
351 lines
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#lang racket/base
(require racket/async-channel racket/class racket/format racket/function racket/list racket/match
ansi lux raart)
(provide activity% run-application
(struct-out app-event) fire-event
component% header/footer% scroll-pane% label% table% text-pane%)
;; internal synthetic event queue
(struct app-event [from tag data] #:transparent)
(define current-app-events (make-parameter #f))
;; fires an app event to the synthetic event queue
;; from should be a component% (or perhaps activity%) that triggered the event
;; tag should be a symbol describing the event type
;; data is anything
(define (fire-event from tag data)
(async-channel-put (current-app-events) (app-event from tag data)))
;; we're making a whole new thing for writing raart/lux applications
;; because it's more flexible than the word system, and it will allow us to have a "stack" of
;; activity windows which is a more useful abstraction
;; also, user-interface code is a good place where OOP is actually useful, and it's nicer than the
;; stock lux gen:word system
(define activity%
(class object%
(init-field root)
(init-field [fps 0.0])
;; returns a raart drawing
(define/public (draw size)
(send root draw size))
;; returns 'continue 'quit or another activity to start
(define/public (on-event e)
;; internal top-level on-event which tries to send the event to the component tree first
(define/public (internal-on-event e)
;; see if the root component consumes the event
;; otherwise do the activity on-event handler
(if (send root on-event e)
(send this on-event e)))
;; same as on-event but for fps ticks
(define/public (on-tick)
;; called when this activity is returned to
(define/public (on-return from-data)
;; called when this activity is starting
(define/public (on-activated)
;; called when this activity is stopping. can return a value for on-return of the previous
;; activity or to be printed, if this is the last activity
(define/public (on-deactivated)
;; steps the word wrapper based on the result of calling an activity event or tick handler
(define (application-step word e)
(define stack (application-activity-stack word))
(define result
(if e
(send (first stack) internal-on-event e)
(send (first stack) on-tick)))
(match* (result stack)
[('continue stack) (struct-copy application word [activity-stack stack])]
[('quit (list act)) #f]
[('quit (list act act-next act-rest ...))
(send act-next on-return (send act on-deactivated))
(struct-copy application word [activity-stack (cons act-next act-rest)])]
[(act-next (list act act-rest ...))
(send act-next on-activated)
(struct-copy application word [activity-stack (cons act-next (cons act act-rest))])]))
;; an application is a word that runs an activity stack, until the last activity on the stack exits
(struct application [activity-stack size name]
#:methods gen:word
[(define (word-fps word)
(get-field fps (first (application-activity-stack word))))
(define (word-label word ft)
(application-name word))
(define (word-evt word)
(define (word-event word e)
(match e
;; intercept the screen-size-report
[(screen-size-report h w) (struct-copy application word [size (cons w h)])]
[_ (application-step word e)]))
(define (word-tick word)
(application-step word #f))
(define (word-output word)
(send (first (application-activity-stack word)) draw (application-size word)))
(define (word-return word)
(send (first (application-activity-stack word)) on-deactivated))])
;; creates and runs an application starting with a given first activity
(define (run-application name init-activity)
(define error-stream (open-output-string))
(define exit-message
(with-handlers ([exn? identity])
(parameterize ([current-error-port error-stream] [current-app-events (make-async-channel)])
(make-raart #:mouse? #t)
(λ ()
(send init-activity on-activated)
(fiat-lux (application (list init-activity) (cons 80 24) name)))))))
;; raart is a bit fucky with the non-alternate screen so just clear it lol
(void (write-string (clear-screen/home))
(write-string (get-output-string error-stream) (current-error-port))
(displayln exit-message)))
;; ok now that there's an activity stack concept, the next enhancement is a layout engine
;; base TUI component
(define component%
(class object%
(init-field [parent #f])
;; draw this component with a size given by (cons w h)
;; w and h can be numbers to indicate a restriction in that dimension, or 'any to indicate any
;; size
(define/public (draw size)
(error "component draw"))
;; process an event and forward to children if necessary
;; #t if the event was consumed, otherwise #f
(define/public (on-event e)
;; a component that vertically stacks a header, body, and footer
;; expects real width
;; forwards events to the body component
(define header/footer%
(class component%
(init-field header)
(init-field body)
(init-field footer)
(init-field [header-height 1])
(init-field [footer-height 1])
