36951 lines
1.1 MiB
36951 lines
1.1 MiB
# Italian translation of kicad.po
# Ing. Angelo Aliberti <microrf@tiscali.it>, 2005.
# Michele Petrecca <michelinux@alice.it>, 2005, 2006.
# Doriano Blengino <web@xonelectronics.it>, 06-2006
# Marco Ciampa <ciampix@posteo.net>, 2014-2021.
# Hildo Guillardi Júnior <hildogjr@gmail.com>, 2020.
# ZbeeGin <zbeegin@op.pl>, 2020, 2021.
# db: Usare le maiuscole con moderazione: vanno usate per i nomi propri e all'inizio
# db: di una frase: negli altri casi può risultare molto inelegante
# mc: note linguistiche:
# mc: - gli apici singoli non si usano in italiano, sostituiti con virgolette
# mc: - idem per i simboli <>
# mc: - come regola generale si usano le parole più corte (es. utilizza -> usa)
# mc: Note terminologiche:
# mc: - il termine component/componente è deprecato in quanto ambiguo
# mc: - symbol -> simbolo, un simbolo dello schema elettrico
# mc: - footprint -> impronta, un simbolo del circuito stampato
# mc: - netlist = non si traduce perché termine tecnico = TT
# mc: - alias = alias
# mc: - ratsnest = TT
# mc: - editor = TT
# mc: - netclass = TT
# mc: - DRC = TT
# mc: - net = connessione
# mc: - link = collegamento
# mc: - Browser = TT o esploratore, a seconda del contesto (web browser e esploratore impronte/simboli/librerie)
# mc: - Nickname = Denominazione
# mc: - Die = TT
# mc: - Dia = diametro (per chiarezza)
# mc: - legacy = obsoleto (o datato o vecchio, a seconda del contesto)
# mc: - assembly = assemblaggio
# mc: - neckdown = restringimento (è la strozzatura che avviene quando si passa per esempio tra due via)
# mc: - outline = contorno
# mc: - pad = piazzola
# mc: - track = pista
# mc: - via = via
# mc: - uvia = microvia (per chiarezza)
# mc: - layer = strato
# mc: - zone = zona
# mc: - keepout = proibita
# mc: - through hole = foro passante
# mc: - board = scheda
# mc: - PCB = C.S. (Circuiti Stampati)
# mc: - component documentation = documentazione componente
# mc: - datasheet = TT
# mc: - setback = sporgenza?
# mc: - wizard = assistente
# mc: - target = marcatore
# mc: - miter = angolatura (-> le spigolature/strozzature usate in radiofrequenza)
# mc: - meandering = serpeggiamento (-> la sinuosità delle linee di ritardo in radiofrequenza)
# mc: - meander = serpeggiato (vedere: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meander_(disambiguation) )
# mc: - skew = TT (se qualcuno conosce un termine con il quale tradurlo, mi lasci un'email)
# mc: - tune = regola
# mc: - Push & Shove (spingi e compatta) = sbroglio interattivo P&S
# mc: - stub = spezzone
# mc: - hotkey = comando da tastiera (tolto scorciatoia perché si
# confondeva con le scorciatoie per i menu, i tasti contrassegnati
# dal carattere & nella stringa di traduzione)
# mc: - reference designator = (designatore di) riferimento
# mc: - chamfer = smuss(o/amento)
# mc: - fillet = stond(o/amento)
# mc: - edge = spigolo
# mc: - edge cut = bordo scheda (sarebbe il bordo di ritaglio della scheda)
# mc: - Layout editor (norma UNI 8187, ISO 7200):
# mc: - (page) layout = disposizione (pagina)
# mc: - title block = secondo le norme UNI, riquadro (delle) iscrizioni, gergalmente detto cartiglio.
# mc: - frame/sheer references = squadratura
# mc: - workbook = libretto di lavoro (simulazioni)
# mc: - thermal relief = supporto termico
# mc: - cutout zone = zona ritaglio
# mc: - courtyard = ingombro (impronta)
# mc: - navigator = navigatore (della gerarchia dello schema)
# mc: - solder paste = pasta salda
# mc: - board outline = contorni scheda (il bordo -chiuso- entro il quale devo stare le impronte)
# mc: - snap = magnetismo
# mc: - overridde/n = scavalca/men/to (non è un termine tecnico ma per uniformità della traduzione)
# mc: - supersed/ed = supera/men/to (non è un termine tecnico ma per uniformità della traduzione)
# mc: - canvas = area di lavoro
# mc: - flip = capovolgi
# mc: - mirror-ed = (rende) speculare
# mc: - bottom/top layer = strato inferiore/superiore
# mc: - Loss Tangent = Tangente di perdita
# mc: - Edge card connectors = Connettori a filo scheda
# mc: - Stackup TT = impilazione, sequenza e spessori strati di CS multistrato, di Core e Prereg (strato pre-impregnato di resina)
# mc: - fiducial = allineatore
# mc: - castellated = dentellato
# mc: - annotation = annotazione
# mc: - back annotation = annotazione inversa
# mc: - power / power supply = potenza / alimentazione
# mc: - backup = TT ("salvataggio aggiuntivo di sicurezza" sarebbe stato veramente troppo lungo)
# mc: - leader = bollatura (thanks t.me/kicadit)
# mc: - HatchBorder = tratteggio (thanks t.me/kicadit)
# mc: - constraints = vincoli
# mc: - BOM - Distinta base
# mc: - sweep = TT
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: KiCad\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2021-11-08 15:58-0800\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-05 13:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Marco Ciampa <ciampix@posteo.net>\n"
"Language-Team: Italian <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/kicad/master-"
"Language: it\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.9-dev\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: /home/marco/git/github/kicad/kicad-source-mirror\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: _;_HKI\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: kicad\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: pcbnew\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: common\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-3: eeschema\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-4: cvpcb\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-5: 3d-viewer\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-6: gerbview\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-7: bitmap2component\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-8: new\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-9: polygon\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-10: pcb_calculator\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-11: potrace\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-12: tools\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-13: pagelayout_editor\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-14: include\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-15: lib_dxf\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-16: patches\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-17: scripts\n"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_cache/3d_plugin_manager.cpp:58
msgid "All Files"
msgstr "Tutti i file"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/board_adapter.cpp:360
msgid "Build board outline"
msgstr "Crea contorni scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/board_adapter.cpp:538
msgid "Create layers"
msgstr "Crea strati"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/board_adapter.cpp:712
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker.cpp:103
msgid "No footprint loaded."
msgstr "Nessuna impronta caricata."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/board_adapter.cpp:728
msgid ""
"Footprint outline is missing or malformed. Run Footprint Checker for a full "
msgstr ""
"Contorno impronta mancante o malformato. Eseguire il controllo impronte per "
"un'analisi completa."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/board_adapter.cpp:737
msgid "Board outline is missing or malformed. Run DRC for a full analysis."
msgstr ""
"Contorno scheda mancante o malformato. Eseguire DRC per un'analisi completa."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:226
msgid "Create tracks and vias"
msgstr "Crea piste e via"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:683
msgid "Create zones"
msgstr "Crea zone"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:752
msgid "Simplifying copper layers polygons"
msgstr "Semplifica i poligoni degli strati in rame"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:761
msgid "Simplifying polygons on F_Cu"
msgstr "Semplificazione poligoni su F_Cu"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:772
msgid "Simplifying polygons on B_Cu"
msgstr "Semplificazione poligoni su B_Cu"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:802
#, c-format
msgid "Simplifying %d copper layers"
msgstr "Semplificazione %d strati rame"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:841
msgid "Simplify holes contours"
msgstr "Semplifica i contorni dei fori"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:870
msgid "Build Tech layers"
msgstr "Crea gli strati tecnici"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:904
#, c-format
msgid "Build Tech layer %d"
msgstr "Crea strato tecnico %d"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/create_layer_items.cpp:1049
msgid "Build BVH for holes and vias"
msgstr "Crea BVH (Buried Via Holes) per fori e via"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:410
msgid "Your OpenGL version is not supported. Minimum required is 1.5."
msgstr "Versione corrente di OpenGL non supportata. Il minimo richiesto è 1.5."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:538
#, c-format
msgid "Last render time %.0f ms"
msgstr "Ultimo tempo di rendering %.0f ms"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:729
#, c-format
msgid "Net %s\tNetClass %s\tPadName %s"
msgstr "Coll %s\tNetClass %s\tNomePiaz %s"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:754
#: 3d-viewer/3d_canvas/eda_3d_canvas.cpp:767
#, c-format
msgid "Net %s\tNetClass %s"
msgstr "Coll %s\tNetClass %s"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:449
msgid "Load OpenGL: board"
msgstr "Carica OpenGL: scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:482
msgid "Load OpenGL: holes and vias"
msgstr "Carica OpenGL: fori e via"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:548
msgid "Load OpenGL: layers"
msgstr "Carica OpenGL: strati"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:561
#, c-format
msgid "Load OpenGL layer %d"
msgstr "Carica strato OpenGL %d"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:648
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/create_scene.cpp:790
msgid "Loading 3D models..."
msgstr "Caricamento modelli 3D..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:658
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/create_scene.cpp:944
#, c-format
msgid "Reload time %.3f s"
msgstr "Tempo di ricaricamento %.3f s"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/create_scene.cpp:911
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/eagle/sch_eagle_plugin.cpp:427
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_plugin.cpp:681
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:771
#: eeschema/symbol_library.cpp:507 pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:363
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/fabmaster_plugin.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2290
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:450
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %s..."
msgstr "Caricamento di %s..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/opengl/render_3d_opengl.cpp:561
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/render_3d_raytrace.cpp:175
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr "Caricamento..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/create_scene.cpp:392
msgid "Load Raytracing: board"
msgstr "Carica raytracing: scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/create_scene.cpp:563
msgid "Load Raytracing: layers"
msgstr "Carica raytracing: strati"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/render_3d_raytrace.cpp:340
#, c-format
msgid "Rendering time %.3f s"
msgstr "Tempo di rendering %.3f s"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/render_3d_raytrace.cpp:394
#, c-format
msgid "Rendering: %.0f %%"
msgstr "Rendering: %.0f %%"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/raytracing/render_3d_raytrace.cpp:843
msgid "Rendering: Post processing shader"
msgstr "Rendering: ombreggiatura in post elaborazione"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:50
msgid "Export Current View as PNG..."
msgstr "Esporta la vista corrente come PNG..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:55
msgid "Export Current View as JPEG..."
msgstr "Esporta la vista corrente come JPEG..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:61
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:236 common/hotkey_store.cpp:76
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:564 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:942
#: pcbnew/pcb_base_frame.cpp:518
msgid "3D Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:69
msgid "Copy 3D Image"
msgstr "Copia immagine 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:107
msgid "Raytracing"
msgstr "Raytracing"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:112 common/tool/actions.cpp:600
#: cvpcb/menubar.cpp:74 eeschema/menubar.cpp:276
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:165
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:212 kicad/menubar.cpp:180
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:156 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:445
msgid "Preferences..."
msgstr "Preferenze..."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:113 common/tool/actions.cpp:600
#: cvpcb/menubar.cpp:75 eeschema/menubar.cpp:277
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:166
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:213 kicad/menubar.cpp:181
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:157 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:446
msgid "Show preferences for all open tools"
msgstr "Mostra le preferenze per tutti gli strumenti aperti"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:117
msgid "Reset to Default Settings"
msgstr "Reimposta alle impostazione predefinite"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:132
msgid "3D Grid"
msgstr "Griglia 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:145 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:87
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:287
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:176
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:130 gerbview/menubar.cpp:223
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:191 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:166
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:242 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:456
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:181
msgid "&File"
msgstr "&File"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:146 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:88
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:288
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:177
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:167 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:457
msgid "&Edit"
msgstr "&Modifica"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:147 eeschema/menubar.cpp:289
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:178
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:131 gerbview/menubar.cpp:224
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:192 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:168
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:244 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:458
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:182
msgid "&View"
msgstr "&Visualizza"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_menubar.cpp:148 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:89
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:226 kicad/menubar.cpp:194
msgid "&Preferences"
msgstr "&Preferenze"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:55
msgid "Reload board"
msgstr "Ricarica scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:60
msgid "Copy 3D image to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia immagine 3D sugli appunti"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:65
msgid "Render current view using Raytracing"
msgstr "Render della vista corrente con raytracing"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:98
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:73
msgid "KiCad 3D Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore 3D KiCad"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:237
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:272
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:66
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:118
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:211
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:307
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:207
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:573
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generale"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:238
msgid "Realtime Renderer"
msgstr "Renderizzatore in tempo reale"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:239
msgid "Raytracing Renderer"
msgstr "Renderizzatore raytracing"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:240
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:70 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:240
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:489
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:968 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:59
msgid "Colors"
msgstr "Colori"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:660
msgid "3D Image File Name"
msgstr "Nome file immagine 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:681
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:1051 common/eda_base_frame.cpp:1056
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1453
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to save file '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per salvare il file '%s'."
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:682 common/confirm.cpp:130
#: common/confirm.cpp:296 common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:43
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:812 eeschema/files-io.cpp:879
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:127 kicad/import_project.cpp:154
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:173 kicad/kicad.cpp:171
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:182
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:236
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:280
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:715
msgid "Failed to copy image to clipboard"
msgstr "Impossibile salvare immagine sugli appunti"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/eda_3d_viewer_frame.cpp:726
msgid "Can't save file"
msgstr "Impossibile salvare il file"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:43
msgid "Center pivot rotation"
msgstr "Centra perno di rotazione"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:43
msgid "Center pivot rotation (middle mouse click)"
msgstr "Centra perno di rotazione (clic centrale del mouse)"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:48
msgid "Rotate X Clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota X in senso orario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:53
msgid "Rotate X Counterclockwise"
msgstr "Ruota X in senso antiorario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:58
msgid "Rotate Y Clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota Y in senso orario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Rotate Y Counterclockwise"
msgstr "Ruota Y in senso antiorario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:68
msgid "Rotate Z Clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota Z in senso orario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:73
msgid "Rotate Z Counterclockwise"
msgstr "Ruota Z in senso antiorario"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:79
msgid "Move board Left"
msgstr "Sposta scheda a sinistra"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:85
msgid "Move board Right"
msgstr "Sposta scheda a destra"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:91
msgid "Move board Up"
msgstr "Sposta scheda in alto"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:97
msgid "Move board Down"
msgstr "Sposta scheda in basso"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:103
msgid "Home view"
msgstr "Vista origine"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:109
msgid "Reset view"
msgstr "Reimposta vista"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:115
msgid "Flip Board"
msgstr "Capovolgi scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:115
msgid "Flip the board view"
msgstr "Capovolge la vista della scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:120
msgid "Toggle orthographic projection"
msgstr "Commuta la proiezione ortogonale"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:120
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:192
msgid "Enable/disable orthographic projection"
msgstr "Abilita/Disabilita la proiezione ortogonale"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:126
msgid "View Front"
msgstr "Vista fronte"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:132
msgid "View Back"
msgstr "Vista retro"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:138
msgid "View Left"
msgstr "Vista sinistra"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:144
msgid "View Right"
msgstr "Vista destra"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:150
msgid "View Top"
msgstr "Vista sopra"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:156
msgid "View Bottom"
msgstr "Vista sotto"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:161
msgid "No 3D Grid"
msgstr "No griglia 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:166
msgid "3D Grid 10mm"
msgstr "Griglia 3D 10mm"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:171
msgid "3D Grid 5mm"
msgstr "Griglia 3D 5mm"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:176
msgid "3D Grid 2.5mm"
msgstr "Griglia 3D 2.5mm"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:181
msgid "3D Grid 1mm"
msgstr "Griglia 3D 1mm"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:187
msgid "Render Realistic Materials"
msgstr "Render materiali realistici"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:188
msgid "Use all material properties from each 3D model file"
msgstr "Usa tutte le proprietà del materiale da ogni file modello 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:194
msgid "Render Solid Colors"
msgstr "Render colori pieni"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:195
msgid "Use only the diffuse color property from model 3D model file"
msgstr "Usa solo la proprietà diffusione colore dal file del modello 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:201
msgid "Render CAD Colors"
msgstr "Render colori CAD"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:202
msgid "Use a CAD color style based on the diffuse color of the material"
msgstr ""
"Usa uno stile colore CAD basato sulla diffusione del colore del materiale"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:213
msgid "Toggle Through Hole 3D models"
msgstr "Commuta modelli 3D a via passanti"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:213
msgid "Toggle 3D models for 'Through hole' type components"
msgstr "Commuta modelli 3D del tipo componenti 'Foro passante'"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:219
msgid "Toggle SMD 3D models"
msgstr "Commuta modelli 3D SMD"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:219
msgid "Toggle 3D models for 'Surface mount' type components"
msgstr "Commuta modelli 3D del tipo 'Montaggio superficiale'"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:225
msgid "Toggle Other 3D models"
msgstr "Commuta altri modelli 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:225
msgid "Toggle 3D models for 'Other' type components"
msgstr "Commuta modelli 3D del tipo 'Altro'"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:230
msgid "Show Model Bounding Boxes"
msgstr "Mostra perimetri delimitazione modello"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:235
msgid "Toggle realistic mode"
msgstr "Commuta modalità realistica"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:240
msgid "Toggle board body display"
msgstr "Commuta corpo scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:245
msgid "Show 3D Axis"
msgstr "Mostra Assi 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:250
msgid "Toggle zone display"
msgstr "Commuta zone"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:255
msgid "Toggle adhesive display"
msgstr "Commuta adesivi"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:255
msgid "Toggle display of adhesive layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati adesivo"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:260
msgid "Toggle silkscreen display"
msgstr "Commuta serigrafia"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:260
msgid "Toggle display of silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati di serigrafia"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:265
msgid "Toggle solder mask display"
msgstr "Commuta maschera saldatura"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:265
msgid "Toggle display of solder mask layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati maschera di saldatura"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:270
msgid "Toggle solder paste display"
msgstr "Commuta pasta salda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:270
msgid "Toggle display of solder paste layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati pasta salda"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:275
msgid "Toggle comments display"
msgstr "Commuta commenti"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:275
msgid "Toggle display of comments and drawings layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati commenti e grafica"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:280
msgid "Toggle ECO display"
msgstr "Commuta ECO"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_viewer/tools/eda_3d_actions.cpp:280
msgid "Toggle display of ECO layers"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione degli strati ECO"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/dialog_select_3d_model.cpp:94
#, c-format
msgid "All supported files (%s)"
msgstr "Tutti i file supportati (%s)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/dialog_select_3d_model_base.cpp:58
msgid "Available paths:"
msgstr "Percorsi disponibili:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/dialog_select_3d_model_base.cpp:67
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.h:72
msgid "Configure Paths"
msgstr "Configura percorsi"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/dialog_select_3d_model_base.h:63
msgid "Select 3D Model"
msgstr "Seleziona modello 3D"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:23
msgid "Environment Colors"
msgstr "Colori ambiente"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:30
msgid "Background gradient start:"
msgstr "Inizio gradiente sfondo:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:37
msgid "Background gradient end:"
msgstr "Fine gradiente sfondo:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:50
msgid "Solder paste:"
msgstr "Pasta salda:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:64
msgid "Board Colors"
msgstr "Colori scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:66
msgid "Use board stackup colors"
msgstr "Usa i colori dello stack-up scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:69
msgid "Use colors:"
msgstr "Usa colori:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:77
msgid "Silkscreen top:"
msgstr "Serigrafia sopra:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:84
msgid "Silkscreen bottom:"
msgstr "Serigrafia sotto:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:97
msgid "Solder mask top:"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura sopra:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:104
msgid "Solder mask bottom:"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura sotto:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:117
msgid "Copper/surface finish:"
msgstr "Finitura rame/superficie:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_colors_base.cpp:130
msgid "Board body:"
msgstr "Corpo scheda:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:24
msgid "Board Layers"
msgstr "Strati scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:31
msgid "Show silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Mostra strato Serigrafia"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:34
msgid "Clip silkscreen at solder mask edges"
msgstr "Ritaglia la serigrafia ai bordi della maschera di saldatura"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:37
msgid "Clip silkscreen at via annuli"
msgstr "Ritaglia la serigrafia all'anello del via"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:40
msgid "Show solder mask layers"
msgstr "Mostra strato Maschera saldatura"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:43
msgid "Show solder paste layers"
msgstr "Mostra strato Pasta salda"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:46
msgid "Show adhesive layers"
msgstr "Mostra strato Adesivo"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:56
msgid "User Layers (not shown in realistic mode)"
msgstr "Strati utente (non mostrati in modalità realistica)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:58
msgid "Show comment and drawing layers"
msgstr "Mostra strati commenti e grafica"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:61
msgid "Show ECO layers"
msgstr "Mostra strati ECO"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:74
msgid "Render Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di disegno"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:76
msgid "Realistic mode"
msgstr "Modalità realistica"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:79
msgid "Show board body"
msgstr "Mostra il corpo scheda"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:82
msgid "Show filled areas in zones"
msgstr "Mostra riempimenti nelle zone"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:85
msgid "Use bare copper color for unplated copper"
msgstr "Usa colore rame nudo per rame non metallizzato"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:86
msgid "Use different colors for plated and unplated copper. (Slow)"
msgstr "Usa colori diversi per rame metallizzato e non. (lento)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:93
msgid "Material properties:"
msgstr "Proprietà materiale:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:97
msgid "Realistic"
msgstr "Realistica"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:97
msgid "Solid colors"
msgstr "Colori pieni"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:97
msgid "CAD colors"
msgstr "Colori CAD"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:110
msgid "Camera Options"
msgstr "Opzioni fotocamera"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:115
msgid "Rotation increment:"
msgstr "Incremento rotazione:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:123
#: common/base_units.cpp:477 pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:130
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:289
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:259
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:348
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1343
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:63
msgid "deg"
msgstr "Gradi"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:133
msgid "Enable animation"
msgstr "Abilita animazione"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_display_options_base.cpp:140
msgid "Animation speed:"
msgstr "Velocità animazione:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:23
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:21
msgid "Rendering Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di rendering"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:25
msgid "Show model bounding boxes"
msgstr "Mostra i perimetri di delimitazione dei modelli"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:28
msgid "Show copper thickness"
msgstr "Mostra spessore rame"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:31
msgid "Highlight items on rollover"
msgstr "Evidenzia elementi al passaggio"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:37
msgid "Anti-aliasing:"
msgstr "Anti-aliasing:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "Disabled"
msgstr "Disabilitato"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "2x"
msgstr "2x"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "4x"
msgstr "4x"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "8x"
msgstr "8x"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:45
msgid "3D-Viewer must be closed and re-opened to apply this setting"
msgstr ""
"Il visualizzatore 3D deve essere chiuso e riaperto per applicare questa "
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:49
msgid "Selection color:"
msgstr "Colore selezione:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:63
msgid "While Moving"
msgstr "Nello spostamento"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:65
msgid "Disable anti-aliasing"
msgstr "Disabilita antialiasing"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:68
msgid "Disable thickness"
msgstr "Disabilita spessore"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:71
msgid "Disable vias"
msgstr "Disabilita via"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_opengl_options_base.cpp:74
msgid "Disable holes"
msgstr "Disabilita fori"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:27
msgid "Procedural textures (slow)"
msgstr "Motivi procedurali (lento)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:31
msgid "Add floor (slow)"
msgstr "Aggiungi pavimento (lento)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:35
msgid "Anti-aliasing (slow)"
msgstr "Anti-aliasing (lento)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Screen space ambient occlusions and global illumination reflections (slow)"
msgstr ""
"Occlusioni ambiente spazio schermo e riflessioni sull'illuminazione globale "
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:54
msgid "Number of Samples"
msgstr "Numero di campioni"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:58
msgid "Spread Factor %"
msgstr "Fattore di diffusione %"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:62
msgid "Recursion Level"
msgstr "Livello ricorsione"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:66
msgid "Shadows:"
msgstr "Ombre:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:71
msgid ""
"Number of rays that will be cast, into light direction, to evaluate a shadow "
msgstr ""
"Numero di raggi che verranno proiettati nella direzione della luce per "
"valutare un punto di ombra"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:77
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:95
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:115
msgid "Random direction factor of the cast rays"
msgstr "Fattore di direzione casuale dei raggi proiettati"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:84
msgid "Reflections:"
msgstr "Riflessioni:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:89
msgid "Number of rays that will be cast to evaluate a reflection point"
msgstr ""
"Numero di raggi che verranno proiettati per valutare un punto di riflessione"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:100
msgid ""
"Interactions number that a ray can travel through objects. (higher number of "
"levels improve results, specially on very transparent boards)"
msgstr ""
"Numero di interazioni di un raggio che può viaggiare attraverso oggetti. "
"(maggiore è il numero, migliore è il risultato, specialmente su schede molto "
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:104
msgid "Refractions:"
msgstr "Rifrazioni:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:109
msgid "Number of rays that will be cast to evaluate a refraction point"
msgstr ""
"Numero di raggi che verranno proiettati per valutare un punto di rifrazione"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:120
msgid "Number of bounces that a ray can hit reflective objects"
msgstr "Numero di rimbalzi di un raggio che può colpire oggetti riflettenti"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:134
msgid "Lights Configuration"
msgstr "Configurazione luci"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:139
msgid "Ambient camera light:"
msgstr "Luce fotocamera ambiente:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:151
msgid "Top light:"
msgstr "Luce in alto:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:163
msgid "Bottom light:"
msgstr "Luce in basso:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:187
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:204
msgid "Elevation (deg)"
msgstr "Elevazione (gradi)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:191
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:208
msgid "Azimuth (deg)"
msgstr "Azimuth (gradi)"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:212
msgid "Light 1:"
msgstr "Luce 1:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:230
msgid "Light 5:"
msgstr "Luce 5:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:245
msgid "Light 2:"
msgstr "Luce 2:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:263
msgid "Light 6:"
msgstr "Luce 6:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:278
msgid "Light 3:"
msgstr "Luce 3:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:296
msgid "Light 7:"
msgstr "Luce 7:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:311
msgid "Light 4:"
msgstr "Luce 4:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_3D_raytracing_options_base.cpp:329
msgid "Light 8:"
msgstr "Luce 8:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:21
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:56
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Scala"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:29
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:74
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:119
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:34
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:202
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:73
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:33
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:85
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:426
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1123
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1149
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1175
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1201
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1311
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:145
msgid "X:"
msgstr "X:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:39
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:84
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:129
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:45
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:213
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:266
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:88
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:125
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:70
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:387
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:437
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1134
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1160
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1186
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1212
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1322
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:154
msgid "Y:"
msgstr "Y:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:49
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:94
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:139
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:321
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:333
msgid "Z:"
msgstr "Z:"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:66
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:726 pcbnew/footprint.cpp:961
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:939
msgid "Rotation"
msgstr "Rotazione"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:111
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Scostamento"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:156
msgid "Opacity"
msgstr "Opacità"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:171
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:118
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:147
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:274
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialogs_for_printing.cpp:252
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Anteprima di stampa"
#: 3d-viewer/dialogs/panel_preview_3d_model_base.cpp:221
msgid "Reload board and 3D models"
msgstr "Ricarica scheda e modelli 3D"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:159 common/base_units.cpp:435
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:41
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:52
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:98
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:109
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:550
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:32
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:107
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:143
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:62
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:91
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:27
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:40
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:54
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:100
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:114
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:136
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:147
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:160
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:173
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:209
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:220
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:262
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:273
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:315
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:381
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:394
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:438
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:452
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:466
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:480
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:515
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:529
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:543
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:557
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:744
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:34
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:208
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:251
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:300
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:361
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:66
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:88
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:48
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:65
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:134
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:321
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:332
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:383
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:394
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:433
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:444
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:473
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:263
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:316
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:79
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:200
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:249
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:322
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:338
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:395
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:436
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:65
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:193
msgid "mm"
msgstr "mm"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:612
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:625
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:638
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:731
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:742
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:378
msgid "Inch"
msgstr "Pollici"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:159
msgid "DPI"
msgstr "DPI"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:343
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:490
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:852
msgid "Choose Image"
msgstr "Scegli immagine"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:344
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:491
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:853
msgid "Image Files"
msgstr "File immagine"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:706
msgid "Unable to export to the Clipboard"
msgstr "Impossibile esportare negli appunti"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:742
msgid "Create Logo File"
msgstr "Crea file del Logo"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:759
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:799
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:838
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:877
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' could not be created."
msgstr "Il file '%s' non può essere creato."
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:779
msgid "Create PostScript File"
msgstr "Crea file Postscript"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:819
msgid "Create Symbol Library"
msgstr "Crea libreria di simboli"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:858
msgid "Create Footprint Library"
msgstr "Crea libreria di impronte"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:900
msgid "Error allocating memory for potrace bitmap"
msgstr "Errore di allocazione memoria per bitmap potrace"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui.cpp:927
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:41
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:74 gerbview/files.cpp:339
#: gerbview/files.cpp:452 gerbview/readgerb.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:157
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:43
msgid "Errors"
msgstr "Errori"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:24
msgid "Original Picture"
msgstr "Immagine originale"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:29
msgid "Greyscale Picture"
msgstr "Immagine in scala di grigi"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:32
msgid "Black&&White Picture"
msgstr "Immagine in bianco e nero"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:41
msgid "Bitmap Information"
msgstr "Informazioni bitmap"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:50
msgid "Bitmap size:"
msgstr "Dimensione bitmap:"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:54
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:58
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:70
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:74
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:86
msgid "0000"
msgstr "0000"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:62
msgid "pixels"
msgstr "Pixels"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:66
msgid "Bitmap PPI:"
msgstr "PPI bitmap:"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:78
msgid "PPI"
msgstr "PPI"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:82
msgid "BPP:"
msgstr "BPP:"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:90
msgid "bits"
msgstr "Bits"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:104
msgid "Output Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri d'uscita"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:109
msgid "Lock height/width ratio"
msgstr "Blocca rapporto altezza/larghezza"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:122
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:28
msgid "Size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni:"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:126
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:131
msgid "300"
msgstr "300"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:149
msgid "Load Bitmap"
msgstr "Carica bitmap"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:152
msgid "Export to File"
msgstr "Esporta su file"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:145
msgid "Export to Clipboard"
msgstr "Esporta sugli appunti"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158
msgid "Symbol (.kicad_sym file)"
msgstr "Simbolo (file .kicad_sym)"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158
msgid "Footprint (.kicad_mod file)"
msgstr "Impronta (file .kicad_mod)"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158
msgid "Postscript (.ps file)"
msgstr "Postscript (file .ps)"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:158
msgid "Drawing Sheet (.kicad_wks file)"
msgstr "Foglio di disegno (file .kicad_wks)"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:160
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:43
msgid "Output Format"
msgstr "Formato d'uscita"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:165
msgid "Image Options"
msgstr "Opzioni immagine"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:167
msgid "Black / White Threshold:"
msgstr "Soglia bianco / nero:"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:172
msgid ""
"Adjust the level to convert the greyscale picture to a black and white "
msgstr "Regola il livello di conversione da scala di grigi a bianco e nero."
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:176
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:352
msgid "Negative"
msgstr "Negativo"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:527
msgid "Front silk screen"
msgstr "Serigrafia fronte"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:533
msgid "Front solder mask"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura fronte"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182
msgid "User layer Eco1"
msgstr "Strato utente Eco1"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:182
msgid "User layer Eco2"
msgstr "Strato utente Eco2"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:184
msgid "Board Layer for Outline"
msgstr "Strato scheda per bordi"
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.cpp:186
msgid ""
"Choose the board layer to place the outline.\n"
"The reference designator and value are always placed on the silk screen "
"layer (but will be marked invisible)."
msgstr ""
"Scegli lo strato scheda per piazzare i bordi.\n"
"I campi riferimento e valore vengono sempre piazzati sullo strato di "
"serigrafia (ma verranno marcati come invisibili)."
#: bitmap2component/bitmap2cmp_gui_base.h:100
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.bitmap2component.desktop.in:10
msgid "Bitmap to Component Converter"
msgstr "Convertitore da Bitmap a componente"
#: common/base_units.cpp:437
msgid "sq. mm"
msgstr "mm²"
#: common/base_units.cpp:439
msgid "cu. mm"
msgstr "mm³"
#: common/base_units.cpp:449 common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:549
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.cpp:34
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:110
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:228
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:239
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:62
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:114
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:125
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:36
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:47
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:67
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:78
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:89
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:118
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:129
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:143
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:743
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:193
msgid "mils"
msgstr "mils"
#: common/base_units.cpp:451
msgid "sq. mils"
msgstr "mils²"
#: common/base_units.cpp:453
msgid "cu. mils"
msgstr "mils³"
#: common/base_units.cpp:463
msgid "in"
msgstr "in"
#: common/base_units.cpp:465
msgid "sq. in"
msgstr "in²"
#: common/base_units.cpp:467
msgid "cu. in"
msgstr "in³"
#: common/base_units.cpp:471
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:75
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:88
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:118
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:138
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:381
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:168
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:206
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:256
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:297
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:651
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:119
msgid "%"
msgstr "%"
#: common/common.cpp:227
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Environment variables expansion failed: missing '%c' at position %u in '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Fallita espansione variabili ambiente: manca '%c' alla posizione %u in '%s'."
#: common/common.cpp:308
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot make path '%s' absolute with respect to '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile rendere il percorso '%s' assoluto rispetto a '%s'."
#: common/common.cpp:327
#, c-format
msgid "Output directory '%s' created."
msgstr "Cartella risultati '%s' creata."
#: common/common.cpp:336
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create output directory '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella risultati '%s'."
#: common/common.cpp:608
msgid "This operating system is not supported by KiCad and its dependencies."
msgstr "Questo sistema operativo non è supportato da KiCad e connessi."
#: common/common.cpp:610
msgid "Unsupported Operating System"
msgstr "Sistema operativo non supportato"
#: common/common.cpp:613
msgid ""
"Any issues with KiCad on this system cannot be reported to the official "
msgstr ""
"Qualunque problema di KiCad su questo sistema non può essere trasmesso al "
"bugtracker ufficiale."
#: common/confirm.cpp:57
msgid "Do not show again"
msgstr "Non mostrare più"
#: common/confirm.cpp:127
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Messaggio"
#: common/confirm.cpp:128
msgid "Question"
msgstr "Domanda"
#: common/confirm.cpp:129 common/confirm.cpp:284
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:43
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1284
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1297
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1319
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:281
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:157
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:403 eeschema/sheet.cpp:568
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:578
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:783
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1178
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml.cpp:180
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:336
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:853
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Attenzione"
#: common/confirm.cpp:160 common/confirm.cpp:166
msgid "File Open Error"
msgstr "Errore apertura file"
#: common/confirm.cpp:162 common/confirm.cpp:168
msgid "Interleaved saves may produce very unexpected results."
msgstr "Salvataggi intrecciati possono condurre a risultati molto stani."
#: common/confirm.cpp:164 common/confirm.cpp:169 common/confirm.cpp:259
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:523
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: common/confirm.cpp:164 common/confirm.cpp:169
msgid "Open Anyway"
msgstr "Apri comunque"
#: common/confirm.cpp:180 common/confirm.cpp:217
msgid "Save Changes?"
msgstr "Salvare i cambiamenti?"
#: common/confirm.cpp:182 common/confirm.cpp:219
msgid "If you don't save, all your changes will be permanently lost."
msgstr "Non salvando, tutte le modifiche andranno perse."
#: common/confirm.cpp:184 common/confirm.cpp:220 common/tool/actions.cpp:67
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:29
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:641
#: eeschema/widgets/tuner_slider_base.cpp:66
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:997
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salva"
#: common/confirm.cpp:184 common/confirm.cpp:220
msgid "Discard Changes"
msgstr "Abbandona i cambiamenti"
#: common/confirm.cpp:187 common/confirm.cpp:266
msgid "Apply to all"
msgstr "Applica a tutto"
#: common/confirm.cpp:232
msgid "Your current changes will be permanently lost."
msgstr "I cambiamenti correnti verranno irrecuperabilmente persi."
#: common/confirm.cpp:233 common/tool/actions.cpp:91
msgid "Revert"
msgstr "Ripristina"
#: common/confirm.cpp:233 common/confirm.cpp:260 common/tool/actions.cpp:121
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:277
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:168
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:66
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:252 pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:856
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:523
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: common/confirm.cpp:312
msgid "Information"
msgstr "Informazioni"
#: common/confirm.cpp:325 eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:447
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:704
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:100
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:163
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_pin_tool.cpp:239 kicad/import_project.cpp:103
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:262
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:381
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:470
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1069 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1504
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1971 pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:416
msgid "Confirmation"
msgstr "Conferma"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:122
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:94
#: common/lib_tree_model_adapter.cpp:274
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:464 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1417
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:629
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1246
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:368 include/lib_table_grid.h:185
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:40
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:985
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1245
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:126
msgid ""
"The KiCad EDA Suite is a set of open source applications for the creation of "
"electronic schematics and printed circuit boards."
msgstr ""
"La suite EDA KiCad è un insieme di applicazioni open source per la creazione "
"di schemi elettrici e circuiti stampati."
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:134
msgid "KiCad on the web"
msgstr "KiCad sul Web"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:140
msgid "The official KiCad website - "
msgstr "Il sito web ufficiale di KiCad - "
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:144
msgid "Developer website - "
msgstr "Il sito degli sviluppatori - "
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:149
msgid "Official KiCad library repositories - "
msgstr "I repository delle librerie ufficiali di KiCad - "
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:156
msgid "Bug tracker"
msgstr "Bug tracker"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:162
msgid "Report or examine bugs - "
msgstr "Rapporti bug e difetti - "
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:168
msgid "KiCad users group and community"
msgstr "Comunità e gruppi di utenti KiCad"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:173
msgid "KiCad forum - "
msgstr "Forum di KiCad - "
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:187
msgid "The complete KiCad EDA Suite is released under the"
msgstr "La suite EDA di KiCad è realizzata secondo la"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:189
msgid "GNU General Public License (GPL) version 3 or any later version"
msgstr "GNU General Public License (GPL) versione 3 o successive"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:208
msgid "Lead Development Team"
msgstr "Gruppo di sviluppo principale"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:209
msgid "Lead Development Alumni"
msgstr "Gruppo di sviluppo apprendisti"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:210
msgid "Additional Contributions By"
msgstr "Contributi aggiuntivi di"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:701
msgid "Others"
msgstr "Altri"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:721
msgid "KiCad Librarian Team"
msgstr "Gruppo Librerie KiCad"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:736
msgid "3D models by"
msgstr "Autori Modelli 3D"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:748
msgid "Symbols by"
msgstr "Autori simboli"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:755
msgid "Footprints by"
msgstr "Autori impronte"
#: common/dialog_about/AboutDialog_main.cpp:768
msgid "Icons by"
msgstr "Autori icone"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:90
#, c-format
msgid "About %s"
msgstr "Info su %s"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:118
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.h:56
msgid "About"
msgstr "Informazioni su KiCad"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:123
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:84
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:81
msgid "Version"
msgstr "Versione"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:125
msgid "Developers"
msgstr "Sviluppo"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:127
msgid "Doc Writers"
msgstr "Autori manuali"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:130
msgid "Librarians"
msgstr "Autori librerie"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:133
msgid "Artists"
msgstr "Artisti"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:135
msgid "Translators"
msgstr "Traduttori"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:137
msgid "Packagers"
msgstr "Pacchetti"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:140
msgid "License"
msgstr "Licenza"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:454
msgid "Could not open clipboard to write version information."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aprire gli appunti per scrivere le informazioni sulla versione."
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:455
msgid "Clipboard Error"
msgstr "Errore degli appunti"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about.cpp:464
msgid "Copied..."
msgstr "Copiate..."
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:31
msgid "App Title"
msgstr "Titolo app"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:37
msgid "Copyright Info"
msgstr "Informazioni sul copyright"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:41
msgid "Build Version Info"
msgstr "Informazioni sulla versione"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:45
msgid "Lib Version Info"
msgstr "Info di versione librerie"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:58
msgid "&Copy Version Info"
msgstr "&Copia info di versione"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:59
msgid "Copy KiCad version info to the clipboard"
msgstr "Copia le info di versione di KiCad negli appunti"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:63
msgid "&Report Bug"
msgstr "&Segnala bug"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:64 common/tool/actions.cpp:653
msgid "Report a problem with KiCad"
msgstr "Segnala un problema di KiCad"
#: common/dialog_about/dialog_about_base.cpp:89
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_HTML_reporter_base.h:48
msgid "Report"
msgstr "Segnala"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker.cpp:94
msgid "Clear Color"
msgstr "Cancella colore"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:31
msgid "RGB"
msgstr "RGB"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:46
msgid "Red:"
msgstr "Rosso:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:50
msgid "Green:"
msgstr "Verde:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:54
msgid "Blue:"
msgstr "Blu:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:74
msgid "HSV"
msgstr "HVG"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:91
msgid "Hue:"
msgstr "Tonalità:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:95
msgid "Saturation:"
msgstr "Saturazione:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:114
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:45
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:638
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:94
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:90
msgid "Value:"
msgstr "Valore:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:134
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.h:96
msgid "Color Picker"
msgstr "Prelievo colore"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:154
msgid "Defined Colors"
msgstr "Colori definiti"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:163
msgid "Opacity:"
msgstr "Opacità:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:185
msgid "Preview (old/new):"
msgstr "Anteprima (vecchio/nuovo):"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_color_picker_base.cpp:210
msgid "Reset to Default"
msgstr "Reimposta al predefinito"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:257
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:330
msgid "Environment variable name cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il nome della variabile ambiente non può essere vuoto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:265
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:332
msgid "Environment variable path cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il percorso della variabile ambiente non può essere vuoto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:295
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:337
msgid "3D search path alias cannot be empty."
msgstr "L'alias del percorso di ricerca 3D non può essere vuoto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:303
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:339
msgid "3D search path cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il percorso di ricerca 3D non può essere vuoto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:354
msgid ""
"This path was defined externally to the running process and\n"
"will only be temporarily overwritten."
msgstr ""
"Questo percorso, definito esternamente al processo in esecuzione,\n"
"può essere solo temporaneamente sovrascritto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:356
msgid ""
"The next time KiCad is launched, any paths that have already\n"
"been defined are honored and any settings defined in the path\n"
"configuration dialog are ignored. If you did not intend for\n"
"this behavior, either rename any conflicting entries or remove\n"
"the external environment variable(s) from your system."
msgstr ""
"Al prossimo avvio di KiCad, verrano onorati tutti i percorsi che siano\n"
"già stati definiti, mentre ogni impostazione definita nella finestra\n"
"di configurazione percorsi verrà ignorata. Se non si desidera tale\n"
"comportamento, rinominare ogni voce in conflitto o rimuovere\n"
"dal sistema le definizioni delle variabili ambiente esterne."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid "The name %s is reserved, and cannot be used."
msgstr "Il nome %s è riservato, e non può essere usato."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:517
msgid "File Browser..."
msgstr "Esplora file..."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:521
#: common/widgets/grid_text_button_helpers.cpp:411
msgid "Select Path"
msgstr "Seleziona percorso"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:603
msgid ""
"Enter the name and value for each environment variable. Grey entries are "
"names that have been defined externally at the system or user level. "
"Environment variables defined at the system or user level take precedence "
"over the ones defined in this table. This means the values in this table "
"are ignored."
msgstr ""
"Inserire nome e valore ad ogni variabile ambiente. Gli elementi in grigio "
"sono nomi che sono stati definiti esternamente a livello di sistema o di "
"utente. Le variabili ambiente definite a livello di sistema o di utente "
"hanno la precedenza su quelle definite in questa tabella. Perciò (N.d.T. in "
"caso di corrispondenza) i valori in questa tabella vengono ignorati."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:609
msgid ""
"To ensure environment variable names are valid on all platforms, the name "
"field will only accept upper case letters, digits, and the underscore "
msgstr ""
"Per assicurarsi che i nomi delle variabili ambiente siano validi su tutte le "
"piattaforme, il campo nome accetterà solo lettere maiuscole, numeri, e "
"caratteri di sottolineatura."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths.cpp:624
msgid "Environment Variable Help"
msgstr "Aiuto variabile ambiente"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:22
msgid "Environment Variables"
msgstr "Variabili ambiente"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:39
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:80
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:52
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:46
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:56
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:50
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:694
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:53
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames_base.cpp:43
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:299
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:199 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1039
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:202 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1386
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1426 eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1218
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:366
#: eeschema/widgets/tuner_slider_base.cpp:20
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_manage_repositories_base.cpp:37
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:446
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:38 pcbnew/zone.cpp:627
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:1477
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nome"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:40
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:41
msgid "Path"
msgstr "Percorso"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:74
msgid "3D Search Paths"
msgstr "Percorsi di ricerca 3D"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_configure_paths_base.cpp:92 common/eda_item.cpp:360
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:39
#, c-format
msgid "Configure Global %s Library Table"
msgstr "Configura la tabella librerie %s globale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:42
#, c-format
msgid ""
"KiCad has been run for the first time using the new %s library table for\n"
"accessing libraries. In order for KiCad to access %s libraries,\n"
"you must configure your global %s library table. Please select from one\n"
"of the options below. If you are not sure which option to select, please\n"
"use the default selection."
msgstr ""
"KiCad è stato eseguito per la prima volta usando la nuova tabella librerie "
"per l'accesso alle librerie. Per permettere a KiCad di accedere alle "
"librerie %s,\n"
"è necessario configurare la tabella librerie %s globale. Selezionare una "
"opzioni sottostanti. Se non si sa quale opzione scegliere, usare la\n"
"selezione predefinita."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:49
#, c-format
msgid "Copy default global %s library table (recommended)"
msgstr "Copia la tabella librerie %s globale predefinita (raccomandato)"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select this option if you not sure about configuring the global %s library "
msgstr ""
"Selezionare questa opzione se non si è sicuri sulla configurazione della "
"tabella librerie %s globale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:55
#, c-format
msgid "Copy custom global %s library table"
msgstr "Copia la tabella librerie %s globale personalizzata"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:57
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select this option to copy a %s library table file other than the default"
msgstr ""
"Selezionare questa opzione per copiare un file tabella librerie %s globale "
"diverso da quello predefinito"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:61
#, c-format
msgid "Create an empty global %s library table"
msgstr "Creare una tabella librerie %s globale vuota"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select this option to define %s libraries in project specific library tables"
msgstr ""
"Selezionare questa opzione per definire le librerie %s nelle tabelle "
"librerie specifiche del progetto"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config.cpp:67
#, c-format
msgid "Select global %s library table file:"
msgstr "Seleziona il file tabella librerie %s globale:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:21
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:28
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:30
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:34
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:35
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:39
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:40
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:47
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:81
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:85
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:89
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:93
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:97
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:101
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:105
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:109
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:113
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:117
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:121
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:125
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:129
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:133
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:137
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:141
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:145
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:149
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:153
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:157
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:161
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:165
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:169
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:173
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:177
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:181
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:185
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:142
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:154
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:166
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:178
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:240
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:252
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:264
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:276
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:237
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:252
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:267
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:372
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:376
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:380
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:384
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:388
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:392
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:396
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:400
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:404
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:408
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:412
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:416
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:420
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:424
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:428
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:432
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:228
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:240
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:252
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:266
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:280
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:292
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:308
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:322
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:338
msgid "dummy"
msgstr "fittizio"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.cpp:51
msgid "Select a file"
msgstr "Seleziona un file"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_global_lib_table_config_base.h:56
msgid "Configure Global Library Table"
msgstr "Configura la tabella librerie globale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:26 common/tool/actions.cpp:463
msgid "Grid Origin"
msgstr "Origine griglia"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:63
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:78
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:129
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:85 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:305
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:676
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:696
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:850
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:862
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:874
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:883
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:895
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:907
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:919
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:931
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:28
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:393
msgid "a page"
msgstr "una pagina"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:67
msgid "Current Grid"
msgstr "Griglia corrente"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:83
msgid "User Defined Grid"
msgstr "Griglia definita dall'utente"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:91
msgid "Size X:"
msgstr "Dimensioni X:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:102
msgid "Size Y:"
msgstr "Dimensioni Y:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:123
msgid "Fast Switching"
msgstr "Cambio rapido"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:131
msgid "Grid 1:"
msgstr "Griglia 1:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:142
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:157
msgid "(hotkey)"
msgstr "(tasto)"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:146
msgid "Grid 2:"
msgstr "Griglia 2:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:173 common/tool/actions.cpp:469
msgid "Reset Grid Origin"
msgstr "Reimposta origine griglia"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:176
msgid "Reset Grid Sizes"
msgstr "Reimposta dimensioni griglia"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.cpp:178
msgid "Resets the list of grid sizes to default values"
msgstr "Imposta l'elenco delle dimensioni griglia i valori predefiniti"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_grid_settings_base.h:80
msgid "Grid Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni griglia"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_hotkey_list.cpp:34
msgid "Hotkey List"
msgstr "Elenco comandi da tastiera"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:72
msgid "Incorrect scale number"
msgstr "Scala errata"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:82
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This scale results in an image which is too small (%.2f mm or %.1f mil)."
msgstr ""
"Questa scala dà una dimensione immagine troppo piccola (%.2f mm o %.1f mil)."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor.cpp:93
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This scale results in an image which is very large (%.1f mm or %.2f in). Are "
"you sure?"
msgstr ""
"Questa scala dà una dimensione immagine molto grande (%.1f mm o %.2f in). "
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.cpp:33
msgid "Grey"
msgstr "Scala di grigi"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.cpp:39
msgid "Image Scale:"
msgstr "Scala immagine:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_image_editor_base.h:53
msgid "Image Editor"
msgstr "Editor immagine"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query.cpp:35
msgid "Skip Locked Items"
msgstr "Salta elementi bloccati"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query.cpp:36
msgid ""
"Remove locked items from the selection and only apply the operation to the "
"unlocked items (if any)."
msgstr ""
"Rimuovere gli elementi bloccati dalla selezione e applicare l'operazione "
"agli elementi sbloccati (se presenti)."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:30
#, c-format
msgid "The selection contains %d locked items."
msgstr "La selezione contiene %d elementi bloccati."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:34
msgid "These items will be skipped unless you override the locks."
msgstr "Questi elementi verranno saltati a meno che non si superino i blocchi."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:44
msgid "Remember decision for this session."
msgstr "Ricorda la decisione per questa sessione."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:45
msgid ""
"Remember the option selected for the remainder of this session.\n"
"This dialog will not be shown again until KiCad is restarted."
msgstr ""
"Ricorda l'opzione selezionata per il resto di questa sessione.\n"
"Questa finestra di dialogo non verrà mostrata più fino al riavvio di KiCad."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:55
msgid "Override Locks"
msgstr "Ignora i blocchi"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.cpp:56
msgid ""
"Override locks and apply the operation on all the items selected.\n"
"Any locked items will remain locked after the operation is complete."
msgstr ""
"Supera i blocchi e applica l'operazione su tutti gli elementi selezionati.\n"
"Ogni elemento bloccato rimarrà bloccato dopo il completamento "
#: common/dialogs/dialog_locked_items_query_base.h:56
msgid "Locked Items"
msgstr "Elementi bloccati"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:31
msgid "Quit KiCad"
msgstr "Esci da KiCad"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:51
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:21
#, c-format
msgid "Welcome to KiCad %s!"
msgstr "Benvenuto a KiCad %s!"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:61
msgid "Import settings from a previous version (none found)"
msgstr "Importa impostazioni da una versione precedente (nessuna trovata)"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings.cpp:123
msgid "Select Settings Path"
msgstr "Seleziona il percorso delle impostazioni"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:30
msgid "How would you like to configure KiCad?"
msgstr "Vuoi configurare KiCad?"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:34
msgid "Import settings from a previous version at:"
msgstr "Importa impostazioni da una versione precedente in:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:49
msgid "Choose a different path"
msgstr "Scegli un percorso diverso"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:56
msgid "The selected path does not contain valid KiCad settings!"
msgstr "Il percorso selezionato non contiene impostazioni KiCad valide!"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:63
msgid "Import library configuration from previous version"
msgstr "Importa configurazioni libreria da versione precedente"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:65
msgid ""
"When checked, the symbol and footprint library tables from the previous "
"version will be imported into this version"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, le tabelle delle librerie di simboli e impronte della "
"precedente versione verranno importate in questa versione"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.cpp:69
msgid "Start with default settings"
msgstr "Inizia con impostazioni predefinite"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_migrate_settings_base.h:67
msgid "Configure KiCad Settings Path"
msgstr "Configura percorsi impostazioni KiCad"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:57
msgid "A5 148x210mm"
msgstr "A5 148x210mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:58
msgid "A4 210x297mm"
msgstr "A4 210x297mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:59
msgid "A3 297x420mm"
msgstr "A3 297x420mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:60
msgid "A2 420x594mm"
msgstr "A2 420x594mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:61
msgid "A1 594x841mm"
msgstr "A1 594x841mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:62
msgid "A0 841x1189mm"
msgstr "A0 841x1189mm"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:63
msgid "A 8.5x11in"
msgstr "A 8.5x11in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:64
msgid "B 11x17in"
msgstr "B 11x17in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:65
msgid "C 17x22in"
msgstr "C 17x22in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:66
msgid "D 22x34in"
msgstr "D 22x34in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:67
msgid "E 34x44in"
msgstr "E 34x44in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:68
msgid "USLetter 8.5x11in"
msgstr "USLetter 8.5x11in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:69
msgid "USLegal 8.5x14in"
msgstr "USLegal 8.5x14in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:70
msgid "USLedger 11x17in"
msgstr "USLedger 11x17in"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:71
msgid "User (Custom)"
msgstr "Personalizzato"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:103
msgid "Preview Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni anteprima"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:104
msgid "Preview Paper"
msgstr "Carta anteprima"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:105
msgid "Preview Title Block Data"
msgstr "Dati riquadro iscrizioni anteprima"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:109
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.h:145
msgid "Page Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni pagina"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:110
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:25
msgid "Paper"
msgstr "Foglio"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:111
msgid "Title Block"
msgstr "Riquadro iscrizioni"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:474
#, c-format
msgid "Drawing sheet file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File foglio di disegno '%s' non trovato."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:546
msgid "the translation for paper size must preserve original spellings"
msgstr ""
"la traduzione della dimensione della carta deve mantenere la denominazione "
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:710
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:49
msgid "Portrait"
msgstr "Verticale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:712
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:49
msgid "Landscape"
msgstr "Orizzontale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings.cpp:793
msgid "Select Drawing Sheet File"
msgstr "Selezionare il file foglio di disegno"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:36
msgid "dummy text"
msgstr "Testo segnaposto"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:45
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:189
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:113
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:126
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:282
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:164
msgid "Orientation:"
msgstr "Orientamento:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:55
msgid "Custom paper size:"
msgstr "Dimensione foglio personalizzata:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:128
msgid "Height:"
msgstr "Altezza:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:80
msgid "Custom paper height."
msgstr "Altezza foglio personalizzata."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:84
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:105
#: common/dialogs/dialog_unit_entry_base.cpp:34
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:176
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:298
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:346
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:100
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:130
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:160
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:226
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:268
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:360
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:374
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:389
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:132
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:342
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:355
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:368
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:268
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:144
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:40
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:66
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:92
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1130
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1156
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1167
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1182
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1193
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1208
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1219
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1233
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1256
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1318
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1329
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1494
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:140
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:35
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:186
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:207
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:162
msgid "unit"
msgstr "Unità"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:88
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Width:"
msgstr "Larghezza:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:101
msgid "Custom paper width."
msgstr "Larghezza foglio personalizzato."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:112
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:223
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:235
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:247
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:259
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:271
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:283
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:295
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:307
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:319
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:331
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:343
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:355
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:367
msgid "Export to other sheets"
msgstr "Esporta su altri fogli"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:140
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:355
msgid "Drawing Sheet"
msgstr "Foglio di disegno"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:153 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:22
msgid "File:"
msgstr "File:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:172
msgid "Title Block Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri riquadro iscrizioni"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "Number of sheets: %d"
msgstr "Numero di fogli: %d"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:189
#, c-format
msgid "Sheet number: %d"
msgstr "Numero foglio: %d"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:202
msgid "Issue Date:"
msgstr "Data versione:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:214
msgid "<<<"
msgstr "<<<"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:226
msgid "Revision:"
msgstr "Revisione:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:238
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:388
msgid "Title:"
msgstr "Titolo:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:250
msgid "Company:"
msgstr "Azienda:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:262
msgid "Comment1:"
msgstr "Commento1:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:274
msgid "Comment2:"
msgstr "Commento2:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:286
msgid "Comment3:"
msgstr "Commento3:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:298
msgid "Comment4:"
msgstr "Commento4:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:310
msgid "Comment5:"
msgstr "Commento5:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:322
msgid "Comment6:"
msgstr "Commento6:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:334
msgid "Comment7:"
msgstr "Commento7:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:346
msgid "Comment8:"
msgstr "Commento8:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_page_settings_base.cpp:358
msgid "Comment9:"
msgstr "Commento9:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special.cpp:37
msgid ""
"Finds the next available reference designator for any designators that "
"already exist in the design."
msgstr ""
"Trova il prossimo riferimento disponibile per ogni riferimento che esiste "
"già nel progetto."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special.cpp:44
#, c-format
msgid "Replaces reference designators with '%s'."
msgstr "Rimpiazza i riferimenti con '%s'."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special_base.cpp:22
msgid "Assign unique reference designators to pasted symbols"
msgstr "Assegna riferimenti unici ai simboli incollati"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special_base.cpp:22
msgid "Keep existing reference designators, even if they are duplicated"
msgstr "Mantieni i riferimenti esistenti, anche se sono duplicati"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special_base.cpp:22
msgid "Clear reference designators on all pasted symbols"
msgstr "Cancella i riferimenti su tutti i simboli incollati"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special_base.cpp:24
msgid "Paste Options"
msgstr "Opzioni incolla"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_paste_special_base.h:48
msgid "Paste Special"
msgstr "Incolla speciale"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:47
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:252
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.h:78 common/tool/actions.cpp:102
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:146
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.h:61
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:792
msgid "Print"
msgstr "Stampante"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:48
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:202
msgid "Print Preview"
msgstr "Anteprima di stampa"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:49 common/hotkey_store.cpp:55
#: common/tool/action_menu.cpp:208 common/tool/action_menu.cpp:213
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:93 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:134
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:156
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:80 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:314
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:269
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:113
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:148
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:130
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap_base.cpp:33
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb.cpp:67
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:49
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:142
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:69
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:115
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:135
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:87 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:269
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:97
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:79 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:70 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:68
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:110
msgid "Warning: Bad scale number"
msgstr "Attenzione: numero scala errato"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: Scale option set to a very large value.\n"
" Clamped to %f"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto alto.\n"
" Tagliato a %f"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:127
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Warning: Scale option set to a very small value.\n"
" Clamped to %f"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto basso.\n"
" Tagliato a %f"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:197
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:244
msgid "Nothing to print"
msgstr "Niente da stampare"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:235
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:311
msgid "Previous print job not yet complete."
msgstr "Il precedente lavoro di stampa non è ancora stato completato."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:260
msgid "There was a problem printing."
msgstr "Problema durante la stampa."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic.cpp:302
msgid "An error occurred initializing the printer information."
msgstr "Errore durante l'inizializzazione informazioni di stampa."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:24
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:84
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:48
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:25
#: include/lib_table_grid.h:184
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:23
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:25
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Opzioni"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:31
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:72
msgid "Output mode:"
msgstr "Modalità d'uscita:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:35
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:52
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:282
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Colore"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:35
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:80
msgid "Black and white"
msgstr "Bianco e nero"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:41
msgid "Print border and title block"
msgstr "Stampa squadratura e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:43
msgid "Print Frame references."
msgstr "Stampa riferimenti quadro."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:58
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:127
msgid "1:1"
msgstr "1:1"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:64
msgid "Fit to page"
msgstr "Adatta alla pagina"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:73
msgid "Custom:"
msgstr "Personalizzato:"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:77
msgid "Set X scale adjust for exact scale plotting"
msgstr "Imposta l'asse X per un esatta tracciatura"
#: common/dialogs/dialog_print_generic_base.cpp:99
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:62
msgid "Page Setup..."
msgstr "Imposta pagina..."
#: common/dialogs/dialog_text_entry_base.cpp:21
#: common/dialogs/dialog_text_entry_base.cpp:33
#: common/dialogs/dialog_unit_entry_base.cpp:22
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package_base.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1524
msgid "MyLabel"
msgstr "MiaEtichetta"
#: common/dialogs/eda_list_dialog.cpp:48 common/widgets/lib_tree.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:144 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:159
msgid "Filter"
msgstr "Filtra"
#: common/dialogs/eda_list_dialog_base.cpp:22
msgid "Items:"
msgstr "Elementi:"
#: common/dialogs/eda_view_switcher_base.cpp:19
#: common/dialogs/eda_view_switcher_base.h:40
msgid "View Preset Switcher"
msgstr "Visualizza commutatore preimpostazioni"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:51
msgid "Reveal Themes in Finder"
msgstr "Rivela i temi nell'esploratore file"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:131
msgid "New theme name:"
msgstr "Nuovo nome tema:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:131
msgid "Add Color Theme"
msgstr "Aggiungi Tema colori"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:143
msgid "Theme already exists!"
msgstr "Il tema esiste già!"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:204
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:226
msgid "New Theme..."
msgstr "Nuovo tema..."
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:214
msgid "(read-only)"
msgstr "(sola-lettura)"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:283
msgid "Copy color"
msgstr "Copia colore"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:286
msgid "Paste color"
msgstr "Incolla colore"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings.cpp:289
msgid "Revert to saved color"
msgstr "Ripristina al colore salvato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:19
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/panel_pl_editor_color_settings_base.cpp:21
msgid "Theme:"
msgstr "Tema:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:33
msgid "Override individual item colors"
msgstr "Scavalca i colori dei singoli articoli"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:34
msgid ""
"Show all items in their default color even if they have specific colors set "
"in their properties."
msgstr ""
"Mostra tutti gli elementi nel loro colore predefinito anche se hanno colori "
"specifici impostati nelle loro proprietà."
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:41
msgid "Open Theme Folder"
msgstr "Apri cartella tema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_color_settings_base.cpp:42
msgid "Open the folder containing color themes"
msgstr "Apri la cartella contenente i temi colore"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:84
msgid "Icon scale:"
msgstr "Scala icone:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:93
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:135
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:149
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:89
msgid "Automatic"
msgstr "Automatico"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:112
msgid ""
"Set the scale for the canvas.\n"
"On high-DPI displays on some platforms, KiCad cannot determine the scaling "
"factor. In this case you may need to set this to a value to match your "
"system's DPI scaling. 2.0 is a common value. \n"
"If this does not match the system DPI scaling, the canvas will not match the "
"window size and cursor position."
msgstr ""
"Imposta la scala per l'area di lavoro.\n"
"Sugli schermi ad alta risoluzione di alcune piattaforme, KiCad non può "
"determinare il fattore di scala. In questo caso si può dover impostare "
"questo valore in modo tale che rispecchi la scala DPI del proprio sistema. "
"2.0 è un valore tipico. \n"
"Se questo valore non corrisponde alla scala DPI del sistema, l'area di "
"lavoro non corrisponderà alla dimensione della finestra e alla posizione del "
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:122
msgid ""
"Use an automatic value for the canvas scale.\n"
"On some platforms, the automatic value is incorrect and should be set "
msgstr ""
"Usa un valore automatico per la scala dell'area di lavoro.\n"
"Su alcune piattaforme, il valore automatico è errato e deve essere impostato "
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:449
msgid "Executable files ("
msgstr "File eseguibili ("
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings.cpp:454
msgid "Select Preferred PDF Viewer"
msgstr "Seleziona visualizzatore PDF preferito"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:21
msgid "Antialiasing"
msgstr "Antialiasing"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:30
msgid "Accelerated graphics:"
msgstr "Grafica accelerata:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:34
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:44
msgid "No Antialiasing"
msgstr "No antialiasing"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:34
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:44
msgid "Fast Antialiasing"
msgstr "Antialiasing veloce"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:34
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:44
msgid "High Quality Antialiasing"
msgstr "Antialiasing ad alta qualità"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:40
msgid "Fallback graphics:"
msgstr "Grafica di ripiego:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:59
msgid "Helper Applications"
msgstr "Applicazioni ausiliarie"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:65
msgid "Text editor:"
msgstr "Editor di testo:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:86
msgid "System default PDF viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore PDF predefinto di sistema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:175
msgid "Other:"
msgstr "Altro:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:112
msgid "User Interface"
msgstr "Interfaccia utente"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:118
msgid "Show icons in menus"
msgstr "Mostra le icone nei menu"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:121
msgid "Icon theme:"
msgstr "Tema icone:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:125
msgid "Light"
msgstr "Luminoso"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:126
msgid "Use icons designed for light window backgrounds"
msgstr "Usa icone per sfondi finestre chiari"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:130
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:729
msgid "Dark"
msgstr "Scuro"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:131
msgid "Use icons designed for dark window backgrounds"
msgstr "Usa icone per sfondi fineste scuri"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:137
msgid ""
"Automatically choose light or dark icons based on the system color theme"
msgstr ""
"Automaticamente sceglie tra le icone chiare e quelle scure in base al colore "
"del tema di sistema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:141
msgid "Canvas scale:"
msgstr "Scala area di lavoro:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:158
msgid "Apply icon scaling to fonts"
msgstr "Applica scalatura icone ai font"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:161
msgid "(This workaround will improve some GTK HiDPI font scaling issues.)"
msgstr ""
"(Questo accorgimento sopperirà ad alcuni problemi di scalatura font HiDPI "
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:175
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:21
msgid "Editing"
msgstr "Modifica"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:177
msgid "Warp mouse to origin of moved object"
msgstr "Sposta il mouse all'origine dell'oggetto spostato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:181
msgid "First hotkey selects tool"
msgstr "Il tasto seleziona lo strumento"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:182
msgid ""
"If not checked, hotkeys will immediately perform an action even if the "
"relevant tool was not previously selected."
msgstr ""
"Se non selezionata, i comandi da tastiera eseguiranno immediatamente "
"un'azione anche se lo strumento corrispondente non fosse stato "
"precedentemente selezionato."
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:190
msgid "Session"
msgstr "Sessione"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:192
msgid "Remember open files for next project launch"
msgstr "Ricorda i file aperti al prossimo avvio del progetto"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:194
msgid ""
"If checked, launching a project will also launch tools such as eeschema and "
"pcbnew with previously open files"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, l'avvio di un progetto avvierà anche gli strumenti come "
"eeschema e pcbnew con i file aperti in precedenza"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:207
msgid "&Auto save:"
msgstr "&Autosalvataggio:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:212
msgid ""
"Delay after the first change to create a backup file of the board on disk.\n"
"If set to 0, auto backup is disabled"
msgstr ""
"Ritardo dopo la prima modifica della creazione del backup della scheda su "
"Se impostato a 0, l'auto backup è disabilitato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:217
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:294
msgid "minutes"
msgstr "minuti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:221
msgid "File history size:"
msgstr "Dimensione cronologia file:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:228
msgid "3D cache file duration:"
msgstr "Durata file cache 3D:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:233
msgid ""
"3D cache files older than this are deleted.\n"
"If set to 0, cache clearing is disabled"
msgstr ""
"I file cache 3D più vecchi di questo vengono cancellati.\n"
"Se impostato a 0, la cancellazione della cache è disabilitata"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:237
msgid "days"
msgstr "giorni"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:250
msgid "Project Backup"
msgstr "Backup progetto"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:257
msgid "Automatically backup projects"
msgstr "Backup automatico dei progetti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:258
msgid ""
"Automatically create backup archives of the current project when saving files"
msgstr ""
"Crea automaticamente archivi di backup del progetto corrente quando si "
"salvano i file"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:262
msgid "Create backups when auto save occurs"
msgstr "Crea backup all'autosalvataggio"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:263
msgid ""
"Create backups when the auto save feature is enabled. If not checked, "
"backups will only be created when you manually save a file."
msgstr ""
"Crea backup se l'impostazione di autosalvataggio è abilitata. Se non "
"abilitata, i backup verranno creati solo quando si salva manualmente un file."
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:267
msgid "Maximum backups to keep:"
msgstr "N° max di backup da tenere:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:269
msgid "How many backup files total to keep (set to 0 for no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Quanti file di backup totali da tenere (impostare a 0 per nessun limite)"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:276
msgid "Maximum backups per day:"
msgstr "N° max backup per giorno:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:278
msgid "How many backup files to keep each day (set to 0 for no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Quanti file di backup da tenere per ogni giorno (impostare a 0 per nessun "
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:285
msgid "Minimum time between backups:"
msgstr "Tempo minimo tra i backup:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:287
msgid ""
"Number of minutes since the last backup before another will be created the "
"next time you save (set to 0 for no minimum)"
msgstr ""
"Numero di minuti dall'ultimo backup prima che un altro venga creato al "
"successivo salvataggio (impostare a 0 per nessun numero minimo)"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:298
msgid "Maximum total backup size:"
msgstr "Dimensione massima totale salvataggi:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:300
msgid ""
"If the total size of backup files grows above this limit, old backups will "
"be deleted (set to 0 for no limit)"
msgstr ""
"Se la dimensione totale dei file di backuo cresce sopra questo limite, i "
"vecchi backup verranno cancellati (impostare a 0 per nessun limite)"
#: common/dialogs/panel_common_settings_base.cpp:307
msgid "MB"
msgstr "MB"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:84
msgid "Type filter text"
msgstr "Battere il testo filtrato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:126
msgid "Undo All Changes"
msgstr "Annulla tutti i cambiamenti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:127
msgid "Undo all changes made so far in this dialog"
msgstr "Annulla tutti i cambiamenti fatti sino ad ora in questa finestra"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:135
msgid "Import Hotkeys..."
msgstr "Importa tasti..."
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:136
msgid ""
"Import hotkey definitions from an external file, replacing the current values"
msgstr ""
"Importa le definizioni dei comandi da tastiera da file esterno, rimpiazzando "
"i valori correnti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:198
msgid "Import Hotkeys File:"
msgstr "Importa file tasti:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_hotkeys_editor.cpp:246
msgid "| Action | Default Hotkey | Description"
msgstr "| Azione | Tasto predefinito | Descrizione"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:208
msgid "Cmd"
msgstr "Cmd"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings.cpp:48
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:218
msgid "Option"
msgstr "Opzione"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings.cpp:85
msgid "Only one action can be assigned to each vertical scroll setting"
msgstr ""
"Solo un'azione può essere assegnata per ogni impostazione di spostamento "
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:18
msgid "Pan and Zoom"
msgstr "Pan e zoom"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:25
msgid "Center and warp cursor on zoom"
msgstr "Centra e sposta il puntatore con lo zoom"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:26
msgid "Center the cursor on screen when zooming."
msgstr "Centra il puntatore sullo schermo durante lo zoom."
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:33
msgid "Automatically pan while moving object"
msgstr "Pan automatico mentre si sposta un oggetto"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:34
msgid ""
"When drawing a track or moving an item, pan when approaching the edge of the "
msgstr ""
"Quando si disegna una pista o si sposta un elemento, pan all'approssimarsi "
"al bordo dello schermo."
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:38
msgid "Use zoom acceleration"
msgstr "Usa accelerazione zoom"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:39
msgid "Zoom faster when scrolling quickly"
msgstr "Zoom più veloce quando si scorre velocemente"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:45
msgid "Zoom speed:"
msgstr "Velocità zoom:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:51
msgid "How far to zoom in for each rotation of the mouse wheel"
msgstr "Quanto ingrandire per ogni rotazione della rotella del mouse"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:58
msgid "Pick the zoom speed automatically"
msgstr "Rileva velocità zoom automaticamente"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:67
msgid "Auto pan speed:"
msgstr "Velocità autopan:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:72
msgid "How fast to pan when moving an object off the edge of the screen"
msgstr ""
"Quanto velocemente fare pan quando si sposta un oggetto fuori dal bordo "
"dello schermo"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:91
msgid "Drag Gestures"
msgstr "Gestures trascinamento"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:99
msgid "Left button drag:"
msgstr "Trascinamento pulsante sinistro:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:103
msgid "Draw selection rectangle"
msgstr "Disegna rettangolo selezione"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:103
msgid "Drag selected objects; otherwise draw selection rectangle"
msgstr "Trascina oggetti selezionati; altrimenti disegna rettangolo selezione"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:103
msgid "Drag any object (selected or not)"
msgstr "Trascina ogni oggetto (selezionato o no)"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:112
msgid "Middle button drag:"
msgstr "Trascinamento tasto centrale:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:116
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:129
msgid "Pan"
msgstr "Pan"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:116
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:129
#: common/tool/zoom_menu.cpp:43
msgid "Zoom"
msgstr "Zoom"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:116
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:129
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:50
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:150
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:406
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:918
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:927
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:937
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:715
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:117 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1611
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:699
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:741 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1465
msgid "None"
msgstr "No"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:125
msgid "Right button drag:"
msgstr "Trascinamento pulsante destro:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:145
msgid "Scroll Gestures"
msgstr "Gestures scorrimento"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:153
msgid "Vertical touchpad or scroll wheel movement:"
msgstr "Touchpad verticale o scorrimento rotella mouse:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:158
msgid "Only one action can be assigned to each column"
msgstr "Solo un'azione può essere assegnata per ogni colonna"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:175
msgid "--"
msgstr "--"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:137
msgid "Ctrl"
msgstr "Ctrl"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:183
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:106
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:154
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:188
msgid "Shift"
msgstr "Maiusc"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:187
msgid "Alt"
msgstr "Alt"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:191
msgid "Zoom:"
msgstr "Zoom:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:207
msgid "Pan up/down:"
msgstr "Pan su/giù:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:223
msgid "Pan left/right:"
msgstr "Pan sinistra/destra:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:257
msgid "Pan left/right with horizontal movement"
msgstr "Pan sinistra/destra con movimento orizzontale"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:258
msgid ""
"Pan the canvas left and right when scrolling left to right on the touchpad"
msgstr ""
"Sposta l'area di lavoro a sinistra e destra quando si fa lo scorrimento a "
"sinistra e destra sul touchpad"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:268
msgid "Reset to Mouse Defaults"
msgstr "Reimposta ai valori del mouse predefiniti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_mouse_settings_base.cpp:271
msgid "Reset to Trackpad Defaults"
msgstr "Reimposta ai valori trackpad predefiniti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:86 common/eda_shape.cpp:1595
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:318
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:406
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:715 pcbnew/zone.cpp:631
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:1467
msgid "Solid"
msgstr "Pieno"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:88 common/eda_shape.cpp:1596
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:318
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:46
msgid "Dashed"
msgstr "Tratteggiato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:90 common/eda_shape.cpp:1597
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:318
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:47
msgid "Dotted"
msgstr "Puntinato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:92 common/eda_shape.cpp:1598
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:318
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:48
msgid "Dash-Dot"
msgstr "Tratto-punto"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:417
msgid "Netclass must have a name."
msgstr "La netclass deve avere un nome."
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:426
msgid "Netclass name already in use."
msgstr "Nome netclass già in uso."
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:487
msgid "Minimum copper clearance"
msgstr "Distanza rame minima"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:488
msgid "Minimum track width"
msgstr "Larghezza pista minima"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:489
msgid "Via pad diameter"
msgstr "Diametro piazzola via"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:490
msgid "Via plated hole diameter"
msgstr "Diametro foro via metallizzato"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:491
msgid "Microvia pad diameter"
msgstr "Diametro piazzola microvia"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:492
msgid "Microvia plated hole diameter"
msgstr "Diametro foro metallizzato microvia"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:493
msgid "Differential pair track width"
msgstr "Larghezza traccia coppia differenziale"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:494
msgid "Differential pair gap"
msgstr "Distanza coppia differenziale"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:495
msgid "Schematic wire thickness"
msgstr "Spessore filo schema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:496
msgid "Bus wire thickness"
msgstr "Spessore bus schema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:497
msgid "Schematic wire color"
msgstr "Colore filo schema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:498
msgid "Schematic wire line style"
msgstr "Stile linea filo schema"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses.cpp:549
msgid "The default net class is required."
msgstr "Le netclass predefinita è necessaria."
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:41
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:215 pcbnew/pad.cpp:891
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:790 pcbnew/zone.cpp:597
msgid "Net Class"
msgstr "Netclass"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:193
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:603
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:628
msgid "Clearance"
msgstr "Distanza"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:43
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.cpp:201
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:727
msgid "Track Width"
msgstr "Larghezza piste"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:44
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:108
msgid "Via Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni via"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:45
msgid "Via Hole"
msgstr "Foro via"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.cpp:204
msgid "uVia Size"
msgstr "Dimensione uVia"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:47
msgid "uVia Hole"
msgstr "Foro uVia"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:48
msgid "DP Width"
msgstr "Larghezza CD"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:49
msgid "DP Gap"
msgstr "Spazio CD"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:50
msgid "Wire Thickness"
msgstr "Spessore filo"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:51
msgid "Bus Thickness"
msgstr "Spessore bus"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:53 eeschema/sch_line.cpp:891
msgid "Line Style"
msgstr "Stile linea"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:59 common/eda_shape.cpp:1594
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:72 common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:142
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:66
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props.cpp:36
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:52
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:63
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1096
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Predefinita"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:84
msgid "Set color to transparent to use KiCad default color."
msgstr "Imposta il colore a trasparente per usare il colore KiCad predefinito."
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:103
msgid "Filter Nets"
msgstr "Filtra collegamenti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:108
msgid "Net class filter:"
msgstr "Filtro netclass:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:125
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:28
msgid "Net name filter:"
msgstr "Filtro nomi collegamenti:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:140
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:895
msgid "Show All Nets"
msgstr "Mostra tutti i collegamenti"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:146
msgid "Apply Filters"
msgstr "Applica filtri"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:159
msgid "Assign Net Class"
msgstr "Assegna netclass"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:164
msgid "New net class:"
msgstr "Nuova netclass:"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:181
msgid "Assign To All Listed Nets"
msgstr "Assegna a tutti i collegamenti elencati"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:187
msgid "Assign To Selected Nets"
msgstr "Assegna ai collegamenti selezionati"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_netclasses_base.cpp:214
#: pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:39
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:76 pcbnew/pad.cpp:889
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:788 pcbnew/zone.cpp:595
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Collegamento"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:43
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:114
msgid "Ignore"
msgstr "Ignora"
#: common/dialogs/panel_setup_severities.cpp:114
msgid "From Pin Conflicts Map"
msgstr "Dalla mappa conflitti pin"
#: common/dialogs/panel_text_variables.cpp:118
#: common/dialogs/panel_text_variables.cpp:146
msgid "Variable name cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il nome variabile non può essere vuoto."
#: common/dialogs/panel_text_variables_base.cpp:37
msgid "Variable Name"
msgstr "Nome variabile"
#: common/dialogs/panel_text_variables_base.cpp:38
msgid "Text Substitution"
msgstr "Sostituzione testo"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:187
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:211
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:111
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:131
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:151
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Errore:"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:191
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:212
msgid "Warning:"
msgstr "Attenzione:"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:213
msgid "Info:"
msgstr "Info:"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:330
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:740 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:647
msgid "Save Report to File"
msgstr "Salva il file rapporto"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:347
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot write report to file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere il rapporto nel file '%s'."
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel.cpp:349
msgid "File save error"
msgstr "Errore salvataggio file"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:16
msgid "Output Messages"
msgstr "Messaggi d'uscita"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:30
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:64
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:147
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:32
msgid "Show:"
msgstr "Mostra:"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:34
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:68 eeschema/lib_item.cpp:50
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:187 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:88
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:151
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:36
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:683
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:725
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tutti"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:50
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:49
msgid "Warnings"
msgstr "Avvisi"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:59
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Azioni"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:65
msgid "Infos"
msgstr "Info"
#: common/dialogs/wx_html_report_panel_base.cpp:71
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:178
msgid "Save..."
msgstr "Salva..."
#: common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:251 common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:413
msgid "Could not use OpenGL, falling back to software rendering"
msgstr "Impossibile usare OpenGL, ripiego sul rendering software"
#: common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:257 common/draw_panel_gal.cpp:420
msgid "Could not use OpenGL"
msgstr "Impossibile usare OpenGL"
#: common/drawing_sheet/drawing_sheet_parser.cpp:890
#, c-format
msgid "Drawing sheet '%s' not found."
msgstr "Foglio di disegno '%s' non trovato."
#: common/drawing_sheet/drawing_sheet_parser.cpp:900
#, c-format
msgid "Drawing sheet '%s' could not be opened."
msgstr "Foglio di disegno '%s' impossibile da aprire."
#: common/drawing_sheet/drawing_sheet_parser.cpp:913
#, c-format
msgid "Drawing sheet '%s' was not fully read."
msgstr "Foglio di disegno '%s' non letto completamente."
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_item.cpp:370
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:122 common/eda_item.cpp:318
#: common/eda_item.cpp:319 common/eda_item.cpp:342 common/eda_item.cpp:362
#: common/eda_text.cpp:736 eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:47
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:429 eeschema/lib_text.cpp:349 eeschema/lib_text.h:55
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:583
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:40
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:28 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:283 pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:33
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Testo"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_item.cpp:371
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:114 common/eda_item.cpp:340
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:60 eeschema/pin_type.cpp:76
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:111
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Linea"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_item.cpp:372
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:118 common/eda_shape.cpp:564
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1588
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:43 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1603
msgid "Rectangle"
msgstr "Rettangolo"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_item.cpp:373
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:126
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:298
msgid "Imported Shape"
msgstr "Forma importata"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_item.cpp:374
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:130
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:476 common/eda_item.cpp:368
#: eeschema/sch_bitmap.h:129
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Immagine"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_model_io.cpp:91
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_data_model_io.cpp:120
msgid "Error writing drawing sheet file"
msgstr "Errore scrivendo il file foglio di disegno"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:136
msgid "First Page Only"
msgstr "Solo prima pagina"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:137
msgid "Subsequent Pages"
msgstr "Pagine successive"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:138
msgid "All Pages"
msgstr "Tutte le pagine"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:141
msgid "First Page Option"
msgstr "Opzione prima pagina"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:144
msgid "Repeat Count"
msgstr "Conteggio ripetizione"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:147
msgid "Repeat Label Increment"
msgstr "Incremento etichetta di ripetizione"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:153
msgid "Repeat Position Increment"
msgstr "Incremento posizione di ripetizione"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:155
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:39
msgid "Comment"
msgstr "Commento"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:187
#, c-format
msgid "Text '%s'"
msgstr "Testo '%s'"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:395 eeschema/lib_shape.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Rectangle, width %s height %s"
msgstr "Rettangolo, larg. %s alt. %s"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:428
#, c-format
msgid "Line, length %s"
msgstr "Linea, lung. %s"
#: common/drawing_sheet/ds_draw_item.cpp:482
msgid "Page Limits"
msgstr "Limiti di pagina"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:35
msgid "clipboard"
msgstr "appunti"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:336
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting %s"
msgstr "Era atteso %s"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:344
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting '%s'"
msgstr "Era atteso '%s'"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:352
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected %s"
msgstr "Imprevisto %s"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:360
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a duplicate"
msgstr "%s è un duplicato"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:368
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected '%s'"
msgstr "Imprevisto '%s'"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:418
#, c-format
msgid "need a number for '%s'"
msgstr "serve un numero per '%s'"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:703 common/dsnlexer.cpp:764
msgid "Un-terminated delimited string"
msgstr "Stringa non ultimata"
#: common/dsnlexer.cpp:725
msgid "String delimiter must be a single character of ', \", or $"
msgstr "Il limitatore di stringa deve essere un singolo carattere ', \", o $"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:454
msgid "&About KiCad"
msgstr "Inform&azioni su KiCad"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:457
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Aiuto"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:941
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' was not found."
msgstr "File '%s' non trovato."
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:984
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:987 common/hotkey_store.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:20
msgid "Common"
msgstr "Comuni"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:989
msgid "Mouse and Touchpad"
msgstr "Mouse e touchpad"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:992
msgid "Hotkeys"
msgstr "Comandi da tastiera"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:1046
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to folder '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per la cartella '%s'."
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:1086
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Well this is potentially embarrassing!\n"
"It appears that the last time you were editing the file\n"
"it was not saved properly. Do you wish to restore the last saved edits you "
msgstr ""
"Questo speriamo non sia stato causato da qualche difetto, sarebbe "
"L'ultima volta che è stato modificato il file\n"
"non è stato salvato correttamente. Recuperare le ultime modifiche effettuate?"
#: common/eda_base_frame.cpp:1102
msgid "The auto save file could not be renamed to the board file name."
msgstr ""
"Il file di salvataggio automatico non può essere rinominato con il nome file "
"della scheda."
#: common/eda_doc.cpp:135
msgid "Documentation File"
msgstr "File documentazione"
#: common/eda_doc.cpp:145
#, c-format
msgid "Documentation file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File documentazione '%s' non trovato."
#: common/eda_doc.cpp:188
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown MIME type for documentation file '%s'"
msgstr "Tipo MIME sconosciuto per il file documentazione '%s'"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:142 common/tool/actions.cpp:486
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:27
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:358
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:52
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "Pollici"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:148 pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:266 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:675
msgid "Constrain to H, V, 45"
msgstr "Blocca a O, V e 45 gradi"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:318
msgid "Edit User Grid..."
msgstr "Modifica griglia utente..."
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:427
msgid "Zoom Auto"
msgstr "Inquadra tutto"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:434
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom %.2f"
msgstr "Zoom %.2f"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:548 pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:742
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:193
msgid "inches"
msgstr "pollici"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:551
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:331
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:95 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:322
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Unità"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:976 eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:494
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1262
msgid "Select Library"
msgstr "Seleziona libreria"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:976
msgid "New Library"
msgstr "Nuova libreria"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:1110
msgid ""
"KiCad can use your graphics card to give you a smoother and faster "
"experience. This option is turned off by default since it is not compatible "
"with all computers.\n"
"Would you like to try enabling graphics acceleration?\n"
"If you'd like to choose later, select Accelerated Graphics in the "
"Preferences menu."
msgstr ""
"KiCad può usare la scheda grafica per fornire un'esperienza di lavoro più "
"veloce ed agevole. Questa opzione è disabilitata in modo predefinito dato "
"che non è compatibile con tutti i computer.\n"
"Provare ad abilitare l'accelerazione grafica?\n"
"Se si preferisce, è possibile selezionare in un secondo momento la grafica "
"accelerata nel menu delle preferenze."
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:1117
msgid "Enable Graphics Acceleration"
msgstr "Abilita accelerazione grafica"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:1119
msgid "&Enable Acceleration"
msgstr "Abilita acc&elerazione grafica"
#: common/eda_draw_frame.cpp:1119
msgid "&No Thanks"
msgstr "&No grazie"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:313
msgid "Screen"
msgstr "Schermo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:315 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:960
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1414
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:136 pcbnew/fp_shape.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:279 pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:371
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:876
msgid "Footprint"
msgstr "Impronta"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:316 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:493
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:879
msgid "Pad"
msgstr "Piazzola"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:317 common/eda_item.cpp:320 common/eda_item.cpp:361
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr "Grafica"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:321 common/eda_item.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:381
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zona"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:322 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:687
msgid "Track"
msgstr "Pista"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:323 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:493
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:751
msgid "Via"
msgstr "Via"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:324 common/eda_item.cpp:335 pcbnew/pcb_marker.cpp:94
msgid "Marker"
msgstr "Marcatore"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:325 common/eda_item.cpp:326 common/eda_item.cpp:327
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:301
msgid "Dimension"
msgstr "Quote"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:328 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:1078
msgid "Leader"
msgstr "Bollatura"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:329 pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:124
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Obiettivo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:331
msgid "ItemList"
msgstr "Elenco elementi"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:332
msgid "NetInfo"
msgstr "Info net"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:333 pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:335
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:691
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Gruppo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:336 eeschema/sch_junction.h:87
msgid "Junction"
msgstr "Giunzione"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:337
msgid "No-Connect Flag"
msgstr "Indicatore di non connesso"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:338
msgid "Wire Entry"
msgstr "Accesso filo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:339
msgid "Bus Entry"
msgstr "Accesso bus"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:341 eeschema/sch_bitmap.cpp:201
msgid "Bitmap"
msgstr "Bitmap"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:343
msgid "Net Label"
msgstr "Etichetta collegamento"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:344 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:747
msgid "Global Label"
msgstr "Etichetta globale"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:345 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:748
msgid "Hierarchical Label"
msgstr "Etichetta gerarchica"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:346 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:686
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:426 eeschema/lib_field.h:79
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Campo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:347 common/eda_item.cpp:359
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:166
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1243
msgid "Symbol"
msgstr "Simbolo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:348 common/eda_item.cpp:363 eeschema/lib_pin.h:72
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:184
msgid "Pin"
msgstr "Pin"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:349
msgid "Sheet Pin"
msgstr "Pin foglio"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:350 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses.cpp:101
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1250
msgid "Sheet"
msgstr "Foglio"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:357
msgid "SCH Screen"
msgstr "Schermo SCH"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:364 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:580
msgid "Symbol Field"
msgstr "Campo simbolo"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:366
msgid "Gerber Layout"
msgstr "Disposizione Gerber"
#: common/eda_item.cpp:367
msgid "Draw Item"
msgstr "Elemento disegno"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:61 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1110
msgid "Rect"
msgstr "Rett."
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:62 common/eda_shape.cpp:540 common/eda_shape.cpp:1589
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:709
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2121
msgid "Arc"
msgstr "Arco"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:63 common/eda_shape.cpp:533 common/eda_shape.cpp:1590
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:237
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:138 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1108
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1602
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cerchio"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:64
msgid "Bezier Curve"
msgstr "Curva di Bezier"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:65 common/eda_shape.cpp:557 common/eda_shape.cpp:1591
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2124
msgid "Polygon"
msgstr "Poligono"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:528 common/eda_shape.cpp:1602
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:134
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:130 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1627
#: pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:158 pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:174
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Forma"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:536 common/eda_shape.cpp:546
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:699
msgid "Radius"
msgstr "Raggio"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:543 common/eda_shape.cpp:583 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:299
#: pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:124
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Angolo"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:550
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Curva"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:553 common/eda_shape.cpp:578
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:58
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:52
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1047 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:209
msgid "Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:560
msgid "Points"
msgstr "Punti"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:567 common/eda_text.cpp:753 eeschema/sch_bitmap.cpp:203
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:676
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:686
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:305 pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:91 pcbnew/pad.cpp:926
#: pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:157 pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:171 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:694 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1151 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1168
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1187
msgid "Width"
msgstr "Larghezza"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:570 common/eda_text.cpp:757 eeschema/sch_bitmap.cpp:204
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:678
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:687
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:308 pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:92 pcbnew/pad.cpp:927
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:719 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:128
msgid "Height"
msgstr "Altezza"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:575 common/eda_shape.cpp:1587
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:697
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2120
msgid "Segment"
msgstr "Segmento"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:588
msgid "Unrecognized"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:592 pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:144
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:176
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:210
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:327
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:368
msgid "Line width"
msgstr "Larghezza linea"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1592
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:703
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2122
msgid "Bezier"
msgstr "Bezier"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1604
msgid "Start X"
msgstr "Inizio X"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1606
msgid "Start Y"
msgstr "Inizio Y"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1608 pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:264 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1159
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1176
msgid "End X"
msgstr "Fine X"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1610 pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:266 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1161
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1178
msgid "End Y"
msgstr "Fine Y"
#: common/eda_shape.cpp:1613
msgid "Line Width"
msgstr "Larghezza conduttore"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:512
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:126
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:760 eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1236
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:352 gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:356
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:359
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:128
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:607
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normale"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:513 common/eda_text.cpp:742
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:205
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:61
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:107
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:55
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:58
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:126
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:204 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:760
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:298
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:57
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:57
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:247
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:48
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:94
msgid "Italic"
msgstr "Corsivo"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:514 common/eda_text.cpp:745
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:183
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:62
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:137
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:56
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:59
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:126
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:205 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:760
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:98
msgid "Bold"
msgstr "Grassetto"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:515
msgid "Bold+Italic"
msgstr "Grassetto+corsivo"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:726
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:193
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:233
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:147
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:160 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:395
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:507 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:440
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:358 eeschema/pin_type.cpp:125
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:594
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:315
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:145
msgid "Left"
msgstr "Sinistra"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:727 common/eda_text.cpp:731 common/tool/actions.cpp:326
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1665
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:233
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:255
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:147
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:177
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:153 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:161
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:396 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:406
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:509 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:520
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:441 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:450
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:359 eeschema/lib_text.cpp:368
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:595 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:604
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:356 gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:359
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:89
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:315
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:145
msgid "Center"
msgstr "Centra"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:728
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:193
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:233
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:147
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:162 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:397
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:511 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:442
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:360 eeschema/pin_type.cpp:124
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:596
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:315
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:145
msgid "Right"
msgstr "Destra"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:730
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:255
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:177
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:152 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:405
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:518 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:449
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:367 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:603
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:105
msgid "Top"
msgstr "Alto"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:732
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:255
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:177
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:154 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:407
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:522 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:451
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:369 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:605
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:105
msgid "Bottom"
msgstr "Basso"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:738
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:90
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:302 pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:257 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:126
msgid "Thickness"
msgstr "Spessore"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:747
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:190
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:128
msgid "Mirrored"
msgstr "Speculare"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:750 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:61
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:55
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:82
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames_base.cpp:44
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:431 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:585
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:207
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:103
msgid "Visible"
msgstr "Visibile"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:762
msgid "Horizontal Justification"
msgstr "Spaziatura orizzontale"
#: common/eda_text.cpp:766
msgid "Vertical Justification"
msgstr "Spaziatura verticale"
#: common/env_vars.cpp:71
msgid ""
"The base path of locally installed system footprint libraries (.pretty "
msgstr ""
"Il percorso base delle librerie di impronte di sistema installate localmente "
"(cartelle .pretty)."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:74
msgid "The base path of system footprint 3D shapes (.3Dshapes folders)."
msgstr ""
"Il percorso base delle forme 3D delle impronte di sistema "
"(cartelle .3Dshapes)."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:76
msgid "The base path of the locally installed symbol libraries."
msgstr "Il percorso base delle librerie di simboli installate localmente."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:78
msgid "A directory containing project templates installed with KiCad."
msgstr "La cartella contenente i modelli di progetto installati con KiCad."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:80
msgid ""
"Optional. Can be defined if you want to create your own project templates "
msgstr ""
"Opzionale. Può essere definito se si vuole creare una propria cartella di "
"modelli di progetto."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:83
msgid ""
"A directory containing 3rd party plugins, libraries and other downloadable "
msgstr ""
"Una cartella contenente plugin di terze parti, librerie e altro contenuto "
#: common/env_vars.cpp:86
msgid ""
"Internally defined by KiCad (cannot be edited) and is set to the absolute "
"path of the currently loaded project file. This environment variable can be "
"used to define files and paths relative to the currently loaded project. "
"For instance, ${KIPRJMOD}/libs/footprints.pretty can be defined as a folder "
"containing a project specific footprint library named footprints.pretty."
msgstr ""
"Definita internamente da KiCad (non può essere modificata) ed è impostata al "
"percorso assoluto del file di progetto attualmente caricato. Questa "
"variabile ambiente può essere usata per definire file e percorsi relativi al "
"progetto correntemente caricato. Per esempio, ${KIPRJMOD}/libs/footprints."
"pretty può essere definita come una cartella contenente una libreria "
"impronte specifica del progetto di nome footprints.pretty."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:92
msgid "A directory containing system-wide scripts installed with KiCad"
msgstr "Una cartella contenente gli script di sistema installati con KiCad"
#: common/env_vars.cpp:94
msgid "A directory containing user-specific scripts installed with KiCad"
msgstr "Una cartella contenente gli script utente installati con KiCad"
#: common/env_vars.cpp:98
msgid "Deprecated version of KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR."
msgstr "Versione deprecata di KICAD_TEMPLATE_DIR."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:100
msgid "Deprecated version of KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR."
msgstr "Versione deprecata di KICAD6_3DMODEL_DIR."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:102
msgid "Deprecated version of KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR."
msgstr "Versione deprecata di KICAD6_FOOTPRINT_DIR."
#: common/env_vars.cpp:104
msgid "Deprecated version of KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR."
msgstr "Versione deprecata di KICAD_SYMBOL_DIR."
#: common/exceptions.cpp:62
#, c-format
msgid "from %s : %s() line %d"
msgstr "da %s : %s() riga: %d"
#: common/exceptions.cpp:76
#, c-format
msgid "%s in '%s', line %d, offset %d."
msgstr "%s in '%s', riga %d, offset %d"
#: common/exceptions.cpp:90
#, c-format
msgid "from %s : %s() line:%d"
msgstr "da %s : %s() riga:%d"
#: common/exceptions.cpp:101
#, c-format
msgid ""
"KiCad was unable to open this file because it was created with a more recent "
"version than the one you are running.\n"
"To open it you will need to upgrade KiCad to a version dated %s or later."
msgstr ""
"KiCad non è stato in grado di aprire questo file, dato che è stato creato "
"una versione più recente di quella correntemente in esecuzione.\n"
"Per aprirlo, aggiornare KiCad ad una versione datata %s o più recente."
#: common/exceptions.cpp:126
msgid "Full error text:"
msgstr "Testo errore completo:"
#: common/filehistory.cpp:155
msgid "No Files"
msgstr "Nessun file"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:437
msgid "The given path does not exist"
msgstr "Il percorso dato non esiste"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:440
msgid "3D model search path"
msgstr "Percorso di ricerca modelli 3D"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:465
msgid "Alias: "
msgstr "Alias: "
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:468
msgid "This path:"
msgstr "Questo percorso:"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:471
msgid "Existing path:"
msgstr "Percorso esistente:"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:473
msgid "Bad alias (duplicate name)"
msgstr "Alias errato (nome duplicato)"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:601
msgid "3D configuration directory is unknown"
msgstr "cartella di configurazione 3D sconosciuta"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:604 common/filename_resolver.cpp:635
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:667
msgid "Write 3D search path list"
msgstr "Scrivi elenco percorsi di ricerca 3D"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:632
msgid "Could not open configuration file"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di configurazione"
#: common/filename_resolver.cpp:666
msgid "Problems writing configuration file"
msgstr "Problemi durante la scrittura del file di configurazione"
#: common/footprint_info.cpp:99 cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:881
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:104
#: eeschema/symbol_tree_model_adapter.cpp:102
msgid "Load Error"
msgstr "Errore di caricamento"
#: common/footprint_info.cpp:101
msgid "Errors were encountered loading footprints:"
msgstr "Errori durante il caricamento di impronte:"
#: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:200
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate library nickname '%s' found in footprint library table file line "
msgstr ""
"Denominatore librerie '%s' duplicato nel file tabella librerie impronte, "
"riga %d."
#: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:300
#, c-format
msgid "fp-lib-table files contain no library named '%s'."
msgstr "I file fp-lib-table non contengono librerie con denominazione '%s'."
#: common/fp_lib_table.cpp:492
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:107
#: eeschema/symbol_lib_table.cpp:501
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create global library table path '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso tabella librerie globale '%s'."
#: common/gestfich.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "Command '%s' could not be found."
msgstr "Comando '%s' non trovato"
#: common/gestfich.cpp:170
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find a PDF viewer for '%s'."
msgstr "Visualizzatore PDF non trovato per '%s'."
#: common/gestfich.cpp:185
#, c-format
msgid "Problem while running the PDF viewer '%s'."
msgstr "Problema eseguendo il visualizzare PDF '%s'."
#: common/gestfich.cpp:292
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot print '%s'.\n"
"Unknown file type."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile stampare '%s'.\n"
"Tipo file sconosciuto."
#: common/gestfich.cpp:321 eeschema/eeschema.cpp:410 eeschema/eeschema.cpp:443
#: gerbview/gerbview.cpp:237 kicad/project_template.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:359
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot copy file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile copiare il file '%s'."
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:277 common/tool/actions.cpp:153
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:148 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1992
msgid "Cut"
msgstr "Taglia"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:278
msgid "Clear selected cells placing original contents on clipboard"
msgstr ""
"Cancella le celle selezionate piazzando i contenuti originali negli appunti"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:279 common/tool/actions.cpp:159
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:153
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Copia"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:280
msgid "Copy selected cells to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia le celle selezionate sugli appunti"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:281 common/tool/actions.cpp:165
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Incolla"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:282
msgid "Paste clipboard cells to matrix at current cell"
msgstr "Incolla le celle sugli appunti sulla matrice alla cella corrente"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:283 common/tool/actions.cpp:191
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:776 pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:856
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1994
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Cancella"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:283
msgid "Delete selected cells"
msgstr "Elimina celle selezionate"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:284 common/tool/actions.cpp:171
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:105
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:68
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:76
msgid "Select All"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#: common/grid_tricks.cpp:284
msgid "Select all cells"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le celle"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:43
msgid "Pan Left/Right"
msgstr "Pan sinistra/destra"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:44
msgid "Pan Up/Down"
msgstr "Pan alto/basso"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:45 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:255
msgid "Finish Drawing"
msgstr "Termina grafica"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:46
msgid "Add to Selection"
msgstr "Aggiungi alla selezione"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:47 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:533
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:113 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:721
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:743
msgid "Highlight Net"
msgstr "Evidenzia collegamento"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:48
msgid "Remove from Selection"
msgstr "Rimuovi dalla selezione"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:49
msgid "Ignore Grid Snaps"
msgstr "Ignora magnetismo griglia"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:50
msgid "Ignore Other Snaps"
msgstr "Ignora altri magnetismi"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:57 common/tool/action_menu.cpp:227
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:114
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Esci"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:72
msgid "Project Manager"
msgstr "Gestore progetto"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:73 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:67
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:129 eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1268
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:69
msgid "Schematic Editor"
msgstr "Editor schemi elettrici"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:74 kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:184 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1269
#: pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:56
msgid "PCB Editor"
msgstr "Editor C.S."
