
934 lines
28 KiB

/* Gestion de la LIBRAIRIE des MODULES */
/* Fichier LIBRAIRI.CPP */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "kicad_string.h"
#include "gestfich.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "protos.h"
* Format de l'entete de la Librairie:
* chaine ENTETE-LIBRAIRIE date-heure
* liste des noms modules ( 1 nom par ligne)
* liste des descriptions des Modules
#define OLD_EXT wxT( ".bak" )
#define FILETMP_EXT wxT( ".$$$" )
#define EXPORT_IMPORT_LASTPATH_KEY wxT( "import_last_path" )
/* Fonctions locales */
static bool CreateDocLibrary( const wxString& LibName );
MODULE* WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Import_Module( wxDC* DC )
* Function Import_Module
* Read a file containing only one footprint.
* Used to import (after exporting) a footprint
* Exported files have the standart ext .emp
* This is the same format as .mod files but restricted to only one footprint
* The import function can also read gpcb footprint file, in Newlib format
* (One footprint per file, Newlib files have no special ext.)
* @param DC = Current Device Context (can be NULL)
int NbLine = 0;
char Line[1024];
wxString CmpFullFileName;
FILE* dest;
MODULE* module = NULL;
bool Footprint_Is_GPCB_Format = false;
wxString mask = wxT( "*.*;" ); mask += EXT_CMP_MASK;
wxString LastOpenedPathForLoading;
wxConfig* Config = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config;
if( Config )
Config->Read( EXPORT_IMPORT_LASTPATH_KEY, &LastOpenedPathForLoading );
/* Lecture Fichier module */
CmpFullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Import Module:" ),
LastOpenedPathForLoading, /* Chemin par defaut */
wxEmptyString, /* nom fichier par defaut */
wxEmptyString, /* extension par defaut */
mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
if( CmpFullFileName == wxEmptyString )
return NULL;
if( ( dest = wxFopen( CmpFullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found" ), CmpFullFileName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return NULL;
if( Config ) // Save file path
LastOpenedPathForLoading = wxPathOnly( CmpFullFileName );
Config->Write( EXPORT_IMPORT_LASTPATH_KEY, LastOpenedPathForLoading );
/* Read header and test file type */
GetLine( dest, Line, &NbLine );
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
if( strnicmp( Line, "Element", 7 ) == 0 )
Footprint_Is_GPCB_Format = true;
fclose( dest );
DisplayError( this, _( "Not a module file" ) );
return NULL;
/* Read file: Search the description starting line (skip lib header)*/
if( !Footprint_Is_GPCB_Format )
while( GetLine( dest, Line, &NbLine ) != NULL )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$MODULE", 7 ) == 0 )
module = new MODULE( GetBoard() );
if( Footprint_Is_GPCB_Format )
fclose( dest );
module->Read_GPCB_Descr( CmpFullFileName );
module->ReadDescr( dest, &NbLine );
fclose( dest );
/* Insert footprint in list*/
GetBoard()->Add( module );
/* Display info : */
module->Display_Infos( this );
Place_Module( module, DC );
GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
return module;
void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Export_Module( MODULE* ptmod, bool createlib )
* Function Export_Module
* Create a file containing only one footprint.
