
1102 lines
38 KiB

* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2019 Jean-Pierre Charras, jp.charras at
* Copyright (C) 2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <convert_to_biu.h>
#include <macros.h> // arrayDim definition
#include <pcb_edit_frame.h>
#include <class_board.h>
#include <widgets/paged_dialog.h>
#include <widgets/layer_box_selector.h>
#include <wx/colordlg.h>
#include <wx/rawbmp.h>
#include "panel_board_stackup.h"
#include "stackup_predefined_prms.h"
#include <panel_setup_layers.h>
#include "board_stackup_reporter.h"
#include <bitmaps.h>
#include <wx/clipbrd.h>
#include <wx/dataobj.h>
// Some wx widget ID to know what widget has fired a event:
#define ID_INCREMENT 128 // space between 2 ID type. Bigger than the layer count max
// The actual widget IDs are the base id + the row index.
// they are used in events to know the row index of the control that fired the event
ID_ITEM_MATERIAL = 10000, // Be sure it is higher than other IDs used in the board setup dialog
// Default colors to draw icons:
static wxColor copperColor( 220, 180, 30 );
static wxColor dielectricColor( 75, 120, 75 );
static wxColor pasteColor( 200, 200, 200 );
static void drawBitmap( wxBitmap& aBitmap, wxColor aColor );
m_frame = aFrame;
m_panelLayers = aPanelLayers;
m_board = m_frame->GetBoard();
m_brdSettings = &m_board->GetDesignSettings();
m_units = aFrame->GetUserUnits();
m_enabledLayers = m_board->GetEnabledLayers() & BOARD_STACKUP::StackupAllowedBrdLayers();
// Calculates a good size for color swatches (icons) in this dialog
wxClientDC dc( this );
m_colorSwatchesSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XX" );
m_colorComboSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XXX Undefined XXX" );
m_colorIconsSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XXXX" );
// Calculates a good size for wxTextCtrl to enter Epsilon R and Loss tan
// ("0.000000" + margins)
m_numericFieldsSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "X.XXXXXXX" );
m_numericFieldsSize.y = -1; // Use default for the vertical size
// Calculates a minimal size for wxTextCtrl to enter a dim with units
// ("000.0000000 mils" + margins)
m_numericTextCtrlSize = dc.GetTextExtent( "XXX.XXXXXXX mils" );
m_numericTextCtrlSize.y = -1; // Use default for the vertical size
// The grid column containing the lock checkbox is kept to a minimal
// size. So we use a wxStaticBitmap: set the bitmap itself
m_bitmapLockThickness->SetBitmap( KiScaledBitmap( locked_xpm, aFrame ) );
// Gives a minimal size of wxTextCtrl showing dimensions+units
m_thicknessCtrl->SetMinSize( m_numericTextCtrlSize );
m_tcCTValue->SetMinSize( m_numericTextCtrlSize );
synchronizeWithBoard( true );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::disconnectEvents()
// Disconnect Events connected to items in m_controlItemsList
for( wxControl* item: m_controlItemsList )
wxBitmapComboBox* cb = dynamic_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( item );
if( cb )
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onColorSelected ),
NULL, this );
wxChoice* choice = dynamic_cast<wxChoice*>( item );
if( choice )
choice->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_CHOICE_SELECTED,
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onMaterialChange ),
NULL, this );
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( item );
if( textCtrl )
textCtrl->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onThicknessChange ),
NULL, this );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onExportToClipboard( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !transferDataFromUIToStackup() )
// Build a ascii representation of stackup and copy it in the clipboard
wxString report = BuildStackupReport( m_stackup, m_units );
if( wxTheClipboard->Open() )
// This data objects are held by the clipboard,
// so do not delete them in the app.
