
346 lines
15 KiB

/* wxPcbStruct.h: */
/* Classes used in pcbnew, cvpcb and gerbview */
#include <vector>
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "base_struct.h"
#define PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT 10000
/* Forward declarations of classes. */
class WinEDA_Toolbar;
class WinEDA_CvpcbFrame;
class WinEDA_PcbFrame;
class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame;
class BOARD;
class TEXTE_PCB;
class MODULE;
class TRACK;
class SEGZONE;
class SEGVIA;
class D_PAD;
class MIREPCB;
class WinEDA3D_DrawFrame;
class DRC;
/* class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame: Basic class for pcbnew and gerbview */
class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame : public WinEDA_DrawFrame
bool m_DisplayPadFill; // How show pads
bool m_DisplayViaFill; // How show vias
bool m_DisplayPadNum; // show pads numbers
int m_DisplayModEdge; // How show module drawings
int m_DisplayModText; // How show module texts
bool m_DisplayPcbTrackFill; /* FALSE : tracks are show in sketch mode, TRUE = filled */
int m_UserGridUnits;
wxRealPoint m_UserGridSize;
WinEDA3D_DrawFrame* m_Draw3DFrame;
WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame* m_ModuleEditFrame;
BOARD* m_Pcb;
WinEDA_BasePcbFrame( wxWindow* father, int idtype,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
* Function SetBoard
* sets the m_Pcb member in such as way as to ensure deleting any previous
* @param aBoard The BOARD to put into the frame.
void SetBoard( BOARD* aBoard );
BOARD* GetBoard()
wxASSERT( m_Pcb ); // phasing out m_Pcb for gerbview
return m_Pcb;
// General
virtual void OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& Event ) = 0;
virtual void RedrawActiveWindow( wxDC* DC, bool EraseBg ) { }
virtual void ReCreateHToolbar() = 0;
virtual void ReCreateVToolbar() = 0;
virtual void OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos ) = 0;
virtual bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu ) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateMenuBar();
virtual void SetToolID( int id, int new_cursor_id,
const wxString& title );
virtual void UpdateStatusBar();
PCB_SCREEN* GetScreen() const { return (PCB_SCREEN*) WinEDA_DrawFrame::GetBaseScreen(); }
BASE_SCREEN* GetBaseScreen() const;
int BestZoom();
virtual void Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event );
// Read/write fonctions:
EDA_BaseStruct* ReadDrawSegmentDescr( FILE* File, int* LineNum );
int ReadListeSegmentDescr( FILE* File,
TRACK* PtSegm, int StructType,
int* LineNum, int NumSegm );
int ReadSetup( FILE* File, int* LineNum );
int ReadGeneralDescrPcb( FILE* File, int* LineNum );
* Function PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay
* searches for an item under the mouse cursor.
* Items are searched first on the current working layer.
* If nothing found, an item will be searched without layer restriction. If
* more than one item is found meeting the current working layer criterion, then
* a popup menu is shown which allows the user to pick which item he/she is
* interested in. Once an item is chosen, then it is make the "current item"
* and the status window is updated to reflect this.
* @param aHotKeyCode The hotkey which relates to the caller and determines the
* type of search to be performed. If zero, then the mouse tools will be
* tested instead.
BOARD_ITEM* PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode = 0 );
void ProcessItemSelection( wxCommandEvent& event );
* Function SetCurItem
* sets the currently selected item and displays it in the MsgPanel.
* If the given item is NULL then the MsgPanel is erased and there is no
* currently selected item. This function is intended to make the process
* of "selecting" an item more formal, and to indivisibly tie the operation
* of selecting an item to displaying it using BOARD_ITEM::Display_Infos().
* @param aItem The BOARD_ITEM to make the selected item or NULL if none.
void SetCurItem( BOARD_ITEM* aItem );
BOARD_ITEM* GetCurItem();
* Function GetCollectorsGuide
* @return GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE - that considers the global configuration options.
* Function CursorGoto
* positions the cursor at a given coordinate and reframes the drawing if the
* requested point is out of view.
* @param aPos The point to go to.
void CursorGoto( const wxPoint& aPos );
/* Place un repere sur l'ecran au point de coordonnees PCB pos */
void place_marqueur( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos, char* pt_bitmap,
int DrawMode, int color, int type );
// Gestion des modules
MODULE* Copie_Module( MODULE* module );
/** Function Save_Module_In_Library
* Save in an existing library a given footprint
* @param aLibName = name of the library to use
* @param aModule = the given footprint
* @param aOverwrite = true to overwrite an existing footprint, false to abort an existing footprint is found
* @param aDisplayDialog = true to display a dialog to enter or confirm the footprint name
* @param aCreateDocFile = true to creates the associated doc file
* @return : 1 if OK,0 if abort
int Save_Module_In_Library( const wxString& aLibName,
MODULE* aModule, bool aOverwrite,
bool aDisplayDialog, bool aCreateDocFile );
void Archive_Modules( const wxString& LibName, bool NewModulesOnly );
MODULE* Select_1_Module_From_BOARD( BOARD* Pcb );
MODULE* GetModuleByName();
// Modules (footprints)
MODULE* Create_1_Module( wxDC* DC, const wxString& module_name );
void Edit_Module( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC );
void Rotate_Module( wxDC* DC,
MODULE* module,
int angle,
bool incremental );
void Place_Module( MODULE* module,
wxDC* DC,
bool aDoNotRecreateRatsnest = false );
// module texts
void RotateTextModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
void DeleteTextModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text );
void PlaceTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
void StartMoveTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
TEXTE_MODULE* CreateTextModule( MODULE* Module, wxDC* DC );
void InstallPadOptionsFrame( D_PAD* pad, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
void InstallTextModOptionsFrame( TEXTE_MODULE* TextMod, wxDC* DC );
// Pads sur modules
void AddPad( MODULE* Module, bool draw );
void DeletePad( D_PAD* Pad );
void StartMovePad( D_PAD* Pad, wxDC* DC );
void RotatePad( D_PAD* Pad, wxDC* DC );
void PlacePad( D_PAD* Pad, wxDC* DC );
void Export_Pad_Settings( D_PAD* aPad );
void Import_Pad_Settings( D_PAD* aPad, bool aDraw );
void Global_Import_Pad_Settings( D_PAD* aPad, bool aDraw );
// loading footprints
/** function Get_Librairie_Module
* Read active libraries or one library to find and load a given module
* If found the lodule is linked to the tail of linked list of modules
* @param aLibrary: the full filename of the library to read. If empty, all active libraries are read
* @param aModuleName = module name to load
* @param aDisplayMessageError = true to display an error message if any.
