419 lines
14 KiB
419 lines
14 KiB
using namespace std;
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#include "zones.h"
#include "PolyLine.h"
void AddTrackWithClearancePolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
TRACK& aTrack, int aClearanceValue );
void AddPadWithClearancePolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
D_PAD& aPad, int aClearanceValue,
bool bThermal, int spoke_w );
void AddRoundedEndsSegmentPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd,
int aWidth );
/* how many segments are used to create a polygon from a circle: */
static int s_CircleToSegmentsCount = 16;
/** function AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList
* Add non copper areas polygons (pads and tracks with clearence)
* to a filled copper area
* used in BuildFilledPolysListData when calculating filled areas in a zone
* Non copper areas are pads and track and their clearance area
* The filled copper area must be computed just before.
* BuildFilledPolysListData() call this function just after creating the
* filled copper area polygon (without clearence areas
* to do that this function:
* 1 - creates aBool_Engine,with option: holes are linked into outer contours by double overlapping segments
* 2 - Add the main outline (zone outline) in group A
* 3 - Add all non filled areas (pads, tracks) in group B
* 4 - calculates the polygon A - B
* 5 - put resulting list of polygons (filled areas) in m_FilledPolysList
void ZONE_CONTAINER::AddClearanceAreasPolygonsToPolysList( BOARD* aPcb )
/* Uses a kbool engine to add holes in the m_FilledPolysList polygon.
* Because this function is called just after creating the m_FilledPolysList,
* only one polygon is in list.
* (initial holes in zonesare linked into outer contours by double overlapping segments).
* after adding holes, many polygons could be exist in this list.
Bool_Engine* booleng = new Bool_Engine();
ArmBoolEng( booleng, true );
/* Add the main polygon (i.e. the filled area using only one outline)
* in GroupA in Bool_Engine
unsigned corners_count = m_FilledPolysList.size();
unsigned ic = 0;
if( booleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_A ) )
for( ; ic < corners_count; ic++ )
CPolyPt* corner = &m_FilledPolysList[ic];
booleng->AddPoint( corner->x, corner->y );
if( corner->end_contour )
/* Add holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
* in GroupB in Bool_Engine
* First : Add pads
for( MODULE* module = aPcb->m_Modules; module; module = module->Next() )
for( D_PAD* pad = module->m_Pads; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
if( !pad->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
if ( pad->GetNet() == GetNet() )
AddPadWithClearancePolygon( booleng, *pad, m_ZoneClearance,
false, 0 );
/* Add holes (i.e. tracks and pads areas as polygons outlines)
* in GroupB in Bool_Engine
* Next : Add tracks and vias
for( TRACK* track = aPcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
if( !track->IsOnLayer( GetLayer() ) )
if ( track->GetNet() == GetNet() )
AddTrackWithClearancePolygon( booleng, *track, m_ZoneClearance );
// Draw graphic items (copper texts) and board edges
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = aPcb->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
switch( item->Type() )
// TODO: add segment
// TODO: add rectangular area
/* compute copper areas */
booleng->Do_Operation( BOOL_A_SUB_B );
/* put these areas in m_FilledPolysList */
while( booleng->StartPolygonGet() )
CPolyPt corner( 0, 0, false );
while( booleng->PolygonHasMorePoints() )
corner.x = (int) booleng->GetPolygonXPoint();
corner.y = (int) booleng->GetPolygonYPoint();
corner.end_contour = false;
m_FilledPolysList.push_back( corner );
corner.end_contour = true;
m_FilledPolysList.push_back( corner );
delete booleng;
/** Function AddPadPolygonWithPadClearance
* Add a polygon cutout for a pad in a zone area
* Convert arcs and circles to multiple straight lines
void AddPadWithClearancePolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
D_PAD& aPad, int aClearanceValue,
bool bThermal, int spoke_w )
wxPoint corner_position;
int ii, angle;
int dx = (aPad.m_Size.x / 2) + aClearanceValue;
int dy = (aPad.m_Size.y / 2) + aClearanceValue;
int delta = 3600 / s_CircleToSegmentsCount; // rot angle in 0.1 degree
if( !bThermal )
switch( aPad.m_PadShape )
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
for( ii = 0; ii < s_CircleToSegmentsCount; ii++ )
corner_position = wxPoint( dx, 0 );
angle = ii * delta;
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aPad.ReturnShapePos();
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
case PAD_OVAL:
case PAD_RECT:
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
angle = aPad.m_Orient;
corner_position = wxPoint( -dx, -dy );
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aPad.ReturnShapePos();
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
corner_position = wxPoint( -dx, +dy );
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aPad.ReturnShapePos();
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
corner_position = wxPoint( +dx, +dy );
