635 lines
19 KiB
635 lines
19 KiB
/* Routines generales de gestion des commandes usuelles */
/* controle.cpp */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "wxPcbStruct.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "pcbnew_id.h"
#include "collectors.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"
static BOARD_ITEM* AllAreModulesAndReturnSmallestIfSo( GENERAL_COLLECTOR* aCollector )
* Function AllAreModulesAndReturnSmallestIfSo
* tests that all items in the collection are MODULEs and if so, returns the
* smallest MODULE.
* @return BOARD_ITEM* - The smallest or NULL.
int count = aCollector->GetCount();
for( int i = 0; i<count; ++i )
if( (*aCollector)[i]->Type() != TYPE_MODULE )
return NULL;
// all are modules, now find smallest MODULE
int minDim = 0x7FFFFFFF;
int minNdx = 0;
for( int i = 0; i<count; ++i )
MODULE* module = (MODULE*) (*aCollector)[i];
int lx = module->m_BoundaryBox.GetWidth();
int ly = module->m_BoundaryBox.GetHeight();
int lmin = MIN( lx, ly );
if( lmin <= minDim )
minDim = lmin;
minNdx = i;
return (*aCollector)[minNdx];
BOARD_ITEM* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
GENERAL_COLLECTORS_GUIDE guide = GetCollectorsGuide();
// Assign to scanList the proper item types desired based on tool type
// or hotkey that is in play.
const KICAD_T* scanList = NULL;
if( aHotKeyCode )
// @todo: add switch here and add calls to PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
// when searching is needed from a hotkey handler
else if( m_ID_current_state == 0 )
switch( m_HTOOL_current_state )
scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::ModuleItems;
scanList = DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 0 ?
switch( m_ID_current_state )
scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::PadsOrModules;
scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::Tracks;
scanList = GENERAL_COLLECTOR::ModuleItems;
scanList = DisplayOpt.DisplayZonesMode == 0 ?
m_Collector->Collect( m_Pcb, scanList, GetScreen()->RefPos( true ), guide );
#if 0
// debugging: print out the collected items, showing their priority order too.
for( int i = 0; i<m_Collector->GetCount(); ++i )
(*m_Collector)[i]->Show( 0, std::cout );
/* Remove redundancies: sometime, zones are found twice,
* because zones can be are filled by overlapping segments (this is a fill option)
unsigned long timestampzone = 0;
for( int ii = 0; ii < m_Collector->GetCount(); ii++ )
item = (*m_Collector)[ii];
if( item->Type() != TYPE_ZONE )
/* Found a TYPE ZONE */
if( item->m_TimeStamp == timestampzone ) // Remove it, redundant, zone already found
m_Collector->Remove( ii );
timestampzone = item->m_TimeStamp;
if( m_Collector->GetCount() <= 1 )
item = (*m_Collector)[0];
SetCurItem( item );
// If the count is 2, and first item is a pad or moduletext, and the 2nd item is its parent module:
else if( m_Collector->GetCount() == 2
&& ( (*m_Collector)[0]->Type() == TYPE_PAD || (*m_Collector)[0]->Type() ==
&& (*m_Collector)[1]->Type() == TYPE_MODULE && (*m_Collector)[0]->GetParent()==
(*m_Collector)[1] )
item = (*m_Collector)[0];
SetCurItem( item );
// if all are modules, find the smallest one amoung the primary choices
else if( ( item = AllAreModulesAndReturnSmallestIfSo( m_Collector ) ) != NULL )
SetCurItem( item );
else // we can't figure out which item user wants, do popup menu so user can choose
wxMenu itemMenu;
/* Give a title to the selection menu. This is also a cancel menu item */
wxMenuItem * item_title = new wxMenuItem(&itemMenu, -1, _( "Selection Clarification" ) );
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
wxFont bold_font(*wxNORMAL_FONT);
bold_font.SetStyle( wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC);
int limit = MIN( MAX_ITEMS_IN_PICKER, m_Collector->GetCount() );
for( int i = 0; i<limit; ++i )
wxString text;
const char** xpm;
item = (*m_Collector)[i];
text = item->MenuText( m_Pcb );
xpm = item->MenuIcon();
/* @todo: rather than assignment to TRUE, these should be increment and decrement operators throughout _everywhere_.
