
3637 lines
113 KiB

// Name: mathplot.cpp
// Purpose: Framework for plotting in wxWindows
// Original Author: David Schalig
// Maintainer: Davide Rondini
// Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco, Val Greene
// Created: 21/07/2003
// Last edit: 09/09/2007
// Copyright: (c) David Schalig, Davide Rondini
// Licence: wxWindows licence
#ifdef __GNUG__
// #pragma implementation "plot.h"
#pragma implementation "mathplot.h"
// For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx.h".
#include <wx/window.h>
//#include <wx/wxprec.h>
// Comment out for release operation:
// (Added by J.L.Blanco, Aug 2007)
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include "wx/object.h"
#include "wx/font.h"
#include "wx/colour.h"
#include "wx/settings.h"
#include "wx/sizer.h"
#include "wx/log.h"
#include "wx/intl.h"
#include "wx/dcclient.h"
#include "wx/cursor.h"
#include <widgets/mathplot.h>
#include <wx/bmpbuttn.h>
#include <wx/module.h>
#include <wx/msgdlg.h>
#include <wx/image.h>
#include <wx/tipwin.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio> // used only for debug
#include <ctime> // used for representation of x axes involving date
// #include "pixel.xpm"
// Memory leak debugging
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Legend margins
#define mpLEGEND_MARGIN 5
// Minimum axis label separation
// Number of pixels to scroll when scrolling by a line
// See doxygen comments.
double mpWindow::zoomIncrementalFactor = 1.5;
// mpLayer
mpLayer::mpLayer() : m_type(mpLAYER_UNDEF)
SetPen((wxPen&) *wxBLACK_PEN);
SetFont((wxFont&) *wxNORMAL_FONT);
m_continuous = FALSE; // Default
m_showName = TRUE; // Default
m_drawOutsideMargins = FALSE;
m_visible = true;
wxBitmap mpLayer::GetColourSquare(int side)
wxBitmap square(side, side, -1);
wxColour filler = m_pen.GetColour();
wxBrush brush(filler, wxSOLID);
wxMemoryDC dc;
return square;
// mpInfoLayer
m_dim = wxRect(0,0,1,1);
m_reference.x = 0; m_reference.y = 0;
m_winX = 1; //parent->GetScrX();
m_winY = 1; //parent->GetScrY();
m_type = mpLAYER_INFO;
mpInfoLayer::mpInfoLayer(wxRect rect, const wxBrush* brush) : m_dim(rect)
m_brush = *brush;
m_reference.x = rect.x;
m_reference.y = rect.y;
m_winX = 1; //parent->GetScrX();
m_winY = 1; //parent->GetScrY();
m_type = mpLAYER_INFO;
void mpInfoLayer::UpdateInfo(mpWindow& w, wxEvent& event)
bool mpInfoLayer::Inside(wxPoint& point)
return m_dim.Contains(point);
void mpInfoLayer::Move(wxPoint delta)
m_dim.SetX(m_reference.x + delta.x);
m_dim.SetY(m_reference.y + delta.y);
void mpInfoLayer::UpdateReference()
m_reference.x = m_dim.x;
m_reference.y = m_dim.y;
void mpInfoLayer::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
// Adjust relative position inside the window
int scrx = w.GetScrX();
int scry = w.GetScrY();
// Avoid dividing by 0
if(scrx == 0) scrx=1;
if(scry == 0) scry=1;
if ((m_winX != scrx) || (m_winY != scry)) {
// wxLogMessage(_("mpInfoLayer::Plot() screen size has changed from %d x %d to %d x %d"), m_winX, m_winY, scrx, scry);
if (m_winX > 1)
m_dim.x = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.x*scrx/m_winX));
if (m_winY > 1) {
m_dim.y = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.y*scry/m_winY));
// Finally update window size
m_winX = scrx;
m_winY = scry;
// wxImage image0(wxT("pixel.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
// wxBitmap image1(image0);
// wxBrush semiWhite(image1);
dc.DrawRectangle(m_dim.x, m_dim.y, m_dim.width, m_dim.height);
wxPoint mpInfoLayer::GetPosition()
return m_dim.GetPosition();
wxSize mpInfoLayer::GetSize()
return m_dim.GetSize();
mpInfoCoords::mpInfoCoords() : mpInfoLayer()
mpInfoCoords::mpInfoCoords(wxRect rect, const wxBrush* brush) : mpInfoLayer(rect, brush)
void mpInfoCoords::UpdateInfo(mpWindow& w, wxEvent& event)
if (event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_MOTION) {
int mouseX = ((wxMouseEvent&)event).GetX();
int mouseY = ((wxMouseEvent&)event).GetY();
/* It seems that Windows port of wxWidgets don't support multi-line test to be drawn in a wxDC.
wxGTK instead works perfectly with it.
Info on wxForum: */
#ifdef _WINDOWS
// FIXME m_content.Printf(wxT("x = %f y = %f"), XScale().P2x(w, mouseX), YScale().P2x(w, mouseY));
// FIXME m_content.Printf(wxT("x = %f\ny = %f"), XScale().P2x(w, mouseX), YScale().P2x(w, mouseY));
void mpInfoCoords::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
// Adjust relative position inside the window
int scrx = w.GetScrX();
int scry = w.GetScrY();
if ((m_winX != scrx) || (m_winY != scry)) {
// wxLogMessage(_("mpInfoLayer::Plot() screen size has changed from %d x %d to %d x %d"), m_winX, m_winY, scrx, scry);
if (m_winX > 1)
m_dim.x = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.x*scrx/m_winX));
if (m_winY > 1) {
m_dim.y = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.y*scry/m_winY));
// Finally update window size
m_winX = scrx;
m_winY = scry;
// wxImage image0(wxT("pixel.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
// wxBitmap image1(image0);
// wxBrush semiWhite(image1);
int textX, textY;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_content, &textX, &textY);
if (m_dim.width < textX + 10) m_dim.width = textX + 10;
if (m_dim.height < textY + 10) m_dim.height = textY + 10;
dc.DrawRectangle(m_dim.x, m_dim.y, m_dim.width, m_dim.height);
dc.DrawText(m_content, m_dim.x + 5, m_dim.y + 5);
mpInfoLegend::mpInfoLegend() : mpInfoLayer()
mpInfoLegend::mpInfoLegend(wxRect rect, const wxBrush* brush) : mpInfoLayer(rect, brush)
void mpInfoLegend::UpdateInfo(mpWindow& w, wxEvent& event)
void mpInfoLegend::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
// Adjust relative position inside the window
int scrx = w.GetScrX();
int scry = w.GetScrY();
if ((m_winX != scrx) || (m_winY != scry)) {
// wxLogMessage(_("mpInfoLayer::Plot() screen size has changed from %d x %d to %d x %d"), m_winX, m_winY, scrx, scry);
if (m_winX > 1)
m_dim.x = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.x*scrx/m_winX));
if (m_winY > 1) {
m_dim.y = (int) floor((double)(m_dim.y*scry/m_winY));
// Finally update window size
m_winX = scrx;
m_winY = scry;
// wxImage image0(wxT("pixel.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG);
// wxBitmap image1(image0);
// wxBrush semiWhite(image1);
const int baseWidth = (mpLEGEND_MARGIN*2 + mpLEGEND_LINEWIDTH);
int textX = baseWidth, textY = mpLEGEND_MARGIN;
int plotCount = 0;
int posY = 0;
int tmpX = 0, tmpY = 0;
mpLayer* ly = NULL;
wxPen lpen;
wxString label;
for (unsigned int p = 0; p < w.CountAllLayers(); p++) {
ly = w.GetLayer(p);
if ((ly->GetLayerType() == mpLAYER_PLOT) && (ly->IsVisible())) {
label = ly->GetName();
dc.GetTextExtent(label, &tmpX, &tmpY);
textX = (textX > (tmpX + baseWidth)) ? textX : (tmpX + baseWidth + mpLEGEND_MARGIN);
textY += (tmpY);
// wxLogMessage(_("mpInfoLegend::Plot() Adding layer %d: %s"), p, label.c_str());
m_dim.width = textX;
if (textY != mpLEGEND_MARGIN) { // Don't draw any thing if there are no visible layers
m_dim.height = textY;
dc.DrawRectangle(m_dim.x, m_dim.y, m_dim.width, m_dim.height);
for (unsigned int p2 = 0; p2 < w.CountAllLayers(); p2++) {
ly = w.GetLayer(p2);
if ((ly->GetLayerType() == mpLAYER_PLOT) && (ly->IsVisible())) {
label = ly->GetName();
lpen = ly->GetPen();
dc.GetTextExtent(label, &tmpX, &tmpY);
//textX = (textX > (tmpX + baseWidth)) ? textX : (tmpX + baseWidth);
//textY += (tmpY + mpLEGEND_MARGIN);
posY = m_dim.y + mpLEGEND_MARGIN + plotCount*tmpY + (tmpY>>1);
dc.DrawLine(m_dim.x + mpLEGEND_MARGIN, // X start coord
posY, // Y start coord
m_dim.x + mpLEGEND_LINEWIDTH + mpLEGEND_MARGIN, // X end coord
//dc.DrawRectangle(m_dim.x + 5, m_dim.y + 5 + plotCount*tmpY, 5, 5);
dc.DrawText(label, m_dim.x + baseWidth, m_dim.y + mpLEGEND_MARGIN + plotCount*tmpY);
#if 0
double mpScaleXLog::X2p( mpWindow &w, double x )
return ( x - w.GetPosX() ) * w.GetScaleX();
double mpScaleXLog::P2x( mpWindow &w, double x )
return w.GetPosX() + x / w.GetScaleX();
double mpScaleX::X2p( mpWindow &w, double x )
return ( x - w.GetPosX() ) * w.GetScaleX();
double mpScaleX::P2x( mpWindow &w, double x )
return w.GetPosX() + x / w.GetScaleX();
double mpScaleY::X2p( mpWindow &w, double x )
return ( w.GetPosY() - x ) * w.GetScaleY();
double mpScaleY::P2x( mpWindow &w, double x )
return w.GetPosY() - x/w.GetScaleY();
// mpLayer implementations - functions
mpFX::mpFX(wxString name, int flags)
m_flags = flags;
m_type = mpLAYER_PLOT;
void mpFX::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
wxCoord iy = 0;
if (m_pen.GetWidth() <= 1)
for (wxCoord i = startPx; i < endPx; ++i)
iy = w.y2p( GetY(w.p2x(i)));
// Draw the point only if you can draw outside margins or if the point is inside margins
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((iy >= minYpx) && (iy <= maxYpx)))
dc.DrawPoint(i, iy );// (wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - GetY( (double)i / w.GetScaleX() + w.GetPosX()) ) * w.GetScaleY()));
for (wxCoord i = startPx; i < endPx; ++i)
iy = w.y2p( GetY(w.p2x(i)));
// Draw the point only if you can draw outside margins or if the point is inside margins
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((iy >= minYpx) && (iy <= maxYpx)))
dc.DrawLine( i, iy, i, iy);
// wxCoord c = YScale().X2p( GetY(XScale().P2x(i)) ); //(wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - GetY( (double)i / w.GetScaleX() + w.GetPosX()) ) * w.GetScaleY());
if (!m_name.IsEmpty() && m_showName)
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
/*if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_RIGHT)
tx = (w.GetScrX()>>1) - tx - 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_CENTER)
tx = -tx/2;
tx = -(w.GetScrX()>>1) + 8;
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_RIGHT)
tx = (w.GetScrX() - tx) - w.GetMarginRight() - 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_CENTER)
tx = ((w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight() - w.GetMarginLeft() - tx) / 2) + w.GetMarginLeft();
tx = w.GetMarginLeft() + 8;
dc.DrawText( m_name, tx, w.y2p(GetY(w.p2x(tx))) );
mpFY::mpFY(wxString name, int flags)
m_flags = flags;
m_type = mpLAYER_PLOT;
void mpFY::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
wxCoord i, ix;
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
if (m_pen.GetWidth() <= 1)
for (i = minYpx; i < maxYpx; ++i)
ix = w.x2p(GetX(w.p2y(i)));
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((ix >= startPx) && (ix <= endPx)))
dc.DrawPoint(ix, i);
for (i=0;i< w.GetScrY(); ++i)
ix = w.x2p(GetX(w.p2y(i)));
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((ix >= startPx) && (ix <= endPx)))