(set-field! parent header this)
(set-field! parent body this)
(set-field! parent footer this)
(define/override (draw size)
(match-define (cons w h) size)
(define body-h
(match h
['any 'any]
[_ (- h header-height footer-height)]))
(vappend (send header draw (cons w header-height))
(send body draw (cons w body-h))
(send footer draw (cons w footer-height))))
(define/override (on-event e)
(send body on-event e))))
;; a vertical scroll pane
;; expects real width and height
(define scroll-pane%
(class component%
(init-field body)
(set-field! parent body this)
(define scroll-y 0)
(define inner-size (cons 0 0))
(define screen-size (cons 80 24))
(define/public (focus-to y)
(when (> y (+ scroll-y (cdr screen-size)))
(set! scroll-y (max 0 (- y (cdr screen-size)))))
(when (< y scroll-y)
(set! scroll-y y))
(define/override (draw size)
(define body-rendered (send body draw (cons (car size) 'any)))
(set! screen-size size)
(set! inner-size (cons (raart-w body-rendered) (raart-h body-rendered)))
(when (> scroll-y (- (cdr inner-size) (cdr size)))
(set! scroll-y (max 0 (- (cdr inner-size) (cdr size)))))
(crop 0 (car size) scroll-y (cdr size) body-rendered))
(define/override (on-event e)
(send body on-event e)
(match e
[(or "<up>" "k")
(set! scroll-y (max 0 (sub1 scroll-y)))
[(or "<down>" "j")
(set! scroll-y (min (cdr inner-size) (add1 scroll-y)))
[_ #f])))))
;; a basic text label
(define label%
(class component%
(init-field label-text)
(define/override (draw size)
(match-define (cons w h) size)
(define rendered (text label-text))
(define new-w (if (eq? w 'any) (raart-w rendered) w))
(define new-h (if (eq? h 'any) (raart-h rendered) h))
(matte new-w new-h rendered))))
;; a wrapped text pane
;; some day we'll support formatting lol
(define text-pane%
(class component%
(init content)
(define processed-content
(regexp-split #px"\r?\n" (regexp-replace* #px"\t" content " ")))
;; expects concrete w
(define/override (draw size)
(match-define (cons w h) size)
(define paras (map (λ (c) (para w c)) processed-content))
(define max-width
(for/fold ([max-width 0]) ([p (in-list paras)])
(max max-width (raart-w p))))
(define rendered-content
(vappend* (map (λ (p) (matte-at max-width (raart-h p) 0 0 p)) paras)))
(match h
['any rendered-content]
[_ (crop 0 w 0 h rendered-content)]))))
(define table%
(class component%
(init-field headers)
(init-field cells)
(init-field [flex-col 0])
(inherit-field parent)
(define selected-row 0)
(define/override (draw size)
(match-define (cons w h) size)
(define rows (length cells))
(define cols (length (first cells)))
(define min-width
(+ 1 cols
(for/sum ([i (in-range cols)] #:unless (= i flex-col))
(for/fold ([max-width 0]) ([row (in-list cells)])
(max max-width (string-length (list-ref row i)))))))
(define flex-col-w
(match w
['any (for/fold ([max-width 0]) ([row (in-list cells)])
(max max-width (string-length (list-ref row flex-col))))]
[_ (max 10 (- w min-width))]))
(define rendered-cells
(for/list ([row (in-list cells)] [ri (in-naturals)])
(for/list ([cell (in-list row)] [col (in-naturals)])
(define (cell-style x) (if (= ri selected-row) (with-drawing 'bold 'green #f x) x))
[(= col flex-col)
(define trimmed-str
(if (> (string-length cell) flex-col-w)
(string-append (substring cell 0 (- flex-col-w 3)) "...")
(matte-at flex-col-w 1 0 0 (cell-style (text trimmed-str)))]
[else (cell-style (text cell))]))))
(define rendered-header
(for/list ([t (in-list headers)])
(style 'bold (text t))))
(table (cons rendered-header rendered-cells)))
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
[(or "<up>" "k")
(set! selected-row (max 0 (sub1 selected-row)))
(when (is-a? parent scroll-pane%)
(send parent focus-to (+ 0 (* 2 selected-row))))
[(or "<down>" "j")
(set! selected-row (min (sub1 (length cells)) (add1 selected-row)))
(when (is-a? parent scroll-pane%)
(send parent focus-to (+ 5 (* 2 selected-row))))
["C-M" (fire-event this 'selection selected-row) #t]
[_ #f]))))
;; test
(module+ main
(define stacky%
(class activity%
(init-field number)
(super-new [fps 0.0])
(define selected-row #f)
(define root
(new header/footer%
[header (new label% [label-text "this is the header"])]
[body (new scroll-pane%
[body (new table%
[headers '("title" "author")]
[cells '(("meow" "meow")
("meow 2" "meow 2")
("meow 3" "meow 3")
("meow 4" "meow 4")
("meow 5" "meow 5")
("meow 6" "meow 6")
("meow 7" "meow 7")
("meow 8" "meow 8")
("meow 9" "meow 9")
("meow 10" "meow 10")
("meow 11" "meow 11")
("meow 12" "meow 12")
("meow 13" "meow 13"))])])]
[footer (new label% [label-text "this is the footer"])]))
(define/override (draw size)
(send root draw size))
(define/override (on-event e)
(match e
["q" 'quit]
["n" (new stacky% [number (add1 number)])]
[(app-event _ 'selection row) (set! selected-row row) 'quit]
[_ (send root on-event e)
(define/override (on-deactivated)
(format "bye, meow ~a (selected row ~a)" number selected-row))))
(run-application "demo" (new stacky% [number 0])))