457 lines
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457 lines
16 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Jean-Pierre Charras, jean-pierre.charras@gpisa-lab.inpg.fr
* Copyright (C) 2010-2012 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <dick@softplc.com>
* Copyright (C) 2010 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* class_pcb_layer_widget.cpp - Pcbnew layers manager */
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <class_drawpanel.h>
#include <class_draw_panel_gal.h>
#include <view/view.h>
#include <painter.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <wxPcbStruct.h>
#include <pcbstruct.h> // enum PCB_VISIBLE
#include <layer_widget.h>
#include <macros.h>
#include <pcbcommon.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_pcb_layer_widget.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <collectors.h>
#include <pcbnew_id.h>
#include <gal/graphics_abstraction_layer.h>
/// This is a read only template that is copied and modified before adding to LAYER_WIDGET
const LAYER_WIDGET::ROW PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::s_render_rows[] = {
#define RR LAYER_WIDGET::ROW // Render Row abreviation to reduce source width
// text id color tooltip
RR( _( "Through Via" ), VIA_THROUGH_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show through vias" ) ),
RR( _( "Bl/Buried Via" ), VIA_BBLIND_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show blind or buried vias" ) ),
RR( _( "Micro Via" ), VIA_MICROVIA_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show micro vias") ),
RR( _( "Non Plated" ), NON_PLATED_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show non plated holes") ),
RR( _( "Ratsnest" ), RATSNEST_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show unconnected nets as a ratsnest") ),
RR( _( "Pads Front" ), PAD_FR_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint pads on board's front" ) ),
RR( _( "Pads Back" ), PAD_BK_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint pads on board's back" ) ),
RR( _( "Text Front" ), MOD_TEXT_FR_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint text on board's front" ) ),
RR( _( "Text Back" ), MOD_TEXT_BK_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint text on board's back" ) ),
RR( _( "Hidden Text" ), MOD_TEXT_INVISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint text marked as invisible" ) ),
RR( _( "Anchors" ), ANCHOR_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show footprint and text origins as a cross" ) ),
RR( _( "Grid" ), GRID_VISIBLE, WHITE, _( "Show the (x,y) grid dots" ) ),
RR( _( "No-Connects" ), NO_CONNECTS_VISIBLE, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, _( "Show a marker on pads which have no net connected" ) ),
RR( _( "Modules Front" ), MOD_FR_VISIBLE, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, _( "Show footprints that are on board's front") ),
RR( _( "Modules Back" ), MOD_BK_VISIBLE, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, _( "Show footprints that are on board's back") ),
RR( _( "Values" ), MOD_VALUES_VISIBLE, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, _( "Show footprint's values") ),
RR( _( "References" ), MOD_REFERENCES_VISIBLE, UNSPECIFIED_COLOR, _( "Show footprint's references") ),
PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::PCB_LAYER_WIDGET( PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aParent, wxWindow* aFocusOwner, int aPointSize ) :
LAYER_WIDGET( aParent, aFocusOwner, aPointSize ),
myframe( aParent )
m_alwaysShowActiveCopperLayer = false;
// Update default tabs labels for GerbView
//-----<Popup menu>-------------------------------------------------
// handle the popup menu over the layer window.
