
1231 lines
37 KiB

/* Gestion des composants specifiques aux microndes */
/* File MUONDE.CPP */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#include "kicad_string.h"
#include "gestfich.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* Fonctions locales */
//static void Exit_Muonde(WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame, wxDC *DC);
/* Variables locales : */
#define COEFF_COUNT 6
static double* PolyEdges;
static int PolyEdgesCount;
static double ShapeScaleX, ShapeScaleY;
static wxSize ShapeSize;
static int PolyShapeType;
/* Fonctions locales */
static void Exit_Self( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, wxDC* DC );
static EDGE_MODULE* gen_arc( MODULE* aModule, EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm, int cX, int cY, int angle );
static void ShowCadreSelf( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase );
/* structures locales */
class SELFPCB // Definition d'une self constituee par une piste
int forme; // Serpentin, spirale ..
int orient; // 0..3600
int valeur; // Valeur de la self
wxPoint m_Start;
wxPoint m_End; // Coord du point de depart et d'arrivee
wxSize m_Size;
D_PAD* pt_pad_start, * pt_pad_end; // Pointeurs sur les pads d'extremite
int lng; // Longueur de la piste constituant la self
int m_Width; // m_Size.xur de la piste
int nbrin; // Parametres de calcul: nombre de brins
int lbrin; // longueur du brin
int rayon; // Rayon des raccords entre brins
int delta; // distance aux pads
/* Variables locales */
static SELFPCB Mself;
static int Self_On;
static int Bl_X0, Bl_Y0, Bl_Xf, Bl_Yf; // Coord du cadre insrcivant la self
static void ShowCadreSelf( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase )
/* Routine d'affichage a l'ecran du cadre de la self */
int deltaX, deltaY;
/* Calcul de l'orientation et de la taille de la fenetre:
* - orient = vert ou Horiz ( dimension max)
* - Size.x = Size.y / 2
GRSetDrawMode( DC, GR_XOR );
if( erase )/* effacement du cadre */
GRRect( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, Bl_X0, Bl_Y0, Bl_Xf, Bl_Yf, YELLOW );
deltaX = (panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x - Mself.m_Start.x) / 4;
deltaY = (panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y - Mself.m_Start.y) / 4;
Mself.orient = 900;
if( abs( deltaX ) > abs( deltaY ) )
Mself.orient = 0;
if( Mself.orient == 0 )
Bl_X0 = Mself.m_Start.x;
Bl_Y0 = Mself.m_Start.y - deltaX;
Bl_Xf = panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x;
Bl_Yf = Mself.m_Start.y + deltaX;
Bl_X0 = Mself.m_Start.x - deltaY;
Bl_Y0 = Mself.m_Start.y;
Bl_Xf = Mself.m_Start.x + deltaY;
Bl_Yf = panel->GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y;
GRRect( &panel->m_ClipBox, DC, Bl_X0, Bl_Y0, Bl_Xf, Bl_Yf, YELLOW );
void Exit_Self( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, wxDC* DC )
/* Routine de fermeture de l'application : ferme les commandes en cours */
if( Self_On )
Self_On = 0;
Panel->ManageCurseur( Panel, DC, 0 ); /* efface cadre */
Panel->ManageCurseur = NULL;
Panel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Begin_Self( wxDC* DC )
if( Self_On )
Genere_Self( DC );
Mself.m_Start = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
Self_On = 1;
/* Mise a jour de l'origine des coord relatives */
GetScreen()->m_O_Curseur = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
Bl_X0 = Mself.m_Start.x;
Bl_Y0 = Mself.m_Start.y;
Bl_Xf = Bl_X0;
Bl_Yf = Bl_Y0;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = ShowCadreSelf;
DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = Exit_Self;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, 0 ); /* Affiche cadre */
MODULE* WinEDA_PcbFrame::Genere_Self( wxDC* DC )
/* Genere une self en forme de serpentin
* - longueur Mself.lng
* - Extremites Mself.m_Start et Mself.m_End
