
636 lines
17 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KICAD, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2010 SoftPLC Corporation, <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 Kicad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* Note: this LIB_SOURCE implementation relies on the posix specified opendir() and
related functions rather than wx functions which might do the same thing. This
is because I did not want to become very dependent on wxWidgets at such a low
level as this, in case someday this code needs to be used on kde or whatever.
Mingw and unix, linux, & osx will all have these posix functions.
MS Visual Studio may need the posix compatible opendir() functions brought in
wx has these but they are based on wxString which can be wchar_t based and wx should
not be introduced at a level this low.
Part files: have the general form partname.part[.revN...]
Categories: are any subdirectories immediately below the sourceURI, one level only.
Part names: [category/]partname[/revN...]
#include <sch_dir_lib_source.h>
using namespace SCH;
#include <kicad_exceptions.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
* Class DIR_WRAP
* provides a destructor which is invoked if an exception is thrown.
class DIR_WRAP
DIR* dir;
DIR_WRAP( DIR* aDir ) : dir( aDir ) {}
if( dir )
closedir( dir );
DIR* operator->() { return dir; }
DIR* operator*() { return dir; }
operator bool () { return dir!=0; }
* provides a destructor which is invoked if an exception is thrown.
int fh;
FILE_WRAP( int aFileHandle ) : fh( aFileHandle ) {}
if( fh != -1 )
close( fh );
operator int () { return fh; }
* Function strrstr
* finds the last instance of needle in haystack, if any.
static const char* strrstr( const char* haystack, const char* needle )
const char* ret = 0;
const char* next = haystack;
// find last instance of haystack
while( (next = strstr( next, needle )) != 0 )
ret = next;
++next; // don't keep finding the same one.
return ret;
* Function endsWithRev
* returns a pointer to the final string segment: "revN[N..]" or NULL if none.
* @param start is the beginning of string segment to test, the partname or
* any middle portion of it.
* @param tail is a pointer to the terminating nul, or one past inclusive end of
* segment, i.e. the string segment of interest is [start,tail)
* @param separator is the separating byte, expected: '.' or '/', depending on context.
static const char* endsWithRev( const char* start, const char* tail, char separator )
bool sawDigit = false;
while( tail>start && isdigit(*--tail) )
sawDigit = true;
// if sawDigit, tail points to the 'v' here.
if( sawDigit && tail-3 >= start )
tail -= 3;
if( tail[0]==separator && tail[1]=='r' && tail[2]=='e' && tail[3]=='v' )
return tail+1; // omit separator, return "revN[N..]"
return 0;
static inline const char* endsWithRev( const STRING& aPartName, char separator )
return endsWithRev( aPartName.c_str(), aPartName.c_str()+aPartName.size(), separator );
// see struct BY_REV
bool BY_REV::operator() ( const STRING& s1, const STRING& s2 ) const
// avoid instantiating new STRINGs, and thank goodness that c_str() is const.
const char* rev1 = endsWithRev( s1, '/' );
const char* rev2 = endsWithRev( s2, '/' );
int rootLen1 = rev1 ? rev1 - s1.c_str() : s1.size();
int rootLen2 = rev2 ? rev2 - s2.c_str() : s2.size();
int r = memcmp( s1.c_str(), s2.c_str(), min( rootLen1, rootLen2 ) );
if( r )
return r < 0;
if( rootLen1 != rootLen2 )
return rootLen1 < rootLen2;
// root strings match at this point, compare the revision number numerically,
// and chose the higher numbered version as "less", according to std::set lingo.
if( bool(rev1) != bool(rev2) )
return bool(rev1) < bool(rev2);
if( rev1 && rev2 )
int rnum1 = atoi( rev1+3 );
int rnum2 = atoi( rev2+3 );
return rnum1 > rnum2;
return false; // strings are equal, and they don't have a rev
bool DIR_LIB_SOURCE::makePartName( STRING* aPartName, const char* aEntry,
const STRING& aCategory )
const char* cp = strrstr( aEntry, ".part" );
// if base name is not empty, contains ".part", && cp is not NULL
if( cp > aEntry )
const char* limit = cp + strlen( cp );
// If versioning, then must find a trailing "revN.." type of string.
if( useVersioning )
const char* rev = endsWithRev( cp + sizeof(".part") - 1, limit, '.' );
if( rev )
if( aCategory.size() )
*aPartName = aCategory + "/";
aPartName->append( aEntry, cp - aEntry );
aPartName->append( "/" );
aPartName->append( rev );
return true;
// If using versioning, then all valid partnames must have a rev string,
// so we don't even bother to try and load any other partfile down here.
