add better instructions and nginx support files

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-06-18 03:53:27 -04:00
parent 618b32f993
commit eda9fa47b0
5 changed files with 117 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -8,25 +8,57 @@ deployment for dask nodes
## how to
### install the server
(cd leylines-monocypher && pip3 install --user .)
(cd leylines && pip3 install --user .)
mkdir -p ~/.config/leylines
ok now take a moment to edit `leylines-support/leylines-daemon.service` to be running as your user
(change `User=` and `Group=`). put that into your `/etc/systemd/system` and then do
sudo systemctl --enable now leylines-daemon
congrats wireguard should be up. next, edit `leylines-support/nginx.conf` (change the listen address
and the SSL certificate paths -- point those towards letsencrypt directories for a domain you
already provisioned that your nginx is serving). put that block into your `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf`.
to export your dask dashboard publicly, also adjust `leylines-support/nginx-http.conf` to your needs
and include it in an http server block. it may be advantageous to do that first, then run `certbot`
on the domain to get the certs provisioned, and then set up the `stream` block using the same certs
as certbot inserted for https
then run
sudo nginx -s reload
### install client
now that the server is running, you may choose to access it remotely. make a note of `leylines
print-token` -- this is the auth token you will need. on your client (local laptop, or something)
(cd leylines && pip3 install --user .)
mkdir -p ~/.config/leylines
echo "auth token here" > ~/.config/leylines/token
echo "" > ~/.config/leylines/host
now you can access your server using the CLI. initialize it and add some nodes. in the `init`
command provide the server's externally-facing public IP, and provide an SSH key that can be used to
access it for ansible. then, to add workers provide a name for each one and an SSH key
leylines init -n myserver -i -k path/to/ssh-key
leylines add -n worker-0 -k path/to/ssh-key
leylines add -n worker-n -k path/to/ssh-key
optionally copy the database to your laptop so you can run ansible locally (there will be some
actual API soon but not right now)
start a privileged shell (there is no service for the wireguard stuff yet -- coming soon)
systemd-run -tS --uid $(id -u) --gid $(id -g) -pAmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_ADMIN
sync wireguard settings
sync wireguard settings (this applies the configuration to the server's wireguard interface)
leylines sync
@ -36,6 +68,8 @@ get status
leylines status
### connect a worker
get config for a node
leylines get-conf <id>
@ -46,20 +80,23 @@ manually copy that config to your worker node, `/etc/wireguard/leyline-wg.conf`
currently the wireguard topology is a star. this doesn't actually work optimally for my config,
where some nodes are colocated and should have direct connections to each other and others should go
over WAN to reach distant nodes. this will be changed (you may be sensing a pattern with the amount
of TODO)
over WAN to reach distant nodes. this will be changed in a later version
### provision workers
run the ansible playbook. this will provision the needed components for dask on the server and all
run the ansible playbook
cd leylines-ansible
ansible-playbook -i playbook-setup.yml
the first run will take a while. it builds python 3.9.5 and installs it, then builds a virtualenv
with python dependencies in it, and then installs and starts systemd user services for the scheduler
and workers
with python dependencies in it, and then installs and starts systemd user services
now you can open `<your server's wireguard ip>:31336` to view the dask dashboard
now you can open `<your server's wireguard ip>:31336` to view the dask dashboard (or if you are
proxying it with nginx, it should be available there too)
use the cluster with
@ -67,6 +104,28 @@ from dask.distributed import Client
client = Client("<your server's wireguard ip>:31337")
or more easily
from leylines.dask import init_dask
client = init_dask()
from leylines.dask import init_dask_async
client = await init_dask_async
`leylines.dask` also provides `tqdmprogress` which can be used in the place of
`distributed.diagnostics.progress` for a task monitor using `tqdm`, and `tqdm_await` which can be
used with an iterable of dask futures to display progress as they go (but only for async clients)
futures = [ some list of futures ... ]
async for fut in tqdm_await(futures, pbar=<optional tqdm instance to use>):
### time for magic
copy `leylines-support/` into `~/.ipython/profile_default/startup`
@ -75,6 +134,6 @@ this provides 2 new spells: `%dask` connects to your cluster, and `%daskworker`
ipython console on a worker selected by having free RAM available and not being busy. this is useful
for ad-hoc code testing on a real worker
%dask also installs `client`, a reference to the client, and `tqdmprogress`, which can be used in
place of `distributed.diagnostics.progress` for a task monitor using `tqdm`, and `upload` which
uploads a file and returns a delayed function which will fetch the filename on a worker
%dask also installs `client`, a reference to the client, and `tqdmprogress` from `leylines.dask`,
and `upload` which uploads a file and returns a delayed function which will fetch the filename on a

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@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ Description=leylines server
ExecStart=/usr/bin/env python3 -m leylines daemon

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
server {
server_name your domain name;
location / {
proxy_pass http://<server local wireguard ip>:31336;
proxy_set_header Authorization "";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
proxy_set_header Host $host;
auth_basic "awoo systems -- authorization required";
auth_basic_user_file put an htpasswd file here;
listen 80;

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@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
stream {
upstream leylines {
server {
listen your_public_ip:31337 ssl;
proxy_pass leylines;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain_name/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/your_domain_name/privkey.pem;
include options-ssl-stream.conf;
ssl_dhparam /etc/letsencrypt/ssl-dhparams.pem;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Adapted from let's encrypt settings for HTTP
ssl_session_cache shared:le_nginx_stream_SSL:1m;
ssl_session_timeout 1440m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;