become larger, while the hole contours
will become smaller.
void SetCorrectionFactor(double aber);
//! see SetCorrectionFactor
double GetCorrectionFactor();
//! used within the smooth algorithm to define how much the smoothed curve may deviate
//! from the original.
void SetSmoothAber(double aber);
//! see SetSmoothAber
double GetSmoothAber();
//! segments of this size will be left alone in the smooth algorithm.
void SetMaxlinemerge(double maxline);
//! see SetMaxlinemerge
double GetMaxlinemerge();
//! Polygon may be filled in different ways (alternate and winding rule).
//! This here defines which method will be assumed within the algorithm.
void SetWindingRule(bool rule);
//! see SetWindingRule
bool GetWindingRule();
//! the smallest accuracy used within the algorithm for comparing two real numbers.
double GetAccur();
//! Used with in correction/offset algorithm.
When the polygon contains sharp angles ( < 90 ), after a positive correction the
extended parrallel constructed offset lines may leed to extreme offsets on the angles.
The length of the crossing generated by the parrallel constructed offset lines
towards the original point in the polygon is compared to the offset which needs to be applied.
The Roundfactor then decides if this corner will be rounded.
A Roundfactor of 1 means that the resulting offset will not be bigger then the correction factor
set in the algorithm. Meaning even straight 90 degrees corners will be rounded.
A Roundfactor of > sqrt(2) is where 90 corners will be left alone, and smaller corners will be rounded.
void SetRoundfactor(double roundfac);
//! see SetRoundfactor
double GetRoundfactor();
// the following are only be used within the algorithm,
// since they are scaled with m_DGRID
//! only used internal.
void SetInternalMarge( B_INT marge );
//! only used internal.
B_INT GetInternalMarge();
//! only used internal.
double GetInternalCorrectionAber();
//! only used internal.
double GetInternalCorrectionFactor();
//! only used internal.
double GetInternalSmoothAber();
//! only used internal.
B_INT GetInternalMaxlinemerge();
//! in this mode polygons add clockwise, or contours,
and polygons added counter clockwise or holes.
void SetOrientationEntryMode( bool orientationEntryMode ) { m_orientationEntryMode = orientationEntryMode; }
//! see SetOrientationEntryMode()
bool GetOrientationEntryMode() { return m_orientationEntryMode; }
//! if set true holes are linked into outer contours by double overlapping segments.
This mode is needed when the software using the boolean algorithm does
not understand hole polygons. In that case a contour and its holes form one
polygon. In cases where software understands the concept of holes, contours
are clockwise oriented, while holes are anticlockwise oriented.
The output of the boolean operations, is following those rules also.
But even if extracting the polygons from the engine, each segment is marked such
that holes and non holes and linksegments to holes can be recognized.
void SetLinkHoles( bool doLinkHoles ) { m_doLinkHoles = doLinkHoles; }
//! see SetLinkHoles()
bool GetLinkHoles() { return m_doLinkHoles; }
//!lof file will be created when set True
void SetLog( bool OnOff );
//! used to write to log file
void Write_Log(const char *);
//! used to write to log file
void Write_Log(const char *, const char *);
//! used to write to log file
void Write_Log(const char *, double);
//! used to write to log file
void Write_Log(const char *, B_INT);
FILE* GetLogFile() { return m_logfile; }
// methods used to add polygons to the eng using points
//! Start adding a polygon to the engine
The boolean operation work on two groups of polygons ( group A or B ),
other algorithms are only using group A.
You add polygons like this to the engine.
// foreach point in a polygon ...
if (booleng->StartPolygonAdd(GROUP_A))
\param A_or_B defines if the new polygon will be of group A or B
Holes or added by adding an inside polygons with opposite orientation compared
to another polygon added.
So the contour polygon ClockWise, then add counterclockwise polygons for holes, and visa versa.
BUT only if m_orientationEntryMode is set true, else all polygons are redirected, and become
individual areas without holes.
Holes in such a case must be linked into the contour using two extra segments.
bool StartPolygonAdd( GroupType A_or_B );
//! see StartPolygonAdd
bool AddPoint(double x, double y);
//! see StartPolygonAdd
bool EndPolygonAdd();
// methods used to extract polygons from the eng by getting its points
//! Use after StartPolygonGet()
int GetNumPointsInPolygon() { return m_numPtsInPolygon ; }
//! get resulting polygons at end of an operation
// foreach resultant polygon in the booleng ...
while ( booleng->StartPolygonGet() )
// foreach point in the polygon
while ( booleng->PolygonHasMorePoints() )
fprintf(stdout,"x = %f\t", booleng->GetPolygonXPoint());
fprintf(stdout,"y = %f\n", booleng->GetPolygonYPoint());
bool StartPolygonGet();
//! see StartPolygonGet
This iterates through the first graph in the graphlist.
Setting the current Node properly by following the links in the graph
through its nodes.
bool PolygonHasMorePoints();
//! see StartPolygonGet
double GetPolygonXPoint();
//! see StartPolygonGet
double GetPolygonYPoint();
//! in the resulting polygons this tells if the current polygon segment is one
//! used to link holes into the outer contour of the surrounding polygon
bool GetHoleConnectionSegment();
//! in the resulting polygons this tells if the current polygon segment is part
//! of a hole within a polygon.
bool GetHoleSegment();
//! an other way to get the type of segment.
kbEdgeType GetPolygonPointEdgeType();
//! see StartPolygonGet()
Removes a graph from the graphlist.
Called after an extraction of an output polygon was done.
void EndPolygonGet();
bool m_doLog;
//! contains polygons in graph form
GraphList* m_graphlist;
double m_MARGE;
double m_DGRID;
double m_SMOOTHABER;
double m_ACCUR;
bool m_orientationEntryMode;
bool m_doLinkHoles;
//! used in the StartPolygonAdd, AddPt, EndPolygonAdd sequence
Graph* m_GraphToAdd;
//! used in the StartPolygonAdd, AddPt, EndPolygonAdd sequence
Node* m_lastNodeToAdd;
//! used in the StartPolygonAdd, AddPt, EndPolygonAdd sequence
Node* m_firstNodeToAdd;
//! the current group type ( group A or B )
GroupType m_groupType;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
Graph* m_getGraph;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
KBoolLink* m_getLink;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
Node* m_getNode;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
double m_PolygonXPoint;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
double m_PolygonYPoint;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
int m_numPtsInPolygon;
//! used in extracting the points from the resultant polygons
int m_numNodesVisited;
FILE* m_logfile;
//! use in Node to iterate links.
TDLI<KBoolLink>* _linkiter;
//! how many time run intersections fase.
unsigned int m_intersectionruns;