1526 lines
49 KiB
1526 lines
49 KiB
/* wxstruct.h: */
/* descriptions des principales classes derivees utilisees */
#ifndef WXSTRUCT_H
#define WXSTRUCT_H
#ifndef eda_global
#define eda_global extern
#include <wx/socket.h>
#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/config.h"
#include <wx/wxhtml.h>
#include <wx/laywin.h>
#include <wx/snglinst.h>
#define INTERNAL_UNIT_TYPE 0 // Internal unit = inch
#define PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT 10000
// Option d'affichage des fenetres de dialogue
#define EDA_DRAW_PANEL wxScrolledWindow
class wxMyDialogModalData;
/* Forward declarations of classes. */
class WinEDA_DrawPanel;
class WinEDA_DrawFrame;
#include "base_struct.h"
class WinEDA_App;
class WinEDA_MsgPanel;
class COMMAND;
class WinEDA_MainFrame;
class WinEDA_SchematicFrame; // Edition des Schemas
class WinEDA_LibeditFrame; // Edition des composants
class WinEDA_ViewlibFrame; // Visualisation des composants
class WinEDA_GerberFrame; // Visualisation des fichiers GERBER
class WinEDA_Toolbar;
class WinEDA_CvpcbFrame;
class WinEDA_PcbFrame;
class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame;
class WinEDAChoiceBox;
#define WinEDA_MenuBar wxMenuBar
#define WinEDA_Menu wxMenu
#define WinEDA_MenuItem wxMenuItem
// Utilisées mais non definies ici :
class LibraryStruct;
class EDA_LibComponentStruct;
class LibEDA_BaseStruct;
class EDA_BaseStruct;
class DrawBusEntryStruct;
class DrawGlobalLabelStruct;
class DrawTextStruct;
class EDA_DrawLineStruct;
class DrawSheetStruct;
class DrawSheetLabelStruct;
class EDA_SchComponentStruct;
class LibDrawField;
class PartTextStruct;
class LibDrawPin;
class DrawJunctionStruct;
class BOARD;
class TEXTE_PCB;
class MODULE;
class TRACK;
class SEGZONE;
class SEGVIA;
class EDGE_ZONE;
class D_PAD;
class MIREPCB;
class WinEDA3D_DrawFrame;
class Ki_PageDescr;
enum id_librarytype
enum id_drawframe {
enum id_toolbar {
TOOLBAR_MAIN = 1, // Toolbar horizontal (main)
TOOLBAR_TOOL, // Toolbar vertical tools
TOOLBAR_OPTION, // Toolbar vertical options
/* Classes pour WXWIN */
#define MSG_PANEL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT ( 28 ) // hauteur de la zone d'affichage des infos en bas d'ecran
/* Class representing the entire Application */
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
/* classe pour la Fenetre generale de trace */
class WinEDA_BasicFrame: public wxFrame
int m_Ident; // Id Type (pcb, schematic, library..)
WinEDA_App * m_Parent;
wxPoint m_FramePos;
wxSize m_FrameSize;
int m_MsgFrameHeight;
WinEDA_MenuBar * m_MenuBar; // menu du haut d'ecran
WinEDA_Toolbar * m_HToolBar; // Standard horizontal Toolbar
bool m_FrameIsActive;
wxString m_FrameName; // name used for writting and reading setup
// It is "SchematicFrame", "PcbFrame" ....
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_BasicFrame( wxWindow * father, int idtype, WinEDA_App *parent,
const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
WinEDA_BasicFrame( const WinEDA_BasicFrame & ) {} // Should throw!!
WinEDA_BasicFrame() {} // Should throw!!
void GetKicadHelp(wxCommandEvent& event);
void GetKicadAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
void PrintMsg(const wxString & text);
void GetSettings(void);
void SaveSettings(void);
void SetLanguage(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ProcessFontPreferences(int id);
wxString GetLastProject(int rang);
void SetLastProject(const wxString & FullFileName);
void DisplayActivity(int PerCent, const wxString & Text);
virtual void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
/* classe pour la Fenetre generale de trace */
class WinEDA_DrawFrame: public WinEDA_BasicFrame
WinEDA_DrawPanel * DrawPanel; // surface de dessin
WinEDA_MsgPanel * MsgPanel; // Zone d'affichage de caracteristiques
WinEDA_Toolbar * m_VToolBar; // Vertical (right side) Toolbar
WinEDA_Toolbar * m_AuxVToolBar; // Auxiliary Vertical (right side) Toolbar
WinEDA_Toolbar * m_OptionsToolBar; // Options Toolbar (left side)
WinEDA_Toolbar * m_AuxiliaryToolBar; // Toolbar auxiliaire (utilisé dans pcbnew)
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelGridBox; // Dialog box to choose the grid size
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelZoomBox; // Dialog box to choose the Zoom value
int m_ZoomMaxValue; // Max zoom value: Draw min scale is 1/m_ZoomMaxValue
BASE_SCREEN * m_CurrentScreen; // SCREEN en cours
int m_CurrentCursorShape; // shape for cursor (0 = default cursor)
int m_ID_current_state; // Id du bouton actif du tool bar vertical
int m_HTOOL_current_state; // Id du bouton actif du tool bar horizontal
int m_InternalUnits; // nombre d'unites internes pour 1 pouce
// = 1000 pour schema, = 10000 pour PCB
int m_UnitType; // Internal Unit type (0 = inch)
bool m_Draw_Axis; // TRUE pour avoir les axes dessines
bool m_Draw_Grid; // TRUE pour avoir la grille dessinee
bool m_Draw_Sheet_Ref; // TRUE pour avoir le cartouche dessiné
bool m_Print_Sheet_Ref; // TRUE pour avoir le cartouche imprimé
bool m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axis; // TRUE pour avoir les axes auxiliaires dessines
wxPoint m_Auxiliary_Axis_Position; /* origine de l'axe auxiliaire (app:
dans la generation les fichiers de positionnement
des composants) */
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_DrawFrame( wxWindow * father, int idtype, WinEDA_App *parent,
const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
BASE_SCREEN * GetScreen(void) { return m_CurrentScreen; }
void OnMenuOpen(wxMenuEvent& event);
void OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event);
virtual void OnHotKey(wxDC * DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct);
void AddFontSelectionMenu(wxMenu * main_menu);
void ProcessFontPreferences(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Affiche_Message(const wxString & message);
