
334 lines
7.2 KiB

#! /usr/bin/awk -f
# awk script to convert KiCAD font.
print "/* Automatically converted font */"
missed = 0
printstats = 1
code0 = 82 # ascii code for R
scale = 50
base = 9
fontend = ""
symdef = "DEL"
cap_height = -21
x_height = -14
sym_height = -16
sup_offset = -13
sub_offset = 6
# transformations props
transf["!"] = "-1 +1 0" # revert
transf["-"] = "+1 -1 "x_height # invert small
transf["="] = "+1 -1 "cap_height # invert cap
transf["~"] = "+1 -1 "sym_height # invert symbol
transf["+"] = "-1 -1 "x_height # turn small
transf["%"] = "-1 -1 "cap_height # turn cap
transf["*"] = "-1 -1 "sym_height # turn symbol
transf["^"] = "+1 +1 "sup_offset # superscript
transf["`"] = "-1 +1 "sup_offset # superscript reversed
transf["."] = "+1 +1 "sub_offset # subscript
transf[","] = "-1 +1 "sub_offset # subscript reversed
function ntochar(x) {
return sprintf("%c",x+code0)
function cname(glyph) {
if(substr(glyph,1,1) in transf) {
return substr(glyph,2)
} else {
return glyph
function gsx(glyph, tr) {
if(substr(glyph,1,1) in transf) {
tr = transf[substr(glyph,1,1)]
return 0+substr(tr,1,2)
} else {
return 1;
function gsy(glyph, tr) {
if(substr(glyph,1,1) in transf) {
tr = transf[substr(glyph,1,1)]
return 0+substr(tr,4,2)
} else {
return 1;
function goy(glyph, tr) {
#print "// "substr(glyph,1,1)
if(substr(glyph,1,1) in transf) {
tr = transf[substr(glyph,1,1)]
return 0+substr(tr,7)
} else {
return 0;
function graph(glyph, subst, ofx, ofy, sx, sy, cn, data, i, j, o, c) {
if(ofx=="") ofx = 0
if(ofy=="") ofy = 0
if(!(cname(glyph) in fontnst)) {
print " /* glyph "glyph" not found!!! */"
glyph = subst
sx = gsx(glyph)
sy = gsy(glyph)
ofy += goy(glyph) + base
#print "/* g ofx="ofx" ofy="ofy" */"
cn = cname(glyph)
data = ""
for(i = 0; i<fontnst[cn]; i++) {
if(i>0) data = data " R"
for(j = 0; j<fontsl[cn" "i]; j++) {
c = ntochar(fontx[cn" "i" "j]*sx+ofx) ntochar(fonty[cn" "i" "j]*sy+ofy)
if(c!=o) {
data = data c
o = c
fontuse[cn] += 1
return data
function metric(glyph, subst, sx, cn, ml, mr) {
if(!(cname(glyph) in fontnst)) glyph = subst
sx = gsx(glyph)
cn = cname(glyph)
ml = sx<0?fontmr[cn]:fontml[cn]
mr = sx<0?fontml[cn]:fontmr[cn]
return ntochar(sx*ml) ntochar(sx*mr)
function metric2(glyph1, glyph2, ofx1, ofx2, subst, sx, cn, ml, mr) {
if(!(cname(glyph1) in fontnst)) glyph1 = subst
sx1 = gsx(glyph1)
cn1 = cname(glyph1)
if(!(cname(glyph2) in fontnst)) glyph2 = subst
sx2 = gsx(glyph2)
cn2 = cname(glyph2)
ml = sx1<0?fontmr[cn1]:fontml[cn1]
mr = sx2<0?fontml[cn2]:fontmr[cn2]
return ntochar(sx1*ml+ofx1) ntochar(sx2*mr+ofx2)
function dist(glyph1, glyph2, subst, sx, cn, ml, mr) {
if(!(cname(glyph1) in fontnst)) glyph1 = subst
sx1 = gsx(glyph1)
cn1 = cname(glyph1)
if(!(cname(glyph2) in fontnst)) glyph2 = subst
sx2 = gsx(glyph2)
cn2 = cname(glyph2)
return sx1*fontmr[cn1] - sx2*fontml[cn2]
function offsetx(char, accent, anchor, del, cc, ca, asx, csx) {
if("" == anchor || "#" == anchor) return 0;
del = index(anchor, "=")
if(del) {
cc = cname(char)" "substr(anchor,1,del-1)
ca = cname(accent)" "substr(anchor,del+1)
} else {
cc = cname(char)" "anchor
ca = cname(accent)" "anchor
if((cc in fontancx) && (ca in fontancx)) {
asx = gsx(accent)
csx = gsx(char)
#print " /* ox="csx*fontancx[cc]-asx*fontancx[ca]" */"
return csx*fontancx[cc]-asx*fontancx[ca]
} else {
return 0
