
385 lines
14 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2023 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at
* Copyright (C) 2023 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include "sch_printout.h"
#include <tool/tool_manager.h>
#include <tools/ee_selection_tool.h>
#include <sch_edit_frame.h>
#include <math/vector2wx.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <settings/color_settings.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <sch_painter.h>
#include <view/view.h>
#include <gal/gal_print.h>
#include <gal/graphics_abstraction_layer.h>
#include <gal/painter.h>
#include <zoom_defines.h>
SCH_PRINTOUT::SCH_PRINTOUT( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aParent, const wxString& aTitle, bool aUseCairo ) :
wxPrintout( aTitle )
wxASSERT( aParent != nullptr );
m_parent = aParent;
m_useCairo = aUseCairo;
m_view = nullptr;
void SCH_PRINTOUT::GetPageInfo( int* minPage, int* maxPage, int* selPageFrom, int* selPageTo )
*minPage = *selPageFrom = 1;
*maxPage = *selPageTo = m_parent->Schematic().Root().CountSheets();
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::HasPage( int pageNum )
return m_parent->Schematic().Root().CountSheets() >= pageNum;
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::OnBeginDocument( int startPage, int endPage )
if( !wxPrintout::OnBeginDocument( startPage, endPage ) )
return false;
return true;
bool SCH_PRINTOUT::OnPrintPage( int page )
SCH_SHEET_LIST sheetList = m_parent->Schematic().GetSheets();
wxCHECK_MSG( page >= 1 && page <= (int)sheetList.size(), false,
wxT( "Cannot print invalid page number." ) );
wxCHECK_MSG( sheetList[ page - 1].LastScreen() != nullptr, false,
wxT( "Cannot print page with NULL screen." ) );
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Print page %d" ), page );
m_parent->SetMsgPanel( msg, wxEmptyString );
SCH_SCREEN* screen = m_parent->GetScreen();
SCH_SHEET_PATH oldsheetpath = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet();
m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( sheetList[ page - 1 ] );
screen = m_parent->GetCurrentSheet().LastScreen();
PrintPage( screen );
m_parent->SetCurrentSheet( oldsheetpath );
return true;
int SCH_PRINTOUT::milsToIU( int aMils )
return KiROUND( aMils * schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS );
* This is the real print function: print the active screen
void SCH_PRINTOUT::PrintPage( SCH_SCREEN* aScreen )
if( !m_useCairo )
// Version using print to a wxDC
// Warning:
// When printing many pages, changes in the current wxDC will affect all next printings
// because all prints are using the same wxPrinterDC after creation
// So be careful and reinit parameters, especially when using offsets.
VECTOR2I tmp_startvisu;
wxSize pageSizeIU; // Page size in internal units
VECTOR2I old_org;
wxRect fitRect;
wxDC* dc = GetDC();
wxBusyCursor dummy;
// Save current offsets and clip box.
tmp_startvisu = aScreen->m_StartVisu;
old_org = aScreen->m_DrawOrg;
SETTINGS_MANAGER& mgr = Pgm().GetSettingsManager();
EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig();
COLOR_SETTINGS* theme = mgr.GetColorSettings( cfg->m_Printing.color_theme );
// Change scale factor and offset to print the whole page.
bool printDrawingSheet = cfg->m_Printing.title_block;
pageSizeIU = ToWxSize( aScreen->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU( schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS ) );
FitThisSizeToPaper( pageSizeIU );
fitRect = GetLogicalPaperRect();
// When is the actual paper size does not match the schematic page size, the drawing will
// not be centered on X or Y axis. Give a draw offset to center the schematic page on the
// paper draw area.