void EraseMsgBox(void);
void Process_PageSettings(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SetDrawBgColor(int color_num);
virtual void SetToolbars(void);
void SetLanguage(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual void ReCreateHToolbar(void) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateVToolbar(void) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
virtual void ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(void);
void SetToolID(int id, int new_cursor_id, const wxString & title);
virtual void OnSelectGrid(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual void OnSelectZoom(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual void GeneralControle(wxDC *DC, wxPoint Mouse);
virtual void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
void OnEraseBackground(wxEraseEvent& SizeEvent);
// void OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event);
void SetToolbarBgColor(int color_num);
void OnZoom(int zoom_type);
void OnPanning(int direction);
void OnGrid(int grid_type);
void Recadre_Trace(bool ToMouse);
void PutOnGrid(wxPoint * coord); /* corrige la valeur de la coordonnee coord
pour etre sur le point de grille le plus proche */
void Zoom_Automatique(bool move_mouse_cursor);
/* Affiche le schema au meilleur zoom au meilleur centrage pour le dessin
de facon a avoir tout le circuit affiche a l'ecran */
void Window_Zoom(EDA_Rect &Rect);
/* Recalcule le zoom et les offsets pour que l'affichage se fasse dans la
fenetre de coord x0, y0 a x1, y1 */
virtual int BestZoom(void) = 0; // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void ToPrinter(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SVG_Print(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnActivate(wxActivateEvent& event);
void ReDrawPanel(void);
void TraceWorkSheet(wxDC * DC, BASE_SCREEN * screen, int line_width);
void DisplayToolMsg(const wxString msg);
void Process_Zoom(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Process_Grid(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg) = 0;
virtual void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
virtual void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu) = 0;
virtual void ToolOnRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
void AdjustScrollBars(void);
void Affiche_Status_Box(void); /* Affichage des coord curseur, zoom .. */
void DisplayUnitsMsg(void);
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
virtual int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
virtual void InitBlockPasteInfos();
virtual bool HandleBlockBegin(wxDC * DC, int cmd_type, const wxPoint & startpos);
virtual void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
virtual int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
void CopyToClipboard(wxCommandEvent& event);
/* interprocess communication */
void OnSockRequest(wxSocketEvent &evt);
void OnSockRequestServer (wxSocketEvent &evt);
/* class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame: classe de base commune */
/* aux classes d'affichage de PCB, et de l'editeur de Modules */
class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame
BOARD * m_Pcb;
bool m_DisplayPadFill; // How show pads
bool m_DisplayPadNum; // show pads number
int m_DisplayModEdge; // How show module drawings
int m_DisplayModText; // How show module texts
bool m_DisplayPcbTrackFill; /* FALSE = sketch , TRUE = rempli */
WinEDA3D_DrawFrame * m_Draw3DFrame;
WinEDA_BasePcbFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent, int idtype,
const wxString &title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
// General
virtual void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event) = 0;
virtual void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event) = 0;
virtual void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateHToolbar(void) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateVToolbar(void) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos) = 0;
virtual void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos) = 0;
virtual void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu) = 0;
virtual void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
PCB_SCREEN * GetScreen(void) { return (PCB_SCREEN *) m_CurrentScreen;}
int BestZoom(void); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void Show3D_Frame(wxCommandEvent& event);
virtual void GeneralControle(wxDC *DC, wxPoint Mouse);
// Undo and redo functions
virtual void SaveCopyInUndoList(EDA_BaseStruct * ItemToCopy,
int flag_type_command = 0);
virtual void GetComponentFromUndoList(void);
virtual void GetComponentFromRedoList(void);
// Read/write fonctions:
EDA_BaseStruct * ReadDrawSegmentDescr(FILE * File, int * LineNum);
int ReadListeSegmentDescr(wxDC * DC, FILE * File,
TRACK * PtSegm,int StructType,
int * LineNum, int NumSegm);
int ReadSetup(FILE * File, int * LineNum);
int ReadGeneralDescrPcb(wxDC * DC, FILE * File, int * LineNum);
// Gestion du PCB
bool Clear_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool query);
EDA_BaseStruct * PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay(void);
EDA_BaseStruct * Locate(int typeloc, int LayerSearch );
// Gestion du curseur
void place_marqueur( wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos, char* pt_bitmap,
int DrawMode, int color, int type);
/* Place un repere sur l'ecran au point de coordonnees PCB pos */
// Gestion des modules
void InstallModuleOptionsFrame(MODULE * Module,
wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
MODULE * Copie_Module(MODULE * module);
MODULE * Exchange_Module(wxWindow * winaff, MODULE * old_module, MODULE * new_module);
int Save_1_Module(const wxString & LibName, MODULE* Module,
bool Overwrite, bool DisplayDialog);
void Archive_Modules(const wxString & LibName, bool NewModulesOnly);