// if file extension is exactly ".part", and no rev
if( cp==limit-5 )
if( aCategory.size() )
*aPartName = aCategory + "/";
aPartName->append( aEntry, cp - aEntry );
return true;
return false;
STRING DIR_LIB_SOURCE::makeFileName( const STRING& aPartName )
// create a fileName for the sweet string, using a reversible
// partname <-> fileName conversion protocol:
STRING fileName = sourceURI + "/";
const char* rev = endsWithRev( aPartName, '/' );
if( rev )
int basePartLen = rev - aPartName.c_str() - 1; // omit '/' separator
fileName.append( aPartName, 0, basePartLen );
fileName += ".part."; // add '.' separator before rev
fileName += rev;
fileName += aPartName;
fileName += ".part";
return fileName;
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::readString( STRING* aResult, const STRING& aFileName ) throw( IO_ERROR )
FILE_WRAP fw = open( aFileName.c_str(), O_RDONLY );
if( fw == -1 )
STRING msg = strerror( errno );
msg += "; cannot open(O_RDONLY) file " + aFileName;
throw( IO_ERROR( msg.c_str() ) );
struct stat fs;
fstat( fw, &fs );
// sanity check on file size
if( fs.st_size > (1*1024*1024) )
STRING msg = aFileName;
msg += " seems too big. ( > 1 mbyte )";
throw IO_ERROR( msg.c_str() );
// reuse same readBuffer, which is not thread safe, but the API
// is not advertising thread safe (yet, if ever).
if( (int) fs.st_size > (int) readBuffer.size() )
readBuffer.resize( fs.st_size + 1000 );
int count = read( fw, &readBuffer[0], fs.st_size );
if( count != (int) fs.st_size )
STRING msg = strerror( errno );
msg += "; cannot read file " + aFileName;
throw( IO_ERROR( msg.c_str() ) );
// std::string chars are not guaranteed to be contiguous in
// future implementations of C++, so this is why we did not read into
// aResult directly.
aResult->assign( &readBuffer[0], count );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::cache() throw( IO_ERROR )
cacheOneDir( "" );
const STRING& aOptions ) throw( IO_ERROR ) :
useVersioning( strstr( aOptions.c_str(), "useVersioning" ) )
sourceURI = aDirectoryPath;
sourceType = "dir";
if( sourceURI.size() == 0 )
throw( IO_ERROR( "aDirectoryPath cannot be empty" ) );
// remove any trailing separator, so we can add it back later without ambiguity
if( strchr( "/\\", sourceURI[sourceURI.size()-1] ) )
sourceURI.erase( sourceURI.size()-1 );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::GetCategoricalPartNames( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aCategory )
throw( IO_ERROR )
PN_ITER limit = aCategory.size() ?
partnames.lower_bound( aCategory + char( '/' + 1 ) ) :
PN_ITER it = aCategory.size() ?
partnames.lower_bound( aCategory + "/" ) :
if( useVersioning )
STRING partName;
while( it != limit )
const char* rev = endsWithRev( *it, '/' );
// all cached partnames have a rev string in useVersioning mode
assert( rev );
// partName is substring which omits the rev AND the rev separator
partName.assign( *it, 0, rev - it->c_str() - 1 );
aResults->push_back( partName );
// skip over all other versions of the same partName.
it = partnames.lower_bound( partName + char( '/' + 1 ) );
while( it != limit )
aResults->push_back( *it++ );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::ReadPart( STRING* aResult, const STRING& aPartName, const STRING& aRev )
throw( IO_ERROR )
STRING fileName;
STRING partName = aPartName; // appended with aRev too if not empty
const char* rev = endsWithRev( partName, '/' );
if( aRev.size() )
if( rev ) // a supplied rev replaces any in aPartName
partName.resize( rev - partName.c_str() - 1 );
partName += "/" + aRev;
rev = endsWithRev( partName, '/' );
// partName is the exact part name we need here, or if rev is NULL,
// then look for the highest numbered revision.
if( rev )
PN_ITER it = partnames.find( partName );
if( it == partnames.end() ) // part not found
partName += " not found.";
throw IO_ERROR( partName.c_str() );
readString( aResult, makeFileName( partName ) );
STRING search = partName + '/';
// no rev on partName string. First the first, which should be
// the highnest numbered rev because of BY_REV compare method.
