
1196 lines
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// math for graphics utility routines and RC, from FreePCB
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <fctsys.h>
#include <PolyLine.h>
#define NM_PER_MIL 25400
* Function TestLineHit
* test for hit on line segment i.e. a point within a given distance from segment
* @param x, y = cursor coords
* @param xi,yi,xf,yf = the end-points of the line segment
* @param dist = maximum distance for hit
* return true if dist < distance between the point and the segment
bool TestLineHit( int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf, int x, int y, double dist )
double dd;
// test for vertical or horizontal segment
if( xf==xi )
// vertical segment
dd = fabs( (double)(x-xi) );
if( dd<dist && ( (yf>yi && y<yf && y>yi) || (yf<yi && y>yf && y<yi) ) )
return true;
else if( yf==yi )
// horizontal segment
dd = fabs( (double)(y-yi) );
if( dd<dist && ( (xf>xi && x<xf && x>xi) || (xf<xi && x>xf && x<xi) ) )
return true;
// oblique segment
// find a,b such that (xi,yi) and (xf,yf) lie on y = a + bx
double b = (double)(yf-yi)/(xf-xi);
double a = (double)yi-b*xi;
// find c,d such that (x,y) lies on y = c + dx where d=(-1/b)
double d = -1.0/b;
double c = (double)y-d*x;
// find nearest point to (x,y) on line segment (xi,yi) to (xf,yf)
double xp = (a-c)/(d-b);
double yp = a + b*xp;
// find distance
dd = sqrt((x-xp)*(x-xp)+(y-yp)*(y-yp));
if( fabs(b)>0.7 )
// line segment more vertical than horizontal
if( dd<dist && ( (yf>yi && yp<yf && yp>yi) || (yf<yi && yp>yf && yp<yi) ) )
return 1;
// line segment more horizontal than vertical
if( dd<dist && ( (xf>xi && xp<xf && xp>xi) || (xf<xi && xp>xf && xp<xi) ) )
return true;
return false; // no hit
// set EllipseKH struct to describe the ellipse for an arc
int MakeEllipseFromArc( int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf, int style, EllipseKH * el )
// arc (quadrant of ellipse)
// convert to clockwise arc
int xxi, xxf, yyi, yyf;
if( style == CPolyLine::ARC_CCW )
xxi = xf;
xxf = xi;
yyi = yf;
yyf = yi;
xxi = xi;
xxf = xf;
yyi = yi;
yyf = yf;
// find center and radii of ellipse
double xo=0, yo=0;
if( xxf > xxi && yyf > yyi )
xo = xxf;
yo = yyi;
el->theta1 = M_PI;
el->theta2 = M_PI/2.0;
else if( xxf < xxi && yyf > yyi )
xo = xxi;
yo = yyf;
el->theta1 = -M_PI/2.0;
el->theta2 = -M_PI;
else if( xxf < xxi && yyf < yyi )
xo = xxf;
yo = yyi;
el->theta1 = 0.0;
el->theta2 = -M_PI/2.0;
else if( xxf > xxi && yyf < yyi )
xo = xxi;
yo = yyf;
el->theta1 = M_PI/2.0;
el->theta2 = 0.0;
el->Center.X = xo;
el->Center.Y = yo;
el->xrad = abs(xf-xi);
el->yrad = abs(yf-yi);
#if 0
el->Phi = 0.0;
el->MaxRad = el->xrad;
el->MinRad = el->yrad;
if( el->MaxRad < el->MinRad )
el->MaxRad = el->yrad;
el->MinRad = el->xrad;
el->Phi = M_PI/2.0;
return 0;
// find intersections between line segment (xi,yi) to (xf,yf)
// and line segment (xi2,yi2) to (xf2,yf2)
// the line segments may be arcs (i.e. quadrant of an ellipse) or straight
// returns number of intersections found (max of 2)
// returns coords of intersections in arrays x[2], y[2]
int FindSegmentIntersections( int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf, int style,
int xi2, int yi2, int xf2, int yf2, int style2,
double x[], double y[] )
double xr[12], yr[12];
int iret = 0;
if( max(xi,xf) < min(xi2,xf2)
|| min(xi,xf) > max(xi2,xf2)
|| max(yi,yf) < min(yi2,yf2)
|| min(yi,yf) > max(yi2,yf2) )
return 0;
if( style != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT && style2 != CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// two identical arcs intersect
