
749 lines
22 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2016 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2022 CERN
* Copyright (C) 2016-2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <env_vars.h>
#include <lib_id.h>
#include <lib_table_lexer.h>
#include <paths.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <search_stack.h>
#include <settings/kicad_settings.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <systemdirsappend.h>
#include <symbol_lib_table.h>
#include <lib_symbol.h>
#include <sch_io/database/sch_io_database.h>
#include <dialogs/dialog_database_lib_settings.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include "sim/sim_model.h"
#define OPT_SEP '|' ///< options separator character
using namespace LIB_TABLE_T;
static const wxString global_tbl_name( "sym-lib-table" );
const char* SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::PropPowerSymsOnly = "pwr_sym_only";
const char* SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::PropNonPowerSymsOnly = "non_pwr_sym_only";
int SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::m_modifyHash = 1; // starts at 1 and goes up
/// The global symbol library table. This is not dynamically allocated because
/// in a multiple project environment we must keep its address constant (since it is
/// the fallback table for multiple projects).
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE g_symbolLibraryTable;
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW::operator==( const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW& aRow ) const
return LIB_TABLE_ROW::operator == ( aRow ) && type == aRow.type;
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW::SetType( const wxString& aType )
type = SCH_IO_MGR::EnumFromStr( aType );
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW::Refresh()
if( !plugin )
wxArrayString dummyList;
plugin.reset( SCH_IO_MGR::FindPlugin( type ) );
SetLoaded( false );
plugin->SetLibTable( static_cast<SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE*>( GetParent() ) );
plugin->EnumerateSymbolLib( dummyList, GetFullURI( true ), GetProperties() );
SetLoaded( true );
return true;
return false;
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW::GetSubLibraryNames( std::vector<wxString>& aNames ) const
if( !plugin )
plugin->GetSubLibraryNames( aNames );
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW::ShowSettingsDialog( wxWindow* aParent ) const
wxCHECK( plugin, /* void */ );
if( type != SCH_IO_MGR::SCH_DATABASE )
DIALOG_DATABASE_LIB_SETTINGS dlg( aParent, static_cast<SCH_IO_DATABASE*>( plugin.get() ) );
LIB_TABLE( aFallBackTable )
// not copying fall back, simply search aFallBackTable separately
// if "nickName not found".
return g_symbolLibraryTable;
T tok;
wxString errMsg; // to collect error messages
// This table may be nested within a larger s-expression, or not.
// Allow for parser of that optional containing s-epression to have looked ahead.
if( in->CurTok() != T_sym_lib_table )
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_sym_lib_table )
in->Expecting( T_sym_lib_table );
while( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_RIGHT )
std::unique_ptr< SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW > row = std::make_unique<SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW>();
if( tok == T_EOF )
in->Expecting( T_RIGHT );
if( tok != T_LEFT )
in->Expecting( T_LEFT );
// in case there is a "row integrity" error, tell where later.
int lineNum = in->CurLineNumber();
tok = in->NextTok();
// Optionally parse the current version number
if( tok == T_version )
in->NeedNUMBER( "version" );
m_version = std::stoi( in->CurText() );
if( tok != T_lib )
in->Expecting( T_lib );
// (name NICKNAME)
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_name )
in->Expecting( T_name );
row->SetNickName( in->FromUTF8() );
// After (name), remaining (lib) elements are order independent, and in
// some cases optional.
bool sawType = false;
bool sawOpts = false;
bool sawDesc = false;
bool sawUri = false;
bool sawDisabled = false;
bool sawHidden = false;
while( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_RIGHT )
if( tok == T_EOF )
in->Unexpected( T_EOF );
if( tok != T_LEFT )
in->Expecting( T_LEFT );
tok = in->NeedSYMBOLorNUMBER();
switch( tok )
case T_uri:
if( sawUri )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawUri = true;
row->SetFullURI( in->FromUTF8() );
case T_type:
if( sawType )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawType = true;
row->SetType( in->FromUTF8() );
case T_options:
if( sawOpts )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawOpts = true;
row->SetOptions( in->FromUTF8() );
case T_descr:
if( sawDesc )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawDesc = true;
row->SetDescr( in->FromUTF8() );
case T_disabled:
if( sawDisabled )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawDisabled = true;
row->SetEnabled( false );
case T_hidden:
if( sawHidden )
in->Duplicate( tok );
sawHidden = true;
row->SetVisible( false );
in->Unexpected( tok );
if( !sawType )
in->Expecting( T_type );
if( !sawUri )
in->Expecting( T_uri );
// all nickNames within this table fragment must be unique, so we do not
// use doReplace in InsertRow(). (However a fallBack table can have a
// conflicting nickName and ours will supercede that one since in
// FindLib() we search this table before any fall back.)