* - Contrainte: m_Start.x = m_End.x ( self verticale )
* ou m_Start.y = m_End.y ( self horizontale )
* On doit determiner:
* Mself.nbrin = nombre de segments perpendiculaires a la direction
* ( le serpention aura nbrin + 1 demicercles + 2 1/4 de cercle)
* Mself.lbrin = longueur d'un brin
* Mself.rayon = rayon des parties arrondies du serpentin
* = segments raccord entre extremites et le serpention lui meme
* Les equations sont
* Mself.m_Size.x = 2*Mself.rayon + Mself.lbrin
* Mself.m_Size.y = 2* + 2*Mself.nbrin*Mself.rayon
* Mself.lng = 2* // Raccords au serpentin
+ (Mself.nbrin-2) * Mself.lbrin //longueur des brins sauf 1er et dernier
+ (Mself.nbrin+1) * ( PI * Mself.rayon) // longueur des arrondis
+ Mself.lbrin/2 - Melf.rayon*2) // longueur du 1er et dernier brin
* Les contraintes sont:
* nbrin >= 2
* Mself.rayon < Mself.m_Size.x
* Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.rayon*4 + 2*Mself.raccord
* Mself.lbrin > Mself.rayon *2
* Le calcul est conduit de la facon suivante:
* Initialement:
* nbrin = 2
* rayon = 4 * m_Size.x (valeur fixe arbitraire)
* puis:
* on augmente le nombre de brins jusqu'a la longueur desiree
* ( le rayon est diminue si necessaire )
EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm, * LastSegm, * FirstSegm, * newedge;
MODULE* Module;
D_PAD* PtPad;
int ii, ll, lextbrin;
double fcoeff;
bool abort = FALSE;
wxString msg;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur( DrawPanel, DC, FALSE ); /* efface cadre */
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL;
DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL;
if( Self_On == 0 )
DisplayError( this, wxT( "Starting point not init.." ) );
return NULL;
Self_On = 0;
Mself.m_End = GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
/* Agencement des parametres pour simplifier le calcul : */
/* le point de depart doit avoir la coord depart < celle du point de fin */
if( Mself.orient == 0 ) // Self horizontale
Mself.m_End.y = Mself.m_Start.y;
if( Mself.m_Start.x > Mself.m_End.x )
EXCHG( Mself.m_Start.x, Mself.m_End.x );
Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.m_End.x - Mself.m_Start.x;
Mself.lng = Mself.m_Size.y;
else // Self verticale
Mself.m_End.x = Mself.m_Start.x;
if( Mself.m_Start.y > Mself.m_End.y )
EXCHG( Mself.m_Start.y, Mself.m_End.y );
Mself.m_Size.y = Mself.m_End.y - Mself.m_Start.y;
Mself.lng = Mself.m_Size.y;
/* Entree de la vraie longueur desiree */
if( !g_UnitMetric )
fcoeff = 10000.0;
msg.Printf( wxT( "%1.4f" ), Mself.lng / fcoeff );
abort = Get_Message( _( "Length(inch):" ), _("Length"), msg, this );
fcoeff = 10000.0 / 25.4;
msg.Printf( wxT( "%2.3f" ), Mself.lng / fcoeff );
abort = Get_Message( _( "Length(mm):" ), _("Length"), msg, this );
if( abort )
return NULL;
double fval;
if( !msg.ToDouble( &fval ) )
DisplayError( this, _( "Incorrect number, abort" ) );
return NULL;
Mself.lng = (int) round( fval * fcoeff );
/* Controle des valeurs ( ii = valeur minimale de la longueur */
if( Mself.lng < Mself.m_Size.y )
DisplayError( this, _( "Requested length < minimum length" ) );
return NULL;
/* Generation du composant: calcul des elements de la self */
Mself.m_Width = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth;
Mself.m_Size.x = Mself.m_Size.y / 2;
// Choix d'une Valeur de depart raisonnable pour le rayon des arcs de cercle
Mself.rayon = MIN( Mself.m_Width * 5, Mself.m_Size.x / 4 );
/* Calcul des parametres */
for( Mself.nbrin = 2; ; Mself.nbrin++ )
{ = ( Mself.m_Size.y - ( Mself.rayon * 2 * Mself.nbrin ) ) / 2;
if( < Mself.m_Size.y / 10 ) // C.a.d. si m_Size.yeur self > m_Size.yeur specifiee
{ // Reduction du rayon des arrondis = Mself.m_Size.y / 10;
Mself.rayon = (Mself.m_Size.y - 2 * / ( 2 * Mself.nbrin);
if( Mself.rayon < Mself.m_Width )
{ // Rayon vraiment trop petit...
