
1151 lines
45 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2009-2014 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at
* Copyright (C) 1992-2012 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file board_items_to_polygon_shape_transform.cpp
* @brief function to convert shapes of items ( pads, tracks... ) to polygons
/* Function to convert pad and track shapes to polygons
* Used to fill zones areas and in 3D viewer
#include <vector>
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <polygons_defs.h>
#include <drawtxt.h>
#include <pcbnew.h>
#include <wxPcbStruct.h>
#include <trigo.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <class_pad.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_drawsegment.h>
#include <class_pcb_text.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_edge_mod.h>
#include <convert_basic_shapes_to_polygon.h>
// These variables are parameters used in addTextSegmToPoly.
// But addTextSegmToPoly is a call-back function,
// so we cannot send them as arguments.
int s_textWidth;
int s_textCircle2SegmentCount;
CPOLYGONS_LIST* s_cornerBuffer;
// This is a call back function, used by DrawGraphicText to draw the 3D text shape:
static void addTextSegmToPoly( int x0, int y0, int xf, int yf )
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( *s_cornerBuffer,
wxPoint( x0, y0), wxPoint( xf, yf ),
s_textCircle2SegmentCount, s_textWidth );
void BOARD::ConvertBrdLayerToPolygonalContours( LAYER_ID aLayer, CPOLYGONS_LIST& aOutlines )
// Number of segments to convert a circle to a polygon
const int segcountforcircle = 18;
double correctionFactor = 1.0 / cos( M_PI / (segcountforcircle * 2) );
// convert tracks and vias:
for( TRACK* track = m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
if( !track->IsOnLayer( aLayer ) )
track->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aOutlines,
0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
// convert pads
for( MODULE* module = m_Modules; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
module->TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( aLayer,
aOutlines, 0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
// Micro-wave modules may have items on copper layers
module->TransformGraphicShapesWithClearanceToPolygonSet( aLayer,
aOutlines, 0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
// convert copper zones
for( int ii = 0; ii < GetAreaCount(); ii++ )
ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = GetArea( ii );
LAYER_ID zonelayer = zone->GetLayer();
if( zonelayer == aLayer )
aOutlines, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
// convert graphic items on copper layers (texts)
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
if( !item->IsOnLayer( aLayer ) )
switch( item->Type() )
case PCB_LINE_T: // should not exist on copper layers
( (DRAWSEGMENT*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon(
aOutlines, 0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
case PCB_TEXT_T:
( (TEXTE_PCB*) item )->TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
aOutlines, 0, segcountforcircle, correctionFactor );
void MODULE::TransformPadsShapesWithClearanceToPolygon( LAYER_ID aLayer,
CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aInflateValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor )
D_PAD* pad = Pads();
wxSize margin;
for( ; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
if( !pad->IsOnLayer(aLayer) )
switch( aLayer )
case F_Mask:
case B_Mask:
margin.x = margin.y = pad->GetSolderMaskMargin() + aInflateValue;
case F_Paste:
case B_Paste:
margin = pad->GetSolderPasteMargin();
margin.x += aInflateValue;
margin.y += aInflateValue;
margin.x = margin.y = aInflateValue;
pad->BuildPadShapePolygon( aCornerBuffer, margin,
aCircleToSegmentsCount, aCorrectionFactor );
/* generate shapes of graphic items (outlines) on layer aLayer as polygons,
* and adds these polygons to aCornerBuffer
* aCornerBuffer = the buffer to store polygons
* aInflateValue = a value to inflate shapes
* aCircleToSegmentsCount = number of segments to approximate a circle
* aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to the circle radius
* to generate the polygon.
