make launcher

This commit is contained in:
xenia 2021-04-04 03:22:57 -04:00
parent 1bf9edf368
commit 9ea884409b
3 changed files with 121 additions and 151 deletions

View File

@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
#lang info
(define collection "meowbb")
(define deps '("base" "raart" "lux"))
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-lib"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/meowbb.scrbl" ())))
(define pkg-desc " forum browser")
(define version "0.1")
(define pkg-authors '(haskal))
(define deps '("base" "raart" "lux"))
(define build-deps '("scribble-lib" "racket-doc" "rackunit-lib"))
(define scribblings '(("scribblings/meowbb.scrbl" ())))
(define racket-launcher-names '("meowbb"))
(define racket-launcher-libraries '("main"))

View File

@ -1,50 +1,129 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class racket/date racket/list racket/match
(module+ test
(require rackunit))
;; Notice
;; To install (from within the package directory):
;; $ raco pkg install
;; To install (once uploaded to
;; $ raco pkg install <<name>>
;; To uninstall:
;; $ raco pkg remove <<name>>
;; To view documentation:
;; $ raco docs <<name>>
;; For your convenience, we have included LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files.
;; If you would prefer to use a different license, replace those files with the
;; desired license.
;; Some users like to add a `private/` directory, place auxiliary files there,
;; and require them in `main.rkt`.
;; See the current version of the racket style guide here:
;; Code here
(define (timestamp->string ts)
(date->string (seconds->date ts #t) #t))
(define meowbb-post-view%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(init-field path)
(define post (first (hash-ref (hash-ref* posts path) *post-index*)))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text (format "meowbb : ~a"
(cons (post-forum post) (post-path post)))])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new text-pane% [content (post-content post)])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] scroll | [Q] back"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[_ 'continue]))))
(define meowbb-post-list%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(init-field forum)
(define sorted (sorted-level posts modtimes (list forum)))
(define entries
(for/list ([posts-in (in-list sorted)])
(define post (first (hash-ref posts-in *post-index*)))
(define modtime (hash-ref modtimes (cons (post-forum post) (post-path post))))
(list (last (post-path post)) (post-author post)
(timestamp->string modtime))))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text (format "meowbb : ~a" forum)])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new table%
[headers '("title" "author" "updated")]
[cells entries])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] navigate | [ENTER] select | [Q] back"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[(app-event _ 'selection row)
(define post (first (hash-ref (list-ref sorted row) *post-index*)))
(new meowbb-post-view% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes]
[path (cons forum (post-path post))])]
[_ 'continue]))))
(define meowbb-forum-list%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(define forums (sort (hash-keys posts) string<?))
(define entries
(for/list ([forum (in-list forums)])
(list forum (timestamp->string (hash-ref modtimes (list forum))))))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text "meowbb : forums"])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new table%
[headers '("forum" "updated")]
[cells entries])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] navigate | [ENTER] select | [Q] quit"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[(app-event _ 'selection row)
(define forum (list-ref forums row))
(new meowbb-post-list% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes] [forum forum])]
[_ 'continue]))
(define/override (on-deactivated)
"bye meow ~")))
(define (tui-main)
;; gang
(date-display-format 'iso-8601)
(displayln "fetching users")
(define users (list-users))
(displayln "fetching posts")
(define posts (get-posts users))
(displayln "calculting modtimes")
(define modtimes (make-hash))
(void (dfs-modtime posts '() modtimes))
(run-application "meowbb" (new meowbb-forum-list% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes])))
(module+ test
;; Any code in this `test` submodule runs when this file is run using DrRacket
;; or with `raco test`. The code here does not run when this file is
;; required by another module.
;; tests lol
(check-equal? (+ 2 2) 4))
(module+ main
;; (Optional) main submodule. Put code here if you need it to be executed when
;; this file is run using DrRacket or the `racket` executable. The code here
;; does not run when this file is required by another module. Documentation:
(module+ main
(require racket/cmdline)
(define who (box "world"))
#:program "my-program"
[("-n" "--name") name "Who to say hello to" (set-box! who name)]
#:program "meowbb"
#:args ()
(printf "hello ~a~n" (unbox who))))

View File

@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class racket/date racket/list racket/match
(define (timestamp->string ts)
(date->string (seconds->date ts #t) #t))
(define meowbb-post-view%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(init-field path)
(define post (first (hash-ref (hash-ref* posts path) *post-index*)))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text (format "meowbb : ~a"
(cons (post-forum post) (post-path post)))])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new text-pane% [content (post-content post)])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] scroll | [Q] back"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[_ 'continue]))))
(define meowbb-post-list%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(init-field forum)
(define sorted (sorted-level posts modtimes (list forum)))
(define entries
(for/list ([posts-in (in-list sorted)])
(define post (first (hash-ref posts-in *post-index*)))
(define modtime (hash-ref modtimes (cons (post-forum post) (post-path post))))
(list (last (post-path post)) (post-author post)
(timestamp->string modtime))))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text (format "meowbb : ~a" forum)])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new table%
[headers '("title" "author" "updated")]
[cells entries])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] navigate | [ENTER] select | [Q] back"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[(app-event _ 'selection row)
(define post (first (hash-ref (list-ref sorted row) *post-index*)))
(new meowbb-post-view% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes]
[path (cons forum (post-path post))])]
[_ 'continue]))))
(define meowbb-forum-list%
(class activity%
(init-field posts)
(init-field modtimes)
(define forums (sort (hash-keys posts) string<?))
(define entries
(for/list ([forum (in-list forums)])
(list forum (timestamp->string (hash-ref modtimes (list forum))))))
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text "meowbb : forums"])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new table%
[headers '("forum" "updated")]
[cells entries])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "[JK] navigate | [ENTER] select | [Q] quit"])]))
(super-new [root root])
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
[(app-event _ 'selection row)
(define forum (list-ref forums row))
(new meowbb-post-list% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes] [forum forum])]
[_ 'continue]))
(define/override (on-deactivated)
"bye meow ~")))
(module+ main
(require ansi)
;; gang
(date-display-format 'iso-8601)
(displayln "fetching users")
(define users (list-users))
(displayln "fetching posts")
(define posts (get-posts users))
(displayln "calculting modtimes")
(define modtimes (make-hash))
(void (dfs-modtime posts '() modtimes))
(run-application "MeowBB" (new meowbb-forum-list% [posts posts] [modtimes modtimes])))