wxString nickname = row->GetNickName(); // store it to be able to used it
// after row deletion if an error occurs
LIB_TABLE_ROW* tmp = row.release();
if( !InsertRow( tmp ) )
delete tmp; // The table did not take ownership of the row.
wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Duplicate library nickname '%s' found in symbol "
"library table file line %d" ),
lineNum );
if( !errMsg.IsEmpty() )
errMsg << '\n';
errMsg << msg;
if( !errMsg.IsEmpty() )
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* aOutput, int aIndentLevel ) const
aOutput->Print( aIndentLevel, "(sym_lib_table\n" );
aOutput->Print( aIndentLevel + 1, "(version %d)\n", m_version );
for( const LIB_TABLE_ROW& row : m_rows )
row.Format( aOutput, aIndentLevel + 1 );
aOutput->Print( aIndentLevel, ")\n" );
int SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetModifyHash()
int hash = 0;
std::vector< wxString > libNames = GetLogicalLibs();
for( const auto& libName : libNames )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( libName, true );
if( !row || !row->plugin )
hash += row->plugin->GetModifyHash();
hash += m_modifyHash;
return hash;
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::EnumerateSymbolLib( const wxString& aNickname, wxArrayString& aAliasNames,
bool aPowerSymbolsOnly )
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, /* void */ );
wxString options = row->GetOptions();
if( aPowerSymbolsOnly )
row->SetOptions( row->GetOptions() + " " + PropPowerSymsOnly );
row->SetLoaded( false );
row->plugin->EnumerateSymbolLib( aAliasNames, row->GetFullURI( true ), row->GetProperties() );
row->SetLoaded( true );
if( aPowerSymbolsOnly )
row->SetOptions( options );
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::FindRow( const wxString& aNickname, bool aCheckIfEnabled )
dynamic_cast< SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* >( findRow( aNickname, aCheckIfEnabled ) );
if( !row )
return nullptr;
// We've been 'lazy' up until now, but it cannot be deferred any longer,
// instantiate a PLUGIN of the proper kind if it is not already in this
if( !row->plugin )
row->setPlugin( SCH_IO_MGR::FindPlugin( row->type ) );
row->plugin->SetLibTable( this );
return row;
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::LoadSymbolLib( std::vector<LIB_SYMBOL*>& aSymbolList,
const wxString& aNickname, bool aPowerSymbolsOnly )
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
if( !row || !row->plugin )
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( row->GetMutex() );
wxString options = row->GetOptions();
if( aPowerSymbolsOnly )
row->SetOptions( row->GetOptions() + " " + PropPowerSymsOnly );
row->SetLoaded( false );
row->plugin->SetLibTable( this );
row->plugin->EnumerateSymbolLib( aSymbolList, row->GetFullURI( true ), row->GetProperties() );
row->SetLoaded( true );
if( aPowerSymbolsOnly )
row->SetOptions( options );
// The library cannot know its own name, because it might have been renamed or moved.
// Therefore footprints cannot know their own library nickname when residing in
// a symbol library.
// Only at this API layer can we tell the symbol about its actual library nickname.
for( LIB_SYMBOL* symbol : aSymbolList )
LIB_ID id = symbol->GetLibId();
id.SetLibNickname( row->GetNickName() );
symbol->SetLibId( id );
LIB_SYMBOL* SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::LoadSymbol( const wxString& aNickname, const wxString& aSymbolName )
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
if( !row || !row->plugin )
return nullptr;
// If another thread is loading this library at the moment; continue
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( row->GetMutex(), std::try_to_lock );
if( !lock.owns_lock() )
return nullptr;
LIB_SYMBOL* symbol = row->plugin->LoadSymbol( row->GetFullURI( true ), aSymbolName,
row->GetProperties() );
if( symbol )
// The library cannot know its own name, because it might have been renamed or moved.