dc.DrawLine(ix, i, ix, i);
// wxCoord c = XScale().X2p(GetX(YScale().P2x(i))); //(wxCoord) ((GetX( (double)i / w.GetScaleY() + w.GetPosY()) - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
// dc.DrawLine(c, i, c, i);
if (!m_name.IsEmpty() && m_showName)
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_TOP)
ty = w.GetMarginTop() + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_CENTER)
ty = ((w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginTop() - w.GetMarginBottom() - ty) / 2) + w.GetMarginTop();
ty = w.GetScrY() - 8 - ty - w.GetMarginBottom();
dc.DrawText( m_name, w.x2p(GetX(w.p2y(ty))), ty ); // (wxCoord) ((GetX( (double)i / w.GetScaleY() + w.GetPosY()) - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX()), -ty);
mpFXY::mpFXY(wxString name, int flags)
m_flags = flags;
m_type = mpLAYER_PLOT;
m_scaleX = NULL;
m_scaleY = NULL;
void mpFXY::UpdateViewBoundary(wxCoord xnew, wxCoord ynew)
// Keep track of how many points have been drawn and the bouding box
maxDrawX = (xnew > maxDrawX) ? xnew : maxDrawX;
minDrawX = (xnew < minDrawX) ? xnew : minDrawX;
maxDrawY = (maxDrawY > ynew) ? maxDrawY : ynew;
minDrawY = (minDrawY < ynew) ? minDrawY : ynew;
void mpFXY::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
double x, y;
// Do this to reset the counters to evaluate bounding box for label positioning
Rewind(); GetNextXY(x, y);
maxDrawX = x; minDrawX = x; maxDrawY = y; minDrawY = y;
//drawnPoints = 0;
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
dc.SetClippingRegion (startPx, minYpx, endPx - startPx + 1, maxYpx - minYpx + 1);
wxCoord ix = 0, iy = 0;
if (!m_continuous)
// for some reason DrawPoint does not use the current pen,
// so we use DrawLine for fat pens
if (m_pen.GetWidth() <= 1)
while (GetNextXY(x, y))
double px = m_scaleX->TransformToPlot(x);
double py = m_scaleY->TransformToPlot(y);
ix = w.x2p(px);
iy = w.y2p(py);
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((ix >= startPx) && (ix <= endPx) && (iy >= minYpx) && (iy <= maxYpx))) {
dc.DrawPoint(ix, iy);
UpdateViewBoundary(ix, iy);
while (GetNextXY(x, y))
double px = m_scaleX->TransformToPlot(x);
double py = m_scaleY->TransformToPlot(y);
ix = w.x2p(px);
iy = w.y2p(py);
if (m_drawOutsideMargins || ((ix >= startPx) && (ix <= endPx) && (iy >= minYpx) && (iy <= maxYpx))) {
dc.DrawLine(ix, iy, ix, iy);
UpdateViewBoundary(ix, iy);
// dc.DrawLine(cx, cy, cx, cy);
int n =0 ;
// Old code
wxCoord x0=0,c0=0;
bool first = TRUE;
while (GetNextXY(x, y))
double px = m_scaleX->TransformToPlot(x);
double py = m_scaleY->TransformToPlot(y);
if(py >= 0.0 && py <= 1.0) n++;
//printf("py %.1f\n", py);
wxCoord x1 = w.x2p(px);
wxCoord c1 = w.y2p(py);
//printf("px %.10f py %.10f c1 %d\n", px, py, c1);
//wxCoord x1 = XScale().X2p(w,x); // (wxCoord) ((x - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
//wxCoord c1 = YScale().X2p(w,y); // (wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - y) * w.GetScaleY());
if (first)
bool outUp, outDown;
if((x1 >= startPx)&&(x0 <= endPx)) {
outDown = (c0 > maxYpx) && (c1 > maxYpx);
outUp = (c0 < minYpx) && (c1 < minYpx);
if ( !outUp && !outDown ) {
dc.DrawLine(x0, c0, x1, c1);
// UpdateViewBoundary(x1, c1);
x0=x1; c0=c1;
//printf("n %s %d\n", (const char *) m_name.c_str(), n);
if (!m_name.IsEmpty() && m_showName)
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
// xxx implement else ... if (!HasBBox())
// const int sx = w.GetScrX();
// const int sy = w.GetScrY();
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NW)
tx = minDrawX + 8;
ty = maxDrawY + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NE)
tx = maxDrawX - tx - 8;
ty = maxDrawY + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_SE)
tx = maxDrawX - tx - 8;
ty = minDrawY - ty - 8;
{ // mpALIGN_SW
tx = minDrawX + 8;
ty = minDrawY - ty - 8;
dc.DrawText( m_name, tx, ty);
// mpProfile implementation
mpProfile::mpProfile(wxString name, int flags)
m_flags = flags;
m_type = mpLAYER_PLOT;
void mpProfile::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
// Plot profile linking subsequent point of the profile, instead of mpFY, which plots simple points.
for (wxCoord i = startPx; i < endPx; ++i) {
wxCoord c0 = w.y2p( GetY(w.p2x(i)) ); // (wxCoord) ((w.GetYpos() - GetY( (double)i / w.GetXscl() + w.GetXpos()) ) * w.GetYscl());
wxCoord c1 = w.y2p( GetY(w.p2x(i+1)) );//(wxCoord) ((w.GetYpos() - GetY( (double)(i+1) / w.GetXscl() + (w.GetXpos() ) ) ) * w.GetYscl());
// c0 = (c0 <= maxYpx) ? ((c0 >= minYpx) ? c0 : minYpx) : maxYpx;
// c1 = (c1 <= maxYpx) ? ((c1 >= minYpx) ? c1 : minYpx) : maxYpx;
if (!m_drawOutsideMargins) {
c0 = (c0 <= maxYpx) ? ((c0 >= minYpx) ? c0 : minYpx) : maxYpx;
c1 = (c1 <= maxYpx) ? ((c1 >= minYpx) ? c1 : minYpx) : maxYpx;
dc.DrawLine(i, c0, i+1, c1);
if (!m_name.IsEmpty()) {
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_RIGHT)
tx = (w.GetScrX() - tx) - w.GetMarginRight() - 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_CENTER)
tx = ((w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight() - w.GetMarginLeft() - tx) / 2) + w.GetMarginLeft();
tx = w.GetMarginLeft() + 8;
dc.DrawText( m_name, tx, w.y2p( GetY( w.p2x(tx) ) ) );//(wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - GetY( (double)tx / w.GetScaleX() + w.GetPosX())) * w.GetScaleY()) );
// mpLayer implementations - furniture (scales, ...)
#define mpLN10 2.3025850929940456840179914546844
void mpScaleX::recalculateTicks ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
double minV, maxV, minVvis, maxVvis;
GetDataRange ( minV, maxV );
getVisibleDataRange ( w, minVvis, maxVvis );
m_absVisibleMaxV = std::max(std::abs(minVvis), std::abs(maxVvis));
//printf("minV %.10f maxV %.10f %.10f %.10f\n", minV, maxV, minVvis, maxVvis);
double minErr = 1000000000000.0;
double bestStep;
for(int i = 10; i <= 20; i+=2)
double step = fabs(maxVvis - minVvis) / (double) i;
double base = pow(10, floor(log10(step)));
//printf("base %.3f\n", base);
double stepInt = floor(step / base) * base;
double err = fabs(step - stepInt);
if(err< minErr)
minErr = err;
bestStep = stepInt;
//printf("step %d %.3f %.3f best %.3f\n",i, step, stepInt, bestStep);
double v = floor(minVvis / bestStep) * bestStep;
double zeroOffset = 100000000.0;
//printf("maxVVis %.3f\n", maxVvis);
while ( v < maxVvis )
if (fabs(v) < zeroOffset)
zeroOffset = fabs(v);
//printf("tick %.3f\n", v);
if ( zeroOffset <= bestStep )
for( double& t: m_tickValues )
t -= zeroOffset;
for( double t: m_tickValues )
//n0 = floor(minVvis / bestStep) * bestStep;
//end = n0 +
//n0 = floor( (w.GetPosX() ) / step ) * step ;
//printf("zeroOffset:%.3f tickjs : %d\n", zeroOffset, m_tickValues.size());
computeLabelExtents( dc, w );
void mpScaleX::computeLabelExtents ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
m_maxLabelHeight = 0;
m_maxLabelWidth = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < labelCount(); n++)
int tx, ty;
const wxString s = getLabel( n );
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &ty);
m_maxLabelHeight = std::max( ty, m_maxLabelHeight );
m_maxLabelWidth = std::max( tx, m_maxLabelWidth );
int mpScaleX::tickCount() const
return m_tickValues.size();
int mpScaleX::labelCount() const
return m_labeledTicks.size();
const wxString mpScaleX::getLabel( int n )
return wxT("L");
double mpScaleX::getTickPos( int n )
return m_tickValues[n];
double mpScaleX::getLabelPos( int n )
return m_labeledTicks[n];
void mpScaleY::getVisibleDataRange ( mpWindow& w, double &minV, double& maxV)
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
double pymin = w.p2y(minYpx);
double pymax = w.p2y(maxYpx);
//printf("PYmin %.3f PYmax %.3f\n", pymin, pymax);
minV = TransformFromPlot(pymax);
maxV = TransformFromPlot(pymin);
void mpScaleY::computeSlaveTicks( mpWindow& w )
double extend;
double bestErr = 100000000.0;
double alpha, beta;
//for(alpha = 1.0; alpha < 1.03; alpha += 0.001)
// for(beta = -0.05; beta < 0.05; beta += 0.001)
// for ( double t: m_masterScale->m_tickValues )
// {
if( m_masterScale->m_tickValues.size() == 0)
// printf("NTicks %d\n", m_masterScale->m_tickValues.size());
double p0 = m_masterScale->TransformToPlot(m_masterScale->m_tickValues[0]);
double p1 = m_masterScale->TransformToPlot(m_masterScale->m_tickValues[1]);
m_scale = 1.0 / ( m_maxV - m_minV );
m_offset = -m_minV;
double y_slave0 = p0 / m_scale;
double y_slave1 = p1 / m_scale;
double dy_slave = (y_slave1 - y_slave0);
double exponent = floor(log10(dy_slave));
double base = dy_slave/ pow(10.0, exponent);
double dy_scaled = ceil( 2.0* base ) / 2.0 * pow (10.0, exponent );
double minvv, maxvv;
getVisibleDataRange( w,minvv, maxvv);
minvv = floor(minvv / dy_scaled) * dy_scaled;
m_scale = 1.0 / ( m_maxV - m_minV );
m_scale *= dy_slave / dy_scaled;
// printf("dy %.10f %.10f minV %.1f maxV %.1f\n", dy_slave, dy_scaled, m_minV, m_maxV);
//minvv = (p0 / m_scale - m_offset);
m_offset = p0 / m_scale - minvv;
//m_offset =
//double y0_offset = floor ( (p0 / m_scale ) / dy_scaled) * dy_scaled;
//printf("P0 %.10f minvv %.10f\n", (p0 / m_scale) - m_offset, minvv);
double m;
for (int i = 0; i < m_masterScale->m_tickValues.size(); i++)
m = TransformFromPlot ( m_masterScale->TransformToPlot(m_masterScale->m_tickValues[i]) );
// printf("m %.10f\n", m);
//m += dy_scaled;
//double py = TransformToPlot
// printf("p %.1f %.1f\n", t, y_slave);
// }
void mpScaleY::recalculateTicks ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
// printf("this %p master %p\n", this, m_masterScale);
if ( m_masterScale )
computeSlaveTicks( w );
computeLabelExtents( dc, w );
//dig = floor( log( 128.0 / w.GetScaleY() ) / mpLN10 );
//step = exp( mpLN10 * dig);
//end = w.GetPosX() + (double)extend / w.GetScaleY();
double minV, maxV, minVvis, maxVvis;
GetDataRange ( minV, maxV );
getVisibleDataRange ( w, minVvis, maxVvis );
//printf("vdr %.10f %.10f\n", minVvis, maxVvis);
m_absVisibleMaxV = std::max(std::abs(minVvis), std::abs(maxVvis));
double minErr = 1000000000000.0;
double bestStep;
for(int i = 10; i <= 20; i+=2)
double step = fabs(maxVvis - minVvis) / (double) i;
double base = pow(10, floor(log10(step)));
//printf("base %.3f\n", base);
double stepInt = floor(step / base) * base;
double err = fabs(step - stepInt);
if(err< minErr)
minErr = err;
bestStep = stepInt;
//printf("step %d %.3f %.3f best %.3f\n",i, step, stepInt, bestStep);
double v = floor(minVvis / bestStep) * bestStep;
double zeroOffset = 100000000.0;
//printf("maxVVis %.3f\n", maxVvis);
const int iterLimit = 1000;
int i = 0;
while ( v < maxVvis && i < iterLimit)
if (fabs(v) < zeroOffset)
zeroOffset = fabs(v);
//printf("tick %.3f\n", v);
// something weird happened...