MODULE * Select_1_Module_From_BOARD(BOARD * Pcb);
MODULE * GetModuleByName(void);
// Modules
MODULE * Create_1_Module(wxDC * DC, const wxString & module_name);
void Edit_Module(MODULE * module, wxDC * DC);
void Rotate_Module(wxDC * DC, MODULE * module, int angle, bool incremental);
void Change_Side_Module(MODULE * Module, wxDC * DC);
void Place_Module(MODULE * module, wxDC * DC);
void InstallExchangeModuleFrame(MODULE * ExchangeModuleModule,
wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
// Textes sur modules
void RotateTextModule(TEXTE_MODULE * Text, wxDC * DC);
void DeleteTextModule(TEXTE_MODULE * Text, wxDC * DC);
void PlaceTexteModule(TEXTE_MODULE * Text, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveTexteModule(TEXTE_MODULE * Text, wxDC * DC);
TEXTE_MODULE * CreateTextModule(MODULE * Module, wxDC * DC);
void InstallPadOptionsFrame(D_PAD * pad, wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
void InstallTextModOptionsFrame(TEXTE_MODULE * TextMod,
wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
// Pads sur modules
void AddPad(MODULE * Module, wxDC * DC);
void DeletePad(D_PAD* Pad, wxDC * DC);
void StartMovePad(D_PAD * Pad, wxDC * DC);
void RotatePad(D_PAD * Pad, wxDC * DC);
void PlacePad(D_PAD * Pad, wxDC * DC);
void Export_Pad_Settings( D_PAD * pt_pad);
void Import_Pad_Settings( D_PAD * pt_pad, wxDC * DC);
void Global_Import_Pad_Settings( D_PAD * Pad, wxDC * DC);
// Chargement de modules
MODULE * Get_Librairie_Module(wxWindow * winaff, const wxString & library,
const wxString & ModuleName, bool show_msg_err);
wxString Select_1_Module_From_List(
WinEDA_DrawFrame * active_window, const wxString & Library,
const wxString & Mask, const wxString & KeyWord);
MODULE * Load_Module_From_Library(const wxString & library, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des chevelus (ratsnest)
void Compile_Ratsnest(wxDC * DC, bool affiche); /* Recalcul complet du chevelu */
void ReCompile_Ratsnest_After_Changes(wxDC * DC );
int Test_1_Net_Ratsnest(wxDC * DC, int net_code);
char * build_ratsnest_module(wxDC * DC, MODULE *Module);
void trace_ratsnest_module(wxDC * DC);
void Build_Board_Ratsnest(wxDC * DC);
void DrawGeneralRatsnest(wxDC * DC, int net_code = 0);
void trace_ratsnest_pad(wxDC * DC);
void recalcule_pad_net_code(void); /* Routine de
calcul et de mise a jour des net_codes des PADS */
void build_liste_pads(void);
int * build_ratsnest_pad(EDA_BaseStruct * ref, const wxPoint & refpos, bool init);
void Tst_Ratsnest(wxDC * DC, int ref_netcode );
void Recalcule_all_net_connexion(wxDC * DC);
void test_connexions(wxDC * DC) ;
void test_1_net_connexion(wxDC * DC, int net_code );
void reattribution_reference_piste(int affiche);
// Plotting
void ToPlotter(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Plot_Serigraphie(int format_plot, FILE * File, int masque_layer);
void Genere_GERBER(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layer,
bool PlotOriginIsAuxAxis);
void Genere_HPGL(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layer);
void Genere_PS(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layer);
void Plot_Layer_HPGL(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia, int modetrace);
void Plot_Layer_GERBER(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia);
int Gen_D_CODE_File(FILE * file);
void Plot_Layer_PS(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia, int modetrace);
/* Block operations: */
void Block_Delete(wxDC *DC);
void Block_Rotate(wxDC *DC);
void Block_Invert(wxDC * DC);
void Block_Move(wxDC * DC);
void Block_Duplicate(wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des zones:
void DelLimitesZone(wxDC *DC, bool Redraw);
// Gestion des layers:
int SelectLayer(int default_layer, int min_layer, int max_layer);
void SelectLayerPair(void);
void SwitchLayer(wxDC *DC, int layer);
// divers
void AddHistory(int value, DrawStructureType type); // Add value in data list history
void InstallGridFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
/* class WinEDA_PcbFrame: public WinEDA_BasePcbFrame */
class WinEDA_PcbFrame: public WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelLayerBox;
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelTrackWidthBox;
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelViaSizeBox;
bool m_SelTrackWidthBox_Changed;
bool m_SelViaSizeBox_Changed;
wxMenu * m_FilesMenu;
WinEDA_PcbFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent, const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
// Configurations:
void InstallConfigFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
void Process_Config(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Update_config(wxWindow * displayframe);
void OnHotKey(wxDC * DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct);
bool OnHotkeyDeleteItem(wxDC * DC, EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ProcessMuWaveFunctions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void MuWaveCommand(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void ReCreateAuxVToolbar(void);
void ReCreateOptToolbar(void);
void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
WinEDAChoiceBox * ReCreateLayerBox( WinEDA_Toolbar * parent);
void PrepareLayerIndicator(void);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
void OnSelectOptionToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToolOnRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
void SetToolbars(void);
void Process_Settings(wxCommandEvent& event);
void InstallPcbOptionsFrame(const wxPoint & pos, wxDC * DC, int id);
void InstallPcbGlobalDeleteFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
void GenModulesPosition(wxCommandEvent& event);
void GenModuleReport(wxCommandEvent& event);