wxTheClipboard->SetData( new wxTextDataObject( report ) );
wxColor PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::GetSelectedColor( int aRow ) const
wxBitmapComboBox* choice = static_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( m_rowUiItemsList[aRow].m_ColorCtrl );
wxASSERT( choice );
int idx = choice->GetSelection();
if( idx != GetColorUserDefinedListIdx() ) // a standard color is selected
return GetColorStandardList()[idx].m_Color;
return m_UserColors[aRow];
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onUpdateThicknessValue( wxUpdateUIEvent& event )
int thickness = 0;
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
if( item->IsThicknessEditable() && item->m_Enabled )
thickness += item->m_Thickness;
m_tcCTValue->SetValue( StringFromValue( m_units, thickness, true, true ) );
return ValueFromString( m_units, m_thicknessCtrl->GetValue(), true );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::synchronizeWithBoard( bool aFullSync )
BOARD_STACKUP& brd_stackup = m_brdSettings->GetStackupDescriptor();
// Calculate copper layer count from m_enabledLayers, and *do not use* brd_stackup
// for that, because it is not necessary up to date
// (for instance after modifying the layer count from the panel layers in dialog)
LSET copperMask = m_enabledLayers & ( LSET::ExternalCuMask() | LSET::InternalCuMask() );
int copperLayersCount = copperMask.count();
if( aFullSync )
int thickness = m_brdSettings->GetBoardThickness();
m_thicknessCtrl->SetValue( StringFromValue( m_units, thickness, true, true ) );
m_rbDielectricConstraint->SetSelection( brd_stackup.m_HasDielectricConstrains ? 1 : 0 );
m_choiceEdgeConn->SetSelection( brd_stackup.m_EdgeConnectorConstraints );
m_cbCastellatedPads->SetValue( brd_stackup.m_CastellatedPads );
m_cbEgdesPlated->SetValue( brd_stackup.m_EdgePlating );
// find the choice depending on the initial finish setting
wxArrayString initial_finish_list = GetCopperFinishStandardList( false );
unsigned idx;
for( idx = 0; idx < initial_finish_list.GetCount(); idx++ )
if( initial_finish_list[idx] == brd_stackup.m_FinishType )
// Now init the choice (use last choice: "User defined" if not found )
if( idx >= initial_finish_list.GetCount() )
idx = initial_finish_list.GetCount()-1;
m_choiceFinish->SetSelection( idx );
int row = 0;
for( BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* item : m_stackup.GetList() )
BOARD_STACKUP_ROW_UI_ITEM& ui_row_item = m_rowUiItemsList[row];
BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* brd_stack_item = nullptr;
// test for existing stackup items in board:
for( BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* brd_item : brd_stackup.GetList() )
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
// Compare only BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC items
if( brd_item->m_Type != BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
if( item->m_DielectricLayerId == brd_item->m_DielectricLayerId )
brd_stack_item = brd_item;
else if( item->m_LayerId == brd_item->m_LayerId )
brd_stack_item = brd_item;
if( brd_stack_item )
// Update panel stackup info if needed. If the board stackup item is not found
// just refresh the default values
if( brd_stack_item != nullptr && aFullSync )
*item = *brd_stack_item;
if( item->IsMaterialEditable() )
const FAB_SUBSTRATE* material_list = GetSubstrateMaterialStandardList();
wxChoice* choice = dynamic_cast<wxChoice*>( ui_row_item.m_MaterialCtrl );
for( int ii = 0; !material_list->m_Name.IsEmpty(); ++material_list, ii++ )
if( material_list->m_Name == item->m_Material )
if( choice )
choice->SetSelection( ii );
if( item->IsThicknessEditable() )
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( ui_row_item.m_ThicknessCtrl );
if( textCtrl )
textCtrl->SetValue( StringFromValue( m_units, item->m_Thickness, true, true ) );
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
wxCheckBox* cb_box = dynamic_cast<wxCheckBox*> ( ui_row_item.m_ThicknessLockCtrl );
if( cb_box )
cb_box->SetValue( item->m_ThicknessLocked );
if( item->IsColorEditable() )
auto bm_combo = dynamic_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( ui_row_item.m_ColorCtrl );
int color_idx = 0;
if( item->m_Color.StartsWith( "#" ) ) // User defined color
wxColour color( item->m_Color );
m_UserColors[row] = color;
color_idx = GetColorUserDefinedListIdx();
if( bm_combo ) // Update user color shown in the wxBitmapComboBox