if( style == style2 && xi == xi2 && yi == yi2 && xf == xf2 && yf == yf2 )
if( x && y )
x[0] = xi;
y[0] = yi;
return 1;
else if( style != style2 && xi == xf2 && yi == yf2 && xf == xi2 && yf == yi2 )
if( x && y )
x[0] = xi;
y[0] = yi;
return 1;
if( style == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT && style2 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// both straight-line segments
int x, y;
bool bYes = TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments( xi, yi, xf, yf, xi2, yi2, xf2, yf2, &x, &y );
if( !bYes )
return 0;
xr[0] = x;
yr[0] = y;
iret = 1;
else if( style == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// first segment is straight, second segment is an arc
int ret;
double x1r, y1r, x2r, y2r;
if( xf == xi )
// vertical first segment
double a = xi;
double b = DBL_MAX/2.0;
ret = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, xi2, yi2, xf2, yf2, style2,
&x1r, &y1r, &x2r, &y2r );
double b = (double)(yf-yi)/(double)(xf-xi);
double a = yf - b*xf;
ret = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, xi2, yi2, xf2, yf2, style2,
&x1r, &y1r, &x2r, &y2r );
if( ret == 0 )
return 0;
if( InRange( x1r, xi, xf ) && InRange( y1r, yi, yf ) )
xr[iret] = x1r;
yr[iret] = y1r;
if( ret == 2 )
if( InRange( x2r, xi, xf ) && InRange( y2r, yi, yf ) )
xr[iret] = x2r;
yr[iret] = y2r;
else if( style2 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// first segment is an arc, second segment is straight
int ret;
double x1r, y1r, x2r, y2r;
if( xf2 == xi2 )
// vertical second segment
double a = xi2;
double b = DBL_MAX/2.0;
ret = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, xi, yi, xf, yf, style,
&x1r, &y1r, &x2r, &y2r );
double b = (double)(yf2-yi2)/(double)(xf2-xi2);
double a = yf2 - b*xf2;
ret = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, xi, yi, xf, yf, style,
&x1r, &y1r, &x2r, &y2r );
if( ret == 0 )
return 0;
if( InRange( x1r, xi2, xf2 ) && InRange( y1r, yi2, yf2 ) )
xr[iret] = x1r;
yr[iret] = y1r;
if( ret == 2 )
if( InRange( x2r, xi2, xf2 ) && InRange( y2r, yi2, yf2 ) )
xr[iret] = x2r;
yr[iret] = y2r;
// both segments are arcs
EllipseKH el1;
EllipseKH el2;
MakeEllipseFromArc( xi, yi, xf, yf, style, &el1 );
MakeEllipseFromArc( xi2, yi2, xf2, yf2, style2, &el2 );
int n;
if( el1.xrad+el1.yrad > el2.xrad+el2.yrad )
n = GetArcIntersections( &el1, &el2 );
n = GetArcIntersections( &el2, &el1 );
iret = n;
if( x && y )
for( int i=0; i<iret; i++ )
x[i] = xr[i];
y[i] = yr[i];
return iret;
// find intersection between line y = a + bx and line segment (xi,yi) to (xf,yf)
// if b > DBL_MAX/10, assume vertical line at x = a
// the line segment may be an arc (i.e. quadrant of an ellipse)
// return 0 if no intersection
// returns 1 or 2 if intersections found
// sets coords of intersections in *x1, *y1, *x2, *y2
// if no intersection, returns min distance in dist
int FindLineSegmentIntersection( double a, double b, int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf, int style,
double * x1, double * y1, double * x2, double * y2,
double * dist )
double xx = 0, yy = 0; //Init made to avoid C compil "uninitialized" warning
bool bVert = false;
if( b > DBL_MAX/10.0 )
bVert = true;
if( xf != xi )
// non-vertical segment, get intersection
if( style == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT || yf == yi )
// horizontal or oblique straight segment
// put into form y = c + dx;
double d = (double)(yf-yi)/(double)(xf-xi);
double c = yf - d*xf;
if( bVert )
// if vertical line, easy
