954 lines
29 KiB
954 lines
29 KiB
* @file dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 1992-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <kiway.h>
#include <common.h>
#include <confirm.h>
#include <pgm_base.h>
#include <kiface_i.h>
#include <dialog_text_entry.h>
#include <general.h>
#include <widgets/wx_grid.h>
#include <widgets/grid_text_button_helpers.h>
#include <lib_edit_frame.h>
#include <class_library.h>
#include <symbol_lib_table.h>
#include <sch_item.h>
#include <sch_component.h>
#include <dialog_helpers.h>
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <dialog_spice_model.h>
#include <netlist_exporter_pspice.h>
#endif /* KICAD_SPICE */
#include <dialog_edit_component_in_lib.h>
#define LibEditFieldsShownColumnsKey wxT( "LibEditFieldsShownColumns" )
LIB_PART* aLibEntry ) :
m_Parent( aParent ),
m_libEntry( aLibEntry ),
m_currentAlias( wxNOT_FOUND ),
m_pinNameOffset( aParent, m_nameOffsetLabel, m_nameOffsetCtrl, m_nameOffsetUnits, true ),
m_delayedFocusCtrl( nullptr ),
m_delayedFocusGrid( nullptr ),
m_delayedFocusRow( -1 ),
m_delayedFocusColumn( -1 ),
m_delayedFocusPage( -1 ),
m_width( 0 )
m_config = Kiface().KifaceSettings();
// Give a bit more room for combobox editors
m_grid->SetDefaultRowSize( m_grid->GetDefaultRowSize() + 4 );
m_aliasGrid->SetDefaultRowSize( m_aliasGrid->GetDefaultRowSize() + 4 );
// Work around a bug in wxWidgets where it fails to recalculate the grid height
// after changing the default row size
m_aliasGrid->AppendRows( 1 );
m_aliasGrid->DeleteRows( m_grid->GetNumberRows() - 1, 1 );
m_fields = new FIELDS_GRID_TABLE<LIB_FIELD>( this, aParent, m_libEntry );
m_grid->SetTable( m_fields );
m_grid->PushEventHandler( new FIELDS_GRID_TRICKS( m_grid, this ) );
m_aliasGrid->PushEventHandler( new FIELDS_GRID_TRICKS( m_grid, this ) );
// Show/hide columns according to the user's preference
m_config->Read( LibEditFieldsShownColumnsKey, &m_shownColumns, wxT( "0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7" ) );
m_grid->ShowHideColumns( m_shownColumns );
// Hide non-overridden rows in aliases grid
m_aliasGrid->HideRow( REFERENCE );
m_aliasGrid->HideRow( FOOTPRINT );
wxGridCellAttr* attr = new wxGridCellAttr;
m_aliasGrid->SetColAttr( FDC_NAME, attr );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_NAME, TEMPLATE_FIELDNAME::GetDefaultFieldName( VALUE ) );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( DATASHEET, FDC_NAME,
attr = new wxGridCellAttr;
attr->SetEditor( new GRID_CELL_URL_EDITOR( this ) );
m_aliasGrid->SetAttr( DATASHEET, FDC_VALUE, attr );
m_SymbolNameCtrl->SetValidator( SCH_FIELD_VALIDATOR( true, VALUE ) );
// Configure button logos
m_bpAdd->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_plus_xpm ) );
m_bpDelete->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( trash_xpm ) );
m_bpMoveUp->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_up_xpm ) );
m_bpMoveDown->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_down_xpm ) );
m_addAliasButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_plus_xpm ) );
m_deleteAliasButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( trash_xpm ) );
m_addFilterButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_plus_xpm ) );
m_deleteFilterButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( trash_xpm ) );
m_editFilterButton->SetBitmap( KiBitmap( small_edit_xpm ) );
// wxFormBuilder doesn't include this event...
m_grid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING,
wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnGridCellChanging ),
NULL, this );
m_aliasGrid->Connect( wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING,
wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAliasGridCellChanging ),
NULL, this );
m_lastOpenedPage = m_NoteBook->GetSelection( );
m_config->Write( LibEditFieldsShownColumnsKey, m_grid->GetShownColumns() );
// Prevents crash bug in wxGrid's d'tor
m_grid->DestroyTable( m_fields );
m_grid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING,
wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnGridCellChanging ),
NULL, this );
m_aliasGrid->Disconnect( wxEVT_GRID_CELL_CHANGING,
wxGridEventHandler( DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAliasGridCellChanging ),
NULL, this );
// Delete the GRID_TRICKS.
