
1612 lines
52 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2007-2015 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2017 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
/* This source is a complement to specctra.cpp and implements the export to
specctra dsn file format. The specification for the grammar of the specctra
dsn file used to develop this code is given here: then file "specctra.pdf"
Also see the comments at the top of the specctra.cpp file itself.
#include <wxPcbStruct.h>
#include <confirm.h> // DisplayError()
#include <gestfich.h> // EDA_FileSelector()
#include <trigo.h> // RotatePoint()
#include <macros.h>
#include <set> // std::set
#include <map> // std::map
#include <boost/utility.hpp> // boost::addressof()
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_edge_mod.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <class_drawsegment.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <wildcards_and_files_ext.h>
#include <collectors.h>
#include <geometry/shape_poly_set.h>
#include <specctra.h>
using namespace DSN;
// Add .1 mil to the requested clearances as a safety margin.
// There has been disagreement about interpretation of clearance in the past
// between KiCad and Freerouter, so keep this safetyMargin until the
// disagreement is resolved and stable. Freerouter seems to be moving
// (protected) traces upon loading the DSN file, and even though it seems to sometimes
// add its own 0.1 to the clearances, I believe this is happening after
// the load process (and moving traces) so I am of the opinion this is
// still needed.
static const double safetyMargin = 0.1;
// see wxPcbStruct.h
void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportToSpecctra( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString fullFileName;
wxString dsn_ext = SpecctraDsnFileExtension;
wxString mask = SpecctraDsnFileWildcard();
wxFileName fn( GetBoard()->GetFileName() );
fn.SetExt( dsn_ext );
fullFileName = EDA_FILE_SELECTOR( _( "Specctra DSN File" ),
false );
if( fullFileName == wxEmptyString )
ExportSpecctraFile( fullFileName );
bool PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ExportSpecctraFile( const wxString& aFullFilename )
bool ok = true;
wxString errorText;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetScreen();
bool wasModified = screen->IsModify();
db.SetPCB( SPECCTRA_DB::MakePCB() );
LOCALE_IO toggle; // Switch the locale to standard C
// DSN Images (=KiCad MODULES and pads) must be presented from the
// top view. So we temporarily flip any modules which are on the back
// side of the board to the front, and record this in the MODULE's flag field.
db.FlipMODULEs( GetBoard() );
db.FromBOARD( GetBoard() );
db.ExportPCB( aFullFilename, true );
// if an exception is thrown by FromBOARD or ExportPCB(), then
// ~SPECCTRA_DB() will close the file.
catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
ok = false;
// copy the error string to safe place, ioe is in this scope only.
errorText = ioe.What();
// done assuredly, even if an exception was thrown and caught.
db.RevertMODULEs( GetBoard() );
// The two calls below to MODULE::Flip(), both set the
// modified flag, yet their actions cancel each other out, so it should
// be ok to clear the modify flag.
if( !wasModified )
if( ok )
SetStatusText( wxString( _( "BOARD exported OK." ) ) );
DisplayErrorMessage( this,
_( "Unable to export, please fix and try again" ),
errorText );
return ok;
namespace DSN {
const KICAD_T SPECCTRA_DB::scanPADs[] = { PCB_PAD_T, EOT };
// "specctra reported units" are what we tell the external router that our
// exported lengths are in.
* Function scale
* converts a distance from PCBNEW internal units to the reported specctra dsn units
* in floating point format.
static inline double scale( int kicadDist )
// nanometers to um
return kicadDist / ( IU_PER_MM / 1000.0 );
// / Convert integer internal units to float um
static inline double IU2um( int kicadDist )
return kicadDist * (1000.0 / IU_PER_MM);
static inline double mapX( int x )
return scale( x );
static inline double mapY( int y )
return -scale( y ); // make y negative, since it is increasing going down.
* Function mapPt
* converts a KiCad point into a DSN file point. Kicad's BOARD coordinates
* are in nanometers (called Internal Units or IU)and we are exporting in units
* of mils, so we have to scale them.
static POINT mapPt( const wxPoint& pt )
POINT ret;
ret.x = mapX( pt.x );
ret.y = mapY( pt.y );
return ret;
* Function isRoundKeepout
* decides if the pad is a copper-less through hole which needs to be made into
* a round keepout.
static bool isRoundKeepout( D_PAD* aPad )
if( aPad->GetShape()==PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE )
if( aPad->GetDrillSize().x >= aPad->GetSize().x )
return true;
if( !( aPad->GetLayerSet() & LSET::AllCuMask() ).any() )
return true;
return false;
* Function makePath
* creates a PATH element with a single straight line, a pair of vertices.
static PATH* makePath( const POINT& aStart, const POINT& aEnd, const std::string& aLayerName )
PATH* path = new PATH( 0, T_path );
path->AppendPoint( aStart );
path->AppendPoint( aEnd );
path->SetLayerId( aLayerName.c_str() );
return path;
char name[256]; // padstack name builder
std::string uniqifier;
// caller must do these checks before calling here.