if( InRange( a, xi, xf ) )
*x1 = a;
*y1 = c + d*a;
return 1;
if( dist )
*dist = min( abs(a-xi), abs(a-xf) );
return 0;
if( fabs(b-d) < 1E-12 )
// parallel lines
if( dist )
*dist = GetPointToLineDistance( a, b, xi, xf );
return 0; // lines parallel
// calculate intersection
xx = (c-a)/(b-d);
yy = a + b*(xx);
// see if intersection is within the line segment
if( yf == yi )
// horizontal line
if( (xx>=xi && xx>xf) || (xx<=xi && xx<xf) )
return 0;
// oblique line
if( (xx>=xi && xx>xf) || (xx<=xi && xx<xf)
|| (yy>yi && yy>yf) || (yy<yi && yy<yf) )
return 0;
else if( style == CPolyLine::ARC_CW || style == CPolyLine::ARC_CCW )
// arc (quadrant of ellipse)
// convert to clockwise arc
int xxi, xxf, yyi, yyf;
if( style == CPolyLine::ARC_CCW )
xxi = xf;
xxf = xi;
yyi = yf;
yyf = yi;
xxi = xi;
xxf = xf;
yyi = yi;
yyf = yf;
// find center and radii of ellipse
double xo = xxf, yo = yyi, rx, ry; // Init made to avoid C compil warnings
if( xxf > xxi && yyf > yyi )
xo = xxf;
yo = yyi;
else if( xxf < xxi && yyf > yyi )
xo = xxi;
yo = yyf;
else if( xxf < xxi && yyf < yyi )
xo = xxf;
yo = yyi;
else if( xxf > xxi && yyf < yyi )
xo = xxi;
yo = yyf;
rx = fabs( (double)(xxi-xxf) );
ry = fabs( (double)(yyi-yyf) );
bool test;
double xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2, aa;
if( bVert )
// shift vertical line to coordinate system of ellipse
aa = a - xo;
test = FindVerticalLineEllipseIntersections( rx, ry, aa, &yy1, &yy2 );
if( !test )
return 0;
// shift back to PCB coordinates
yy1 += yo;
yy2 += yo;
xx1 = a;
xx2 = a;
// shift line to coordinate system of ellipse
aa = a + b*xo - yo;
test = FindLineEllipseIntersections( rx, ry, aa, b, &xx1, &xx2 );
if( !test )
return 0;
// shift back to PCB coordinates
yy1 = aa + b*xx1;
xx1 += xo;
yy1 += yo;
yy2 = aa + b*xx2;
xx2 += xo;
yy2 += yo;
int npts = 0;
if( (xxf>xxi && xx1<xxf && xx1>xxi) || (xxf<xxi && xx1<xxi && xx1>xxf) )
if( (yyf>yyi && yy1<yyf && yy1>yyi) || (yyf<yyi && yy1<yyi && yy1>yyf) )
*x1 = xx1;
*y1 = yy1;
npts = 1;
if( (xxf>xxi && xx2<xxf && xx2>xxi) || (xxf<xxi && xx2<xxi && xx2>xxf) )
if( (yyf>yyi && yy2<yyf && yy2>yyi) || (yyf<yyi && yy2<yyi && yy2>yyf) )
if( npts == 0 )
*x1 = xx2;
*y1 = yy2;
npts = 1;
*x2 = xx2;
*y2 = yy2;
npts = 2;
return npts;
// vertical line segment
if( bVert )
return 0;
xx = xi;
yy = a + b*xx;
if( (yy>=yi && yy>yf) || (yy<=yi && yy<yf) )
return 0;
*x1 = xx;
*y1 = yy;
return 1;
* Function TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments
* Test for intersection of line segments
* If lines are parallel, returns false
* If true, returns also intersection coords in x, y
* if false, returns min. distance in dist (may be 0.0 if parallel)
bool TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments( int x1i, int y1i, int x1f, int y1f,
int x2i, int y2i, int x2f, int y2f,
int * x, int * y, double * d )
double a, b, dist;
// first, test for intersection
if( x1i == x1f && x2i == x2f )
// both segments are vertical, can't intersect
else if( y1i == y1f && y2i == y2f )
// both segments are horizontal, can't intersect
else if( x1i == x1f && y2i == y2f )
// first seg. vertical, second horizontal, see if they cross
if( InRange( x1i, x2i, x2f )
&& InRange( y2i, y1i, y1f ) )
if( x )
*x = x1i;
if( y )
*y = y2i;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
else if( y1i == y1f && x2i == x2f )
// first seg. horizontal, second vertical, see if they cross
if( InRange( y1i, y2i, y2f )
&& InRange( x2i, x1i, x1f ) )
if( x )
*x = x2i;
if( y )
*y = y1i;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
