
341 lines
11 KiB

# This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
# Copyright (C) 2010 Wayne Stambaugh <>
# Copyright (C) 2010 Kicad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
# or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
# or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
# This script converts a plain text file with a line feed separated list
# of token names into the appropriate source and header files required by
# the DSN lexer. See files "<base_source_path>/common/dsnlexer.cpp" and
# "<base_source_path>/include/dsnlexer.h" for more information about how
# the DSN lexer works. The token list file format requires a single token
# per line. Tokens can only contain lower case letters, numbers, and
# underscores. The first letter of each token must be a lower case letter.
# Tokens must be unique. If any of the above criteria are not met, the
# source and header files will not be generated and a build error will
# occur.
# Valid tokens: a a1 foo_1 foo_bar2
# Invalid tokens: 1 A _foo bar_ foO
# Invocation Parameters are: enum, inputFile, outCppFile, outHeaderFile
# enum - Required, name of the enum to generate.
# inputFile - Required, name of the token list file, or "*.keywords" file.
# Choose the basefilename carefully, it decides the class name
# used in the generated *_lexer.h file.
# outCppFile - Optional, full path and file name of where to save the generated
# cpp keywords file. If not defined, the output path is the same
# path as the token list file path, with a file name of *_keywords.cpp
# outHeaderFile - Optional, full path and file name of where to save the generated
# *.h lexfer file. If not defined, the output path is the same
# path as the token list file path, with a file name of *_lexer.h
# Example Usage from within a CMakeLists.txt file is shown below. CMake itself
# is invoked as a child process to execute this script and parameters are passed on
# the command line, which is formulated as the "COMMAND" sequence below:
# add_custom_command(
# OUTPUT ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmp_library_lexer.h
# ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/cmp_library_keywords.cpp
# -Denum=YOURTOK_T
# -DinputFile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library.keywords
# -DoutCppFile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library_keywords.cpp
# -DoutHeaderFile=${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library_lexer.h
# -P ${CMAKE_MODULE_PATH}/TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake
# DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library.keywords
# COMMENT "creating ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library_{lexer.h,keywords.cpp}
# from ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmp_library.keywords"
# )
#message( STATUS "TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake" ) # indicate we are running
set( tokens "" )
set( lineCount 0 )
set( dsnErrorMsg "TokenList2DsnLexer.cmake failure:" )
if( NOT EXISTS ${inputFile} )
message( FATAL_ERROR "${dsnErrorMsg} file ${inputFile} cannot be found." )
if( NOT DEFINED enum )
message( FATAL_ERROR "${dsnErrorMsg} missing \"enum\" processing ${inputFile}." )
get_filename_component( outputPath "${inputFile}" PATH )
# the keywords filename without extension is important, it sets the classname into RESULT
get_filename_component( result "${inputFile}" NAME_WE )
string( TOUPPER "${result}" RESULT )
#message( "enum:'${enum}' result:'${result}' outputPath:'${outputPath}' inputFile:'${inputFile}'" )
if( NOT DEFINED outCppFile )
set( outCppFile "${outputPath}/${result}_keywords.cpp" )
if( NOT DEFINED outHeaderFile )
set( outHeaderFile "${outputPath}/${result}_lexer.h" )
# Create tag for generating header file.
set( headerTag "_${RESULT}_H_" )
set( includeFileHeader
/* Do not modify this file it was automatically generated by the
* TokenList2DsnLexer CMake script.
#ifndef ${headerTag}
#define ${headerTag}
#include \"dsnlexer.h\"
namespace DSN {
enum ${enum} {
// these first few are negative special ones for syntax, and are
// inherited from DSNLEXER.
T_RIGHT = DSN_RIGHT, // right bracket, ')'
T_LEFT = DSN_LEFT, // left bracket, '('
T_STRING = DSN_STRING, // a quoted string, stripped of the quotes
T_EOF = DSN_EOF, // special case for end of file
set( sourceFileHeader
/* Do not modify this file it was automatically generated by the
* TokenList2DsnLexer CMake script.
* Include this file in your lexer class to provide the keywords for
* your DSN lexer.