m_grid->PopEventHandler( true );
m_aliasGrid->PopEventHandler( true );
// An OK will have transferred these and cleared the buffer, but we have to delete them
// on a Cancel.
for( LIB_ALIAS* alias : m_aliasesBuffer )
delete alias;
if( !wxDialog::TransferDataToWindow() )
return false;
LIB_ALIAS* rootAlias = m_libEntry->GetAlias( m_libEntry->GetName() );
// Push a copy of each field into m_fields
m_libEntry->GetFields( *m_fields );
// Datasheet field is special; grab its value from the docfilename
m_fields->at( DATASHEET ).SetText( rootAlias->GetDocFileName() );
// The Y axis for components in lib is from bottom to top while the screen axis is top
// to bottom: we must change the y coord sign for editing
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_fields->size(); ++i )
wxPoint pos = m_fields->at( i ).GetPosition();
pos.y = -pos.y;
m_fields->at( i ).SetPosition( pos );
// notify the grid
wxGridTableMessage msg( m_fields, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, m_fields->GetNumberRows() );
m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg );
adjustGridColumns( m_grid->GetRect().GetWidth());
m_SymbolNameCtrl->SetValue( m_libEntry->GetName() );
m_DescCtrl->SetValue( rootAlias->GetDescription() );
m_KeywordCtrl->SetValue( rootAlias->GetKeyWords() );
m_SelNumberOfUnits->SetValue( m_libEntry->GetUnitCount() );
m_OptionPartsLocked->SetValue( m_libEntry->UnitsLocked() && m_libEntry->GetUnitCount() > 1 );
m_AsConvertButt->SetValue( m_libEntry->HasConversion() );
m_OptionPower->SetValue( m_libEntry->IsPower() );
m_ShowPinNumButt->SetValue( m_libEntry->ShowPinNumbers() );
m_ShowPinNameButt->SetValue( m_libEntry->ShowPinNames() );
m_PinsNameInsideButt->SetValue( m_libEntry->GetPinNameOffset() != 0 );
m_pinNameOffset.SetValue( Mils2iu( m_libEntry->GetPinNameOffset() ) );
const LIB_ALIASES aliases = m_libEntry->GetAliases();
for( LIB_ALIAS* alias : aliases )
if( alias->IsRoot() )
m_aliasesBuffer.push_back( new LIB_ALIAS( *alias, m_libEntry ) );
m_aliasListBox->Append( alias->GetName() );
if( m_aliasListBox->GetCount() )
m_aliasListBox->SetSelection( 0 );
wxCommandEvent dummy;
OnSelectAlias( dummy );
adjustAliasGridColumns( m_aliasGrid->GetClientRect().GetWidth() - 4 );
m_FootprintFilterListBox->Append( m_libEntry->GetFootprints() );
m_NoteBook->SetSelection( (unsigned) m_lastOpenedPage );
return true;
if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() || !m_aliasGrid->CommitPendingChanges() )
return false;
if( !SCH_COMPONENT::IsReferenceStringValid( m_fields->at( REFERENCE ).GetText() ) )
if( m_NoteBook->GetSelection() != 0 )
m_NoteBook->SetSelection( 0 );
m_delayedErrorMessage = _( "References must start with a letter." );
m_delayedFocusGrid = m_grid;
m_delayedFocusColumn = FDC_VALUE;
m_delayedFocusRow = REFERENCE;
m_delayedFocusPage = 0;
return false;
// Check for missing field names.