wxASSERT( !isRoundKeepout( aPad ) );
PADSTACK* padstack = new PADSTACK();
int reportedLayers = 0; // how many in reported padstack
const char* layerName[MAX_CU_LAYERS];
uniqifier = '[';
static const LSET all_cu = LSET::AllCuMask();
bool onAllCopperLayers = ( (aPad->GetLayerSet() & all_cu) == all_cu );
if( onAllCopperLayers )
uniqifier += 'A'; // A for all layers
const int copperCount = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();
for( int layer=0; layer<copperCount; ++layer )
PCB_LAYER_ID kilayer = pcbLayer2kicad[layer];
if( onAllCopperLayers || aPad->IsOnLayer( kilayer ) )
layerName[reportedLayers++] = layerIds[layer].c_str();
if( !onAllCopperLayers )
if( layer == 0 )
uniqifier += 'T';
else if( layer == copperCount - 1 )
uniqifier += 'B';
uniqifier += char('0' + layer); // layer index char
uniqifier += ']';
POINT dsnOffset;
if( aPad->GetOffset().x || aPad->GetOffset().y )
char offsetTxt[64];
wxPoint offset( aPad->GetOffset().x, aPad->GetOffset().y );
dsnOffset = mapPt( offset );
// using '(' or ')' would cause padstack name to be quote wrapped,
// so use other brackets, and {} locks freerouter.
sprintf( offsetTxt, "[%.6g,%.6g]", dsnOffset.x, dsnOffset.y );
uniqifier += offsetTxt;
switch( aPad->GetShape() )
double diameter = scale( aPad->GetSize().x );
for( int ndx=0; ndx<reportedLayers; ++ndx )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetLayerId( layerName[ndx] );
circle->SetDiameter( diameter );
circle->SetVertex( dsnOffset );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Round%sPad_%.6g_um",
uniqifier.c_str(), IU2um( aPad->GetSize().x ) );
name[ sizeof(name) - 1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
double dx = scale( aPad->GetSize().x ) / 2.0;
double dy = scale( aPad->GetSize().y ) / 2.0;
POINT lowerLeft( -dx, -dy );
POINT upperRight( dx, dy );
lowerLeft += dsnOffset;
upperRight += dsnOffset;
for( int ndx=0; ndx<reportedLayers; ++ndx )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
RECTANGLE* rect = new RECTANGLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( rect );
rect->SetLayerId( layerName[ndx] );
rect->SetCorners( lowerLeft, upperRight );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Rect%sPad_%.6gx%.6g_um",
IU2um( aPad->GetSize().x ),
IU2um( aPad->GetSize().y ) );
name[ sizeof(name) - 1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
double dx = scale( aPad->GetSize().x ) / 2.0;
double dy = scale( aPad->GetSize().y ) / 2.0;
double dr = dx - dy;
double radius;
POINT pstart;
POINT pstop;
if( dr >= 0 ) // oval is horizontal
radius = dy;
pstart = POINT( -dr, 0.0 );
pstop = POINT( dr, 0.0 );
else // oval is vertical
radius = dx;
dr = -dr;
pstart = POINT( 0.0, -dr );
pstop = POINT( 0.0, dr );
pstart += dsnOffset;
pstop += dsnOffset;
for( int ndx=0; ndx<reportedLayers; ++ndx )
SHAPE* shape;
PATH* path;
// see
shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
path = makePath( pstart, pstop, layerName[ndx] );
shape->SetShape( path );
path->aperture_width = 2.0 * radius;
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Oval%sPad_%.6gx%.6g_um",
IU2um( aPad->GetSize().x ),
IU2um( aPad->GetSize().y ) );
name[ sizeof(name) - 1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
double dx = scale( aPad->GetSize().x ) / 2.0;
double dy = scale( aPad->GetSize().y ) / 2.0;
double ddx = scale( aPad->GetDelta().x ) / 2.0;
double ddy = scale( aPad->GetDelta().y ) / 2.0;
// see class_pad_draw_functions.cpp which draws the trapezoid pad
POINT lowerLeft( -dx - ddy, -dy - ddx );
POINT upperLeft( -dx + ddy, +dy + ddx );
POINT upperRight( +dx - ddy, +dy - ddx );
POINT lowerRight( +dx + ddy, -dy + ddx );
lowerLeft += dsnOffset;
upperLeft += dsnOffset;
upperRight += dsnOffset;
lowerRight += dsnOffset;
for( int ndx=0; ndx<reportedLayers; ++ndx )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
// a T_polygon exists as a PATH
PATH* polygon = new PATH( shape, T_polygon );
shape->SetShape( polygon );
polygon->SetLayerId( layerName[ndx] );
polygon->AppendPoint( lowerLeft );
polygon->AppendPoint( upperLeft );
polygon->AppendPoint( upperRight );
polygon->AppendPoint( lowerRight );
// this string _must_ be unique for a given physical shape
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Trapz%sPad_%.6gx%.6g_%c%.6gx%c%.6g_um",
uniqifier.c_str(), IU2um( aPad->GetSize().x ), IU2um( aPad->GetSize().y ),
aPad->GetDelta().x < 0 ? 'n' : 'p',
std::abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().x )),
aPad->GetDelta().y < 0 ? 'n' : 'p',
std::abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().y ) )
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
return padstack;
/// data type used to ensure unique-ness of pin names, holding (wxString and int)
typedef std::map<wxString, int> PINMAP;
PINMAP pinmap;
wxString padName;
// get all the MODULE's pads.
