
549 lines
16 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2020 CERN
* Copyright (C) 2021 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* @author Jon Evans <>
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <>.
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <project/net_settings.h>
#include <settings/parameters.h>
#include <settings/json_settings_internals.h>
#include <settings/settings_manager.h>
#include <string_utils.h>
#include <convert_to_biu.h>
// const int netSettingsSchemaVersion = 0;
// const int netSettingsSchemaVersion = 1; // new overbar syntax
const int netSettingsSchemaVersion = 2; // exclude buses from netclass members
static OPT<int> getInPcbUnits( const nlohmann::json& aObj, const std::string& aKey,
OPT<int> aDefault = OPT<int>() )
if( aObj.contains( aKey ) && aObj[aKey].is_number() )
return PcbMm2iu( aObj[aKey].get<double>() );
return aDefault;
static int getInSchUnits( const nlohmann::json& aObj, const std::string& aKey, int aDefault )
if( aObj.contains( aKey ) && aObj[aKey].is_number() )
return SchMils2iu( aObj[aKey].get<double>() );
return aDefault;
NET_SETTINGS::NET_SETTINGS( JSON_SETTINGS* aParent, const std::string& aPath ) :
NESTED_SETTINGS( "net_settings", netSettingsSchemaVersion, aParent, aPath ),
m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA<nlohmann::json>( "classes",
[&]() -> nlohmann::json
nlohmann::json ret = nlohmann::json::array();
NETCLASSPTR nc = m_NetClasses.GetDefault();
NETCLASSES::const_iterator nc_ii = m_NetClasses.begin();
for( unsigned int idx = 0; idx <= m_NetClasses.GetCount(); idx++ )
if( idx > 0 )
nc = nc_ii->second;
// Note: we're in common/, but we do happen to know which of these fields
// are used in which units system.
nlohmann::json nc_json = {
{ "name", nc->GetName().ToUTF8() },
{ "wire_width", SchIu2Mils( nc->GetWireWidth() ) },
{ "bus_width", SchIu2Mils( nc->GetBusWidth() ) },
{ "line_style", nc->GetLineStyle() },
{ "schematic_color", nc->GetSchematicColor() },
{ "pcb_color", nc->GetPcbColor() }
auto saveInPcbUnits =
[]( nlohmann::json& json, const std::string& aKey, int aValue )
json.push_back( { aKey, PcbIu2mm( aValue ) } );
if( nc->HasClearance() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "clearance", nc->GetClearance() );
if( nc->HasTrackWidth() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "track_width", nc->GetTrackWidth() );
if( nc->HasViaDiameter() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "via_diameter", nc->GetViaDiameter() );
if( nc->HasViaDrill() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "via_drill", nc->GetViaDrill() );
if( nc->HasuViaDiameter() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "microvia_diameter", nc->GetuViaDiameter() );
if( nc->HasuViaDrill() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "microvia_drill", nc->GetuViaDrill() );
if( nc->HasDiffPairWidth() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "diff_pair_width", nc->GetDiffPairWidth() );
if( nc->HasDiffPairGap() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "diff_pair_gap", nc->GetDiffPairGap() );
if( nc->HasDiffPairViaGap() )
saveInPcbUnits( nc_json, "diff_pair_via_gap", nc->GetDiffPairViaGap() );
if( idx > 0 ) // No need to store members of Default nc
nlohmann::json membersJson = nlohmann::json::array();
for( const wxString& member : *nc )
if( !member.empty() )
membersJson.push_back( member );
nc_json["nets"] = membersJson;