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:75 kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:110
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:86 pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:486
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:563
msgid "Drawing Sheet Editor"
msgstr "Editor foglio di disegno"
#: common/hotkey_store.cpp:156
msgid "Gestures"
msgstr "Gestures"
#: common/kiway.cpp:257
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to load kiface library '%s'."
msgstr "Fallito il caricamento della libreria kiface '%s'."
#: common/kiway.cpp:265
#, c-format
msgid "Could not read instance name and version from kiface library '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile leggere nome e versione istanza dalla libreria kiface '%s'."
#: common/kiway.cpp:298
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Fatal Installation Bug. File:\n"
"could not be loaded\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore fatale di installazione. Il file:\n"
"non può essere caricato\n"
#: common/kiway.cpp:302
msgid "It is missing.\n"
msgstr "È mancante.\n"
#: common/kiway.cpp:304
msgid "Perhaps a shared library (.dll or .so) file is missing.\n"
msgstr "Forse manca un file di libreria condivisa (.dll o .so).\n"
#: common/kiway.cpp:306
msgid ""
"From command line: argv[0]:\n"
msgstr ""
"Dalla riga di comando: argv[0]:\n"
#: common/kiway.cpp:423 common/kiway.cpp:427 common/kiway.cpp:431
msgid "Error loading editor."
msgstr "Errore nel caricare l'editor."
#: common/kiway.cpp:517
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to switch language to %s"
msgstr "Impossibile cambiare lingua in %s"
#: common/languages_menu.cpp:48
msgid "Set Language"
msgstr "Imposta lingua"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:32
msgid "F.Cu"
msgstr "F.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:33
msgid "In1.Cu"
msgstr "In1.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:34
msgid "In2.Cu"
msgstr "In2.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:35
msgid "In3.Cu"
msgstr "In3.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:36
msgid "In4.Cu"
msgstr "In4.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:37
msgid "In5.Cu"
msgstr "In5.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:38
msgid "In6.Cu"
msgstr "In6.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:39
msgid "In7.Cu"
msgstr "In7.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:40
msgid "In8.Cu"
msgstr "In8.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:41
msgid "In9.Cu"
msgstr "In9.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:42
msgid "In10.Cu"
msgstr "In10.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:43
msgid "In11.Cu"
msgstr "In11.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:44
msgid "In12.Cu"
msgstr "In12.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:45
msgid "In13.Cu"
msgstr "In13.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:46
msgid "In14.Cu"
msgstr "In14.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:47
msgid "In15.Cu"
msgstr "In15.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:48
msgid "In16.Cu"
msgstr "In16.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:49
msgid "In17.Cu"
msgstr "In17.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:50
msgid "In18.Cu"
msgstr "In18.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:51
msgid "In19.Cu"
msgstr "In19.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:52
msgid "In20.Cu"
msgstr "In20.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:53
msgid "In21.Cu"
msgstr "In21.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:54
msgid "In22.Cu"
msgstr "In22.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:55
msgid "In23.Cu"
msgstr "In23.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:56
msgid "In24.Cu"
msgstr "In24.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:57
msgid "In25.Cu"
msgstr "In25.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:58
msgid "In26.Cu"
msgstr "In26.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:59
msgid "In27.Cu"
msgstr "In27.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:60
msgid "In28.Cu"
msgstr "In28.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:61
msgid "In29.Cu"
msgstr "In29.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:62
msgid "In30.Cu"
msgstr "In30.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:63
msgid "B.Cu"
msgstr "B.Cu"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:66
msgid "B.Adhesive"
msgstr "B.Adhesive"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:67
msgid "F.Adhesive"
msgstr "F.Adhesive"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:68
msgid "B.Paste"
msgstr "B.Paste"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:69
msgid "F.Paste"
msgstr "F.Paste"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:70
msgid "B.Silkscreen"
msgstr "B.Silkscreen"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:71
msgid "F.Silkscreen"
msgstr "F.Silkscreen"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:72
msgid "B.Mask"
msgstr "B.Mask"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:73
msgid "F.Mask"
msgstr "F.Mask"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:76
msgid "User.Drawings"
msgstr "User.Drawings"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:77
msgid "User.Comments"
msgstr "User.Comments"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:78
msgid "User.Eco1"
msgstr "User.Eco1"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:79
msgid "User.Eco2"
msgstr "User.Eco2"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:80
msgid "Edge.Cuts"
msgstr "Edge.Cuts"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:81 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:656
msgid "Margin"
msgstr "Margin"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:84
msgid "F.Courtyard"
msgstr "F.Courtyard"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:85
msgid "B.Courtyard"
msgstr "B.Courtyard"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:86
msgid "F.Fab"
msgstr "F.Fab"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:87
msgid "B.Fab"
msgstr "B.Fab"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:90
msgid "User.1"
msgstr "User.1"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:91
msgid "User.2"
msgstr "User.2"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:92
msgid "User.3"
msgstr "User.3"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:93
msgid "User.4"
msgstr "User.4"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:94
msgid "User.5"
msgstr "User.5"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:95
msgid "User.6"
msgstr "User.6"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:96
msgid "User.7"
msgstr "User.7"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:97
msgid "User.8"
msgstr "User.8"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:98
msgid "User.9"
msgstr "User.9"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:101 pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:856
msgid "Rescue"
msgstr "Recupera"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:105
msgid "Wires"
msgstr "Fili"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:106
msgid "Buses"
msgstr "Bus"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:107
msgid "Bus junctions"
msgstr "Giunzioni bus"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:108
msgid "Junctions"
msgstr "Giunzioni"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:109
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Etichette"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:110
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:43
msgid "Global labels"
msgstr "Etichette globali"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:111
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:46
msgid "Hierarchical labels"
msgstr "Etichette gerarchiche"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:112
msgid "Pin numbers"
msgstr "Numeri pin"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:113
msgid "Pin names"
msgstr "Nomi pin"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:114
msgid "Symbol references"
msgstr "Riferimenti simboli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:115
msgid "Symbol values"
msgstr "Valori simboli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:116
msgid "Symbol fields"
msgstr "Campi simboli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:117
msgid "Symbol body outlines"
msgstr "Profili corpo simbolo"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:118
msgid "Symbol body fills"
msgstr "Riempimenti corpi simboli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:119
msgid "Notes"
msgstr "Note"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:120
msgid "Pins"
msgstr "Pin"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:121
msgid "Sheet borders"
msgstr "Bordi foglio"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:122
msgid "Sheet backgrounds"
msgstr "Sfondi fogli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:123
msgid "Sheet names"
msgstr "Nomi fogli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:124
msgid "Sheet fields"
msgstr "Campi fogli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:125
msgid "Sheet file names"
msgstr "Nomi file fogli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:126
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:58
msgid "Sheet pins"
msgstr "Pin fogli"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:127
msgid "No-connect symbols"
msgstr "Simboli di non connesso"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:128
msgid "ERC warnings"
msgstr "Avvisi ERC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:129
msgid "ERC errors"
msgstr "Errori ERC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:130 common/layer_id.cpp:167
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:354
msgid "Anchors"
msgstr "Ancoraggi"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:131 common/layer_id.cpp:170
msgid "Helper items"
msgstr "Elementi di aiuto"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:132 common/layer_id.cpp:171 common/tool/grid_menu.cpp:40
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:356
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Griglia"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:133
msgid "Axes"
msgstr "Assi"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:134 common/layer_id.cpp:173
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:102
msgid "Background"
msgstr "Sfondo"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:135 common/layer_id.cpp:169
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "Puntatore"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:136
msgid "Highlighted items"
msgstr "Elementi evidenziati"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:137
msgid "Hidden items"
msgstr "Elementi nascosti"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:138 common/layer_id.cpp:174
msgid "Selection highlight"
msgstr "Evidenziazione selezione"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:139 common/layer_id.cpp:168
msgid "Drawing sheet"
msgstr "Foglio di disegno"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:143
msgid "Footprints front"
msgstr "Impronte fronte"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:144
msgid "Footprints back"
msgstr "Impronte retro"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:145
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:28
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:64
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:30
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:343
msgid "Values"
msgstr "Valori"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:146
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:25
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:27
msgid "Reference designators"
msgstr "Riferimenti"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:147
msgid "Footprint text"
msgstr "Testo impronta"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:148
msgid "Hidden text"
msgstr "Testo nascosto"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:149
msgid "SMD pads front"
msgstr "Piazzole SMD fronte"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:150
msgid "SMD pads back"
msgstr "Piazzole SMD retro"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:151
msgid "Through-hole pads"
msgstr "Piazzole passanti"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:335
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:37
msgid "Tracks"
msgstr "Piste"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:153
msgid "Through vias"
msgstr "Via passanti"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:154
msgid "Bl/Buried vias"
msgstr "Via coperti/interni"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:155
msgid "Micro-vias"
msgstr "Microvia"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:156
msgid "Via holes"
msgstr "Fori via"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:157
msgid "Via hole walls"
msgstr "Muri di fori via"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:158
msgid "Plated holes"
msgstr "Fori metallizzati"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:159
msgid "Plated hole walls"
msgstr "Muri di fori metallizzati"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:160
msgid "Non-plated holes"
msgstr "Fori non metallizzati"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:161 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:318
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:349
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:691
msgid "Ratsnest"
msgstr "Ratsnest"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:162
msgid "No-connects"
msgstr "Non connessi"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:163
msgid "DRC warnings"
msgstr "Avvisi DRC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:164
msgid "DRC errors"
msgstr "Errori DRC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:165
msgid "DRC exclusions"
msgstr "Esclusioni DRC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:166
msgid "DRC marker shadows"
msgstr "Ombre marcatori DRC"
#: common/layer_id.cpp:172
msgid "Grid axes"
msgstr "Assi griglia"
#: common/lib_id.cpp:143
msgid "Illegal character found in logical library name"
msgstr "Carattere illegale trovato nel nome libreria logici"
#: common/lib_tree_model.cpp:139 eeschema/lib_item.cpp:54
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:191 eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1231
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:188
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:201
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:212
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:223
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unità"
#: common/lib_tree_model_adapter.cpp:273
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Elemento"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:567
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized character '%c'"
msgstr "Carattere non riconosciuto '%c'"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:827
msgid "Unknown parent of function parameters"
msgstr "Genitore di parametri di funzione sconosciuto"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:846
msgid "Unknown parent of property"
msgstr "Genitore di proprietà sconosciuto"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:869
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:899
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:973
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:1037
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized item '%s'"
msgstr "Elemento non riconosciuto \"%s\""
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:875
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:978
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized property '%s'"
msgstr "Proprietà non riconosciuta \"%s\""
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:912
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized function '%s'"
msgstr "Funzione non riconosciuta \"%s\""
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:1009
#, c-format
msgid "Missing units for '%s'| (%s)"
msgstr "Unità mancanti per \"%s\"| (%s)"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:1126
#, c-format
msgid "Type mismatch between '%s' and %lf"
msgstr "Mancata corrispondenza di tipo tra \"%s\" e %lf"
#: common/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.cpp:1132
#, c-format
msgid "Type mismatch between %lf and '%s'"
msgstr "Mancata corrispondenza di tipo tra %lf e \"%s\""
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:167
msgid "No default editor found, you must choose one."
msgstr "Nessun editor predefinito trovato, sceglierne uno."
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:187 common/pgm_base.cpp:189
msgid "Executable file"
msgstr "File eseguibile"
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:199
msgid "Select Preferred Editor"
msgstr "Scegli editor preferito"
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:219
msgid "Environment variable HOME is empty. Unable to continue."
msgstr "La variabile ambiente HOME è vuota. Impossibile continuare."
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:430
msgid "This language is not supported by the operating system."
msgstr "Questa lingua non è supportata dal sistema operativo."
#: common/pgm_base.cpp:481 common/pgm_base.cpp:519
msgid "The KiCad language file for this language is not installed."
msgstr "Il file KiCad di supporto per questa lingua non è installato."
#: common/plugins/altium/altium_parser.cpp:116
msgid ""
"Missing null byte at end of property list. Imported data might be malformed "
"or missing."
msgstr ""
"Byte nullo mancante alla fine dell'elenco delle proprietà. I dati importati "
"potrebbero essere malformati o mancanti."
#: common/plugins/altium/altium_parser.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "Unit '%s' does not end with 'mil'."
msgstr "L'unità \"%s\" non finisce con \"mil\"."
#: common/plugins/altium/altium_parser.cpp:255
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot convert '%s' to double."
msgstr "Impossibile convertire \"%s\" a double."
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2334
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open file '%s'"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2354
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2652
msgid "File import cancelled by user."
msgstr "Importazione file annullata dall'utente."
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2370
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2388
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2404
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2410
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2416
msgid "The selected file is not valid or might be corrupt!"
msgstr "Il file selezionato non è valido o potrebbe essere corrotto!"
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.cpp:2515
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected number of points in '%s'. Found %d but expected %d."
msgstr "Numero di punti non previsto in \"%s\". Trovato %d ma era previsto %d."
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.h:40
#, c-format
msgid "Missing node '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "Nodo \"%s\" mancante in \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.h:43
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown node '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "Nodo \"%s\" sconosciuto in \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.h:46
#, c-format
msgid "Missing Parameter '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "Parametro \"%s\" mancante in \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.h:49
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Parameter '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "Parametro \"%s\" sconosciuto in \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_archive_parser.h:52
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to parse '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr "Impossibile analizzare \"%s\" in \"%s\""
#: common/plugins/eagle/eagle_parser.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid size %lld: too large"
msgstr "Dimensione non valida %lld: troppo larga"
#: common/plugins/eagle/eagle_parser.cpp:281
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid Arc with radius %f and angle %f"
msgstr "Arco non valido con raggio %f e angolo %f"
#: common/project.cpp:310 common/project.cpp:315 pcbnew/pcb_base_frame.cpp:155
msgid "Error loading project footprint library table."
msgstr "Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie del progetto."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:52 kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:270
msgid "Could not open archive file."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file archivio."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:61 kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:278
msgid "Invalid archive file format."
msgstr "Formato file archivio non valido."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:72
#, c-format
msgid "Extracting file '%s'."
msgstr "Estrazione file \"%s\"."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:95 kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:193
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:238
msgid "Error extracting file!"
msgstr "Errore nell'estrazione del file!"
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:159 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:764
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:517
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:688
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:838
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1038
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1159
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_exporter_cadstar.cpp:48
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_exporter_orcadpcb2.cpp:52
#: gerbview/export_to_pcbnew.cpp:68 pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:210
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:661
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:671 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:296
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:469 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:913
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_footprint_associations.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_gencad.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:302
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:420
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:466
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:568
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_Excellon_writer.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_file_writer_base.cpp:344
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_gerber_writer.cpp:101
#: pcbnew/exporters/gerber_jobfile_writer.cpp:153
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita creazione file \"%s\"."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:205
#, c-format
msgid "Archived file '%s'."
msgstr "File archiviato \"%s\"."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:215
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to archive file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita archiviazione file \"%s\"."
#: common/project/project_archiver.cpp:241
#, c-format
msgid "Zip archive '%s' created (%s uncompressed, %s compressed)."
msgstr "Archivio zip \"%s\" creato (%s non compressi, %s compressi)."
#: common/rc_item.cpp:353
msgid "Excluded "
msgstr "Escluso "
#: common/rc_item.cpp:357
msgid "Error: "
msgstr "Errore: "
#: common/rc_item.cpp:358
msgid "Warning: "
msgstr "Attenzione: "
#: common/richio.cpp:170
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to open %s for reading."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire %s in lettura."
#: common/richio.cpp:221 common/richio.cpp:317
msgid "Maximum line length exceeded"
msgstr "Lunghezza massima linea eccedente"
#: common/richio.cpp:283
msgid "Line length exceeded"
msgstr "Lunghezza linea eccedente"
#: common/richio.cpp:566
msgstr "OUTPUTSTREAM_OUTPUTFORMATTER errore di scrittura"
#: common/settings/color_settings.cpp:333
msgid "(Footprints)"
msgstr "(Impronte)"
#: common/settings/color_settings.cpp:385
msgid "KiCad Default"
msgstr "Predefinita KiCad"
#: common/settings/color_settings.cpp:390
msgid "KiCad Classic"
msgstr "Classica KiCad"
#: common/template_fieldnames.cpp:72 eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:59
#, c-format
msgid "Field%d"
msgstr "Campo%d"
#: common/tool/action_menu.cpp:209 common/tool/action_menu.cpp:214
#, c-format
msgid "Close %s"
msgstr "Chiudi %s"
#: common/tool/action_menu.cpp:228
#, c-format
msgid "Quit %s"
msgstr "Esci %s"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:43
msgid "New..."
msgstr "Nuovo..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:43
msgid "Create a new document in the editor"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo documento nell'editor"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:49
msgid "New Library..."
msgstr "Nuova libreria..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:49
msgid "Create a new library folder"
msgstr "Crea una nuova cartella libreria"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:55
msgid "Add Library..."
msgstr "Aggiungi libreria..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:55
msgid "Add an existing library folder"
msgstr "Aggiungi una cartella libreria esistente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:61 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:25
msgid "Open..."
msgstr "Apri..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:61
msgid "Open existing document"
msgstr "Apri documento esistente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:67
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Salva i cambiamenti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:73 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:33
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:138
msgid "Save As..."
msgstr "Salva con nome..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:73
msgid "Save current document to another location"
msgstr "Salva il documento corrente in un'altra posizione"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:79
msgid "Save Copy As..."
msgstr "Salva copia con nome..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:79
msgid "Save a copy of the current document to another location"
msgstr "Salva una copia del documento corrente in un'altra posizione"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:85
msgid "Save All"
msgstr "Salva tutto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:85
msgid "Save all changes"
msgstr "Salva tutti i cambiamenti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:91
msgid "Throw away changes"
msgstr "Annulla i cambiamenti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:96
msgid "Page Settings..."
msgstr "Impostazioni pagina..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:96
msgid "Settings for paper size and title block info"
msgstr "Impostazioni dimensioni pagina e informazioni del riquadro iscrizioni"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:102 kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:790
msgid "Print..."
msgstr "Stampa..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:108
msgid "Plot..."
msgstr "Traccia..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:108 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.h:153
msgid "Plot"
msgstr "Traccia"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:114
msgid "Close the current editor"
msgstr "Chiudi l'editor corrente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:121
msgid "Cancel current tool"
msgstr "Annulla strumento corrente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:127
msgid "Show Context Menu"
msgstr "Mostra menu contestuale"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:127
msgid "Perform the right-mouse-button action"
msgstr "Esegue l'azione del tasto destro del mouse"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:136
msgid "Undo"
msgstr "Annulla"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:136
msgid "Undo last edit"
msgstr "Annulla ultima modifica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:147
msgid "Redo"
msgstr "Rifà"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:147
msgid "Redo last edit"
msgstr "Rifà l'ultima modifica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:153
msgid "Cut selected item(s) to clipboard"
msgstr "Taglia gli elementi selezionati sugli appunti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:159
msgid "Copy selected item(s) to clipboard"
msgstr "Copia gli elementi selezionati sugli appunti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:165
msgid "Paste item(s) from clipboard"
msgstr "Incolla gli elementi dagli appunti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:171
msgid "Select all items on screen"
msgstr "Seleziona tutti gli elementi sullo schermo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:175
msgid "Paste Special..."
msgstr "Incolla speciale..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:175
msgid "Paste item(s) from clipboard with options"
msgstr "Incolla gli elementi dagli appunti con opzioni"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:180
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Duplica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:180
msgid "Duplicates the selected item(s)"
msgstr "Duplica gli elementi selezionati"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:191
msgid "Deletes selected item(s)"
msgstr "Elimina gli elementi selezionati"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:196
msgid "Interactive Delete Tool"
msgstr "Strumento di cancellazione interattivo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:196
msgid "Delete clicked items"
msgstr "Elimina elementi selezionati"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:203
msgid "Change Edit Method"
msgstr "Cambia metodo modifica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:203
msgid "Change edit method constraints"
msgstr "Cambia vincoli metodo modifica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:208 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find.cpp:33
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.h:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:55
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Cerca"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:208
msgid "Find text"
msgstr "Trova testo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:214 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find.cpp:44
msgid "Find and Replace"
msgstr "Trova e sostituisci"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:214
msgid "Find and replace text"
msgstr "Trova e sostituisci testo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:220 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:93
msgid "Find Next"
msgstr "Trova il prossimo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:220
msgid "Find next match"
msgstr "Trova la prossima corrispondenza"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:226
msgid "Find Next Marker"
msgstr "Trova il prossimo marcatore"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:232
msgid "Replace and Find Next"
msgstr "Rimpiazza e trova il prossimo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:232
msgid "Replace current match and find next"
msgstr "Rimpiazza la corrispondenza corrente e trova la prossima"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:238
msgid "Replace All"
msgstr "Rimpiazza tutti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:238
msgid "Replace all matches"
msgstr "Rimpiazza tutte le corrispondenze"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:249
msgid "Previous Marker"
msgstr "Marcatore precedente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:249
msgid "Go to previous marker in Checker window"
msgstr "Vai al marcatore precedente nella finestra di controllo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:254
msgid "Next Marker"
msgstr "Marcatore successivo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:254
msgid "Go to next marker in Checker window"
msgstr "Vai al marcatore successivo nella finestra di controllo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:259
msgid "Exclude Marker"
msgstr "Escludi marcatore"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:259
msgid "Mark current violation in Checker window as an exclusion"
msgstr ""
"Marca la violazione corrente nella finestra di controllo come esclusione"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:270 kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:127
msgid "Refresh"
msgstr "Aggiorna"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:281
msgid "Zoom to Fit"
msgstr "Adatta zoom"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:286
msgid "Zoom to Objects"
msgstr "Zoom agli oggetti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:297
msgid "Zoom In at Cursor"
msgstr "Ingrandisci al puntatore"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:308
msgid "Zoom Out at Cursor"
msgstr "Rimpicciolisci al puntatore"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:314 common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1667
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:87
msgid "Zoom In"
msgstr "Ingrandisci"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:320 common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1668
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:91
msgid "Zoom Out"
msgstr "Rimpicciolisci"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:332
msgid "Zoom to Selection"
msgstr "Zoom alla selezione"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:345
msgid "Cursor Up"
msgstr "Puntatore su"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:351
msgid "Cursor Down"
msgstr "Puntatore giù"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:357
msgid "Cursor Left"
msgstr "Puntatore sinistra"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:363
msgid "Cursor Right"
msgstr "Puntatore destra"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:370
msgid "Cursor Up Fast"
msgstr "Puntatore su veloce"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:376
msgid "Cursor Down Fast"
msgstr "Puntatore giù veloce"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:382
msgid "Cursor Left Fast"
msgstr "Puntatore sinistra veloce"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:388
msgid "Cursor Right Fast"
msgstr "Puntatore destra veloce"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:394
msgid "Click"
msgstr "Clic"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:394
msgid "Performs left mouse button click"
msgstr "Esegue il clic del tasto sinistro del mouse"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:400
msgid "Double-click"
msgstr "doppio clic"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:400
msgid "Performs left mouse button double-click"
msgstr "Esegue il doppio clic del tasto sinistro del mouse"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:408
msgid "Pin Library"
msgstr "Blocca libreria"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:409
msgid "Keep the library at the top of the list"
msgstr "Mantieni la libreria in cima all'elenco"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:413
msgid "Unpin Library"
msgstr "Sblocca libreria"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:414
msgid "No longer keep the library at the top of the list"
msgstr "Non mantenere più la libreria in cima all'elenco"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:419
msgid "Pan Up"
msgstr "Pan alto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:425
msgid "Pan Down"
msgstr "Pan basso"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:431
msgid "Pan Left"
msgstr "Pan sinistra"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:437
msgid "Pan Right"
msgstr "Pan destra"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:444
msgid "Switch to Fast Grid 1"
msgstr "Passa a griglia veloce 1"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:449
msgid "Switch to Fast Grid 2"
msgstr "Passa a griglia veloce 2"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:454
msgid "Switch to Next Grid"
msgstr "Passa a griglia successiva"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:458
msgid "Switch to Previous Grid"
msgstr "Passa a griglia precedente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:463
msgid "Set the grid origin point"
msgstr "Imposta il punto origine della griglia"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:476
msgid "Show Grid"
msgstr "Mostra griglia"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:476
msgid "Display grid dots or lines in the edit window"
msgstr "Mostra i punti o le linee della griglia nella finestra di modifica"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:481
msgid "Grid Properties..."
msgstr "Proprietà griglia..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:481
msgid "Set grid dimensions"
msgstr "Imposta dimensioni griglia"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:486
msgid "Use inches"
msgstr "Usa pollici"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:54
msgid "Mils"
msgstr "Mils"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:491
msgid "Use mils"
msgstr "Usa mils"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:496
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:358
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:53
msgid "Millimeters"
msgstr "Millimetri"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:496
msgid "Use millimeters"
msgstr "Usa i millimetri"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:505
msgid "Switch units"
msgstr "Commuta unità"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:505
msgid "Switch between imperial and metric units"
msgstr "Commuta tra unità in pollici e millimetri"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:510
msgid "Polar Coordinates"
msgstr "Coordinate polari"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:510
msgid "Switch between polar and cartesian coordinate systems"
msgstr "Commuta tra i sistemi di coordinate polare e cartesiano"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:516
msgid "Reset Local Coordinates"
msgstr "Azzera coordinate locali"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:522
msgid "Always Show Cursor"
msgstr "Mostra sempre il puntatore"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:522
msgid "Display crosshairs even in selection tool"
msgstr "Mostra il crocino anche nello strumento di selezione"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:527
msgid "Full-Window Crosshairs"
msgstr "Croce a pieno schermo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:527
msgid "Switch display of full-window crosshairs"
msgstr "Commuta visualizzazione a croce a pieno schermo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:533
msgid "Inactive Layer View Mode"
msgstr "Modalità vista strato inattivo"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:534
msgid "Toggle inactive layers between normal and dimmed"
msgstr "Commuta strati inattivi tra normale e attenuato"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:540
msgid "Inactive Layer View Mode (3-state)"
msgstr "Modalità vista strato inattivo (3-stati)"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:541
msgid "Cycle inactive layers between normal, dimmed, and hidden"
msgstr "Commuta strati inattivi tra normale, attenuato, e nascosto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:546
msgid "Select item(s)"
msgstr "Seleziona elementi"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:553
msgid "Measure Tool"
msgstr "Strumento di misura"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:553
msgid "Interactively measure distance between points"
msgstr "Misura interattivamente distanze tra punti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:564
msgid "Show 3D viewer window"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra di visualizzazione 3D"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:569 eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:101
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:920
msgid "Symbol Library Browser"
msgstr "Esploratore librerie di simboli"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:569
msgid "Browse symbol libraries"
msgstr "Esplora le librerie di simboli"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:574 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:237
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:163
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:75
msgid "Symbol Editor"
msgstr "Editor di simboli"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:574
msgid "Create, delete and edit symbols"
msgstr "Crea, cancella e modifica i simboli"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:579 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:110
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:992
msgid "Footprint Library Browser"
msgstr "Esploratore librerie di impronte"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:579
msgid "Browse footprint libraries"
msgstr "Esplora le librerie di impronte"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:584 kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:844 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:965
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:89
msgid "Footprint Editor"
msgstr "Editor impronte"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:584
msgid "Create, delete and edit footprints"
msgstr "Crea, cancella e modifica le impronte"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:590
msgid "Update PCB from Schematic..."
msgstr "Aggiorna il C.S. dallo schema..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:590
msgid "Update PCB with changes made to schematic"
msgstr "Aggiorna il C.S. con i cambiamenti effettuati sullo schema"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:595
msgid "Update Schematic from PCB..."
msgstr "Aggiorna lo schema dal C.S. ..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:595
msgid "Update schematic with changes made to PCB"
msgstr "Aggiorna lo schema con i cambiamenti effettuati sul C.S."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:605
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model_base.cpp:71
msgid "Configure Paths..."
msgstr "Configura percorsi..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:605
msgid "Edit path configuration environment variables"
msgstr "Modifica i percorsi delle variabili ambiente"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:610
msgid "Manage Symbol Libraries..."
msgstr "Gestione librerie simboli..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:611
msgid "Edit the global and project symbol library lists"
msgstr "Modifica gli elenchi librerie di simboli globale e del progetto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:616
msgid "Manage Footprint Libraries..."
msgstr "Gestione librerie di impronte..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:617
msgid "Edit the global and project footprint library lists"
msgstr "Modifica gli elenchi librerie di impronte globale e del progetto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:622
msgid "Getting Started with KiCad"
msgstr "Introduzione a KiCad"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:623
msgid "Open \"Getting Started in KiCad\" guide for beginners"
msgstr "Apri \"Introduzione a KiCad\", guida introduttiva"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:628
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:31
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:187
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aiuto"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:629
msgid "Open product documentation in a web browser"
msgstr "Apri la documentazione del prodotto in un browser web"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:635
msgid "List Hotkeys..."
msgstr "Elenco tasti..."
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:636
msgid "Displays current hotkeys table and corresponding commands"
msgstr "Mostra l'elenco dei tasti correnti e dei comandi corrispondenti"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:641
msgid "Get Involved"
msgstr "Collabora con noi"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:642
msgid "Open \"Contribute to KiCad\" in a web browser"
msgstr "Apri \"Contribuire a KiCad\" in un browser web"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:647
msgid "Donate"
msgstr "Donazioni"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:648
msgid "Open \"Donate to KiCad\" in a web browser"
msgstr "Apri \"Donazioni per KiCad\" in un browser web"
#: common/tool/actions.cpp:652
msgid "Report Bug"
msgstr "Segnala bug"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Help file '%s' or\n"
"'%s' could not be found.\n"
"Do you want to access the KiCad online help?"
msgstr ""
"File della guida \"%s\" or\n"
"\"%s\" non trovato.\n"
"Vuoi accedere alla guida KiCad online?"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:222 common/tool/common_control.cpp:242
msgid "File Not Found"
msgstr "File non trovato"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:239
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Help file '%s' could not be found.\n"
"Do you want to access the KiCad online help?"
msgstr ""
"File della guida \"%s\" non trovato.\n"
"Vuoi accedere alla guida KiCad online?"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:269
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not launch the default browser.\n"
"For information on how to help the KiCad project, visit %s"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile eseguire il browser Internet predefinito.\n"
"Per informazioni su come aiutare il progetto KiCad, visitare %s"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:272
msgid "Get involved with KiCad"
msgstr "Collabora a KiCad"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:284
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not launch the default browser.\n"
"To donate to the KiCad project, visit %s"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile avviare il browser Internet predefinito.\n"
"Per donazioni al progetto KiCad, visitare %s"
#: common/tool/common_control.cpp:287
msgid "Donate to KiCad"
msgstr "Donazioni a KiCad"
#: common/tool/grid_menu.cpp:93
#, c-format
msgid "Grid: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Griglia: %s (%s)"
#: common/tool/grid_menu.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid "User grid: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Griglia utente: %s (%s)"
#: common/tool/zoom_menu.cpp:49
#, c-format
msgid "Zoom: %.2f"
msgstr "Zoom: %.2f"
#: common/validators.cpp:250
#, c-format
msgid "Incorrect value: %s"
msgstr "Valore errato: %s"
#: common/validators.cpp:294
msgid "Entry contains trailing white space."
msgstr "La voce contiene uno spazio iniziale."
#: common/validators.cpp:298
msgid "Entry contains leading white space."
msgstr "La voce contiene uno spazio finale."
#: common/validators.cpp:302
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid library identifier format."
msgstr "\"%s\" non è un identificatore di formato libreria valido."
#: common/validators.cpp:309
msgid "Library Identifier Validation Error"
msgstr "Errore di validazione identificatore di libreria"
#: common/validators.cpp:356
msgid "Invalid signal name"
msgstr "Nome segnale non valido"
#: common/validators.cpp:367
msgid "Signal names cannot contain CR or LF characters"
msgstr "I nomi dei segnali non possono contenere caratteri CR o LF"
#: common/validators.cpp:370
msgid "Signal names cannot contain spaces"
msgstr "I nomi dei segnali non possono contenere spazi"
#: common/view/view.cpp:539
msgid "Mirroring for Y axis is not supported yet"
msgstr "La resa speculare lungo l'asse Y non è ancora supportata"
#: common/widgets/footprint_preview_widget.cpp:103
msgid "Footprint not found."
msgstr "Impronta non trovata."
#: common/widgets/footprint_select_widget.cpp:141
msgid "No default footprint"
msgstr "Nessuna impronta predefinita"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:86
msgid "Accelerated graphics"
msgstr "Grafica accelerata"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:86
msgid "Fallback graphics"
msgstr "Grafica di ripiego"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:87
msgid "Rendering Engine"
msgstr "Motore di rendering"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:91
msgid "Hardware-accelerated graphics (recommended)"
msgstr "Grafica accelerata in hardware (raccomandato)"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:92
msgid ""
"Software graphics (for computers which do not support KiCad's hardware "
"acceleration requirements)"
msgstr ""
"Grafica software (per computer che non supportano i requisiti di "
"accelerazione hardware di KiCad)"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:104
msgid "Grid Options"
msgstr "Opzioni griglia"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:109
msgid "Dots"
msgstr "Punti"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:110
msgid "Lines"
msgstr "Linee"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:111
msgid "Small crosses"
msgstr "Piccole croci"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:115
msgid "Grid Style"
msgstr "Stile griglia"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:127
msgid "Grid thickness:"
msgstr "Spessore griglia:"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:138
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:154
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:172
msgid "px"
msgstr "px"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:143
msgid "Min grid spacing:"
msgstr "Spaziatura minima griglia:"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:159
msgid "Snap to Grid:"
msgstr "Griglia magnetica:"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:343
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:289
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:303
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Sempre"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:163
msgid "When grid shown"
msgstr "Se la griglia è visibile"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:343
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:289
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:303
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Mai"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:189
msgid "Cursor Options"
msgstr "Opzioni puntatore"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:195
msgid "Small crosshair"
msgstr "Crocino piccolo"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:196
msgid "Full window crosshair"
msgstr "Croce a pieno schermo"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:201
msgid "Cursor Shape"
msgstr "Forma puntatore"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:206
msgid "Cursor shape for drawing, placement and movement tools"
msgstr ""
"Forma del puntatore per gli strumenti di disegno, piazzamento e spostamento"
#: common/widgets/gal_options_panel.cpp:209
msgid "Always show crosshairs"
msgstr "Mostra sempre il crocino"
#: common/widgets/grid_text_button_helpers.cpp:379
msgid "Select a File"
msgstr "Seleziona un file"
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1665
msgid "Center plot view to this position"
msgstr "Centra la vista tracciatura in questa posizione"
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1666 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:95
msgid "Fit on Screen"
msgstr "Adatta allo schermo"
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1666
msgid "Set plot view to show all items"
msgstr "Imposta la vista tracciatura per mostrare tutti gli elementi"
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1667
msgid "Zoom in plot view."
msgstr "Ingrandisci vista tracciatura."
#: common/widgets/mathplot.cpp:1668
msgid "Zoom out plot view."
msgstr "Riduci vista tracciatura."
#: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:58
msgid "<no net>"
msgstr "<no connessione>"
#: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:59
msgid "<create net>"
msgstr "<crea connessione>"
#: common/widgets/net_selector.cpp:84
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:633
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:676
msgid "Filter:"
msgstr "Filtro:"
#: common/widgets/paged_dialog.cpp:72 common/widgets/paged_dialog.cpp:375
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:115
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:171
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:290
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:442
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:360
msgid "Reset to Defaults"
msgstr "Reimposta ai predefiniti"
#: common/widgets/paged_dialog.cpp:368
#, c-format
msgid "Reset %s to Defaults"
msgstr "Reimposta %s ai predefiniti"
#: common/widgets/unit_binder.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid "%s must be at least %s."
msgstr "%s deve essere almeno %s."
#: common/widgets/unit_binder.cpp:232
#, c-format
msgid "%s must be less than %s."
msgstr "%s deve essere minore di %s."
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:98
msgid "Press a new hotkey, or press Esc to cancel..."
msgstr "Premere un nuovo tasto o premere Esc per annullare..."
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:105
msgid "Command:"
msgstr "Comando:"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:113
msgid "Current key:"
msgstr "Tasto corrente:"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:145
msgid "Set Hotkey"
msgstr "Imposta tasto"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:341
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is a reserved hotkey in KiCad and cannot be assigned."
msgstr "'%s' è un tasto riservato in KiCad, e non può essere assegnato."
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:392
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Modifica..."
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:393
msgid "Undo Changes"
msgstr "Annulla cambiamenti"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:394
msgid "Clear Assigned Hotkey"
msgstr "Cancella tasti assegnati"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:395
msgid "Restore Default"
msgstr "Ripristina predefinito"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:431
#, c-format
msgid ""
"'%s' is already assigned to '%s' in section '%s'. Are you sure you want to "
"change its assignment?"
msgstr ""
"\"%s\" è già assegnata a \"%s\" nella sezione \"%s\". Sicuro di voler "
"cambiare l'assegnamento?"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:437
msgid "Confirm change"
msgstr "Conferma i cambiamenti"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:457
msgid "Command"
msgstr "Comando"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:460
msgid "(double-click to edit)"
msgstr "(doppio clic per modificare)"
#: common/widgets/widget_hotkey_list.cpp:463
msgid "Hotkey"
msgstr "Tasto"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:183
msgid "All files"
msgstr "Tutti i file"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:189
msgid "KiCad drawing symbol files"
msgstr "File di simboli grafici KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:195
msgid "KiCad symbol library files"
msgstr "File di librerie di simboli KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:202
msgid "KiCad legacy symbol library files"
msgstr "File obsoleti di librerie di simboli KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:208
msgid "All KiCad symbol library files"
msgstr "Tutti i file di librerie di simboli KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:215
msgid "KiCad project files"
msgstr "File progetto KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:221
msgid "KiCad legacy project files"
msgstr "File di progetto KiCad obsoleti"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:228
msgid "All KiCad project files"
msgstr "Tutti i file progetto KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:235
msgid "KiCad legacy schematic files"
msgstr "File obsoleti di schemi elettrici KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:242
msgid "KiCad s-expression schematic files"
msgstr "File di schemi elettrici KiCad s-expression"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:249
msgid "Altium schematic files"
msgstr "File di schemi elettrici Altium"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:255
msgid "CADSTAR Schematic Archive files"
msgstr "File archivio schemi elettrici CADSTAR"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:261
msgid "CADSTAR Archive files"
msgstr "File archivio CADSTAR"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:267
msgid "Eagle XML schematic files"
msgstr "File di schemi elettrici Eagle XML"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:273
msgid "Eagle XML files"
msgstr "File Eagle XML"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:279
msgid "KiCad netlist files"
msgstr "File di netlist KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:285 gerbview/files.cpp:50
msgid "Gerber files"
msgstr "File Gerber"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:291
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:332
msgid "KiCad printed circuit board files"
msgstr "File di circuiti stampati KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:297
msgid "Eagle ver. 6.x XML PCB files"
msgstr "File di C.S. Eagle ver. 6.x XML"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:302
msgid "CADSTAR PCB Archive files"
msgstr "File archivio C.S. CADSTAR"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:307
msgid "P-Cad 200x ASCII PCB files"
msgstr "File di C.S. P-Cad 200x ASCII"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:312
msgid "Altium Designer PCB files"
msgstr "File C.S. Altium Designer"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:317
msgid "Altium Circuit Studio PCB files"
msgstr "File C.S. Altium Circuit Studio"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:322
msgid "Altium Circuit Maker PCB files"
msgstr "File C.S. Altium Circuit Maker"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:327
msgid "Fabmaster PCB files"
msgstr "File C.S. Fabmaster"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:339
msgid "KiCad footprint files"
msgstr "File impronte KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:346
msgid "KiCad footprint library paths"
msgstr "Percorsi di file di libreria impronte Kicad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:353
msgid "Legacy footprint library files"
msgstr "File di libreria di impronte obsoleti"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:359
msgid "Eagle ver. 6.x XML library files"
msgstr "File di libreria Eagle ver. 6.x XML"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:365
msgid "Geda PCB footprint library files"
msgstr "File di libreria di impronte Geda PCB"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:371
msgid "Drawing sheet files"
msgstr "File fogli di disegno"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:379
msgid "KiCad symbol footprint link files"
msgstr "File di collegamento impronte-simboli KiCad"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:387 gerbview/files.cpp:69
msgid "Drill files"
msgstr "File forature"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:394
msgid "SVG files"
msgstr "File SVG"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:400
msgid "HTML files"
msgstr "File HTML"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:406
msgid "CSV Files"
msgstr "File CSV"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:412
msgid "Portable document format files"
msgstr "File PDF"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:418
msgid "PostScript files"
msgstr "File PostScript"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:424
msgid "Report files"
msgstr "File rapporti"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:430
msgid "Component placement files"
msgstr "File di piazzamento componenti"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:436
msgid "VRML and X3D files"
msgstr "File VRML e X3D"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:442
msgid "IDFv3 footprint files"
msgstr "File impronte IDFv3"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:448
msgid "Text files"
msgstr "File di testo"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:454
msgid "Legacy footprint export files"
msgstr "File di esportazione impronte obsoleti"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:460
msgid "Electrical rule check file"
msgstr "File controllo regole elettriche"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:466
msgid "Spice library file"
msgstr "File di libreria Spice"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:472
msgid "SPICE netlist file"
msgstr "File netlist SPICE"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:478
msgid "CadStar netlist file"
msgstr "File netlist CadStar"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:484
msgid "Symbol footprint association files"
msgstr "File di associazione simboli-impronte"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:490
msgid "Zip file"
msgstr "File zip"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:496
msgid "GenCAD 1.4 board files"
msgstr "File di C.S. GenCAD 1.4"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:502
msgid "DXF Files"
msgstr "File DXF"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:508
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-gerbers.xml.in:21
msgid "Gerber job file"
msgstr "File di lavoro Gerber"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:514
msgid "Specctra DSN file"
msgstr "File Specctra DSN"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:521
msgid "Specctra Session file"
msgstr "File sessione Specctra"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:528
msgid "IPC-D-356 Test Files"
msgstr "File di test IPC-D-356"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:535
msgid "Workbook file"
msgstr "File libretto di lavoro"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:542
msgid "PNG file"
msgstr "File PNG"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:548
msgid "Jpeg file"
msgstr "File Jpeg"
#: common/wildcards_and_files_ext.cpp:554
msgid "Hotkey file"
msgstr "File comandi da tastiera"
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:105
#, c-format
msgid "Equivalence file '%s' could not be found in the default search paths."
msgstr ""
"File di equivalenze \"%s\" non trovato nei percorsi di ricerca predefiniti."
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:126
#, c-format
msgid "Error opening equivalence file '%s'."
msgstr "Errore durante l'apertura del file equivalenze \"%s\"."
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:178
msgid "Equivalence File Load Error"
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento file equivalenze"
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:185
#, c-format
msgid "%lu footprint/symbol equivalences found."
msgstr "Trovate %lu equivalenze impronte/simbolo."
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:261
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Component %s: footprint %s not found in any of the project footprint "
msgstr ""
"Componente %s: impronta \"%s\" non trovato in nessuna libreria del progetto."
#: cvpcb/auto_associate.cpp:306
msgid "CvPcb Warning"
msgstr "Avvertenza CvPcb"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb.cpp:174
msgid ""
"You have run CvPcb for the first time using the new footprint library table "
"method for finding footprints.\n"
"CvPcb has either copied the default table or created an empty table in your "
"home folder.\n"
"You must first configure the library table to include all footprint "
"libraries not included with KiCad.\n"
"See the \"Footprint Library Table\" section of the CvPcb documentation for "
"more information."
msgstr ""
"È necessario eseguire CvPcb per la prima volta usando il nuovo metodo "
"tabella librerie impronte per rilevare le impronte.\n"
"CvPcb ha copiato la tabella predefinita o creato una tabella vuota nella "
"cartella utente.\n"
"Bisogna configurare la tabella librerie per includere tutte le librerie "
"impronte non incluse in KiCad.\n"
"Consultare la sezione \"Tabella librerie impronte\" della documentazione di "
"CvPcb per ulteriori informazioni."
#: cvpcb/cvpcb.cpp:187
msgid ""
"An error occurred attempting to load the global footprint library table."
msgstr "Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie impronte globale."
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:63 cvpcb/menubar.cpp:51
msgid "Assign Footprints"
msgstr "Assegna impronte"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:103 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:1080
msgid "Footprint Libraries"
msgstr "Librerie di impronte"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:107
msgid "Symbol : Footprint Assignments"
msgstr "Simbolo: assegnamenti impronte"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:110
msgid "Filtered Footprints"
msgstr "Impronte filtrate"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:144
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table_base.cpp:105
msgid "Apply, Save Schematic && Continue"
msgstr "Applica, salva lo schema e continua"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:212
msgid "Symbol to footprint changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti simboli a impronte non salvati"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:386
msgid "Symbol to Footprint links have been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr ""
"Le associazioni simbolo a impronta sono state modificate. Salvare i "
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:548 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_association_tool.cpp:207
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid footprint."
msgstr "\"%s\" non è un'impronta valida."
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:702 eeschema/generate_alias_info.cpp:39
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1418 eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1247
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:369 pcbnew/generate_footprint_info.cpp:37
msgid "Keywords"
msgstr "Parole chiave"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:718
msgid "Pin Count"
msgstr "Conteggio pin"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:731 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1401
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1405 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1435
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:194
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1218
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Libreria"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:744
msgid "Search Text"
msgstr "Cerca testo"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:748
msgid "No Filtering"
msgstr "Nessun filtro"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:750
#, c-format
msgid "Filtered by %s"
msgstr "Filtrato per %s"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:764
#, c-format
msgid "Description: %s; Keywords: %s"
msgstr "Descrizione: %s; Parole chiave: %s"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:796
#, c-format
msgid "Library location: %s"
msgstr "Posizione libreria: %s"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:798
msgid "Library location: unknown"
msgstr "Posizione libreria: sconosciuta"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:811
msgid ""
"No PCB footprint libraries are listed in the current footprint library table."
msgstr ""
"Nessuna libreria impronte elencata nella tabella librerie impronte corrente."
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:812
msgid "Configuration Error"
msgstr "Errore di configurazione"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:816 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:869
#: pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:224
msgid "Loading Footprint Libraries"
msgstr "Caricamento librerie di impronte"
#: cvpcb/cvpcb_mainframe.cpp:879
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading schematic.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il caricamento dello schema.\n"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "Project file: '%s'"
msgstr "File progetto: \"%s\""
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:448
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_inspection_tool.cpp:185
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:808
msgid "No text editor selected in KiCad. Please choose one."
msgstr "Nessun editor di testo selezionato in KiCad. Sceglierne uno."
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:244
msgid "Footprint Association File"
msgstr "File di associazione impronte"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles.cpp:288
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' already exists in list."
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" esiste già nell'elenco."
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:20
msgid "Symbol Footprint Association Files (.equ)"
msgstr "File di associazione simboli-impronte (*.equ)"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:36
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:74
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:108
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:652
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1013
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:525
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Aggiungi"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:39
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:76
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:110
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:660
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Rimuovi"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:62
msgid "Move Up"
msgstr "Sposta in alto"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:67
msgid "Move Down"
msgstr "Sposta in basso"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:48
msgid "Edit File"
msgstr "Modifica file"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:63
msgid "Available environment variables for relative paths:"
msgstr "Variabili ambiente disponibili per percorsi relativi:"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:81
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:57
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:136
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:51
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:959
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:54
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:300
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:200 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1378
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1425
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:69
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:69
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:447 pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2362
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:330 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:110 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:311
msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valore"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:96
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr "Assoluta"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:99
msgid "Relative"
msgstr "Relativo"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/dialog_config_equfiles_base.cpp:101
msgid "Path Type"
msgstr "Tipo percorso"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:37
msgid "Ref"
msgstr "Rif"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:38
msgid "Schematic assignment"
msgstr "Assegnamento schema"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector.cpp:41
msgid "Cmp file assignment"
msgstr "Assegnamento file cmp"
#: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector_base.cpp:19
msgid ""
"Footprint assignments from schematic netlist and symbol footprint "
"association file (.cmp) are conflicting.\n"
"Please choose the assignment."
msgstr ""
"L'assegnamento impronte nella netlist dello schema e il file di associazione "
"simboli impronte (.cmp) sono in conflitto.\n"
"È necessario scegliere l'assegnamento."
#: cvpcb/dialogs/fp_conflict_assignment_selector_base.h:53
msgid "Footprint Assignment Conflicts"
msgstr "Conflitto di assegnamento impronte"
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:69
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:164
msgid "Footprint Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore impronte"
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:396
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint ID '%s' is not valid."
msgstr "L'ID impronta \"%s\" non è valido."
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:411
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' is not in the footprint library table."
msgstr "La libreria \"%s\" non è nella tabella librerie impronte."
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:420
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:445
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' not found."
msgstr "Impronta \"%s\" non trovata."
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:475 pcbnew/footprint.cpp:963
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint: %s"
msgstr "Impronta: %s"
#: cvpcb/display_footprints_frame.cpp:486
#, c-format
msgid "Lib: %s"
msgstr "Lib: %s"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:119
msgid ""
"Some of the assigned footprints are legacy entries with no library names. "
"Would you like KiCad to attempt to convert them to the new required LIB_ID "
"format? (If you answer no, then these assignments will be cleared and you "
"will need to re-assign them manually.)"
msgstr ""
"Alcune delle impronte assegnate sono voci obsolete senza nomi di librerie. "
"Vuoi che Kicad cerchi di convertirle nel nuovo formato LIB_ID? (Se si "
"risponde no, questi assegnamenti verranno cancellati e sarà necessario ri-"
"assegnarli manualmente.)"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:148
#, c-format
msgid "Component '%s' footprint '%s' <b>not found</b> in any library.\n"
msgstr ""
"Componente \"%s\" impronta \"%s\" <b>non trovato</b> in nessuna libreria.\n"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid "Component '%s' footprint '%s' was found in <b>multiple</b> libraries.\n"
msgstr "Componente \"%s\" impronta \"%s\" trovato in <b>più</b> librerie.\n"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:168
msgid "First check your footprint library table entries."
msgstr "Prima controllare le voci della propria tabella librerie impronte."
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:170
msgid "Problematic Footprint Library Tables"
msgstr "Tabelle librerie impronte problematiche"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:178
msgid ""
"The following errors occurred attempting to convert the footprint "
msgstr ""
"I seguenti errori si sono verificati durante la conversione degli "
"assegnamenti impronte:\n"
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:181
msgid ""
"You will need to reassign them manually if you want them to be updated "
"correctly the next time you import the netlist in Pcbnew."
msgstr ""
"È necessario riassegnarle manualmente se si desidera vengano aggiornate "
"correttamente la prossima volta che si importa la netlist in Pcbnew."
#: cvpcb/readwrite_dlgs.cpp:299
msgid "Schematic saved"
msgstr "Schema salvato"
#: cvpcb/toolbars_cvpcb.cpp:75
msgid "Footprint Filters:"
msgstr "Filtri impronte:"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:52
msgid "View selected footprint"
msgstr "Mostra impronta selezionata"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:53
msgid "View the selected footprint in the footprint viewer"
msgstr "Mostra l'impronta selezionata nel visualizzatore impronte"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:60
msgid "Manage Footprint Association Files"
msgstr "Gestisci i file di associazione impronte"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Configure footprint association file (.equ) list. These files are used to "
"automatically assign footprint names from symbol values."
msgstr ""
"Configura l'elenco file associazioni impronte (.equ). Questi file vengono "
"usati per assegnare automaticamente i nomi impronta in base ai valori dei "
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:67
msgid "Save to Schematic"
msgstr "Salva su schema"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:68
msgid "Save footprint associations in schematic symbol footprint fields"
msgstr ""
"Salva le associazioni impronte nei campi impronte dei simboli nello schema"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:91
msgid "Select next unassigned symbol"
msgstr "Successivo simbolo non associato"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:92
msgid "Select next symbol with no footprint assignment"
msgstr "Seleziona il successivo simbolo senza impronte assegnate"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:98
msgid "Select previous unassigned symbol"
msgstr "Precedente simbolo non associato"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Select previous symbol with no footprint assignment"
msgstr "Seleziona il precedente simbolo senza impronte assegnate"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:108
msgid "Assign footprint"
msgstr "Assegna impronta"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:109
msgid "Assign footprint to selected symbols"
msgstr "Assegna impronta al simbolo selezionato"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:114
msgid "Automatically assign footprints"
msgstr "Assegna impronte automaticamente"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:115
msgid "Perform automatic footprint assignment"
msgstr "Esegui automaticamente l'assegnamento impronte"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:121
msgid "Delete association"
msgstr "Cancella associazione"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:122
msgid "Delete selected footprint associations"
msgstr "Cancella associazioni delle impronte selezionate"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:127 cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:128
msgid "Delete all footprint associations"
msgstr "Cancella tutte le associazioni impronte"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:135
msgid "Use symbol footprint filters"
msgstr "Usa filtri impronte simboli"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:136
msgid "Filter footprint list by footprint filters defined in the symbol"
msgstr "Filtra elenco impronte per filtri impronte definiti nel simbolo"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:142
msgid "Filter by pin count"
msgstr "Filtra per numero di pin"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:143
msgid "Filter footprint list by pin count"
msgstr "Filtra lista componenti per riferimento"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:149
msgid "Filter by library"
msgstr "Filtra per libreria"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_actions.cpp:150
msgid "Filter footprint list by library"
msgstr "Filtra lista componenti per libreria"
#: cvpcb/tools/cvpcb_association_tool.cpp:257
msgid "Delete all associations?"
msgstr "Cancellare tutte le associazioni?"
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:159
#, c-format
msgid "%d duplicate time stamps were found and replaced."
msgstr "%d marcature temporali duplicate trovate e sostituite."
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:284
#, c-format
msgid "Updated %s (unit %s) from %s to %s."
msgstr "Aggiornato %s (unità %s) da %s a %s."
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:292
#, c-format
msgid "Updated %s from %s to %s."
msgstr "Aggiornato %s da %s a %s."
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:302
#, c-format
msgid "Annotated %s (unit %s) as %s."
msgstr "Annotato %s (unità %s) come %s."
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:309
#, c-format
msgid "Annotated %s as %s."
msgstr "Annotato %s come %s."
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:326
msgid "Annotation complete."
msgstr "annotazione completa."
#: eeschema/bom_plugins.cpp:46
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Script file:\n"
"not found. Script not available."
msgstr ""
"File script:\n"
"non trovato. Script non disponibile."
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:608
#, c-format
msgid "Item not annotated: %s%s (unit %d)\n"
msgstr "Elemento non annotato: %s%s (unità %d)\n"
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:615
#, c-format
msgid "Item not annotated: %s%s\n"
msgstr "Elemento non annotato: %s%s\n"
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:633
#, c-format
msgid "Error: symbol %s%s%s (unit %d) exceeds units defined (%d)\n"
msgstr "Errore: il simbolo %s%s%s (unità %d) eccede le unità definite (%d)\n"
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:670
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:698
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate items %s%s%s\n"
msgstr "Elementi duplicati %s%s%s\n"
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:677
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:705
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate items %s%s\n"
msgstr "Elementi duplicati %s%s\n"
#: eeschema/component_references_lister.cpp:717
#, c-format
msgid "Different values for %s%d%s (%s) and %s%d%s (%s)"
msgstr "Valori differenti per %s%d%s (%s) e %s%d%s (%s)"
#: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2259 eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2290
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Both %s and %s are attached to the same items; %s will be used in the netlist"
msgstr ""
"Sia %s che %s sono collegati agli stessi elementi; nella netlist verrà usata "
#: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2514
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Net %s is graphically connected to bus %s but is not a member of that bus"
msgstr ""
"La connessione %s è collegata graficamente al bus %s ma non è membro di quel "
#: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2925
#, c-format
msgid "Sheet pin %s has no matching hierarchical label inside the sheet"
msgstr ""
"Al pin foglio %s manca la corrispondente etichetta gerarchica nel foglio"
#: eeschema/connection_graph.cpp:2942
#, c-format
msgid "Hierarchical label %s has no matching sheet pin in the parent sheet"
msgstr ""
"L'etichetta gerarchica %s non ha corrispondente pin foglio nel foglio "
#: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:242 pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:172
#, c-format
msgid "%s pin %s found"
msgstr "%s pin %s trovato"
#: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:244
#, c-format
msgid "%s found but pin %s not found"
msgstr "%s trovato ma pin %s non trovato"
#: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:248 pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:185
#, c-format
msgid "%s found"
msgstr "%s trovato"
#: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:253 pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:168
#: pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:187
#, c-format
msgid "%s not found"
msgstr "%s non trovato"
#: eeschema/cross-probing.cpp:306
msgid "Selected net:"
msgstr "Connessione selezionata:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:87
msgid "Annotation Messages:"
msgstr "Messaggi di annotazione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate.cpp:92
msgid "Annotate"
msgstr "Annota"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:37
msgid "Entire schematic"
msgstr "Schema intero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:37
msgid "Current sheet only"
msgstr "Solo foglio corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:37
msgid "Selection only"
msgstr "Solo selezione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:39
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:23
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:28
msgid "Scope"
msgstr "Ambito"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:44
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Ordine"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:49
msgid "Sort symbols by &X position"
msgstr "Ordina simboli per posizione &X"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:67
msgid "Sort symbols by &Y position"
msgstr "Ordina simboli per posizione &Y"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:82
msgid "Keep existing annotations"
msgstr "Mantieni le annotazioni esistenti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:82
msgid "Reset existing annotations"
msgstr "Reimposta le annotazioni esistenti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:89
msgid "Numbering"
msgstr "Numerazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:96
msgid "Use first free number after:"
msgstr "Usa il primo numero libero dopo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:102
msgid "First free after sheet number X 100"
msgstr "Primo libero sopra il numero foglio X 100"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:105
msgid "First free after sheet number X 1000"
msgstr "Primo libero sopra il numero foglio X 1000"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.cpp:128
msgid "Clear Annotation"
msgstr "Cancella annotazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_annotate_base.h:81
msgid "Annotate Schematic"
msgstr "Annota schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:133
msgid "Generate"
msgstr "Genera"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:217
msgid "(file missing)"
msgstr "(file mancante)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:294
#, c-format
msgid "The selected BOM generator script %s could not be found."
msgstr "Script di generazione distinta base %s non trovato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:299
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:345
msgid "Generating BOM requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr ""
"La generazione della distinta base richiede uno schema completamente "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:382 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:43
msgid "Generator nickname:"
msgstr "Denominatore generatore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:382
msgid "Add Generator"
msgstr "Aggiungi generatore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:391
#, c-format
msgid "Nickname '%s' already in use."
msgstr "Denominatore \"%s\" già in uso."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:420 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:686
msgid "Generator File"
msgstr "File generatore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:439
msgid "Generator file name not found."
msgstr "Nome file generatore non trovato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom.cpp:460
msgid "Bill of Material Generation Help"
msgstr "Aiuto generazione distinta base"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:25
msgid "BOM generator scripts:"
msgstr "Script generatori DIBA:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:69
msgid "Add a new BOM generator and its command line to the list"
msgstr ""
"Aggiungi un nuovo generatore di distinta base e la sua riga di comando "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:74
msgid "Edit the script file in the text editor"
msgstr "Modifica il file script in un editor di testo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:82
msgid "Remove the current generator script from list"
msgstr "Rimuovi lo script generatore corrente dall'elenco"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:92
msgid "Command line running the generator:"
msgstr "Riga di comando di esecuzione del generatore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:101
msgid "Show console window"
msgstr "Mostra finestra console"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:102
msgid ""
"By default, command line runs with hidden console window and output is "
"redirected to the info display.\n"
"Set this option to show the window of the running command."
msgstr ""
"Come impostazione predefinita, la riga di comando viene eseguita con la "
"finestra di console nascosta e l'uscita viene redirezionata nello schermo di "
"Impostare quest'opzione per mostrare la finestra del comando in esecuzione."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.cpp:116
msgid "Reset the list of BOM generator scripts to the default settings"
msgstr ""
"Reimposta l'elenco degli script di generazione DIBA alle impostazioni "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_base.h:81
msgid "Bill of Material"
msgstr "Elenco materiali"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bom_help_md.h:2
msgid ""
"# 1 - Full documentation\n"
"The Eeschema documentation (*eeschema.html*) describes this intermediate "
"netlist and gives examples(chapter ***creating customized netlists and bom "
"# 2 - The intermediate Netlist File\n"
"BOM files (and netlist files) can be created from an *Intermediate netlist "
"file* created by Eeschema.\n"
"This file uses XML syntax and is called the intermediate netlist. The "
"intermediate netlist includes a large amount of data about your board and "
"because of this, it can be used with post-processing to create a BOM or "
"other reports.\n"
"Depending on the output (BOM or netlist), different subsets of the complete "
"Intermediate Netlist file will be used in the post-processing.\n"
"# 3 - Conversion to a new format\n"
"By applying a post-processing filter to the Intermediate netlist file you "
"can generate foreign netlist files as well as BOM files. Because this "
"conversion is a text to text transformation, this post-processing filter can "
"be written using *Python*, *XSLT*, or any other tool capable of taking XML "
"as input.\n"
"XSLT itself is a XML language suitable for XML transformations. There is a "
"free program called `xsltproc` that you can download and install. The "
"`xsltproc` program can be used to read the Intermediate XML netlist input "
"file, apply a style-sheet to transform the input, and save the results in an "
"output file. Use of `xsltproc` requires a style-sheet file using XSLT "
"conventions. The full conversion process is handled by Eeschema, after it is "
"configured once to run `xsltproc` in a specific way.\n"
"A Python script is somewhat more easy to create.\n"
"# 4 - Initialization of the dialog window\n"
"You should add a new plugin (a script) in the plugin list by clicking on the "
"Add Plugin button.\n"
"## 4.1 - Plugin Configuration Parameters\n"
"The Eeschema plug-in configuration dialog requires the following "
" * The title: for instance, the name of the netlist format.\n"
" * The command line to launch the converter (usually a script).\n"
"***Note (Windows only):***\n"
"*By default, the command line runs with hidden console window and output is "
"redirected to \"Plugin info\" field. To show the window of the running "
"command, set the checkbox \"Show console window\".*\n"
"Once you click on the generate button the following will happen:\n"
"1. Eeschema creates an intermediate netlist file \\*.xml, for instance `test."
"2. Eeschema runs the script from the command line to create the final output "
"## 4.2 - Generate netlist files with the command line\n"
"Assuming we are using the program `xsltproc.exe` to apply the sheet style to "
"the intermediate file, `xsltproc.exe` is executed with the following "
"xsltproc.exe -o <output filename> <style-sheet filename> <input XML file to "
"On Windows the command line is the following.\n"
"f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter.xsl \"%I"
"On Linux the command becomes as following.\n"
"xsltproc -o \"%O\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter .xsl \"%I\"\n"
"where `myconverter.xsl` is the style-sheet that you are applying.\n"
"Do not forget the double quotes around the file names, this allows them to "
"have spaces after the substitution by Eeschema.\n"
"If a Python script is used, the command line is something like (depending on "
"the Python script):\n"
"python f:/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter.py \"%I\" \"%O\"\n"
"python /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter .xsl \"%I\" "
"The command line format accepts parameters for filenames. The supported "
"formatting parameters are:\n"
" * `%B`: base filename of selected output file, minus path and extension.\n"
" * `%P`: project directory, without name and without trailing '/'.\n"
" * `%I`: complete filename and path of the temporary input file\n"
"(the intermediate net file).\n"
" * `%O`: complete filename and path (but without extension) of the user\n"
"chosen output file.\n"
"`%I` will be replaced by the actual intermediate file name (usually the full "
"root sheet filename with extension \".xml\").\n"
"`%O` will be replaced by the actual output file name (the full root sheet "
"filename minus extension).\n"
"`%B` will be replaced by the actual output short file name (the short root "
"sheet filename minus extension).\n"
"`%P` will be replaced by the actual current project path.\n"
"## 4.3 - Command line format:\n"
"### 4.3.1 - Remark:\n"
"Most of time, the created file must have an extension, depending on its "
"Therefore you have to add to the option ***%O*** the right file extension.\n"
"For instance:\n"
" * **%O.csv** to create a .csv file (comma separated value file).\n"
" * **%O.htm** to create a .html file.\n"
" * **%O.bom** to create a .bom file.\n"
"### 4.3.2 Example for xsltproc:\n"
"The command line format for xsltproc is the following:\n"
"<path of xsltproc> xsltproc <xsltproc parameters>\n"
"On Windows:\n"
"f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O.bom\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/"
"netlist_form_pads-pcb.xsl \"%I\"\n"
"On Linux:\n"
"xsltproc -o \"%O.bom\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/netlist_form_pads-pcb."
"xsl \"%I\"\n"
"The above examples assume `xsltproc` is installed on your PC under Windows "
"and xsl files located in `<path_to_kicad>/kicad/bin/plugins/`.\n"
"### 4.3.3 Example for Python scripts:\n"
"Assuming python is installed on your PC, and python scripts are located in\n"
" `<path_to_kicad>/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/`,\n"
"the command line format for python is something like:\n"
"python <script file name> <input filename> <output filename>\n"
"On Windows:\n"
"python.exe f:/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/my_python_script.py \"%I\" "
"On Linux:\n"
"python /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/my_python_script.py \"%I\" "
msgstr ""
"# 1 - Completa documentazione\n"
"La documentazione Eeschema (*eeschema.html*) descrive questa netlist "
"intermedia e fornisce degli esempi (capitolo ***Creazione file di netlist e "
"diba personalizzate***).\n"
"# 2 - Il file netlist intermedio\n"
"I file DIBA (e i file netlist) possono venir creati da un *File netlist "
"intermedio* creato da Eeschema.\n"
"Questo file usa la sintassi XML e viene chiamato file netlist intermedio. "
"Esso comprende una grande quantità di dati sulla scheda e per questo motivo, "
"può venire usato per la post-elaborazione per creare DIBA (file distinta "
"base) o altri tipi di rapporti.\n"
"A seconda del risultato (DIBA o netlist), nella post-elaborazione verranno "
"usati sottoinsiemi diversi dell'intero file di netlist intermedio.\n"
"# 3 - Conversione in un nuovo formato\n"
"Applicando un filtro di post-elaborazione al file di netlist intermedio si "
"può generare file di netlist per applicazioni esterne o anche file DIBA. "
"Dato che questa conversione è una trasformazione da testo a testo, questo "
"filtro di post-elaborazione può essere scritto in *Python*, *XSLT*, o in "
"qualsiasi altro strumento in grado di ricevere XML come ingresso.\n"
"L'XSLT in sé è un linguaggio XML adatto alle trasformazioni XML. Esiste un "
"software libero di nome `xsltproc` scaricabile ed installabile "
"(gratuitamente). L'eseguibile `xsltproc` si può usare per leggere il file "
"netlist intermedio XML, applicarvi un foglio di stile per trasformarlo, e "
"salvare il risultato in un file in uscita. L'uso di `xsltproc` richiede un "
"file foglio di stile che usi le convenzioni XSLT. Il completo processo di "
"conversione viene gestito da Eeschema, una volta configurato per eseguire "
"`xsltproc` correttamente.\n"
"Uno script Python è in genere più semplice da creare.\n"
"# 4 - Inizializzazione della finestra di dialogo\n"
"Si dovrebbe aggiungere un nuovo plugin (uno script) nell'elenco facendo clic "
"sul pulsante Aggiungi plugin.\n"
"## 4.1 - Parametri di configurazione dei plugin\n"
"La finestra di configurazione dei plugin di Eeschema richiede le seguenti "
" * Il titolo: per esempio, il nome del formato della netlist.\n"
" * La riga di comando per eseguire il convertitore (solitamente uno "
"***Nota (solo per Windows):***\n"
"*Per impostazione predefinita, la riga di comando esegue con la finestra di "
"console nascosta e l'uscita viene rediretta al campo \"Info plugin\". Per "
"mostrare la finestra del comando in esecuzione, mettere la spunta alla "
"casella \"Mostra finestra console\".*\n"
"Una volta fatto clic sul pulsante di generazione, accade il seguito:\n"
"1. Eeschema crea un file netlist intermedio \\*.xml, per esempio `test."
"2. Eeschema esegue lo script a riga di comando per creare il file finale.\n"
"## 4.2 - Creare i file netlist a riga di comando\n"
"Assumendo che si stia usando il programma `xsltproc.exe` per applicare il "
"foglio di stile al file intermedio, `xsltproc.exe` viene eseguito con il "
"comando seguente.\n"
"xsltproc.exe -o <nomefile risultato> <nomefile foglio di stile> <file XML da "
"Su Windows la riga di comando è la seguente.\n"
"f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter.xsl \"%I"
"Su Linux il comando diventa il seguente.\n"
"xsltproc -o \"%O\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/myconverter .xsl \"%I\"\n"
"dove `myconverter.xsl` è il foglio di stile che si sta applicando.\n"
"Non si dimentichi le virgolette attorno ai nomi dei file, che permettono di "
"avere spazi dopo la sostituzione delle variabili da parte di Eeschema.\n"
"Se si usa uno script Python, la riga di comando somiglierà a (a seconda "
"dello script Python):\n"
"python f:/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter.py \"%I\" \"%O\"\n"
"python /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/myconverter .xsl \"%I\" "
"Il formato della riga di comando accetta parametri per i nomi dei file. I "
"parametri supportati sono:\n"
" * `%B`: la base del nome del file del file d'uscita selezionato, senza "
"percorso ed estensione.\n"
" * `%P`: cartella del progetto, senza nome e senza '/' iniziale.\n"
" * `%I`: nome e percorso file completi del file temporaneo d'ingresso\n"
" (il netfile intermedio).\n"
" * `%O`: nome e percorso file completi (ma senza estensione) del file "
" scelto dall'utente.\n"
"`%I` verrà rimpiazzato dal nome del file intermedio corrente (di solito il "
"nomefile completo del foglio radice con estensione \".xml\").\n"
"`%O` verrà rimpiazzato dal nome del file d'uscita corrente (il nomefile "
"completo del foglio radice senza estensione).\n"
"`%B` verrà rimpiazzato dal nome corto del file d'uscita corrente (il nome "
"corto del foglio radice senza estensione).\n"
"`%P` verrà rimpiazzato dal percorso del progetto corrente.\n"
"## 4.3 - Formato riga di comando:\n"
"### 4.3.1 - Nota:\n"
"Solitamente, il file creato deve avere un'estensione, a seconda del suo "
"Perciò sarà necessario aggiungere all'opzione ***%O*** la corretta "
"estensione file.\n"
"Per esempio:\n"
" * **%O.csv** per creare un file .csv (file di valori separati da virgole).\n"
" * **%O.htm** per creare un file .html .\n"
" * **%O.bom** per creare un file diba .bom .\n"
"### 4.3.2 Esempio per xsltproc:\n"
"Il formato della riga di comando per xsltproc è il seguente:\n"
"<percorso di xsltproc> xsltproc <parametri xsltproc>\n"
"Su Windows:\n"
"f:/kicad/bin/xsltproc.exe -o \"%O.bom\" f:/kicad/bin/plugins/"
"netlist_form_pads-pcb.xsl \"%I\"\n"
"Su Linux:\n"
"xsltproc -o \"%O.bom\" /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/netlist_form_pads-pcb."
"xsl \"%I\"\n"
"Gli esempi sopra assumono che `xsltproc` sia installato sul proprio PC su "
"Windows e che i file xsl siano posizionati in `<percorso_kicad>/kicad/bin/"
"### 4.3.3 Esempio per script Python:\n"
"Assumendo che python sia installato sul PC, e che gli script python siano "
"posizionati in\n"
" `<percorso_kicad>/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/`,\n"
"il formato della riga di comando per python è simile a:\n"
"python <nome file script> <nomefile in ingresso> <nomefile in uscita>\n"
"Su Windows:\n"
"python.exe f:/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/my_python_script.py \"%I\" "
"Su Linux:\n"
"python /usr/local/kicad/bin/plugins/bom-in-python/my_python_script.py \"%I\" "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:37
msgid "Bus Definitions"
msgstr "Definizioni bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:55
msgid "Bus Aliases"
msgstr "Alias bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:65
msgid "Alias Name"
msgstr "Nome alias"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:75
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:109
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Rinomina"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:89
msgid "Alias Members"
msgstr "Membri alias"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:99
msgid "Member Name"
msgstr "Nome membro"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:180
msgid "Bus Alias Name"
msgstr "Nome alias bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_bus_manager.cpp:181
msgid "Net or Bus Name"
msgstr "Nome connessione o bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:66
msgid "Change all symbols in schematic"
msgstr "Cambia tutti i simboli nello schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:67
msgid "Change Symbols"
msgstr "Cambia simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:76
msgid "Change selected symbol(s)"
msgstr "Cambia i simboli selezionati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:93
msgid "Change symbols matching reference designator:"
msgstr "Cambia i simboli corrispondenti al riferimento:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:94
msgid "Change symbols matching value:"
msgstr "Cambia i simboli corrispondenti al valore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:95
msgid "Change symbols matching library identifier:"
msgstr "Cambia i simboli corrispondenti all'id di libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:132
msgid "Update Fields"
msgstr "Aggiorna campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:133
msgid "Remove fields if not in new symbol"
msgstr "Rimuovi i campi non presenti nel nuovo simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:134
msgid "Reset fields if empty in new symbol"
msgstr "Reimposta i campi se vuoti nel nuovo simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:135
msgid "Update field text"
msgstr "Aggiorna testo campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:136
msgid "Update field visibilities"
msgstr "Aggiorna visibilità campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:137
msgid "Update field sizes and styles"
msgstr "Aggiorna dimensioni e stili campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:138
msgid "Update field positions"
msgstr "Aggiorna posizioni campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:139
msgid "Update symbol attributes"
msgstr "Aggiorna attributi simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:165
msgid "Change"
msgstr "Cambia"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:161
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:163
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Aggiorna"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:529
#, c-format
msgid "Update symbol %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Aggiorna simbolo %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:536
#, c-format
msgid "Update symbols %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Aggiorna simboli %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:546
#, c-format
msgid "Change symbol %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Cambia simbolo %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:553
#, c-format
msgid "Change symbols %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Cambia simboli %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:564
msgid "*** symbol not found ***"
msgstr "*** simbolo non trovato ***"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols.cpp:573
msgid "*** new symbol has too few units ***"
msgstr "*** il nuovo simbolo ha troppo poche unità ***"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:27
msgid "Update all symbols in schematic"
msgstr "Aggiorna tutti i simboli nello schema elettrico"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:30
msgid "Update selected symbol(s)"
msgstr "Aggiorna i simboli selezionati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:33
msgid "Update symbols matching reference designator:"
msgstr "Aggiorna i simboli corrispondenti al riferimento:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:39
msgid "Update symbols matching value:"
msgstr "Aggiorna i simboli corrispondenti al valore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:45
msgid "Update symbols matching library identifier:"
msgstr "Aggiorna i simboli corrispondenti all'id di libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:72
msgid "New library identifier:"
msgstr "Nuovo identificatore libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:94
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:36
msgid "Update/reset Fields"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:108
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:50
msgid "Select None"
msgstr "Selezione nulla"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:117
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:94
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Aggiorna opzioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:119
msgid "Remove fields if not in library symbol"
msgstr "Rimuovi i campi non presenti nel simbolo di libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:120
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:97
msgid "Removes fields that do not occur in the original library symbols"
msgstr "Elimina i campi che non appaiono nei simboli originali di libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:124
msgid "Reset fields if empty in library symbol"
msgstr "Reimposta i campi se vuoti nel simbolo di libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:130
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:72
msgid "Update/reset field text"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta testo campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:133
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:75
msgid "Update/reset field visibilities"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta visibilità campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:136
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:78
msgid "Update/reset field sizes and styles"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta dimensioni e stili campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:139
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:81
msgid "Update/reset field positions"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta posizioni campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.cpp:145
msgid "Update/reset symbol attributes"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta attributi di fabbricazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_change_symbols_base.h:100
msgid "Update Symbols from Library"
msgstr "Aggiorna simboli da libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:143
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_choose_footprint.cpp:95
msgid "Select with Browser"
msgstr "Seleziona tramite browser"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:147
msgid "Place repeated copies"
msgstr "Piazza copie ripetute"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:149
msgid "Keep the symbol selected for subsequent clicks."
msgstr "Mantieni simbolo selezionato per clic successivi."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:151
msgid "Place all units"
msgstr "Piazza tutte le unità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:153
msgid "Sequentially place all units of the symbol."
msgstr "Piazza sequenzialmente tutte le unità del simbolo."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:398
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:457
#: eeschema/generate_alias_info.cpp:81 eeschema/sch_base_frame.cpp:70
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:310
#: eeschema/widgets/symbol_preview_widget.cpp:181
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading symbol %s from library '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricare il simbolo \"%s\" dalla libreria %s."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:421
msgid "No footprint specified"
msgstr "Nessuna impronta specificata"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:434
msgid "Invalid footprint specified"
msgstr "Impronta specificata non valida"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_symbol.cpp:516
msgid "No symbol selected"
msgstr "Nessun simbolo selezionato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:544
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library identifier %s is not valid."
msgstr "Identificatore di libreria simboli %s non valido."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:641
#, c-format
msgid "Available Candidates for %s "
msgstr "Candidati disponibili per %s "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:645
#, c-format
msgid "Candidates count %d "
msgstr "Conteggio candidati %d "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:656
#, c-format
msgid "%u link(s) mapped, %u not found"
msgstr "%u collegamenti mappati, %u non trovati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:662
#, c-format
msgid "All %u link(s) resolved"
msgstr "Tutti e %u i collegamenti risolti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:693
msgid "Invalid symbol library identifier"
msgstr "Identificatore di libreria di simboli non valido"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid.cpp:744
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading symbol %s from library %s.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel caricare il simbolo \"%s\" dalla libreria %s.\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:37
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:99
msgid "Symbols"
msgstr "Simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:38
msgid "Current Library Reference"
msgstr "Riferimento libreria corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:39
msgid "New Library Reference"
msgstr "Nuovo riferimento di libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:58
msgid "Map Orphans"
msgstr "Mappa gli orfani"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:59
msgid ""
"If some symbols are orphaned (the linked symbol is not found anywhere),\n"
"try to find a candidate having the same name in one of loaded symbol "
msgstr ""
"Se alcuni simboli sono orfani (il simbolo collegato non si trova da nessuna "
"provare a trovare un candidato con lo stesso nome in una delle librerie di "
"simboli caricate."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:63
msgid "Update symbol fields from new library"
msgstr "Aggiorna campi simboli dalla nuova libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Replace current symbols fields by fields from the new library.\n"
"Warning: fields \"Value\" and \"Footprints\" will be therefore replaced."
msgstr ""
"Sostituisci i campi dei simboli correnti con i campi dalla nuova libreria.\n"
"Attenzione: campi \"Valore\" e \"Impronte\" verranno perciò rimpiazzati."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_edit_symbols_libid_base.h:57
msgid "Symbol Library References"
msgstr "Riferimenti librerie di simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:79
msgid "Run ERC"
msgstr "Avvia ERC"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:93
msgid "Show Annotation dialog"
msgstr "Mostra finestra annotazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:106
msgid "Schematic is not fully annotated. ERC results will be incomplete."
msgstr ""
"Lo schema non è completamente annotato. I risultati ERC saranno incompleti."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:194
msgid "Delete exclusions too?"
msgstr "Cancellare anche le esclusioni?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:194 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:921
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:82
msgid "Delete All Markers"
msgstr "Cancella tutti i marcatori"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:196
msgid "Errors and Warnings Only"
msgstr "Solo errori e avvertimenti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:196
msgid "Errors, Warnings and Exclusions"
msgstr "Errori, avvertimenti ed esclusioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:302
#, c-format
msgid "%d symbol(s) require annotation.<br><br>"
msgstr "%d simboli richiedono annotazione.<br><br>"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:306
msgid "-------- ERC cancelled by user.<br><br>"
msgstr "-------- ERC annullato dall'utente.<br><br>"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:308
msgid "ERC completed.<br><br>"
msgstr "ERC completato.<br><br>"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:356
msgid "Checking sheet names..."
msgstr "Verifica nomi fogli..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:362
msgid "Checking bus conflicts..."
msgstr "Verifica conflitti bus..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:367
msgid "Checking conflicts..."
msgstr "Verifica conflitti..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:374
msgid "Checking footprints..."
msgstr "Verifica impronte..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:378
msgid "Checking pins..."
msgstr "Verifica pin..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:395
msgid "Checking labels..."
msgstr "Verifica etichette..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:401
msgid "Checking for unresolved variables..."
msgstr "Verifica variabili non risolte..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:407
msgid "Checking no connect pins for connections..."
msgstr "Verifica connessioni pin non connessi..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:413
msgid "Checking for library symbol issues..."
msgstr "Verifica problemi simboli di libreria..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:491 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:443
msgid "errors"
msgstr "errori"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:492 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:444
msgid "warnings"
msgstr "avvisi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:493 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:445
msgid "appropriate"
msgstr "appropriato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:498 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:450
msgid "Remove exclusion for this violation"
msgstr "Rimuovi l'esclusione per questa violazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:499 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:451
#, c-format
msgid "It will be placed back in the %s list"
msgstr "Verrà rimesso nuovamente nell'elenco %s"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:503 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:455
msgid "Exclude this violation"
msgstr "Escludi questa violazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:504 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:456
#, c-format
msgid "It will be excluded from the %s list"
msgstr "Verrà escluso dall'elenco %s"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:516 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:469
#, c-format
msgid "Change severity to Error for all '%s' violations"
msgstr "Cambia l'importanza a Errore per tutte le violazioni \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:518 eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:524
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:471 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:478
msgid "Violation severities can also be edited in the Board Setup... dialog"
msgstr ""
"L'importanza delle violazioni può essere modificata anche nella finestra di "
"dialogo di impostazioni della scheda..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:522 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:476
#, c-format
msgid "Change severity to Warning for all '%s' violations"
msgstr "Cambia l'importanza ad Avvertimento per tutte le violazioni \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:527 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:482
#, c-format
msgid "Ignore all '%s' violations"
msgstr "Ignora tutte le violazioni \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:528 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:484
msgid "Violations will not be checked or reported"
msgstr "Le violazioni non saranno controllate o riportate"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:535
msgid "Edit pin-to-pin conflict map..."
msgstr "Modifica la mappa conflitti da-pin-a-pin..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:539 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:489
msgid "Edit violation severities..."
msgstr "Modifica l'importanza delle violazioni..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:540
msgid "Open the Schematic Setup... dialog"
msgstr "Apri la finestra impostazioni schema..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:632
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:72
msgid "Pin Conflicts Map"
msgstr "Mappa conflitti pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:636
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:107 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:594
msgid "Violation Severity"
msgstr "Importanza violazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:759 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:474
#, c-format
msgid "Report file '%s' created."
msgstr "File rapporto \"%s\" creato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:777
#, c-format
msgid "ERC report (%s, Encoding UTF8)\n"
msgstr "Rapporto ERC (%s, codifica UTF8)\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:792
#, c-format
msgid ""
"***** Sheet %s\n"
msgstr ""
"***** Foglio %s\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc.cpp:816
#, c-format
msgid ""
" ** ERC messages: %d Errors %d Warnings %d\n"
msgstr ""
" ** messaggi ERC: %d Errori %d Avvertimenti %d\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:42 gerbview/files.cpp:681
#: gerbview/job_file_reader.cpp:241
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:202
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Messaggi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:48
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:97
msgid "Click on items to highlight them on the board."
msgstr "Fare clic sugli elementi per evidenziarli sul C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:57
msgid "Violations"
msgstr "Violazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:86
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:55
msgid "Exclusions"
msgstr "Esclusioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.cpp:109
msgid "Delete Markers"
msgstr "Cancella marcatori"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_erc_base.h:87 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:45
msgid "Electrical Rules Checker"
msgstr "Controllo Regole Elettriche (ERC)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_field_properties.cpp:131
msgid "Power symbol value field text cannot be changed."
msgstr ""
"Il testo campo valore del simbolo di potenza non può essere modificato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_field_properties.cpp:246
msgid "Illegal reference designator value!"
msgstr "Valore del riferimento illegale!"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_field_properties.cpp:254
msgid "Value may not be empty."
msgstr "Il valore non può essere vuoto."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_field_properties.cpp:336
msgid "Sheet filename can only be modified in Sheet Properties dialog."
msgstr ""
"Il nomefile foglio può essere modificato solo nella finestra delle proprietà "
"del foglio."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:31
msgid "Other symbol fields"
msgstr "Altri campi simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:37
msgid "Wires && wire labels"
msgstr "Connessioni ed etichette connessioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:40
msgid "Buses && bus labels"
msgstr "Bus ed etichette bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:52
msgid "Sheet titles"
msgstr "Titoli fogli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:55
msgid "Other sheet fields"
msgstr "Altri campi fogli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:61
msgid "Sheet borders && backgrounds"
msgstr "Bordi e sfondi fogli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:67
msgid "Schematic text && graphics"
msgstr "Testi e grafiche schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:52
msgid "Filters"
msgstr "Filtri"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:82
msgid "Filter other symbol fields by name:"
msgstr "Filtra altri campi simbolo per nome:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:94
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:72
msgid "Filter items by parent reference designator:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per riferimenti genitori:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:102
msgid "Filter items by parent symbol library id:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per id librerie simboli genitori:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:108
msgid "Filter items by parent symbol type:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per tipo di simboli genitori:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:111
msgid "Non-power symbols"
msgstr "Simboli non di potenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:111
msgid "Power symbols"
msgstr "Simboli di potenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:123
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:51
msgid "Filter items by net:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per connessione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:135
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:77
msgid "Only include selected items"
msgstr "Includi solo gli elementi selezionati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:154
msgid "Set To"
msgstr "Imposta a"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:167
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:153
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:55
msgid "Text size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni testo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:193
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:126
msgid "Up"
msgstr "Sopra"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:193
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:127
msgid "Down"
msgstr "Sotto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:193
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:233
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:255
#: include/base_units.h:48
msgid "-- leave unchanged --"
msgstr "-- abbandona i cambiamenti --"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:229
msgid "H Align (fields only):"
msgstr "Allineamento O (solo campi):"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:245
msgid "Visible (fields only)"
msgstr "Visibile (solo campi)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:251
msgid "V Align (fields only):"
msgstr "Allineamento V (solo campi):"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:291
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:25
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:308
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1246
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1487
msgid "Line width:"
msgstr "Larghezza pista:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:305
msgid "Line color:"
msgstr "Colore linea:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:314
msgid "Line style:"
msgstr "Stile linea:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:330
msgid "Sheet background color:"
msgstr "Colore di sfondo del foglio:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:339
msgid "Junction size:"
msgstr "Dimensione giunzione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:353
msgid "Junction color:"
msgstr "Colore giunzione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.h:110
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.h:95
msgid "Edit Text and Graphic Properties"
msgstr "Modifica testo e proprietà grafiche"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:31
msgid "symbol"
msgstr "simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:60
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error occurred writing empty symbol library table.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nella scrittura tabella librerie simboli vuota.\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:74
msgid "Please select a symbol library table file."
msgstr "Selezionare il file tabella librerie simboli."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:250
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' not found."
msgstr "File \"%s\" non trovato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:96
#, c-format
msgid ""
"'%s' is not a valid symbol library table.\n"
msgstr ""
"Il file \"%s\" non è un file tabella librerie di simboli valido.\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:115
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot copy global symbol library table file '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile copiare il file tabella librerie di simboli globale \"%s\" a \"%s"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_global_sym_lib_table_config.cpp:132
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading global symbol library table.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvare la tabella librerie simboli globale:\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.cpp:27
msgid "Diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.cpp:38
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:44
msgid "Color:"
msgstr "Colore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.cpp:61
msgid "Set diameter to 0 to use schematic junction dot size."
msgstr ""
"Imposta il diametro a 0 per usare la dimensione punto di giunzione "
"dell'editor degli schemi."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.cpp:65
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:80
msgid "Set color to transparent to use Schematic Editor colors."
msgstr ""
"Imposta il colore a trasparente per usare i colori dell'editor degli schemi."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_junction_props_base.h:59
msgid "Junction Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà giunzione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:51
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:45
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:138 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1040
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:203
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Numero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:53
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:47
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:51
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:227
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:141
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:267
msgid "Electrical Type"
msgstr "Tipo elettrico"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:54
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:48
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:52
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:228
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:142
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:268
msgid "Graphic Style"
msgstr "Stile grafico"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:55
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:49
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:64
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:58
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:61
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:207 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1050
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:212
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2364 pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1637
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "Orientamento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:56
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:50
msgid "Number Text Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni testo numero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:57
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:51
msgid "Name Text Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni testo nome"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:59
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:53
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:65
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:59
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:62
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:208
msgid "X Position"
msgstr "Posizione X"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:60
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:54
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:66
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:60
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:63
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:209
msgid "Y Position"
msgstr "Posizione Y"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:496
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties.cpp:47
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:91
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties.cpp:56
msgid "Read Only"
msgstr "Sola lettura"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table.cpp:756
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:1204
msgid "Save changes?"
msgstr "Salva i cambiamenti?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:86
msgid "Group by name"
msgstr "Raggruppa per nome"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:95
msgid "Pin numbers:"
msgstr "Numero pin:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.cpp:99
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:85
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:220
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:254
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:64
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:85
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:90
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:92
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:28
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:340
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:341
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:88
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_edit_pin_table_base.h:70
msgid "Pin Table"
msgstr "Tabella pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:33
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:123
msgid "Symbol name:"
msgstr "Nome simbolo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:35
msgid ""
"The symbol name in library and also the default\n"
"symbol value when loaded in the schematic."
msgstr ""
"Il nome del simbolo nella libreria ed anche il valore\n"
"predefinito del simbolo quando viene caricato nello schema."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:42
msgid "Derive from existing symbol:"
msgstr "Deriva da simbolo esistente:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:46
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:68
msgid "Combo!"
msgstr "Combo!"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:47
msgid ""
"Select symbol in the current library as parent symbol.\n"
"This was previously known as an alias. Do not select\n"
"an existing symbol to create a new root symbol."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona simbolo nella libreria corrente come simbolo genitore.\n"
"Ciò veniva chiamato in precedenza fare un alias. Non selezionare\n"
"un simbolo esistente se si vuole creare un nuovo simbolo radice."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:51
msgid "Default reference designator:"
msgstr "Designatore di riferimento predefinito:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:55
msgid "U"
msgstr "U"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:58
msgid "Number of units per package:"
msgstr "Numero di &parti per contenitore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:71
msgid "Units are not interchangeable"
msgstr "Le unità non sono intercambiabili"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:72
msgid ""
"Check this option to allow symbols with multiple units to have different\n"
"elements. Uncheck this option when all symbol units are identical except\n"
"for pin numbers."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona questa opzione per consentire ai simboli con più unità di avere\n"
"elementi diversi. Deseleziona questa opzione quando tutte le unità dei\n"
"simboli sono identiche ad eccezione dei numeri pin."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:76
msgid "Create symbol with alternate body style (De Morgan)"
msgstr "Crea simbolo con stile corpo alternativo (De Morgan)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:79
msgid "Create symbol as power symbol"
msgstr "Crea simbolo come simbolo di potenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:82
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:178
msgid "Exclude from schematic bill of materials"
msgstr "Escludi dalla distinta materiali dello schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:85
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:181
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:199
msgid "Exclude from board"
msgstr "Escludi dalla scheda"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:103
msgid "Pin name position offset:"
msgstr "Scostamento posizione nome pin:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:120
msgid "Show pin number text"
msgstr "Mostra testo numero pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:124
msgid "Show pin name text"
msgstr "Mostra testo nome pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.cpp:128
msgid "Pin name inside"
msgstr "Nome pin interno"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_new_symbol_base.h:74
msgid "New Symbol"
msgstr "Nuovo simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:39
msgid "Do not fill"
msgstr "Non riempire"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:39
msgid "Fill with body outline color"
msgstr "Riempi con il colore del contorno del corpo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:39
msgid "Fill with body background color"
msgstr "Riempi con il colore dello sfondo del corpo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:41
msgid "Fill Style"
msgstr "Stile riempimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:45
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:167
msgid "Common to all &units in symbol"
msgstr "Comune a tutte le &unità nel simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.cpp:48
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:170
msgid "Common to all body &styles (De Morgan)"
msgstr "Comune a tutti gli &stili corpo (De Morgan)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_shape_properties_base.h:51
msgid "Drawing Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà grafiche"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:232
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:563
msgid "References must start with a letter."
msgstr "I riferimenti devono cominciare con una lettera."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:252
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:194
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:580
msgid "Fields must have a name."
msgstr "I campi devono avere un nome."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:269
msgid "Aliased symbol must have a parent selected"
msgstr "Un simbolo alias deve avere un parente selezionato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:281
msgid "Delete extra units from symbol?"
msgstr "Cancellare le unità ulteriori dal simbolo?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:287
msgid "Delete alternate body style (De Morgan) from symbol?"
msgstr "Eliminare stile corpo alternativo (De Morgan) dal simbolo?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:315
#, c-format
msgid "The name '%s' conflicts with an existing entry in the library '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Il nome \"%s\" è in conflitto con una voce esistente nella libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:431
#, c-format
msgid "The name '%s' is already in use."
msgstr "Il nome \"%s\" è già in uso."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:505
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:709
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:845
#, c-format
msgid "The first %d fields are mandatory."
msgstr "I primi %d campi sono obbligatori."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:633
msgid "Add Footprint Filter"
msgstr "Aggiungi filtro impronta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties.cpp:676
msgid "Edit Footprint Filter"
msgstr "Modifica filtro impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:30
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:24
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:27
msgid "Fields"
msgstr "Campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:58
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:52
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:687
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:55
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:201
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model_base.cpp:39
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:90
msgid "Show"
msgstr "Mostra"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:59
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:53
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:56
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:202
msgid "H Align"
msgstr "All. Oriz."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:60
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:54
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:57
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:203
msgid "V Align"
msgstr "All. Vert."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:63
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:57
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:60
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:206 eeschema/lib_field.cpp:435
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:353 eeschema/sch_field.cpp:589
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:771
msgid "Text Size"
msgstr "Dim. testo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:85
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:80
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:83
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Aggiungi campo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:90
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:85
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:88
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:115
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:111
msgid "Move up"
msgstr "Sposta in alto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:95
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:90
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:93
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:116
msgid "Move down"
msgstr "Sposta in basso"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:98
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:101
msgid "Delete field"
msgstr "Cancella campo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:131
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:114
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Descrizione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:138
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:121
msgid "Keywords:"
msgstr "Parole chiave:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:145
msgid "Derive from symbol:"
msgstr "Deriva dal simbolo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:149
msgid "<None>"
msgstr "<No>"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:150
msgid ""
"Select symbol to derive this symbol from or select\n"
"<None> for root symbol.\n"
"Derived symbols were formerly referred to as aliases.\n"
"This is no longer the case and all symbols are either\n"
"derived from another symbols or they stand alone as\n"
"root symbols."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona simbolo da cui derivare questo simbolo o seleziona\n"
"<nessuno> per un simbolo radice.\n"
"I simboli derivati venivano chiamati in precedenza alias.\n"
"Ora non è più così e tutti i simboli possono essere solo\n"
"o derivati da altri simboli o essere a sé stanti come\n"
"simboli radice."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:168
msgid "Has alternate body style (De Morgan)"
msgstr "Possiede stile corpo alternativo (De Morgan)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:169
msgid "Check this option if the symbol has an alternate body style (De Morgan)"
msgstr ""
"Spuntare questa opzione se il simbolo ha uno stile alternativo (De Morgan)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:173
msgid "Define as power symbol"
msgstr "Imposta come simbolo di potenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid ""
"Setting this option makes the symbol in question appear in the\n"
"\"add power port\" dialog. It will lock the value text to protect it\n"
"from editing in Eeschema. The symbol will not be included in\n"
"the BOM and cannot be assigned a footprint."
msgstr ""
"Impostando quest'opzione si fa in modo che il simbolo in questione appaia "
"finestra di dialogo \"aggiungi porta di potenza\". Bloccherà il valore\n"
"del testo per proteggerlo dalla modifica in Eeschema. Il simbolo non sarà\n"
"incluso nella distinta materiali e non può essere assegnato ad una impronta."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:187
msgid "Number of Units:"
msgstr "Numero di unità:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:189
msgid "Enter the number of units for a symbol that contains more than one unit"
msgstr "Inserire il numero di unità per un simbolo che ne contiene più di una"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:199
msgid "All units are interchangeable"
msgstr "Tutte le parti sono intercambiabili"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:200
msgid ""
"Check this option when all symbol units are identical except\n"
"for pin numbers."
msgstr ""
"Spuntare questa opzione quando tutti i simboli di unità\n"
"sono identici eccetto per i numeri di pin."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:214
msgid "Pin Text Options"
msgstr "Opzioni testo pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:216
msgid "Show pin number"
msgstr "Mostra numero piedino"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:218
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:178
msgid "Show or hide pin numbers"
msgstr "Mostrare o nascondere il numero del piedino"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:222
msgid "Show pin name"
msgstr "Mostra nome piedino"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:224
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:184
msgid "Show or hide pin names"
msgstr "Mostrare o nascondere il nome del piedino"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:231
msgid "Place pin names inside"
msgstr "Nome piedino interno"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:233
msgid ""
"Check this option to have pin names inside the body and pin number outside.\n"
"If not checked pins names and pins numbers are outside."
msgstr ""
"Spuntare questa opzione per inserire il nome piedino dentro il corpo e il "
"numero fuori.\n"
"Se non viene selezionata verranno entrambi posizionati fuori."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:240
msgid "Position offset:"
msgstr "Posizione scostamento:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:242
msgid "Margin between the pin name position and the symbol body."
msgstr "Margine tra la posizione del nome del pin e il corpo del simbolo."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:249
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:133
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:137
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:141
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:145
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:149
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:147
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:147
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:156
msgid "units"
msgstr "unità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:280
msgid "Footprint filters:"
msgstr "Filtri impronte:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:282
msgid ""
"A list of footprints names that can be used for this symbol.\n"
"Footprints names can used wildcards like sm* to allow all footprints names "
"starting by sm."
msgstr ""
"Un elenco di nomi di impronte che possono essere usati per questo simbolo.\n"
"I nomi delle impronte possono usare caratteri jolly, come per esempio sm* "
"per cercare impronte che iniziano con sm."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:293
msgid "Add footprint filter"
msgstr "Aggiungi filtro impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:298
msgid "Edit footprint filter"
msgstr "Modifica filtro impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:306
msgid "Delete footprint filter"
msgstr "Cancella filtro impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:320
msgid "Footprint Filters"
msgstr "Filtri impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.cpp:333
msgid "Edit Spice Model..."
msgstr "Modifica modello Spice..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_symbol_properties_base.h:115
msgid "Library Symbol Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà libreria di simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:28
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:37
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:24
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "Testo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:72
#, c-format
msgid "(%s)"
msgstr "(%s)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:170
msgid "Position X:"
msgstr "Posizione X:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:117
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:168 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:424
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:542
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:142
msgid "Horizontal"
msgstr "Orizzontale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:117
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:169 eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:425
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:544
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:142
msgid "Vertical"
msgstr "Verticale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:123
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:259
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:198
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:181
msgid "Position Y:"
msgstr "Posizione Y:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:143
msgid "H Align:"
msgstr "Allinea O:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:173
msgid "V Align:"
msgstr "Allinea V:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:189
msgid "Common to all units"
msgstr "Comune a tutte le unità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.cpp:192
msgid "Common to all body styles"
msgstr "Comune a tutti gli stili del corpo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_lib_text_properties_base.h:81
msgid "Text Item Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà elemento testo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties.cpp:53
msgid "Leave unchanged"
msgstr "Lascia non modificato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:64
msgid "Style:"
msgstr "Stile:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.cpp:76
msgid "Set width to 0 to use Netclass line widths."
msgstr "Imposta la larghezza a 0 per usare le larghezze righe della netclass."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_line_wire_bus_properties_base.h:67
msgid "Line, Wire & Bus Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà linea, filo e bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses.cpp:102
msgid "Conflicting Labels"
msgstr "Etichette in conflitto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses.cpp:103
msgid "New Label"
msgstr "Nuova etichetta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses.cpp:104
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:85
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:120 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:289
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:894 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:351 pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:339
#: pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:155 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:118 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:807
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:607
msgid "Status"
msgstr "Stato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses.cpp:215
msgid "Updated"
msgstr "Aggiornato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses_base.cpp:19
msgid ""
"This schematic has one or more buses with more than one label.\n"
"This was allowed in previous KiCad versions but is no longer permitted."
msgstr ""
"Questo schema ha uno o più bus con più di una etichetta.\n"
"Ciò era permesso nelle precedenti versioni di KiCad ma non lo è più."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses_base.cpp:23
msgid ""
"Please select a new name for each of the buses below.\n"
"A name has been suggested for you based on the labels attached to the bus."