moduleItems.Collect( aModule, scanPADs );
IMAGE* image = new IMAGE(0);
image->image_id = aModule->GetFPID().Format().c_str();
// from the pads, and make an IMAGE using collated padstacks.
for( int p=0; p < moduleItems.GetCount(); ++p )
D_PAD* pad = (D_PAD*) moduleItems[p];
// see if this pad is a through hole with no copper on its perimeter
if( isRoundKeepout( pad ) )
double diameter = scale( pad->GetDrillSize().x );
POINT vertex = mapPt( pad->GetPos0() );
int layerCount = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();
for( int layer=0; layer<layerCount; ++layer )
KEEPOUT* keepout = new KEEPOUT( image, T_keepout );
image->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE( keepout );
keepout->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetDiameter( diameter );
circle->SetVertex( vertex );
circle->SetLayerId( layerIds[layer].c_str() );
// else if() could there be a square keepout here?
// Pads not on copper layers (i.e. only on tech layers) are ignored
// because they create invalid pads in .dsn file for freeroute
LSET mask_copper_layers = pad->GetLayerSet() & LSET::AllCuMask();
if( !mask_copper_layers.any() )
PADSTACK* padstack = makePADSTACK( aBoard, pad );
PADSTACKSET::iterator iter = padstackset.find( *padstack );
if( iter != padstackset.end() )
// padstack is a duplicate, delete it and use the original
delete padstack;
padstack = (PADSTACK*) *iter.base(); // folklore, be careful here
padstackset.insert( padstack );
PIN* pin = new PIN( image );
padName = pad->GetName();
pin->pin_id = TO_UTF8( padName );
if( padName!=wxEmptyString && pinmap.find( padName )==pinmap.end() )
pinmap[ padName ] = 0;
else // pad name is a duplicate within this module
char buf[32];
int duplicates = ++pinmap[ padName ];
sprintf( buf, "@%d", duplicates );
pin->pin_id += buf; // append "@1" or "@2", etc. to pin name
pin->kiNetCode = pad->GetNetCode();
image->pins.push_back( pin );
pin->padstack_id = padstack->padstack_id;
double angle = pad->GetOrientationDegrees() - aModule->GetOrientationDegrees();
pin->SetRotation( angle );
wxPoint pos( pad->GetPos0() );
pin->SetVertex( mapPt( pos ) );
#if 1 // enable image (outline) scopes.
static const KICAD_T scanEDGEs[] = { PCB_MODULE_EDGE_T, EOT };
// get all the MODULE's EDGE_MODULEs and convert those to DSN outlines.
moduleItems.Collect( aModule, scanEDGEs );
for( int i = 0; i<moduleItems.GetCount(); ++i )
EDGE_MODULE* graphic = (EDGE_MODULE*) moduleItems[i];
SHAPE* outline;
PATH* path;
switch( graphic->GetShape() )
outline = new SHAPE( image, T_outline );
image->Append( outline );
path = new PATH( outline );
outline->SetShape( path );
path->SetAperture( scale( graphic->GetWidth() ) );
path->SetLayerId( "signal" );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( graphic->GetStart0() ) );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( graphic->GetEnd0() ) );
case S_CIRCLE:
// this is best done by 4 QARC's but freerouter does not yet support QARCs.
// for now, support by using line segments.
outline = new SHAPE( image, T_outline );
image->Append( outline );
path = new PATH( outline );
outline->SetShape( path );
path->SetAperture( scale( graphic->GetWidth() ) );
path->SetLayerId( "signal" );
// Do the math using KiCad units, that way we stay out of the
// scientific notation range of floating point numbers in the
// DSN file. We do not parse scientific notation in our own
// lexer/beautifier, and the spec is not clear that this is
// required. Fixed point floats are all that should be needed.