Affiche_Message( _( "Unable to create line: Requested length is too big" ) );
return NULL;
Mself.lbrin = Mself.m_Size.x - (Mself.rayon * 2);
lextbrin = (Mself.lbrin / 2) - Mself.rayon;
ll = 2 * lextbrin; // Longueur du 1er et dernier brin
ll += 2 *; // Longueur des raccord au serpentin
ll += Mself.nbrin * (Mself.lbrin - 2); // longueur des autres brins
ll += ( (Mself.nbrin + 1) * 314 * Mself.rayon ) / 100;
msg.Printf( _( "Segm count = %d, Length = " ), Mself.nbrin );
wxString stlen;
valeur_param( ll, stlen );
msg += stlen;
Affiche_Message( msg );
if( ll >= Mself.lng )
/* Generation du composant : le calcul est fait self Verticale */
Module = Create_1_Module( DC, wxEmptyString );
if( Module == NULL )
return NULL;
// here the Module is already in the BOARD, Create_1_Module() does that.
Module->m_LibRef = wxT( "MuSelf" );
Module->m_Attributs = MOD_VIRTUAL | MOD_CMS;
Module->m_Flags = 0;
Module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR );
/* Generation des elements speciaux: drawsegments */
FirstSegm = PtSegm = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( PtSegm );
PtSegm->m_Start = Mself.m_Start;
PtSegm->m_End.x = Mself.m_Start.x;
PtSegm->m_End.y = PtSegm->m_Start.y +;
PtSegm->m_Width = Mself.m_Width;
PtSegm->SetLayer( Module->GetLayer() );
PtSegm->m_Shape = S_SEGMENT;
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm = gen_arc( Module, PtSegm, PtSegm->m_End.x - Mself.rayon, PtSegm->m_End.y, -900 );
if( lextbrin )
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm->m_End.x -= lextbrin;
/* Trace du serpentin */
for( ii = 1; ii < Mself.nbrin; ii++ )
int arc_angle;
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
if( ii & 1 ) /* brin d'ordre impair : cercles de sens > 0 */
arc_angle = 1800;
arc_angle = -1800;
PtSegm = gen_arc( Module, PtSegm, PtSegm->m_End.x,
PtSegm->m_End.y + Mself.rayon, arc_angle );
if( ii < Mself.nbrin - 1 )
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.Insert( newedge, PtSegm->Next() );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
if( ii & 1 )
PtSegm->m_End.x += Mself.lbrin;
PtSegm->m_End.x -= Mself.lbrin;
/* Trace du point final */
if( ii & 1 ) /* brin final de sens > 0 */
if( lextbrin )
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.Insert( newedge, PtSegm->Next() );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm->m_End.x -= lextbrin;
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start.x = PtSegm->m_End.x; PtSegm->m_Start.y = PtSegm->m_End.y;
PtSegm = gen_arc( Module, PtSegm, PtSegm->m_End.x, PtSegm->m_End.y + Mself.rayon, 900 );
if( lextbrin )
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.Insert( newedge, PtSegm->Next() );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm->m_End.x += lextbrin;
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm = gen_arc( Module, PtSegm, PtSegm->m_End.x, PtSegm->m_End.y + Mself.rayon, -900 );
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
Module->m_Drawings.Insert( newedge, PtSegm->Next() );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
PtSegm->m_End = Mself.m_End;
/* Rotation de la self si le trace doit etre horizontal : */
LastSegm = PtSegm;