else if( x1i == x1f )
// first segment vertical, second oblique
// get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
b = (double)(y2f-y2i)/(x2f-x2i);
a = (double)y2i - b*x2i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, CPolyLine::STRAIGHT,
&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
if( test )
if( InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
if( x )
*x = (int) x1;
if( y )
*y = (int) y1;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
else if( y1i == y1f )
// first segment horizontal, second oblique
// get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
b = (double)(y2f-y2i)/(x2f-x2i);
a = (double)y2i - b*x2i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, CPolyLine::STRAIGHT,
&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
if( test )
if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( x1, x2i, x2f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
if( x )
*x = (int) x1;
if( y )
*y = (int) y1;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
else if( x2i == x2f )
// second segment vertical, first oblique
// get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
b = (double)(y1f-y1i)/(x1f-x1i);
a = (double)y1i - b*x1i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, CPolyLine::STRAIGHT,
&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
if( test )
if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) && InRange( y1, y2i, y2f ) )
if( x )
*x = (int) x1;
if( y )
*y = (int) y1;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
else if( y2i == y2f )
// second segment horizontal, first oblique
// get a and b for second line segment, so that y = a + bx;
b = (double)(y1f-y1i)/(x1f-x1i);
a = (double)y1i - b*x1i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, CPolyLine::STRAIGHT,
&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
if( test )
if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
if( x )
*x = (int) x1;
if( y )
*y = (int) y1;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
// both segments oblique
if( (long)(y1f-y1i)*(x2f-x2i) != (long)(y2f-y2i)*(x1f-x1i) )
// not parallel, get a and b for first line segment, so that y = a + bx;
b = (double)(y1f-y1i)/(x1f-x1i);
a = (double)y1i - b*x1i;
double x1, y1, x2, y2;
int test = FindLineSegmentIntersection( a, b, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, CPolyLine::STRAIGHT,
&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2 );
// both segments oblique
if( test )
if( InRange( x1, x1i, x1f ) && InRange( y1, y1i, y1f ) )
if( x )
*x = (int) x1;
if( y )
*y = (int) y1;
if( d )
*d = 0.0;
return true;
// don't intersect, get shortest distance between each endpoint and the other line segment
dist = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1i, y1i, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );
double xx = x1i;
double yy = y1i;
double dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x1f, y1f, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f );
if( dd < dist )
dist = dd;
xx = x1f;
yy = y1f;
dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2i, y2i, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );
if( dd < dist )
dist = dd;
xx = x2i;
yy = y2i;
dd = GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( x2f, y2f, x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f );
if( dd < dist )
dist = dd;
xx = x2f;
yy = y2f;
if( x )
*x = (int) xx;
if( y )
*y = (int) yy;
if( d )
*d = dist;
return false;
/*solves the Quadratic equation = a*x*x + b*x + c
