538 lines
14 KiB
538 lines
14 KiB
// Name: 3d_read_mesh.cpp
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "kicad_string.h"
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
#include "3d_viewer.h"
int S3D_MASTER::ReadData()
char line[1024], * text;
wxFileName fn;
wxString FullFilename;
FILE* file;
int LineNum = 0;
if( m_Shape3DName.IsEmpty() )
return 1;
if( wxFileName::FileExists( m_Shape3DName ) )
FullFilename = m_Shape3DName;
fn = m_Shape3DName;
FullFilename = wxGetApp().FindLibraryPath( fn );
if( FullFilename.IsEmpty() )
wxLogDebug( wxT( "3D part library <%s> could not be found." ),
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
return -1;
file = wxFopen( FullFilename, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( file == NULL )
return -1;
// Switch the locale to standard C (needed to print floating point
// numbers like 1.3)
while( GetLine( file, line, &LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( stricmp( text, "DEF" ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( file, line, &LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( text == NULL )
if( *text == '}' )
if( stricmp( text, "children" ) == 0 )
ReadChildren( file, &LineNum );
fclose( file );
SetLocaleTo_Default(); // revert to the current locale
return 0;
* Analyzes the description of the type:
* DEF yellow material Material (
* DiffuseColor 1.00000 1.00000 0.00000e 0
* EmissiveColor 0.00000e 0 0.00000e 0 0.00000e 0
* SpecularColor 1.00000 1.00000 1.00000
* AmbientIntensity 1.00000
* Transparency 0.00000e 0
* Shininess 1.00000
* Or type:
* USE yellow material
int S3D_MASTER:: ReadMaterial( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[512], * text, * command;
wxString mat_name;
S3D_MATERIAL* material = NULL;
command = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
mat_name = FROM_UTF8( text );
if( stricmp( command, "USE" ) == 0 )
for( material = m_Materials; material; material = material->Next() )
if( material->m_Name == mat_name )
return 1;
printf( "ReadMaterial error: material not found\n" );
return 0;
if( stricmp( command, "DEF" ) == 0 )
material = new S3D_MATERIAL( this, mat_name );
Insert( material );
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( text == NULL )
if( text[0] == '}' )
return 0;
if( stricmp( text, "diffuseColor" ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_DiffuseColor.x = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_DiffuseColor.y = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_DiffuseColor.z = atof( text );
else if( stricmp( text, "emissiveColor" ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_EmissiveColor.x = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_EmissiveColor.y = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_EmissiveColor.z = atof( text );
else if( strnicmp( text, "specularColor", 13 ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_SpecularColor.x = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_SpecularColor.y = atof( text );
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_SpecularColor.z = atof( text );
else if( strnicmp( text, "ambientIntensity", 16 ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_AmbientIntensity = atof( text );
else if( strnicmp( text, "transparency", 12 ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_Transparency = atof( text );
else if( strnicmp( text, "shininess", 9 ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
material->m_Shininess = atof( text );
return -1;
int S3D_MASTER::ReadChildren( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[1024], * text;
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( *text == ']' )
return 0;
if( *text == ',' )
if( stricmp( text, "Shape" ) == 0 )
ReadShape( file, LineNum );
printf( "ReadChildren error line %d <%s> \n", *LineNum, text );
return 1;
int S3D_MASTER::ReadShape( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[1024], * text;
int err = 1;
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( *text == '}' )
err = 0;
if( stricmp( text, "appearance" ) == 0 )
ReadAppearance( file, LineNum );
else if( stricmp( text, "geometry" ) == 0 )
ReadGeometry( file, LineNum );
printf( "ReadShape error line %d <%s> \n", *LineNum, text );
return err;
int S3D_MASTER::ReadAppearance( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[1024], * text;
int err = 1;
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " \t\n\r" );
if( *text == '}' )
err = 0; break;
if( stricmp( text, "material" ) == 0 )
ReadMaterial( file, LineNum );
printf( "ReadAppearance error line %d <%s> \n", *LineNum, text );
return err;
#define BUFSIZE 2000
/* Read a coordinate list like:
* coord Coordinate { point [
* -5.24489 6.57640e-3 -9.42129e-2,
* -5.11821 6.57421e-3 0.542654,
* -3.45868 0.256565 1.32000 ] }
* or:
* normal Normal { vector [
* 0.995171 -6.08102e-6 9.81541e-2,
* 0.923880 -4.09802e-6 0.382683,
* 0.707107 -9.38186e-7 0.707107]
* }
* Return the coordinate list
* text_buffer contains the first line of this node :
* "coord Coordinate { point ["
double* ReadCoordsList( FILE* file, char* text_buffer, int* bufsize,
int* LineNum )
double* data_list = NULL;
unsigned int ii = 0, jj = 0, nn = BUFSIZE;
char* text;
bool HasData = FALSE;
bool StartData = FALSE;
bool EndData = FALSE;
bool EndNode = FALSE;
char string_num[512];
text = text_buffer;
while( !EndNode )
if( *text == 0 ) // Needs data !