int xoffset = ( fitRect.width - pageSizeIU.x ) / 2;
int yoffset = ( fitRect.height - pageSizeIU.y ) / 2;
// Using a wxAffineMatrix2D has a big advantage: it handles different pages orientations
//(PORTRAIT/LANDSCAPE), but the affine matrix is not always supported
if( dc->CanUseTransformMatrix() )
wxAffineMatrix2D matrix; // starts from a unity matrix (the current wxDC default)
// Check for portrait/landscape mismatch:
if( ( fitRect.width > fitRect.height ) != ( pageSizeIU.x > pageSizeIU.y ) )
// Rotate the coordinates, and keep the draw coordinates inside the page
matrix.Rotate( M_PI_2 );
matrix.Translate( 0, -pageSizeIU.y );
// Recalculate the offsets and page sizes according to the page rotation
std::swap( pageSizeIU.x, pageSizeIU.y );
FitThisSizeToPaper( pageSizeIU );
fitRect = GetLogicalPaperRect();
xoffset = ( fitRect.width - pageSizeIU.x ) / 2;
yoffset = ( fitRect.height - pageSizeIU.y ) / 2;
// All the coordinates will be rotated 90 deg when printing,
// so the X,Y offset vector must be rotated -90 deg before printing
std::swap( xoffset, yoffset );
std::swap( fitRect.width, fitRect.height );
yoffset = -yoffset;
matrix.Translate( xoffset, yoffset );
dc->SetTransformMatrix( matrix );
fitRect.x -= xoffset;
fitRect.y -= yoffset;
SetLogicalOrigin( 0, 0 ); // Reset all offset settings made previously.
// When printing previous pages (all prints are using the same wxDC)
OffsetLogicalOrigin( xoffset, yoffset );
dc->SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY );
GRResetPenAndBrush( dc );
COLOR4D savedBgColor = m_parent->GetDrawBgColor();
COLOR4D bgColor = m_parent->GetColorSettings()->GetColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND );
if( cfg->m_Printing.background )
if( cfg->m_Printing.use_theme && theme )
bgColor = theme->GetColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND );
bgColor = COLOR4D::WHITE;
m_parent->SetDrawBgColor( bgColor );
GRSFilledRect( dc, fitRect.GetX(), fitRect.GetY(), fitRect.GetRight(), fitRect.GetBottom(), 0,
bgColor, bgColor );
if( cfg->m_Printing.monochrome )
GRForceBlackPen( true );
KIGFX::SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS renderSettings( *m_parent->GetRenderSettings() );
renderSettings.SetPrintDC( dc );
if( cfg->m_Printing.use_theme && theme )
renderSettings.LoadColors( theme );
renderSettings.SetBackgroundColor( bgColor );
// The drawing-sheet-item print code is shared between PCBNew and Eeschema, so it's easier
// if they just use the PCB layer.
renderSettings.SetLayerColor( LAYER_DRAWINGSHEET,
renderSettings.GetLayerColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_DRAWINGSHEET ) );
renderSettings.SetDefaultFont( cfg->m_Appearance.default_font );
if( printDrawingSheet )
m_parent->PrintDrawingSheet( &renderSettings, aScreen, aScreen->Schematic()->GetProperties(),
schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS, aScreen->GetFileName(), wxEmptyString );
renderSettings.SetIsPrinting( true );
aScreen->Print( &renderSettings );
m_parent->SetDrawBgColor( savedBgColor );
GRForceBlackPen( false );
aScreen->m_StartVisu = tmp_startvisu;
aScreen->m_DrawOrg = old_org;
wxDC* dc = GetDC();
m_view = m_parent->GetCanvas()->GetView();
options.cairo_antialiasing_mode = KIGFX::CAIRO_ANTIALIASING_MODE::GOOD;
std::unique_ptr<KIGFX::GAL_PRINT> galPrint = KIGFX::GAL_PRINT::Create( options, dc );
KIGFX::GAL* gal = galPrint->GetGAL();
KIGFX::PRINT_CONTEXT* printCtx = galPrint->GetPrintCtx();
std::unique_ptr<KIGFX::SCH_PAINTER> painter = std::make_unique<KIGFX::SCH_PAINTER>( gal );
std::unique_ptr<KIGFX::VIEW> view( m_view->DataReference() );
painter->SetSchematic( &m_parent->Schematic() );
SETTINGS_MANAGER& mgr = Pgm().GetSettingsManager();
EESCHEMA_SETTINGS* cfg = m_parent->eeconfig();
COLOR_SETTINGS* theme = mgr.GetColorSettings( cfg->m_Printing.color_theme );