bool Quadratic( double a, double b, double c, double *x1, double *x2 )
double root = b*b - 4.0*a*c;
if( root < 0.0 )
return false;
root = sqrt( root );
*x1 = (-b+root)/(2.0*a);
*x2 = (-b-root)/(2.0*a);
return true;
// finds intersections of vertical line at x
// with ellipse defined by (x^2)/(a^2) + (y^2)/(b^2) = 1;
// returns true if solution exist, with solutions in y1 and y2
// else returns false
bool FindVerticalLineEllipseIntersections( double a, double b, double x, double *y1, double *y2 )
double y_sqr = (1.0-(x*x)/(a*a))*b*b;
if( y_sqr < 0.0 )
return false;
*y1 = sqrt(y_sqr);
*y2 = -*y1;
return true;
// finds intersections of straight line y = c + dx
// with ellipse defined by (x^2)/(a^2) + (y^2)/(b^2) = 1;
// returns true if solution exist, with solutions in x1 and x2
// else returns false
bool FindLineEllipseIntersections( double a, double b, double c, double d, double *x1, double *x2 )
// quadratic terms
double A = d*d+b*b/(a*a);
double B = 2.0*c*d;
double C = c*c-b*b;
return Quadratic( A, B, C, x1, x2 );
// Get clearance between 2 segments
// Returns point in segment closest to other segment in x, y
// in clearance > max_cl, just returns max_cl and doesn't return x,y
int GetClearanceBetweenSegments( int x1i, int y1i, int x1f, int y1f, int style1, int w1,
int x2i, int y2i, int x2f, int y2f, int style2, int w2,
int max_cl, int * x, int * y )
// check clearance between bounding rectangles
int test = max_cl + w1/2 + w2/2;
if( min(x1i,x1f)-max(x2i,x2f) > test )
return max_cl;
if( min(x2i,x2f)-max(x1i,x1f) > test )
return max_cl;
if( min(y1i,y1f)-max(y2i,y2f) > test )
return max_cl;
if( min(y2i,y2f)-max(y1i,y1f) > test )
return max_cl;
if( style1 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT && style1 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// both segments are straight lines
int xx, yy;
double dd;
TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f,
x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, &xx, &yy, &dd );
int d = max( 0, (int)dd - w1/2 - w2/2 );
if( x )
*x = xx;
if( y )
*y = yy;
return d;
// not both straight-line segments
// see if segments intersect
double xr[2];
double yr[2];
test = FindSegmentIntersections( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, style1, x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, style2, xr, yr );
if( test )
if( x )
*x = (int) xr[0];
if( y )
*y = (int) yr[0];
return 0;
// at least one segment is an arc
EllipseKH el1;
EllipseKH el2;
bool bArcs;
int xi=0, yi=0, xf=0, yf=0;
if( style2 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// style1 = arc, style2 = straight
MakeEllipseFromArc( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, style1, &el1 );
xi = x2i;
yi = y2i;
xf = x2f;
yf = y2f;
bArcs = false;
else if( style1 == CPolyLine::STRAIGHT )
// style2 = arc, style1 = straight
xi = x1i;
yi = y1i;
xf = x1f;
yf = y1f;
MakeEllipseFromArc( x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, style2, &el1 );
bArcs = false;
// style1 = arc, style2 = arc
MakeEllipseFromArc( x1i, y1i, x1f, y1f, style1, &el1 );
MakeEllipseFromArc( x2i, y2i, x2f, y2f, style2, &el2 );
bArcs = true;
const int NSTEPS = 32;
if( el1.theta2 > el1.theta1 )
if( bArcs && el2.theta2 > el2.theta1 )
// test multiple points in both segments
double th1;
double th2;
double len2;
if( bArcs )
th1 = el2.theta1;
th2 = el2.theta2;
len2 = max(el2.xrad, el2.yrad);
th1 = 1.0;
th2 = 0.0;
len2 = abs(xf-xi)+abs(yf-yi);
double s_start = el1.theta1;
double s_end = el1.theta2;
double s_start2 = th1;
double s_end2 = th2;
double dmin = DBL_MAX;