* if aCorrectionFactor = 1.0, the polygon is inside the circle
* the radius of circle approximated by segments is
* initial radius * aCorrectionFactor
void MODULE::TransformGraphicShapesWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
LAYER_ID aLayer,
CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aInflateValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor )
std::vector<TEXTE_MODULE *> texts; // List of TEXTE_MODULE to convert
EDGE_MODULE* outline;
for( EDA_ITEM* item = GraphicalItems(); item != NULL; item = item->Next() )
switch( item->Type() )
TEXTE_MODULE* text = static_cast<TEXTE_MODULE*>( item );
if( text->GetLayer() == aLayer )
texts.push_back( text );
outline = (EDGE_MODULE*) item;
if( outline->GetLayer() != aLayer )
switch( outline->GetShape() )
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer,
outline->GetWidth() );
case S_CIRCLE:
TransformRingToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, outline->GetCenter(),
outline->GetRadius(), aCircleToSegmentsCount,
outline->GetWidth() );
case S_ARC:
TransformArcToPolygon( aCornerBuffer,
outline->GetCenter(), outline->GetArcStart(),
aCircleToSegmentsCount, outline->GetWidth() );
// for outline shape = S_POLYGON:
// We must compute true coordinates from m_PolyPoints
// which are relative to module position and module orientation = 0
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < outline->GetPolyPoints().size(); ii++ )
CPolyPt corner( outline->GetPolyPoints()[ii] );
RotatePoint( &corner.x, &corner.y, GetOrientation() );
corner.x += GetPosition().x;
corner.y += GetPosition().y;
aCornerBuffer.Append( corner );
DBG( printf( "Error: Shape %d not implemented!\n",
outline->GetShape() ); )
// Convert texts sur modules
if( Reference().GetLayer() == aLayer && Reference().IsVisible() )
texts.push_back( &Reference() );
if( Value().GetLayer() == aLayer && Value().IsVisible() )
texts.push_back( &Value() );
s_cornerBuffer = &aCornerBuffer;
s_textCircle2SegmentCount = aCircleToSegmentsCount;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < texts.size(); ii++ )
TEXTE_MODULE *textmod = texts[ii];
s_textWidth = textmod->GetThickness() + ( 2 * aInflateValue );
wxSize size = textmod->GetSize();
if( textmod->IsMirrored() )
NEGATE( size.x );
DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, textmod->GetTextPosition(), BLACK,
textmod->GetShownText(), textmod->GetDrawRotation(), size,
textmod->GetHorizJustify(), textmod->GetVertJustify(),
textmod->GetThickness(), textmod->IsItalic(),
true, addTextSegmToPoly );
/* Function TransformSolidAreasShapesToPolygonSet
* Convert solid areas full shapes to polygon set
* (the full shape is the polygon area with a thick outline)
* Used in 3D view
* Arcs (ends of segments) are approximated by segments
* aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygons
* aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to arcs radius to roughly
* keep arc radius when approximated by segments
void ZONE_CONTAINER::TransformSolidAreasShapesToPolygonSet(
CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor )
unsigned cornerscount = GetFilledPolysList().GetCornersCount();
CPOLYGONS_LIST polygonslist;
if( cornerscount == 0 )
// add filled areas polygons
aCornerBuffer.Append( m_FilledPolysList );
// add filled areas outlines, which are drawn with thich lines
wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;
int i_start_contour = 0;
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < cornerscount; ic++ )
seg_start.x = m_FilledPolysList[ ic ].x;
seg_start.y = m_FilledPolysList[ ic ].y;
unsigned ic_next = ic+1;
if( !m_FilledPolysList[ic].end_contour &&
ic_next < cornerscount )
seg_end.x = m_FilledPolysList[ ic_next ].x;
seg_end.y = m_FilledPolysList[ ic_next ].y;
seg_end.x = m_FilledPolysList[ i_start_contour ].x;
seg_end.y = m_FilledPolysList[ i_start_contour ].y;
i_start_contour = ic_next;
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, seg_start, seg_end,
GetMinThickness() );
* Function TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon
* Convert the text bounding box to a rectangular polygon
* Used in filling zones calculations
* Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
* @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
* @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the text bounding box
void TEXTE_PCB::TransformBoundingBoxWithClearanceToPolygon(
CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aClearanceValue ) const
if( GetText().Length() == 0 )
CPolyPt corners[4]; // Buffer of polygon corners
EDA_RECT rect = GetTextBox( -1 );
rect.Inflate( aClearanceValue );
corners[0].x = rect.GetOrigin().x;
corners[0].y = rect.GetOrigin().y;
corners[1].y = corners[0].y;
corners[1].x = rect.GetRight();
corners[2].x = corners[1].x;
corners[2].y = rect.GetBottom();
corners[3].y = corners[2].y;
corners[3].x = corners[0].x;
for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
// Rotate polygon
RotatePoint( &corners[ii].x, &corners[ii].y, m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y, m_Orient );
aCornerBuffer.Append( corners[ii] );
/* Function TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygonSet
* Convert the text shape to a set of polygons (one by segment)
* Used in filling zones calculations and 3D view
* Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
* aCornerBuffer = CPOLYGONS_LIST to store the polygon corners
* aClearanceValue = the clearance around the text
* aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