if( Mself.orient == 0 )
for( PtSegm = FirstSegm; PtSegm != NULL; PtSegm = (EDGE_MODULE*) PtSegm->Next() )
RotatePoint( &PtSegm->m_Start.x, &PtSegm->m_Start.y,
FirstSegm->m_Start.x, FirstSegm->m_Start.y, 900 );
if( PtSegm != LastSegm )
RotatePoint( &PtSegm->m_End.x, &PtSegm->m_End.y,
FirstSegm->m_Start.x, FirstSegm->m_Start.y, 900 );
/* Modif position ancre */
Module->m_Pos = LastSegm->m_End;
/* Placement des 2 pads sur extremite */
PtPad = new D_PAD( Module );
Module->m_Pads.PushFront( PtPad );
PtPad->SetPadName( wxT( "1" ) );
PtPad->m_Pos = LastSegm->m_End;
PtPad->m_Pos0 = PtPad->m_Pos - Module->m_Pos;
PtPad->m_Size.x = PtPad->m_Size.y = LastSegm->m_Width;
PtPad->m_Masque_Layer = g_TabOneLayerMask[LastSegm->GetLayer()];
PtPad->m_Attribut = PAD_SMD;
PtPad->m_PadShape = PAD_CIRCLE;
PtPad->m_Rayon = PtPad->m_Size.x / 2;
D_PAD* newpad = new D_PAD( Module );
newpad->Copy( PtPad );
Module->m_Pads.Insert( newpad, PtPad->Next() );
PtPad = newpad;
PtPad->SetPadName( wxT( "2" ) );
PtPad->m_Pos = FirstSegm->m_Start;
PtPad->m_Pos0 = PtPad->m_Pos - Module->m_Pos;
/* Modif des positions textes */
Module->DisplayInfo( this );
Module->m_Value->m_Pos.x = Module->m_Reference->m_Pos.x = ( FirstSegm->m_Start.x +
LastSegm->m_End.x ) / 2;
Module->m_Value->m_Pos.y = Module->m_Reference->m_Pos.y = ( FirstSegm->m_Start.y +
LastSegm->m_End.y ) / 2;
Module->m_Reference->m_Pos.y -= Module->m_Reference->m_Size.y;
Module->m_Value->m_Pos.y += Module->m_Value->m_Size.y;
Module->m_Reference->m_Pos0 = Module->m_Reference->m_Pos - Module->m_Pos;
Module->m_Value->m_Pos0 = Module->m_Value->m_Pos - Module->m_Pos;
/* Init des Coord locales des segments */
for( PtSegm = FirstSegm; PtSegm; PtSegm = PtSegm->Next() )
PtSegm->m_Start0 = PtSegm->m_Start - Module->m_Pos;
PtSegm->m_End0 = PtSegm->m_End - Module->m_Pos;
Module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR );
return Module;
static EDGE_MODULE* gen_arc( MODULE* aModule, EDGE_MODULE* PtSegm, int cX, int cY, int angle )
/* Genere un arc de EDGE_MODULE :
* de centre cX,cY
* d'angle "angle"
* de point de depart donne dans la structure pointee par PtSegm, qui doit
* entre a jour (type,net..)
* Retourne un pointeur sur la derniere structure EDGE_MODULE generee
int ii, nb_seg;
double alpha, beta, fsin, fcos;
int x0, xr0, y0, yr0;
EDGE_MODULE* newedge;
angle = -angle;
y0 = PtSegm->m_Start.x - cX;
x0 = PtSegm->m_Start.y - cY;
nb_seg = ( abs( angle ) ) / 225; if( nb_seg == 0 )
nb_seg = 1;
alpha = ( (double) angle * 3.14159 / 1800 ) / nb_seg;
for( ii = 1; ii <= nb_seg; ii++ )
if( ii > 1 )
newedge = new EDGE_MODULE( aModule );
newedge->Copy( PtSegm );
aModule->m_Drawings.PushBack( newedge );
PtSegm = newedge;
PtSegm->m_Start = PtSegm->m_End;
beta = (alpha * ii);
fcos = cos( beta ); fsin = sin( beta );
xr0 = (int) (x0 * fcos + y0 * fsin);
yr0 = (int) (y0 * fcos - x0 * fsin);
PtSegm->m_End.x = cX + yr0;
PtSegm->m_End.y = cY + xr0;
return PtSegm;
MODULE* WinEDA_PcbFrame::Create_MuWaveBasicShape( const wxString& name, int pad_count )
/* Create a footprint with pad_count pads for micro wave applications
* This footprint has pad_count pads:
* PAD_SMD, rectangular, H size = V size = current track width.
