
497 lines
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// This file describes the early phases of some new classes which may
// eventually be used to implement a distributed library system.
// Designer and copyright holder: Dick Hollenbeck <>
typedef std::string STRING;
typedef std::vector< STRING > STRINGS;
const STRING StrEmpty = "";
* Class PART
* will have to be unified with what Wayne is doing. I want a separate copy
* here until I can get the state management correct. Since a PART only lives
* within a cache called a LIBRARY, its constructor is private (only a LIBRARY
* can instantiate one), and it exists in various states of freshness and
* completeness relative to the LIBRARY_SOURCE within the LIBRARY.
class PART
/// LIBRARY class has great license to modify what's in here, nobody else does.
/// Modification is done through the LIBRARY so it can track the state of the
/// PART and take action as needed. Actually most of the modification will
/// be done by PARTS_LIST, a class derived from LIBRARY.
friend class LIBRARY;
/// a private constructor, only a LIBRARY can instantiate one.
PART() {}
protected: // not likely to have descendants, but protected none-the-less.
LIBRARY* owner; ///< which LIBRARY am I a part of (pun if you want)
STRING extends; ///< LPID of base part
STRING name; ///< example "passives/R", immutable.
/// s-expression text for the part, initially empty, and read in as this part
/// actually becomes cached in RAM.
STRING body;
// lots of other stuff.
* Function Inherit
* is a specialized assignment function that copies a specific subset, enough
* to fulfill the requirements of the sweet s-expression language.
void Inherit( const PART& aBasePart );
* Class LPID (aka GUID)
* is a Logical Part ID and consists of various portions much like a URI. It
* relies heavily on a logical library name to hide where actual physical library
* sources reside. Its static functions serve as managers of the library table to
* map logical library names to actual library sources.
* <p>
* Example LPID string:
* "kicad:passives/R/rev6".
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li> "kicad" is the logical library name.
* <li> "passives" is the category.
* <li> "passives/R" is the partname.
* <li> "rev6" is the revision number, which is optional. If missing then its
* delimiter should also not be present.
* </ul>
* <p>
* This class owns the <b>library table</b>, which is like fstab in concept and maps logical
* library name to library URI, type, and password. It has the following columns:
* <ul>
* <li> Logical Library Name
* <li> Library Type
* <li> Library URI
* <li> Password
* </ul>
* <p>
* For now, the Library Type can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li> "dir"
* <li> "schematic" i.e. a parts list from another schematic.
* <li> "subversion"
* <li> "bazaar"
* <li> "http"
* <p>
* For now, the Library URI types needed to support the various types can be one of those
* shown below, which are typical of each type:
* <ul>
* <li> "file://C:/mylibdir"
* <li> "file://home/user/kicadwork/jtagboard.sch"
* <li> "svn://"
* <li> ""
* <p>
* The library table is built up from several sources, and is a contatonation
* of those sources.
class LPID // aka GUID
* Constructor LPID
* takes aLPID string and parses it. A typical LPID string uses a logical
* library name followed by a part name.
* e.g.: "kicad:passives/R/rev2", or
* e.g.: "me:R33"
LPID( const STRING& aLPID = StrEmpty ) throw( PARSE_ERROR );
* Function GetLogLib
* returns the logical library portion of a LPID. There is not Set accessor
* for this portion since it comes from the library table and is considered
* read only here.
STRING GetLogLib() const;
* Function GetCategory
* returns the category of this part id, "passives" in the example at the
* top of the class description.
STRING GetCategory() const;
* Function SetCategory
* overrides the category portion of the LPID to @a aCategory and is typically
* either the empty string or a single word like "passives".
void SetCategory( const STRING& aCategory );
* Function GetRevision
* returns the revision portion of the LPID or StrEmpty if none.
STRING GetRevision() const;
* Function SetRevision
* overrides the revision portion of the LPID to @a aRevision and must
* be in the form "rev<num>" where "<num>" is "1", "2", etc.
void SetRevision( const STRING& aRevision );
* Function GetFullText
* returns the full text of the LPID.