msgstr ""
"Selezionare un nuovo nome per ognuno dei bus sottostanti.\n"
"Viene suggerito un nome in base alle etichette connesse al bus."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses_base.cpp:32
msgid "Proposed new name:"
msgstr "Nuovo nome proposto:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses_base.cpp:45
msgid "Accept Name"
msgstr "Accetta nome"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_migrate_buses_base.h:53
msgid "Migrate Buses"
msgstr "Migrazione bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:268
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.h:69
msgid "Export Netlist"
msgstr "Esporta netlist"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:300
msgid "Simulator requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr "La simulazione richiede uno schema completamente annotato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:326
msgid "Reformat passive symbol values"
msgstr "Riformatta i valori dei simboli passivi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:327
msgid "Reformat passive symbol values e.g. 1M -> 1Meg"
msgstr "Riformatta i valori dei simboli passivi come ad es. 1M -> 1Meg"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:332
msgid "External simulator command:"
msgstr "Comando simulatore esterno:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:333
msgid ""
"Enter the command line to run spice\n"
"Usually <path to spice binary> %I\n"
"%I will be replaced by the actual spice netlist name"
msgstr ""
"Inserire il comando per eseguire spice\n"
"Solitamente <percorso per il binario spice> %I\n"
"%I verrà rimpiazzato dal nome netlist spice corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:347
msgid "Create Netlist and Run Simulator Command"
msgstr "Crea netlist ed esegui comando di simulazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:398
msgid "Netlist command:"
msgstr "Comando netlist:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:444
msgid "Save Netlist File"
msgstr "Salva file netlist"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:477
#, c-format
msgid "%s Export"
msgstr "%s Esporta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:506
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_generator.cpp:54
msgid "Exporting netlist requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr ""
"L'esportazione della netlist richiede uno schema completamente annotato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:629
msgid "This plugin already exists."
msgstr "Questo pluging esiste già."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:662
msgid "You must provide a netlist generator command string"
msgstr "Bisogna fornire una stringa di comando al generatore di netlist"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:668
msgid "You must provide a netlist generator title"
msgstr "Bisogna fornire un titolo al generatore di netlist"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:39
msgid "Add Generator..."
msgstr "Aggiungi generatore..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:42
msgid "Remove Generator"
msgstr "Elimina generatore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:83
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:28
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:645
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager_base.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1001
msgid "Name:"
msgstr "Nome:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:90
msgid "Command line to run the generator:"
msgstr "Riga di comando di esecuzione del generatore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:105
msgid "Browse Generators..."
msgstr "Sfoglia generatori..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.h:107
msgid "Script Generator Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà dello script generatore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:50
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:226
msgid "Alternate Pin Name"
msgstr "Nome pin alternativo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:145
msgid "Synchronized pins edit mode, and this pin is new"
msgstr "Modalità modifica pin sincronizzati, e questo pin è nuovo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:146
msgid ""
"Similar pins will be automatically added to other units, if this pin is not "
"common to all units"
msgstr ""
"Pin simili verranno automaticamente aggiunti ad altre unità, se questo pin "
"non è comune a tutte le unità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:151
msgid "Synchronized pins edit mode"
msgstr "Modalità modifica pin sincronizzati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:152
msgid ""
"Similar pins at the same location will be edited. Pin number of other pins "
"will be not modified"
msgstr ""
"Pin simili nella stessa posizione verranno modificati. Il numero pin degli "
"altri pin non verrà modificato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:206
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:334
msgid "Alternate pin assignments are not available for De Morgan symbols."
msgstr "Assegnazioni pin alternative non disponibili per i simboli De Morgan."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:283
msgid "This symbol only has one unit. This control has no effect."
msgstr "Questo simbolo ha solo una unità. Questa opzione non ha effetto."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:285
msgid ""
"Synchronized pin edit mode is enabled.\n"
"Similar pins will be edited, regardless this option."
msgstr ""
"La modalità di modifica pin sincronizzati è abilitata.\n"
"Pin simili verranno modificati, indipendentemente da questa opzione."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:288
msgid "If checked, this pin will exist in all units."
msgstr "Se selezionata, questo pin esisterà in tutte le unità."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:309
msgid "Alternate pin definitions must have a name."
msgstr "Le definizioni di pin alternative devono avere un nome."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid ""
"This pin is not on a %d mils grid which will make it\n"
"difficult to connect to in the schematic.\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Questo pin non è su una griglia di %d mils e ciò renderà\n"
"difficile la sua connessione in uno schema elettrico.\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:32
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:36
msgid "info"
msgstr "info"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:57
msgid "Pin &name:"
msgstr "&Nome pin:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:64
msgid "Pin num&ber:"
msgstr "Numero pin (&b):"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:66
msgid "Pin number: 1 to 4 ASCII letters and/or digits"
msgstr "Numero pin: da 1 a 4 lettere e/o numeri ASCII"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:73
msgid "&X position:"
msgstr "Posizione &X:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:82
msgid "&Y position:"
msgstr "Posizione &Y:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:89
msgid "&Pin length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza &pin:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:96
msgid "N&ame text size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni testo n&ome:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:103
msgid "Number text si&ze:"
msgstr "Dimen&sioni testo numero:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:110
msgid "Electrical type:"
msgstr "Tipo elettrico:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:112
msgid "Used by the ERC."
msgstr "Usato dal controllo regole."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:119
msgid "Graphic style:"
msgstr "Stile grafico:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:176
msgid "&Visible"
msgstr "&Visibile"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:190
msgid "Preview:"
msgstr "Anteprima:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.cpp:201
msgid "Alternate pin definitions"
msgstr "Definizioni alternative di pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_pin_properties_base.h:107
msgid "Pin Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà piedino"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:111
msgid "Plot All Pages"
msgstr "Traccia tutte le pagine"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:112
msgid "Plot Current Page"
msgstr "Traccia pagina corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:215
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:207
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:297 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:209
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:546
msgid "Select Output Directory"
msgstr "Seleziona percorso di uscita"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:306 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:396
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Do you want to use a path relative to\n"
msgstr ""
"Usare un percorso relativo a\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:214
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:308
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:316 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:398
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:227
msgid "Plot Output Directory"
msgstr "Cartella risultati tracciature"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:277
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:59
msgid "Schematic size"
msgstr "Dimensioni dello schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:283
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:76
msgid "A5"
msgstr "A5"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:284
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:299
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:59
msgid "A4"
msgstr "A4"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:285
msgid "A3"
msgstr "A3"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:286
msgid "A2"
msgstr "A2"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:287
msgid "A1"
msgstr "A1"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:288
msgid "A0"
msgstr "A0"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:289
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:300
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:59
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:38
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:120
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:284
msgid "A"
msgstr "A"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:290
msgid "B"
msgstr "B"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:291
msgid "C"
msgstr "C"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:292
msgid "D"
msgstr "D"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:293
msgid "E"
msgstr "E"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:432
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:917
msgid "Schematic"
msgstr "Schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:438
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to write plot files to folder '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere i file tracciatura nella cartella \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:512
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:683
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1032
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1164
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:908
#, c-format
msgid "Plotted to '%s'."
msgstr "Tracciato su \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:532
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:699
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:874
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1050
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:456 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:929
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_Excellon_writer.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_gerber_writer.cpp:124
msgid "Done."
msgstr "Fatto."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:872
#, c-format
msgid "Plotted to '%s'.\n"
msgstr "Tracciato su \"%s\".\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1177
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fatto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1249
#, c-format
msgid "Falling back to user path '%s'."
msgstr "Ricorso al percorso utente \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1270
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1308
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot normalize path '%s%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile normalizzare il percorso \"%s%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic.cpp:1295
msgid "No project or path defined for the current schematic."
msgstr "Nessun percorso o progetto definiti per lo schema corrente."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:24
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:24
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:36
msgid "Output directory:"
msgstr "Percorso del progetto:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:29
msgid ""
"Target directory for plot files. Can be absolute or relative to the "
"schematic main file location."
msgstr ""
"Percorso di destinazione per i file di tracciatura. Può essere assuluto o "
"relativo alla posizione del file principale dello schema."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "Postscript"
msgstr "Postscript"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "PDF"
msgstr "PDF"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "SVG"
msgstr "SVG"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "DXF"
msgstr "DXF"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "HPGL"
msgstr "HPGL"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:55
msgid "Page size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni pagina:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:65
msgid "Plot drawing sheet"
msgstr "Stampa foglio di disegno"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:67
msgid "Plot the drawing sheet border and title block"
msgstr "Stampa la squadratura foglio di disegno e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:76
msgid "Black and White"
msgstr "Bianco e nero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:82
msgid "Plot background color"
msgstr "Stampa il colore dello sfondo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:83
msgid "Plot the background color if the output format supports it"
msgstr "Traccia il colore dello sfondo se il formato d'uscita lo supporta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:87
msgid "Color theme:"
msgstr "Tema colori:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:94
msgid "Select the color theme to use for plotting"
msgstr "Seleziona il tema colori da usare per la tracciatura"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:186
msgid "Default line width:"
msgstr "Larghezza linea predefinita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:103
msgid ""
"Selection of the default pen thickness used to draw items, when their "
"thickness is set to 0."
msgstr ""
"Selezione dello spessore predefinito della penna usata per disegnare gli "
"elementi, quando lo spessore è impostato a 0."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:119
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:254
msgid "HPGL Options"
msgstr "Opzioni HPGL"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:126
msgid "Position and units:"
msgstr "Posizione e unità:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:130
msgid "Bottom left, plotter units"
msgstr "Basso a sinistra, unità plotter"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:130
msgid "Centered, plotter units"
msgstr "Centrato, unità plotter"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:130
msgid "Page fit, user units"
msgstr "Giusto alla pagina, unità utente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:130
msgid "Content fit, user units"
msgstr "Giusto al contenuto, unità utente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.cpp:136
msgid "Pen width:"
msgstr "Spessore penna:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_plot_schematic_base.h:86
msgid "Plot Schematic Options"
msgstr "Opzioni tracciatura schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:326
msgid "Print Schematic"
msgstr "Stampa schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:333
msgid "An error occurred attempting to print the schematic."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la stampa dello schema."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer.cpp:358
#, c-format
msgid "Print page %d"
msgstr "Stampa pagina %d"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:22
msgid "Print sheet &reference and title block"
msgstr "Stampa squad&ratura e riquadro iscrizioni del foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:24
msgid "Print (or not) the Frame references."
msgstr "Stampa (o no) la squadratura."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:28
msgid "Print in &black and white only"
msgstr "Stampa in &bianco e nero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:211
msgid "Print background color"
msgstr "Stampa il colore dello sfondo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_print_using_printer_base.cpp:35
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:216
msgid "Use a different color theme for printing:"
msgstr "Usa uno schema colori diverso per la stampa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:103
msgid ""
"This schematic was made using older symbol libraries which may break the "
"schematic. Some symbols may need to be linked to a different symbol name. "
"Some symbols may need to be \"rescued\" (copied and renamed) into a new "
"The following changes are recommended to update the project."
msgstr ""
"Questo progetto è stato fatto usando vecchie librerie di simboli che "
"potrebbero rovinare lo schema. Alcuni simboli potrebbero dover essere "
"collegati ad un nome simbolo diverso. Potrebbe essere necessario \"recuperare"
"\" (copiare e rinominare) alcuni simboli in una nuova libreria.\n"
"I seguenti cambiamenti sono raccomandati per aggiornare il progetto."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:110
msgid "Accept"
msgstr "Accetta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:124
msgid "Symbol Name"
msgstr "Nome simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:128
msgid "Action Taken"
msgstr "Azione presa"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:132
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:958
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1376 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1423
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2360 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:271
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Riferimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:231
#, c-format
msgid "Instances of this symbol (%d items):"
msgstr "Istanze di questo simbolo (%d elementi):"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:293
msgid ""
"Stop showing this tool?\n"
"No changes will be made.\n"
"This setting can be changed from the \"Symbol Libraries\" dialog,\n"
"and the tool can be activated manually from the \"Tools\" menu."
msgstr ""
"Smettere di mostrare questo strumento?\n"
"Nessun cambiamento verrà effettuato.\n"
"Questa impostazione può essere modificata dalla finestra \"Librerie di "
"e lo strumento può essere attivato manualmente dal menu \"Strumenti\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each.cpp:297
msgid "Rescue Symbols"
msgstr "Recupera simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.cpp:28
msgid "Symbols to update:"
msgstr "Simboli da aggiornare:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.cpp:37
msgid "Instances of this symbol:"
msgstr "Istanze di questo simbolo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.cpp:55
msgid "Cached Symbol:"
msgstr "Simbolo cache:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.cpp:76
msgid "Library Symbol:"
msgstr "Simbolo libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.cpp:100
msgid "Never Show Again"
msgstr "Non mostrarlo più"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_rescue_each_base.h:67
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:569 eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:584
msgid "Project Rescue Helper"
msgstr "Assistente recupero progetto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings.cpp:43
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.h:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.h:66
msgid "Import Settings"
msgstr "Importa impostazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:116
msgid "Import Settings From"
msgstr "Importa impostazioni da"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:128
msgid "File not found."
msgstr "File non trovato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:22
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Import from:"
msgstr "Importa da:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:41
msgid ""
"Target directory for plot files. Can be absolute or relative to the board "
"file location."
msgstr ""
"Cartella di destinazione per file di tracciatura. Può essere assoluto o "
"relativo alla posizione del file della scheda."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:45
msgid "Import:"
msgstr "Importa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:48
msgid "Formatting preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze formattazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:51
msgid "Field name templates"
msgstr "Modelli nomi campi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:54
msgid "Pin conflict map"
msgstr "Mappa conflitti pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:57
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:64
msgid "Violation severities"
msgstr "Importanza violazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sch_import_settings_base.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:67
msgid "Net classes"
msgstr "Netclass"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:31
msgid "&Search for:"
msgstr "&Cerca:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:36
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:33
msgid "Text with optional wildcards"
msgstr "Testo con caratteri jolly opzionali"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:41
msgid "Replace &with:"
msgstr "Sostituisci &con:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:52
msgid "Direction:"
msgstr "Direzione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:61
msgid "F&orward"
msgstr "&Avanti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:66
msgid "&Backward"
msgstr "&Indietro"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:82
msgid "&Match case"
msgstr "Distingue &maiuscole dalle minuscole"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:85
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:46
msgid "Words"
msgstr "Parole"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:49
msgid "Wildcards"
msgstr "Caratteri jolly"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:92
msgid "Search pin &names and numbers"
msgstr "Cerca &nomi e numeri piedini"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:95
msgid "Search hidden fields"
msgstr "Cerca campi nascosti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:98
msgid "Search the current &sheet only"
msgstr "Cerca &soltanto nel foglio corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:101
msgid "Replace matches in reference designators"
msgstr "Sostituisci corrispondenze nei designatori di riferimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:115
msgid "&Find"
msgstr "Tro&va"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:120
msgid "&Replace"
msgstr "&Rimpiazza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_find_base.cpp:125
msgid "Replace &All"
msgstr "Rimpiazz&a tutti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:40
msgid "Schematic Setup"
msgstr "Impostazioni schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:41
msgid "Import Settings from Another Project..."
msgstr "Imposta impostazioni da un'altro progetto..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:67
msgid "Formatting"
msgstr "Formattazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:68
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:72
msgid "Field Name Templates"
msgstr "Modelli di nome campo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:70
msgid "Electrical Rules"
msgstr "Regole Elettriche"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:74
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1005
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:668
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:517
msgid "Project"
msgstr "Progetto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:498
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:118
msgid "Net Classes"
msgstr "Netclass"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:100
msgid "Text Variables"
msgstr "Variabili testo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:90
msgid "Project is missing or read-only. Settings will not be editable."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto manca o è in sola lettura. Le impostazioni non saranno "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_schematic_setup.cpp:156
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error importing settings from project:\n"
"Project file %s could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
"Errore nel'importazione impostazioni da progetto:\n"
"File progetto %s impossibile da caricare."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties.cpp:36
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:51 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:570
msgid "Input"
msgstr "Ingresso"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties.cpp:37
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:52 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:571
msgid "Output"
msgstr "Uscita"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties.cpp:38
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:53 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:572
msgid "Bidirectional"
msgstr "Bidirezionale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties.cpp:39
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:54
msgid "Tri-state"
msgstr "Tri-state"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties.cpp:40
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:199
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:55 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:574
msgid "Passive"
msgstr "Passivo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:38
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_base.cpp:33
msgid "Syntax help"
msgstr "Aiuto sintattico"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:39
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_base.cpp:34
msgid "Show syntax help window"
msgstr "Mostra finestra di aiuto sintassi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.cpp:66
msgid "Connection type:"
msgstr "Tipo di connessione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_pin_properties_base.h:62
msgid "Sheet Pin Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà punto di connessione tra fogli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:249
msgid "A sheet must have a valid file name."
msgstr "Un foglio deve avere un nome file valido."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:259
msgid "Sheet file must have a '.kicad_sch' extension."
msgstr "Il file foglio deve avere estensione \".kicad_sch\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:293
msgid "Use relative path for sheet file?"
msgstr "Usare un percorso relativo per il file foglio?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:294
msgid "Sheet File Path"
msgstr "Percorso file foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:297
msgid ""
"Using relative hierarchical sheet file name paths improves schematic "
"portability across systems and platforms. Using absolute paths can result "
"in portability issues."
msgstr ""
"L'uso di percorsi relativi ai nomi dei file di fogli gerarchici migliora la "
"portabilità degli schemi tra sistemi e piattaforme. L'uso di percorsi "
"assoluti può causare problemi di portabilità."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:301
msgid "Use Relative Path"
msgstr "Usa percorso relativo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:302
msgid "Use Absolute Path"
msgstr "Usa percorso assoluto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:333
msgid "Untitled Sheet"
msgstr "Foglio senza titolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:359
msgid "Note: item colors are overridden in the current color theme."
msgstr ""
"Nota: i colori degli elementi vengono scavalcati nel tema colore corrente."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:361
#, c-format
msgid ""
"To see individual item colors uncheck '%s'\n"
"in Preferences > Eeschema > Colors."
msgstr ""
"Per visualizzare i colori dei singoli articoli deseleziona \"%s\"\n"
"in Preferenze > Eeschema > Colori."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:407
#, c-format
msgid "The file '%s' does not appear to be a valid schematic file."
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non sembra essere un file di schema elettrico valido."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:409
msgid "Invalid Schematic File"
msgstr "File di schema non valido"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:427
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot normalize new sheet schematic file path:\n"
"against parent sheet schematic file path:\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile normalizzare il percorso del file schema del nuovo foglio:\n"
"rispetto al percorso file schema foglio genitore:\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:469
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:557
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' already exists."
msgstr "\"%s\" esiste già."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:472
#, c-format
msgid "Link '%s' to this file?"
msgstr "Collegare \"%s\" a questo file?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:512
#, c-format
msgid "Change '%s' link from '%s' to '%s'?"
msgstr "Cambiare in \"%s\" il collegamento da \"%s\" a \"%s\"?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:517
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:533
msgid "This action cannot be undone."
msgstr "Quest'azione non può essere annullata."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:529
#, c-format
msgid "Create new file '%s' with contents of '%s'?"
msgstr "Crare un nuovo file \"%s\" con i contenuti di \"%s\"?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:563
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred saving schematic file '%s'."
msgstr "Errore durante il salvataggio del file dello schema \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:567
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to save schematic '%s'"
msgstr "Fallito il salvataggio dello schema \"%s\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:649
msgid "A sheet must have a name."
msgstr "Un foglio deve avere un nome."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:657
msgid "A sheet must have a file specified."
msgstr "Un foglio deve avere un file specificato."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties.cpp:804
msgid "Hierarchical path: "
msgstr "Percorso gerarchico: "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:115
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:128
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:433 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1042
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1044 eeschema/lib_text.cpp:351
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:587 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:205
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:769
msgid "Style"
msgstr "Stile"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:117
msgid "Border width:"
msgstr "Larghezza bordo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:131
msgid "Border color:"
msgstr "Colore bordo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:144
msgid "Background fill:"
msgstr "Riempimento sfondo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:165
msgid "Page number:"
msgstr "Numero pagina:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.cpp:184
msgid "Hierarchical path:"
msgstr "Percorso gerarchico:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sheet_properties_base.h:79
msgid "Sheet Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_signal_list_base.cpp:27
msgid "Add signal by name:"
msgstr "Aggiungi segnale per nome:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:113
msgid "You need to select DC source"
msgstr "Bisogna selezionare la sorgente DC"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:217
msgid "Source 1 and Source 2 must be different"
msgstr "Sorgente 1 e Sorgente 2 devono essere diverse"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:281
msgid "No valid simulation is configured."
msgstr "Non è configurata alcuna simulazione valida."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:284
msgid ""
"A valid simulation can be configured by selecting a simulation tab, setting "
"the simulation parameters and clicking the OK button with the tab selected."
msgstr ""
"È possibile configurare una simulazione valida selezionando una scheda di "
"simulazione, impostando i parametri di simulazione e facendo clic sul "
"pulsante OK con la scheda selezionata."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:288
msgid "Exit Without Valid Simulation"
msgstr "Esci senza simulazione valida"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:289
msgid "Configure Valid Simulation"
msgstr "Chiudi simulazione valida"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:587
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:146
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:155
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:166
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:175
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:186
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:195
msgid "Volts"
msgstr "Volt"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:588
msgid "Amperes"
msgstr "Ampere"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings.cpp:589
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:66
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:77
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:115
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:126
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:137
msgid "Ohms"
msgstr "Ohm"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:27
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:266
msgid "Decade"
msgstr "Decade"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:27
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:266
msgid "Octave"
msgstr "Ottava"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:27
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:266
msgid "Linear"
msgstr "Lineare"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:29
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:268
msgid "Frequency scale"
msgstr "Scala frequenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:43
msgid "Number of points:"
msgstr "Numero di punti:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:53
msgid "Start frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza iniziale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:60
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:71
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:706
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:728
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:797
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:808
msgid "Hertz"
msgstr "Hertz"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:64
msgid "Stop frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza finale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:85
msgid "AC"
msgstr "AC"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:98
msgid "Source 2"
msgstr "Sorgente 2"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:109
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:120
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:136
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:170
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:268
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:244
msgid "V"
msgstr "V"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:109
msgid "I"
msgstr "I"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:109
msgid "R"
msgstr "R"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:109
msgid "TEMP"
msgstr "TEMP"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:115
msgid "Source:"
msgstr "Sorgente:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:119
msgid "Sweep type:"
msgstr "Tipo di sweep:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:123
msgid "Source 1"
msgstr "Sorgente 1"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:139
msgid "Starting value:"
msgstr "Valore iniziale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:159
msgid "Final value:"
msgstr "Valore finale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:179
msgid "Increment step:"
msgstr "Passo incrementale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:199
msgid "Swap sources"
msgstr "Scambia sorgenti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:212
msgid "DC Transfer"
msgstr "Trasferimento DC"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:214
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:67
msgid "Distortion"
msgstr "Distorsione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:229
msgid "Measured node"
msgstr "Nodo misurato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:239
msgid "Reference node"
msgstr "Nodo di riferimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:246
msgid "(optional; default GND)"
msgstr "(opzionale; valore predefinito GND)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:250
msgid "Noise source"
msgstr "Sorgente disturbo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:280
msgid "Number of points"
msgstr "Numero di punti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:287
msgid "Start frequency [Hz]"
msgstr "Frequenza iniziale [Hz]"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:294
msgid "Stop frequency [Hz]"
msgstr "Frequenza finale [Hz]"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:311
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:70
msgid "Noise"
msgstr "Disturbo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:319
msgid "This tab has no settings"
msgstr "Questa scheda non ha impostazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:330
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:55
msgid "Operating Point"
msgstr "Punto operativo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:334
msgid "Pole-Zero"
msgstr "Polo-zero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:338
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:76
msgid "Sensitivity"
msgstr "Sensibilità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:342
msgid "Transfer Function"
msgstr "Funzione di trasferimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:355
msgid "Time step:"
msgstr "Passo temporale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:362
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:376
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:390
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:407
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:418
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:429
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:440
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:451
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:509
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:567
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:578
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:589
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:600
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:819
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:870
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:881
msgid "seconds"
msgstr "secondi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:369
msgid "Final time:"
msgstr "Tempo finale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:383
msgid "Initial time:"
msgstr "Tempo iniziale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:394
msgid "(optional; default 0)"
msgstr "(opzionale; predefinito 0)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:408
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:64
msgid "Transient"
msgstr "Transiente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:413
msgid "Spice directives:"
msgstr "Direttive Spice:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:422
msgid "Load directives from schematic"
msgstr "Carica direttive dallo schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:429 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1608
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "Personalizzato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:436
msgid "Adjust passive symbol values (e.g. M -> Meg; 100 nF -> 100n)"
msgstr "Regola i valori dei simboli passivi (per es. M -> Meg; 100 nF -> 100n)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:439
msgid "Add full path for .include library directives"
msgstr "Aggiungi percorso completo per le direttive di libreria .include"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:446
msgid "Compatibility mode:"
msgstr "Modalità compatibile:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "User configuration"
msgstr "Configurazione utente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "Spice"
msgstr "Spice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "PSpice"
msgstr "PSpice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "LTSpice"
msgstr "LTSpice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "PSpice and LTSpice"
msgstr "PSpice e LTSpice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.cpp:450
msgid "HSpice"
msgstr "HSpice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_sim_settings_base.h:140
msgid "Simulation settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni simulazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:80
msgid "Diode"
msgstr "Diodo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:81
msgid "BJT"
msgstr "BJT"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:82
msgid "MOSFET"
msgstr "MOSFET"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:83
msgid "JFET"
msgstr "JFET"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:84
msgid "Subcircuit"
msgstr "Subcircuito"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:442
msgid ""
"Symbol pin numbering don't always match the required SPICE pin order\n"
"Check the symbol and use \"Alternate node sequence\" to reorder the pins, if "
msgstr ""
"La numerazione pin del simbolo non sempre corrisponde all'ordine pin "
"richiesto da SPICE\n"
"Controllare il simbolo e usare \"Sequenza nodo alternativa\" per riordinare "
"i pin, se necessario"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:451
msgid "For a Diode, pin order is anode, cathode"
msgstr "Per un diodo, l'ordine dei pin è anodo, catodo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:455
msgid "For a BJT, pin order is collector, base, emitter, substrate (optional)"
msgstr ""
"Per un BJT, l'ordine dei pin è collettore, base, emettitore, substrato "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:459
msgid "For a MOSFET, pin order is drain, gate, source"
msgstr "Per un MOSFET, l'ordine dei pin è drain, gate, source"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:463
msgid "For a JFET, pin order is drain, gate, source"
msgstr "Per un JFET, l'ordine dei pin è drain, gate, source"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:796
#, c-format
msgid ""
"You need to specify at least the first %d parameters for the transient source"
msgstr "Devi specificare almeno i primi %d parametri per l'origine transitoria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:805
msgid ""
"You cannot leave interleaved empty fields when defining a transient source"
msgstr ""
"Non è possibile lasciare campi vuoti intercalati quando si definisce "
"un'origine transitoria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1022
msgid "Select library"
msgstr "Seleziona libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1090
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:885
msgid "Range:"
msgstr "Campo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1091
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1103
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1109
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:675
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:779
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:895
msgid "Offset:"
msgstr "Scostamento:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1096
msgid "Standard deviation:"
msgstr "Deviazione standard:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1097
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1102
msgid "Mean:"
msgstr "Media:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1108
msgid "Lambda:"
msgstr "Lambda:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model.cpp:1113
msgid "type of random generator for source is invalid"
msgstr "tipo di generatore casuale per la sorgente non valido"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:30
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:233
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:850
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:27
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:48
msgid "Type:"
msgstr "Tipo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:34
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:35
msgid "Resistor"
msgstr "Resistenza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:36
msgid "Capacitor"
msgstr "Capacità"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:37
msgid "Inductor"
msgstr "Induttanza"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:41
msgid "Passive type"
msgstr "Tipo passivo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:54
msgid "Spice value in simulation"
msgstr "Valore Spice in simulazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:67
msgid ""
"In Spice values, the decimal separator is the point.\n"
"Values can use Spice unit symbols."
msgstr ""
"Nei valori Spice, il separatore decimale è il punto.\n"
"I valori possono usare i simboli delle unità Spice."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:71
msgid "Spice unit symbols in values (case insensitive):"
msgstr ""
"Simboli unità Spice nei valori (indifferente se maiuscole o minuscole):"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:210
msgid "Library:"
msgstr "Libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:220
msgid "Select file..."
msgstr "Seleziona file..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:226
msgid "Model:"
msgstr "Modello:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:240
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:106
msgid "Note:"
msgstr "Nota:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:244
msgid "note"
msgstr "nota"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:294
msgid "Model"
msgstr "Modello"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:302
msgid "DC/AC Analysis"
msgstr "Analisi DC/AC"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:311
msgid "DC:"
msgstr "DC:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:320
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:342
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:385
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:396
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:476
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:487
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:545
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:556
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:645
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:684
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:695
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:775
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:786
msgid "Volts/Amps"
msgstr "Volt/Amp"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:333
msgid "AC magnitude:"
msgstr "Magnitudo AC:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:346
msgid "AC phase:"
msgstr "Fase AC:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:355
msgid "radians"
msgstr "radianti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:366
msgid "Transient Analysis"
msgstr "Analisi del transiente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:376
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:536
msgid "Initial value:"
msgstr "Valore iniziale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:389
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:549
msgid "Pulsed value:"
msgstr "Valore pulsato:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:400
msgid "Delay time:"
msgstr "Ritardo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:411
msgid "Rise time:"
msgstr "Tempo di salita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:422
msgid "Fall time:"
msgstr "Tempo di discesa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:433
msgid "Pulse width:"
msgstr "Larghezza impulso:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:444
msgid "Period:"
msgstr "Periodo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:459
msgid "Pulse"
msgstr "Impulso"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:467
msgid "DC offset:"
msgstr "Offset DC:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:480
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:688
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:766
msgid "Amplitude:"
msgstr "Ampiezza:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:491
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:195
msgid "Frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:498
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:103
msgid "Hz"
msgstr "Hz"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:502
msgid "Delay:"
msgstr "Ritardo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:513
msgid "Damping factor:"
msgstr "Fattore di dump:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:520
msgid "1/seconds"
msgstr "1/secondi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:528
msgid "Sinusoidal"
msgstr "Sinusoidale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:560
msgid "Rise delay time:"
msgstr "Tempo di salita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:571
msgid "Rise time constant:"
msgstr "Costante del tempo di salita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:582
msgid "Fall delay time:"
msgstr "Tempo di discesa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:593
msgid "Fall time constant:"
msgstr "Costante del tempo di discesa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:608
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:854
msgid "Exponential"
msgstr "Esponenziale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:610
msgid "Piece-wise linear"
msgstr "Lineare a tratti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:625
msgid "Time:"
msgstr "Tempo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:634
msgid "second"
msgstr "secondi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:667
msgid "Piece-wise Linear"
msgstr "Lineare a tratti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:699
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:801
msgid "Carrier frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza portante:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:710
msgid "Modulation index:"
msgstr "Indice di modulazione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:717
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:36
msgid "-"
msgstr "-"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:721
msgid "Signal frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza segnale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:732
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:823
msgid "Carrier phase:"
msgstr "Fase portante:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:739
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:750
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:830
msgid "degrees"
msgstr "gradi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:743
msgid "Signal phase:"
msgstr "Fase segnale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:758
msgid "FM"
msgstr "FM"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:790
msgid "Modulating frequency:"
msgstr "Frequenza di modulazione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:812
msgid "Signal delay:"
msgstr "Ritardo segnale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:838
msgid "AM"
msgstr "AM"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:842
msgid "Transient noise"
msgstr "Disturbo transiente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:854
msgid "Uniform"
msgstr "Uniforme"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:854
msgid "Gaussian"
msgstr "Gaussiana"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:854
msgid "Poisson"
msgstr "Poisson"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:863
msgid "Individual value duration:"
msgstr "Durata valore individuale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:874
msgid "Time delay:"
msgstr "Ritardo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:909
msgid "Random"
msgstr "Casuale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:913
msgid "External data"
msgstr "Dati esterni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:920
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:366
msgid "Voltage"
msgstr "Tensione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:920
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:367 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:440
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Corrente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:922
msgid "Source Type"
msgstr "Tipo sorgente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:930
msgid "Source"
msgstr "Sorgente"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:937
msgid "Disable symbol for simulation"
msgstr "Disabilita il simbolo per la simulazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.cpp:943
msgid "Alternate node sequence:"
msgstr "Sequenza nodi alternativa:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_spice_model_base.h:254
msgid "Spice Model Editor"
msgstr "Editor modello spice"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:84
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:607
msgid "Select Footprint..."
msgstr "Seleziona impronta..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:85
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:608
msgid "Browse for footprint"
msgstr "Scorri le impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:90
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:613 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:61
msgid "Show Datasheet"
msgstr "Mostra datasheet"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:91
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:614
msgid "Show datasheet in browser"
msgstr "Mostra datasheet nel browser"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:128
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:1042
msgid "The Reference column cannot be hidden."
msgstr "La colonna dei riferimenti non può essere nascosta."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:224
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:234
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Qtà"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:689
msgid "Group By"
msgstr "Raggruppati per"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:961
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1248
msgid "Datasheet"
msgstr "Specifiche"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:983
msgid "New field name:"
msgstr "Nuovo nome campo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:983
msgid "Add Field"
msgstr "Aggiungi campo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:992
msgid "Field must have a name."
msgstr "Il campo deve avere un nome."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table.cpp:1000
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:785
#, c-format
msgid "Field name '%s' already in use."
msgstr "Nome campo \"%s\" già in uso."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table_base.cpp:31
msgid "Group symbols"
msgstr "Simboli di gruppo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table_base.cpp:33
msgid "Group symbols together based on common properties"
msgstr "Raggruppa i simboli in base a proprietà in comune"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table_base.cpp:53
msgid "Add Field..."
msgstr "Aggiungi campo..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_fields_table_base.h:76
msgid "Symbol Fields Table"
msgstr "Tabella campi simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:139
msgid "Base Name"
msgstr "Nome base"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties.cpp:140
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:266
msgid "Alternate Assignment"
msgstr "Assegnamento alternativo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:126
msgid "Unit:"
msgstr "Unità:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:137
msgid "Alternate symbol (De Morgan)"
msgstr "Simbolo alternativo (De Morgan)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:138
msgid ""
"Use the alternate shape of this symbol.\n"
"For gates, this is the \"De Morgan\" conversion"
msgstr ""
"Usare la rappresentazione alternativa per questo simbolo.\n"
"Per le porte logiche, questa è la conversione \"De Morgan\""
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:142
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:345
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:250
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:204
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:336
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:163
msgid "Angle:"
msgstr "Angolo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:146
msgid "+90"
msgstr "+90"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:343
msgid "-90"
msgstr "-90"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:344
msgid "180"
msgstr "180"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:152
msgid "Mirror:"
msgstr "Speculare:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:156
msgid "Not mirrored"
msgstr "Non speculare"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:156
msgid "Around X axis"
msgstr "Attorno all'asse X"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:156
msgid "Around Y axis"
msgstr "Attorno all'asse Y"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid "Pin Text"
msgstr "Testo pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:176
msgid "Show pin numbers"
msgstr "Mostra numeri pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:182
msgid "Show pin names"
msgstr "Mostra nomi pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:192
msgid "Attributes"
msgstr "Attributi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:194
msgid "Exclude from bill of materials"
msgstr "Escludi dalla distinta materiali"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:195
msgid ""
"This is useful for adding symbols for board footprints such as fiducials\n"
"and logos that you do not want to appear in the bill of materials export"
msgstr ""
"Utile per aggiungere simboli per impronte come allineatori\n"
"e loghi che non si desidera vedere nell'esportazione DIBA"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:200
msgid ""
"This is useful for adding symbols that only get exported to the bill of "
"materials but\n"
"not required to layout the board such as mechanical fasteners and enclosures"
msgstr ""
"Utile per aggiungere simboli che verranno esportati solo nella DIBA ma non\n"
"necessitano di essere disposti sulla scheda come guide meccaniche o "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:213
msgid "Update Symbol from Library..."
msgstr "Aggiorna simbolo da libreria..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:216
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:437
msgid "Change Symbol..."
msgstr "Cambia simbolo..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:219
msgid "Edit Symbol..."
msgstr "Modifica simbolo..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:225
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:557
msgid "Edit Library Symbol..."
msgstr "Modifica simbolo di libreria..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:264
msgid "Pin Number"
msgstr "Numero pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:265
msgid "Base Pin Name"
msgstr "Nome pin base"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:291
msgid "Alternate Pin Assignments"
msgstr "Assegnamenti pin alternativi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:301
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:432
msgid "Library link:"
msgstr "Collegamento libreria:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.cpp:316
msgid "Spice Model..."
msgstr "Modello Spice..."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_properties_base.h:102
msgid "Symbol Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:58
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Remapping is not possible because you have insufficient privileges to the "
"project folder '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Rimappatura impossibile per permessi insufficienti per la cartella progetto "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:67
msgid ""
"This schematic currently uses the project symbol library list look up method "
"for loading library symbols. KiCad will attempt to map the existing symbols "
"to use the new symbol library table. Remapping will change some project "
"files and schematics may not be compatible with older versions of KiCad. "
"All files that are changed will be backed up to the \"remap_backup\" folder "
"in the project folder should you need to revert any changes. If you choose "
"to skip this step, you will be responsible for manually remapping the "
msgstr ""
"Questo schema elettrico usa attualmente il metodo di ricerca dell'elenco "
"librerie di simboli del progetto, per caricare i simboli di libreria. KiCad "
"cercherà di mappare i simboli esistenti usando la nuova tabella librerie di "
"simboli. La rimappatura cambierà i file del progetto e lo schema elettrico "
"non sarà più compatibile con le precedenti versioni di KiCad. Le copie dei "
"vecchi file cambiati verranno salvate nella cartella \"remap_backup\" "
"presente nella cartella del progetto nel caso fosse necessario invertire i "
"cambiamenti. Se si sceglie di saltare questo passo, si dovranno rimappare "
"manualmente i simboli."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:206
#, c-format
msgid "Adding library '%s', file '%s' to project symbol library table."
msgstr ""
"Aggiunta libreria \"%s\", file \"%s\" alla tabella librerie simboli del "
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:216
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:765
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' not found."
msgstr "Libreria \"%s\" non trovata."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to write project symbol library table. Error:\n"
" %s"
msgstr ""
"Fallita scrittura file tabella librerie simboli progetto. Errore:\n"
" %s"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:238
msgid "Created project symbol library table.\n"
msgstr "Creata una tabella librerie simboli del progetto.\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:260
#, c-format
msgid "No symbol %s found in symbol library table."
msgstr "Simbolo %s non trovato nella tabella librerie di simboli."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:266
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s mapped to symbol library '%s'."
msgstr "Symbolo %s mappato alla libreria di simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:275
msgid "Symbol library table mapping complete!"
msgstr "Mappatura tabella librerie simboli completa!"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create project remap back up folder '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile creare la cartella di salvataggio rimappatura del progetto \"%s"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:348
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:496
msgid "Backup Error"
msgstr "Errore di salvataggio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:350
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:500
msgid "Continue with Rescue"
msgstr "Continua il recupero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:351
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:501
msgid "Abort Rescue"
msgstr "Interrompi il recupero"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:368
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:403
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:428
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:449
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:465
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:481
#, c-format
msgid "Backing up file '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Salvataggio del file \"%s\" nel file \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:376
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:418
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:436
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:457
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:473
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:489
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to back up file '%s'.\n"
msgstr "Impossibile fare il salvataggio del file \"%s\".\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:410
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create backup folder '%s'.\n"
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella di salvataggio \"%s\"\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap.cpp:495
msgid "Some of the project files could not be backed up."
msgstr "Alcuni file del progetto potrebbero non essere stati salvati."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap_base.cpp:30
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_symbol_remap_base.h:54
msgid "Remap Symbols"
msgstr "Rimappa simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:105
msgid "Global Label Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:106
msgid "Hierarchical Label Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà etichetta gerarchica"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:107
msgid "Label Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà etichetta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:108
msgid "Hierarchical Sheet Pin Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà piedino foglio gerarchico"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:109
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.h:72
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.h:89
msgid "Text Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà testo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties.cpp:347
msgid "Label requires non-empty text."
msgstr "L'etichetta richiede testo non vuoto."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:26
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:72
msgid "Label:"
msgstr "Etichetta:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:28
msgid "Enter the text to be used within the schematic"
msgstr "Inserire il testo da usare nello schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:81
msgid "Text Size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni testo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:110
msgid ""
"The margins around the text are controlled by the text offset ratio\n"
"in Schematic Setup > General > Formatting."
msgstr ""
"I margini attorno al testo sono controllati dal rapporto scostamento testo\n"
"nelle Impostazioni schema > Generale > Formattazione."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:120
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:776
msgid "Align right"
msgstr "Allinea a destra"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:120
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:777
msgid "Align bottom"
msgstr "Allinea in basso"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:120
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:778
msgid "Align left"
msgstr "Allinea a sinistra"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:120
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:779
msgid "Align top"
msgstr "Allinea in alto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:122
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:783
msgid "Justification"
msgstr "Giustificazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_text_and_label_properties_base.cpp:126
msgid "Bold and italic"
msgstr "Grassetto corsivo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb.cpp:42
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:77 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb.cpp:49
msgid "Changes To Be Applied"
msgstr "Cambiamenti da applicare"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb.cpp:66
msgid "Update Schematic"
msgstr "Aggiorna lo schema"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:27
msgid ""
"Re-link footprints to schematic symbols based on their reference designators"
msgstr ""
"Ri-collega impronte ai simboli dello schema in base al loro riferimento"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:33
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:28
msgid ""
"Normally footprints are linked to their symbols via their Unique IDs. "
"Select this option only if you want to reset the footprint linkages based on "
"their reference designators."
msgstr ""
"Normalmente le impronte sono collegate ai loro simboli tramite i loro ID "
"univoci. Selezionare questa opzione solo se si desidera reimpostare i "
"collegamenti impronte ai riferimenti."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:55
msgid "Update references of symbols that have been changed in the PCB editor."
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna i riferimenti dei simboli che sono cambiati nell'editor del C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:59
msgid "Footprint assignments"
msgstr "Assegnamenti impronte"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:60
msgid ""
"Update footprint associations of symbols whose footprints have been replaced "
"with different footprints in PCB."
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna le associazioni impronte di simboli le cui impronte sono state "
"rimpiazzate con impronte diverse nel C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:65
msgid "Update symbols values that have been replaced in the PCB editor."
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna i valori dei simboli che sono stati modificati nell'editor del C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.cpp:69
msgid "Net names"
msgstr "Nomi connessioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_from_pcb_base.h:55
msgid "Update Schematic from PCB"
msgstr "Aggiorna lo schema dal C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:21
msgid "Parent symbol:"
msgstr "Simbolo genitore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:61
msgid "Remove fields if not in parent symbol"
msgstr "Rimuovi i campi non presenti nel simbolo genitore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.cpp:66
msgid "Reset fields if empty in parent symbol"
msgstr "Reimposta i campi se vuoti nel simbolo genitore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/dialog_update_symbol_fields_base.h:68
msgid "Update Symbol Fields"
msgstr "Aggiorna campi simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:153
msgid ""
"Some items have the same color as the background\n"
"and they will not be seen on the screen. Are you\n"
"sure you want to use these colors?"
msgstr ""
"Alcuni elementi hanno colore identico allo sfondo\n"
"e non sarà possibile vederli sullo schermo. Sicuri\n"
"di voler usare questi colori?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:207
msgid "(symbol editor only)"
msgstr "(solo editor di simboli)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_color_settings.cpp:495
msgid "Color Preview"
msgstr "Anteprima colore"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_color_settings.cpp:405
msgid "/path/to/sheet"
msgstr "/percorso/per/il/foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:241 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:770
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:272 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1181
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Aspetto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:28
msgid "S&how hidden pins"
msgstr "M&ostra piedini nascosti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:31
msgid "Show hidden fields"
msgstr "Mostra i campi nascosti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:34
msgid "Show page limi&ts"
msgstr "Mostra limi&ti di pagina"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:42
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:184
msgid "Selection"
msgstr "Selezione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:44
msgid "Draw selected text items as box"
msgstr "Disegna gli elementi testo selezionati come riquadri"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:47
msgid "Draw selected child items"
msgstr "Disegna gli elementi figlio selezionati"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:50
msgid "Fill selected shapes"
msgstr "Riempi le forme selezionate"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "&Highlight thickness:"
msgstr "E&videnzia spessore:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:70
msgid "(highlight color can be edited in the \"Colors\" page)"
msgstr ""
"(il colore di evidenziazione può essere modificato nella pagina \"Colori\")"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:74
msgid "Cross-probing"
msgstr "Analisi-incrociata"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:80
msgid "Center view on cross-probed items"
msgstr "Centra la vista sugli elementi sottoposti ad analisi-incrociata"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:80
msgid "Zoom to fit cross-probed items"
msgstr "Adatta lo zoom agli elementi sottoposti ad analisi-incrociata"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:88
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:84
msgid "Highlight cross-probed nets"
msgstr "Evidenzia collegamenti sottoposti ad analisi-incrociata"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_display_options_base.cpp:90
msgid "Highlight nets when they are highlighted in the PCB editor"
msgstr "Evidenza collegamenti quando solo evidenziati nell'editor del C.S."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:23
msgid "Constrain buses and wires to H or V"
msgstr "Blocca orientamento bus e fili a O o V"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:27
msgid "Mouse drag performs Drag (G) operation"
msgstr "Il trascinamento mouse fa il trascinamento (G)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:28
msgid "If unchecked, mouse drag will perform move (M) operation"
msgstr "Se non selezionato, il trascinamento mouse farà uno spostamento (M)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:32
msgid "Automatically start wires on unconnected pins"
msgstr "Comincia automaticamente collegamenti su pin non connessi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:33
msgid ""
"When enabled, you can start wiring by clicking on unconnected pins even when "
"the wire tool is not active"
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, è possibile iniziare a stendere collegamenti facendo clic su "
"pin non connessi anche quando lo strumento filo non è attivo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:41
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:21
msgid "Defaults for New Objects"
msgstr "Valori predefiniti per i nuovi oggetti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:46
msgid "Sheet border:"
msgstr "Bordo foglio:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:55
msgid "Sheet background:"
msgstr "Sfondo foglio:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:73
msgid "Clicking on a pin selects the symbol"
msgstr "Fare clic su un pin seleziona il simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:74
msgid ""
"In schematic editor:\n"
"If enabled, clicking on a pin select the parent symbol.\n"
"If disabled, clicking on a pin select only the pin."
msgstr ""
"Nell'editor dello schema:\n"
"Se abilitato, facendo clic su un pin seleziona il simbolo genitore.\n"
"Se disabilitato, facendo clic su un pin seleziona solo il pin."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:84
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:132
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:152
msgid "Left Click Mouse Commands"
msgstr "Comandi tasto sinistro del mouse"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:86
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:83
msgid ""
"Left click (and drag) actions depend on 2 modifier keys:\n"
"Shift and Ctrl."
msgstr ""
"Le azioni clic sinistro (e trascinamento) dipendono da 2 tasti "
"Maiusc e Ctrl."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:98
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:107
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:178
msgid "Long Click"
msgstr "Clic lungo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:102
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:150
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:112
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:223
msgid "Clarify selection from menu."
msgstr "Chiarisci la selezione da menu."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:110
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:193
msgid "Add item(s) to selection."
msgstr "Aggiungi elementi alla selezione."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:127
msgid "Ctrl+Shift"
msgstr "Ctrl+Maiusc"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:118
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:166
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:132
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:203
msgid "Remove item(s) from selection."
msgstr "Rimuovi elementi dalla selezione."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:134
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:154
msgid ""
"Left click (and drag) actions depend on 3 modifier keys:\n"
"Option, Shift and Cmd."
msgstr ""
"Le azioni clic sinistro (e trascinamento) dipendono da 3 tasti "
"Alt, Maiusc e Cmd."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:198
msgid "Shift+Cmd"
msgstr "Maiusc+Cmd"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:196
msgid "Symbol Field Automatic Placement"
msgstr "Piazzamento automatico campi simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:198
msgid "A&utomatically place symbol fields"
msgstr "Piazza a&utomaticamente campi simbolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:201
msgid "A&llow field autoplace to change justification"
msgstr "Permette all'autopiazzamento campi di modificare la giustificazione"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:204
msgid "Al&ways align autoplaced fields to the 50 mil grid"
msgstr "Allinea sempre campi autopiazzati alla &griglia da 50 mil"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:211
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:103
msgid "Repeated Items"
msgstr "Elementi ripetuti"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:221
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:111
msgid "&Horizontal pitch:"
msgstr "Inclinazione &orizzontale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:232
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:122
msgid "&Vertical pitch:"
msgstr "Inclinazione &verticale:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:243
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:147
msgid "Label increment:"
msgstr "Incremento etichetta:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:260
msgid "Dialog Preferences"
msgstr "Preferenze finestra"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:262
msgid "Show footprint previews in Symbol Chooser"
msgstr "Mostra anteprime impronte nel selettore simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_editing_options_base.cpp:265
msgid "Keep hierarchy navigator open"
msgstr "Mantieni il navigatore della gerarchia aperto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames.cpp:41
msgid "Global field name templates:"
msgstr "Modelli nomi campi globali:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames.cpp:42
msgid "Project field name templates:"
msgstr "Modelli nomi campi del progetto:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames.cpp:77
msgid "Untitled Field"
msgstr "Campo senza titolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames_base.cpp:23
msgid "Field name templates:"
msgstr "Modelli nomi campi:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_eeschema_template_fieldnames_base.cpp:45
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_manage_repositories_base.cpp:38
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:25
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:28
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:35
msgid "Annotations"
msgstr "Annotazioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:30
msgid "Symbol unit notation:"
msgstr "Notazione unità simbolo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid ".A"
msgstr ".A"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid "-A"
msgstr "-A"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid "_A"
msgstr "_A"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid ".1"
msgstr ".1"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid "-1"
msgstr "-1"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:34
msgid "_1"
msgstr "_1"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:55
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:40
msgid "Default text size:"
msgstr "Dimensione testo predefinita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:66
msgid "Text offset ratio:"
msgstr "Rapporto spostamento testo:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:68
msgid "Percentage of the text size to offset text above or below wire or bus"
msgstr ""
"La percentuale della dimensione del testo con la quale spostare il testo "
"sopra o sotto un filo o bus"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:79
msgid "Global label size:"
msgstr "Dimensione etichette globali:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:81
msgid "Percentage of the text size to use as space around a global label"
msgstr ""
"Percentuale della dimensione del testo da usare come spazio attorno ad "
"un'etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:107
msgid "Default line thickness:"
msgstr "Spessore predefinito linea:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:118
msgid "Pin symbol size:"
msgstr "Dimensione simbolo del pin:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:136
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:41
msgid "Connections"
msgstr "Connessioni"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:141
msgid "Junction dot size:"
msgstr "Dimensione punto giunzione:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
msgid "Smallest"
msgstr "Minuscolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:117
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Piccolo"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
msgid "Large"
msgstr "Grande"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:145
msgid "Largest"
msgstr "Enorme"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:164
msgid "Inter-sheet References"
msgstr "Riferimenti inter-foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:166
msgid "Show inter-sheet references"
msgstr "Mostra riferimenti inter-foglio"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:172
msgid "Show own page reference"
msgstr "Mostra riferimenti alla propria pagina"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:176
msgid "Standard (1,2,3)"
msgstr "Standard (1,2,3)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:180
msgid "Abbreviated (1..3)"
msgstr "Abbreviato (1..3)"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:128
msgid "Prefix:"
msgstr "Prefisso:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:193
msgid "["
msgstr "["
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:196
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:153
msgid "Suffix:"
msgstr "Suffisso:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_formatting_base.cpp:200
msgid "]"
msgstr "]"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_pinmap.cpp:169
msgid "No error or warning"
msgstr "Nessun errore o avviso"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_pinmap.cpp:174
msgid "Generate warning"
msgstr "Genera avvisi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_pinmap.cpp:179
msgid "Generate error"
msgstr "Genera errori"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_setup_pinmap_base.cpp:24
msgid "Pin to Pin Connections"
msgstr "Connessioni pin a pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_color_settings_base.cpp:22
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/panel_pl_editor_color_settings_base.cpp:18
msgid "Color Theme"
msgstr "Tema colori"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_color_settings_base.cpp:25
msgid "Use schematic editor color theme"
msgstr "Usa tema colori dell'editor schemi"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_color_settings_base.cpp:31
msgid "Use theme:"
msgstr "Usa tema:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:29
msgid "&Default line width:"
msgstr "Larghezza linea pre&definita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:60
msgid "D&efault pin length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza pin pr&edefinita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:71
msgid "De&fault pin number size:"
msgstr "Dimensione numero pin prede&finita:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:82
msgid "Def&ault pin name size:"
msgstr "Dimensione nome pin predefinit&a:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:96
msgid "Show pin &electrical type"
msgstr "Mostra tipo &elettrico del pin"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:126
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:137
msgid "100"
msgstr "100"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:133
msgid "&Pitch of repeated pins:"
msgstr "&Passi dei pin ripetuti:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_editing_options_base.cpp:137
msgid "50"
msgstr "50"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:350
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:531
msgid "A library table row nickname and path cells are empty."
msgstr ""
"Le celle denominatore e percorso di una riga di tabella librerie sono vuote."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:533
msgid "A library table row nickname cell is empty."
msgstr "La cella denominatore di una riga di tabella librerie è vuota."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:354
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:535
msgid "A library table row path cell is empty."
msgstr "La cella percorso di una riga di tabella librerie è vuota."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:356
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:537
msgid "Invalid Row Definition"
msgstr "Definizione riga non valida"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:358
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:539
msgid ""
"Empty cells will result in all rows that are invalid to be removed from the "
msgstr ""
"Le celle vuote comporteranno la rimozione di tutte le righe non valide dalla "
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid "Illegal character '%c' in nickname '%s'"
msgstr "Carattere illegale '%c' in denominazione '%s'"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:385
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:426
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:566
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:608
msgid "Library Nickname Error"
msgstr "Errore denominazione libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:415
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:596
#, c-format
msgid "Multiple libraries cannot share the same nickname ('%s')."
msgstr "Più librerie non possono condividere la stessa denominazione (\"%s\")."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:459 eeschema/symbol_library.cpp:550
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library '%s' failed to load."
msgstr "Fallito il caricamento della libreria di simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:462
msgid "Error Loading Library"
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:508
msgid "Warning: Duplicate Nickname"
msgstr "Attenzione: denominatore duplicato"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:509
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:890
#, c-format
msgid "A library nicknamed '%s' already exists."
msgstr "La libreria con denominazione \"%s\" esiste già."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:510
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:891
msgid "One of the nicknames will need to be changed after adding this library."
msgstr ""
"Una delle denominazioni deve essere cambiata dopo l'aggiunta di questa "
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:529
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1012
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:906
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:524
msgid "Skip"
msgstr "Salta"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:529
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:906
msgid "Add Anyway"
msgstr "Aggiungi comunque"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:733
msgid ""
"Select one or more rows containing libraries in Legacy format (*.lib) to "
"save as current KiCad format (*.kicad_sym)."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona una o più righe contenenti le librerie obsolete (*.lib) da salvare "
"nel formato corrente (*.kicad_sym)."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:741
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Save '%s' as current KiCad format (*.kicad_sym) and replace legacy entry in "
msgstr ""
"Salvare \"%s\" nel formato attuale (*.kicad_sym) e rimpiazzare la voce "
"obsoleta nella tabella?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:747
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Save %d Legacy format libraries as current KiCad format (*.kicad_sym) and "
"replace legacy entries in table?"
msgstr ""
"Salvare %d librerie obsolete nel formato attuale (*.kicad_sym) e rimpiazzare "
"le voci obsolete nella tabella?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:775
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:350
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' already exists. Do you want overwrite this file?"
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" esiste già. Vuoi sovrascrivere questo file?"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:778
msgid "Migrate Library"
msgstr "Migra libreria"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:802 eeschema/libarch.cpp:153
#: eeschema/libarch.cpp:159
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to save symbol library file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallito salvataggio file libreria simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1038
msgid ""
"Modifications have been made to one or more symbol libraries.\n"
"Changes must be saved or discarded before the symbol library table can be "
msgstr ""
"Sono stati effettuati dei cambiamenti ad una o più librerie di simboli.\n"
"I cambiamenti devono essere salvati o annullati prima che la tabela librerie "
"di simboli possa venire modificata."
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1052
msgid "Symbol Libraries"
msgstr "Librerie di simboli"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1074
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:1101
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving global library table:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il salvataggio della tabella librerie globale:\n"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1075
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1088
#: eeschema/sch_base_frame.cpp:218 eeschema/sch_base_frame.cpp:235
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1389
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1441
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:1102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:1115
msgid "File Save Error"
msgstr "Errore salvataggio file"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table.cpp:1087
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:1114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving project-specific library table:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il salvataggio della tabella librerie specifica del "
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:20
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:20
msgid "Libraries by Scope"
msgstr "Librerie per tipologia"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:58
msgid "Global Libraries"
msgstr "Librerie globali"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:97
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:94
msgid "Project Specific Libraries"
msgstr "Librerie specifiche del progetto"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:103
msgid "Add empty row to table"
msgstr "Aggiungi riga vuota alla tabella"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:110
msgid "Add existing library to table"
msgstr "Apri libreria esistente alla tabella"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:128
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:124
msgid "Remove library from table"
msgstr "Rimuovi libreria dalla tabella"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:135
msgid "Migrate Libraries"
msgstr "Migra librerie"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:145
msgid "Path Substitutions:"
msgstr "Sostituzioni percorsi:"
#: eeschema/dialogs/panel_sym_lib_table_base.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:167
msgid "This is a read-only table which shows pertinent environment variables."
msgstr ""
"Questa è una tabella in sola lettura che mostra le variabili ambiente "
#: eeschema/eeschema.cpp:273
msgid ""
"An error occurred attempting to load the global symbol library table.\n"
"Please edit this global symbol library table in Preferences menu."
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie simboli globale.\n"
"Modificare la tabella globale librerie di simboli nel menu delle preferenze."
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:68 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:238
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:1061 pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:487
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:966 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:57
msgid "Display Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di visualizzazione"
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:69 eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:239
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:1062
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:24
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:967 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:58
msgid "Editing Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di modifica"
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:101 pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:81
msgid "Error loading drawing sheet."
msgstr "Errore nel caricare il foglio di disegno."
#: eeschema/eeschema_config.cpp:284 eeschema/sheet.cpp:284
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading the symbol library table '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento tabella librerie di simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:59 eeschema/erc.cpp:76
msgid "Input Pin"
msgstr "Pin ingresso"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:60 eeschema/erc.cpp:77
msgid "Output Pin"
msgstr "Pin Uscita"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:61 eeschema/erc.cpp:78
msgid "Bidirectional Pin"
msgstr "Pin bidirezionale"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:62 eeschema/erc.cpp:79
msgid "Tri-State Pin"
msgstr "Pin tristate"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:63 eeschema/erc.cpp:80
msgid "Passive Pin"
msgstr "Pin passivo"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:64 eeschema/erc.cpp:81
msgid "Free Pin"
msgstr "Pin libero"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:65 eeschema/erc.cpp:82
msgid "Unspecified Pin"
msgstr "Pin imprecisato"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:66 eeschema/erc.cpp:83
msgid "Power Input Pin"
msgstr "Pin ingresso potenza"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:67 eeschema/erc.cpp:84
msgid "Power Output Pin"
msgstr "Pin uscita potenza"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:68 eeschema/erc.cpp:85
msgid "Open Collector"
msgstr "Collettore aperto"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:69 eeschema/erc.cpp:86
msgid "Open Emitter"
msgstr "Emettitore aperto"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:70 eeschema/erc.cpp:87
msgid "No Connection"
msgstr "Non connesso"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:269
msgid "Unresolved text variable in drawing sheet."
msgstr "Variabile testo non risolta nel foglio di disegno."
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:300
#, c-format
msgid "Bus alias %s has conflicting definitions on %s and %s"
msgstr "L'alias del bus %s ha definizioni in conflitto su %s e %s"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:370
#, c-format
msgid "Different footprints assigned to %s and %s"
msgstr "Impronte diverse assegnate a %s e %s"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:419
msgid "Pins with \"no connection\" type are connected"
msgstr "Pin di tipo \"non connesso\" sono connessi"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:533
#, c-format
msgid "Pins of type %s and %s are connected"
msgstr "I pin di tipo %s e %s sono connessi"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:604
#, c-format
msgid "Pin %s is connected to both %s and %s"
msgstr "Il pin %s è connesso sia a %s che a %s"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:711
#, c-format
msgid "The current configuration does not include the library '%s'."
msgstr "La configurazione corrente non include la libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:722
#, c-format
msgid "The library '%s' is not enabled in the current configuration."
msgstr "La libreria \"%s\" non è abilitata nella configurazione corrente."
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:42
msgid "Conflicts"
msgstr "Conflitti"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:43 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:372
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:47
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Varie"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:46
msgid "Duplicate sheet names within a given sheet"
msgstr "Duplica il nome del foglio all'interno di un determinato foglio"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:50
msgid "Pin not connected"
msgstr "Pin non connesso"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:54
msgid "Input pin not driven by any Output pins"
msgstr "Pin d'ingresso non pilotato da nessun pin d'uscita"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:58
msgid "Input Power pin not driven by any Output Power pins"
msgstr ""
"Pin di potenza d'ingresso non pilotato da nessun pin di potenza d'uscita"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:62 eeschema/erc_item.cpp:66
msgid "Conflict problem between pins"
msgstr "Problema di conflitto tra piedini"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:70
msgid "Mismatch between hierarchical labels and sheet pins"
msgstr "Mancata corrispondenza tra etichette gerarchiche e piedini dei fogli"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:74
msgid "A pin with a \"no connection\" flag is connected"
msgstr "Un pin con un flag di \"non connesso\" è connesso"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:78
msgid "Unconnected \"no connection\" flag"
msgstr "Indicatore di \"non connesso\" sconnesso"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:82
msgid "Label not connected to anything"
msgstr "Etichetta non connessa a nulla"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:86
msgid "Global label not connected anywhere else in the schematic"
msgstr "Etichetta globale non connessa da nessun'altra parte nello schema"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:90
msgid "Labels are similar (lower/upper case difference only)"
msgstr ""
"Le etichette sono simili (differenze solo nei caratteri maiuscoli/minuscoli)"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:94
msgid "Different footprint assigned in another unit of the symbol"
msgstr "Impronta diversa assegnata in un'altra unità del simbolo"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:98
msgid "Different net assigned to a shared pin in another unit of the symbol"
msgstr ""
"Connessione diversa assegnato ad un pin condiviso in un'altra unità del "
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:102
msgid "Conflict between bus alias definitions across schematic sheets"
msgstr ""
"Conflitto tra le definizioni di alias di bus attraverso i fogli dello schema"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:106
msgid "More than one name given to this bus or net"
msgstr "Più di un nome dato a questo bus o connessione"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:110
msgid "Net is graphically connected to a bus but not a bus member"
msgstr ""
"La connessione è collegata graficamente ad un bus ma non è membro del bus"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:114
msgid "Label attached to bus item does not describe a bus"
msgstr "L'etichetta allegata all'elemento del bus non descrive un bus"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:118
msgid "Buses are graphically connected but share no bus members"
msgstr "I bus sono graficamente connessi ma non condividono nessun membro bus"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:122
msgid "Invalid connection between bus and net items"
msgstr "Connessione non valida tra gli elementi bus e connessione"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:126 pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:174
msgid "Unresolved text variable"
msgstr "Variabile testo non risolta"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:130
msgid "Wires not connected to anything"
msgstr "Fili non connessi a nulla"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:134
msgid "Library symbol issue"
msgstr "Problema simbolo di libreria"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:138
msgid "Symbol is not annotated"
msgstr "Simbolo non annotato"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:142
msgid "Symbol has more units than are defined"
msgstr "Il simbolo ha più unità di quelle definite"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:146
msgid "Units of same symbol have different values"
msgstr "Unità dello stesso simbolo hanno valori diversi"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:150
msgid "Duplicate reference designators"
msgstr "Riferimenti duplicati"
#: eeschema/erc_item.cpp:154
msgid "Bus Entry needed"
msgstr "Serve voce bus"
#: eeschema/fields_grid_table.cpp:137 eeschema/files-io.cpp:789
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:101
msgid "Schematic Files"
msgstr "File di schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:77
msgid "Create a new project for this schematic"
msgstr "Crea nuovo progetto per questo schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:79
msgid ""
"Creating a project will enable features such as text variables, net classes, "
"and ERC exclusions"
msgstr ""
"Creando un progetto si abiliteranno caratteristiche come le variabili di "
"testo, le netclass e le esclusioni ERC"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:126 eeschema/files-io.cpp:1153
#, c-format
msgid "Schematic '%s' is already open."
msgstr "Lo schema \"%s\" è già aperto."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:148
#, c-format
msgid "Schematic '%s' does not exist. Do you wish to create it?"
msgstr "Lo schema elettrico \"%s\" non esiste. Vuoi crearlo?"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:166
msgid "Creating Schematic"
msgstr "Crea schema elettrico"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:167
msgid "Loading Schematic"
msgstr "Caricamento schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:227
msgid "Schematic file changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti schema elettrico non salvati"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:264
msgid ""
"The entire schematic could not be loaded. Errors occurred attempting to "
"load hierarchical sheets."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile caricare lo schema elettrico completo. Si sono verificati degli "
"errori nel tentativo di caricare la gerarchia dei fogli."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:271 eeschema/files-io.cpp:279
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1227 eeschema/sheet.cpp:162
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading schematic '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento dello schema \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:287
#, c-format
msgid "Memory exhausted loading schematic '%s'."
msgstr "Memoria esaurita nel caricare il file dello schema \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:306 eeschema/files-io.cpp:1230 eeschema/sheet.cpp:165
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to load '%s'."
msgstr "Fallito caricamento di \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:319
msgid ""
"An error was found when loading the schematic that has been automatically "
"fixed. Please save the schematic to repair the broken file or it may not be "
"usable with other versions of KiCad."
msgstr ""
"Un errore riscontrato durante il caricamento dello schema è stato riparato "
"automaticamente. Salvare lo schema per riparare il file rovinato o potrebbe "
"non essere usabile con altre versioni di KiCad."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:357
msgid "Illegal entry found in project file symbol library list."
msgstr "Voce irregolare nell'elenco librerie di simboli del progetto."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:358
msgid "Project Load Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento caricamento progetto"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:361
msgid ""
"Symbol libraries defined in the project file symbol library list are no "
"longer supported and will be removed.\n"
"This may cause broken symbol library links under certain conditions."
msgstr ""
"Le librerie di simboli definite nel file elenco librerie di simboli del "
"progetto non sono più supportate e verranno rimosse.\n"
"Ciò può portare, in determinate condizioni, a collegamenti interrotti a "
"librerie di simboli."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:365
msgid "Do not show this dialog again."
msgstr "Non mostrare più questa finestra."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:394
#, c-format
msgid "The project symbol library cache file '%s' was not found."
msgstr "File cache della libreria di simboli del progetto \"%s\" non trovato."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:396
msgid ""
"This can result in a broken schematic under certain conditions. If the "
"schematic does not have any missing symbols upon opening, save it "
"immediately before making any changes to prevent data loss. If there are "
"missing symbols, either manual recovery of the schematic or recovery of the "
"symbol cache library file and reloading the schematic is required."
msgstr ""
"Ciò può, in determinate condizioni, rovinare uno schema elettrico. Se lo "
"schema non presenta simboli mancanti all'apertura, salvarlo immediatamente "
"prima di apportare modifiche per evitare la perdita di dati. Se sono "
"presenti simboli mancanti, è necessario il ripristino manuale dello schema o "
"il ripristino del file della libreria della cache dei simboli e il "
"ricaricamento dello schema."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:407
msgid "Load Without Cache File"
msgstr "Carica senza file cache"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:408
msgid "Abort"
msgstr "Interrompi"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:423 eeschema/files-io.cpp:440
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:256 pcbnew/files.cpp:804
msgid ""
"This file was created by an older version of KiCad. It will be converted to "
"the new format when saved."
msgstr ""
"Questo file è stato creato con una precedente versione di KiCad. Verrà "
"convertito al nuovo formato al salvataggio."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:499
msgid "Schematic is read only."
msgstr "Il file schema è in sola lettura."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:524
msgid "Insert Schematic"
msgstr "Inserisci schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:552
msgid ""
"This operation cannot be undone.\n"
"Do you want to save the current document before proceeding?"
msgstr ""
"Questa operazione non può essere annullata.\n"
"Salvare il documento corrente prima di procedere?"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:598 pcbnew/files.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:250
msgid "All supported formats|"
msgstr "Tutti i formati supportati|"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:600
msgid "Import Schematic"
msgstr "Importa schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:635
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected file extension: '%s'."
msgstr "Estensione file non prevista: \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:686
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving schematic file '%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio del file schema \"%s\".\n"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:691 pcbnew/files.cpp:1028
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create temporary file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita creazione file temporaneo \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:708
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving schematic file '%s'.\n"
"Failed to rename temporary file '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio del file schema \"%s\".\n"
"Fallita rinomina del file temporaneo \"%s\""
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:714 pcbnew/files.cpp:1046
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to rename temporary file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita rinomina del file temporaneo \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:737 pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:1079
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' saved."
msgstr "File \"%s\" salvato."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:742
msgid "File write operation failed."
msgstr "Operazione di scrittura file fallita."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:808 eeschema/files-io.cpp:875
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:126
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:223
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Folder '%s' could not be created.\n"
"Make sure you have write permissions and try again."
msgstr ""
"La cartella \"%s\" non può essere creata.\n"
"Assicurarsi di avere i permessi di scrittura e riprovare."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:944
msgid "Saving will overwrite existing files."
msgstr "Il salvataggio sovrascriverà i file esistenti."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:945
msgid "Save Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento di salvataggio"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:948
msgid ""
"The following files will be overwritten:\n"
msgstr ""
"I file seguenti verranno sovrascritti:\n"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:949
msgid "Overwrite Files"
msgstr "Sovrascrivi file"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:950
msgid "Abort Project Save"
msgstr "Annulla salvataggio progetto"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1163
msgid "Importing Schematic"
msgstr "Importazione schema"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1260
msgid "The current schematic has been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr "Lo schema corrente è stato modificato. Salvare le modifiche?"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1346
msgid ""
"Well this is potentially embarrassing!\n"
"It appears that the last time you were editing one or more of the schematic "
"were not saved properly. Do you wish to restore the last saved edits you "
msgstr ""
"Speriamo che ciò non sia stato dovuto ad un bug ma...\n"
"l'ultima volta che è stato modificato, il file\n"
"non è stato salvato correttamente. Recuperare le ultime modifiche effettuate?"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1357
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file '%s` could not be opened.\n"
"Manual recovery of automatically saved files is required."
msgstr ""
"Il file '%s' non si apre.\n"
"È richiesto il recupero manuale dei file salvati automaticamente."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1403
msgid "The following automatically saved file(s) could not be restored\n"
msgstr "I seguenti file di autosalvataggio non possono essere recuperati\n"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1408
msgid "Manual recovery will be required to restore the file(s) above."
msgstr "Verrà richiesto il recupero manuale per ripristinare i file sopra."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1430
msgid "The following automatically saved file(s) could not be removed\n"
msgstr "I seguenti file di autosalvataggio non possono essere rimossi\n"
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1435
msgid "Manual removal will be required for the file(s) above."
msgstr "Verrà richiesta la rimozione manuale per i file sopra."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1446
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The automatic save master file\n"
"could not be deleted."
msgstr ""
"Il file master di autosalvataggio\n"
"non può essere cancellato."
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:1454
msgid ""
"This file must be manually removed or the auto save feature will be\n"
"shown every time the schematic editor is launched."
msgstr ""
"Questo file deve essere rimosso manualmente o l'autosalvataggio verrà\n"
"mostrato ad ogni avvio dell'editor degli schemi elettrici."
#: eeschema/generate_alias_info.cpp:37 eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1397
msgid "Alias of"
msgstr "Alias di"
#: eeschema/generate_alias_info.cpp:121 eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:924 pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1229
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:633
msgid "Unknown"
msgstr "Sconosciuto"
#: eeschema/getpart.cpp:141 pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:255
msgid "Recently Used"
msgstr "Usati recentemente"
#: eeschema/getpart.cpp:159
#, c-format
msgid "Choose Power Symbol (%d items loaded)"
msgstr "Scegli simbolo di potenza (%d elementi caricati)"
#: eeschema/getpart.cpp:161 eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:853
#, c-format
msgid "Choose Symbol (%d items loaded)"
msgstr "Scegli simbolo (%d elementi caricati)"
#: eeschema/getpart.cpp:253
#, c-format
msgid "No alternate body style found for symbol '%s' in library '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Nessun stile corpo alternativo trovato per il simbolo \"%s\" nella libreria "
#: eeschema/hierarch.cpp:88
msgid "Navigator"
msgstr "Navigatore"
#: eeschema/hierarch.cpp:269
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Principale"
#: eeschema/hierarch.cpp:275
#, c-format
msgid "(page %s)"
msgstr "(pagina %s)"
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:431 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1044
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:585 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:207
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:733 gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:734
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:291 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:296 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:464
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:498
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:506
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:517
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Sì"
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:431 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1044
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:585 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:207
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:733 gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:734
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:291 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:296 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:464
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:498
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:506
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:516
msgid "No"
msgstr "No"
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:445 eeschema/lib_text.cpp:363
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:599
msgid "H Justification"
msgstr "Giustificazione O"
#: eeschema/lib_field.cpp:454 eeschema/lib_text.cpp:372
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:608
msgid "V Justification"
msgstr "Giustificazione V"
#: eeschema/lib_item.cpp:47 eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1041 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:184
#: eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:204 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:758
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1245
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:692
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:37
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:286 pcbnew/pcb_marker.cpp:94 pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:686 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:754
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:262 pcbnew/zone.cpp:567
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Tipo"
#: eeschema/lib_item.cpp:57 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:194
msgid "no"
msgstr "No"
#: eeschema/lib_item.cpp:59 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:196
msgid "yes"
msgstr "Sì"
#: eeschema/lib_item.cpp:63 eeschema/sch_pin.cpp:200
msgid "Converted"
msgstr "Convertito"
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1055 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1446
msgid "Pos X"
msgstr "Pos X"
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1056 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1447
msgid "Pos Y"
msgstr "Pos Y"
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1188
#, c-format
msgid "Pin %s [%s, %s, %s]"
msgstr "Pin %s [%s, %s, %s]"
#: eeschema/lib_pin.cpp:1196
#, c-format
msgid "Pin %s [%s, %s]"
msgstr "Pin %s [%s, %s]"
#: eeschema/lib_shape.cpp:356
#, c-format
msgid "Arc, radius %s"
msgstr "Arco, raggio %s"
#: eeschema/lib_shape.cpp:360
#, c-format
msgid "Circle, radius %s"
msgstr "Cerchio, raggio %s"
#: eeschema/lib_shape.cpp:369
#, c-format
msgid "Polyline, %d points"
msgstr "Polilinea, %d punti"
#: eeschema/lib_shape.cpp:373
#, c-format
msgid "Bezier Curve, %d points"
msgstr "Curva di Bezier, %d punti"
#: eeschema/lib_text.cpp:403 eeschema/sch_text.cpp:663
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic Text '%s'"
msgstr "Testo grafico \"%s\""
#: eeschema/libarch.cpp:101
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to add symbol %s to library file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallito l'inserimento del simbolo \"%s\" al file libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/libarch.cpp:110
msgid "Unexpected exception occurred."
msgstr "Si è verificata un'eccezione non prevista."
#: eeschema/libarch.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s not found in any library or cache."
msgstr "Simbolo \"%s\" non trovato in nessuna libreria o cache."
#: eeschema/libarch.cpp:141
#, c-format
msgid "Errors occurred creating symbol library %s."
msgstr "Errore durante la creazione della libreria simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:64 kicad/menubar.cpp:65
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:57 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:67
msgid "Open Recent"
msgstr "Apri recente"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:92
msgid "Insert Schematic Sheet Content..."
msgstr "Inserisci i contenuti del foglio schema..."
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Append schematic sheet content from another project to the current sheet"
msgstr ""
"Accoda i contenuti di un foglio schema da un altro progetto al foglio "
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:101 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:65
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:107
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importa"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:103
msgid "Non-KiCad Schematic..."
msgstr "Schema non-KiCad..."
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:104
msgid ""
"Replace current schematic sheet with one imported from another application"
msgstr ""
"Rimpiazza lo schema corrente con uno importato da un'altra applicazione"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:108
msgid "Footprint Assignments..."
msgstr "Assegnamenti impronte..."
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:114 eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:74 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:126
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Esporta"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:116
msgid "Drawing to Clipboard"
msgstr "Grafica negli appunti"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:117 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:110
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:197
msgid "Netlist..."
msgstr "Netlist..."
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:181
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:121
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:174 pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:138 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:244
msgid "&Units"
msgstr "&Unità"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:290
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:179
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:169 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:245
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:459
msgid "&Place"
msgstr "&Inserisci"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:291
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:180
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:170 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:461
msgid "&Inspect"
msgstr "&Ispeziona"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:292 gerbview/menubar.cpp:225 kicad/menubar.cpp:193
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:247 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:462
msgid "&Tools"
msgstr "&Strumenti"
#: eeschema/menubar.cpp:293
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:181
#: pagelayout_editor/menubar.cpp:171 pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:463
msgid "P&references"
msgstr "P&referenze"
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_exporter_pspice.cpp:111
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find library file %s."
msgstr "Non trovato il file di libreria %s."
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_exporter_pspice.cpp:313
msgid ""
"Multiple symbols have the same reference designator.\n"
"Annotation must be corrected before simulating."
msgstr ""
"Più simboli hanno lo stesso riferimento.\n"
"L'annotazione deve essere corretta prima della simulazione."
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_generator.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "Command error. Return code %d."
msgstr "Errore comando. Codice restituito %d."
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_generator.cpp:130
msgid "Success."
msgstr "Successo."
#: eeschema/netlist_exporters/netlist_generator.cpp:177
msgid "Error: duplicate sheet names. Continue?"
msgstr "Errore: Nome foglio duplicato. Continuare?"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:56
msgid "Free"
msgstr "Libero"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:57
msgid "Unspecified"
msgstr "Imprecisato"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:58
msgid "Power input"
msgstr "Ingresso potenza"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:59
msgid "Power output"
msgstr "Uscita potenza"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:60
msgid "Open collector"
msgstr "Collettore aperto"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:61
msgid "Open emitter"
msgstr "Emettitore aperto"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:62
msgid "Unconnected"
msgstr "Non connesso"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:77
msgid "Inverted"
msgstr "Invertito"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:78
msgid "Clock"
msgstr "Clock"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:79
msgid "Inverted clock"
msgstr "Clock invertito"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:80
msgid "Input low"
msgstr "Ingresso basso"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:81
msgid "Clock low"
msgstr "Clock basso"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:82
msgid "Output low"
msgstr "Uscita bassa"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:83
msgid "Falling edge clock"
msgstr "Clock fronte di discesa"
#: eeschema/pin_type.cpp:84
msgid "NonLogic"
msgstr "NonLogico"
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:194
#, c-format
msgid "Rename %s to %s"
msgstr "Rinomina %s a %s"
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:302 eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:462
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot rescue symbol %s which is not available in any library or the cache."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile recuperare il simbolo %s perché non trovato in nessuna libreria "
"o cache."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:305 eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:468
#, c-format
msgid "Rescue symbol %s found only in cache library to %s."
msgstr "Recupera simbolo %s trovato solo nella libreria cache in %s."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:308 eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:474
#, c-format
msgid "Rescue modified symbol %s to %s"
msgstr "Recupera simbolo modificato %s in %s"
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:568
msgid "This project has nothing to rescue."
msgstr "Questo progetto non ha nulla da recuperare."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:583
msgid "No symbols were rescued."
msgstr "Nessun simbolo recuperato."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:691
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:192
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create symbol library file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita creazione file libreria simboli \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:815
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to save rescue library %s."
msgstr "Fallito il salvataggio della libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/project_rescue.cpp:839
msgid "Error occurred saving project specific symbol library table."
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il salvataggio della tabella librerie simboli specifica del "
#: eeschema/sch_base_frame.cpp:217
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving global symbol library table:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il salvataggio della tabella librerie simboli globale:\n"
#: eeschema/sch_base_frame.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving project-specific symbol library table:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il salvataggio della tabella librerie simboli specifica del "
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:418
msgid "Bus to Wire Entry"
msgstr "Elemento da bus a filo"
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:424
msgid "Bus to Bus Entry"
msgstr "Elemento da bus a bus"
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:489 eeschema/sch_line.cpp:879
msgid "Wire"
msgstr "Filo"
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:490 eeschema/sch_line.cpp:880
msgid "Bus"
msgstr "Bus"
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:493
msgid "Bus Entry Type"
msgstr "Tipo voce bus"
#: eeschema/sch_bus_entry.cpp:510 eeschema/sch_line.cpp:908
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:799
msgid "Assigned Netclass"
msgstr "Netclass assegnata"
#: eeschema/sch_connection.cpp:408
msgid "Connection Name"
msgstr "Nome connessione"
#: eeschema/sch_connection.cpp:415 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:76
msgid "Net Code"
msgstr "Codice connessione"
#: eeschema/sch_connection.cpp:420 eeschema/sch_connection.cpp:433
#, c-format
msgid "Bus Alias %s Members"
msgstr "Membri alias bus %s"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:171 pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:142
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr "Non trovato"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:173
msgid "The following libraries were not found:"
msgstr "Le seguenti librerie non sono state trovate:"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:223
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:63
msgid "KiCad Schematic Editor"
msgstr "Editor schemi KiCad"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:301
msgid "New schematic file is unsaved"
msgstr "Nuovo file schema elettrico non salvato"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:655 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1618
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1151
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:380
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:666 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:819
#, c-format
msgid "Save changes to '%s' before closing?"
msgstr "Salvare le modifiche a \"%s\" prima di chiudere?"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:815
msgid ""
"Cannot update the PCB, because the Schematic Editor is opened in stand-alone "
"mode. In order to create/update PCBs from schematics, launch the KiCad shell "
"and create a project."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aggiornare il C.S., perché l'editor degli schemi è aperto in "
"modalità autonoma. Per creare/aggiornare un C.S. da uno schema elettrico, è "
"necessario eseguire il gestore di progetti KiCad e creare un progetto."
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:934
msgid "New Schematic"
msgstr "Nuovo schema"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:946
#, c-format
msgid "Schematic file '%s' already exists."
msgstr "Il file schema \"%s\" esiste già."
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:967
msgid "Open Schematic"
msgstr "Apri schema"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1030
msgid "Assigning footprints requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr ""
"L'assegnazione delle impronte richiede uno schema completamente annotato."
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1049
msgid "Could not open CvPcb"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire CvPcb"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1258 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:353
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:639 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:828
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1264
msgid "[Read Only]"
msgstr "[sola lettura]"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1261 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:356
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:837 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1267
msgid "[Unsaved]"
msgstr "[Non salvato]"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1265
msgid "[no schematic loaded]"
msgstr "[nessuno schema caricato]"
#: eeschema/sch_edit_frame.cpp:1476
#, c-format
msgid "Highlighted net: %s"
msgstr "Collegamento evidenziato: %s"
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:648
msgid "<root sheet>"
msgstr "<foglio radice>"
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:655
#, c-format
msgid "Go to Page %s (%s)"
msgstr "Va a pagina %s (%s)"
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:661
msgid "Back to Previous Selected Sheet"
msgstr "Indietro al foglio precedentemente selezionato"
#: eeschema/sch_field.cpp:689
msgid "Intersheet References"
msgstr "Riferimenti inter-foglio"
#: eeschema/sch_io_mgr.cpp:35 pcbnew/io_mgr.cpp:42
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin \"%s\" does not implement the \"%s\" function."
msgstr "Il plugin \"%s\" non implementa la funzione \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_io_mgr.cpp:36 pcbnew/io_mgr.cpp:43
#, c-format
msgid "Plugin type \"%s\" is not found."
msgstr "Plugin tipo \"%s\" non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_io_mgr.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown SCH_FILE_T value: %d"
msgstr "Valore SCH_FILE_T sconosciuto: %d"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:709
#, c-format
msgid "Vertical Wire, length %s"
msgstr "Filo verticale, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:710
#, c-format
msgid "Vertical Bus, length %s"
msgstr "Bus verticale, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:711
#, c-format
msgid "Vertical Graphic Line, length %s"
msgstr "Linea grafica verticale, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:718
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal Wire, length %s"
msgstr "Filo orizzontale. lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:719
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal Bus, length %s"
msgstr "Bus orizzontale, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:720
#, c-format
msgid "Horizontal Graphic Line, length %s"
msgstr "Linea grafica orizzontale, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:727
#, c-format
msgid "Wire, length %s"
msgstr "Filo, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:728
#, c-format
msgid "Bus, length %s"
msgstr "Bus, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:729
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic Line, length %s"
msgstr "Linea grafica, lung. %s"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:881
msgid "Graphical"
msgstr "Grafico"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:884
msgid "Line Type"
msgstr "Tipo linea"
#: eeschema/sch_line.cpp:887
msgid "from netclass"
msgstr "da netclass"
#: eeschema/sch_marker.cpp:165
msgid "Electrical Rule Check Error"
msgstr "Errore controllo regole elettriche"
#: eeschema/sch_marker.h:96
msgid "ERC Marker"
msgstr "Evidenziatore ERC"
#: eeschema/sch_no_connect.h:97
msgid "No Connect"
msgstr "Non connesso"
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:138
msgid "Enable <b>debug</b> logging for Symbol*() functions in this SCH_PLUGIN."
msgstr ""
"Abilita il log di <b>debug</b> per le funzioni Symbol*() in questo "
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:142
msgid "Regular expression <b>symbol name</b> filter."
msgstr "Filtro <b>nome simbolo</b> espressione regolare."
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:146 pcbnew/plugin.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Enable transaction logging. The mere presence of this option turns on the "
"logging, no need to set a Value."
msgstr ""
"Abilita il log delle transazioni. La mera presenza di quest'opzione abilita "
"il logging, non è necessario impostare un valore."
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:151 pcbnew/plugin.cpp:165
msgid "User name for <b>login</b> to some special library server."
msgstr "Nome utente per il <b>login</b> a qualche speciale server di libreria."
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:155 pcbnew/plugin.cpp:169
msgid "Password for <b>login</b> to some special library server."
msgstr "Password per il <b>login</b> a qualche speciale server di libreria."
#: eeschema/sch_plugin.cpp:163
msgid ""
"Enter the python symbol which implements the SCH_PLUGIN::Symbol*() functions."
msgstr ""
"Inserire il simbolo python che implementa le funzioni SCH_PLUGIN::Symbol*()."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:66
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:312
#, c-format
msgid "Storage file not fully parsed (%d bytes remaining)."
msgstr "File magazzino non analizzato completamente (%d byte rimanenti)."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:474
msgid "Compile mask not currently supported."
msgstr "La maschera di compilazione non è attualmente supportata."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:487
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Record id: %d."
msgstr "Id record sconosciuto: %d."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:604
#, c-format
msgid "Pin's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario pin (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:649
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1893
msgid "Pin has unexpected orientation."
msgstr "Il pin ha un orientamento inatteso."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:688
msgid "Pin has unexpected electrical type."
msgstr "Il pin ha un tipo elettrico inatteso."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:693
msgid "Pin has unexpected outer edge type."
msgstr "Il pin ha un tipo di bordo esterno inatteso."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:696
msgid "Pin has unexpected inner edge type."
msgstr "Il pin ha un tipo di bordo interno inatteso."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:859
#, c-format
msgid "Label's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario etichetta (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:976
#, c-format
msgid "Bezier has %d control points. At least 2 are expected."
msgstr "La Bezier ha %d punti di controllo. Sono richiesti almeno 2."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1033
#, c-format
msgid "Bezier's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario Bezier (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1146
#, c-format
msgid "Polyline's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario polilinea (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1205
#, c-format
msgid "Polygon's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario poligono (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1286
#, c-format
msgid "Rounded rectangle's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario rettangolo arrotondato (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1322
msgid "Arcs on schematic not currently supported."
msgstr "Gli archi sullo schema non sono attualmente supportati."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1332
#, c-format
msgid "Arc's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario arco (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1400
#, c-format
msgid "Line's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario linea (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1471
#, c-format
msgid "Rectangle's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario rettangolo (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1539
#, c-format
msgid "Sheet entry's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario voce foglio (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1785
msgid "Power Port has unknown style, use bar instead."
msgstr "La porta di potenza ha uno stile sconosciuto, uso di bar invece."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1826
#, c-format
msgid "Power symbol creates a global label with name '%s'"
msgstr "Il simbolo di potenza crea una etichetta globale con nome \"%s\""
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:1942
#, c-format
msgid "Port %s has no connections."
msgstr "La porta %s non ha connessioni."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2133
#, c-format
msgid "Embedded file %s not found in storage."
msgstr "File incorporato \"%s\" non trovato nel magazzino."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2150
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2169
#, c-format
msgid "Error reading image %s."
msgstr "Errore leggendo l'immagine %s."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2162
#, c-format
msgid "File not found %s."
msgstr "File non trovato %s."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2232
#, c-format
msgid "Sheetname's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietarion nomefoglio (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2255
#, c-format
msgid "Filename's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario nomefile (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2289
#, c-format
msgid "Designator's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietarioo riferimento (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2424
#, c-format
msgid "Implementation's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario implementazione (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/altium/sch_altium_plugin.cpp:2434
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint's owner (%d) not found."
msgstr "Proprietario impronta (%d) non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:73
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The design is too large and cannot be imported into KiCad. \n"
"Please reduce the maximum design size in CADSTAR by navigating to: \n"
"Design Tab -> Properties -> Design Options -> Maximum Design Size. \n"
"Current Design size: %.2f, %.2f millimeters. \n"
"Maximum permitted design size: %.2f, %.2f millimeters.\n"
msgstr ""
"Il progetto è troppo grande e non può essere importato in KiCad. \n"
"Ridurre la dimensione massima del progetto in CADSTAR andando in: \n"
"Design Tab -> Properties -> Design Options -> Maximum Design Size. \n"
"Dimensione progetto corrente: %.2f, %.2f millimetri. \n"
"Dimensione massima permessa progetto: %.2f, %.2f millimetri.\n"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:128
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains variants which has no KiCad equivalent. Only the "
"master variant ('%s') was loaded."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene varianti che non hanno equivalente KiCad. Solo "
"la variante master (\"%s\") è stata caricata."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:137
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains grouped items which has no KiCad equivalent. Any "
"grouped items have been ungrouped."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene elementi raggruppati che non hanno un "
"equivalente KiCad. Tutti gli elementi raggruppati sono stati separati."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:144
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:160
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains re-use blocks which has no KiCad equivalent. The "
"re-use block information has been discarded during the import."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene blocchi ri-usabili che non hanno un equivalente "
"KiCad. Le informazioni di ri-utilizzo sono state cancellate durante "
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:258
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:165
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design has been imported successfully.\n"
"Please review the import errors and warnings (if any)."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR è stato importato con successo.\n"
"Verificare gli errori e gli avvertimeni di importazione (se presenti)."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:312
msgid "The CADSTAR schematic might be corrupt: there is no root sheet."
msgstr "Lo schema CADSTAR può essere rovinato: non c'è un foglio radice."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:390
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Part definition '%s' references symbol '%s' (alternate '%s') which could not "
"be found in the symbol library. The part has not been loaded into the KiCad "
msgstr ""
"La definizione della parte \"%s\" che fa riferimento al simbolo \"%s"
"\" (alternativamente \"%s\") non si trova nella libreria dei simboli. La "
"parte non è stata caricata nella libreria KiCad."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:440
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol '%s' references part '%s' which could not be found in the library. "
"The symbol was not loaded"
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo \"%s\" che fa riferimento alla parte \"%s\" non si trova nella "
"libraria. Il simbolo non è stato caricato"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:549
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol ID '%s' references library symbol '%s' which could not be found in "
"the library. Did you export all items of the design?"
msgstr ""
"L'ID simbolo \"%s\" che fa riferimento al simbolo di libreria \"%s\" non si "
"trova nella libreria. Sicuri di aver esportato tutti gli elementi del "
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:559
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol ID '%s' is a signal reference or global signal but it has too many "
"pins. The expected number of pins is 1 but %d were found."
msgstr ""
"L'ID simbolo \"%s\" è un riferimento a segnale o segnale globale ma ha "
"troppi pin. Il numero atteso di pin è 1 ma sono stati trovati %d."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:691
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol ID '%s' is of an unknown type. It is neither a symbol or a net "
"power / symbol. The symbol was not loaded."
msgstr ""
"L'ID del simbolo \"%s\" è di tipo sconosciuto. Non è né un simbolo di "
"componente né di connessione / potenza. Il simbolo non è stato caricato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:707
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol '%s' is scaled in the original CADSTAR schematic but this is not "
"supported in KiCad. When the symbol is reloaded from the library, it will "
"revert to the original 1:1 scale."
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo \"%s\" è scalato nello schema CADSTAR originale ma ciò non è "
"supportato in KiCad. Quando il simbolo verrà ricaricato dalla libreria "
"tornerà alla scala 1:1 originale."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:1190
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Documentation Symbol '%s' refers to symbol definition ID '%s' which does not "
"exist in the library. The symbol was not loaded."
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo di documentazione \"%s\" fa riferimento all'ID componente \"%s\" "
"che non esiste nella libreria. Simbolo non caricato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:1297
msgid "Text Variables could not be set as there is no project attached."
msgstr ""
"Non è stato possibile impostare le variabili di testo poiché non vi è alcun "
"progetto allegato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:1740
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol '%s' is rotated by an angle of %.1f degrees in the original CADSTAR "
"design but KiCad only supports rotation angles multiples of 90 degrees. The "
"connecting wires will need manual fixing."
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo \"%s\" è ruotato di un angolo di %.1f gradi nel progetto CADSTAR "
"originale, ma KiCad supporta solo angoli di rotazione multipli di 90 gradi. "
"I collegamenti dovranno essere aggiustati manualmente."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:1754
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol '%s' references sheet ID '%s' which does not exist in the design. The "
"symbol was not loaded."
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo \"%s\" fa riferimento all'ID foglio \"%s\" che non esiste nel "
"progetto. Il simbolo non è stato caricato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:1889
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Net %s references unknown net element %s. The net was not properly loaded "
"and may require manual fixing."
msgstr ""
"La connessione %s si riferisce an un elemento di connessione sconosciuto %s. "
"La connessione non è stata caricata correttamente e potrebbe necessitare di "
"aggiustamento manuale."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:2181
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The block ID %s (Block name: '%s') is drawn on sheet '%s' but is not linked "
"to another sheet in the design. KiCad requires all sheet symbols to be "
"associated to a sheet, so the block was not loaded."
msgstr ""
"L'ID blocco %s (nome blocco: \"%s\") è disegnato sul foglio \"%s\" ma non è "
"collegato a un altro foglio nel progetto. KiCad richiede che tutti i simboli "
"foglio siano associati a un foglio, quindi il blocco non è stato caricato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/cadstar/cadstar_sch_archive_loader.cpp:2206
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR schematic might be corrupt: Block %s references a child sheet "
"but has no Figure defined."
msgstr ""
"Lo schema CADSTAR potrebbe essere rovinato: il blocco %s si riferisce ad un "
"foglio figlio ma non c'è una figura definita."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/eagle/sch_eagle_plugin.cpp:439
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:3040
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to read file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/eagle/sch_eagle_plugin.cpp:1273
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error parsing Eagle file. Could not find '%s' instance but it is referenced "
"in the schematic."
msgstr ""
"Errore nell'analisi del file Eagle. Impossibile trovare l'istanza \"%s\" "
"anche se questa ha un riferimento nello schema."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/eagle/sch_eagle_plugin.cpp:1304
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find '%s' in the imported library."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare \"%s\" nella libreria importata."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:165
msgid "Invalid symbol name"
msgstr "Nome simbolo non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:175
msgid "Invalid library identifier"
msgstr "ID di libreria di simboli non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:247
msgid "Invalid parent symbol name"
msgstr "Nome simbolo genitore non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:256
#, c-format
msgid "No parent for extended symbol %s"
msgstr "Nessun genitore per il simbolo esteso %s"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:271
msgid "Invalid symbol unit name"
msgstr "Nome unità simbolo non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:279
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid symbol unit name prefix %s"
msgstr "Prefisso nome unità simbolo %s non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:289
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid symbol unit name suffix %s"
msgstr "Suffisso nome unità simbolo %s non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:295
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid symbol unit number %s"
msgstr "Numero unità simbolo %s non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:303
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid symbol convert number %s"
msgstr "Numero simbolo convertito %s non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:424
msgid "Floating point number with incorrect locale"
msgstr "Numero in virgola mobile con locale non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:434
msgid "Invalid floating point number"
msgstr "Numero in virgola mobile non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:440
msgid "Missing floating point number"
msgstr "Numero in virgola mobile mancante"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:745
msgid "Invalid pin names definition"
msgstr "Definizione nome pin non valida"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:767
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1705
msgid "Invalid property name"
msgstr "Proprietà nome non valida"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:775
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1713
msgid "Empty property name"
msgstr "Proprietà nome vuota"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:784
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1721
msgid "Invalid property value"
msgstr "Valore proprietà non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1277
msgid "Invalid pin name"
msgstr "Nome pin non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1315
msgid "Invalid pin number"
msgstr "Numero pin non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1352
msgid "Invalid alternate pin name"
msgstr "Nome pin alternativo non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1504
msgid "Invalid text string"
msgstr "Stringa di testo non valida"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1551
msgid "Invalid page type"
msgstr "Tipo pagina non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1679
msgid "Invalid title block comment number"
msgstr "Numero commento riquadro iscrizioni non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1778
msgid "Invalid sheet pin name"
msgstr "Nome pin foglio non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:1786
msgid "Empty sheet pin name"
msgstr "Nome pin foglio vuoto"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:2237
msgid "Invalid symbol library name"
msgstr "Nome libreria di simboli non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_parser.cpp:2257
msgid "Invalid symbol library ID"
msgstr "ID libreria di simboli non valido"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_plugin.cpp:1654
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:2599
#, c-format
msgid "Library file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File libreria \"%s\" non trovato."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_plugin.cpp:2074
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:4272
#, c-format
msgid "library %s does not contain a symbol named %s"
msgstr "la libreria %s non contiene un simbolo di nome %s"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_plugin.cpp:2242
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:4452
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library '%s' already exists."
msgstr "La libreria simboli %s esiste già."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/kicad/sch_sexpr_plugin.cpp:2268
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:4478
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library '%s' cannot be deleted."
msgstr "La libreria simboli \"%s\" non può essere cancellata"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:152
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:194
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:240
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:284
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:326
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:339
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:388
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:401
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:420
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1080
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:3066
msgid "unexpected end of line"
msgstr "fine riga non previsto"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:350
msgid "expected unquoted string"
msgstr "attesa stringa senza virgolette"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:857
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' does not appear to be an Eeschema file."
msgstr "\"%s\" non sembra essere un file di Eeschema."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:887
msgid "Missing 'EELAYER END'"
msgstr "\"EELAYER END\" mancante"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:935
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1203
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1211
msgid "unexpected end of file"
msgstr "fine file inaspettata"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1170
msgid "Unexpected end of file"
msgstr "Fine file non prevista"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1495
msgid "expected 'Italics' or '~'"
msgstr "previsto \"Italics\" o \"~\""
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:1759
msgid "symbol field text attributes must be 3 characters wide"
msgstr ""
"gli attributi del campo testo del simbolo devono essere larghi 3 caratteri"
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:2613
msgid "Unexpected end of file."
msgstr "Fine file non prevista."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:2699
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to read library '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per leggere la libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_plugins/legacy/sch_legacy_plugin.cpp:2708
msgid "symbol document library file is empty"
msgstr "il file della libreria di documentazione componenti è vuoto"
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:644 eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:736
#, c-format
msgid "Setting schematic symbol '%s %s' library identifier to '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impostazione identificatore libreria di simboli schema \"%s %s\" a \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:660
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Schematic symbol reference '%s' library identifier is not valid. Unable to "
"link library symbol."
msgstr ""
"L'identificatore del simbolo schema di libreria '%s' non è valido. "
"Impossibile collegare il simbolo di libreria."
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:676
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Symbol library '%s' not found and no fallback cache library available. "
"Unable to link library symbol."
msgstr ""
"Simbolo di libreria \"%s\" non trovato e non è disponibile alcuna cache di "
"libreria. Impossibile collegare il simbolo di libreria."
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:695
#, c-format
msgid "I/O error %s resolving library symbol %s"
msgstr "Errore di I/O %s nella risoluzione del simbolo di libreria %s"
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:715
#, c-format
msgid "Falling back to cache to set symbol '%s:%s' link '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Ripiego sulla cache per impostare il simbolo '%s:%s' collegamento '%s'."
#: eeschema/sch_screen.cpp:747
#, c-format
msgid "No library symbol found for schematic symbol '%s %s'."
msgstr "Nessun simbolo di libreria trovato per il simbolo \"%s %s\"."