bm_combo->SetString( color_idx, color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
LAYER_SELECTOR::DrawColorSwatch( layerbmp, COLOR4D(), COLOR4D( color ) );
bm_combo->SetItemBitmap( color_idx, layerbmp );
const FAB_LAYER_COLOR* color_list = GetColorStandardList();
for( int ii = 0; ii < GetColorStandardListCount(); ii++ )
if( color_list[ii].m_ColorName == item->m_Color )
color_idx = ii;
if( bm_combo )
bm_combo->SetSelection( color_idx );
if( item->HasEpsilonRValue() )
wxString txt;
txt.Printf( "%.1f", item->m_EpsilonR );
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( ui_row_item.m_EpsilonCtrl );
if( textCtrl )
textCtrl->SetValue( txt );
if( item->HasLossTangentValue() )
wxString txt;
txt.Printf( "%g", item->m_LossTangent );
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = dynamic_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( ui_row_item.m_LossTgCtrl );
if( textCtrl )
textCtrl->SetValue( txt );
// Now enable/disable stackup items, according to the m_enabledLayers config
bool show_item;
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
// the m_DielectricLayerId is not a copper layer id, it is a dielectric idx from 1
show_item = item->m_DielectricLayerId < copperLayersCount;
show_item = m_enabledLayers[item->m_LayerId];
item->m_Enabled = show_item;
ui_row_item.m_isEnabled = show_item;
// Show or not items of this row:
ui_row_item.m_Icon->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_LayerName->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_LayerTypeCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_MaterialCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessLockCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_ColorCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_EpsilonCtrl->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_LossTgCtrl->Show( show_item );
wxControl* PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::addSpacer()
wxStaticText* emptyText = new wxStaticText( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( emptyText, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxEXPAND );
return emptyText;
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::buildLayerStackPanel()
// for dielectric: layer type keyword is "core"
m_core_prepreg_choice.Add( _( "Core" ) );
// for dielectric: layer type keyword is "prepreg"
m_core_prepreg_choice.Add( _( "PrePreg" ) );
// Build an array string of available materials (for substrate/dielectric)
const FAB_SUBSTRATE* material_list = GetSubstrateMaterialStandardList();
wxArrayString materialChoices;
for( ; !material_list->m_Name.IsEmpty(); ++material_list )
materialChoices.Add( wxGetTranslation( material_list->m_Name ) );
// Build a full stackup for the dialog, with a active copper layer count
// = current board layer count to calculate a reasonable default
// dielectric thickness, for board having no stackup initalized:
m_stackup.BuildDefaultStackupList( nullptr, m_brdSettings->GetCopperLayerCount() );
int row = 0;
const FAB_LAYER_COLOR* color_list = GetColorStandardList();
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
bool show_item = true;//false;
ui_row_item.m_isEnabled = true;
// Reserve room in m_UserColors to store usercolor definition
m_UserColors.push_back( color_list[GetColorUserDefinedListIdx()].m_Color );
// Add color swatch icon. The color will be updated later,
// when all widgets are initialized
wxStaticBitmap* bitmap = new wxStaticBitmap( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, wxNullBitmap );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( bitmap, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALIGN_RIGHT );
ui_row_item.m_Icon = bitmap;
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
wxString lname;
lname.Printf( _( "Dielectric %d" ), item->m_DielectricLayerId );
wxStaticText* st_text = new wxStaticText( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, lname );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( st_text, 0, wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_LayerName = st_text;
wxChoice* choice = new wxChoice( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, m_core_prepreg_choice );
choice->SetSelection( item->m_TypeName == KEY_CORE ? 0 : 1 );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( choice, 0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_LayerTypeCtrl = choice;
item->m_LayerName = m_board->GetLayerName( item->m_LayerId );
