1620 lines
66 KiB
1620 lines
66 KiB
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Mario Luzeiro <mrluzeiro@ua.pt>
* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
* or you may search the http://www.gnu.org website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
* @file 3d-viewer/3d_rendering/3d_render_raytracing/create_scene.cpp
#include "render_3d_raytrace.h"
#include "shapes3D/plane_3d.h"
#include "shapes3D/round_segment_3d.h"
#include "shapes3D/layer_item_3d.h"
#include "shapes3D/cylinder_3d.h"
#include "shapes3D/triangle_3d.h"
#include "shapes2D/layer_item_2d.h"
#include "shapes2D/ring_2d.h"
#include "shapes2D/polygon_2d.h"
#include "shapes2D/filled_circle_2d.h"
#include "shapes2D/round_segment_2d.h"
#include "accelerators/bvh_pbrt.h"
#include "3d_fastmath.h"
#include "3d_math.h"
#include <board.h>
#include <footprint.h>
#include <base_units.h>
#include <profile.h> // To use GetRunningMicroSecs or another profiling utility
* Perform an interpolation step to easy control the transparency based on the
* gray color value and transparency.
* @param aGrayColorValue - diffuse gray value
* @param aTransparency - control
* @return transparency to use in material
static float TransparencyControl( float aGrayColorValue, float aTransparency )
const float aaa = aTransparency * aTransparency * aTransparency;
// 1.00-1.05*(1.0-x)^3
float ca = 1.0f - aTransparency;
ca = 1.00f - 1.05f * ca * ca * ca;
return glm::max( glm::min( aGrayColorValue * ca + aaa, 1.0f ), 0.0f );
* Scale conversion from 3d model units to pcb units
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::setupMaterials()
MATERIAL::SetDefaultRefractionRayCount( m_boardAdapter.m_RtRefractionSampleCount );
MATERIAL::SetDefaultReflectionRayCount( m_boardAdapter.m_RtReflectionSampleCount );
MATERIAL::SetDefaultRefractionRecursionCount( m_boardAdapter.m_RtRecursiveRefractionCount );
MATERIAL::SetDefaultReflectionRecursionCount( m_boardAdapter.m_RtRecursiveReflectionCount );
double mmTo3Dunits = IU_PER_MM * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits();
m_boardMaterial = BOARD_NORMAL( 0.40f * mmTo3Dunits );
m_copperMaterial = COPPER_NORMAL( 4.0f * mmTo3Dunits, &m_boardMaterial );
m_platedCopperMaterial = PLATED_COPPER_NORMAL( 0.5f * mmTo3Dunits );
m_solderMaskMaterial = SOLDER_MASK_NORMAL( &m_boardMaterial );
m_plasticMaterial = PLASTIC_NORMAL( 0.05f * mmTo3Dunits );
m_shinyPlasticMaterial = PLASTIC_SHINE_NORMAL( 0.1f * mmTo3Dunits );
m_brushedMetalMaterial = BRUSHED_METAL_NORMAL( 0.05f * mmTo3Dunits );
m_silkScreenMaterial = SILK_SCREEN_NORMAL( 0.25f * mmTo3Dunits );
// http://devernay.free.fr/cours/opengl/materials.html
// Copper
const SFVEC3F copperSpecularLinear =
ConvertSRGBToLinear( glm::clamp( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_CopperColor * 0.5f + 0.25f,
SFVEC3F( 0.0f ), SFVEC3F( 1.0f ) ) );
m_materials.m_Copper = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL(
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_CopperColor * 0.3f ),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f ), copperSpecularLinear, 0.4f * 128.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_materials.m_Copper.SetGenerator( &m_platedCopperMaterial );
m_materials.m_NonPlatedCopper = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL(
ConvertSRGBToLinear( SFVEC3F( 0.191f, 0.073f, 0.022f ) ), SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
SFVEC3F( 0.256f, 0.137f, 0.086f ), 0.15f * 128.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_materials.m_NonPlatedCopper.SetGenerator( &m_copperMaterial );
m_materials.m_Paste = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL(
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SolderPasteColor )
* ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SolderPasteColor ),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SolderPasteColor )
* ConvertSRGBToLinear(
(SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SolderPasteColor ),
0.10f * 128.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_materials.m_SilkS = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL( ConvertSRGBToLinear( SFVEC3F( 0.11f ) ),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
glm::clamp( ( ( SFVEC3F )( 1.0f ) - ConvertSRGBToLinear(
(SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SilkScreenColorTop ) ),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f ), SFVEC3F( 0.10f ) ), 0.078125f * 128.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
m_materials.m_SilkS.SetGenerator( &m_silkScreenMaterial );
// Assume that SolderMaskTop == SolderMaskBot
const float solderMask_gray =
( m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop.r + m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop.g
+ m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop.b )
/ 3.0f;
const float solderMask_transparency = TransparencyControl( solderMask_gray,
1.0f - m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop.a );
m_materials.m_SolderMask = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL(
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop ) * 0.10f,
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