ret.push_back( nc_json );
return ret;
[&]( const nlohmann::json& aJson )
if( !aJson.is_array() )
NETCLASSPTR defaultClass = m_NetClasses.GetDefault();
for( const nlohmann::json& entry : aJson )
if( !entry.is_object() || !entry.contains( "name" ) )
wxString name = entry["name"];
if( name == defaultClass->GetName() )
nc = defaultClass;
nc = std::make_shared<NETCLASS>( name );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "clearance" ) )
nc->SetClearance( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "track_width" ) )
nc->SetTrackWidth( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "via_diameter" ) )
nc->SetViaDiameter( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "via_drill" ) )
nc->SetViaDrill( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "microvia_diameter" ) )
nc->SetuViaDiameter( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "microvia_drill" ) )
nc->SetuViaDrill( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "diff_pair_width" ) )
nc->SetDiffPairWidth( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "diff_pair_gap" ) )
nc->SetDiffPairGap( *value );
if( auto value = getInPcbUnits( entry, "diff_pair_via_gap" ) )
nc->SetDiffPairViaGap( *value );
nc->SetWireWidth( getInSchUnits( entry, "wire_width", nc->GetWireWidth() ) );
nc->SetBusWidth( getInSchUnits( entry, "bus_width", nc->GetBusWidth() ) );
if( entry.contains( "line_style" ) && entry["line_style"].is_number() )
nc->SetLineStyle( entry["line_style"].get<int>() );
if( entry.contains( "nets" ) && entry["nets"].is_array() )
for( const auto& net : entry["nets"].items() )
wxString netname = net.value().get<wxString>();
if( m_schemaVersion < 2 )
// Strip out buses from older 5.99 implementations. They were
// a world of hurt, never fully functional, and are functionally
// replaced by assigning a netclass to a bus on the canvas.
wxString unescaped = UnescapeString( netname );
wxString prefix;
std::vector<wxString> members;
if( ParseBusVector( unescaped, &prefix, &members ) )
else if( ParseBusGroup( unescaped, &prefix, &members ) )
nc->Add( netname );
if( entry.contains( "pcb_color" ) && entry["pcb_color"].is_string() )
nc->SetPcbColor( entry["pcb_color"].get<KIGFX::COLOR4D>() );
if( entry.contains( "schematic_color" )
&& entry["schematic_color"].is_string() )
nc->SetSchematicColor( entry["schematic_color"].get<KIGFX::COLOR4D>() );
if( nc != defaultClass )
m_NetClasses.Add( nc );
for( const wxString& net : *nc )
m_NetClassAssignments[ net ] = nc->GetName();
{} ) );
m_params.emplace_back( new PARAM_LAMBDA<nlohmann::json>( "net_colors",
[&]() -> nlohmann::json
nlohmann::json ret = {};
for( const auto& pair : m_PcbNetColors )
std::string key( pair.first.ToUTF8() );
ret[key] = pair.second;
return ret;
[&]( const nlohmann::json& aJson )
if( !aJson.is_object() )
for( const auto& pair : aJson.items() )
wxString key( pair.key().c_str(), wxConvUTF8 );
m_PcbNetColors[key] = pair.value().get<KIGFX::COLOR4D>();
{} ) );
registerMigration( 0, 1, std::bind( &NET_SETTINGS::migrateSchema0to1, this ) );
// Release early before destroying members
if( m_parent )
m_parent->ReleaseNestedSettings( this );
m_parent = nullptr;
bool NET_SETTINGS::migrateSchema0to1()
if( m_internals->contains( "classes" ) && m_internals->At( "classes" ).is_array() )
for( auto& netClass : m_internals->At( "classes" ).items() )
if( netClass.value().contains( "nets" ) && netClass.value()["nets"].is_array() )