#include \"fctsys.h\"
#include \"macros.h\"
#include \"${result}_lexer.h\"
namespace DSN {
#define TOKDEF(x) { #x, T_##x }
const KEYWORD ${result}_keywords[] = {
file( STRINGS ${inputFile} tmpTokens NO_HEX_CONVERSION )
foreach( tmpToken ${tmpTokens} )
math( EXPR lineCount "${lineCount} + 1" )
string( STRIP tmpToken "${tmpToken}" )
# Ignore empty lines.
if( tmpToken )
# Make sure token is valid.
string( REGEX MATCH "[a-z][_0-9a-z]*[0-9a-z]$" validToken "${tmpToken}" )
if( validToken STREQUAL tmpToken )
list( APPEND tokens "${validToken}" )
else( validToken STREQUAL tmpToken )
message( FATAL_ERROR
"Invalid token string \"${tmpToken}\" at line ${lineCount} in file "
"<${inputFile}>." )
endif( validToken STREQUAL tmpToken )
endif( tmpToken )
endforeach( tmpToken ${tmpTokens} )
list( SORT tokens )
# Check for duplicates.
list( LENGTH tokens tokensBefore )
list( REMOVE_DUPLICATES tokens )
list( LENGTH tokens tokensAfter )
if( NOT ( tokensBefore EQUAL tokensAfter ) )
message( FATAL_ERROR "Duplicate tokens found in file <${inputFile}>." )
endif( NOT ( tokensBefore EQUAL tokensAfter ) )
file( WRITE "${outHeaderFile}" "${includeFileHeader}" )
file( WRITE "${outCppFile}" "${sourceFileHeader}" )
set( lineCount 1 )
foreach( token ${tokens} )
if( lineCount EQUAL 1 )
file( APPEND "${outHeaderFile}" " T_${token} = 0" )
else( lineCount EQUAL 1 )
file( APPEND "${outHeaderFile}" " T_${token}" )
endif( lineCount EQUAL 1 )
file(APPEND "${outCppFile}" " TOKDEF( ${token} )" )
if( lineCount EQUAL tokensAfter )
file( APPEND "${outHeaderFile}" "\n" )
file( APPEND "${outCppFile}" "\n" )
else( lineCount EQUAL tokensAfter )
file( APPEND "${outHeaderFile}" ",\n" )
file( APPEND "${outCppFile}" ",\n" )
endif( lineCount EQUAL tokensAfter )
math( EXPR lineCount "${lineCount} + 1" )
endforeach( token ${tokens} )
file( APPEND "${outHeaderFile}"
extern const KEYWORD ${result}_keywords[];
extern const unsigned ${result}_keyword_count;
} // End namespace DSN
using namespace DSN; // enum ${enum} is in this namespace
class ${RESULT}_LEXER : public DSNLEXER
* Constructor ${RESULT}_LEXER
* @param aClipboartTxt is std::string (8 bit) text possibly from the
* clipboard that you want to parse.
${RESULT}_LEXER( const std::string& aClipboardTxt ) :
DSNLEXER( aClipboardTxt,
DSN::${result}_keyword_count )
* Constructor ${RESULT}_LEXER
* takes @a aFile already opened for reading and @a aFilename as parameters.
* The opened file is not closed by this class, and is assumed to be positioned
* at the beginning of the file for purposes of accurate line number reporting
* in error messages.
* @param aFile is a FILE already opened for reading.
* @param aFilename is the name of the opened file, needed for error reporting.
${RESULT}_LEXER( FILE* aFile, const wxString& aFilename ) :
DSNLEXER( aFile, aFilename,
DSN::${result}_keyword_count )
* Function NextTok
* returns the next token found in the input file or T_EOF when reaching
* the end of file. Users should wrap this function to return an enum
* to aid in grammar debugging while running under a debugger, but leave
* this lower level function returning an int (so the enum does not collide
* with another usage).
* @return ${enum} - the type of token found next.
* @throw IO_ERROR - only if the LINE_READER throws it.
${enum} NextTok() throw( IO_ERROR )
return (${enum}) DSNLEXER::NextTok();
* Function NeedSYMBOL
* calls NextTok() and then verifies that the token read in
* satisfies bool IsSymbol().
* If not, an IO_ERROR is thrown.
* @return int - the actual token read in.
* @throw IO_ERROR, if the next token does not satisfy IsSymbol()
${enum} NeedSYMBOL() throw( IO_ERROR )
return (${enum}) DSNLEXER::NeedSYMBOL();
* Function NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER
* calls NextTok() and then verifies that the token read in
* satisfies bool IsSymbol() or tok==T_NUMBER.
* If not, an IO_ERROR is thrown.
* @return int - the actual token read in.
* @throw IO_ERROR, if the next token does not satisfy the above test
${enum} NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER() throw( IO_ERROR )
return (${enum}) DSNLEXER::NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER();
* Function CurTok
* returns whatever NextTok() returned the last time it was called.
${enum} CurTok()
return (${enum}) DSNLEXER::CurTok();
* Function PrevTok
* returns whatever NextTok() returned the 2nd to last time it was called.
${enum} PrevTok()
return (${enum}) DSNLEXER::PrevTok();
// example usage
* holds data and functions pertinent to parsing a S-expression file .
class ${RESULT}_PARSER : public ${RESULT}_LEXER
#endif // ${headerTag}
file( APPEND "${outCppFile}"
const unsigned ${result}_keyword_count = DIM( ${result}_keywords );
} // End namespace DSN