PN_ITER it = partnames.upper_bound( search );
// verify that this one that is greater than partName is a match and not
// some unrelated name that is larger.
if( it == partnames.end() || it->compare( 0, search.size(), search ) != 0 )
partName += " rev not found.";
throw IO_ERROR( partName.c_str() );
readString( aResult, makeFileName( *it ) );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::ReadParts( STRINGS* aResults, const STRINGS& aPartNames )
throw( IO_ERROR )
for( STRINGS::const_iterator n = aPartNames.begin(); n!=aPartNames.end(); ++n )
aResults->push_back( STRING() );
ReadPart( &aResults->back(), *n );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::GetCategories( STRINGS* aResults ) throw( IO_ERROR )
// caller fetches them sorted.
for( NAME_CACHE::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it!=categories.end(); ++it )
aResults->push_back( *it );
#if defined(DEBUG)
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::Show()
printf( "Show categories:\n" );
for( NAME_CACHE::const_iterator it = categories.begin(); it!=categories.end(); ++it )
printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "Show parts:\n" );
for( PART_CACHE::const_iterator it = partnames.begin(); it != partnames.end(); ++it )
printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );
void DIR_LIB_SOURCE::cacheOneDir( const STRING& aCategory ) throw( IO_ERROR )
STRING curDir = sourceURI;
if( aCategory.size() )
curDir += "/" + aCategory;
DIR_WRAP dir = opendir( curDir.c_str() );
if( !dir )
STRING msg = strerror( errno );
msg += "; scanning directory " + curDir;
throw( IO_ERROR( msg.c_str() ) );
struct stat fs;
STRING partName;
STRING fileName;
dirent* entry;
while( (entry = readdir( *dir )) != NULL )
if( !strcmp( ".", entry->d_name ) || !strcmp( "..", entry->d_name ) )
fileName = curDir + "/" + entry->d_name;
if( !stat( fileName.c_str(), &fs ) )
// is this a valid part name?
if( S_ISREG( fs.st_mode ) && makePartName( &partName, entry->d_name, aCategory ) )
std::pair<NAME_CACHE::iterator, bool> pair = partnames.insert( partName );
if( !pair.second )
STRING msg = partName;
msg += " has already been encountered";
throw IO_ERROR( msg.c_str() );
// is this an acceptable category name?
else if( S_ISDIR( fs.st_mode ) && !aCategory.size() && isCategoryName( entry->d_name ) )
// only one level of recursion is used, controlled by the
// emptiness of aCategory.
categories.insert( entry->d_name );
// somebody needs to test Windows (mingw), make sure it can
// handle opendir() recursively
cacheOneDir( entry->d_name );
//D( printf( "ignoring %s\n", entry->d_name );)
#if (1 || defined( TEST_DIR_LIB_SOURCE )) && defined(DEBUG)
int main( int argc, char** argv )
STRINGS partnames;
STRINGS sweets;
STRINGS::const_iterator pn;
// DIR_LIB_SOURCE uut( argv[1] ? argv[1] : "", "" );
DIR_LIB_SOURCE uut( argv[1] ? argv[1] : "", "useVersioning" );
// initially, only the NAME_CACHE sweets and STRING categories are loaded:
uut.GetCategoricalPartNames( &partnames, "Category" );
printf( "\nGetCategoricalPartNames( aCatagory = 'Category' ):\n" );
for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = partnames.begin(); it!=partnames.end(); ++it )
printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );
uut.ReadParts( &sweets, partnames );
printf( "\nSweets for Category = 'Category' parts:\n" );
pn = partnames.begin();
for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = sweets.begin(); it!=sweets.end(); ++it, ++pn )
printf( " %s: %s", pn->c_str(), it->c_str() );
// fetch the part names for ALL categories.
uut.GetCategoricalPartNames( &partnames );
printf( "\nGetCategoricalPartNames( aCategory = '' i.e. ALL):\n" );
for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = partnames.begin(); it!=partnames.end(); ++it )
printf( " '%s'\n", it->c_str() );
uut.ReadParts( &sweets, partnames );
printf( "\nSweets for ALL parts:\n" );
pn = partnames.begin();
for( STRINGS::const_iterator it = sweets.begin(); it!=sweets.end(); ++it, ++pn )
printf( " %s: %s", pn->c_str(), it->c_str() );
catch( std::exception& ex )
printf( "std::exception\n" );
catch( IO_ERROR ioe )
printf( "exception: %s\n", (const char*) wxConvertWX2MB( ioe.errorText ) );
return 0;