* Used to export a footprint
* Exported files have the standart ext .emp
* This is the same format as .mod files but restricted to only one footprint
* So Create a new lib (which will contains one module) and export a footprint is basically the same thing
* @param DC = Current Device Context (can be NULL)
* @param createlib : true = use default lib path to create lib
* false = use current path or last used path to export footprint
wxString FullFileName, Mask( wxT( "*" ) );
char Line[1025];
FILE* dest;
wxString msg, path;
wxConfig* Config = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config;
if( ptmod == NULL )
ptmod->m_LibRef = ptmod->m_Reference->m_Text;
FullFileName = ptmod->m_LibRef;
FullFileName += createlib ? LibExtBuffer : EXT_CMP;
Mask += createlib ? LibExtBuffer : EXT_CMP;
if( createlib )
path = g_RealLibDirBuffer;
else if( Config )
Config->Read( EXPORT_IMPORT_LASTPATH_KEY, &path );
FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( createlib ? _( "Create lib" ) : _( "Export Module:" ),
path, /* Chemin par defaut */
FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */
createlib ? LibExtBuffer : EXT_CMP, /* extension par defaut */
Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
if( wxFileExists( FullFileName ) )
msg.Printf( _( "File %s exists, OK to replace ?" ),
FullFileName.GetData() );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
/* Generation du fichier Empreinte */
if( ( dest = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create <%s>" ), FullFileName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
if( !createlib && Config ) // Save file path
path = wxPathOnly( FullFileName );
Config->Write( EXPORT_IMPORT_LASTPATH_KEY, path );
fprintf( dest, "%s %s\n", ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, DateAndTime( Line ) );
fputs( "$INDEX\n", dest );
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( ptmod->m_LibRef ) );
fputs( "$EndINDEX\n", dest );
GetBoard()->m_Modules->Save( dest );
fputs( "$EndLIBRARY\n", dest );
fclose( dest );
msg.Printf( _( "Module exported in file <%s>" ), FullFileName.GetData() );
DisplayInfo( this, msg );
void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Delete_Module_In_Library( const
wxString& libname )
int ii, NoFound = 1, LineNum = 0;
char Line[1024], Name[256];
wxString NewLib, OldLib;
FILE* dest, * lib_module;
wxString CmpName, msg;
/* Demande du nom du composant a supprimer */
CmpName = Select_1_Module_From_List( this, libname, wxEmptyString, wxEmptyString );
if( CmpName == wxEmptyString )
/* Confirmation */
msg.Printf( _( "Ok to delete module %s in library %s" ),
CmpName.GetData(), libname.GetData() );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
OldLib = libname;
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( OldLib, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
wxString msg;
msg = _( "Library " ) + OldLib + _( " not found" );
DisplayError( this, msg );
/* lecture entete */
GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum );
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
DisplayError( this, _( "Not a Library file" ) );
fclose( lib_module );
/* lecture des nom des composants */
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$INDEX", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
StrPurge( Line );
msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Line );
if( CmpName.CmpNoCase( msg ) == 0 ) /* composant trouve */
NoFound = 0; break;
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
if( NoFound )
fclose( lib_module );
msg.Printf( _( "Module [%s] not found" ), CmpName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
/* Creation de la nouvelle librairie */
NewLib = OldLib;
ChangeFileNameExt( NewLib, FILETMP_EXT );
if( ( dest = wxFopen( NewLib, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
fclose( lib_module );
wxString msg;
msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + NewLib;
DisplayError( this, msg );
/* Creation de l'entete avec nouvelle date */
fprintf( dest, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE );
fprintf( dest, " %s\n$INDEX\n", DateAndTime( Line ) );
fseek( lib_module, 0, 0 ); GetLine( lib_module, Line, &ii );
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &ii ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$M", 2 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$INDEX", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &ii ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
StrPurge( Line );
msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Line );
if( CmpName.CmpNoCase( msg ) != 0 )
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", Line );
