712 lines
19 KiB
712 lines
19 KiB
/* drawframe.cpp */
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma implementation
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "bitmaps.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "class_base_screen.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "kicad_device_context.h"
#include <wx/fontdlg.h>
/* Configuration entry names. */
static const wxString CursorShapeEntryKeyword( wxT( "CursorShape" ) );
static const wxString ShowGridEntryKeyword( wxT( "ShowGrid" ) );
static const wxString GridColorEntryKeyword( wxT( "GridColor" ) );
static const wxString LastGridSizeId( wxT( "_LastGridSize" ) );
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_DrawFrame, WinEDA_BasicFrame )
EVT_MOUSEWHEEL( WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMouseEvent )
EVT_MENU_OPEN( WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMenuOpen )
EVT_ACTIVATE( WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnActivate )
WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnZoom )
WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSelectGrid )
WinEDA_DrawFrame::WinEDA_DrawFrame( wxWindow* father, int idtype,
const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size,
long style ) :
WinEDA_BasicFrame( father, idtype, title, pos, size, style )
wxSize minsize;
m_VToolBar = NULL;
m_AuxVToolBar = NULL;
m_OptionsToolBar = NULL;
m_AuxiliaryToolBar = NULL;
m_SelGridBox = NULL;
m_SelZoomBox = NULL;
DrawPanel = NULL;
MsgPanel = NULL;
m_CurrentScreen = NULL;
m_ID_current_state = 0;
m_ID_last_state = 0;
m_HTOOL_current_state = 0;
m_Draw_Axis = FALSE; // TRUE to draw axis.
m_Draw_Sheet_Ref = FALSE; // TRUE to display reference sheet.
m_Print_Sheet_Ref = TRUE; // TRUE to print reference sheet.
m_Draw_Auxiliary_Axis = FALSE; // TRUE draw auxilary axis.
m_UnitType = INTERNAL_UNIT_TYPE; // Internal unit = inch
m_CursorShape = 0;
m_LastGridSizeId = 0;
m_DrawGrid = true; // hide/Show grid. default = show
m_GridColor = DARKGRAY; // Grid color
// Internal units per inch: = 1000 for schema, = 10000 for PCB
minsize.x = 470;
minsize.y = 350 + m_MsgFrameHeight;
SetSizeHints( minsize.x, minsize.y, -1, -1, -1, -1 );
/* Make sure window has a sane minimum size. */
if( ( size.x < minsize.x ) || ( size.y < minsize.y ) )
SetSize( 0, 0, minsize.x, minsize.y );
// Pane sizes for status bar.
static const int dims[6] = { -1, ZOOM_DISPLAY_SIZE,
CreateStatusBar( 6 );
SetStatusWidths( 6, dims );
// Create child subwindows.
GetClientSize( &m_FrameSize.x, &m_FrameSize.y );
m_FramePos.x = m_FramePos.y = 0;
m_FrameSize.y -= m_MsgFrameHeight;
DrawPanel = new WinEDA_DrawPanel( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), m_FrameSize );
MsgPanel = new WinEDA_MsgPanel( this, -1, wxPoint( 0, m_FrameSize.y ),
wxSize( m_FrameSize.x, m_MsgFrameHeight ) );
MsgPanel->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( ColorRefs[LIGHTGRAY].m_Red,
ColorRefs[LIGHTGRAY].m_Blue ) );
if( m_CurrentScreen != NULL )
delete m_CurrentScreen;
* Display the message in the first pane of the status bar.