MODULE* Module;
int pad_num = 1;
wxString Line;
Module = Create_1_Module( NULL, name );
if( Module == NULL )
return NULL;
Module->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp();
Module->m_Value->m_Size = wxSize( 30, 30 );
Module->m_Value->m_Pos0.y = -30;
Module->m_Value->m_Pos.y += Module->m_Value->m_Pos0.y;
Module->m_Reference->m_Size = wxSize( 30, 30 );
Module->m_Reference->m_Pos0.y = 30;
Module->m_Reference->m_Pos.y += Module->m_Reference->m_Pos0.y;
/* Creation des pastilles formant le gap */
while( pad_count-- )
D_PAD* pad= new D_PAD( Module );
Module->m_Pads.PushFront( pad );
pad->m_Size.x = pad->m_Size.y = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth;
pad->m_Pos = Module->m_Pos;
pad->m_PadShape = PAD_RECT;
pad->m_Attribut = PAD_SMD;
pad->m_Masque_Layer = CMP_LAYER;
Line.Printf( wxT( "%d" ), pad_num );
pad->SetPadName( Line );
return Module;
#if 0
static void Exit_Muonde( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, wxDC* DC )
MODULE* Module = (MODULE*) frame->GetScreen()->GetCurItem();
if( Module )
if( Module->m_Flags & IS_NEW )
Module->Draw( frame->DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR );
Module ->DeleteStructure();
Module->Draw( frame->DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR );
frame->DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL;
frame->DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = NULL;
frame->SetCurItem( NULL );
MODULE* WinEDA_PcbFrame::Create_MuWaveComponent( int shape_type )
/* Create a module "GAP" or "STUB"
* This a "gap" or "stub" used in micro wave designs
* This modue has 2 pads:
* PAD_SMD, rectangular, H size = V size = current track width.
* the "gap" is isolation created between this 2 pads
int oX;
float fcoeff;
D_PAD* pad;
MODULE* Module;
wxString msg, cmp_name;
int pad_count = 2;
int angle = 0;
bool abort;
/* Enter the size of the gap or stub*/
int gap_size = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth; // Valeur raisonnable
switch( shape_type )
case 0:
msg = _( "Gap" );
cmp_name = wxT( "GAP" );
case 1:
msg = _( "Stub" );
cmp_name = wxT( "STUB" );
pad_count = 2;
case 2:
msg = _( "Arc Stub" );
cmp_name = wxT( "ASTUB" );
pad_count = 1;
msg = wxT( "???" );
wxString value;
if( g_UnitMetric )
fcoeff = 10000.0 / 25.4;
value.Printf( wxT( "%2.4f" ), gap_size / fcoeff );
msg += _( " (mm):" );
fcoeff = 10000.0;
value.Printf( wxT( "%2.3f" ), gap_size / fcoeff );
msg += _( " (inch):" );
abort = Get_Message( msg, _("Create microwave module"), value, this );
double fval;
if( !value.ToDouble( &fval ) )
DisplayError( this, _( "Incorrect number, abort" ) );
abort = TRUE;
gap_size = ABS( wxRound( fval * fcoeff ) );
if( !abort && (shape_type == 2) )
fcoeff = 10.0;
value.Printf( wxT( "%3.1f" ), angle / fcoeff );
msg = _( "Angle (0.1deg):" );
abort = Get_Message( msg, _("Create microwave module"), value, this );
if( !value.ToDouble( &fval ) )
DisplayError( this, _( "Incorrect number, abort" ) );
abort = TRUE;
angle = ABS( wxRound( fval * fcoeff ) );
if( angle > 1800 )
angle = 1800;
if( abort )
return NULL;
Module = Create_MuWaveBasicShape( cmp_name, pad_count );
pad = Module->m_Pads;
switch( shape_type )
case 0: //Gap :
oX = pad->m_Pos0.x = -(gap_size + pad->m_Size.x) / 2;
pad->m_Pos.x += pad->m_Pos0.x;
pad = pad->Next();
pad->m_Pos0.x = oX + gap_size + pad->m_Size.x;
pad->m_Pos.x += pad->m_Pos0.x;
case 1: //Stub :
pad->SetPadName( wxT( "1" ) );
pad = pad->Next();
pad->m_Pos0.y = -(gap_size + pad->m_Size.y) / 2;
pad->m_Size.y = gap_size;
pad->m_Pos.y += pad->m_Pos0.y;
case 2: // Arc Stub created by a polygonal approach:
EDGE_MODULE* edge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
Module->m_Drawings.PushFront( edge );
edge->m_Shape = S_POLYGON;