* clearance when the circle is approximated by segment bigger or equal
* to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
void TEXTE_PCB::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygonSet(
CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aClearanceValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor ) const
wxSize size = GetSize();
if( IsMirrored() )
NEGATE( size.x );
s_cornerBuffer = &aCornerBuffer;
s_textWidth = GetThickness() + ( 2 * aClearanceValue );
s_textCircle2SegmentCount = aCircleToSegmentsCount;
EDA_COLOR_T color = BLACK; // not actually used, but needed by DrawGraphicText
if( IsMultilineAllowed() )
wxArrayString* list = wxStringSplit( GetShownText(), '\n' );
std::vector<wxPoint> positions;
positions.reserve( list->Count() );
GetPositionsOfLinesOfMultilineText( positions, list->Count() );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < list->Count(); ii++ )
wxString txt = list->Item( ii );
DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, positions[ii], color,
txt, GetOrientation(), size,
GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
true, addTextSegmToPoly );
delete list;
DrawGraphicText( NULL, NULL, GetTextPosition(), color,
GetShownText(), GetOrientation(), size,
GetHorizJustify(), GetVertJustify(),
GetThickness(), IsItalic(),
true, addTextSegmToPoly );
* Function TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon
* Convert the track shape to a closed polygon
* Used in filling zones calculations
* Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
* @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
* @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the pad
* @param aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* @param aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
* clearance when the circle is approxiamted by segment bigger or equal
* to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
void DRAWSEGMENT::TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aClearanceValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor ) const
switch( m_Shape )
case S_CIRCLE:
TransformRingToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(), GetRadius(),
m_Width + (2 * aClearanceValue) ) ;
case S_ARC:
TransformArcToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, GetCenter(),
GetArcStart(), m_Angle,
m_Width + (2 * aClearanceValue) );
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, m_Start, m_End,
m_Width + (2 * aClearanceValue) );
* Function TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon
* Convert the track shape to a closed polygon
* Used in filling zones calculations
* Circles (vias) and arcs (ends of tracks) are approximated by segments
* @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
* @param aClearanceValue = the clearance around the pad
* @param aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* @param aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
* clearance when the circle is approximated by segment bigger or equal
* to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
void TRACK:: TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aClearanceValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor ) const
switch( Type() )
case PCB_VIA_T:
int radius = (m_Width / 2) + aClearanceValue;
radius = KiROUND( radius * aCorrectionFactor );
TransformCircleToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, m_Start, radius, aCircleToSegmentsCount );
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer,
m_Start, m_End,
m_Width + ( 2 * aClearanceValue) );
/* Function TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon
* Convert the pad shape to a closed polygon
* Used in filling zones calculations and 3D view generation
* Circles and arcs are approximated by segments
* aCornerBuffer = a CPOLYGONS_LIST to store the polygon corners
* aClearanceValue = the clearance around the pad
* aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
* clearance when the circle is approximated by segment bigger or equal
* to the real clearance value (usually near from 1.0)
#include <clipper.hpp>
void D_PAD:: TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aClearanceValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor ) const
wxPoint corner_position;
double angle = m_Orient;
int dx = (m_Size.x / 2) + aClearanceValue;
int dy = (m_Size.y / 2) + aClearanceValue;
wxPoint PadShapePos = ShapePos(); /* Note: for pad having a shape offset,
* the pad position is NOT the shape position */
switch( GetShape() )
dx = KiROUND( dx * aCorrectionFactor );
TransformCircleToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, PadShapePos, dx,
aCircleToSegmentsCount );
case PAD_OVAL:
// An oval pad has the same shape as a segment with rounded ends
int width;
wxPoint shape_offset;
if( dy > dx ) // Oval pad X/Y ratio for choosing translation axis
dy = KiROUND( dy * aCorrectionFactor );
shape_offset.y = dy - dx;
width = dx * 2;
else //if( dy <= dx )
dx = KiROUND( dx * aCorrectionFactor );
shape_offset.x = dy - dx;
width = dy * 2;
RotatePoint( &shape_offset, angle );
wxPoint start = PadShapePos - shape_offset;
wxPoint end = PadShapePos + shape_offset;
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, start, end,
aCircleToSegmentsCount, width );
case PAD_RECT:
wxPoint corners[4];
BuildPadPolygon( corners, wxSize( 0, 0 ), angle );
// We are using ClipperLib to inflate the polygon shape, using
// arcs to connect moved segments.