wxStaticText* st_text = new wxStaticText( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, item->m_LayerName );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( st_text, 0, wxALL|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 1 );
st_text->Show( show_item );
ui_row_item.m_LayerName = st_text;
wxString lname;
if( item->m_TypeName == KEY_COPPER )
lname = _( "Copper" );
lname = wxGetTranslation( item->m_TypeName );
st_text = new wxStaticText( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, lname );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( st_text, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_LayerTypeCtrl = st_text;
if( item->IsMaterialEditable() )
wxChoice* choice = new wxChoice( m_scGridWin, ID_ITEM_MATERIAL+row, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, materialChoices );
material_list = GetSubstrateMaterialStandardList();
for( int ii = 0; !material_list->m_Name.IsEmpty(); ++material_list, ii++ )
if( material_list->m_Name == item->m_Material )
choice->SetSelection( ii );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( choice, 0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onMaterialChange ),
NULL, this );
m_controlItemsList.push_back( choice );
ui_row_item.m_MaterialCtrl = choice;
ui_row_item.m_MaterialCtrl = addSpacer();
if( item->IsThicknessEditable() )
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( m_scGridWin, ID_ITEM_THICKNESS+row );
textCtrl->SetMinSize( m_numericTextCtrlSize );
textCtrl->SetValue( StringFromValue( m_units, item->m_Thickness, true, true ) );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( textCtrl, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
m_controlItemsList.push_back( textCtrl );
textCtrl->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED,
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onThicknessChange ),
NULL, this );
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessCtrl = textCtrl;
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
wxCheckBox* cb_box = new wxCheckBox( m_scGridWin, ID_ITEM_THICKNESS_LOCKED+row,
wxEmptyString );
cb_box->SetValue( item->m_ThicknessLocked );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( cb_box, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessLockCtrl = cb_box;
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessLockCtrl = addSpacer();
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessCtrl = addSpacer();
ui_row_item.m_ThicknessLockCtrl = addSpacer();
if( item->IsColorEditable() )
int color_idx = 0;
if( item->m_Color.StartsWith( "#" ) ) // User defined color
wxColour color( item->m_Color );
m_UserColors[row] = color;
color_idx = GetColorUserDefinedListIdx();
for( int ii = 0; ii < GetColorStandardListCount(); ii++ )
if( color_list[ii].m_ColorName == item->m_Color )
color_idx = ii;
wxBitmapComboBox* bm_combo = createBmComboBox( item, row );
m_colorComboSize.y = bm_combo->GetSize().y;
bm_combo->SetMinSize( m_colorComboSize );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( bm_combo, 0, wxEXPAND|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
bm_combo->SetSelection( color_idx );
ui_row_item.m_ColorCtrl = bm_combo;
ui_row_item.m_ColorCtrl = addSpacer();
if( item->HasEpsilonRValue() )
wxString txt;
txt.Printf( "%.1f", item->m_EpsilonR );
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
wxDefaultPosition, m_numericFieldsSize );
textCtrl->SetValue( txt );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( textCtrl, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_EpsilonCtrl = textCtrl;
ui_row_item.m_EpsilonCtrl = addSpacer();
if( item->HasLossTangentValue() )
wxString txt;
txt.Printf( "%g", item->m_LossTangent );
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( m_scGridWin, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
wxDefaultPosition, m_numericFieldsSize );
textCtrl->SetValue( txt );
m_fgGridSizer->Add( textCtrl, 0, wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL, 2 );
ui_row_item.m_LossTgCtrl = textCtrl;
ui_row_item.m_LossTgCtrl = addSpacer();
m_rowUiItemsList.push_back( ui_row_item );
// Get the translated list of choices and init m_choiceFinish
wxArrayString finish_list = GetCopperFinishStandardList( true );
m_choiceFinish->Append( finish_list );
m_choiceFinish->SetSelection( 0 ); // Will be correctly set later
// Transfer current UI settings to m_stackup but not to the board
bool PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::transferDataFromUIToStackup()