if ( i == iterLimit )
if ( zeroOffset <= bestStep )
for( double& t: m_tickValues )
t -= zeroOffset;
for( double t: m_tickValues )
//n0 = floor(minVvis / bestStep) * bestStep;
//end = n0 +
//n0 = floor( (w.GetPosX() ) / step ) * step ;
//printf("zeroOffset:%.3f tickjs : %d\n", zeroOffset, m_tickValues.size());
computeLabelExtents( dc, w );
//labelStep = ceil(((double) m_maxLabelWidth + mpMIN_X_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION)/(w.GetScaleX()*step))*step;
void mpScaleY::computeLabelExtents ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
m_maxLabelHeight = 0;
m_maxLabelWidth = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < labelCount(); n++)
int tx, ty;
//printf("***********GetLabel %d\n", n);
const wxString s = getLabel( n );
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &ty);
m_maxLabelHeight = std::max( ty, m_maxLabelHeight );
m_maxLabelWidth = std::max( tx, m_maxLabelWidth );
int mpScaleY::tickCount() const
return m_tickValues.size();
int mpScaleY::labelCount() const
return m_labeledTicks.size();
const wxString mpScaleY::getLabel( int n )
return wxT("L");
double mpScaleY::getTickPos( int n )
return m_tickValues[n];
double mpScaleY::getLabelPos( int n )
return m_labeledTicks[n];
void mpScaleXBase::getVisibleDataRange ( mpWindow& w, double &minV, double& maxV)
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
double pxmin = w.p2x(startPx);
double pxmax = w.p2x(endPx);
minV = TransformFromPlot(pxmin);
maxV = TransformFromPlot(pxmax);
void mpScaleXLog::recalculateTicks ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
double minV, maxV, minVvis, maxVvis;
GetDataRange ( minV, maxV );
getVisibleDataRange ( w, minVvis, maxVvis );
double decades = log( maxV / minV ) / log(10);
double minDecade = pow(10, floor(log10(minV)));
double maxDecade = pow(10, ceil(log10(maxV)));
double visibleDecades = log( maxVvis / minVvis ) / log(10);
double d;
if ( minDecade == 0.0 )
for ( d= minDecade; d<=maxDecade; d *= 10.0)
//printf("d %.1f\n",d );
m_labeledTicks.push_back( d );
for(double dd = d; dd < d * 10; dd += d)
if(visibleDecades < 2)
//printf("dd %.1f\n",dd);
computeLabelExtents( dc, w );
//printf("labeled ticks : %d\n", m_labeledTicks.size());
labelStep = ceil(((double) m_maxLabelWidth + mpMIN_X_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION)/(w.GetScaleX()*step))*step;
void mpScaleXLog::computeLabelExtents ( wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w )
m_maxLabelHeight = 0;
m_maxLabelWidth = 0;
for (int n = 0; n < labelCount(); n++)
int tx, ty;
const wxString s = getLabel( n );
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &ty);
m_maxLabelHeight = std::max( ty, m_maxLabelHeight );
m_maxLabelWidth = std::max( tx, m_maxLabelWidth );
int mpScaleXLog::tickCount() const
return m_tickValues.size();
int mpScaleXLog::labelCount() const
return m_labeledTicks.size();
// return (int) floor( ( end - n0 ) / labelStep );
const wxString mpScaleXLog::getLabel( int n )
return wxT("L");
double mpScaleXLog::getTickPos( int n )
return m_tickValues[n]; //n0 + (double) n * step;
double mpScaleXLog::getLabelPos( int n )
return m_labeledTicks[n];
mpScaleXBase::mpScaleXBase(wxString name, int flags, bool ticks, unsigned int type)
SetFont( (wxFont&) *wxSMALL_FONT);
SetPen( (wxPen&) *wxGREY_PEN);
m_flags = flags;
m_ticks = ticks;
//m_labelType = type;
m_type = mpLAYER_AXIS;
//m_labelFormat = wxT("");
mpScaleX::mpScaleX(wxString name, int flags, bool ticks, unsigned int type) :
mpScaleXBase ( name, flags, ticks ,type ) {};
mpScaleXLog::mpScaleXLog(wxString name, int flags, bool ticks, unsigned int type) :
mpScaleXBase ( name, flags, ticks ,type ) {};
void mpScaleXBase::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
int tx, ty;
m_offset = -m_minV;
m_scale = 1.0 / ( m_maxV - m_minV );
recalculateTicks( dc, w );
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
dc.SetFont( m_font);
int orgy=0;
const int extend = w.GetScrX(); // /2;
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_CENTER)
orgy = w.y2p(0); //(int)(w.GetPosY() * w.GetScaleY());
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_TOP) {
if (m_drawOutsideMargins)
orgy = w.GetMarginTop();
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BOTTOM) {
if (m_drawOutsideMargins)
orgy = w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM )
orgy = w.GetScrY() - 1;//dc.LogicalToDeviceY(0) - 1;
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_TOP )
orgy = 1;//-dc.LogicalToDeviceY(0);
// dc.DrawLine( 0, orgy, w.GetScrX(), orgy);
wxLogMessage(wxT("mpScaleX::Plot: dig: %f , step: %f, end: %f, n: %f"), dig, step, end, n0);
wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft();
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
//printf("StartPx %d endPx %d ordy %d maxy %d\n", startPx, endPx, orgy, maxYpx);
int tmp=-65535;
int labelH = m_maxLabelHeight; // Control labels heigth to decide where to put axis name (below labels or on top of axis)
//int maxExtent = tc.MaxLabelWidth();
//printf("Ticks : %d\n",labelCount());
for (int n = 0; n < tickCount(); n++)
double tp = getTickPos(n);
//double xlogmin = log10 ( m_minV );
//double xlogmax = log10 ( m_maxV );
double px = TransformToPlot ( tp ); //( log10 ( tp ) - xlogmin) / (xlogmax - xlogmin);
const int p = (int)(( px - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
wxLogMessage(wxT("mpScaleX::Plot: n: %f -> p = %d"), n, p);
if ((p >= startPx) && (p <= endPx)) {
if (m_ticks) { // draw axis ticks
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM)
dc.DrawLine( p, orgy, p, orgy-4);
dc.DrawLine( p, orgy, p, orgy+4);
} else { // draw grid dotted lines
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_BOTTOM) && !m_drawOutsideMargins) {
dc.DrawLine( p, orgy+4, p, minYpx );
dc.DrawLine( p, orgy+4, p, orgy-4 );
} else {
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_TOP) && !m_drawOutsideMargins) {
dc.DrawLine( p, orgy-4, p, maxYpx );
} else {
dc.DrawLine( p, minYpx, p, maxYpx ); //0/*-w.GetScrY()*/, p, w.GetScrY() );
dc.DrawLine( startPx, minYpx, endPx, minYpx );
dc.DrawLine( startPx, maxYpx, endPx, maxYpx );
//printf("Labels : %d\n",labelCount());
// Actually draw labels, taking care of not overlapping them, and distributing them regularly
for (int n = 0; n < labelCount(); n++)
double tp = getLabelPos(n);
//double xlogmin = log10 ( m_minV );
//double xlogmax = log10 ( m_maxV );
double px = TransformToPlot ( tp ); //( log10 ( tp ) - xlogmin) / (xlogmax - xlogmin);
const int p = (int)((px- w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
//printf("p %d %.1f\n", p, px);
wxLogMessage(wxT("mpScaleX::Plot: n_label = %f -> p_label = %d"), n, p);
if ((p >= startPx) && (p <= endPx)) {
// Write ticks labels in s string
wxString s = getLabel ( n );
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &ty);
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM) || (m_flags == mpALIGN_TOP)) {
dc.DrawText( s, p-tx/2, orgy-4-ty);
} else {
dc.DrawText( s, p-tx/2, orgy+4);
// Draw axis name
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
switch (m_flags) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy - 8 - ty - labelH);
case mpALIGN_BOTTOM: {
if ((!m_drawOutsideMargins) && (w.GetMarginBottom() > (ty + labelH + 8))) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, (endPx - startPx - tx)>>1, orgy + 6 + labelH);
} else {
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy - 4 - ty);
} break;
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy - 4 - ty);
case mpALIGN_TOP: {
if ((!m_drawOutsideMargins) && (w.GetMarginTop() > (ty + labelH + 8))) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, (endPx - startPx - tx)>>1, orgy - 6 - ty - labelH);
} else {
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy + 4);
} break;
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy + 6 + labelH);
/* if (m_flags != mpALIGN_TOP) {
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_BOTTOM) || (m_flags == mpALIGN_TOP)) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy - 4 - (ty*2));
} else {
dc.DrawText( m_name, extend - tx - 4, orgy - 4 - ty); //orgy + 4 + ty);
}; */
mpScaleY::mpScaleY(wxString name, int flags, bool ticks)
SetFont( (wxFont&) *wxSMALL_FONT);
SetPen( (wxPen&) *wxGREY_PEN);
m_flags = flags;
m_ticks = ticks;
m_type = mpLAYER_AXIS;
m_masterScale = NULL;
//m_labelFormat = wxT("");
void mpScaleY::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
m_offset = -m_minV;
m_scale = 1.0 / ( m_maxV - m_minV );
//printf("Plot Y-scale\n");
recalculateTicks(dc, w);
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
dc.SetFont( m_font);
int orgx=0;
const int extend = w.GetScrY(); // /2;
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_CENTER)
orgx = w.x2p(0); //(int)(w.GetPosX() * w.GetScaleX());
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_LEFT) {
if (m_drawOutsideMargins)
orgx = w.GetMarginLeft();
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_RIGHT) {
if (m_drawOutsideMargins)
orgx = w.GetScrX() - Y_BORDER_SEPARATION;
orgx = w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_RIGHT )
orgx = w.GetScrX() - 1; //dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0) - 1;
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_LEFT )
orgx = 1; //-dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0);
wxCoord endPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrX() : w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginRight();
wxCoord minYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginTop();
wxCoord maxYpx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? w.GetScrY() : w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom();
// Draw line
dc.DrawLine( orgx, minYpx, orgx, maxYpx);
// To cut the axis line when draw outside margin is false, use this code
/* if (m_drawOutsideMargins == true)
dc.DrawLine( orgx, 0, orgx, extend);
dc.DrawLine( orgx, w.GetMarginTop(), orgx, w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginBottom()); */
const double dig = floor( log( 128.0 / w.GetScaleY() ) / mpLN10 );
const double step = exp( mpLN10 * dig);
const double end = w.GetPosY() + (double)extend / w.GetScaleY();
wxCoord tx, ty;
wxString s;
wxString fmt;
int tmp = (int)dig;
double maxScaleAbs = fabs(w.GetDesiredYmax());
double minScaleAbs = fabs(w.GetDesiredYmin());
double endscale = (maxScaleAbs > minScaleAbs) ? maxScaleAbs : minScaleAbs;
/* if (m_labelFormat.IsEmpty()) {
if ((endscale < 1e4) && (endscale > 1e-3))
fmt = wxT("%.2f");
fmt = wxT("%.1e");
} else {
fmt = m_labelFormat;
/* if (tmp>=1)
// fmt = wxT("%7.5g");
// }
// else
// {
// tmp=8-tmp;
// fmt.Printf(wxT("%%.%dg"), (tmp >= -1) ? 2 : -tmp);
// }
int n;
// double n = floor( (w.GetPosY() - (double)(extend - w.GetMarginTop() - w.GetMarginBottom())/ w.GetScaleY()) / step ) * step ;
/* wxCoord startPx = m_drawOutsideMargins ? 0 : w.GetMarginLeft(); */
int labelW = 0;
// Before staring cycle, calculate label height
int labelHeigth = 0;
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &labelHeigth);
for (n = 0; n < tickCount(); n++ ) {
//printf("Tick %d\n", n);