m_LayerScrolledWindow->Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN,
wxMouseEventHandler( PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onRightDownLayers ), NULL, this );
// since Popupmenu() calls this->ProcessEvent() we must call this->Connect()
// and not m_LayerScrolledWindow->Connect()
wxCommandEventHandler( PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onPopupSelection ), NULL, this );
// install the right click handler into each control at end of ReFill()
// using installRightLayerClickHandler
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::installRightLayerClickHandler()
int rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
for( int row=0; row < rowCount; ++row )
for( int col=0; col<LYR_COLUMN_COUNT; ++col )
wxWindow* w = getLayerComp( row, col );
w->Connect( wxEVT_RIGHT_DOWN, wxMouseEventHandler(
PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onRightDownLayers ), NULL, this );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onRightDownLayers( wxMouseEvent& event )
wxMenu menu;
// menu text is capitalized:
// http://library.gnome.org/devel/hig-book/2.20/design-text-labels.html.en#layout-capitalization
menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPERS,
_( "Show All Copper Layers" ) ) );
menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_NO_COPPERS_BUT_ACTIVE,
_( "Hide All Copper Layers But Active" ) ) );
menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &menu, ID_ALWAYS_SHOW_NO_COPPERS_BUT_ACTIVE,
_( "Always Hide All Copper Layers But Active" ) ) );
menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &menu, ID_SHOW_NO_COPPERS,
_( "Hide All Copper Layers" ) ) );
PopupMenu( &menu );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::onPopupSelection( wxCommandEvent& event )
int rowCount;
int menuId = event.GetId();
bool visible;
bool force_active_layer_visible;
visible = menuId == ID_SHOW_ALL_COPPERS;
m_alwaysShowActiveCopperLayer = ( menuId == ID_ALWAYS_SHOW_NO_COPPERS_BUT_ACTIVE );
force_active_layer_visible = ( menuId == ID_SHOW_NO_COPPERS_BUT_ACTIVE ||
switch( menuId )
// Search the last copper layer row index:
int lastCu = -1;
rowCount = GetLayerRowCount();
for( int row = rowCount-1; row>=0; --row )
wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, 3 );
LAYER_ID layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
lastCu = row;
// Enable/disable the copper layers visibility:
for( int row=0; row<rowCount; ++row )
wxCheckBox* cb = (wxCheckBox*) getLayerComp( row, 3 );
LAYER_ID layer = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( cb->GetId() ) );
if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
bool loc_visible = visible;
if( force_active_layer_visible && (layer == myframe->GetActiveLayer() ) )
loc_visible = true;
cb->SetValue( loc_visible );
bool isLastCopperLayer = (row==lastCu);
OnLayerVisible( layer, loc_visible, isLastCopperLayer );
if( isLastCopperLayer )
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::SetLayersManagerTabsText()
m_notebook->SetPageText( 0, _( "Layer" ) );
m_notebook->SetPageText( 1, _( "Render" ) );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::ReFillRender()
BOARD* board = myframe->GetBoard();
// Add "Render" tab rows to LAYER_WIDGET, after setting color and checkbox state.
// Because s_render_rows is created static, we must explicitely call
// wxGetTranslation for texts which are internationalized (tool tips
// and item names)
for( unsigned row=0; row<DIM(s_render_rows); ++row )
LAYER_WIDGET::ROW renderRow = s_render_rows[row];
renderRow.tooltip = wxGetTranslation( s_render_rows[row].tooltip );
renderRow.rowName = wxGetTranslation( s_render_rows[row].rowName );
if( renderRow.color != -1 ) // does this row show a color?
// this window frame must have an established BOARD, i.e. after SetBoard()
renderRow.color = board->GetVisibleElementColor( renderRow.id );
renderRow.state = board->IsElementVisible( renderRow.id );
AppendRenderRow( renderRow );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::SyncRenderStates()
BOARD* board = myframe->GetBoard();
for( unsigned row=0; row<DIM(s_render_rows); ++row )
int rowId = s_render_rows[row].id;
// this does not fire a UI event
SetRenderState( rowId, board->IsElementVisible( rowId ) );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::SyncLayerVisibilities()
BOARD* board = myframe->GetBoard();
int count = GetLayerRowCount();
for( int row=0; row<count; ++row )
// this utilizes more implementation knowledge than ideal, eventually
// add member ROW getRow() or similar to base LAYER_WIDGET.
wxWindow* w = getLayerComp( row, 0 );
LAYER_ID layerId = ToLAYER_ID( getDecodedId( w->GetId() ) );
// this does not fire a UI event
SetLayerVisible( layerId, board->IsLayerVisible( layerId ) );
BOARD* brd = myframe->GetBoard();
LSET enabled = brd->GetEnabledLayers();
wxString dsc;
// show all coppers first, with front on top, back on bottom, then technical layers
for( LSEQ cu_stack = enabled.CuStack(); cu_stack; ++cu_stack )
LAYER_ID layer = *cu_stack;
switch( layer )
case F_Cu:
dsc = _("Front copper layer");
case B_Cu:
dsc = _("Back copper layer");
dsc = _("Inner copper layer");
AppendLayerRow( LAYER_WIDGET::ROW(
brd->GetLayerName( layer ), layer, brd->GetLayerColor( layer ),
dsc, true ) );
// technical layers are shown in this order:
// Because they are static, wxGetTranslation must be explicitely
// called for tooltips.