double xmin = 0, ymin = 0, smin = 0, smin2 = 0; // Init made to avoid C compil warnings
int nsteps = NSTEPS;
int nsteps2 = NSTEPS;
double step = (s_start-s_end)/(nsteps-1);
double step2 = (s_start2-s_end2)/(nsteps2-1);
while( (step * max(el1.xrad, el1.yrad)) > 0.1*NM_PER_MIL
&& (step2 * len2) > 0.1*NM_PER_MIL )
step = (s_start-s_end)/(nsteps-1);
for( int i=0; i<nsteps; i++ )
double s;
if( i < nsteps-1 )
s = s_start - i*step;
s = s_end;
double x = el1.Center.X + el1.xrad*cos(s);
double y = el1.Center.Y + el1.yrad*sin(s);
// if not an arc, use s2 as fractional distance along line
step2 = (s_start2-s_end2)/(nsteps2-1);
for( int i2=0; i2<nsteps2; i2++ )
double s2;
if( i2 < nsteps2-1 )
s2 = s_start2 - i2*step2;
s2 = s_end2;
double x2, y2;
if( !bArcs )
x2 = xi + (xf-xi)*s2;
y2 = yi + (yf-yi)*s2;
x2 = el2.Center.X + el2.xrad*cos(s2);
y2 = el2.Center.Y + el2.yrad*sin(s2);
double d = Distance( (int) x, (int) y, (int) x2, (int) y2 );
if( d < dmin )
dmin = d;
xmin = x;
ymin = y;
smin = s;
smin2 = s2;
if( step > step2 )
s_start = min(el1.theta1, smin + step);
s_end = max(el1.theta2, smin - step);
step = (s_start - s_end)/nsteps;
s_start2 = min(th1, smin2 + step2);
s_end2 = max(th2, smin2 - step2);
step2 = (s_start2 - s_end2)/nsteps2;
if( x )
*x = (int) xmin;
if( y )
*y = (int) ymin;
return max(0, (int)dmin-w1/2-w2/2); // allow for widths
// Get min. distance from (x,y) to line y = a + bx
// if b > DBL_MAX/10, assume vertical line at x = a
// returns closest point on line in xp, yp
double GetPointToLineDistance( double a, double b, int x, int y, double * xpp, double * ypp )
if( b > DBL_MAX/10 )
// vertical line
if( xpp && ypp )
*xpp = a;
*ypp = y;
return abs(a-x);
// find c,d such that (x,y) lies on y = c + dx where d=(-1/b)
double d = -1.0/b;
double c = (double)y-d*x;
// find nearest point to (x,y) on line through (xi,yi) to (xf,yf)
double xp = (a-c)/(d-b);
double yp = a + b*xp;
if( xpp && ypp )
*xpp = xp;
*ypp = yp;
// find distance
return Distance( x, y, (int) xp, (int) yp );
double GetPointToLineSegmentDistance( int x, int y, int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf )
* Function GetPointToLineSegmentDistance
* Get distance between line segment and point
* @param x,y = point
* @param xi,yi Start point of the line segament
* @param xf,yf End point of the line segment
* @return the distance
// test for vertical or horizontal segment
if( xf==xi )
// vertical line segment
if( InRange( y, yi, yf ) )
return abs( x - xi );
return min( Distance( x, y, xi, yi ), Distance( x, y, xf, yf ) );
else if( yf==yi )
// horizontal line segment
if( InRange( x, xi, xf ) )
return abs( y - yi );
return min( Distance( x, y, xi, yi ), Distance( x, y, xf, yf ) );
// oblique segment
// find a,b such that (xi,yi) and (xf,yf) lie on y = a + bx
double b = (double)(yf-yi)/(xf-xi);
double a = (double)yi-b*xi;
// find c,d such that (x,y) lies on y = c + dx where d=(-1/b)
double d = -1.0/b;
double c = (double)y-d*x;
// find nearest point to (x,y) on line through (xi,yi) to (xf,yf)
double xp = (a-c)/(d-b);
double yp = a + b*xp;
// find distance
if( InRange( xp, xi, xf ) && InRange( yp, yi, yf ) )
return Distance( x, y, (int) xp, (int) yp );
return min( Distance( x, y, xi, yi ), Distance( x, y, xf, yf ) );
// test for value within range
bool InRange( double x, double xi, double xf )
if( xf>xi )
if( x >= xi && x <= xf )
return true;
if( x >= xf && x <= xi )
return true;
return false;
// Get distance between 2 points
double Distance( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2 )