// Therefore footprints cannot know their own library nickname when residing in
// a symbol library.
// Only at this API layer can we tell the symbol about its actual library nickname.
LIB_ID id = symbol->GetLibId();
id.SetLibNickname( row->GetNickName() );
symbol->SetLibId( id );
SIM_MODEL::MigrateSimModel<LIB_SYMBOL, LIB_FIELD>( *symbol, nullptr );
return symbol;
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::SAVE_T SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::SaveSymbol( const wxString& aNickname,
const LIB_SYMBOL* aSymbol, bool aOverwrite )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, SAVE_SKIPPED );
if( !row->plugin->IsLibraryWritable( row->GetFullURI( true ) ) )
if( !aOverwrite )
// Try loading the footprint to see if it already exists, caller wants overwrite
// protection, which is atypical, not the default.
wxString name = aSymbol->GetLibId().GetLibItemName();
std::unique_ptr<LIB_SYMBOL> symbol( row->plugin->LoadSymbol( row->GetFullURI( true ),
name, row->GetProperties() ) );
if( symbol.get() )
row->plugin->SaveSymbol( row->GetFullURI( true ), aSymbol, row->GetProperties() );
catch( const IO_ERROR& )
return SAVE_OK;
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::DeleteSymbol( const wxString& aNickname, const wxString& aSymbolName )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, /* void */ );
return row->plugin->DeleteSymbol( row->GetFullURI( true ), aSymbolName, row->GetProperties() );
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::IsSymbolLibWritable( const wxString& aNickname )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, false );
return row->plugin->IsLibraryWritable( row->GetFullURI( true ) );
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::IsSymbolLibLoaded( const wxString& aNickname )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row, false );
return row->GetIsLoaded();
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::DeleteSymbolLib( const wxString& aNickname )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, /* void */ );
row->plugin->DeleteLibrary( row->GetFullURI( true ), row->GetProperties() );
void SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::CreateSymbolLib( const wxString& aNickname )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = FindRow( aNickname, true );
wxCHECK( row && row->plugin, /* void */ );
row->plugin->CreateLibrary( row->GetFullURI( true ), row->GetProperties() );
LIB_SYMBOL* SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::LoadSymbolWithOptionalNickname( const LIB_ID& aLibId )
wxString nickname = aLibId.GetLibNickname();
wxString name = aLibId.GetLibItemName();
if( nickname.size() )
return LoadSymbol( nickname, name );
// nickname is empty, sequentially search (alphabetically) all libs/nicks for first match:
std::vector<wxString> nicks = GetLogicalLibs();
// Search each library going through libraries alphabetically.
for( unsigned i = 0; i < nicks.size(); ++i )
// FootprintLoad() returns NULL on not found, does not throw exception
// unless there's an IO_ERROR.
LIB_SYMBOL* ret = LoadSymbol( nicks[i], name );
if( ret )
return ret;
return nullptr;
const wxString SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GlobalPathEnvVariableName()
return ENV_VAR::GetVersionedEnvVarName( wxS( "SYMBOL_DIR" ) );
class PCM_SYM_LIB_TRAVERSER final : public wxDirTraverser
explicit PCM_SYM_LIB_TRAVERSER( const wxString& aPath, SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE& aTable,
const wxString& aPrefix ) :
m_lib_table( aTable ),
m_path_prefix( aPath ),
m_lib_prefix( aPrefix )
wxFileName f( aPath, "" );
m_prefix_dir_count = f.GetDirCount();
wxDirTraverseResult OnFile( const wxString& aFilePath ) override
wxFileName file = wxFileName::FileName( aFilePath );
// consider a file to be a lib if it's name ends with .kicad_sym and
// it is under $KICADn_3RD_PARTY/symbols/<pkgid>/ i.e. has nested level of at least +2
if( file.GetExt() == wxT( "kicad_sym" ) && file.GetDirCount() >= m_prefix_dir_count + 2 )
wxString versionedPath = wxString::Format( wxS( "${%s}" ),
ENV_VAR::GetVersionedEnvVarName( wxS( "3RD_PARTY" ) ) );
wxArrayString parts = file.GetDirs();