void InstallDrillFrame(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToPostProcess(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Files_io(wxCommandEvent& event);
int LoadOnePcbFile(const wxString & FileName, wxDC * DC, bool Append);
int ReadPcbFile(wxDC * DC, FILE * File, bool Append);
bool SavePcbFile(const wxString & FileName);
int SavePcbFormatAscii(FILE * File);
bool WriteGeneralDescrPcb(FILE * File);
bool RecreateCmpFileFromBoard(void);
void ExportToGenCAD(wxCommandEvent& event);
/* Fonctions specifiques */
MODULE * ListAndSelectModuleName(void);
void Liste_Equipot(wxCommandEvent & event);
void Swap_Layers(wxCommandEvent & event);
int Test_DRC(wxDC * DC);
void Install_Test_DRC_Frame(wxDC * DC);
void Trace_Pcb(wxDC * DC, int mode);
void Trace_PcbEdges(wxDC * DC, int mode_color);
// Gestion des textes sur pcb
void Rotate_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
TEXTE_PCB * Create_Texte_Pcb( wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveTextePcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
void Place_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
void InstallTextPCBOptionsFrame(TEXTE_PCB * TextPCB,
wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
// Gestion des Segments type DRAWITEM
void Start_Move_DrawItem(DRAWSEGMENT * drawitem, wxDC * DC);
void Place_DrawItem(DRAWSEGMENT * drawitem, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des modules (voir egalement WinEDA_BasePcbFrame)
void StartMove_Module(MODULE * module, wxDC * DC);
bool Delete_Module(MODULE * module, wxDC * DC);
// Chargement de modules: voir WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
// Gestion du PCB
void Erase_Zones(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Segments_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool is_edges, bool query);
void Erase_Pistes(wxDC * DC, int masque_type, bool query);
void Erase_Modules(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Textes_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Marqueurs(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void UnDeleteItem(wxDC * DC);
void RemoveStruct(EDA_BaseStruct * Item, wxDC * DC);
void Via_Edit_Control(wxDC * DC, int command_type, SEGVIA * via);
// Mise en surbrillance des nets:
int Select_High_Light(wxDC * DC);
void Hight_Light(wxDC * DC);
void DrawHightLight(wxDC * DC, int NetCode);
// Track and via edition:
void DisplayTrackSettings(void);
void Other_Layer_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
void Affiche_PadsNoConnect(wxDC * DC);
void Affiche_Status_Net(wxDC * DC);
TRACK * Delete_Segment(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track);
void Delete_Track(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track);
void Delete_net(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track);
void Delete_Zone(wxDC * DC, SEGZONE *Track);
void Supprime_Une_Piste(wxDC * DC, TRACK* pt_segm);
bool Resize_Pistes_Vias(wxDC * DC, bool Track, bool Via);
void Edit_Zone_Width(wxDC * DC, SEGZONE * pt_ref);
void Edit_Net_Width(wxDC * DC, int Netcode);
void Edit_Track_Width(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track);
int Edit_TrackSegm_Width(wxDC * DC, TRACK * segm);
TRACK * Begin_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
void End_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
void ExChange_Track_Layer(TRACK *pt_segm, wxDC * DC);
void Attribut_Segment(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC, bool Flag_On);
void Attribut_Track(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC, bool Flag_On);
void Attribut_net(wxDC * DC, int net_code, bool Flag_On);
void Start_MoveOneNodeOrSegment(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC, int command);
bool PlaceDraggedTrackSegment(TRACK * Track, wxDC * DC);
void Start_DragTrackSegmentAndKeepSlope(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
void SwitchLayer(wxDC *DC, int layer);
// Edition des zones
EDGE_ZONE * Del_SegmEdgeZone(wxDC * DC, EDGE_ZONE * edge_zone);
void CaptureNetName(wxDC * DC);
EDGE_ZONE * Begin_Zone(void);
void End_Zone(wxDC * DC);
void Fill_Zone(wxDC * DC);
// Edition des mires de centrage
MIREPCB * Create_Mire( wxDC *DC);
void Delete_Mire(MIREPCB * MirePcb, wxDC * DC);
void StartMove_Mire(MIREPCB * MirePcb, wxDC * DC);
void Place_Mire(MIREPCB * MirePcb, wxDC * DC);
void InstallMireOptionsFrame(MIREPCB * MirePcb, wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
// Gestion des segments de dessin type DRAWSEGMENT:
DRAWSEGMENT * Begin_DrawSegment(DRAWSEGMENT * Segment, int shape, wxDC * DC);
void End_Edge(DRAWSEGMENT * Segment, wxDC * DC);
void Drawing_SetNewWidth(DRAWSEGMENT *DrawSegm, wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Segment_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Drawings_All_Layer(DRAWSEGMENT *Segment, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des cotations:
void Install_Edit_Cotation(COTATION * Cotation, wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
COTATION * Begin_Cotation(COTATION * Cotation, wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Cotation(COTATION * Cotation, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des netlistes:
void InstallNetlistFrame( wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & pos);
// Autoplacement:
void AutoPlace(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ReOrientModules(const wxString & ModuleMask, int Orient,
bool include_fixe, wxDC * DC);
void FixeModule(MODULE * Module, bool Fixe);
void AutoMoveModulesOnPcb(wxDC * DC, bool PlaceModulesHorsPcb);
bool SetBoardBoundaryBoxFromEdgesOnly(void);
void AutoPlaceModule(MODULE * Module, int place_mode, wxDC * DC);
int RecherchePlacementModule(MODULE * Module, wxDC * DC);
void GenModuleOnBoard(MODULE * Module);
float Compute_Ratsnest_PlaceModule(wxDC * DC);
int GenPlaceBoard(void);
void DrawInfoPlace(wxDC * DC);