double tp = getTickPos(n);
double py = TransformToPlot ( tp ); //( log10 ( tp ) - xlogmin) / (xlogmax - xlogmin);
const int p = (int)(( w.GetPosY() - py ) * w.GetScaleY());
if ((p >= minYpx) && (p <= maxYpx)) {
if (m_ticks) { // Draw axis ticks
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_LEFT) {
dc.DrawLine( orgx, p, orgx+4, p);
} else {
dc.DrawLine( orgx-4, p, orgx, p); //( orgx, p, orgx+4, p);
} else {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_LEFT) && !m_drawOutsideMargins) {
dc.DrawLine( orgx-4, p, endPx, p);
} else {
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_RIGHT) && !m_drawOutsideMargins) {
dc.DrawLine( minYpx, p, orgx+4, p);
} else {
dc.DrawLine( 0/*-w.GetScrX()*/, p, w.GetScrX(), p);
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
// Print ticks labels
dc.GetTextExtent(s, &tx, &ty);
if (ty != labelHeigth) wxLogMessage(wxT("mpScaleY::Plot: ty(%f) and labelHeigth(%f) differ!"), ty, labelHeigth);
labelW = (labelW <= tx) ? tx : labelW;
if ((tmp-p+labelHeigth/2) > mpMIN_Y_AXIS_LABEL_SEPARATION) {
if ((m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_LEFT) || (m_flags == mpALIGN_RIGHT))
dc.DrawText( s, orgx+4, p-ty/2);
dc.DrawText( s, orgx-4-tx, p-ty/2); //( s, orgx+4, p-ty/2);
// Draw axis name
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
switch (m_flags) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, labelW + 8, 4);
case mpALIGN_LEFT: {
if ((!m_drawOutsideMargins) && (w.GetMarginLeft() > (ty + labelW + 8))) {
dc.DrawRotatedText( m_name, orgx - 6 - labelW - ty, (maxYpx - minYpx + tx)>>1, 90);
} else {
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx + 4, 4);
} break;
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx + 4, 4);
case mpALIGN_RIGHT: {
if ((!m_drawOutsideMargins) && (w.GetMarginRight() > (ty + labelW + 8))) {
dc.DrawRotatedText( m_name, orgx + 6 + labelW, (maxYpx - minYpx + tx)>>1, 90);
} else {
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx - tx - 4, 4);
} break;
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx - 6 - tx -labelW, 4);
/* if (m_flags != mpALIGN_RIGHT) {
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_LEFT) {
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx-tx-4, -extend + ty + 4);
} else {
if (m_flags == mpALIGN_BORDER_RIGHT )
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx-(tx*2)-4, -extend + ty + 4);
dc.DrawText( m_name, orgx + 4, -extend + 4);
}; */
// mpWindow
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(mpWindow, wxWindow)
EVT_PAINT ( mpWindow::OnPaint)
EVT_SIZE ( mpWindow::OnSize)
EVT_MIDDLE_DOWN(mpWindow::OnMouseMiddleDown) // JLB
EVT_MOUSEWHEEL(mpWindow::OnMouseWheel ) // JLB
EVT_MOTION(mpWindow::OnMouseMove ) // JLB
EVT_MENU( mpID_CENTER, mpWindow::OnCenter)
EVT_MENU( mpID_FIT, mpWindow::OnFit)
EVT_MENU( mpID_ZOOM_IN, mpWindow::OnZoomIn)
EVT_MENU( mpID_ZOOM_OUT, mpWindow::OnZoomOut)
EVT_MENU( mpID_LOCKASPECT,mpWindow::OnLockAspect)
mpWindow::mpWindow( wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size, long flag )
: wxWindow( parent, id, pos, size, flag, wxT("mathplot") )
m_zooming = false;
m_scaleX = m_scaleY = 1.0;
m_posX = m_posY = 0;
m_scrX = m_scrY = 64; // Fixed from m_scrX = m_scrX = 64;
m_minX = m_minY = 0;
m_maxX = m_maxY = 0;
m_last_lx= m_last_ly= 0;
m_buff_bmp = NULL;
m_enableDoubleBuffer = FALSE;
m_enableMouseNavigation = TRUE;
m_enableLimitedView = FALSE;
m_movingInfoLayer = NULL;
// Set margins to 0
m_marginTop = 0; m_marginRight = 0; m_marginBottom = 0; m_marginLeft = 0;
m_lockaspect = FALSE;
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_CENTER, _("Center"), _("Center plot view to this position"));
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_FIT, _("Fit"), _("Set plot view to show all items"));
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_ZOOM_IN, _("Zoom in"), _("Zoom in plot view."));
m_popmenu.Append( mpID_ZOOM_OUT, _("Zoom out"), _("Zoom out plot view."));
m_popmenu.AppendCheckItem( mpID_LOCKASPECT, _("Lock aspect"), _("Lock horizontal and vertical zoom aspect."));
//m_popmenu.Append( mpID_HELP_MOUSE, _("Show mouse commands..."), _("Show help about the mouse commands."));
SetBackgroundColour( *wxWHITE );
m_bgColour = *wxWHITE;
m_fgColour = *wxBLACK;
m_enableScrollBars = false;
SetSizeHints(128, 128);
// J.L.Blanco: Eliminates the "flick" with the double buffer.
SetBackgroundStyle( wxBG_STYLE_CUSTOM );
// Free all the layers:
DelAllLayers( true, false );
if (m_buff_bmp)
delete m_buff_bmp;
m_buff_bmp = NULL;
// Mouse handler, for detecting when the user drag with the right button or just "clicks" for the menu
// JLB
void mpWindow::OnMouseMiddleDown(wxMouseEvent &event)
m_mouseMClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseMClick.y = event.GetY();
// Process mouse wheel events
// JLB
void mpWindow::OnMouseWheel( wxMouseEvent &event )
if (!m_enableMouseNavigation)
// Scroll vertically or horizontally (this is SHIFT is hold down).
int change = - event.GetWheelRotation(); // Opposite direction (More intuitive)!
double changeUnitsX = change / m_scaleX;
double changeUnitsY = change / m_scaleY;
if (event.m_controlDown)
// horizontal scroll
SetXView(m_posX + changeUnitsX, m_desiredXmax + changeUnitsX, m_desiredXmin + changeUnitsX);
else if(event.m_shiftDown)
// vertical scroll
SetYView(m_posY - changeUnitsY, m_desiredYmax - changeUnitsY, m_desiredYmin - changeUnitsY);
// zoom in/out
wxPoint clickPt( event.GetX(),event.GetY() );
if (event.GetWheelRotation() > 0)
ZoomIn( clickPt );
ZoomOut( clickPt );
// If the user "drags" with the right buttom pressed, do "pan"
// JLB
void mpWindow::OnMouseMove(wxMouseEvent &event)
if (!m_enableMouseNavigation)
if (event.m_middleDown)
// The change:
int Ax= m_mouseMClick.x - event.GetX();
int Ay= m_mouseMClick.y - event.GetY();
// For the next event, use relative to this coordinates.
m_mouseMClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseMClick.y = event.GetY();
double Ax_units = Ax / m_scaleX;
double Ay_units = -Ay / m_scaleY;
bool updateRequired = false;
updateRequired |= SetXView(m_posX + Ax_units, m_desiredXmax + Ax_units, m_desiredXmin + Ax_units);
updateRequired |= SetYView(m_posY + Ay_units, m_desiredYmax + Ay_units, m_desiredYmin + Ay_units);
wxLogMessage(_("[mpWindow::OnMouseMove] Ax:%i Ay:%i m_posX:%f m_posY:%f"),Ax,Ay,m_posX,m_posY);
} else {
if (event.m_leftDown) {
if (m_movingInfoLayer == NULL) {
wxClientDC dc(this);
wxPen pen(m_fgColour, 1, wxDOT);
dc.DrawRectangle(m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y, event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick.x, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick.y);
m_zooming = true;
m_zoomRect.x = m_mouseLClick.x;
m_zoomRect.y = m_mouseLClick.y;
m_zoomRect.width = event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick.x;
m_zoomRect.height = event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick.y;
} else {
wxPoint moveVector(event.GetX() - m_mouseLClick.x, event.GetY() - m_mouseLClick.y);
m_zooming = false;
} else {
wxLayerList::iterator li;
for (li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++) {
if ((*li)->IsInfo() && (*li)->IsVisible()) {
mpInfoLayer* tmpLyr = (mpInfoLayer*) (*li);
tmpLyr->UpdateInfo(*this, event);
// UpdateAll();
/* if (m_coordTooltip) {
wxString toolTipContent;
toolTipContent.Printf(_("X = %f\nY = %f"), p2x(event.GetX()), p2y(event.GetY()));
wxTipWindow** ptr = NULL;
wxRect rectBounds(event.GetX(), event.GetY(), 5, 5);
wxTipWindow* tip = new wxTipWindow(this, toolTipContent, 100, ptr, &rectBounds);
} */
void mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown (wxMouseEvent &event)
m_mouseLClick.x = event.GetX();
m_mouseLClick.y = event.GetY();
m_zooming = true;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() X = %d , Y = %d"), event.GetX(), event.GetY());/*m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);*/
wxPoint pointClicked = event.GetPosition();
m_movingInfoLayer = IsInsideInfoLayer(pointClicked);
if (m_movingInfoLayer != NULL) {
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnMouseLeftDown() started moving layer %lx"), (long int) m_movingInfoLayer);/*m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);*/
void mpWindow::OnMouseLeftRelease (wxMouseEvent &event)
wxPoint release(event.GetX(), event.GetY());
wxPoint press(m_mouseLClick.x, m_mouseLClick.y);
m_zooming = false;
if (m_movingInfoLayer != NULL) {
m_movingInfoLayer = NULL;
} else {
if (release != press) {
ZoomRect(press, release);
} /*else {
if (m_coordTooltip) {
wxString toolTipContent;
toolTipContent.Printf(_("X = %f\nY = %f"), p2x(event.GetX()), p2y(event.GetY()));
} */
void mpWindow::Fit()
if (UpdateBBox())
Fit(m_minX,m_maxX,m_minY,m_maxY );
// JL
void mpWindow::Fit(double xMin, double xMax, double yMin, double yMax, wxCoord *printSizeX,wxCoord *printSizeY)
double xExtra = fabs(xMax - xMin) * 0.00;
double yExtra = fabs(yMax - yMin) * 0.03;
xMin -= xExtra;
xMax += xExtra;
yMin -= yExtra;
yMax += yExtra;
//printf(" ******************Fit: %.3f %.3f", xMin, xMax);
// Save desired borders:
m_desiredXmin=xMin; m_desiredXmax=xMax;
m_desiredYmin=yMin; m_desiredYmax=yMax;
// printf("minx %.1f miny %.1f maxx %.1f maxy %.1f\n", xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
if (printSizeX!=NULL && printSizeY!=NULL)
// Printer:
m_scrX = *printSizeX;
m_scrY = *printSizeY;
// Normal case (screen):
GetClientSize( &m_scrX,&m_scrY);
double Ax,Ay;
Ax = xMax - xMin;
Ay = yMax - yMin;
m_scaleX = (Ax!=0) ? (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/Ax : 1; //m_scaleX = (Ax!=0) ? m_scrX/Ax : 1;
m_scaleY = (Ay!=0) ? (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/Ay : 1; //m_scaleY = (Ay!=0) ? m_scrY/Ay : 1;
if (m_lockaspect)
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::Fit()(lock) m_scaleX=%f,m_scaleY=%f"), m_scaleX,m_scaleY);
// Keep the lowest "scale" to fit the whole range required by that axis (to actually "fit"!):
double s = m_scaleX < m_scaleY ? m_scaleX : m_scaleY;
m_scaleX = s;
m_scaleY = s;
// Adjusts corner coordinates: This should be simply:
// m_posX = m_minX;
// m_posY = m_maxY;
// But account for centering if we have lock aspect:
m_posX = (xMin+xMax)/2 - ((m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2 + m_marginLeft)/m_scaleX ; // m_posX = (xMin+xMax)/2 - (m_scrX/2)/m_scaleX;
// m_posY = (yMin+yMax)/2 + ((m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2 - m_marginTop)/m_scaleY; // m_posY = (yMin+yMax)/2 + (m_scrY/2)/m_scaleY;
m_posY = (yMin+yMax)/2 + ((m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2 + m_marginTop)/m_scaleY; // m_posY = (yMin+yMax)/2 + (m_scrY/2)/m_scaleY;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::Fit() m_desiredXmin=%f m_desiredXmax=%f m_desiredYmin=%f m_desiredYmax=%f"), xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax);
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::Fit() m_scaleX = %f , m_scrX = %d,m_scrY=%d, Ax=%f, Ay=%f, m_posX=%f, m_posY=%f"), m_scaleX, m_scrX,m_scrY, Ax,Ay,m_posX,m_posY);
// It is VERY IMPORTANT to DO NOT call Refresh if we are drawing to the printer!!
