368 lines
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368 lines
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* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2016-2023 CERN
* Copyright (C) 2016-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* @author Tomasz Wlostowski <tomasz.wlostowski@cern.ch>
* @author Maciej Suminski <maciej.suminski@cern.ch>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 3 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef __SIM_PLOT_PANEL_H
#define __SIM_PLOT_PANEL_H
#include "sim_types.h"
#include <map>
#include <widgets/mathplot.h>
#include <wx/colour.h>
#include <wx/sizer.h>
#include "sim_tab.h"
#include "sim_plot_colors.h"
class TRACE;
* The SIMULATOR_FRAME holds the main user-interface for running simulations.
* It contains a workbook with multiple tabs, each tab holding a SIM_PLOT_TAB, a specific
* simulation command (.TRAN, .AC, etc.), and simulation settings (save all currents, etc.).
* Each plot can have multiple TRACEs. While internally each TRACE can have multiple cursors,
* the GUI supports only two cursors (and a differential cursor) for each plot.
* TRACEs are identified by a signal (V(OUT), I(R2), etc.) and a type (SPT_VOLTAGE, SPT_AC_PHASE,
* etc.).
* The simulator outputs simple signals in a vector of the same name. Complex signals (such as
* V(OUT) / V(IN)) are stored in vectors of the format "user%d".
///< Cursor attached to a trace to follow its values:
class CURSOR : public mpInfoLayer
CURSOR( TRACE* aTrace, SIM_PLOT_TAB* aPlotTab ) :
m_trace( aTrace ),
m_updateRequired( true ),
m_updateRef( false ),
m_coords( 0.0, 0.0 ),
m_window( nullptr )
SetDrawOutsideMargins( false );
void Plot( wxDC& aDC, mpWindow& aWindow ) override;
void SetX( int aX )
m_reference.x = 0;
m_updateRef = true;
Move( wxPoint( aX, 0 ) );
void Update()
m_updateRequired = true;
bool Inside( const wxPoint& aPoint ) const override;
void Move( wxPoint aDelta ) override
mpInfoLayer::Move( aDelta );
void UpdateReference() override;
const wxRealPoint& GetCoords() const
return m_coords;
void SetCoordX( double aValue );
void doSetCoordX( double aValue );
wxString getID();
TRACE* m_trace;
bool m_updateRequired;
bool m_updateRef;
wxRealPoint m_coords;
mpWindow* m_window;
static constexpr int DRAG_MARGIN = 10;
class TRACE : public mpFXYVector
TRACE( const wxString& aName, SIM_TRACE_TYPE aType ) :
mpFXYVector( aName ),
m_type( aType )
SetContinuity( true );
SetDrawOutsideMargins( false );
ShowName( false );
SetName( aName );
void SetName( const wxString& aName ) override
for( auto& [ idx, cursor ] : m_cursors )
if( cursor )
cursor->SetName( aName );
mpFXYVector::SetName( aName );
if( m_type & SPT_AC_GAIN )
m_displayName = aName + _( " (gain)" );
else if( m_type & SPT_AC_PHASE )
m_displayName = aName + _( " (phase)" );
m_displayName = aName;
* Assigns new data set for the trace. aX and aY need to have the same length.
* @param aX are the X axis values.
* @param aY are the Y axis values.