for( size_t i = MANDATORY_FIELDS; i < m_fields->size(); ++i )
LIB_FIELD& field = m_fields->at( i );
wxString fieldName = field.GetName( false );
if( fieldName.IsEmpty() )
if( m_NoteBook->GetSelection() != 0 )
m_NoteBook->SetSelection( 0 );
m_delayedErrorMessage = _( "Fields must have a name." );
m_delayedFocusGrid = m_grid;
m_delayedFocusColumn = FDC_NAME;
m_delayedFocusRow = i;
m_delayedFocusPage = 0;
return false;
if( m_SelNumberOfUnits->GetValue() < m_libEntry->GetUnitCount() )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Delete extra units from symbol?" ) ) )
return false;
if( m_AsConvertButt->GetValue() && !m_libEntry->HasConversion() )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Add new pins for alternate body style (DeMorgan) to symbol?" ) ) )
return false;
else if( !m_AsConvertButt->GetValue() && m_libEntry->HasConversion() )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Delete alternate body style (DeMorgan) draw items from symbol?" ) ) )
return false;
return true;
if( !wxDialog::TransferDataFromWindow() )
return false;
LIB_ALIAS* rootAlias = m_libEntry->GetAlias( m_libEntry->GetName() );
m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( m_libEntry );
// The Y axis for components in lib is from bottom to top while the screen axis is top
// to bottom: we must change the y coord sign when writing back to the library
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_fields->size(); ++i )
wxPoint pos = m_fields->at( i ).GetPosition();
pos.y = -pos.y;
m_fields->at( i ).SetPosition( pos );
// Datasheet field is special; copy it to the root alias docfilename
rootAlias->SetDocFileName( m_fields->at( DATASHEET ).GetText() );
m_fields->at( DATASHEET ).SetText( wxEmptyString );
m_libEntry->SetFields( *m_fields );
// We need to keep the name and the value the same at the moment!
m_libEntry->SetName( m_libEntry->GetValueField().GetText() );
rootAlias->SetDescription( m_DescCtrl->GetValue() );
rootAlias->SetKeyWords( m_KeywordCtrl->GetValue() );
m_libEntry->SetUnitCount( m_SelNumberOfUnits->GetValue() );
m_libEntry->LockUnits( m_libEntry->GetUnitCount() > 1 && m_OptionPartsLocked->GetValue() );
m_libEntry->SetConversion( m_AsConvertButt->GetValue() );
if( m_OptionPower->GetValue() )
m_libEntry->SetShowPinNumbers( m_ShowPinNumButt->GetValue() );
m_libEntry->SetShowPinNames( m_ShowPinNameButt->GetValue() );
if( m_PinsNameInsideButt->GetValue() )
int offset = KiROUND( (double) m_pinNameOffset.GetValue() / IU_PER_MILS );
// We interpret an offset of 0 as "outside", so make sure it's non-zero
m_libEntry->SetPinNameOffset( offset == 0 ? 20 : offset );
m_libEntry->SetPinNameOffset( 0 ); // pin text outside the body (name is on the pin)
for( LIB_ALIAS* alias : m_aliasesBuffer )
m_libEntry->AddAlias( alias ); // Transfers ownership; no need to delete
m_libEntry->GetFootprints() = m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetStrings();
return true;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnGridCellChanging( wxGridEvent& event )
wxGridCellEditor* editor = m_grid->GetCellEditor( event.GetRow(), event.GetCol() );
wxControl* control = editor->GetControl();
if( control && control->GetValidator() && !control->GetValidator()->Validate( control ) )
m_delayedFocusGrid = m_grid;
m_delayedFocusRow = event.GetRow();
m_delayedFocusColumn = event.GetCol();
m_delayedFocusPage = 0;
else if( event.GetRow() == VALUE && event.GetCol() == FDC_VALUE )
m_SymbolNameCtrl->ChangeValue( event.GetString() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnSymbolNameText( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_grid->SetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_VALUE, m_SymbolNameCtrl->GetValue() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnSymbolNameKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event )
if( !m_delayedFocusCtrl && !m_SymbolNameCtrl->GetValidator()->Validate( m_SymbolNameCtrl ) )
m_delayedFocusCtrl = m_SymbolNameCtrl;
m_delayedFocusPage = 0;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAddField( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() )
int fieldID = m_fields->size();
LIB_FIELD newField( m_libEntry, fieldID );
m_fields->push_back( newField );
// notify the grid
wxGridTableMessage msg( m_fields, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, 1 );
m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg );
m_grid->MakeCellVisible( m_fields->size() - 1, 0 );
m_grid->SetGridCursor( m_fields->size() - 1, 0 );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnDeleteField( wxCommandEvent& event )