STRING GetFullText() const;
* Function GetLogicalLibraries
* returns the logical library names, all of them that are in the
* library table.
static STRINGS GetLogicalLibraries();
* Function GetLibraryURI
* returns the full library path from a logical library name.
static STRING GetLibraryURI( const STRING& aLogicalLibraryName ) const;
* Function GetLibraryType
* returns the type of a logical library.
static STRING GetLibraryType( const STRING& aLogicalLibraryName ) const;
* Function GetPassword
* returns the password for this type of a logical library.
static STRING GetPassword( const STRING& aLogicalLibraryName ) const;
* is an abstract class from which implementation specific LIBRARY_SOURCEs
* may be derived, one for each kind of library type allowed in the library table.
* The class name stems from the fact that this interface only provides READ ONLY
* functions.
friend class LIBRARY; ///< only the LIBRARY uses these functions.
protected: ///< derived classes must implement
NRVO described:
Even with NRVO provided by the compilers, I don't see it being as lean as
having the LIBARY keep an expanded member STRING for the aResult value. So I
am heading towards passing STRING* aResult and STRINGS* aResults. Rather
than returning a STRING. When the pointer to a results buffer is passeed,
I won't refer to this as returning a value, but rather 'fetching' a result.
* Function GetSourceType
* retuns type library table entry's type for library source.
const STRING& GetSourceType() { return sourceType ; }
* Function ReadPart
* fetches @a aPartName's s-expression into @a aResult after clear()ing aResult.
virtual void ReadPart( STRING* aResult, const STRING& aPartName, const STRING& aRev=StrEmpty ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function ReadParts
* fetches the s-expressions for each part given in @a aPartNames, into @a aResults,
* honoring the array indices respectfully.
virtual void ReadParts( STRINGS* aResults, const STRINGS& aPartNames ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function GetCategories
* fetches all categories present in the library source into @a aResults
virtual void GetCategories( STRINGS* aResults ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function GetCategoricalPartNames
* fetches all the part names for @a aCategory, which was returned by GetCategories().
* @param aCategory is a subdividing navigator within the library source, but may default to empty
* which will be taken to mean all categories.
virtual void GetCategoricalPartNames( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aCategory=StrEmpty ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function GetRevisions
* fetches all revisions for @a aPartName into @a aResults. Revisions are strings
* like "rev12", "rev279", and are library source agnostic. These
virtual void GetRevisions( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aPartName ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function FindParts
* fetches part names for all parts matching the criteria given in @a
* aQuery, into @a aResults. The query string is designed to be easily marshalled,
* i.e. serialized, so that long distance queries can be made with minimal overhead.
* The library source needs to have an intelligent friend on the other end if
* the actual library data is remotely located, otherwise it will be too slow
* to honor this portion of the API contract.
* @param aQuery is a string holding a domain specific language expression. One candidate
* here is an s-expression that uses (and ..) and (or ..) operators. For example
* "(and (footprint 0805)(value 33ohm)(category passives))"
virtual void FindParts( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aQuery ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
STRING sourceType;
* is an abstract class from which implementation specific LIBRARY_SINKs
* may be derived, one for each kind of library type in the library table that
* supports writing. The class name stems from the fact that this interface
* only provides WRITE functions.
friend class LIBRARY; ///< only the LIBRARY uses these functions.
protected: ///< derived classes must implement
* Function WritePart
* saves the part to non-volatile storage. @a aPartName may have the revision
* portion present. If it is not present, and a overwrite of an existhing
* part is done, then LIBRARY::ReloadPart() must be called on this same part
* and all parts that inherit it must be reparsed.
virtual void WritePart( const STRING& aPartName, const STRING& aSExpression ) throw ( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
STRING sinkType;
* Class LIBS
* houses a handful of functions that manage all the RAM resident LIBRARYs, and
* provide for a global part lookup function, GetPart(), which can be the basis
* of cross LIBRARY hyperlink.
class LIBS
* Function GetPart
* finds and loads a PART, and parses it. As long as the part is
* accessible in any LIBRARY_SOURCE, opened or not opened, this function
* will find it and load it into its containing LIBRARY, even if that means
* having to load a new LIBRARY as given in the library table.
static PART* GetPart( const LPID& aLogicalPartID ) throw ( IO_ERROR );
* Function GetLIBRARY
* is first a lookup function and then if needed, a factory function.
* If aLogicalLibraryName has been opened, then return the already opened
* LIBRARY. If not, then instantiate the library and fill the initial
* library PARTs (unparsed) and categories, and add it to LIB::libraries
* for future reference.
static LIBRARY* GetLibrary( const STRING& aLogicalLibraryName ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function GetOpenedLibraryNames
* returns the logical library names of LIBRARYs that are already opened.