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::Affiche_Message( const wxString& message )
SetStatusText( message, 0 );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::EraseMsgBox()
if( MsgPanel )
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnActivate( wxActivateEvent& event )
m_FrameIsActive = event.GetActive();
if( DrawPanel )
DrawPanel->m_CanStartBlock = -1;
event.Skip(); // required under wxMAC
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMenuOpen( wxMenuEvent& event )
if( DrawPanel )
DrawPanel->m_CanStartBlock = -1;
// Virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReCreateAuxiliaryToolbar()
// Virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
// Virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey,
EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct )
// Virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ToolOnRightClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSelectGrid( wxCommandEvent& event )
int* clientData;
int id = ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_100;
if( event.GetEventType() == wxEVT_COMMAND_COMBOBOX_SELECTED )
if( m_SelGridBox == NULL )
* Don't use wxCommandEvent::GetClientData() here. It always
* returns NULL in GTK. This solution is not as elegant but
* it works.
int index = m_SelGridBox->GetSelection();
wxASSERT( index != wxNOT_FOUND );
clientData = (int*) m_SelGridBox->GetClientData( index );
if( clientData != NULL )
id = *clientData;
id = event.GetId();
/* Update the grid select combobox if the grid size was changed
* by menu event.
if( m_SelGridBox != NULL )
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_SelGridBox->GetCount(); i++ )
clientData = (int*) m_SelGridBox->GetClientData( i );
if( clientData && id == *clientData )
m_SelGridBox->SetSelection( i );
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen();
if( screen->GetGridId() == id )
* This allows for saving non-sequential command ID offsets used that
* may be used in the grid size combobox. Do not use the selection
* index returned by GetSelection().
m_LastGridSizeId = id - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000;
screen->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition();
screen->SetGrid( id );
* Set the zoom when selected by the Zoom List Box
* Note:
* position 0 = Fit in Page
* position >= 1 = zoom (1 to zoom max)
* last position : special zoom
* virtual function
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSelectZoom( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_SelZoomBox == NULL )
return; // Should not happen!
int id = m_SelZoomBox->GetChoice();
if( id < 0 || !( id < (int)m_SelZoomBox->GetCount() ) )
if( id == 0 ) // Auto zoom (Fit in Page)
Zoom_Automatique( true );
int selectedZoom = GetBaseScreen()->m_ZoomList[id];
if( GetBaseScreen()->GetZoom() == selectedZoom )
GetBaseScreen()->m_Curseur = DrawPanel->GetScreenCenterRealPosition();
GetBaseScreen()->SetZoom( selectedZoom );
Recadre_Trace( false );
/* Return the current zoom level */
int WinEDA_DrawFrame::GetZoom(void)
return GetBaseScreen()->GetZoom();
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnMouseEvent( wxMouseEvent& event )
// Virtual
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetToolbars()
if( m_auimgr.GetManagedWindow() )
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::DisplayToolMsg( const wxString& msg )
SetStatusText( msg, 5 );
/* Display current unit Selection on Statusbar
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::DisplayUnitsMsg()
wxString msg;
switch( g_UnitMetric )
case INCHES:
msg = _( "Inch" );
msg += _( "mm" );
msg += _( "??" );
SetStatusText( msg, 4 );
/* Recalculate the size of toolbars and display panel.
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& SizeEv )
m_FrameSize = GetClientSize( );
* Enables the icon of the selected tool in the vertical toolbar.
* (Or tool ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT default if no new selection)
* if (id >= 0)
* Updates all variables related:
* Message m_ID_current_state, cursor
* If (id < 0)
* Only updates the variables message and cursor
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetToolID( int id, int new_cursor_id,
const wxString& title )
// Change Cursor
if( DrawPanel )
DrawPanel->m_PanelDefaultCursor = new_cursor_id;
DrawPanel->SetCursor( new_cursor_id );
SetCursor( wxCURSOR_ARROW );
DisplayToolMsg( title );
if( id < 0 )
// Old Tool ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT active or inactive if no new tool.