// Otherwise, the DC dimensions will be those of the window instead of the printer device
if (printSizeX==NULL || printSizeY==NULL)
// Patch ngpaton
void mpWindow::DoZoomInXCalc (const int staticXpixel)
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double staticX = p2x( staticXpixel );
// Zoom in:
m_scaleX = m_scaleX * zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Adjust the new m_posx
m_posX = staticX - (staticXpixel / m_scaleX);
// Adjust desired
m_desiredXmin = m_posX;
m_desiredXmax = m_posX + (m_scrX - (m_marginLeft + m_marginRight)) / m_scaleX;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::DoZoomInXCalc() prior X coord: (%f), new X coord: (%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), staticX, p2x(staticXpixel));
void mpWindow::DoZoomInYCalc (const int staticYpixel)
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double staticY = p2y( staticYpixel );
// Zoom in:
m_scaleY = m_scaleY * zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Adjust the new m_posy:
m_posY = staticY + (staticYpixel / m_scaleY);
// Adjust desired
m_desiredYmax = m_posY;
m_desiredYmin = m_posY - (m_scrY - (m_marginTop + m_marginBottom)) / m_scaleY;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::DoZoomInYCalc() prior Y coord: (%f), new Y coord: (%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), staticY, p2y(staticYpixel));
void mpWindow::DoZoomOutXCalc (const int staticXpixel)
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double staticX = p2x( staticXpixel );
// Zoom out:
m_scaleX = m_scaleX / zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Adjust the new m_posx/y:
m_posX = staticX - (staticXpixel / m_scaleX);
// Adjust desired
m_desiredXmin = m_posX;
m_desiredXmax = m_posX + (m_scrX - (m_marginLeft + m_marginRight)) / m_scaleX;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::DoZoomOutXCalc() prior X coord: (%f), new X coord: (%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), staticX, p2x(staticXpixel));
void mpWindow::DoZoomOutYCalc (const int staticYpixel)
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double staticY = p2y( staticYpixel );
// Zoom out:
m_scaleY = m_scaleY / zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Adjust the new m_posx/y:
m_posY = staticY + (staticYpixel / m_scaleY);
// Adjust desired
m_desiredYmax = m_posY;
m_desiredYmin = m_posY - (m_scrY - (m_marginTop + m_marginBottom)) / m_scaleY;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::DoZoomOutYCalc() prior Y coord: (%f), new Y coord: (%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), staticY, p2y(staticYpixel));
bool mpWindow::SetXView(double pos, double desiredMax, double desiredMin)
if(m_enableLimitedView && (desiredMax > m_maxX || desiredMin < m_minX))
return false;
m_posX = pos;
m_desiredXmax = desiredMax;
m_desiredXmin = desiredMin;
return true;
bool mpWindow::SetYView(double pos, double desiredMax, double desiredMin)
if(m_enableLimitedView && (desiredMax > m_maxY || desiredMin < m_minY))
return false;
m_posY = pos;
m_desiredYmax = desiredMax;
m_desiredYmin = desiredMin;
return true;
void mpWindow::ZoomIn(const wxPoint& centerPoint )
wxPoint c(centerPoint);
if (c == wxDefaultPosition)
GetClientSize(&m_scrX, &m_scrY);
c.x = (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2 + m_marginLeft; // c.x = m_scrX/2;
c.y = (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2 - m_marginTop; // c.y = m_scrY/2;
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double prior_layer_x = p2x( c.x );
double prior_layer_y = p2y( c.y );
// Zoom in:
const double MAX_SCALE = 1e6;
double newScaleX = m_scaleX * zoomIncrementalFactor;
double newScaleY = m_scaleY * zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Baaaaad things happen when you zoom in too much..
if(newScaleX <= MAX_SCALE && newScaleY <= MAX_SCALE)
m_scaleX = newScaleX;
m_scaleY = newScaleY;
// Adjust the new m_posx/y:
m_posX = prior_layer_x - c.x / m_scaleX;
m_posY = prior_layer_y + c.y / m_scaleY;
m_desiredXmin = m_posX;
m_desiredXmax = m_posX + (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight) / m_scaleX; // m_desiredXmax = m_posX + m_scrX / m_scaleX;
m_desiredYmax = m_posY;
m_desiredYmin = m_posY - (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom) / m_scaleY; // m_desiredYmin = m_posY - m_scrY / m_scaleY;
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::ZoomIn() prior coords: (%f,%f), new coords: (%f,%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), prior_layer_x,prior_layer_y, p2x(c.x),p2y(c.y));
void mpWindow::ZoomOut(const wxPoint& centerPoint )
wxPoint c(centerPoint);
if (c == wxDefaultPosition)
GetClientSize(&m_scrX, &m_scrY);
c.x = (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2 + m_marginLeft; // c.x = m_scrX/2;
c.y = (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2 - m_marginTop; // c.y = m_scrY/2;
// Preserve the position of the clicked point:
double prior_layer_x = p2x( c.x );
double prior_layer_y = p2y( c.y );
// Zoom out:
m_scaleX = m_scaleX / zoomIncrementalFactor;
m_scaleY = m_scaleY / zoomIncrementalFactor;
// Adjust the new m_posx/y:
m_posX = prior_layer_x - c.x / m_scaleX;
m_posY = prior_layer_y + c.y / m_scaleY;
m_desiredXmin = m_posX;
m_desiredXmax = m_posX + (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight) / m_scaleX; // m_desiredXmax = m_posX + m_scrX / m_scaleX;
m_desiredYmax = m_posY;
m_desiredYmin = m_posY - (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom) / m_scaleY; // m_desiredYmin = m_posY - m_scrY / m_scaleY;
//printf("desired xmin %.1f ymin %.1f xmax %.1f ymax %.1f l %d\n", m_desiredXmin, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmax, !!m_enableLimitedView);
//printf("current xmin %.1f ymin %.1f xmax %.1f ymax %.1f\n", m_minX, m_minY, m_maxX, m_maxY);
if(m_enableLimitedView && (m_desiredXmin < m_minX || m_desiredXmin < m_minX
|| m_desiredXmax > m_maxX || m_desiredXmax > m_maxX))
//printf("call fit()\n");
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::ZoomOut() prior coords: (%f,%f), new coords: (%f,%f) SHOULD BE EQUAL!!"), prior_layer_x,prior_layer_y, p2x(c.x),p2y(c.y));
void mpWindow::ZoomInX()
m_scaleX = m_scaleX * zoomIncrementalFactor;
void mpWindow::ZoomOutX()
m_scaleX = m_scaleX / zoomIncrementalFactor;
void mpWindow::ZoomInY()
m_scaleY = m_scaleY * zoomIncrementalFactor;
void mpWindow::ZoomOutY()
m_scaleY = m_scaleY / zoomIncrementalFactor;
void mpWindow::ZoomRect(wxPoint p0, wxPoint p1)
// Compute the 2 corners in graph coordinates:
double p0x = p2x(p0.x);
double p0y = p2y(p0.y);
double p1x = p2x(p1.x);
double p1y = p2y(p1.y);
// Order them:
double zoom_x_min = p0x<p1x ? p0x:p1x;
double zoom_x_max = p0x>p1x ? p0x:p1x;
double zoom_y_min = p0y<p1y ? p0y:p1y;
double zoom_y_max = p0y>p1y ? p0y:p1y;
wxLogMessage(_("Zoom: (%f,%f)-(%f,%f)"),zoom_x_min,zoom_y_min,zoom_x_max,zoom_y_max);
void mpWindow::LockAspect(bool enable)
m_lockaspect = enable;
m_popmenu.Check(mpID_LOCKASPECT, enable);
// Try to fit again with the new config:
Fit( m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax );
void mpWindow::OnShowPopupMenu(wxMouseEvent &event)
m_clickedX = event.GetX();
m_clickedY = event.GetY();
PopupMenu( &m_popmenu, event.GetX(), event.GetY());
void mpWindow::OnLockAspect(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
LockAspect( !m_lockaspect );
void mpWindow::OnFit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void mpWindow::OnCenter(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
GetClientSize(&m_scrX, &m_scrY);
int centerX = (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2; // + m_marginLeft; // c.x = m_scrX/2;
int centerY = (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2; // - m_marginTop; // c.y = m_scrY/2;
SetPos( p2x(m_clickedX - centerX), p2y(m_clickedY - centerY) );
//SetPos( p2x(m_clickedX-m_scrX/2), p2y(m_clickedY-m_scrY/2) ); //SetPos( (double)(m_clickedX-m_scrX/2) / m_scaleX + m_posX, (double)(m_scrY/2-m_clickedY) / m_scaleY + m_posY);
void mpWindow::OnZoomIn(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
ZoomIn( wxPoint(m_mouseMClick.x,m_mouseMClick.y) );
void mpWindow::OnZoomOut(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))
void mpWindow::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
// Try to fit again with the new window size:
Fit( m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax );
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::OnSize() m_scrX = %d, m_scrY = %d"), m_scrX, m_scrY);
bool mpWindow::AddLayer( mpLayer* layer, bool refreshDisplay )
if (layer != NULL) {
m_layers.push_back( layer );
if (refreshDisplay) UpdateAll();
return true;
return false;
bool mpWindow::DelLayer(
mpLayer* layer,
bool alsoDeleteObject,
bool refreshDisplay )
wxLayerList::iterator layIt;
for (layIt = m_layers.begin(); layIt != m_layers.end(); layIt++)
if (*layIt == layer)
// Also delete the object?
if (alsoDeleteObject)
delete *layIt;
m_layers.erase(layIt); // this deleted the reference only
if (refreshDisplay)
return true;
return false;
void mpWindow::DelAllLayers( bool alsoDeleteObject, bool refreshDisplay)
while ( m_layers.size()>0 )
// Also delete the object?
if (alsoDeleteObject) delete m_layers[0];
m_layers.erase( m_layers.begin() ); // this deleted the reference only
if (refreshDisplay) UpdateAll();
// void mpWindow::DoPrepareDC(wxDC& dc)
// {
// dc.SetDeviceOrigin(x2p(m_minX), y2p(m_maxY));
// }
void mpWindow::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& WXUNUSED(event) )
wxPaintDC dc(this);
dc.GetSize(&m_scrX, &m_scrY); // This is the size of the visible area only!