* @return a MODULE * pointer to the new module, or NULL
MODULE* Get_Librairie_Module( const wxString& aLibraryFullFilename,
const wxString& aModuleName,
bool aDisplayMessageError );
/** Function Select_1_Module_From_List
* Display a list of modules found in active libraries or a given library
* @param aLibraryFullFilename = library to list (if aLibraryFullFilename == void, list all modules)
* @param aMask = Display filter (wildcart)( Mask = wxEmptyString if not used )
* @param aKeyWord = keyword list, to display a filtered list of module having one (or more) of these keyworks in their keywork list
* ( aKeyWord = wxEmptyString if not used )
* @return wxEmptyString if abort or fails, or the selected module name if Ok
wxString Select_1_Module_From_List(
WinEDA_DrawFrame* active_window, const wxString& aLibraryFullFilename,
const wxString& aMask, const wxString& aKeyWord );
MODULE* Load_Module_From_Library( const wxString& library, wxDC* DC );
// ratsnest functions
void Compile_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, bool affiche ); /* Recalcul complet du chevelu */
int Test_1_Net_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, int net_code );
void build_ratsnest_module( wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module );
void trace_ratsnest_module( wxDC* DC );
void Build_Board_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC );
void DrawGeneralRatsnest( wxDC* DC, int net_code = 0 );
void trace_ratsnest_pad( wxDC* DC );
void build_ratsnest_pad( BOARD_ITEM* ref,
const wxPoint& refpos,
bool init );
void Tst_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, int ref_netcode );
void test_connexions( wxDC* DC );
void test_1_net_connexion( wxDC* DC, int net_code );
void RecalculateAllTracksNetcode();
/* Plotting functions:
void ToPlotter( wxCommandEvent& event );
void Genere_GERBER( const wxString& FullFileName, int Layer,
bool PlotOriginIsAuxAxis, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Genere_HPGL( const wxString& FullFileName, int Layer, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Genere_PS( const wxString& FullFileName,
int Layer,
bool useA4,
GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Genere_DXF( const wxString& FullFileName, int Layer, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Plot_Layer( PLOTTER* plotter, int Layer, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Plot_Standard_Layer( PLOTTER* plotter, int masque_layer,
int garde, bool trace_via,
GRTraceMode trace_mode );
void Plot_Serigraphie( PLOTTER* plotter, int masque_layer, GRTraceMode trace_mode );
/** function PlotDrillMark
* Draw a drill mark for pads and vias.
* Must be called after all drawings, because it
* redraw the drill mark on a pad or via, as a negative (i.e. white) shape in FILLED plot mode
* @param aPlotter = the PLOTTER
* @param aTraceMode = the mode of plot (FILLED, SKETCH)
* @param aSmallDrillShape = true to plot a smalle drill shape, false to plot the actual drill shape
void PlotDrillMark( PLOTTER* aPlotter, GRTraceMode aTraceMode, bool aSmallDrillShape );
/* Functions relative to Undo/redo commands:
/** Function SaveCopyInUndoList (virtual pure)
* Creates a new entry in undo list of commands.
* add a picker to handle aItemToCopy
* @param aItemToCopy = the board item modified by the command to undo
* @param aTypeCommand = command type (see enum UndoRedoOpType)
* @param aTransformPoint = the reference point of the transformation, for commands like move
virtual void SaveCopyInUndoList( BOARD_ITEM* aItemToCopy, UndoRedoOpType aTypeCommand,
const wxPoint& aTransformPoint = wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ) = 0;
/** Function SaveCopyInUndoList (virtual pure, overloaded).
* Creates a new entry in undo list of commands.
* add a list of pickers to handle a list of items
* @param aItemsList = the list of items modified by the command to undo
* @param aTypeCommand = command type (see enum UndoRedoOpType)
* @param aTransformPoint = the reference point of the transformation, for commands like move
virtual void SaveCopyInUndoList( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList, UndoRedoOpType aTypeCommand,
const wxPoint& aTransformPoint = wxPoint( 0, 0 ) ) = 0;
// layerhandling:
// (See pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp for description of why null_layer parameter is provided)
int SelectLayer( int default_layer, int min_layer, int max_layer,
bool null_layer = false );
void SelectLayerPair();
virtual void SwitchLayer( wxDC* DC, int layer );
// divers
void AddHistory( int value, KICAD_T type ); // Add value in data list history
void InstallGridFrame( const wxPoint& pos );
virtual void LoadSettings();
virtual void SaveSettings();
#endif /* WX_BASE_PCB_FRAME_H */