void SetData( const std::vector<double>& aX, const std::vector<double>& aY ) override
for( auto& [ idx, cursor ] : m_cursors )
if( cursor )
mpFXYVector::SetData( aX, aY );
const std::vector<double>& GetDataX() const { return m_xs; }
const std::vector<double>& GetDataY() const { return m_ys; }
bool HasCursor( int aCursorId ) { return m_cursors[ aCursorId ] != nullptr; }
void SetCursor( int aCursorId, CURSOR* aCursor ) { m_cursors[ aCursorId ] = aCursor; }
CURSOR* GetCursor( int aCursorId ) { return m_cursors[ aCursorId ]; }
std::map<int, CURSOR*>& GetCursors() { return m_cursors; }
SIM_TRACE_TYPE GetType() const { return m_type; }
void SetTraceColour( const wxColour& aColour ) { m_traceColour = aColour; }
wxColour GetTraceColour() const { return m_traceColour; }
std::map<int, CURSOR*> m_cursors; // No ownership; the mpWindow owns the CURSORs
wxColour m_traceColour;
class SIM_PLOT_TAB : public SIM_TAB
SIM_PLOT_TAB( const wxString& aSimCommand, unsigned aSimOptions, wxWindow* parent );
virtual ~SIM_PLOT_TAB();
wxString GetLabelX() const
return m_axis_x ? m_axis_x->GetName() : wxString( wxS( "" ) );
wxString GetLabelY1() const
return m_axis_y1 ? m_axis_y1->GetName() : wxString( wxS( "" ) );
wxString GetLabelY2() const
return m_axis_y2 ? m_axis_y2->GetName() : wxString( wxS( "" ) );
wxString GetLabelY3() const
return m_axis_y3 ? m_axis_y3->GetName() : wxString( wxS( "" ) );
wxString GetUnitsX() const;
wxString GetUnitsY1() const;
wxString GetUnitsY2() const;
wxString GetUnitsY3() const;
const std::map<wxString, TRACE*>& GetTraces() const
return m_traces;
TRACE* GetTrace( const wxString& aVecName, int aType ) const
auto trace = m_traces.find( getTraceId( aVecName, aType ) );
return trace == m_traces.end() ? nullptr : trace->second;
void ShowGrid( bool aEnable )
if( m_axis_x )
m_axis_x->SetTicks( !aEnable );
if( m_axis_y1 )
m_axis_y1->SetTicks( !aEnable );
if( m_axis_y2 )
m_axis_y2->SetTicks( !aEnable );
if( m_axis_y3 )
m_axis_y3->SetTicks( !aEnable );
bool IsGridShown() const
if( !m_axis_x || !m_axis_y1 )
return false;
assert( m_axis_x->GetTicks() == m_axis_y1->GetTicks() );
return !m_axis_x->GetTicks();
void ShowLegend( bool aEnable )
m_legend->SetVisible( aEnable );
bool IsLegendShown() const
return m_legend->IsVisible();
wxPoint GetLegendPosition() const
return m_legend->GetPosition();
void SetLegendPosition( const wxPoint& aPosition )
m_legend->Move( aPosition );
* Draw secondary signal traces (current or phase) with dotted lines
void SetDottedSecondary( bool aEnable )
m_dotted_cp = aEnable;
for( const auto& tr : m_traces )
UpdateTraceStyle( tr.second );
bool GetDottedSecondary() const
return m_dotted_cp;
///< Toggle cursor for a particular trace.
void EnableCursor( const wxString& aVectorName, int aType, int aCursorId, bool aEnable,
const wxString& aSignalName );
///< Reset scale ranges to fit the current traces.
void ResetScales( bool aIncludeX );
///< Update trace line style
void UpdateTraceStyle( TRACE* trace );
///< Update plot colors
void UpdatePlotColors();
void OnLanguageChanged() override;
///< Getter for math plot window
mpWindow* GetPlotWin() const { return m_plotWin; }
TRACE* AddTrace( const wxString& aVectorName, int aType );
void SetTraceData( TRACE* aTrace, unsigned int aPoints, const double* aX, const double* aY );
bool DeleteTrace( const wxString& aVectorName, int aTraceType );
void DeleteTrace( TRACE* aTrace );
std::vector<std::pair<wxString, wxString>>& Measurements() { return m_measurements; }
wxString getTraceId( const wxString& aVectorName, int aType ) const
return wxString::Format( wxS( "%s%d" ), aVectorName, aType & SPT_Y_AXIS_MASK );
///< @brief Construct the plot axes for DC simulation plot.
void prepareDCAxes( int aNewTraceType );
///< Create/Ensure axes are available for plotting
void updateAxes( int aNewTraceType = SIM_TRACE_TYPE::SPT_UNKNOWN );
// Top-level plot window
mpWindow* m_plotWin;
wxBoxSizer* m_sizer;
// Traces to be plotted
std::map<wxString, TRACE*> m_traces;
mpScaleXBase* m_axis_x;
mpScaleY* m_axis_y1;
mpScaleY* m_axis_y2;
mpScaleY* m_axis_y3;
mpInfoLegend* m_legend;
bool m_dotted_cp;
// Measurements (and their format strings)
std::vector<std::pair<wxString, wxString>> m_measurements;