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
fprintf( dest, "$EndINDEX\n" );
/* Copie des modules */
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
StrPurge( Line );
if( strnicmp( Line, "$MODULE", 7 ) == 0 )
sscanf( Line + 7, " %s", Name );
msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name );
if( msg.CmpNoCase( CmpName ) == 0 )
/* suppression ancien module */
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndMODULE", 9 ) == 0 )
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", Line );
fclose( lib_module );
fclose( dest );
/* Le fichier ancienne librairie est renommee en .bak */
wxString BakFilename = OldLib;
ChangeFileNameExt( BakFilename, OLD_EXT );
if( wxFileExists( BakFilename ) )
wxRemoveFile( BakFilename );
if( !wxRenameFile( OldLib, BakFilename ) )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Librairi.cpp: rename .bak err" ) );
/* Le fichier temporaire est renommee comme l'ancienne Lib */
if( !wxRenameFile( NewLib, OldLib ) )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Librairi.cpp: rename err 2" ) );
msg.Printf( _( "Component %s deleted in library %s" ), CmpName.GetData(), OldLib.GetData() );
Affiche_Message( msg );
CreateDocLibrary( OldLib );
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Archive_Modules( const wxString& LibName,
bool NewModulesOnly )
* Sauve en Librairie:
* tous les nouveaux modules ( c.a.d. les modules
* n'existant pas deja (si NewModulesOnly == true)
* tous les modules (si NewModulesOnly == FALSE)
int ii, NbModules = 0;
float Pas;
MODULE* Module;
wxString FullFileName = LibName;
if( GetBoard()->m_Modules == NULL )
DisplayInfo( this, _( " No modules to archive!" ) );
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
wxString Mask = wxT( "*" ) + LibExtBuffer;
FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Library" ),
g_RealLibDirBuffer, /* Chemin par defaut */
FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */
LibExtBuffer, /* extension par defaut */
Mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
bool file_exists = wxFileExists( FullFileName );
if( !NewModulesOnly && file_exists )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File %s exists, OK to replace ?" ), FullFileName.GetData() );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
DrawPanel->m_AbortRequest = FALSE;
// Create a new, empty library if no old lib, or if archive all modules
if( !NewModulesOnly || !file_exists )
FILE* lib_module;
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "w+t" ) ) ) == NULL )
wxString msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + FullFileName;
DisplayError( this, msg );
char Line[256];
fprintf( lib_module, "%s %s\n", ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, DateAndTime( Line ) );
fputs( "$INDEX\n", lib_module );
fputs( "$EndINDEX\n", lib_module );
fputs( "$EndLIBRARY\n", lib_module );
fclose( lib_module );
/* Calcul du nombre de modules */
Module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;
for( ; Module != NULL; Module = (MODULE*) Module->Next() )
Pas = (float) 100 / NbModules;
DisplayActivity( 0, wxEmptyString );
Module = (MODULE*) GetBoard()->m_Modules;
for( ii = 1; Module != NULL; ii++, Module = (MODULE*) Module->Next() )
if( Save_Module_In_Library( FullFileName, Module,
NewModulesOnly ? FALSE : true, FALSE, false ) == 0 )
DisplayActivity( (int) ( ii * Pas ), wxEmptyString );
/* Tst demande d'arret de sauvegarde ( key ESCAPE actionnee ) */
if( DrawPanel->m_AbortRequest )
CreateDocLibrary( FullFileName );
int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Save_Module_In_Library( const wxString& aLibName,
MODULE* aModule, bool aOverwrite,
bool aDisplayDialog, bool aCreateDocFile )
/** Function Save_Module_In_Library
* Save in an existing library a given footprint
* @param aLibName = name of the library to use
* @param aModule = the given footprint
* @param aOverwrite = true to overwrite an existing footprint, false to abort an existing footprint is found
* @param aDisplayDialog = true to display a dialog to enter or confirm the footprint name
* @param aCreateDocFile = true to creates the associated doc file
* @return : 1 if OK, 0 if abort
int newmodule, end;
int LineNum = 0, tmp;
char Name[256], Line[1024];
wxString Name_Cmp;
wxString NewLib, OldLib, msg;
FILE* lib_module, * dest;
bool added = true;
aModule->Display_Infos( this );
if( !wxFileExists( aLibName ) )
msg.Printf( _( "Library %s not found" ), aLibName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
/* Ask for the footprint name in lib */
Name_Cmp = aModule->m_LibRef;
if( aDisplayDialog )
Get_Message( _( "Name:" ), _( "Save module" ), Name_Cmp, this );
if( Name_Cmp.IsEmpty() )
return 0;
