
161 lines
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Copyright 2008 Intel Corporation
Use, modification and distribution are subject to the Boost Software License,
Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
namespace boost { namespace polygon{
template <typename Unit, typename property_type>
struct polygon_45_property_merge {
typedef point_data<Unit> Point;
typedef typename coordinate_traits<Unit>::manhattan_area_type LongUnit;
template <typename property_map>
static inline void merge_property_maps(property_map& mp, const property_map& mp2, bool subtract = false) {
polygon_45_touch<Unit>::merge_property_maps(mp, mp2, subtract);
class CountMerge {
inline CountMerge() : counts() {}
//inline CountMerge(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; }
//inline CountMerge(int count1, int count2) { counts[0] = count1; counts[1] = count2; }
inline CountMerge(const CountMerge& count) : counts(count.counts) {}
inline bool operator==(const CountMerge& count) const { return counts == count.counts; }
inline bool operator!=(const CountMerge& count) const { return !((*this) == count); }
//inline CountMerge& operator=(int count) { counts[0] = counts[1] = count; return *this; }
inline CountMerge& operator=(const CountMerge& count) { counts = count.counts; return *this; }
inline int& operator[](property_type index) {
std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::iterator itr = lower_bound(counts.begin(), counts.end(), std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
if(itr != counts.end() && itr->first == index) {
return itr->second;
itr = counts.insert(itr, std::make_pair(index, int(0)));
return itr->second;
// inline int operator[](int index) const {
// std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >::const_iterator itr = counts.begin();
// for( ; itr != counts.end() && itr->first <= index; ++itr) {
// if(itr->first == index) {
// return itr->second;
// }
// }
// return 0;
// }
inline CountMerge& operator+=(const CountMerge& count){
merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, false);
return *this;
inline CountMerge& operator-=(const CountMerge& count){
merge_property_maps(counts, count.counts, true);
return *this;
inline CountMerge operator+(const CountMerge& count) const {
return CountMerge(*this)+=count;
inline CountMerge operator-(const CountMerge& count) const {
return CountMerge(*this)-=count;
inline CountMerge invert() const {
CountMerge retval;
retval -= *this;
return retval;
std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> > counts;
//output is a std::map<std::set<property_type>, polygon_45_set_data<Unit> >
struct merge_45_output_functor {
template <typename cT>
void operator()(cT& output, const CountMerge& count1, const CountMerge& count2,
const Point& pt, int rise, direction_1d end) {
typedef typename cT::key_type keytype;
keytype left;
keytype right;
int edgeType = end == LOW ? -1 : 1;
for(typename std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> >::const_iterator itr = count1.counts.begin();
itr != count1.counts.end(); ++itr) {
left.insert(left.end(), (*itr).first);
for(typename std::vector<std::pair<property_type, int> >::const_iterator itr = count2.counts.begin();
itr != count2.counts.end(); ++itr) {
right.insert(right.end(), (*itr).first);
if(left == right) return;
if(!left.empty()) {
//std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << " " << rise << " " << edgeType << std::endl;
output[left].insert_clean(typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Vertex45(pt, rise, -edgeType));
if(!right.empty()) {
//std::cout << pt.x() << " " << pt.y() << " " << rise << " " << -edgeType << std::endl;
output[right].insert_clean(typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::Vertex45(pt, rise, edgeType));
typedef typename std::pair<Point,
typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountMerge> > Vertex45Compact;
typedef std::vector<Vertex45Compact> MergeSetData;
struct lessVertex45Compact {
bool operator()(const Vertex45Compact& l, const Vertex45Compact& r) {
return l.first < r.first;
template <typename output_type>
static void performMerge(output_type& result, MergeSetData& tsd) {
gtlsort(tsd.begin(), tsd.end(), lessVertex45Compact());
typedef std::vector<std::pair<Point, typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45CountT<CountMerge> > > TSD;
TSD tsd_;
for(typename MergeSetData::iterator itr = tsd.begin(); itr != tsd.end(); ) {
typename MergeSetData::iterator itr2 = itr;
for(; itr2 != tsd.end() && itr2->first == itr->first; ++itr2) {
(itr->second) += (itr2->second); //accumulate
tsd_.push_back(std::make_pair(itr->first, itr->second));
itr = itr2;
typename boolean_op_45<Unit>::template Scan45<CountMerge, merge_45_output_functor> scanline;
for(typename TSD::iterator itr = tsd_.begin(); itr != tsd_.end(); ) {
typename TSD::iterator itr2 = itr;
while(itr2 != tsd_.end() && itr2->first.x() == itr->first.x()) {
scanline.scan(result, itr, itr2);
itr = itr2;
template <typename iT>
static void populateMergeSetData(MergeSetData& tsd, iT begin, iT end, property_type property) {
for( ; begin != end; ++begin) {
Vertex45Compact vertex;
vertex.first = typename Vertex45Compact::first_type(begin->pt.x() * 2, begin->pt.y() * 2);
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if(begin->count[i]) {
tsd.back().second[i][property] += begin->count[i];