edge->SetLayer( LAYER_CMP_N );
int numPoints = angle / 50 + 3; // Note : angles are in 0.1 degrees
edge->m_PolyPoints.reserve( numPoints );
edge->m_Start0.y = -pad->m_Size.y / 2;
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( wxPoint(0,0) );
int theta = -angle / 2;
for( int ii=1; ii<numPoints-1; ii++ )
wxPoint pt(0, -gap_size);
RotatePoint( &pt.x, &pt.y, theta );
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( pt );
theta += 50;
if( theta > angle / 2 )
theta = angle / 2;
// Close the polygon:
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( edge->m_PolyPoints[0] );
GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
return Module;
/**************** Polygon Shapes ***********************/
enum id_mw_cmd {
class WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame : public wxDialog
/* Reglages des parametres des forme polynomiales
WinEDA_PcbFrame* m_Parent;
wxRadioBox* m_ShapeOptionCtrl;
WinEDA_SizeCtrl* m_SizeCtrl;
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, const wxPoint& pos );
~WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame() { };
void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
void ReadDataShapeDescr( wxCommandEvent& event );
void AcceptOptions( wxCommandEvent& event );
/* Construction de la table des evenements pour WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame */
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame, wxDialog )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::OnOkClick )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::OnCancelClick )
EVT_BUTTON( ID_READ_SHAPE_FILE, WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::ReadDataShapeDescr )
/* Constructeur de WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame */
WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& framepos ) :
wxDialog( parent, -1, _( "Complex shape" ), framepos, wxSize( 350, 280 ),
m_Parent = parent;
if( PolyEdges )
free( PolyEdges );
PolyEdges = NULL;
PolyEdgesCount = 0;
wxBoxSizer* MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
SetSizer( MainBoxSizer );
wxBoxSizer* LeftBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
wxBoxSizer* RightBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
MainBoxSizer->Add( LeftBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
MainBoxSizer->Add( RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 );
wxButton* Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
Button = new wxButton( this, ID_READ_SHAPE_FILE, _( "Read Shape Descr File..." ) );
RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
wxString shapelist[3] = { _( "Normal" ), _( "Symmetrical" ), _( "Mirrored" ) };
m_ShapeOptionCtrl = new wxRadioBox( this, -1, _(
"Shape Option" ),
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 3, shapelist, 1,
LeftBoxSizer->Add( m_ShapeOptionCtrl, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
m_SizeCtrl = new WinEDA_SizeCtrl( this, _( "Size" ),
g_UnitMetric, LeftBoxSizer, PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT );
GetSizer()->Fit( this );
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
void WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED (event) )
if( PolyEdges )
free( PolyEdges );
PolyEdges = NULL;
PolyEdgesCount = 0;
EndModal( -1 );
void WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
ShapeSize = m_SizeCtrl->GetValue();
PolyShapeType = m_ShapeOptionCtrl->GetSelection();
EndModal( 1 );
void WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame::ReadDataShapeDescr( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Read a description shape file
* File format is
* Unit=MM
* XScale=271.501
* YScale=1.00133
* 0 0.6112600148417837
* 0.001851851851851852 0.6104800531118608
* ....
