
58 lines
1.9 KiB

# CMake script file to process a GLSL source file, so it can be included
# in C array and compiled in to an application.
# number of input files
list( LENGTH inputFiles shadersNumber )
# check if GLSL source files were updated since the last time
set( update "FALSE" )
foreach( inputFile ${inputFiles} )
if( ${inputFile} IS_NEWER_THAN ${outputFile} )
set( update "TRUE" )
endif( ${inputFile} IS_NEWER_THAN ${outputFile} )
endforeach( inputFile ${inputFiles} )
if( NOT update )
message( "Headers are up-to-date" )
endif( NOT update )
# write header
file( WRITE ${outputFile} "// Do not edit this file, it is autogenerated by CMake.
#ifndef SHADER_SRC_H
#define SHADER_SRC_H
const unsigned int shaders_number = ${shadersNumber};
const char* shaders_src[] =
{\n" )
foreach( inputFile ${inputFiles} )
# put the input file name into the output file
file( APPEND ${outputFile} "\n// ${inputFile}" )
# process the input file
file( READ ${inputFile} contents )
# remove /* */ comments
string( REGEX REPLACE "/\\*.*\\*/" "" contents "${contents}" )
# remove // comments
string( REGEX REPLACE "//[^\n]*" "" contents "${contents}" )
# remove whitespaces at the beginning of each line
string( REGEX REPLACE "\n([\t ])*" "\n" contents "${contents}" )
# remove unnecessary spaces
string( REGEX REPLACE " *([\\*/+&\\|,=<>\(\)]) *" "\\1" contents "${contents}" )
# remove empty lines & wrap every line in "" and add '\n' at the end of each line
string( REGEX REPLACE "\n+" "\\\\n\"\n\"" contents "${contents}" )
# remove unnecessary " & \n from the beginning and the end of contents
string( REGEX REPLACE "^\\\\n\"" "" contents "${contents}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "\"$" "," contents "${contents}" )
file( APPEND ${outputFile} "${contents}" )
endforeach( inputFile ${inputFiles} )
# write footer
file( APPEND ${outputFile} "};
#endif /* SHADER_SRC_H */" )