// DoPrepareDC(dc);
int px, py;
GetViewStart( &px, &py );
wxLogMessage(_("[mpWindow::OnPaint] vis.area:%ix%i px=%i py=%i"),m_scrX,m_scrY,px,py);
// Selects direct or buffered draw:
wxDC *trgDc;
// J.L.Blanco @ Aug 2007: Added double buffer support
if (m_enableDoubleBuffer)
if (m_last_lx!=m_scrX || m_last_ly!=m_scrY)
if (m_buff_bmp) delete m_buff_bmp;
m_buff_bmp = new wxBitmap(m_scrX,m_scrY);
trgDc = &m_buff_dc;
trgDc = &dc;
// Draw background:
trgDc->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
wxBrush brush( GetBackgroundColour() );
trgDc->SetBrush( brush );
// Draw all the layers:
//trgDc->SetDeviceOrigin( m_scrX>>1, m_scrY>>1); // Origin at the center
wxLayerList::iterator li;
for (li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++)
(*li)->Plot(*trgDc, *this);
wxPen pen(m_fgColour, 1, wxDOT);
// If doublebuffer, draw now to the window:
if (m_enableDoubleBuffer)
//dc.SetDeviceOrigin(0,0); // Origin at the center
/* if (m_coordTooltip) {
wxString toolTipContent;
wxPoint mousePoint = wxGetMousePosition();
toolTipContent.Printf(_("X = %f\nY = %f"), p2x(mousePoint.x), p2y(mousePoint.y));
// If scrollbars are enabled, refresh them
if (m_enableScrollBars) {
/* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY )*m_scaleY);
Scroll(m_scroll.x, m_scroll.y);*/
// Scroll(x2p(m_posX), y2p(m_posY));
// SetVirtualSize((int) ((m_maxX - m_minX)*m_scaleX), (int) ((m_maxY - m_minY)*m_scaleY));
// int centerX = (m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight)/2; // + m_marginLeft; // c.x = m_scrX/2;
// int centerY = (m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom)/2; // - m_marginTop; // c.y = m_scrY/2;
/*SetScrollbars(1, 1, (int) ((m_maxX - m_minX)*m_scaleX), (int) ((m_maxY - m_minY)*m_scaleY));*/ //, x2p(m_posX + centerX/m_scaleX), y2p(m_posY - centerY/m_scaleY), true);
// void mpWindow::OnScroll2(wxScrollWinEvent &event)
// {
// wxLogMessage(_("[mpWindow::OnScroll2] Init: m_posX=%f m_posY=%f, sc_pos = %d"),m_posX,m_posY, event.GetPosition());
// #endif
// // If scrollbars are not enabled, Skip operation
// if (!m_enableScrollBars) {
// event.Skip();
// return;
// }
// // m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// // m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// // Scroll(m_scroll.x, m_scroll.y);
// // GetClientSize( &m_scrX, &m_scrY);
// //Scroll(x2p(m_desiredXmin), y2p(m_desiredYmin));
// int pixelStep = 1;
// if (event.GetOrientation() == wxHORIZONTAL) {
// //m_desiredXmin -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// //m_desiredXmax -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_posX -= (m_scroll.x - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;
// m_scroll.x = event.GetPosition();
// }
// Fit(m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax);
// // /* int pixelStep = 1;
// // if (event.GetOrientation() == wxHORIZONTAL) {
// // m_posX -= (px - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;//(pixelStep/m_scaleX);
// // m_desiredXmax -= (px - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;//(pixelStep/m_scaleX);
// // m_desiredXmin -= (px - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleX;//(pixelStep/m_scaleX);
// // //SetPosX( (double)px / GetScaleX() + m_minX + (double)(width>>1)/GetScaleX());
// // // m_posX = p2x(px); //m_minX + (double)(px /*+ (m_scrX)*/)/GetScaleX();
// // } else {
// // m_posY += (py - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleY;//(pixelStep/m_scaleY);
// // m_desiredYmax += (py - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleY;//(pixelStep/m_scaleY);
// // m_desiredYmax += (py - event.GetPosition())/m_scaleY;//(pixelStep/m_scaleY);
// // //SetPosY( m_maxY - (double)py / GetScaleY() - (double)(height>>1)/GetScaleY());
// // //m_posY = m_maxY - (double)py / GetScaleY() - (double)(height>>1)/GetScaleY();
// // // m_posY = p2y(py);//m_maxY - (double)(py /*+ (m_scrY)*/)/GetScaleY();
// // }*/
// int px, py;
// GetViewStart( &px, &py);
// wxLogMessage(_("[mpWindow::OnScroll2] End: m_posX = %f, m_posY = %f, px = %f, py = %f"),m_posX, m_posY, px, py);
// #endif
// UpdateAll();
// // event.Skip();
// }
void mpWindow::SetMPScrollbars(bool status)
// Temporary behaviour: always disable scrollbars
m_enableScrollBars = status; //false;
if (status == false)
SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, 0, 0, 0);
SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, 0, 0, 0);
// else the scroll bars will be updated in UpdateAll();
// EnableScrolling(false, false);
// m_enableScrollBars = status;
// EnableScrolling(status, status);
/* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_posY - m_minY)*m_scaleY);*/
// int scrollWidth = (int) floor((m_maxX - m_minX)*m_scaleX) - m_scrX;
// int scrollHeight = (int) floor((m_minY - m_maxY)*m_scaleY) - m_scrY;
// /* m_scroll.x = (int) floor((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// m_scroll.y = (int) floor((m_maxY - m_posY /*- m_minY*/)*m_scaleY);
// int scrollWidth = (int) floor(((m_maxX - m_minX) - (m_desiredXmax - m_desiredXmin))*m_scaleX);
// int scrollHeight = (int) floor(((m_maxY - m_minY) - (m_desiredYmax - m_desiredYmin))*m_scaleY);
// wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::SetMPScrollbars() scrollWidth = %d, scrollHeight = %d"), scrollWidth, scrollHeight);
// #endif
// if(status) {
// SetScrollbars(1,
// 1,
// scrollWidth,
// scrollHeight,
// m_scroll.x,
// m_scroll.y);
// // SetVirtualSize((int) (m_maxX - m_minX), (int) (m_maxY - m_minY));
// }
// Refresh(false);*/
bool mpWindow::UpdateBBox()
bool first = TRUE;
m_minX = 0.0;
m_maxX = 1.0;
m_minY = 0.0;
m_maxY = 1.0;
return true;
#if 0
for (wxLayerList::iterator li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++)
mpLayer* f = *li;
if (f->HasBBox())
if (first)
first = FALSE;
m_minX = f->GetMinX(); m_maxX=f->GetMaxX();
m_minY = f->GetMinY(); m_maxY=f->GetMaxY();
if (f->GetMinX()<m_minX)
if (f->GetMaxX()>m_maxX)
if (f->GetMinY()<m_minY)
if (f->GetMaxY()>m_maxY)
//node = node->GetNext();
wxLogDebug(wxT("[mpWindow::UpdateBBox] Bounding box: Xmin = %f, Xmax = %f, Ymin = %f, YMax = %f"), m_minX, m_maxX, m_minY, m_maxY);
return first == FALSE;
// void mpWindow::UpdateAll()
// {
// GetClientSize( &m_scrX,&m_scrY);
/* if (m_enableScrollBars) {
// The "virtual size" of the scrolled window:
const int sx = (int)((m_maxX - m_minX) * GetScaleX());
const int sy = (int)((m_maxY - m_minY) * GetScaleY());
SetVirtualSize(sx, sy);
SetScrollRate(1, 1);*/
// const int px = (int)((GetPosX() - m_minX) * GetScaleX());// - m_scrX); //(cx>>1));
// J.L.Blanco, Aug 2007: Formula fixed:
// const int py = (int)((m_maxY - GetPosY()) * GetScaleY());// - m_scrY); //(cy>>1));
// int px, py;
// GetViewStart(&px0, &py0);
// px = (int)((m_posX - m_minX)*m_scaleX);
// py = (int)((m_maxY - m_posY)*m_scaleY);
// SetScrollbars( 1, 1, sx - m_scrX, sy - m_scrY, px, py, TRUE);
// }
// Working code
// UpdateBBox();
// Refresh( FALSE );
// end working code
// Old version
/* bool box = UpdateBBox();
if (box)
int cx, cy;
GetClientSize( &cx, &cy);
// The "virtual size" of the scrolled window:
const int sx = (int)((m_maxX - m_minX) * GetScaleX());
const int sy = (int)((m_maxY - m_minY) * GetScaleY());
const int px = (int)((GetPosX() - m_minX) * GetScaleX() - (cx>>1));
// J.L.Blanco, Aug 2007: Formula fixed:
const int py = (int)((m_maxY - GetPosY()) * GetScaleY() - (cy>>1));
SetScrollbars( 1, 1, sx, sy, px, py, TRUE);
wxLogMessage(_("[mpWindow::UpdateAll] Size:%ix%i ScrollBars:%i,%i"),sx,sy,px,py);
Refresh( FALSE );
// }
void mpWindow::UpdateAll()
if (UpdateBBox())
if (m_enableScrollBars)
int cx, cy;
GetClientSize( &cx, &cy);
// Do x scroll bar
// Convert margin sizes from pixels to coordinates
double leftMargin = m_marginLeft / m_scaleX;
// Calculate the range in coords that we want to scroll over
double maxX = (m_desiredXmax > m_maxX) ? m_desiredXmax : m_maxX;
double minX = (m_desiredXmin < m_minX) ? m_desiredXmin : m_minX;
if ((m_posX + leftMargin) < minX)
minX = m_posX + leftMargin;
// Calculate scroll bar size and thumb position
int sizeX = (int) ((maxX - minX) * m_scaleX);
int thumbX = (int)(((m_posX + leftMargin) - minX) * m_scaleX);
SetScrollbar(wxHORIZONTAL, thumbX, cx - (m_marginRight + m_marginLeft), sizeX);
// Do y scroll bar
// Convert margin sizes from pixels to coordinates
double topMargin = m_marginTop / m_scaleY;
// Calculate the range in coords that we want to scroll over
double maxY = (m_desiredYmax > m_maxY) ? m_desiredYmax : m_maxY;
if ((m_posY - topMargin) > maxY)
maxY = m_posY - topMargin;
double minY = (m_desiredYmin < m_minY) ? m_desiredYmin : m_minY;
// Calculate scroll bar size and thumb position
int sizeY = (int)((maxY - minY) * m_scaleY);
int thumbY = (int)((maxY - (m_posY - topMargin)) * m_scaleY);
SetScrollbar(wxVERTICAL, thumbY, cy - (m_marginTop + m_marginBottom), sizeY);
Refresh( FALSE );
void mpWindow::DoScrollCalc (const int position, const int orientation)
if (orientation == wxVERTICAL)
// Y axis
// Get top margin in coord units
double topMargin = m_marginTop / m_scaleY;
// Calculate maximum Y coord to be shown in the graph
double maxY = m_desiredYmax > m_maxY ? m_desiredYmax : m_maxY;
// Set new position
SetPosY((maxY - (position / m_scaleY)) + topMargin);
// X Axis
// Get left margin in coord units
double leftMargin = m_marginLeft / m_scaleX;
// Calculate minimum X coord to be shown in the graph
double minX = (m_desiredXmin < m_minX) ? m_desiredXmin : m_minX;
// Set new position
SetPosX((minX + (position / m_scaleX)) - leftMargin);
void mpWindow::OnScrollThumbTrack (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
DoScrollCalc(event.GetPosition(), event.GetOrientation());
void mpWindow::OnScrollPageUp (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
int scrollOrientation = event.GetOrientation();
// Get position before page up
int position = GetScrollPos(scrollOrientation);
// Get thumb size
int thumbSize = GetScrollThumb(scrollOrientation);
// Need to adjust position by a page
position -= thumbSize;
if (position < 0)
position = 0;
DoScrollCalc(position, scrollOrientation);
void mpWindow::OnScrollPageDown (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
int scrollOrientation = event.GetOrientation();
// Get position before page up
int position = GetScrollPos(scrollOrientation);
// Get thumb size
int thumbSize = GetScrollThumb(scrollOrientation);
// Get scroll range
int scrollRange = GetScrollRange(scrollOrientation);
// Need to adjust position by a page
position += thumbSize;
if (position > (scrollRange - thumbSize))
position = scrollRange - thumbSize;
DoScrollCalc(position, scrollOrientation);
void mpWindow::OnScrollLineUp (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
int scrollOrientation = event.GetOrientation();
// Get position before page up
int position = GetScrollPos(scrollOrientation);
// Need to adjust position by a line
if (position < 0)
position = 0;
DoScrollCalc(position, scrollOrientation);
void mpWindow::OnScrollLineDown (wxScrollWinEvent &event)
int scrollOrientation = event.GetOrientation();
// Get position before page up
int position = GetScrollPos(scrollOrientation);
// Get thumb size
int thumbSize = GetScrollThumb(scrollOrientation);
// Get scroll range
int scrollRange = GetScrollRange(scrollOrientation);
// Need to adjust position by a page
if (position > (scrollRange - thumbSize))
position = scrollRange - thumbSize;
DoScrollCalc(position, scrollOrientation);
void mpWindow::OnScrollTop(wxScrollWinEvent &event)