Name_Cmp.Trim( true );
Name_Cmp.Trim( FALSE );
aModule->m_LibRef = Name_Cmp;
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( aLibName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to open %s" ), aLibName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
/* lRead library file : library header */
GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum );
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
fclose( lib_module );
msg.Printf( _( "File %s is not a eeschema library" ), aLibName.GetData() );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
/* Reaf footprints in lib: - search for an existing footprint */
newmodule = 1; end = 0;
while( !end && GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( Line[0] != '$' )
if( strncmp( Line + 1, "INDEX", 5 ) != 0 )
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( strncmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
end = 1; break;
StrPurge( Line );
msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Line );
if( Name_Cmp.CmpNoCase( msg ) == 0 ) /* an existing footprint is found */
added = FALSE;
newmodule = 0;
if( aDisplayDialog )
msg = _( "Module exists\n Line: " );
msg << LineNum;
Affiche_Message( msg );
if( !aOverwrite ) /* lDo not save the given footprint: an old one exists */
fclose( lib_module ); return 1;
end = 1; break;
fclose( lib_module );
/* Creates the new library */
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( aLibName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Librairi.cpp: Error oldlib not found" ) );
return 0;
NewLib = aLibName;
ChangeFileNameExt( NewLib, FILETMP_EXT );
if( ( dest = wxFopen( NewLib, wxT( "w+t" ) ) ) == NULL )
fclose( lib_module );
msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + NewLib;
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
/* Create the library header with a new date */
fprintf( dest, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE );
fprintf( dest, " %s\n$INDEX\n", DateAndTime( Line ) );
LineNum = 0;
GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum );
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
StrPurge( Line );
if( strnicmp( Line, "$M", 2 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$INDEX", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", Line );
if( newmodule )
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Name_Cmp ) );
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 0 ) == 0 )
fprintf( dest, "$EndINDEX\n" );
/* Copy footprints, until the old footprint to delete */
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
StrPurge( Line );
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndLIBRARY", 8 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$MODULE", 7 ) == 0 )
sscanf( Line + 7, " %s", Name );
msg = CONV_FROM_UTF8( Name );
if( msg.CmpNoCase( Name_Cmp ) == 0 )
/* skip old footprint descr (delete from the lib)*/
while( GetLine( lib_module, Line, &LineNum ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndMODULE", 9 ) == 0 )
fprintf( dest, "%s\n", Line );
/* Write the new footprint ( append it to the list of footprint ) */
tmp = aModule->m_TimeStamp; aModule->m_TimeStamp = 0;
aModule->Save( dest );
fprintf( dest, "$EndLIBRARY\n" );
aModule->m_TimeStamp = tmp;
fclose( dest ); fclose( lib_module );
/* The old library file is renamed .bak */
OldLib = aLibName;
ChangeFileNameExt( OldLib, OLD_EXT );
if( wxFileExists( OldLib ) )
wxRemoveFile( OldLib );
if( !wxRenameFile( aLibName, OldLib ) )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Librairi.cpp: rename .bak err" ) );
/* The new library file is renamed */
if( !wxRenameFile( NewLib, aLibName ) )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Librairi.cpp: rename NewLib err" ) );
return 0;
/* creates the new .dcm doc file corresponding to the new library */
if ( aCreateDocFile )
CreateDocLibrary( aLibName );
if( aDisplayDialog )
msg = _( "Component " ); msg += Name_Cmp;
msg += added ? _( " added in " ) : _( " replaced in " );
msg += aLibName;
Affiche_Message( msg );
return 1;
MODULE* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Create_1_Module( wxDC* DC, const wxString& module_name )
/* Create a new module or footprint : A new module is tartted with 2 texts :
* Second = VALUE: "VAL**"
* the new module is added on begining of the linked list of modules
MODULE* Module;
wxString Line;
wxPoint newpos;
/* Ask fo the new module reference */
if( module_name.IsEmpty() )
if( Get_Message( _( "Module Reference:" ), _( "Module Creation:" ), Line, this ) != 0 )
DisplayInfo( this, _( "No reference, aborted" ) );
return NULL;
Line = module_name;
Line.Trim( true );
Line.Trim( FALSE );