* That way we can handle nesting.
* But I tried that and found there cases where the assignment to TRUE (converted to a m_IgnoreMouseEvents++ )
* was not balanced with the -- (now m_IgnoreMouseEvents=FALSE), so I had to revert.
* Somebody should track down these and make them balanced.
* DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = TRUE;
// this menu's handler is void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ProcessItemSelection()
// and it calls SetCurItem() which in turn calls DisplayInfo() on the item.
DrawPanel->m_AbortRequest = true; // changed in false if an item
PopupMenu( &itemMenu ); // m_AbortRequest = false if an item is selected
// DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = FALSE;
// The function ProcessItemSelection() has set the current item, return it.
item = GetCurItem();
return item;
* Function Join
* finds the point where line segment (b1,b0) intersects with segment (a1,a0).
* If that point would be outside of (a0,a1), the respective endpoint is used.
* Join returns the point in "res" and "true" if a suitable point was found,
* "false" if both lines are parallel or if the length of either segment is zero.
static bool Join( wxPoint* res, wxPoint a0, wxPoint a1, wxPoint b0, wxPoint b1 )
/* References:
double denom;
double t;
// if either segment is zero length
if( a1.x==a0.x && a1.y==a0.y )
return false;
if( b1.x==b0.x && b1.y==b0.y )
return false;
a1 -= a0;
b1 -= b0;
b0 -= a0;
denom = (double) b1.y * a1.x - (double) b1.x * a1.y;
if( !denom )
return false; // parallel
t = ((double) b1.y * b0.x - (double) b1.x * b0.y ) / denom;
t = min( max( t, 0.0 ), 1.0 );
res->x = wxRound( a0.x + t * a1.x );
res->y = wxRound( a0.y + t * a1.y );
return true;
* "Project" finds the projection of a grid point on a track. This is the point
* from where we want to draw new orthogonal tracks when starting on a track.
bool Project( wxPoint* res, wxPoint on_grid, const TRACK* track )
if( track->m_Start == track->m_End )
return false;
wxPoint vec = track->m_End - track->m_Start;
double t = double( on_grid.x - track->m_Start.x ) * vec.x +
double( on_grid.y - track->m_Start.y ) * vec.y;
t /= (double) vec.x * vec.x + (double) vec.y * vec.y;
t = min( max( t, 0.0 ), 1.0 );
res->x = wxRound( track->m_Start.x + t * vec.x );
res->y = wxRound( track->m_Start.y + t * vec.y );
return true;
* Function Magnetize
* tests to see if there are any magnetic items within near reach of the given
* "curpos". If yes, then curpos is adjusted appropriately according to that
* near magnetic item and true is returned.
* @param curpos The initial position, and what to adjust if a change is needed.
* @return bool - true if the position was adjusted magnetically, else false.
static bool Magnetize( BOARD* m_Pcb, WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame,
int aCurrentTool, wxSize grid, wxPoint on_grid, wxPoint* curpos )
bool doCheckNet = g_MagneticPadOption != capture_always && Drc_On;
bool doTrack = false;
bool doPad = false;
bool amMovingVia = false;
TRACK* currTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
BOARD_ITEM* currItem = frame->GetCurItem();
// D( printf( "currTrack=%p currItem=%p currTrack->Type()=%d currItem->Type()=%d\n", currTrack, currItem, currTrack ? currTrack->Type() : 0, currItem ? currItem->Type() : 0 ); )
if( !currTrack && currItem && currItem->Type()==TYPE_VIA && currItem->m_Flags )
// moving a VIA
currTrack = (TRACK*) currItem;
amMovingVia = true;
return false; // comment this return out and play with it.