DoScrollCalc(0, event.GetOrientation());
void mpWindow::OnScrollBottom(wxScrollWinEvent &event)
int scrollOrientation = event.GetOrientation();
// Get thumb size
int thumbSize = GetScrollThumb(scrollOrientation);
// Get scroll range
int scrollRange = GetScrollRange(scrollOrientation);
DoScrollCalc(scrollRange - thumbSize, scrollOrientation);
// End patch ngpaton
void mpWindow::SetScaleX(double scaleX)
if (scaleX!=0) m_scaleX=scaleX;
// New methods implemented by Davide Rondini
unsigned int mpWindow::CountLayers()
//wxNode *node = m_layers.GetFirst();
unsigned int layerNo = 0;
for(wxLayerList::iterator li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++)//while(node)
if ((*li)->HasBBox()) layerNo++;
// node = node->GetNext();
return layerNo;
mpLayer* mpWindow::GetLayer(int position)
if ((position >= (int) m_layers.size()) || position < 0) return NULL;
return m_layers[position];
mpLayer* mpWindow::GetLayerByName( const wxString &name)
for (wxLayerList::iterator it=m_layers.begin();it!=m_layers.end();it++)
if (! (*it)->GetName().Cmp( name ) )
return *it;
return NULL; // Not found
void mpWindow::GetBoundingBox(double* bbox)
bbox[0] = m_minX;
bbox[1] = m_maxX;
bbox[2] = m_minY;
bbox[3] = m_maxY;
bool mpWindow::SaveScreenshot(const wxString& filename, int type, wxSize imageSize, bool fit)
int sizeX, sizeY;
int bk_scrX, bk_scrY;
if (imageSize == wxDefaultSize) {
sizeX = m_scrX;
sizeY = m_scrY;
} else {
sizeX = imageSize.x;
sizeY = imageSize.y;
bk_scrX = m_scrX;
bk_scrY = m_scrY;
SetScr(sizeX, sizeY);
wxBitmap screenBuffer(sizeX,sizeY);
wxMemoryDC screenDC;
screenDC.SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
wxBrush brush( GetBackgroundColour() );
screenDC.SetBrush( brush );
if (fit) {
Fit(m_minX, m_maxX, m_minY, m_maxY, &sizeX, &sizeY);
} else {
Fit(m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax, &sizeX, &sizeY);
// Draw all the layers:
wxLayerList::iterator li;
for (li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++)
(*li)->Plot(screenDC, *this);
if (imageSize != wxDefaultSize) {
// Restore dimensions
SetScr(bk_scrX, bk_scrY);
Fit(m_desiredXmin, m_desiredXmax, m_desiredYmin, m_desiredYmax, &bk_scrX, &bk_scrY);
// Once drawing is complete, actually save screen shot
wxImage screenImage = screenBuffer.ConvertToImage();
return screenImage.SaveFile(filename, type);
void mpWindow::SetMargins(int top, int right, int bottom, int left)
m_marginTop = top;
m_marginRight = right;
m_marginBottom = bottom;
m_marginLeft = left;
mpInfoLayer* mpWindow::IsInsideInfoLayer(wxPoint& point)
wxLayerList::iterator li;
for (li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++) {
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::IsInsideInfoLayer() examinining layer = %p"), (*li));
if ((*li)->IsInfo()) {
mpInfoLayer* tmpLyr = (mpInfoLayer*) (*li);
wxLogMessage(_("mpWindow::IsInsideInfoLayer() layer = %p"), (*li));
if (tmpLyr->Inside(point)) {
return tmpLyr;
return NULL;
void mpWindow::SetLayerVisible(const wxString &name, bool viewable)
mpLayer* lx = GetLayerByName(name);
if ( lx ) {
bool mpWindow::IsLayerVisible(const wxString &name )
mpLayer* lx = GetLayerByName(name);
return (lx) ? lx->IsVisible() : false;
void mpWindow::SetLayerVisible(const unsigned int position, bool viewable)
mpLayer* lx = GetLayer(position);
if ( lx ) {
bool mpWindow::IsLayerVisible(const unsigned int position )
mpLayer* lx = GetLayer(position);
return (lx) ? lx->IsVisible() : false;
void mpWindow::SetColourTheme(const wxColour& bgColour, const wxColour& drawColour, const wxColour& axesColour)
m_bgColour = bgColour;
m_fgColour = drawColour;
m_axColour = axesColour;
// cycle between layers to set colours and properties to them
wxLayerList::iterator li;
for (li = m_layers.begin(); li != m_layers.end(); li++) {
if ((*li)->GetLayerType() == mpLAYER_AXIS) {
wxPen axisPen = (*li)->GetPen(); // Get the old pen to modify only colour, not style or width
if ((*li)->GetLayerType() == mpLAYER_INFO) {
wxPen infoPen = (*li)->GetPen(); // Get the old pen to modify only colour, not style or width
// void mpWindow::EnableCoordTooltip(bool value)
// {
// m_coordTooltip = value;
// // if (value) GetToolTip()->SetDelay(100);
// }
double mpWindow::p2x(wxCoord pixelCoordX, bool drawOutside )
if (drawOutside) {
return m_posX + pixelCoordX/m_scaleX;
// Draw inside margins
double marginScaleX = ((double)(m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight))/m_scrX;
return m_marginLeft + (m_posX + pixelCoordX/m_scaleX)/marginScaleX;
double mpWindow::p2y(wxCoord pixelCoordY, bool drawOutside )
if (drawOutside) {
return m_posY - pixelCoordY/m_scaleY;
// Draw inside margins
double marginScaleY = ((double)(m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom))/m_scrY;
return m_marginTop + (m_posY - pixelCoordY/m_scaleY)/marginScaleY;
wxCoord mpWindow::x2p(double x, bool drawOutside)
if (drawOutside) {
return (wxCoord) ((x-m_posX) * m_scaleX);
// Draw inside margins
double marginScaleX = ((double)(m_scrX - m_marginLeft - m_marginRight))/m_scrX;
wxLogMessage(wxT("x2p ScrX = %d, marginRight = %d, marginLeft = %d, marginScaleX = %f"), m_scrX, m_marginRight, m_marginLeft, marginScaleX);
return (wxCoord) (int)(((x-m_posX) * m_scaleX)*marginScaleX) - m_marginLeft;
wxCoord mpWindow::y2p(double y, bool drawOutside)
if (drawOutside) {
return (wxCoord) ( (m_posY-y) * m_scaleY);
// Draw inside margins
double marginScaleY = ((double)(m_scrY - m_marginTop - m_marginBottom))/m_scrY;
wxLogMessage(wxT("y2p ScrY = %d, marginTop = %d, marginBottom = %d, marginScaleY = %f"), m_scrY, m_marginTop, m_marginBottom, marginScaleY);
return (wxCoord) ((int)((m_posY-y) * m_scaleY)*marginScaleY) - m_marginTop;
// mpFXYVector implementation - by Jose Luis Blanco (AGO-2007)
// Constructor
mpFXYVector::mpFXYVector(wxString name, int flags ) : mpFXY(name,flags)
m_index = 0;
m_minX = -1;
m_maxX = 1;
m_minY = -1;
m_maxY = 1;
m_type = mpLAYER_PLOT;
double mpScaleX::TransformToPlot ( double x )
return (x + m_offset) * m_scale;
double mpScaleX::TransformFromPlot ( double xplot )
return xplot / m_scale - m_offset;
double mpScaleY::TransformToPlot ( double x )
return (x + m_offset) * m_scale;
double mpScaleY::TransformFromPlot ( double xplot )
return xplot / m_scale - m_offset;
double mpScaleXLog::TransformToPlot ( double x )
double xlogmin = log10 ( m_minV );
double xlogmax = log10 ( m_maxV );
return ( log10 ( x ) - xlogmin) / (xlogmax - xlogmin);
double mpScaleXLog::TransformFromPlot ( double xplot )
double xlogmin = log10 ( m_minV );
double xlogmax = log10 ( m_maxV );
return pow(10.0, xplot * (xlogmax - xlogmin) + xlogmin );
double log10( double x)
return log(x)/log(10.0);
#if 0
mpFSemiLogXVector::mpFSemiLogXVector(wxString name, int flags ) :
mpFXYVector ( name, flags )
void mpFXYVector::Rewind()
m_index = 0;
bool mpFXYVector::GetNextXY(double & x, double & y)
if (m_index>=m_xs.size())
return FALSE;
x = m_xs[m_index];
y = m_ys[m_index++];
return m_index<=m_xs.size();
void mpFXYVector::Clear()
void mpFXYVector::SetData( const std::vector<double> &xs,const std::vector<double> &ys)
// Check if the data vectora are of the same size
if (xs.size() != ys.size()) {
wxLogError(_("wxMathPlot error: X and Y vector are not of the same length!"));
// Copy the data:
m_xs = xs;
m_ys = ys;
//printf("FXYVector::setData %d %d\n", xs.size(), ys.size());
// Update internal variables for the bounding box.
if (xs.size()>0)
m_minX = xs[0];
m_maxX = xs[0];
m_minY = ys[0];
m_maxY = ys[0];
std::vector<double>::const_iterator it;
for (it=xs.begin();it!=xs.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minX) m_minX=*it;
if (*it>m_maxX) m_maxX=*it;
for (it=ys.begin();it!=ys.end();it++)
if (*it<m_minY) m_minY=*it;
if (*it>m_maxY) m_maxY=*it;
//printf("minX %.10f maxX %.10f\n ", m_minX, m_maxX );
//printf("minY %.10f maxY %.10f\n ", m_minY, m_maxY );
m_minX = -1;
m_maxX = 1;
m_minY = -1;
m_maxY = 1;
// mpText - provided by Val Greene
/** @param name text to be displayed
@param offsetx x position in percentage (0-100)
@param offsetx y position in percentage (0-100)
mpText::mpText( wxString name, int offsetx, int offsety )
if (offsetx >= 0 && offsetx <= 100)
m_offsetx = offsetx;
m_offsetx = 5;
if (offsety >= 0 && offsety <= 100)
m_offsety = offsety;
m_offsetx = 50;
m_type = mpLAYER_INFO;
/** mpText Layer plot handler.
This implementation will plot the text adjusted to the visible area.
void mpText::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
wxCoord tw=0, th=0;
dc.GetTextExtent( GetName(), &tw, &th);
// int left = -dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0);
// int width = dc.LogicalToDeviceX(0) - left;
// int bottom = dc.LogicalToDeviceY(0);
// int height = bottom - -dc.LogicalToDeviceY(0);
/* dc.DrawText( GetName(),
(int)((((float)width/100.0) * m_offsety) + left - (tw/2)),
(int)((((float)height/100.0) * m_offsetx) - bottom) );*/
int px = m_offsetx*(w.GetScrX() - w.GetMarginLeft() - w.GetMarginRight())/100;
int py = m_offsety*(w.GetScrY() - w.GetMarginTop() - w.GetMarginBottom())/100;
dc.DrawText( GetName(), px, py);
// mpPrintout - provided by Davide Rondini
mpPrintout::mpPrintout(mpWindow *drawWindow, const wxChar *title) : wxPrintout(title)
drawn = false;
plotWindow = drawWindow;
bool mpPrintout::OnPrintPage(int page)
wxDC *trgDc = GetDC();
if ((trgDc) && (page == 1)) {
wxCoord m_prnX, m_prnY;
int marginX = 50;
int marginY = 50;
trgDc->GetSize(&m_prnX, &m_prnY);
m_prnX -= (2*marginX);
m_prnY -= (2*marginY);
trgDc->SetDeviceOrigin(marginX, marginY);
wxLogMessage(wxT("Print Size: %d x %d\n"), m_prnX, m_prnY);
wxLogMessage(wxT("Screen Size: %d x %d\n"), plotWindow->GetScrX(), plotWindow->GetScrY());
// Set the scale according to the page:
&m_prnY );
// Get the colours of the plotWindow to restore them ath the end
wxColour oldBgColour = plotWindow->GetBackgroundColour();
wxColour oldFgColour = plotWindow->GetForegroundColour();
wxColour oldAxColour = plotWindow->GetAxesColour();
// Draw background, ensuring to use white background for printing.
trgDc->SetPen( *wxTRANSPARENT_PEN );
// wxBrush brush( plotWindow->GetBackgroundColour() );
wxBrush brush = *wxWHITE_BRUSH;
trgDc->SetBrush( brush );
// Draw all the layers:
//trgDc->SetDeviceOrigin( m_prnX>>1, m_prnY>>1); // Origin at the center
mpLayer *layer;
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < plotWindow->CountAllLayers(); li++) {
layer = plotWindow->GetLayer(li);
layer->Plot(*trgDc, *plotWindow);
// Restore device origin
// trgDc->SetDeviceOrigin(0, 0);
// Restore colours
plotWindow->SetColourTheme(oldBgColour, oldFgColour, oldAxColour);
// Restore drawing
plotWindow->Fit(plotWindow->GetDesiredXmin(), plotWindow->GetDesiredXmax(), plotWindow->GetDesiredYmin(), plotWindow->GetDesiredYmax(), NULL, NULL);
return true;
bool mpPrintout::HasPage(int page)
return (page == 1);
// mpMovableObject - provided by Jose Luis Blanco
void mpMovableObject::TranslatePoint( double x,double y, double &out_x, double &out_y )
double ccos = cos( m_reference_phi ); // Avoid computing cos/sin twice.
double csin = sin( m_reference_phi );
out_x = m_reference_x + ccos * x - csin * y;
out_y = m_reference_y + csin * x + ccos * y;
// This method updates the buffers m_trans_shape_xs/ys, and the precomputed bounding box.
void mpMovableObject::ShapeUpdated()
// Just in case...
if (m_shape_xs.size()!=m_shape_ys.size())
wxLogError(wxT("[mpMovableObject::ShapeUpdated] Error, m_shape_xs and m_shape_ys have different lengths!"));
double ccos = cos( m_reference_phi ); // Avoid computing cos/sin twice.