// Autoroutage:
int Solve(wxDC * DC, int two_sides);
void Reset_Noroutable(wxDC * DC);
void Autoroute(wxDC * DC, int mode);
void ReadAutoroutedTracks(wxDC * DC);
void GlobalRoute(wxDC * DC);
// fonctions generales
void Show_1_Ratsnest(EDA_BaseStruct * item, wxDC * DC);
void Ratsnest_On_Off(wxDC * DC);
void Clean_Pcb(wxDC * DC);
EDA_BaseStruct * SaveItemEfface(EDA_BaseStruct * PtItem, int nbitems);
// divers
void InstallFindFrame(const wxPoint & pos, wxDC * DC);
/* Special micro_ondes */
void Edit_Gap(wxDC * DC, MODULE * Module);
MODULE * Create_MuWaveBasicShape(wxDC * DC, const wxString & name, int pad_count);
MODULE * Create_MuWaveComponent(wxDC * DC, int shape_type);
MODULE * Create_MuWavePolygonShape(wxDC * DC);
void Begin_Self( wxDC *DC);
MODULE * Genere_Self( wxDC *DC);
/* class WinEDA_GerberFrame: public WinEDA_PcbFrame */
class WinEDA_GerberFrame: public WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelLayerBox;
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelLayerTool;
wxMenu * m_FilesMenu;
WinEDA_GerberFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent, const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void Update_config(void);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void ReCreateOptToolbar(void);
void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
int BestZoom(void); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void OnSelectOptionToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event);
EDA_BaseStruct * GerberGeneralLocateAndDisplay(void);
EDA_BaseStruct * Locate(int typeloc );
void SetToolbars(void);
void Process_Settings(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Process_Config(wxCommandEvent& event);
void InstallConfigFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
void InstallPcbOptionsFrame(const wxPoint & pos, int id);
void InstallPcbGlobalDeleteFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
virtual void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
virtual int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
void InstallDrillFrame(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToPostProcess(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Genere_HPGL(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layers);
void Genere_GERBER(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layers);
void Genere_PS(const wxString & FullFileName, int Layers);
void Plot_Layer_HPGL(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia, int modetrace);
void Plot_Layer_GERBER(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia);
int Gen_D_CODE_File(const wxString & Name_File);
void Plot_Layer_PS(FILE * File,int masque_layer,
int garde, int tracevia, int modetrace);
void Files_io(wxCommandEvent& event);
int LoadOneGerberFile(const wxString &FileName, wxDC * DC, int mode);
int ReadGerberFile(wxDC * DC, FILE * File, bool Append);
bool Read_GERBER_File(wxDC * DC,
const wxString & GERBER_FullFileName,
const wxString & D_Code_FullFileName);
bool SaveGerberFile(const wxString & FileName, wxDC * DC);
int Read_D_Code_File( const wxString & D_Code_FullFileName);
void CopyDCodesSizeToItems(void);
void Liste_D_Codes(wxDC * DC);
/* Fonctions specifiques */
void Trace_Gerber(wxDC * DC, int mode);
// Gestion des textes sur pcb
void Rotate_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
TEXTE_PCB * Create_Texte_Pcb( wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveTextePcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
void Place_Texte_Pcb(TEXTE_PCB * TextePcb, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion du PCB
bool Clear_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Current_Layer(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Zones(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void Erase_Segments_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool is_edges, bool query);
void Erase_Pistes(wxDC * DC, int masque_type, bool query);
void Erase_Textes_Pcb(wxDC * DC, bool query);
void UnDeleteItem(wxDC * DC);
void Delete_DCode_Items(wxDC * DC, int dcode_value, int layer_number);
TRACK * Begin_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
void End_Route(TRACK * track, wxDC * DC);
TRACK * Delete_Segment(wxDC * DC, TRACK *Track);
int Edit_TrackSegm_Width(wxDC * DC, TRACK * segm);
// Conversion function
void ExportDataInPcbnewFormat(wxCommandEvent& event);
/* class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame */
/* Class de la fenetre d'édition des modules pour PCB */
class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame: public WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
MODULE * CurrentModule;
wxString m_CurrentLib;
WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent,
const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void InstallOptionsFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void ReCreateOptToolbar(void);
void ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar(void);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
void SetToolbars(void);
void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
void ToolOnRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnSelectOptionToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnHotKey(wxDC * DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct);
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
virtual void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
virtual int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
EDA_BaseStruct * ModeditLocateAndDisplay(void);
void SaveCopyInUndoList(EDA_BaseStruct * ItemToCopy, int flag_type_command = 0);
void GetComponentFromUndoList(void);
void GetComponentFromRedoList(void);
// Gestion des modules
void Place_Ancre(MODULE* module, wxDC * DC);
void RemoveStruct(EDA_BaseStruct * Item, wxDC * DC);