ClipperLib::Path outline;
ClipperLib::Paths shapeWithClearance;
for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
outline << ClipperLib::IntPoint( corners[ii].x, corners[ii].y );
ClipperLib::ClipperOffset offset_engine;
// Prepare an offset (inflate) transform, with edges connected by arcs
offset_engine.AddPath( outline, ClipperLib::jtRound, ClipperLib::etClosedPolygon );
// Clipper approximates arcs by segments
// It uses a value called ArcTolerance which is the max error between the arc
// and segments created to approximate this arc
// the number of segm per circle is:
// n = PI / acos(1 - arc_tolerance / (arc radius))
// the arc radius is aClearanceValue
// because arc_tolerance is << aClearanceValue and aClearanceValue >= 0
// n = PI / (arc_tolerance / aClearanceValue )
offset_engine.ArcTolerance = (double)aClearanceValue / 3.14 / aCircleToSegmentsCount;
double rounding_radius = aClearanceValue * aCorrectionFactor;
offset_engine.Execute( shapeWithClearance, rounding_radius );
// get new outline (only one polygon is expected)
// For info, ClipperLib uses long long to handle integer coordinates
ClipperLib::Path& polygon = shapeWithClearance[0];
for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < polygon.size(); jj++ )
corner_position.x = int( polygon[jj].X );
corner_position.y = int( polygon[jj].Y );
corner_position += PadShapePos;
CPolyPt polypoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
aCornerBuffer.Append( polypoint );
* Function BuildPadShapePolygon
* Build the Corner list of the polygonal shape,
* depending on shape, extra size (clearance ...) pad and orientation
* Note: for Round and oval pads this function is equivalent to
* TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon, but not for other shapes
void D_PAD::BuildPadShapePolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
wxSize aInflateValue, int aSegmentsPerCircle,
double aCorrectionFactor ) const
wxPoint corners[4];
wxPoint PadShapePos = ShapePos(); /* Note: for pad having a shape offset,
* the pad position is NOT the shape position */
switch( GetShape() )
case PAD_OVAL:
TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, aInflateValue.x,
aSegmentsPerCircle, aCorrectionFactor );
case PAD_RECT:
BuildPadPolygon( corners, aInflateValue, m_Orient );
for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
corners[ii] += PadShapePos; // Shift origin to position
CPolyPt polypoint( corners[ii].x, corners[ii].y );
aCornerBuffer.Append( polypoint );
* Function BuildPadDrillShapePolygon
* Build the Corner list of the polygonal drill shape,
* depending on shape pad hole and orientation
* return false if the pad has no hole, true otherwise
bool D_PAD::BuildPadDrillShapePolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
int aInflateValue, int aSegmentsPerCircle ) const
wxSize drillsize = GetDrillSize();
if( !drillsize.x || !drillsize.y )
return false;
if( drillsize.x == drillsize.y ) // usual round hole
TransformCircleToPolygon( aCornerBuffer, GetPosition(),
(drillsize.x / 2) + aInflateValue, aSegmentsPerCircle );
else // Oblong hole
wxPoint start, end;
int width;
GetOblongDrillGeometry( start, end, width );
width += aInflateValue * 2;
TransformRoundedEndsSegmentToPolygon( aCornerBuffer,
GetPosition() + start, GetPosition() + end, aSegmentsPerCircle, width );
return true;
* Function CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon
* Add holes around a pad to create a thermal relief
* copper thickness is min (dx/2, aCopperWitdh) or min (dy/2, aCopperWitdh)
* @param aCornerBuffer = a buffer to store the polygon
* @param aPad = the current pad used to create the thermal shape
* @param aThermalGap = gap in thermal shape
* @param aCopperThickness = stubs thickness in thermal shape
* @param aMinThicknessValue = min copper thickness allowed
* @param aCircleToSegmentsCount = the number of segments to approximate a circle
* @param aCorrectionFactor = the correction to apply to circles radius to keep
* @param aThermalRot = for rond pads the rotation of thermal stubs (450 usually for 45 deg.)