double radius = GetLineLength( graphic->GetStart(), graphic->GetEnd() );
// better if evenly divisible into 360
const int DEGREE_INTERVAL = 18; // 18 means 20 line segments
for( double radians = 0.0;
radians < 2 * M_PI;
radians += DEGREE_INTERVAL * M_PI / 180.0 )
wxPoint point( KiROUND( radius * cos( radians ) ),
KiROUND( radius * sin( radians ) ) );
point += graphic->m_Start0; // an offset
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( point ) );
case S_RECT:
case S_ARC:
DBG( printf( "makeIMAGE(): unsupported shape %s\n",
TO_UTF8( BOARD_ITEM::ShowShape( graphic->GetShape() ) ) ); )
return image;
PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( int aCopperDiameter, int aDrillDiameter,
int aTopLayer, int aBotLayer )
char name[48];
PADSTACK* padstack = new PADSTACK();
double dsnDiameter = scale( aCopperDiameter );
for( int layer=aTopLayer; layer<=aBotLayer; ++layer )
SHAPE* shape = new SHAPE( padstack );
padstack->Append( shape );
CIRCLE* circle = new CIRCLE( shape );
shape->SetShape( circle );
circle->SetDiameter( dsnDiameter );
circle->SetLayerId( layerIds[layer].c_str() );
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Via[%d-%d]_%.6g:%.6g_um",
aTopLayer, aBotLayer, dsnDiameter,
// encode the drill value into the name for later import
IU2um( aDrillDiameter )
name[ sizeof(name) - 1 ] = 0;
padstack->SetPadstackId( name );
return padstack;
PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makeVia( const ::VIA* aVia )
PCB_LAYER_ID topLayerNum;
PCB_LAYER_ID botLayerNum;
aVia->LayerPair( &topLayerNum, &botLayerNum );
int topLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[topLayerNum];
int botLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[botLayerNum];
if( topLayer > botLayer )
std::swap( topLayer, botLayer );
return makeVia( aVia->GetWidth(), aVia->GetDrillValue(), topLayer, botLayer );
void SPECCTRA_DB::fillBOUNDARY( BOARD* aBoard, BOUNDARY* boundary )
wxString errMessage;
SHAPE_POLY_SET outlines;
aBoard->GetBoardPolygonOutlines( outlines, &errMessage );
for( int cnt = 0; cnt < outlines.OutlineCount(); cnt++ ) // Should be one outline
PATH* path = new PATH( boundary );
boundary->paths.push_back( path );
path->layer_id = "pcb";
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& outline = outlines.Outline( cnt );
for( int ii = 0; ii < outline.PointCount(); ii++ )
wxPoint pos( outline.Point( ii ).x, outline.Point( ii ).y );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( pos ) );
// Close polygon:
wxPoint pos0( outline.Point( 0 ).x, outline.Point( 0 ).y );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( pos0 ) );
// Generate holes as keepout:
for( int ii = 0; ii < outlines.HoleCount( cnt ); ii++ )
// emit a signal layers keepout for every interior polygon left...
KEEPOUT* keepout = new KEEPOUT( NULL, T_keepout );
PATH* poly_ko = new PATH( NULL, T_polygon );
keepout->SetShape( poly_ko );
poly_ko->SetLayerId( "signal" );
pcb->structure->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
SHAPE_LINE_CHAIN& hole = outlines.Hole( cnt, ii );
for( int jj = 0; jj < hole.PointCount(); jj++ )
wxPoint pos( hole.Point( jj ).x, hole.Point( jj ).y );
poly_ko->AppendPoint( mapPt( pos ) );
// Close polygon:
wxPoint pos( hole.Point( 0 ).x, hole.Point( 0 ).y );
poly_ko->AppendPoint( mapPt( pos ) );
if( !errMessage.IsEmpty() )
wxLogMessage( errMessage );
typedef std::set<std::string> STRINGSET;
typedef std::pair<STRINGSET::iterator, bool> STRINGSET_PAIR;
void SPECCTRA_DB::FromBOARD( BOARD* aBoard )
static const KICAD_T scanMODULEs[] = { PCB_MODULE_T, EOT };
// Not all boards are exportable. Check that all reference Ids are unique.
// Unless they are unique, we cannot import the session file which comes
// back to us later from the router.
items.Collect( aBoard, scanMODULEs );
STRINGSET refs; // holds module reference designators
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) items[i];
if( module->GetReference() == wxEmptyString )
THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Symbol with value of \"%s\" has empty reference id." ),
GetChars( module->GetValue() ) ) );
// if we cannot insert OK, that means the reference has been seen before.
STRINGSET_PAIR refpair = refs.insert( TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() ) );
if( !refpair.second ) // insert failed
THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Multiple symbols have identical reference IDs of \"%s\"." ),
GetChars( module->GetReference() ) ) );
if( !pcb )
pcb = SPECCTRA_DB::MakePCB();
// specctra wants top physical layer first, then going down to the
// bottom most physical layer in physical sequence.
// @question : why does KiCad not display layers in that order?
buildLayerMaps( aBoard );
int layerCount = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();
for( int pcbNdx=0; pcbNdx<layerCount; ++pcbNdx )
LAYER* layer = new LAYER( pcb->structure );
pcb->structure->layers.push_back( layer );
layer->name = layerIds[pcbNdx];
DSN_T layerType;
switch( aBoard->GetLayerType( pcbLayer2kicad[pcbNdx] ) )
case LT_SIGNAL: layerType = T_signal; break;
case LT_POWER: layerType = T_power; break;
#if 1 // Freerouter does not support type "mixed", only signal and power.