void Transform(MODULE* module, wxDC * DC, int transform);
// Chargement de modules
MODULE * Import_Module(wxDC * DC);
void Export_Module(MODULE* ptmod, bool createlib);
void Load_Module_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE * Module );
// Gestion des contours
void Edit_Edge_Width(EDGE_MODULE * Edge, wxDC * DC);
void Edit_Edge_Layer(EDGE_MODULE * Edge, wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Edge_Module(EDGE_MODULE * Edge, wxDC * DC);
EDGE_MODULE * Begin_Edge_Module(EDGE_MODULE * Edge, wxDC * DC, int type_edge);
void End_Edge_Module(EDGE_MODULE * Edge,wxDC * DC);
void Enter_Edge_Width(EDGE_MODULE * Edge, wxDC * DC);
void Start_Move_EdgeMod(EDGE_MODULE * drawitem, wxDC * DC);
void Place_EdgeMod(EDGE_MODULE * drawitem, wxDC * DC);
// Gestion des librairies:
void Delete_Module_In_Library(const wxString & libname);
int Create_Librairie(const wxString & LibName);
void Select_Active_Library(void);
/* class WinEDA_SchematicFrame */
/* enum utilisé dans RotationMiroir() */
enum fl_rot_cmp
CMP_NORMAL, // orientation normale (O, pas de miroir)
CMP_ROTATE_CLOCKWISE, // nouvelle rotation de -90
CMP_ROTATE_COUNTERCLOCKWISE, // nouvelle rotation de +90
CMP_ORIENT_0, // orientation 0, pas de miroir, id CMP_NORMAL
CMP_ORIENT_90, // orientation 90, pas de miroir
CMP_ORIENT_180, // orientation 180, pas de miroir
CMP_ORIENT_270, // orientation -90, pas de miroir
CMP_MIROIR_X = 0x100, // miroir selon axe X
CMP_MIROIR_Y = 0x200 // miroir selon axe Y
class WinEDA_SchematicFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelPartBox;
wxMenu * m_FilesMenu;
WinEDA_SchematicFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent,
const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Process_Config(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Save_Config(wxWindow * displayframe);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void ReCreateOptToolbar(void);
void ReCreateMenuBar(void);
void SetToolbars(void);
SCH_SCREEN * GetScreen(void) { return (SCH_SCREEN *) m_CurrentScreen;}
void InstallConfigFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
void OnSelectOptionToolbar(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToolOnRightClick(wxCommandEvent& event);
int BestZoom(void); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
EDA_BaseStruct * SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(bool IncludePin = TRUE);
EDA_BaseStruct * SchematicGeneralLocateAndDisplay(const wxPoint & refpoint, bool IncludePin);
/* netlist generation */
void * BuildNetListBase(void);
// FUnctions used for hierarchy handling
void InstallPreviousScreen(void);
void InstallNextScreen(DrawSheetStruct * Sheet);
void ToPlot_PS(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToPlot_HPGL(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ToPostProcess(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Save_File(wxCommandEvent& event);
int LoadOneEEProject(const wxString & FileName, bool IsNew);
bool LoadOneEEFile(SCH_SCREEN * screen, const wxString & FullFileName);
bool SaveEEFile(SCH_SCREEN *screen, int FileSave);
bool LoadOneSheet(SCH_SCREEN * screen, const wxString & FullFileName);
// General search:
EDA_BaseStruct * FindSchematicItem(const wxString & pattern, int SearchType);
EDA_BaseStruct * FindMarker(int SearchType);
void Process_Move_Item(EDA_BaseStruct *DrawStruct, wxDC * DC);
// Bus Entry
DrawBusEntryStruct * CreateBusEntry(wxDC * DC, int entry_type);
void SetBusEntryShape(wxDC * DC, DrawBusEntryStruct *BusEntry, int entry_type);
int GetBusEntryShape( DrawBusEntryStruct *BusEntry);
void StartMoveBusEntry(DrawBusEntryStruct * DrawLibItem, wxDC * DC);
// NoConnect
EDA_BaseStruct *CreateNewNoConnectStruct(wxDC * DC);
// Junction
DrawJunctionStruct * CreateNewJunctionStruct(wxDC * DC,
const wxPoint & pos, bool PutInUndoList = FALSE);
// Text ,label, glabel
EDA_BaseStruct * CreateNewText(wxDC * DC, int type);
void EditSchematicText(DrawTextStruct * TextStruct, wxDC * DC);
void ChangeTextOrient(DrawTextStruct * TextStruct, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveTexte(DrawTextStruct * TextStruct, wxDC *DC);
void ConvertTextType(DrawTextStruct * Text, wxDC * DC, int newtype);
// Wire, Bus
void BeginSegment(wxDC * DC, int type);
void EndSegment(wxDC *DC);
void DeleteCurrentSegment(wxDC * DC);
void DeleteConnection(wxDC * DC, bool DeleteFullConnection);
// graphic lines
void Delete_Segment_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC * DC);
void Drawing_SetNewWidth(DRAWSEGMENT *DrawSegm, wxDC * DC);
void Delete_Drawings_All_Layer(DRAWSEGMENT *Segment, wxDC * DC);
DRAWSEGMENT * Begin_Edge(DRAWSEGMENT * Segment, wxDC * DC);
// Hierarchical Sheet & PinSheet
void InstallHierarchyFrame(wxDC * DC, wxPoint &pos);
DrawSheetStruct * CreateSheet(wxDC * DC);
void ReSizeSheet(DrawSheetStruct * Sheet, wxDC * DC);
bool EditSheet(DrawSheetStruct * Sheet, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveSheet(DrawSheetStruct* sheet, wxDC * DC);
DrawSheetLabelStruct * Create_PinSheet(DrawSheetStruct * Sheet, wxDC * DC);
void Edit_PinSheet(DrawSheetLabelStruct * SheetLabel, wxDC * DC);
void StartMove_PinSheet(DrawSheetLabelStruct * SheetLabel, wxDC * DC);
void Place_PinSheet(DrawSheetLabelStruct * SheetLabel, wxDC * DC);
DrawSheetLabelStruct * Import_PinSheet(DrawSheetStruct * Sheet, wxDC * DC);
void DeleteSheetLabel(wxDC * DC, DrawSheetLabelStruct * SheetLabelToDel);
// Component
EDA_SchComponentStruct * Load_Component(wxDC * DC,
const wxString & libname, wxArrayString & List, bool UseLibBrowser );
void StartMovePart(EDA_SchComponentStruct * DrawLibItem, wxDC * DC);
void CmpRotationMiroir(
EDA_SchComponentStruct * DrawComponent, wxDC * DC, int type_rotate );
void SelPartUnit(EDA_SchComponentStruct *DrawComponent, int unit, wxDC * DC);
void ConvertPart(EDA_SchComponentStruct *DrawComponent, wxDC * DC);