/* thermal reliefs are created as 4 polygons.
* each corner of a polygon if calculated for a pad at position 0, 0, orient 0,
* and then moved and rotated acroding to the pad position and orientation
* Note 1: polygons are drawm using outlines witk a thickness = aMinThicknessValue
* so shapes must take in account this outline thickness
* Note 2:
* Trapezoidal pads are not considered here because they are very special case
* and are used in microwave applications and they *DO NOT* have a thermal relief that
* change the shape by creating stubs and destroy their properties.
void CreateThermalReliefPadPolygon( CPOLYGONS_LIST& aCornerBuffer,
D_PAD& aPad,
int aThermalGap,
int aCopperThickness,
int aMinThicknessValue,
int aCircleToSegmentsCount,
double aCorrectionFactor,
double aThermalRot )
wxPoint corner, corner_end;
wxPoint PadShapePos = aPad.ShapePos(); // Note: for pad having a shape offset,
// the pad position is NOT the shape position
wxSize copper_thickness;
int dx = aPad.GetSize().x / 2;
int dy = aPad.GetSize().y / 2;
double delta = 3600.0 / aCircleToSegmentsCount; // rot angle in 0.1 degree
/* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
* aThermalGap must be increased by aMinThicknessValue/2 because drawing external outline
* with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will reduce gap by aMinThicknessValue/2
aThermalGap += aMinThicknessValue / 2;
/* Keep in account the polygon outline thickness
* copper_thickness must be decreased by aMinThicknessValue because drawing outlines
* with a thickness of aMinThicknessValue will increase real thickness by aMinThicknessValue
aCopperThickness -= aMinThicknessValue;
if( aCopperThickness < 0 )
aCopperThickness = 0;
copper_thickness.x = std::min( dx, aCopperThickness );
copper_thickness.y = std::min( dy, aCopperThickness );
switch( aPad.GetShape() )
case PAD_CIRCLE: // Add 4 similar holes
/* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
* here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
* the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
* 4 ------ 1
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* 3 ------ 2
* holes 2, 3, 4 are the same as hole 1, rotated 90, 180, 270 deg
// Build the hole pattern, for the hole in the X >0, Y > 0 plane:
// The pattern roughtly is a 90 deg arc pie
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer;
// Radius of outer arcs of the shape corrected for arc approximation by lines
int outer_radius = KiROUND( (dx + aThermalGap) * aCorrectionFactor );
// Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( copper_thickness.x / 2, copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );
// Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
// and first seg of arc approx
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
int y = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) y * y - (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );
if( aThermalRot != 0 )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// calculate the starting point of the outter arc
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
( (double) corner.x * corner.x ) ) );
RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees is the spoke fillet size
// calculate the ending point of the outter arc
corner_end.x = corner.y;
corner_end.y = corner.x;
// calculate intermediate points (y coordinate from corner.y to corner_end.y
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end );
/* add an intermediate point, to avoid angles < 90 deg between last arc approx line
* and radius line
corner.x = corners_buffer[1].y;
corner.y = corners_buffer[1].x;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Now, add the 4 holes ( each is the pattern, rotated by 0, 90, 180 and 270 deg
// aThermalRot = 450 (45.0 degrees orientation) work fine.
double angle_pad = aPad.GetOrientation(); // Pad orientation
double th_angle = aThermalRot;
for( unsigned ihole = 0; ihole < 4; ihole++ )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < corners_buffer.size(); ii++ )
corner = corners_buffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &corner, th_angle + angle_pad ); // Rotate by segment angle and pad orientation
corner += PadShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( CPolyPt( corner.x, corner.y ) );
th_angle += 900; // Note: th_angle in in 0.1 deg.
case PAD_OVAL:
// Oval pad support along the lines of round and rectangular pads
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer; // Polygon buffer as vector
int dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius x
int dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius y
wxPoint shape_offset;
// We want to calculate an oval shape with dx > dy.