* @see LPID::GetLogicalLibraries()
static STRINGS GetOpendedLogicalLibraryNames();
* Function CloseLibrary
* closes an open library @a aLibrary and removes it from LIBS::libraries.
static void CloseLibrary( LIBRARY* aLibrary ) throw( IO_ERROR );
/// collection of LIBRARYs, searchable by logical name.
static std::map< STRING, LIBRARY* > libraries; // owns the LIBRARYs.
* is a cache of parts, and because the LIBRARY_SOURCE is abstracted, there
* should be no need to extend from this class in any case except for the
friend class LIBS; ///< the LIBRARY factory is LIBS::GetLibrary()
protected: // constructor is not public, called from LIBS only.
* Constructor LIBRARY
* is not public and is only called from LIBS::GetLibrary()
* @param aLogicalLibrary is the name of a well know logical library, and is
* known because it already exists in the library table.
* @param aLibrarySource is an open LIBRARY_SOURCE whose ownership is
* given over to this LIBRARY.
* @param aLibrarySink is an open LIBRARY_SINK whose ownership is given over
* to this LIBRARY, and it is normally NULL.
LIBRARY( const STRING& aLogicalLibrary, LIBRARY_SOURCE* aSource, LIBRARY_SINK* aSink ) :
name( aLogicalLibrary ),
source( aSource ),
sink( aSink )
delete source;
delete sink;
* Function HasSink
* returns true if this library has write/save capability. Most LIBARARYs
* are read only, and all remote ones are.
bool HasSave() { return sink != NULL; }
//-----<use delegates: source and sink>---------------------------------
* Function GetPart
* returns a PART given @a aPartName, such as "passives/R".
const PART* GetPart( const STRING& aPartName ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function ReloadPart
* will reload the part assuming the library source has a changed content
* for it.
void ReloadPart( PART* aPart ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function GetCategories
* fetches all categories of parts within this LIBRARY into @a aResults.
void GetCategories( STRINGS* aResults ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function GetCategoricalPartName
* fetches the part names for @a aCategory into @a aResults, and at the same time
* creates cache entries for the very same parts if they do not already exist
* in this LIBRARY cache.
void GetCategoricalPartNames( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aCategory=StrEmpty ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
//-----<.use delegates: source and sink>--------------------------------
* Function WritePart
* saves the part to non-volatile storage. @a aPartName may have the revision
* portion present. If it is not present, and a overwrite of an existing
* part is done, then all parts that inherit it must be reparsed.
* This is why most library sources are read only. An exception is the PARTS_LIST,
* not to be confused with a LIBRARY based on a parts list in another schematic.
* The PARTS_LIST is in the the schematic being edited and is by definition the
* last to inherit, so editing in the current schematic's PARTS_LIST should be harmless.
* There can be some self referential issues that mean all the parts in the PARTS_LIST
* have to reparsed.
virtual void WritePart( PART* aPart ) throw ( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
virtual void SetPartBody( PART* aPart, const STRING& aSExpression ) throw ( IO_ERROR );
* Function GetRevisions
* returns the revisions of @a aPartName that are present in this LIBRARY.
* The returned STRINGS will look like "rev1", "rev2", etc.
STRINGS GetRevisions( const STRING& aPartName ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0;
* Function FindParts
* returns part names for all parts matching the criteria given in @a
* aQuery, into @a aResults. The query string is designed to be easily marshalled,
* i.e. serialized, so that long distance queries can be made with minimal overhead.
* The library source needs to have an intelligent friend on the other end if
* the actual library data is remotely located, otherwise it will be too slow
* to honor this portion of the API contract.
* @param aQuery is a string holding a domain specific language expression. One candidate
* here is an s-expression that uses (and ..) and (or ..) operators. For example
* "(and (footprint 0805)(value 33ohm)(category passives))"
STRINGS FindParts( const STRING& aQuery ) throw( IO_ERROR ) = 0
// run the query on the cached data first for any PARTS which are fully
// parsed (i.e. cached), then on the LIBRARY_SOURCE to find any that
// are not fully parsed, then unify the results.
STRING fetched; ///< scratch, used to fetch things, grows to worst case size.
STRING name;
STRING libraryType;
STRING libraryURI;
STRINGS categories;
typedef std::map<STRING, PART*> PARTS;
PARTS parts;
// EOF