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:57
msgid "Sheet name"
msgstr "Nome foglio"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:58
msgid "Sheet file"
msgstr "File foglio"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:714
msgid "Sheet Name"
msgstr "Nome foglio"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:721
msgid "Hierarchical Path"
msgstr "Percorso gerarchico"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:724
msgid "File Name"
msgstr "Nome file"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet.cpp:953
#, c-format
msgid "Hierarchical Sheet %s"
msgstr "Foglio gerarchico %s"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet_path.cpp:57 include/board_item.h:339
msgid "(Deleted Item)"
msgstr "(elemento cancellato)"
#: eeschema/sch_sheet_pin.cpp:289
#, c-format
msgid "Hierarchical Sheet Pin %s"
msgstr "Punto di connessione gerarchico %s"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1378
msgid "Power symbol"
msgstr "Simbolo di potenza"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1382
msgid "flags"
msgstr "flag"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1390
msgid "Missing parent"
msgstr "Genitore mancante"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1405
msgid "Undefined!!!"
msgstr "Indefinito!!!"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1412
msgid "<Unknown>"
msgstr "<Sconosciuto>"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1431
msgid "No library defined!"
msgstr "Nessuna libreria definita!"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1433
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol not found in %s!"
msgstr "Simbolo non trovato in %s!"
#: eeschema/sch_symbol.cpp:1624
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s [%s]"
msgstr "Simbolo %s [%s]"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:573
msgid "Tri-State"
msgstr "Tri-state"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:745
msgid "Graphic Text"
msgstr "Testo grafico"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:746
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etichetta"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:749
msgid "Hierarchical Sheet Pin"
msgstr "Pin foglio gerarchico"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:760
msgid "Bold Italic"
msgstr "Grassetto corsivo"
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:911
#, c-format
msgid "Label '%s'"
msgstr "Etichetta \"%s\""
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:1463
#, c-format
msgid "Global Label '%s'"
msgstr "Etichetta globale \"%s\""
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:1708
#, c-format
msgid "Hierarchical Label '%s'"
msgstr "Etichetta gerarchica \"%s\""
#: eeschema/sch_text.cpp:1724 pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules.cpp:543
msgid "Syntax Help"
msgstr "Aiuto sintassi"
#: eeschema/sch_text_help_md.h:2
msgid ""
" <tr>\n"
" <th>Markup</th>\n"
" <th></th>\n"
" <th>Result</th>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>^{superscript}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp><sup>superscript</sup> </samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>Driver Board^{Rev A}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>Driver Board<sup>Rev A</sup></samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>_{subscript}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp><sub>subscript</sub> </samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>D_{0} - D_{15}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>D<sub>0</sub> - D<sub>15</sub></samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>~{overbar}</samp><br> <br><samp>~{CLK}</"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <samp><u> </u></"
"samp><br> <samp>overbar</samp><br> <samp><u> </u></"
"samp><br> <samp>CLK</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>${variable}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp><i>variable_value</i></samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>${REVISION}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>2020.1</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>${refdes:field}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp><i>field_value</i> of symbol <i>refdes</i></"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>${R3:VALUE}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>150K</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <th>Bus Definition</th>\n"
" <th> "
" </th>\n"
" <th>Resultant Nets</th>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>prefix[m..n]</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>prefixm to prefixn</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>D[0..7]</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>D0, D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, D6, D7</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>{net1 net2 ...}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>net1, net2, ...</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>{SCL SDA}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>SCL, SDA</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>prefix{net1 net2 ...}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>prefix.net1, prefix.net2, ...</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>USB1{D+ D-}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>USB1.D+, USB1.D-</samp></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>MEM{D[1..2] LATCH}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <br> <samp>MEM.D1, MEM.D2, MEM.LATCH</samp> </td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td> <br><samp>MEM{D_{[1..2]} ~LATCH}</samp></td>\n"
" <td></td>\n"
" <td> <samp> <sub> </sub> "
" <sub> </sub> "
" <u> </u></samp><br> <samp>MEM.D<sub>1</"
"sub>, MEM.D<sub>2</sub>, MEM.LATCH</samp> </td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
" <tr>\n"
" <td><br></td>\n"
" </tr>\n"
"<i>Note that markup has precedence over bus definitions.</i>\n"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:102
#, c-format
msgid "The reference designator cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il riferimento non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid "The value field cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il campo valore non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:110
#, c-format
msgid "The footprint field cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il campo impronta non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:114
#, c-format
msgid "The datasheet field cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il campo documentazione non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:118
#, c-format
msgid "The sheet name cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il nome foglio non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:122
#, c-format
msgid "The sheet filename cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il nome file foglio non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:126
#, c-format
msgid "The field cannot contain %s character(s)."
msgstr "Il campo non può contenere %s caratteri."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:138
msgid "The name of the field cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il nome del campo non può essere vuoto."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:140
msgid "The value of the field cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il valore del campo non può essere vuoto."
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:151
msgid "carriage return"
msgstr "ritorno a capo"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:153
msgid "line feed"
msgstr "avanzamento linea"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:155
msgid "tab"
msgstr "tab"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:157
msgid "space"
msgstr "spazio"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:171
msgid " or "
msgstr " o "
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:176
msgid ", or "
msgstr ", o "
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:189
msgid "The reference designator cannot contain text variable references"
msgstr "Il riferimento non può contenere riferimenti a variabili testo"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:196
msgid "Field Validation Error"
msgstr "Errore validazione campo"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:226
msgid "Signal name contains '{' and '}' but is not a valid bus name"
msgstr "Il nome segnale contiene '{' e '}' ma non è un nome bus valido"
#: eeschema/sch_validators.cpp:231
msgid "Signal name contains '[' or ']' but is not a valid bus name."
msgstr "Il nome segnale contiene '[' o ']' ma non è un nome bus valido."
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The sheet changes cannot be made because the destination sheet already has "
"the sheet '%s' or one of its subsheets as a parent somewhere in the "
"schematic hierarchy."
msgstr ""
"I cambiamenti di foglio non possono essere eseguiti dato che il foglio di "
"destinazione ha già il foglio '%s' o uno dei suoi sottofogli come genitore "
"da qualche parte nella gerarchia dello schema."
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:84
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The schematic '%s' has not had its symbol library links remapped to the "
"symbol library table. The project this schematic belongs to must first be "
"remapped before it can be imported into the current project."
msgstr ""
"I collegamenti dello schema '%s' non sono stati rimappati alla tabella delle "
"librerie di simboli. Il progetto a cui questo schema appartiene deve essere "
"rimappato prima di poter essere importato nel progetto corrente."
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:147
msgid ""
"The entire schematic could not be loaded. Errors occurred attempting to "
"load hierarchical sheet schematics."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile caricare lo schema elettrico completo. Si sono verificati degli "
"errori nel tentativo di caricare la gerarchia degli schemi elettrici."
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:150
msgid "Schematic Load Error"
msgstr "Errore caricamento schema"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:153
msgid "Use partial schematic"
msgstr "Usa schema parziale"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:206
msgid "Continue Load"
msgstr "Continua caricamento"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:207
msgid "Cancel Load"
msgstr "Annulla caricamento"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:224
msgid ""
"There are library names in the loaded schematic that are missing from the "
"project library table. This may result in broken symbol library links for "
"the loaded schematic. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Ci sono nomi di libreria nello schema caricato che mancano dalla tabella "
"librerie del progetto. Ciò può portare a collegamenti librerie di simboli "
"interrotti per lo schema caricato. Continuare?"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:227 eeschema/sheet.cpp:268 eeschema/sheet.cpp:317
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:378
msgid "Continue Load Schematic"
msgstr "Continua caricamento schema"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:264
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The project library table '%s' does not exist or cannot be read. This may "
"result in broken symbol links for the schematic. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"La tabella librerie del progetto '%s' non esiste o non è leggibile. Ciò può "
"portare a collegamenti a simboli interrotti per lo schema. Continuare?"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:313
msgid ""
"There are library names in the loaded schematic that are missing from the "
"loaded schematic project library table. This may result in broken symbol "
"library links for the schematic. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Ci sono nomi di librerie nello schema caricato che mancano dalla tabella "
"librerie del progetto dello schema caricato. Ciò può portare a collegamenti "
"a librerie di simboli interrotti per lo schema. Continuare?"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:374
msgid ""
"A duplicate library name that references a different library exists in the "
"current library table. This conflict cannot be resolved and may result in "
"broken symbol library links for the schematic. Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Nome di libreria duplicato che fa riferimento ad una diversa libreria "
"esistente nell'attuale tabella librerie. Questo conflitto non può essere "
"risolto e può provocare collegamenti a librerie di simboli interrotti per lo "
"schema. Continuare?"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:561
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The file name '%s' can cause issues with an existing file name\n"
"already defined in the schematic on systems that support case\n"
"insensitive file names. This will cause issues if you copy this\n"
"project to an operating system that supports case insensitive file\n"
"Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Il nome file '%s' può causare problemi con un nome file esistente\n"
"già definito nello schema su file system che non distinguono le\n"
"minuscole dalle maiuscole. Ciò provocherà problemi se si copia\n"
"questo progetto su tali tipi di sistemi operativi.\n"
"Continuare ugualmente?"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:570
msgid "Do not show this message again."
msgstr "Non mostrare più questo messaggio."
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:571
msgid "Create New Sheet"
msgstr "Crea nuovo foglio"
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:572
msgid "Discard New Sheet"
msgstr "Abbandona il nuovo foglio"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_panel_base.cpp:92
msgid ""
"This simulation provide no plots. Please refer to console window for results"
msgstr ""
"Questa simulazione non fornisce grafici. Andare alla finestra console per i "
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:169
msgid "Run/Stop Simulation"
msgstr "Avvia/ferma la simulazione"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:170 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:55
msgid "Run Simulation"
msgstr "Avvia simulazione"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:171
msgid "Add Signals"
msgstr "Aggiungi segnali"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:172
msgid "Add signals to plot"
msgstr "Aggiungi segnali al grafico"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:173
msgid "Probe"
msgstr "Campiona"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:174
msgid "Probe signals on the schematic"
msgstr "Campiona i segnali nello schema"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:175 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:242
msgid "Tune"
msgstr "Regola"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:176
msgid "Tune component values"
msgstr "Regola i valori dei componenti"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:177
msgid "Sim Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri sim"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:178
msgid "Simulation parameters and settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni e parametri simulazione"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:358 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.h:127
msgid "Spice Simulator"
msgstr "Simulatore Spice"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:475 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1462
msgid "There were errors during netlist export, aborted."
msgstr ""
"Si sono verificati degli errori durante l'esportazione della netlist, "
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:515
#, c-format
msgid "Plot%u - "
msgstr "Grafico%u - "
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:632
msgid "Error: simulation type not defined!\n"
msgstr "Errore: tipo di simulazione non definito!\n"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:638
msgid "Error: simulation type doesn't support plotting!\n"
msgstr "Errore: il tipo di simulazione non supporta la tracciatura!\n"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:829 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1657
msgid "Signal"
msgstr "Segnale"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1103
msgid "noname"
msgstr "senzanome"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1152
msgid "Open simulation workbook"
msgstr "Apri il libretto di lavoro della simulazione"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1181
msgid "Save Simulation Workbook As"
msgstr "Salva libretto di lavoro della simulazione come"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1197
msgid "Save Plot as Image"
msgstr "Salva il grafico come immagine"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1214
msgid "Save Plot Data"
msgstr "Salva i dati del grafico"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1510
msgid "You need to run plot-providing simulation first."
msgstr "È necessario prima eseguire la simulazione di generazione grafico."
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1755
msgid ""
"Simulation results:\n"
msgstr ""
"Risultati simulazione:\n"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1826
msgid "Hide Signal"
msgstr "Nascondi segnale"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1826
msgid "Erase the signal from plot screen"
msgstr "Cancella il segnale dallo schermo"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1832
msgid "Hide Cursor"
msgstr "Nascondi puntatore"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame.cpp:1834
msgid "Show Cursor"
msgstr "Mostra puntatore"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:19
msgid "New Plot"
msgstr "Nuovo grafico"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:39
msgid "Save as Image"
msgstr "Salva come immagine"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:43
msgid "Save as .csv File"
msgstr "Salva come file .csv"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:24
msgid "File"
msgstr "File"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:61
msgid "Add Signals..."
msgstr "Aggiungi segnali..."
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:65
msgid "Probe from schematics"
msgstr "Campiona dallo schema"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:69
msgid "Tune Component Value"
msgstr "Regola valore componente"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:75
msgid "Show SPICE Netlist..."
msgstr "Mostra netlist Spice..."
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:75
msgid "Shows current simulation's netlist. Useful for debugging SPICE errors."
msgstr ""
"Mostra la netlist della simulazione corrente. Utile per fare il debug di "
"errori SPICE."
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:80
msgid "Settings..."
msgstr "Impostazioni..."
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:83
msgid "Simulation"
msgstr "Simulazione"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:101
msgid "Show &Grid"
msgstr "Mostra &griglia"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:105
msgid "Show &Legend"
msgstr "Mostra &legenda"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:111
msgid "Dotted Current/Phase"
msgstr "Corrente/fase tratteggiate"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:115
msgid "White Background"
msgstr "Sfondo bianco"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:118
msgid "View"
msgstr "Visualizza"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:197
msgid "Signals"
msgstr "Segnali"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_frame_base.cpp:225
msgid "Cursors"
msgstr "Puntatori"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:348 eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:360
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:108
msgid "Frequency"
msgstr "Frequenza"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:349
msgid "Gain"
msgstr "Guadagno"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:350
msgid "Phase"
msgstr "Fase"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:361
msgid "noise [(V or A)^2/Hz]"
msgstr "rumore [(V o A)^2/Hz]"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:365
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Tempo"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:423
msgid "Voltage (swept)"
msgstr "Tensione (rampa)"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:427
msgid "Current (swept)"
msgstr "Corrente (rampa)"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:430
msgid "Resistance (swept)"
msgstr "Resistenza (rampa)"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:434
msgid "Temperature (swept)"
msgstr "Temperatura (rampa)"
#: eeschema/sim/sim_plot_panel.cpp:439
msgid "Voltage (measured)"
msgstr "Tensione (misurata)"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:61
msgid "DC Sweep"
msgstr "Sweep DC"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:73
msgid "Pole-zero"
msgstr "Polo-zero"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:79
msgid "Transfer function"
msgstr "Funzione di trasferimento"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_simulator.cpp:83
msgid "UNKNOWN!"
msgstr "Sconosciuto!"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_value.cpp:42
msgid "Spice value cannot be empty"
msgstr "Il valore Spice non può essere vuoto"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_value.cpp:47
msgid "Invalid Spice value string"
msgstr "Valore stringa Spice non valido"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_value.cpp:80
msgid "Invalid unit prefix"
msgstr "Prefisso unità non valido"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_value.cpp:259
msgid "Please, fill required fields"
msgstr "Riempire i campi richiesti"
#: eeschema/sim/spice_value.cpp:277
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid Spice value."
msgstr "\"%s\" non è un valore Spice valido."
#: eeschema/symbol_async_loader.cpp:126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading symbol library %s.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel caricamento della libreria di simboli %s.\n"
#: eeschema/symbol_async_loader.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "Loading library %s..."
msgstr "Caricamento libreria %s..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/lib_logger.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Not all symbol libraries could be loaded. Use the Manage Symbol\n"
"Libraries dialog to adjust paths and add or remove libraries."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile caricare alcune librerie. Usare la finestra di gestione "
"di simboli per correggere i percorsi e aggiungere o rimuovere librerie."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:70
msgid "Symbol..."
msgstr "Simbolo..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:71
msgid "View as PNG..."
msgstr "Visualizza come PNG..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:72
msgid "Symbol as SVG..."
msgstr "Simbolo come SVG..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/menubar_symbol_editor.cpp:76
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:98
msgid "Library Editor"
msgstr "Editor delle librerie"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:112
msgid "KiCad Symbol Editor"
msgstr "Editor di simboli KiCad"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:149
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:913
#: eeschema/symbol_library.cpp:489 eeschema/symbol_tree_model_adapter.cpp:66
msgid "Loading Symbol Libraries"
msgstr "Caricamento librerie simboli"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:233 pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:766
msgid "Libraries"
msgstr "Librerie"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:226
msgid "Library changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti libreria non salvati"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:517
msgid "Save changes to schematic before closing?"
msgstr "Salvare le modifiche dello schema prima di chiudere?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:566
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Unit %s"
msgstr "Unità %s"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:723
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Editing symbol %s from schematic. Saving will update the schematic only."
msgstr ""
"Modifica simbolo %s dallo schema. Salvando verrà aggiornato solo lo schema."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:732
msgid "Manage symbol libraries"
msgstr "Gestione librerie simboli"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:743
msgid ""
"Symbols in legacy libraries are not editable. Use Manage Symbol Libraries "
"to migrate to current format."
msgstr ""
"I simboli nelle librerie obsolete non sono modificabili. Usare la Gestione "
"librerie di simboli per eseguire la migrazione al formato corrente."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:753
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s is derived from %s. Symbol graphics will not be editable."
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo %s è derivato da %s. La grafica del simbolo non sarà "
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:757
#, c-format
msgid "Open %s"
msgstr "Apri %s"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:828
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' already exists."
msgstr "La libreria \"%s\" esiste già."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:836
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not create the library file '%s'.\n"
"Make sure you have write permissions and try again."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile creare il file di libreria '%s'.\n"
"Controllare i permessi di scrittura e riprovare."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:846
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:213
msgid "Could not open the library file."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file di libreria."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:919
#, c-format
msgid "Loading library '%s'..."
msgstr "Caricamento libreria \"%s\"..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:993
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:505
msgid "Add the library to the global library table?"
msgstr "Aggiungere la libreria alla tabella librerie globale?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:994
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:506
msgid "Add To Global Library Table"
msgstr "Aggiungi alla tabella librerie globale"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1004
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:516
msgid "Global"
msgstr "Globale"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1007
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:519
msgid "Choose the Library Table to add the library to:"
msgstr "Scegliere la tabella librerie nella quale aggiungere la libreria:"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1008
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:520
msgid "Add To Library Table"
msgstr "Aggiungi alla tabella librerie"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1040
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to save backup to '%s'."
msgstr "Fallito il salvataggio del backup su \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1186
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:392
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The current configuration does not include the library '%s'.\n"
"Use Manage Symbol Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"L'attuale configurazione non include la liberia \"%s\".\n"
"Usare la gestione librerie di simboli per modificare la configurazione."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1189
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:395
msgid "Library not found in symbol library table."
msgstr "Libreria non trovata nella tabella librerie di simboli."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1197
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:399
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The library '%s' is not enabled in the current configuration.\n"
"Use Manage Symbol Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"La libreria \"%s\" non è abilitata nell'attuale configurazione.\n"
"Usare la gestione librerie di simboli per modificare la configurazione."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1200
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:402
msgid "Symbol library not enabled."
msgstr "Libreria di simboli non abilitata."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1386
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1438
msgid "Error saving global library table."
msgstr "Errore nel salvataggio della tabella librerie globale."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1387
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_edit_frame.cpp:1439
msgid "Error saving project library table."
msgstr "Errore nel salvataggio della tabella librerie del progetto."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:58
msgid "Normal save as operation"
msgstr "Salvataggio normale come operazione"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:60
msgid "Do not perform any additional operations after saving library."
msgstr ""
"Non eseguire nessuna operazione aggiuntiva dopo il salvataggio della "
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:63
msgid "Replace library table entry"
msgstr "Rimpiazza voce libreria in tabella"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Replace symbol library table entry with new library.\n"
"The original library will no longer be available for use."
msgstr ""
"Rimpiazza una voce libreria di simboli in tabella con una nuova libreria.\n"
"La libreria originale non sarà più disponibile all'uso."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:68
msgid "Add new global library table entry"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuova voce alla tabella librerie globale"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:69
msgid ""
"Add new entry to the global symbol library table.\n"
"The symbol library table nickname is suffixed with\n"
"an integer to ensure no duplicate table entries."
msgstr ""
"Aggiunge una nuova voce alla tabella librerie di simboli globale.\n"
"Il denominatore della libreria di simboli viene suffisso con un\n"
"intero per assicurare che non ci siano voci di libreria duplicate."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:74
msgid "Add new project library table entry"
msgstr "Aggiungi nuova tabella libreria di simboli"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:75
msgid ""
"Add new entry to the project symbol library table.\n"
"The symbol library table nickname is suffixed with\n"
"an integer to ensure no duplicate table entries."
msgstr ""
"Aggiunge una nuova voce alla tabella librerie di simboli del progetto.\n"
"Il denominatore della libreria di simboli viene suffisso con un\n"
"intero per assicurare che non ci siano duplicati nelle voci della tabella."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:146
msgid "[from schematic]"
msgstr "[dallo schema]"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:156
msgid "[Read Only Library]"
msgstr "[libreria sola lettura]"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:160
msgid "[no symbol loaded]"
msgstr "[nessun simbolo caricato]"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:188
msgid "No symbol libraries are loaded."
msgstr "Nessuna libreria di simboli caricata."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:214
msgid "Select Symbol Library"
msgstr "Seleziona libreria di simboli"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:263
msgid "The current symbol has been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr "Il simbolo corrente è stato modificato. Salvare le modifiche?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:431
msgid "This new symbol has no name and cannot be created."
msgstr "Il nuovo simbolo è senza nome e non può essere creato."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:443
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol '%s' already exists in library '%s'."
msgstr "Il simbolo \"%s\" esiste già nella libreria \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:448
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:705
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:101
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:164
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:471
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1070
msgid "Overwrite"
msgstr "Sovrascrivere"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:554
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:506
msgid "No schematic currently open."
msgstr "Nessuno schema attualmente aperto."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:574
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1173
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:170
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:240
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:265
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Symbol library '%s' is not writable."
msgstr "Libreria di simboli \"%s\" non scrivibile."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:576
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1174
msgid "You must save to a different location."
msgstr "Bisogna salvare in un'altra posizione."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:628 include/lib_table_grid.h:179
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:984
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1244
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Denominazione"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:639
msgid "Save Symbol As"
msgstr "Salva simbolo come"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:640
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:996
msgid "Save in library:"
msgstr "Salva nella libreria:"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:672
msgid "No library specified. Symbol could not be saved."
msgstr "Nessuna libreria specificata. Il simbolo non può essere salvato."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:681
msgid ""
"Derived symbols must be saved in the same library as their parent symbol."
msgstr ""
"I simboli derivati devono essere salvati nella stessa libreria del simbolo "
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:700
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol '%s' already exists in library '%s'"
msgstr "Il simbolo \"%s\" esiste già nella libreria \"%s\""
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:734
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol name '%s' already in use."
msgstr "Il nome simbolo \"%s\" è già in uso."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:764
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The symbol '%s' has been modified.\n"
"Do you want to remove it from the library?"
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo \"%s\" è stato modificato.\n"
"Rimuoverlo dalla libreria?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:775
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The symbol %s is used to derive other symbols.\n"
"Deleting this symbol will delete all of the symbols derived from it.\n"
"Do you wish to delete this symbol and all of its derivatives?"
msgstr ""
"Il simbolo %s è attualmente usato per derivare altri simboli.\n"
"Cancellandolo si cancelleranno tutti i simboli derivati da esso.\n"
"Cancellare questo simbolo e tutti i simboli derivati da esso?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:780
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:143
msgid "Delete Symbol"
msgstr "Cancella simbolo"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:781
msgid "Keep Symbol"
msgstr "Mantieni simbolo"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:924
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1098
#, c-format
msgid "Revert '%s' to last version saved?"
msgstr "Ripristinare '%s' all'ultima versione salvata?"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:992
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s not found in library '%s'."
msgstr "Simbolo %s non trovato nella libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1021
msgid "No library specified."
msgstr "Nessuna libreria specificata."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1040
#, c-format
msgid "Save Library '%s' As..."
msgstr "Salva libreria '%s' come..."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1079
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to save changes to symbol library file '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Fallito il salvataggio dei cambiamenti sul file libreria di simboli '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1081
msgid "Error Saving Library"
msgstr "Errore nel salvataggio della libreria"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1124
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library file '%s' saved."
msgstr "File di libreria di simboli '%s' salvato."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1224
msgid "Undefined!"
msgstr "Indefinito!"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1225
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:367 pcbnew/fp_shape.cpp:404
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:506 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1684
msgid "Parent"
msgstr "Genitore"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1234
msgid "Convert"
msgstr "Convertito"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1238
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Corpo"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor.cpp:1241
msgid "Power Symbol"
msgstr "Simbolo di potenza"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:54
msgid "Import Symbol"
msgstr "Importa simbolo"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:79
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot import symbol library '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile importare la libreria di simboli '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol library file '%s' is empty."
msgstr "Il file di libreria simboli '%s' è vuoto."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:98
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:159
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s already exists in library '%s'."
msgstr "Il simbolo %s esiste già nella libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:121
msgid "There is no symbol selected to save."
msgstr "Nessun simbolo selezionato da salvare."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:130
msgid "Export Symbol"
msgstr "Esporta simbolo"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:151
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred attempting to load symbol library file '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il tentativo di caricare il file della libreria di simboli "
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:174
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to save library '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per salvare la libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:194
#, c-format
msgid "Error creating symbol library '%s'."
msgstr "Errore durante la creazione della libreria simboli '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_editor_import_export.cpp:201
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol %s saved to library '%s'."
msgstr "Simbolo %s salvato nella libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:106
#: eeschema/symbol_tree_model_adapter.cpp:104
msgid "Errors loading symbols:"
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento simboli:"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:176
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' not found in the Symbol Library Table."
msgstr "Libreria '%s' non trovata nella tabella librerie di simboli."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:402
msgid "Symbol not found."
msgstr "Simbolo non trovato."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:433
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading symbol %s from library '%s'. (%s)"
msgstr "Errore durante il caricamento del simbolo %s dalla libreria '%s'. (%s)"
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:619
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot load symbol '%s' from library '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile caricare il simbolo '%s' dalla libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:772
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot enumerate library '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile enumerare la libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_editor/symbol_library_manager.cpp:1048
#, c-format
msgid "Error saving symbol %s to library '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento del simbolo %s dalla libreria '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_lib_table.cpp:229
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Duplicate library nickname '%s' found in symbol library table file line %d"
msgstr ""
"Denominatore libreria \"%s\" duplicato nella tabella librerie simboli alla "
"riga %d"
#: eeschema/symbol_library.cpp:572 eeschema/symbol_tree_model_adapter.cpp:152
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading symbol library '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento della libreria di simboli '%s'."
#: eeschema/symbol_tree_synchronizing_adapter.cpp:259
msgid "(failed to load)"
msgstr "(caricamento fallito)"
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:115
msgid "KiCad Symbol Library Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore di librerie di simboli KiCad"
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:462
#, c-format
msgid "Unit %c"
msgstr "Unità %c"
#: eeschema/symbol_viewer_frame.cpp:918 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:989
msgid "[no library selected]"
msgstr "[nessuna libreria selezionata]"
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:51
msgid "Choose symbol"
msgstr "Scegli simbolo"
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:55
msgid "Display previous symbol"
msgstr "Mostra il simbolo precedente"
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:59
msgid "Display next symbol"
msgstr "Mostra il simbolo successivo"
#: eeschema/toolbars_symbol_viewer.cpp:108
msgid "Symbol Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:207
msgid "Load Symbol Footprint Link File"
msgstr "Carica file di collegamento simbolo-impronta"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:218
msgid "Keep existing footprint field visibility"
msgstr "Mantieni la visibilità dei campi componenti esistente"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:219
msgid "Show all footprint fields"
msgstr "Mostra tutti i campi impronta"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:220
msgid "Hide all footprint fields"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti i campi impronta"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:222
msgid "Select the footprint field visibility setting."
msgstr "Selezionare le impostazioni di visibilità campi impronta."
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:223
msgid "Change Visibility"
msgstr "Cambia la visibilità"
#: eeschema/tools/assign_footprints.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to open symbol-footprint link file '%s'."
msgstr "Fallita l'apertura del file collegamento componenti-impronte '%s'."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:73
msgid "Select at least one property to back annotate."
msgstr "Seleziona almeno una proprietà per l'annotazione inversa."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:97
msgid ""
"Cannot fetch PCB netlist because eeschema is opened in stand-alone mode.\n"
"You must launch the KiCad project manager and create a project."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile ottenere la netlist del C.S. perché eeschema è aperto in "
"modalità autonoma.\n"
"È necessario eseguire il gestore di progetti KiCad e creare un progetto."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:164
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' has no assigned symbol."
msgstr "L'impronta \"%s\" non ha un simbolo assegnato."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:196
#, c-format
msgid "Footprints '%s' and '%s' linked to same symbol."
msgstr "Le impronte \"%s\" e \"%s\" sono collegate allo stesso simbolo."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:261
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find symbol for footprint '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare un simbolo per l'impronta \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:290
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Footprint '%s' is not present on PCB. Corresponding symbols in schematic "
"must be manually deleted (if desired)."
msgstr ""
"L'impronta \"%s\" non è presente sul C.S. I simboli corrispondenti nello "
"schema devono essere cancellati manualmente (se si vuole)."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:303
msgid "Re-linking footprints requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr ""
"Il ri-collegamento delle impronte richiede uno schema completamente annotato."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:306
msgid "Footprint re-linking cancelled by user."
msgstr "Ri-collegamento impronte annullato dall'utente."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:329
#, c-format
msgid "Change '%s' reference designator to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambia riferimento \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:346
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s footprint assignment from '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambia assegnamento impronta %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s value from '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambia valore %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:389
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find %s pin '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare pin %s \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:532
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s pin %s net label from '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambia etichetta collegamento pin %s %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:557
#, c-format
msgid "Net %s cannot be changed to %s because it is driven by a power pin."
msgstr ""
"Il collegamento %s non può essere cambiato in %s perché è pilotato da un "
"piedino di potenza."
#: eeschema/tools/backannotate.cpp:566
#, c-format
msgid "Add label '%s' to %s pin %s net."
msgstr "Aggiungi etichetta \"%s\" al pin %s collegamento %s."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:45
msgid "Perform electrical rules check"
msgstr "Esegui controllo regole elettriche"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:50
msgid "Symbol Checker"
msgstr "Controllo simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:50
msgid "Show the symbol checker window"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del controllo simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:55
msgid "Simulator..."
msgstr "Simulatore..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:55
msgid "Simulate circuit in SPICE"
msgstr "Simula il circuito in SPICE"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:61
msgid "Opens the datasheet in a browser"
msgstr "Apre il datasheet in un browser"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:69 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1172
msgid "Create Corner"
msgstr "Crea vertice"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:69 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1172
msgid "Create a corner"
msgstr "Crea un vertice"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:74 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1177
msgid "Remove Corner"
msgstr "Elimina vertice"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:74 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1177
msgid "Remove corner"
msgstr "Elimina vertice"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Select Node"
msgstr "Selezione nodo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Select a connection item under the cursor"
msgstr "Selezionare un elemento di connessione sotto il puntatore"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:92
msgid "Select Connection"
msgstr "Selezione collegamento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:92
msgid "Select a complete connection"
msgstr "Seleziona un collegamento completo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:118
msgid "Save Library As..."
msgstr "Salva libreria come..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:118
msgid "Save the current library to a new file."
msgstr "Salva la libreria corrente in un nuovo file."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:123
msgid "New Symbol..."
msgstr "Nuovo simbolo..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:123
msgid "Create a new symbol"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:128
msgid "Edit Symbol"
msgstr "Modifica simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:128
msgid "Show selected symbol on editor canvas"
msgstr "Mostra simbolo selezionato nell'editor"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:133
msgid "Duplicate Symbol"
msgstr "Duplica simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:133
msgid "Make a copy of the selected symbol"
msgstr "Crea una copia del simbolo corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:138
msgid "Save the current symbol to a different library."
msgstr "Salva il simbolo corrente in una diversa libreria."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:143
msgid "Remove the selected symbol from its library"
msgstr "Rimuove il simbolo selezionato dalla sua libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:158
msgid "Paste Symbol"
msgstr "Incolla simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:163
msgid "Import Symbol..."
msgstr "Importa simbolo..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:163
msgid "Import a symbol to the current library"
msgstr "Importa un simbolo nella libreria corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:168
msgid "Export..."
msgstr "Esporta..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:168
msgid "Export a symbol to a new library file"
msgstr "Esporta un simbolo in una nuova libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Update Symbol Fields..."
msgstr "Aggiorna campi simboli..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Update symbol to match changes made in parent symbol"
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna il simbolo per far corrispondere i cambiamenti fatti nel simbolo "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:178
msgid "Add Symbol to Schematic"
msgstr "Aggiungi simbolo allo schema"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:183
msgid "Show Pin Electrical Types"
msgstr "Mostra i tipi elettrici del pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:183
msgid "Annotate pins with their electrical types"
msgstr "Annota i pin con i loro tipi elettrici"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:188
msgid "Show Symbol Tree"
msgstr "Mostra albero dei simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:193
msgid "Hide Symbol Tree"
msgstr "Nascondi albero dei simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:198
msgid "Export View as PNG..."
msgstr "Esporta vista come PNG..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:198
msgid "Create PNG file from the current view"
msgstr "Crea un file PNG dalla vista corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:203
msgid "Export Symbol as SVG..."
msgstr "Esporta simbolo come SVG..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:203
msgid "Create SVG file from the current symbol"
msgstr "Crea un file SVG dal simbolo corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:208
msgid "Synchronized Pins Edit Mode"
msgstr "Modalità modifica pin sincronizzati"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:209
msgid ""
"Synchronized Pins Edit Mode\n"
"When enabled propagates all changes (except pin numbers) to other units.\n"
"Enabled by default for multiunit parts with interchangeable units."
msgstr ""
"Modalità modifica pin sincronizzata\n"
"propaga ad altre unità tutti i cambiamenti (eccetto la numerazione dei "
"Abilitata come impostazione predefinita per le parti multiunità con unità "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:220
msgid "Add Pin"
msgstr "Aggiungi pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:220
msgid "Add a pin"
msgstr "Aggiungi un pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:225 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:345
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:54 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:123
msgid "Add Text"
msgstr "Aggiungi testo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:225 pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:123
msgid "Add a text item"
msgstr "Aggiungi un elemento testo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:230 pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:49
msgid "Add Rectangle"
msgstr "Aggiungi rettangolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:230 pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:49
msgid "Add a rectangle"
msgstr "Aggiungi un rettangolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:235
msgid "Add Circle"
msgstr "Aggiungi cerchio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:235
msgid "Add a circle"
msgstr "Aggiungi un cerchio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:240
msgid "Add Arc"
msgstr "Aggiungi arco"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:240
msgid "Add an arc"
msgstr "Aggiungi un arco"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:245 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:714
msgid "Add Lines"
msgstr "Aggiungi linee"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:245 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:714
msgid "Add connected graphic lines"
msgstr "Aggiungi linee grafiche connesse"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:250
msgid "Move Symbol Anchor"
msgstr "Sposta àncora simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:250
msgid "Specify a new location for the symbol anchor"
msgstr "Specifica una nuova posizione per l'àncora del simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:255
msgid "Finish drawing shape"
msgstr "Termina il disegno della forma grafica"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:262
msgid "Push Pin Length"
msgstr "Replica lunghezza pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:262
msgid "Copy pin length to other pins in symbol"
msgstr "Copia lunghezza pin su altri pin nel simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:267
msgid "Push Pin Name Size"
msgstr "Replica dimensione nome pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:267
msgid "Copy pin name size to other pins in symbol"
msgstr "Copia la dimensione nome pin su altri pin nel simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:272
msgid "Push Pin Number Size"
msgstr "Replica dimensione numero pin"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:272
msgid "Copy pin number size to other pins in symbol"
msgstr "Copia il numero pin su altri pin nel simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:281
msgid "Add Symbol"
msgstr "Aggiungi simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:281
msgid "Add a symbol"
msgstr "Aggiungi un simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:287
msgid "Add Power"
msgstr "Aggiungi potenza"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:287
msgid "Add a power port"
msgstr "Aggiungi una porta di potenza"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:293
msgid "Add No Connect Flag"
msgstr "Aggiungi indicatore di non connesso"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:293
msgid "Add a no-connection flag"
msgstr "Aggiungi un indicatore di non connesso"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:299
msgid "Add Junction"
msgstr "Aggiungi giunzione"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:299
msgid "Add a junction"
msgstr "Aggiungi una giunzione"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:305
msgid "Add Wire to Bus Entry"
msgstr "Aggiungi filo ad un bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:305
msgid "Add a wire entry to a bus"
msgstr "Aggiungi un filo ad un elemento bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:311
msgid "Add Label"
msgstr "Aggiungi etichetta"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:311
msgid "Add a net label"
msgstr "Aggiungi una etichetta di connessione"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:317
msgid "Add Hierarchical Label"
msgstr "Aggiungi etichetta gerarchica"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:317
msgid "Add a hierarchical label"
msgstr "Aggiungi etichetta gerarchica"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:323
msgid "Add Sheet"
msgstr "Aggiungi foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:323
msgid "Add a hierarchical sheet"
msgstr "Aggiungi un foglio gerarchico"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:328 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:333
msgid "Import Sheet Pin"
msgstr "Importa pin foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:328 eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:333
msgid "Import a hierarchical sheet pin"
msgstr "Importa un pin foglio gerarchico"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:339
msgid "Add Global Label"
msgstr "Aggiungi etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:339
msgid "Add a global label"
msgstr "Aggiungi una etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:345
msgid "Add text"
msgstr "Aggiungi testo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:350
msgid "Add Image"
msgstr "Aggiungi immagine"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:350
msgid "Add bitmap image"
msgstr "Aggiungi immagine bitmap"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:355
msgid "Finish Sheet"
msgstr "Termina foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:355
msgid "Finish drawing sheet"
msgstr "Termina foglio di disegno"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:368
msgid "Repeat Last Item"
msgstr "Ripeti l'ultimo elemento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:368
msgid "Duplicates the last drawn item"
msgstr "Duplica l'ultimo elemento disegnato"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:372 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:291
msgid "Rotate Clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota in senso orario"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:372 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:291
msgid "Rotates selected item(s) clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota gli elementi selezionati in senso orario"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:378 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:297
msgid "Rotate Counterclockwise"
msgstr "Ruota in senso antiorario"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:378
msgid "Rotates selected item(s) counter-clockwise"
msgstr "Ruota gli elementi selezionati in senso antiorario"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:384
msgid "Mirror Vertically"
msgstr "Ribalta verticalmente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:384
msgid "Flips selected item(s) from top to bottom"
msgstr "Scambia gli elementi selezionati da cima a fondo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:390
msgid "Mirror Horizontally"
msgstr "Ribalta orizzontalmente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:390
msgid "Flips selected item(s) from left to right"
msgstr "Scambia gli elementi selezionati da destra a sinistra"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:396 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:328
msgid "Properties..."
msgstr "Proprietà..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:396 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:328
msgid "Displays item properties dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra delle proprietà dell'elemento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:402
msgid "Edit Reference Designator..."
msgstr "Modifica riferimento..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:402
msgid "Displays reference designator dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del riferimento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:408
msgid "Edit Value..."
msgstr "Modifica valore..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:408
msgid "Displays value field dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del campo valore"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:414
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:251
msgid "Edit Footprint..."
msgstr "Modifica impronta..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:414
msgid "Displays footprint field dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del campo impronta"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:420
msgid "Autoplace Fields"
msgstr "Autopiazza campi"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:420
msgid "Runs the automatic placement algorithm on the symbol or sheet's fields"
msgstr ""
"Esegue l'algoritmo di disposizione automatica sul simbolo o sui campi del "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:425
msgid "Change Symbols..."
msgstr "Cambia simboli..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:426
msgid "Assign different symbols from the library"
msgstr "Assegna simboli diversi dalla libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:431
msgid "Update Symbols from Library..."
msgstr "Aggiorna simboli dalla libreria..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:432
msgid "Update symbols to include any changes from the library"
msgstr "Aggiorna i simboli per includere qualunque cambiamento dalla libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:438
msgid "Assign a different symbol from the library"
msgstr "Assegna un simbolo diverso dalla libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:443
msgid "Update Symbol..."
msgstr "Aggiorna simbolo..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:444
msgid "Update symbol to include any changes from the library"
msgstr "Aggiorna simbolo per includere qualunque cambiamento dalla libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:449
msgid "Assign Netclass..."
msgstr "Assegna netclass..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:449
msgid "Assign a netclass to the net of the selected wire"
msgstr "Assegna una netclass al collegamento del filo selezionato"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:453
msgid "De Morgan Conversion"
msgstr "Conversione De Morgan"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:453
msgid "Switch between De Morgan representations"
msgstr "Commuta tra rappresentazioni De Morgan"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:458
msgid "De Morgan Standard"
msgstr "Standard De Morgan"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:458
msgid "Switch to standard De Morgan representation"
msgstr "Passa alla rappresentazione De Morgan standard"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:463
msgid "De Morgan Alternate"
msgstr "De Morgan alternativa"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:463
msgid "Switch to alternate De Morgan representation"
msgstr "Passa alla rappresentazione De Morgan alternativa"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:468
msgid "Change to Label"
msgstr "Cambia in etichetta"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:468
msgid "Change existing item to a label"
msgstr "Cambia elemento esistente in etichetta"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:473
msgid "Change to Hierarchical Label"
msgstr "Cambia in etichetta gerarchica"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:473
msgid "Change existing item to a hierarchical label"
msgstr "Cambia elemento esistente in etichetta gerarchica"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:478
msgid "Change to Global Label"
msgstr "Cambia in etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:478
msgid "Change existing item to a global label"
msgstr "Cambia elemento esistente in etichetta globale"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:483
msgid "Change to Text"
msgstr "Cambia in testo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:483
msgid "Change existing item to a text comment"
msgstr "Cambia elemento esistente in testo commento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:488
msgid "Cleanup Sheet Pins"
msgstr "Ripulisci punti di connessione fogli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:488
msgid "Delete unreferenced sheet pins"
msgstr "Cancella pin foglio senza riferimenti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:492 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:443
msgid "Edit Text & Graphics Properties..."
msgstr "Modifica proprietà testi e grafiche..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:493
msgid "Edit text and graphics properties globally across schematic"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà testi e grafiche globalmente nello schema"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:498
msgid "Symbol Properties..."
msgstr "Proprietà simbolo..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:498
msgid "Displays symbol properties dialog"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra delle proprietà del simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:503
msgid "Pin Table..."
msgstr "Tabella pin..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:503
msgid "Displays pin table for bulk editing of pins"
msgstr "Mostra la tabella pin per la modifica in blocco"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:508
msgid "Break Wire"
msgstr "Interrompi filo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:508
msgid "Divide a wire into segments which can be dragged independently"
msgstr ""
"Divide un filo in segmenti che possono venire trascinati indipendentemente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:513
msgid "Break Bus"
msgstr "Interrompi Bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:513
msgid "Divide a bus into segments which can be dragged independently"
msgstr ""
"Divide un bus in segmenti che possono venire trascinati indipendentemente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:524
msgid "Add a simulator probe"
msgstr "Aggiungi una sonda simulatore"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:528
msgid "Select a value to be tuned"
msgstr "Seleziona un parametro da regolare"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:533
msgid "Highlight net under cursor"
msgstr "Evidenzia collegamento sotto il puntatore"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:538 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:731
msgid "Clear Net Highlighting"
msgstr "Cancella evidenziazioni collegamenti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:538 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:731
msgid "Clear any existing net highlighting"
msgstr "Cancella ogni evidenziazione collegamenti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:545
msgid "Highlight Nets"
msgstr "Evidenzia collegamenti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:545
msgid "Highlight wires and pins of a net"
msgstr "Evidenzia fili e pin di un collegamento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:551
msgid "Edit with Symbol Editor"
msgstr "Modifica con l'editor dei simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:551
msgid "Open the selected symbol in the Symbol Editor"
msgstr "Apri il simbolo selezionato nell'editor dei simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:557
msgid "Open the library symbol in the Symbol Editor"
msgstr "Apri il simbolo di libreria nell'editor dei simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:562
msgid "Edit Symbol Fields..."
msgstr "Modifica i campi dei simboli..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:562
msgid "Bulk-edit fields of all symbols in schematic"
msgstr "Modifica in blocco i campi di tutti i simboli nello schema elettrico"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:567
msgid "Edit Symbol Library Links..."
msgstr "Modifica i collegamenti alle librerie di simboli..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:567
msgid "Edit links between schematic and library symbols"
msgstr "Modifica i collegamenti tra simboli dello schema e della libreria"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:572
msgid "Assign Footprints..."
msgstr "Assegna impronte..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:572
msgid "Run footprint assignment tool"
msgstr "Esegui l'assegnamento impronte"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:577
msgid "Import Footprint Assignments..."
msgstr "Importa assegnamenti impronte..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:578
msgid "Import symbol footprint assignments from .cmp file created by Pcbnew"
msgstr "Importa associazione simboli-impronte dal file .cmp creato da Pcbnew"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:583
msgid "Annotate Schematic..."
msgstr "Annota schema..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:583
msgid "Fill in schematic symbol reference designators"
msgstr "Compila nel simbolo il designatore di riferimento"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:588
msgid "Schematic Setup..."
msgstr "Impostazioni dello schema..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:589
msgid "Edit schematic setup including annotation styles and electrical rules"
msgstr ""
"Modifica impostazione schemi inclusi gli stili di annotazione e regole "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:594
msgid "Edit Sheet Page Number..."
msgstr "Modifica numero pagina..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:595
msgid "Edit the page number of the current or selected sheet"
msgstr "Modifica il numero di pagina del foglio corrente o selezionato"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:599
msgid "Rescue Symbols..."
msgstr "Recupera simboli..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:600
msgid "Find old symbols in project and rename/rescue them"
msgstr "Trova vecchi i simboli nel progetto e li rinomina/recupera"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:605
msgid "Remap Legacy Library Symbols..."
msgstr "Rimappa simboli obsoleti di libreria..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:606
msgid ""
"Remap library symbol references in legacy schematics to the symbol library "
msgstr ""
"Rimappa i riferimenti ai simboli di un vecchio schema alla tabella librerie "
"di simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:611
msgid "Bus Definitions..."
msgstr "Definizioni bus..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:611
msgid "Manage bus definitions"
msgstr "Gestisci le definizioni dei bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:616
msgid "Export Drawing to Clipboard"
msgstr "Esporta grafica negli appunti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:616
msgid "Export drawing of current sheet to clipboard"
msgstr "Esporta la grafica del foglio corrente negli appunti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:621
msgid "Switch to PCB Editor"
msgstr "Passa all'editor di C.S."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:621
msgid "Open PCB in board editor"
msgstr "Apri il C.S. nell'editor"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:626
msgid "Export Netlist..."
msgstr "Esporta la netlist..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:626
msgid "Export file containing netlist in one of several formats"
msgstr "Esporta il file contenente la netlist in diversi formati"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:631
msgid "Generate BOM..."
msgstr "Genera DIBA..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:631
msgid "Generate a bill of materials for the current schematic"
msgstr "Genera la distinta materiali dallo schema elettrico corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:636
msgid "Highlight on PCB"
msgstr "Evidenzia sul C.S."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:636
msgid "Highlight corresponding items in PCB editor"
msgstr "Evidenzia gli elementi corrispondenti nell'editor di C.S."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:641
msgid "Show Hidden Pins"
msgstr "Mostra pin nascosti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:641
msgid "Toggle display of hidden pins"
msgstr "Commuta visualizzazione dei pin nascosti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:646
msgid "Show Hidden Fields"
msgstr "Mostra i campi nascosti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:646
msgid "Toggle display of hidden text fields"
msgstr "Commuta la visualizzazione dei campi testo nascosti"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:650
msgid "Force H/V Wires and Buses"
msgstr "Forza fili e bus Or./Vert."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:650
msgid "Switch H & V only mode for new wires and buses"
msgstr "Commuta la modalità O e V per i nuovi fili e bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:656 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:786
msgid "Scripting Console"
msgstr "Console degli script"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:656 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:786
msgid "Show the Python scripting console"
msgstr "Mostra/nascondi console degli script"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:663
msgid "Enter Sheet"
msgstr "Accedi al foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:663
msgid "Display the selected sheet's contents in the schematic editor"
msgstr "Mostra i contenuti del foglio selezionato nell'editor degli schemi"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:669
msgid "Leave Sheet"
msgstr "Esci dal foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:669
msgid "Display the parent sheet in the schematic editor"
msgstr "Mostra il foglio genitore nella finestra dell'editor degli schemi"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:674
msgid "Hierarchy Navigator"
msgstr "Navigatore gerarchia"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:674
msgid "Show schematic sheet hierarchy"
msgstr "Mostra la gerarchia degli schemi"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:679
msgid "Navigate to page"
msgstr "Naviga alla pagina"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:686
msgid "Add Junctions to Selection where needed"
msgstr "Aggiungi giunzioni alla selezione dove servono"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:694
msgid "Add Wire"
msgstr "Aggiungi filo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:694
msgid "Add a wire"
msgstr "Aggiungi un filo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:701
msgid "Add Bus"
msgstr "Aggiungi Bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:701
msgid "Add a bus"
msgstr "Aggiungi un Bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:707
#: eeschema/tools/sch_line_wire_bus_tool.cpp:77
#: eeschema/tools/sch_line_wire_bus_tool.cpp:134
msgid "Unfold from Bus"
msgstr "Dispiega dal bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:707
msgid "Break a wire out of a bus"
msgstr "Aggiungi un filo ad un elemento bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:720
msgid "Finish Wire or Bus"
msgstr "Fine filo o bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:720
msgid "Complete drawing at current segment"
msgstr "Completa il disegno del segmento corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:725
msgid "Finish Wire"
msgstr "Termina filo"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:725
msgid "Complete wire with current segment"
msgstr "Completa il filo con il segmento corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:730
msgid "Finish Bus"
msgstr "Termina bus"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:730
msgid "Complete bus with current segment"
msgstr "Completa il bus con il segmento corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:735
msgid "Finish Lines"
msgstr "Termina fili"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:735
msgid "Complete connected lines with current segment"
msgstr "Completa la connessione dei fili con il segmento corrente"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:744 pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:341
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:254
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Sposta"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:744 pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:254
msgid "Moves the selected item(s)"
msgstr "Sposta gli elementi selezionati"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:749 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1119
msgid "Drag"
msgstr "Trascina"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:749
msgid "Drags the selected item(s)"
msgstr "Trascina gli elementi selezionati"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:753
msgid "Move Activate"
msgstr "Sposta attiva"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:757
msgid "Symbol Move Activate"
msgstr "Spostamento simbolo attiva"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:761
msgid "Align Elements to Grid"
msgstr "Allinea elementi alla griglia"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:767
msgid "Save Current Sheet Copy As..."
msgstr "Salva copia foglio corrente come..."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_actions.cpp:767
msgid "Save a copy of the current sheet to another location or name"
msgstr "Salva una copia del foglio corrente con altro nome o posizione"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:266
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> conflicts with "
"pin %s%s at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> of converted."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin duplicato %s</b> \"%s\" in posizione <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> in conflitto "
"con il pin %s%s in posizione <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> del convertito."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:280
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> conflicts with "
"pin %s%s at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> in units %c and %c of converted."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin duplicato %s</b> \"%s\" in posizione <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> in conflitto "
"con il pin %s%s in posizione <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> in unità %c e %c del "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:299
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> conflicts with pin %s"
"%s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin duplicato %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in conflitto con il pin "
"%s%s in posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> conflicts with pin %s"
"%s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> in units %c and %c."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin duplicato %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in conflitto con il pin "
"%s%s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unità %c e %c."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:350
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Info: <b>Hidden power pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> of converted."
msgstr ""
"Info: <b>Pin di potenza nascosto %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> del "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:359
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Info: <b>Hidden power pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unit %c "
"of converted."
msgstr ""
"Info: <b>Pin di potenza nascosto %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in "
"unità %c del convertito."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:372
#, c-format
msgid "Info: <b>Hidden power pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
msgstr "Info: <b>Pin di potenza nascosto %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:380
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Info: <b>Hidden power pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unit %c."
msgstr ""
"Info: <b>Pin di potenza nascosto %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in "
"unità %c."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:391
msgid ""
"(Hidden power pins will drive their pin names on to any connected nets.)"
msgstr ""
"(I pin di potenza nascosti piloteranno i loro nomi pin su ogni net connessa.)"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:404
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> of converted."
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin fuori griglia %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> del convertito."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:413
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Off grid pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%.3s, %.3s)</b> in unit %c of "
msgstr ""
"<b>Pin fuori griglia %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unità %c del "
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:426
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
msgstr "<b>Pin fuori griglia %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b>."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:434
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> %s at location <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unit %c."
msgstr "<b>Pin fuori griglia %s</b> %s posizione <b>(%s, %s)</b> in unità %c."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:451
msgid "No symbol issues found."
msgstr "Nessun problema trovato sui simboli."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:460
msgid "Symbol Warnings"
msgstr "Avvertimenti simboli"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_inspection_tool.cpp:526
msgid "No datasheet defined."
msgstr "Nessun datasheet definito."
#: eeschema/tools/ee_selection_tool.cpp:1578
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_selection_tool.cpp:618
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_selection_tool.cpp:1812
msgid "Select &All\tA"
msgstr "Selezion&a tutto\tA"
#: eeschema/tools/ee_selection_tool.cpp:1581
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_selection_tool.cpp:1815
msgid "&Expand Selection\tE"
msgstr "&Espandi selezione\tE"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:215
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel symbol creation."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare la creazione del simbolo."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:457
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel image creation."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare la creazione dell'immagine."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:517
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:863
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:871
#, c-format
msgid "Could not load image from '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile caricare immagine da '%s'."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:646
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:1151
msgid "No new hierarchical labels found."
msgstr "Nessuna nuova etichetta gerarchica trovata."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:730
msgid "Junction location contains no joinable wires and/or pins."
msgstr "La posizione della giunzione non contiene fili o pin collegabili."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:1083
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel item creation."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare la creazione dell'elemento."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:1139
msgid "Click over a sheet."
msgstr "Clic sopra un foglio."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_drawing_tools.cpp:1310
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel sheet creation."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare la creazione del foglio."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:80
msgid "Symbol Unit"
msgstr "Unità simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:100
msgid "no symbol selected"
msgstr "nessun simbolo selezionato"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:109
msgid "symbol is not multi-unit"
msgstr "il simbolo non è multi unità"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:896
msgid "Label value cannot go below zero"
msgstr "Il valore etichetta non può andare sotto zero"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1124 eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1126
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_edit_tool.cpp:513
#, c-format
msgid "Edit %s Field"
msgstr "Modifica campo %s"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1128
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_edit_tool.cpp:515
#, c-format
msgid "Edit '%s' Field"
msgstr "Modifica campo '%s'"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1708
msgid "Do you wish to delete the unreferenced pins from this sheet?"
msgstr "Eliminare i pin senza riferimenti da questo foglio?"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1768
#, c-format
msgid "Enter page number for sheet path%s"
msgstr "Inserire numero pagina per il percorso foglio%s"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_edit_tool.cpp:1771
msgid "Edit Sheet Page Number"
msgstr "Modifica numero pagina foglio"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:512
msgid "Reached end of schematic."
msgstr "Raggiunta la fine dello schema."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:513
msgid "Reached end of sheet."
msgstr "Raggiunta la fine del foglio."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:517
msgid "Find again to wrap around to the start."
msgstr "Cerca ancora per ricominciare dall'inizio."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:963
msgid "Error: duplicate sub-sheet names found in current sheet."
msgstr "Errore: trovati nomi sub-fogli duplicati nel foglio corrente."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1054
msgid "Net must be labeled to assign a netclass."
msgstr "Il collegamento deve essere etichettato per assegnare una netclass."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1060
msgid "Bus has no members to assign netclass to."
msgstr "Bus senza membri ai quali assegnare netclass."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1093
msgid "Netclasses"
msgstr "Netclass"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1106
msgid "Assign Netclass"
msgstr "Assegna netclass"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1107
msgid "Select netclass:"
msgstr "Seleziona netclass:"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_editor_control.cpp:1707
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The pasted sheet '%s'\n"
"was dropped because the destination already has the sheet or one of its "
"subsheets as a parent."
msgstr ""
"Il foglio incollato '%s'\n"
"è stato abbandonato dato che la destinazione ha già il foglio o uno dei suoi "
"sottofogli come genitore."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_line_wire_bus_tool.cpp:116
msgid "No bus selected"
msgstr "Nessun bus selezionato"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_line_wire_bus_tool.cpp:125
msgid "Bus has no members"
msgstr "Il bus non ha membri"
#: eeschema/tools/sch_line_wire_bus_tool.cpp:578
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel drawing."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare la creazione del disegno."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_move_tool.cpp:391
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel drag."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare il trascinamento."
#: eeschema/tools/sch_move_tool.cpp:393
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_edit_tool.cpp:214
msgid "Press <ESC> to cancel move."
msgstr "Premere <ESC> per annullare lo spostamento."
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:163
msgid "No symbol library selected."
msgstr "Nessuna libreria simboli selezionata."
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:386
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:426
msgid "No symbol to export"
msgstr "Nessun simbolo da esportare"
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:397
msgid "Image File Name"
msgstr "Nome file immagine"
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:408
#, c-format
msgid "Can't save file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile salvare il file '%s'."
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_control.cpp:436
msgid "SVG File Name"
msgstr "Nome file SVG"
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_edit_tool.cpp:511
msgid "Edit Symbol Name"
msgstr "Modifica nome simbolo"
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_edit_tool.cpp:618
msgid "Symbol is not derived from another symbol."
msgstr "Il simbolo non è derivato da un altro simbolo."
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_pin_tool.cpp:236
#, c-format
msgid "This position is already occupied by another pin, in unit %d."
msgstr ""
"Questa posizione risulta già occupata da un altro piedino, nell'unità %d."
#: eeschema/tools/symbol_editor_pin_tool.cpp:240
msgid "Place Pin Anyway"
msgstr "Piazza comunque il pin"
#: eeschema/widgets/tuner_slider_base.cpp:24
msgid " X "
msgstr " X "
#: gerbview/clear_gbr_drawlayers.cpp:47
msgid "Current data will be lost?"
msgstr "Cancellare tutti gli strati?"
#: gerbview/clear_gbr_drawlayers.cpp:78
#, c-format
msgid "Clear layer %d?"
msgstr "Cancellare strato %d?"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:149
#, c-format
msgid "Layer %d"
msgstr "Strato %d"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:175
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:234
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:284
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:334
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:386
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:143
msgid "Do not export"
msgstr "Non esportare"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:221
msgid "Gerbers with known layers: "
msgstr "Gerber con strati conosciuti: "
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:223
msgid "Automatic Layer Assignment"
msgstr "Assegnamento strati automatico"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:339
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:394
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:135
msgid "Hole data"
msgstr "Dati fori"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb.cpp:435
msgid ""
"Exported board does not have enough copper layers to handle selected inner "
msgstr ""
"La scheda esportata non ha sufficienti strati rame per gestire gli strati "
"interni selezionati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:32
msgid "Layer selection:"
msgstr "Selezione strato:"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:78
msgid "Copper layers count:"
msgstr "Conteggio strati in rame:"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:82
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:83
msgid "2 Layers"
msgstr "2 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:84
msgid "4 Layers"
msgstr "4 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:85
msgid "6 Layers"
msgstr "6 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:86
msgid "8 Layers"
msgstr "8 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:87
msgid "10 Layers"
msgstr "10 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:88
msgid "12 Layers"
msgstr "12 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:89
msgid "14 Layers"
msgstr "14 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:90
msgid "16 Layers"
msgstr "16 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:91
msgid "18 Layers"
msgstr "18 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:92
msgid "20 Layers"
msgstr "20 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:93
msgid "22 Layers"
msgstr "22 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:94
msgid "24 Layers"
msgstr "24 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:95
msgid "26 Layers"
msgstr "26 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:96
msgid "28 Layers"
msgstr "28 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:97
msgid "30 Layers"
msgstr "30 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:98
msgid "32 Layers"
msgstr "32 Strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:110
msgid "Store Choice"
msgstr "Memorizza scelte"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:113
msgid "Get Stored Choice"
msgstr "Carica scelte memorizzate"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:35
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:49
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:98
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reimposta"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_layers_select_to_pcb_base.h:79
msgid "Layer Selection"
msgstr "Selezione strati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_print_gerbview.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:94
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:248
msgid "Print mirrored"
msgstr "Stampa speculare"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_print_gerbview.cpp:180
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:271
msgid "Included Layers"
msgstr "Strati inclusi"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_print_gerbview.cpp:194
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:298
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Seleziona tutto"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_print_gerbview.cpp:196
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:300
msgid "Deselect all"
msgstr "Deseseleziona tutto"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Select Layer: %s"
msgstr "Seleziona strato: %s"
#: gerbview/dialogs/dialog_select_one_pcb_layer.cpp:151
#: pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:172 pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:173
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:66
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:27
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:58
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:58
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:112
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2355 pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2358 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:294
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:95 pcbnew/pad.cpp:898
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:353 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:1090
#: pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:159 pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:154 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:692 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:758 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1192
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:385
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:461
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:500
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:530
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:568
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:607 pcbnew/zone.cpp:624
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Strato"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:30
msgid "Show D codes"
msgstr "Mostra D code"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:38
msgid "Drawing Mode"
msgstr "Modalità disegno"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:40
msgid "Sketch flashed items"
msgstr "Schizza elementi flash-ati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:43
msgid "Sketch lines"
msgstr "Schizza linee"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_display_options_base.cpp:46
msgid "Sketch polygons"
msgstr "Schizza poligoni"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:18
msgid "File Format"
msgstr "Formato file"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:20
msgid "These parameters are usually specified in files, but not always."
msgstr "Questi parametri sono solitamente specificati in file, ma non sempre."
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:29
msgid "File units"
msgstr "Unità file"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:33
msgid "No leading zeros (TZ format)"
msgstr "No zeri anteriori (formato TZ)"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:33
msgid "No trailing zeros (LZ format)"
msgstr "No zeri posteriori (formato LZ)"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:35
msgid "Zero format"
msgstr "Formato zeri"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:37
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Integers in files can have their zeros stripped.\n"
"No leading zeros format means the leading zeros are stripped\n"
"No trailing zeros format means the trailing zeros are stripped"
msgstr ""
"Gli interi nei file possono privati degli zeri.\n"
"No zeri anteriori significa che gli zeri iniziali vengono eliminati\n"
"No zeri posteriori significa che gli zeri finali vengono eliminati"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:51
msgid "Coordinates Format"
msgstr "Formato coordinate"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:53
msgid "The coordinates format is not specified in Excellon format."
msgstr "Il formato coordinate non è specificato nel formato Excellon."
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:57
msgid "(The decimal format does not use these settings)"
msgstr "(il formato decimale non usa queste impostazioni)"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:61
msgid "Usually: 3:3 in mm and 2:4 in inches"
msgstr "Solitamente: 3:3 in mm e 2:4 in pollici"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:70
msgid "Format for mm"
msgstr "Formato per mm"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:74
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:84
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:94
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:49
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:164
msgid "2"
msgstr "2"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:74
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:84
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:94
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:50
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:107
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:165
msgid "3"
msgstr "3"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:74
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:84
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:94
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:108
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:166
msgid "4"
msgstr "4"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:74
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:84
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:94
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:167
msgid "5"
msgstr "5"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:74
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:84
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:94
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:104
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:110
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:168
msgid "6"
msgstr "6"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:80
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:413
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:463
msgid ":"
msgstr ":"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_excellon_settings_base.cpp:90
msgid "Format for inches"
msgstr "Formato per pollici"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Full size"
msgstr "Dimensioni intere"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size A4"
msgstr "Formato A4"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size A3"
msgstr "Formato A3"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size A2"
msgstr "Formato A2"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size A"
msgstr "Formato A"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size B"
msgstr "Formato B"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Size C"
msgstr "Formato C"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:24
msgid "Page Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni pagina"
#: gerbview/dialogs/panel_gerbview_settings_base.cpp:28
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:374
msgid "Show page limits"
msgstr "Mostra i limiti di pagina"
#: gerbview/events_called_functions.cpp:178 gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:165
msgid "Layers Manager"
msgstr "Gestione strati"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:264
#, c-format
msgid "File %s not found."
msgstr "File %s non trovato."
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:276
msgid "No empty layers to load file into."
msgstr "Non ci sono strati vuoti per caricarvi il file."
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:283
msgid "Error reading EXCELLON drill file"
msgstr "Errore durante la lettura del file forature Excellon"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:446
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Excellon command <%s>"
msgstr "Comando Excellon sconosciuto: <%s>"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:646
msgid "Tool definition shape not found"
msgstr "Forma di definizione strumento non trovata"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:649
#, c-format
msgid "Tool definition '%c' not supported"
msgstr "Definizione dello strumento \"%c\" non supportata"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:730
#, c-format
msgid "Tool %d not defined"
msgstr "Strumento \"%d\" non definito"
#: gerbview/excellon_read_drill_file.cpp:916
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown Excellon G Code: <%s>"
msgstr "Excellon G Code sconosciuto: <%s>"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:41
msgid "<b>No more available layers</b> in GerbView to load files"
msgstr ""
"<b>Non ci sono più strati disponibili</b> in GerbView per caricare i file"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:42
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Not loaded:</b> <i>%s</i>"
msgstr ""
"<b>Non caricato:</b> <i>%s</i>"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:43
#, c-format
msgid ""
"<b>Memory was exhausted reading:</b> <i>%s</i>"
msgstr ""
"<b>Memoria esaurita leggendo:</b> <i>%s</i>"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:88
msgid "Zip files"
msgstr "File zip"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:106
msgid "Job files"
msgstr "File di lavoro"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:139
msgid "Gerber files (.g* .lgr .pho)"
msgstr "File Gerber (.g* .lgr .pho)"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:145
msgid "Top layer"
msgstr "Strato superiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:146
msgid "Bottom layer"
msgstr "Strato inferiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:147
msgid "Bottom solder resist"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura inferiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:148
msgid "Top solder resist"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura superiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:149
msgid "Bottom overlay"
msgstr "Overlay sotto"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:150
msgid "Top overlay"
msgstr "Overlay sopra"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:151
msgid "Bottom paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda inferiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:152
msgid "Top paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda superiore"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:153
msgid "Keep-out layer"
msgstr "Strato keep-out"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:154
msgid "Mechanical layers"
msgstr "Strati meccanici"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:155
msgid "Top Pad Master"
msgstr "Master pad sopra"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:156
msgid "Bottom Pad Master"
msgstr "Master pad sotto"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:174
msgid "Open Gerber File(s)"
msgstr "Apri (i) file Gerber"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:241
msgid "File not found:"
msgstr "File non trovato:"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:253
msgid "Loading Gerber files..."
msgstr "Caricamento file Gerber..."
#: gerbview/files.cpp:256 gerbview/files.cpp:263
#, c-format
msgid "Loading %u/%zu %s..."
msgstr "Caricamento %u/%zu %s..."
#: gerbview/files.cpp:287
#, c-format
msgid "<b>A gerber job file cannot be loaded as a plot file</b> <i>%s</i>"
msgstr ""
"<b>Un file di lavoro gerber non può venir caricato come un file grafico</b> "
#: gerbview/files.cpp:386
msgid "Open NC (Excellon) Drill File(s)"
msgstr "Apri (i) file forature NC Excellon"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:483
#, c-format
msgid "Zip file '%s' cannot be opened."
msgstr "Il file zip '%s' non può essere aperto."
#: gerbview/files.cpp:525
#, c-format
msgid "Skipped file '%s' (unknown type).\n"
msgstr "Saltato file '%s' (tipo sconosciuto).\n"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:537
#, c-format
msgid "Skipped file '%s' (gerber job file).\n"
msgstr "Saltato file '%s' (file di lavoro gerber).\n"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:578
#, c-format
msgid "<b>Unable to create temporary file '%s'.</b>\n"
msgstr "<b>Impossibile creare il file temporaneo '%s'.</b>\n"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:612
#, c-format
msgid "<b>unzipped file %s read error</b>\n"
msgstr "<b>errore lettura file scompattato zip %s</b>\n"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:647
msgid "Open Zip File"
msgstr "Apri file zip"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:697
msgid "Attribute"
msgstr "Attributo"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:700 gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:710
msgid "No attribute"
msgstr "Nessun attributo"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:706
#, c-format
msgid "D Code %d"
msgstr "Codice D %d"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:719
msgid "Graphic Layer"
msgstr "Strato grafico"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:729
msgid "Clear"
msgstr "Chiaro"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:730 gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:353
msgid "Polarity"
msgstr "Polarità"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:735 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:296
#: pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:122 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1668
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:308
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "Speculare"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:739
msgid "AB axis"
msgstr "Asse AB"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:751 gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:139
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:142
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:25
msgid "Net:"
msgstr "Collegamento:"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:763
#, c-format
msgid "Cmp: %s Pad: %s"
msgstr "Cmp: %s Pad: %s"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:767
#, c-format
msgid "Cmp: %s Pad: %s Fct %s"
msgstr "Cmp: %s Pad: %s Fct %s"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:775 gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:125
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:128
msgid "Cmp:"
msgstr "Cmp:"
#: gerbview/gerber_draw_item.cpp:1036
#, c-format
msgid "%s (D%d) on layer %d: %s"
msgstr "%s (D%d) su strato %d: %s"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:340
msgid "Image name"
msgstr "Nome immagine"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:345
msgid "Graphic layer"
msgstr "Strato grafico"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:349
msgid "Img Rot."
msgstr "Rotazione immagine"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:357
msgid "X Justify"
msgstr "Allineamento X"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:360
msgid "Y Justify"
msgstr "Allineamento Y"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image.cpp:384
msgid "Image Justify Offset"
msgstr "Aggiustamento immagine"
#: gerbview/gerber_file_image_list.cpp:196
#, c-format
msgid "Graphic layer %d"
msgstr "Strato grafico %d"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:74 gerbview/menubar.cpp:125
msgid "Clear Recent Zip Files"
msgstr "Cancella file zip recenti"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:76 gerbview/menubar.cpp:89
msgid "Clear Recent Drill Files"
msgstr "Cancella file forature recenti"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:78 gerbview/menubar.cpp:107
msgid "Clear Recent Job Files"
msgstr "Cancella file lavoro recenti"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:95
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.gerbview.desktop.in:10
msgid "KiCad Gerber Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore Gerber KiCad"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:649 gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:673
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:146 kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:93
msgid "Gerber Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore Gerber"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:654
#, c-format
msgid "Drawing layer %d not in use"
msgstr "Strato grafico %d non in uso"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:671
msgid "(with X2 attributes)"
msgstr "(con attributi X2)"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:680
#, c-format
msgid "Image name: \"%s\" Layer name: \"%s\""
msgstr "Nome immagine: \"%s\" Nome strato: \"%s\""
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:696
msgid "X2 attr"
msgstr "Attr X2"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:1059
msgid "GerbView"
msgstr "GerbView"
#: gerbview/gerbview_frame.cpp:1064
msgid "Excellon Options"
msgstr "Opzioni Excellon"
#: gerbview/job_file_reader.cpp:157
msgid "This job file uses an outdated format. Please recreate it."
msgstr "Questo file di lavoro usa un formato obsoleto. Per favore ricrearlo."
#: gerbview/job_file_reader.cpp:193
msgid "Open Gerber Job File"
msgstr "Apri file di lavoro Gerber"
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:67
msgid "Open Recent Gerber File"
msgstr "Apri file Gerber recente"
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:71
msgid "Clear Recent Gerber Files"
msgstr "Cancella file Gerber recenti"
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:85
msgid "Open Recent Drill File"
msgstr "Apri file forature recente"
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:103
msgid "Open Recent Job File"
msgstr "Apri file lavoro recente"
#: gerbview/menubar.cpp:121
msgid "Open Recent Zip File"
msgstr "Apri file zip recente"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:63
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' not found"
msgstr "File '%s' non trovato"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:88
msgid ""
"Warning: this file has no D-Code definition\n"
"Therefore the size of some items is undefined"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: questo file non ha definizioni D-Code\n"
"Perciò la dimensione di alcuni elementi non è definita"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:91
msgid ""
"Warning: this file has some missing D-Code definitions\n"
"Therefore the size of some items is undefined"
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: in questo file mancano alcune definizioni D-Code\n"
"Perciò la dimensione di alcuni elementi non è definita"
#: gerbview/rs274d.cpp:643
msgid "Invalid Gerber file: missing G74 or G75 arc command"
msgstr "File Gerber non valido: comando arco G74 o G75 mancante"
#: gerbview/rs274x.cpp:230
#, c-format
msgid "RS274X: Invalid GERBER format command '%c' at line %d: \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"RS274X: comando di formato GERBER \"%c\" non valido alla riga %d: \"%s\""
#: gerbview/rs274x.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid "GERBER file \"%s\" may not display as intended."
msgstr "Il file GERBER \"%s\" potrebbe non apparire come dovrebbe."
#: gerbview/rs274x.cpp:541
msgid "RS274X: Command \"IR\" rotation value not allowed"
msgstr "RS274X: Comando \"IR\" valore di rotazione non consentito"
#: gerbview/rs274x.cpp:649
msgid "RS274X: Command KNOCKOUT ignored by GerbView"
msgstr "RS274X: Comando KNOCKOUT ignorato da Gerbview"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:127
msgid "Highlight items belonging to this component"
msgstr "Evidenzia gli elementi appartenenti a questo componente"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:141
msgid "Highlight items belonging to this net"
msgstr "Evidenzia gli elementi appartenenti a questo collegamento"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:153 gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:156
msgid "Attr:"
msgstr "Attr:"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:155
msgid "Highlight items with this aperture attribute"
msgstr "Evidenzia gli elementi con questo attributo di apertura"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:167 gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:169
msgid "DCode:"
msgstr "DCode:"
#: gerbview/toolbars_gerber.cpp:283
msgid "<No selection>"
msgstr "<nessuna selezione>"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:39
msgid "Open Gerber Plot File(s)..."
msgstr "Apri (i) file tracciatura &Gerber..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:40
msgid ""
"Open Gerber plot file(s) on the current layer. Previous data will be deleted"
msgstr ""
"Apre (i) file Gerber nello strato corrente. I dati preesistenti verranno "
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:45
msgid "Open Excellon Drill File(s)..."
msgstr "Apri (i) file forature Excellon..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:46
msgid ""
"Open Excellon drill file(s) on the current layer. Previous data will be "
msgstr ""
"Apre (i) file Excellon nello strato corrente. I dati preesistenti verranno "
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:51
msgid "Open Gerber Job File..."
msgstr "Apri file di lavoro Gerber..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:52
msgid "Open a Gerber job file and its associated gerber plot files"
msgstr "Apre un file di lavoro Gerber e gli associati file tracciatura Gerber"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:57
msgid "Open Zip Archive File..."
msgstr "Apri file archivio zip..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:58
msgid "Open a zipped archive (Gerber and Drill) file"
msgstr "Apre un file archivio compresso con zip (Gerber e forature)"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Show Layers Manager"
msgstr "Mostra la gestione strati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:64
msgid "Show or hide the layer manager"
msgstr "Mostra o nascondi gestione strati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:69
msgid "List DCodes..."
msgstr "E&lenca DCode..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:70
msgid "List D-codes defined in Gerber files"
msgstr "Elenca i D-code definiti nei file Gerber"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:75
msgid "Show Source..."
msgstr "Mostra sorgente..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:76
msgid "Show source file for the current layer"
msgstr "Mostra il file sorgente per lo strato corrente"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:81
msgid "Export to PCB Editor..."
msgstr "Esporta all'editor di C.S. ..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:82
msgid "Export data as a KiCad PCB file"
msgstr "Esporta i dati come file di C.S. KiCad"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Clear Current Layer..."
msgstr "Cancella strato corrente..."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Clear the selected graphic layer"
msgstr "Cancella lo strato grafico selezionato"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:92
msgid "Clear All Layers"
msgstr "Cancella tutti gli strati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:93
msgid "Clear all layers. All data will be deleted"
msgstr "Ripulisce tutti gli strati. Tutti i dati verranno cancellati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:98
msgid "Reload All Layers"
msgstr "Ricarica tutti gli strati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Reload all layers. All data will be reloaded"
msgstr "Ricarica tutti gli strati. Tutti i dati verranno ricaricati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:108
msgid "Clear Highlight"
msgstr "Cancella le evidenziazioni"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:118
msgid "Highlight Component"
msgstr "Evidenzia componente"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:123
msgid "Highlight Attribute"
msgstr "Evidenzia attributo"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:128
msgid "Highlight DCode"
msgstr "Evidenzia DCode"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:134
msgid "Next Layer"
msgstr "Strato successivo"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:139
msgid "Previous Layer"
msgstr "Strato precedente"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:144
msgid "Sketch Lines"
msgstr "Schizza linee"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:144
msgid "Show lines in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra linee in modalità contorno"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:150
msgid "Sketch Flashed Items"
msgstr "Schizza elementi flash-ati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:150
msgid "Show flashed items in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra elementi flash-ati in modalità contorno"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:156
msgid "Sketch Polygons"
msgstr "Schizza poligoni"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:156
msgid "Show polygons in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra poligoni in modalità contorno"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:162
msgid "Ghost Negative Objects"
msgstr "Oggetti negativi trasparenti"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:162
msgid "Show negative objects in ghost color"
msgstr "Mostra gli oggetti negativi con colore in trasparenza"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:168
msgid "Show DCodes"
msgstr "Mostra i DCode"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:168
msgid "Show dcode number"
msgstr "Mostra numero DCodes"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Show in Differential Mode"
msgstr "Mostra in modalità differenziale"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Show layers in diff (compare) mode"
msgstr "Mostra strati in modalità diff (compara)"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:178
msgid "Flip Gerber View"
msgstr "Capovolgi vista gerber"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_actions.cpp:178
msgid "Show as mirror image"
msgstr "Mostra come immagine speculare"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_control.cpp:112
msgid "None of the Gerber layers contain any data"
msgstr "Nessuno degli strati Gerber contiene dati"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_control.cpp:119
msgid "Board File Name"
msgstr "Nome file scheda"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_inspection_tool.cpp:147
msgid "D Codes"
msgstr "Codici D"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_inspection_tool.cpp:175
#, c-format
msgid "Source file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File sorgente '%s' non trovato."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_inspection_tool.cpp:191
#, c-format
msgid "No file loaded on the active layer %d."
msgstr "Nessun file caricato sullo strato attivo %d."
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_selection_tool.cpp:48
msgid "Highlight"
msgstr "Evidenzia"
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_selection_tool.cpp:70
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Highlight Items of Component '%s'"
msgstr "Evidenzia elementi del componente \"%s\""
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_selection_tool.cpp:78
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Highlight Items of Net '%s'"
msgstr "Evidenzia elementi del collegamento \"%s\""
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_selection_tool.cpp:88
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Highlight Aperture Type '%s'"
msgstr "Evidenzia il tipo di apertura \"%s\""
#: gerbview/tools/gerbview_selection_tool.cpp:96
#, c-format
msgid "Highlight DCode D%d"
msgstr "Evidenzia DCode %d"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:77
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:540
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:273
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:333
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:792
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:32
msgid "Layers"
msgstr "Strati"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:78
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:562
msgid "Items"
msgstr "Elementi"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:93
msgid "DCodes"
msgstr "DCodes"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:94
msgid "Show DCodes identification"
msgstr "Mostra identificazione DCodes"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:95
msgid "Negative Objects"
msgstr "Oggetti negativi"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:96
msgid "Show negative objects in this color"
msgstr "Mostra gli oggetti negativi con questo colore"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:356
msgid "Show the (x,y) grid dots"
msgstr "Mostra i punti (x,y) della griglia"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:101
msgid "Show drawing sheet border and title block"
msgstr "Mostra squadratura foglio di disegno e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:103
msgid "PCB Background"
msgstr "Sfondo del C.S."
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1684
msgid "Show All Layers"
msgstr "Mostra tutti gli strati"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:126
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1671
msgid "Hide All Layers But Active"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli strati esluco quello attivo"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:130
msgid "Always Hide All Layers But Active"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli strati esluco quello attivo"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1687
msgid "Hide All Layers"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli strati"
#: gerbview/widgets/gerbview_layer_widget.cpp:137
msgid "Sort Layers if X2 Mode"
msgstr "Ordina gli strati se in modalità X2"
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:130
msgid "Change Layer Color for"
msgstr "Cambia colore strato per"
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:185
msgid "Change Render Color for"
msgstr "Cambia colore render per"
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:343
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2013
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2217
msgid ""
"Left double click or middle click for color change, right click for menu"
msgstr ""
"Doppio clic del pulsante sinistro o clic del centrale per cambiare colore, "
"pulsante destro per il menù"
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:353
msgid "Enable this for visibility"
msgstr "Abilitare per visibilità"
#: gerbview/widgets/layer_widget.cpp:450
msgid "Left double click or middle click for color change"
msgstr "Doppio clic sinistro o clic centrale per cambiare colore"
#: include/base_units.h:47
msgid "-- mixed values --"
msgstr "-- valori mescolati --"
#: include/dialogs/panel_color_settings.h:50
msgid "Reset all colors in this theme to the KiCad defaults"
msgstr "Reimposta tutti i colori in questo tema ai predefiniti in KiCad"
#: include/filehistory.h:54
msgid "Clear Recent Files"
msgstr "Cancella file recenti"
#: include/kiway_player.h:242
msgid "This file is already open."
msgstr "Questo file è già aperto."
#: include/lib_table_grid.h:180
msgid "Library Path"
msgstr "Percorso libreria"
#: include/lib_table_grid.h:183
msgid "Library Format"
msgstr "Formato libreria"
#: include/lib_table_grid.h:186
msgid "Active"
msgstr "Attiva"
#: include/libeval_compiler/libeval_compiler.h:317
msgid "Malformed expression"
msgstr "Espressione malformata"
#: include/panel_hotkeys_editor.h:55
msgid "Reset all hotkeys to the built-in KiCad defaults"
msgstr "Imposta tutti i comandi da tastiera ai predefiniti di KiCad"
#: include/project.h:41
msgid "untitled"
msgstr "senza-titolo"
#: include/widgets/infobar.h:117
msgid "Hide this message."
msgstr "Nascondi questo messaggio."
#: include/widgets/resettable_panel.h:54
msgid "Reset all settings on this page to their default"
msgstr "Reimposta tutte le impostazioni in questa pagina al predefinito"
#: include/wxstream_helper.h:46
msgid "Failed to output data"
msgstr "Fallita emissione dati"
#: kicad/dialogs/dialog_template_selector.cpp:143
msgid "<h1>Template Selector</h1>"
msgstr "<h1>Selezione modelli</h1>"
#: kicad/dialogs/dialog_template_selector.cpp:245
msgid "Select Templates Directory"
msgstr "Seleziona la cartella modelli"
#: kicad/dialogs/dialog_template_selector_base.cpp:31
msgid "Folder:"
msgstr "Cartella:"
#: kicad/dialogs/dialog_template_selector_base.cpp:118
msgid "Project Template Title"
msgstr "Titolo modello di progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/dialog_template_selector_base.h:67
msgid "Project Template Selector"
msgstr "Selettore modelli di progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:112
msgid "Edit the project schematic"
msgstr "Modifica lo schema del progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:116
msgid "Edit global and/or project schematic symbol libraries"
msgstr "Modifica le librerie di simboli globali e/o del progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:120
msgid "Edit the project PCB design"
msgstr "Modifica il C.S. del progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:124
msgid "Edit global and/or project PCB footprint libraries"
msgstr "Modifica le librerie di impronte globali e/o del progetto"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:128
msgid "Preview Gerber files"
msgstr "Anteprima file Gerber"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:132
msgid "Convert bitmap images to schematic symbols or PCB footprints"
msgstr "Converti immagini bitmap in simboli dello schema o impronte del C.S."
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:136
msgid "Show tools for calculating resistance, current capacity, etc."
msgstr ""
"Mostra strumenti per il calcolo di resistenza, capacità di corrente, ecc."
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:140
msgid ""
"Edit drawing sheet borders and title blocks for use in schematics and PCB "
msgstr ""
"Modifica squadratura del foglio e riquadro iscrizioni per usarli nei "
"progetti di schema e circuito stampato"
#: kicad/dialogs/panel_kicad_launcher.cpp:146
msgid "Manage downloadable packages from KiCad and 3rd party repositories"
msgstr "Gestisci pacchetti scaricabili da repository KiCad e di terze parti"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:46
msgid "KiCad project file"
msgstr "File progetto KiCad"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:66
msgid "Unzip Project"
msgstr "Decomprimi progetto"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:73
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Open '%s'\n"
msgstr ""
"Apri \"%s\"\n"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:76
msgid "Target Directory"
msgstr "Cartella di destinazione"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:82
#, c-format
msgid "Unzipping project in '%s'.\n"
msgstr "Decompressione progetto in '%s'.\n"
#: kicad/files-io.cpp:117
msgid "Archive Project Files"
msgstr "Archivia i file del progetto"
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:83
msgid "KiCad Project Destination"
msgstr "Destinazione progetto KiCad"
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:99
msgid ""
"The selected directory is not empty. We recommend you create projects in "
"their own clean directory.\n"
"Do you want to create a new empty directory for the project?"
msgstr ""
"La cartella selezionata non è vuota. Si raccomanda la creazione di nuovi "
"progetti in una cartella dedicata e vuota.\n"
"Creare una nuova cartella vuota per il progetto?"
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:124
msgid ""
"Error creating new directory. Please try a different path. The project "
"cannot be imported."
msgstr ""
"Errore durante la creazione di una nuova cartella. Provare un percorso "
"diverso. Il progetto non può essere importato."
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:149 kicad/import_project.cpp:168
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot copy file '%s'\n"
"to '%s'\n"
"The project cannot be imported."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile copiare il file \"%s\"\n"
"in \"%s\"\n"
"Il progetto non può essere importato."
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:229
msgid "Import CADSTAR Archive Project Files"
msgstr "Importa file archivio progetto CADSTAR"
#: kicad/import_project.cpp:237
msgid "Import Eagle Project Files"
msgstr "Importa file progetto Eagle"
#: kicad/kicad.cpp:169
#, c-format
msgid ""
"File '%s'\n"
"does not appear to be a valid KiCad project file."
msgstr ""
"Il file \"%s\"\n"
"non sembra essere un file progetto KiCad valido."
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:170
msgid "Project Files"
msgstr "File progetto"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:174
msgid "Editors"
msgstr "Editor"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:574
msgid "Load File to Edit"
msgstr "Carica file da modificare"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:643
msgid "[no project loaded]"
msgstr "[nessun progetto caricato]"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:690
#, c-format
msgid "Project: %s"
msgstr "Progetto: %s"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:734
msgid "Restoring session"
msgstr "Recupero sessione"
#: kicad/kicad_manager_frame.cpp:744
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Restoring '%s'"
msgstr "Recupero \"%s\""
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:56
msgid "Clear Recent Projects"
msgstr "Cancella progetti recenti"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:99
msgid "Import Non-KiCad Project..."
msgstr "Importa progetto non-KiCad..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:102
msgid "CADSTAR Project..."
msgstr "Progetto CADSTAR..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:103
msgid "Import CADSTAR Archive Schematic and PCB (*.csa, *.cpa)"
msgstr "Imposta un archivio schemi e C.S. CADSTAR (*.csa, *.cpa)"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:107
msgid "EAGLE Project..."
msgstr "Progetto EAGLE..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:108
msgid "Import EAGLE CAD XML schematic and board"
msgstr "Importa schema e scheda XML EAGLE CAD"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:115
msgid "&Archive Project..."
msgstr "&Archivia progetto..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:116
msgid "Archive all needed project files into zip archive"
msgstr "Memorizza tutti i file necessari del progetto in un archivio zip"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:120
msgid "&Unarchive Project..."
msgstr "Rec&upera progetto..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:121 kicad/menubar.cpp:229
msgid "Unarchive project files from zip archive"
msgstr "Recupera i file del progetto da un archivio zip"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:136
msgid "Browse Project Files"
msgstr "Sfoglia i file progetto"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:137
msgid "Open project directory in file browser"
msgstr "Apri la cartella progetto nell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:165
msgid "Edit Local File..."
msgstr "Modifica file locale..."
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:166
msgid "Edit local file in text editor"
msgstr "Modifica il file locale in un editor di testo"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:225
msgid "Archive all project files"
msgstr "Archivia tutti i file del progetto"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:238
msgid "Reveal project folder in Finder"
msgstr "Rivela la cartella progetto nell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/menubar.cpp:240
msgid "Open project directory in file explorer"
msgstr "Apri la cartella del progetto nell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_manage_repositories.cpp:74
msgid "Please enter fully qualified repository url"
msgstr "Prego inserire url assoluto repository"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_manage_repositories.cpp:74
msgid "Add repository"
msgstr "Aggiungi repository"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_manage_repositories_base.h:60
#, fuzzy
msgid "Manage Repositories"
msgstr "Gestisci repositori"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:50
#, c-format
msgid "Plugins (%d)"
msgstr "Plugin (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "Libraries (%d)"
msgstr "Librerie (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:52
#, c-format
msgid "Color themes (%d)"
msgstr "Temi colori (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:79 kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:315
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:51
#, c-format
msgid "Repository (%d)"
msgstr "Repository (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:96 kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package.cpp:72
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package.cpp:76
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package_base.cpp:65
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:108
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Installa"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:105 kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package.cpp:80
msgid "Uninstall"
msgstr "Disinstalla"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:160
msgid ""
"Are you sure you want to close the package manager and discard pending "
msgstr "Chiudere la gestione pacchetti ed annullare i cambiamenti pendenti?"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:162
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:117
msgid "Plugin and Content Manager"
msgstr "Plugin gestore contenuto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:235
msgid "Choose package file"
msgstr "Scegli file pacchetto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:330
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Pending (%d)"
msgstr "Pendenti (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm.cpp:365
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:60
#, c-format
msgid "Installed (%d)"
msgstr "Installati (%d)"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:37
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Gestisci"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:90
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:34
msgid "Action"
msgstr "Azione"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:83 pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:112
msgid "Package"
msgstr "Contenitore"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:85
msgid "Repository"
msgstr "Repository"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:103
msgid "Discard action"
msgstr "Abbandona azione"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:133
msgid "Install from file..."
msgstr "Installa da file..."
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:136
msgid "Apply changes"
msgstr "Applica i cambiamenti"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.cpp:139
msgid "Discard changes"
msgstr "Abbandona i cambiamenti"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_base.h:73
msgid "Plugin And Content Manager"
msgstr "Gestione plugin e contenuto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "Downloaded %lld/%lld Kb"
msgstr "Scaricati %lld/%lld Kb"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress.cpp:150
msgid "All downloads finished"
msgstr "Tutti gli scaricamenti terminati"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:21
msgid "Download progress"
msgstr "Avanzamento scaricamento"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:23
msgid "Waiting..."
msgstr "In attesa..."
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:42
msgid "Overall progress"
msgstr "Avanzamento generale"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.cpp:52
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Dettagli"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/dialog_pcm_progress_base.h:58
msgid "Applying package changes"
msgstr "Applicazione cambiamenti pacchetti"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package.cpp:84
msgid "Pending install"
msgstr "Installazione pendente"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_package.cpp:88
msgid "Pending uninstall"
msgstr "Disinstallazione pendente"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:147
msgid "Metadata"
msgstr "Metadati"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:154
#, c-format
msgid "Package identifier: %s\n"
msgstr "Identificatore pacchetto: %s\n"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid "License: %s\n"
msgstr "Licenza: %s\n"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:169
#, c-format
msgid "Tags: %s\n"
msgstr "Etichette: %s\n"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:184
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Autore"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:187
msgid "Maintainer"
msgstr "Manutentore"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:191
msgid "Resources"
msgstr "Risorse"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:266
msgid "Pick a package on the left panel to view it's description."
msgstr ""
"Scegli un pacchetto sul pannello di sinistra per visualizzarne la "
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:342
msgid "Package download url is not specified"
msgstr "URL di scaricamento pacchetto non specificato"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:343
msgid "Error downloading package"
msgstr "Errore nello scaricare il pacchetto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:352
msgid "Save package"
msgstr "Salva pacchetto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:364
msgid "Downloading package"
msgstr "Scaricamento pacchetto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:380
msgid ""
"Integrity of the downloaded package could not be verified, hash does not "
"match. Are you sure you want to keep this file?"
msgstr ""
"Integrità del pacchetto scaricato non confermata; l'hash non corrisponde. "
"Sicuri di voler tenere questo file?"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:382
msgid "Keep downloaded file"
msgstr "Mantieni i file scaricati"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:419
msgid ""
"This package version is incompatible with your kicad version or platform. "
"Are you sure you want to install it anyway?"
msgstr ""
"Questa versione pacchetto non è compatibile con la tua piattaforma o "
"versione di KiCad. Sicuri di volerlo scaricare ugualmente?"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view.cpp:421
msgid "Install package"
msgstr "Installa pacchetto"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:64
msgid "Show all versions"
msgstr "Mostra tutte le versioni"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:82
msgid "Dl Size"
msgstr "Dim. sc"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:83
msgid "Inst Size"
msgstr "Dim. inst"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:84
msgid "Comp"
msgstr "Comp"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:105
msgid "Download"
msgstr "Scarica"
#: kicad/pcm/dialogs/panel_packages_view_base.cpp:121
msgid "Versions"
msgstr "Versioni"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:79
#, c-format
msgid "schema file '%s' not found"
msgstr "file schema '%s' non trovato"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:82
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading schema: %s"
msgstr "Errore caricando lo schema: %s"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:108
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading installed packages list: %s"
msgstr "Errore caricando l'elenco pacchetti installati: %s"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:189
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading %lld/%lld Kb"
msgstr "Scaricamento %lld/%lld Kb"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:214
msgid "Download is too large."
msgstr "Scaricamento troppo grande."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:228
msgid "Fetching repository"
msgstr "Recupero repository"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:230
msgid "Unable to load repository url"
msgstr "Impossibile caricare url repository"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:246
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to parse repository:\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile analizzare repository:\n"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:268
msgid "Fetching repository packages"
msgstr "Recupero pacchetti repository"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:270
msgid "Unable to load repository packages url."
msgstr "Impossibile caricare l'URL repository pacchetti."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:278
msgid "Packages hash doesn't match. Repository may be corrupted."
msgstr ""
"Gli hash dei pacchetti non corrispondono. Il repository potrebbe essere "
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:294
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to parse packages metadata:\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile analizzare i metadati:\n"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:381
msgid ""
"Packages cache for current repository is corrupted, it will be redownloaded."
msgstr ""
"La cache pacchetti per il repository corrente è rovinata, verrà ri-scaricata."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:431
msgid "Downloading resources"
msgstr "Scaricamento risorse"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:445
msgid ""
"Resources file hash doesn't match and will not be used. Repository may be "
msgstr ""
"L'hash file risorse non corrisponde e non verrà usato. Il repository "
"potrebbe essere rovinato."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm.cpp:590
msgid "Local file"
msgstr "File locale"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:63
msgid "Unable to create download directory!"
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella scaricamenti!"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Downloaded archive hash for package %s does not match repository entry. This "
"may indicate a problem with the package, if the issue persists report this "
"to repository maintainers."
msgstr ""
"L'hash arhiviazione scaricato per il pacchetto %s non corrisponde alla voce "
"del repository. Potrebbe esserci un problema relativo al pacchetto; se il "
"problema persiste segnalarlo ai responsabili del repository."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:101
#, c-format
msgid "Extracting package '%s'."
msgstr "Estrazione pacchetto '%s'."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:116
#, c-format
msgid "Removing downloaded archive '%s'."
msgstr "Rimozione archivio scaricato '%s'."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:157
#, c-format
msgid "Downloading package url: '%s'"
msgstr "Url scaricamento pacchetto: '%s'"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:170
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Failed to download url %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Fallito scaricamento url %s\n"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:253
msgid "Aborting package installation."
msgstr "Annullamento installazione pacchetto."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:301
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to parse package metadata:\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile analizzare i metadati del pacchetto:\n"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:310
msgid "Archive does not contain a valid metadata.json file"
msgstr "L'archivio non contiene un file metadata.json valido"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:318
msgid "Archive metadata must have a single version defined"
msgstr "I metadati archivio devono avere una singola versione definita"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:330
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Package with identifier %s is already installed, you must first uninstall "
"this package."
msgstr ""
"Un pacchetto con identificatore %s è già installato, è necessario prima "
"disinstallare questo pacchetto."
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:362
#, c-format
msgid "Removing directory %s"
msgstr "Rimozione cartella %s"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:367
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to remove directory %s"
msgstr "Fallita rimozione cartella %s"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:384
#, c-format
msgid "Package %s uninstalled"
msgstr "Pacchetto %s disinstallato"
#: kicad/pcm/pcm_task_manager.cpp:453
msgid "Aborting remaining tasks."
msgstr "Annullamento compiti rimanenti."
#: kicad/project_template.cpp:52
msgid "Could open the template path!"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il percorso modelli!"
#: kicad/project_template.cpp:57
msgid "Couldn't open the meta information directory for this template!"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aprire la cartella delle meta informazioni per questo modello!"
#: kicad/project_template.cpp:63
#, fuzzy
msgid "Couldn't find the meta HTML information file for this template!"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il file HTML delle meta informazioni per questo modello!"
#: kicad/project_template.cpp:238
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create folder '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella '%s'."
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Changing file extension will change file type.\n"
"Do you want to continue ?"
msgstr ""
"Cambiare l'estensione del file cambierà il tipo di file.\n"
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:112
msgid "Rename File"
msgstr "Rinomina file"
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:120
msgid "Unable to rename file ... "
msgstr "Impossibile rinominare il file ... "
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:120
msgid "Permission error?"
msgstr "Errore di permessi?"
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:136
#, c-format
msgid "Can not move '%s' to recycle bin."
msgstr "Impossibile spostare '%s' nel cestino."
#: kicad/project_tree_item.cpp:139
#, c-format
msgid "Can not move '%s' to trash."
msgstr "Impossibile eliminare '%s'."
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:241
msgid "Directory name:"
msgstr "Nome cartella:"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:241
msgid "Create New Directory"
msgstr "Crea nuova cartella"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:693
msgid "Switch to this Project"
msgstr "Passa a questo progetto"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:694
msgid "Close all editors, and switch to the selected project"
msgstr "Chiude tutti gli editor e passa al progetto selezionato"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:701
msgid "New Directory..."
msgstr "Nuova cartella..."
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:702
msgid "Create a New Directory"
msgstr "Crea una nuova cartella"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:710 kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:720
msgid "Reveal in Finder"
msgstr "Apri nel file esplorer"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:711
msgid "Reveals the directory in a Finder window"
msgstr "Aprim la cartella della finestra dell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:713
msgid "Open Directory in File Explorer"
msgstr "Apri cartella nell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:714 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:555
msgid "Opens the directory in the default system file manager"
msgstr "Apre la cartella nel navigatore file predefinito di sistema"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:721
msgid "Reveals the directories in a Finder window"
msgstr "Mostra le cartelle in una finestra dell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:723
msgid "Open Directories in File Explorer"
msgstr "Apri cartelle nell'esploratore file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:724
msgid "Opens the directories in the default system file manager"
msgstr "Apre le cartelle nel navigatore file predefinito di sistema"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:735
msgid "Open the file in a Text Editor"
msgstr "Apri il file in un editor di testo"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:737
msgid "Open files in a Text Editor"
msgstr "Apri file in un editor di testo"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:739
msgid "Edit in a Text Editor"
msgstr "Modifica in un editor di testo"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:747
msgid "Rename File..."
msgstr "Rinomina file..."
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:748
msgid "Rename file"
msgstr "Rinomina il file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:752
msgid "Rename Files..."
msgstr "Rinomina file..."
