468 lines
14 KiB
468 lines
14 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2023 Andre F. K. Iwers <iwers11@gmail.com>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include <wx/log.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <wx/translation.h>
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <wx/base64.h>
#include <kicad_curl/kicad_curl_easy.h>
#include <curl/curl.h>
#include <http_lib/http_lib_connection.h>
const char* const traceHTTPLib = "KICAD_HTTP_LIB";
m_rootURL = aSource.root_url;
m_token = aSource.token;
m_sourceType = aSource.type;
if( aTestConnectionNow )
// Do nothing
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::ValidateHTTPLibraryEndpoints()
m_endpointValid = false;
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL );
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
if( res.length() == 0 )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "KiCad received an empty response!" ) + "\n" );
nlohmann::json response = nlohmann::json::parse( res );
// Check that the endpoints exist, if not fail.
if( !response.at( http_endpoint_categories ).empty()
&& !response.at( http_endpoint_parts ).empty() )
m_endpointValid = true;
catch( const std::exception& e )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "Error: %s" ) + "\n" + _( "API Response: %s" ) + "\n",
e.what(), res );
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib,
wxT( "ValidateHTTPLibraryEndpoints: Exception occurred while testing the API "
"connection: %s" ),
m_lastError );
m_endpointValid = false;
if( m_endpointValid )
return m_endpointValid;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::IsValidEndpoint() const
return m_endpointValid;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::syncCategories()
if( !IsValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "syncCategories: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + http_endpoint_categories + ".json" );
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
nlohmann::json response = nlohmann::json::parse( res );
// collect the categories in vector
for( const auto& item : response.items() )
category.id = item.value()["id"].get<std::string>();
category.name = item.value()["name"].get<std::string>();
m_categories.push_back( category );
catch( const std::exception& e )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "Error: %s" ) + "\n" + _( "API Response: %s" ) + "\n",
e.what(), res );
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib,
wxT( "syncCategories: Exception occurred while syncing categories: %s" ),
m_lastError );
return false;
return true;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectOne( const std::string& aPartID, HTTP_LIB_PART& aFetchedPart )
if( !IsValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "SelectOne: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
// if the same part is selected again, use cached part
// instead to minimise http requests.
if( m_cached_part.id == aPartID )
aFetchedPart = m_cached_part;
return true;
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL + fmt::format( http_endpoint_parts + "/{}.json", aPartID ) );
res = curl->GetBuffer();
if( !checkServerResponse( curl ) )
return false;
nlohmann::json response = nlohmann::json::parse( res );
std::string key = "";
std::string value = "";
// the id used to identify the part, the name is needed to show a human-readable
// part descirption to the user inside the symbol chooser dialog
aFetchedPart.id = response.at( "id" );
// API might not want to return an optional name.
if( response.contains( "name" ) )
aFetchedPart.name = response.at( "name" );
aFetchedPart.name = aFetchedPart.id;
aFetchedPart.symbolIdStr = response.at( "symbolIdStr" );
// Extract available fields
for( const auto& field : response.at( "fields" ).items() )
bool visible = true;
// name of the field
key = field.key();
// this is a dict
auto& properties = field.value();
value = properties.at( "value" );
// check if user wants to display field in schematic
if( properties.contains( "visible" ) )
std::string buf = properties.at( "visible" );
visible = boolFromString( buf );
// Add field to fields list
if( key.length() )
aFetchedPart.fields[key] = std::make_tuple( value, visible );
catch( const std::exception& e )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "Error: %s" ) + "\n" + _( "API Response: %s" ) + "\n",
e.what(), res );
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib,
wxT( "SelectOne: Exception occurred while retrieving part from REST API: %s" ),
m_lastError );
return false;
m_cached_part = aFetchedPart;
return true;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::SelectAll( const HTTP_LIB_CATEGORY& aCategory,
std::vector<HTTP_LIB_PART>& aParts )
if( !IsValidEndpoint() )
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "SelectAll: without valid connection!" ) );
return false;
std::string res = "";
std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY> curl = createCurlEasyObject();
curl->SetURL( m_rootURL
+ fmt::format( http_endpoint_parts + "/category/{}.json", aCategory.id ) );
res = curl->GetBuffer();
nlohmann::json response = nlohmann::json::parse( res );
std::string key = "";
std::string value = "";
for( nlohmann::json& item : response )
//PART result;
part.id = item.at( "id" );
// API might not want to return an optional name.