nlohmann::json migrated = nlohmann::json::array();
for( auto& net : netClass.value()["nets"].items() )
migrated.push_back( ConvertToNewOverbarNotation( net.value().get<wxString>() ) );
netClass.value()["nets"] = migrated;
return true;
const wxString& NET_SETTINGS::GetNetclassName( const wxString& aNetName ) const
static wxString defaultNetname = NETCLASS::Default;
auto it = m_NetClassAssignments.find( aNetName );
if( it == m_NetClassAssignments.end() )
return defaultNetname;
return it->second;
static bool isSuperSubOverbar( wxChar c )
return c == '_' || c == '^' || c == '~';
bool NET_SETTINGS::ParseBusVector( const wxString& aBus, wxString* aName,
std::vector<wxString>* aMemberList )
auto isDigit = []( wxChar c )
static wxString digits( wxT( "0123456789" ) );
return digits.Contains( c );
size_t busLen = aBus.length();
size_t i = 0;
wxString prefix;
wxString suffix;
wxString tmp;
long begin = 0;
long end = 0;
int braceNesting = 0;
prefix.reserve( busLen );
// Parse prefix
for( ; i < busLen; ++i )
if( aBus[i] == '{' )
if( i > 0 && isSuperSubOverbar( aBus[i-1] ) )
return false;
else if( aBus[i] == '}' )
if( aBus[i] == ' ' || aBus[i] == ']' )
return false;
if( aBus[i] == '[' )
prefix += aBus[i];
// Parse start number
i++; // '[' character
if( i >= busLen )
return false;
for( ; i < busLen; ++i )
if( aBus[i] == '.' && i + 1 < busLen && aBus[i+1] == '.' )
tmp.ToLong( &begin );
i += 2;
if( !isDigit( aBus[i] ) )
return false;
tmp += aBus[i];
// Parse end number
tmp = wxEmptyString;
if( i >= busLen )
return false;
for( ; i < busLen; ++i )
if( aBus[i] == ']' )
tmp.ToLong( &end );
if( !isDigit( aBus[i] ) )
return false;
tmp += aBus[i];
// Parse suffix
for( ; i < busLen; ++i )
if( aBus[i] == '}' )
suffix += aBus[i];
return false;
if( braceNesting != 0 )
return false;
if( begin == end )
return false;
else if( begin > end )
std::swap( begin, end );
if( aName )
*aName = prefix;
if( aMemberList )
for( long idx = begin; idx <= end; ++idx )
wxString str = prefix;
str << idx;
str << suffix;
aMemberList->emplace_back( str );
return true;
bool NET_SETTINGS::ParseBusGroup( const wxString& aGroup, wxString* aName,
std::vector<wxString>* aMemberList )
size_t groupLen = aGroup.length();
size_t i = 0;
wxString prefix;
wxString tmp;
int braceNesting = 0;
prefix.reserve( groupLen );
// Parse prefix
for( ; i < groupLen; ++i )
if( aGroup[i] == '{' )
if( i > 0 && isSuperSubOverbar( aGroup[i-1] ) )
else if( aGroup[i] == '}' )
if( aGroup[i] == ' ' || aGroup[i] == '[' || aGroup[i] == ']' )
return false;
prefix += aGroup[i];
if( braceNesting != 0 )
return false;
if( aName )
*aName = prefix;
// Parse members
i++; // '{' character
if( i >= groupLen )
return false;
for( ; i < groupLen; ++i )
if( aGroup[i] == '{' )
if( i > 0 && isSuperSubOverbar( aGroup[i-1] ) )
return false;
else if( aGroup[i] == '}' )
if( braceNesting )
if( aMemberList && !tmp.IsEmpty() )
aMemberList->push_back( EscapeString( tmp, CTX_NETNAME ) );
return true;
// Commas aren't strictly legal, but we can be pretty sure what the author had in mind.
if( aGroup[i] == ' ' || aGroup[i] == ',' )
if( aMemberList && !tmp.IsEmpty() )
aMemberList->push_back( EscapeString( tmp, CTX_NETNAME ) );
tmp += aGroup[i];
return false;
void NET_SETTINGS::RebuildNetClassAssignments()
for( const std::pair<const wxString, NETCLASSPTR>& netclass : m_NetClasses )
for( const wxString& net : *netclass.second )
m_NetClassAssignments[ net ] = netclass.second->GetName();