SFVEC3F( glm::clamp( solderMask_gray * 2.0f, 0.25f, 1.0f ) ), 0.85f * 128.0f,
solderMask_transparency, 0.16f );
m_materials.m_SolderMask.SetCastShadows( true );
m_materials.m_SolderMask.SetRefractionRayCount( 1 );
m_materials.m_SolderMask.SetGenerator( &m_solderMaskMaterial );
m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard =
BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL( ConvertSRGBToLinear( SFVEC3F( 16.0f / 255.0f, 14.0f / 255.0f,
10.0f / 255.0f ) ),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( SFVEC3F( 10.0f / 255.0f, 8.0f / 255.0f,
10.0f / 255.0f ) ),
0.1f * 128.0f, 1.0f - m_boardAdapter.m_BoardBodyColor.a, 0.0f );
m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard.SetAbsorvance( 10.0f );
m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard.SetGenerator( &m_boardMaterial );
SFVEC3F bgTop = ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_BgColorTop );
m_materials.m_Floor = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL( bgTop * 0.125f, SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
( SFVEC3F( 1.0f ) - bgTop ) / 3.0f,
0.10f * 128.0f, 0.0f, 0.50f );
m_materials.m_Floor.SetCastShadows( false );
m_materials.m_Floor.SetReflectionRecursionCount( 1 );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::createObject( CONTAINER_3D& aDstContainer, const OBJECT_2D* aObject2D,
float aZMin, float aZMax, const MATERIAL* aMaterial,
const SFVEC3F& aObjColor )
switch( aObject2D->GetObjectType() )
XY_PLANE* objPtr;
objPtr = new XY_PLANE( BBOX_3D(
SFVEC3F( aObject2D->GetBBox().Min().x, aObject2D->GetBBox().Min().y, aZMin ),
SFVEC3F( aObject2D->GetBBox().Max().x, aObject2D->GetBBox().Max().y, aZMin ) ) );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterial );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aObjColor ) );
aDstContainer.Add( objPtr );
objPtr = new XY_PLANE( BBOX_3D(
SFVEC3F( aObject2D->GetBBox().Min().x, aObject2D->GetBBox().Min().y, aZMax ),
SFVEC3F( aObject2D->GetBBox().Max().x, aObject2D->GetBBox().Max().y, aZMax ) ) );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterial );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aObjColor ) );
aDstContainer.Add( objPtr );
const ROUND_SEGMENT_2D* aRoundSeg2D = static_cast<const ROUND_SEGMENT_2D*>( aObject2D );
ROUND_SEGMENT* objPtr = new ROUND_SEGMENT( *aRoundSeg2D, aZMin, aZMax );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterial );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aObjColor ) );
aDstContainer.Add( objPtr );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( aObject2D, aZMin, aZMax );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterial );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aObjColor ) );
aDstContainer.Add( objPtr );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::createItemsFromContainer( const BVH_CONTAINER_2D* aContainer2d,
PCB_LAYER_ID aLayer_id, const MATERIAL* aMaterialLayer, const SFVEC3F& aLayerColor,
float aLayerZOffset )
if( aContainer2d == nullptr )
const LIST_OBJECT2D& listObject2d = aContainer2d->GetList();
if( listObject2d.size() == 0 )
for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator itemOnLayer = listObject2d.begin();
itemOnLayer != listObject2d.end(); ++itemOnLayer )
const OBJECT_2D* object2d_A = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *itemOnLayer );
// not yet used / implemented (can be used in future to clip the objects in the
// board borders
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;
object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
// Subtract holes but not in SolderPaste
// (can be added as an option in future)
if( !( ( aLayer_id == B_Paste ) || ( aLayer_id == F_Paste ) ) )
// Check if there are any layerhole that intersects this object
// Eg: a segment is cut by a via hole or THT hole.
const MAP_CONTAINER_2D_BASE& layerHolesMap = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerHoleMap();
if( layerHolesMap.find( aLayer_id ) != layerHolesMap.end() )
MAP_CONTAINER_2D_BASE::const_iterator ii_hole = layerHolesMap.find( aLayer_id );
const BVH_CONTAINER_2D* containerLayerHoles2d =
static_cast<const BVH_CONTAINER_2D*>( ii_hole->second );
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
containerLayerHoles2d->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator holeOnLayer = intersectionList.begin();
holeOnLayer != intersectionList.end(); ++holeOnLayer )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *holeOnLayer );
//if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
//if( object2d_A->GetBBox().Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );
// Check if there are any THT that intersects this object
// If we're processing a silk screen layer and the flag is set, then
// clip the silk screening at the outer edge of the annular ring, rather
// than the at the outer edge of the copper plating.
const BVH_CONTAINER_2D& throughHoleOuter =
( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_CLIP_SILK_ON_VIA_ANNULUS )
&& m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE )
&& ( ( aLayer_id == B_SilkS ) || ( aLayer_id == F_SilkS ) ) ) ?