void SetInitCmp(EDA_SchComponentStruct * DrawComponent, wxDC * DC);
void EditComponentReference(EDA_SchComponentStruct * DrawLibItem, wxDC * DC);
void EditComponentValue(EDA_SchComponentStruct * DrawLibItem, wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveCmpField(PartTextStruct * Field, wxDC * DC);
void EditCmpFieldText(PartTextStruct * Field, wxDC *DC);
void RotateCmpField(PartTextStruct * Field, wxDC * DC);
/* Operations sur bloc */
void PasteStruct(wxDC * DC);
/* Undo - redo */
void SaveCopyInUndoList(EDA_BaseStruct * ItemToCopy, int flag_type_command = 0);
void PutDataInPreviousState(DrawPickedStruct * List);
void GetSchematicFromRedoList(void);
void GetSchematicFromUndoList(void);
void OnHotKey(wxDC * DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct);
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
void InitBlockPasteInfos();
void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
void HandleBlockEndByPopUp(int Command, wxDC * DC);
// Repetition automatique de placements
void RepeatDrawItem(wxDC *DC);
// Test des points de connexion en l'air (dangling ends)
void TestDanglingEnds(EDA_BaseStruct *DrawList, wxDC *DC);
LibDrawPin * LocatePinEnd(EDA_BaseStruct *DrawList, const wxPoint & pos);
/* class WinEDA_LibeditFrame */
class WinEDA_LibeditFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelpartBox;
WinEDAChoiceBox * m_SelAliasBox;
WinEDA_LibeditFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent,
const wxString & title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void DisplayLibInfos(void);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
int BestZoom(void); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void SetToolbars(void);
void OnLeftDClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
SCH_SCREEN * GetScreen(void) { return (SCH_SCREEN *) m_CurrentScreen;}
// General:
void CreateNewLibraryPart(void);
void DeleteOnePart(void);
void SaveOnePartInMemory(void);
void SelectActiveLibrary(void);
bool LoadOneLibraryPart(void);
void SaveActiveLibrary(void);
void ImportOnePart(void);
void ExportOnePart(bool create_lib);
int LoadOneLibraryPartAux(EDA_LibComponentStruct *LibEntry,
LibraryStruct *Library, int noMsg = 0);
void DisplayCmpDoc(const wxString & Name);
void InstallLibeditFrame(const wxPoint & pos);
// General editing
void SaveCopyInUndoList(EDA_BaseStruct * ItemToCopy, int flag_type_command = 0);
void GetComponentFromUndoList(void);
void GetComponentFromRedoList(void);
// Edition des Pins:
void CreatePin(wxDC * DC);
void DeletePin(wxDC * DC,
EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
LibDrawPin* Pin);
void StartMovePin(wxDC * DC);
// Test des pins ( duplicates...)
bool TestPins(EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry);
// Edition de l'ancre
void PlaceAncre(void);
// Edition des graphismes:
LibEDA_BaseStruct * CreateGraphicItem(wxDC * DC);
void GraphicItemBeginDraw(wxDC * DC);
void StartMoveDrawSymbol(wxDC * DC);
void EndDrawGraphicItem(wxDC * DC);
void LoadOneSymbol(wxDC * DC);
void SaveOneSymbol(void);
void EditGraphicSymbol(wxDC * DC, LibEDA_BaseStruct * DrawItem);
void EditSymbolText(wxDC * DC, LibEDA_BaseStruct * DrawItem);
void RotateSymbolText(wxDC * DC);
void DeleteDrawPoly(wxDC * DC);
LibDrawField * LocateField(EDA_LibComponentStruct *LibEntry);
void RotateField(wxDC * DC, LibDrawField *Field);
void PlaceField(wxDC * DC, LibDrawField *Field);
void EditField(wxDC * DC, LibDrawField *Field);
void StartMoveField(wxDC * DC, LibDrawField *field);
/* Block commands: */
int ReturnBlockCommand(int key);
void HandleBlockPlace(wxDC * DC);
int HandleBlockEnd(wxDC * DC);
void DeletePartInLib( LibraryStruct * Library, EDA_LibComponentStruct *Entry);
void PlacePin(wxDC * DC);
void InitEditOnePin(void);
void GlobalSetPins(wxDC * DC, LibDrawPin * MasterPin, int id);
// Repetition automatique de placement de pins
void RepeatPinItem(wxDC *DC, LibDrawPin * Pin);
class LibraryStruct;
class WinEDA_ViewlibFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame
WinEDAChoiceBox *SelpartBox;
wxListBox * m_LibList;
wxSize m_LibListSize;
wxListBox * m_CmpList;
wxSize m_CmpListSize;
wxSemaphore * m_Semaphore; // != NULL if the frame must emulate a modal dialog
WinEDA_ViewlibFrame( wxWindow * father, WinEDA_App *parent,
LibraryStruct * Library = NULL,
wxSemaphore * semaphore= NULL);
void OnSize(wxSizeEvent& event);
void ReCreateListLib(void);
void ReCreateListCmp(void);
void Process_Special_Functions(wxCommandEvent& event);
void DisplayLibInfos(void);
void RedrawActiveWindow(wxDC * DC, bool EraseBg);
void OnCloseWindow(wxCloseEvent & Event);
void ReCreateHToolbar(void);
void ReCreateVToolbar(void);
void OnLeftClick(wxDC * DC, const wxPoint& MousePos);
int BestZoom(void); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
void ClickOnLibList(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ClickOnCmpList(wxCommandEvent & event);
SCH_SCREEN * GetScreen(void) { return (SCH_SCREEN *) m_CurrentScreen;}
void SelectCurrentLibrary(void);
void SelectAndViewLibraryPart(int option);
void ExportToSchematicLibraryPart(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ViewOneLibraryContent(LibraryStruct *Lib, int Flag);
void OnRightClick(const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu * PopMenu);
/* classe representant un ecran graphique de dessin */
#include "drawpanel_wxstruct.h"
/* classe representant un ecran d'affichage des messages */
class WinEDA_MsgPanel: public wxPanel
WinEDA_DrawFrame * m_Parent;
int m_BgColor; // couleur de fond
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_MsgPanel(WinEDA_DrawFrame *parent, int id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size);
void OnPaint(wxPaintEvent & event);
void EraseMsgBox(void);
void EraseMsgBox(wxDC * DC);