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aPad.ReturnShapePos();
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
corner_position = wxPoint( +dx, -dy );
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aPad.ReturnShapePos();
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
// thermal relief (from FreePCB: must be converted to pcbnew data)
#if 0
if( type == PAD_ROUND || (type == PAD_NONE && hole_w > 0) )
// draw 4 "wedges"
double r = max( w / 2 + fill_clearance, hole_w / 2 + hole_clearance );
double start_angle = asin( spoke_w / (2.0 * r) );
double th1, th2, corner_x, corner_y;
th1 = th2 = corner_x = corner_y = 0; // gcc warning fix
for( int i = 0; i<4; i++ )
if( i == 0 )
corner_x = spoke_w / 2;
corner_y = spoke_w / 2;
th1 = start_angle;
th2 = pi / 2.0 - start_angle;
else if( i == 1 )
corner_x = -spoke_w / 2;
corner_y = spoke_w / 2;
th1 = pi / 2.0 + start_angle;
th2 = pi - start_angle;
else if( i == 2 )
corner_x = -spoke_w / 2;
corner_y = -spoke_w / 2;
th1 = -pi + start_angle;
th2 = -pi / 2.0 - start_angle;
else if( i == 3 )
corner_x = spoke_w / 2;
corner_y = -spoke_w / 2;
th1 = -pi / 2.0 + start_angle;
th2 = -start_angle;
AppendCorner( to_int( x + corner_x ), to_int( y + corner_y ), STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( to_int( x + r * cos( th1 ) ), to_int( y + r * sin(
th1 ) ), STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( to_int( x + r * cos( th2 ) ), to_int( y + r * sin(
th2 ) ), ARC_CCW, 0 );
Close( STRAIGHT );
else if( type == PAD_SQUARE || type == PAD_RECT
|| type == PAD_RRECT || type == PAD_OVAL )
// draw 4 rectangles
int xL = x - dx;
int xR = x - spoke_w / 2;
int yB = y - dy;
int yT = y - spoke_w / 2;
AppendCorner( xL, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xL, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
Close( STRAIGHT );
xL = x + spoke_w / 2;
xR = x + dx;
AppendCorner( xL, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xL, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
Close( STRAIGHT );
xL = x - dx;
xR = x - spoke_w / 2;
yB = y + spoke_w / 2;
yT = y + dy;
AppendCorner( xL, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xL, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
Close( STRAIGHT );
xL = x + spoke_w / 2;
xR = x + dx;
AppendCorner( xL, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yB, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xR, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
AppendCorner( xL, yT, STRAIGHT, 0 );
Close( STRAIGHT );
/** Function AddTrackWithClearancePolygon
* Add a polygon cutout for a track in a zone area
* Convert arcs and circles to multiple straight lines
void AddTrackWithClearancePolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
TRACK& aTrack, int aClearanceValue )
wxPoint corner_position;
int ii, angle;
int dx = (aTrack.m_Width / 2) + aClearanceValue;
int delta = 3600 / s_CircleToSegmentsCount; // rot angle in 0.1 degree
switch( aTrack.Type() )
if( aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
for( ii = 0; ii < s_CircleToSegmentsCount; ii++ )
corner_position = wxPoint( dx, 0 );
angle = ii * delta;
RotatePoint( &corner_position, angle );
corner_position += aTrack.m_Start;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner_position.x, corner_position.y );
AddRoundedEndsSegmentPolygon( aBooleng,
aTrack.m_Start, aTrack.m_End,
aTrack.m_Width + (2 * aClearanceValue) );
/** Function AddRoundedEndsSegmentPolygon
* Add a polygon cutout for a segment (with rounded ends) in a zone area
* Convert arcs to multiple straight lines
void AddRoundedEndsSegmentPolygon( Bool_Engine* aBooleng,
wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd,
int aWidth )
int rayon = aWidth / 2;
wxPoint endp = aEnd - aStart; // end point coordinate for the same segment starting at (0,0)
wxPoint startp = aStart;
wxPoint corner;
int seg_len;
// normalize the position in order to have endp.x >= 0;
if( endp.x < 0 )
endp = aStart - aEnd;
startp = aEnd;
int delta_angle = ArcTangente( endp.y, endp.x ); // delta_angle is in 0.1 degrees
seg_len = (int) sqrt( (endp.y * endp.y) + (endp.x * endp.x) );
if( !aBooleng->StartPolygonAdd( GROUP_B ) )
return; // error!
int delta = 3600 / s_CircleToSegmentsCount; // rot angle in 0.1 degree
// Compute the outlines of the segment, and creates a polygon
corner = wxPoint( 0, rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
corner = wxPoint( seg_len, rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
// add right rounded end:
for( int ii = delta; ii < 1800; ii += delta )
corner = wxPoint( 0, rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, ii );
corner.x += seg_len;
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
corner = wxPoint( seg_len, -rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
corner = wxPoint( 0, -rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );
// add left rounded end:
for( int ii = delta; ii < 1800; ii += delta )
corner = wxPoint( 0, -rayon );
RotatePoint( &corner, ii );
RotatePoint( &corner, -delta_angle );
corner += startp;
aBooleng->AddPoint( corner.x, corner.y );