int curRow = m_grid->GetGridCursorRow();
if( curRow < 0 )
else if( curRow < MANDATORY_FIELDS )
DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "The first %d fields are mandatory." ),
m_grid->CommitPendingChanges( true /* quiet mode */ );
m_fields->erase( m_fields->begin() + curRow );
// notify the grid
wxGridTableMessage msg( m_fields, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, curRow, 1 );
m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg );
if( m_grid->GetNumberRows() > 0 )
m_grid->MakeCellVisible( std::max( 0, curRow-1 ), m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
m_grid->SetGridCursor( std::max( 0, curRow-1 ), m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnMoveUp( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() )
int i = m_grid->GetGridCursorRow();
LIB_FIELD tmp = m_fields->at( (unsigned) i );
m_fields->erase( m_fields->begin() + i, m_fields->begin() + i + 1 );
m_fields->insert( m_fields->begin() + i - 1, tmp );
m_grid->SetGridCursor( i - 1, m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
m_grid->MakeCellVisible( m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(), m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnMoveDown( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !m_grid->CommitPendingChanges() )
int i = m_grid->GetGridCursorRow();
if( i >= MANDATORY_FIELDS && i + 1 < m_fields->GetNumberRows() )
LIB_FIELD tmp = m_fields->at( (unsigned) i );
m_fields->erase( m_fields->begin() + i, m_fields->begin() + i + 1 );
m_fields->insert( m_fields->begin() + i + 1, tmp );
m_grid->SetGridCursor( i + 1, m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
m_grid->MakeCellVisible( m_grid->GetGridCursorRow(), m_grid->GetGridCursorCol() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::updateAliasName( bool aFromGrid, const wxString& aName )
int idx = m_aliasListBox->GetSelection();
if( idx >= 0 )
m_aliasListBox->SetString( (unsigned) idx, aName );
m_aliasesBuffer[ idx ]->SetName( aName );
if( aFromGrid )
m_AliasNameCtrl->ChangeValue( aName );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_VALUE, aName );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAliasGridCellChanging( wxGridEvent& event )
if( event.GetRow() == VALUE )
int idx = m_aliasListBox->GetSelection();
wxString newName = event.GetString();
if( idx < 0 || !checkAliasName( newName ) )
m_delayedFocusGrid = m_aliasGrid;
m_delayedFocusRow = event.GetRow();
m_delayedFocusColumn = event.GetCol();
m_delayedFocusPage = 1;
updateAliasName( true, newName );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAliasNameText( wxCommandEvent& event )
updateAliasName( false, m_AliasNameCtrl->GetValue() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAliasNameKillFocus( wxFocusEvent& event )
if( !m_delayedFocusCtrl && !checkAliasName( m_AliasNameCtrl->GetValue() ) )
m_delayedFocusCtrl = m_AliasNameCtrl;
m_delayedFocusPage = 1;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::transferAliasDataToBuffer()
if( m_currentAlias >= 0 )
LIB_ALIAS* alias = m_aliasesBuffer[ m_currentAlias ];
alias->SetName( m_aliasGrid->GetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_VALUE ) );
alias->SetDocFileName( m_aliasGrid->GetCellValue( DATASHEET, FDC_VALUE ) );
alias->SetDescription( m_AliasDescCtrl->GetValue() );
alias->SetKeyWords( m_AliasKeywordsCtrl->GetValue() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnEditSpiceModel( wxCommandEvent& event )
int diff = m_fields->size();
auto cmp = SCH_COMPONENT( *m_libEntry, m_libEntry->GetLibId(), nullptr );
DIALOG_SPICE_MODEL dialog( this, cmp, m_fields );
if( dialog.ShowModal() != wxID_OK )
diff = m_fields->size() - diff;
if( diff > 0 )
wxGridTableMessage msg( m_fields, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_APPENDED, diff );
m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg );
else if( diff < 0 )
wxGridTableMessage msg( m_fields, wxGRIDTABLE_NOTIFY_ROWS_DELETED, 0, diff );
m_grid->ProcessTableMessage( msg );
#endif /* KICAD_SPICE */
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnSelectAlias( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_delayedFocusCtrl || !m_aliasGrid->CommitPendingChanges() )
m_aliasListBox->SetSelection( m_currentAlias ); // veto selection change
// Copy any pending changes back into the buffer
LIB_ALIAS* alias = nullptr;
int newIdx = m_aliasListBox->GetSelection();
if( newIdx >= 0 )
alias = m_aliasesBuffer[ newIdx ];
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_VALUE, alias->GetName() );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( DATASHEET, FDC_VALUE, alias->GetDocFileName() );