m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleAnnularRings() :
if( !throughHoleOuter.GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
throughHoleOuter.GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole = intersectionList.begin();
hole != intersectionList.end(); ++hole )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *hole );
//if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
//if( object2d_A->GetBBox().Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );
if( !m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( const OBJECT_2D* obj : intersectionList )
object2d_B->push_back( obj );
const MAP_CONTAINER_2D_BASE& mapLayers = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerMap();
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_SUBTRACT_MASK_FROM_SILK )
&& m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE )
&& ( ( ( aLayer_id == B_SilkS ) && ( mapLayers.find( B_Mask ) != mapLayers.end() ) )
|| ( ( aLayer_id == F_SilkS )
&& ( mapLayers.find( F_Mask ) != mapLayers.end() ) ) ) )
const PCB_LAYER_ID layerMask_id = ( aLayer_id == B_SilkS ) ? B_Mask : F_Mask;
const BVH_CONTAINER_2D* containerMaskLayer2d =
static_cast<const BVH_CONTAINER_2D*>( mapLayers.at( layerMask_id ) );
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
if( containerMaskLayer2d ) // can be null if B_Mask or F_Mask is not shown
containerMaskLayer2d->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator objOnLayer = intersectionList.begin();
objOnLayer != intersectionList.end(); ++objOnLayer )
const OBJECT_2D* obj2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *objOnLayer );
object2d_B->push_back( obj2d );
if( object2d_B->empty() )
delete object2d_B;
object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;
if( ( object2d_B == CSGITEM_EMPTY ) && ( object2d_C == CSGITEM_FULL ) )
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( object2d_A,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( aLayer_id ) - aLayerZOffset,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerTopZPos( aLayer_id ) + aLayerZOffset );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterialLayer );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aLayerColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d = new LAYER_ITEM_2D( object2d_A, object2d_B, object2d_C,
object2d_A->GetBoardItem() );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( itemCSG2d,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( aLayer_id ) - aLayerZOffset,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerTopZPos( aLayer_id ) + aLayerZOffset );
objPtr->SetMaterial( aMaterialLayer );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( aLayerColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
extern void buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( const BOARD* aBoard, SHAPE_POLY_SET& aOutline );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::Reload( REPORTER* aStatusReporter, REPORTER* aWarningReporter,
bool aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes )
m_reloadRequested = false;
unsigned stats_startReloadTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();
if( !aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes )
m_boardAdapter.InitSettings( aStatusReporter, aWarningReporter );
SFVEC3F camera_pos = m_boardAdapter.GetBoardCenter();
m_camera.SetBoardLookAtPos( camera_pos );
if( aStatusReporter )
aStatusReporter->Report( _( "Load Raytracing: board" ) );
// Create and add the outline board
delete m_outlineBoard2dObjects;
delete m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects;
m_outlineBoard2dObjects = new CONTAINER_2D;
m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects = new BVH_CONTAINER_2D;
if( !aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes )
const int outlineCount = m_boardAdapter.GetBoardPoly().OutlineCount();
if( outlineCount > 0 )
float divFactor = 0.0f;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetViaCount() )
divFactor = m_boardAdapter.GetAverageViaHoleDiameter() * 18.0f;
else if( m_boardAdapter.GetHoleCount() )
divFactor = m_boardAdapter.GetAverageHoleDiameter() * 8.0f;
SHAPE_POLY_SET boardPolyCopy = m_boardAdapter.GetBoardPoly();
// Calculate an antiboard outline
SHAPE_POLY_SET antiboardPoly;
buildBoardBoundingBoxPoly( m_boardAdapter.GetBoard(), antiboardPoly );
antiboardPoly.BooleanSubtract( boardPolyCopy, SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
antiboardPoly.Fracture( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
for( int iOutlinePolyIdx = 0; iOutlinePolyIdx < antiboardPoly.OutlineCount();
iOutlinePolyIdx++ )
ConvertPolygonToBlocks( antiboardPoly,
*m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects, m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), -1.0f,
*dynamic_cast<const BOARD_ITEM*>( m_boardAdapter.GetBoard() ),
iOutlinePolyIdx );
boardPolyCopy.Fracture( SHAPE_POLY_SET::PM_FAST );
for( int iOutlinePolyIdx = 0; iOutlinePolyIdx < outlineCount; iOutlinePolyIdx++ )
ConvertPolygonToBlocks( boardPolyCopy, *m_outlineBoard2dObjects,
m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), divFactor,
*dynamic_cast<const BOARD_ITEM*>( m_boardAdapter.GetBoard() ),
iOutlinePolyIdx );
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_SHOW_BOARD_BODY ) )
const LIST_OBJECT2D& listObjects = m_outlineBoard2dObjects->GetList();
for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator object2d_iterator = listObjects.begin();
object2d_iterator != listObjects.end(); ++object2d_iterator )
const OBJECT_2D* object2d_A =
static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *object2d_iterator );
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
// Check if there are any THT that intersects this outline object part
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleOds().GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole =
hole != intersectionList.end(); ++hole )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *hole );
if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
//if( object2d_A->GetBBox().Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );
if( !m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( const OBJECT_2D* obj : intersectionList )
object2d_B->push_back( obj );
if( object2d_B->empty() )
delete object2d_B;
object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;
if( object2d_B == CSGITEM_EMPTY )
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( object2d_A,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( F_Cu ),
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( B_Cu ) );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard );
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_BoardBodyColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d =
new LAYER_ITEM_2D( object2d_A, object2d_B, CSGITEM_FULL,
(const BOARD_ITEM&) *m_boardAdapter.GetBoard() );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( itemCSG2d,
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( F_Cu ),
m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( B_Cu ) );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard );
ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_BoardBodyColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
// Add cylinders of the board body to container
// Note: This is actually a workaround for the holes in the board.
// The issue is because if a hole is in a border of a divided polygon ( ex
// a polygon or dummy block) it will cut also the render of the hole.
// So this will add a full hole.
// In fact, that is not need if the hole have copper.