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:753
msgid "Rename files"
msgstr "Rinomina i file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:762
msgid "Delete the file and its content"
msgstr "Elimina il file ed i suoi contenuti"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:764
msgid "Delete the files and their contents"
msgstr "Elimina i file ed i loro contenuti"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:779
msgid "Move to Trash"
msgstr "Elimina"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:794
msgid "Print the contents of the file"
msgstr "Stampa i contenuti del file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:857
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Change filename: '%s'"
msgstr "Cambia nome file: \"%s\""
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:859
msgid "Change filename"
msgstr "Cambia il nome al file"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:1179
msgid "Network path: not monitoring folder changes"
msgstr "Percorso rete: non monitora i cambiamenti cartelle"
#: kicad/project_tree_pane.cpp:1184
msgid "Local path: monitoring folder changes"
msgstr "Percorso locale: monitora i cambiamenti cartelle"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:41
msgid "New Project..."
msgstr "Nuovo progetto..."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:41
msgid "Create new blank project"
msgstr "Crea un nuovo progetto vuoto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:47
msgid "New Project from Template..."
msgstr "Nuovo progetto da modello..."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:47
msgid "Create new project from template"
msgstr "Crea nuovo progetto da un modello"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:52
msgid "Open Demo Project..."
msgstr "Apri progetto demo..."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:52
msgid "Open a demo project"
msgstr "Apri un progetto demo"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:57
msgid "Open Project..."
msgstr "Apri progetto..."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:57
msgid "Open an existing project"
msgstr "Apri un progetto esistente"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Close Project"
msgstr "Chiudi progetto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Close the current project"
msgstr "Chiudi il progetto corrente"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:69
msgid "Edit schematic"
msgstr "Modifica schema"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:75
msgid "Edit schematic symbols"
msgstr "Modifica simboli elettrici"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:81
msgid "Edit PCB"
msgstr "Modifica C.S."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Edit PCB footprints"
msgstr "Modifica impronte C.S."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:93
msgid "Preview Gerber output files"
msgstr "Anteprima file d'uscita Gerber"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Image Converter"
msgstr "Convertitore immagini"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Convert bitmap images to schematic or PCB components"
msgstr "Converte immagini bitmap in elementi dello schema o del C.S."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:104
msgid "Calculator Tools"
msgstr "Strumenti di calcolo"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:104
msgid "Run component calculations, track width calculations, etc."
msgstr "Esegue calcoli sui componenti, larghezza tracce, ecc."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:110
msgid "Edit drawing sheet borders and title block"
msgstr "Modifica squadratura foglio e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:117
msgid "Run Plugin and Content Manager"
msgstr "Esegui Gestore pacchetti e contenuto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:124
msgid "Open Text Editor"
msgstr "Apri editor di testo"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_actions.cpp:124
msgid "Launch preferred text editor"
msgstr "Lancia l'editor di testo preferito"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:53
msgid "Create a new folder for the project"
msgstr "Crea una nuova cartella per il progetto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:93
msgid "Create New Project"
msgstr "Crea nuovo progetto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:135
msgid ""
"The selected folder is not empty. It is recommended that you create "
"projects in their own empty folder.\n"
"Do you want to continue?"
msgstr ""
"La cartella selezionata non è vuota. Si raccomanda la creazione di nuovi "
"progetti in una cartella dedicata e vuota.\n"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:163
msgid "System Templates"
msgstr "Modelli di sistema"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:172
msgid "User Templates"
msgstr "Modelli personali"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:181
msgid "No project template was selected. Cannot generate new project."
msgstr "Nessun modello selezionato. Impossibile generare un nuovo progetto."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:189
msgid "New Project Folder"
msgstr "Nuova cartella progetto"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:235
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:573
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to write to folder '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per scrivere sulla cartella '%s'."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:256
msgid "Overwriting files:"
msgstr "Sovrascrittura file:"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:261
msgid "Similar files already exist in the destination folder."
msgstr "File simili esistono già nella cartella destinazione."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:279
msgid "A problem occurred creating new project from template."
msgstr "Problema durante la creazione del nuovo progetto da modello."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:301
msgid "Open Existing Project"
msgstr "Apri un progetto esistente"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:501
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot copy folder '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile copiare la cartella '%s'."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:544
msgid "Save Project To"
msgstr "Salva progetto su"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Folder '%s' could not be created.\n"
"Please make sure you have write permissions and try again."
msgstr ""
"La cartella '%s' non può essere creata.\n"
"Assicurarsi di avere i permessi di scrittura e riprovare."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:575
msgid "Error!"
msgstr "Errore!"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:632
msgid "Create (or open) a project to edit a schematic."
msgstr "Crea (o apre) un progetto di schema elettrico."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:638
msgid "Create (or open) a project to edit a pcb."
msgstr "Crea (o apre) un progetto di circuito stampato."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:655
msgid "Application failed to load:\n"
msgstr "L'app ha fallito il caricamento:\n"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:655
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:662 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1501
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1531
msgid "KiCad Error"
msgstr "Errore KiCad"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:662
msgid "Application failed to load."
msgstr "Fallito caricamento dell'applicazione."
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:728
#, c-format
msgid "%s closed [pid=%d]\n"
msgstr "%s chiuso [pid=%d]\n"
#: kicad/tools/kicad_manager_control.cpp:794
#, c-format
msgid "%s %s opened [pid=%ld]\n"
msgstr "%s %s aperto [pid=%ld]\n"
#: libs/kiplatform/msw/environment.cpp:57
#, c-format
msgid "Error code: %d"
msgstr "Codice errore: %d"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/design_inspector.cpp:223
msgid "Layout"
msgstr "Impaginazione"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/design_inspector.cpp:227
#, c-format
msgid "Size: %.1fx%.1fmm"
msgstr "Dimensione: %.1fx%.1fmm"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_design_inspector_base.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:230
msgid "Count"
msgstr "Conteggio"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:30
msgid "Y start:"
msgstr "Y inizio:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:44
msgid "X start:"
msgstr "X inizio:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:64
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:124
msgid "Origin"
msgstr "Origine"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:68
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:128
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:229
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:282
msgid "Upper Right"
msgstr "In alto a destra"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:68
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:128
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:230
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:283
msgid "Upper Left"
msgstr "In alto a sinistra"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:68
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:128
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:228
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:231
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:284
msgid "Lower Right"
msgstr "In basso a destra"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:68
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:128
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:232
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:281
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:285
msgid "Lower Left"
msgstr "In basso a sinistra"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:90
msgid "X end:"
msgstr "X fine:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.cpp:104
msgid "Y end:"
msgstr "Y fine:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialog_new_dataitem_base.h:72
msgid "New Item"
msgstr "Nuovo elemento"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialogs_for_printing.cpp:233
msgid "Print Drawing Sheet"
msgstr "Stampa foglio di disegno"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialogs_for_printing.cpp:238
msgid "An error occurred attempting to print the drawing sheet."
msgstr "Si è verificato un errore durante la stampa dello schema."
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/dialogs_for_printing.cpp:239
msgid "Printing"
msgstr "In stampa"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:554
msgid "Predefined Keywords"
msgstr "Parolechiave predefinite"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:557
msgid "Texts can include keywords."
msgstr "I testi possono includere parolechiave."
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:558
msgid "Keyword notation is ${keyword}"
msgstr "La notazione parolechiave è ${parolachiave}"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:559
msgid "Each keyword is replaced by its value"
msgstr "Le parolechiave sono rimpiazzate dal loro valore"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:560
msgid "These build-in keywords are always available:"
msgstr "Queste parolechiave incorporate sono sempre disponibili:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:564
msgid "(sheet number)"
msgstr "(numero foglio)"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:565
msgid "(sheet count)"
msgstr "(numero fogli)"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame.cpp:571
msgid "(paper size)"
msgstr "(dimensione carta)"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:34
msgid "Show on all pages"
msgstr "Mostra sul tutte le pagine"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:34
msgid "First page only"
msgstr "Solo nella prima pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:34
msgid "Subsequent pages only"
msgstr "Solo nelle pagine seguenti"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:85
msgid "H align:"
msgstr "Allinea O:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:101
msgid "V align:"
msgstr "Allinea V:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:129
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:428
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:169
msgid "Text width:"
msgstr "Larghezza testo:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:140
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:442
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:188
msgid "Text height:"
msgstr "Altezza testo:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:151
msgid "Max width:"
msgstr "Larghezza massima:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:153
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:166
msgid "Set to 0 to disable this constraint"
msgstr "Imposta a 0 per disabilitare questo vincolo"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:164
msgid "Max height:"
msgstr "Altezza massima:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:180
msgid "Set to 0 to use default values"
msgstr "Imposta a 0 per usare i valori predefiniti"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:187
msgid "Comment:"
msgstr "Commento:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:194
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:105
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Posizione"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:224
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:277
msgid "From:"
msgstr "Da:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:247
msgid "End Position"
msgstr "Posizione finale"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:319
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1333
msgid "Rotation:"
msgstr "Rotazione:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:326
msgid "Bitmap DPI:"
msgstr "DPI bitmap:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:342
msgid "Repeat Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri ripetizione"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:350
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:263
msgid "Count:"
msgstr "Conteggio:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:360
msgid "Step text:"
msgstr "Passo testo:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:365
msgid "Number of characters or digits to step text by for each repeat."
msgstr ""
"Numero di caratteri o cifre di cui scorrere il testo ad ogni ripetizione."
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:372
msgid "Step X:"
msgstr "Passo X:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:377
msgid "Distance on the X axis to step for each repeat."
msgstr "Distanza sull'asse X da percorrere ad ogni ripetizione."
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:385
msgid "Step Y:"
msgstr "Passo Y:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:390
msgid "Distance to step on Y axis for each repeat."
msgstr "Distanza sull'asse Y da percorrere ad ogni ripetizione."
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:404
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:564
msgid "Apply"
msgstr "Applica"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:413
msgid "Item Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà elemento"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:420
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:969
msgid "Default Values"
msgstr "Valori predefiniti"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:456
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:137
msgid "Line thickness:"
msgstr "Spessore linea:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:470
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:206
msgid "Text thickness:"
msgstr "Spessore testo:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:490
msgid "Set to Default"
msgstr "Imposta come predefinito"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:497
msgid "Page Margins"
msgstr "Margini pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:505
msgid "Left:"
msgstr "Sinistra:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:519
msgid "Right:"
msgstr "Destra:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:533
msgid "Top:"
msgstr "Alto:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:547
msgid "Bottom:"
msgstr "Basso:"
#: pagelayout_editor/dialogs/properties_frame_base.cpp:576
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:68
msgid "General Options"
msgstr "Opzioni generali"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:55
msgid "Drawing Sheet File"
msgstr "File foglio di disegno"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:61 pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:105
msgid "The current drawing sheet has been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr ""
"Il foglio di disegno corrente è stato modificato. Salvare le modifiche?"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:77
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" loaded"
msgstr "File \"%s\" caricato"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:127
msgid "Append Existing Drawing Sheet"
msgstr "Aggiungi foglio di disegno esistente"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:138 pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:163
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to load %s file"
msgstr "Impossibile caricare il file %s"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:145
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" inserted"
msgstr "File \"%s\" inserito"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:153
msgid "Open"
msgstr "Apri"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:169 pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:216
#, c-format
msgid "File \"%s\" saved."
msgstr "File \"%s\" salvato."
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:178
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to write '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere \"%s\"."
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:191
msgid "Save As"
msgstr "Salva con nome"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:241
msgid "Error reading drawing sheet"
msgstr "Errore nella lettura del foglio di disegno"
#: pagelayout_editor/files.cpp:263
msgid "Layout file is read only."
msgstr "Il file di disposizione pagina è in sola lettura."
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:100
msgid "KiCad Drawing Sheet Editor"
msgstr "Editor foglio di disegno KiCad"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:157
msgid "coord origin: Right Bottom page corner"
msgstr "origine coordinate: angolo basso a dx pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:187
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:340
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading drawing sheet '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento del foglio di disegno \"%s\"."
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:445
msgid "Error Init Printer info"
msgstr "Errore info inizializzazione stampante"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:561
msgid "[no drawing sheet loaded]"
msgstr "[nessun foglio di disegno caricato]"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:769
#, c-format
msgid "coord origin: %s"
msgstr "origine coord: %s"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:909
msgid "New drawing sheet file is unsaved"
msgstr "Nuovo file foglio di disegno non salvato"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_frame.cpp:913
msgid "Drawing sheet changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti al foglio di disegno non salvati"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_layout.cpp:62
msgid "Page Width"
msgstr "Larghezza pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/pl_editor_layout.cpp:65
msgid "Page Height"
msgstr "Altezza pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:75
msgid "Left Top paper corner"
msgstr "angolo alto sx carta"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:76
msgid "Right Bottom page corner"
msgstr "angolo basso dx pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:77
msgid "Left Bottom page corner"
msgstr "angolo basso sx pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:78
msgid "Right Top page corner"
msgstr "angolo alto dx pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:79
msgid "Left Top page corner"
msgstr "angolo alto sx pagina"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:90
msgid "Origin of coordinates displayed to the status bar"
msgstr "Origine delle coordinate mostrate sulla barra di stato"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:105
msgid "Page 1"
msgstr "Pagina 1"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:106
msgid "Other pages"
msgstr "Altre pagine"
#: pagelayout_editor/toolbars_pl_editor.cpp:116
msgid ""
"Simulate page 1 or other pages to show how items\n"
"which are not on all page are displayed"
msgstr ""
"Simula pagina 1 o altre pagine per mostrare come gli elementi\n"
"che non sono su tutte le pagine sono visualizzati"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:44
msgid "Add Line"
msgstr "Aggiungi linea"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:44
msgid "Add a line"
msgstr "Aggiungi una linea"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:59
msgid "Add Bitmap"
msgstr "Aggiungi bitmap"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:59
msgid "Add a bitmap image"
msgstr "Aggiungi un'immagine bitmap"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:73
msgid "Append Existing Drawing Sheet..."
msgstr "Aggiungi foglio da disegno esistente..."
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:74
msgid "Append an existing drawing sheet file to current file"
msgstr "Aggiungi un file foglio di disegno esistente al file corrente"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:82
msgid "Show Design Inspector"
msgstr "Mostra l'ispettore della disposizione"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:82
msgid "Show the list of items in the drawing sheet"
msgstr "Mostra l'elenco degli elementi nel foglio di disegno"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Page Preview Settings..."
msgstr "Impostazioni anteprima di pagina..."
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:87
msgid "Edit preview data for page size and title block"
msgstr "Modifica dati anteprima per la dimensione pagina e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:92
msgid "Show title block in preview mode"
msgstr "Mostra riquadro iscrizioni nell'anteprima"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Show title block in preview mode:\n"
"text placeholders will be replaced with preview data."
msgstr ""
"Mostra il riquadro iscrizioni nell'anteprima:\n"
"i segnaposto dei testi verranno rimpiazzati dalle anteprime dei dati."
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Show title block in edit mode"
msgstr "Mostra riquadro iscrizioni in modalità modifica"
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_actions.cpp:100
msgid ""
"Show title block in edit mode:\n"
"text placeholders are shown as ${keyword} tokens."
msgstr ""
"Mostra il riquadro iscrizioni in modalità modifica:\n"
"i segnaposto dei testi vengono visualizzati come elementi ${parolachiave}."
#: pagelayout_editor/tools/pl_edit_tool.cpp:505
msgid "Error writing objects to clipboard"
msgstr "Errore in scrittura degli oggetti negli appunti"
#: pcb_calculator/attenuators/bridget_tee_formula.h:2
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"### Bridged Tee Attenuator\n"
"___a___ is attenuation in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ is desired input impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ is desired output impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>0</sub> = Z<sub>in</sub> = Z<sub>out</sub>___\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___R1 = Z<sub>0</sub> · (L−1)___<br>\n"
"___R2 = Z<sub>0</sub> / (L−1)___\n"
msgstr ""
"### Attenuatore ponte a T\n"
"___a___ è l'attenuazione in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ impedenza d'ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ impedenza d'uscita desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>0</sub> = Z<sub>in</sub> = Z<sub>out</sub>___\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___R1 = Z<sub>0</sub> · (L−1)___<br>\n"
"___R2 = Z<sub>0</sub> / (L−1)___\n"
#: pcb_calculator/attenuators/pi_formula.h:2
msgid ""
"### Pi Attenuator\n"
"___a___ is attenuation in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ is desired input impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ is desired output impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___A = (L+1) / (L−1)___<br><br>\n"
"___R2 = (L−1) / 2·√(Z<sub>in</sub> · Z<sub>out</"
"sub> / L)___<br>\n"
"___R1 = 1 / (A/Z<sub>in</sub> − 1/R2)___<br>\n"
"___R3 = 1 / (A/Z<sub>out</sub> − 1/R2)___\n"
msgstr ""
"### Attenuatore Pi (pi-greco)\n"
"___a___ è l'attenuazione in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ è l'impenedenza d'ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ è l'impedenza d'uscita desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___A = (L+1) / (L−1)___<br><br>\n"
"___R2 = (−1) / 2·√(Z<sub>in</sub> · Z<sub>out</"
"sub> / L)___<br>\n"
"___R1 = 1 / (A/Z<sub>in</sub> − 1/R2)___<br>\n"
"___R3 = 1 / (A/Z<sub>out</sub> − 1/R2___\n"
#: pcb_calculator/attenuators/splitter_formula.h:2
msgid ""
"### Split Attenuator\n"
"Attenuation is 6 dB \n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ is desired input impedance in Ω \n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ is desired output impedance in Ω \n"
"___Z<sub>0</sub> = Z<sub>in</sub> = Z<sub>out</sub>___\n"
"___R1 = R2 = R3 = Z<sub>0</sub>/3___\n"
msgstr ""
"### Attenuatore partitivo\n"
"L'attenuazione è 6dB \n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ impedenza d'ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ impedenza d'uscita desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>0</sub> = Z<sub>in</sub> = Z<sub>out</sub>___\n"
"___R1 = R2 = R3 = Z<sub>0</sub>/3___\n"
#: pcb_calculator/attenuators/tee_formula.h:2
msgid ""
"### Tee Attenuator\n"
"___a___ is attenuation in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ is desired input impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ is desired output impedance in Ω<br>\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___A = (L+1) / (L−1)___<br><br>\n"
"___R2 = 2·√(L · Z<sub>in</sub> · Z<sub>out</"
"sub>) / (L−1)___<br>\n"
"___R1 = Z<sub>in</sub> · A − R2___<br>\n"
"___R3 = Z<sub>out</sub> · A − R2___\n"
msgstr ""
"### Attenuatore a T\n"
"___a___ è l'attenuazione in dB<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>in</sub>___ è l'impenedenza d'ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___Z<sub>out</sub>___ è l'impedenza d'uscita desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
"___L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>___<br>\n"
"___A = (L+1) / (L−1)___<br><br>\n"
"___R2 = 2·√ (L · Z<sub>in</sub> · Z<sub>out</"
"sub>) / (L−1)___<br>\n"
"___R1 = Z<sub>in</sub> · A − R2___<br>\n"
"___R3 = Z<sub>out</sub> · A − R2___\n"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators.cpp:215
#, c-format
msgid "Attenuation more than %f dB"
msgstr "Attenuazione maggiore di %f dB"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:21
msgid "Pi"
msgstr "Pi"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:21
msgid "Tee"
msgstr "T"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:21
msgid "Bridged tee"
msgstr "T a ponte"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:21
msgid "Resistive splitter"
msgstr "Partitore resistivo"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:23
msgid "Attenuators"
msgstr "Attenuatori"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:40
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:23
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:23
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:198
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:48
msgid "Attenuation (a):"
msgstr "Attenuazione (a):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:55
msgid "dB"
msgstr "dB"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:59
msgid "Zin:"
msgstr "Zi:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:70
msgid "Zout:"
msgstr "Zu:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:90
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:168
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:165
msgid "Calculate"
msgstr "Calcola"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:108
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:85
msgid "R1:"
msgstr "R1:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:119
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:99
msgid "R2:"
msgstr "R2:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:130
msgid "R3:"
msgstr "R3:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_attenuators_base.cpp:170
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:55
msgid "Formula"
msgstr "Formula"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:33
msgid "Note: Values are minimal values"
msgstr "Nota: i valori sono quelli minimi"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:57
msgid "Class 1"
msgstr "Gruppo 1"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:58
msgid "Class 2"
msgstr "Gruppo 2"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:59
msgid "Class 3"
msgstr "Gruppo 3"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:60
msgid "Class 4"
msgstr "Gruppo 4"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:61
msgid "Class 5"
msgstr "Gruppo 5"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:62
msgid "Class 6"
msgstr "Gruppo 6"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:73
msgid "Lines width"
msgstr "Larghezza pista"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:74
msgid "Min clearance"
msgstr "Tolleranza minima"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:75
msgid "Via: (diam - drill)"
msgstr "Via: (diam-foro)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:76
msgid "Plated Pad: (diam - drill)"
msgstr "Piazz. placc.: (diam-foro)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_board_class_base.cpp:77
msgid "NP Pad: (diam - drill)"
msgstr "Piazz. non placc.: (diam-foro)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:20
msgid "10% / 5%"
msgstr "10% / 5%"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:20
msgid "<= 2%"
msgstr "<= 2%"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:22
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:54
msgid "Tolerance"
msgstr "Tolleranza"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:34
msgid "1st Band"
msgstr "Prima striscia"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:38
msgid "2nd Band"
msgstr "Seconda striscia"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:42
msgid "3rd Band"
msgstr "Terza striscia"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:46
msgid "4th Band"
msgstr "Quarta striscia"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_color_code_base.cpp:50
msgid "Multiplier"
msgstr "Moltiplicatore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:32
msgid "Voltage > 500 V:"
msgstr "Tensione > 500 V:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:39
msgid "Update Values"
msgstr "Aggiorna valori"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:47
msgid "Note: Values are minimal values (from IPC 2221)"
msgstr "Nota: i valori sono quelli minimi (da IPC 2221)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:72
msgid "B1"
msgstr "B1"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:73
msgid "B2"
msgstr "B2"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:74
msgid "B3"
msgstr "B3"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:75
msgid "B4"
msgstr "B4"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:77
msgid "A6"
msgstr "A6"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:78
msgid "A7"
msgstr "A7"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:94
msgid "0 .. 15 V"
msgstr "0 ... 15 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:95
msgid "16 .. 30 V"
msgstr "16 ... 30 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:96
msgid "31 .. 50 V"
msgstr "31 ... 50 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:97
msgid "51 .. 100 V"
msgstr "51 ... 100 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:98
msgid "101 .. 150 V"
msgstr "101 ... 150 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:99
msgid "151 .. 170 V"
msgstr "151 ... 170 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:100
msgid "171 .. 250 V"
msgstr "171 ... 250 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:101
msgid "251 .. 300 V"
msgstr "251 ... 300 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:102
msgid "301 .. 500 V"
msgstr "301 ... 500 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:103
msgid " > 500 V"
msgstr " > 500 V"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_electrical_spacing_base.cpp:113
msgid ""
"* B1 - Internal Conductors\n"
"* B2 - External Conductors, uncoated, sea level to 3050 m\n"
"* B3 - External Conductors, uncoated, over 3050 m\n"
"* B4 - External Conductors, with permanent polymer coating (any elevation)\n"
"* A5 - External Conductors, with conformal coating over assembly (any "
"* A6 - External Component lead/termination, uncoated\n"
"* A7 - External Component lead termination, with conformal coating (any "
msgstr ""
"* B1 - Conduttori interni\n"
"* B2 - Conduttori esterni, non rivestiti, da 0 a 3050 m di altitudine\n"
"* B3 - Conduttori esterni, non rivestiti, oltre 3050 m di altitudine\n"
"* B4 - Conduttori esterni, con rivestimento permanente in polimeri "
"(qualsiasi altitudine)\n"
"* A5 - Conduttori esterni, con rivestimento conforme sull'assemblaggio "
"(qualsiasi altitudine)\n"
"* A6 - Componente esterno, piedino terminale non rivestito\n"
"* A7 - Componente esterno, piedino terminale con rivestimento conforme "
"(qualsiasi altitudine)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:21
msgid "Inputs"
msgstr "Ingressi"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:29
msgid "Required resistance:"
msgstr "Resistenza richiesta:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:36
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:47
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:58
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:92
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:106
msgid "kOhm"
msgstr "kOhm"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:40
msgid "Exclude value 1:"
msgstr "Escludi valore 1:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:51
msgid "Exclude value 2:"
msgstr "Escludi valore 2:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:71
msgid "E1"
msgstr "E1"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:74
msgid "E3"
msgstr "E3"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:77
msgid "E6"
msgstr "E6"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:81
msgid "E12"
msgstr "E12"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:84
msgid "E24"
msgstr "E24"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:94
msgid "Solutions"
msgstr "Soluzioni"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:102
msgid "Simple solution:"
msgstr "Soluzione semplice:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:122
msgid "3R solution:"
msgstr "Soluzione 3R:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_eserie_base.cpp:142
msgid "4R solution:"
msgstr "Soluzione 4R:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:158
msgid "PCB Calculator data file"
msgstr "File dati calcolatrice C.S."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:161
msgid "Select PCB Calculator Data File"
msgstr "Seleziona un file dati calcolatrice di C.S."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:176
msgid "Do you want to load this file and replace current regulator list?"
msgstr "Caricare questo file e rimpiazzare l'elenco corrente regolatori?"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:193
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to read data file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file dati \"%s\"."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:221
msgid "This regulator is already in list. Aborted"
msgstr "Questo regolatore è già esistente! Abortito"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:253
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:223
msgid "Remove Regulator"
msgstr "Elimina regolatore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:338
msgid "Vout must be greater than vref"
msgstr "Vout deve essere maggiore di Vref"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:344
msgid "Vref set to 0 !"
msgstr "Vref impostata a 0!"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator.cpp:350
msgid "Incorrect value for R1 R2"
msgstr "Valore errato per R1 o R2"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:29
msgid ""
"Type of the regulator.\n"
"There are 2 types:\n"
"- regulators which have a dedicated sense pin for the voltage regulation.\n"
"- 3 terminal pins."
msgstr ""
"Tipo di regolatore.\n"
"Esistono 2 tipi:\n"
" - regolatori con pin dedicato di regolazione della tensione.\n"
" - regolatori a 3 piedini."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:33
msgid "Standard Type"
msgstr "Tipo standard"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:33
msgid "3 Terminal Type"
msgstr "Tipo a 3 terminali"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:113
msgid "Vout:"
msgstr "Vout:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:127
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:37
msgid "Vref:"
msgstr "Vref:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:129
msgid ""
"The internal reference voltage of the regulator.\n"
"Should not be 0."
msgstr ""
"La tensione di riferimento interna del regolatore.\n"
"Non deve essere 0."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:143
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:61
msgid "Iadj:"
msgstr "Iadj:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:145
msgid "For 3 terminal regulators only, the Adjust pin current."
msgstr ""
"Soltanto per regolatori a 3 terminali, il piedino di regolazione corrente"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:152
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:68
msgid "uA"
msgstr "uA"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:185
msgid "Regulator"
msgstr "Regolatore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:192
msgid "Regulators data file:"
msgstr "File dati del regolatore:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:194
msgid "The name of the data file which stores known regulators parameters."
msgstr "Nome file dati che contiene i parametri dei regolatori conosciuti."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:204
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Esplora"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:213
msgid "Edit Regulator"
msgstr "Modifica regolatore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:214
msgid "Edit the current selected regulator."
msgstr "Modifica il regolatore corrente."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:218
msgid "Add Regulator"
msgstr "Aggiungi regolatore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:219
msgid "Enter a new item to the current list of available regulators"
msgstr "Inserisce un nuovo elemento all'elenco regolatori disponibili"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_regulator_base.cpp:224
msgid "Remove an item from the current list of available regulators"
msgstr "Elimina un elemento dal corrente elenco"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width.cpp:61
msgid "Temperature rise"
msgstr "Incremento temperatura"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:31
msgid "Current (I):"
msgstr "Corrente (I):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:42
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:167
msgid "Temperature rise:"
msgstr "Incremento temperatura:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:49
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:176
msgid "deg C"
msgstr "°C"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:53
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:54
msgid "Conductor length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza conduttore:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:66
msgid "Copper resistivity:"
msgstr "Resistività rame:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:75
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:142
msgid "ohm-meter"
msgstr "ohm-metri"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:95
msgid "External Layer Traces"
msgstr "Piste strati esterni"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:103
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:201
msgid "Trace width (W):"
msgstr "Larghezza pista (W):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:117
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:215
msgid "Trace thickness (H):"
msgstr "Spessore pista (H):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:138
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:236
msgid "Cross-section area:"
msgstr "Area sezione trasversale:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:146
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:244
msgid "mm ^ 2"
msgstr "mm²"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:150
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:248
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:224
msgid "Resistance:"
msgstr "Resistenza:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:158
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:256
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:232
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:342
msgid "ohm"
msgstr "ohm"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:162
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:260
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:236
msgid "Voltage drop:"
msgstr "Caduta di tensione:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:174
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:272
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:248
msgid "Power loss:"
msgstr "Perdita potenza:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:182
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:280
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:256
msgid "W"
msgstr "W"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_track_width_base.cpp:193
msgid "Internal Layer Traces"
msgstr "Piste strati interni"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Microstrip Line"
msgstr "Linea microstriscia"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Coplanar wave guide"
msgstr "Guida d'onda coplanare"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Coplanar wave guide w/ ground plane"
msgstr "Guida d'onda coplanare con piano di massa"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Rectangular Waveguide"
msgstr "Guida d'onda rettangolare"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Coaxial Line"
msgstr "Linea coassiale"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Coupled Microstrip Line"
msgstr "Linea microstriscia accoppiata"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Stripline"
msgstr "Linea inglobata"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:22
msgid "Twisted Pair"
msgstr "Doppino ritorto"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:24
msgid "Transmission Line Type"
msgstr "Tipo linea di trasmissione"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:41
msgid "Substrate Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri substrato"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:49
msgid "Er:"
msgstr "Er:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:59
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:78
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:99
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:136
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:666
msgid "..."
msgstr "..."
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:68
msgid "Tan delta:"
msgstr "Delta tan:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:87
msgid "Rho:"
msgstr "Rho:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:89
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:126
msgid "Specific resistance in ohms * meters"
msgstr "Resistività specifica in Ohm x metro"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:108
msgid "H:"
msgstr "H:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:120
msgid "H_t:"
msgstr "H_t:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:132
msgid "T:"
msgstr "T:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:144
msgid "Rough:"
msgstr "Rugosità:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:156
msgid "Insulator mu:"
msgstr "Mu isolante:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:168
msgid "Conductor mu:"
msgstr "Mu conduttore:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:187
msgid "Component Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri componente"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:229
msgid "Physical Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri fisici"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:297
msgid "Analyze"
msgstr "Analizza"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:300
msgid "Synthesize"
msgstr "Sintetizza"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:313
msgid "Electrical Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri elettrici"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_transline_base.cpp:364
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:215
msgid "Results"
msgstr "Risultati"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size.cpp:92
#: pcb_calculator/transline_dlg_funct.cpp:122
msgid "Relative Dielectric Constants"
msgstr "Costante dielettrica relativa"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size.cpp:105
msgid "Electrical Resistivity in Ohm*m"
msgstr "Resistività elettrica in Ohm*m"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:31
msgid "Finished hole diameter (D):"
msgstr "Diametro foro via finito (D):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:45
msgid "Plating thickness (T):"
msgstr "Spessore metallizzazione (T):"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:57
msgid "Via length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza via:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:59
msgid "Via length is the board thickness for through hole vias"
msgstr "La lunghezza via è lo spessore del C.S. attraverso il foro dei via"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:71
msgid "Via pad diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro piazzola via:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:73
msgid "Diameter of pad surrounding via (annular ring)"
msgstr "Diametro della piazzola che circonda il via (anello circolare)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:85
msgid "Clearance hole diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro foro di distanza:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:87
msgid "Diameter of clearance hole in ground plane(s)"
msgstr "Diametro del foro di distanza nei piani di massa"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:99
msgid "Z0:"
msgstr "Z0:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:101
msgid "Characteristic impedance of conductor"
msgstr "Impedenza caratteristica del conduttore"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:113
msgid "Applied current:"
msgstr "Corrente applicata:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:124
msgid "Plating resistivity:"
msgstr "Resistività metallizzazione:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:146
msgid "Substrate relative permittivity:"
msgstr "Permettività relativa substrato:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:148
msgid "Relative dielectric constant (epsilon r)"
msgstr "Costante dielettrica relativa (epsilon r)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:169
msgid "Maximum acceptable rise in temperature"
msgstr "Aumento di temperatura massimo accettabile"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:180
msgid "Pulse rise time:"
msgstr "Tempo di salita:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:182
msgid "Pulse rise time to calculate reactance"
msgstr "Tempo di salita impulso per il calcolo della reattanza"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:189
msgid "ns"
msgstr "ns"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:191
msgid "nanoseconds"
msgstr "nanosecondi"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:201
msgid ""
"Via pad diameter >= Clearance hole diameter.\n"
"Some parameters cannot be calculated for a via inside a copper zone."
msgstr ""
"Diametro piazzola via >= Diametro distanza foro.\n"
"Alcuni parametri non possono essere calcolati per un via dentro una zona "
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:260
msgid "Thermal resistance:"
msgstr "Resistenza termica:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:262
msgid "Using thermal conductivity value 401 Watts/(meter-Kelvin)"
msgstr "Usa il valore di conduttività termica di 401 Watt/(metro-kelvin)"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:270
msgid "deg C/W"
msgstr "°C/W"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:274
msgid "Estimated ampacity:"
msgstr "Portata in corrente stimata:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:276
msgid "Based on temperature rise"
msgstr "Basato sull'incremento di temperatura"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:288
msgid "Capacitance:"
msgstr "Capacità:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:296
msgid "pF"
msgstr "pF"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:298
msgid "pico-Farad"
msgstr "pico-Farad"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:302
msgid "Rise time degradation:"
msgstr "Degradazione del tempo di salita:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:304
msgid "Rise time degradation for given Z0 and calculated capacitance"
msgstr "Degradazione del tempo di salita per dati Z0 e capacità calcolata"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:312
msgid "ps"
msgstr "ps"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:314
msgid "picoseconds"
msgstr "picosecondi"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:318
msgid "Inductance:"
msgstr "Induttanza:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:326
msgid "nH"
msgstr "nH"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:328
msgid "nano-Henry"
msgstr "nano-Henry"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:332
msgid "Reactance:"
msgstr "Reattanza:"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:334
msgid "Inductive reactance for given rise time and calculated inductance"
msgstr "Reattanza induttiva per dati tempo di salita e induttanza calcolata"
#: pcb_calculator/calculator_panels/panel_via_size_base.cpp:353
msgid "Top view of via"
msgstr "Vista dall'alto via"
#: pcb_calculator/datafile_read_write.cpp:76
msgid "Data file error."
msgstr "Errore file dati."
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:44
msgid "Volt"
msgstr "Volt"
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:52
msgid "Separate sense pin"
msgstr "Piedino di rilevamento separato"
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.cpp:52
msgid "3 terminals regulator"
msgstr "Regolatore a tre terminali"
#: pcb_calculator/dialogs/dialog_regulator_form_base.h:59
msgid "Regulator Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri regolatore"
#: pcb_calculator/eserie.cpp:441 pcb_calculator/eserie.cpp:460
#: pcb_calculator/eserie.cpp:486
msgid "Exact"
msgstr "Esatto"
#: pcb_calculator/eserie.cpp:469 pcb_calculator/eserie.cpp:492
msgid "Not worth using"
msgstr "Non vale la pena usarlo"
#: pcb_calculator/eserie_help.h:2
msgid ""
"E-series are defined in IEC 60063.\n"
"Available values are approximately equally spaced in a logarithmic scale.\n"
"\tE24(5%): 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 "
"4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1\n"
"\tE12(10%): 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.2 2.7 3.3 3.9 4.7 5.6 6.8 8.2\n"
"\tE6(20%): 1.0 - 1.5 - 2.2 - 3.3 - 4.7 - 6.8 -\n"
"\tE3(50%): 1.0 - - - 2.2 - - - 4.7 - - -\n"
"\tE1 : 1.0 - - - - - - - - - - -\n"
"- This calculator finds combinations of standard E-series (between 10Ω and "
"1MΩ) to create arbitrary values.\n"
"- You can enter the required resistance from 0.0025 to 4000 kΩ.\n"
"- Solutions using up to 4 components are given.\n"
"The requested value is always excluded from the solution set.<br>\n"
"Optionally up to two additional values can be excluded in case of component "
"availability problems.\n"
"Solutions are given in the following formats:\n"
"\tR1 + R2 +...+ Rn\tresistors in series\n"
"\tR1 | R2 |...| Rn\tresistors in parallel\n"
"\tR1 + (R2|R3)...\t\tany combination of the above\n"
msgstr ""
"Le serie E definite nell'IEC 60063.\n"
"I valori disponibili sono spaziati quasi equalmente in scala logaritmica. \n"
"\tE24(5%): 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.9 4.3 "
"4.7 5.1 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 8.2 9.1\n"
"\tE12(10%): 1,0 1,2 1,5 1,8 2,2 2,7 3,3 3,9 4,7 5,6 6,8 8,2\n"
"\tE6(20%): 1,0 - 1,5 - 2,2 - 3,3 - 4,7 - 6,8 -\n"
"\tE3(50%): 1,0 - - - 2,2 - - - 4,7 - - -\n"
"\tE1 : 1,0 - - - - - - - - - - -\n"
"- Questa calcolatrice trova combinazioni di componenti standard serie-E (tra "
"10Ω e 10MΩ) per\n"
"creare valori arbitrari.\n"
"- Si può inserire la resistenza richiesta da 0,0025 a 4000 kΩ.\n"
"- Vengono date soluzioni fino a 4 componenti.\n"
"Il valore richiesto è sempre escluso dalle soluzioni.<br>\n"
"È anche possibile specificare fino a due valori da escludere per problemi di "
"disponibilità componenti.\n"
"Le soluzioni vengono date nei seguenti formati:\n"
"\tR1 + R2 +...+ Rn\tresistenze in serie\n"
"\tR1 | R2 |...| Rn\tresistenze in parallelo\n"
"\tR1 + (R2|R3)...\t\tqualunque combinazione di cui sopra\n"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:49
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbcalculator.desktop.in:10
msgid "PCB Calculator"
msgstr "Calcolatrice C. S."
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:77
msgid "Regulators"
msgstr "Regolatori"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:79
msgid "RF Attenuators"
msgstr "Attenuatori RF"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:81
msgid "E-Series"
msgstr "Serie-E"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:83
msgid "Color Code"
msgstr "Codice colori"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:85
msgid "TransLine "
msgstr "TransLine "
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:91
msgid "Electrical Spacing"
msgstr "Spaziature elettriche"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:93
msgid "Board Classes"
msgstr "Classi schede"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:242
msgid "Write Data Failed"
msgstr "Fallita scrittura dati"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:246
msgid ""
"No data filename to save modifications.\n"
"Do you want to exit and abandon your changes?"
msgstr ""
"Nessun nome file dati su cui salvare le modifiche.\n"
"Uscire ed abbandonare i cambiamenti?"
#: pcb_calculator/pcb_calculator_frame.cpp:256
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to write file '%s'\n"
"Do you want to exit and abandon your changes?"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile scrivere il file \"%s\"\n"
"Uscire ed abbandonare i cambiamenti?"
#: pcb_calculator/tracks_width_versus_current_formula.h:2
msgid ""
"If you specify the maximum current, then the trace widths will be calculated "
"to suit.\n"
"If you specify one of the trace widths, the maximum current it can handle "
"will be calculated. The width for the other trace to also handle this "
"current will then be calculated.\n"
"The controlling value is shown in bold.\n"
"The calculations are valid for currents up to 35 A (external) or 17.5 A "
"(internal), temperature rises up to 100 °C, and widths of up to 400 mils (10 "
"The formula, from IPC 2221, is \n"
"<center>___I = K ⋅ ΔT<sup>0.44</sup> ⋅ (W ⋅ "
"H)<sup>0.725</sup>___</center> \n"
"where: \n"
"___I___ is maximum current in A \n"
"___ΔT___ is temperature rise above ambient in °C \n"
"___W___ is width in mils \n"
"___H___ is thickness (height) in mils \n"
"___K___ is 0.024 for internal traces or 0.048 for external traces \n"
msgstr ""
"Se si specifica la corrente massima, poi la larghezza della pista verrà "
"calcolata di conseguenza.\n"
"Se si specifica una delle larghezze della pista, verrà calcolata la corrente "
"massima che questa potrà sopportare. La larghezza dell'altra pista per "
"sopportare tale corrente verrà poi calcolata.\n"
"Il valore di controllo viene mostrato in grassetto.\n"
"I calcoli sono validi per correnti fino a 35 A (esterne) o 17.5 A (interne), "
"aumenti di temperatura fino a 100 °C, e larghezze fino a 400 mils (10 mm).\n"
"La formula, derivata dalla norma IPC 2221, è\n"
"<center>___I = K ⋅ δT<sup>0.44</sup> ⋅ (W ⋅ "
"___I___ = corrente massima in A\n"
"___δt___ = aumento di temperatura al di sopra dell'ambiente in °C\n"
"___W___ = larghezza in mils\n"
"___H___ = spessore (altezza) in mils\n"
"___K___ = 0.024 per piste interne o 0.048 per piste esterne \n"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_dlg_funct.cpp:140
msgid "Dielectric Loss Factor"
msgstr "Fattore di perdita del dielettrico"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_dlg_funct.cpp:158
msgid "Specific Resistance"
msgstr "Resistenza specifica"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:92
msgid "Substrate relative permittivity (dielectric constant)"
msgstr "Permettività relativa del substrato (costante dielettrica)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:96
msgid "Dielectric loss (dissipation factor)"
msgstr "Perdita dielettrico (fattore di dissipazione)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:102
msgid ""
"Electrical resistivity or specific electrical resistance of conductor "
msgstr ""
"Resistività elettrica o resistenza specifica del conduttore (ohm*metro)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:109
msgid "Frequency of the input signal"
msgstr "Frequenza del segnale in ingresso"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:118
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:160
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:194
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:230
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:265
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:350
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:384
#, c-format
msgid "Effective %s:"
msgstr "Effettivo %s:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:119
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:161
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:195
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:231
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:266
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:351
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:385
msgid "Conductor losses:"
msgstr "Perdite conduttore:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:120
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:162
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:196
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:232
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:267
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:352
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:386
msgid "Dielectric losses:"
msgstr "Perdite dielettrico:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:121
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:163
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:197
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:308
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:353
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:387
msgid "Skin depth:"
msgstr "Profondità effetto pelle:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:124
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:166
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:200
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:312
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:356
msgid "Height of substrate"
msgstr "Altezza del substrato"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:126
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:314
msgid "Height of box top"
msgstr "Altezza massima insieme"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:129
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:168
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:202
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:316
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:361
msgid "Strip thickness"
msgstr "Spessore strip"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:131
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:318
msgid "Roughness"
msgstr "Grezzezza"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:132
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:319
msgid "Conductor roughness"
msgstr "Grezzezza conduttore"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:135
msgid "substrate"
msgstr "substrato"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:136
msgid "Relative permeability (mu) of substrate"
msgstr "Permeabilità relativa (mu) del Substrato"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:139
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:171
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:205
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:242
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:277
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:322
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:364
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:394
msgid "conductor"
msgstr "conduttore"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:140
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:172
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:206
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:243
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:278
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:323
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:365
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:395
msgid "Relative permeability (mu) of conductor"
msgstr "Permeabilità relativa (mu) del Conduttore"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:146
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:180
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:214
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:288
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:331
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:370
msgid "Line length"
msgstr "Lunghezza linea"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:149
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:183
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:217
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:254
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:291
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:373
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:412
msgid "Characteristic impedance"
msgstr "Impedenza caratteristica"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:152
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:186
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:220
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:257
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:294
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:343
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:376
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:415
msgid "Electrical length"
msgstr "Lunghezza elettrica"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:178
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:212
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:329
msgid "Gap width"
msgstr "Larghezza spazio"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:229
msgid "ZF(H10) = Ey / Hx:"
msgstr "ZF(H10) = Ey / Hx:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:233
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:268
msgid "TE-modes:"
msgstr "Modalità TE:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:234
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:269
msgid "TM-modes:"
msgstr "Modalità TM:"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:238
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:273
msgid "insulator"
msgstr "isolante"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:239
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:274
msgid "Relative permeability (mu) of insulator"
msgstr "Permeabilità relativa (mu) dell'isolante"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:247
msgid "Width of waveguide"
msgstr "Larghezza guida d'onda"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:249
msgid "Height of waveguide"
msgstr "Altezza guida d'onda"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:251
msgid "Waveguide length"
msgstr "Lunghezza guida d'onda"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:282
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:403
msgid "Din"
msgstr "Di"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:283
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:404
msgid "Inner diameter (conductor)"
msgstr "Diametro interno (conduttore)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:285
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:406
msgid "Dout"
msgstr "Du"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:286
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:407
msgid "Outer diameter (insulator)"
msgstr "Diametro esterno (isolante)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:302
#, c-format
msgid "Effective %s (even):"
msgstr "Efficace %s (even):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:303
#, c-format
msgid "Effective %s (odd):"
msgstr "Efficace %s (odd):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:304
msgid "Conductor losses (even):"
msgstr "Perdite conduttore (even):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:305
msgid "Conductor losses (odd):"
msgstr "Perdite conduttore (odd):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:306
msgid "Dielectric losses (even):"
msgstr "Perdite dielettrico (even):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:307
msgid "Dielectric losses (odd):"
msgstr "Perdite dielettrico (odd):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:309
msgid "Differential Impedance (Zd):"
msgstr "Impedenza differenziale (Zd):"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:334
msgid "Zeven"
msgstr "Zeven"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:335
msgid "Even mode impedance (lines driven by common voltages)"
msgstr "Impedenza in modo even (linee pilotate da tensioni comuni)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:338
msgid "Zodd"
msgstr "Zodd"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:339
msgid "Odd mode impedance (lines driven by opposite (differential) voltages)"
msgstr ""
"Impedenza in modo odd (linee pilotate da tensioni (differenziali) opposte)"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:358
msgid "Distance between strip and top metal"
msgstr "distanza tra la striscia e la superficie metallica"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:390
msgid "Twists"
msgstr "Twists"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:391
msgid "Number of twists per length"
msgstr "Numero di twist per lunghezza"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:399
msgid "environment"
msgstr "ambiente"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:400
msgid "Relative permittivity of environment"
msgstr "Permettitività relativa dell'ambiente"
#: pcb_calculator/transline_ident.cpp:409
msgid "Cable length"
msgstr "Lunghezza cavo"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:35
msgid "um"
msgstr "um"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:36
msgid "cm"
msgstr "cm"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:37
msgid "mil"
msgstr "mil"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:48
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:65
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:99
msgid "inch"
msgstr "pollici"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:100
msgid "GHz"
msgstr "GHz"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:101
msgid "MHz"
msgstr "MHz"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:102
msgid "kHz"
msgstr "kHz"
#: pcb_calculator/widgets/unit_selector.cpp:129
msgid "rad"
msgstr "rad"
#: pcbnew/array_creator.cpp:211
msgid "Create an array"
msgstr "Crea un array"
#: pcbnew/autorouter/ar_autoplacer.cpp:923
msgid "Autoplacing components..."
msgstr "Autopiazzamento componenti..."
#: pcbnew/autorouter/ar_autoplacer.cpp:940
#, c-format
msgid "Autoplacing %s"
msgstr "Autopiazzamento %s"
#: pcbnew/autorouter/autoplace_tool.cpp:68
#, c-format
msgid "Board edges must be defined on the %s layer."
msgstr "Dei bordi scheda devono essere definiti sullo strato %s."
#: pcbnew/autorouter/autoplace_tool.cpp:89
msgid "Autoplace Components"
msgstr "Autopiazza componenti"
#: pcbnew/autorouter/autoplace_tool.cpp:95
msgid "Autoplace components"
msgstr "Autopiazza componenti"
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:92
msgid "This is the default net class."
msgstr "Questo è il gruppo di collegamenti predefinito."
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:800
msgid "PCB"
msgstr "C.S."
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:1173 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:692
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:95 pcbnew/pcb_draw_panel_gal.cpp:472
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1234 pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:45
msgid "Pads"
msgstr "Piazzole"
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:1174 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:698
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:78
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:110 pcbnew/pcb_draw_panel_gal.cpp:473
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:336
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:41
msgid "Vias"
msgstr "Via"
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:1175 pcbnew/pcb_draw_panel_gal.cpp:474
msgid "Track Segments"
msgstr "Segmenti di pista"
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:1176 pcbnew/pcb_draw_panel_gal.cpp:475
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:151
msgid "Nets"
msgstr "Piste"
#: pcbnew/board.cpp:1177 pcbnew/pcb_draw_panel_gal.cpp:476
msgid "Unrouted"
msgstr "Non sbrogliato"
#: pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:178
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "Nome collegamento"
#: pcbnew/board_connected_item.cpp:180
msgid "NetClass"
msgstr "Netclass"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:94
msgid "all copper layers"
msgstr "tutti gli strati rame"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:108
msgid "and others"
msgstr "e altri"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:116
msgid "no layers"
msgstr "nessuno strato"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:209 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1153
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1170
msgid "Position X"
msgstr "Posizione X"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:211 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1156
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1173
msgid "Position Y"
msgstr "Posizione Y"
#: pcbnew/board_item.cpp:215 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:130
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties_base.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:101
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:945 pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:289 pcbnew/pad.cpp:894
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:351 pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:339
#: pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:155 pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:118 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:807
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:607
msgid "Locked"
msgstr "Bloccato"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:307
#, c-format
msgid "Dielectric %d"
msgstr "Dielettrico %d"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:529
msgid "Top Silk Screen"
msgstr "Serigrafia sopra"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:537
msgid "Top Solder Paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda sopra"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:545
msgid "Top Solder Mask"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura sopra"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:589
msgid "Bottom Solder Mask"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura sotto"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:597
msgid "Bottom Solder Paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda sotto"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/board_stackup.cpp:605
msgid "Bottom Silk Screen"
msgstr "Serigrafia sotto"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager.cpp:45
msgid "Incorrect value for Epsilon R"
msgstr "Valore errato per Epsilon R"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager.cpp:51
msgid "Incorrect value for Loss Tangent"
msgstr "Valore errato per tangente di perdita"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:266
msgid "Material"
msgstr "Mteriale"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager.cpp:94
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:286
msgid "Epsilon R"
msgstr "Epsilon R"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager.cpp:95
msgid "Loss Tg"
msgstr "Tg perd"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager_base.cpp:35
msgid "Epsilon R:"
msgstr "Epsilon R:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager_base.cpp:39
msgid "Loss Tg:"
msgstr "Tg perd:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager_base.cpp:60
msgid "Common materials:"
msgstr "Materiali comuni:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/dialog_dielectric_list_manager_base.h:57
msgid "Dielectric Material Characteristics"
msgstr "Caratteristiche materiale dielettrico"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:20
msgid "Has castellated pads"
msgstr "Ha piazzole dentellate"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:23
msgid "Plated board edge"
msgstr "Ha bordi scheda metallizzati"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:31
msgid "Copper finish:"
msgstr "Finitura rame:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:40
msgid "Edge card connectors:"
msgstr "Connettori a filo schera:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:44
msgid "Yes, bevelled"
msgstr "Si, smussati"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_finish_base.cpp:48
msgid "Options for edge card connectors."
msgstr "Optioni per i connettori a filo scheda."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:128
msgid "Core"
msgstr "Core"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:129
msgid "PrePreg"
msgstr "PrePreg"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:188
#, c-format
msgid "Enter board thickness in %s:"
msgstr "Inserire spessore scheda in %s:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:193
#, c-format
msgid "Enter expected board thickness (min value %s):"
msgstr "Inserire spessore scheda previsto (valore min %s):"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:197
msgid "Adjust Unlocked Dielectric Layers"
msgstr "Regola strati dielettrico non bloccati"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:208
#, c-format
msgid "Value too small (min value %s)."
msgstr "Valore troppo piccolo (valore min %s)."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:228
msgid "All dielectric thickness layers are locked"
msgstr "Tutti gli strati spessore dielettrico sono bloccati"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:295
#, c-format
msgid "Layer '%s' (sublayer %d/%d)"
msgstr "Strato \"%s\" (substrato %d/%d)"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:310
msgid "Add Dielectric Layer"
msgstr "Aggiungi strato dielettrico"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:818
msgid "Select layer to add:"
msgstr "Selezionare strato da aggiungere:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:356
#, c-format
msgid "Layer '%s' sublayer %d/%d"
msgstr "Strato \"%s\" substrato %d/%d"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:366
msgid "Remove Dielectric Layer"
msgstr "Rimuovi strato dielettrico"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:367
msgid "Select layer to remove:"
msgstr "Selezionare lo strato da rimuovere:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:749
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:175
msgid "Copper"
msgstr "Rame"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1034
msgid ""
"Incorrect value for Epsilon R (Epsilon R must be positive or null if not "
msgstr ""
"Valore non corretto per Epsilon R (Epsilon R deve essere positivo o null se "
"non usato)"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1055
msgid ""
"Incorrect value for Loss tg (Loss tg must be positive or null if not used)"
msgstr ""
"Valore non corretto per tg perd (Tg perd deve essere positivo o null se non "
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1102
msgid "A layer thickness is < 0. Fix it"
msgstr "Uno spessore strato è < 0. Sistemarlo"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup.cpp:1524
msgid "Custom..."
msgstr "Personalizzato..."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:20
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:49
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:502
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:276
msgid "Copper layers:"
msgstr "Strati rame:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:22
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:30
msgid "Select the number of copper layers in the stackup"
msgstr "Selezionare il numero di strati rame nello stackup"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:112
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:170
msgid "8"
msgstr "8"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "10"
msgstr "10"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "12"
msgstr "12"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "14"
msgstr "14"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "16"
msgstr "16"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "18"
msgstr "18"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "20"
msgstr "20"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "22"
msgstr "22"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "24"
msgstr "24"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "26"
msgstr "26"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "28"
msgstr "28"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "30"
msgstr "30"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:26
msgid "32"
msgstr "32"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:37
msgid "Impedance controlled"
msgstr "Controllato in impedenza"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:38
msgid ""
"If Impedance Controlled option is set,\n"
"Loss tangent and EpsilonR will be added to constraints."
msgstr ""
"Se viene impostata l'opzione del controllo in impedenza,\n"
"la tangente di perdita e la Epsilon R verranno aggiunte ai vincoli."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:45
msgid "Add Dielectric Layer..."
msgstr "Aggiungi strato dielettrico..."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:48
msgid "Remove Dielectric Layer..."
msgstr "Rimuovi strato dielettrico..."
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:72
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:110
msgid "Id"
msgstr "Id"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:111
msgid "Loss Tan"
msgstr "Tang perd"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:132
msgid "Board thickness from stackup:"
msgstr "Spessore scheda dallo stackup:"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/panel_board_stackup_base.cpp:139
msgid "Adjust Dielectric Thickness"
msgstr "Regola spessore dielettrico"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:39
msgid "ENIG"
msgstr "ENIG"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:40
msgid "ENEPIG"
msgstr "ENEPIG"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:41
msgid "HAL SnPb"
msgstr "HAL SnPb"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:42
msgid "HAL lead-free"
msgstr "HAL senza piombo"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:43
msgid "Hard gold"
msgstr "Oro duro"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:44
msgid "Immersion tin"
msgstr "Stagno immersione"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:45
msgid "Immersion nickel"
msgstr "Nichel immersione"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:46
msgid "Immersion silver"
msgstr "Argento immersione"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:47
msgid "Immersion gold"
msgstr "Oro immersione"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:48
msgid "HT_OSP"
msgstr "HT_OSP"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:49
msgid "OSP"
msgstr "OSP"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:71
msgid "User defined"
msgstr "Personalizzata"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:64
msgid "Green"
msgstr "Verde"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:65
msgid "Red"
msgstr "Rosso"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:66
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "Blu"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:67
msgid "Purple"
msgstr "Viola"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:68
msgid "Black"
msgstr "Nero"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:69
msgid "White"
msgstr "Bianco"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.cpp:70
msgid "Yellow"
msgstr "Giallo"
#: pcbnew/board_stackup_manager/stackup_predefined_prms.h:53
msgid "Not specified"
msgstr "Non specificato"
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:81
msgid "Cannot export BOM: there are no footprints on the PCB."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile esportare la distinta materiali: nessuna impronta sulla scheda."
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:91
msgid "Save Bill of Materials"
msgstr "Salva distinta materiali"
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:111
msgid "Designator"
msgstr "Riferimento"
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:113
msgid "Quantity"
msgstr "Quantità"
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:114
msgid "Designation"
msgstr "Valore"
#: pcbnew/build_BOM_from_board.cpp:115
msgid "Supplier and ref"
msgstr "Produttore"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:46 pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:95
msgid "Checking zone fills..."
msgstr "Verifica riempimenti zone..."
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:47
msgid "Remove track shorting two nets"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste che fanno corto tra due collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:48
msgid "Remove via shorting two nets"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste che fanno corto tra due connessioni"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:49
msgid "Remove redundant via"
msgstr "Rimuovi via ridondanti"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:50
msgid "Remove duplicate track"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste duplicate"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:51
msgid "Merge co-linear tracks"
msgstr "Fondi piste colineari"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:52
msgid "Remove track not connected at both ends"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste non connesse da entrambi i lati"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:53
msgid "Remove via connected on fewer than two layers"
msgstr "Rimuovi via connessi a meno di due strati"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:54
msgid "Remove zero-length track"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste lunghe zero"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:55
msgid "Remove track inside pad"
msgstr "Rimuovi piste nelle piazzole"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:58
msgid "Remove zero-size graphic"
msgstr "Rimuovi grafiche a dimensione zero"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:59
msgid "Remove duplicated graphic"
msgstr "Rimuovi grafiche duplicate"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:60
msgid "Convert lines to rectangle"
msgstr "Converti linee in rettangolo"
#: pcbnew/cleanup_item.cpp:64
msgid "Unknown cleanup action"
msgstr "Azione di pulizia sconosciuta"
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:381
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:532
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:775
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:814
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:828
msgid "(self-intersecting)"
msgstr "(auto intersecante)"
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:540
#: pcbnew/convert_shape_list_to_polygon.cpp:783
msgid "(not a closed shape)"
msgstr "(non una forma chiusa)"
#: pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:170
#, c-format
msgid "%s pin %s not found"
msgstr "%s pin %s non trovato"
#: pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:193
#, c-format
msgid "Selecting all from sheet \"%s\""
msgstr "Seleziona tutto nel foglio \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:89
msgid "Only front"
msgstr "Solo fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:90
msgid "Only back"
msgstr "Solo retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:91
msgid "Only selected"
msgstr "Solo selezionati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:97
msgid "Empty"
msgstr "Vuoto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:98
msgid "Invalid"
msgstr "Invalido"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:99
msgid "Excluded"
msgstr "Escluso"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:114
msgid "Reannotate PCB"
msgstr "Riannota C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:285
msgid "No PCB to reannotate!"
msgstr "Nessun C.S. da riannotare!"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:297
msgid "PCB successfully reannotated"
msgstr "C.S. riannotato con successo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:298
msgid ""
"PCB annotation changes should be synchronized with schematic using the "
"\"Update Schematic from PCB\" tool."
msgstr ""
"I cambiamenti annotati sul C.S. dovrebbero essere sincronizzati con lo "
"schema usando lo strumento \"Aggiorna lo schema dal C.S.\"."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:313
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s footprints will be reannotated."
msgstr ""
"%s impronte verranno riannotate."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:318
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Any reference types %s will not be annotated."
msgstr ""
"Ogni riferimento di tipo %s non verrà riannotato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:323
msgid ""
"Locked footprints will not be annotated"
msgstr ""
"Le impronte bloccate non verranno riannotate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:327
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Front footprints will start at %s"
msgstr ""
"Le impronte fronte cominceranno da %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:336
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Back footprints will start at %s."
msgstr ""
"Le impronte retro cominceranno da %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:337
msgid "the last front footprint + 1"
msgstr "l'ultima impronta fronte + 1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Front footprints starting with '%s' will have the prefix removed."
msgstr ""
"Le impronte fronte che cominciano con \"%s\" avranno il prefisso rimosso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:351
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Front footprints will have '%s' inserted as a prefix."
msgstr ""
"Le impronte lato fronte avranno '%s' inserito come prefisso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:361
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Back footprints starting with '%s' will have the prefix removed."
msgstr ""
"Le impronte lato retro che cominciano con \"%s\" avranno il prefisso rimosso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:367
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Back footprints will have '%s' inserted as a prefix."
msgstr ""
"Le impronte lato retro avranno \"%s\" inserito come prefisso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:375
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Prior to sorting by %s, the coordinates of which will be rounded to a %s, %s "
msgstr ""
"Prima di ordinare per %s, le coordinate verranno arrotondate ad una griglia "
"%s, %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:377
msgid "footprint location"
msgstr "posizione impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:378
msgid "reference designator location"
msgstr "Posizione riferimento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:520
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are %i types of reference designations\n"
msgstr ""
"Ci sono %i tipi di riferimenti\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:534
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Excluding: %s from reannotation\n"
msgstr ""
"Esclusione di %s dalla riannotazione\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:537
msgid ""
" Change Array\n"
msgstr ""
" Cambia schiera\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:544
msgid " will be ignored"
msgstr " saranno ignorati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:557
msgid ""
"No footprints"
msgstr ""
"No impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:563
#, c-format
msgid ""
"*********** Sort on %s ***********"
msgstr ""
"******** ordinato per %s *********"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:564
msgid "Footprint Coordinates"
msgstr "Coordinate impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:565
msgid "Reference Designator Coordinates"
msgstr "Coordinate riferimento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:567
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Sort Code %d"
msgstr ""
"Codice ordinamento %d"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:571
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%d %s UUID: [%s], X, Y: %s, Rounded X, Y, %s"
msgstr ""
"%d %s UUID: [%s], X, Y: %s, Arrotondato X, Y, %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:602
#, c-format
msgid ""
"PCB has %d empty or invalid reference designations.\n"
"Recommend running DRC with 'Test footprints against schematic' checked.\n"
msgstr ""
"Il C.S. ha %d designatori di riferimento vuoti o non validi.\n"
"Si raccomanda di eseguire il DRC con l'opzione \"Controlla impronte rispetto "
"allo schema\" selezionata.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:608
#, c-format
msgid ""
"RefDes: %s Footprint: %s:%s at %s on PCB."
msgstr ""
"RefDes: %s Impronta: %s:%s a %s sul C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:616
msgid "Reannotate anyway?"
msgstr "Riannotare comunque?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:805
msgid "Aborted: too many errors"
msgstr "Interrotto: troppi errori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:859
msgid ""
"Front Footprints"
msgstr ""
"Impronte fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:860
msgid ""
"Back Footprints"
msgstr ""
"Impronte retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate.cpp:925
msgid "Footprint not found in changelist"
msgstr "Impronta non trovata nell'elenco dei cambiamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:30
msgid "Footprint Order"
msgstr "Ordine impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:45
msgid "Horizontally: top left to bottom right"
msgstr "Orizzontalmente: da in alto a sinistra a in basso a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:56
msgid "Horizontally: top right to bottom left"
msgstr "Orizzontalmente: da in alto a destra a in basso a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:67
msgid "Horizontally: bottom left to top right"
msgstr "Orizzontalmente: da in basso a sinistra a in alto a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:78
msgid "Horizontally:: bottom right to top left"
msgstr "Orizzontalmente: da in basso a destra a in alto a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:86
msgid "Vertically: top left to bottom right"
msgstr "Verticalmente: da in alto a sinistra a in basso a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:97
msgid "Vertically: top right to bottom left"
msgstr "Verticalmente: da in alto a destra a in basso a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:108
msgid "Vertically: bottom left to top right"
msgstr "Verticalmente: da in basso a sinista a in alto a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:119
msgid "Vertically: bottom right to top left"
msgstr "Verticalmente: da in basso a destra a in alto a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:132
msgid "Based on location of:"
msgstr "In base alla posizione di:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:136
msgid "Reference Designator"
msgstr "Designatore di riferimento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:142
msgid "Round locations to:"
msgstr "Arrotonda posizioni a:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:144
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:151
msgid ""
"Component position will be rounded\n"
"to this grid before sorting.\n"
"This helps with misaligned parts."
msgstr ""
"La posizione dei componenti verrà arrotondata\n"
"a questa griglia prima dell'ordinamento.\n"
"Ciò aiuta nel caso di parti non allineate."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:163
msgid "Reannotation Scope"
msgstr "Ambito riannotazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:170
msgid "Reannotate:"
msgstr "Riannota:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:140
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:930
msgid "Front"
msgstr "Fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:140
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:560
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:208
msgid "Front reference start:"
msgstr "Inizio riferimento fronte:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:210
msgid "Starting reference designation for front."
msgstr "Inizio designatore di riferimento per il fronte."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:214
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:188
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:318
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1363
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:48
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:163
msgid "1"
msgstr "1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:215
msgid "Default is 1"
msgstr "La preimpostazione è 1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:220
msgid "Back reference start:"
msgstr "Inizio riferimento retro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:222
msgid ""
"Blank continues from front or enter a number greater than the highest "
"reference designation on the front."
msgstr ""
"Vuoto continua dal fronte o inserire un numero maggiore del più alto "
"designatore di riferimento sul fronte."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:227
msgid ""
"Leave blank or zero, or enter a number greater than the highest reference "
"designation on the front."
msgstr ""
"Lasciare vuoto o zero o inserire un numero maggiore del più alto designatore "
"di riferimento sul fronte."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:232
msgid "Remove front prefix"
msgstr "Rimuovi prefisso fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:233
msgid ""
"If checked will remove the front side prefix\n"
"in the front prefix box if present"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata rimuoverà il prefisso fronte\n"
"nel riquadro del prefisso fronte se presente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:237
msgid "Remove back prefix"
msgstr "Rimuovi prefisso retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:238
msgid ""
"If checked will remove the Back side prefix\n"
"in the back prefix box if present"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata rimuoverà il prefisso retro\n"
"nel riquadro del prefisso retro se presente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:242
msgid "Front prefix:"
msgstr "Prefisso fronte:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:244
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:249
msgid "Optional prefix for component side reference designations (e.g. F_)"
msgstr "Prefisso opzionale per i riferimenti sul lato componenti (per es. F_)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:253
msgid "Back prefix:"
msgstr "Prefisso retro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:260
msgid "Optional prefix for solder side reference designations (e.g. B_)"
msgstr "Prefisso opzionale per i riferimenti sul lato saldature (per es. B_)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:264
msgid "Exclude locked footprints"
msgstr "Escludi impronte bloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:265
msgid "Locked footprints will not be reannotated"
msgstr "Le impronte bloccate non saranno riannotate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:269
msgid "Exclude references:"
msgstr "Escludi i riferimenti:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:271
msgid ""
"Do not re-annotate this type \n"
"of reference (R means R*)"
msgstr ""
"Non riannota questo tipo\n"
"di riferimento (R significa R*)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.cpp:290
msgid "Reference Designators"
msgstr "Riferimenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_reannotate_base.h:106
msgid "Geographical Reannotation"
msgstr "Riannotazione geografica"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:52
msgid "Board Setup"
msgstr "Impostazione scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:53
msgid "Import Settings from Another Board..."
msgstr "Imposta impostazioni da un'altra scheda..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:80
msgid "Board Stackup"
msgstr "Stackup scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:88
msgid "Board Editor Layers"
msgstr "Strati dell'editore delle schede"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:91
msgid "Physical Stackup"
msgstr "Stackup fisico"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:95
msgid "Board Finish"
msgstr "Finimenti scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:96 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:960
msgid "Solder Mask/Paste"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura / pasta salda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:98
msgid "Text & Graphics"
msgstr "Testo e grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:99
msgid "Defaults"
msgstr "Preimpostazioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:102
msgid "Design Rules"
msgstr "Regole di progettazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:103 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:870
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:891
msgid "Constraints"
msgstr "Vincoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:104 pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:198
msgid "Pre-defined Sizes"
msgstr "Dimensioni predefinite"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_constraints_reporter.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:193 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1687
msgid "Custom Rules"
msgstr "Regole personalizzate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:123
msgid "Project is missing or read-only. Some settings will not be editable."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto manca o è in sola lettura. Alcune impostazioni non saranno "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:178
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error importing settings from board:\n"
"Associated project file %s could not be loaded"
msgstr ""
"Errore importando le impostazioni dalla scheda:\n"
"Il file progetto associato %s è impossibile da caricare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:198 pcbnew/files.cpp:620
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1120
msgid "Loading PCB"
msgstr "Caricamento C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_setup.cpp:220
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading board file:\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il caricamento file scheda:\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:706
msgid "Front Side"
msgstr "Lato fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:97
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:706
msgid "Back Side"
msgstr "Lato retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:706
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Totale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:106
msgid "Area:"
msgstr "Area:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:145
msgid "THT:"
msgstr "THT:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:150
msgid "SMD:"
msgstr "SMD:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:149
msgid "Through hole:"
msgstr "Fori passanti:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:151
msgid "Connector:"
msgstr "Connettore:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:152
msgid "NPTH:"
msgstr "NPTH:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:165
msgid "Through vias:"
msgstr "Via passanti:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:156
msgid "Blind/buried:"
msgstr "Cieco/sepolto:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:157
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:173
msgid "Micro vias:"
msgstr "Microvia:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:374
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:388
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:412
msgid "Total:"
msgstr "Totale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:432
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:433
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:434
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:686
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:687
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:688
msgid "unknown"
msgstr "sconosciuto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:463
msgid "Round"
msgstr "Tondo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:466
msgid "Slot"
msgstr "Fessura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:469
msgid "???"
msgstr "???"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:474
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:479
msgid "N/A"
msgstr "N/A"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:491 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1124
msgid "PTH"
msgstr "PTH"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:491 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1127
msgid "NPTH"
msgstr "NPTH"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:645
msgid "Save Report File"
msgstr "Salva il file rapporto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:666
msgid ""
"PCB statistics report\n"
msgstr ""
"Rapporto statistico C.S.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:667
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:669
msgid "Board name"
msgstr "Nome scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:672
msgid "Board"
msgstr "Scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:680
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:688
msgid "Area"
msgstr "Area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:735
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:37
msgid "Components"
msgstr "Componenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:741
msgid "Drill holes"
msgstr "Forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics.cpp:748
#, c-format
msgid "Error writing file '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nello scrivere il file '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:117
msgid "Board Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:198
msgid "Subtract holes from board area"
msgstr "Sottrai fori dall'area scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:201
msgid "Exclude components with no pins"
msgstr "Escludi componenti senza pin"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:232
msgid "X Size"
msgstr "Dim. X"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:233
msgid "Y Size"
msgstr "Dim. Y"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:234
msgid "Plated"
msgstr "Placcata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:235
msgid "Via/Pad"
msgstr "Via/Piaz"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:236
msgid "Start Layer"
msgstr "Strato iniziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:237
msgid "Stop Layer"
msgstr "Strato finale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:258
msgid "Drill Holes"
msgstr "Forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:214
msgid "Generate Report File..."
msgstr "Genera file rapporto..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_board_statistics_base.h:66
msgid "Board Statistics"
msgstr "Statistiche scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_choose_footprint.cpp:229
msgid "No footprint selected"
msgstr "Nessuna impronta selezionata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics.cpp:46
msgid "Update Footprint"
msgstr "Aggiorna impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics.cpp:46
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:83 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb.cpp:61
msgid "Update PCB"
msgstr "Aggiorna C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics.cpp:116
msgid "Graphics cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia grafica"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics_base.cpp:22
msgid "Merge lines into rectangles"
msgstr "Fondi linee in rettangoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics_base.cpp:25
msgid "Delete redundant graphics"
msgstr "Cancella grafiche ridondanti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics_base.cpp:35
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:57
msgid "Changes To Be Applied:"
msgstr "Cambiamenti da applicare:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_graphics_base.h:53
msgid "Cleanup Graphics"
msgstr "Pulizia grafica"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias.cpp:150
msgid "Board cleanup"
msgstr "Pulizia scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:22
msgid "Delete &tracks connecting different nets"
msgstr "Cancella pis&te che connettono collegamenti diversi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:23
msgid ""
"remove track segments connecting nodes belonging to different nets (short "
msgstr ""
"rimuove segmenti di pista che connettono nodi appartenenti a collegamenti "
"diversi (corto circuiti)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:27
msgid "&Delete redundant vias"
msgstr "Cancella via ecce&denti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:28
msgid "remove vias on through hole pads and superimposed vias"
msgstr "rimuove i via nelle piazzole con fori passanti e via sovrapposti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:32
msgid "Delete vias connected on only one layer"
msgstr "Cancella via connesse ad un unico strato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:35
msgid "&Merge co-linear tracks"
msgstr "&Fondi piste colineari"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:36
msgid "merge aligned track segments, and remove null segments"
msgstr "Fonde segmenti di piste allineate e rimuove i segmenti non connessi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:40
msgid "Delete tracks unconnected at one end"
msgstr "Cancella piste non connesse da un lato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:41
msgid "delete tracks having at least one dangling end"
msgstr "cancella segmenti di piste con un capo non connesso"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:45
msgid "Delete tracks fully inside pads"
msgstr "Cancella piste nelle piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:46
msgid "Delete tracks that have both start and end positions inside of a pad"
msgstr ""
"Cancella le piste che hanno sia l'inizio che fine all'interno di una piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_cleanup_tracks_and_vias_base.h:57
msgid "Cleanup Tracks and Vias"
msgstr "Pulisci piste e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_constraints_reporter_base.h:45
msgid "Constraints Resolution Report"
msgstr "Rapporto risoluzione vincoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:360
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:88
msgid "Chamfer distance:"
msgstr "Distanza smusso:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:362
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties.cpp:101
msgid "Fillet radius:"
msgstr "Raggio stondamento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:503
msgid "Thermal spoke width cannot be smaller than the minimum width."
msgstr ""
"I raggi dei supporti termici non possono essere meno della larghezza minima."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:532
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties.cpp:255
msgid "No layer selected."
msgstr "Nessuno strato selezionato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones.cpp:868
msgid "Selecting <no net> will create an isolated copper island."
msgstr "Selezionanto <no net> si creerà un'isola di rame isolata."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:48
msgid ""
"Pattern to filter net names in filtered list.\n"
"Only net names matching this pattern are displayed."
msgstr ""
"Modello di corrispondenza dei nomi dei collegamenti della lista filtrata.\n"
"Solo i nomi dei collegamenti che corrispondono con il filtro verranno "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:55
msgid "Hide auto-generated net names"
msgstr "Nascondi nomi net autogenerati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:62
msgid "Sort nets by pad count"
msgstr "Ordina collegamenti per numero di piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:95
msgid "Zone name:"
msgstr "Nome zona:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:97
msgid "A unique name for this zone to identify it for DRC"
msgstr "Un nome univoco per questa zona per identificarla per il DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:104
msgid "Zone priority level:"
msgstr "Livello priorità zone:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:106
msgid ""
"Zones are filled by priority level, level 3 has higher priority than level "
"When a zone is inside another zone:\n"
"* If its priority is higher, its outlines are removed from the other zone.\n"
"* If its priority is equal, a DRC error is set."
msgstr ""
"Le zone vengono riempite secondo un ordine di priorità, il livello 3 ha "
"maggiore priorità del livello 2.\n"
"Così quando una zona è interna ad un'altra zona:\n"
"* Se la sua priorità è maggiore, i suoi contorni verranno rimossi dalle "
"altre zone.\n"
"* Se la sua priorità è uguale, verrà segnalato un errore nel controllo "
"regole elettriche."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:51
msgid "Constrain outline to H, V and 45 degrees"
msgstr "Limita i contorni a O, V e 45 gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:107
msgid "Outline display:"
msgstr "Visualizzazione contorni:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:111 pcbnew/zone.cpp:632
msgid "Hatched"
msgstr "Tratteggiato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:111
msgid "Fully hatched"
msgstr "Completamente tratteggiato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:78
msgid "Corner smoothing:"
msgstr "Smusso vertici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:150
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:82
msgid "Chamfer"
msgstr "Smusso"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:150
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:82
msgid "Fillet"
msgstr "Stondamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:179
msgid "Electrical Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà elettriche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:186
msgid "Clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:188
msgid "Copper clearance for this zone (set to 0 to use the netclass clearance)"
msgstr ""
"La distanza rame per questa zona (imposta a 0 per usare la distanza netclass)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:199
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:67
msgid "Minimum width:"
msgstr "Larghezza minima:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:201
msgid "Minimum thickness of filled areas."
msgstr "Spessore minimo delle aree riempite."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:215
msgid "Pad connections:"
msgstr "Connessioni piazzole:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:217
msgid ""
"Default pad connection type to zone.\n"
"This setting can be overridden by local pad settings"
msgstr ""
"Tipo connessione piazzola predefinita a zona.\n"
"Può essere superata dalle impostazioni piazzola locali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:221 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1466
msgid "Thermal reliefs"
msgstr "Supporti termici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:221 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1468
msgid "Reliefs for PTH"
msgstr "Supporti per passanti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:227
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:735
msgid "Thermal relief gap:"
msgstr "Apertura supporti termici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:229
msgid ""
"The distance that will be kept clear between the filled area of the zone and "
"a pad connected by thermal relief spokes."
msgstr ""
"La distanza che verrà mantenuta libera tra l'area riempita della zona e una "
"piazzola connessa da raggi di supporto termico."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:234
msgid "Clearance between pads in the same net and filled areas."
msgstr "Distanza tra piazzole dello stesso collegamento e zone riempite."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:242
msgid "Thermal spoke width:"
msgstr "Larghezza supporti termici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:247
msgid "Width of copper in thermal reliefs."
msgstr "Larghezza rame nei supporti termici."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:108
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Riempi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:116
msgid "Fill type:"
msgstr "Tipo riempimento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:120
msgid "Solid fill"
msgstr "Riempimento pieno"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:120
msgid "Hatch pattern"
msgstr "Motivo tratteggiato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:293
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:140
msgid "Hatch width:"
msgstr "Larghezza tratteggio:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:304
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:151
msgid "Hatch gap:"
msgstr "Spazio tratteggio:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:315
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:162
msgid "Smoothing effort:"
msgstr "Sforzo di smusso:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:317
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:164
msgid ""
"Value of smoothing effort\n"
"0 = no smoothing\n"
"1 = chamfer\n"
"2 = round corners\n"
"3 = round corners (finer shape)"
msgstr ""
"Valore di sforzo di smusso\n"
"0 = nessuno smusso\n"
"1 = smusso\n"
"2 = angoli arrotondati\n"
"3 = angolo arrotondati (forma più sottile)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:324
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid "Smoothing amount:"
msgstr "Sforzo di smusso:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:326
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:176
msgid ""
"Ratio between smoothed corners size and the gap between lines\n"
"0 = no smoothing\n"
"1.0 = max radius/chamfer size (half gap value)"
msgstr ""
"Rapporto tra dimensione angoli smussati e distanza tra le linee\n"
"0 = nessuno smusso\n"
"1.0 = dimensione massima raggio/smusso (mezzo valore di distanza)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:337
msgid "Remove islands:"
msgstr "Rimuovi isole:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:339
msgid "Choose what to do with unconnected copper islands"
msgstr "Scegli cosa fare con le isole di rame non connesse"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:343
msgid "Below area limit"
msgstr "Sotto i limiti di area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:349
msgid "Minimum island size:"
msgstr "Dimensioni minime isola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:352
msgid "Isolated islands smaller than this will be removed"
msgstr "Isole più piccole di questo valore verranno rimosse"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:381
msgid "Export Settings to Other Zones"
msgstr "Applica impostazioni alle altre zone"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.cpp:382
msgid ""
"Export this zone setup (excluding layer and net selection) to all other "
"copper zones."
msgstr "Applica le impostazioni di questa zona a tutte altre zone in rame."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_copper_zones_base.h:139
msgid "Copper Zone Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà zona in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:134
msgid "Numerals (0,1,2,...,9,10)"
msgstr "Numerale (0,1,2,...,9,10)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:138
msgid "Hexadecimal (0,1,...,F,10,...)"
msgstr "Esadecimale (0,1,...,F,10,...)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:142
msgid "Alphabet, minus IOSQXZ"
msgstr "Alfabetica, senza IOSQXZ"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:146
msgid "Alphabet, full 26 characters"
msgstr "Alfabetica, completa a 26 caratteri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:270
#, c-format
msgid "Bad numeric value for %s: %s"
msgstr "Errato valore numerico per %s: %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:306
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not determine numbering start from '%s': expected value consistent "
"with alphabet '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile determinare l'inizio numerazione da '%s': valore previsto "
"consistente con l'alfabeto '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:314
msgid "step value"
msgstr "valore passo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:336
msgid "horizontal count"
msgstr "conteggio orizzontale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:337
msgid "vertical count"
msgstr "conteggio verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:345
msgid "stagger"
msgstr "alternanza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:400
msgid "point count"
msgstr "conteggio punti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array.cpp:446
msgid "Bad parameters"
msgstr "Parametri errati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:34
msgid "Horizontal count:"
msgstr "Conteggio orizzontale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:41
msgid "Vertical count:"
msgstr "Conteggio verticale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:48
msgid "Horizontal spacing:"
msgstr "Spaziatura orizzontale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:59
msgid "Vertical spacing:"
msgstr "Spaziatura verticale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:70
msgid "Horizontal offset:"
msgstr "Spostamento orizzontale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:81
msgid "Vertical offset:"
msgstr "Spostamento verticale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:92
msgid "Stagger:"
msgstr "Alternanza:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:99
msgid "Rows"
msgstr "Righe"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:99
msgid "Columns"
msgstr "Colonne"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:101
msgid "Stagger Type"
msgstr "Tipo alternanza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:116
msgid "Horizontal, then vertical"
msgstr "Orizzontale, poi verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:116
msgid "Vertical, then horizontal"
msgstr "Verticale, poi orizzontale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:118
msgid "Numbering Direction"
msgstr "Direzione numerazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:122
msgid "Reverse numbering on alternate rows/columns"
msgstr "Numerazione inversa su righe/colonne alternate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:125
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:293
msgid "Use first free number"
msgstr "Usa il primo numero libero"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:125
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:293
msgid "From start value"
msgstr "Dal valore di inizio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:127
msgid "Initial Pad Number"
msgstr "Numero iniziale piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:131
msgid "Continuous (1, 2, 3...)"
msgstr "Continua (1, 2, 3...)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:131
msgid "Coordinate (A1, A2, ... B1, ...)"
msgstr "Coordinata (A1, A2, ... B1, ...)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:133
msgid "Pad Numbering Scheme"
msgstr "Schema numerazione piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:137
msgid "Primary axis numbering:"
msgstr "Numerazione asse primario:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:146
msgid "Secondary axis numbering:"
msgstr "Numerazione asse secondario:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:165
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:314
msgid "Pad numbering start:"
msgstr "Avvio numerazione piazzole:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:321
msgid "Pad numbering skip:"
msgstr "Salto numerazione piazzole:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:206
msgid "Grid Array"
msgstr "Schiere a griglia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:216
msgid "Horizontal center:"
msgstr "Centro orizzontale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:227
msgid "Vertical center:"
msgstr "Centro verticale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1223
msgid "Radius:"
msgstr "Raggio:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:255
msgid ""
"Positive angles represent an anti-clockwise rotation. An angle of 0 will "
"produce a full circle divided evenly into \"Count\" portions."
msgstr ""
"Gli angoli positivi rappresentano la rotazione antioraria. Un angolo di 0 "
"produrrà un cerchio completo diviso equamente in \"conteggio\" porzioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:268
msgid "How many items in the array."
msgstr "Quanti elementi nell'array."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:52
msgid "Rotate:"
msgstr "Ruota:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:278
msgid ""
"Rotate the item as well as move it - multi-selections will be rotated "
msgstr "Ruota e sposta l'elemento - la multiselezione verrà ruotata assieme"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:291
msgid "Numbering Options"
msgstr "Opzioni numerazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:295
msgid "Initial Pad Number:"
msgstr "Numero iniziale piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:299
msgid "Pad Numbering:"
msgstr "Numerazione piazzole:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:341
msgid "Circular Array"
msgstr "Schiere circolari"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:350
msgid "Footprint Annotation"
msgstr "Annotazione impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:352
msgid "Keep existing reference designators"
msgstr "Mantieni riferimenti esistenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:355
msgid "Assign unique reference designators"
msgstr "Assegna riferimenti unici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.cpp:357
msgid ""
"This can conflict with reference designators in the schematic that have not "
"yet been synchronized with the board."
msgstr ""
"Può andare in conflitto con i riferimenti negli schemi elettrici che non "
"siano stati ancora sincronizzati con il C.S. ."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_create_array_base.h:127
msgid "Create Array"
msgstr "Crea schiera"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties.cpp:199
msgid ""
"This item was on a non-existing or forbidden layer.\n"
"It has been moved to the first allowed layer."
msgstr ""
"Questo elemento era su uno strato non esistente o proibito.\n"
"È stato spostato sul primo strato permesso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties.cpp:280
msgid "Change dimension properties"
msgstr "Cambia proprietà dimensioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:20
msgid "Leader Format"
msgstr "Formato bollatura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:37
msgid "Text frame:"
msgstr "Riquadro testo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:39
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:47
msgid "Draw a shape around the leader text"
msgstr "Disegna una forma attorno ad un testo di bollatura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:74
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:120
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:149
msgid "Layer:"
msgstr "Strato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:87
msgid "Dimension Format"
msgstr "Formato dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:102
msgid "Measured value of this dimension"
msgstr "Valore misurato di questa dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:106
msgid "Override value"
msgstr "Imponi valore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:107
msgid ""
"When checked, the actual measurement is ignored and any value can be entered"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionato, la misura attuale viene ignorata e si può inserire qualunque "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:374
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:85
msgid "Units:"
msgstr "Unità:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:124
msgid ""
"Units of this dimension (\"automatic\" to follow the units selected in the "
msgstr ""
"Le unità di questa dimensione (\"automatica\" per seguire le unità "
"selezionate nell'editor)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:130
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:135
msgid "Text to print before the dimension value"
msgstr "Testo da stampare prima del valore della dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:139
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:112
msgid "Units format:"
msgstr "Formato unità:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:149
msgid "Choose how to display the units"
msgstr "Scegli come mostrare le unità"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:116
msgid "1234"
msgstr "1234"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:116
msgid "1234 mm"
msgstr "1234 mm"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:116
msgid "1234 (mm)"
msgstr "1234 (mm)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:160
msgid "Text to print after the dimension value"
msgstr "Testo da stampare dopo il valore della dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:389
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:127
msgid "Precision:"
msgstr "Precisione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:166
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid "Choose how many digits of precision to display"
msgstr "Scegli quante cifre di precisione da mostrare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:292
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0.0"
msgstr "0.0"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0.00"
msgstr "0.00"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0.000"
msgstr "0.000"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0.0000"
msgstr "0.0000"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:131
msgid "0.00000"
msgstr "0.00000"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:150
msgid "Suppress trailing zeroes"
msgstr "Sopprimi gli zeri finali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:179
msgid ""
"When checked, \"0.100\" will be shown as \"0.1\" even if the precision "
"setting is higher"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, \"0.100\" verrà mostrata come \"0.1\" anche se "
"l'impostazione di precisione è più elevata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:210
msgid "Dimension Text"
msgstr "Testo dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:219
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:111
msgid "Text width"
msgstr "Larghezza testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:235
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:179
msgid "Text pos X"
msgstr "Pos X testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:130
msgid "Text height"
msgstr "Altezza testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:261
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:200
msgid "Text pos Y"
msgstr "Pos Y testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:39
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:151
msgid "Thickness:"
msgstr "Spessore:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:274
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:153
msgid "Text thickness"
msgstr "Spessore testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:287
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:166
msgid "Text orientation"
msgstr "Orientamento testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:293
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:166
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:172
msgid "90.0"
msgstr "90.0"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:294
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:173
msgid "-90.0"
msgstr "-90.0"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:172
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid "180.0"
msgstr "180.0"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:301
msgid "Keep aligned with dimension"
msgstr "Mantieni allineato con la dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:302
msgid "Automatically set the text orientation to match the dimension lines"
msgstr ""
"Imposta automaticamente l'orientamento del testo in modo da corrispondere "
"alle righe della dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:307
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:191
msgid "Mirror text"
msgstr "Testo speculare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:141
msgid "Justification:"
msgstr "Giustificato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:321
msgid "Position mode:"
msgstr "Modalità posizione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:104
msgid "Outside"
msgstr "Fuori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:104
msgid "Inline"
msgstr "In linea"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:68
msgid "Manual"
msgstr "Manuale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:329
msgid "Choose how to position the text relative to the dimension line"
msgstr ""
"Scegli come posizionare il testo relativamente alla riga della dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:344
msgid "Dimension Line"
msgstr "Riga dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:353
msgid "Thickness of the dimension lines"
msgstr "Lo spessore delle righe della dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:367
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:139
msgid "Arrow length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza freccia:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:378
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:155
msgid "Extension line offset:"
msgstr "Scostamento linea estensione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:380
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.cpp:385
msgid "Gap between the measured points and the start of the extension lines"
msgstr "Spazio tra i punti misurati e l'inizio delle righe di estensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_dimension_properties_base.h:120
msgid "Dimension Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà dimensioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:86
msgid "Run DRC"
msgstr "Avvia DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:226
msgid "DRC incomplete: could not compile custom design rules. "
msgstr ""
"DRC incompleto: impossibile compilare le regole di progettazione "
"personalizzate. "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:228 pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:133
msgid "Show design rules."
msgstr "Mostra regole di progettazione."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:261
msgid "-------- DRC cancelled by user.<br><br>"
msgstr "-------- DRC annullato dall'utente.<br><br>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:263
msgid "Done.<br><br>"
msgstr "Fatto.<br><br>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:462
msgid "Run clearance resolution tool..."
msgstr "Esegui strumenti di risoluzione distanze..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:489
msgid "Open the Board Setup... dialog"
msgstr "Apri la finestra impostazioni scheda..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:666
#, c-format
msgid "Report file '%s' created<br>"
msgstr "File rapporto \"%s\" creato<br>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:920
msgid "Do you wish to delete excluded markers as well?"
msgstr "Eliminare anche i marcatori esclusi?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:923
msgid "Delete exclusions"
msgstr "Cancella esclusioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc.cpp:996
msgid "not run"
msgstr "non eseguito"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:27
msgid "Refill all zones before performing DRC"
msgstr "Aggiorna tutte le zone prima di eseguire il DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:30
msgid "Report all errors for each track"
msgstr "Riporta tutti gli errori per ogni pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:31
msgid ""
"If selected, all DRC violations for tracks will be reported. This can be "
"slow for complicated designs.\n"
"If unselected, only the first DRC violation will be reported for each track "
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, tutte le violazioni DRC per pista verranno riportate. Può "
"essere lento per progetti complessi.\n"
"Se non selezionata, verrà riportata solo la prima violazione DRC per ogni "
"connessione di pista."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:41
msgid "Test for parity between PCB and schematic"
msgstr "Controlla la parità tra C.S. e schema elettrico"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:77
msgid "Tests Running..."
msgstr "Test in esecuzione..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:105
#, c-format
msgid "Violations (%d)"
msgstr "Violazioni (%d)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Unconnected Items (%d)"
msgstr "Elementi non connessi (%d)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:129
#, c-format
msgid "Schematic Parity (%d)"
msgstr "Parità schema (%d)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.cpp:192
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.cpp:79
msgid "Delete Marker"
msgstr "Cancella marcatore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_drc_base.h:102
msgid "DRC Control"
msgstr "Verifica regole di progettazione (DRC)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_enum_pads_base.cpp:19
msgid "Pad names are restricted to 4 characters (including number)."
msgstr "I nomi piazzole sono ristretti a 4 caratteri (incluso il numero)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_enum_pads_base.cpp:32
msgid "Pad name prefix:"
msgstr "Prefisso nome piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_enum_pads_base.cpp:47
msgid "First pad number:"
msgstr "Primo numero piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_enum_pads_base.h:51
msgid "Pad Enumeration Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni enumerazione piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:74
msgid "Change Footprints"
msgstr "Cambia impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:75
msgid "Change all footprints on board"
msgstr "Cambia tutte le impronte sulla scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:76
msgid "Change selected footprint(s)"
msgstr "Cambia le impronte selezionate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:77
msgid "Change footprints matching reference designator:"
msgstr "Cambia le impronte corrispondenti al riferimento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:78
msgid "Change footprints matching value:"
msgstr "Cambia le impronte corrispondenti al valore:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:79
msgid "Change footprints with library id:"
msgstr "Cambia le impronte con id libreria:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:80
msgid "Update text layers and visibilities"
msgstr "Aggiorna strati e visibilità testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:81
msgid "Update text sizes, styles and positions"
msgstr "Aggiorna dimensioni, stili e posizioni del testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:82
msgid "Update fabrication attributes"
msgstr "Aggiorna attributi di fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:83
msgid "Update 3D models"
msgstr "Aggiorna modelli 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:87
msgid ""
"Update/reset strings: there are two cases these descriptions need to cover: "
"the user made overrides to a footprint on the PCB and wants to remove them, "
"or the user made changes to the library footprint and wants to propagate "
"them back to the PCB."