if( m_ID_current_state )
if( m_VToolBar )
m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE );
if( m_AuxVToolBar )
m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE );
if( id )
if( m_VToolBar )
m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, FALSE );
if( m_AuxVToolBar )
m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( m_ID_current_state, FALSE );
else if( m_VToolBar )
m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, TRUE );
if( id )
if( m_VToolBar )
m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( id, TRUE );
if( m_AuxVToolBar )
m_AuxVToolBar->ToggleTool( id, TRUE );
else if( m_VToolBar )
m_VToolBar->ToggleTool( ID_NO_SELECT_BUTT, TRUE );
m_ID_current_state = id;
/* default virtual functions */
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnGrid( int grid_type )
int WinEDA_DrawFrame::ReturnBlockCommand( int key )
return 0;
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::InitBlockPasteInfos()
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = NULL;
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC )
int WinEDA_DrawFrame::HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC )
return 0;
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AdjustScrollBars()
int pixelsPerUnitX, pixelsPerUnitY, unitsX, unitsY, posX, posY;
wxSize drawingSize, clientSize;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen();
if( screen == NULL || DrawPanel == NULL )
// The drawing size is twice the current page size.
drawingSize = screen->ReturnPageSize() * 2;
// Calculate the portion of the drawing that can be displayed in the
// client area at the current zoom level.
clientSize = DrawPanel->GetClientSize();
#ifdef USE_WX_ZOOM
INSTALL_DC( dc, DrawPanel );
clientSize.x = dc.DeviceToLogicalXRel( clientSize.x );
clientSize.y = dc.DeviceToLogicalYRel( clientSize.y );
screen->Unscale( clientSize );
/* Adjust drawing size when zooming way out to prevent centering around
* cursor problems. */
if( clientSize.x > drawingSize.x || clientSize.y > drawingSize.y )
drawingSize = clientSize;
drawingSize += clientSize / 2;
if( screen->m_Center )
screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -drawingSize.x / 2;
screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -drawingSize.y / 2;
screen->m_DrawOrg.x = -clientSize.x / 2;
screen->m_DrawOrg.y = -clientSize.y / 2;
/* Always set scrollbar pixels per unit to 1 unless you want the zoom
* around cursor to jump around. This reported problem occurs when the
* zoom point is not on a pixel per unit increment. If you set the
* pixels per unit to 10, you have potential for the zoom point to
* jump around +/-5 pixels from the nearest grid point.
pixelsPerUnitX = pixelsPerUnitY = 1;
// Calculate the number of scroll bar units for the given zoom level. */
#ifdef USE_WX_ZOOM
unitsX = dc.LogicalToDeviceXRel( drawingSize.x );
unitsY = dc.LogicalToDeviceYRel( drawingSize.y );
unitsX = screen->Scale( drawingSize.x );
unitsY = screen->Scale( drawingSize.y );
// Calculate the position, place the cursor at the center of screen.
posX = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->m_DrawOrg.x;
posY = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->m_DrawOrg.y;
posX -= clientSize.x / 2;
posY -= clientSize.y / 2;
if( posX <= 0 )
posX = 0;
if( posY <= 0 )
posY = 0;
#ifdef USE_WX_ZOOM
posX = dc.LogicalToDeviceXRel( posX );
posY = dc.LogicalToDeviceYRel( posY );
posX = screen->Scale( posX );
posY = screen->Scale( posY );
screen->m_ScrollbarPos = wxPoint( posX, posY );
screen->m_ScrollbarNumber = wxSize( unitsX, unitsY );
#if 0
wxLogDebug( wxT( "SetScrollbars(%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d)" ),
pixelsPerUnitX, pixelsPerUnitY, unitsX, unitsY, posX, posY );
DrawPanel->SetScrollbars( pixelsPerUnitX,
screen->m_ScrollbarPos.y, TRUE );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SetLanguage( wxCommandEvent& event )
int id = event.GetId();
wxGetApp().SetLanguageIdentifier( id );
if ( wxGetApp().SetLanguage() )
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Recreating menu bar due to language change." ) );
* Round to the nearest precision.
* Try to approximate a coordinate using a given precision to prevent
* rounding errors when converting from inches to mm.