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleOds().GetList().empty() )
const LIST_OBJECT2D& holeList = m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleOds().GetList();
for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole = holeList.begin();
hole != holeList.end(); ++hole )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *hole );
if( !m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
hole2d->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
// Do not add cylinder if it intersects the edge of the board
switch( hole2d->GetObjectType() )
const float radius = hole2d->GetBBox().GetExtent().x * 0.5f * 0.999f;
CYLINDER* objPtr = new CYLINDER( hole2d->GetCentroid(),
NextFloatDown( m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( F_Cu ) ),
NextFloatUp( m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( B_Cu ) ),
radius );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_EpoxyBoard );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear(
(SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_BoardBodyColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
if( aStatusReporter )
aStatusReporter->Report( _( "Load Raytracing: layers" ) );
// Add layers maps (except B_Mask and F_Mask)
for( MAP_CONTAINER_2D_BASE::const_iterator ii = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerMap().begin();
ii != m_boardAdapter.GetLayerMap().end(); ++ii )
PCB_LAYER_ID layer_id = static_cast<PCB_LAYER_ID>( ii->first );
if( aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes && !IsCopperLayer( layer_id ) )
// Mask layers are not processed here because they are a special case
if( ( layer_id == B_Mask ) || ( layer_id == F_Mask ) )
MATERIAL* materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SilkS;
SFVEC3F layerColor = SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
switch( layer_id )
case B_Adhes:
case F_Adhes:
case B_Paste:
case F_Paste:
materialLayer = &m_materials.m_Paste;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_SolderPasteColor;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerColor( layer_id );
case B_SilkS:
materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SilkS;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_SilkScreenColorBot;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerColor( layer_id );
case F_SilkS:
materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SilkS;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_SilkScreenColorTop;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerColor( layer_id );
case Dwgs_User:
case Cmts_User:
case Eco1_User:
case Eco2_User:
case Edge_Cuts:
case Margin:
case B_CrtYd:
case F_CrtYd:
case B_Fab:
case F_Fab:
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_PLATED_PADS_AS_PLATED ) )
layerColor = SFVEC3F( 184.0f / 255.0f, 115.0f / 255.0f, 50.0f / 255.0f );
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_CopperColor;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerColor( layer_id );
materialLayer = &m_materials.m_NonPlatedCopper;
const BVH_CONTAINER_2D* container2d = static_cast<const BVH_CONTAINER_2D*>( ii->second );
createItemsFromContainer( container2d, layer_id, materialLayer, layerColor, 0.0f );
} // for each layer on map
// Create plated copper
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_PLATED_PADS_AS_PLATED )
&& m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
createItemsFromContainer( m_boardAdapter.GetPlatedPadsFront(), F_Cu, &m_materials.m_Copper,
m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness() * 0.1f );
createItemsFromContainer( m_boardAdapter.GetPlatedPadsBack(), B_Cu, &m_materials.m_Copper,
-m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness() * 0.1f );
if( !aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes )
// Add Mask layer
// Solder mask layers are "negative" layers so the elements that we have
// (in the container) should remove the board outline.
// We will check for all objects in the outline if it intersects any object
// in the layer container and also any hole.
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_SOLDERMASK )
&& ( m_outlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().size() >= 1 ) )
const MATERIAL* materialLayer = &m_materials.m_SolderMask;
for( MAP_CONTAINER_2D_BASE::const_iterator ii = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerMap().begin();
ii != m_boardAdapter.GetLayerMap().end(); ++ii )
PCB_LAYER_ID layer_id = static_cast<PCB_LAYER_ID>( ii->first );
const BVH_CONTAINER_2D* containerLayer2d =
static_cast<const BVH_CONTAINER_2D*>( ii->second );
// Only get the Solder mask layers
if( !( layer_id == B_Mask || layer_id == F_Mask ) )
SFVEC3F layerColor;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
if( layer_id == B_Mask )
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorBot;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.m_SolderMaskColorTop;
layerColor = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerColor( layer_id );
const float zLayerMin = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( layer_id );
const float zLayerMax = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerTopZPos( layer_id );
// Get the outline board objects
const LIST_OBJECT2D& listObjects = m_outlineBoard2dObjects->GetList();
for( LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator object2d_iterator = listObjects.begin();
object2d_iterator != listObjects.end(); ++object2d_iterator )
const OBJECT_2D* object2d_A =
static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *object2d_iterator );
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
// Check if there are any THT that intersects this outline object part
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleOds().GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole =
hole != intersectionList.end(); ++hole )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *hole );
if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );
// Check if there are any objects in the layer to subtract with the
// current object
if( !containerLayer2d->GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator obj = intersectionList.begin();
obj != intersectionList.end(); ++obj )
const OBJECT_2D* obj2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *obj );
object2d_B->push_back( obj2d );
if( object2d_B->empty() )
delete object2d_B;
object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;
if( object2d_B == CSGITEM_EMPTY )
#if 0
createObject( m_objectContainer, object2d_A, zLayerMin, zLayerMax,
materialLayer, layerColor );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( object2d_A, zLayerMin, zLayerMax );
objPtr->SetMaterial( materialLayer );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( layerColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d =
new LAYER_ITEM_2D( object2d_A, object2d_B, CSGITEM_FULL,
object2d_A->GetBoardItem() );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( itemCSG2d, zLayerMin, zLayerMax );
objPtr->SetMaterial( materialLayer );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( layerColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
unsigned stats_endConvertTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();
unsigned stats_startLoad3DmodelsTime = stats_endConvertTime;
if( aStatusReporter )
aStatusReporter->Report( _( "Loading 3D models..." ) );