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna/reimposta stringhe: ci sono due casi che queste descrizioni devono "
"coprire: l'utente ha eseguito delle modifiche su un'impronta sul C.S. e "
"vuole rimuoverle, o l'utente ha fatto dei cambiamenti all'impronta di "
"libreria e vuole propagarli indietro sul C.S. ."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:375
#, c-format
msgid "Update footprint %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Aggiorna impronta %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:382
#, c-format
msgid "Change footprint %s from '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Cambia impronta %s da \"%s\" a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints.cpp:392
msgid "*** footprint not found ***"
msgstr "*** impronta non trovata ***"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:24
msgid "Update all footprints on board"
msgstr "Aggiorna tutte le impronte sulla scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:27
msgid "Update selected footprint(s)"
msgstr "Aggiorna le impronte selezionate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:30
msgid "Update footprints matching reference designator:"
msgstr "Aggiorna le impronte corrispondenti al riferimento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:38
msgid "Update footprints matching value:"
msgstr "Aggiorna le impronte corrispondenti al valore:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:44
msgid "Update footprints with library id:"
msgstr "Aggiorna le impronte con id libreria:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:73
msgid "New footprint library id:"
msgstr "Nuovo id libreria impronte:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:96
msgid "Remove text items which are not in library footprint"
msgstr "Rimuovi gli elementi di testo che non sono nell'impronta di libreria"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:101
msgid "Update/reset text layers and visibilities"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta strati e visibilità testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:104
msgid "Update/reset text sizes, styles and positions"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta dimensioni, stili e posizioni testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:107
msgid "Update/reset fabrication attributes"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta attributi di fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.cpp:110
msgid "Update/reset 3D models"
msgstr "Aggiorna/reimposta modelli 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_exchange_footprints_base.h:86
msgid "Update Footprints from Library"
msgstr "Aggiorna le impronte da libreria"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:120
#, c-format
msgid "File %s already exists."
msgstr "Il file %s esiste già."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:21
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:22
msgid "File name:"
msgstr "Nome file:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:25
msgid "Select an IDF export filename"
msgstr "Seleziona un nome file per l'esportazione IDF"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:25
msgid "*.emn"
msgstr "*.emn"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:34
msgid "Grid reference point:"
msgstr "Punto di riferimento griglia:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:38
msgid "Adjust automatically"
msgstr "Regola automaticamente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:71
msgid "X position:"
msgstr "Posizione X:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:86
msgid "Y position:"
msgstr "Posizione Y:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.cpp:104
msgid "Output Units"
msgstr "Unità d'uscita"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_idf_base.h:61
msgid "Export IDFv3"
msgstr "Esporta IDFv3"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:142
msgid "Select a STEP export filename"
msgstr "Seleziona un nome file per l'esportazione STEP"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:143
msgid "STEP files"
msgstr "File STEP"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:210
msgid "Non-unity scaled models:"
msgstr "Modelli in scala non-unitaria:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:212
msgid ""
"Scaled models detected. Model scaling is not reliable for mechanical export."
msgstr ""
"Modelli scalati rilevati. La scalatura modelli non è affidabile per "
"l'esportazione meccanica."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:214
msgid "Model Scale Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento di scalatura modelli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:276
msgid "STEP export failed! Please save the PCB and try again"
msgstr "Esportazione STEP fallita; salvare la scheda e riprovare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:341
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Board outline is missing or not closed using %.3f mm tolerance.\n"
"Run DRC for a full analysis."
msgstr ""
"I bordi scheda mancano o non sono chiusi con tolleranza di %.3f mm.\n"
"Eseguire un DRC per un'analisi completa."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step.cpp:353
msgid "STEP Export"
msgstr "Esportazione STEP"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:26
msgid "temp"
msgstr "temp"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:36
msgid "Coordinates"
msgstr "Coordinate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:38
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:23
msgid "Drill/place file origin"
msgstr "Origine file posizionamenti/forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:41
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:23
msgid "Grid origin"
msgstr "Origine griglia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:44
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:44
msgid "User defined origin"
msgstr "Origine personalizzata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:44
msgid "Board center origin"
msgstr "Origine centro scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:54
msgid "User Defined Origin"
msgstr "Origine personalizzata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:108
msgid "Other Options"
msgstr "Altre opzioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:110
msgid "Ignore virtual components"
msgstr "Ignora componenti virtuali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:113
msgid "Substitute similarly named models"
msgstr "Sostituisci modelli con nomi simili"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:114
msgid "Replace VRML models with STEP models of the same name"
msgstr "Rimpiazza i modelli VRML con modelli STEP con lo stesso nome"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:118
msgid "Overwrite old file"
msgstr "Sovrascrivi vecchio file"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:121
msgid "Board outline chaining tolerance:"
msgstr "Tolleranza concatenamento contorni scheda:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:125
msgid "Tight (0.001 mm)"
msgstr "Stretto (0.001 mm)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:125
msgid "Standard (0.01 mm)"
msgstr "Standard (0.01 mm)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:125
msgid "Loose (0.1 mm)"
msgstr "Lasco (0.1 mm)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.cpp:129
msgid ""
"Tolerance sets the distance between two points that are considered joined."
msgstr ""
"La tolleranza è la distanza entro la quale due punti vengono considerati "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_step_base.h:77
msgid "Export STEP"
msgstr "Esporta STEP"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:214
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:216
msgid "Use a relative path?"
msgstr "Usare un percorso relativo?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:224
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:225
msgid ""
"Cannot make path relative (target volume different from board file volume)!"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile creare il percorso relativo (volume di destinazione diverso da "
"quello del file della scheda)!"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:264 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:816
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:284
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:382
#, c-format
msgid "Could not write plot files to folder '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile scrivere i file di tracciatura nella cartella '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg.cpp:291
#, c-format
msgid "Exported '%s'."
msgstr "Esportato '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:29
msgid ""
"Enter a filename if you do not want to use default file names\n"
"Can be used only when printing the current sheet"
msgstr ""
"Inserisci il nome del file se non si vuole usare il nome predefinito\n"
"Può essere usato soltanto stampando il foglio corrente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:511
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:285
msgid "Technical layers:"
msgstr "Strati tecnici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:82
msgid "Print Mode"
msgstr "Modalità di stampa"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:84
msgid "Export as black elements on a white background"
msgstr "Esporta come elementi neri su sfondo bianco"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:88
msgid "Page with frame and title block"
msgstr "Pagina con squadratura e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:88
msgid "Current page size"
msgstr "Dimensione corrente pagina"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:88
msgid "Board area only"
msgstr "Soltanto area scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:90
msgid "SVG Page Size"
msgstr "Dimensioni pagina SVG"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:95
msgid "Print the layer(s) horizontally mirrored"
msgstr "Stampa gli strati speculari orizzontalmente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:254
msgid "Print one page per layer"
msgstr "Stampa una pagina per strato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:260
msgid "Print board edges on all pages"
msgstr "Stampa bordi scheda su tutte le pagine"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_svg_base.h:71
msgid "Export SVG File"
msgstr "Esporta file SVG"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml.cpp:179
msgid "Are you sure you want to overwrite the existing file?"
msgstr "Sicuri di voler sovrascrivere il file esistente?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml.cpp:254
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1417
#, c-format
msgid "Failed to create folder '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare la cartella '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:26
msgid "Save VRML Board File"
msgstr "Salva file scheda VRLM"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:26
msgid "*.wrl"
msgstr "*.wrl"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:31
msgid "Footprint 3D model path:"
msgstr "Percorso modello 3D dell'impronta:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:46
msgid "Coordinate origin options:"
msgstr "Opzioni coordinate di origine:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:53
msgid "User defined origin:"
msgstr "Origine personalizzata:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:109
msgid "meter"
msgstr "metro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:109
msgid "0.1 Inch"
msgstr "0.1 pollici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:111
msgid "VRML Units for Output Files"
msgstr "Unità VRML per i file in uscita"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:124
msgid "Copy 3D model files to 3D model path"
msgstr "Copia i file del modello 3D nel percorso del modello 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:125
msgid ""
"If checked: copy 3D models to the destination folder\n"
"If not checked: Embed 3D models in the VRML board file"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionato: copia i modelli 3D nella cartella di destinazione\n"
"Se non selezionato: unisci i modelli 3D nel file scheda VRML"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:129
msgid "Use relative paths to model files in board VRML file"
msgstr "Usa percorsi relativi per i file del modello nel file scheda VRML"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.cpp:130
msgid "Use paths for model files in board VRML file relative to the VRML file"
msgstr ""
"Usa percorsi per i file modello nel file scheda VRML relativi al file VRML"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_export_vrml_base.h:67
msgid "VRML Export Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di esportazione VRML"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:22
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:19
msgid "All items"
msgstr "Tutti gli elementi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:30
msgid "Include &footprints"
msgstr "Includi i&mpronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:33
msgid "Include t&ext items"
msgstr "Includi &elementi testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:36
msgid "Include &locked footprints"
msgstr "Includi impronte b&loccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:39
msgid "Include &drawings"
msgstr "Includi &grafica"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:42
msgid "Include &tracks"
msgstr "Includi pis&te"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:45
msgid "Include &board outline layer"
msgstr "Includi lo strato contorni sc&heda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:48
msgid "Include &vias"
msgstr "Includi &via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.cpp:51
msgid "Include &zones"
msgstr "Includi &zone"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_filter_selection_base.h:59
msgid "Filter Selected Items"
msgstr "Filtra elementi selezionati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:228
msgid "Searching..."
msgstr "Ricerca..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:346
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' not found"
msgstr "'%s' non trovato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:354
msgid "No more items to show"
msgstr "Nessun ulteriore elemento da mostrare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:356
msgid "No hits"
msgstr "Nessun riscontro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:363
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' found"
msgstr "'%s' trovati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find.cpp:366
#, c-format
msgid "Hit(s): %ld / %lu"
msgstr "Trovati: %ld / %lu"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:28
msgid "Search for:"
msgstr "Cerca:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:43
msgid "Match case"
msgstr "Distingui maiuscole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:52
msgid "Wrap"
msgstr "Da capo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:62
msgid "Search footprint reference designators"
msgstr "Cerca i riferimenti impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:66
msgid "Search footprint values"
msgstr "Cerca valori impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:70
msgid "Search other text items"
msgstr "Cerca altri elementi testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:74
msgid "Search DRC markers"
msgstr "Cerca marcatori DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:98
msgid "Find Previous"
msgstr "Trova il precedente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_find_base.cpp:101
msgid "Restart Search"
msgstr "Ricomincia la ricerca"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker.cpp:50
msgid "Run Checks"
msgstr "Avvia controlli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_checker_base.h:71
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:397
msgid "Footprint Checker"
msgstr "Controllo impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:75
msgid "3D Models"
msgstr "Modelli 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:294
msgid "Footprint can be freely moved and oriented on the canvas."
msgstr ""
"L'impronta si può spostare e orientare liberamente sull'area di lavoro."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:296
msgid ""
"Footprint is locked: it cannot be freely moved and oriented on the canvas "
"and can only be selected when the 'Locked items' checkbox is enabled in the "
"selection filter."
msgstr ""
"L'impronta è bloccatà: non si può spostare né orientare sull'area di lavoro "
"e può essere selezionata solo se la casella \"Elementi bloccati\" è "
"abilitata nel filtro di selezione."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:384
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:322
msgid "Text items must have some content."
msgstr "Gli elementi di testo devono avere del contenuto."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:517
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:449
msgid "Modify footprint properties"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties.cpp:569
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:522
msgid "Reference and value are mandatory."
msgstr "Riferimento e valore sono obbligatori."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:89
msgid "Text Items"
msgstr "Elementi di testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:49
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:97
msgid "Keep Upright"
msgstr "Mantieni in verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:61
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:98
msgid "X Offset"
msgstr "Scostamento X"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:99
msgid "Y Offset"
msgstr "Scostamento Y"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/fp_text_grid_table.cpp:109
msgid "Reference designator"
msgstr "Riferimento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:136
msgid "Side:"
msgstr "Lato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:195
msgid "Unlock footprint"
msgstr "Sblocca impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:195
msgid "Lock footprint"
msgstr "Blocca impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:197
msgid "Move and Place"
msgstr "Sposta e posiziona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:204
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:134
msgid "Auto-placement Rules"
msgstr "Regole di autopiazzamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:208
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:138
msgid "Allow 90 degree rotated placement:"
msgstr "Permetti piazzamento con rotazione di 90 gradi:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:153
msgid "Allow 180 degree rotated placement:"
msgstr "Permetti piazzamento con rotazione di 180 gradi:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:245
msgid "Update Footprint from Library..."
msgstr "Aggiorna l'impronta dalla libreria..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:422
msgid "Change Footprint..."
msgstr "Cambia impronta..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:240
msgid "Edit Library Footprint..."
msgstr "Modifica impronta di libreria..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:170
msgid "Fabrication Attributes"
msgstr "Attributi di fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1136
msgid "Footprint type:"
msgstr "Tipo impronta:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:689 pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1137
msgid "Through hole"
msgstr "Fori passanti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:40 pcbnew/footprint.cpp:686
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1137 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1125
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1597
msgid "SMD"
msgstr "SMD"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:179
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:691 pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1137
msgid "Other"
msgstr "Altro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:188
msgid "Not in schematic"
msgstr "Non nello schema"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:288
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:191
msgid "Exclude from position files"
msgstr "Escludi dai file di posizione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:291
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:194
msgid "Exclude from BOM"
msgstr "Escludi dalla DIBA"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:582
msgid "Clearances"
msgstr "Distanze"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:315
msgid "Set values to 0 to use Board Setup values."
msgstr "Imposta i valori a 0 per usare valori i valori di impostazione scheda."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:319
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:219
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:589
msgid ""
"Positive clearance means area bigger than the pad (usual for mask clearance)."
msgstr ""
"Distanza positiva significa che l'area è più grande della piazzola (normale "
"per la distanza della maschera)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:593
msgid ""
"Negative clearance means area smaller than the pad (usual for paste "
msgstr ""
"Distanza negativa significa area più piccola della piazzola (normale per la "
"distanza pasta salda)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:333
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:603
msgid "Pad clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:335
msgid ""
"This is the local net clearance for all pad of this footprint\n"
"If 0, the Netclass values are used\n"
"This value can be superseded by a pad local value."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il valore locale della distanza collegamenti per tutte le piazzole "
"di questa impronta.\n"
"Se a 0, verranno usati i valori della netclass.\n"
"Questo valore può essere superato dal valore locale di una piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:346
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:616
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:54
msgid "Solder mask clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza maschera di saldatura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:348
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between pads and the solder mask for this "
"This value can be superseded by a pad local value.\n"
"If 0, the global value is used."
msgstr ""
"Questo valore è la distanza locale tra piazzole e maschera di saldatura per "
"questa impronta.\n"
"Può essere superato da un valore locale nella piazzola.<\n"
"Se a 0, verrà usato il valore globale."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:359
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:259
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:629
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:93
msgid "Solder paste absolute clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza assoluta pasta salda:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:361
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between pads and the solder paste for this "
"This value can be superseded by a pad local values.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value "
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size."
msgstr ""
"Questo valore è la distanza tra le piazzole e la pasta salda per questa "
"Può essere superato da un valore locale nella piazzola.\n"
"Il valore di distanza finale sarà la somma di questo valore e il rapporto "
"del valore di distanza.\n"
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore dalla maschera rispetto alla "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:372
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:642
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:108
msgid "Solder paste relative clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza relativa pasta salda:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:374
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance ratio in percent between pads and the solder "
"paste for this footprint.\n"
"A value of 10 means the clearance value is 10 percent of the pad size.\n"
"This value can be superseded by a pad local value.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value.\n"
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il locale rapporto in percentuale di distanza tra le piazzole e la "
"pasta salda per questa impronta.\n"
"Un valore di 10 indica che la distanza è il 10% delle dimensioni della "
"Esso può essere superato da un valore locale della piazzola.\n"
"La distanza finale sarà data dalla somma di questo valore e il valore di "
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore dalla maschera rispetto alla "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:388
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:288
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:664
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:688
msgid ""
"Note: solder mask and paste values are used only for pads on copper layers."
msgstr ""
"Nota: i valori di maschera di saldatura e di pastasalda vengono usati solo "
"per le piazzole sugli strati in rame."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:392
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:292
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:668
msgid ""
"Note: solder paste clearances (absolute and relative) are added to determine "
"the final clearance."
msgstr ""
"Nota: le distanze pasta salda (assoluta e relativa) vengono sommate per "
"determinare la distanza finale."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:400
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:300
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:703
msgid "Connection to Copper Zones"
msgstr "Connessione a zone in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:402
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:302
msgid "Pad connection to zones:"
msgstr "Connessione piazzola alle zone:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:406
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:306
msgid "Use zone setting"
msgstr "Usa impostazioni zona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:406
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:715
msgid "Thermal relief"
msgstr "Supporti termici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:419
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:319
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:769
msgid "Clearance Overrides and Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni e scavalcamenti distanze"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.cpp:438
msgid ""
"The library ID and footprint ID currently assigned. Use \"Change "
"Footprint...\" to assign a different footprint."
msgstr ""
"L'ID libreria e l'ID impronta attualmente assegnati. Usare \"Cambia "
"impronta...\" per assegnare un'impronta diversa."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_base.h:135
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.h:108
msgid "Footprint Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:276
msgid "Footprint must have a name."
msgstr "L'impronta deve avere un nome."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor.cpp:281
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint name may not contain '%s'."
msgstr "Il nome impronta non può contenere '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:60
msgid "Unconstrained"
msgstr "Illimitata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:106
msgid "Footprint name:"
msgstr "Nome impronta:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:175
msgid "Component type:"
msgstr "Tipo componente:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:215
msgid "Set values to 0 to use netclass values."
msgstr "Imposta i valori a 0 per usare i valori della netclass."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:235
msgid ""
"This is the local net clearance for all pads of this footprint.\n"
"If 0, the Netclass values are used.\n"
"This value can be overridden on a pad-by-pad basis in the Local\n"
"Clearance and Settings tab of Pad Properties."
msgstr ""
"Valore locale di distanza per tutte le piazzole di questa impronta.\n"
"Se a 0, verranno usati i valori della netclass.\n"
"Può essere scavalcato, piazzola per piazzola, dal valore locale\n"
"di Distanza e Impostazioni di ogni piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:248
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between pads and the solder mask for \n"
"this footprint.\n"
"If 0, the global value is used.\n"
"This value can be overridden on a pad-by-pad basis in the Local\n"
"Clearance and Settings tab of Pad Properties."
msgstr ""
"Valore di distanza locale tra piazzole e maschera di saldatura per\n"
"questa impronta.\n"
"Se a 0, verrà usato il valore globale.\n"
"Può essere scavalcato, piazzola per piazzola, dal valore locale\n"
"di Distanza e Impostazioni nelle Proprietà di ogni piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:261
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between pads and the solder paste for\n"
"this footprint.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value "
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size.\n"
"This value can be overridden on a pad-by-pad basis in the Local\n"
"Clearance and Settings tab of Pad Properties."
msgstr ""
"Questo valore è la distanza tra le piazzole e la pasta salda per\n"
"questa impronta.\n"
"Il valore finale sarà la somma di questo valore e il rapporto del valore di "
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore della maschera rispetto alla "
"Può essere scavalcato, piazzola per piazzola, dal valore locale\n"
"di Distanza e Impostazioni nelle Proprietà di ogni piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_properties_fp_editor_base.cpp:274
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance ratio in percent between pads and the\n"
"solder paste for this footprint.\n"
"A value of 10 means the clearance value is 10 percent of the pad size.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value.\n"
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size.\n"
"This value can be overridden on a pad-by-pad basis in the Local\n"
"Clearance and Settings tab of Pad Properties."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il rapporto in percentuale locale di distanza tra le piazzole e la\n"
"pasta salda per questa impronta.\n"
"Un valore di 10 indica che la distanza è il 10% delle dimensioni della "
"La distanza finale sarà data dalla somma di questo valore e il valore di "
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore dalla maschera rispetto alla "
"Questo valore può essere scavalcato, piazzola per piazzola, dal valore "
"di Distanza e Impostazioni nelle proprietà della piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list.cpp:144
msgid "All footprint generator scripts were loaded"
msgstr "Tutti gli script di generazione impronte caricati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:65
msgid "Available Footprint Generators"
msgstr "Generatori di impronte disponibili"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:70
msgid "Search paths:"
msgstr "Percorsi di ricerca:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:77
msgid "Not loadable python scripts:"
msgstr "Script Python non caricabili:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:84
msgid "Show Trace"
msgstr "Mostra pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.cpp:98
msgid "Update Python Modules"
msgstr "Aggiorna moduli Python"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.h:66
msgid "Footprint Generators"
msgstr "Generatori di impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_footprint_wizard_list_base.h:85
msgid "Traceback of Python Script Errors"
msgstr "Traccia degli errori degli script Python"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options.cpp:37
msgid ""
"Select an <b>Option Choice</b> in the listbox above, and then click the "
"<b>Append Selected Option</b> button."
msgstr ""
"Selezionare un'<b>opzione</b> dall'elenco nel riquadro sopra, e fare clic "
"sul pulsante <b>Aggiungi l'opzione selezionata</b>."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options.cpp:62
#, c-format
msgid "Options for Library '%s'"
msgstr "Opzioni per la libreria '%s'"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:25
msgid "Plugin Options"
msgstr "Opzioni plugin"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:77
msgid "Option Choices"
msgstr "Scelte opzioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:80
msgid "Options supported by current plugin"
msgstr "Opzioni supportate dal plugin corrente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_fp_plugin_options_base.cpp:84
msgid "<< Append Selected Option"
msgstr "<< Aggiungi l'opzione selezionata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:48
msgid "ASCII"
msgstr "ASCII"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:48
msgid "CSV"
msgstr "CSV"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:48
msgid "Gerber (experimental)"
msgstr "Gerber (sperimentale)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:50
msgid "Format"
msgstr "Formato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:60
msgid "Separate files for front, back"
msgstr "Separa i file per fronte, retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:60
msgid "Single file for board"
msgstr "Un file per scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:62
msgid "Files"
msgstr "File"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:64
msgid ""
"Creates 2 files: one for each board side or\n"
"Creates only one file containing all footprints to place\n"
msgstr ""
"Creare 2 file: uno per ciascun lato della scheda oppure\n"
"Creare un unico file contenente tutte le impronte da inserire\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:74
msgid "Include only SMD footprints"
msgstr "Includi sono impronte SMD"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:77
msgid "Exclude all footprints with through hole pads"
msgstr "Escludi tutte le impronte senza piazzole passanti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:80
msgid "Include board edge layer"
msgstr "Includi lo strato contorni scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:108
msgid "Use drill/place file origin"
msgstr "Origine file posizionamenti/forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_footprint_position_file_base.h:75
msgid "Generate Placement Files"
msgstr "Genera file di piazzamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:41
msgid "Export to GenCAD settings"
msgstr "Esporta sulle impostazioni GenCAD"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:49
msgid "Select a GenCAD export filename"
msgstr "Seleziona un nome file per l'esportazione GenCAD"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:136
msgid "Flip bottom footprint padstacks"
msgstr "Capovolge lo stack piazzole dei componenti posteriori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:137
msgid "Generate unique pin names"
msgstr "Genera nomi pin univoci"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:138
msgid "Generate a new shape for each footprint instance (do not reuse shapes)"
msgstr ""
"Genera una nuova forma per ogni istanza di impronta (non riusare le forme)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:139
msgid "Use drill/place file origin as origin"
msgstr "Usa origine file posizionamenti/forature come origine"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gencad_export_options.cpp:140
msgid "Save the origin coordinates in the file"
msgstr "Salva le origini delle coordinate nel file"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:77
msgid "Generate Drill File"
msgstr "Genera file forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:78
msgid "Generate Map File"
msgstr "Genera file mappa"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:315
msgid "Cannot make path relative (target volume different from file volume)!"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile rendere il percorso relativo (volume di destinazione diverso da "
"quello del file)!"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:394
#, c-format
msgid "Could not write drill and/or map files to folder '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile scrivere i file di foratura e/o mappatura nella cartella '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill.cpp:443
msgid "Save Drill Report File"
msgstr "Salva file rapporto foratura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:22
msgid "Output folder:"
msgstr "Cartella d'uscita:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:42
msgid "Drill File Format"
msgstr "Formato file forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:44
msgid "Excellon"
msgstr "Excellon"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:50
msgid "Mirror Y axis"
msgstr "Rende speculare sull'asse Y"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:51
msgid ""
"Not recommended.\n"
"Used mostly by users who make the boards themselves."
msgstr ""
"Non raccomandato.\n"
"Usato principalmente da utenti che si autocostruiscono i circuiti stampati."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:55
msgid "Minimal header"
msgstr "Intestazione minimale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:56
msgid ""
"Not recommended.\n"
"Only use it for board houses which do not accept fully featured headers."
msgstr ""
"Non raccomandato.\n"
"Da usare solo per produttori di circuiti stampati che non accettano "
"intestazioni complete."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:60
msgid "PTH and NPTH in single file"
msgstr "Fori metallizzati e non in un unico file"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Not recommended.\n"
"Only use for board houses which ask for merged PTH and NPTH into a single "
msgstr ""
"Non raccomandato.\n"
"Da usare solo per i produttori di circuiti stampati che richiedono fori "
"metallizzati e non, in un unico file."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:65
msgid "Use route command (recommended)"
msgstr "Usa il comando sbroglio (raccomandato)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:65
msgid "Use alternate drill mode"
msgstr "Usa la modalità forature alternativa"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:67
msgid "Oval Holes Drill Mode"
msgstr "Modalità forature fori ovali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:69
msgid ""
"Oval holes frequently create problems for board houses.\n"
"\"Use route command\" uses the usual G00 route command (recommended)\n"
" \"Use alternate mode\" uses another drill/ route command (G85)\n"
"(Use it only if the recommended command does not work)"
msgstr ""
"I fori ovali spesso creano problemi con alcune manufatture.\n"
"\"Usa il comando sbroglia\" usa il solito comando di sbroglio G00 "
" \"Usa la modalità alternativa\" usa un altro comandi di foratura/sbroglio "
"(usarlo solo se il comando raccomandato non funziona)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:76
msgid "Gerber X2"
msgstr "Gerber X2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
msgid "PostScript"
msgstr "Postscript"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:27
msgid "Gerber"
msgstr "Gerber"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:84
msgid "Map File Format"
msgstr "Formato file mappa"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:86
msgid "Creates a drill map in PS, HPGL or other formats"
msgstr "Crea una mappa forature in PS, HPGL o altri formati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:98
msgid "Drill Origin"
msgstr "Origine forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:100
msgid ""
"Choose the coordinate origin: absolute or relative to the drill/place file "
msgstr ""
"Scegli l'origine delle coordinate: assolute o relative all'origine file "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:106
msgid "Drill Units"
msgstr "Unità forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:110
msgid "Decimal format (recommended)"
msgstr "Formato decimale (raccomandato)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:110
msgid "Suppress leading zeros"
msgstr "Sopprimi zeri iniziali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:110
msgid "Suppress trailing zeros"
msgstr "Sopprimi zeri finali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:110
msgid "Keep zeros"
msgstr "Mantieni zeri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:112
msgid "Zeros Format"
msgstr "Formato zeri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:114
msgid "Choose EXCELLON numbers notation"
msgstr "Scegli la notazione dei numeri EXCELLON"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:128 pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:314
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "Precisione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:142
msgid "Hole Counts"
msgstr "Conteggio fori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:149
msgid "Plated pads:"
msgstr "Piazzole metallizzate:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:157
msgid "Non-plated pads:"
msgstr "Piazzole non metallizzate:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.cpp:181
msgid "Buried vias:"
msgstr "Via coperti/interni:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gendrill_base.h:91
msgid "Generate Drill Files"
msgstr "Genera file forature"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_get_footprint_by_name_base.cpp:28
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:67
msgid "Reference designator:"
msgstr "Riferimento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_get_footprint_by_name_base.cpp:35
msgid "(specify multiple items separated by spaces for successive placement)"
msgstr "(specifica più elementi separati da spazi per piazzamento successivo)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_get_footprint_by_name_base.cpp:39
msgid "Available footprints:"
msgstr "Impronte disponibili:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_get_footprint_by_name_base.h:56
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:247
msgid "Get and Move Footprint"
msgstr "Ottieni e sposta impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion.cpp:124
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the entire board?"
msgstr "Sicuri di voler cancellare l'intera scheda?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion.cpp:129
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"
msgstr "Cancellare gli elementi selezionati?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:23
msgid "Items to Delete"
msgstr "Elementi da cancellare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:25
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:338
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:53
msgid "Zones"
msgstr "Zone"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:31
msgid "Board outlines"
msgstr "Contorni scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:34
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:49
msgid "Graphics"
msgstr "Grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:37
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:29
msgid "Footprints"
msgstr "Impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:40
msgid "Tracks && vias"
msgstr "Piste e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:43
msgid "Markers"
msgstr "Marcatori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:46
msgid "Clear board"
msgstr "Cancella scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:55
msgid "Filter Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni filtro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:57
msgid "Locked graphics"
msgstr "Grafiche bloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:60
msgid "Unlocked graphics"
msgstr "Grafiche sbloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:63
msgid "Locked footprints"
msgstr "Impronte bloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:66
msgid "Unlocked footprints"
msgstr "Impronte sbloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:70
msgid "Locked tracks"
msgstr "Piste bloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:73
msgid "Unlocked tracks"
msgstr "Piste sbloccate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:84
msgid "All layers"
msgstr "Tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:84
msgid "Current layer only"
msgstr "Solo lo strato corrente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:86
msgid "Layer Filter"
msgstr "Filtro strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.cpp:102
msgid "Current layer:"
msgstr "Strato corrente:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_deletion_base.h:73
msgid "Delete Items"
msgstr "Cancella elementi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:214
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:55
msgid "Silk Layers"
msgstr "Strati serigrafia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:215
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:134
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:56
msgid "Copper Layers"
msgstr "Strati rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:216
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:135
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:57
msgid "Edge Cuts"
msgstr "Strati di contorno"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:136
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:58
msgid "Courtyards"
msgstr "Ingombri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:218
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:59
msgid "Fab Layers"
msgstr "Strati fabb."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:219
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:138
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:60
msgid "Other Layers"
msgstr "Altri strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:123
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:44
msgid "Line Thickness"
msgstr "Spessore linea"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:229
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:45
msgid "Text Width"
msgstr "Larghezza testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:235
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:125
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:46
msgid "Text Height"
msgstr "Altezza testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:241
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:126
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:47
msgid "Text Thickness"
msgstr "Spessore testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics.cpp:253
msgid "Upright"
msgstr "Verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:33
msgid "Other footprint text items"
msgstr "Altri elementi testo impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:36
msgid "Footprint graphic items"
msgstr "Elementi grafici impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:42
msgid "PCB graphic items"
msgstr "Elementi grafici C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:45
msgid "PCB text items"
msgstr "Elementi di testo del C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:71
msgid "Filter items by layer:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per strato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:78
msgid "Filter items by parent footprint library id:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per id libreria impronta genitore:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:92
msgid "Set to specified values:"
msgstr "Imposta a valori specificati:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:211
msgid "Keep upright"
msgstr "Mantieni in verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:226
msgid "Set to layer default values:"
msgstr "Imposta ai valori predefiniti dello strato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.cpp:203
msgid "Via Drill"
msgstr "Foro via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias.cpp:205
msgid "uVia Drill"
msgstr "Foro microvia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:39
msgid "Filter Items"
msgstr "Filtra elementi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:57
msgid "Filter items by net class:"
msgstr "Filtra elementi per netclass:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:132
msgid "Set to net class values:"
msgstr "Assegna ai valori della netclass:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_edit_tracks_and_vias_base.h:77
msgid "Set Track and Via Properties"
msgstr "Imposta proprietà piste e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:30
msgid "footprint"
msgstr "impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:59
#, c-format
msgid "Error occurred writing empty footprint library table '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nello scrivere il file vuoto tabella librerie impronte '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:73
msgid "Please select a footprint library table file."
msgstr "Selezionare un file tabella librerie impronte."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:95
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' is not a valid footprint library table."
msgstr "'%s' non è una tabella librerie impronte valida."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:106
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create library table path '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare il percorso tabella librerie '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:114
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Cannot copy footprint library table from:\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile copiare la tabella librerie impronte da:\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_global_fp_lib_table_config.cpp:133
msgid "Error loading footprint library table."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento tabella librerie impronte."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:178
msgid "Circle Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà cerchio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:191
msgid "Arc Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà arco"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:197
msgid "Polygon Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà poligono"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:203
msgid "Rectangle Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà rettangolo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:209
msgid "Line Segment Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà segmento di linea"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:178
msgid "Line width may not be 0 for unfilled shapes."
msgstr ""
"La larghezza della linea potrebbe non essere 0 per le forme non riempite."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:346
msgid "Modify drawing properties"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:371
msgid "The arc angle cannot be zero."
msgstr "L'angolo dell'arco non può essere zero."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:378
msgid "The radius cannot be zero."
msgstr "Il raggio non può essere zero."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:384
msgid "The rectangle cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il rettangolo non può essere vuoto."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties.cpp:399
msgid "Error List"
msgstr "Elenco errori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:29
msgid "Start Point"
msgstr "Punto iniziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:55
msgid "End Point"
msgstr "Punto finale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:107
msgid "Bezier Control Pt"
msgstr "Punto di c. Bezier"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:145
msgid "Arc angle:"
msgstr "Angolo dell'arco:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.cpp:165
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1263
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1498
msgid "Filled shape"
msgstr "Forma riempita"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_graphic_item_properties_base.h:93
msgid "Graphic Item Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà elemento grafico"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties.cpp:119
msgid "Modified group"
msgstr "Gruppo modificato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties_base.cpp:28
msgid "Group name:"
msgstr "Nome gruppo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties_base.cpp:39
msgid "Prevents group from being moved on canvas"
msgstr "Impedisce ai gruppi di essere spostati sull'area di disegno"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties_base.cpp:43
msgid "Group members:"
msgstr "Membri gruppo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_group_properties_base.h:64
msgid "Group Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà gruppo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings.cpp:101
msgid "Deselect All"
msgstr "Deseseleziona tutto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:49
msgid "Layers setup"
msgstr "Impostazione strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:52
msgid "Text and graphics default properties"
msgstr "Proprietà predefinite testo e grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:55
msgid "Design rules"
msgstr "Regole di progettazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:58
msgid "Predefined track and via dimensions"
msgstr "Dimensioni piste e via predefinite"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_import_settings_base.cpp:61
msgid "Solder mask/paste defaults"
msgstr "Valori predefiniti maschere di saldatura / pasta salda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers.cpp:251
msgid "Imported Layer"
msgstr "Strato importato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers.cpp:259
msgid "KiCad Layer"
msgstr "Strato KiCad"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers.cpp:339
msgid ""
"All required layers (marked with '*') must be matched. Please click on 'Auto-"
"Match Layers' to automatically match the remaining layers"
msgstr ""
"Tutti gli strati richiesti (marcati con \"*\") devono essere abbinati. Fare "
"clic su \"Auto-abbina strati\" per far abbinare automaticamente gli strati "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers.cpp:342
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:22
msgid "Unmatched Layers"
msgstr "Strati non abbinati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:32
msgid "Imported Layers"
msgstr "Strati importati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:36
msgid "KiCad Layers"
msgstr "Strati KiCad"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:59
msgid ">"
msgstr ">"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:61
msgid "Add selected layers to matched layers list."
msgstr "Aggiungi strati selezionati all'elenco strati corrispondenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:65
msgid "<"
msgstr "<"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:67
msgid "Remove selected layers from matched layers list."
msgstr "Rimuove gli strati selezionati dall'elenco strati corrispondenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:71
msgid "<<"
msgstr "<<"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:73
msgid "Remove all matched layers."
msgstr "Rimuovi tutti gli strati corrispondenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:81
msgid "Matched Layers"
msgstr "Strati abbinati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:97
msgid "Auto-Match Layers"
msgstr "Auto-abbina strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.cpp:98
msgid "Automatically match any unmatched layers to their KiCad equivalent."
msgstr ""
"Abbina automaticamente ogni strato non abbinato al suo equivalente KiCad."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_imported_layers_base.h:65
msgid "Edit Mapping of Imported Layers"
msgstr "Modifica la mappatura degli strati importati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_layer_selection_base.cpp:122
msgid "Top/Front layer:"
msgstr "Strato superiore/fronte:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_layer_selection_base.cpp:161
msgid "Bottom/Back layer:"
msgstr "Strato inferiore/retro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_layer_selection_base.h:51
msgid "Select Layer"
msgstr "Seleziona strato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_layer_selection_base.h:80
msgid "Select Copper Layer Pair"
msgstr "Seleziona coppia di strati in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:100
msgid "Rotate around item anchor"
msgstr "Ruota attorno all'ancoraggio elemento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:103
msgid "Rotate around selection center"
msgstr "Ruota attorno al centro di selezione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:69
msgid "Rotate around local coordinates origin"
msgstr "Ruota attorno all'origine coordinate locali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:69
msgid "Rotate around drill/place origin"
msgstr "Ruota attorno all'origine forature/piazzamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:203
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:162
msgid "Distance:"
msgstr "Distanza:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:209
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:24
msgid "Move X:"
msgstr "X spostamento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:210
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:38
msgid "Move Y:"
msgstr "Y spostamento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact.cpp:287
msgid ""
"Invalid movement values. Movement would place selection outside of the "
"maximum board area."
msgstr ""
"Valori di spostamento non validi. Lo spostamento avrebbe piazzato la "
"selezione fuori dell'area scheda consentita."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:69
msgid "Rotate around center of selection"
msgstr "Ruota attorno al centro di selezione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:116
msgid "Use polar coordinates"
msgstr "Usa coordinate polari"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_move_exact_base.h:71
msgid "Move Item"
msgstr "Sposta elemento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:77 pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:74
msgid "Net Name"
msgstr "Nome collegamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:78
msgid "Pad Count"
msgstr "Conteggio piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:79
msgid "Via Count"
msgstr "Conteggio via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:80
msgid "Via Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:81
msgid "Track Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:82
msgid "Die Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza die"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:83
msgid "Total Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza totale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:83 pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:121
msgid "Net Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza collegamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1780
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1837
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:53
msgid "Net name:"
msgstr "Nome collegamento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1780
msgid "New Net"
msgstr "Nuovo collegamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1792
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1860
#, c-format
msgid "Net name '%s' is already in use."
msgstr "Nome collegamento \"%s\" già in uso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1837
msgid "Rename Net"
msgstr "Rinomina collegamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1850
msgid "Net name cannot be empty."
msgstr "Il nome collegamento non può essere vuoto."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1916
#, c-format
msgid "Net '%s' is in use. Delete anyway?"
msgstr "Collegamento \"%s\" in uso. Cancellarlo ugualmente?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1946
#, c-format
msgid "Delete all nets in group '%s'?"
msgstr "Cancellare tutti i collegamenti nel gruppo \"%s\"?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1969
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector.cpp:1970
msgid "Report file"
msgstr "File rapporti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:44
msgid "Show zero pad nets"
msgstr "Mostra piazzole senza collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:48
msgid "Group by:"
msgstr "Raggruppati per:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:55
msgid "Wildcard"
msgstr "Car. jolly"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:56
msgid "RegEx"
msgstr "Esp. regolare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:57
msgid "Wildcard Substr"
msgstr "Sottostringa car. jolly"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:58
msgid "RegEx Substr"
msgstr "Sottostringa esp. regolare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.cpp:97
msgid "Create Report..."
msgstr "Crea rapporto..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_net_inspector_base.h:72
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:781
msgid "Net Inspector"
msgstr "Ispettore collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:127
msgid "Select Netlist"
msgstr "Seleziona netlist"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:143
msgid "Please choose a valid netlist file."
msgstr "Scegliere un file netlist valido."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:149 pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:184
msgid "The netlist file does not exist."
msgstr "Il file netlist non esiste."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb.cpp:138
msgid "Changes Applied to PCB"
msgstr "Cambiamenti applicati al C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "Reading netlist file '%s'.\n"
msgstr "Lettura file netlist '%s'.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:223
msgid "Using reference designators to match symbols and footprints.\n"
msgstr "Uso dei riferimenti per associare componenti e impronte.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist.cpp:225
msgid "Using tstamps (unique IDs) to match symbols and footprints.\n"
msgstr ""
"Uso marcature temporali (ID univoci) per associare componenti e impronte.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:25
msgid "Netlist file:"
msgstr "File netlist:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:43
msgid "Link footprints using component tstamps (unique ids)"
msgstr ""
"Collega le impronte usando le marcature temporali dei componenti (id univoci)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:43
msgid "Link footprints using reference designators"
msgstr "Collega le impronte usando i riferimenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:45
msgid "Link Method"
msgstr "Metodo di collegamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:47
msgid ""
"Select whether to update footprint references to match their currently-"
"assigned symbols, or to re-assign footprints to symbols which match their "
"current references."
msgstr ""
"Selezionare se aggiornare i riferimenti impronte per farli corrispondere ai "
"simboli attualmente assegnati, o per riassegnare le impronte ai simboli che "
"corrispondono ai loro attuali riferimenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:54
msgid "Replace footprints with those specified in netlist"
msgstr "Rimpiazza le impronte con quelle specificate nella netlist"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:57
msgid "Delete footprints with no components in netlist"
msgstr "Cancella le impronte senza componenti nella netlist"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.cpp:60
msgid "Delete tracks shorting multiple nets"
msgstr "Cancella piste che mettono in corto più collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_netlist_base.h:67
msgid "Import Netlist"
msgstr "Importa netlist"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:57
msgid "Outline style:"
msgstr "Stile contorno:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.cpp:136
msgid "degree"
msgstr "gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_non_copper_zones_properties_base.h:84
msgid "Non Copper Zones Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà zone non in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:136
msgid "Ring"
msgstr "Anello"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:146
msgid "Center:"
msgstr "Centra:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:335
msgid "Polygon must have at least 3 corners"
msgstr "Un poligono deve avere almeno 3 vertici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:350
msgid "Polygon must have at least 3 corners after simplification"
msgstr "Un poligono deve avere almeno 3 vertici dopo la semplificazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:356
msgid "Polygon can not be self-intersecting"
msgstr "Un poligono non può essere auto intersecante"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:374
msgid "Note: redundant corners removed"
msgstr "Nota: vertici ridondanti rimossi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:400
msgid "Select a corner to add the new corner after."
msgstr "Selezionare un vertice per aggiungere un nuovo vertice."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_basicshapes_properties.cpp:435
msgid "Select a corner to delete."
msgstr "Selezionare un vertice da cancellare."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:168
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.h:265
msgid "Pad Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:175
msgid "Default Pad Properties for Add Pad Tool"
msgstr "Proprietà predefinite piazzola per lo strumento aggiungi piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:487
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s (%s), %s, rotated %g deg"
msgstr "Impronta %s (%s), %s, ruotata %g gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:490
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:244
msgid "back side (mirrored)"
msgstr "lato retro (speculare)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:490
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:244
msgid "front side"
msgstr "lato fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:691
msgid "width"
msgstr "larghezza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:698
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:704
msgid "from"
msgstr "da"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:699
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:705
msgid "to"
msgstr "a"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:710
msgid "center"
msgstr "centro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:711
msgid "start"
msgstr "inizio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:712
msgid "angle"
msgstr "angolo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:717
msgid "ring"
msgstr "anello"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:719
msgid "circle"
msgstr "cerchio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:722
msgid "radius"
msgstr "raggio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:728
#, c-format
msgid "corners count %d"
msgstr "conteggio vertici %d"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:913
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:284
msgid "All copper layers"
msgstr "Tutti gli strati rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:914
#, c-format
msgid "%s, %s and connected layers"
msgstr "%s, %s e strati connessi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:917
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:284
msgid "Connected layers only"
msgstr "Solo lo strati connessi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:922
#, c-format
msgid "%s and %s"
msgstr "%s e %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1228
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1233
msgid "Warning: Pad size is less than zero."
msgstr "Attenzione: dimensione piazzola minore di zero."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1258
msgid ""
"Warning: Pad drill will leave no copper or drill shape and pad shape do not "
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: foro piazzola più grande della dimensione della piazzola o forma "
"del foro e della piazzola che non si sovrappongono."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1264
msgid "Warning: Negative local clearance values will have no effect."
msgstr "Attenzione: i valori di distanza locale negativa non avranno effetto."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1281
msgid ""
"Warning: Negative solder mask clearances larger than some shape primitives. "
"Results may be surprising."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: le distanze negative della maschera di saldatura più grandi di "
"alcune primitive di forma. I risultati potrebbero essere sorprendenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1290
msgid ""
"Warning: Negative solder mask clearance larger than pad. No solder mask will "
"be generated."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: distanza maschera di saldatura negativa più grande della "
"piazzola. Non verrà generata nessuna maschera di saldatura."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1309
msgid ""
"Warning: Negative solder paste margins larger than pad. No solder paste mask "
"will be generated."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: margine pastasalda negativo più grande della piazzola. Non verrà "
"generata nessuna maschera di pastasalda."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1316
msgid "Error: pad has no layer."
msgstr "Errore: la piazzola non ha strati."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1322
msgid ""
"Warning: Plated through holes should normally have a copper pad on at least "
"one layer."
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: i fori metallizzati dovrebbero avere una piazzola in rame almeno "
"su uno strato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1328
msgid "Too large value for pad delta size."
msgstr "Valore troppo grante per la dimensione delta della piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1337
msgid "Warning: Through hole pad has no hole."
msgstr "Attenzione: piazzola passante non ha foro."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1344
msgid ""
"Warning: Connector pads normally have no solder paste. Use an SMD pad "
msgstr ""
"Attenzione: le piazzole del connettore normalmente non hanno pastasalda. "
"Usare piazzole SMD."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1354
msgid "Warning: SMD pad has no outer layers."
msgstr "Attenzione: la piazzola SMD non ha strati esterni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1363
msgid "Warning: Fiducial property makes no sense on NPTH pads."
msgstr "Attenzione: la proprietà allineatore non ha senso con piazzole NPTH."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1369
msgid "Warning: Testpoint property makes no sense on NPTH pads."
msgstr "Attenzione: la proprietà testpoint non ha senso con piazzole NPTH."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1375
msgid "Warning: Heatsink property makes no sense of NPTH pads."
msgstr "Attenzione: la proprietà dissipatore non ha senso per piazzole NPTH."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1381
msgid "Warning: Castellated property is for PTH pads."
msgstr "Attenzione: la proprietà dentellata è per piazzole PTH."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1387
msgid "Warning: BGA property is for SMD pads."
msgstr "Attenzione: la proprietà BGA è per piazzole SMD."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1396
msgid "Error: Negative corner size."
msgstr "Errore: dimensione angolo negativo."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1398
msgid "Warning: Corner size will make pad circular."
msgstr "Attenzione: la dimensione angolo renderà la piazzola circolare."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1408
msgid "Error: Custom pad shape must resolve to a single polygon."
msgstr ""
"Errore: la forma piazzola personalizzata deve risolvere un singolo poligono."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1414
msgid "Pad Properties Errors"
msgstr "Errori proprietà piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1415
msgid "Pad Properties Warnings"
msgstr "Avvertenze proprietà piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:1648
msgid "Modify pad"
msgstr "Modifica piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2032
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2175
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2209
msgid "No shape selected"
msgstr "Nessuna forma selezionata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2123
msgid "Ring/Circle"
msgstr "Anello/cerchio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2127
msgid "Shape type:"
msgstr "Tipo di forma:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties.cpp:2127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:796
msgid "Add Primitive"
msgstr "Aggiungi primitiva"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:36
msgid "Pad type:"
msgstr "Tipo piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:40 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1596
msgid "Through-hole"
msgstr "Foro passante"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:40
msgid "Edge Connector"
msgstr "Connettore a pettine"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:40
msgid "NPTH, Mechanical"
msgstr "NPTH, meccanico"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:40
msgid "SMD Aperture"
msgstr "Apertura SMD"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:46
msgid "Pad number:"
msgstr "Numero piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:83
msgid "Do not allow position of pad relative to parent footprint to be changed"
msgstr ""
"Non consentire la modifica della posizione della piazzola rispetto "
"all'impronta genitore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:105
msgid "Pad shape:"
msgstr "Forma piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:370
msgid "Circular"
msgstr "Tonda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:370 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1109
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1604
msgid "Oval"
msgstr "Ovale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Rectangular"
msgstr "Rettangolare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Trapezoidal"
msgstr "Trapezoidale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1606
msgid "Rounded rectangle"
msgstr "Rettangolo stondato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1607
msgid "Chamfered rectangle"
msgstr "Rettangolo smussato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Chamfered with other corners rounded"
msgstr "Smussato con altri spigoli arrotondati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Custom (circular base)"
msgstr "Personalizzata (base circolare)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:109
msgid "Custom (rectangular base)"
msgstr "Personalizzata (base rettangolare)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:127
msgid "Trapezoid delta:"
msgstr "Delta trapezio:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:138
msgid "Trapezoid axis:"
msgstr "Asse trapezio:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:288
msgid "Corner size:"
msgstr "Dimensione vertice:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:290
msgid ""
"Corner radius in percent of the pad width.\n"
"The width is the smaller value between size X and size Y.\n"
"The max value is 50 percent."
msgstr ""
"Raggio angolo in percentuale della larghezza piazzola.\n"
"La larghezza è il valore più piccolo tra la dimensione X e Y\n"
"Il valore massimo è il 50 percento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:172
msgid "Corner radius:"
msgstr "Raggio angolo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:174
msgid ""
"Corner radius.\n"
"Can be no more than half pad width.\n"
"The width is the smaller value between size X and size Y.\n"
"Note: IPC norm gives a max value = 0.25mm."
msgstr ""
"Raggio angolo.\n"
"Non può essere più di metà larghezza piazzola.\n"
"La larghezza è il valore più piccolo tra la dimensione X e Y\n"
"Nota: la norma IPC dà valore massimo = 0.25mm."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:247
msgid "Chamfer size:"
msgstr "Dimensione smusso:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:199
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:249
msgid ""
"Chamfer size in percent of the pad width.\n"
"The width is the smaller value between size X and size Y.\n"
"The max value is 50 percent."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione smusso in percentuale alla larghezza piazzola.\n"
"La larghezza è il valore più piccolo tra la dimensione X e Y\n"
"Il valore massimo è il 50 percento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:210
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:260
msgid "Chamfer corners:"
msgstr "Smussi:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:212
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:262
msgid ""
"Chamfered corners. The position is relative to a pad orientation 0 degree."
msgstr ""
"Angoli smussati. La posizione è relativa ad una piazzola, orientamento 0 "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:219
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:269
msgid "Top left"
msgstr "In alto a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:273
msgid "Top right"
msgstr "In alto a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:226
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:276
msgid "Bottom left"
msgstr "Angolo inferiore sinistro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:229
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:279
msgid "Bottom right"
msgstr "In basso a destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:314
msgid "Pad size X:"
msgstr "Dimensioni X piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:342
msgid "90"
msgstr "90"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:366
msgid "Hole shape:"
msgstr "Forma foro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:376
msgid "Hole size X:"
msgstr "Dimensione X foro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:410
msgid "Offset shape from hole"
msgstr "Spostamento forma dal foro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:460
msgid "Specify pad to die length"
msgstr "Lunghezza da piazzola a die"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:495
msgid ""
"Parent footprint on board is flipped.\n"
"Layers will be reversed."
msgstr ""
"L'impronta genitore sulla scheda è speculare.\n"
"Gli strati verranno invertiti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:515
msgid "Front adhesive"
msgstr "Adesivo fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:518
msgid "Back adhesive"
msgstr "Adesivo retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:521
msgid "Front solder paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:524
msgid "Back solder paste"
msgstr "Pasta salda retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:530
msgid "Back silk screen"
msgstr "Serigrafia retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:536
msgid "Back solder mask"
msgstr "Maschera di saldatura retro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:539
msgid "Drafting notes"
msgstr "Note di stesura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:542
msgid "E.C.O.1"
msgstr "E.C.O.1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:545
msgid "E.C.O.2"
msgstr "E.C.O.2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:551
msgid "Fabrication Property:"
msgstr "Proprietà fabbricazione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:553
msgid ""
"Optional property to specify a special purpose or constraint in fabrication "
"BGA attribute is for pads in BGA footprints\n"
"Fiducial local is a fiducial for the parent footprint\n"
"Fiducial global is a fiducial for the whole board\n"
"Test Point pad is useful to specify test points in Gerber files\n"
"Heatsink pad specify a thermal pad\n"
"Castellated specify castellated through hole pads on a board edge\n"
"These properties are specified in Gerber X2 files."
msgstr ""
"Proprietà opzionale per specificare uno scopo o un vincolo speciali nei file "
"per la fabbricazione:\n"
"L'attributo BGA è per le piazzole nelle impronte BGA (Ball Grid Array)\n"
"Allineatore locale è un allineatore (fiducial) per le impronte genitori\n"
"Allineatore globale è un allineatore (fiducial) per l'intera scheda\n"
"Piazzola di test è utile per i specificare punti di test nei file Gerber\n"
"Piazzola dissipatore specifica una piazzola termica\n"
"Dentellata specifica piazzole di fori passanti sul bordo della scheda "
"Questa proprietà vengono specificate nei file Gerber X2."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1612
msgid "BGA pad"
msgstr "Piazzola BGA"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1614
msgid "Fiducial, local to footprint"
msgstr "Allineatore, da locale a impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1613
msgid "Fiducial, global to board"
msgstr "Allineatore, da globale a scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1615
msgid "Test point pad"
msgstr "piazzola punto di test"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1616
msgid "Heatsink pad"
msgstr "Piazzola dissipatore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:560
msgid "Castellated pad (through hole only)"
msgstr "Piazzola castellata (solo fori passanti)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:585
msgid "Set values to 0 to use parent footprint or netclass values."
msgstr ""
"Imposta i valori a 0 per usare valori delle impronte genitori o della "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:605
msgid ""
"This is the local net clearance for this pad.\n"
"If 0, the footprint local value or the Netclass value is used."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il valore locale di distanza collegamenti per la piazzola.\n"
"Se a 0, verrà usato il valore locale dell'impronta o della netclass."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:618
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between this pad and the solder mask.\n"
"If 0, the footprint local value or the global value is used."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il valore locale di distanza tra questa piazzola e la maschera di "
"Se a 0, verrà usato il valore locale dell'impronta o il valore globale."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:631
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance between this pad and the solder paste.\n"
"If 0, the footprint value or the global value is used.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value "
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la distanza locale tra questa piazzola e la pasta salda.\n"
"Se a 0 verrà usato il valore locale dell'impronta o il valore globale.\n"
"La distanza finale sarà la somma di questo valore e il rapporto del valore "
"di distanza.\n"
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore dalla maschera rispetto alla "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:644
msgid ""
"This is the local clearance ratio in percent between this pad and the solder "
"A value of 10 means the clearance value is 10 percent of the pad size.\n"
"If 0, the footprint value or the global value is used.\n"
"The final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value.\n"
"A negative value means a smaller mask size than pad size."
msgstr ""
"Questo è il locale rapporto in percentuale di distanza tra questa piazzola e "
"la pasta salda.\n"
"Il valore 10 indica che il valore di distanza è il 10% delle dimensioni "
"della piazzola.\n"
"Se a 0 verrà usato il valore dell'impronta o il valore globale.\n"
"La distanza finale sarà data dalla somma di questo valore e il valore di "
"Un valore negativo indica una dimensione minore dalla maschera rispetto alla "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:711
msgid "Pad connection:"
msgstr "Connessione piazzola:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:715
msgid "From parent footprint"
msgstr "Da impronta genitore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:724
msgid "Thermal relief spoke width:"
msgstr "Larghezza raggi supporti termici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:746
msgid "Custom pad shape in zone:"
msgstr "Forma piazzola personalizzata in zona:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:750
msgid "Use pad shape"
msgstr "Usa forma piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:750
msgid "Use pad convex hull"
msgstr "Usa piazzola convessa"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:776
msgid "Primitives list:"
msgstr "Elenco primitive:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:780
msgid "Note: coordinates are relative to anchor pad, orientation 0."
msgstr ""
"Nota: le coordinate sono relative alla piazzola di ancoraggio, orientamento "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:799
msgid "Edit Primitive"
msgstr "Modifica primitiva"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:802
msgid "Duplicate Primitive"
msgstr "Duplica primitiva"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:805
msgid "Transform Primitive"
msgstr "Primitiva di trasformazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:811
msgid "Delete Primitive"
msgstr "Cancella primitiva"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:824
msgid "Custom Shape Primitives"
msgstr "Primitive di forme personalizzate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:961
msgid "Preview pad in sketch mode"
msgstr "Anteprima piazzola in modalità schizzo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1119
msgid "Start point"
msgstr "Punto iniziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1145
msgid "Control point 1"
msgstr "Punto di controllo 1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1171
msgid "Control point 2"
msgstr "Punto di controllo 2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1197
msgid "End point"
msgstr "Punto finale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1307
msgid "Move vector"
msgstr "Sposta vettore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1356
msgid "Scaling factor:"
msgstr "Fattore di scala:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1378
msgid "Duplicate:"
msgstr "Duplica:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.cpp:1546
msgid "Coordinates are relative to anchor pad, rotated 0.0 deg."
msgstr "Le coordinate sono relative alla piazzola di ancoraggio, rotazione 0°"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.h:354
msgid "Pad Custom Shape Geometry Transform"
msgstr "Trasformazione geometria piazzola di forma personalizzata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pad_properties_base.h:394
msgid "Basic Shape Polygon"
msgstr "Poligono di forma base"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:69
msgid "Generate Drill Files..."
msgstr "Genera file forature..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:677
msgid "HPGL pen size constrained."
msgstr "Dimensioni penna HPGL vincolata."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:695
msgid "X scale constrained."
msgstr "Scala X vincolata."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:707
msgid "Y scale constrained."
msgstr "Scala Y vincolata."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:723
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Width correction constrained. The reasonable width correction value must be "
"in a range of [%s; %s] (%s) for current design rules."
msgstr ""
"Correzione larghezza vincolata. La ragionevole correzione del valore della "
"larghezza deve essere compresa tra [%s; %s] (%s) per le attuali regole di "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:802
msgid "No layer selected, Nothing to plot"
msgstr "Nessun strato selezionato, niente da tracciare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:857
msgid "Warning: Scale option set to a very small value"
msgstr "Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto basso"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot.cpp:860
msgid "Warning: Scale option set to a very large value"
msgstr "Attenzione: scala impostata ad un valore molto alto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:23
msgid "Plot format:"
msgstr "Formato tracciatura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:54
msgid "Include Layers"
msgstr "Includi strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:75
msgid "Plot border and title block"
msgstr "Traccia squadratura e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:80
msgid "Plot footprint values"
msgstr "Traccia i valori impronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:84
msgid "Plot reference designators"
msgstr "Traccia i riferimenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:88
msgid "Force plotting of invisible values / refs"
msgstr "Forza la stampa di valori / riferimenti invisibili"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:89
msgid "Force plot invisible footprint values and reference designators"
msgstr "Forza la tracciatura di valori impronte e riferimenti invisibili"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:93
msgid "Plot Edge.Cuts on all layers"
msgstr "Traccia Edge.Cuts su tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "Plot the contents of the PCB edge layer on all layers"
msgstr ""
"Non tracciare il contenuto dello strato di bordo scheda su nessun altro "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:98
msgid "Sketch pads on fabrication layers"
msgstr "Schizza piazzole su strati fab"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:99
msgid "Include pad outlines on F.Fab and B.Fab layers when plotting"
msgstr ""
"Include le delineature delle piazzole sugli strati F.Fab e B.Fab durante la "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:103
msgid "Do not tent vias"
msgstr "Non coprire i via (tent)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:104
msgid "Remove soldermask on vias"
msgstr "Rimuovi maschera di saldatura sui via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:109
msgid ""
"Use the drill/place file origin as the coordinate origin for plotted files"
msgstr ""
"Usa l'origine del file posizionamenti/forature come coordinate di origine "
"nei file tracciati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:234
msgid "Drill marks:"
msgstr "Marcatori foratura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:117
msgid "Actual size"
msgstr "Dimensione attuale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:123
msgid "Scaling:"
msgstr "Scala:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:127
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:127
msgid "3:2"
msgstr "3:2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:127
msgid "2:1"
msgstr "2:1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:127
msgid "3:1"
msgstr "3:1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:133
msgid "Plot mode:"
msgstr "Modalità di tracciatura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:137
msgid "Filled"
msgstr "Pieno"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:137
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Schizzo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:143
msgid "Mirrored plot"
msgstr "Tracciatura speculare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:146
msgid "Negative plot"
msgstr "Tracciatura in negativo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:149
msgid "Check zone fills before plotting"
msgstr "Verifica riempimento zone prima della tracciatura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:169
msgid "Global solder mask minimum width and/or margin are not set to 0. "
msgstr ""
"Margine e/o larghezza minima maschera di saldatura globale non sono "
"impostate a 0. "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:173
msgid ""
"Most board manufacturers expect 0 and use their own constraints for solder "
"mask minimum width."
msgstr ""
"Molti fabbricanti di C.S. si aspettano 0 e usano i propri limiti per la "
"larghezza minima della maschera di saldatura."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:183
msgid "Board setup"
msgstr "Impostazione scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:184
msgid "File > Board Setup..."
msgstr "File > Impostazione scheda..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:197
msgid "Gerber Options"
msgstr "Opzioni Gerber"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:204
msgid "Use Protel filename extensions"
msgstr "Usa le estensioni dei nomi file Protel"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:205
msgid ""
"Use Protel Gerber extensions (.GBL, .GTL, etc...)\n"
"No longer recommended. The official extension is .gbr"
msgstr ""
"L'uso delle estensione Gerber Protel (.GBL, .GTL, ecc. ...)\n"
"Non è più raccomandato. Il suffisso ufficiale è .gbr"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:210
msgid "Generate Gerber job file"
msgstr "Genera file di lavoro Gerber"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:212
msgid ""
"Generate a Gerber job file that contains info about the board,\n"
"and the list of generated Gerber plot files"
msgstr ""
"Genera un file di lavoro Gerber che contiene informazioni sulla scheda,\n"
"e l'elenco dei file Gerber generati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:216
msgid "Subtract soldermask from silkscreen"
msgstr "Sottrai maschera di saldatura dalla serigrafia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:217
msgid "Remove silkscreen from areas without soldermask"
msgstr "Rimuovi serigrafia dalle aree non coperte dalla maschera di saldatura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:221
msgid "Coordinate format:"
msgstr "Formato coordinate:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:225
msgid "4.5, unit mm"
msgstr "4.5, unità mm"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:225
msgid "4.6, unit mm"
msgstr "4.6, unità mm"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:231
msgid "Use extended X2 format (recommended)"
msgstr "Usa formato esteso X2 (raccomandato)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:232
msgid ""
"Use X2 Gerber file format.\n"
"Include mainly X2 attributes in Gerber headers.\n"
"If not checked, use X1 format.\n"
"In X1 format, these attributes are included as comments in files."
msgstr ""
"Usa il formato file Gerber X2.\n"
"Include principalmente attributi X2 nelle intestazioni Gerber.\n"
"Se non selezionata, usa il formato X1.\n"
"Nel formato X1, questi attributi sono inclusi nei file come commenti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:236
msgid "Include netlist attributes"
msgstr "Includi gli attributi netlist"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:237
msgid ""
"Include netlist metadata and aperture attributes in Gerber files.\n"
"They are comments in the X1 format.\n"
"Used to check connectivity in CAM tools and Gerber viewers."
msgstr ""
"Include i metadati della netlist e gli attributi delle aperture nei file "
"Nel formato X1, questi sono commenti.\n"
"Usata per controllare la connettività negli strumenti CAM e nei "
"visualizzatori Gerber."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:241
msgid "Disable aperture macros (not recommended)"
msgstr "Disabilita macro aperture (non raccomandato)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:242
msgid ""
"Disable aperture macros in Gerber files\n"
"Use *only* for broken Gerber viewers."
msgstr ""
"Disabilita macro aperture nei file Gerber\n"
"Usare *solo* per visualizzatori Gerber difettosi."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:256
msgid "Default pen size:"
msgstr "Spessore penna predefinito:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:273
msgid "Postscript Options"
msgstr "Opzioni Postscript"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:283
msgid "X scale factor:"
msgstr "Fattore di scala X:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:288
msgid "Set global X scale adjust for exact scale PostScript output."
msgstr ""
"Imposta la regolazione della scala globale X per una tracciatura in scala "
"esatta Postscript."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:295
msgid "Y scale factor:"
msgstr "Fattore di scala Y:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:300
msgid "Set global Y scale adjust for exact scale PostScript output."
msgstr ""
"Imposta la regolazione della scala globale Y per una tracciatura in scala "
"esatta Postscript."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:307
msgid "Track width correction:"
msgstr "Correzione larghezza pista:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:312
msgid ""
"Set global width correction for exact width PostScript output.\n"
"These width correction is intended to compensate tracks width and also pads "
"and vias size errors.\n"
"The reasonable width correction value must be in a range of [-"
"(MinTrackWidth-1), +(MinClearanceValue-1)]."
msgstr ""
"Imposta la correzione globale della larghezza per l'esatta larghezza "
"dell'uscita postscript.\n"
"Questa correzione intende compensare gli errori di dimensioni di piste, "
"piazzole e via.\n"
"Il valore ragionevole di correzione deve essere compreso tra [-"
"(MinTrackWidth-1), +(MinClearanceValue-1)]."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:323
msgid "Force A4 output"
msgstr "Forza formato A4"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:329
msgid "DXF Options"
msgstr "Opzioni DXF"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:334
msgid "Plot graphic items using their contours"
msgstr "Disegna gli elementi grafici usando i loro profili"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:336
msgid "Uncheck to plot graphic items using their center lines"
msgstr "Deselezionare per tracciare gli elementi grafici usando i loro centri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:340
msgid "Use KiCad font to plot text"
msgstr "Usa font KiCad per tracciare il testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:341
msgid ""
"Check to use KiCad stroke font\n"
"Uncheck to plot single-line ASCII texts as editable text (using DXF font)"
msgstr ""
"Selezionare per usare i font di tracciatura KiCad\n"
"Deselezionare per tracciare i testi ASCII uniriga come testi modificabili "
"(usando font DXF)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:354
msgid "Export units:"
msgstr "Esporta unità:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:362
msgid "The units to use for the exported DXF file"
msgstr "Le unità da usare per il file DXF esportato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:372
msgid "SVG Options"
msgstr "Opzioni SVG"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:378
msgid "Millimeter"
msgstr "Millimetri"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:382
msgid ""
"The units that are used for a SVG user units.\n"
"Choose Millimeter when you are not sure."
msgstr ""
"Le unità usate per unità SVG utente.\n"
"Nel dubbio scegliere Millimetri."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:394
msgid ""
"How big a SVG user unit is.\n"
"The number defines how many digits are exported that are below 1 mm or 1 "
"User unit is 10^-<N> mm or 10^-<N> inch.\n"
"Choose 6 if you are not sure."
msgstr ""
"La grandezza di una unità utente SVG.\n"
"Il numero definisce quante cifre vengano esportate sotto 1 mm o 1 pollice.\n"
"L'unità utente è 10^-<N> mm o 10^-<N> pollici.\n"
"Scegliere 6 nel dubbio."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:420
msgid "Run DRC..."
msgstr "Avvia DRC..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:423
#, c-format
msgid "(%d known DRC violations; %d exclusions)"
msgstr "(%d violazioni DRC conosciute; %d esclusioni)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:447
msgid "Select Fab Layers"
msgstr "Seleziona strati fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:451
msgid "Select all Copper Layers"
msgstr "Seleziona tutti gli strati in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:455
msgid "Deselect all Copper Layers"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutti gli strati in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:459
msgid "Select all Layers"
msgstr "Seleziona tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_plot_base.cpp:463
msgid "Deselect all Layers"
msgstr "Deseleziona tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions.cpp:55
msgid "Trace gap must be greater than 0."
msgstr "Lo spazio piste deve essere maggiore di 0."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:58
msgid "u"
msgstr "u"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:36
msgid "Trace gap:"
msgstr "Spazio piste:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:47
msgid "Via gap:"
msgstr "Spazio via:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.cpp:67
msgid "Via gap same as trace gap"
msgstr "Spazio via uguale allo spazio piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_diff_pair_dimensions_base.h:60
msgid "Differential Pair Dimensions"
msgstr "Dimensioni coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings.cpp:79
msgid "Single Track Length Tuning"
msgstr "Regolazione lunghezza pista singola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings.cpp:85
msgid "Differential Pair Length Tuning"
msgstr "Regolazione lunghezza coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings.cpp:91
msgid "Differential Pair Skew Tuning"
msgstr "Regolazione skew coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings.cpp:93
msgid "Target skew:"
msgstr "Skew obiettivo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:22
msgid "Length / Skew"
msgstr "Lunghezza / skew"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:30
msgid "Tune from:"
msgstr "Regola da:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:46
msgid "Tune to:"
msgstr "Regola a:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:62
msgid "Constraint:"
msgstr "Vincolo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:68
msgid "From Design Rules"
msgstr "Dalle regole di progettazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:80
msgid "Target length:"
msgstr "Lunghezza obiettivo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:98
msgid "Meandering"
msgstr "Serpeggiamento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:109
msgid "Min amplitude (Amin):"
msgstr "Ampiezza min (Amin):"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:120
msgid "Max amplitude (Amax):"
msgstr "Ampiezza max (Amax):"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:131
msgid "Min spacing (s):"
msgstr "Spaziatura min (s):"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:136
msgid ""
"Minimum spacing between adjacent meander segments. The resulting spacing may "
"be greater based on design rules."
msgstr ""
"Spaziatura minima tra segmenti adiacenti. La spaziatura risultante può "
"essere maggiore in base alle regole di progettazione."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:144
msgid "Miter style:"
msgstr "Stile angolatura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:148
msgid "45 degree"
msgstr "45 gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:148
msgid "arc"
msgstr "arco"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.cpp:157
msgid "Miter radius (r):"
msgstr "Raggio angolatura (r):"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_length_tuning_settings_base.h:74
msgid "Trace Length Tuning"
msgstr "Regolazione lunghezza pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings.cpp:34
msgid "DRC violation: highlight obstacles"
msgstr "Violazione DRC: evidenzia ostacoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings.cpp:35
msgid "DRC violation: shove tracks and vias"
msgstr "Violazione DRC: sposta tracce e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings.cpp:36
msgid "DRC violation: walk around obstacles"
msgstr "Violazione DRC: evita gli ostacoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:19
msgid "Highlight collisions"
msgstr "Evidenzia collisioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:19
msgid "Shove"
msgstr "Compatta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:19
msgid "Walk around"
msgstr "Aggira"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:21
msgid "Mode"
msgstr "Modalità"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:28
msgid "Free angle mode (no shove/walkaround)"
msgstr "Modalità angolo libero (nessun compattamento/aggiramento)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:31
msgid "Shove vias"
msgstr "Spingi via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:33
msgid ""
"When disabled, vias are treated as un-movable objects and hugged instead of "
msgstr ""
"Se disabilitata, i via vengono trattati come oggetti inamovibili ed evitati "
"invece che spostati."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:37
msgid "Jump over obstacles"
msgstr "Salta sopra gli ostacoli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:38
msgid ""
"When enabled, the router tries to move colliding traces behind solid "
"obstacles (e.g. pads) instead of \"reflecting\" back the collision"
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, lo sbrogliatore cerca di spostare le piste collidenti dietro "
"gli ostacoli pieni (per esempio le piazzole) invece che \"riflettere\" "
"indietro la collisione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:42
msgid "Remove redundant tracks"
msgstr "Elimina piste ridondanti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:43
msgid ""
"Removes loops while routing (e.g. if the new track ensures same connectivity "
"as an already existing one, the old track is removed).\n"
"Loop removal works locally (only between the start and end of the currently "
"routed trace)."
msgstr ""
"Rimuove gli anelli durante lo sbroglio (cioè se la nuova pista assicura la "
"stessa connettività di una già esistente, la vecchia viene rimossa).\n"
"La rimozione anelli lavora localmente (solo tra l'inizio e la fine della "
"pista sbrogliata correntemente)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:47
msgid "Optimize pad connections"
msgstr "Ottimizza le connessioni piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:48
msgid ""
"When enabled, the router tries to break out pads/vias in a clean way, "
"avoiding acute angles and jagged breakout traces."
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, lo sbrogliatore tenta di dividere piazzole/via in modo pulito, "
"evitando angoli acuti e tracce spigolose."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:52
msgid "Smooth dragged segments"
msgstr "Arrotonda segmenti seghettati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:53
msgid ""
"When enabled, the router attempts to merge several jagged segments into a "
"single straight one (dragging mode)."
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata lo sbrogliatore tenta di fondere più segmenti seghettati in un "
"singolo tratto rettilineo (modalità trascinamento)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:57
msgid "Allow DRC violations"
msgstr "Permetti violazioni DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:58
msgid ""
"(Highlight collisions mode only) - allows one to establish a track even if "
"is violating the DRC rules."
msgstr ""
"(Modalità solo evidenziazione collisioni) - permette di stendere una pista "
"anche se questa sta violando le regole DRC."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:62
msgid "Suggest track finish"
msgstr "Suggerisci fine pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:67
msgid "Optimize entire track being dragged"
msgstr "Ottimizza l'intera pista trascinata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:68
msgid ""
"When enabled, the entire portion of the track that is visible on the screen "
"will be optimized and re-routed when a segment is dragged. When disabled, "
"only the area near the segment being dragged will be optimized."
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, l'intera porzione della traccia visibile sullo schermo verrà "
"ottimizzata e ri-sbrogliata quando viene trascinato un segmento. Se "
"disabilitata, verrà ottimizzata solo l'area vicino al segmento che si sta "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:72
msgid "Use mouse path to set track posture"
msgstr "Usa il percorso mouse per impostare la postura della pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:73
msgid ""
"When enabled, the posture of tracks will be guided by how the mouse is moved "
"from the starting location"
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, la postura delle piste sarà guidata dal modo in cui il mouse "
"viene spostato dalla posizione di partenza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:77
msgid "Fix all segments on click"
msgstr "Fissa tutti i segmenti al clic"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.cpp:78
msgid ""
"When enabled, all track segments will be fixed in place up to the cursor "
"location. When disabled, the last segment (closest to the cursor) will "
"remain free and follow the cursor."
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, tutti i segmenti di traccia verranno fissati sul posto fino "
"alla posizione del cursore. Se disabilitata, l'ultimo segmento (più vicino "
"al puntatore) rimarrà libero e seguirà il puntatore."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_pns_settings_base.h:61
msgid "Interactive Router Settings"
msgstr "Impostazioni sbroglio interattivo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:165
msgid "Reset to the current distance from the reference position."
msgstr "Reimposta alla distanza corrente dalla posizione di riferimento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:166
msgid "Reset to the current angle from the reference position."
msgstr "Reimposta all'angolo corrente dalla posizione di riferimento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:67
msgid "Offset X:"
msgstr "Scostamento X:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:84
msgid "Offset Y:"
msgstr "Scostamento Y:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:173
msgid "Reset to the current X offset from the reference position."
msgstr "Reimposta allo spostamento X corrente dalla posizione di riferimento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:174
msgid "Reset to the current Y offset from the reference position."
msgstr "Reimposta allo spostamento Y corrente dalla posizione di riferimento."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:240
msgid "Reference location: grid origin"
msgstr "Posizione riferimento: origine griglia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:249
msgid "Reference location: local coordinates origin"
msgstr "Posizione riferimento: origine coordinate locali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative.cpp:255
msgid "<none selected>"
msgstr "<nessuno selezionato>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:22
msgid "Reference item: <none selected>"
msgstr "Elemento di riferimento: <nessuno selezionato>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:35
msgid "Use Local Origin"
msgstr "Usa origine locale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:38
msgid "Use Grid Origin"
msgstr "Usa origine griglia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:41
msgid "Select Item..."
msgstr "Seleziona elemento..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.cpp:42
msgid ""
"Click and select a board item.\n"
"The anchor position will be the position of the selected item."
msgstr ""
"Fare clic es selezionare un elemento della scheda.\n"
"La posizione di ancoraggio sarà la posizione dell'elemento selezionato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_position_relative_base.h:73
msgid "Position Relative To Reference Item"
msgstr "Posiziona relativa all'elemento di riferimento"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:207
msgid "Print according to objects tab of appearance manager"
msgstr "Stampa secondo la scheda oggetti del gestore aspetto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:235
msgid "No drill mark"
msgstr "Nessuna foratura"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:236
msgid "Small mark"
msgstr "Foratura ridotta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_print_pcbnew.cpp:237
msgid "Real drill"
msgstr "Foratura reale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:21
msgid "Select Manufacturer"
msgstr "Seleziona fabbricante"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:25
#, c-format
msgid "from %s"
msgstr "da %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:29
#, c-format
msgid "Details: %s"
msgstr "Dettagli: %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:33
msgid "Send project directly"
msgstr "Invia progetto direttamente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:37
msgid "Sends production files to manufacturer from KiCad"
msgstr "Invia i file di produzione al fabbricante da KiCad"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.cpp:41
msgid "Produce PCB"
msgstr "Produci C.S."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_produce_pcb_base.h:44
msgid "Send PCB for production"
msgstr "Invia il C.S. per la produzione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties.cpp:51
msgid "Change Pads on Current Footprint"
msgstr "Cambia piazzole nell'impronta corrente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties.cpp:56
msgid "Change Pads on Identical Footprints"
msgstr "Cambia piazzole di impronte identiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:25
msgid "Do not modify pads having a different shape"
msgstr "Non modificare le piazzole con forme differenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:28
msgid "Do not modify pads having different layers"
msgstr "Non modificare piazzole di strati diversi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:31
msgid "Do not modify pads having a different orientation"
msgstr "Non modificare piazzole con diversi orientamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.cpp:34
msgid "Do not modify pads having a different type"
msgstr "Non modificare le piazzole un tipo diverso"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_push_pad_properties_base.h:51
msgid "Push Pad Properties"
msgstr "Applica proprietà piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties.cpp:154
msgid "No layers selected."
msgstr "Nessuno strato selezionato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:25
msgid "Layers:"
msgstr "Strati:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:41
msgid "Basic rules:"
msgstr "Regole di base:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:48
msgid "Keep out tracks"
msgstr "Piste proibite"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:49
msgid "Prevent tracks from routing into this area"
msgstr "Impedisce lo sbroglio piste in quest'area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:53
msgid "Keep out vias"
msgstr "Via proibiti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:54
msgid "Prevent vias from being placed in this area"
msgstr "Impedisce il posizionamento di via in quest'area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:58
msgid "Keep out pads"
msgstr "Piazzole proibite"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:59
msgid "Raise a DRC error if a pad overlaps this area"
msgstr "Solleva un errore DRC se una piazzola tocca quest'area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:63
msgid "Keep out copper fill"
msgstr "Riempimenti rame proibiti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:64
msgid "Zones will not fill copper into this area"
msgstr "Le zone non effettueranno riempimenti in rame in quest'area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:68
msgid "Keep out footprints"
msgstr "Impronte proibite"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:69
msgid "Raise a DRC error if a footprint courtyard overlaps this area"
msgstr "Solleva un errore DRC se il contorno di un'impronta tocca quest'area"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:79
msgid "Area name:"
msgstr "Nome area:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:89
msgid "A unique name for this rule area for use in DRC rules"
msgstr "Un nome univoco per questa area regola per l'uso in DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:96
msgid "Constrain outline to H, V and 45 deg"
msgstr "Limita i contorni a O, V e 45 gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.cpp:97
#, fuzzy
msgid "Draw the area using horizontal, vertical and 45 degree lines only"
msgstr ""
"Il disegno dell'area è consentito solo orizzontalmente, verticalmente e a 45 "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_rule_area_properties_base.h:67
msgid "Rule Area Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà area regola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_swap_layers.cpp:48
msgid "Move items on:"
msgstr "Sposta elementi su:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_swap_layers.cpp:49
msgid "To layer:"
msgstr "Allo strato:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_swap_layers_base.h:48
msgid "Swap Layers"
msgstr "Scambia strati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties.cpp:109
msgid "Modified alignment target"
msgstr "Obiettivo di allineamento modificato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:50
msgid "Shape:"
msgstr "Forma:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:54
msgid "+"
msgstr "+"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.cpp:54
msgid "X"
msgstr "X"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_target_properties_base.h:54
msgid "Target Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà obiettivo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:82
msgid "Footprint Reference Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà riferimento impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:83
msgid "Footprint Value Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà valore impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:84
msgid "Footprint Text Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà testo impronta"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:89
msgid "Reference:"
msgstr "Riferimento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:241
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s (%s), %s, rotated %.1f deg"
msgstr "Impronta %s (%s), %s, ruotata %.1f gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:345
msgid ""
"The text thickness is too large for the text size.\n"
"It will be clamped."
msgstr ""
"Lo spessore del testo è troppo grande per le dimensioni del testo.\n"
"Verrà tagliato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties.cpp:368
msgid "Change text properties"
msgstr "Cambia proprietà del testo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:58
msgid "Enter the text placed on selected layer."
msgstr "Posizionare il testo sullo strato selezionato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:212
msgid "Keep text upright"
msgstr "Mantieni testo in verticale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_text_properties_base.cpp:228
msgid "Parent footprint description"
msgstr "Descrizione impronta genitore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:358
#, c-format
msgid "Changing the net will also update %s pad %s to %s."
msgstr "Cambiare la net aggiornerà anche %s piazzola %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:367
#, c-format
msgid "Changing the net will also update %s pad %s and %s pad %s to %s."
msgstr "Cambiare la net aggiornerà anche %s piazzola %s e %s piazzola %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:376
#, c-format
msgid "Changing the net will also update %lu connected pads to %s."
msgstr "Cambiare la net aggiornerà anche %lu piazzole connesse a %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:382
msgid "Change Nets"
msgstr "Cambia le net"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:382
msgid "Leave Nets Unchanged"
msgstr "Lascia le net non modificate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:403
msgid "Via hole size must be smaller than via diameter"
msgstr "La dimensione del foro del via deve essere minore del diametro del via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:412
msgid "Via start layer and end layer cannot be the same"
msgstr "Gli strati di inizio e di fine via non possono essere uguali"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:570
msgid "Edit track/via properties"
msgstr "Modifica le proprietà pista/via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties.cpp:635
msgid "Updating nets"
msgstr "Aggiornamento net"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:35
msgid "Automatically update via nets"
msgstr "Aggiorna automaticamente via net"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:36
msgid ""
"Automatically change the net of this via when the pads or zones it touches "
"are changed"
msgstr ""
"Cambia automaticamente la net di questo via quando le piazzole o zone che "
"tocca vengono cambiate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:60
msgid "Start point X:"
msgstr "Punto iniziale X:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:71
msgid "Start point Y:"
msgstr "Punto iniziale Y:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:82
msgid "End point X:"
msgstr "Punto finale X:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:93
msgid "End point Y:"
msgstr "Punto finale Y:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:104
msgid "Pre-defined widths:"
msgstr "Larghezze predefinite:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:25
msgid "Track width:"
msgstr "Larghezza pista:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:131
msgid "Use net class widths"
msgstr "Usa larghezze net class"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:192
msgid "Pre-defined sizes:"
msgstr "Dimensioni predefinite:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:205
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:36
msgid "Via diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro via:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:216
msgid "Via hole:"
msgstr "Foro via:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:230
msgid "Use net class sizes"
msgstr "Usa dimensioni net class"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:251
msgid "Via type:"
msgstr "Tipo via:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1131
msgid "Through"
msgstr "Passante"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1133
msgid "Micro"
msgstr "Micro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1132
msgid "Blind/buried"
msgstr "Cieco/sepolto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:263
msgid "Start layer:"
msgstr "Strato iniziale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:270
msgid "End layer:"
msgstr "Strato finale:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:280
msgid "Annular rings:"
msgstr "Anelli:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.cpp:284
msgid "Start, end, and connected layers"
msgstr "Inizio, fine, e strati connessi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_properties_base.h:114
msgid "Track & Via Properties"
msgstr "Proprietà piste e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size.cpp:58
msgid "Via drill size must be smaller than via diameter"
msgstr "La dimensione del foro via deve essere minore del diametro via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.cpp:47
msgid "Via drill:"
msgstr "Foro via:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_track_via_size_base.h:54
msgid "Track Width and Via Size"
msgstr "Larghezza piste e dimensioni via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers.cpp:146
msgid "Set Unused Pad Properties"
msgstr "Imposta proprietà piazzola non usata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:26
msgid "&Vias"
msgstr "&Via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:26
msgid "&Pads"
msgstr "&Piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:32
msgid "&Remove unused layers"
msgstr "&Rimuovi strati non usati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:32
msgid "Res&tore unused layers"
msgstr "Ripris&tina strati non usati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:38
msgid "&Selection only"
msgstr "&Solo selezione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.cpp:41
msgid "Keep &outside layers"
msgstr "Mantieni strati &esterni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_unused_pad_layers_base.h:58
msgid "Remove Unused Pads"
msgstr "Rimuovi piazzole inutilizzate"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:32
msgid "Delete footprints with no symbols"
msgstr "Cancella impronte senza simboli"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:33
msgid ""
"Remove from the board unlocked footprints which are not linked to a "
"schematic symbol."
msgstr ""
"Rimuove dalla scheda le impronte non bloccate se non sono collegate ad un "
"simbolo dello schema."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:37
msgid "Replace footprints with those specified in the schematic"
msgstr "Rimpiazza le impronte con quelle specificate nello schema"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.cpp:39
msgid ""
"Normally footprints on the board should be changed to match footprint "
"assignment changes made in the schematic. Uncheck this only if you don't "
"want to change existing footprints on the board."
msgstr ""
"Normalmente le impronte sulla scheda dovrebbero essere cambiate per farle "
"corrispondere ai cambiamenti di assegnamenti impronte effettuati nello "
"schema elettrico. Deselezionare questa opzione solo se non si vuole cambiare "
"le impronte esistenti sulla scheda."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_update_pcb_base.h:53
msgid "Update PCB from Schematic"
msgstr "Aggiorna C.S. dallo schema"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:37
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "Do not show"
msgstr "Non mostrare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:37
msgid "Show on pads"
msgstr "Mostra sulle piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:37
msgid "Show on tracks"
msgstr "Mostra sulle piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:37
msgid "Show on pads and tracks"
msgstr "Mostra sulle piazzole e piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:39
msgid "Net Names"
msgstr "Nomi collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "Show or hide net names on pads and/or tracks."
msgstr "Mostra / nasconde il nome collegamento su piazzole e/o piste."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:848
msgid "Show pad numbers"
msgstr "Mostra numeri piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:49
msgid "Show pad <no net> indicator"
msgstr "Mostra indicatore piazzola <senza connessione>"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:57
msgid "Clearance Outlines"
msgstr "Distanze contorni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "Show when routing"
msgstr "Mostra durante lo sbroglio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "Show when routing w/ via clearance at end"
msgstr "Mostra nello sbroglio con la distanza via alla fine"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "Show when routing and editing"
msgstr "Mostra nello sbroglio e modifica piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:59
msgid "Show always"
msgstr "Mostra sempre"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:61
msgid "Track && Via Clearances"
msgstr "Distanze piste e via"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:63
msgid ""
"Show clearance outlines around tracks, and optionally the via clearance "
"around the end of the track while routing."
msgstr ""
"Mostra i bordi di distanza attorno alle piste, e opzionalmente la distanza "
"via attorno alla fine della pista durante lo sbroglio."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:67
msgid "Show pad clearance"
msgstr "Mostra distanza piazzole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:76
msgid "Scroll cross-probed items into view"
msgstr "Centra la vista sugli elementi sottoposti ad analisi-incrociata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:86
msgid "Highlight nets when they are highlighted in the schematic editor"
msgstr ""
"Evidenzia collegamenti quando sono evidenziati nell'editor dello schema"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:90
msgid "Refresh 3D view automatically"
msgstr "Ricarica automaticamente vista 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_display_options_base.cpp:91
msgid ""
"When enabled, edits to the board will cause the 3D view to refresh (may be "
"slow with larger boards)"
msgstr ""
"Se abilitato, modifiche sulla scheda faranno ricaricare la vista 3D "
"(potrebbe rallentare nel caso di schede molto grandi)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:29
msgid "Magnetic pads"
msgstr "Piazzole magnetiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:32
msgid "Magnetic graphics"
msgstr "Grafiche magnetiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:41
msgid "Flip board items L/R (default is T/B)"
msgstr "Gira gli elementi della scheda a S/D (predefinito è S/S)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:53
msgid "Step for &rotate commands:"
msgstr "Passo per i comandi di &rotazione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:58
msgid "Set increment (in degrees) for context menu and hotkey rotation."
msgstr ""
"Imposta l'incremento (in gradi) per il menu contestuale e nel comando da "
"tastiera di rotazione."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:70
msgid "Allow free pads"
msgstr "Permetti piazzole libere"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:71
msgid ""
"If checked, pads can be moved with respect to the rest of the footprint."
msgstr ""
"Se selezionato, le piazzole sono movibili rispetto al resto dell'impronta."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:97
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:168
msgid "No modifier"
msgstr "Nessun modificatore"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:173
msgid "Select item(s)."
msgstr "Seleziona elementi."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:142
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:213
msgid "Highlight net (for pads or tracks)."
msgstr "Evidenzia net (per piazzole o piste)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:363
msgid "Graphics Editing"
msgstr "Modifica grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:245
msgid "Constrain to H, V, 45 degrees"
msgstr "Blocca a O, V e 45 gradi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:262
msgid "Magnetic Points"
msgstr "Punti magnetici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:269
msgid "Snap to pads:"
msgstr "Piazzole magnetiche:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:279
msgid "Capture cursor when the mouse enters a pad area"
msgstr "Cattura il mouse quando entra nell'area di una piazzola"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:289
msgid "When creating tracks"
msgstr "Creando piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:283
msgid "Snap to tracks:"
msgstr "Piste magnetiche:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:293
msgid "Capture cursor when the mouse approaches a track"
msgstr "Cattura il mouse quando si avvicina ad una pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:297
msgid "Snap to graphics:"
msgstr "Grafiche magnetiche:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:299
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:307
msgid "Capture cursor when the mouse approaches graphical control points"
msgstr "Cattura il mouse quando si avvicina a punti di controllo grafici"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:320
msgid "Always show selected ratsnest"
msgstr "Mostra sempre la ratsnest selezionata"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:807
msgid "Show ratsnest with curved lines"
msgstr "Mostra le linee ratsnest con linee curve"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:330
msgid "Track Editing"
msgstr "Modifica piste"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:332
msgid "Mouse drag track behavior:"
msgstr "Comportamento trascinamento pista mouse:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:334
msgid ""
"Choose the action to perform when dragging a track segment with the mouse"
msgstr ""
"Scegliere l'azione da eseguire nel trascinamento di un segmenti di pista col "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:342
msgid "Moves the track segment without moving connected tracks"
msgstr "Sposta il segmento di pista senza spostare le piste connesse"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:346
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1399
msgid "Drag (45 degree mode)"
msgstr "Trascina (modalità a 45 gradi)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:347
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1400
msgid "Drags the track segment while keeping connected tracks at 45 degrees."
msgstr ""
"Trascina il segmento di pista mentre mantiene le piste connesse a 45 gradi."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1406
msgid "Drag (free angle)"
msgstr "Trascina (angoli liberi)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1407
msgid ""
"Drags the nearest joint in the track without restricting the track angle."
msgstr ""
"Trascina lo snodo più vicino nella pista senza limitare l'angolo della pista."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:365
msgid "Limit actions to 45 degrees from start"
msgstr "Limita le azioni a 45 gradi dalla partenza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:376
msgid "Draw an outline to show the sheet size."
msgstr "Disegna un contorno per mostrare la dimensione del foglio."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:380
msgid "Refill zones after Zone Properties dialog"
msgstr ""
"Ri-riempi le zone dopo l'apertura della finestra delle proprietà della zona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_edit_options_base.cpp:382
msgid ""
"If checked, zones will be re-filled after editing the properties of the zone "
"using the Zone Properties dialog"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, le zone verranno riempite nuovamente dopo aver modificato le "
"proprietà della zona utilizzando la finestra di dialogo Proprietà zona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_color_settings.cpp:130
msgid "Internal Layers"
msgstr "Strati interni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults.cpp:325
msgid ""
"Text will not be readable with a thickness greater than\n"
"1/4 its width or height."
msgstr ""
"Il testo sarà illeggibile con uno spessore maggiore di\n"
"1/4 della sua larghezza o altezza."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:22
msgid "Default text items for new footprints:"
msgstr "Elementi di testo predefiniti per le nuove impronte:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:84
msgid ""
"Note: a blank reference designator or value will use the footprint name."
msgstr "Nota: un riferimento o valore vuoti useranno il nome dell'impronta."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_editor_defaults_base.cpp:101
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:21
msgid "Default properties for new graphic items:"
msgstr "Valori predefiniti per i nuovi elementi grafici:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:288
msgid "Options Editor..."
msgstr "Editor opzioni..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:288
msgid "Edit options"
msgstr "modifica opzioni"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:555
#, c-format
msgid "Illegal character '%c' in nickname '%s'."
msgstr "Carattere illegale '%c' in denominazione '%s'."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:798
#, c-format
msgid "Select %s Library"
msgstr "Seleziona la libreria %s"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:856
msgid "The following directories could not be opened: \n"
msgstr "Le seguenti cartelle non si possono aprire: \n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:861
msgid "Failed to open directories to look for libraries"
msgstr "Fallita l'apertura di cartelle per cercare librerie"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table.cpp:889
msgid "Warning: Duplicate Nicknames"
msgstr "Attenzione: denominatori duplicati"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:107
msgid "Add Existing"
msgstr "Aggiungi esistente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_lib_table_base.cpp:138
msgid "Path Substitutions"
msgstr "Sostituzioni percorsi"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model.cpp:385
msgid "No filename entered"
msgstr "Nessun nomefile inserito"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model.cpp:390
msgid "Illegal filename"
msgstr "Nomefile illegale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model.cpp:395
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:224
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "File non trovato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model.cpp:400
msgid "Unable to open file"
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model.cpp:405
msgid "Unknown error"
msgstr "Errore sconosciuto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_fp_properties_3d_model_base.cpp:38
msgid "3D Model(s)"
msgstr "Modelli 3D"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:36
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Icona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:37
msgid "Show button"
msgstr "Mostra pulsante"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:39
msgid "Category"
msgstr "Categoria"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:75
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:555
msgid "Open Plugin Directory"
msgstr "Apri cartella plugin"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:80
msgid "Reload Plugins"
msgstr "Ricarica plugin"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_action_plugins_base.cpp:85
msgid "Show Plugin Errors"
msgstr "Mostra errori plugin"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:23
msgid "Page origin"
msgstr "Origine pagina"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:25
msgid "Display Origin"
msgstr "Origine schermo"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:27
msgid "Select which origin is used for X,Y coordinate display."
msgstr "Seleziona quale origine viene usata per mostrare le coordinate X,Y."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:31
msgid "Increases right"
msgstr "Aumenta destra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:31
msgid "Increases left"
msgstr "Aumenta sinistra"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:33
msgid "X Axis"
msgstr "Asse X"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:35
msgid "Select which the direction on the screen in which the X axis increases."
msgstr "Seleziona in quale direzione sullo schermo l'asse X aumenta."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:39
msgid "Increases up"
msgstr "Aumenta su"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:39
msgid "Increases down"
msgstr "Aumenta giù"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:41
msgid "Y Axis"
msgstr "Asse Y"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_pcbnew_display_origin_base.cpp:43
msgid "Select which the direction on the screen in which the Y axis increases."
msgstr "Seleziona in quale direzione sullo schermo l'asse Y aumenta."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:25
msgid "Allowed features"
msgstr "Caratteristiche permesse"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:37
msgid "Allow blind/buried vias"
msgstr "Consenti via ciechi/sepolti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:43
msgid "Allow micro vias (uVias)"
msgstr "Consenti microvia (uVia)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:55
msgid "Arc/circle approximated by segments"
msgstr "Arco/cerchio approssimato a segmenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:68
msgid "Max allowed deviation:"
msgstr "Deviazione massima permessa:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:70
msgid ""
"This is the maximum distance between a circle and the polygonal shape that "
"approximate it.\n"
"The error max defines the number of segments of this polygon."
msgstr ""
"Questa è la distanza massima tra un cerchio e la forma poligonale che lo "
"L'errore massimo definisce il numero di segmenti di questo poligono."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:75
msgid ""
"The maximum allowed deviation between a true arc or circle and segments used "
"to approximate it. Smaller values produce smoother graphics at the expense "
"of performance."
msgstr ""
"La deviazione massima permessa tra un vero arco o cerchio e i segmenti usati "
"per approssimarlo. Valori più piccoli producono grafica più omogenea a "
"discapito della performance."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:86
#, c-format
msgid "Note: zone filling can be slow when < %s."
msgstr "Nota: lo riempimento zone può essere lento se < %s."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:98
msgid "Zone fill strategy"
msgstr "Strategia riempimento zona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:111
msgid "Mimic legacy behavior"
msgstr "Comportamento di imitazione tradizionale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:112
msgid ""
"Produces a slightly smoother outline at the expense of performance, some "
"export fidelity issues, and overly aggressive higher-priority zone knockouts."
msgstr ""
"Produce un profilo leggermente più morbido a scapito delle prestazioni, "
"alcuni problemi di fedeltà dell'esportazione, e un esclusione di zona molto "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:116
msgid "Smoothed polygons (best performance)"
msgstr "Poligoni stondati (migliore prestazione)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:118
msgid ""
"Better performance, exact export fidelity, and more complete filling near "
"higher-priority zones."
msgstr ""
"Migliore prestazione, fedeltà di esportazione esatta, e riempimenti più "
"completi vicino alle zone a più alta priorità."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:134
msgid "Allow fillets outside zone outline"
msgstr "Permetti stondamento fuori dal contorno zona"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:149
msgid "Length tuning"
msgstr "Regolazione lunghezza"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:153
msgid "Include stackup height in track length calculations"
msgstr "Includi altezza stackup nei calcoli della lunghezza pista"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:154
msgid ""
"When enabled, the distance between copper layers will be included in track "
"length calculations for tracks with vias. When disabled, via stackup height "
"is ignored."
msgstr ""
"Se abilitata, la distanza tra strati rame verrà inclusa nei calcoli della "
"lunghezza pista per piste con via. Se disabilitata, l'altezza stackup dei "
"via viene ignorata."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:191
msgid "Minimum clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza minima:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:196
msgid ""
"The minimum clearance between copper items which do not belong to the same "
"net. If set, this is an absolute minimum which cannot be reduced by "
"netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra elementi rame che non appartengono alla stessa net. Se "
"impostata, è un minimo assoluto che non può essere ridotto da netclass, "
"regola personalizzata, o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:207
msgid "Minimum track width:"
msgstr "Larghezza pista minima:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:212
msgid ""
"The minimum track width. If set, this is an absolute minimum and cannot be "
"reduced by netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Larghezza minima pista. Se impostata, è un minimo assoluto che non può "
"essere ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzate, o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:224
msgid "Minimum annular width:"
msgstr "Larghezza minima anello:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:229
msgid ""
"The minimum annular ring width. If set, this is an absolute minimum and "
"cannot be reduced by netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Larghezza minima anello. Se impostata, è un minimo assoluto che non può "
"essere ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzate o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:240
msgid "Minimum via diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro via minimo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:245
msgid ""
"The minimum via diameter. If set, this is an absolute minimum and cannot be "
"reduced by netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Diametro minimo via. Se impostata, è un valore minimo che non può essere "
"ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzate o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:256
msgid "Copper to hole clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza foro rame:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:261
msgid ""
"The minimum clearance between a hole and an unassociated copper item. If "
"set, this is an absolute minimum and cannot be reduced by custom rules or "
"other settings."
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra un foro e un elemento rame non associato. Se impostata, "
"è un minimo assoluto e non può essere ridotto da regole personalizzate o "
"altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:272
msgid "Copper to edge clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza bordo rame:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:277
msgid ""
"The minimum clearance between the board edge and any copper item. If set, "
"this is an absolute minimum and cannot be reduced by custom rules or other "
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra il bordo scheda e qualunque elemento rame. Se "
"impostata, è un valore minimo e non può essere ridotto da regole "
"personalizzate o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:297
msgid "Holes"
msgstr "Fori"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:313
msgid "Minimum through hole:"
msgstr "Foro minimo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:318
msgid ""
"The minimum through-hole size. If set, this is an absolute minimum and "
"cannot be reduced by netclasses, custom rules or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione minima foro passante. Se impostata, è un minimo assoluto e non "
"può essere ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzare o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:329
msgid "Hole to hole clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza da foro a foro:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:334
msgid ""
"The minimum clearance between two drilled holes. If set, this is an "
"absolute minimum and cannot be reduced by custom rules or other settings. "
"(Note: does not apply to milled holes.)"
msgstr ""
"La distanza minima tra due fori passanti. Se impostata, è un minimo "
"assoluto e non può essere ridotto da regole personalizzate o altre "
"impostazioni. (Nota: non si applica ai fori fresati.)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:354
msgid "uVias"
msgstr "microvia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:370
msgid "Minimum uVia diameter:"
msgstr "Diametro uVia minimo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:375
msgid ""
"The minimum diameter for micro-vias. If set, this is an absolute minimum "
"and cannot be reduced by netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Diametro minimo per microvia. Se impostata, è un minimo assoluto e non può "
"essere ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzate o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:386
msgid "Minimum uVia hole:"
msgstr "Foro uVia minimo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:391
msgid ""
"The minimum micro-via hole size. If set, this is an absolute minimum and "
"cannot be reduced by netclasses, custom rules, or other settings."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione foro microvia. Se impostata, è un minimo assoluto e non può "
"essere ridotto da netclass, regole personalizzare o altre impostazioni."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:411
msgid "Silkscreen"
msgstr "Serigrafia"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:427
msgid "Minimum item clearance:"
msgstr "Distanza minima elemento:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_constraints_base.cpp:432
msgid ""
"Minimum clearance between two items on the same silkscreen layer. If set "
"this can improve legibility. (Note: does not apply to multiple shapes "
"within a single footprint.)"
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra due elementi sullo stesso strato serigrafia. Se "
"impostata può migliorare la leggibilità. (Nota: non si applica a forme "
"multiple all'interno di una singola impronta)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:431
msgid "Use the Physical Stackup page to change the number of copper layers."
msgstr ""
"Usa la pagina dello stackup fisico per cambiare il numero di strati rame."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:464
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Footprints have some items on removed layers:\n"
"These items will be no longer accessible\n"
"Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Le impronte hanno alcuni elementi su strati rimossi:\n"
"Questi elementi non saranno più accessibili.\n"
"Continuare ugualmente?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:474
msgid ""
"Items have been found on removed layers. This operation will delete all "
"items from removed layers and cannot be undone.\n"
"Do you wish to continue?"
msgstr ""
"Sono stati trovati elementi su strati rimossi. Questa operazione cancellerà "
"tutti gli elementi dagli strati rimossi e non può essere annullata.\n"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:650
msgid "Layer must have a name."
msgstr "Lo strato deve avere un nome."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:656
#, c-format
msgid "%s are forbidden in layer names."
msgstr "%s sono proibiti nei nomi degli strati."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:663
msgid "Layer name \"signal\" is reserved."
msgstr "Il nome strato \"signal\" è riservato."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:671
#, c-format
msgid "Layer name '%s' already in use."
msgstr "Il nome strato '%s' è già in uso."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:771
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Imported settings have fewer copper layers than the current board (%i "
"instead of %i).\n"
"Continue and delete the extra inner copper layers from the current board?"
msgstr ""
"Le impostazioni importate hanno meno coppie di strati rame della scheda "
"corrente (%i invece di %i).\n"
"Continuare e cancellare le coppie di strati rame extra dalla scheda corrente?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:778
msgid "Inner Layers To Be Deleted"
msgstr "Strati interni da cancellare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:813
msgid "All user-defined layers have already been added."
msgstr "Tutti gli strati definiti dall'utente sono già stati aggiunti."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers.cpp:817
msgid "Add User-defined Layer"
msgstr "Aggiungi strato definito dall'utente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:26
msgid "Add User Defined Layer..."
msgstr "Aggiungi strato definito dall'utente..."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:46
msgid "CrtYd_Front"
msgstr "CrtYd_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:51
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:639
msgid "Off-board, testing"
msgstr "Fuori scheda, di prova"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:58
msgid "If you want a fabrication layer for the front side of the board"
msgstr ""
"Se si desidera uno strato per la fabbricazione per il fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:62
msgid "Fab_Front"
msgstr "Fab_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:65
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:629
msgid "Off-board, manufacturing"
msgstr "Esterno alla scheda, di lavorazione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:70
msgid "If you want an adhesive template for the front side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato di adesivo per il fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:74
msgid "Adhes_Front"
msgstr "Adhes_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:89
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:101
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:581
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:593
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:605
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:617
msgid "On-board, non-copper"
msgstr "Sulla scheda, non in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:82
#, fuzzy
msgid "If you want a solder paste layer for front side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato di pasta salda per il fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:86
msgid "SoldP_Front"
msgstr "SoldP_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:94
msgid "If you want a silk screen layer for the front side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato serigrafia per il fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:98
msgid "SilkS_Front"
msgstr "SilkS_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:106
msgid "If you want a solder mask layer for the front of the board"
msgstr ""
"Se si desidera uno strato di mascheratura per saldatura sullo strato "
"frontale della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:110
msgid "Mask_Front"
msgstr "Mask_Front"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:118
msgid "If you want a front copper layer"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato rame sul fronte"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:122
msgid "Front_layer"
msgstr "Front_layer"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:123
msgid "Layer name of front (top) copper layer"
msgstr "Nome dello strato rame sul fronte (cima)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:211
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:365
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:393
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:407
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:421
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:435
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:449
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:463
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:477
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:505
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:519
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:533
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:547
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:565
msgid "signal"
msgstr "Segnale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:211
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:365
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:393
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:407
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:421
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:435
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:449
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:463
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:477
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:505
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:519
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:533
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:547
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:565
msgid "power plane"
msgstr "power plane"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:211
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:365
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:393
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:407
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:421
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:435
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:449
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:463
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:477
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:505
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:519
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:533
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:547
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:565
msgid "mixed"
msgstr "Misto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:183
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:211
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:365
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:379
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:393
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:407
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:421
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:435
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:449
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:463
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:477
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:491
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:505
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:519
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:533
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:547
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:565
msgid "jumper"
msgstr "jumper"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:131
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:173
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:187
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:201
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:215
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:229
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:299
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:327
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:341
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:355
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:369
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:383
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:397
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:411
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:425
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:439
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:453
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:467
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:481
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:495
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:509
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:523
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:537
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:551
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:569
msgid ""
"Copper layer type for Freerouter and other external routers.\n"
"Power plane layers are removed from Freerouter's layer menus."
msgstr ""
"Tipo di strato in rame per Freerouter e altri sbrogliatori esterni.\n"
"Gli strati di potenza verranno rimossi dal menù degli strati di Freeroute."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:138
msgid "In1"
msgstr "In1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:152
msgid "In2"
msgstr "In2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:166
msgid "In3"
msgstr "In3"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:180
msgid "In4"
msgstr "In4"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:194
msgid "In5"
msgstr "In5"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:208
msgid "In6"
msgstr "In6"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:222
msgid "In7"
msgstr "In7"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:236
msgid "In8"
msgstr "In8"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:250
msgid "In9"
msgstr "In9"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:264
msgid "In10"
msgstr "In10"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:278
msgid "In11"
msgstr "In11"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:292
msgid "In12"
msgstr "In12"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:306
msgid "In13"
msgstr "In13"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:320
msgid "In14"
msgstr "In14"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:334
msgid "In15"
msgstr "In15"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:348
msgid "In16"
msgstr "In16"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:362
msgid "In17"
msgstr "In17"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:376
msgid "In18"
msgstr "In18"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:390
msgid "In19"
msgstr "In19"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:404
msgid "In20"
msgstr "In20"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:418
msgid "In21"
msgstr "In21"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:432
msgid "In22"
msgstr "In22"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:446
msgid "In23"
msgstr "In23"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:460
msgid "In24"
msgstr "In24"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:474
msgid "In25"
msgstr "In25"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:488
msgid "In26"
msgstr "In26"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:502
msgid "In27"
msgstr "In27"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:516
msgid "In28"
msgstr "In28"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:530
msgid "In29"
msgstr "In29"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:544
msgid "In30"
msgstr "In30"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:556
msgid "If you want a back copper layer"
msgstr "Se si desidera lo strato retro in rame"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:561
msgid "Layer name of back (bottom) copper layer"
msgstr "Nome dello strato in rame in basso (retro)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:574
msgid "If you want a solder mask layer for the back side of the board"
msgstr ""
"Se si desidera uno strato maschera di saldatura per il retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:578
msgid "SoldM_Back"
msgstr "SoldM_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:586
msgid "If you want a silk screen layer for the back side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato serigrafia per il retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:590
msgid "SilkS_Back"
msgstr "SilkS_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:598
msgid "If you want a solder paste layer for the back side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato di pasta salda per il retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:602
msgid "SoldP_Back"
msgstr "SoldP_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:610
msgid "If you want an adhesive layer for the back side of the board"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato di adesivo per il retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:614
msgid "Adhes_Back"
msgstr "Adhes_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:622
msgid "If you want a fabrication layer for the back side of the board"
msgstr ""
"Se si desidera uno strato per la fabbricazione per il retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:626
msgid "Fab_Back"
msgstr "Fab_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:636
msgid "CrtYd_Back"
msgstr "CrtYd_Back"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:646
msgid "Pcb_Edges"
msgstr "Pcb_Edges"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:649
msgid "Board contour"
msgstr "Contorno scheda"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:659
msgid "Edge_Cuts setback"
msgstr "Edge_Cuts setback"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:666
msgid "Eco1"
msgstr "Eco1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:669
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:679
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:691
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:703
msgid "Auxiliary"
msgstr "Ausiliario"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:676
msgid "Eco2"
msgstr "Eco2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:684
msgid "If you want a separate layer for comments or notes"
msgstr "Se si desidera strati separati per commenti e note"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:688
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "Commenti"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:696
msgid "If you want a layer for documentation drawings"
msgstr "Se si desidera uno strato per documentazione grafica"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:700
msgid "Drawings"
msgstr "Grafiche"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:710
msgid "User1"
msgstr "User1"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:713
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:723
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:733
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:743
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:753
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:763
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:773
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:783
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:793
msgid "User defined layer"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:720
msgid "User2"
msgstr "User2"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:730
msgid "User3"
msgstr "User3"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:740
msgid "User4"
msgstr "User4"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:750
msgid "User5"
msgstr "User5"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:760
msgid "User6"
msgstr "User6"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:770
msgid "User7"
msgstr "User7"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:780
msgid "User8"
msgstr "User8"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_layers_base.cpp:790
msgid "User9"
msgstr "User9"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:32
msgid ""
"Use your board manufacturer's recommendations for solder mask clearance and "
"minimum web width."
msgstr ""
"Usa i valori raccomandati dal produttore di C.S. per la distanza della "
"maschera di saldatura e larghezza minima reticolo."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:36
msgid "If none are provided, setting the values to zero is suggested."
msgstr ""
"Se non ne viene fornito nessuno, si suggerisce di impostare i valori a zero."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:56
msgid ""
"Global clearance between pads and the solder mask.\n"
"This value can be superseded by local values for a footprint or a pad."
msgstr ""
"Distanza globale tra le piazzole e la maschera di saldatura.\n"
"Questo valore può essere superato dai valori locali di una impronta o di una "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:61
msgid ""
"Positive clearance means area bigger than the pad (usual for solder mask "
msgstr ""
"Distanza positiva significa area più grande della piazzola (normale per la "
"distanza della maschera di saldatura)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:69
msgid "Solder mask minimum web width:"
msgstr "Larghezza minima griglia maschera di saldatura:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:71
msgid ""
"Min. dist between 2 pad areas.\n"
"Two pad areas nearer than this value will be merged during plotting.\n"
"This parameter is only used to plot solder mask layers.\n"
"Leave at 0 unless you know what you are doing."