function offsety(char, accent, anchor, del, cc, ca, asy, csy, aoy, coy) {
if("" == anchor || "#" == anchor) return 0;
del = index(anchor, "=")
#print " /* del="del" */"
if(del) {
cc = cname(char)" "substr(anchor,1,del-1)
ca = cname(accent)" "substr(anchor,del+1)
} else {
cc = cname(char)" "anchor
ca = cname(accent)" "anchor
if((cc in fontancy) && (ca in fontancy)) {
asy = gsy(accent)
csy = gsy(char)
aoy = goy(accent)
coy = goy(char)
#print " /* oy="csy*fontancy[cc]+coy-asy*fontancy[ca]-aoy" */"
return csy*fontancy[cc]+coy-asy*fontancy[ca]-aoy
} else {
print " /* anchor "(cc in fontancy?"":cc) (cc in fontancy||ca in fontancy?"":" and ") (ca in fontancy?"":ca)" not found! */"
return 0
function cesc(s) {
return s
function gaccent(b,g,anc,cx) {
if(!(cname(g) in fontnst)) {
missed += 1
if(anc=="" || anc=="#") anc=""
ofx = offsetx(b,g,anc)
ofy = offsety(b,g,anc)
return " R"graph(g,accdef,cx+ofx,ofy)
function compose(cx, st) {
if(!(cname($2) in fontnst)) {
missed += 1
st = graph($2,symdef,cx,0)
if($3!="" && $3!="#") {
st = st gaccent($2,$3,$4,cx)
ofx2 = ofx
if($4!="#" && $5!="" && $5!="#") {
st = st gaccent($2,$5,$6,cx)
if($6!="#" && $7!="" && $7!="#") {
st = st gaccent($2,$7,$8,cx)
return st
# parsing glyph library
$1 == "DEF" {
name = $2
data = ""
prepend = ""
nst = 0
xleft = 0
xright = 0
fontancx[name" -"] = 0
fontancy[name" -"] = 0
$1 == "P" { # drawings
n = $2*2+6
# print "Poly of "$2
data = data prepend
data_rev = data_rev prepend
ox = -100
oy = -100
j = 0
for(i = 6; i<n; i+=2) {
x = ($i)/scale
y = -($(i+1))/scale
#print "X: "x" Y: "y
if(x!=ox || y!=oy) {
data = data ntochar(x) ntochar(y+base)
fontx[name" "nst" "j] = x
fonty[name" "nst" "j] = y
ox = x
oy = y
fontsl[name" "nst] = j
prepend = " R"
$1 == "X" { # i use pins as metric and anchors
fontancx[name" "$2] = $4/scale
fontancy[name" "$2] = -$5/scale
if($4>0 && $2=="~" || $2=="S") {
xright = $4/scale
fontmr[name] = $4/scale
# print "//Right:" xright
} else if($4<=0 && $2=="~" || $2=="P") {
xleft = $4/scale
fontml[name] = $4/scale
# print "//Left:" xleft
$1 == "ENDDEF" {
metr = ntochar(xleft) ntochar(xright)
fontnst[name] = nst
fontuse[name] = 0
fi[name] = name
# parsing font index
$1 == "font" {
print fontend
print "const static char* "$2"[] ="
print "{"
fontend = "};"
$1 == "startchar" {
codeno = $2
$1 == "+" || $1 == "+w" || $1 == "+p" {
comx = 0
rem = (codeno%16)?"":sprintf(" /* U+%X %s %s */", codeno, $2, $3)
#print "// c "codeno
str = compose()
met = ("+w"==$1) ? metric2($2, $3, 0, ofx2) : ("+p"==$1) ? metric2($3, $2, ofx2, 0) : metric($2)
print " \""cesc(met str) "\","rem
$1 == "+(" {
comx = 0
rem = (codeno%16)?"":sprintf(" /* U+%X %s %s */", codeno, $2, $3)
#print "// c "codeno
str = compose(comx)
gf = $2
gp = $2
$1 == "+|" {
comx = comx + dist(gp, $2)
#print "// "comx
str = str " R" compose(comx)
gp = $2
$1 == "+)" {
comx = comx + dist(gp, $2)
#print "// "comx
str = str " R" compose(comx)
met = metric2(gf, $2, 0, comx)
print " \"" cesc(met str) "\","rem
$1 == "skipcodes" {
#print " // skip "$2
for(i = 0; i<$2; i++) {
print " \""cesc(metric(symdef) graph(symdef))"\"," ((codeno%16)?"":sprintf(" /* U+%X */", codeno))
codeno += 1
$1 == "//" {
print " /* "$0" */"
$1 == "stats" {
printstats = $2
print fontend
if(printstats) {
if(missed>0) print "/* Missed glyphs: " missed " */"
print "/* --- unused glyphs --- */"
for(f in fi) {
if(0==fontuse[f]) print "/* "f" */"