double csin = sin( m_reference_phi );
std::vector<double>::iterator itXi, itXo;
std::vector<double>::iterator itYi, itYo;
for (itXo=m_trans_shape_xs.begin(),itYo=m_trans_shape_ys.begin(),itXi=m_shape_xs.begin(),itYi=m_shape_ys.begin();
itXo!=m_trans_shape_xs.end(); itXo++,itYo++,itXi++,itYi++)
*itXo = m_reference_x + ccos * (*itXi) - csin * (*itYi);
*itYo = m_reference_y + csin * (*itXi) + ccos * (*itYi);
// Keep BBox:
if (*itXo < m_bbox_min_x) m_bbox_min_x = *itXo;
if (*itXo > m_bbox_max_x) m_bbox_max_x = *itXo;
if (*itYo < m_bbox_min_y) m_bbox_min_y = *itYo;
if (*itYo > m_bbox_max_y) m_bbox_max_y = *itYo;
void mpMovableObject::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible) {
dc.SetPen( m_pen);
std::vector<double>::iterator itX=m_trans_shape_xs.begin();
std::vector<double>::iterator itY=m_trans_shape_ys.begin();
if (!m_continuous)
// for some reason DrawPoint does not use the current pen,
// so we use DrawLine for fat pens
if (m_pen.GetWidth() <= 1)
while (itX!=m_trans_shape_xs.end())
dc.DrawPoint( w.x2p(*(itX++)), w.y2p( *(itY++) ) );
while (itX!=m_trans_shape_xs.end())
wxCoord cx = w.x2p(*(itX++));
wxCoord cy = w.y2p(*(itY++));
dc.DrawLine(cx, cy, cx, cy);
wxCoord cx0=0,cy0=0;
bool first = TRUE;
while (itX!=m_trans_shape_xs.end())
wxCoord cx = w.x2p(*(itX++));
wxCoord cy = w.y2p(*(itY++));
if (first)
dc.DrawLine(cx0, cy0, cx, cy);
cx0=cx; cy0=cy;
if (!m_name.IsEmpty() && m_showName)
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
if (HasBBox())
wxCoord sx = (wxCoord) (( m_bbox_max_x - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
wxCoord sy = (wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - m_bbox_max_y ) * w.GetScaleY());
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
const int sx = w.GetScrX()>>1;
const int sy = w.GetScrY()>>1;
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NE)
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = -sy + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NW)
tx = -sx + 8;
ty = -sy + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_SW)
tx = -sx + 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
dc.DrawText( m_name, tx, ty);
// mpCovarianceEllipse - provided by Jose Luis Blanco
// Called to update the m_shape_xs, m_shape_ys vectors, whenever a parameter changes.
void mpCovarianceEllipse::RecalculateShape()
// Preliminar checks:
if (m_quantiles<0) { wxLogError(wxT("[mpCovarianceEllipse] Error: quantiles must be non-negative")); return; }
if (m_cov_00<0) { wxLogError(wxT("[mpCovarianceEllipse] Error: cov(0,0) must be non-negative")); return; }
if (m_cov_11<0) { wxLogError(wxT("[mpCovarianceEllipse] Error: cov(1,1) must be non-negative")); return; }
m_shape_xs.resize( m_segments,0 );
m_shape_ys.resize( m_segments,0 );
// Compute the two eigenvalues of the covariance:
// -------------------------------------------------
double b = -m_cov_00 - m_cov_11;
double c = m_cov_00*m_cov_11 - m_cov_01*m_cov_01;
double D = b*b - 4*c;
if (D<0) { wxLogError(wxT("[mpCovarianceEllipse] Error: cov is not positive definite")); return; }
double eigenVal0 =0.5*( -b + sqrt(D) );
double eigenVal1 =0.5*( -b - sqrt(D) );
// Compute the two corresponding eigenvectors:
// -------------------------------------------------
double eigenVec0_x,eigenVec0_y;
double eigenVec1_x,eigenVec1_y;
if (fabs(eigenVal0 - m_cov_00)>1e-6)
double k1x = m_cov_01 / ( eigenVal0 - m_cov_00 );
eigenVec0_y = 1;
eigenVec0_x = eigenVec0_y * k1x;
double k1y = m_cov_01 / ( eigenVal0 - m_cov_11 );
eigenVec0_x = 1;
eigenVec0_y = eigenVec0_x * k1y;
if (fabs(eigenVal1 - m_cov_00)>1e-6)
double k2x = m_cov_01 / ( eigenVal1 - m_cov_00 );
eigenVec1_y = 1;
eigenVec1_x = eigenVec1_y * k2x;
double k2y = m_cov_01 / ( eigenVal1 - m_cov_11 );
eigenVec1_x = 1;
eigenVec1_y = eigenVec1_x * k2y;
// Normalize the eigenvectors:
double len = sqrt( eigenVec0_x*eigenVec0_x + eigenVec0_y*eigenVec0_y );
eigenVec0_x /= len; // It *CANNOT* be zero
eigenVec0_y /= len;
len = sqrt( eigenVec1_x*eigenVec1_x + eigenVec1_y*eigenVec1_y );
eigenVec1_x /= len; // It *CANNOT* be zero
eigenVec1_y /= len;
// Take the sqrt of the eigenvalues (required for the ellipse scale):
eigenVal0 = sqrt(eigenVal0);
eigenVal1 = sqrt(eigenVal1);
// Compute the 2x2 matrix M = diag(eigVal) * (~eigVec) (each eigen vector is a row):
double M_00 = eigenVec0_x * eigenVal0;
double M_01 = eigenVec0_y * eigenVal0;
double M_10 = eigenVec1_x * eigenVal1;
double M_11 = eigenVec1_y * eigenVal1;
// The points of the 2D ellipse:
double ang;
double Aang = 6.283185308/(m_segments-1);
int i;
for (i=0,ang=0;i<m_segments;i++,ang+= Aang )
double ccos = cos(ang);
double csin = sin(ang);
m_shape_xs[i] = m_quantiles * (ccos * M_00 + csin * M_10 );
m_shape_ys[i] = m_quantiles * (ccos * M_01 + csin * M_11 );
} // end for points on ellipse
// mpPolygon - provided by Jose Luis Blanco
void mpPolygon::setPoints(
const std::vector<double>& points_xs,
const std::vector<double>& points_ys,
bool closedShape )
if ( points_xs.size()!=points_ys.size() )
wxLogError(wxT("[mpPolygon] Error: points_xs and points_ys must have the same number of elements"));
m_shape_xs = points_xs;
m_shape_ys = points_ys;
if ( closedShape && points_xs.size())
m_shape_xs.push_back( points_xs[0] );
m_shape_ys.push_back( points_ys[0] );
// mpBitmapLayer - provided by Jose Luis Blanco
void mpBitmapLayer::GetBitmapCopy( wxImage &outBmp ) const
if (m_validImg)
outBmp = m_bitmap;
void mpBitmapLayer::SetBitmap( const wxImage &inBmp, double x, double y, double lx, double ly )
if (!inBmp.Ok())
wxLogError(wxT("[mpBitmapLayer] Assigned bitmap is not Ok()!"));
m_bitmap = inBmp; //.GetSubBitmap( wxRect(0, 0, inBmp.GetWidth(), inBmp.GetHeight()));
m_min_x = x;
m_min_y = y;
m_max_x = x+lx;
m_max_y = y+ly;
m_validImg = true;
void mpBitmapLayer::Plot(wxDC & dc, mpWindow & w)
if (m_visible && m_validImg)
/* 1st: We compute (x0,y0)-(x1,y1), the pixel coordinates of the real outer limits
of the image rectangle within the (screen) mpWindow. Note that these coordinates
might fall well far away from the real view limits when the user zoom in.
2nd: We compute (dx0,dy0)-(dx1,dy1), the pixel coordinates the rectangle that will
be actually drawn into the mpWindow, i.e. the clipped real rectangle that
avoids the non-visible parts. (offset_x,offset_y) are the pixel coordinates
that correspond to the window point (dx0,dy0) within the image "m_bitmap", and
(b_width,b_height) is the size of the bitmap patch that will be drawn.
(x0,y0) ................. (x1,y0)
. .
. .
(x0,y1) ................ (x1,y1)
(In pixels!!)
// 1st step -------------------------------
wxCoord x0 = w.x2p(m_min_x);
wxCoord y0 = w.y2p(m_max_y);
wxCoord x1 = w.x2p(m_max_x);
wxCoord y1 = w.y2p(m_min_y);
// 2nd step -------------------------------
// Precompute the size of the actual bitmap pixel on the screen (e.g. will be >1 if zoomed in)
double screenPixelX = ( x1-x0 ) / (double)m_bitmap.GetWidth();
double screenPixelY = ( y1-y0 ) / (double)m_bitmap.GetHeight();
// The minimum number of pixels that the streched image will overpass the actual mpWindow borders:
wxCoord borderMarginX = (wxCoord)(screenPixelX+1); // ceil
wxCoord borderMarginY = (wxCoord)(screenPixelY+1); // ceil
// The actual drawn rectangle (dx0,dy0)-(dx1,dy1) is (x0,y0)-(x1,y1) clipped:
wxCoord dx0=x0,dx1=x1,dy0=y0,dy1=y1;
if (dx0<0) dx0=-borderMarginX;
if (dy0<0) dy0=-borderMarginY;
if (dx1>w.GetScrX()) dx1=w.GetScrX()+borderMarginX;
if (dy1>w.GetScrY()) dy1=w.GetScrY()+borderMarginY;
// For convenience, compute the width/height of the rectangle to be actually drawn:
wxCoord d_width = dx1-dx0+1;
wxCoord d_height = dy1-dy0+1;
// Compute the pixel offsets in the internally stored bitmap:
wxCoord offset_x= (wxCoord) ( (dx0-x0)/screenPixelX );
wxCoord offset_y= (wxCoord) ( (dy0-y0)/screenPixelY );
// and the size in pixel of the area to be actually drawn from the internally stored bitmap:
wxCoord b_width = (wxCoord) ( (dx1-dx0+1)/screenPixelX );
wxCoord b_height = (wxCoord) ( (dy1-dy0+1)/screenPixelY );
wxLogMessage(_("[mpBitmapLayer::Plot] screenPixel: x=%f y=%f d_width=%ix%i"),screenPixelX,screenPixelY,d_width,d_height);
wxLogMessage(_("[mpBitmapLayer::Plot] offset: x=%i y=%i bmpWidth=%ix%i"),offset_x,offset_y,b_width,b_height);
// Is there any visible region?
if (d_width>0 && d_height>0)
// Build the scaled bitmap from the image, only if it has changed:
if (m_scaledBitmap.GetWidth()!=d_width ||
m_scaledBitmap.GetHeight()!=d_height ||
m_scaledBitmap_offset_x != offset_x ||
m_scaledBitmap_offset_y != offset_y )
wxRect r(wxRect(offset_x,offset_y,b_width,b_height));
// Just for the case....
if (r.x<0) r.x=0;
if (r.y<0) r.y=0;
if (r.width>m_bitmap.GetWidth()) r.width=m_bitmap.GetWidth();
if (r.height>m_bitmap.GetHeight()) r.height=m_bitmap.GetHeight();
m_scaledBitmap = wxBitmap(
wxBitmap(m_bitmap).GetSubBitmap( r ).ConvertToImage()
.Scale(d_width,d_height) );
m_scaledBitmap_offset_x = offset_x;
m_scaledBitmap_offset_y = offset_y;
// Draw it:
dc.DrawBitmap( m_scaledBitmap, dx0,dy0, true );
// Draw the name label
if (!m_name.IsEmpty() && m_showName)
wxCoord tx, ty;
dc.GetTextExtent(m_name, &tx, &ty);
if (HasBBox())
wxCoord sx = (wxCoord) (( m_max_x - w.GetPosX()) * w.GetScaleX());
wxCoord sy = (wxCoord) ((w.GetPosY() - m_max_y ) * w.GetScaleY());
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
const int sx = w.GetScrX()>>1;
const int sy = w.GetScrY()>>1;
if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NE)
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = -sy + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_NW)
tx = -sx + 8;
ty = -sy + 8;
else if ((m_flags & mpALIGNMASK) == mpALIGN_SW)
tx = -sx + 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
tx = sx - tx - 8;
ty = sy - 8 - ty;
dc.DrawText( m_name, tx, ty);
void mpFXY::SetScale ( mpScaleBase *scaleX, mpScaleBase *scaleY )
m_scaleX = scaleX;
m_scaleY = scaleY;
//printf("SetScales : %p %p\n", scaleX, scaleY);
m_scaleX->ExtendDataRange(GetMinX(), GetMaxX());
m_scaleY->ExtendDataRange(GetMinY(), GetMaxY());
double mpFXY::s2x(double plotCoordX) const
return m_scaleX->TransformFromPlot( plotCoordX );
double mpFXY::s2y(double plotCoordY) const
return m_scaleY->TransformFromPlot( plotCoordY );
double mpFXY::x2s(double x) const
return m_scaleX->TransformToPlot( x );
double mpFXY::y2s(double y) const
return m_scaleY->TransformToPlot( y );