// if this is not the case, exchange dx and dy, and rotate the shape 90 deg.
int supp_angle = 0;
if( dx < dy )
EXCHG( dx, dy );
supp_angle = 900;
EXCHG( copper_thickness.x, copper_thickness.y );
int deltasize = dx - dy; // = distance between shape position and the 2 demi-circle ends centre
// here we have dx > dy
// Radius of outer arcs of the shape:
int outer_radius = dy; // The radius of the outer arc is radius end + aThermalGap
// Some coordinate fiddling, depending on the shape offset direction
shape_offset = wxPoint( deltasize, 0 );
// Crosspoint of thermal spoke sides, the first point of polygon buffer
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Arc start point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
// If copper thickness is more than shape offset, we need to calculate arc intercept point.
if( copper_thickness.x > deltasize )
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius * outer_radius ) -
( (double) ( corner.x - delta ) * ( corner.x - deltasize ) ) ) );
corner.x -= deltasize;
/* creates an intermediate point, to have a > 90 deg angle
* between the side and the first segment of arc approximation
wxPoint intpoint = corner;
intpoint.y -= aThermalGap / 4;
corners_buffer.push_back( intpoint + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, 90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet
corner.x = copper_thickness.x / 2;
corner.y = outer_radius;
corners_buffer.push_back( corner );
// Add an intermediate point on spoke sides, to allow a > 90 deg angle between side
// and first seg of arc approx
wxPoint last_corner;
last_corner.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
int px = outer_radius - (aThermalGap / 4);
last_corner.x =
KiROUND( sqrt( ( ( (double) px * px ) - (double) last_corner.y * last_corner.y ) ) );
// Arc stop point calculation, the intersecting point of cutout arc and thermal spoke edge
corner_end.y = copper_thickness.y / 2;
corner_end.x =
KiROUND( sqrt( ( (double) outer_radius *
outer_radius ) - ( (double) corner_end.y * corner_end.y ) ) );
RotatePoint( &corner_end, -90 ); // 9 degrees of thermal fillet
// calculate intermediate arc points till limit is reached
while( (corner.y > corner_end.y) && (corner.x < corner_end.x) )
corners_buffer.push_back( corner + shape_offset );
RotatePoint( &corner, delta );
//corners_buffer.push_back(corner + shape_offset); // TODO: about one mil geometry error forms somewhere.
corners_buffer.push_back( corner_end + shape_offset );
corners_buffer.push_back( last_corner + shape_offset ); // Enabling the line above shows intersection point.
/* Create 2 holes, rotated by pad rotation.
double angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += PadShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( CPolyPt( cpos.x, cpos.y ) );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 ); // this is calculate hole 3
// Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
swap.x = -swap.x;
corners_buffer[ic] = swap;
// Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
angle = aPad.GetOrientation() + supp_angle;
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += PadShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( CPolyPt( cpos.x, cpos.y ) );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );
case PAD_RECT: // draw 4 Holes
/* we create 4 copper holes and put them in position 1, 2, 3 and 4
* here is the area of the rectangular pad + its thermal gap
* the 4 copper holes remove the copper in order to create the thermal gap
* 4 ------ 1
* | |
* | |
* | |
* | |
* 3 ------ 2
* hole 3 is the same as hole 1, rotated 180 deg
* hole 4 is the same as hole 2, rotated 180 deg and is the same as hole 1, mirrored
// First, create a rectangular hole for position 1 :
// 2 ------- 3
// | |
// | |
// | |
// 1 -------4
// Modified rectangles with one corner rounded. TODO: merging with oval thermals
// and possibly round too.
std::vector <wxPoint> corners_buffer; // Polygon buffer as vector
int dx = (aPad.GetSize().x / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius x
int dy = (aPad.GetSize().y / 2) + aThermalGap; // Cutout radius y
// The first point of polygon buffer is left lower corner, second the crosspoint of
// thermal spoke sides, the third is upper right corner and the rest are rounding
// vertices going anticlockwise. Note the inveted Y-axis in CG.
