
384 lines
11 KiB

#include "wx/wxprec.h"
#include <id.h>
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma hdrstop
// for all others, include the necessary headers (this file is usually all you
// need because it includes almost all "standard" wxWindows headers
#ifndef WX_PRECOMP
#include <wx/wx.h>
#include <wx/dir.h>
#include <wx/utils.h>
#include <pyhandler.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
using namespace boost::python;
/* Common Python Binding */
static int GetLastID() { return ID_END_LIST; }
static object ChooseFile( str objTitle, str objMask, object objOpen )
wxString mask = PyHandler::MakeStr( objMask );
int open = extract<int>( objOpen );
wxString script = EDA_FileSelector( PyHandler::MakeStr( objTitle ),
wxEmptyString, /* Chemin par defaut */
wxEmptyString, /* nom fichier par defaut */
mask, /* extension par defaut */
mask, /* Masque d'affichage */
open ? wxFD_OPEN : wxFD_SAVE,
return PyHandler::Convert( script );
static void Print( str message ) { std::cout << extract<char *>(message) << std::endl; }
static void Clear() {}
static void RegisterCb( str objKey, object callback )
{ PyHandler::GetInstance()->RegisterCallback( PyHandler::MakeStr(objKey), callback ); }
static void UnRegisterCb( str objKey, object callback )
{ PyHandler::GetInstance()->UnRegisterCallback( PyHandler::MakeStr(objKey), callback ); }
static void init_base_utils()
def ( "ChooseFile", &ChooseFile );
def ( "RegisterCallback", &RegisterCb );
def ( "UnRegisterCallback", &UnRegisterCb );
def ( "GetLastID", &GetLastID );
def ( "Print", &Print );
def ( "Clear", &Clear);
static void InitPyModules() { PyHandler::GetInstance()->InitNextModule(); } // Dummy boost callback
/* PyHandler */
// std::vector< T > -> python object implicit conversion
template <typename T> struct std_vector_to_tuple
static PyObject * makeItem( const wxString & str ) { return boost::python::incref( PyHandler::Convert( str ).ptr() ); }
static PyObject * makeItem( const std::string & str ) { return boost::python::incref( boost::python::str( str.c_str() ).ptr() ); }
static PyObject * makeItem( int item ) { return boost::python::incref( PyInt_FromLong( item ) ); }
static PyObject * convert( const T& vect )
PyObject * tuple = PyTuple_New( vect.size() );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < vect.size() ; i++ )
PyTuple_SET_ITEM( tuple, i, makeItem( vect[i] ) );
return tuple;
PyHandler* PyHandler::m_instance = NULL;
PyHandler * PyHandler::GetInstance()
/* Singleton implementation */
if ( !PyHandler::m_instance )
PyHandler::m_instance = new PyHandler();
return PyHandler::m_instance;
/* Init the Python env */
m_ModulesLoaded = false;
m_current = 0;
if ( !wxPyCoreAPI_IMPORT() )
std::cerr << "Can't get wx Python binding\n" ;
// m_mainTState = wxPyBeginAllowThreads(); // I can't figure out why this make py crash ...
m_mainTState = NULL;
// Make the console appear in a window:
wxString initConsole;
initConsole += wxT( "import sys\n" );
initConsole += wxT( "import wx\n" );
initConsole += wxT( "output = wx.PyOnDemandOutputWindow()\n" );
initConsole += wxT( "sys.stdout = sys.stderr = output\n" );
RunSimpleString( initConsole );
AddToModule ( wxT( "common" ), &init_base_utils );
// Register converters
to_python_converter < std::vector< std::string >, std_vector_to_tuple< const std::vector < std::string > > > ();
to_python_converter < std::vector< wxString >, std_vector_to_tuple< const std::vector < wxString > > > ();
void PyHandler::DoInitModules()
if ( m_ModulesLoaded ) return;
m_ModulesLoaded = true;
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ModuleRegistry.size(); i ++ )
detail::init_module( m_ModuleRegistry[i].name.mb_str(), &InitPyModules );
int PyHandler::GetModuleIndex( const wxString & name ) const
/* Returns the module index in the registry, -1 if not found*/
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_ModuleRegistry.size(); i ++ )
if ( m_ModuleRegistry[i].name == name ) return i;
return -1;
void PyHandler::AddToModule( const wxString & name, PyHandler::initfunc_t initfunc )
/* Adds an init function to a python module */
if (!initfunc) return;
int i = GetModuleIndex( name );
if ( -1 == i )
m_ModuleRegistry.push_back( ModuleRecord( name ) );
i = m_ModuleRegistry.size() - 1;
m_ModuleRegistry[i].registry.push_back( initfunc );
void PyHandler::InitNextModule()
/* Called to initialize a module on py 'import module' */
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_ModuleRegistry[m_current].registry.size() ; j ++ )
/* Closes the Python env */
void PyHandler::RunBaseScripts( const wxString & base )
/* Run scripts looking in 'base' directory */
const wxString sep = wxFileName().GetPathSeparator();
// check if we can have a around ?