loadModels( m_objectContainer, aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes );
unsigned stats_endLoad3DmodelsTime = GetRunningMicroSecs();
if( !aOnlyLoadCopperAndShapes )
// Add floor
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_RENDER_RAYTRACING_BACKFLOOR ) )
BBOX_3D boardBBox = m_boardAdapter.GetBBox();
if( boardBBox.IsInitialized() )
boardBBox.Scale( 3.0f );
if( m_objectContainer.GetList().size() > 0 )
BBOX_3D containerBBox = m_objectContainer.GetBBox();
containerBBox.Scale( 1.3f );
const SFVEC3F centerBBox = containerBBox.GetCenter();
// Floor triangles
const float minZ = glm::min( containerBBox.Min().z, boardBBox.Min().z );
const SFVEC3F v1 =
SFVEC3F( -RANGE_SCALE_3D * 4.0f, -RANGE_SCALE_3D * 4.0f, minZ )
+ SFVEC3F( centerBBox.x, centerBBox.y, 0.0f );
const SFVEC3F v3 =
SFVEC3F( +RANGE_SCALE_3D * 4.0f, +RANGE_SCALE_3D * 4.0f, minZ )
+ SFVEC3F( centerBBox.x, centerBBox.y, 0.0f );
const SFVEC3F v2 = SFVEC3F( v1.x, v3.y, v1.z );
const SFVEC3F v4 = SFVEC3F( v3.x, v1.y, v1.z );
SFVEC3F backgroundColor = ConvertSRGBToLinear(
static_cast<SFVEC3F>( m_boardAdapter.m_BgColorTop ) );
TRIANGLE* newTriangle1 = new TRIANGLE( v1, v2, v3 );
TRIANGLE* newTriangle2 = new TRIANGLE( v3, v4, v1 );
m_objectContainer.Add( newTriangle1 );
m_objectContainer.Add( newTriangle2 );
newTriangle1->SetMaterial( (const MATERIAL*) &m_materials.m_Floor );
newTriangle2->SetMaterial( (const MATERIAL*) &m_materials.m_Floor );
newTriangle1->SetColor( backgroundColor );
newTriangle2->SetColor( backgroundColor );
// Ceiling triangles
const float maxZ = glm::max( containerBBox.Max().z, boardBBox.Max().z );
const SFVEC3F v5 = SFVEC3F( v1.x, v1.y, maxZ );
const SFVEC3F v6 = SFVEC3F( v2.x, v2.y, maxZ );
const SFVEC3F v7 = SFVEC3F( v3.x, v3.y, maxZ );
const SFVEC3F v8 = SFVEC3F( v4.x, v4.y, maxZ );
TRIANGLE* newTriangle3 = new TRIANGLE( v7, v6, v5 );
TRIANGLE* newTriangle4 = new TRIANGLE( v5, v8, v7 );
m_objectContainer.Add( newTriangle3 );
m_objectContainer.Add( newTriangle4 );
newTriangle3->SetMaterial( (const MATERIAL*) &m_materials.m_Floor );
newTriangle4->SetMaterial( (const MATERIAL*) &m_materials.m_Floor );
newTriangle3->SetColor( backgroundColor );
newTriangle4->SetColor( backgroundColor );
// Init initial lights
for( LIGHT* light : m_lights )
delete light;
auto IsColorZero =
[]( const SFVEC3F& aSource )
return ( ( aSource.r < ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ) && ( aSource.g < ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) )
&& ( aSource.b < ( 1.0f / 255.0f ) ) );
m_cameraLight = new DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT( SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ),
m_boardAdapter.m_RtCameraLightColor );
m_cameraLight->SetCastShadows( false );
if( !IsColorZero( m_boardAdapter.m_RtCameraLightColor ) )
m_lights.push_back( m_cameraLight );
const SFVEC3F& boardCenter = m_boardAdapter.GetBBox().GetCenter();
if( !IsColorZero( m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColorTop ) )
m_lights.push_back( new POINT_LIGHT( SFVEC3F( boardCenter.x, boardCenter.y,
+RANGE_SCALE_3D * 2.0f ),
m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColorTop ) );
if( !IsColorZero( m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColorBottom ) )
m_lights.push_back( new POINT_LIGHT( SFVEC3F( boardCenter.x, boardCenter.y,
-RANGE_SCALE_3D * 2.0f ),
m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColorBottom ) );
wxASSERT( m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColor.size()
== m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightSphericalCoords.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColor.size(); ++i )
if( !IsColorZero( m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColor[i] ) )
const SFVEC2F sc = m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightSphericalCoords[i];
m_lights.push_back( new DIRECTIONAL_LIGHT(
SphericalToCartesian( glm::pi<float>() * sc.x, glm::pi<float>() * sc.y ),
m_boardAdapter.m_RtLightColor[i] ) );
// Create an accelerator
delete m_accelerator;
m_accelerator = new BVH_PBRT( m_objectContainer, 8, SPLITMETHOD::MIDDLE );
if( aStatusReporter )
// Calculation time in seconds
double calculation_time = (double) GetRunningMicroSecs() - stats_startReloadTime / 1e6;
aStatusReporter->Report( wxString::Format( _( "Reload time %.3f s" ), calculation_time ) );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::insertHole( const PCB_VIA* aVia )
PCB_LAYER_ID top_layer, bottom_layer;
int radiusBUI = ( aVia->GetDrillValue() / 2 );
aVia->LayerPair( &top_layer, &bottom_layer );
float topZ = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( top_layer )
+ m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness();
float botZ = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( bottom_layer )
- m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness();
const SFVEC2F center = SFVEC2F( aVia->GetStart().x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-aVia->GetStart().y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() );
RING_2D* ring = new RING_2D( center, radiusBUI * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
( radiusBUI + m_boardAdapter.GetHolePlatingThickness() )
* m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aVia );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( ring );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( ring, topZ, botZ );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_Copper );
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_CopperColor ) );
else if( aVia->GetViaType() == VIATYPE::MICROVIA )
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( m_boardAdapter.GetItemColor( LAYER_VIA_MICROVIA ) ) );
else if( aVia->GetViaType() == VIATYPE::BLIND_BURIED )
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( m_boardAdapter.GetItemColor( LAYER_VIA_BBLIND ) ) );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( m_boardAdapter.GetItemColor( LAYER_VIAS ) ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::insertHole( const PAD* aPad )
const OBJECT_2D* object2d_A = nullptr;
SFVEC3F objColor;
if( m_boardAdapter.GetFlag( FL_USE_REALISTIC_MODE ) )
objColor = (SFVEC3F) m_boardAdapter.m_CopperColor;
objColor = m_boardAdapter.GetItemColor( LAYER_PADS_TH );
const wxSize drillsize = aPad->GetDrillSize();
const bool hasHole = drillsize.x && drillsize.y;
if( !hasHole )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D antiOutlineIntersectionList;
const float topZ = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( F_Cu )
+ m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness() * 0.99f;
const float botZ = m_boardAdapter.GetLayerBottomZPos( B_Cu )
- m_boardAdapter.GetCopperThickness() * 0.99f;
if( drillsize.x == drillsize.y ) // usual round hole
SFVEC2F center = SFVEC2F( aPad->GetPosition().x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-aPad->GetPosition().y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() );
int innerRadius = drillsize.x / 2;
int outerRadius = innerRadius + m_boardAdapter.GetHolePlatingThickness();
RING_2D* ring = new RING_2D( center, innerRadius * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
outerRadius * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aPad );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( ring );
object2d_A = ring;
// If the object (ring) is intersected by an antioutline board,
// it will use instead a CSG of two circles.