else if( currItem != currTrack )
currTrack = NULL;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == capture_always )
doPad = true;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == capture_always )
doTrack = true;
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT || amMovingVia )
int q = capture_cursor_in_track_tool;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == q )
doPad = true;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == q )
doTrack = true;
// D(printf("doPad=%d doTrack=%d aCurrentTool=%d amMovingVia=%d\n", doPad, doTrack, aCurrentTool, amMovingVia );)
// The search precedence order is pads, then tracks/vias
if( doPad )
D_PAD* pad = Locate_Any_Pad( m_Pcb, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE, TRUE );
if( pad )
if( doCheckNet && currTrack && currTrack->GetNet() != pad->GetNet() )
return false;
*curpos = pad->m_Pos;
return true;
// after pads, only track & via tests remain, skip them if not desired
if( doTrack )
int layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) ActiveScreen )->m_Active_Layer;
for( TRACK* via = m_Pcb->m_Track;
via && (via = Locate_Via_Area( via, *curpos, layer )) != NULL;
via = via->Next() )
if( via != currTrack ) // a via cannot influence itself
if( !doCheckNet || !currTrack || currTrack->GetNet() == via->GetNet() )
*curpos = via->m_Start;
// D(printf("via hit\n");)
return true;
//D( printf( "skipping self\n" ); )
if( !currTrack )
int layer_mask = g_TabOneLayerMask[layer];
TRACK* track = Locate_Pistes( m_Pcb->m_Track, layer_mask, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE );
if( !track || track->Type() != TYPE_TRACK )
// D(printf("!currTrack and track=%p not found, layer_mask=0x%X\n", track, layer_mask );)
return false;
// D( printf( "Project\n" ); )
return Project( curpos, on_grid, track );
* In two segment mode, ignore the final segment if it's inside a grid
* square.
if( !amMovingVia && currTrack && g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild && currTrack->Back()
&& currTrack->m_Start.x - grid.x < currTrack->m_End.x
&& currTrack->m_Start.x + grid.x > currTrack->m_End.x
&& currTrack->m_Start.y - grid.y < currTrack->m_End.y
&& currTrack->m_Start.y + grid.y > currTrack->m_End.y )
currTrack = currTrack->Back();
for( TRACK* track = m_Pcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
if( track->Type() != TYPE_TRACK )
if( doCheckNet && currTrack && currTrack->GetNet() != track->GetNet() )
if( g_DesignSettings.IsLayerVisible( track->GetLayer() ) == false )
// omit the layer check if moving a via
if( !amMovingVia && !track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
if( !track->HitTest( *curpos ) )
D(printf( "have track prospect\n");)
if( Join( curpos, track->m_Start, track->m_End, currTrack->m_Start, currTrack->m_End ) )
// D(printf( "join currTrack->Type()=%d\n", currTrack->Type() );)
return true;
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT || amMovingVia )
// At this point we have a drawing mouse on a track, we are drawing
// a new track and that new track is parallel to the track the
// mouse is on. Find the nearest end point of the track under mouse
// to the mouse and return that.