// Remap "mixed" to "signal".
case LT_MIXED: layerType = T_signal; break;
case LT_MIXED: layerType = T_mixed; break;
case LT_JUMPER: layerType = T_jumper; break;
layer->layer_type = layerType;
layer->properties.push_back( PROPERTY() );
PROPERTY* property = &layer->properties.back();
property->name = "index";
char temp[32];
sprintf( temp, "%d", pcbNdx );
property->value = temp;
// a space in a quoted token is NOT a terminator, true establishes this.
pcb->parser->space_in_quoted_tokens = true;
//-----<unit_descriptor> & <resolution_descriptor>--------------------
// tell freerouter to use "tenths of micrometers",
// which is 100 nm resolution. Possibly more resolution is possible
// in freerouter, but it would need testing.
pcb->unit->units = T_um;
pcb->resolution->units = T_um;
pcb->resolution->value = 10; // tenths of a um
// pcb->resolution->value = 1000; // "thousandths of a um" (i.e. "nm")
// Because fillBOUNDARY() can throw an exception, we link in an
// empty boundary so the BOUNDARY does not get lost in the event of
// of an exception.
BOUNDARY* boundary = new BOUNDARY( 0 );
pcb->structure->SetBOUNDARY( boundary );
fillBOUNDARY( aBoard, boundary );
char rule[80];
NETCLASSPTR defaultClass = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().GetDefault();
int defaultTrackWidth = defaultClass->GetTrackWidth();
int defaultClearance = defaultClass->GetClearance();
double clearance = scale( defaultClearance );
STRINGS& rules = pcb->structure->rules->rules;
sprintf( rule, "(width %.6g)", scale( defaultTrackWidth ) );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g)", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
// On a high density board (a board with 4 mil tracks, 4 mil spacing)
// a typical solder mask clearance will be 2-3 mils.
// This exposes 2 to 3 mils of bare board around each pad, and would
// leave only 1 to 2 mils of solder mask between the solder mask's boundary
// to the edge of any trace within "clearance" of the pad. So we need at least
// 2 mils *extra* clearance for traces which would come near a pad on
// a different net. So if the baseline trace to trace clearance was say 4 mils, then
// the SMD to trace clearance should be at least 6 mils.
double default_smd = clearance + safetyMargin;
if( default_smd <= 6.0 )
default_smd = 6.0;
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type default_smd))", default_smd );
rules.push_back( rule );
/* see:
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type pad_to_turn_gap))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_to_turn_gap))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_via))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_smd))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type via_pin))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type pin_pin))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_pin))", clearance + safetyMargin );
rules.push_back( rule );
// Pad to pad spacing on a single SMT part can be closer than our
// clearance, we don't want freerouter complaining about that, so
// output a significantly smaller pad to pad clearance to freerouter.
clearance = scale( defaultClearance ) / 4;
sprintf( rule, "(clearance %.6g (type smd_smd))", clearance );
rules.push_back( rule );
//-----<zone containers (not keepout areas) become planes>--------------------------------
// Note: only zones are output here, keepout areas be be created later
int netlessZones = 0;
static const KICAD_T scanZONEs[] = { PCB_ZONE_AREA_T, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanZONEs );
for( int i = 0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
if( item->GetIsKeepout() )
// Currently, we export only copper layers
if( ! IsCopperLayer( item->GetLayer() ) )
COPPER_PLANE* plane = new COPPER_PLANE( pcb->structure );
pcb->structure->planes.push_back( plane );
PATH* mainPolygon = new PATH( plane, T_polygon );
plane->SetShape( mainPolygon );
plane->name = TO_UTF8( item->GetNetname() );
if( plane->name.size() == 0 )
char name[32];
// This is one of those no connection zones, netcode=0, and it has no name.
// Create a unique, bogus netname.
NET* no_net = new NET( pcb->network );
sprintf( name, "@:no_net_%d", netlessZones++ );
no_net->net_id = name;
// add the bogus net name to network->nets.
pcb->network->nets.push_back( no_net );
// use the bogus net name in the netless zone.
plane->name = no_net->net_id;
mainPolygon->layer_id = layerIds[ kicadLayer2pcb[ item->GetLayer() ] ];
// Handle the main outlines
for( iterator = item->IterateWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
wxPoint point( iterator->x, iterator->y );
mainPolygon->AppendPoint( mapPt(point) );
// this was the end of the main polygon
if( iterator.IsEndContour() )
WINDOW* window = 0;
PATH* cutout = 0;
bool isStartContour = true;
// handle the cutouts
for( iterator++; iterator; iterator++ )
if( isStartContour )
window = new WINDOW( plane );
plane->AddWindow( window );
cutout = new PATH( window, T_polygon );
window->SetShape( cutout );
cutout->layer_id = layerIds[ kicadLayer2pcb[ item->GetLayer() ] ];
// If the point in this iteration is the last of the contour, the next iteration
// will start with a new contour.
isStartContour = iterator.IsEndContour();
wxASSERT( window );
wxASSERT( cutout );
wxPoint point(iterator->x, iterator->y );
cutout->AppendPoint( mapPt(point) );
//-----<zone containers flagged keepout areas become keepout>--------------------------------
static const KICAD_T scanZONEs[] = { PCB_ZONE_AREA_T, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanZONEs );
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
if( ! item->GetIsKeepout() )
// keepout areas have a type. types are
// T_place_keepout, T_via_keepout, T_wire_keepout,
// T_bend_keepout, T_elongate_keepout, T_keepout.