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra aree di 2 piazzole.\n"
"Due aree più vicine di questo valore verranno fuse durante la tracciatura.\n"
"Il parametro si usa solo per tracciare gli strati delle maschere di "
"Lasciare a 0, a meno che non si sappia bene quello che si sta facendo."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:76
msgid ""
"Minimum distance between openings in the solder mask. Pad openings closer "
"than this distance will be plotted as a single opening."
msgstr ""
"Distanza minima tra le aperture nella maschera di saldatura. Le aperture "
"delle piazzole più vicine di questa distanza verranno tracciate come una "
"singola apertura."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:95
msgid ""
"Global clearance between pads and the solder paste.\n"
"This value can be superseded by local values for a footprint or a pad.\n"
"Final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value ratio."
msgstr ""
"Distanza globale tra le piazzole e la pasta salda\n"
"Questo valore può essere superato dal valore locale di una impronta o di una "
"Il valore di distanza finale sarà la somma di questo valore e il rapporto "
"valore di distanza."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:100
msgid ""
"Negative clearance means area smaller than the pad (usual for solder paste "
msgstr ""
"Distanza negativa significa area più piccola della piazzola (normale per la "
"distanza pasta salda)."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:110
msgid ""
"Global clearance ratio in percent between pads and the solder paste.\n"
"A value of 10 means the clearance value is 10 percent of the pad size.\n"
"This value can be superseded by local values for a footprint or a pad.\n"
"Final clearance value is the sum of this value and the clearance value."
msgstr ""
"Rapporto globale in percentuale della distanza tra piazzole e pasta salda.\n"
"Un valore di 10 indica che la distanza è il 10% delle dimensioni della "
"Può essere superato dai valori locali di un'impronta o di una piazzola.\n"
"Il valore finale della distanza è dato dalla somma di questo valore e quello "
"di distanza."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:115
msgid "Additional clearance as a percentage of the pad size."
msgstr "Spazio aggiuntivo come percentuale della dimensione della piazzola."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_mask_and_paste_base.cpp:129
msgid ""
"Note: Solder paste clearances (absolute and relative) are added to determine "
"the final clearance."
msgstr ""
"Nota: le distanze pasta salda (assoluta e relativa) vengono sommate per "
"determinare la distanza finale."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules.cpp:86
msgid "Cancel Changes?"
msgstr "Annullare i cambiamenti?"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules.cpp:422
msgid "DRC rules"
msgstr "Regole DRC"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules.cpp:429
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_condition.cpp:64
msgid "ERROR:"
msgstr "ERRORE:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules.cpp:490
msgid "Design rules cannot be added without a project"
msgstr ""
"Le regole di progettazione non possono essere aggiunte senza un progetto"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_base.cpp:26
msgid "DRC rules:"
msgstr "Regole DRC:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_base.cpp:77
msgid "Check rule syntax"
msgstr "Controlla la sintassi regole"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_rules_help_md.h:2
msgid ""
"### Top-level Clauses\n"
" (version <number>)\n"
" (rule <rule_name> <rule_clause> ...)\n"
"### Rule Clauses\n"
" (constraint <constraint_type> ...)\n"
" (condition \"<expression>\")\n"
" (layer \"<layer_name>\")\n"
"### Constraint Types\n"
" * annular\\_width\n"
" * clearance\n"
" * courtyard_clearance\n"
" * diff\\_pair\\_gap\n"
" * diff\\_pair\\_uncoupled\n"
" * disallow\n"
" * edge\\_clearance\n"
" * length\n"
" * hole\\_clearance\n"
" * hole\\_size\n"
" * silk\\_clearance\n"
" * skew\n"
" * track\\_width\n"
" * via\\_count\n"
" * via\\_diameter\n"
"### Item Types\n"
" * buried_via\n"
" * graphic\n"
" * hole\n"
" * micro_via\n"
" * pad\n"
" * text\n"
" * track\n"
" * via\n"
" * zone\n"
"### Examples\n"
" (version 1)\n"
" (rule HV\n"
" (constraint clearance (min 1.5mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.NetClass == 'HV'\"))\n"
" (rule HV\n"
" (layer outer)\n"
" (constraint clearance (min 1.5mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.NetClass == 'HV'\"))\n"
" (rule HV_HV\n"
" # wider clearance between HV tracks\n"
" (constraint clearance (min \"1.5mm + 2.0mm\"))\n"
" (condition \"A.NetClass == 'HV' && B.NetClass == 'HV'\"))\n"
" (rule HV_unshielded\n"
" (constraint clearance (min 2mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.NetClass == 'HV' && !A.insideArea('Shield*')\"))\n"
"### Notes\n"
"Version clause must be the first clause. It indicates the syntax version of "
"the file so that \n"
"future rules parsers can perform automatic updates. It should be\n"
"set to \"1\".\n"
"Rules should be ordered by specificity. Later rules take\n"
"precedence over earlier rules; once a matching rule is found\n"
"no further rules will be checked.\n"
"Use Ctrl+/ to comment or uncomment line(s).\n"
"### Expression functions\n"
"All function parameters support simple wildcards (`*` and `?`).\n"
" A.insideCourtyard('<footprint_refdes>')\n"
"True if any part of `A` lies within the given footprint's principal "
" A.insideFrontCourtyard('<footprint_refdes>')\n"
"True if any part of `A` lies within the given footprint's front courtyard.\n"
" A.insideBackCourtyard('<footprint_refdes>')\n"
"True if any part of `A` lies within the given footprint's back courtyard.\n"
" A.insideArea('<zone_name>')\n"
"True if any part of `A` lies within the given zone's outline.\n"
" A.isPlated()\n"
"True if `A` has a hole which is plated.\n"
" A.inDiffPair('<net_name>')\n"
"True if `A` has net that is part of the specified differential pair.\n"
"`<net_name>` is the base name of the differential pair. For example, "
"matches items in the `CLK_P` and `CLK_N` nets.\n"
" AB.isCoupledDiffPair()\n"
"True if `A` and `B` are members of the same diff pair.\n"
" A.memberOf('<group_name>')\n"
"True if `A` is a member of the given group. Includes nested membership.\n"
" A.existsOnLayer('<layer_name>')\n"
"True if `A` exists on the given layer. The layer name can be\n"
"either the name assigned in Board Setup > Board Editor Layers or\n"
"the canonical name (ie: `F.Cu`).\n"
"NB: this returns true if `A` is on the given layer, independently\n"
"of whether or not the rule is being evaluated for that layer.\n"
"For the latter use a `(layer \"layer_name\")` clause in the rule.\n"
"### More Examples\n"
" (rule \"copper keepout\"\n"
" (constraint disallow track via zone)\n"
" (condition \"A.insideArea('zone3')\"))\n"
" (rule \"BGA neckdown\"\n"
" (constraint track_width (min 0.2mm) (opt 0.25mm))\n"
" (constraint clearance (min 0.05mm) (opt 0.08mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.insideCourtyard('U3')\"))\n"
" # prevent silk over tented vias\n"
" (rule silk_over_via\n"
" (constraint silk_clearance (min 0.2mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Type == '*Text' && B.Type == 'Via'\"))\n"
" (rule \"Distance between Vias of Different Nets\" \n"
" (constraint hole_to_hole (min 0.254mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Type =='Via' && B.Type =='Via' && A.Net != B.Net\"))\n"
" (rule \"Clearance between Pads of Different Nets\" \n"
" (constraint clearance (min 3.0mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Type =='Pad' && B.Type =='Pad' && A.Net != B.Net\"))\n"
" (rule \"Via Hole to Track Clearance\" \n"
" (constraint hole_clearance (min 0.254mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Type =='Via' && B.Type =='Track'\"))\n"
" \n"
" (rule \"Pad to Track Clearance\" \n"
" (constraint clearance (min 0.2mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Type =='Pad' && B.Type =='Track'\"))\n"
" (rule \"clearance-to-1mm-cutout\"\n"
" (constraint clearance (min 0.8mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Layer=='Edge.Cuts' && A.Thickness == 1.0mm\"))\n"
" (rule \"Max Drill Hole Size Mechanical\" \n"
" (constraint hole_size (max 6.3mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Pad_Type == 'NPTH, mechanical'\"))\n"
" \n"
" (rule \"Max Drill Hole Size PTH\" \n"
" (constraint hole_size (max 6.35mm))\n"
" (condition \"A.Pad_Type == 'Through-hole'\"))\n"
" # Specify an optimal gap for a particular diff-pair\n"
" (rule \"dp clock gap\"\n"
" (constraint diff_pair_gap (opt \"0.8mm\"))\n"
" (condition \"A.inDiffPair('CLK') && AB.isCoupledDiffPair()\"))\n"
" # Specify a larger clearance around any diff-pair\n"
" (rule \"dp clearance\"\n"
" (constraint clearance (min \"1.5mm\"))\n"
" (condition \"A.inDiffPair('*') && !AB.isCoupledDiffPair()\"))\n"
msgstr ""
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:72
msgid "Default properties for new dimension objects:"
msgstr "Proprietà predefinite per i nuovi oggetti dimensione:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Default units for dimensions (\"automatic\" to follow the chosen UI units)"
msgstr ""
"Unità predefinite per le dimensioni (\"automatica\" per seguire le unità "
"scelte nella UI)"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:100
msgid "Text position:"
msgstr "Posizione testo:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:108
msgid "Where to position the dimension text relative to the dimension line"
msgstr ""
"Dove posizionare il testo dimensione relativamente alla riga dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:122
msgid "Keep text aligned"
msgstr "Mantieni testo allineato"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:123
msgid "When checked, dimension text will be kept aligned with dimension lines"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, il testo dimensione verrà mantenuto allineato alle righe "
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:135
msgid "How many digits of precision to show"
msgstr "Quante cifre di precisione mostrare"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_text_and_graphics_base.cpp:151
msgid ""
"When checked, \"1.2300\" will be rendered as \"1.23\" even if precision is "
"set to show more digits"
msgstr ""
"Se selezionata, \"1.2300\" verrà resa come \"1.23\" anche se la precisione è "
"impostata per mostrare più cifre"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias.cpp:253
msgid "No via hole size defined."
msgstr "Nessuna dimensione foro via definita."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias.cpp:268
msgid "No differential pair gap defined."
msgstr "Nessuno spazio coppia differenziale definito."
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:19
msgid "Pre-defined track and via dimensions:"
msgstr "Dimensioni piste e via predefinite:"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:54
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:169
msgid "7"
msgstr "7"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:136 pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:169
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Dimensione"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:99 pcbnew/pad.cpp:951
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:564
msgid "Hole"
msgstr "Foro"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:140
msgid "Differential Pairs"
msgstr "Coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:156
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "Spazio"
#: pcbnew/dialogs/panel_setup_tracks_and_vias_base.cpp:157
msgid "Via Gap"
msgstr "Spazio via"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:145 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:219
msgid "board setup constraints"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:175
msgid "board setup constraints silk"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda serigrafia"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:181
msgid "board setup constraints hole"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda fori"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:186
msgid "board setup constraints edge"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda bordi"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:191
msgid "board setup constraints courtyard"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda ingombri"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:198
msgid "board setup micro-via constraints"
msgstr "vincoli impostazioni scheda microvia"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:244 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:353
#, c-format
msgid "netclass '%s'"
msgstr "netclass \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:271 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:288
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:306
#, c-format
msgid "netclass '%s' (diff pair)"
msgstr "netclass \"%s\" (coppia diff)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:428
msgid "keepout area"
msgstr "area proibita"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:433
#, c-format
msgid "keepout area '%s'"
msgstr "area proibita \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:699
msgid "Tessellating copper zones..."
msgstr "Tassellazione zone in rame..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:800 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:815
#, c-format
msgid "Local override on %s; clearance: %s."
msgstr "Superamento locale su %s; distanza: %s"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:831
msgid "board minimum"
msgstr "minimi scheda"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:834
#, c-format
msgid "Board minimum clearance: %s."
msgstr "Distanza minima scheda: %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:843
msgid "board minimum hole"
msgstr "foro minimo scheda"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:846
#, c-format
msgid "Board minimum hole clearance: %s."
msgstr "Distanza minima fori scheda: %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:873
#, c-format
msgid "Checking %s clearance: %s."
msgstr "Verifica %s; distanza: %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:885 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:886
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:887 pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:647
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:656
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:665
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:805
msgid "undefined"
msgstr "indefinito"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:902
#, c-format
msgid "Checking %s %s: %s."
msgstr "Verifica %s %s: %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:918
#, c-format
msgid "Checking %s: min %s; opt %s; max %s."
msgstr "Verifica %s: min %s; opz %s; max %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:929
#, c-format
msgid "Checking %s."
msgstr "Verifica %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:937
msgid "Board and netclass clearances apply only between copper items."
msgstr "Le distanze scheda e netclass si applicano solo tra elementi rame."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:983
msgid "Keepout constraint not met."
msgstr "Vincolo zona proibita non rispettato."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:985
msgid "Disallow constraint not met."
msgstr "Proibisci vincolo non rispettato."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1007
msgid "Keepout layer(s) not matched."
msgstr "Strati proibiti non abbinati."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1011 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1032
#, c-format
msgid "Rule layer '%s' not matched; rule ignored."
msgstr "Strato regola \"%s\" non abbinato; regola ignorata."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1017 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1037
msgid "Rule layer not matched; rule ignored."
msgstr "Strato regola non abbinato; regola ignorata."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1045
msgid "Unconditional constraint applied."
msgstr "Vincolo incondizionale applicato."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1046
msgid "Unconditional rule applied."
msgstr "Regola incondizionale applicata."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1059
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Checking rule condition \"%s\"."
msgstr "Verifica condizioni regola '%s'."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1065
msgid "Constraint applied."
msgstr "Vincolo applicato."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1066
msgid "Rule applied; overrides previous constraints."
msgstr "Regola applicata; scavalca i vincoli precedenti."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1088
msgid "Membership not satisfied; constraint ignored."
msgstr "Appartenenza non soddisfatta; vincolo ignorato."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1089
msgid "Condition not satisfied; rule ignored."
msgstr "Condizione non soddisfatta; regola ignorata."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1120 pcbnew/drc/drc_engine.cpp:1131
#, c-format
msgid "Local clearance on %s; clearance: %s."
msgstr "Distanza locale su %s; distanza: %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:43
msgid "Electrical"
msgstr "Elettrico"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:44
msgid "Design For Manufacturing"
msgstr "Progetto per produzione"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:45
msgid "Schematic Parity"
msgstr "Parità schema"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:46
msgid "Signal Integrity"
msgstr "Integrità segnale"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:50
msgid "Missing connection between items"
msgstr "Connessione mancante tra elementi"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:54
msgid "Items shorting two nets"
msgstr "Elementi che cortocircuitano"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:58
msgid "Items not allowed"
msgstr "Elementi non permessi"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:62
msgid "Text (or dimension) on Edge.Cuts layer"
msgstr "Testo (o dimensione) sullo strato Edge.Cuts"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:66
msgid "Clearance violation"
msgstr "Violazione distanza"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:70
msgid "Tracks crossing"
msgstr "Incrocio di piste"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:74
msgid "Board edge clearance violation"
msgstr "Violazione distanza bordo scheda"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:78
msgid "Copper areas intersect"
msgstr "Intersezione aree rame"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:82
msgid "Copper zone net has no pads"
msgstr "Il collegamento zona rame non ha piazzole"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:86
msgid "Via is not connected or connected on only one layer"
msgstr "Via non connesso o connesso ad un unico strato"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:90
msgid "Track has unconnected end"
msgstr "La pista ha un capo non connesso"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:94
msgid "Hole clearance violation"
msgstr "Violazione distanza foro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:98
msgid "Drilled holes too close together"
msgstr "Fori troppo vicini tra loro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:102
msgid "Drilled holes co-located"
msgstr "Fori troppo vicini tra loro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:106
msgid "Track width"
msgstr "Larghezza pista"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:110
msgid "Annular width"
msgstr "Larghezza anello"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:114
msgid "Drill out of range"
msgstr "Foro fuori portata"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:118
msgid "Via diameter"
msgstr "Diametro via"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:122
msgid "Padstack is not valid"
msgstr "Padstack non valido"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:126
msgid "Micro via drill out of range"
msgstr "Foro microvia fuori portata"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:130
msgid "Courtyards overlap"
msgstr "Gli ingombri si sovrappongono"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:134
msgid "Footprint has no courtyard defined"
msgstr "L'impronta non ha un ingombro definito"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:138
msgid "Footprint has malformed courtyard"
msgstr "L'impronta ha un ingombro maldefinito"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:142
msgid "PTH inside courtyard"
msgstr "Foro metallizzato dentro un ingombro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:146
msgid "NPTH inside courtyard"
msgstr "Foro non metallizzato dentro un ingombro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:150
msgid "Item on a disabled layer"
msgstr "Elemento su strato disabilitato"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:154
msgid "Board has malformed outline"
msgstr "La scheda ha il bordo malformato"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:158
msgid "Duplicate footprints"
msgstr "Impronte duplicate"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:162
msgid "Missing footprint"
msgstr "Impronta mancante"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:166
msgid "Extra footprint"
msgstr "Impronta extra"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:170
msgid "Pad net doesn't match schematic"
msgstr "La piazzola non corrisponde allo schema"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:178
msgid "Silkscreen clipped by solder mask"
msgstr "Serigrafia ritagliata dalla maschera di saldatura"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:182
msgid "Silkscreen overlap"
msgstr "Serigrafia sovrapposta"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:186
msgid "Trace length out of range"
msgstr "Lunghezza pista fuori campo"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:190
msgid "Skew between traces out of range"
msgstr "Skew tra piste fuori campo"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:194
msgid "Too many vias on a connection"
msgstr "Troppi via su una connessione"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:198
msgid "Differential pair gap out of range"
msgstr "Spazio coppia differenziale fuori campo"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:202
msgid "Differential uncoupled length too long"
msgstr "Lunghezza coppia differenziale non accoppiata troppo lunga"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:206
msgid "Footprint type doesn't match footprint pads"
msgstr "Il tipo impronta non corrisponde con le piazzole impronta"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:210
msgid "Through hole pad has no hole"
msgstr "Piazzola passante senza foro"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:334
#, c-format
msgid "Rule: %s"
msgstr "Regola: %s"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_item.cpp:336
msgid "Local override"
msgstr "Scavalcamento locale"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule.h:137
#, c-format
msgid "rule %s"
msgstr "regola %s"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_condition.cpp:52
msgid "ERROR in expression."
msgstr "Errore nell'espressione."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_condition.cpp:100 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:436
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: <a href='%d:%d'>%s</a>%s"
msgstr "ERRORE: <a href='%d:%d'>%s</a>%s"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:67 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:443
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: %s%s"
msgstr "ERRORE: %s%s"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:102 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:184
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:341
msgid "Missing '('."
msgstr "\"(\" mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:108
msgid "Missing version statement."
msgstr "Comando versione mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:120
msgid "Missing version number."
msgstr "Numero versione mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:132
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized item '%s'.| Expected version number."
msgstr "Elemento '%s' non riconosciuto.| Era previsto numero di versione."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:139 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:361 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:381
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:401 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:498
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized item '%s'."
msgstr "Elemento '%s' non riconosciuto."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:152 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:229
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:408
msgid "Incomplete statement."
msgstr "Comando incompleto."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:156 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:285 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:412
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized item '%s'.| Expected %s."
msgstr "Elemento \"%s\" non riconosciuto.| Era previsto %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:164
msgid "No errors found."
msgstr "Nessun errore."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:177
msgid "Missing rule name."
msgstr "Nome regola mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:199
msgid "Missing condition expression."
msgstr "Espressione condizione mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:210
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized item '%s'.| Expected quoted expression."
msgstr ""
"Elemento \"%s\" non riconosciuto.| Era prevista espressione virgolettata."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:241 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:319
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:332 pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:421
msgid "Missing ')'."
msgstr "\")\" mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:257
#, c-format
msgid "Missing constraint type.| Expected %s."
msgstr "Tipo vincolo mancante.| Era atteso %s."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:294
#, c-format
msgid "Rule already has a '%s' constraint."
msgstr "La regola ha già un vincolo '%s'."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:352
msgid "Missing min value."
msgstr "Valore minimo mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:372
msgid "Missing max value."
msgstr "Valore massimo mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:392
msgid "Missing opt value."
msgstr "Valore opz. mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:465
msgid "Missing layer name or type."
msgstr "Nome o tipo strato mancante."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_rule_parser.cpp:491
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized layer '%s'."
msgstr "Strati non riconosciuto \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_annular_width.cpp:87
msgid "Checking via annular rings..."
msgstr "Verifica anelli via circolari..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_annular_width.cpp:128
#, c-format
msgid "(%s min annular width %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s larghezza anello min %s; corrente %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_annular_width.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max annular width %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s larghezza anello max %s; corrente %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_connectivity.cpp:75
msgid "Checking pad, via and zone connections..."
msgstr "Verifica connessioni piazzole, via e zone..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_connectivity.cpp:149
msgid "Checking net connections..."
msgstr "Verifica connessioni..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:194
msgid "Gathering copper items..."
msgstr "Raccolta elementi rame ..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:210
msgid "Checking track & via clearances..."
msgstr "Verifica distanze piste e via..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:217
msgid "Checking hole clearances..."
msgstr "Controllo distanze fori..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:225
msgid "Checking pad clearances..."
msgstr "Verifica distanze piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:233
msgid "Checking pads..."
msgstr "Controllo piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:241
msgid "Checking copper zone clearances..."
msgstr "Verifica distanze zone in rame..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:248
msgid "Checking zones..."
msgstr "Controllo zone..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:358
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:445
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:490
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:678
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:706
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:728
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:753
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:990
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_courtyard_clearance.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_courtyard_clearance.cpp:240
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_edge_clearance.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_clearance.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_to_mask.cpp:160
#, c-format
msgid "(%s clearance %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s distanza %s; attuale %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_copper_clearance.cpp:654
#, c-format
msgid "(nets %s and %s)"
msgstr "(coll %s e %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_courtyard_clearance.cpp:89
msgid "Checking footprint courtyard definitions..."
msgstr "Verifica definizioni ingombri impronte..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_courtyard_clearance.cpp:94
msgid "Gathering footprint courtyards..."
msgstr "Raccolta ingombri impronte..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_courtyard_clearance.cpp:152
msgid "Checking footprints for overlapping courtyards..."
msgstr "Verifica sovrapposizione ingombri impronte..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_diff_pair_coupling.cpp:348
msgid "DPs evaluated:"
msgstr "CD elaborate:"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_diff_pair_coupling.cpp:460
#, c-format
msgid "(%s maximum uncoupled length: %s; actual: %s)"
msgstr "(%s lunghezza non accoppiata max: %s; corrente: %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_diff_pair_coupling.cpp:494
#, c-format
msgid "minimum gap: %s; "
msgstr "spazio minimo: %s; "
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_diff_pair_coupling.cpp:498
#, c-format
msgid "maximum gap: %s; "
msgstr "spazio massimo: %s "
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_diff_pair_coupling.cpp:501
#, c-format
msgid "actual: %s)"
msgstr "corrente: %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_disallow.cpp:70
msgid "Checking keepouts & disallow constraints..."
msgstr "Verifica vincoli zone proibite e disabilitazioni..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_edge_clearance.cpp:123
msgid "Checking copper to board edge clearances..."
msgstr "Verifica distanze rame da bordi scheda..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_edge_clearance.cpp:128
msgid "Checking silk to board edge clearances..."
msgstr "Controllo distanze serigrafia da bordi scheda..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:77
msgid "Checking pad holes..."
msgstr "Verifica fori piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:100
msgid "Checking via holes..."
msgstr "Verifica fori via..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:105
msgid "Checking micro-via holes..."
msgstr "Controllo fori micro-via..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:167
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_track_width.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "(%s min width %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s larg. min %s; effettivo %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:174
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_size.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_track_width.cpp:141
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max width %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s larg. max %s; effettivo %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_to_hole.cpp:124
msgid "Checking hole to hole clearances..."
msgstr "Verifica distanze da foro a foro..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_hole_to_hole.cpp:313
#, c-format
msgid "(%s min %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s min %s; effettivo %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "Missing footprint %s (%s)"
msgstr "Impronta mancante %s (%s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:143
msgid "No corresponding pin found in schematic."
msgstr "Nessun pin corrispondente trovato nello schema."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:152
#, c-format
msgid "Pad missing net given by schematic (%s)."
msgstr "Alla piazzola manca il collegamento dato dallo schema (%s)."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:162
#, c-format
msgid "Pad net (%s) doesn't match net given by schematic (%s)."
msgstr ""
"Il collegamento piazzola (%s) non corrisponde il collegamento dato dallo "
"schema (%s)."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "No pad found for pin %s in schematic."
msgstr "Nessuna piazzola trovata per il pin %s nello schema."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:218
msgid "Checking PCB to schematic parity..."
msgstr "Verifica parità C.S. rispetto allo schema..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_lvs.cpp:225
msgid "No netlist provided, skipping LVS."
msgstr "Nessuna netlist fornita, salto LVS."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:126
#, c-format
msgid "(%s min length: %s; actual: %s)"
msgstr "(%s lungh. min: %s; effettivo: %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:133
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max length: %s; actual: %s)"
msgstr "(%s lungh. max: %s; effettivo: %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:168
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max skew: %s; actual: %s; average net length: %s; actual: %s)"
msgstr ""
"(%s skew max %s; effettivo: %s; lung. collegamento media: %s; effettivo: %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:197
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max count: %d; actual: %d)"
msgstr "(%s conteggio max: %d; effettivo %d)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:228
msgid "Gathering length-constrained connections..."
msgstr "Raccolta connessioni di lunghezza vincolata..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_matched_length.cpp:325
msgid "<unconstrained>"
msgstr "<senza vincoli>"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_misc.cpp:116
msgid "(no edges found on Edge.Cuts layer)"
msgstr "(nessun bordo trovato sullo strato Edge.Cuts)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_misc.cpp:184
#, c-format
msgid "(layer %s)"
msgstr "(strato %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_misc.cpp:261
msgid "Checking board outline..."
msgstr "Verifica contorni scheda..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_misc.cpp:269
msgid "Checking disabled layers..."
msgstr "Verifica strati disabilitati..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_misc.cpp:277
msgid "Checking text variables..."
msgstr "Verifica variabili testo..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_clearance.cpp:106
msgid "Checking silkscreen for overlapping items..."
msgstr "Verifica serigrafia elementi sovrapposti..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_clearance.cpp:160
#, c-format
msgid "Testing %d silkscreen features against %d board items."
msgstr "Verifica %d caratteristiche serigrafia rispetto a %d elementi scheda."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_to_mask.cpp:100
msgid "Checking silkscreen for potential soldermask clipping..."
msgstr "Verifica serigrafia possibile ritaglio maschera di saldatura..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_silk_to_mask.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "Testing %d mask apertures against %d silkscreen features."
msgstr "Verifica %d aperture maschera rispetto a %d elementi serigrafia."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_track_width.cpp:83
msgid "Checking track widths..."
msgstr "Verifica larghezza piste..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_via_diameter.cpp:82
msgid "Checking via diameters..."
msgstr "Verifica diametro via..."
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_via_diameter.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "(%s min diameter %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s diametro min %s; effettivo %s)"
#: pcbnew/drc/drc_test_provider_via_diameter.cpp:126
#, c-format
msgid "(%s max diameter %s; actual %s)"
msgstr "(%s diametro max %s; effettivo %s)"
#: pcbnew/edit_zone_helpers.cpp:86 pcbnew/edit_zone_helpers.cpp:152
msgid "Modify zone properties"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà della zona"
#: pcbnew/edit_zone_helpers.cpp:137
#, c-format
msgid "Refill %d Zones"
msgstr "Ri-riempi %d zone"
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_d356.cpp:376
msgid "Export D-356 Test File"
msgstr "Esporta file di test D-356"
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_footprint_associations.cpp:73
msgid "Save Footprint Association File"
msgstr "Salva file di associazione impronte"
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_hyperlynx.cpp:190
msgid ""
"File contains pad shapes that are not supported by the Hyperlynx exporter "
"(supported shapes are oval, rectangle and circle)."
msgstr ""
"Il file contiene forme di piazzole non supportate dall'esportatore Hyperlynx "
"(le forme supportate sono ovali, rettangolari, circolari)."
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_hyperlynx.cpp:194
msgid "They have been exported as oval pads."
msgstr "Sono stati esportati come piazzole ovali."
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_hyperlynx.cpp:307
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_vrml.cpp:577
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_export.cpp:134
msgid "Board outline is malformed. Run DRC for a full analysis."
msgstr "Il contorno scheda non corretto. Eseguire DRC per un'analisi completa."
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_idf.cpp:640 pcbnew/exporters/export_idf.cpp:649
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_idf.cpp:657 pcbnew/exporters/export_vrml.cpp:1040
msgid "IDF Export Failed:\n"
msgstr "Esportazione IDF fallita:\n"
#: pcbnew/exporters/export_vrml.cpp:606
msgid "VRML Export Failed: Could not add holes to contours."
msgstr "Esportazione VRML fallita: impossibile aggiungere fori ai contorni."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:67
msgid "Generate Position File"
msgstr "Genera file posizione"
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:308
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:429
#, c-format
msgid "Front (top side) placement file: '%s'."
msgstr "File posizionamento fronte (cima): '%s'."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:333
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:433
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:478
#, c-format
msgid "Component count: %d."
msgstr "Conteggio componenti: %d."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:475
#, c-format
msgid "Back (bottom side) placement file: '%s'."
msgstr "File posizionamento retro (fondo): '%s'."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:485
#, c-format
msgid "Full component count: %d."
msgstr "Conteggio totale componenti: %d."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:340
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:438
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:489
msgid "File generation successful."
msgstr "Generazione file riuscita."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:366
msgid "No footprint for automated placement."
msgstr "Nessuna impronta da posizionare automaticamente."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:427
#, c-format
msgid "Placement file: '%s'."
msgstr "File posizionamenti: '%s'."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:562
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Footprint report file created:\n"
msgstr ""
"File di rapporto impronte creato:\n"
#: pcbnew/exporters/gen_footprints_placefile.cpp:563
msgid "Footprint Report"
msgstr "Rapporto impronta"
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_Excellon_writer.cpp:127
#, c-format
msgid "Created file '%s'"
msgstr "Creato file '%s'"
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_file_writer_base.cpp:354
#: pcbnew/exporters/gendrill_gerber_writer.cpp:111
#, c-format
msgid "Created file '%s'."
msgstr "Creato file '%s'."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gerber_jobfile_writer.cpp:159
#, c-format
msgid "Created Gerber job file '%s'."
msgstr "Creato file di lavoro Gerber '%s'."
#: pcbnew/exporters/gerber_jobfile_writer.cpp:579
msgid "Board stackup settings not up to date."
msgstr "Impostazioni stackup non aggiornate."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:144
msgid "All KiCad Board Files"
msgstr "Tutti i file scheda KiCad"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:185
msgid "Open Board File"
msgstr "Apri file scheda"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:185
msgid "Import Non KiCad Board File"
msgstr "Importa file scheda non KiCad"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:214
msgid "Create a new project for this board"
msgstr "Crea nuovo progetto da questa scheda"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:216
msgid ""
"Creating a project will enable features such as design rules, net classes, "
"and layer presets"
msgstr ""
"Creando un progetto si abiliteranno caratteristiche come il controllo regole "
"di progettazione (DRC), le netclass e le preimpostazioni strati"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:256
msgid "Save Board File As"
msgstr "Salva file scheda come"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:284
msgid "Printed circuit board"
msgstr "Circuito stampato"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:348
#, c-format
msgid "Recovery file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File di recupero '%s' non trovato."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:353
#, c-format
msgid "OK to load recovery file '%s'?"
msgstr "Ok per caricare il file di recupero '%s'?"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:376
#, c-format
msgid "Current board will be closed, save changes to '%s' before continuing?"
msgstr ""
"La scheda corrente verrà chiusa, salvare i cambiamenti su \"%s\" prima di "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:390
msgid "Current Board will be closed. Continue?"
msgstr "La scheda corrente verrà chiusa. Continuare?"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:544
msgid ""
"If the zones on this board are refilled the Copper Edge Clearance setting "
"will be used (see Board Setup > Design Rules > Constraints).\n"
"This may result in different fills from previous KiCad versions which used "
"the line thicknesses of the board boundary on the Edge Cuts layer."
msgstr ""
"Se le zone su questa scheda vengono ri-riempite, verranno usate le "
"impostazioni sulla distanza dal bordo rame (vedere Impostazioni scheda > "
"Regole di progettazione > Vincoli).\n"
"Ciò può portare a riempimenti diversi dalle versioni precedenti di KiCad che "
"usavano lo spessore della linea del bordo scheda sullo strato Edge Cuts."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:549
msgid "Edge Clearance Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimeno distanza bordi"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:580
#, c-format
msgid "PCB '%s' is already open."
msgstr "Il file del C.S. '%s' è già aperto."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:588
msgid "The current PCB has been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr ""
"Il circuito stampato corrente è stato modificato. Salvare le modifiche?"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:610
#, c-format
msgid "PCB '%s' does not exist. Do you wish to create it?"
msgstr "Il circuito stampato \"%s\" non esiste. Crearlo?"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:619
msgid "Creating PCB"
msgstr "Creazione C.S."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:711 pcbnew/files.cpp:721
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading PCB '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento del C.S. '%s'."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:730
#, c-format
msgid "Memory exhausted loading PCB '%s'"
msgstr "Memoria esaurita nel caricamento file C.S. '%s'"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:844
#, c-format
msgid "Error saving footprint %s to project specific library."
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio impronta %s nella libreria impronte specifica del "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:873
msgid "Error saving project specific footprint library table."
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio della tabella librerie impronte specifica del "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:965 pcbnew/files.cpp:1105
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:360
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to write file '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per scrivere il file '%s'."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:993 pcbnew/files.cpp:1150
#, c-format
msgid "Error saving custom rules file '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel salvataggio del file regole personalizzato '%s'."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:1024 pcbnew/files.cpp:1126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving board file '%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio del file scheda '%s'.\n"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:1041
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error saving board file '%s'.\n"
"Failed to rename temporary file '%s."
msgstr ""
"Errore nel salvataggio file scheda '%s'.\n"
"Fallita rinomina del file temporaneo '%s'."
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:1154
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Board copied to:\n"
msgstr ""
"Scheda copiata su:\n"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:926 pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1231
msgid "Last Change"
msgstr "Ultima modifica"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:930
msgid "Board Side"
msgstr "Lato scheda"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:930
msgid "Back (Flipped)"
msgstr "Sotto (capovolto)"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:948
msgid "autoplaced"
msgstr "autopiazzato"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:951
msgid "not in schematic"
msgstr "non nello schema"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:954
msgid "exclude from pos files"
msgstr "escludi dai file posizioni"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:957
msgid "exclude from BOM"
msgstr "escludi dalla DIBA"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:959
msgid "Status: "
msgstr "Stato: "
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:959
msgid "Attributes:"
msgstr "Attributi:"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:964
#, c-format
msgid "3D-Shape: %s"
msgstr "Forma 3D: %s"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:964
msgid "<none>"
msgstr "<nessuno>"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:968 pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1237
#, c-format
msgid "Doc: %s"
msgstr "Specifiche: %s"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:969 pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1238
#, c-format
msgid "Keywords: %s"
msgstr "Parole chiave: %s"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:1262
msgid "<no reference designator>"
msgstr "<nessun riferimento predefinito>"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:1264
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s"
msgstr "Impronta %s"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2091
#, c-format
msgid "Expected \"Through hole\" type but set to \"%s\""
msgstr "Era atteso il tipo \"Passante\" invece impostato a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2095
#, c-format
msgid "Expected \"SMD\" type but set to \"%s\""
msgstr "Era atteso il tipo \"SMD\" invece impostato a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2099
#, c-format
msgid "Expected \"Other\" type but set to \"%s\""
msgstr "Era atteso il tipo \"Altro\" invece impostato a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2125
#, c-format
msgid "(pad \"%s\")"
msgstr "(piazzola \"%s\")"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2367 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1681 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1479
msgid "Clearance Override"
msgstr "Scavalcamento distanze"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2370 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1658
msgid "Solderpaste Margin Override"
msgstr "Scavalcamento margine pastasalda"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2374 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1661
msgid "Solderpaste Margin Ratio Override"
msgstr "Scavalcamento rapporto margine pastasalda"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2377 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1663 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1490
msgid "Thermal Relief Width"
msgstr "Larghezza supporti termici"
#: pcbnew/footprint.cpp:2381 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1666 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1487
msgid "Thermal Relief Gap"
msgstr "Vuoto supporti termici"
#: pcbnew/footprint.h:215
#, c-format
msgid "footprint %s"
msgstr "impronta: %s"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:120
msgid "KiCad Footprint Editor"
msgstr "Editor impronte KiCad"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:206 pcbnew/zone_settings.cpp:219
msgid "Inner layers"
msgstr "Strati interni"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:245 pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:277
msgid "Selection Filter"
msgstr "Filtro selezione"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:299
msgid "Footprint changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti impronta non salvati"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:506
#, c-format
msgid "Editing %s from board. Saving will update the board only."
msgstr "Modifica %s dalla scheda. Il salvataggio aggiornerà solo la scheda."
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:807
#, c-format
msgid "[from %s]"
msgstr "[da %s]"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:841
msgid "[no footprint loaded]"
msgstr "[nessuna impronta caricata]"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:897
msgid "Updating Footprint Libraries"
msgstr "Aggiornamento librerie di impronte"
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:1194
msgid "No footprint selected."
msgstr "Nessuna impronta selezionata."
#: pcbnew/footprint_edit_frame.cpp:1203
msgid "Footprint Image File Name"
msgstr "Nome file immagine impronta"
#: pcbnew/footprint_editor_utils.cpp:220
msgid "Edit Zone"
msgstr "Modifica zona"
#: pcbnew/footprint_editor_utils.cpp:294
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The current configuration does not include a library named '%s'.\n"
"Use Manage Footprint Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"La configurazione corrente non include una libreria con denominatore \"%s"
"Usare il gestore delle librerie di impronte per modificare la configurazione."
#: pcbnew/footprint_editor_utils.cpp:297
msgid "Library not found in footprint library table."
msgstr "Libreria non trovata nella tabella librerie impronte."
#: pcbnew/footprint_editor_utils.cpp:306
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The library '%s' is not enabled in the current configuration.\n"
"Use Manage Footprint Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"La libreria con denominatore \"%s\" non è abilitata nella corrente "
"Usare la gestione librerie di impronte per modificare la configurazione."
#: pcbnew/footprint_editor_utils.cpp:309 pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:916
msgid "Footprint library not enabled."
msgstr "Libreria impronte non abilitata."
#: pcbnew/footprint_info_impl.cpp:131
msgid "Fetching footprint libraries..."
msgstr "Recupero librerie di impronte..."
#: pcbnew/footprint_info_impl.cpp:159
msgid "Loading footprints..."
msgstr "Caricamento impronte..."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:59
msgid ""
"Writing/modifying legacy libraries (.mod files) is not allowed\n"
"Please save the current library to the new .pretty format\n"
"and update your footprint lib table\n"
"to save your footprint (a .kicad_mod file) in the .pretty library folder"
msgstr ""
"La scrittura/modifica di librerie obsolete (file .mod) non è consentita.\n"
"Salvare la libreria corrente nel nuovo formato .pretty e aggiornare\n"
"la tabella delle librerie impronte per salvare la propria impronta\n"
"(un file .kicad_mod) nella cartella della libreria .pretty"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:65
msgid ""
"Modifying legacy libraries (.mod files) is not allowed\n"
"Please save the current library under the new .pretty format\n"
"and update your footprint lib table\n"
"before deleting a footprint"
msgstr ""
"La modifica di librerie obsolete (file .mod) non è consentita.\n"
"Salvare la libreriea corrente nel nuovo formato .pretty\n"
"e aggiornare la tabella delle librerie impronte\n"
"prima di cancellare un'impronta"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:86
msgid "Import Footprint"
msgstr "Importa impronta"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:262
msgid "Not a footprint file."
msgstr "Non è un file impronta."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:274
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to load footprint '%s' from '%s'"
msgstr "Impossibile caricare l'impronta \"%s\" da \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:331
msgid "Export Footprint"
msgstr "Esporta impronta"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint exported to file '%s'."
msgstr "Impronta esportata nel file '%s'."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:463
#, c-format
msgid "Library %s is read only."
msgstr "La libreria '%s' è a sola lettura."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:469
#, c-format
msgid "Library %s already exists."
msgstr "La libreria %s esiste già."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:627
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:961
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2504
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2580
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' is read only."
msgstr "La libreria \"%s\" è in sola lettura."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:633
#, c-format
msgid "Delete footprint '%s' from library '%s'?"
msgstr "Cancellare impronta \"%s\" dalla libreria \"%s\"?"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:650
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' deleted from library '%s'"
msgstr "Impronta \"%s\" cancellata dalla libreria \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:665
msgid "No footprints to export!"
msgstr "Nessuna impronta da esportare!"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:687
#, c-format
msgid "Update footprints on board to refer to %s?"
msgstr "Aggiornare tutte le impronte per riferirsi a %s?"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:734
msgid "Update footprints on board to refer to new library?"
msgstr "Aggiornare le impronte per riferirsi alla nuova libreria?"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:873
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:712
msgid "No board currently open."
msgstr "Nessuna scheda attualmente aperta."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:900
msgid ""
"Unable to find the footprint on the main board.\n"
"Cannot save."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare l'impronta sulla scheda principale.\n"
"Impossibile salvare."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:906
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:720
msgid "Previous footprint placement still in progress."
msgstr "Piazzamento impronta precedente ancora in essere."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:995
msgid "Save Footprint As"
msgstr "Salva impronta come"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1032
msgid "No library specified. Footprint could not be saved."
msgstr "Nessuna libreria specificata. L'impronta non può essere salvata."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1042
msgid "No footprint name specified. Footprint could not be saved."
msgstr "Nessuna impronta specificata. L'impronta non può essere salvata."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1066
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s already exists in %s."
msgstr "L'impronta %s esiste già in %s."
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1082
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' replaced in '%s'"
msgstr "Impronta \"%s\" rimpiazzata in \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1083
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' added to '%s'"
msgstr "Impronta \"%s\" aggiunta a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1135
msgid "Enter footprint name:"
msgstr "Inserire nome impronta:"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1135
msgid "New Footprint"
msgstr "Nuova impronta"
#: pcbnew/footprint_libraries_utils.cpp:1165
msgid "No footprint name defined."
msgstr "Nessun nome impronta definito."
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:122
msgid "KiCad Footprint Library Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore librerie impronte KiCad"
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:161
msgid ""
"Filter on footprint name, keywords, description and pad count.\n"
"Search terms are separated by spaces. All search terms must match.\n"
"A term which is a number will also match against the pad count."
msgstr ""
"Filtro su nome impronta, parole chiave, descrizione e numero di piazzole.\n"
"I termini di ricerca sono separati da spazi. Tutti i termini di ricerca "
"devono corrispondere.\n"
"Un termine numerico corrisponderà anche con l'elenco piazzole."
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:670
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Could not load footprint '%s' from library '%s'.\n"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile caricare impronta \"%s\" dalla libreria \"%s\".\n"
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:906
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The current configuration does not include library '%s'. Use Manage "
"Footprint Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"L'attuale configurazione non include la libreria \"%s\". Usare la gestione "
"librerie di impronte per modificare la configurazione."
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:909
msgid "Footprint library not found."
msgstr "Libreria impronte non trovata."
#: pcbnew/footprint_viewer_frame.cpp:913
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Library '%s' is not enabled in the current configuration. Use Manage "
"Footprint Libraries to edit the configuration."
msgstr ""
"La libreria \"%s\" non è abilitata nell'attuale configurazione. Usare la "
"gestione librerie di impronte per modificare la configurazione."
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:81
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame_functions.cpp:82
msgid "Footprint Wizard"
msgstr "Assistente impronte"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:329
msgid "Parameter"
msgstr "Parametro"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:571
#, c-format
msgid "ModView: 3D Viewer [%s]"
msgstr "ModView: visualizzatore 3D [%s]"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:592
msgid "Select wizard script to run"
msgstr "Seleziona l'assistente script da eseguire"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:597
msgid "Reset wizard parameters to default"
msgstr "Reimposta i parametri dell'assistente ai valori predefiniti"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:602
msgid "Select previous parameters page"
msgstr "Seleziona la pagina parametri precedente"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:605
msgid "Select next parameters page"
msgstr "Seleziona la pagina parametri successiva"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame.cpp:622
msgid "Export footprint to editor"
msgstr "Esporta l'impronta all'editor"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame_functions.cpp:88
msgid "no wizard selected"
msgstr "nessun assistente selezionato"
#: pcbnew/footprint_wizard_frame_functions.cpp:140
msgid "Couldn't reload footprint wizard"
msgstr "Impossibile ricaricare l'assistente impronte"
#: pcbnew/fp_shape.cpp:127 pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:165
#, c-format
msgid "%s on %s"
msgstr "%s su %s"
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:291
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Mostra"
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:317
#, c-format
msgid "Reference '%s'"
msgstr "Riferimento \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:321
#, c-format
msgid "Value '%s' of %s"
msgstr "Valore \"%s\" di %s"
#: pcbnew/fp_text.cpp:326
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint Text '%s' of %s"
msgstr "Testo impronta \"%s\" su %s"
#: pcbnew/generate_footprint_info.cpp:43
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentazione"
#: pcbnew/generate_footprint_info.cpp:81
#, c-format
msgid "Error loading footprint %s from library '%s'."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento dell'impronta %s dalla libreria '%s'."
#: pcbnew/generate_footprint_info.cpp:121
msgid "doc url"
msgstr "url doc"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:55
msgid "Centimeter"
msgstr "Centimetri"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:56
msgid "Feet"
msgstr "Piedi"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:252
msgid "Open File"
msgstr "Apri file"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:277
msgid "No file selected!"
msgstr "Nessun file selezionato!"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:288
msgid "Please select a valid layer."
msgstr "Selezionare uno strato valido."
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:337
msgid "Items in the imported file could not be handled properly."
msgstr "Elementi del file importato non possono essere gestiti correttamente."
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx.cpp:345
msgid "There is no plugin to handle this file type."
msgstr "Non c'è un plugin per gestire questo tipo di file."
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:26
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:31
msgid "Only vectors will be imported. Bitmaps and fonts will be ignored."
msgstr ""
"Solo i vettori verranno importati. Le bitmap e i font verranno ignorati."
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:43
msgid "Placement"
msgstr "Piazzamento"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:48
msgid "Interactive placement"
msgstr "Piazzamento interattivo"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:55
msgid "At"
msgstr "A"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:74
msgid "DXF origin on PCB Grid, X Coordinate"
msgstr "Origine DXF su griglia C.S., coordinata X"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:91
msgid "DXF origin on PCB Grid, Y Coordinate"
msgstr "Origine DXF su griglia C.S., coordinata Y"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:103
msgid "Select PCB grid units"
msgstr "Seleziona unità griglia C.S."
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:120
msgid "Import Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri importazione"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:131
msgid "Graphic layer:"
msgstr "Strato grafico:"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:141
msgid "Import scale:"
msgstr "Scala importazione:"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:163
msgid "Group items"
msgstr "Raggruppa elementi"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:164
msgid "Add all imported items into a new group"
msgstr "Tutti gli elementi importati in un nuovo gruppo"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:175
msgid "DXF Parameters"
msgstr "Parametri DXF"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.cpp:199
msgid "Default units:"
msgstr "Unità predefinite:"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dialog_import_gfx_base.h:87
msgid "Import Vector Graphics File"
msgstr "Importa file grafico vettoriale"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dxf_import_plugin.cpp:1364
msgid "Invalid spline definition encountered"
msgstr "Incontrata definizione di spline non valida"
#: pcbnew/import_gfx/dxf_import_plugin.cpp:1371
msgid "Invalid Bezier curve created"
msgstr "Creata curva Bezier non valida"
#: pcbnew/initpcb.cpp:50
msgid ""
"Current Board will be lost and this operation cannot be undone. Continue?"
msgstr ""
"La scheda corrente verrà persa e questa operazione non potrà essere "
"annullata. Continuare?"
#: pcbnew/initpcb.cpp:109 pcbnew/tools/footprint_editor_control.cpp:189
msgid "The current footprint has been modified. Save changes?"
msgstr "L'impronta corrente è stata modificata. Salvare le modifiche?"
#: pcbnew/io_mgr.cpp:89
#, c-format
msgid "UNKNOWN (%d)"
msgstr "Sconosciuto (%d)"
#: pcbnew/kicad_clipboard.cpp:434
msgid "Clipboard content is not KiCad compatible"
msgstr "I contenuti degli appunti non sono compatibili KiCad"
#: pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:265
#, c-format
msgid "Choose Footprint (%d items loaded)"
msgstr "Scegli l'impronta (%d elementi caricati)"
#: pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:367
#, c-format
msgid "Footprints [%u items]"
msgstr "Impronte [%u elementi]"
#: pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:431
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint '%s' saved."
msgstr "Impronta '%s' salvata."
#: pcbnew/load_select_footprint.cpp:441
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint library '%s' saved as '%s'."
msgstr "Libreria impronte '%s' salvata come '%s'."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:77
msgid "Footprint..."
msgstr "Impronta..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:69 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:112
msgid "Graphics..."
msgstr "Grafica..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:78
msgid "View as &PNG..."
msgstr "Mostra come &PNG..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:79
msgid "Create a PNG file from the current view"
msgstr "Crea un file PNG dalla vista corrente"
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:150 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:260
msgid "&Drawing Mode"
msgstr "Modalità &disegno"
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:160 pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:285
msgid "&Contrast Mode"
msgstr "Modalità &contrasto"
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:209
msgid "&Load Footprint from PCB..."
msgstr "Carica impronta da&l C.S. ..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:210
msgid "Load a footprint from the current board into the editor"
msgstr "Carica una impronta dalla scheda corrente nell'editor"
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:214
msgid "&Insert Footprint on PCB"
msgstr "&Inserisci impronta sul C.S."
#: pcbnew/menubar_footprint_editor.cpp:215
msgid "Insert footprint onto current board"
msgstr "Inserisce l'impronta nella scheda corrente"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:100
msgid "Resc&ue"
msgstr "Rec&upera"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:101
msgid "Clear board and get last rescue file automatically saved by PCB editor"
msgstr ""
"Cancella la scheda e recupera l'ultimo salvataggio automatico dall'editor di "
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:111
msgid "Specctra Session..."
msgstr "Specctra Session..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:116
msgid "Non-KiCad Board File..."
msgstr "File scheda non-KiCad..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:117
msgid "Import board file from other applications"
msgstr "Importa un file scheda da altre applicazioni"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:129
msgid "Specctra DSN..."
msgstr "Specctra DSN..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:130
msgid "GenCAD..."
msgstr "GenCAD..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:130
msgid "Export GenCAD board representation"
msgstr "Esporta rappresentazione scheda 3D GenCAD"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:132
msgid "VRML..."
msgstr "VRML..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:132
msgid "Export VRML 3D board representation"
msgstr "Esporta rappresentazione VRML 3D scheda"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:134
msgid "IDFv3..."
msgstr "IDFv3..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:134
msgid "Export IDF 3D board representation"
msgstr "Esporta rappresentazione IDF 3D scheda"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:136
msgid "STEP..."
msgstr "STEP..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:136
msgid "Export STEP 3D board representation"
msgstr "Esporta rappresentazione STEP 3D scheda"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:138
msgid "SVG..."
msgstr "SVG..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:138
msgid "Export SVG board representation"
msgstr "Esporta rappresentazione SVG scheda"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:140
msgid "Footprint Association (.cmp) File..."
msgstr "File di associazione impronte (.cmp)..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:141
msgid "Export footprint association file (*.cmp) for schematic back annotation"
msgstr ""
"Esporta il file associazione impronte (*.cmp) per la back-annotation dello "
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:143
msgid "Hyperlynx..."
msgstr "Hyperlynx..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:150
msgid "Footprints to Library..."
msgstr "Impronte nella libreria..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:151
msgid ""
"Add footprints used on board to an existing footprint library\n"
"(does not remove other footprints from this library)"
msgstr ""
"Aggiungi le impronte usate sulla scheda ad una libreria impronte esistente\n"
"(non rimuove le altre impronte presenti in questa libreria)"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:155
msgid "Footprints to New Library..."
msgstr "Impronte nella nuova libreria..."
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:156
msgid ""
"Create a new footprint library containing the footprints used on board\n"
"(if the library already exists it will be replaced)"
msgstr ""
"Crea una nuova libreria impronte contenente tutte le impronte usate nella "
"(se questa libreria esiste già, verrà rimpiazzata)"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:164
msgid "Fabrication Outputs"
msgstr "File per fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:309
msgid "Add Microwave Shape"
msgstr "Aggiungi forma per microonde"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:344
msgid "Auto-Place Footprints"
msgstr "Autopiazzamento impronte"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:422
msgid "External Plugins"
msgstr "Plugin esterni"
#: pcbnew/menubar_pcb_editor.cpp:460
msgid "Ro&ute"
msgstr "Sbr&oglia"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:56
msgid "Gap Size:"
msgstr "Dimensione spazio:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:62
msgid "Stub Size:"
msgstr "Dimensione tronco:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:69
msgid "Arc Stub Radius Value:"
msgstr "Valore del raggio dell'arco di tronco:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:95
msgid "Create Microwave Footprint"
msgstr "Crea impronta per microonde"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:94
msgid "Angle in degrees:"
msgstr "Angolo in gradi:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_footprint.cpp:104
msgid "Incorrect number, abort"
msgstr "Numero sbagliato, interrotto"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:320
msgid "Add microwave inductor"
msgstr "Aggiungi induttore per microonde"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:372
msgid "Length of Trace:"
msgstr "Lunghezza pista:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:383
msgid "Requested length < minimum length"
msgstr "Lunghezza richiesta < lunghezza minima"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:397
msgid "Requested length too large"
msgstr "La lunghezza richiesta eccessiva"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:400
msgid "Requested length too small"
msgstr "Lunghezza richiesta troppo piccola"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:403
msgid "Requested length can't be represented"
msgstr "Lunghezza richiesta non rappresentabile"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_inductor.cpp:411
msgid "Component Value:"
msgstr "Valore componente:"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:111
msgid "Complex Shape"
msgstr "Forma complessa"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:128
msgid "Symmetrical"
msgstr "Simmetrico"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:168
msgid "Read Shape Description File..."
msgstr "Leggi file di descrizione della forma..."
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:210
msgid "Shape Description File"
msgstr "File descrizione forma"
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:314
msgid "Shape has a null size."
msgstr "La forma ha dimensione zero."
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_polygon.cpp:320
msgid "Shape has no points."
msgstr "La forma non ha punti."
#: pcbnew/microwave/microwave_tool.cpp:93
msgid "Place microwave feature"
msgstr "Piazza elemento per microonde"
#: pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:125
msgid "On Board"
msgstr "Sulla scheda"
#: pcbnew/netinfo_item.cpp:129
msgid "In Package"
msgstr "Nel Contenitore"
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:138
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot add %s (no footprint assigned)."
msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere %s (nessuna impronta assegnata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:150
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot add %s (footprint '%s' not found)."
msgstr "Impossibile aggiungere %s (impronta '%s' non trovata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:160
#, c-format
msgid "Add %s (footprint '%s')."
msgstr "Aggiungi %s (impronta '%s')."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:184
#, c-format
msgid "Added %s (footprint '%s')."
msgstr "Aggiunto %s (impronta '%s')."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:202
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot update %s (no footprint assigned)."
msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare %s (nessuna impronta assegnata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:214
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot update %s (footprint '%s' not found)."
msgstr "Impossibile aggiornare %s (impronta '%s' non trovata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:224
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s footprint from '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambia impronta \"%s\" da \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:236
#, c-format
msgid "Changed %s footprint from '%s' to '%s'."
msgstr "Cambiata impronta \"%s\" da \"%s\" a \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:263
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s reference designator to %s."
msgstr "Cambia riferimento %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:269
#, c-format
msgid "Changed %s reference designator to %s."
msgstr "Cambiato riferimento %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:285
#, c-format
msgid "Change %s value from %s to %s."
msgstr "Cambia valore %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:292
#, c-format
msgid "Changed %s value from %s to %s."
msgstr "Cambiato valore %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:314
#, c-format
msgid "Update %s symbol association from %s to %s."
msgstr "Aggiorna associazione simbolo %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:321
#, c-format
msgid "Updated %s symbol association from %s to %s."
msgstr "Aggiornata associazione simbolo %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:337
#, c-format
msgid "Update %s properties."
msgstr "Aggiorna %s proprietà."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:342
#, c-format
msgid "Updated %s properties."
msgstr "Aggiornate %s proprietà."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:359
#, c-format
msgid "Add %s 'exclude from BOM' fabrication attribute."
msgstr "Aggiungi %s attributo di fabbricazione \"escludi dalla DIBA\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:364
#, c-format
msgid "Remove %s 'exclude from BOM' fabrication attribute."
msgstr "Rimuovi %s attributo di fabbricazione \"escludi dalla DIBA\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:375
#, c-format
msgid "Added %s 'exclude from BOM' fabrication attribute."
msgstr "Aggiunti %s attributo di fabbricazione \"escludi dalla DIBA\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:381
#, c-format
msgid "Removed %s 'exclude from BOM' fabrication attribute."
msgstr "Rimosso %s attributo di fabbricazione \"escludi dalla DIBA\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:450
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnect %s pin %s."
msgstr "Disconnetti %s pin %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:456
#, c-format
msgid "Disconnected %s pin %s."
msgstr "Disconnesso %s pin %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:466
#, c-format
msgid "No net found for symbol %s pin %s."
msgstr "Nessun collegamento per il simbolo %s pin %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:518
#, c-format
msgid "Add net %s."
msgstr "Aggiungi collegamento %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:528
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnect %s pin %s from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnetti %s pin %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:536
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnected %s pin %s from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnesso %s pin %s da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:547
#, c-format
msgid "Connect %s pin %s to %s."
msgstr "Connetti %s pin %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:554
#, c-format
msgid "Connected %s pin %s to %s."
msgstr "Connesso %s pin %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:633
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnect via from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnetti via da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:651
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnected via from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnesso via da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:661
#, c-format
msgid "Via connected to unknown net (%s)."
msgstr "Via connesso a collegamento sconosciuto (%s)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:704
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnect copper zone '%s' from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnetti zona rame \"%s\" da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:711
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnect copper zone from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnetti zona rame da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:732
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnected copper zone '%s' from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnessa zona rame \"%s\" da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:739
#, c-format
msgid "Reconnected copper zone from %s to %s."
msgstr "Riconnessa zona rame da %s a %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:752
#, c-format
msgid "Copper zone '%s' has no pads connected."
msgstr "La zona rame \"%s\" non ha piazzole connesse."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:760
#, c-format
msgid "Copper zone on layer %s at (%s, %s) has no pads connected."
msgstr "La zona rame su strato \"%s\" a (%s, %s) non ha piazzole connesse."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:802
#, c-format
msgid "%s pad %s not found in %s."
msgstr "%s piazzola %s non trovata in %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:853
#, c-format
msgid "Processing symbol '%s:%s'."
msgstr "Elaborazione simbolo \"%s:%s\"."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:922
#, c-format
msgid "Multiple footprints found for '%s'."
msgstr "Impronte multiple trovate per '%s'."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:952
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot remove unused footprint %s (locked)."
msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere l'impronta non usata %s (bloccata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:957
#, c-format
msgid "Could not remove unused footprint %s (locked)."
msgstr "Impossibile rimuovere l'impronta non usata %s (bloccata)."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:969
#, c-format
msgid "Remove unused footprint %s."
msgstr "Rimuovi impronta non usata %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:974
#, c-format
msgid "Removed unused footprint %s."
msgstr "Rimossa impronta non usata %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:1001
#, c-format
msgid "Removed unused net %s."
msgstr "Rimossa connessione non usata %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:1009
msgid "Update netlist"
msgstr "Aggiorna netlist"
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/board_netlist_updater.cpp:1027
#, c-format
msgid "Total warnings: %d, errors: %d."
msgstr "Totale avvertimenti: %d, errori: %d."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/kicad_netlist_reader.cpp:270
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find component with ref '%s' in netlist."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare il componente con rif \"%s\" nella netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/kicad_netlist_reader.cpp:438
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid footprint ID in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"ID impronta non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:118
msgid "Cannot parse time stamp in symbol section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile elaborare la marcatura temporale nella sezione simboli della "
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:128
msgid "Cannot parse footprint name in symbol section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile elaborare il nome impronta nalla sezione simboli della netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:142
msgid "Cannot parse reference designator in symbol section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile elaborare il designatore di riferimento nella sezione simboli "
"della netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:152
msgid "Cannot parse value in symbol section of netlist."
msgstr "Impossibile elaborare il valore nella sezione simboli della netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:189
msgid "Cannot parse pin name in symbol net section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile analizzare il nome pin nella sezione reti di simboli della "
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:198
msgid "Cannot parse net name in symbol net section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile elaborare il nome collegamento nella sezione reti di simboli "
"della netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/legacy_netlist_reader.cpp:246
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot find symbol %s in footprint filter section of netlist."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il simbolo '%s' nella sezione filtro impronte della "
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:67
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot open netlist file '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile aprire il file netlist '%s'."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:68
msgid "Netlist Load Error."
msgstr "Errore caricamento netlist."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:78
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading netlist.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel caricamento della netlist.\n"
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:79
msgid "Netlist Load Error"
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento netlist"
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid "No footprint defined for symbol %s."
msgstr "Nessuna impronta definita per il simbolo %s."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint of %s changed: board footprint '%s', netlist footprint '%s'."
msgstr ""
"L'impronta di %s è cambiata: impronta scheda '%s', netlist impronta '%s'."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:205
#, c-format
msgid "%s footprint ID '%s' is not valid."
msgstr "%s ID impronta '%s' non valido."
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist.cpp:222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s footprint '%s' not found in any libraries in the footprint library table."
msgstr ""
"%s impronta '%s' non trovata in nessuna libreria della tabella librerie "
#: pcbnew/netlist_reader/netlist_reader.cpp:184
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid footprint ID in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d"
msgstr ""
"ID impronta non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:707 pcbnew/pad.cpp:822 pcbnew/pad.cpp:842 pcbnew/pad.cpp:861
msgid "pad"
msgstr "piazzola"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:815 pcbnew/pad.cpp:836 pcbnew/pad.cpp:855
msgid "parent footprint"
msgstr "impronta genitore"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:882 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1633
msgid "Pin Name"
msgstr "Nome pin"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:885 pcbnew/pad.cpp:1635
msgid "Pin Type"
msgstr "Tipo pin"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:909
msgid "BGA"
msgstr "BGA"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:910
msgid "Fiducial global"
msgstr "Allineatore globale"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:911
msgid "Fiducial local"
msgstr "Allineatore locale"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:912
msgid "Test point"
msgstr "Punto di test"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:913
msgid "Heat sink"
msgstr "Dissipatore"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:914
msgid "Castellated"
msgstr "Dentellati"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:922 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:762 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1188
msgid "Diameter"
msgstr "Diametro"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:944
msgid "Length in Package"
msgstr "Lunghezza nel contenitore"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:957
msgid "Hole X / Y"
msgstr "Foro X / Y"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:969 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:728 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:771
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2093 pcbnew/zone.cpp:646
#, c-format
msgid "Min Clearance: %s"
msgstr "Distanza min: %s"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:971 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:730 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:737
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:773 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:779
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2081 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2095
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:648
#, c-format
msgid "(from %s)"
msgstr "(da %s)"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1111
msgid "Trap"
msgstr "Trap"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1112
msgid "Roundrect"
msgstr "Rettangolo stondato"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1113
msgid "Chamferedrect"
msgstr "Rettangolo smussato"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1114
msgid "CustomShape"
msgstr "Forma personalizzata"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1126
msgid "Conn"
msgstr "Conn"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1139
#, c-format
msgid "Pad %s of %s on %s"
msgstr "Piazzola %s di %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1146
#, c-format
msgid "Through hole pad %s of %s"
msgstr "Piazzola passante %s di %s"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1155
#, c-format
msgid "Pad %s %s of %s on %s"
msgstr "Piazzola %s %s di %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1163
#, c-format
msgid "Through hole pad %s %s of %s"
msgstr "Piazzola passante %s %s di %s"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1598
msgid "Edge connector"
msgstr "Connettore a bordo scheda"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1599
msgid "NPTH, mechanical"
msgstr "NPTH, meccanico"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1605
msgid "Trapezoid"
msgstr "Trapezoide"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1617
msgid "Castellated pad"
msgstr "Piazzola dentellata"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1623
msgid "Pad Type"
msgstr "Tipo piazzola"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1631
msgid "Pad Number"
msgstr "Numero piazzola"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1640
msgid "Size X"
msgstr "Dimensione X"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1643
msgid "Size Y"
msgstr "Dimensione Y"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1646
msgid "Hole Size X"
msgstr "Dimensione X foro"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1649
msgid "Hole Size Y"
msgstr "Dimensione X foro"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1652 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:718
msgid "Pad To Die Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza da piazzola a die"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1655
msgid "Soldermask Margin Override"
msgstr "Scavalcamento margine maschera di saldatura"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1669
msgid "Fabrication Property"
msgstr "Proprietà fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/pad.cpp:1672
msgid "Round Radius Ratio"
msgstr "Rapporto raggio tondo"
#: pcbnew/pcb_base_frame.cpp:150
msgid "Error loading project footprint libraries."
msgstr "Errore nel caricamento delle librerie impronte del progetto."
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:303
msgid "Prefix"
msgstr "Prefisso"
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:307
msgid "Override Text"
msgstr "Scavalca testo"
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:317
msgid "Suffix"
msgstr "Suffisso"
#: pcbnew/pcb_dimension.cpp:441
#, c-format
msgid "Dimension '%s' on %s"
msgstr "Dimensione \"%s\" su %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:192
msgid "KiCad PCB Editor"
msgstr "Editor di C.S. KiCad"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:198
msgid "Export netlist used to update schematics"
msgstr "Esporta netlist usata per aggiornare lo schema"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:321
msgid "New PCB file is unsaved"
msgstr "Nuovo file C.S. non salvato"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:870
#, c-format
msgid "The auto save file '%s' could not be removed!"
msgstr "Il file di salvataggio automatico '%s' non può essere rimosso!"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1113
msgid "Board file is read only."
msgstr "Il file scheda è in sola lettura."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1147
msgid "PCB file changes are unsaved"
msgstr "Cambiamenti file C.S. non salvati"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1416
msgid "The schematic for this board cannot be found."
msgstr "Schema elettrico per questa scheda non trovato."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1440
msgid ""
"Cannot update the PCB because PCB editor is opened in stand-alone mode. In "
"order to create or update PCBs from schematics, you must launch the KiCad "
"project manager and create a project."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aggiornare il C.S., perché Pcbnew è aperto in modalità autonoma. "
"Per creare/aggiornare un C.S. da uno schema elettrico, è necessario eseguire "
"il gestore di progetti KiCad e creare un progetto."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1462
msgid "Eeschema netlist"
msgstr "Netlist Eeschema"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1473
msgid ""
"Received an error while reading netlist. Please report this issue to the "
"KiCad team using the menu Help->Report Bug."
msgstr ""
"Ricevuto errore durante la lettura della netlist. Prego trasmettere questo "
"problema al team KiCad usando il menu Aiuto->Segnala bug."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1500
#, c-format
msgid "Schematic file '%s' not found."
msgstr "File schema elettrico '%s' non trovato."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1530
msgid "Eeschema failed to load."
msgstr "Eeschema ha fallito il caricamento."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1681
msgid "Edit design rules"
msgstr "Modifica regole di progettazione"
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1693
msgid "Could not compile custom design rules."
msgstr "Impossibile compilare le regole di progettazione personalizzate."
#: pcbnew/pcb_edit_frame.cpp:1728
msgid "Export Hyperlynx Layout"
msgstr "Esporta progetto in Hyperlynx"
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:94 pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:263
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:329 pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:395
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:613 pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:715
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:828
#, c-format
msgid "Missing argument to '%s'"
msgstr "Argomento mancante a \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:130
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized layer '%s'"
msgstr "Strato non riconosciuto \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:497
msgid "Footprint's courtyard is not a single, closed shape."
msgstr "L'ingombro impronta non è una singola forma chiusa."
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:510
msgid "Footprint has no front courtyard."
msgstr "L'impronta non ha un ingombro fronte"
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:527
msgid "Footprint has no back courtyard."
msgstr "L'impronta non ha un ingombro retro"
#: pcbnew/pcb_expr_evaluator.cpp:1151
msgid "must be mm, in, or mil"
msgstr "deve essere mm, in o mil"
#: pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:317
#, c-format
msgid "Unnamed Group, %zu members"
msgstr "Gruppo senza nome, %zu membri"
#: pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:321
#, c-format
msgid "Group '%s', %zu members"
msgstr "Gruppo '%s', %zu membri"
#: pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:335
msgid "<unnamed>"
msgstr "<senza nome>"
#: pcbnew/pcb_group.cpp:336
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Membri"
#: pcbnew/pcb_layer_box_selector.cpp:94
msgid "(not activated)"
msgstr "(non attivato)"
#: pcbnew/pcb_marker.cpp:95
msgid "Violation"
msgstr "Violazione"
#: pcbnew/pcb_marker.cpp:142
#, c-format
msgid "Marker (%s)"
msgstr "Marcatore (%s)"
#: pcbnew/pcb_shape.cpp:152
msgid "Drawing"
msgstr "Disegno"
#: pcbnew/pcb_target.cpp:152
msgid "PCB Target"
msgstr "Obiettivo C.S."
#: pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:115
msgid "PCB Text"
msgstr "Testo C.S."
#: pcbnew/pcb_text.cpp:192
#, c-format
msgid "PCB Text '%s' on %s"
msgstr "Testo C.S. \"%s\" su %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:103
#, c-format
msgid "Blind/Buried Via %s on %s"
msgstr "Via cieco/sepolto %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:104
#, c-format
msgid "Micro Via %s on %s"
msgstr "Microvia %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:105
#, c-format
msgid "Via %s on %s"
msgstr "Via %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:168
msgid "removed annular ring"
msgstr "anello rimosso"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:702
msgid "Segment Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza segmento"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:713
msgid "Routed Length"
msgstr "Lunghezza sbrogliata"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:721
msgid "Full Length"
msgstr "Lung. intera"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:735
#, c-format
msgid "Min Width: %s"
msgstr "Larghezza min: %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:748
msgid "Micro Via"
msgstr "Microvia"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:749
msgid "Blind/Buried Via"
msgstr "Via cieco/sepolto"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:750
msgid "Through Via"
msgstr "Via passanti"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:766 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1190
msgid "Drill"
msgstr "Foro"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:777
#, c-format
msgid "Min Annular Width: %s"
msgstr "Larghezza anello min: %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:794
msgid "NetCode"
msgstr "Codice collegamento"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:925
#, c-format
msgid "Track (arc) %s on %s, length %s"
msgstr "Pista (arco) %s su %s, lung. %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:926
#, c-format
msgid "Track %s on %s, length %s"
msgstr "Pista %s su %s, lung. %s"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1154 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1171
msgid "Origin X"
msgstr "X origine"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1157 pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1174
msgid "Origin Y"
msgstr "Y origine"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1193
msgid "Layer Top"
msgstr "Strato superiore"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1195
msgid "Layer Bottom"
msgstr "Strato inferiore"
#: pcbnew/pcb_track.cpp:1197
msgid "Via Type"
msgstr "Tipo via"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:265
msgid ""
"An error occurred attempting to load the global footprint library table.\n"
"Please edit this global footprint library table in Preferences menu."
msgstr ""
"Errore durante il caricamento della tabella librerie impronte globale.\n"
"Modificare la tabella globale delle librerie impronte nel menu preferenze."
#: pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:60
msgid "Action Plugins"
msgstr "Plugin azioni"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew_config.cpp:61
msgid "Origins & Axes"
msgstr "Origini e assi"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew_printout.cpp:108
msgid "Multiple Layers"
msgstr "Strati multipli"
#: pcbnew/plugin.cpp:152
msgid "Enable <b>debug</b> logging for Footprint*() functions in this PLUGIN."
msgstr ""
"Abilita il log di <b>debug</b> per le funzioni Footprint*() in questo PLUGIN."
#: pcbnew/plugin.cpp:156
msgid "Regular expression <b>footprint name</b> filter."
msgstr "Filtro <b>nome impronta</b> espressione regolare."
#: pcbnew/plugin.cpp:177
msgid ""
"Enter the python module which implements the PLUGIN::Footprint*() functions."
msgstr ""
"Inserire il modulo python che implementa le funzioni PLUGIN::Footprint*()."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_parser_pcb.cpp:134
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown mapping of the Altium layer '%s'."
msgstr "Mappatura sconosciuta dello strato Altium \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_parser_pcb.cpp:694
#, c-format
msgid "Pads6 stream has unexpected length for subrecord 6: %d."
msgstr "Lo stream pads6 ha una lunghezza inattesa per il subrecord 6: %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:76
msgid "Error reading file: cannot determine length."
msgstr "Errore nel leggere il file: impossibile determinarne la lunghezza."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:87
msgid "Error reading file."
msgstr "Errore nel leggere il file."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:485
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' was not parsed correctly."
msgstr "\"%s\" non analizzato correttamente."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:493
#, c-format
msgid "'%s' was not fully parsed."
msgstr "\"%s\" non analizzato completamente"
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:527
#, c-format
msgid "File not found: '%s'."
msgstr "File non trovato: \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:929
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate netclass name '%s'."
msgstr "Nome netclass duplicato \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1069
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1155
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1225
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1302
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1326
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dimension found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has "
"been moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stata "
"spostata sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1369
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1376
#, c-format
msgid "Ignored dimension of kind %d (not yet supported)."
msgstr "Ignorata dimensione di tipo %d (non ancora supportata)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1418
msgid "No 3D-models will be imported."
msgstr "Nessun modello 3D verrà importato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1441
#, c-format
msgid "File not found: '%s'. 3D-model not imported."
msgstr "File non trovato: \"%s\". Modello 3D non importato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1477
msgid "Loading nets..."
msgstr "Caricamento collegamenti..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1498
msgid "Loading polygons..."
msgstr "Caricamento poligoni..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1511
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1762
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Polygon found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Poligono sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stato spostato "
"sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1633
msgid "Loading rules..."
msgstr "Caricamento regole..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1665
msgid "Loading board regions..."
msgstr "Caricamento regioni scheda..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1687
msgid "Loading zones..."
msgstr "Caricamento zone..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1743
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Zone found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Zona sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stata spostata "
"sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1796
#, c-format
msgid "Ignored polygon shape of kind %d (not yet supported)."
msgstr "Forma poligono ignorata di tipo %d (non ancora supportata)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1810
msgid "Loading zone fills..."
msgstr "Caricamento riempimenti zone..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1899
msgid "Loading arcs..."
msgstr "Caricamento archi..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1964
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Arc keepout found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has "
"been moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Zona proibita archi sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È "
"stata spostata sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:1983
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Arc found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Arco sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stato spostato "
"sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2063
msgid "Loading pads..."
msgstr "Caricamento piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2123
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s pad %s is not marked as multilayer, but is a TH pad."
msgstr ""
"Impronta %s piazzola %s non è marcata come multistrato, ma è una piazzola "
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2143
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s pad %s has a square hole (not yet supported)."
msgstr ""
"La piazzola %s dell'impronta %s ha un foro quadrato (non ancora supportato)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2165
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Footprint %s pad %s has a hole-rotation of %f degrees. KiCad only supports "
"90 degree rotations."
msgstr ""
"La piazzola %s dell'impronta %s ha una rotazione del foro di %f gradi. KiCad "
"supporta solo rotazioni di 90 gradi."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2179
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s pad %s uses a hole of unknown kind %d."
msgstr "Impronta %s piazzola %s usa un foro di tipo sconosciuto %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2197
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s pad %s uses a complex pad stack (not yet supported.)"
msgstr ""
"L'impronta %s piazzola %s usa una pad stack complessa (non ancora "
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2231
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s pad %s uses an unknown pad-shape."
msgstr "Impronta %s piazzola %s usa una forma piazzola sconosciuta."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2290
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Non-copper pad %s found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It "
"has been moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Piazzola non rame %s sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È "
"stata spostata sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2299
#, c-format
msgid "Non-copper pad %s is connected to a net, which is not supported."
msgstr "La piazzola non rame %s connessa ad una connessione, non supportato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2305
#, c-format
msgid "Non-copper pad %s has a hole, which is not supported."
msgstr "La piazzola non rame \"%s\" ha un foro, non supportato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2310
#, c-format
msgid "Non-copper pad %s has a complex pad stack (not yet supported)."
msgstr ""
"La piazzola non rame \"%s\" usa un padstack complesso (non ancora "
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2464
#, c-format
msgid "Non-copper pad %s uses an unknown pad-shape."
msgstr "La piazzola non rame %s usa una forma piazzola sconosciuta."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2473
msgid "Loading vias..."
msgstr "Caricamento via..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2514
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Via from layer %d to %d uses a non-copper layer, which is not supported."
msgstr "Il via da strato %d a %d usa uno strato non rame, non supportato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2535
msgid "Loading tracks..."
msgstr "Caricamento piste..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2582
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Track keepout found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has "
"been moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Zona proibita piste sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È "
"stata spostata sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2600
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Track found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Pista trovata sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stata "
"spostata sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2641
msgid "Loading text..."
msgstr "Caricamento testo..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2652
#, c-format
msgid "Ignored barcode on Altium layer %d (not yet supported)."
msgstr ""
"Codice a barre sullo strato Altium %d ignorato (non ancora supportato)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2740
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Text found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Testo trovato sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stato "
"spostato sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2826
msgid "Loading rectangles..."
msgstr "Caricamento rettangoli..."
#: pcbnew/plugins/altium/altium_pcb.cpp:2846
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Fill found on an Altium layer (%d) with no KiCad equivalent. It has been "
"moved to KiCad layer Eco1_User."
msgstr ""
"Riempimento sullo strato Altium (%d) senza equivalente KiCad. È stato "
"spostato sullo strato KiCad Eco1_User."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:91
msgid ""
"The selected file indicates that nets might be out of synchronisation with "
"the schematic. It is recommended that you carry out an 'Align Nets' "
"procedure in CADSTAR and re-import, to avoid inconsistencies between the PCB "
"and the schematic. "
msgstr ""
"Il file selezionato indica che i collegamenti potrebbero essere non "
"sincronizzati con lo schema elettrico. Si raccomanda di eseguire una "
"procedura di 'Align Nets' in CADSTAR e re-importare, per evitare "
"incongruenze tra C.S. e schema elettrico. "
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:131
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to determine zone fill priorities for layer '%s'. A best attempt has "
"been made but it is possible that DRC errors exist and that manual editing "
"of the zone priorities is required."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile determinare le priorità di riempimento zona per lo strato '%s'. "
"È stato fatto un tentativo per cercare il miglior valore ma è possibile che "
"ci siano errori DRC e che sia necessaria la modifica manuale delle priorità "
"di zona."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:145
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains Trunk routing elements, which have no KiCad "
"equivalent. These elements were not loaded."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene elementi di sbroglio Trunk che non hanno un "
"equivalente KiCad. Questi elementi non sono stati caricati."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:152
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains variants which has no KiCad equivalent. Only the "
"variant '%s' was loaded."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene varianti che non hanno un equivalente KiCad. "
"Solo la variante \"%s\" è stata caricata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:189
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR layer '%s' has no KiCad equivalent. All elements on this layer "
"have been mapped to KiCad layer '%s' instead."
msgstr ""
"Lo strato CADSTAR \"%s\" non ha equivalente KiCad. Tutti gli elementi su "
"questo strato sono stati rimappati allo strato KiCad \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:202
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR layer '%s' has been assumed to be a technical layer. All "
"elements on this layer have been mapped to KiCad layer '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Si assume che lo strato CADSTAR \"%s\" sia tecnico. Tutti gli elementi su "
"questo strato sono stati mappati sullo strato KiCad \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:506
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected layer '%s' in layer stack."
msgstr "Strato inatteso \"%s\" nella pila degli strati."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:664
#, c-format
msgid "Design rule %s was not found. This was ignored."
msgstr "Regola di progettazione %s non trovata. Ignorata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:693
msgid ""
"KiCad design rules are different from CADSTAR ones. Only the compatible "
"design rules were imported. It is recommended that you review the design "
"rules that have been applied."
msgstr ""
"Le regole di progettazione di KiCad sono diverse da quelle di CADSTAR. "
"Vengono quindi importate solo quelle compatibili. È comunque consigliabile "
"revisionare le regole importate ed applicate."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:890
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR area '%s' in library component '%s' does not have a KiCad "
"equivalent. The area is neither a via nor route keepout area. The area was "
"not imported."
msgstr ""
"L'area CADSTAR \"%s\" nel componente di libreria \"%s\" non ha un "
"equivalente KiCad. L'area non è né un via né un'area sbroglio proibito. "
"L'area non è stata importata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:982
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR pad definition '%s' is a complex pad stack, which is not "
"supported in KiCad. Please review the imported pads as they may require "
"manual correction."
msgstr ""
"La definizione piazzola CADSTAR \"%s\" è uno stack piazzola complesso, che "
"non è supportato da KiCad. Si prega di controllare le piazzole importate in "
"quanto potrebbero richiedere correzione manuale."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1198
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR pad definition '%s' has the hole shape outside the pad shape. "
"The hole has been moved to the center of the pad."
msgstr ""
"La definizione di piazzola CADSTAR \"%s\" ha la forma del foro fuori dalla "
"forma della piazzola. Il foro è stato spostato al centro della piazzola."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1231
#, c-format
msgid "The CADSTAR pad definition '%s' has import errors: %s"
msgstr ""
"La definizione di piazzola CADSTAR \"%s\" ha errori di importazione: %s"
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1273
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find group ID %s in the group definitions."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare l'ID gruppo %s nelle definizioni di gruppo."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1279
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Unable to find sub group %s in the group map (parent group ID=%s, Name=%s)."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il sottogruppo %s nella mappa dei gruppi (ID gruppo "
"genitore=%s, Nome=%s)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1354
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dimension ID %s is an angled dimension, which has no KiCad equivalent. An "
"aligned dimension was loaded instead."
msgstr ""
"ID dimensione %s è una dimensione angolata, che non ha un equivalente KiCad. "
"In sua vece viene caricata una dimensione allineata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1365
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dimension ID %s has 'External' style in CADSTAR. External dimension styles "
"are not yet supported in KiCad. The dimension object was imported with an "
"internal dimension style instead."
msgstr ""
"L'ID dimensione %s ha lo stile \"Esterno\" in CADSTAR. Gli stili dimensione "
"esterni non sono ancora supportati in KiCad. L'oggetto dimensione è stato "
"invece importato con un classico stile dimensione interno."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1421
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected Dimension type (ID %s). This was not imported."
msgstr "Tipo dimensione (ID %s) non previsto. Non è stato importato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1556
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Dimension %s is an angular dimension which has no KiCad equivalent. The "
"object was not imported."
msgstr ""
"La dimensione %s è una dimensione angolare che non ha equivalente KiCad. "
"L'oggetto non è stato importato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1596
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR area '%s' is marked as a placement area in CADSTAR. Placement "
"areas are not supported in KiCad. Only the supported elements for the area "
"were imported."
msgstr ""
"L'area CADSTAR \"%s\" è marcata come area di piazzamento in CADSTAR. Le aree "
"di piazzamento non sono supportate in KiCad. Nell'area solo gli elementi "
"supportati sono stati importati."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1605
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR area '%s' does not have a KiCad equivalent. Pure Placement areas "
"are not supported."
msgstr ""
"L'area CADSTAR \"%s\" non ha un equivalente KiCad. Le aree di piazzamento "
"non sono supportate."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1632
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find component '%s' in the library(Symdef ID: '%s')"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il componente \"%s\" nella libreria (Symdef ID: \"%s\")"
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1750
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find documentation symbol in the library (Symdef ID: '%s')"
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare il simbolo di documentazione nella libreria (Symdef ID: "
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1819
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has the setting 'Allow in No Routing Areas' "
"enabled. This setting has no KiCad equivalent, so it has been ignored."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" ha l'impostazione \"Allow in No Routing Areas\" "
"abilitata. Questa impostazione non ha equivalente KiCad, perciò è stata "
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1827
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has the setting 'Box Isolated Pins' enabled. This "
"setting has no KiCad equivalent, so it has been ignored."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" ha l'impostazione \"Box Isolated Pins\" abilitata. "
"Questa impostazione non ha equivalente KiCad, perciò è stata ignorata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1835
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has the setting 'Automatic Repour' enabled. This "
"setting has no KiCad equivalent, so it has been ignored."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" ha l'impostazione \"Automatic Repour\" abilitata. "
"Questa impostazione non ha equivalente KiCad, perciò è stata ignorata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1846
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has a non-zero value defined for the 'Sliver "
"Width' setting. There is no KiCad equivalent for this, so this setting was "
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \\\"%s\\\" ha un valore non zero definito per "
"l'impostazione \"Sliver Width\". Questo non ha equivalente in KiCad, perciò "
"quest'impostazione è stata ignorata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1856
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has different settings for 'Retain Poured Copper - "
"Disjoint' and 'Retain Poured Copper - Isolated'. KiCad does not distinguish "
"between these two settings. The setting for disjoint copper has been applied "
"as the minimum island area of the KiCad Zone."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" ha impostazioni diverse per \"Retain Poured Copper "
"- Disjoint\" e \"Retain Poured Copper - Isolated\". KiCad non distingue tra "
"queste due impostazioni. Le impostazioni per \"disjoint copper\" sono state "
"applicate come area isola minima della zona KiCad."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1907
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has different settings for thermal relief in pads "
"and vias. KiCad only supports one single setting for both. The setting for "
"pads has been applied."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" ha impostazioni diverse per i supporti termici "
"nelle piazzole e nei via. KiCad supporta solo una impostazione per entrambe. "
"Viene usata l'impostazione per le piazzole."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1924
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR template '%s' has thermal reliefs in the original design but the "
"spoke width (%.2f mm) is thinner than the minimum thickness of the zone "
"(%.2f mm). KiCad requires the minimum thickness of the zone to be preserved. "
"Therefore the minimum thickness has been applied as the new spoke width and "
"will be applied next time the zones are filled."
msgstr ""
"Il modello CADSTAR '%s' presenta supporti termici nel progetto originale, ma "
"la larghezza del raggio (N.d.T. spoke) (%.2f mm) è più sottile dello "
"spessore minimo di zona (%.2f mm). KiCad richiede la conservazione dello "
"spessore minimo di zona. Perciò lo spessore minimo è stato applicato come "
"nuova larghezza raggio e verrà applicato al prossimo riempimento di zona."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:1971
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR layer '%s' is defined as a power plane layer. However no net "
"with such name exists. The layer has been loaded but no copper zone was "
msgstr ""
"Lo strato CADSTAR \"%s\" viene definito come strato di potenza. Ma non "
"esiste collegamento con tal nome. Lo strato è stato caricato ma non è stata "
"creata una zona rame."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2076
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains COPPER elements, which have no direct KiCad "
"equivalent. These have been imported as a KiCad Zone if solid or hatch "
"filled, or as a KiCad Track if the shape was an unfilled outline (open or "
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene elementi COPPER (rame), che non hanno diretto "
"equivalente KiCad. Questi sono stati importati come una zona KiCad se "
"riempiti in maniera continua o a tratteggio, o come pista KiCad se la forma "
"era un contorno non riempito (aperto o chiuso)."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2181
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The net '%s' references component ID '%s' which does not exist. This has "
"been ignored."
msgstr ""
"Il collegamento \"%s\" fa riferimento all'ID componente \"%s\" che non "
"esiste. Ignorato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2187
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The net '%s' references non-existent pad index '%d' in component '%s'. This "
"has been ignored."
msgstr ""
"Il collegamento \"%s\" si riferisce ad un indice piazzola non esistente \"%d"
"\" nel componente \"%s\". Ignorato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2353
msgid "Text Variables could not be set as there is no project loaded."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile impostare le variabili di testo poiché non è stato caricato "
"alcun progetto."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2460
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR via code '%s' has different shape from a circle defined. KiCad "
"only supports circular vias so this via type has been changed to be a via "
"with circular shape of %.2f mm diameter."
msgstr ""
"Il codice via CADSTAR \"%s\" ha una forma diversa dal cerchio definito. "
"KiCad supporta solo via circolari perciò questo tipo di via è stato cambiato "
"ad un via di forma circolare di %.2f mm di diametro."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:2674
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The shape for '%s' is Hatch filled in CADSTAR, which has no KiCad "
"equivalent. Using solid fill instead."
msgstr ""
"La forma per \"%s\" è un tratteggio riempito in CADSTAR, che non ha un "
"equivalente KiCad. Uso riempimento continuo."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3523
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR Hatching code '%s' has %d hatches defined. KiCad only supports 2 "
"hatches (crosshatching) 90 degrees apart. The imported hatching is "
msgstr ""
"Il codice tratteggio CADSTAR \"%s\" ha %d tratteggi definiti. KiCad supporta "
"solo 2 tratteggi (tratteggio incrociato) a 90 gradi tra loro. Il tratteggio "
"importato viene reso incrociato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3533
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR Hatching code '%s' has different line widths for each hatch. "
"KiCad only supports one width for the hatching. The imported hatching uses "
"the width defined in the first hatch definition, i.e. %.2f mm."
msgstr ""
"Il codice di tratteggio CADSTAR \"%s\" ha larghezza linee diversa per ogni "
"tratteggio. KiCad supporta solo una larghezza per il tratteggio. Il "
"tratteggio importato usa la larghezza definita nella prima definizione di "
"tratteggio, cioè %.2f mm."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3545
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR Hatching code '%s' has different step sizes for each hatch. "
"KiCad only supports one step size for the hatching. The imported hatching "
"uses the step size defined in the first hatching definition, i.e. %.2f mm."
msgstr ""
"Il codice di tratteggio CADSTAR \"%s\" a dimensione passi diverse per ogni "
"tratteggio. KiCad supporta solo una dimensione passo per il tratteggio. Il "
"tratteggio importato usa la dimensione passo definita nella prima "
"definizione di tratteggio, cioè %.2f mm."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3558
#, c-format
msgid ""
"The hatches in CADSTAR Hatching code '%s' have an angle difference of %.1f "
"degrees. KiCad only supports hatching 90 degrees apart. The imported "
"hatching has two hatches 90 degrees apart, oriented %.1f degrees from "
msgstr ""
"I tratteggi nel codice di tratteggio CADSTAR \"%s\" hanno una differenza di "
"angolo di %.1f gradi. KiCad supporta solo tratteggi a 90 gradi tra loro. Il "
"tratteggio importato ha sono tratteggi a 90 gradi tra loro, orientati a %.1f "
"gradi dall'orizzontale."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3631
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"Dimension ID %s uses a type of unit that is not supported in KiCad. "
"Millimeters were applied instead."
msgstr ""
"L'ID dimensione %s usa un tipo di unità non supportato da KiCad. Sono stati "
"applicati invece i millimetri."
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3922
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains nets with a 'Net Class' assigned. KiCad does not "
"have an equivalent to CADSTAR's Net Class so these elements were not "
"imported. Note: KiCad's version of 'Net Class' is closer to CADSTAR's 'Net "
"Route Code' (which has been imported for all nets)."
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene collegamenti con una \"Net Class\" assegnata. "
"KiCad non ha un equivalente alla Net Class CADSTAR perciò questi elementi "
"non sono stati importati. Nota: il concetto di KiCad di \"Net Class\" è "
"vicino al codice \"Net Route\" di CADSTAR (che è stato importato per tutti i "
#: pcbnew/plugins/cadstar/cadstar_pcb_archive_loader.cpp:3932
msgid ""
"The CADSTAR design contains nets with a 'Spacing Class' assigned. KiCad does "
"not have an equivalent to CADSTAR's Spacing Class so these elements were not "
"imported. Please review the design rules as copper pours will affected by "
msgstr ""
"Il progetto CADSTAR contiene collegamenti con una \"Spacing Class\" "
"assegnata. KiCad non ha un equivalente alle \"Spacing Class\" di CADSTAR "
"perciò questi elementi non sono stati importati. Vedere le regole di "
"progettazione per controllare come i riempimenti rame vengono influenzati da "
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:377
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to read file '%s'"
msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file '%s'"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:1086
#, c-format
msgid "<package> '%s' duplicated in <library> '%s'"
msgstr "<pacchetto> '%s' duplicato nella <librereria> '%s'"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:1164
#, c-format
msgid "No '%s' package in library '%s'."
msgstr "Nessun package '%s' presente nella libreria '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:1395
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:2181
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring a polygon since Eagle layer '%s' (%d) was not mapped"
msgstr "Poligono ignorato poiché lo strato Eagle \"%s\" (%d) non era mappato"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:1751
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring a wire since Eagle layer '%s' (%d) was not mapped"
msgstr ""
"Collegamento ignorato poiché lo strato Eagle \"%s\" (%d) non era mappato"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:1923
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring a text since Eagle layer '%s' (%d) was not mapped"
msgstr "Testo ignorato poiché lo strato Eagle \"%s\" (%d) non era mappato"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:2068
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring a rectangle since Eagle layer '%s' (%d) was not mapped"
msgstr ""
"Rettangolo ignorato dato poiché strato Eagle \"%s\" (%d) non era mappato"
#: pcbnew/plugins/eagle/eagle_plugin.cpp:2253
#, c-format
msgid "Ignoring a circle since Eagle layer '%s' (%d) was not mapped"
msgstr "Cerchio ignorato poiché lo strato Eagle \"%s\" (%d) non era mappato"
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/fabmaster_plugin.cpp:85
msgid "Could not read file "
msgstr "Impossibile leggere il file "
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown FABMASTER section %s:%s at row %zu."
msgstr "Sezione FABMASTER sconosciuta %s:%s alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:268
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid row size in J row %zu. Expecting 11 elements but found %zu."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione riga non valida in riga J %zu. Attesi 11 elementi, trovati %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:291
msgid "Could not find units value, defaulting to mils."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare il valore dell'unità, impostata a mils."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:315
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find column label %s."
msgstr "Impossibile trovare etichetta colonna %s."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:359
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:442
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:682
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:833
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:920
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1224
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1349
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1585
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1664
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1731
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid row size in row %zu. Expecting %zu elements but found %zu."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione riga non valida in riga %zu. Attesi %zu elementi, trovati %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:494
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting drill size value but found %s!%s!%s in row %zu."
msgstr "Atteso valore dimensione foro, trovato %s!%s!%s alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:542
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting pad size values but found %s : %s in row %zu."
msgstr "Attesi valori dimensioni piazzola, trovato %s : %s alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:564
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid pad size in row %zu."
msgstr "Dimensione piazzola non valida alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:599
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting pad offset values but found %s:%s in row %zu."
msgstr "Attesi valori di piazzamento piazzola, trovato %s : %s alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:644
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown pad shape name '%s' on layer '%s' in row %zu."
msgstr ""
"Nome tipo forma piazzola '%s' sconosciuto sullo strato '%s' alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:966
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid format for id string '%s' in custom pad row %zu."
msgstr ""
"Formato non valido per l'id stringa '%s' nella riga piazzola personalizzata "
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1007
#, c-format
msgid "Could not insert graphical item %d into padstack '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile inserire elemento grafico %d nel padstack '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1014
#, c-format
msgid "Unrecognized pad shape primitive '%s' in row %zu."
msgstr "Primitiva forma piazzola non riconosciuta '%s' alla riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1121
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid token count. Expected 8 but found %zu."
msgstr "Conteggio token non valido. Era previsto 8, trovato invece %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1256
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1445
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid format for record_tag string '%s' in row %zu."
msgstr "Formato non valido per la stringa record_tag '%s' nella riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1416
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid row size in row %zu. Expecting %zu elements but found %zu."
msgstr ""
"Dimensione riga non valida in riga %zu. Erano attesi %zu elementi, trovati "
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1455
#, c-format
msgid "Unhandled graphic item '%s' in row %zu."
msgstr "Elemento grafico non gestito '%s' nella riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1486
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:1501
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate item for ID %d and sequence %d in row %zu."
msgstr "Elemento duplicato per l'ID %d e sequenza %d nella riga %zu."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:2306
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:2335
#, c-format
msgid "Invalid custom pad '%s'. Replacing with circular pad."
msgstr ""
"Piazzola personalizzata '%s' non valida. Rimpiazzata con piazzola circolare."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:2343
#, c-format
msgid "Could not find custom pad '%s'."
msgstr "Non trovata piazzola personalizzata di nome '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/fabmaster/import_fabmaster.cpp:2543
#, c-format
msgid "Expecting etch data to be on copper layer. Row found on layer '%s'"
msgstr ""
"I dati incisione erano previsti su uno strato rame. Riga trovata sullo "
"strato \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:91
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot convert '%s' to an integer."
msgstr "Impossibile convertire '%s' come numero intero."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:228
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:875
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:242
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint library '%s' not found."
msgstr "Libreria impronte '%s' non trovata."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:282
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:303
#, c-format
msgid "Library '%s' has no footprint '%s'."
msgstr "La libreria '%s' non ha impronta '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:347
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:666
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:832
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown token '%s'"
msgstr "Token sconosciuto '%s'"
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:354
#, c-format
msgid "Element token contains %d parameters."
msgstr "Il token elemento contiene %d parametri."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:980
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2624
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to delete folder '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per cancellare la cartella '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:988
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2632
#, c-format
msgid "Library folder '%s' has unexpected sub-folders."
msgstr "La cartella libreria '%s' ha sottocartelle inattese."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:1007
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected file '%s' found in library '%s'."
msgstr "File inatteso '%s' trovato nella libreria '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/geda/gpcb_plugin.cpp:1026
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2669
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:3221
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint library '%s' cannot be deleted."
msgstr "Libreria impronte '%s' impossibile da cancellare."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:172
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot create footprint library '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile creare la libreria impronte '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:178
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint library '%s' is read only."
msgstr "La libreria impronte '%s' è in sola lettura."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:216
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot rename temporary file '%s' to '%s'"
msgstr "Impossibile rinominare il file temporaneo '%s' in '%s'"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:347
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please report this bug. Error validating group structure: %s\n"
"Save anyway?"
msgstr ""
"Per favore, segnalare questo problema. Errore nella validazione la "
"struttura del gruppo: %s\n"
"Salvare comunque?"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:349
msgid "Internal group data structure corrupt"
msgstr "Struttura interna dati gruppo rovinata"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:351
msgid "Save Anyway"
msgstr "Salva comunque"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:1384
#, c-format
msgid "unknown pad type: %d"
msgstr "tipo piazzola sconosciuta: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:1883
#, c-format
msgid "unknown via type %d"
msgstr "tipo via sconosciuto %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2072
#, c-format
msgid "unknown zone corner smoothing type %d"
msgstr "tipo smusso vertici zona sconosciuto %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2293
msgid "Open cancelled by user."
msgstr "Apertura annullata dall'utente."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2342
msgid "This file does not contain a PCB."
msgstr "Questo file non contiene un circuito stampato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2492
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Library '%s' does not exist.\n"
"Would you like to create it?"
msgstr ""
"La libreria '%s' non esiste.\n"
"Vuoi crearla?"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2496
msgid "Library Not Found"
msgstr "Libreria non trovata"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2522
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint file name '%s' is not valid."
msgstr "Il nome file impronta '%s' non valido."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2528
#, c-format
msgid "Insufficient permissions to delete '%s'."
msgstr "Permessi insufficienti per cancellare il file '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2599
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot overwrite library path '%s'."
msgstr "Impossibile sovrascrivere il percorso libreria '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/kicad_plugin.cpp:2651
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected file '%s' found in library path '%s'."
msgstr "File inatteso '%s' trovato nel percorso libreria '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:178
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid floating point number in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Numero in virgola mobile non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:187
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Missing floating point number in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Numero in virgola mobile mancante in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:261
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot interpret date code %d"
msgstr "Impossibile interpretare il codice data %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:846
msgid ""
"Items found on undefined layers. Do you wish to\n"
"rescue them to the User.Comments layer?"
msgstr ""
"Elementi trovati su strati non definiti.\n"
"Recuperarli nello strato User.Comments?"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:848
msgid "Undefined layers:"
msgstr "Strati non definiti:"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:1107
#, c-format
msgid "Page type '%s' is not valid."
msgstr "Tipo pagina '%s' non valido."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:1664
#, c-format
msgid "Layer '%s' in file '%s' at line %d is not in fixed layer hash."
msgstr ""
"Lo strato '%s' nel file '%s' alla riga %d, non presente nell'hash strati "
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:1701
#, c-format
msgid "%d is not a valid layer count"
msgstr "%d non è un conteggio di strato valido"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:2353
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate NETCLASS name '%s' in file '%s' at line %d, offset %d."
msgstr ""
"Nome NETCLASS '%s' duplicato nel file '%s' alla riga %d, scostamento %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:3249
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid footprint ID in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d."
msgstr ""
"ID impronta non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:3567
#, c-format
msgid "Cannot handle footprint text type %s"
msgstr "Impossibile gestire testo impronta tipo %s"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4203
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid net ID in\n"
"file: %s\n"
"line: %d offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Net ID non valido in\n"
"file: %s\n"
"riga: %d scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4222
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Net name doesn't match ID in\n"
"file: %s\n"
"line: %d offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Nome net non corrisponde con net ID in\n"
"file: %s\n"
"riga: %d scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4675
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4753
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid net ID in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d."
msgstr ""
"Net ID non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4847
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid net ID in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Net ID non valido in\n"
"file: \"%s\"\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:4957
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid net ID in\n"
" file: '%s;\n"
"line: %d\n"
"offset: %d."
msgstr ""
"Net ID non valido in\n"
"file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d\n"
"scostamento: %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:5076
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2484
msgid ""
"The legacy segment fill mode is no longer supported.\n"
"Convert zones to polygon fills?"
msgstr ""
"La modalità obsoleta di riempimento segmento non è più supportata.\n"
"Convertite le zone a riempimento poligonale?"