// First, verify the list of layers currently in stackup:
// if it does not mach the list of layers set in PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS
// prompt the user to update the stackup
// the current enabled layers in PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS
LSET layersList = m_panelLayers->GetUILayerMask() & BOARD_STACKUP::StackupAllowedBrdLayers();
if( m_enabledLayers != layersList )
wxMessageBox( _( "Stackup not up to date. Pleasy verify it" ) );
return false;
// The board thickness and the thickness from stackup settings should be compatible
// so verify that compatibility
int pcbTickness = GetPcbTickness() ;
int stackup_thickness = 0;
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
if( item->IsThicknessEditable() && item->m_Enabled )
stackup_thickness += item->m_Thickness;
int delta = std::abs( stackup_thickness - pcbTickness );
double relative_error = (double)delta/pcbTickness;
// warn user if relative_error > 0.01
const double relative_error_max = 0.01;
if( relative_error > relative_error_max )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Board thickness %s differs from stackup thickness %s\n"
"Allowed max error %s" ),
StringFromValue( m_units, pcbTickness, true, true ),
StringFromValue( m_units, stackup_thickness, true, true ),
StringFromValue( m_units, KiROUND( relative_error_max*pcbTickness),
true, true ) );
wxMessageBox( msg );
return false;
int row = 0;
wxString txt;
wxString error_msg;
bool success = true;
double value;
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
// Skip stackup items useless for the current board
if( !item->m_Enabled )
item->m_LayerName = m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_LayerName->GetLabel();
if( item->HasEpsilonRValue() )
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_EpsilonCtrl );
txt = textCtrl->GetValue();
if( txt.ToDouble( &value ) )
item->m_EpsilonR = value;
else if( txt.ToCDouble( &value ) )
item->m_EpsilonR = value;
success = false;
error_msg << _( "Incorrect value for Epsilon R" );
if( item->HasLossTangentValue() )
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_LossTgCtrl );
txt = textCtrl->GetValue();
if( txt.ToDouble( &value ) )
item->m_LossTangent = value;
else if( txt.ToCDouble( &value ) )
item->m_LossTangent = value;
success = false;
if( !error_msg.IsEmpty() )
error_msg << "\n";
error_msg << _( "Incorrect value for Loss tangent" );
if( item->IsMaterialEditable() )
const FAB_SUBSTRATE* material_list = GetSubstrateMaterialStandardList();
wxChoice* choice = static_cast<wxChoice*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_MaterialCtrl );
int idx = choice->GetSelection();
item->m_Material = material_list[idx].m_Name;
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
// Choice is Core or Prepreg:
wxChoice* choice = static_cast<wxChoice*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_LayerTypeCtrl );
int idx = choice->GetSelection();
if( idx == 0 )
item->m_TypeName = KEY_CORE;
item->m_TypeName = KEY_PREPREG;
if( item->IsThicknessEditable() )
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ThicknessCtrl );
txt = textCtrl->GetValue();
item->m_Thickness = ValueFromString( m_frame->GetUserUnits(), txt, true );
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
// Dielectric thickness layer can have a locked thickness:
wxCheckBox* cb_box = static_cast<wxCheckBox*>
( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ThicknessLockCtrl );
item->m_ThicknessLocked = cb_box && cb_box->GetValue();
if( item->IsColorEditable() )
const FAB_LAYER_COLOR* color_list = GetColorStandardList();
wxBitmapComboBox* choice = static_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ColorCtrl );
int idx = choice->GetSelection();
if( idx == GetColorUserDefinedListIdx() )
item->m_Color = m_UserColors[row].GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX );
item->m_Color = color_list[idx].m_ColorName;
if( !success )
wxMessageBox( error_msg, _( "Errors" ) );
return false;
wxArrayString finish_list = GetCopperFinishStandardList( false );
int finish = m_choiceFinish->GetSelection() >= 0 ? m_choiceFinish->GetSelection() : 0;
m_stackup.m_FinishType = finish_list[finish];
m_stackup.m_HasDielectricConstrains = m_rbDielectricConstraint->GetSelection() == 1;
m_stackup.m_EdgeConnectorConstraints = (BS_EDGE_CONNECTOR_CONSTRAINTS)m_choiceEdgeConn->GetSelection();
m_stackup.m_CastellatedPads = m_cbCastellatedPads->GetValue();