// Pcbnew knows only T_keepout, T_via_keepout and T_wire_keepout
DSN_T keepout_type;
if( item->GetDoNotAllowVias() && item->GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
keepout_type = T_keepout;
else if( item->GetDoNotAllowVias() )
keepout_type = T_via_keepout;
else if( item->GetDoNotAllowTracks() )
keepout_type = T_wire_keepout;
keepout_type = T_keepout;
// Now, build keepout polygon on each copper layer where the item
// keepout is living (keepout zones can live on many copper layers)
const int copperCount = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount();
for( int layer = 0; layer < copperCount; layer++ )
if( layer == copperCount-1)
layer = B_Cu;
if( !item->IsOnLayer( PCB_LAYER_ID( layer ) ) )
KEEPOUT* keepout = new KEEPOUT( pcb->structure, keepout_type );
pcb->structure->keepouts.push_back( keepout );
PATH* mainPolygon = new PATH( keepout, T_polygon );
keepout->SetShape( mainPolygon );
mainPolygon->layer_id = layerIds[ kicadLayer2pcb[ layer ] ];
// Handle the main outlines
for( iterator = item->IterateWithHoles(); iterator; iterator++ )
wxPoint point( iterator->x, iterator->y );
mainPolygon->AppendPoint( mapPt(point) );
// this was the end of the main polygon
if( iterator.IsEndContour() )
WINDOW* window = 0;
PATH* cutout = 0;
bool isStartContour = true;
// handle the cutouts
for( iterator++; iterator; iterator++ )
if( isStartContour )
window = new WINDOW( keepout );
keepout->AddWindow( window );
cutout = new PATH( window, T_polygon );
window->SetShape( cutout );
cutout->layer_id = layerIds[ kicadLayer2pcb[ item->GetLayer() ] ];
isStartContour = iterator.IsEndContour();
wxASSERT( window );
wxASSERT( cutout );
wxPoint point(iterator->x, iterator->y );
cutout->AppendPoint( mapPt(point) );
//-----<build the images, components, and netlist>-----------------------
PIN_REF empty( pcb->network );
std::string componentId;
// find the highest numbered netCode within the board.
int highestNetCode = aBoard->GetNetCount() - 1;
// expand the net vector to highestNetCode+1, setting empty to NULL
nets.resize( highestNetCode + 1, NULL );
// skip netcode = 0
for( unsigned i = 1; i<nets.size(); ++i )
nets[i] = new NET( pcb->network );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aBoard->GetNetCount(); ii++ )
NETINFO_ITEM* net = aBoard->FindNet( ii );
int netcode = net->GetNet();
if( netcode > 0 )
nets[ netcode ]->net_id = TO_UTF8( net->GetNetname() );
items.Collect( aBoard, scanMODULEs );
for( int m = 0; m<items.GetCount(); ++m )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) items[m];
IMAGE* image = makeIMAGE( aBoard, module );
componentId = TO_UTF8( module->GetReference() );
// create a net list entry for all the actual pins in the image
// for the current module. location of this code is critical
// because we fabricated some pin names to ensure unique-ness
// of pin names within a module, do not move this code because
// the life of this 'IMAGE* image' is not necessarily long. The
// exported netlist will have some fabricated pin names in it.
// If you don't like fabricated pin names, then make sure all pads
// within your MODULEs are uniquely named!
for( unsigned p = 0; p<image->pins.size(); ++p )
PIN* pin = &image->pins[p];
int netcode = pin->kiNetCode;
if( netcode > 0 )
NET* net = nets[netcode];
net->pins.push_back( empty );
PIN_REF& pin_ref = net->pins.back();
pin_ref.component_id = componentId;
pin_ref.pin_id = pin->pin_id;
IMAGE* registered = pcb->library->LookupIMAGE( image );
if( registered != image )
// If our new 'image' is not a unique IMAGE, delete it.
// and use the registered one, known as 'image' after this.
delete image;
image = registered;
COMPONENT* comp = pcb->placement->LookupCOMPONENT( image->GetImageId() );
PLACE* place = new PLACE( comp );
comp->places.push_back( place );
place->SetRotation( module->GetOrientationDegrees() );
place->SetVertex( mapPt( module->GetPosition() ) );
place->component_id = componentId;
place->part_number = TO_UTF8( module->GetValue() );
// module is flipped from bottom side, set side to T_back
if( module->GetFlag() )
double angle = 180.0 - module->GetOrientationDegrees();
place->SetRotation( angle );
place->side = T_back;
// copy the SPECCTRA_DB::padstackset to the LIBRARY. Since we are
// removing, do not increment the iterator
for( PADSTACKSET::iterator i = padstackset.begin(); i!=padstackset.end();
i = padstackset.begin() )
PADSTACKSET::auto_type ps = padstackset.release( i );
PADSTACK* padstack = ps.release();
pcb->library->AddPadstack( padstack );
// copy our SPECCTRA_DB::nets to the pcb->network
for( unsigned n = 1; n<nets.size(); ++n )
NET* net = nets[n];
if( net->pins.size() )
// give ownership to pcb->network
pcb->network->nets.push_back( net );
nets[n] = 0;
//-----< output vias used in netclasses >-----------------------------------
NETCLASSES& nclasses = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses;
// Assume the netclass vias are all the same kind of thru, blind, or buried vias.