parts.RemoveAt( 0, m_prefix_dir_count );
parts.Insert( versionedPath, 0 );
parts.Add( file.GetFullName() );
wxString libPath = wxJoin( parts, '/' );
if( !m_lib_table.HasLibraryWithPath( libPath ) )
wxString name = parts.Last().substr( 0, parts.Last().length() - 10 );
wxString nickname = wxString::Format( "%s%s", m_lib_prefix, name );
if( m_lib_table.HasLibrary( nickname ) )
int increment = 1;
nickname = wxString::Format( "%s%s_%d", m_lib_prefix, name, increment );
} while( m_lib_table.HasLibrary( nickname ) );
new SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW( nickname, libPath, wxT( "KiCad" ), wxEmptyString,
_( "Added by Plugin and Content Manager" ) ) );
return wxDIR_CONTINUE;
wxDirTraverseResult OnDir( const wxString& dirPath ) override { return wxDIR_CONTINUE; }
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE& m_lib_table;
wxString m_path_prefix;
wxString m_lib_prefix;
size_t m_prefix_dir_count;
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::LoadGlobalTable( SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE& aTable )
bool tableExists = true;
wxFileName fn = GetGlobalTableFileName();
if( !fn.FileExists() )
tableExists = false;
if( !fn.DirExists() && !fn.Mkdir( 0x777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL ) )
THROW_IO_ERROR( wxString::Format( _( "Cannot create global library table path '%s'." ),
fn.GetPath() ) );
// Attempt to copy the default global file table from the KiCad
// template folder to the user's home configuration path.
SystemDirsAppend( &ss );
const ENV_VAR_MAP& envVars = Pgm().GetLocalEnvVariables();
std::optional<wxString> v = ENV_VAR::GetVersionedEnvVarValue( envVars,
wxT( "TEMPLATE_DIR" ) );
if( v && !v->IsEmpty() )
ss.AddPaths( *v, 0 );
wxString fileName = ss.FindValidPath( global_tbl_name );
// The fallback is to create an empty global symbol table for the user to populate.
if( fileName.IsEmpty() || !::wxCopyFile( fileName, fn.GetFullPath(), false ) )
emptyTable.Save( fn.GetFullPath() );
aTable.Load( fn.GetFullPath() );
SETTINGS_MANAGER& mgr = Pgm().GetSettingsManager();
KICAD_SETTINGS* settings = mgr.GetAppSettings<KICAD_SETTINGS>();
wxCHECK( settings, false );
wxString packagesPath;
const ENV_VAR_MAP& vars = Pgm().GetLocalEnvVariables();
if( std::optional<wxString> v = ENV_VAR::GetVersionedEnvVarValue( vars, wxT( "3RD_PARTY" ) ) )
packagesPath = *v;
if( settings->m_PcmLibAutoAdd )
// Scan for libraries in PCM packages directory
wxFileName d( packagesPath, "" );
d.AppendDir( "symbols" );
if( d.DirExists() )
PCM_SYM_LIB_TRAVERSER traverser( packagesPath, aTable, settings->m_PcmLibPrefix );
wxDir dir( d.GetPath() );
dir.Traverse( traverser );
if( settings->m_PcmLibAutoRemove )
// Remove PCM libraries that no longer exist
std::vector<wxString> to_remove;
for( size_t i = 0; i < aTable.GetCount(); i++ )
LIB_TABLE_ROW& row = aTable.At( i );
wxString path = row.GetFullURI( true );
if( path.StartsWith( packagesPath ) && !wxFile::Exists( path ) )
to_remove.push_back( row.GetNickName() );
for( const wxString& nickName : to_remove )
SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW* row = aTable.FindRow( nickName );
wxCHECK2( row, continue );
aTable.RemoveRow( row );
return tableExists;
bool SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::operator==( const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE& aOther ) const
if( m_rows.size() != aOther.m_rows.size() )
return false;
unsigned i;
for( i = 0; i < m_rows.size(); ++i )
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW& curr = static_cast<const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW&>( m_rows[i] );
const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW& curr_other = static_cast<const SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE_ROW&>( aOther.m_rows[i] );
if( curr != curr_other )
return false;
return true;
wxString SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalTableFileName()
wxFileName fn;
fn.SetPath( PATHS::GetUserSettingsPath() );
fn.SetName( global_tbl_name );
return fn.GetFullPath();
const wxString& SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetSymbolLibTableFileName()
return global_tbl_name;