text = text_buffer;
GetLine( file, text_buffer, LineNum, 512 );
while( !EndNode && *text )
switch( *text )
case '[':
StartData = TRUE;
jj = 0; string_num[jj] = 0;
data_list = (double*) MyZMalloc( nn * sizeof(double) );
case '}':
EndNode = TRUE;
case ']':
case '\t':
case ' ':
case ',':
jj = 0;
if( !StartData || !HasData )
data_list[ii] = atof( string_num );
string_num[jj] = 0;
if( ii >= nn )
nn *= 2;
data_list =
(double*) realloc( data_list, ( nn * sizeof(double) ) );
HasData = FALSE;
if( *text == ']' )
StartData = FALSE;
EndData = TRUE;
if( !StartData )
if( jj >= sizeof(string_num) )
string_num[jj] = *text;
jj++; string_num[jj] = 0;
HasData = TRUE;
if( data_list )
data_list = (double*) realloc( data_list, ( ii * sizeof(double) ) );
if( bufsize )
*bufsize = ii;
return data_list;
int S3D_MASTER::ReadGeometry( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[1024], buffer[1024], * text;
int err = 1;
int nn = BUFSIZE;
double* points = NULL;
int* index = NULL;
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
strcpy( buffer, line );
text = strtok( buffer, " \t\n\r" );
if( *text == '}' )
err = 0; break;
if( stricmp( text, "normalPerVertex" ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " ,\t\n\r" );
if( stricmp( text, "TRUE" ) == 0 )
if( stricmp( text, "colorPerVertex" ) == 0 )
text = strtok( NULL, " ,\t\n\r" );
if( stricmp( text, "TRUE" ) == 0 )
if( stricmp( text, "normal" ) == 0 )
int coord_number;
double* buf_points = ReadCoordsList( file, line, &coord_number,
LineNum );
// Do something if needed
free( buf_points );
if( stricmp( text, "normalIndex" ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " ,\t\n\r" );
while( text )
if( *text == ']' )
text = strtok( NULL, " ,\t\n\r" );
if( text && (*text == ']') )
if( stricmp( text, "color" ) == 0 )
int coord_number;
double* buf_points = ReadCoordsList( file, line, &coord_number,
LineNum );
// Do something if needed
free( buf_points );
if( stricmp( text, "colorIndex" ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
text = strtok( line, " ,\t\n\r" );
while( text )
if( *text == ']' )
text = strtok( NULL, " ,\t\n\r" );
if( text && (*text == ']') )
if( stricmp( text, "coord" ) == 0 )
int coord_number;
points = ReadCoordsList( file, line, &coord_number, LineNum );
else if( stricmp( text, "coordIndex" ) == 0 )
index = (int*) MyMalloc( nn * sizeof(int) );
S3D_Vertex* coords =
(S3D_Vertex*) MyMalloc( nn * sizeof(S3D_Vertex) );
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
int coord_count = 0, jj;
text = strtok( line, " ,\t\n\r" );
while( text )
if( *text == ']' )
jj = atoi( text );
if( jj < 0 )
S3D_Vertex* curr_coord = coords;
for( jj = 0; jj < coord_count; jj++ )
int kk = index[jj] * 3;
curr_coord->x = points[kk];
curr_coord->y = points[kk + 1];
curr_coord->z = points[kk + 2];
Set_Object_Coords( coords, coord_count );
Set_Object_Data( coords, coord_count );
coord_count = 0;
index[coord_count++] = jj;
text = strtok( NULL, " ,\t\n\r" );
if( text && (*text == ']') )
free( index );
free( coords );
printf( "ReadGeometry error line %d <%s> \n", *LineNum, text );
if( points )
free( points );
return err;
int Struct3D_Shape:: ReadData( FILE* file, int* LineNum )
char line[512];
while( GetLine( file, line, LineNum, 512 ) )
return -1;