if( object2d_A && !m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().empty() )
m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
antiOutlineIntersectionList );
if( !antiOutlineIntersectionList.empty() )
center, innerRadius * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aPad );
FILLED_CIRCLE_2D* outterCircle = new FILLED_CIRCLE_2D(
center, outerRadius * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aPad );
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
object2d_B->push_back( innerCircle );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d =
new LAYER_ITEM_2D( outterCircle, object2d_B, CSGITEM_FULL, *aPad );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( innerCircle );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( outterCircle );
object2d_A = itemCSG2d;
else // Oblong hole
wxPoint ends_offset;
int width;
if( drillsize.x > drillsize.y ) // Horizontal oval
ends_offset.x = ( drillsize.x - drillsize.y ) / 2;
width = drillsize.y;
else // Vertical oval
ends_offset.y = ( drillsize.y - drillsize.x ) / 2;
width = drillsize.x;
RotatePoint( &ends_offset, aPad->GetOrientation() );
wxPoint start = aPad->GetPosition() + ends_offset;
wxPoint end = aPad->GetPosition() - ends_offset;
ROUND_SEGMENT_2D* innerSeg =
new ROUND_SEGMENT_2D( SFVEC2F( start.x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-start.y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() ),
SFVEC2F( end.x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-end.y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() ),
width * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aPad );
ROUND_SEGMENT_2D* outerSeg =
new ROUND_SEGMENT_2D( SFVEC2F( start.x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-start.y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() ),
SFVEC2F( end.x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-end.y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() ),
( width + m_boardAdapter.GetHolePlatingThickness() * 2 )
* m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(), *aPad );
// NOTE: the round segment width is the "diameter", so we double the thickness
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
object2d_B->push_back( innerSeg );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d =
new LAYER_ITEM_2D( outerSeg, object2d_B, CSGITEM_FULL, *aPad );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( innerSeg );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( outerSeg );
object2d_A = itemCSG2d;
if( object2d_A && !m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetList().empty() )
m_antioutlineBoard2dObjects->GetListObjectsIntersects( object2d_A->GetBBox(),
antiOutlineIntersectionList );
if( object2d_A )
std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>* object2d_B = new std::vector<const OBJECT_2D*>();
// Check if there are any other THT that intersects this hole
// It will use the non inflated holes
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetThroughHoleIds().GetList().empty() )
CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D intersectionList;
object2d_A->GetBBox(), intersectionList );
if( !intersectionList.empty() )
for( CONST_LIST_OBJECT2D::const_iterator hole = intersectionList.begin();
hole != intersectionList.end(); ++hole )
const OBJECT_2D* hole2d = static_cast<const OBJECT_2D*>( *hole );
if( object2d_A->Intersects( hole2d->GetBBox() ) )
object2d_B->push_back( hole2d );
if( !antiOutlineIntersectionList.empty() )
for( const OBJECT_2D* obj : antiOutlineIntersectionList )
object2d_B->push_back( obj );
if( object2d_B->empty() )
delete object2d_B;
object2d_B = CSGITEM_EMPTY;
if( object2d_B == CSGITEM_EMPTY )
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( object2d_A, topZ, botZ );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_Copper );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( objColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
LAYER_ITEM_2D* itemCSG2d = new LAYER_ITEM_2D( object2d_A, object2d_B, CSGITEM_FULL,
(const BOARD_ITEM&) *aPad );
m_containerWithObjectsToDelete.Add( itemCSG2d );
LAYER_ITEM* objPtr = new LAYER_ITEM( itemCSG2d, topZ, botZ );
objPtr->SetMaterial( &m_materials.m_Copper );
objPtr->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( objColor ) );
m_objectContainer.Add( objPtr );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::addPadsAndVias()
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetBoard() )
// Insert plated vertical holes inside the board
// Insert vias holes (vertical cylinders)
for( PCB_TRACK* track : m_boardAdapter.GetBoard()->Tracks() )
if( track->Type() == PCB_VIA_T )
const PCB_VIA* via = static_cast<const PCB_VIA*>( track );
insertHole( via );
// Insert pads holes (vertical cylinders)
for( FOOTPRINT* footprint : m_boardAdapter.GetBoard()->Footprints() )
for( PAD* pad : footprint->Pads() )
if( pad->GetAttribute() != PAD_ATTRIB::NPTH )
insertHole( pad );
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::loadModels( CONTAINER_3D& aDstContainer, bool aSkipMaterialInformation )
if( !m_boardAdapter.GetBoard() )
// Go for all footprints
for( FOOTPRINT* fp : m_boardAdapter.GetBoard()->Footprints() )
if( !fp->Models().empty()
&& m_boardAdapter.IsFootprintShown( (FOOTPRINT_ATTR_T) fp->GetAttributes() ) )
double zpos = m_boardAdapter.GetFootprintZPos( fp->IsFlipped() );
wxPoint pos = fp->GetPosition();
glm::mat4 fpMatrix = glm::mat4( 1.0f );
fpMatrix = glm::translate( fpMatrix,
SFVEC3F( pos.x * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
-pos.y * m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits(),
zpos ) );
if( fp->GetOrientation() )
fpMatrix = glm::rotate( fpMatrix,
( (float) ( fp->GetOrientation() / 10.0f ) / 180.0f ) * glm::pi<float>(),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
if( fp->IsFlipped() )
fpMatrix = glm::rotate( fpMatrix, glm::pi<float>(), SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
fpMatrix = glm::rotate( fpMatrix, glm::pi<float>(), SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
const double modelunit_to_3d_units_factor =
m_boardAdapter.BiuTo3dUnits() * UNITS3D_TO_UNITSPCB;
fpMatrix = glm::scale(
fpMatrix, SFVEC3F( modelunit_to_3d_units_factor, modelunit_to_3d_units_factor,
modelunit_to_3d_units_factor ) );
BOARD_ITEM* boardItem = dynamic_cast<BOARD_ITEM*>( fp );
// Get the list of model files for this model
S3D_CACHE* cacheMgr = m_boardAdapter.Get3dCacheManager();
auto sM = fp->Models().begin();
auto eM = fp->Models().end();
while( sM != eM )
if( ( static_cast<float>( sM->m_Opacity ) > FLT_EPSILON )
&& ( sM->m_Show && !sM->m_Filename.empty() ) )
// get it from cache
const S3DMODEL* modelPtr = cacheMgr->GetModel( sM->m_Filename );
// only add it if the return is not NULL.