m_stackup.m_EdgePlating = m_cbEgdesPlated->GetValue();
return true;
bool PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::TransferDataFromWindow()
if( !transferDataFromUIToStackup() )
return false;
BOARD_STACKUP& brd_stackup = m_brdSettings->GetStackupDescriptor();
brd_stackup.m_FinishType = m_stackup.m_FinishType;
brd_stackup.m_HasDielectricConstrains = m_stackup.m_HasDielectricConstrains;
brd_stackup.m_EdgeConnectorConstraints = m_stackup.m_EdgeConnectorConstraints;
brd_stackup.m_CastellatedPads = m_stackup.m_CastellatedPads;
brd_stackup.m_EdgePlating = m_stackup.m_EdgePlating;
// copy enabled items to the new board stackup
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
if( item->m_Enabled )
brd_stackup.Add( new BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM( *item ) );
m_brdSettings->SetBoardThickness( GetPcbTickness() );
m_brdSettings->m_HasStackup = true;
return true;
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::ImportSettingsFrom( BOARD* aBoard )
BOARD* savedBrd = m_board;
BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS* savedSettings = m_brdSettings;
m_brdSettings = &aBoard->GetDesignSettings();
m_enabledLayers = m_panelLayers->GetUILayerMask() & BOARD_STACKUP::StackupAllowedBrdLayers();
synchronizeWithBoard( true );
m_brdSettings = savedSettings;
m_board = savedBrd;
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::OnLayersOptionsChanged( LSET aNewLayerSet )
// First, verify the list of layers currently in stackup:
// if it does not mach the list of layers set in PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS
// rebuild the panel
// the current enabled layers in PANEL_SETUP_LAYERS
LSET layersList = m_panelLayers->GetUILayerMask() & BOARD_STACKUP::StackupAllowedBrdLayers();
if( m_enabledLayers != layersList )
m_enabledLayers = layersList;
synchronizeWithBoard( false );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onCalculateDielectricThickness( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Collect thickness of all layers but dielectric
int thickness = 0;
int fixed_thickness_cnt = 0;
int row = 0;
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
if( !item->IsThicknessEditable() || !item->m_Enabled )
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC )
wxCheckBox* checkBox = static_cast<wxCheckBox*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ThicknessLockCtrl );
if( !checkBox->GetValue() ) // Only not locked dielectric thickness can be modified
thickness += item->m_Thickness;
int dielectric_thickness = GetPcbTickness() - thickness;
if( dielectric_thickness <= 0 ) // fixed thickness is too big: cannot calculate free thickness
wxMessageBox( _( "Cannot calculate dielectric thickness\n"
"Fixed thickness too big or board thickness too small") );
LSET copperMask = m_enabledLayers & ( LSET::ExternalCuMask() | LSET::InternalCuMask() );
int copperLayersCount = copperMask.count();
dielectric_thickness /= copperLayersCount - 1 - fixed_thickness_cnt;
// Update items thickness, and the values displayed on screen
row = 0;
for( auto item : m_stackup.GetList() )
if( item->m_Type == BS_ITEM_TYPE_DIELECTRIC && item->m_Enabled )
wxCheckBox* checkBox = static_cast<wxCheckBox*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ThicknessLockCtrl );
if( !checkBox->GetValue() ) // Not locked thickness: can be modified
item->m_Thickness = dielectric_thickness;
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_ThicknessCtrl );
textCtrl->SetValue( StringFromValue( m_units, item->m_Thickness, true, true ) );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onColorSelected( wxCommandEvent& event )
int idx = event.GetSelection();
int item_id = event.GetId();
int row = item_id - ID_ITEM_COLOR;
wxASSERT( (int)m_UserColors.size() > row );
wxColour color = GetColorStandardList()[idx].m_Color;
if( GetColorStandardListCount()-1 == idx ) // Set user color is the last option in list
wxColourDialog dlg( this );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_OK )
wxBitmapComboBox* combo = static_cast<wxBitmapComboBox*>( FindWindowById( item_id ) );
color = dlg.GetColourData().GetColour();
m_UserColors[row] = color;
combo->SetString( idx, color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX ) );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
LAYER_SELECTOR::DrawColorSwatch( layerbmp, COLOR4D( 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
COLOR4D( color ) );