static const struct {
LAYER_ID layerId;
wxString tooltip;
} non_cu_seq[] = {
{ F_Adhes, _( "Adhesive on board's front" ) },
{ B_Adhes, _( "Adhesive on board's back" ) },
{ F_Paste, _( "Solder paste on board's front" ) },
{ B_Paste, _( "Solder paste on board's back" ) },
{ F_SilkS, _( "Silkscreen on board's front" ) },
{ B_SilkS, _( "Silkscreen on board's back" ) },
{ F_Mask, _( "Solder mask on board's front" ) },
{ B_Mask, _( "Solder mask on board's back" ) },
{ Dwgs_User, _( "Explanatory drawings" ) },
{ Cmts_User, _( "Explanatory comments" ) },
{ Eco1_User, _( "User defined meaning" ) },
{ Eco2_User, _( "User defined meaning" ) },
{ Edge_Cuts, _( "Board's perimeter definition" ) },
{ Margin, _( "Board's edge setback outline" ) },
{ F_CrtYd, _( "Footprint courtyards on board's front" ) },
{ B_CrtYd, _( "Footprint courtyards on board's back" ) },
{ F_Fab, _( "Footprint assembly on board's front" ) },
{ B_Fab, _( "Footprint assembly on board's back" ) }
for( unsigned i=0; i<DIM(non_cu_seq); ++i )
LAYER_ID layer = non_cu_seq[i].layerId;
if( !enabled[layer] )
AppendLayerRow( LAYER_WIDGET::ROW(
brd->GetLayerName( layer ), layer, brd->GetLayerColor( layer ),
wxGetTranslation( non_cu_seq[i].tooltip ), true ) );
//-----<LAYER_WIDGET callbacks>-------------------------------------------
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnLayerColorChange( int aLayer, EDA_COLOR_T aColor )
myframe->GetBoard()->SetLayerColor( ToLAYER_ID( aLayer ), aColor );
myframe->ReCreateLayerBox( false );
if( myframe->IsGalCanvasActive() )
KIGFX::VIEW* view = myframe->GetGalCanvas()->GetView();
view->GetPainter()->GetSettings()->ImportLegacyColors( myframe->GetBoard()->GetColorsSettings() );
view->UpdateLayerColor( aLayer );
bool PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnLayerSelect( int aLayer )
// the layer change from the PCB_LAYER_WIDGET can be denied by returning
// false from this function.
myframe->SetActiveLayer( ToLAYER_ID( aLayer ), false );
if( m_alwaysShowActiveCopperLayer )
else if( DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay )
return true;
bool PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnLayerSelected()
if( !m_alwaysShowActiveCopperLayer )
return false;
// postprocess after an active layer selection
// ensure active layer visible
wxCommandEvent event;
onPopupSelection( event );
return true;
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnLayerVisible( int aLayer, bool isVisible, bool isFinal )
BOARD* brd = myframe->GetBoard();
LSET visibleLayers = brd->GetVisibleLayers();
visibleLayers.set( aLayer, isVisible );
brd->SetVisibleLayers( visibleLayers );
EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* galCanvas = myframe->GetGalCanvas();
if( galCanvas )
KIGFX::VIEW* view = galCanvas->GetView();
view->SetLayerVisible( aLayer, isVisible );
if( isFinal )
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnRenderColorChange( int aId, EDA_COLOR_T aColor )
myframe->GetBoard()->SetVisibleElementColor( aId, aColor );
void PCB_LAYER_WIDGET::OnRenderEnable( int aId, bool isEnabled )
BOARD* brd = myframe->GetBoard();
brd->SetElementVisibility( aId, isEnabled );
EDA_DRAW_PANEL_GAL* galCanvas = myframe->GetGalCanvas();
if( galCanvas )
if( aId == GRID_VISIBLE )
galCanvas->GetGAL()->SetGridVisibility( myframe->IsGridVisible() );
galCanvas->GetView()->MarkTargetDirty( KIGFX::TARGET_NONCACHED );
galCanvas->GetView()->SetLayerVisible( ITEM_GAL_LAYER( aId ), isEnabled );
if( galCanvas && myframe->IsGalCanvasActive() )
//-----</LAYER_WIDGET callbacks>------------------------------------------