double d;
d = sqrt( (double)(x1-x2)*(x1-x2) + (double)(y1-y2)*(y1-y2) );
if( d > INT_MAX || d < INT_MIN )
return (int)d;
// this finds approximate solutions
// note: this works best if el2 is smaller than el1
int GetArcIntersections( EllipseKH * el1, EllipseKH * el2,
double * x1, double * y1, double * x2, double * y2 )
if( el1->theta2 > el1->theta1 )
if( el2->theta2 > el2->theta1 )
const int NSTEPS = 32;
double xret[2], yret[2];
double xscale = 1.0/el1->xrad;
double yscale = 1.0/el1->yrad;
// now transform params of second ellipse into reference frame
// with origin at center if first ellipse,
// scaled so the first ellipse is a circle of radius = 1.0
double xo = (el2->Center.X - el1->Center.X)*xscale;
double yo = (el2->Center.Y - el1->Center.Y)*yscale;
double xr = el2->xrad*xscale;
double yr = el2->yrad*yscale;
// now test NSTEPS positions in arc, moving clockwise (ie. decreasing theta)
double step = M_PI/((NSTEPS-1)*2.0);
double d_prev=0;
double th_interp;
double th1;
int n = 0;
for( int i=0; i<NSTEPS; i++ )
double theta;
if( i < NSTEPS-1 )
theta = el2->theta1 - i*step;
theta = el2->theta2;
double x = xo + xr*cos(theta);
double y = yo + yr*sin(theta);
double d = 1.0 - sqrt(x*x + y*y);
if( i>0 )
bool bInt = false;
if( d >= 0.0 && d_prev <= 0.0 )
th_interp = theta + (step*(-d_prev))/(d-d_prev);
bInt = true;
else if( d <= 0.0 && d_prev >= 0.0 )
th_interp = theta + (step*d_prev)/(d_prev-d);
bInt = true;
if( bInt )
x = xo + xr*cos(th_interp);
y = yo + yr*sin(th_interp);
th1 = atan2( y, x );
if( th1 <= el1->theta1 && th1 >= el1->theta2 )
xret[n] = x*el1->xrad + el1->Center.X;
yret[n] = y*el1->yrad + el1->Center.Y;
if( n > 2 )
d_prev = d;
if( x1 )
*x1 = xret[0];
if( y1 )
*y1 = yret[0];
if( x2 )
*x2 = xret[1];
if( y2 )
*y2 = yret[1];
return n;
// this finds approximate solution
//double GetSegmentClearance( EllipseKH * el1, EllipseKH * el2,
double GetArcClearance( EllipseKH * el1, EllipseKH * el2,
double * x1, double * y1 )
const int NSTEPS = 32;
if( el1->theta2 > el1->theta1 )
if( el2->theta2 > el2->theta1 )
// test multiple positions in both arcs, moving clockwise (ie. decreasing theta)
double th_start = el1->theta1;
double th_end = el1->theta2;
double th_start2 = el2->theta1;
double th_end2 = el2->theta2;
double dmin = DBL_MAX;
double xmin=0, ymin=0, thmin=0, thmin2=0;
int nsteps = NSTEPS;
int nsteps2 = NSTEPS;
double step = (th_start-th_end)/(nsteps-1);
double step2 = (th_start2-th_end2)/(nsteps2-1);
while( (step * max(el1->xrad, el1->yrad)) > 1.0*NM_PER_MIL
&& (step2 * max(el2->xrad, el2->yrad)) > 1.0*NM_PER_MIL )
step = (th_start-th_end)/(nsteps-1);
for( int i=0; i<nsteps; i++ )
double theta;
if( i < nsteps-1 )
theta = th_start - i*step;
theta = th_end;
double x = el1->Center.X + el1->xrad*cos(theta);
double y = el1->Center.Y + el1->yrad*sin(theta);
step2 = (th_start2-th_end2)/(nsteps2-1);
for( int i2=0; i2<nsteps2; i2++ )
double theta2;
if( i2 < nsteps2-1 )
theta2 = th_start2 - i2*step2;
theta2 = th_end2;
double x2 = el2->Center.X + el2->xrad*cos(theta2);
double y2 = el2->Center.Y + el2->yrad*sin(theta2);
double d = Distance( (int) x, (int) y, (int) x2, (int) y2 );
if( d < dmin )
dmin = d;
xmin = x;
ymin = y;
thmin = theta;
thmin2 = theta2;
if( step > step2 )
th_start = min(el1->theta1, thmin + step);
th_end = max(el1->theta2, thmin - step);
step = (th_start - th_end)/nsteps;
th_start2 = min(el2->theta1, thmin2 + step2);
th_end2 = max(el2->theta2, thmin2 - step2);
step2 = (th_start2 - th_end2)/nsteps2;
if( x1 )
*x1 = xmin;
if( y1 )
*y1 = ymin;
return dmin;