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -dx, -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.y / 2) ) ); // Adds small miters to zone
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -(dx - aThermalGap / 4), -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) ); // fill and spoke corner
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -copper_thickness.y / 2 ) );
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -copper_thickness.x / 2, -(dy - aThermalGap / 4) ) );
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( -(aThermalGap / 4 + copper_thickness.x / 2), -dy ) );
double angle = aPad.GetOrientation();
int rounding_radius = KiROUND( aThermalGap * aCorrectionFactor ); // Corner rounding radius
double angle_pg; // Polygon increment angle
for( int i = 0; i < aCircleToSegmentsCount / 4 + 1; i++ )
wxPoint corner_position = wxPoint( 0, -rounding_radius );
// Start at half increment offset
RotatePoint( &corner_position, 1800.0 / aCircleToSegmentsCount );
angle_pg = i * delta;
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle_pg ); // Rounding vector rotation
corner_position -= aPad.GetSize() / 2; // Rounding vector + Pad corner offset
corners_buffer.push_back( wxPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y ) );
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle ); // Rotate according to module orientation
cpos += PadShapePos; // Shift origin to position
aCornerBuffer.Append( CPolyPt( cpos.x, cpos.y ) );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 ); // this is calculate hole 3
// Create holes, that are the mirrored from the previous holes
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint swap = corners_buffer[ic];
swap.x = -swap.x;
corners_buffer[ic] = swap;
// Now add corner 4 and 2 (2 is the corner 4 rotated by 180 deg
for( int irect = 0; irect < 2; irect++ )
for( unsigned ic = 0; ic < corners_buffer.size(); ic++ )
wxPoint cpos = corners_buffer[ic];
RotatePoint( &cpos, angle );
cpos += PadShapePos;
aCornerBuffer.Append( CPolyPt( cpos.x, cpos.y ) );
angle = AddAngles( angle, 1800 );
// We need a length to build the stubs of the thermal reliefs
// the value is not very important. The pad bounding box gives a reasonable value
EDA_RECT bbox = aPad.GetBoundingBox();
int stub_len = std::max( bbox.GetWidth(), bbox.GetHeight() );
aPad.TransformShapeWithClearanceToPolygon( cbuffer, aThermalGap,
aCircleToSegmentsCount, aCorrectionFactor );
// We are using ClipperLib to substract stubs to clearance area (antipad area).
ClipperLib::Path antipad; // The full antipad area
ClipperLib::Path stub; // A basic stub ( a rectangle)
ClipperLib::Paths stubs; // the full stubs shape
ClipperLib::Paths thermalShape; // the holes in copper zone
// cbuffer is expected to contain only one polygon, which is
// area of the pad + the thermal gap (the antipad)
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < cbuffer.GetCornersCount(); ii++ )
antipad << ClipperLib::IntPoint( cbuffer.GetPos(ii).x, cbuffer.GetPos(ii).y );
// We now substract the stubs (connections to the copper zone)
ClipperLib::Clipper clip_engine;
// Prepare a clipping transform
clip_engine.AddPath( antipad, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
// Create stubs and add them to clipper engine
wxPoint stubBuffer[4];
stubBuffer[0].x = stub_len;
stubBuffer[0].y = copper_thickness.y/2;
stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
stubBuffer[1].y = -copper_thickness.y/2;
stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
stubBuffer[2].x = -stub_len;
stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
stubBuffer[3].y = copper_thickness.y/2;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
cpos += PadShapePos;
stub << ClipperLib::IntPoint( cpos.x, cpos.y );
ClipperLib::Clipper stubs_engine;
stubs_engine.AddPath( stub, ClipperLib::ptSubject, true );
stubBuffer[0].y = stub_len;
stubBuffer[0].x = copper_thickness.x/2;
stubBuffer[1] = stubBuffer[0];
stubBuffer[1].x = -copper_thickness.x/2;
stubBuffer[2] = stubBuffer[1];
stubBuffer[2].y = -stub_len;
stubBuffer[3] = stubBuffer[2];
stubBuffer[3].x = copper_thickness.x/2;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < DIM( stubBuffer ); ii++ )
wxPoint cpos = stubBuffer[ii];
RotatePoint( &cpos, aPad.GetOrientation() );
cpos += PadShapePos;
stub << ClipperLib::IntPoint( cpos.x, cpos.y );
stubs_engine.AddPath( stub, ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
// Build the full stubs shape:
stubs_engine.Execute( ClipperLib::ctUnion, stubs );
// remove stubs to antipad area (i.e. add copper stubs)
clip_engine.AddPath( stubs[0], ClipperLib::ptClip, true );
clip_engine.Execute( ClipperLib::ctDifference, thermalShape );
// put thermal shapes (holes) to list:
aCornerBuffer.ImportFrom( thermalShape );