EE_SELECTION_TOOL* selTool = m_parent->GetToolManager()->GetTool<EE_SELECTION_TOOL>();
// Target paper size
wxRect pageSizePx = GetLogicalPageRect();
const VECTOR2D pageSizeIn( (double) pageSizePx.width / dc->GetPPI().x,
(double) pageSizePx.height / dc->GetPPI().y );
const VECTOR2D pageSizeIU( milsToIU( pageSizeIn.x * 1000 ), milsToIU( pageSizeIn.y * 1000 ) );
galPrint->SetSheetSize( pageSizeIn );
view->SetGAL( gal );
view->SetPainter( painter.get() );
view->SetScale( 1.0 );
gal->SetWorldUnitLength( SCH_WORLD_UNIT );
// Init the SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS used by the painter used to print schematic
KIGFX::SCH_RENDER_SETTINGS* dstSettings = painter->GetSettings();
dstSettings->m_ShowPinsElectricalType = false;
// Set the color scheme
dstSettings->LoadColors( m_parent->GetColorSettings( false ) );
if( cfg->m_Printing.use_theme && theme )
dstSettings->LoadColors( theme );
bool printDrawingSheet = cfg->m_Printing.title_block;
COLOR4D bgColor = m_parent->GetColorSettings()->GetColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND );
if( cfg->m_Printing.background )
if( cfg->m_Printing.use_theme && theme )
bgColor = theme->GetColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_BACKGROUND );
bgColor = COLOR4D::WHITE;
dstSettings->SetBackgroundColor( bgColor );
// The drawing-sheet-item print code is shared between PCBNew and Eeschema, so it's easier
// if they just use the PCB layer.
dstSettings->SetLayerColor( LAYER_DRAWINGSHEET,
dstSettings->GetLayerColor( LAYER_SCHEMATIC_DRAWINGSHEET ) );
dstSettings->SetDefaultFont( cfg->m_Appearance.default_font );
if( cfg->m_Printing.monochrome )
for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_ID_COUNT; ++i )
dstSettings->SetLayerColor( i, COLOR4D::BLACK );
// In B&W mode, draw the background only in white, because any other color
// will be replaced by a black background
dstSettings->SetBackgroundColor( COLOR4D::WHITE );
dstSettings->m_OverrideItemColors = true;
// Disable print some backgrounds
dstSettings->SetPrintBlackAndWhite( true );
else // color enabled
for( int i = 0; i < LAYER_ID_COUNT; ++i )
// Cairo does not support translucent colors on PostScript surfaces
// see 'Features support by the PostScript surface' on
dstSettings->SetLayerColor( i, dstSettings->GetLayerColor( i ).WithAlpha( 1.0 ) );
dstSettings->SetIsPrinting( true );
VECTOR2I sheetSizeIU = aScreen->GetPageSettings().GetSizeIU( schIUScale.IU_PER_MILS );
BOX2I drawingAreaBBox = BOX2I( VECTOR2I( 0, 0 ), VECTOR2I( sheetSizeIU ) );
// Enable all layers and use KIGFX::TARGET_NONCACHED to force update drawings
// for printing with current GAL instance
for( int i = 0; i < KIGFX::VIEW::VIEW_MAX_LAYERS; ++i )
view->SetLayerVisible( i, true );
view->SetLayerTarget( i, KIGFX::TARGET_NONCACHED );
view->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_DRAWINGSHEET, printDrawingSheet );
// Don't draw the selection if it's not from the current screen
for( EDA_ITEM* item : selTool->GetSelection() )
if( SCH_ITEM* schItem = dynamic_cast<SCH_ITEM*>( item ) )
if( !m_parent->GetScreen()->CheckIfOnDrawList( schItem ) )
view->SetLayerVisible( LAYER_SELECT_OVERLAY, false );
// When is the actual paper size does not match the schematic page size,
// we need to adjust the print scale to fit the selected paper size (pageSizeIU)
double scaleX = (double) pageSizeIU.x / drawingAreaBBox.GetWidth();
double scaleY = (double) pageSizeIU.y / drawingAreaBBox.GetHeight();
double print_scale = std::min( scaleX, scaleY );
galPrint->SetNativePaperSize( pageSizeIn, printCtx->HasNativeLandscapeRotation() );
gal->SetLookAtPoint( drawingAreaBBox.Centre() );
gal->SetZoomFactor( print_scale );
gal->SetClearColor( dstSettings->GetBackgroundColor() );
// Needed to use the same order for printing as for screen redraw
view->UseDrawPriority( true );