// This is in lieu of either having each netclass via have its own layer pair in
// the netclass dialog, or such control in the specctra export dialog.
// if( aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_CurrentViaType == VIA_THROUGH )
m_top_via_layer = 0; // first specctra cu layer is number zero.
m_bot_via_layer = aBoard->GetCopperLayerCount()-1;
// again, should be in the BOARD:
topLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[ GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_TOP ];
botLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[ GetScreen()->m_Route_Layer_BOTTOM ];
// Add the via from the Default netclass first. The via container
// in pcb->library preserves the sequence of addition.
NETCLASSPTR netclass = nclasses.GetDefault();
PADSTACK* via = makeVia( netclass->GetViaDiameter(), netclass->GetViaDrill(),
m_top_via_layer, m_bot_via_layer );
// we AppendVia() this first one, there is no way it can be a duplicate,
// the pcb->library via container is empty at this point. After this,
// we'll have to use LookupVia().
wxASSERT( pcb->library->vias.size() == 0 );
pcb->library->AppendVia( via );
#if 0
// I've seen no way to make stock vias useable by freerouter. Also the
// zero based diameter was leading to duplicates in the LookupVia() function.
// User should use netclass based vias when going to freerouter.
// Output the stock vias, but preserve uniqueness in the via container by
// using LookupVia().
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aBoard->m_ViasDimensionsList.size(); ++i )
int viaSize = aBoard->m_ViasDimensionsList[i].m_Diameter;
int viaDrill = aBoard->m_ViasDimensionsList[i].m_Drill;
via = makeVia( viaSize, viaDrill,
m_top_via_layer, m_bot_via_layer );
// maybe add 'via' to the library, but only if unique.
PADSTACK* registered = pcb->library->LookupVia( via );
if( registered != via )
delete via;
// set the "spare via" index at the start of the
// pcb->library->spareViaIndex = pcb->library->vias.size();
// output the non-Default netclass vias
for( NETCLASSES::iterator nc = nclasses.begin(); nc != nclasses.end(); ++nc )
netclass = nc->second;
via = makeVia( netclass->GetViaDiameter(), netclass->GetViaDrill(),
m_top_via_layer, m_bot_via_layer );
// maybe add 'via' to the library, but only if unique.
PADSTACK* registered = pcb->library->LookupVia( via );
if( registered != via )
delete via;
#if 1 // do existing wires and vias
//-----<create the wires from tracks>-----------------------------------
// export all of them for now, later we'll decide what controls we need
// on this.
static const KICAD_T scanTRACKs[] = { PCB_TRACE_T, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanTRACKs );
std::string netname;
WIRING* wiring = pcb->wiring;
PATH* path = 0;
int old_netcode = -1;
int old_width = -1;
for( int i=0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
TRACK* track = (TRACK*) items[i];
int netcode = track->GetNetCode();
if( netcode == 0 )
if( old_netcode != netcode ||
old_width != track->GetWidth() ||
old_layer != track->GetLayer() ||
(path && path->points.back() != mapPt(track->GetStart()) )
old_width = track->GetWidth();
old_layer = track->GetLayer();
if( old_netcode != netcode )
old_netcode = netcode;
NETINFO_ITEM* net = aBoard->FindNet( netcode );
wxASSERT( net );
netname = TO_UTF8( net->GetNetname() );
WIRE* wire = new WIRE( wiring );
wiring->wires.push_back( wire );
wire->net_id = netname;
wire->wire_type = T_protect; // @todo, this should be configurable
LAYER_NUM kiLayer = track->GetLayer();
int pcbLayer = kicadLayer2pcb[kiLayer];
path = new PATH( wire );
wire->SetShape( path );
path->layer_id = layerIds[pcbLayer];
path->aperture_width = scale( old_width );
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( track->GetStart() ) );
if( path ) // Should not occur
path->AppendPoint( mapPt( track->GetEnd() ) );
//-----<export the existing real BOARD instantiated vias>-----------------
// Export all vias, once per unique size and drill diameter combo.
static const KICAD_T scanVIAs[] = { PCB_VIA_T, EOT };
items.Collect( aBoard, scanVIAs );
for( int i = 0; i<items.GetCount(); ++i )
::VIA* via = (::VIA*) items[i];
wxASSERT( via->Type() == PCB_VIA_T );
int netcode = via->GetNetCode();
if( netcode == 0 )
PADSTACK* padstack = makeVia( via );
PADSTACK* registered = pcb->library->LookupVia( padstack );
// if the one looked up is not our padstack, then delete our padstack
// since it was a duplicate of one already registered.