* Each line is the X Y coord (normalised units from 0 to 1)
wxString FullFileName;
wxString ext, mask;
FILE* File;
char Line[1024];
double unitconv = 10000;
char* param1, * param2;
int bufsize;
double* ptbuf;
ext = wxT( ".txt" );
mask = wxT( "*" ) + ext;
FullFileName = EDA_FileSelector( _( "Read descr shape file" ),
wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */
FullFileName, /* nom fichier par defaut */
ext, /* extension par defaut */
mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
TRUE /* ne change pas de repertoire courant */
if( FullFileName.IsEmpty() )
File = wxFopen( FullFileName, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( File == NULL )
DisplayError( this, _( "File not found" ) );
bufsize = 100;
ptbuf = PolyEdges = (double*) MyZMalloc( bufsize * 2 * sizeof(double) );
SetLocaleTo_C_standard( );
int LineNum = 0;
while( GetLine( File, Line, &LineNum, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) != NULL )
param1 = strtok( Line, " =\n\r" );
param2 = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
if( strnicmp( param1, "Unit", 4 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( param2, "inch", 4 ) == 0 )
unitconv = 10000;
if( strnicmp( param2, "mm", 2 ) == 0 )
unitconv = 10000 / 25.4;
if( strnicmp( param1, "$ENDCOORD", 8 ) == 0 )
if( strnicmp( param1, "$COORD", 6 ) == 0 )
while( GetLine( File, Line, &LineNum, sizeof(Line) - 1 ) != NULL )
param1 = strtok( Line, " \t\n\r" );
param2 = strtok( NULL, " \t\n\r" );
if( strnicmp( param1, "$ENDCOORD", 8 ) == 0 )
if( bufsize <= PolyEdgesCount )
int index = ptbuf - PolyEdges;
bufsize *= 2;
ptbuf = PolyEdges = (double*) realloc( PolyEdges, bufsize * 2 *
sizeof(double) );
ptbuf += index;
*ptbuf = atof( param1 );
*ptbuf = atof( param2 );
if( strnicmp( Line, "XScale", 6 ) == 0 )
ShapeScaleX = atof( param2 );
if( strnicmp( Line, "YScale", 6 ) == 0 )
ShapeScaleY = atof( param2 );
if( PolyEdgesCount == 0 )
free( PolyEdges );
PolyEdges = NULL;
fclose( File );
SetLocaleTo_Default( ); // revert to the current locale
ShapeScaleX *= unitconv;
ShapeScaleY *= unitconv;
m_SizeCtrl->SetValue( (int) ShapeScaleX, (int) ShapeScaleY );
MODULE* WinEDA_PcbFrame::Create_MuWavePolygonShape( )
D_PAD* pad1, * pad2;
MODULE* Module;
wxString cmp_name;
int pad_count = 2;
int ii, npoints;
WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame* frame = new WinEDA_SetParamShapeFrame( this, wxPoint( -1, -1 ) );
int ok = frame->ShowModal();
if( ok != 1 )
if( PolyEdges )
free( PolyEdges );
PolyEdges = NULL;
PolyEdgesCount = 0;
return NULL;
if( PolyShapeType == 2 ) // mirrored
ShapeScaleY = -ShapeScaleY;
ShapeSize.x = wxRound( ShapeScaleX );
ShapeSize.y = wxRound( ShapeScaleY );
if( (ShapeSize.x) == 0 || (ShapeSize.y == 0) )
DisplayError( this, _( "Shape has a null size!" ) );
return NULL;
if( PolyEdgesCount == 0 )
DisplayError( this, _( "Shape has no points!" ) );
return NULL;
cmp_name = wxT( "POLY" );
Module = Create_MuWaveBasicShape( cmp_name, pad_count );
pad1 = Module->m_Pads;
pad1->m_Pos0.x = -ShapeSize.x / 2;
pad1->m_Pos.x += pad1->m_Pos0.x;
pad2 = (D_PAD*) pad1->Next();
pad2->m_Pos0.x = pad1->m_Pos0.x + ShapeSize.x;
pad2->m_Pos.x += pad2->m_Pos0.x;
edge = new EDGE_MODULE( Module );
Module->m_Drawings.PushFront( edge );
edge->m_Shape = S_POLYGON;
edge->SetLayer( LAYER_CMP_N );
npoints = PolyEdgesCount;
edge->m_PolyPoints.reserve(2 * PolyEdgesCount + 2);
// Init start point coord:
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( wxPoint( pad1->m_Pos0.x, 0) );
double* dptr = PolyEdges;
wxPoint first_coordinate, last_coordinate;