#: pcbnew/plugins/kicad/pcb_parser.cpp:5078
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2486
msgid "Legacy Zone Warning"
msgstr "Avvertimento zona obsoleta"
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:596
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' has an unrecognized version: %d."
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" ha versione non riconosciuta: %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:742
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown sheet type '%s' on line: %d."
msgstr "Tipo di foglio '%s' sconosciuto alla riga: %d."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:1327
#, c-format
msgid "Missing '$EndMODULE' for MODULE '%s'."
msgstr "Manca '$EndMODULE' nel MODULO '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:1377
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown padshape '%c=0x%02x' on line: %d of footprint: '%s'."
msgstr ""
"Forma piazzola '%c=0x%02x' sconosciuta alla riga: %d dell'impronta: '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:1567
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown FP_SHAPE type:'%c=0x%02x' on line %d of footprint '%s'."
msgstr "FP_SHAPE '%c=0x%02x' sconosciuto alla riga %d dell'impronta '%s'."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2326
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicate NETCLASS name '%s'."
msgstr "Nome NETCLASS '%s' duplicato."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2403
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2414
#, c-format
msgid "Bad ZAux for CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
msgstr "Errato ZAux per CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2429
#, c-format
msgid "Bad ZSmoothing for CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
msgstr "Errato ZSmoothing per CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2524
#, c-format
msgid "Bad ZClearance padoption for CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
msgstr "Errata opzione piazzola ZClearance per CZONE_CONTAINER \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2805
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2844
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Invalid floating point number in file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d, offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Numero in virgola mobile non valido in file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d, scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2815
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2854
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Missing floating point number in file: '%s'\n"
"line: %d, offset: %d"
msgstr ""
"Numero in virgola mobile mancante in file: '%s'\n"
"riga: %d, scostamento: %d"
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2996
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' is empty."
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" è vuoto."
#: pcbnew/plugins/legacy/legacy_plugin.cpp:2999
#, c-format
msgid "File '%s' is not a legacy library."
msgstr "Il file \"%s\" non è una libreria obsoleta."
#: pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb.cpp:51 pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb.cpp:73
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown PCad layer %u"
msgstr "Strato C.S. %u sconosciuto"
#: pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb.cpp:764
msgid "KiCad only supports 32 signal layers."
msgstr "KiCad supporta solamente 32 strati segnale."
#: pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb_via.cpp:93
msgid "Unable to find library section."
msgstr "Non trovata sezione di libreria."
#: pcbnew/plugins/pcad/pcb_via.cpp:108
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to find viaStyleDef %s."
msgstr "Non trovato un viaStyleDef %s."
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_action_plugins.cpp:71
msgid "Exception on python action plugin code"
msgstr "Eccezione su codice plugin di azione python"
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_action_plugins.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_footprint_wizards.cpp:83
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Method '%s' not found, or not callable"
msgstr "Metodo \"%s\" non trovato, o non chiamabile"
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_action_plugins.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_footprint_wizards.cpp:84
msgid "Unknown Method"
msgstr "Metodo sconosciuto"
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_action_plugins.cpp:370
msgid "Apply action script"
msgstr "Applica script azione"
#: pcbnew/python/scripting/pcbnew_footprint_wizards.cpp:70
msgid "Exception on python footprint wizard code"
msgstr "Eccezione su codice assistente impronte python"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:46
msgid "New Track"
msgstr "Nuova pista"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:46
msgid "Starts laying a new track."
msgstr "Comincia la stesura di una nuova pista."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:51
msgid "End Track"
msgstr "Finisci pista"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:51
msgid "Stops laying the current meander."
msgstr "Ferma la stesura del serpeggiamento corrente."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:56
msgid "Increase Spacing"
msgstr "Aumenta spaziatura"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:56
msgid "Increase meander spacing by one step."
msgstr "Aumenta di un passo la spaziatura del serpeggiato."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:62
msgid "Decrease Spacing"
msgstr "Diminuisci spaziatura"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:62
msgid "Decrease meander spacing by one step."
msgstr "Diminuisce di un passo la spaziatura del serpeggiato."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:68
msgid "Increase Amplitude"
msgstr "Aumenta ampiezza"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:68
msgid "Increase meander amplitude by one step."
msgstr "Aumenta di un passo l'ampiezza del serpeggiato."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:74
msgid "Decrease Amplitude"
msgstr "Diminuisci ampiezza"
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:74
msgid "Decrease meander amplitude by one step."
msgstr "Diminuisce di un passo l'ampiezza del serpeggiato."
#: pcbnew/router/length_tuner_tool.cpp:99
msgid "Length Tuner"
msgstr "Regola lunghezza"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_diff_pair_placer.cpp:475
msgid ""
"Unable to find complementary differential pair nets. Make sure the names of "
"the nets belonging to a differential pair end with either N/P or +/-."
msgstr ""
"Non trovati collegamenti complementari coppia differenziale. Assicurarsi che "
"i nomi dei\n"
"collegamenti appartenenti ad una coppia differenziale non finiscano con N/P "
"né con +/-."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_diff_pair_placer.cpp:492
msgid ""
"Can't find a suitable starting point. If starting from an existing "
"differential pair make sure you are at the end."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare un punto d'inizio adeguato. Se si parte da una coppia "
"differenziale esistente, assicurarsi che ci si trovi alla fine di questa."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_diff_pair_placer.cpp:547
#, c-format
msgid "Can't find a suitable starting point for coupled net \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare un punto iniziale adeguato per il collegamento "
"accoppiato \"%s\"."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_placer.cpp:64
msgid "Please select a track whose length you want to tune."
msgstr "Selezionare una pista di cui si vuole regolare la lunghezza."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:90
msgid ""
"Unable to find complementary differential pair net for length tuning. Make "
"sure the names of the nets belonging to a differential pair end with either "
"_N/_P or +/-."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare collegamento complementare coppia differenziale per la "
"regolazione della lunghezza. Assicurarsi che i nomi dei collegamenti "
"appartenenti a una coppia differenziale non finiscano con _N/_P o con +/-."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:438
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_placer.cpp:277
msgid "Too long: "
msgstr "Troppo lunga: "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:441
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_placer.cpp:280
msgid "Too short: "
msgstr "Troppo corta: "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:444
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_placer.cpp:283
msgid "Tuned: "
msgstr "Regolata: "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_dp_meander_placer.cpp:447
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_placer.cpp:286
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:174
msgid "?"
msgstr "?"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:466
msgid "existing track"
msgstr "pista esistente"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:480 pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:493
msgid "board minimum width"
msgstr "larghezza minima scheda"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:489
msgid "netclass 'Default'"
msgstr "netclass 'Default'"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:491
msgid "user choice"
msgstr "scelta utente"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:1067
#, c-format
msgid "%s is malformed."
msgstr "%s is malforme."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:1070
msgid ""
"This zone cannot be handled by the router.\n"
"Please verify it is not a self-intersecting polygon."
msgstr ""
"Questa zona non può essere gestita dallo sbrogliatore.\n"
"Verificare che non sia un poligono autointersecante."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_kicad_iface.cpp:1672 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:435
msgid "Interactive Router"
msgstr "Sbroglio interattivo"
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:54
msgid "Please select a differential pair trace you want to tune."
msgstr "Selezionare una coppia differenziale di piste che si vuole regolare."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:70
msgid ""
"Unable to find complementary differential pair net for skew tuning. Make "
"sure the names of the nets belonging to a differential pair end with either "
"_N/_P or +/-."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile trovare collegamento complementare coppia differenziale per la "
"regolazione dello skew. Assicurarsi che i nomi dei collegamenti appartenenti "
"ad una coppia differenziale non finiscano con _N/_P o con +/-."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:165
msgid "Too long: skew "
msgstr "Troppo lungo: skew "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:168
msgid "Too short: skew "
msgstr "Troppo corto: skew "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_meander_skew_placer.cpp:171
msgid "Tuned: skew "
msgstr "Regolato: skew "
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:211
msgid "Diff pair gap is less than board minimum clearance."
msgstr "Spazio coppia differenziale minore della distanza minima scheda."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:231
msgid "Cannot start routing from a non-plated hole."
msgstr "Impossibile iniziare lo sbroglio da un foro non metallizzato."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:242
#, c-format
msgid "Rule area '%s' disallows tracks."
msgstr "L'area regole \"%s\" non permette piste."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:247
msgid "Rule area disallows tracks."
msgstr "L'area regole non permette piste."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:254
msgid "Cannot start routing from a text item."
msgstr "Impossibile iniziare lo sbroglio da un elemento di testo."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:259
msgid "Cannot start routing from a graphic."
msgstr "Impossibile iniziare lo sbroglio da una grafica."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:305 pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:361
msgid "The routing start point violates DRC."
msgstr "Il punto di sbroglio iniziale viola il DRC."
#: pcbnew/router/pns_router.cpp:313
msgid "Cannot start a differential pair in the middle of nowhere."
msgstr "Impossibile iniziare una coppia differenziale nel mezzo del nulla."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:91
msgid "Finish Track"
msgstr "Termina pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:91
msgid "Stops laying the current track."
msgstr "Ferma la progettazione della pista corrente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:97
msgid "Auto-finish Track"
msgstr "Auto-finisci pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:97
msgid "Automatically finishes laying the current track."
msgstr "Finisce automaticamente la pista in corso di sbroglio."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:102
msgid "Place Through Via"
msgstr "Piazza via passante"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:103
msgid "Adds a through-hole via at the end of currently routed track."
msgstr ""
"Aggiungi un foro passante alla fine della pista sbrogliata correntemente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:109
msgid "Place Blind/Buried Via"
msgstr "Piazza via cieco/sepolto"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:110
msgid "Adds a blind or buried via at the end of currently routed track."
msgstr ""
"Aggiunge un via cieco o sepolto alla fine della pista sbrogliata "
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:116
msgid "Place Microvia"
msgstr "Piazza microvia"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:116
msgid "Adds a microvia at the end of currently routed track."
msgstr "Aggiunge un microvia alla fine della pista correntemente sbrogliata."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:123
msgid "Select Layer and Place Through Via..."
msgstr "Seleziona strato e piazza via passante..."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:124
msgid ""
"Select a layer, then add a through-hole via at the end of currently routed "
msgstr ""
"Seleziona uno strato, poi aggiunge un foro passante alla fine della pista "
"sbrogliata correntemente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:132
msgid "Select Layer and Place Blind/Buried Via..."
msgstr "Seleziona strato e piazza via cieco/sepolto..."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:133
msgid ""
"Select a layer, then add a blind or buried via at the end of currently "
"routed track."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona uno strato, poi aggiunge un via cieco o sepolto alla fine della "
"pista sbrogliata correntemente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:141
msgid "Select Layer and Place Micro Via..."
msgstr "Seleziona strato e piazza microvia..."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:142
msgid ""
"Select a layer, then add a micro via at the end of currently routed track."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona uno strato, poi aggiungi un microvia alla fine della pista "
"sbrogliata correntemente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:149
msgid "Custom Track/Via Size..."
msgstr "Dimensioni pista / via personalizzate..."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:150
msgid "Shows a dialog for changing the track width and via size."
msgstr ""
"Mostra una finestra di dialogo per la modifica della larghezza piste e via."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:156
msgid "Switch Track Posture"
msgstr "Commuta postura pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:157
msgid "Switches posture of the currently routed track."
msgstr "Commuta la postura della pista sbrogliata correntemente."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:163
msgid "Track Corner Mode"
msgstr "Modalità vertici piste"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:164
msgid "Switches between sharp/rounded and 45°/90° corners when routing tracks."
msgstr ""
"Commuta tra vertici a punta/arrotondati e 45°/90° durante lo sbroglio piste."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:186
msgid "Select Track/Via Width"
msgstr "Seleziona larghezza piste/via"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:205
msgid "Use Starting Track Width"
msgstr "Usa larghezza iniziale della pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:206
msgid "Route using the width of the starting track."
msgstr "Sbroglia usando la larghezza della pista iniziale."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:210 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:331
msgid "Use Net Class Values"
msgstr "Usa i valori netclass"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:211
msgid "Use track and via sizes from the net class"
msgstr "Usa dimensioni piste e via dalla netclass"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:215 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:336
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:101
msgid "Use Custom Values..."
msgstr "Usa i valori personalizzati..."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:216 pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:102
msgid "Specify custom track and via sizes"
msgstr "Specifica dimensioni piste e via personalizzate"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:227
msgid "Track netclass width"
msgstr "Larghezza piste netclass"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:229
#, c-format
msgid "Track %s"
msgstr "Pista %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:243
msgid "Via netclass values"
msgstr "Usa valori netclass"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:247 pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:113
#, c-format
msgid "Via %s, drill %s"
msgstr "Via %s, foro %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:251 pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:119
#, c-format
msgid "Via %s"
msgstr "Via %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:315
msgid "Select Differential Pair Dimensions"
msgstr "Seleziona dimensioni coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:332
msgid "Use differential pair dimensions from the net class"
msgstr "Usa dimensioni coppia differenziale dalla netclass"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:337
msgid "Specify custom differential pair dimensions"
msgstr "Specifica dimensioni coppia differenziale personalizzate"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:354
#, c-format
msgid "Width %s"
msgstr "Larghezza %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:359
#, c-format
msgid "Width %s, via gap %s"
msgstr "Larghezza %s, spazio via %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:368
#, c-format
msgid "Width %s, gap %s"
msgstr "Larghezza %s, spazio %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:374
#, c-format
msgid "Width %s, gap %s, via gap %s"
msgstr "Larghezza %s, spazio %s, spazio via %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:521
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Event file: %s\n"
"Board dump: %s"
msgstr ""
"File evento: %s\n"
"Copia scheda: %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:523
msgid "Save router log"
msgstr "Salva log sbrogliatore"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:523
msgid ""
"Would you like to save the router\n"
"event log for debugging purposes?"
msgstr ""
"Salvare i log eventi dello\n"
"sbrogliatore a scopo di debug?"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:864 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:886
msgid "Show board setup"
msgstr "Mostra impostazioni scheda"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:876
msgid ""
"Blind/buried vias must first be enabled in Board Setup > Design Rules > "
msgstr ""
"I via ciechi/sepolti devono prima essere abilitati in Impostazioni scheda > "
"Regole di progettazione > Vincoli."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:897
msgid ""
"Microvias must first be enabled in Board Setup > Design Rules > Constraints."
msgstr ""
"I microvia devono prima essere abilitati in Impostazioni scheda > Regole di "
"progettazione > Vincoli."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:981
msgid "Blind/buried via need 2 different layers."
msgstr "I via ciechi/coperti necessitano 2 strati diversi."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1059
msgid "Tracks on Copper layers only."
msgstr "Piste solo sugli strati in rame."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1504 pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1971
msgid "The selected item is locked."
msgstr "L'elemento selezionato è bloccato."
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1506
msgid "Drag Anyway"
msgstr "Trascina comunque"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:1973 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1386
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1392
msgid "Break Track"
msgstr "Interrompi pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2043
#, c-format
msgid "Routing Diff Pair: %s"
msgstr "Sbrogliamento coppia differenziale: %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2043
#, c-format
msgid "Routing Track: %s"
msgstr "Sbrogliamento pista: %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2049
#, c-format
msgid "Net Class: %s"
msgstr "Netclass: %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2053
msgid "Routing Track"
msgstr "Sbrogliamento pista"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2053
msgid "(no net)"
msgstr "(no connessione)"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2060
msgid "Free-angle"
msgstr "Angolo-libero"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2066
msgid "45-degree"
msgstr "45-gradi"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2067
msgid "45-degree rounded"
msgstr "45-gradi arrotondato"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2068
msgid "90-degree"
msgstr "90-gradi"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2069
msgid "90-degree rounded"
msgstr "90-gradi arrotondato"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2074
msgid "Corner Style"
msgstr "Stile angolo"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2079
#, c-format
msgid "Track Width: %s"
msgstr "Larghezza pista: %s"
#: pcbnew/router/router_tool.cpp:2101
msgid "Diff Pair Gap"
msgstr "Distanza coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:340
msgid "Warning: top and bottom layers are same."
msgstr "Attenzione: lo strato superiore e inferiore sono uguali."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_export.cpp:113
msgid "BOARD exported OK."
msgstr "Scheda esportata correttamente."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_export.cpp:117
msgid "Unable to export, please fix and try again"
msgstr "Impossibile esportare, correggere e riprovare"
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_export.cpp:1117
#, c-format
msgid "Symbol with value of '%s' has empty reference id."
msgstr "Un simbolo con valore '%s' ha l'ID di riferimento vuoto."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_export.cpp:1127
#, c-format
msgid "Multiple symbols have identical reference IDs of '%s'."
msgstr "Più simboli hanno lo stesso ID di riferimento '%s'."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:70
msgid ""
"Board may be corrupted, do not save it.\n"
" Fix problem and try again"
msgstr ""
"La scheda potrebbe essere corrotta, non salvarla.\n"
" Risolvere il problema e riprovare"
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:93
msgid "Session file imported and merged OK."
msgstr "Il file della sessione è stato importato e fuso correttamente."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:166
#, c-format
msgid "Session file uses invalid layer id '%s'."
msgstr "Il file della sessione usa un'ID strato non valido '%s'."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:217
msgid "Session via padstack has no shapes"
msgstr "I Via della sessione non hanno forma definita"
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:226
#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported via shape: %s."
msgstr "Forma dei via non supportata: %s."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:271
#, c-format
msgid "Unsupported via shape: %s"
msgstr "Forma dei Via non supportata: %s"
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:280
#, c-format
msgid "Session file uses invalid layer id \"%s\""
msgstr ""
"Il file della sessione usa un'identificazione dello strato non valida \"%s\""
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:326
msgid "Session file is missing the \"session\" section"
msgstr "Il file della sessione ha smarrito la sezione \"sessione\""
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:329
msgid "Session file is missing the \"routes\" section"
msgstr "Il file della sessione ha smarrito la sezione \"sbroglio\""
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:332
msgid "Session file is missing the \"library_out\" section"
msgstr "Il file della sessione ha smarrito la sezione \"libreria\""
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:359
#, c-format
msgid "Reference '%s' not found."
msgstr "Riferimento \"%s\" non trovato."
#: pcbnew/specctra_import_export/specctra_import.cpp:501
#, c-format
msgid "A wire_via refers to missing padstack '%s'."
msgstr "Un wire_via si riferisce ad un padstack '%s' inesistente."
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_editor.cpp:92
msgid "Load footprint from current board"
msgstr "Carica impronta dalla scheda corrente"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_editor.cpp:96
msgid "Insert footprint into current board"
msgstr "Inserisci impronta nella scheda corrente"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_editor.cpp:239 pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:745
msgid "+/- to switch"
msgstr "+/- per commutare"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:61
msgid "Display previous footprint"
msgstr "Mostra impronta precedente"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:64
msgid "Display next footprint"
msgstr "Mostra impronta successiva"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_footprint_viewer.cpp:77
msgid "Insert footprint in board"
msgstr "Inserisci impronta nella scheda"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:533
msgid ""
"Select the default width for new tracks. Note that this width can be "
"overridden by the board minimum width, or by the width of an existing track "
"if the 'Use Existing Track Width' feature is enabled."
msgstr ""
"Seleziona la larghezza predefinita per le nuove tracce. Nota che questa "
"larghezza può essere scavalcata dalla larghezza minima della scheda o dalla "
"larghezza di una traccia esistente se la funzione \"Usa larghezza traccia "
"esistente\" è abilitata."
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:540
msgid ""
"When routing from an existing track use its width instead of the current "
"width setting"
msgstr ""
"Quando si sbroglia da una pista usa la sua larghezza invece "
"dell'impostazione larghezza corrente"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:647
msgid "Track: use netclass width"
msgstr "Pista: usa larghezza netclass"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:653
#, c-format
msgid "Track: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Pista: %s (%s)"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:662 pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:730
msgid "Edit Pre-defined Sizes..."
msgstr "Modifica dimensioni predefinite..."
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:699
msgid "Via: use netclass sizes"
msgstr "Via: usa dimensioni netclass"
#: pcbnew/toolbars_pcb_editor.cpp:722
#, c-format
msgid "Via: %s (%s)"
msgstr "Via: %s (%s)"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:112
msgid "Locking"
msgstr "Blocco"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:135
msgid "Omit extra information"
msgstr "Ometti informazioni extra"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:136
msgid "Omit nets"
msgstr "Ometti collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:138
msgid "Do not prefix path with footprint UUID."
msgstr "Non premettere il percorso con l'UUID dell'impronta."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:393
msgid "Specctra Session File"
msgstr "File Specctra Session"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:420
msgid "Specctra DSN File"
msgstr "File Specctra DSN"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:444
msgid "Export Board Netlist"
msgstr "Esporta netlist scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:445
msgid "KiCad board netlist files"
msgstr "File netlist scheda KiCad"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:459
#, c-format
msgid "Path `%s` is read only."
msgstr "Il percorso \"%s\" è in sola lettura."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:460
msgid "I/O Error"
msgstr "Errore I/O"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:548
#, c-format
msgid "Orphaned net %s re-parented.\n"
msgstr "Connessione orfana %s ri-adottata.\n"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:605
#: pcbnew/tools/footprint_editor_control.cpp:571
#, c-format
msgid "%d duplicate IDs replaced.\n"
msgstr "%d ID duplicati rimpiazzati.\n"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:620
#: pcbnew/tools/footprint_editor_control.cpp:586
#, c-format
msgid "%d potential problems repaired."
msgstr "%d potenziali problemi riparati."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:627
msgid "No board problems found."
msgstr "Nessuna problema trovato."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:638
msgid "Updating PCB requires a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr "L'aggiornamento del C.S. richiede uno schema completamente annotato."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:653
msgid ""
"Cannot update schematic because Pcbnew is opened in stand-alone mode. In "
"order to create or update PCBs from schematics, you must launch the KiCad "
"project manager and create a project."
msgstr ""
"Impossibile aggiornare lo schema, perché Pcbnew è aperto in modalità "
"autonoma. Per creare/aggiornare un C.S. da uno schema elettrico, è "
"necessario eseguire il gestore di progetti KiCad e creare un progetto."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:1080
msgid "Place a footprint"
msgstr "Piazza un'impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:1185 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:681
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Blocca"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:1185 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:686
msgid "Unlock"
msgstr "Sblocca"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_editor_control.cpp:1453
msgid "Duplicate zone"
msgstr "Duplica zona"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:59
msgid "Net Tools"
msgstr "Strumenti collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:121
#, c-format
msgid "[netclass %s]"
msgstr "[netclass %s]"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:132
msgid "Report incomplete: could not compile custom design rules. "
msgstr ""
"Rapporto incompleto: impossibile compilare le regole di progettazione "
"personalizzate. "
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:170
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:481
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:512
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:542
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:580
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:619
#, c-format
msgid "Resolved clearance: %s."
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza: %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:186
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:305
msgid "Clearance Report"
msgstr "Rapporto distanza"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:198
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:605
msgid "Edge clearance resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza bordo per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:235
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:459
msgid "Clearance resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:264
msgid "Select two items for a clearance resolution report."
msgstr "Seleziona due elementi per un rapporto di risoluzione distanza."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:279
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:292
msgid "Cannot generate clearance report on empty group."
msgstr "Impossibile generare rapporto distanze su un gruppo vuoto."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:383
msgid "Zone connection resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione connessione zona per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:397
#, c-format
msgid "Zone thermal relief: %s."
msgstr "Supporto termico zona: %s"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:402
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:421 pcbnew/zone.cpp:341
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:356 pcbnew/zone.cpp:504 pcbnew/zone.cpp:793
msgid "zone"
msgstr "zona"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:404
#, c-format
msgid "Overridden by %s; thermal relief: %s."
msgstr "Scavalcato da %s; supporto termico: %s"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:414
#, c-format
msgid "Zone clearance: %s."
msgstr "Distanza zona: %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:423
#, c-format
msgid "Overridden by larger thermal relief from %s;clearance: %s."
msgstr "Scavalcato da supporto termico più largo da %s; distanza: %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:434
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:444
#, c-format
msgid "Clearance: %s."
msgstr "Distanza: %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:469
msgid "Items belong to the same net. Clearance is 0."
msgstr "Gli elementi appartengono allo stesso collegamento. La distanza è 0."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:498
msgid "Silkscreen clearance resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza serigrafia per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:528
msgid "Courtyard clearance resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza ingombro per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:566
msgid "Hole clearance resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione distanza foro per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:629
msgid "Items share no relevant layers:"
msgstr "Gli elementi non condividono strati rilevanti:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:678
msgid "Select an item for a constraints resolution report."
msgstr "Seleziona un elemento per rapporto risoluzione vincoli."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:685
msgid "Constraints Report"
msgstr "Rapporto vincoli"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:729
msgid "Track width resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione larghezza pista per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:739
#, c-format
msgid "Width constraints: min %s; opt %s; max %s."
msgstr "Vincoli larghezza: min %s; opz %s; max %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:749
msgid "Via Diameter"
msgstr "Diametro via"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:751
msgid "Via diameter resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione diametro via per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:762
#, c-format
msgid "Diameter constraints: min %s; opt %s; max %s."
msgstr "Vincoli diametro: min %s; opz %s; max %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:769
msgid "Via Annular Width"
msgstr "Larghezza anello via"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:771
msgid "Via annular width resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione larghezza anello via per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:782
#, c-format
msgid "Annular width constraints: min %s; opt %s; max %s."
msgstr "Vincoli larghezza anello: min %s; opz %s; max %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:793
msgid "Hole Size"
msgstr "Dimensione foro"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:795
msgid "Hole diameter resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione diametro foro per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:811
#, c-format
msgid "Hole constraint: min %s."
msgstr "Vincolo foro: min %s."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:816
msgid "Keepouts"
msgstr "Zone proibite"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:818
msgid "Keepout resolution for:"
msgstr "Risoluzione zona proibita per:"
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:830
msgid "Report may be incomplete: some footprint courtyards are malformed."
msgstr ""
"Il rapporto potrebbe essere incompleto: alcuni ingombri impronte sono "
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:831
msgid "Run DRC for a full analysis."
msgstr "Eseguire un DRC per un'analisi completa."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:837
msgid "Item <b>disallowed</b> at current location."
msgstr "Elemento <b>proibito</b> alla posizione corrente."
#: pcbnew/tools/board_inspection_tool.cpp:839
msgid "Item allowed at current location."
msgstr "Elemento permesso alla posizione corrente."
#: pcbnew/tools/convert_tool.cpp:76
msgid "Create from Selection"
msgstr "Crea dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/convert_tool.cpp:210
msgid "Convert shapes to polygon"
msgstr "Converti forme in poligoni"
#: pcbnew/tools/convert_tool.cpp:246
msgid "Convert shapes to zone"
msgstr "Converti forme in zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/convert_tool.cpp:748
msgid "Convert polygons to lines"
msgstr "Converti poligoni in linee"
#: pcbnew/tools/convert_tool.cpp:836
msgid "Create arc from line segment"
msgstr "Crea un arco da un segmento di linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:258
msgid "Layer Name"
msgstr "Nome strato"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:273
msgid "Thickness (mm)"
msgstr "Spessore (mm)"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:274
msgid "Thickness (inches)"
msgstr "Spessore (pollici)"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:275
msgid "Thickness (mils)"
msgstr "Spessore (mils)"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:290
msgid "Loss Tangent"
msgstr "Tangente perdita"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:313
msgid "Dielectric"
msgstr "Dielettrico"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:365
msgid "Insert board stackup table"
msgstr "Inserisci tabella stack-up scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:407
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:423
msgid "Copper Layer Count: "
msgstr "Conteggio strati rame: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:432
msgid "Board overall dimensions: "
msgstr "Dimensioni globali scheda: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:442
msgid "Min track/spacing: "
msgstr "Spaziatura/min piste: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:452
msgid "Copper Finish: "
msgstr "Finitura rame: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:460
msgid "Castellated pads: "
msgstr "Piazzole dentellate: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:468
msgid "Board Thickness: "
msgstr "Spessore scheda: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:484
msgid "Min hole diameter: "
msgstr "Diametro min foro: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:494
msgid "Impedance Control: "
msgstr "Controllo impedenza: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:502
msgid "Plated Board Edge: "
msgstr "Bordi scheda metallizzati: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:510
msgid "Edge card connectors: "
msgstr "Connettori bordo scheda: "
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_stackup_table_tool.cpp:518
msgid "Yes, Bevelled"
msgstr "Si, smussato"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:81
msgid "Select Via Size"
msgstr "Seleziona dimensione via"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:305 pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:1640
msgid "Draw a line segment"
msgstr "Disegna un segmento"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:357 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:93
msgid "Draw a rectangle"
msgstr "Disegna un rettangolo"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:408 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Draw a circle"
msgstr "Disegna un cerchio"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:455 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:105
msgid "Draw an arc"
msgstr "Disegna un arco"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:657
msgid "Place a text"
msgstr "Piazza un testo"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:958
msgid "Draw a leader"
msgstr "Disegna una bollatura"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:971
msgid "Draw a dimension"
msgstr "Disegna una quota"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:1174
msgid "No graphic items found in file."
msgstr "Nessun elemento grafico trovato nel file."
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:1224 pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:1295
msgid "Place a DXF_SVG drawing"
msgstr "Piazza un disegno DXF_SVG"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:1369
msgid "Move the footprint reference anchor"
msgstr "Sposta l'ancoraggio di riferimento dell'impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:2078
msgid "Self-intersecting polygons are not allowed"
msgstr "I poligoni autointersecanti non permessi"
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:2582
msgid "Via location violates DRC."
msgstr "La posizione via viola il DRC."
#: pcbnew/tools/drawing_tool.cpp:2686
msgid "Place via"
msgstr "Piazza via"
#: pcbnew/tools/drc_tool.cpp:151
msgid "Refilling all zones..."
msgstr "Ri-riempimento di tutte le zone..."
#: pcbnew/tools/drc_tool.cpp:160
msgid "Schematic parity tests require a fully annotated schematic."
msgstr "I test parità schema richiedono uno schema completamente annotato."
#: pcbnew/tools/drc_tool.cpp:208
msgid "DRC"
msgstr "DRC"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:91
msgid "Special Tools"
msgstr "Strumenti speciali"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:340
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to resize arc tracks %.1f degrees or greater."
msgstr "Impossibile ridimensionare piste archi di %.1f gradi o più."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:672
msgid "Drag Arc Track"
msgstr "Trascina pista arco"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:810
msgid "Select reference point for move..."
msgstr "Selezionare il punto di riferimento per lo spostamento..."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1193
msgid "Edit track width/via size"
msgstr "Larghezza piste/dimensioni via"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1228
msgid "At least two straight track segments must be selected."
msgstr "Bisogna selezionare almeno due segmenti di pista diritti."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1232
msgid "Enter fillet radius:"
msgstr "Inserire raggio stondamento:"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1232 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1394
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:317
msgid "Fillet Tracks"
msgstr "Piste di stondamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1242
msgid ""
"A radius of zero was entered.\n"
"The fillet operation was not performed."
msgstr ""
"È stato inserito un raggio zero.\n"
"L'operazione di stondamento non è stata eseguita."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1401
msgid "Unable to fillet the selected track segments."
msgstr "Impossibile stondare i segmenti di pista selezionati."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1403
msgid "Some of the track segments could not be filleted."
msgstr "Alcuni dei segmenti di pista potrebbero non essere stati stondati."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1523
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Ruota"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:1743 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:303
msgid "Change Side / Flip"
msgstr "Cambia lato / ribalta"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2098
msgid "Move exact"
msgstr "Sposta esattamente"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2239
#, c-format
msgid "Duplicated %d item(s)"
msgstr "%d elementi duplicati"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2457
msgid "Select reference point for the copy..."
msgstr "Selezionare il punto di riferimento per la copia..."
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2458 pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2475
msgid "Selection copied"
msgstr "Selezione copiata"
#: pcbnew/tools/edit_tool.cpp:2459
msgid "Copy canceled"
msgstr "Copia annullata"
#: pcbnew/tools/footprint_editor_control.cpp:344
msgid "_copy"
msgstr "_copia"
#: pcbnew/tools/footprint_editor_control.cpp:591
msgid "No footprint problems found."
msgstr "Nessuna problema impronte rilevato."
#: pcbnew/tools/group_tool.cpp:43
msgid "Grouping"
msgstr "Raggruppamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/group_tool.cpp:65
msgid "Group is in inconsistent state:"
msgstr "Il gruppo è in uno stato difforme:"
#: pcbnew/tools/group_tool.cpp:148
msgid "Click on new member..."
msgstr "Fare clic su un nuovo membro..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:140
msgid "Paste Pad Properties"
msgstr "Incolla proprietà piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:255
msgid "Push Pad Settings"
msgstr "Push impostazioni piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:312
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Click on pad %s%d\n"
"Press <esc> to cancel or double-click to commit"
msgstr ""
"Fare clic sulla piazzola %s%d\n"
"Premere <Esc> per annullare o doppio clic per confermare"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:331 pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:429
msgid "Renumber pads"
msgstr "Rinumera piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:533
msgid "Place pad"
msgstr "Piazza piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:569
#, c-format
msgid "Pad Edit Mode. Press %s again to exit."
msgstr "Modalità modifica piazzola. Premere %s nuovamente per uscire."
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:574
#, c-format
msgid "Pad Edit Mode. Press %s to exit."
msgstr "Modalità modifica piazzola. Premere %s per uscire."
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:665
msgid "Edit pad shapes"
msgstr "Modifica forme piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pad_tool.cpp:798
msgid "Recombine pads"
msgstr "Ricombina piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:48
msgid "Create Polygon from Selection"
msgstr "Crea poligono dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:48
msgid "Creates a graphic polygon from the selection"
msgstr "Crea un poligono grafico dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:53
msgid "Create Zone from Selection"
msgstr "Crea zona dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:53
msgid "Creates a copper zone from the selection"
msgstr "Crea una zona rame dalla selezione corrente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:58
msgid "Create Rule Area from Selection"
msgstr "Crea area regole dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:58
msgid "Creates a rule area from the selection"
msgstr "Crea un'area regole dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Create Lines from Selection"
msgstr "Crea linee dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:63
msgid "Creates graphic lines from the selection"
msgstr "Crea linee grafiche dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:68
msgid "Create Arc from Selection"
msgstr "Crea arci dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:68
msgid "Creates an arc from the selected line segment"
msgstr "Crea un arco dal segmento di linea selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:73
msgid "Create Tracks from Selection"
msgstr "Crea piste dalla selezione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:73
msgid "Creates tracks from the selected graphic lines"
msgstr "Crea piste dalle linee grafiche selezionate"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:82
msgid "Draw Line"
msgstr "Disegna linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:82
msgid "Draw a line"
msgstr "Disegna una linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:88
msgid "Draw Graphic Polygon"
msgstr "Disegna poligono grafico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:88
msgid "Draw a graphic polygon"
msgstr "Disegna un poligono grafico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:93
msgid "Draw Rectangle"
msgstr "Disegna rettangolo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:99
msgid "Draw Circle"
msgstr "Disegna cerchio"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:105
msgid "Draw Arc"
msgstr "Disegna arco"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:110
msgid "Add Board Characteristics"
msgstr "Aggiungi caratteristiche scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:111
msgid "Add a board characteristics table on a graphic layer"
msgstr "Aggiungi una tabella caratteristiche scheda su uno strato grafico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:116
msgid "Add Stackup Table"
msgstr "Aggiungi tabella stackup"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:117
msgid "Add a board stackup table on a graphic layer"
msgstr "Aggiungi tabella stack-up scheda su uno strato grafico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:129
msgid "Add Aligned Dimension"
msgstr "Aggiungi dimensione allineata"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:129
msgid "Add an aligned linear dimension"
msgstr "Aggiungi una dimensione lineare allineata"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:134
msgid "Add Center Dimension"
msgstr "Aggiungi dimensione centro"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:134
msgid "Add a center dimension"
msgstr "Aggiunge una dimensione al centro"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:139
msgid "Add Orthogonal Dimension"
msgstr "Aggiungi dimensione ortogonale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:139
msgid "Add an orthogonal dimension"
msgstr "Aggiunge una dimensione ortogonale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:144
msgid "Add Leader"
msgstr "Aggiungi bollatura"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:144
msgid "Add a leader dimension"
msgstr "Aggiungi una bollatura dimensione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:155
msgid "Add Filled Zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi zona piena"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:155
msgid "Add a filled zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona piena"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:161
msgid "Add Vias"
msgstr "Aggiungi via"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:161
msgid "Add free-standing vias"
msgstr "Aggiungi via indipendenti"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:167
msgid "Add Rule Area"
msgstr "Aggiungi area regole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:167
msgid "Add a rule area (keepout)"
msgstr "Aggiungi un'area regole (proibita)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Add a Zone Cutout"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona ritaglio"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:173
msgid "Add a cutout area of an existing zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi un'area di ritaglio all'interno di una zona esistente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:179
msgid "Add a Similar Zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona simile"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:179
msgid "Add a zone with the same settings as an existing zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona con le stesse impostazioni di una zona esistente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:185
msgid "Import Graphics..."
msgstr "Importa grafiche..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:185
msgid "Import 2D drawing file"
msgstr "Importa file di grafica 2D"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:191
msgid "Place the Footprint Anchor"
msgstr "Piazza l'ancoraggio impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:191
msgid "Set the coordinate origin point (anchor) of the footprint"
msgstr "Imposta l'origine delle coordinate (àncora) dell'impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:197
msgid "Increase Line Width"
msgstr "Aumenta larghezza linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:197
msgid "Increase the line width"
msgstr "Aumenta la larghezza linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:202
msgid "Decrease Line Width"
msgstr "Diminuisci larghezza linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:202
msgid "Decrease the line width"
msgstr "Diminuisci la larghezza linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:207
msgid "Switch Arc Posture"
msgstr "Commuta postura arco"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:207
msgid "Switch the arc posture"
msgstr "Commuta la postura arco"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:212
msgid "Delete Last Point"
msgstr "Cancella ultimo punto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:212
msgid "Delete the last point added to the current item"
msgstr "Elimina l'ultimo punto aggiunto all'elemento corrente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:217
msgid "Close Outline"
msgstr "Chiudi contorno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:217
msgid "Close the in progress outline"
msgstr "Chiudi il contorno in esecuzione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:224
msgid "Design Rules Checker"
msgstr "Controllo regole DRC"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:224
msgid "Show the design rules checker window"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del controllo regole di progettazione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:233
msgid "Open in Footprint Editor"
msgstr "Apri nell'editor impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:234 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:241
msgid "Opens the selected footprint in the Footprint Editor"
msgstr "Apre l'impronta selezionata nell'editor delle impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:248
msgid ""
"Selects a footprint by reference designator and places it under the cursor "
"for moving"
msgstr ""
"Seleziona una impronta per riferimento e la piazza sotto il puntatore per lo "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:259
msgid "Move with Reference"
msgstr "Sposta con il riferimento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:260
msgid "Moves the selected item(s) with a specified starting point"
msgstr "Sposta gli elementi selezionati con un punto di partenza specificato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:265
msgid "Copy with Reference"
msgstr "Copia con il riferimento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:266
msgid "Copy selected item(s) to clipboard with a specified starting point"
msgstr "Copia gli elementi selezionati con un punto di partenza specificato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:272
msgid "Duplicate and Increment"
msgstr "Duplica ed incrementa"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:272
msgid "Duplicates the selected item(s), incrementing pad numbers"
msgstr "Duplica gli elementi selezionati incrementando i numeri delle piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:278
msgid "Move Exactly..."
msgstr "Sposta esattamente..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:278
msgid "Moves the selected item(s) by an exact amount"
msgstr "Sposta gli elementi selezionati di un valore esatto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:284
msgid "Create Array..."
msgstr "Crea schiera..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:284
msgid "Create array"
msgstr "Crea schiera"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:297
msgid "Rotates selected item(s) counterclockwise"
msgstr "Ruota gli elementi selezionati in senso antiorario"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:303
msgid "Flips selected item(s) to opposite side of board"
msgstr "Capovolgi gli elementi selezionati verso la parte opposta della scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:308
msgid "Mirrors selected item"
msgstr "Rende speculare l'elemento selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:313
msgid "Change Track Width"
msgstr "Cambia larghezza pista"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:313
msgid "Updates selected track & via sizes"
msgstr "Aggiorna le dimensioni di piste e via selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:317
msgid "Adds arcs tangent to the selected straight track segments"
msgstr "Aggiunge archi tangenti ai segmenti di pista diritti selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:322
msgid "Delete Full Track"
msgstr "Cancella tutta la pista"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:322
msgid "Deletes selected item(s) and copper connections"
msgstr "Cancella gli elementi selezionati e le connessioni rame"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:336
msgid "Show Footprint Tree"
msgstr "Mostra albero impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:341
msgid "Hide Footprint Tree"
msgstr "Nascondi albero impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:347
msgid "New Footprint..."
msgstr "Nuova impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:347
msgid "Create a new, empty footprint"
msgstr "Crea una nuova impronta vuota"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:352
msgid "Create Footprint..."
msgstr "Crea impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:352
msgid "Create a new footprint using the Footprint Wizard"
msgstr "Crea una nuova impronta usando l'assistente impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:357
msgid "Edit Footprint"
msgstr "Modifica impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:357
msgid "Show selected footprint on editor canvas"
msgstr "Mostra l'impronta selezionata nell'editor"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:362
msgid "Delete Footprint from Library"
msgstr "Cancella impronta dalla libreria"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:367
msgid "Cut Footprint"
msgstr "Taglia impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:372
msgid "Copy Footprint"
msgstr "Copia impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:377
msgid "Paste Footprint"
msgstr "Incolla impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:382
msgid "Import Footprint..."
msgstr "Importa impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:382
msgid "Import footprint from file"
msgstr "Importa impronta da file"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:387
msgid "Export Footprint..."
msgstr "Esporta impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:387
msgid "Export footprint to file"
msgstr "Esporta impronta su file"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:392
msgid "Footprint Properties..."
msgstr "Proprietà impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:392
msgid "Edit footprint properties"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:397
msgid "Show the footprint checker window"
msgstr "Mostra la finestra del controllo impronte"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:404
msgid "Update Footprint..."
msgstr "Aggiorna impronta..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:405
msgid "Update footprint to include any changes from the library"
msgstr "Aggiorna impronta per includere qualunque cambiamento dalla libreria"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:410
msgid "Update Footprints from Library..."
msgstr "Aggiorna impronte dalla libreria..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:411
msgid "Update footprints to include any changes from the library"
msgstr ""
"Aggiorna le impronte per includere qualunque cambiamento dalla libreria"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:416
msgid "Remove Unused Pads..."
msgstr "Rimuove piazzole inutilizzate..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:417
msgid ""
"Remove or restore the unconnected inner layers on through hole pads and vias"
msgstr ""
"Rimuove o reimposta gli strati interni non connessi tramite piazzole e via "
"con fori passanti"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:422
msgid "Assign a different footprint from the library"
msgstr "Assegna un'impronta diversa dalla libreria"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:427
msgid "Change Footprints..."
msgstr "Cambia impronte..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:427
msgid "Assign different footprints from the library"
msgstr "Assegna impronte diverse dalla libreria"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:432
msgid "Swap Layers..."
msgstr "Scambia strati..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:432
msgid "Move tracks or drawings from one layer to another"
msgstr "Sposta piste o disegni da uno strato ad un altro"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:437
msgid "Edit Track & Via Properties..."
msgstr "Modifica proprietà piste e via..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:438
msgid "Edit track and via properties globally across board"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà pista e via globalmente nella scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:444
msgid "Edit Text and graphics properties globally across board"
msgstr "Modifica proprietà testo e grafiche globalmente nella scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:449
msgid "Global Deletions..."
msgstr "Cancellazioni globali..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:450
msgid "Delete tracks, footprints and graphic items from board"
msgstr "Cancella piste, impronte ed elementi grafici dalla scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:455
msgid "Cleanup Tracks & Vias..."
msgstr "Pulizia piste e via..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:456
msgid "Cleanup redundant items, shorting items, etc."
msgstr "Pulizia di elementi inutili, che provocano corti, ecc."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:461
msgid "Cleanup Graphics..."
msgstr "Pulisce grafiche..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:462
msgid "Cleanup redundant items, etc."
msgstr "Pulisce da elementi ridondanti, ecc."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:469
msgid "Add Microwave Gap"
msgstr "Aggiungi spazio per microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:469
msgid "Create gap of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Crea spazio di specifica lunghezza per applicazioni a microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:474
msgid "Add Microwave Stub"
msgstr "Aggiungi spezzone per microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:474
msgid "Create stub of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Crea spezzone di specifica lunghezza per applicazioni a microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:479
msgid "Add Microwave Arc Stub"
msgstr "Aggiungi spezzone di arco per microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:479
msgid "Create stub (arc) of specified size for microwave applications"
msgstr ""
"Crea spezzone (curvo) di specifica lunghezza per applicazioni a microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:484
msgid "Add Microwave Polygonal Shape"
msgstr "Aggiungi forma poligonale per microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:484
msgid "Create a microwave polygonal shape from a list of vertices"
msgstr "Crea una forma poligonale per microonde da un elenco di vertici"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:489
msgid "Add Microwave Line"
msgstr "Aggiungi linea per microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:489
msgid "Create line of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Crea linea di specifica lunghezza per applicazioni a microonde"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:497
msgid "Copy Pad Properties to Default"
msgstr "Copia proprietà piazzola ai valori predefiniti"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:497
msgid "Copy current pad's properties"
msgstr "Copia proprietà piazzola corrente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:502
msgid "Paste Default Pad Properties to Selected"
msgstr "Incolla le proprietà predefinite piazzola alle selezionate"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:503
msgid "Replace the current pad's properties with those copied earlier"
msgstr ""
"Rimpiazza le impostazioni della piazzola corrente con quelle copiate in "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:508
msgid "Push Pad Properties to Other Pads..."
msgstr "Invia le proprietà piazzola ad altre piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:509
msgid "Copy the current pad's properties to other pads"
msgstr "Copia le proprietà piazzola correnti su altre piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:514
msgid "Renumber Pads..."
msgstr "Rinumera piazzole..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:515
msgid "Renumber pads by clicking on them in the desired order"
msgstr "Rinumera le piazzole facendo clic su di esse nell'ordine desiderato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:520
msgid "Add Pad"
msgstr "Aggiungi piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:520
msgid "Add a pad"
msgstr "Aggiungi una piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:526
msgid "Edit Pad as Graphic Shapes"
msgstr "Modifica piazzola come forme grafiche"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:527
msgid "Ungroups a custom-shaped pad for editing as individual graphic shapes"
msgstr ""
"Separa una piazzola di forma personalizzata per la modifica come insieme di "
"forme individuali"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:533
msgid "Finish Pad Edit"
msgstr "Termina modifica piazzola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:534
msgid "Regroups all touching graphic shapes into the edited pad"
msgstr ""
"Ri-raggruppamento di tutte le forme grafiche che si toccano nella piazzola "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:539
msgid "Default Pad Properties..."
msgstr "Proprietà predefinite piazzola..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:539
msgid "Edit the pad properties used when creating new pads"
msgstr ""
"Modifica le proprietà della piazzola usate nella creazione di nuove piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:547
msgid "Refresh Plugins"
msgstr "Aggiorna plugin"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:547
msgid "Reload all python plugins and refresh plugin menus"
msgstr "Ricarica tutti i plugin python e aggiorna i corrispontenti menu"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:553
msgid "Reveal Plugin Folder in Finder"
msgstr "Mostra cartella plugin nei file"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:553
msgid "Reveals the plugins folder in a Finder window"
msgstr "Mostra la cartella plugin della finestra dell'esploratore file"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:563
msgid "Board Setup..."
msgstr "Impostazione scheda..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:564
msgid "Edit board setup including layers, design rules and various defaults"
msgstr ""
"Modifica le impostazioni scheda inclusi gli strati, le regole di "
"progettazione e varie altre preimpostazioni"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:569
msgid "Import Netlist..."
msgstr "Importa netlist..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:569
msgid "Read netlist and update board connectivity"
msgstr "Legge la netlist e aggiorna i collegamenti della scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:574
msgid "Import Specctra Session..."
msgstr "Importa sessione Specctra..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:574
msgid "Import routed Specctra session (*.ses) file"
msgstr "Importa un file di sbroglio Specctra Session (*.ses)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:579
msgid "Export Specctra DSN..."
msgstr "Esporta DSN Specctra..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:579
msgid "Export Specctra DSN routing info"
msgstr "Esporta informazioni di sbroglio DSN Specctra"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:584
msgid "Gerbers (.gbr)..."
msgstr "Gerber (.gbr)..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:584
msgid "Generate Gerbers for fabrication"
msgstr "Genera gerber per la fabbricazione"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:589
msgid "Drill Files (.drl)..."
msgstr "File forature (.&drl)..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:589
msgid "Generate Excellon drill file(s)"
msgstr "Genera file forature Excellon2"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:594
msgid "Component Placement (.pos)..."
msgstr "Posizionamento componenti (.pos)..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:595
msgid "Generate component placement file(s) for pick and place"
msgstr "Genera file posizionamento componenti per il pick and place"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:600
msgid "Footprint Report (.rpt)..."
msgstr "Rapporti impronte (.rpt)..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:601
msgid "Create report of all footprints from current board"
msgstr "Crea un rapporto di tutte le impronte della scheda corrente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:606
msgid "IPC-D-356 Netlist File..."
msgstr "File netlist IPC-D-356..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:606
msgid "Generate IPC-D-356 netlist file"
msgstr "Genera file netlist IPC-D-356"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:611
msgid "BOM..."
msgstr "Diba..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:611
msgid "Create bill of materials from board"
msgstr "Crea una distinta materiali dalla scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:618
msgid "Switch Track Width to Next"
msgstr "Passa larghezza pista alla successiva"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:618
msgid "Change track width to next pre-defined size"
msgstr "Cambia larghezza pista alla successiva dimensione predefinita"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:623
msgid "Switch Track Width to Previous"
msgstr "Passa larghezza pista alla precedente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:623
msgid "Change track width to previous pre-defined size"
msgstr "Cambia larghezza pista alla precedente dimensione predefinita"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:628
msgid "Increase Via Size"
msgstr "Aumenta dimensione via"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:628
msgid "Change via size to next pre-defined size"
msgstr "Cambia dimensione via alla successiva dimensione predefinita"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:633
msgid "Decrease Via Size"
msgstr "Diminuisci dimensione via"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:633
msgid "Change via size to previous pre-defined size"
msgstr "Cambia dimensione via alla precedente dimensione predefinita"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:642
msgid "Merge Zones"
msgstr "Fondi zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:642
msgid "Merge zones"
msgstr "Fondi zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:646
msgid "Duplicate Zone onto Layer..."
msgstr "Duplica zona su strato..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:646
msgid "Duplicate zone outline onto a different layer"
msgstr "Duplica la delimitazione zona su uno strato diverso"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:651
msgid "Add Layer Alignment Target"
msgstr "Aggiungi marcatore di allineamento strati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:651
msgid "Add a layer alignment target"
msgstr "Aggiungi un marcatore di allineamento strati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:657
msgid "Add Footprint"
msgstr "Aggiungi impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:657
msgid "Add a footprint"
msgstr "Aggiungi un'impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:662
msgid "Drill/Place File Origin"
msgstr "Origine file posizionamenti/forature"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:663
msgid "Place origin point for drill files and component placement files"
msgstr "Piazza il punto di origine per i file di forature e posizionamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:669
msgid "Toggle Lock"
msgstr "Commuta blocco"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:669
msgid "Lock or unlock selected items"
msgstr "Blocca o sblocca gli elementi selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:676
msgid ""
"Limit actions to horizontal, vertical, or 45 degrees from the starting point"
msgstr ""
"Limita le azioni a orizzontale, verticale o 45 gradi dal punto di partenza"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:681
msgid "Prevent items from being moved and/or resized on the canvas"
msgstr ""
"Impedisce agli elementi di essere spostati e/o ridimensionati nell'area di "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:686
msgid "Allow items to be moved and/or resized on the canvas"
msgstr ""
"Consente agli elementi di essere spostati e/o ridimensionati nell'area di "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:691
msgid "Group the selected items so that they are treated as a single item"
msgstr ""
"Raggruppa gli elementi selezionati in modo che vengano trattati come un "
"singolo elemento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:696
msgid "Ungroup"
msgstr "Separa"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:696
msgid "Ungroup any selected groups"
msgstr "Separa ogni gruppo selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:701
msgid "Remove Items"
msgstr "Rimuovi elementi"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:701
msgid "Remove items from group"
msgstr "Rimuovi elemente da un gruppo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:706
msgid "Enter Group"
msgstr "Entra nel gruppo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:706
msgid "Enter the group to edit items"
msgstr "Entra nel gruppo per modificarne gli elementi"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:711
msgid "Leave Group"
msgstr "Lascia il gruppo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:711
msgid "Leave the current group"
msgstr "Lascia il gruppo corrente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:716
msgid "Append Board..."
msgstr "Aggiungi scheda..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:716
msgid "Open another board and append its contents to this board"
msgstr "Apri un'altra scheda ed aggiungi i suoi contenuti a questa"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:721
msgid "Highlight the selected net"
msgstr "Evidenzia il collegamento selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:726
msgid "Toggle Last Net Highlight"
msgstr "Commuta l'ultima evidenziazione collegamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:726
msgid "Toggle between last two highlighted nets"
msgstr "Commuta tra gli ultimi due collegamenti evidenziati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:736
msgid "Toggle Net Highlight"
msgstr "Commuta evidenziazione net"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:736
msgid "Toggle net highlighting"
msgstr "Commuta evidenziamento net"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:743
msgid "Highlight all copper items on the selected net(s)"
msgstr "Evidenzia tutti gli elementi in rame sui collegamenti selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:751
msgid "Hide Net"
msgstr "Nascondi net"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:751
msgid "Hide the ratsnest for the selected net"
msgstr "Nascondi la ratsnest del collegamento selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:756
msgid "Show Net"
msgstr "Mostra net"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:756
msgid "Show the ratsnest for the selected net"
msgstr "Mostra la ratsnest del collegamento selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:761
msgid "Switch to Schematic Editor"
msgstr "Passa all'editor degli schemi el."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:761
msgid "Open schematic in Eeschema"
msgstr "Apri schema in Eeschema"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:770
msgid "Local Ratsnest"
msgstr "Ratsnest locali"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:770
msgid "Toggle ratsnest display of selected item(s)"
msgstr "Commuta la ratsnest degli elementi selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:781
msgid "Show the net inspector"
msgstr "Mostra l'ispettore del collegamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:791
msgid "Show Appearance Manager"
msgstr "Mostra il gestore aspetto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:791
msgid "Show/hide the appearance manager"
msgstr "Mostra/nascondi il gestore aspetto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:796
msgid "Flip Board View"
msgstr "Capovolgi vista scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:796
msgid "View board from the opposite side"
msgstr "Visualizza scheda dal lato opposto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:802
msgid "Show Ratsnest"
msgstr "Mostra ratsnest"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:802
msgid "Show board ratsnest"
msgstr "Mostra ratsnest scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:807
msgid "Curved Ratsnest Lines"
msgstr "Linee ratsnest curve"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:812
msgid "Ratsnest Mode (3-state)"
msgstr "Modalità ratsnest (3-stati)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:813
msgid ""
"Cycle between showing ratsnests for all layers, just visible layers, and none"
msgstr ""
"Cicla tra la visualizzazione di ratsnest per tutti gli strati, sono visibili "
"e nessuno."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:817
msgid "Net Color Mode (3-state)"
msgstr "Modalità colore net (3-stati)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:818
msgid ""
"Cycle between using net and netclass colors for all nets, just ratsnests, "
"and none"
msgstr ""
"Cicla tra l'uso dei colori per net e netclass per tutti i collegamenti, solo "
"per le ratsnest e per nessuno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:823
msgid "Sketch Tracks"
msgstr "Schizza piste"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:823
msgid "Show tracks in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra piste in modalità contorno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:828
msgid "Sketch Pads"
msgstr "Schizza piazzole"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:828
msgid "Show pads in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra piazzole in modalità contorno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:833
msgid "Sketch Vias"
msgstr "Schizza via"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:833
msgid "Show vias in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra via in modalità contorno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:838
msgid "Sketch Graphic Items"
msgstr "Schizza elementi grafici"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:838
msgid "Show graphic items in outline mode"
msgstr "Mostra gli elementi grafici in modalità contorno"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:843
msgid "Sketch Text Items"
msgstr "Schizza elementi testo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:843
msgid "Show footprint texts in line mode"
msgstr "Mostra i testi dell'impronta in modalità linea"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:853
msgid "Draw Zone Fills"
msgstr "Disegna riempimenti zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:853
msgid "Show filled areas of zones"
msgstr "Mostra riempimenti delle zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:858
msgid "Draw Zone Outlines"
msgstr "Disegna contorni zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:858
msgid "Show only zone boundaries"
msgstr "Mostra solo i confini delle zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:863
msgid "Draw Zone Fill Fracture Borders"
msgstr "Disegna bordi fratture riempimenti zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:868
msgid "Draw Zone Fill Triangulation"
msgstr "Disegna triangolazione riempimenti zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:874
msgid "Toggle Zone Display"
msgstr "Commuta zona schermo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:875
msgid "Cycle between showing zone fills and just their outlines"
msgstr "Cicla tra la visualizzazione di zone riempite e delineate"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:883
msgid "Switch to Component (F.Cu) layer"
msgstr "Passa allo strato componenti (F.Cu)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:889
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 1"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 1"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:895
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 2"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 2"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:901
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 3"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 3"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:907
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 4"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 4"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:913
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 5"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 5"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:919
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 6"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 6"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:924
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 7"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 7"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:929
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 8"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 8"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:934
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 9"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 9"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:939
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 10"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 10"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:944
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 11"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 11"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:949
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 12"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 12"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:954
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 13"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 13"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:959
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 14"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 14"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:964
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 15"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 15"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:969
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 16"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 16"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:974
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 17"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 17"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:979
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 18"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 18"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:984
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 19"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 19"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:989
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 20"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 20"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:994
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 21"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 21"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:999
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 22"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 22"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1004
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 23"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 23"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1009
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 24"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 24"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1014
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 25"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 25"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1019
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 26"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 26"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1024
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 27"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 27"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1029
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 28"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 28"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1034
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 29"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 29"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1039
msgid "Switch to Inner layer 30"
msgstr "Passa allo strato interno 30"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1045
msgid "Switch to Copper (B.Cu) layer"
msgstr "Passa allo strato rame (B.Cu)"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1051
msgid "Switch to Next Layer"
msgstr "Passa allo strato successivo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1057
msgid "Switch to Previous Layer"
msgstr "Passa allo strato precedente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1063
msgid "Toggle Layer"
msgstr "Commuta strato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1063
msgid "Switch between layers in active layer pair"
msgstr "Passa da una coppia di strati attivi all'altra"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1070
msgid "Increase Layer Opacity"
msgstr "Aumenta l'opacità dello strato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1070
msgid "Make the current layer less transparent"
msgstr "Rende lo strato corrente meno trasparente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1077
msgid "Decrease Layer Opacity"
msgstr "Diminuisci l'opacità dello strato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1077
msgid "Make the current layer more transparent"
msgstr "Rende lo strato corrente più trasparente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1088
msgid "Show Board Statistics"
msgstr "Mostra statistiche scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1088
msgid "Shows board statistics"
msgstr "Mostra statistiche scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1092
msgid "Clearance Resolution..."
msgstr "Risoluzione distanze..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1093
msgid ""
"Show clearance resolution for the active layer between two selected objects"
msgstr ""
"Mostra la risoluzione distanze per lo strato attivo tra due oggetti "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1098
msgid "Constraints Resolution..."
msgstr "Risoluzione vincoli..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1099
msgid "Show constraints resolution for the selected object"
msgstr "Mostra la risoluzione vincoli per l'oggetto selezionato"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1105
msgid "Geographical Reannotate..."
msgstr "Riannota geograficamente..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1105
msgid "Reannotate PCB in geographical order"
msgstr "Riannota il C. S. in ordine geografico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1110
msgid "Repair Board"
msgstr "Ripara scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1111
msgid "Run various diagnostics and attempt to repair board"
msgstr "Esegue varie diagnostiche e cerca di riparare la scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1116
msgid "Repair Footprint"
msgstr "Ripristina impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1117
msgid "Run various diagnostics and attempt to repair footprint"
msgstr "Esegue varie diagnostiche e cerca di riparare l'impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1124
msgid "Align to Top"
msgstr "Allinea in alto"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1125
msgid "Aligns selected items to the top edge"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al bordo superiore"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1129
msgid "Align to Bottom"
msgstr "Allinea in basso"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1130
msgid "Aligns selected items to the bottom edge"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al bordo inferiore"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1134
msgid "Align to Left"
msgstr "Allinea a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1135
msgid "Aligns selected items to the left edge"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al bordo sinistro"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1139
msgid "Align to Right"
msgstr "Allinea a destra"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1140
msgid "Aligns selected items to the right edge"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al bordo destro"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1143
msgid "Align to Vertical Center"
msgstr "Allinea al centro verticale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1144
msgid "Aligns selected items to the vertical center"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al centro verticale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1148
msgid "Align to Horizontal Center"
msgstr "Allinea al centro orizzontale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1149
msgid "Aligns selected items to the horizontal center"
msgstr "Allinea gli elementi selezionati al centro orizzontale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1154
msgid "Distribute Horizontally"
msgstr "Distribuisci orizzontalmente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1155
msgid "Distributes selected items along the horizontal axis"
msgstr "Distribuisce gli elementi selezionati lungo l'asse orizzontale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1159
msgid "Distribute Vertically"
msgstr "Distribuisci verticalmente"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1160
msgid "Distributes selected items along the vertical axis"
msgstr "Distribuisce gli elementi selezionati lungo l'asse verticale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1196
msgid "Position Relative To..."
msgstr "Posiziona relativamente a..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1197
msgid "Positions the selected item(s) by an exact amount relative to another"
msgstr ""
"Posiziona gli elementi selezionati di un valore esatto relativamente ad un "
"altro elemento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1234
msgid "Select/Expand Connection"
msgstr "Selezione/Espansione collegamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1235
msgid ""
"Selects a connection or expands an existing selection to junctions, pads, or "
"entire connections"
msgstr ""
"Seleziona una connessione o espande una selezione corrente a giunzioni, "
"piazzole, o intere connessioni"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1240
msgid "Select All Tracks in Net"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le piste nel collegamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1241
msgid "Selects all tracks & vias belonging to the same net."
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le piste e via appartenenti allo stesso collegamento."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1245
msgid "Deselect All Tracks in Net"
msgstr "De-seleziona tutte le piste nel collegamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1246
msgid "Deselects all tracks & vias belonging to the same net."
msgstr ""
"De-seleziona tutte le piste e via appartenenti allo stesso collegamento."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1251
msgid "Selects all footprints and tracks in the schematic sheet"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le impronte e piste nel foglio dello schema"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1256
msgid "Items in Same Hierarchical Sheet"
msgstr "Elementi nello stesso foglio gerarchico"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1257
msgid "Selects all footprints and tracks in the same schematic sheet"
msgstr "Seleziona tutte le impronte e piste nello stesso foglio dello schema"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1262
msgid "Filter Selected Items..."
msgstr "Filtra elementi selezionati..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1262
msgid "Remove items from the selection by type"
msgstr "Rimuove gli elementi dalla selezione per tipo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1270 pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:211
msgid "Fill Zone"
msgstr "Riempi zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1270
msgid "Update copper fill of selected zone(s)"
msgstr "Aggiorna riempimenti rame delle zone selezionate"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1276 pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:154
msgid "Fill All Zones"
msgstr "Riempi tutte le zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1276
msgid "Update copper fill of all zones"
msgstr "Aggiorna riempimenti rame di tutte le zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1281 pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:249
msgid "Unfill Zone"
msgstr "Svuota zona"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1281
msgid "Remove copper fill from selected zone(s)"
msgstr "Rimuovi riempimenti rame dalle zone selezionate"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1287 pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:267
msgid "Unfill All Zones"
msgstr "Svuota tutte le zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1287
msgid "Remove copper fill from all zones"
msgstr "Rimuovi riempimenti rame da tutte le zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1295
msgid "Place Selected Footprints"
msgstr "Piazza impronta selezionata"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1296
msgid "Performs automatic placement of selected components"
msgstr "Esegue la disposizione automatica dei componenti selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1300
msgid "Place Off-Board Footprints"
msgstr "Piazza automaticamente impronte fuori scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1301
msgid "Performs automatic placement of components outside board area"
msgstr ""
"Esegue la disposizione automatica dei componenti presenti fuori dal bordo "
"della scheda"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1309
msgid "Route Single Track"
msgstr "Sbroglia pista singola"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1309
msgid "Route tracks"
msgstr "Sbroglia piste"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1316
msgid "Route Differential Pair"
msgstr "Sbroglia coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1316
msgid "Route differential pairs"
msgstr "Sbroglia coppie differenziali"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1322
msgid "Interactive Router Settings..."
msgstr "Impostazioni sbroglio interattivo..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1322
msgid "Open Interactive Router settings"
msgstr "Apri impostazioni sbroglio interattivo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1327
msgid "Differential Pair Dimensions..."
msgstr "Dimensioni coppia differenziale..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1327
msgid "Open Differential Pair Dimension settings"
msgstr "Apre le impostazioni dimensioni coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1332
msgid "Router Highlight Mode"
msgstr "Modalità sbroglio evidenziata"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1332
msgid "Switch router to highlight mode"
msgstr "Commuta lo sbroglio alla modalità evidenziata"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1337
msgid "Router Shove Mode"
msgstr "Modalità sbroglio spinta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1337
msgid "Switch router to shove mode"
msgstr "Commuta lo sbroglio alla modalità spinta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1342
msgid "Router Walkaround Mode"
msgstr "Modalità sbroglio evitamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1342
msgid "Switch router to walkaround mode"
msgstr "Commuta lo sbroglio alla modalità evitamento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1347
msgid "Cycle Router Mode"
msgstr "Cicla modalità sbroglio"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1347
msgid "Cycle router to the next mode"
msgstr "Commuta lo sbroglio alla modalità successiva"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1352
msgid "Set Layer Pair..."
msgstr "Imposta coppia di strati..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1352
msgid "Change active layer pair for routing"
msgstr "Cambia coppia di strati attiva per lo sbroglio"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1359
msgid "Tune length of a single track"
msgstr "Regola la lunghezza di una singola pista"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1366
msgid "Tune length of a differential pair"
msgstr "Regola la lunghezza di una coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1373
msgid "Tune skew of a differential pair"
msgstr "Regola lo skew di una coppia differenziale"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1382
msgid "Undo Last Segment"
msgstr "Annulla ultimo segmento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1382
msgid "Walks the current track back one segment."
msgstr "Passa al segmento precedente della pista corrente."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1387 pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1393
msgid ""
"Splits the track segment into two segments connected at the cursor position."
msgstr ""
"Divide il segmento di pista in due segmenti connessi alla posizione del "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1417
msgid "Length Tuning Settings..."
msgstr "Impostazioni regolazione lunghezza..."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_actions.cpp:1418
msgid "Sets the length tuning parameters for currently routed item."
msgstr ""
"Imposta i parametri di regolazione lunghezza per gli elementi correntemente "
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:214
msgid "Don't show again"
msgstr "Non mostrare più"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:228
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Not all zones are filled. Use Edit > Fill All Zones (%s) if you wish to see "
"all fills."
msgstr ""
"Non tutte le zone sono riempite. Usare Modifica > Riempi tutte le zone (%s) "
"se si desidera vedere tutti i riempimenti."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:585
msgid "Item locked."
msgstr "Elemento bloccato."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:859
msgid "Invalid clipboard contents"
msgstr "Contenuto appunti non valido"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1127
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Error loading board.\n"
msgstr ""
"Errore nel caricamento della scheda.\n"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1204
msgid "Selected Items"
msgstr "Elementi selezionati"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_control.cpp:1221
msgid "Footprint Name"
msgstr "Nome impronta"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_point_editor.cpp:123
msgid "Self-intersecting polygons are not allowed."
msgstr "I poligoni autointersecanti non permessi."
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_point_editor.cpp:567
msgid "Drag a corner"
msgstr "Sposta un angolo"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_point_editor.cpp:2053
msgid "Add a zone corner"
msgstr "Aggiungi un vertice alla zona"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_point_editor.cpp:2090
msgid "Split segment"
msgstr "Dividi segmento"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_point_editor.cpp:2161
msgid "Remove a zone/polygon corner"
msgstr "Elimina zona/vertice poligono"
#: pcbnew/tools/pcb_selection_tool.cpp:73
msgid "Select"
msgstr "Seleziona"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:65
msgid "Align/Distribute"
msgstr "Allinea/distribuisci"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:233
msgid "Align to top"
msgstr "Allinea in alto"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:278
msgid "Align to bottom"
msgstr "Allinea in basso"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:338
msgid "Align to left"
msgstr "Allinea a sinistra"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:398
msgid "Align to right"
msgstr "Allinea a destra"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:443
msgid "Align to middle"
msgstr "Allinea a metà"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:488
msgid "Align to center"
msgstr "Allinea al centro"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:551
msgid "Distribute horizontally"
msgstr "Distribuisci orizzontalmente"
#: pcbnew/tools/placement_tool.cpp:678
msgid "Distribute vertically"
msgstr "Distribuisci verticalmente"
#: pcbnew/tools/position_relative_tool.cpp:151
msgid "Position Relative"
msgstr "Posiziona relativamente"
#: pcbnew/tools/position_relative_tool.cpp:172
msgid "Click on reference item..."
msgstr "Fare clic su elemento di riferimento..."
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_create_helper.cpp:176
msgid "Add a zone cutout"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona ritaglio"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_create_helper.cpp:215
msgid "Add a zone"
msgstr "Aggiungi una zona"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_create_helper.cpp:246
msgid "Add a graphical polygon"
msgstr "Aggiungi un poligono grafico"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:81
msgid "Checking Zones"
msgstr "Verifica zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:89 pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:217
msgid "Fill Zone(s)"
msgstr "Riempimento zone"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:131
msgid "Show DRC rules"
msgstr "Mostra regole DRC"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:138
msgid "Rules"
msgstr "Regole"
#: pcbnew/tools/zone_filler_tool.cpp:144
msgid "Zone fills may be inaccurate. DRC rules contain errors."
msgstr ""
"Gli riempimenti delle zone possono essere inaccurati. Le regole DRC "
"contengono errori."
#: pcbnew/undo_redo.cpp:537
msgid "Incomplete undo/redo operation: some items not found"
msgstr "Operazione annulla/ripeti incompleta: alcuni elementi non trovati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:335
msgid "Show tracks"
msgstr "Mostra piste"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:336
msgid "Show all vias"
msgstr "Mostra tutti i via"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:337
msgid "Show all pads"
msgstr "Mostra tutte le piazzole"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:338
msgid "Show copper zones"
msgstr "Mostra le zone rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:340
msgid "Footprints Front"
msgstr "Impronte fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:340
msgid "Show footprints that are on board's front"
msgstr "Mostra impronte presenti sul fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:341
msgid "Footprints Back"
msgstr "Impronte retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:341
msgid "Show footprints that are on board's back"
msgstr "Mostra le impronte presenti sul retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:342
msgid "Through-hole Pads"
msgstr "Piazzole a fori passanti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:342
msgid "Show through-hole pads"
msgstr "Mostra le piazzole a fori passanti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:343
msgid "Show footprint values"
msgstr "Mostra i valori delle impronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:344
msgid "References"
msgstr "Riferimenti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:344
msgid "Show footprint references"
msgstr "Mostra riferimenti impronta"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:345
msgid "Footprint Text"
msgstr "Testo impronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:345
msgid "Show all footprint text"
msgstr "Mostra tutto il testo impronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:346
msgid "Hidden Text"
msgstr "Testo nascosto"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:346
msgid "Show footprint text marked as invisible"
msgstr "Mostra testo impronte marcato come invisibile"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:349
msgid "Show unconnected nets as a ratsnest"
msgstr "Mostra i collegamenti non ancora connessi come ratsnest"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:350
msgid "No-Connects"
msgstr "Non collegati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:350
msgid "Show a marker on pads which have no net connected"
msgstr "Mostra un marcatore sulle piazzole che non hanno connessione"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:351
msgid "DRC Warnings"
msgstr "Avvisi DRC"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:351
msgid "DRC violations with a Warning severity"
msgstr "Violazioni DRC con importanza avvertimento"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:352
msgid "DRC Errors"
msgstr "Errori DRC"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:352
msgid "DRC violations with an Error severity"
msgstr "Violazioni DRC con importanza errore"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:353
msgid "DRC Exclusions"
msgstr "Esclusioni DRC"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:353
msgid "DRC violations which have been individually excluded"
msgstr "Violazioni DRC che sono state individualmente escluse"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:354
msgid "Show footprint and text origins as a cross"
msgstr "Mostra origine impronte e testi con una crocetta"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:355
msgid "Show drawing sheet borders and title block"
msgstr "Mostra squadratura foglio e riquadro iscrizioni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:376
msgid "No Layers"
msgstr "Nessuno strato"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:378
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:165
msgid "All Layers"
msgstr "Tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:380
msgid "All Copper Layers"
msgstr "Tutti gli strati rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:383
msgid "Inner Copper Layers"
msgstr "Strati rame interni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:386
msgid "Front Layers"
msgstr "Strati fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:389
msgid "Front Assembly View"
msgstr "Vista assemblaggio fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:392
msgid "Back Layers"
msgstr "Strati retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:395
msgid "Back Assembly View"
msgstr "Vista assemblaggio retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:443
msgid "Filter nets"
msgstr "Filtra collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:583
msgid "Layer Display Options"
msgstr "Opzioni di visualizzazione strati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:595
#, c-format
msgid "Inactive layers (%s):"
msgstr "Strati inattivi (%s):"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:597
msgid "Inactive layers:"
msgstr "Strati inattivi:"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:611
msgid "Inactive layers will be shown in full color"
msgstr "Gli strati non attivi verranno mostrati in colori pieni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:616
msgid "Dim"
msgstr "Attenua"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:618
msgid "Inactive layers will be dimmed"
msgstr "Gli strati inattivi verranno resi tenui"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:623
msgid "Hide"
msgstr "Nascondi"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:625
msgid "Inactive layers will be hidden"
msgstr "Gli strati inattivi verranno nascosti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:636
msgid "Flip board view"
msgstr "Capovolgi vista scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:658
msgid "Net Display Options"
msgstr "Opzioni visualizzazione collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:670
#, c-format
msgid "Net colors (%s):"
msgstr "Colori collegamenti (%s):"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:672
msgid "Net colors:"
msgstr "Colori collegamenti:"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:677
msgid "Choose when to show net and netclass colors"
msgstr "Scegli quando mostrare i colori collegamento e netclass"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:686
msgid "Net and netclass colors are shown on all copper items"
msgstr ""
"I colori collegamento e netclass sono mostrati su tutti gli elementi rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:694
msgid "Net and netclass colors are shown on the ratsnest only"
msgstr "Colori collegamenti e netclass mostrati solo sulla ratsnest"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:701
msgid "Net and netclass colors are not shown"
msgstr "Colori collegamenti e netclass non mostrati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:712
#, c-format
msgid "Ratsnest display (%s):"
msgstr "Visualizzazione ratsnest (%s):"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:714
msgid "Ratsnest display:"
msgstr "Visualizzazione ratsnest:"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:719
msgid "Choose which ratsnest lines to display"
msgstr "Scegli tipo linee ratsnest da mostrare"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:729
msgid "Show ratsnest lines to items on all layers"
msgstr "Mostra le ratsnest su tutti gli strati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:734
msgid "Visible layers"
msgstr "Strati visibili"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:736
msgid "Show ratsnest lines to items on visible layers"
msgstr "Mostra le ratsnest su tutti gli strati visibili"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:743
msgid "Hide all ratsnest lines"
msgstr "Nascondi tutte le ratsnest"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:881
msgid "Set Net Color"
msgstr "Imposta colore net"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:884
#, c-format
msgid "Highlight %s"
msgstr "Evidenzia %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:887
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2272
#, c-format
msgid "Select Tracks and Vias in %s"
msgstr "Seleziona piste e via in %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:890
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2276
#, c-format
msgid "Unselect Tracks and Vias in %s"
msgstr "De-seleziona piste e via in %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:897
msgid "Hide All Other Nets"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli altri collegamenti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:929
#, c-format
msgid "Click to hide ratsnest for %s"
msgstr "Clic per nascondere ratsnest per %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:930
#, c-format
msgid "Click to show ratsnest for %s"
msgstr "Clic per mostrare ratsnest per %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:939
msgid ""
"Double click (or middle click) to change color; right click for more actions"
msgstr ""
"Doppio clic (o centrale) per cambiare colore; clic destro per ulteriori "
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1432
msgid "Double click or middle click for color change, right click for menu"
msgstr "Doppio clic o centrale per cambiare colore, clic destro per il menù"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1439
msgid "Show or hide this layer"
msgstr "Mostra o nascondi questo strato"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1522
msgid "Adhesive on board's front"
msgstr "Adesivo sul fronte scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1523
msgid "Adhesive on board's back"
msgstr "Adesivo sul retro scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1524
msgid "Solder paste on board's front"
msgstr "Pasta salda sul fronte scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1525
msgid "Solder paste on board's back"
msgstr "Pasta salda sul retro scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1526
msgid "Silkscreen on board's front"
msgstr "Serigrafia sul fronte scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1527
msgid "Silkscreen on board's back"
msgstr "Serigrafia sul retro scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1528
msgid "Solder mask on board's front"
msgstr "Maschera per saldatura sul fronte scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1529
msgid "Solder mask on board's back"
msgstr "Maschera per saldatura sul retro scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1530
msgid "Explanatory drawings"
msgstr "Grafiche illustrative"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1531
msgid "Explanatory comments"
msgstr "Commenti illustrativi"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1532
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1533
msgid "User defined meaning"
msgstr "Per uso personalizzato"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1534
msgid "Board's perimeter definition"
msgstr "Definizione del contorno della scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1535
msgid "Board's edge setback outline"
msgstr "Limite assoluto sporgenza scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1536
msgid "Footprint courtyards on board's front"
msgstr "Ingombri impronte sul fronte della scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1537
msgid "Footprint courtyards on board's back"
msgstr "Ingombri impronte sul retro della scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1538
msgid "Footprint assembly on board's front"
msgstr "Assemblaggio impronte sul fronte scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1539
msgid "Footprint assembly on board's back"
msgstr "Assemblaggio impronte sul retro scheda"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1540
msgid "User defined layer 1"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 1"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1541
msgid "User defined layer 2"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 2"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1542
msgid "User defined layer 3"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 3"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1543
msgid "User defined layer 4"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 4"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1544
msgid "User defined layer 5"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 5"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1545
msgid "User defined layer 6"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 6"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1546
msgid "User defined layer 7"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 7"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1547
msgid "User defined layer 8"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 8"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1548
msgid "User defined layer 9"
msgstr "Strato definito dall'utente 9"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1596
msgid "Front copper layer"
msgstr "Strato in rame fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1597
msgid "Back copper layer"
msgstr "Strato in rame retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1598
msgid "Inner copper layer"
msgstr "Strato in rame interno"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1662
msgid "Show All Copper Layers"
msgstr "Mostra tutti gli strati in rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1665
msgid "Hide All Copper Layers"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli strati in rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1676
msgid "Show All Non Copper Layers"
msgstr "Mostra tutti gli strati non in rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1679
msgid "Hide All Non Copper Layers"
msgstr "Nascondi tutti gli strati non in rame"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1693
msgid "Show Only Front Assembly Layers"
msgstr "Mostra solo gli strati di assemblamento fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1696
msgid "Show Only Front Layers"
msgstr "Mostra solo gli strati fronte"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1702
msgid "Show Only Inner Layers"
msgstr "Mostra solo gli strati interni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1706
msgid "Show Only Back Layers"
msgstr "Mostra solo gli strati retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:1709
msgid "Show Only Back Assembly Layers"
msgstr "Mostra solo gli strati di assemblamento retro"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2036
#, c-format
msgid "Show or hide %s"
msgstr "Mostra o nascondi %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2077
#, c-format
msgid "Set opacity of %s"
msgstr "Imposta opacità a %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2233
#, c-format
msgid "Show or hide ratsnest for nets in %s"
msgstr "Mostra o nascondi ratsnest per i collegamenti in %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2264
msgid "Set Netclass Color"
msgstr "Imposta colore netclass"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2269
#, c-format
msgid "Highlight Nets in %s"
msgstr "Evidenzia collegamenti in %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2283
msgid "Show All Netclasses"
msgstr "Mostra tutte le netclass"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2286
msgid "Hide All Other Netclasses"
msgstr "Nascondi tutte le altre netclass"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2340
msgid "Save preset..."
msgstr "Salva preimpostazione..."
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2341
msgid "Delete preset..."
msgstr "Cancella preimpostazione..."
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2419
msgid "Layer preset name:"
msgstr "Nome preimpostazione strato:"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2419
msgid "Save Layer Preset"
msgstr "Salva preimpostazione strato"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2460
msgid "Presets"
msgstr "Reimpostazioni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2472
msgid "Delete Preset"
msgstr "Cancella preimpostazione"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2473
msgid "Select preset:"
msgstr "Seleziona preimpostazione:"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2948
msgid "Open Preferences"
msgstr "Apri preferenze"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls.cpp:2962
msgid ""
"The current color theme is read-only. Create a new theme in Preferences to "
"enable color editing."
msgstr ""
"Il tema colore corrente è in sola lettura. Creare un nuovo tema nelle "
"preferenze per abilitare la modifica dei colori."
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:45
msgid "Objects"
msgstr "Oggetti"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:71
msgid "Show the Net Inspector"
msgstr "Mostra l'ispettore del collegamento"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:123
msgid "Configure net classes"
msgstr "Configura le netclass"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:161
msgid "Presets (Ctrl+Tab):"
msgstr "Preimpostazioni (Ctrl+Tab):"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:165
msgid "(unsaved)"
msgstr "(non salvato)"
#: pcbnew/widgets/appearance_controls_base.cpp:169
msgid "Layer presets"
msgstr "Preimpostazioni strati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter.cpp:144
#, c-format
msgid "Only %s"
msgstr "Solo %s"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:23
msgid "Locked items"
msgstr "Elementi bloccati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:25
msgid "Allow selection of locked items"
msgstr "Permetti la selezione di elementi bloccati"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:57
msgid "Rule Areas"
msgstr "Aree regole"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:61
msgid "Dimensions"
msgstr "Dimensioni"
#: pcbnew/widgets/panel_selection_filter_base.cpp:65
msgid "Other items"
msgstr "Altri elementi"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:556
msgid "Rule Area"
msgstr "Area regola"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:558
msgid "Copper Zone"
msgstr "Zona rame"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:560
msgid "Non-copper Zone"
msgstr "Zona non rame"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:565
msgid "Cutout"
msgstr "Ritaglio"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:574
msgid "No vias"
msgstr "No via"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:577
msgid "No tracks"
msgstr "No piste"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:580
msgid "No pads"
msgstr "No piazzole"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:583
msgid "No copper zones"
msgstr "No zone rame"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:586
msgid "No footprints"
msgstr "No impronte"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:589
msgid "Restrictions"
msgstr "Restrizioni"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:601 pcbnew/zone.cpp:1473
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Priorità"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:622 pcbnew/zone.cpp:884
#, c-format
msgid "%s and %d more"
msgstr "%s e %d di più"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:636
msgid "Fill Mode"
msgstr "Modalità piena"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:639
msgid "Filled Area"
msgstr "Area piena"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:655
msgid "HatchBorder Lines"
msgstr "Linee tratteggio"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:679
msgid "Corner Count"
msgstr "Conteggio vertici"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:890
#, c-format
msgid "Rule Area Cutout on %s"
msgstr "Area regole ritaglio su %s"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:892
#, c-format
msgid "Zone Cutout on %s"
msgstr "Ritaglio zona su %s"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:897
#, c-format
msgid "Rule Area on %s"
msgstr "Area regole su %s"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:899
#, c-format
msgid "Zone %s on %s"
msgstr "Zona %s su %s"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:1464
msgid "Inherited"
msgstr "Ereditato"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:1482
msgid "Min Width"
msgstr "Larghezza min"
#: pcbnew/zone.cpp:1485
msgid "Pad Connections"
msgstr "Connessioni piazzole"
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:96
msgid "Building zone fills..."
msgstr "Creazione riempimenti zone..."
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:302
msgid "Removing isolated copper islands..."
msgstr "Rimozione isole di rame isolate..."
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:415
msgid "Zone fills are out-of-date. Refill?"
msgstr "Riempimenti zone scaduti. Ri-riempire?"
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:417
msgid "Refill"
msgstr "Ri-riempi"
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:417
msgid "Continue without Refill"
msgstr "Continua senza il ri-riempimento"
#: pcbnew/zone_filler.cpp:428
msgid "Performing polygon fills..."
msgstr "Esecuzione riempimento poligoni..."
#: plugins/3d/vrml/vrml.cpp:228
msgid "[INFO] load failed: input line too long\n"
msgstr "[INFO] caricamento fallito: riga in ingresso troppo lunga\n"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.bitmap2component.desktop.in:9
msgid "KiCad Image Converter"
msgstr "Convertitore immagini KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.bitmap2component.desktop.in:11
msgid "Create a component from a bitmap for use with KiCad"
msgstr "Crea un componente da una bitmap per l'uso con KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.bitmap2component.desktop.in:12
msgid "bitmap2component"
msgstr "bitmap2component"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.eeschema.desktop.in:10
msgid "KiCad Schematic Editor (Standalone)"
msgstr "Editor schemi elettrici KiCad (autonomo)"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.eeschema.desktop.in:11
msgid "Schematic Capture Tool"
msgstr "Strumento di disegno elettrico"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.eeschema.desktop.in:12
msgid "Standalone schematic editor for KiCad schematics"
msgstr "Editor di schemi elettrici indipendente di KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.eeschema.desktop.in:13
msgid "eeschema"
msgstr "eeschema"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.gerbview.desktop.in:11
msgid "Gerber File Viewer"
msgstr "Visualizzatore file Gerber"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.gerbview.desktop.in:12
msgid "View Gerber files"
msgstr "Visualizza file Gerber"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.gerbview.desktop.in:13
msgid "gerbview"
msgstr "gerbview"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.kicad.desktop.in:10
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:6
msgid "KiCad"
msgstr "KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.kicad.desktop.in:11
msgid "EDA Suite"
msgstr "Suite EDA"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.kicad.desktop.in:12
msgid "Suite of tools for schematic design and circuit board layout"
msgstr "Suite per la progettazione di schemi elettrici e circuiti stampati"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbcalculator.desktop.in:9
msgid "KiCad PCB Calculator"
msgstr "Calcolatrice per C.S. KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbcalculator.desktop.in:11
msgid "Calculator for various electronics-related computations"
msgstr "Calcolatrice per vari calcoli relativi ai circuiti elettrici"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbnew.desktop.in:10
msgid "KiCad PCB Editor (Standalone)"
msgstr "Editor di C.S. KiCad (autonomo)"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbnew.desktop.in:11
msgid "PCB layout editor"
msgstr "Progettazione C.S."
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbnew.desktop.in:12
msgid "Standalone circuit board editor for KiCad boards"
msgstr "Editor di C.S. autonomo di KiCad"
#: resources/linux/launchers/org.kicad.pcbnew.desktop.in:13
msgid "pcbnew"
msgstr "pcbnew"
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:13
msgid "An EDA suite for schematic and circuit board design"
msgstr "Suite EDA per la progettazione di schemi elettrici e circuiti stampati"
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:51
msgid ""
"KiCad is a free and open-source electronics design automation (EDA) suite. "
"It features schematic capture, integrated circuit simulation, printed "
"circuit board (PCB) layout, 3D rendering, and plotting/data export to "
"numerous formats. KiCad also includes a high-quality component library "
"featuring thousands of symbols, footprints, and 3D models. KiCad has minimal "
"system requirements and runs on Linux, Windows, and macOS."
msgstr ""
"KiCad è una suite di automazione per la progettazione elettronica (EDA) "
"gratuita e open source. Permette la progettazione di schemi elettrici e "
"circuiti stampati (PCB), la simulazione elettronica, il rendering 3D e la "
"stampa / esportazione dei dati in numerosi formati. KiCad include anche una "
"libreria di componenti di alta qualità con migliaia di simboli, impronte e "
"modelli 3D. KiCad ha requisiti di sistema minimi e funziona su Linux, "
"Windows e macOS."
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:58
msgid "KiCad Main Window"
msgstr "Finestra principale KiCad"
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:68
msgid "KiCad PCB Layout Editor"
msgstr "Editor di C.S. KiCad"
#: resources/linux/metainfo/org.kicad.kicad.metainfo.xml.in:85
msgid "The KiCad Developers"
msgstr "Gli sviluppatori di KiCad"
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-gerbers.xml.in:5
msgid "Gerber file"
msgstr "File Gerber"
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-gerbers.xml.in:26
msgid "Excellon drill file"
msgstr "File forature Excellon"
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-kicad.xml.in:5
msgid "KiCad Project"
msgstr "Progetto KiCad"
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-kicad.xml.in:12
msgid "KiCad Schematic"
msgstr "Schema KiCad"
#: resources/linux/mime/kicad-kicad.xml.in:27
msgid "KiCad Printed Circuit Board"
msgstr "Circuito stampato KiCad"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Zdiff =\n"
#~ "2*Z0( (1 - 0.48exp( -0.96*S/H ) )"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Zdiff =\n"
#~ "2*Z0( (1 - 0.48exp( -0.96*S/H ) )"
#~ msgid "Zcommon = Zeven / 2"
#~ msgstr "Zcommon = Zeven / 2"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Field name \"%s\" already in use."
#~ msgstr "Nome campo \"%s\" già in uso."
#~ msgid "Add new pins for alternate body style (DeMorgan) to symbol?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Aggiungere nuovi piedini per lo stile corpo alternativo (De Morgan) al "
#~ "simbolo?"
#~ msgid "PI"
#~ msgstr "𝝅"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Show or hide the track and via clearance area. If \"New track\" is "
#~ "selected, track clearance area is shown only when creating the track."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mostra / nasconde l'area di distanza piste e via. Se «Nuova pista» è "
#~ "selezionato, l'area di distanza viene mostrata solo mentre si crea la "
#~ "pista."
#~ msgid "<invalid>"
#~ msgstr "<non valido>"
#~ msgid "Ref."
#~ msgstr "Rif."
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Pad of %s on %s"
#~ msgstr "Piazzola di %s su %s"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Through hole pad of %s"
#~ msgstr "Piazzola passante di %s"
#~ msgid "Footprint text front"
#~ msgstr "Testo impronte fronte"
#~ msgid "Footprint text back"
#~ msgstr "Testo impronte retro"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "### Bridged Tee Attenuator\n"
#~ "__Zin__ desired input impedance in Ω<br>\n"
#~ "__Zout__ desired output impedance<br>\n"
#~ "__Z<sub>0</sub> = Zin = Zout__<br><br>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "* __a__ attenuation in dB\n"
#~ "* __L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>__ (the loss)<br><br>\n"
#~ "* ___R1 = Z<sub>0</sub> \\* (L - 1)___\n"
#~ "* ___R2 = Z<sub>0</sub> / (L - 1)___"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "### Attenuatore a ponte a T\n"
#~ "__Zin__ impedenza in ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
#~ "__Zout__ impedenza in uscita desiderata<br>\n"
#~ "__Z<sub>0</sub> = Zin = Zout__<br><br>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "* __a__ attenuazione in dB\n"
#~ "* __L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>__ (la perdita)<br><br>\n"
#~ "* ___R1 = Z<sub>0</sub> \\* (L - 1)___\n"
#~ "* ___R2 = Z<sub>0</sub> / (L - 1)___"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "### PI Attenuator\n"
#~ "__Zin__ desired input impedance in Ω<br>\n"
#~ "__Zout__ desired output impedance<br>\n"
#~ "__Zin = Zout__<br><br>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "* __a__ attenuation in dB\n"
#~ "* __L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>__ (the loss)\n"
#~ "* __A = (L + 1) / (L - 1)__<br><br>\n"
#~ "* ___R2 = (L- 1) / 2 \\* √ ( (Zin \\* Zout) / L)___\n"
#~ "* ___R1 = 1 / (A / Zin - 1 / R2)___\n"
#~ "* ___R3 = 1 / (A / Zout - 1 / R2)___"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "### Attenuatore Pi-greco\n"
#~ "__Zin__ impedenza d'ingresso desiderata in Ω<br>\n"
#~ "__Zout__ impedenza d'uscita desiderata<br>\n"
#~ "__Zin = Zout__<br><br>\n"
#~ "\n"
#~ "* __a__ attenuazione in dB\n"
#~ "* __L = 10<sup>a/20</sup>__ (la perdita)\n"
#~ "* __A = (L + 1) / (L - 1)__<br><br>\n"
#~ "* ___R2 = (L- 1) / 2 \\* √ ((Zin \\* Zout) / L)___\n"
#~ "* ___R1 = 1 / (A / Zin - 1 / R2)___\n"
#~ "* ___R3 = 1 / (A / Zout - 1 / R2)___"
#~ msgid "Mouse drag behavior:"
#~ msgstr "Comportamento trascinamento mouse:"
#~ msgid "Move item"
#~ msgstr "Sposta elemento"
#~ msgid "Interactive drag"
#~ msgstr "Trascinamento interattivo"
#~ msgid "Toggle 45 Limit"
#~ msgstr "Commuta limite 45"
#~ msgid "OpenGL"
#~ msgstr "OpenGL"
#~ msgid "Footprint R1 (300K), back side (mirrored), rotated 180.0º"
#~ msgstr "Impronta R1 (300K), lato retro (specchiata), ruotata di 180.0º"
#~ msgid "Polyline"
#~ msgstr "Polilinea"
#~ msgid "Bounding Box"
#~ msgstr "Riquadro di delimitazione"
#~ msgid "PolyLine"
#~ msgstr "Polilinea"
#~ msgid "Arcs in symbols cannot exceed 180 degrees."
#~ msgstr "Gli archi nei simboli non possono eccedere i 180 gradi."
#, c-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The CADSTAR template '%s' has thermal reliefs in the original design but "
#~ "there is no KiCad equivalent to the original CADSTAR settings. Solid fill "
#~ "has been applied instead. When the template is re-filled the thermal "
#~ "reliefs will be removed."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il modello CADSTAR \"%s\" a supporti termici nel progetto originale ma "
#~ "non c'è equivalente KiCad alle impostazioni originali CADSTAR. È stato "
#~ "applicato invece un riempimento pieno. Quando il modello verrà ri-"
#~ "riempito i supporti termici verranno rimossi."
#~ msgid "Presets:"
#~ msgstr "Reimpostazioni:"
#, c-format
#~ msgid ""
#~ "The drawing sheet file name has changed.\n"
#~ "Do you want to use the relative path:\n"
#~ "\"%s\"\n"
#~ "instead of\n"
#~ "\"%s\"?"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Il nome file del foglio di disegno è cambiato.\n"
#~ "Usare il percorso relativo:\n"
#~ "\"%s\"\n"
#~ "invece di\n"
#~ "\"%s\"?"
#~ msgid "Drawing sheet file"
#~ msgstr "File foglio di disegno"
#~ msgid "Browse..."
#~ msgstr "Esplora..."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Left click (and drag) actions depend on 3 modifier keys:\n"
#~ "Alt, Shift and Ctrl."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le azioni clic sinistro (e trascinamento) dipendono da 3 tasti "
#~ "modificatori:\n"
#~ "Alt, Maiusc e Ctrl."
#~ msgid "Toggle selected state of item(s)."
#~ msgstr "Commuta lo stato selezione degli elementi."
#~ msgid "Alt+Shift"
#~ msgstr "Alt+Maiusc"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Left click (and drag) actions depend on 3 modifier keys:\n"
#~ "Alt, Shift and Cmd."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Le azioni clic sinistro (e trascinamento) dipendono da 3 tasti "
#~ "modificatori:\n"
#~ "Alt, Maiusc e Cmd."
#~ msgid "Cmd+Shift"
#~ msgstr "Cmd+Maiusc"
#~ msgid "Nodes"
#~ msgstr "Nodi"
#~ msgid "Graphic Shape"
#~ msgstr "Forma grafica"
#~ msgid "Board Text"
#~ msgstr "Testo scheda"
#~ msgid "Board Marker"
#~ msgstr "Marcatore scheda"
#~ msgid "Aligned Dimension"
#~ msgstr "Dimensione allineata"
#~ msgid "Orthogonal Dimension"
#~ msgstr "Dimensione ortogonale"
#~ msgid "Center Dimension"
#~ msgstr "Dimensione centro"
#~ msgid "Schematic Marker"
#~ msgstr "Marcatore schema"
#~ msgid "Graphic Line"
#~ msgstr "Linea grafica"
#~ msgid "Schematic Text"
#~ msgstr "Testo schema"
#~ msgid "Schematic Field"
#~ msgstr "Campo schema"
#~ msgid "Schematic Symbol"
#~ msgstr "Simbolo elettrico"
#~ msgid "Symbol Text"
#~ msgstr "Testo simbolo"
#~ msgid "Validate"
#~ msgstr "Valida"
#~ msgid "Component:"
#~ msgstr "Componente:"
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Remove single pad net %s."
#~ msgstr "Rimozione collegamento piazzola singola %s."
#, c-format
#~ msgid "Removed single pad net %s."
#~ msgstr "Rimosso collegamento a piazzola singola %s."
#~ msgid "Change to isometric perspective"
#~ msgstr "Cambia in prospettiva isometrica"
#~ msgid "Days"
#~ msgstr "Giorni"
#~ msgid "No editor defined in KiCad. Please choose it."
#~ msgstr "Nessun editor definito in KiCad. Sceglierne uno."
#~ msgid "No editor defined. Please select one."
#~ msgstr "Nessun editor definito. Selezionarne uno."
#~ msgid "Delete nets containing only a single pad"
#~ msgstr "Cancella le connessioni ad unica piazzola"
#~ msgid "Generate warnings for pads with no net"
#~ msgstr "Genera avvertimenti per le piazzole senza collegamenti"
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Display a warning if a pad in a footprint does not appear in netlist.\n"
#~ "Only pads on a copper layer and having a name are tested."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Mostra un avvertimento se una piazzola in una impronta non compare nella "
#~ "netlist.\n"
#~ "Vengono verificate solo le piazzole su uno strato rame con un nome."
#~ msgid ""
#~ "Clear the net name of pads when there is only one pad belonging to this "
#~ "net."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Cancella il nome collegamento delle piazzole quando c'è solo una piazzola "
#~ "che appartiene a questo collegamento."
#~ msgid "Generate warnings for pads with no nets"
#~ msgstr "Genera avvertimenti per piazzole senza collegamenti"
#~ msgid "Automatically zoom to fit"
#~ msgstr "Zoom automatico all'estensione"
#~ msgid "Zoom to fit when changing footprint"
#~ msgstr "Adatta lo zoom ai cambiamenti all'impronta"