void Affiche_1_Parametre(int pos_X,const wxString & texte_H,
const wxString & texte_L,int color);
/* Classe pour editer une ligne de texte dans les menus de config */
class WinEDA_EnterText
bool m_Modify;
wxString m_NewText;
wxTextCtrl * m_FrameText;
wxStaticText * m_Title;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_EnterText(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & Title,
const wxString & TextToEdit, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer,
const wxSize & Size );
wxString GetValue(void);
void GetValue(char * buffer, int lenmax);
void SetValue(const wxString & new_text);
void Enable(bool enbl);
void SetFocus(void) { m_FrameText->SetFocus(); }
void SetInsertionPoint(int n) { m_FrameText->SetInsertionPoint(n); }
void SetSelection(int n, int m) {
m_FrameText->SetSelection(n, m); }
/* Classe pour editer un texte graphique + dimension en INCHES ou MM */
class WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl
int m_Units, m_Internal_Unit;
wxTextCtrl * m_FrameText;
wxTextCtrl * m_FrameSize;
wxStaticText * m_Title;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_GraphicTextCtrl(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & Title,
const wxString & TextToEdit, int textsize,
int units, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer, int framelen = 200,
int internal_unit = EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT);
wxString GetText(void);
int GetTextSize(void);
void Enable(bool state);
void SetTitle(const wxString & title);
void SetFocus(void) { m_FrameText->SetFocus(); }
void SetValue(const wxString & value);
void SetValue(int value);
/* Classe pour afficher et editer une coordonnée en INCHES ou MM */
class WinEDA_PositionCtrl
int m_Units, m_Internal_Unit;
wxPoint m_Pos_To_Edit;
wxTextCtrl * m_FramePosX;
wxTextCtrl * m_FramePosY;
wxStaticText * m_TextX, * m_TextY;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_PositionCtrl(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & title,
const wxPoint & pos_to_edit,
int units, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer,
int internal_unit = EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
void Enable(bool x_win_on, bool y_win_on);
void SetValue(int x_value, int y_value);
wxPoint GetValue(void);
/* Classe pour afficher et editer une coordonnée en INCHES ou MM */
class WinEDA_SizeCtrl: public WinEDA_PositionCtrl
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_SizeCtrl(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & title,
const wxSize & size_to_edit,
int units, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer,
int internal_unit = EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
~WinEDA_SizeCtrl(void) {}
wxSize GetValue(void);
/* Classe pour afficher et editer une valeur en INCHES ou MM */
/* internal_unit est le nombre d'unites internes par inch
- 1000 sur EESchema
- 10000 sur PcbNew
class WinEDA_ValueCtrl
int m_Units;
int m_Value;
wxTextCtrl * m_ValueCtrl;
int m_Internal_Unit;
wxStaticText * m_Text;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_ValueCtrl(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & title, int value,
int units, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer,
int internal_unit = EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT );
int GetValue(void);
void SetValue(int new_value);
void Enable(bool enbl);
void SetToolTip(const wxString & text)
/* Classe pour afficher et editer une valeur double flottant */
class WinEDA_DFloatValueCtrl
double m_Value;
wxTextCtrl * m_ValueCtrl;
wxStaticText * m_Text;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_DFloatValueCtrl(wxWindow *parent, const wxString & title,
double value, wxBoxSizer * BoxSizer);
double GetValue(void);
void SetValue(double new_value);
void Enable(bool enbl);
void SetToolTip(const wxString & text)
/* class WinEDA_Toolbar */
class WinEDA_Toolbar: public wxToolBar
wxWindow * m_Parent;
id_toolbar m_Ident;
WinEDA_Toolbar * Pnext;
bool m_Horizontal;
int m_Size;
WinEDA_Toolbar(id_toolbar type, wxWindow * parent,
wxWindowID id, bool horizontal);
WinEDA_Toolbar * Next(void) { return Pnext;}
/* class WinEDAListBox */
class WinEDAListBox : public wxDialog
WinEDA_DrawFrame * m_Parent;
wxListBox * m_List;
wxTextCtrl * m_WinMsg;
const wxChar ** m_ItemList;
void(* m_MoveFct)(wxString & Text);
WinEDAListBox( WinEDA_DrawFrame * parent, const wxString & title,
const wxChar ** ItemList,
const wxString & RefText,
void(* movefct)(wxString & Text) = NULL,
const wxColour & colour = wxNullColour,
wxPoint dialog_position = wxDefaultPosition);
void SortList( void );
void Append(const wxString & item);
void InsertItems(const wxArrayString & itemlist, int position=0);
void MoveMouseToOrigin(void);
wxString GetTextSelection(void);
void OnClose(wxCloseEvent& event);
void Cancel(wxCommandEvent& event);
void Ok(wxCommandEvent& event);
void ClickOnList(wxCommandEvent& event);
void D_ClickOnList(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnKeyEvent(wxKeyEvent& event);
/* class WinEDAChoiceBox */
/* class to display a choice list.
This is a wrapper to wxComboBox (or wxChoice)
but because they have some problems, WinEDAChoiceBox uses workarounds:
- in wxGTK 2.6.2 wxGetSelection() does not work properly,
- and wxChoice crashes if compiled in non unicode mode and uses utf8 codes
class WinEDAChoiceBox : public wxComboBox
WinEDAChoiceBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition,
const wxSize& size = wxDefaultSize,
int n = 0, const wxString choices[] = NULL) :
wxComboBox(parent, id, wxEmptyString, pos, size,
n, choices, wxCB_READONLY)
WinEDAChoiceBox(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
const wxArrayString & choices) :
wxComboBox(parent, id, wxEmptyString, pos, size,
choices, wxCB_READONLY)
int GetChoice(void){
return GetCurrentSelection();
#endif /* WXSTRUCT_H */