double distStart = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_Start.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_Start.y ));
double distEnd = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_End.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_End.y ));
// if track not via, or if its a via dragging but not with its adjacent track
if( currTrack->Type() != TYPE_VIA
|| ( currTrack->m_Start != track->m_Start && currTrack->m_Start != track->m_End ))
if( distStart <= currTrack->m_Width/2 )
// D(printf("nearest end is start\n");)
*curpos = track->m_Start;
return true;
if( distEnd <= currTrack->m_Width/2 )
// D(printf("nearest end is end\n");)
*curpos = track->m_End;
return true;
// @todo otherwise confine curpos such that it stays centered
// within "track"
return false;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::GeneralControle( wxDC* DC, wxPoint Mouse )
wxRealPoint delta;
wxPoint curpos, oldpos;
int hotkey = 0;
ActiveScreen = GetScreen();
// Save the board after the time out :
int CurrentTime = time( NULL );
if( !GetScreen()->IsModify() || GetScreen()->IsSave() )
/* If no change, reset the time out */
g_SaveTime = CurrentTime;
if( (CurrentTime - g_SaveTime) > g_TimeOut )
wxString tmpFileName = GetScreen()->m_FileName;
wxFileName fn = wxFileName( wxEmptyString, g_SaveFileName, PcbExtBuffer );
bool flgmodify = GetScreen()->IsModify();
SavePcbFile( fn.GetFullPath() );
if( flgmodify ) // Set the flags m_Modify cleared by SavePcbFile()
GetScreen()->SetSave(); // Set the flags m_FlagSave cleared by SetModify()
GetScreen()->m_FileName = tmpFileName;
SetTitle( GetScreen()->m_FileName );
curpos = DrawPanel->CursorRealPosition( Mouse );
oldpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
delta = GetScreen()->GetGrid();
GetScreen()->Scale( delta );
if( delta.x <= 0 )
delta.x = 1;
if( delta.y <= 0 )
delta.y = 1;
switch( g_KeyPressed )
case WXK_NUMPAD8: /* Deplacement curseur vers le haut */
case WXK_UP:
Mouse.y -= wxRound(delta.y);
DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse );
case WXK_NUMPAD2: /* Deplacement curseur vers le bas */
case WXK_DOWN:
Mouse.y += wxRound(delta.y);
DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse );
case WXK_NUMPAD4: /* Deplacement curseur vers la gauche */
case WXK_LEFT:
Mouse.x -= wxRound(delta.x);
DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse );
case WXK_NUMPAD6: /* Deplacement curseur vers la droite */
Mouse.x += wxRound(delta.x);
DrawPanel->MouseTo( Mouse );
hotkey = g_KeyPressed;
/* Put cursor in new position, according to the zoom keys (if any) */
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos;
/* Put cursor on grid or a pad centre if requested
* But if the tool DELETE is active the cursor is left off grid
* this is better to reach items to delete off grid
bool keep_on_grid = TRUE;
if( m_ID_current_state == ID_PCB_DELETE_ITEM_BUTT )
keep_on_grid = FALSE;
/* Cursor is left off grid if no block in progress and no moving object */
if( GetScreen()->m_BlockLocate.m_State != STATE_NO_BLOCK )
keep_on_grid = TRUE;
EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct = GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
if( DrawStruct && DrawStruct->m_Flags )
keep_on_grid = TRUE;
if( keep_on_grid )
wxPoint on_grid = curpos;
PutOnGrid( &on_grid );
wxSize grid;
grid.x = (int) GetScreen()->GetGrid().x;
grid.y = (int) GetScreen()->GetGrid().y;
if( Magnetize(m_Pcb, (WinEDA_PcbFrame *) this, m_ID_current_state,
grid, on_grid, &curpos) )
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos;
// If there's no intrusion and DRC is active, we pass the cursor
// "as is", and let ShowNewTrackWhenMovingCursor figure out what to do.
if( !Drc_On || !g_CurrentTrackSegment
|| g_CurrentTrackSegment != this->GetCurItem()
|| !LocateIntrusion( m_Pcb->m_Track, g_CurrentTrackSegment ))
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = on_grid;
if( oldpos != GetScreen()->m_Curseur )
curpos = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = oldpos;
DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC );
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = curpos;
DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC );
if( DrawPanel->ManageCurseur )
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, TRUE );
if( hotkey )
OnHotKey( DC, hotkey, NULL );
if( GetScreen()->IsRefreshReq() )
RedrawActiveWindow( DC, TRUE );
UpdateStatusBar(); /* Display new cursor coordinates */