if( modelPtr )
glm::mat4 modelMatrix = fpMatrix;
modelMatrix = glm::translate( modelMatrix,
SFVEC3F( sM->m_Offset.x, sM->m_Offset.y, sM->m_Offset.z ) );
modelMatrix = glm::rotate( modelMatrix,
(float) -( sM->m_Rotation.z / 180.0f ) * glm::pi<float>(),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ) );
modelMatrix = glm::rotate( modelMatrix,
(float) -( sM->m_Rotation.y / 180.0f ) * glm::pi<float>(),
SFVEC3F( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) );
modelMatrix = glm::rotate( modelMatrix,
(float) -( sM->m_Rotation.x / 180.0f ) * glm::pi<float>(),
SFVEC3F( 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ) );
modelMatrix = glm::scale( modelMatrix,
SFVEC3F( sM->m_Scale.x, sM->m_Scale.y, sM->m_Scale.z ) );
addModels( aDstContainer, modelPtr, modelMatrix, (float) sM->m_Opacity,
aSkipMaterialInformation, boardItem );
MODEL_MATERIALS* RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::getModelMaterial( const S3DMODEL* a3DModel )
MODEL_MATERIALS* materialVector;
// Try find if the materials already exists in the map list
if( m_modelMaterialMap.find( a3DModel ) != m_modelMaterialMap.end() )
// Found it, so get the pointer
materialVector = &m_modelMaterialMap[a3DModel];
// Materials was not found in the map, so it will create a new for
// this model.
m_modelMaterialMap[a3DModel] = MODEL_MATERIALS();
materialVector = &m_modelMaterialMap[a3DModel];
materialVector->resize( a3DModel->m_MaterialsSize );
for( unsigned int imat = 0; imat < a3DModel->m_MaterialsSize; ++imat )
if( m_boardAdapter.GetMaterialMode() == MATERIAL_MODE::NORMAL )
const SMATERIAL& material = a3DModel->m_Materials[imat];
// http://www.fooplot.com/#W3sidHlwZSI6MCwiZXEiOiJtaW4oc3FydCh4LTAuMzUpKjAuNDAtMC4wNSwxLjApIiwiY29sb3IiOiIjMDAwMDAwIn0seyJ0eXBlIjoxMDAwLCJ3aW5kb3ciOlsiMC4wNzA3NzM2NzMyMzY1OTAxMiIsIjEuNTY5NTcxNjI5MjI1NDY5OCIsIi0wLjI3NDYzNTMyMTc1OTkyOTMiLCIwLjY0NzcwMTg4MTkyNTUzNjIiXSwic2l6ZSI6WzY0NCwzOTRdfV0-
float reflectionFactor = 0.0f;
if( ( material.m_Shininess - 0.35f ) > FLT_EPSILON )
reflectionFactor = glm::clamp(
glm::sqrt( ( material.m_Shininess - 0.35f ) ) * 0.40f - 0.05f, 0.0f,
0.5f );
BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL& blinnMaterial = ( *materialVector )[imat];
blinnMaterial = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL( ConvertSRGBToLinear( material.m_Ambient ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( material.m_Emissive ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( material.m_Specular ), material.m_Shininess * 180.0f,
material.m_Transparency, reflectionFactor );
// Guess material type and apply a normal perturbator
if( ( RGBtoGray( material.m_Diffuse ) < 0.3f )
&& ( material.m_Shininess < 0.36f )
&& ( material.m_Transparency == 0.0f )
&& ( ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.g ) < 0.15f )
&& ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.b - material.m_Diffuse.g )
< 0.15f )
&& ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.b )
< 0.15f ) ) )
// This may be a black plastic..
blinnMaterial.SetGenerator( &m_plasticMaterial );
if( ( RGBtoGray( material.m_Diffuse ) > 0.3f )
&& ( material.m_Shininess < 0.30f )
&& ( material.m_Transparency == 0.0f )
&& ( ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.g ) > 0.25f )
|| ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.b - material.m_Diffuse.g ) > 0.25f )
|| ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.b )
> 0.25f ) ) )
// This may be a color plastic ...