if( padstack != registered )
delete padstack;
WIRE_VIA* dsnVia = new WIRE_VIA( pcb->wiring );
pcb->wiring->wire_vias.push_back( dsnVia );
dsnVia->padstack_id = registered->padstack_id;
dsnVia->vertexes.push_back( mapPt( via->GetPosition() ) );
NETINFO_ITEM* net = aBoard->FindNet( netcode );
wxASSERT( net );
dsnVia->net_id = TO_UTF8( net->GetNetname() );
dsnVia->via_type = T_protect; // @todo, this should be configurable
#endif // do existing wires and vias
// The pcb->library will output <padstack_descriptors> which is a combined
// list of part padstacks and via padstacks. specctra dsn uses the
// <via_descriptors> to say which of those padstacks are vias.
// Output the vias in the padstack list here, by name only. This must
// be done after exporting existing vias as WIRE_VIAs.
VIA* vias = pcb->structure->via;
for( unsigned viaNdx = 0; viaNdx < pcb->library->vias.size(); ++viaNdx )
vias->AppendVia( pcb->library->vias[viaNdx].padstack_id.c_str() );
//-----<output NETCLASSs>----------------------------------------------------
NETCLASSES& nclasses = aBoard->GetDesignSettings().m_NetClasses;
exportNETCLASS( nclasses.GetDefault(), aBoard );
for( NETCLASSES::iterator nc = nclasses.begin(); nc != nclasses.end(); ++nc )
NETCLASSPTR netclass = nc->second;
exportNETCLASS( netclass, aBoard );
void SPECCTRA_DB::exportNETCLASS( const NETCLASSPTR& aNetClass, BOARD* aBoard )
/* From page 11 of specctra spec:
* Routing and Placement Rule Hierarchies
* Routing and placement rules can be defined at multiple levels of design
* specification. When a routing or placement rule is defined for an object at
* multiple levels, a predefined routing or placement precedence order
* automatically determines which rule to apply to the object. The routing rule
* precedence order is
* pcb < layer < class < class layer < group_set < group_set layer < net <
* net layer < group < group layer < fromto < fromto layer < class_class <
* class_class layer < padstack < region < class region < net region <
* class_class region
* A pcb rule (global rule for the PCB design) has the lowest precedence in the
* hierarchy. A class-to-class region rule has the highest precedence. Rules
* set at one level of the hierarchy override conflicting rules set at lower
* levels. The placement rule precedence order is
* pcb < image_set < image < component < super cluster < room <
* room_image_set < family_family < image_image
* A pcb rule (global rule for the PCB design) has the lowest precedence in the
* hierarchy. An image-to-image rule has the highest precedence. Rules set at
* one level of the hierarchy override conflicting rules set at lower levels.
char text[256];
CLASS* clazz = new CLASS( pcb->network );
pcb->network->classes.push_back( clazz );
// freerouter creates a class named 'default' anyway, and if we
// try and use that, we end up with two 'default' via rules so use
// something else as the name of our default class.
clazz->class_id = TO_UTF8( aNetClass->GetName() );
for( NETCLASS::iterator net = aNetClass->begin(); net != aNetClass->end(); ++net )
clazz->net_ids.push_back( TO_UTF8( *net ) );
clazz->rules = new RULE( clazz, T_rule );
// output the track width.
int trackWidth = aNetClass->GetTrackWidth();
sprintf( text, "(width %.6g)", scale( trackWidth ) );
clazz->rules->rules.push_back( text );
// output the clearance.
int clearance = aNetClass->GetClearance();
sprintf( text, "(clearance %.6g)", scale( clearance ) + safetyMargin );
clazz->rules->rules.push_back( text );
if( aNetClass->GetName() == NETCLASS::Default )
clazz->class_id = "kicad_default";
// the easiest way to get the via name is to create a via (which generates
// the name internal to the PADSTACK), and then grab the name and then
// delete the via. There are not that many netclasses so
// this should never become a performance issue.
PADSTACK* via = makeVia( aNetClass->GetViaDiameter(), aNetClass->GetViaDrill(),
m_top_via_layer, m_bot_via_layer );
snprintf( text, sizeof(text), "(use_via %s)", via->GetPadstackId().c_str() );
clazz->circuit.push_back( text );
delete via;
void SPECCTRA_DB::FlipMODULEs( BOARD* aBoard )
for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
module->SetFlag( 0 );
if( module->GetLayer() == B_Cu )
module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );
module->SetFlag( 1 );
modulesAreFlipped = true;
void SPECCTRA_DB::RevertMODULEs( BOARD* aBoard )
if( !modulesAreFlipped )
// DSN Images (=KiCad MODULES and pads) must be presented from the
// top view. Restore those that were flipped.
for( MODULE* module = aBoard->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
if( module->GetFlag() )
module->Flip( module->GetPosition() );
module->SetFlag( 0 );
modulesAreFlipped = false;
} // namespace DSN