* ie round the unit value to 0 if unit is 1 or 2, or 8 or 9
double RoundTo0( double x, double precision )
assert( precision != 0 );
long long ix = wxRound( x * precision );
if ( x < 0.0 )
NEGATE( ix );
int remainder = ix % 10; // remainder is in precision mm
if ( remainder <= 2 )
ix -= remainder; // truncate to the near number
else if (remainder >= 8 )
ix += 10 - remainder; // round to near number
if ( x < 0 )
NEGATE( ix );
return (double) ix / precision;
* Function UpdateStatusBar()
* Displays in the bottom of the main window a stust:
* - Absolute Cursor coordinates
* - Relative Cursor coordinates (relative to the last coordinate stored
* when actiavte the space bar)
* ( in this status is also displayed the zoom level, but this is not made
* by this function )
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::UpdateStatusBar()
wxString Line;
int dx, dy;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen();
if( !screen )
/* Display Zoom level: zoom = zoom_coeff/ZoomScalar */
if ( (screen->GetZoom() % screen->m_ZoomScalar) == 0 )
Line.Printf( wxT( "Z %d" ), screen->GetZoom() / screen->m_ZoomScalar );
Line.Printf( wxT( "Z %.1f" ),
(float)screen->GetZoom() / screen->m_ZoomScalar );
SetStatusText( Line, 1 );
/* Display absolute coordinates: */
double dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, screen->m_Curseur.x,
m_InternalUnits );
double dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, screen->m_Curseur.y,
m_InternalUnits );
* Converting from inches to mm can give some coordinates due to
* float point precision rounding errors, like 1.999 or 2.001 so
* round to the nearest drawing precision required by the application.
if ( g_UnitMetric )
dXpos = RoundTo0( dXpos, (double)( m_InternalUnits / 10 ) );
dYpos = RoundTo0( dYpos, (double)( m_InternalUnits / 10 ) );
if( m_InternalUnits == EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT )
Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "X %.2f Y %.2f" ) :
wxT( "X %.3f Y %.3f" ), dXpos, dYpos );
Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "X %.3f Y %.3f" ) :
wxT( "X %.4f Y %.4f" ), dXpos, dYpos );
SetStatusText( Line, 2 );
/* Display relative coordinates: */
dx = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
dXpos = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, dx, m_InternalUnits );
dYpos = To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, dy, m_InternalUnits );
if ( g_UnitMetric )
dXpos = RoundTo0( dXpos, (double)( m_InternalUnits / 10 ) );
dYpos = RoundTo0( dYpos, (double)( m_InternalUnits / 10 ) );
if( m_InternalUnits == EESCHEMA_INTERNAL_UNIT )
Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "X %.2f Y %.2f" ) :
wxT( "X %.3f Y %.3f" ), dXpos, dYpos );
Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "x %.3f y %.3f" ) :
wxT( "x %.4f y %.4f" ), dXpos, dYpos );
SetStatusText( Line, 3 );
* Load draw frame specific configuration settings.
* Don't forget to call this base method from any derived classes or the
* settings will not get loaded.
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::LoadSettings()
wxASSERT( wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config != NULL );
wxConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config;
cfg->Read( m_FrameName + CursorShapeEntryKeyword, &m_CursorShape, ( long )0 );
bool btmp;
if ( cfg->Read( m_FrameName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, &btmp ) )
SetGridVisibility( btmp);
int itmp;
if( cfg->Read( m_FrameName + GridColorEntryKeyword, &itmp ) )
cfg->Read( m_FrameName + LastGridSizeId, &m_LastGridSizeId, 0L );
* Save draw frame specific configuration settings.
* Don't forget to call this base method from any derived classes or the
* settings will not get saved.
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::SaveSettings()
wxASSERT( wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config != NULL );
wxConfig* cfg = wxGetApp().m_EDA_Config;
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + CursorShapeEntryKeyword, m_CursorShape );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + ShowGridEntryKeyword, IsGridVisible() );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + GridColorEntryKeyword, GetGridColor() );
cfg->Write( m_FrameName + LastGridSizeId, ( long ) m_LastGridSizeId );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::AppendMsgPanel( const wxString& textUpper,
const wxString& textLower,
int color, int pad )
if( MsgPanel == NULL )
MsgPanel->AppendMessage( textUpper, textLower, color, pad );
void WinEDA_DrawFrame::ClearMsgPanel( void )
if( MsgPanel == NULL )