m_aliasGrid->Enable( true );
// Use ChangeValue() so we don't generate events
m_AliasNameCtrl->ChangeValue( alias->GetName() );
m_AliasNameCtrl->Enable( true );
m_AliasDescCtrl->ChangeValue( alias->GetDescription() );
m_AliasDescCtrl->Enable( true );
m_AliasKeywordsCtrl->ChangeValue( alias->GetKeyWords() );
m_AliasKeywordsCtrl->Enable( true );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( VALUE, FDC_VALUE, wxEmptyString );
m_aliasGrid->SetCellValue( DATASHEET, FDC_VALUE, wxEmptyString );
m_aliasGrid->Enable( false );
// Use ChangeValue() so we don't generate events
m_AliasNameCtrl->ChangeValue( wxEmptyString );
m_AliasNameCtrl->Enable( false );
m_AliasDescCtrl->ChangeValue( wxEmptyString );
m_AliasDescCtrl->Enable( false );
m_AliasKeywordsCtrl->ChangeValue( wxEmptyString );
m_AliasKeywordsCtrl->Enable( false );
m_currentAlias = newIdx;
bool DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::checkAliasName( const wxString& aName )
if( aName.IsEmpty() )
return false;
if( m_SymbolNameCtrl->GetValue().CmpNoCase( aName ) == 0 )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Alias can not have same name as symbol." ) );
DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg );
return false;
for( int i = 0; i < (int)m_aliasListBox->GetCount(); ++i )
if( i == m_aliasListBox->GetSelection() )
if( m_aliasListBox->GetString( i ).CmpNoCase( aName ) == 0 )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Alias \"%s\" already exists." ), aName );
DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg );
return false;
wxString library = m_Parent->GetCurLib();
if( !library.empty() )
LIB_ALIAS* existing = Prj().SchSymbolLibTable()->LoadSymbol( library, aName );
if( existing && existing->GetPart()->GetName() != m_libEntry->GetName() )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Symbol name \"%s\" already exists in library \"%s\"." ),
aName, library );
DisplayErrorMessage( this, msg );
return false;
return true;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAddAlias( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_delayedFocusCtrl || !m_aliasGrid->CommitPendingChanges() )
wxCommandEvent dummy;
wxString aliasname = _( "untitled" );
int suffix = 1;
while( m_aliasListBox->FindString( aliasname ) != wxNOT_FOUND )
aliasname = wxString::Format( _( "untitled%i" ), suffix++ );
LIB_ALIAS* alias = new LIB_ALIAS( aliasname, m_libEntry );
// Initialize with parent's data
alias->SetDescription( m_DescCtrl->GetValue() );
alias->SetKeyWords( m_KeywordCtrl->GetValue() );
alias->SetDocFileName( m_grid->GetCellValue( DATASHEET, FDC_VALUE ) );
m_aliasesBuffer.push_back( alias ); // transfers ownership of alias to aliasesBuffer
m_aliasListBox->Append( aliasname );
m_aliasListBox->SetSelection( m_aliasListBox->GetCount() - 1 );
OnSelectAlias( dummy );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnDeleteAlias( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( m_delayedFocusCtrl || !m_aliasGrid->CommitPendingChanges() )
int sel = m_aliasListBox->GetSelection();
if( sel == wxNOT_FOUND )
m_aliasListBox->Delete( (unsigned) sel );
m_aliasesBuffer.erase( m_aliasesBuffer.begin() + sel );
m_currentAlias = wxNOT_FOUND;
if( m_aliasListBox->GetCount() == 0 )
m_aliasListBox->SetSelection( wxNOT_FOUND );
m_aliasListBox->SetSelection( std::max( 0, sel - 1 ) );
wxCommandEvent dummy;
OnSelectAlias( dummy );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnFilterDClick( wxMouseEvent& event)
int idx = m_FootprintFilterListBox->HitTest( event.GetPosition() );
wxCommandEvent dummy;
if( idx >= 0 )
OnEditFootprintFilter( dummy );
OnAddFootprintFilter( dummy );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnCancelButtonClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Running the Footprint Browser gums up the works and causes the automatic cancel
// stuff to no longer work. So we do it here ourselves.
EndQuasiModal( wxID_CANCEL );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnAddFootprintFilter( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString filterLine;
LIB_PART* component = m_Parent->GetCurPart();
if( component == NULL )
WX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Filter:" ), _( "Add Footprint Filter" ), filterLine );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL || dlg.GetValue().IsEmpty() )
filterLine = dlg.GetValue();
filterLine.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
// duplicate filters do no harm, so don't be a nanny.