// Creates the new module and add it to the head of the linked list of modules
Module = new MODULE( GetBoard() );
GetBoard()->Add( Module );
/* Update parameters: position, timestamp ... */
newpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
Module->SetPosition( newpos );
Module->m_LastEdit_Time = time( NULL );
/* Update its name in lib */
Module->m_LibRef = Line;
/* Update reference: */
Module->m_Reference->m_Text = Line;
Module->m_Reference->SetWidth( ModuleTextWidth );
Module->m_Reference->m_Size = ModuleTextSize;
/* Set the value field to a default value */
Module->m_Value->m_Text = wxT( "VAL**" );
Module->m_Value->SetWidth( ModuleTextWidth );
Module->m_Value->m_Size = ModuleTextSize;
Module->SetPosition( wxPoint( 0, 0 ) );
Module->Display_Infos( this );
return Module;
void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Select_Active_Library()
if( g_LibName_List.GetCount() == 0 )
WinEDAListBox* LibListBox = new WinEDAListBox( this, _( "Active Lib:" ),
NULL, m_CurrentLib, NULL,
wxColour( 200, 200, 255 ) );
LibListBox->InsertItems( g_LibName_List );
int ii = LibListBox->ShowModal();
if( ii >= 0 )
m_CurrentLib = LibListBox->GetTextSelection();
SetTitle( _( "Module Editor (lib: " ) + m_CurrentLib + wxT( ")" ) );
int WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Create_Librairie( const wxString& LibName )
FILE* lib_module;
wxString msg;
char cbuf[256];
if( wxFileExists( LibName ) )
msg = _( "Library exists " ) + LibName;
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( LibName, wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
msg = _( "Unable to create " ) + LibName;
DisplayError( this, msg );
return -1;
/* Ecriture de l'entete de la nouvelle librairie */
if( fprintf( lib_module, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE ) == 0 )
msg = _( "Create error " ) + LibName;
DisplayError( this, msg );
fclose( lib_module ); return -1;
fprintf( lib_module, " %s\n", DateAndTime( cbuf ) );
fputs( "$INDEX\n", lib_module );
fputs( "$EndINDEX\n", lib_module );
fclose( lib_module );
return 1;
static bool CreateDocLibrary( const wxString& LibName )
/* Creation du fichier .dcm associe a la librairie LibName
* (full file name)
char Line[1024];
char cbuf[256];
wxString Name, Doc, KeyWord;
wxString LibDocName;
FILE* LibMod, * LibDoc;
LibDocName = LibName;
ChangeFileNameExt( LibDocName, EXT_DOC );
LibMod = wxFopen( LibName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( LibMod == NULL )
return FALSE;
/* lecture entete librairie*/
GetLine( LibMod, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) - 1 );
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
fclose( LibMod );
return FALSE;
LibDoc = wxFopen( LibDocName, wxT( "wt" ) );
if( LibDoc == NULL )
fclose( LibMod );
return FALSE;
fprintf( LibDoc, ENTETE_LIBDOC );
fprintf( LibDoc, " %s\n", DateAndTime( cbuf ) );
/* Lecture de la librairie */
Name = Doc = KeyWord = wxEmptyString;
while( GetLine( LibMod, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) )
if( Line[0] != '$' )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$MODULE", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( LibMod, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) )
if( Line[0] == '$' )
if( Line[1] == 'E' )
if( Line[1] == 'P' ) /* Pad Descr */
while( GetLine( LibMod, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) )
if( (Line[0] == '$') && (Line[1] == 'E') )
if( Line[0] == 'L' ) /* LibName */
Name = CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( Line + 3 ) );
if( Line[0] == 'K' ) /* KeyWords */
KeyWord = CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( Line + 3 ) );
if( Line[0] == 'C' ) /* Doc */
Doc = CONV_FROM_UTF8( StrPurge( Line + 3 ) );
if( (Name != wxEmptyString) && ( (Doc != wxEmptyString) || (KeyWord != wxEmptyString) ) ) /* Generation de la doc du composant */
fprintf( LibDoc, "#\n$MODULE %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Name ) );
fprintf( LibDoc, "Li %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Name ) );
if( Doc != wxEmptyString )
fprintf( LibDoc, "Cd %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( Doc ) );
if( KeyWord != wxEmptyString )
fprintf( LibDoc, "Kw %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( KeyWord ) );
fprintf( LibDoc, "$EndMODULE\n" );
Name = Doc = KeyWord = wxEmptyString;
} /* Fin lecture desc 1 module */
if( strnicmp( Line, "$INDEX", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( LibMod, Line, NULL, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) )
if( strnicmp( Line, "$EndINDEX", 9 ) == 0 )
/* Fin Lecture INDEX */
/* Fin lecture 1 Librairie */
fclose( LibMod );
fprintf( LibDoc, "#\n$EndLIBDOC\n" );
fclose( LibDoc );
return true;