if( item.contains( "name" ) )
part.name = item.at( "name" );
part.name = part.id;
// add to cache
m_cache[part.name] = std::make_tuple( part.id, aCategory.id );
aParts.emplace_back( std::move( part ) );
catch( const std::exception& e )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "Error: %s" ) + "\n" + _( "API Response: %s" ) + "\n",
e.what(), res );
wxLogTrace( traceHTTPLib, wxT( "Exception occurred while syncing parts from REST API: %s" ),
m_lastError );
return false;
return true;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::checkServerResponse( std::unique_ptr<KICAD_CURL_EASY>& aCurl )
long http_code = 0;
curl_easy_getinfo( aCurl->GetCurl(), CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &http_code );
if( http_code != 200 )
m_lastError += wxString::Format( _( "API responded with error code: %s" ) + "\n",
httpErrorCodeDescription( http_code ) );
return false;
return true;
bool HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::boolFromString( const std::any& aVal )
wxString strval( std::any_cast<std::string>( aVal ).c_str(), wxConvUTF8 );
if( strval.IsEmpty() )
return true;
for( const auto& trueVal : { wxS( "true" ), wxS( "yes" ), wxS( "y" ), wxS( "1" ) } )
if( strval.Matches( trueVal ) )
return true;
for( const auto& falseVal : { wxS( "false" ), wxS( "no" ), wxS( "n" ), wxS( "0" ) } )
if( strval.Matches( falseVal ) )
return false;
catch( const std::bad_any_cast& )
return true;
* HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed.
* Responses are grouped in five classes:
* Informational responses (100 ? 199)
* Successful responses (200 ? 299)
* Redirection messages (300 ? 399)
* Client error responses (400 ? 499)
* Server error responses (500 ? 599)
* see: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status
wxString HTTP_LIB_CONNECTION::httpErrorCodeDescription( uint16_t aHttpCode )
auto codeDescription =
[]( uint16_t aCode ) -> wxString
switch( aCode )
case 100: return wxS( "Continue" );
case 101: return wxS( "Switching Protocols" );
case 102: return wxS( "Processing" );
case 103: return wxS( "Early Hints" );
case 200: return wxS( "OK" );
case 201: return wxS( "Created" );
case 203: return wxS( "Non-Authoritative Information" );
case 204: return wxS( "No Content" );
case 205: return wxS( "Reset Content" );
case 206: return wxS( "Partial Content" );
case 207: return wxS( "Multi-Status" );
case 208: return wxS( "Already Reporte" );
case 226: return wxS( "IM Used" );
case 300: return wxS( "Multiple Choices" );
case 301: return wxS( "Moved Permanently" );
case 302: return wxS( "Found" );
case 303: return wxS( "See Other" );
case 304: return wxS( "Not Modified" );
case 305: return wxS( "Use Proxy (Deprecated)" );
case 306: return wxS( "Unused" );
case 307: return wxS( "Temporary Redirect" );
case 308: return wxS( "Permanent Redirect" );
case 400: return wxS( "Bad Request" );
case 401: return wxS( "Unauthorized" );
case 402: return wxS( "Payment Required (Experimental)" );
case 403: return wxS( "Forbidden" );
case 404: return wxS( "Not Found" );
case 405: return wxS( "Method Not Allowed" );
case 406: return wxS( "Not Acceptable" );
case 407: return wxS( "Proxy Authentication Required" );
case 408: return wxS( "Request Timeout" );
case 409: return wxS( "Conflict" );
case 410: return wxS( "Gone" );
case 411: return wxS( "Length Required" );
case 412: return wxS( "Payload Too Large" );
case 414: return wxS( "URI Too Long" );
case 415: return wxS( "Unsupported Media Type" );
case 416: return wxS( "Range Not Satisfiable" );
case 417: return wxS( "Expectation Failed" );
case 418: return wxS( "I'm a teapot" );
case 421: return wxS( "Misdirected Request" );
case 422: return wxS( "Unprocessable Conten" );
case 423: return wxS( "Locked" );
case 424: return wxS( "Failed Dependency" );
case 425: return wxS( "Too Early (Experimental)" );
case 426: return wxS( "Upgrade Required" );
case 428: return wxS( "Precondition Required" );
case 429: return wxS( "Too Many Requests" );
case 431: return wxS( "Request Header Fields Too Large" );
case 451: return wxS( "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" );
case 500: return wxS( "Internal Server Error" );
case 501: return wxS( "Not Implemented" );
case 502: return wxS( "Bad Gateway" );
case 503: return wxS( "Service Unavailable" );
case 504: return wxS( "Gateway Timeout" );
case 505: return wxS( "HTTP Version Not Supported" );
case 506: return wxS( "Variant Also Negotiates" );
case 507: return wxS( "Insufficient Storag" );
case 508: return wxS( "Loop Detecte" );
case 510: return wxS( "Not Extended" );
case 511: return wxS( "Network Authentication Required" );
default: return wxS( "Unknown" );
return wxString::Format( wxS( "%d: %s" ), aHttpCode, codeDescription( aHttpCode ) );