blinnMaterial.SetGenerator( &m_shinyPlasticMaterial );
if( ( RGBtoGray( material.m_Diffuse ) > 0.6f )
&& ( material.m_Shininess > 0.35f )
&& ( material.m_Transparency == 0.0f )
&& ( ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.g )
< 0.40f )
&& ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.b - material.m_Diffuse.g )
< 0.40f )
&& ( glm::abs( material.m_Diffuse.r - material.m_Diffuse.b )
< 0.40f ) ) )
// This may be a brushed metal
blinnMaterial.SetGenerator( &m_brushedMetalMaterial );
( *materialVector )[imat] = BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL(
SFVEC3F( 0.2f ), SFVEC3F( 0.0f ), SFVEC3F( 0.0f ), 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
return materialVector;
void RENDER_3D_RAYTRACE::addModels( CONTAINER_3D& aDstContainer, const S3DMODEL* a3DModel,
const glm::mat4& aModelMatrix, float aFPOpacity,
bool aSkipMaterialInformation, BOARD_ITEM* aBoardItem )
// Validate a3DModel pointers
wxASSERT( a3DModel != nullptr );
if( a3DModel == nullptr )
wxASSERT( a3DModel->m_Materials != nullptr );
wxASSERT( a3DModel->m_Meshes != nullptr );
wxASSERT( a3DModel->m_MaterialsSize > 0 );
wxASSERT( a3DModel->m_MeshesSize > 0 );
wxASSERT( aFPOpacity > 0.0f );
wxASSERT( aFPOpacity <= 1.0f );
if( aFPOpacity > 1.0f )
aFPOpacity = 1.0f;
if( ( a3DModel->m_Materials != nullptr ) && ( a3DModel->m_Meshes != nullptr )
&& ( a3DModel->m_MaterialsSize > 0 ) && ( a3DModel->m_MeshesSize > 0 ) )
MODEL_MATERIALS* materialVector = nullptr;
if( !aSkipMaterialInformation )
materialVector = getModelMaterial( a3DModel );
const glm::mat3 normalMatrix = glm::transpose( glm::inverse( glm::mat3( aModelMatrix ) ) );
for( unsigned int mesh_i = 0; mesh_i < a3DModel->m_MeshesSize; ++mesh_i )
const SMESH& mesh = a3DModel->m_Meshes[mesh_i];
// Validate the mesh pointers
wxASSERT( mesh.m_Positions != nullptr );
wxASSERT( mesh.m_FaceIdx != nullptr );
wxASSERT( mesh.m_Normals != nullptr );
wxASSERT( mesh.m_FaceIdxSize > 0 );
wxASSERT( ( mesh.m_FaceIdxSize % 3 ) == 0 );
if( ( mesh.m_Positions != nullptr ) && ( mesh.m_Normals != nullptr )
&& ( mesh.m_FaceIdx != nullptr ) && ( mesh.m_FaceIdxSize > 0 )
&& ( mesh.m_VertexSize > 0 ) && ( ( mesh.m_FaceIdxSize % 3 ) == 0 )
&& ( mesh.m_MaterialIdx < a3DModel->m_MaterialsSize ) )
float fpTransparency;
const BLINN_PHONG_MATERIAL* blinn_material;
if( !aSkipMaterialInformation )
blinn_material = &( *materialVector )[mesh.m_MaterialIdx];
fpTransparency =
1.0f - ( ( 1.0f - blinn_material->GetTransparency() ) * aFPOpacity );
// Add all face triangles
for( unsigned int faceIdx = 0; faceIdx < mesh.m_FaceIdxSize; faceIdx += 3 )
const unsigned int idx0 = mesh.m_FaceIdx[faceIdx + 0];
const unsigned int idx1 = mesh.m_FaceIdx[faceIdx + 1];
const unsigned int idx2 = mesh.m_FaceIdx[faceIdx + 2];
wxASSERT( idx0 < mesh.m_VertexSize );
wxASSERT( idx1 < mesh.m_VertexSize );
wxASSERT( idx2 < mesh.m_VertexSize );
if( ( idx0 < mesh.m_VertexSize ) && ( idx1 < mesh.m_VertexSize )
&& ( idx2 < mesh.m_VertexSize ) )
const SFVEC3F& v0 = mesh.m_Positions[idx0];
const SFVEC3F& v1 = mesh.m_Positions[idx1];
const SFVEC3F& v2 = mesh.m_Positions[idx2];
const SFVEC3F& n0 = mesh.m_Normals[idx0];
const SFVEC3F& n1 = mesh.m_Normals[idx1];
const SFVEC3F& n2 = mesh.m_Normals[idx2];
// Transform vertex with the model matrix
const SFVEC3F vt0 = SFVEC3F( aModelMatrix * glm::vec4( v0, 1.0f ) );
const SFVEC3F vt1 = SFVEC3F( aModelMatrix * glm::vec4( v1, 1.0f ) );
const SFVEC3F vt2 = SFVEC3F( aModelMatrix * glm::vec4( v2, 1.0f ) );
const SFVEC3F nt0 = glm::normalize( SFVEC3F( normalMatrix * n0 ) );
const SFVEC3F nt1 = glm::normalize( SFVEC3F( normalMatrix * n1 ) );
const SFVEC3F nt2 = glm::normalize( SFVEC3F( normalMatrix * n2 ) );
TRIANGLE* newTriangle = new TRIANGLE( vt0, vt2, vt1, nt0, nt2, nt1 );
newTriangle->SetBoardItem( aBoardItem );
aDstContainer.Add( newTriangle );
if( !aSkipMaterialInformation )
newTriangle->SetMaterial( blinn_material );
newTriangle->SetModelTransparency( fpTransparency );
if( mesh.m_Color == nullptr )
const SFVEC3F diffuseColor =
if( m_boardAdapter.GetMaterialMode() == MATERIAL_MODE::CAD_MODE )
newTriangle->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear(
MaterialDiffuseToColorCAD( diffuseColor ) ) );
newTriangle->SetColor( ConvertSRGBToLinear( diffuseColor ) );
if( m_boardAdapter.GetMaterialMode() == MATERIAL_MODE::CAD_MODE )
ConvertSRGBToLinear( MaterialDiffuseToColorCAD(
mesh.m_Color[idx0] ) ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( MaterialDiffuseToColorCAD(
mesh.m_Color[idx1] ) ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( MaterialDiffuseToColorCAD(
mesh.m_Color[idx2] ) ) );
ConvertSRGBToLinear( mesh.m_Color[idx0] ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( mesh.m_Color[idx1] ),
ConvertSRGBToLinear( mesh.m_Color[idx2] ) );