m_FootprintFilterListBox->Append( filterLine );
m_FootprintFilterListBox->SetSelection( m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetCount() - 1 );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnDeleteFootprintFilter( wxCommandEvent& event )
int ii = m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetSelection();
if( ii >= 0 )
m_FootprintFilterListBox->Delete( (unsigned) ii );
if( m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetCount() == 0 )
m_FootprintFilterListBox->SetSelection( wxNOT_FOUND );
m_FootprintFilterListBox->SetSelection( std::max( 0, ii - 1 ) );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnEditFootprintFilter( wxCommandEvent& event )
int idx = m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetSelection();
if( idx >= 0 )
wxString filter = m_FootprintFilterListBox->GetStringSelection();
WX_TEXT_ENTRY_DIALOG dlg( this, _( "Filter:" ), _( "Edit Footprint Filter" ), filter );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK && !dlg.GetValue().IsEmpty() )
m_FootprintFilterListBox->SetString( (unsigned) idx, dlg.GetValue() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::adjustGridColumns( int aWidth )
m_width = aWidth;
// Account for scroll bars
aWidth -= ( m_grid->GetSize().x - m_grid->GetClientSize().x );
m_grid->AutoSizeColumn( FDC_NAME );
int fixedColsWidth = m_grid->GetColSize( FDC_NAME );
for( int i = 2; i < m_grid->GetNumberCols(); i++ )
fixedColsWidth += m_grid->GetColSize( i );
m_grid->SetColSize( FDC_VALUE, aWidth - fixedColsWidth );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::adjustAliasGridColumns( int aWidth )
m_aliasGrid->AutoSizeColumn( FDC_NAME );
m_aliasGrid->SetColSize( FDC_VALUE, aWidth - m_aliasGrid->GetColSize( FDC_NAME ) - 2 );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnUpdateUI( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
m_OptionPartsLocked->Enable( m_SelNumberOfUnits->GetValue() > 1 );
m_pinNameOffset.Enable( m_PinsNameInsideButt->GetValue() );
if( m_grid->IsCellEditControlShown() )
int row = m_grid->GetGridCursorRow();
int col = m_grid->GetGridCursorCol();
if( row == VALUE && col == FDC_VALUE )
wxGridCellEditor* editor = m_grid->GetCellEditor( row, col );
m_SymbolNameCtrl->ChangeValue( editor->GetValue() );
// Synthesize a Select event when the selection is cleared
if( m_aliasListBox->GetSelection() == wxNOT_FOUND && m_currentAlias != wxNOT_FOUND )
wxCommandEvent dummy;
OnSelectAlias( dummy );
// Handle shown columns changes
wxString shownColumns = m_grid->GetShownColumns();
if( shownColumns != m_shownColumns )
m_shownColumns = shownColumns;
if( !m_grid->IsCellEditControlShown() )
adjustGridColumns( m_grid->GetRect().GetWidth() );
// Handle a delayed focus. The delay allows us to:
// a) change focus when the error was triggered from within a killFocus handler
// b) show the correct notebook page in the background before the error dialog comes up
// when triggered from an OK or a notebook page change
if( m_delayedFocusPage >= 0 && m_NoteBook->GetSelection() != m_delayedFocusPage )
m_NoteBook->SetSelection( (unsigned) m_delayedFocusPage );
m_delayedFocusPage = -1;
if( !m_delayedErrorMessage.IsEmpty() )
// We will re-enter this routine when the error dialog is displayed, so make
// sure we don't keep putting up more dialogs.
wxString msg = m_delayedErrorMessage;
m_delayedErrorMessage = wxEmptyString;
// Do not use DisplayErrorMessage(); it screws up window order on Mac
DisplayError( nullptr, msg );
if( m_delayedFocusCtrl )
if( dynamic_cast<wxTextEntry*>( m_delayedFocusCtrl ) )
dynamic_cast<wxTextEntry*>( m_delayedFocusCtrl )->SelectAll();
m_delayedFocusCtrl = nullptr;
else if( m_delayedFocusGrid )
m_delayedFocusGrid->MakeCellVisible( m_delayedFocusRow, m_delayedFocusColumn );
m_delayedFocusGrid->SetGridCursor( m_delayedFocusRow, m_delayedFocusColumn );
m_delayedFocusGrid->EnableCellEditControl( true );
m_delayedFocusGrid = nullptr;
m_delayedFocusRow = -1;
m_delayedFocusColumn = -1;
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnSizeGrid( wxSizeEvent& event )
auto new_size = event.GetSize().GetX();
if( new_size != m_width )
adjustGridColumns( event.GetSize().GetX() );
void DIALOG_EDIT_COMPONENT_IN_LIBRARY::OnSizeAliasGrid( wxSizeEvent& event )
adjustAliasGridColumns( event.GetSize().GetX() );