for( ii = 0; ii < npoints; ii++ ) // Copy points
last_coordinate.x = wxRound( *dptr++ * ShapeScaleX ) + pad1->m_Pos0.x;
last_coordinate.y = -wxRound( *dptr++ * ShapeScaleY );
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( last_coordinate );
first_coordinate.y = edge->m_PolyPoints[1].y;
switch( PolyShapeType )
case 0: // Single
case 2: // Single mirrored
// Init end point coord:
pad2->m_Pos0.x = last_coordinate.x;
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( wxPoint( last_coordinate.x, 0 ) );
pad1->m_Size.x = pad1->m_Size.y = ABS( first_coordinate.y );
pad2->m_Size.x = pad2->m_Size.y = ABS( last_coordinate.y );
pad1->m_Pos0.y = first_coordinate.y / 2;
pad2->m_Pos0.y = last_coordinate.y / 2;
pad1->m_Pos.y = pad1->m_Pos0.y + Module->m_Pos.y;
pad2->m_Pos.y = pad2->m_Pos0.y + Module->m_Pos.y;
case 1: // Symetric
for( int ndx = edge->m_PolyPoints.size()-1; ndx>=0; --ndx )
wxPoint pt = edge->m_PolyPoints[ndx];
pt.y = -pt.y; // mirror about X axis
edge->m_PolyPoints.push_back( pt );
pad1->m_Size.x = pad1->m_Size.y = 2 * ABS( first_coordinate.y );
pad2->m_Size.x = pad2->m_Size.y = 2 * ABS( last_coordinate.y );
free( PolyEdges );
PolyEdgesCount = 0;
PolyEdges = NULL;
GetBoard()->m_Status_Pcb = 0;
return Module;
void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Edit_Gap( wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module )
* Edit le module GAP, c'est a dire modifie la position et la taille
* des pastilles formant le gap pour obtenir une nouvelle valeur du gap
int gap_size, oX;
float fcoeff;
D_PAD* pad, * next_pad;
wxString msg;
if( Module == NULL )
return; /* Module non trouve */
/* Test si module = gap ( nom commence par GAP, et 2 pastilles) */
msg = Module->m_Reference->m_Text.Left( 3 );
if( msg != wxT( "GAP" ) )
pad = Module->m_Pads;
if( pad == NULL )
DisplayError( this, _( "No pad for this module" ) ); return;
next_pad = (D_PAD*) pad->Next();
if( next_pad == NULL )
DisplayError( this, _( "Only one pad for this module" ) ); return;
/* Effacement du module: */
Module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_XOR );
/* Calcul de la dimension actuelle */
gap_size = next_pad->m_Pos0.x - pad->m_Pos0.x - pad->m_Size.x;
/* Entree de la longueur desiree du gap*/
if( g_UnitMetric )
fcoeff = 10000.0 / 25.4;
msg.Printf( wxT( "%2.3f" ), gap_size / fcoeff );
Get_Message( _( "Gap (mm):" ), _("Create Microwave Gap"), msg, this );
fcoeff = 10000.0;
msg.Printf( wxT( "%2.4f" ), gap_size / fcoeff );
Get_Message( _( "Gap (inch):" ), _("Create Microwave Gap"), msg, this );
if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
double fval;
if( msg.ToDouble( &fval ) )
gap_size = (int) ( fval * fcoeff );
/* Mise a jour des tailles des pastilles formant le gap */
pad->m_Size.x = pad->m_Size.y = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth;
pad->m_Pos0.y = 0;
oX = pad->m_Pos0.x = -( (gap_size + pad->m_Size.x) / 2 );
pad->m_Pos.x = pad->m_Pos0.x + Module->m_Pos.x;
pad->m_Pos.y = pad->m_Pos0.y + Module->m_Pos.y;
RotatePoint( &(pad->m_Pos.x), &(pad->m_Pos.y),
Module->m_Pos.x, Module->m_Pos.y, Module->m_Orient );
next_pad->m_Size.x = next_pad->m_Size.y = g_DesignSettings.m_CurrentTrackWidth;
next_pad->m_Pos0.y = 0;
next_pad->m_Pos0.x = oX + gap_size + next_pad->m_Size.x;
next_pad->m_Pos.x = next_pad->m_Pos0.x + Module->m_Pos.x;
next_pad->m_Pos.y = next_pad->m_Pos0.y + Module->m_Pos.y;
RotatePoint( &(next_pad->m_Pos.x), &(next_pad->m_Pos.y),
Module->m_Pos.x, Module->m_Pos.y, Module->m_Orient );
Module->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, GR_OR );