wxString script = base + wxT( "scripts" ) + sep + wxT( "" );
if ( wxFileExists( script ) ) RunScript( script );
// First find scripts/<name>.py and run it if found :
script = base + wxString::FromAscii( "scripts" ) + sep + m_appName + wxString::FromAscii(".py");
if ( wxFileExists( script ) ) RunScript( script );
// Now lets see if we can find a suitable plugin directory (plugin/<name>) somewhere
wxString pluginDir = base + wxT( "plugins" ) + sep + m_appName;
if ( wxDirExists( pluginDir ) )
// We do have a systemwide plugin dir, let's find files in it
wxArrayString pluginList;
wxDir::GetAllFiles( pluginDir, &pluginList, wxT("*.py") );
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < pluginList.Count() ; i++ )
RunScript( pluginList[i] );
void PyHandler::RunScripts()
/* Run application startup scripts */
const wxString sep = wxFileName().GetPathSeparator();
wxString dataPath = ReturnKicadDatasPath();
if ( wxDirExists( dataPath ) ) RunBaseScripts( dataPath );
// USER Scripts:
wxString userDir = wxGetUserHome() + sep + wxString::FromAscii(".kicad.d") + sep;
if ( wxDirExists( userDir ) ) RunBaseScripts( userDir );
userDir = wxGetUserHome() + sep + wxString::FromAscii("_kicad_d") + sep;
if ( wxDirExists( userDir ) ) RunBaseScripts( userDir );
bool PyHandler::RunScript( const wxString & name )
/* Run the script specified by 'name' */
object module( handle<>(borrowed(PyImport_AddModule("__main__"))));
object ns = module.attr( "__dict__" );
bool ret = true;
FILE * file = fopen( name.mb_str(), "r" );
wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
if ( !file )
// do something
std::cout << "Unable to Load " << name.mb_str() << "\n";
ret = false;
wxString currDir = wxGetCwd();
wxFileName fname( name );
wxString pyDir = fname.GetPath();
wxSetWorkingDirectory( pyDir );
ns["currentScript"] = Convert( name );
handle<> ignored( PyRun_File( file, name.mb_str(), Py_file_input, ns.ptr(), ns.ptr() ) );
catch ( error_already_set )
PyErr_Print(); // should be printed into an error message ...
ret = false;
wxSetWorkingDirectory( currDir );
fclose( file );
return ret;
bool PyHandler::RunSimpleString( const wxString & code )
/* Run the code in 'code' */
wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
PyRun_SimpleString( code.mb_str() );
catch ( error_already_set )
PyErr_Print(); // should be printed into an error message ...
return false;
return true;
void PyHandler::SetAppName( const wxString & name )
/* Set the application name in the python scope */
m_appName = name;
object module(( handle<>(borrowed(PyImport_AddModule("__main__")))));
object ns = module.attr( "__dict__" );
try {
ns["kicadApp"] = std::string( name.ToAscii() );
catch (error_already_set)
const char * PyHandler::GetVersion() { return Py_GetVersion(); }
// Event handling :
void PyHandler::DeclareEvent( const wxString & key ) { m_EventRegistry.push_back( Event( key ) ); }
int PyHandler::GetEventIndex( const wxString & key )
for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_EventRegistry.size(); i ++ )
if ( m_EventRegistry[i].key == key ) return i;
return -1;
void PyHandler::TriggerEvent( const wxString & key ) { TriggerEvent( key, str( "" ) ); }
void PyHandler::TriggerEvent( const wxString & key, const object & param )
int i = GetEventIndex( key );
if ( -1 == i ) return;
wxPyBlock_t blocked = wxPyBeginBlockThreads();
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_EventRegistry[i].functors.size(); j++ )
m_EventRegistry[i].functors[j]( param );
catch (error_already_set)
std::cout << "Error in event " << key.mb_str() << " callback" << std::endl;
void PyHandler::RegisterCallback( const wxString & key, const object & callback )
int i = GetEventIndex( key );
if ( -1 == i ) return;
m_EventRegistry[i].functors.push_back( callback );
void PyHandler::UnRegisterCallback( const wxString & key, const object & callback )
int i = GetEventIndex( key );
if ( -1 == i ) return;
for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < m_EventRegistry[i].functors.size() ; j++ )
if ( callback == m_EventRegistry[i].functors[j] )
m_EventRegistry[i].functors.erase( m_EventRegistry[i].functors.begin() + j );
// Object conversion:
wxString PyHandler::MakeStr( const object & objStr ) { return wxString( extract<const char *>( objStr ), wxConvLocal ); }
object PyHandler::Convert( const wxString & wxStr ) { return str( std::string( wxStr.mb_str() ).c_str() ); }
// vim: set tabstop=4 :