combo->SetItemBitmap( combo->GetCount()-1, layerbmp );
updateIconColor( row );
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onMaterialChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
int row = event.GetId() - ID_ITEM_MATERIAL;
int selection = event.GetSelection();
const FAB_SUBSTRATE* material_list = GetSubstrateMaterialStandardList();
// Update Epsilon R and Loss tg
wxTextCtrl* textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_EpsilonCtrl );
textCtrl->SetValue( wxString::Format( "%.1f", material_list[selection].m_EpsilonR ) );
textCtrl = static_cast<wxTextCtrl*>( m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_LossTgCtrl );
textCtrl->SetValue( wxString::Format( "%g", material_list[selection].m_Loss ) );
BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* item = GetStackupItem( row );
item->m_Material = material_list[selection].m_Name;
item->m_EpsilonR = material_list[selection].m_EpsilonR;
item->m_LossTangent = material_list[selection].m_Loss;
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onThicknessChange( wxCommandEvent& event )
int row = event.GetId() - ID_ITEM_THICKNESS;
wxString value = event.GetString();
BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* item = GetStackupItem( row );
item->m_Thickness = ValueFromString( m_frame->GetUserUnits(), value, true );
return m_stackup.GetStackupLayer( aIndex );
wxColor PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::getColorIconItem( int aRow )
BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* layer = GetStackupItem( aRow );
wxColor color;
switch( layer->m_Type )
color = copperColor;
color = dielectricColor;
color = GetSelectedColor( aRow );
color = GetSelectedColor( aRow );
color = pasteColor;
case BS_ITEM_TYPE_UNDEFINED: // Should not happen
wxASSERT( 0 );
return color;
void PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::updateIconColor( int aRow )
if( aRow >= 0 )
wxStaticBitmap* st_bitmap = m_rowUiItemsList[aRow].m_Icon;
// explicit depth important under MSW
wxBitmap bmp(m_colorIconsSize.x, m_colorIconsSize.y / 2, 24);
drawBitmap( bmp, getColorIconItem( aRow ) );
st_bitmap->SetBitmap( bmp );
for( unsigned row = 0; row < m_rowUiItemsList.size(); row++ )
// explicit depth important under MSW
wxBitmap bmp(m_colorIconsSize.x, m_colorIconsSize.y / 2, 24);
drawBitmap( bmp, getColorIconItem( row ) );
m_rowUiItemsList[row].m_Icon->SetBitmap( bmp );
wxBitmapComboBox* PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::createBmComboBox( BOARD_STACKUP_ITEM* aStackupItem, int aRow )
wxBitmapComboBox* combo = new wxBitmapComboBox( m_scGridWin, ID_ITEM_COLOR+aRow,
wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition,
wxDefaultSize, 0, nullptr, wxCB_READONLY );
// Fills the combo box with choice list + bitmaps
for( const FAB_LAYER_COLOR* item = GetColorStandardList(); ; ++item )
if( item->m_ColorName.IsEmpty() )
wxColor curr_color = item->m_Color;
wxString label;
// Defined colors have a name, the user color uses the HTML notation ( i.e. #FF0000)
if( GetColorStandardListCount()-1 > (int)combo->GetCount() )
label = wxGetTranslation( item->m_ColorName );
else // Append the user color, if specified, else add a default user color
if( aStackupItem && aStackupItem->m_Color.StartsWith( "#" ) )
curr_color = wxColour( aStackupItem->m_Color );
label = aStackupItem->m_Color;
label = curr_color.GetAsString( wxC2S_HTML_SYNTAX );
wxBitmap layerbmp( m_colorSwatchesSize.x, m_colorSwatchesSize.y );
LAYER_SELECTOR::DrawColorSwatch( layerbmp, COLOR4D( 0, 0, 0, 0 ),
COLOR4D( curr_color ) );
combo->Append( label, layerbmp );
#ifdef __WXGTK__
// Adjust the minimal width. On GTK, the size calculated by wxWidgets is not good
// bitmaps are ignored
int min_width = combo->GetSize().x;
min_width += m_colorSwatchesSize.x;
combo->SetMinSize( wxSize( min_width, -1 ) );
// add the wxBitmapComboBox to wxControl list, to be able to disconnect the event
// on exit
m_controlItemsList.push_back( combo );
wxCommandEventHandler( PANEL_SETUP_BOARD_STACKUP::onColorSelected ),
NULL, this );
return combo;
void drawBitmap( wxBitmap& aBitmap, wxColor aColor )
wxNativePixelData data( aBitmap );
wxNativePixelData::Iterator p(data);
for( int yy = 0; yy < data.GetHeight(); yy++ )
wxNativePixelData::Iterator rowStart = p;
for( int xx = 0; xx < data.GetWidth(); xx++ )
p.Red() = aColor.Red();
p.Green() = aColor.Green();
p.Blue() = aColor.Blue();
p = rowStart;
p.OffsetY(data, 1);